From 'Mr first intro lire tbm into thi Hall ' t!ie ' '-smI in.iui-nr, t it-i Hes 'lotions li no pruQM a 1 Iirj-!)m! I ;iev iiuvgr.'; e ni'ti(! binin ss. an I hf caused iM.'iiiw bul i itt -rivii aid ttsperily of fit tin j For ny self, I , n n ti-ii n,yi-! to their ; a isago. I voi-d for-tltem oj CiAt con t re.tdiag and. .way : 6r. tiieu.r ftifaiu. if thi motion coos nit prevail. But, s r, I'i-'vj R 'solutions Ikiv.j inmcd party cli rafter, in I tHir ptagi u:i l 'r existing circumstances, iia d n i g'1 1 nti'l'.T tit.? sun. Gentletneu on both sides of this II. !i iniv disclaim pirty as nmrli a t'i'V te.:.i? ; iaty till et:rritily about patriotism an ! ft rights of th? Sjutlt : but, sir. it is in inifot war, (if we have not betor seen it) p:irty in J ft lilting but party at the bottom of this v.ho'e fr-v-V-.B g- Yes, sir, the pride of part.:, the tri tt.nph nf ,irty, an ! th" thirst fur pirty venor auce, slj iVvrbeneult all your patrj. t ! Th; rights -of the South have notliin to do with it. It i a Waste ol til? pi'die ti tn fur pirty purposes. Aiul t'td man who stand up lo comm. i mo, or tills 11.111-.' to the contrary, is hhn-elt bhiid to the trtith. '- sir. ti;.' lli'"1 of VtrtuoiH politics is pist 'We are Jcc in llut of cold pretence ; .. , j r.itriuts are grown fcw shrewd tn be sincere ! A! we too wise tn trust tlicm." ,j For off", sir. I have hid no part nor lot in this I business. I'httve ever opposed the discussion of fiilitifil questions on this floor. Our constituent I tii I not tl iw ncrs lor that purpose We and thev hive hid enoo.'h of nartv strife here and oNi-where. .1 uVpreiMte it on tide llnnr, rathe Id'o'liiinj curse to ir hoe s of ever elevating 1 th eh-.faf...r t-.f . to t-r-fc'.vrt :d." I.ilolt. sir. at th r.-u. te. It lusaiready proven ! lie s. .r.ii l :,vvoc nnmunber-1 j st it of tilings now before ns. ! Measures of thrt vory last impra tanca to the wel- ( fire of our peotde, have, been lying on vourtabli tor weeks, wholly unconsidered. Why sir ? to in iko way for thi miserable party strugglo. Mr. S;ieaker, 1 have heretolore not itiierlerpd I have neitlter moved nor spoke on this subject, but sir, I can forbear no longer. I would tn Cod, sir, tlie scenes witnessed in this 11 ill on Thursday iiiL'Irt lasti cttuhl be blotted from our remembrance; mid wiped out from the anitalj of tlie State I If i Mr. Ilalsey, a resolution in favor of the keeper this discussion is continued, (hey maybe repented. of the Public Arms in Plymouth. Referred to To prevent their recurren-e, aiid in order that we j committee on cltiuis. . : may proceed with the public business, I make thin j Mr.. Gilmer, presented the fallowing resolu motiiiti. My Role desire is to get rid of this per- -lions : . plexing question. I call, sir, for the ayes and noes Wiibrras, in li e contested election pending lie- tile country call then sec who delays the work of I tween Hugh Waddell and John Iterrv, from Or legislation, ftnl who not. , . ..." v. jange County, the 37ih iSenatorlal district, the Mr. Barringer withdrew temporarily: his motion i sense, of tho 'Senate On tlie question whether bar o. indefinitely postpone, in order to allow Mr... Stan- gainors in deeds of Trust, Trustees and cetlui qw. )y to offer the following substitute' for the 4th Res- i :'"is(s had a constitutional right to vote, will ahort olutiorl: I on, if not determine the inquiry: .t I?.,UvJ. Hinl Ifie mwitwttf nt .e he I ', il Resolved, That all the votes of hargain- f irr,s which shall direetlv or indirectlv dnnrive : the citizens of any of the States, of the ri"ht of ; emigrating with their shve property into any of tho Territories of the United Stales and of exer- cising ownership over the same, while in said Terr J ritories, will he an act of gross injustice and wrong, j and that the efforts of the Abolitionists to interfere with slavery in the District of Columbia or the Ht.ites, deserve our severest reprehension, and ! should call forth the earnest and prompt disappra-1 liftionof every frier'. of lh? t'nien ; anddrt'ict' R'soked, that the enactment of any law by Con gress, wliich shall directly or indirectly deprive the citizens f any of the .States, of the right of e mi-' grating into any of the Territories of the United j States, and of exercising ownership over the same. ' while in said territories, w ill be ihe exercise of power contrary to the true meaning and spirit of the Constitution, and never contemplated by the framcrs thereof. Mr. S. said, that his object was fo rr.ui a.1 that the 4tli Resolution had in il and more as the Resolution of the Committee" stood, nothing was iaid as to the District of Columbia. The Com mittee seem to ha ve lorgotten that the A'aolitionisis were interfering with the District. And the sub stitute ol Mr. S, supplied the omission of the Com mittee, and placed tho resolution in such form, the.t those who admitted Ihe power of Congress, could be able to express their disapprobation of the Ab Ulionistyn wisVng to exclude the people of the South from the Territories, and to vote separately cn the question of Constitutional power. 1 i3b it understood, Mr. Epcakar, that I appeal fn no. "magnanimity." If the Democratic pirty will act as Southern men should act, and accept iny substitute, we pan stand together as Southern .men on a common platform. "'Aye can express our disapprobation of, the improper : t 'mpt to exclude our p"-i(de from the Territories, nd those of us w ho think that Congress has (he constitutional power, cail vote upon that question alone, . Now, sir, before I vote for ihe motion to postpone iii'Ict'miteiy, 1 wish to inquire of the gentleman trotn Jlockinghani(Mr. Cmirls) whether be will accept my substitute, for the whole Resolution. Yesterday, he wanted on this to "soar aboro all party " aud one amendment of mine omitted the " high sublime ground," the constitutional question.. Now 'air, I have put that in; will the gentleman now support it, or will ho and his friends -till make f his a party question? (.Vr. Courts afterwards aiid he would, if others on the Committee wouldj . 3Ir.tStiiuly said he would take up no msCTTlIiil fimo of th? Utilise, if the Democratic arty would accept of this ; he desired nothing inpe, as to the 4th Resolution as to the others bo would without d. bale, movp to make some amendments in the phraseology. , . But, Mr.' S. said, that if this was refused, if Ihe Democratic party would insist on forcing dovrn these Resolutions and nothing but these tlMi, said Mr. 8., I appeal to uo mtgnsniiii'.fy. If the nticmpt is made,. if the gentleiuau from . Rocking ham and hii friends still insist on making this a party questict),.J must say, "lay on Macduff!" "1 ask no (nvors, and shrink responsibility:" I altall liht against all party resolutions let the Fi;ipouti.!jt!ity he on those who refuse- to, nmi iid'this 4th Resolution 'r hi iTij? . respoasibility rjf tynsling time rest on those who still press the. consideration .'be. gentleman from Cumberland ims sail these. arc no party Resolations. Mr. S.ienkT, still cotj- fiiiiJ.l have proven ilicy .at;! part Tcolut.ons. . As . 1 siid.byforclhi;' 5ii(rjj;ul'ip thjJist 'siliudtrdanil r remarks tu tuy uiend ,1'roin Craw- n(Mf. Rte vonsTTi) pr,;vc they tw f.iriy rcsofiilltms. .' Tijut gentleman, in remarks made on ;his floor, compar-,;-d tho Whig party to a man thrown down in a. fi'hti, and Ju antagonist, tlie Dair.ccratie party, o Ycrliiijiand about to gouge him, ,,iii4.hel0Ku4 .j;waj of illustration tlmt .ijf.tiV ,ayes anil nays were notctilled, itwivutd bc . ma(jiiiiwiBoif3! act Qp tlio part of thaJtlemooracyj .. Jfewwdt. 1 dn not a j- iiiit tbo.yw party is uwiwrf3i,ti,.iite. ieinocrat- iq party think tln-y arc and say so, Oicy musf not blame . fir fending pIT, to. prevent gouging, . A jriio. aitiwlty is reference. the '', Jfextcan Preauthle," an ipy estiiuaUs .friend froiw Craven calls it 1, V.'Jiy Joca lie., irt a, spirit of esaljation,lit "if w wilt befoffi bs vt?d bumng- naniwius--fliongh we do nut deserve each gener ri'yi AnJ yni pny, friend, frQinCjJ:l)k'r!an.l, so pkysible and jitrciiKthi'. tape ,),. f th.ese re tw party-warfufen. '. t,-.i ,,j . ;Nosir,"if fftfltiemeoil the other siik.wiil .- -U..,:.. rt.t JlW ua.liitmfi jaf'.ltL Mvnjrr'itfiiM tw2M W'U el thartlmi ,. Jtnty IntrodHcetl a fsihi1ion Wdesfliig rfim h trged niy dutyihSy wiM GioUjph t will-f ti,fl Governor to inform h House if the building Wot off any e.n,t:iT!wiiijj ileolmionato, MtvE n,f-fte' Wa'f nd Dumb" lias rerirfrffi,ik'tiii: ac Folk's s perovit I of -the Oregon bill, w e. vote t th m of A fcet-(etl ' AsstWbly : ,tf D.Si iij id. i;JJcKavnd J, RJ.itwtin i A,t;,, !!: -' -.-' :::, r t the, Cr '- n Ll, f i t !Wli nsmeosr!i wrM I Miti -presented k mrnrijrt hi r'.slMrt lo ns I Uot,'ppmpaiv.!It'eet'4"Vlili lltsns,.' v ( the County of Orirtge.-'' 'Issiil on t1i itVniorn-tie. prty. IVmakft. tin ffrea jt iWd. "'. 'WAik.'iillil! 1 'amend Revised Htt- , t 1: tween ' Messrs. Munly. Dubbin oiwl IVurH .Mr. Bir itiJer renewed bit s ntoliooi pending ' h, the Ilo. so tl; recess. m.mux. .. . ; The fo'lowini; bills an.! resxltoioiis pissed tlieir t 3.1 readii-ir: a b;l! ta ineorpor.,!.' South (,'rei k S-.v-nnp Ltlid Cmiomnv; a bill lo incorporate I'ly- J mniilh AcadiMiv ; resolution in lavorof I bos. Red- j !irk ; bill c'lnuTning public Roads of Rulherl'ortl i ('oinity ; bill to anient! an act to incorporate the I ol Wilkesboro :' hi!! to. provide for better : regulation uf (latesvi'le ; bill to iinien.l 19t!i 5ee ' tion 31 (,1i:ipter of Revise! tstntntes; bill toaineinl : 3d Section Stitb Chapter of Revised Statutes eon I cerninp patrol; !'ll to provide lir settletiicnN of , est ites. Sic ; bill to titttborize tree lion of a Toll 1 bric! acriss Krene'i Broad River; bill tn amend 1 lib .Section S 1st Chapter of Reused Statutes; bill to rur.soli.l'.it varitin acts conceniiii poor , debtors; bill concerning Registers and Masters of ! i'qnity ; till to ii.iTipcrtite lin k S .rii jr Tent i Independent order of Roch.ihites in VVilininto.i : i hill to 'anthorixe . sup rititotula nts of (.Vnnnnti j H.'hoolsof Rovean County to investn part of their : funds in Capo Fear Bank Stock ; hill to establish ! a board of JJiiednrs for the Deal' and Dumb Asv 1 !! ;i. - i 'l'he bill (mm the Senato concerning the prac I tice of ltw did not pass 2rd readinfj. I The bill to lav olf a new County bv tlie ntime of Abiniance w as made the order ol the day for 3 o' clock .Monday. ., On motion thff bid lo nmen l nn act to prevent tne riestriiction of oysters was laid nn the table, Mr. Jones, nf Rowan, introduced a resolution to cut off at! debate and amen hnonts on the Reeolti- tious concerning Slavery ; rvndlng wliich, on mo- ; tion of 3lt. Sunly the House adjourned. . ' ' .SKNATH. ' Mo::paV, Jan. 15. ,Vr. Shepard presented the resolutions on slavery. now pending in the Ilnui f Commons, which j pissed their tirst reading, undivce made the spo- j cial order lor 11 c clock, A. M. to-morrow or-' deeds of trust, heretofore given to either of i thr Parties, illegal.. )k it further Rrtnlml, That all the votes of I Trustees in deeds of true!, given as aforesaid are ' illegal. . . .. Ue it further Resolved, That nil the ..votes of I cestui (pie trusts, given ns aforesaid, are Illegal. r. wurenispn, a Dill to incorporate l.atavette . Division, of the order of the SfMs of Temperance, in Fayetteville, which passed 'tis tirst reading. 'Ihe following engrossed -bills' passed their first rending: A bill to authorise a Toll gate in Burke County ; resolution in favor of the late Sheriff f Lincoln; to amend an act of last session relating to the appr. hension of runaway Sla ves in Great '.e :lPPr' Dismal Sw imp; lo incorporate Phalanx Masonic Lodge in Charlotte; to authorise a road and Canal in I'erquimons and Pasquotank ; to incorporate the rvortti Carolina Mutual Lite Insurance Company ; concerning Registers and ( 'lerksand Masters. The following passed their second and third reading: To exempt wardens of tho Po'ir and County Trustees from .Wihtia duty ; .Wr. Kendall moved to strike out County Trustees. Carried. To incofpointo the Clay Mining Company; to re gulate the duties Of .Sheriffs ; to regulate the ta k ing of depositions to be read as evidence in other States. The Common School bill was taken t;p on its third reading. After various amendments, and striking out the Section providing for General Superintend.! nt, Mr. .1 Shepard moved to lay the bill upon the table which prevailed. j The hill to revive nnd amend a- act of lRlfi-7. to incorporate Orapeakn Canal end Turnpike Comnnne ii-.m rend tlir seennd nnd iblrd limp il passed. Also, the bill lo ein jower the .Ttislices of New Ilf.iinver ' sell the. Prxtr House in said Coiinly. The bit to provide tor the transfer of (lie Internal Improvement fund to tlie public Trpna ury, was taken up. Mr. AC.right moved to strike out the second section, which provides for the dis solution of the Internal Improvement board ; whic h prevailed. The bill wis then opposed by Wr. Woodfln, nnd rejected. .Tho bill to amend Chapter 31 Kevised Statntes, entitled crimes and punishments, was read the second time and passed. Ayes 31, Nays 7. The bill then passed its third reading. Pro viJes that instead of finvj and imprsoiiinent i-ir keeping 1'aro Banti?, tNe ollendcr shall be liable to 39 lashes on his bare back, and to be discharc ed on payment of cost. " Mr.. Speight moved the .reconsideration of tlie j bill to suppress traffic with Slaves; which pre-.; vailed, and the bill tvus postponed until the after-1 noon. ' .. : .Wr. Oiltnor palled tip the hill to increase the Revenue of rite State, which havifig been read, ', the Senate took a recess. : .,; . evening srcsios: V ", ' Tbe engrossed bill-for the incorporation of the town of Salisbury, passed its third rending, - - The uiitiiiislied btisiness.being lie? bill loincrcase Ihe Revenue of the State, was (hen resumed. -'' Mr. Move itKived to lay the loll upon the table for llle prer?nt, which prevailed, .- ii; . .. ? The biii U) amend Ik- 3 1 Ch. Rev. Slatntes en titled crimes and punishiiioiits, being read, i : " Mr. Sittitlt moved to strik cut so much of the first Sectiun as fidatea to fowls. 1 , i ': , : Mrv WaUior called for the Ayes and Noes.. i The question was tbe taken on Mr. Smith's mo tiouratn agreed to, Ayes 22, Nuvs' Iti.i The bill passed its third reading. I, oi ; .. - . Ma Move called pp. tlie Common -.School hill, when Mr. Speight moved to strike out all aficr the BiHcting clause, and insert a fiilMitnte which he offered. . .Iviid upon the table for the present. . Mr. Patterson gav notice ol- an intenlion to inose a reconsideration of the rote by wh'ch the second Section was. striken (Ml ot the original bill. ..".'' .-.'--A 'number of rririrte- EilV uerc passed, and then tire .Tcnate soon aaeratirsuriied. ' (e! lit'1' rv.V:'1 "' '. "0(.... r HOUSE OF COMMONS. ' . Tlrt following cngTosjeta1 bills Afrre received frem the Senate and passed (lintf first resding i A bill to elter tt)e lime- nt holding Hi Supetiot Courts and the Conrts of Pleas and Quarter Sen. .sronsffi thri ftrmirtv of Iirirr ; a bill te'airterid nn act (o-enrnhlish an Acaileme in Ihe County of Bun-' combe ; bin stipplenwittal Itrtliu bill lodivida the (T.nfllf M Ktukes.. ''! ' o- : o.--'t s. lite.5, cotiver il'tj RetjrII Mi-rr It .nib nnd Jewellers. Oa this tliore was short disritssiua Eflerttd to Committee on FinaneH. Mr. Dobbin.) a rill to amend i nn Cliapt Rev. Stat. Referred : '0 Coimr.ittee on Jiuiicinry. Mr. Mcban a bill wr nie nnprnvi'mem m in rmnie. roan otiweon i! -ili'Vh and llill-horo' l'a iseJ lirst rtMiiinir. j Mr. tne-ved usnenion of the inks i J lUikuse. in onlct. U ulknv Jiim to move to. lan the 'jiil to attach a portion of Burke to (,'a- tawbt. Lost. Mr. Meh.ine fr.;m Ike same rhom u as rcferrol the memoriul uf bit'Eens of Uuilford, conrerniiig t.ixon dogs, repoited a lull riirrvtnjf j out the nraver of the ictitioiicr; which nameil its ! ; first rendinjr. . . I I Mr. S,,tt rthwaite, from the Co;mnitter on thn i j JuJicirry, rej-orted a substitute fT the bill to fa- j edit tie llie collection ol' debts on Cherokee Kinds; ' : p.ssswl its 2d reading. Also, unfavorably to the j i bill to uiwrfwrat" Justices of the l'eafo in certain : ; easrs. Oa tuolion of Mr. Martin, the hill was j pe-tpened indefinitely. Also, favoral !" to the Poor. i iW-d its second rcidin. Also, favorably to j the bill to rep.'al an Act to establish a poor, and ! : work houso jit the Counties of Jones and Ran-i i dotph. Passed second readiiij?. Also, a bill more j ! ell'cclually to punish persons atlinintering poison. 1 i r.tsned first readin?.. Also, tavortthly to the bill for i the better regulation of practice in the Superior Courts, Passed second reading. ' ; ! .Mr. Stevenson, from the Judiciary Committee. : reported unfavorably the bill to amend the Revised Statutes, concerning the .'raining o! Swamp fmds i and Creating a fund for Common Schools. The i j bill did o pass second reading. Also a bill to j I prevent the selling or giving away of spirituous! 1 liquors at or near places of public worship. Pass- j ed first reading. I j Mr. Rayner, from the Committee on Internal; Improvements, reported l.ivor.-ibly to ine bill snp- plettwntal to tlie bill for the improvement of Deep I and Cape rear Ki vers above f ayetleville. Mr. .MoClanahan addressed, the House in l.ivor of tne i passage of the bill. J he vote on the bill vaso4tl i in the atlirmiitive, to 54'in negative. Mr. Rayner, reported favorably to the hill to lay 1 off a road in the Count v of Y'.incv. Passed see- ond reading. Also, lavorab to ihe bill to ooen mid improve the road from the Tennessee line to I Burnsville. The bill did wi pas Xavs, i eas. - The Pjiiaker announced tlie special order of the I day, the bill to incorporate tiie Charlotte and Dan ; ville Railroad (.'ompanyi : I Mr. Biogden moved to fay aside the order, to al i low the Committees lo report. Lost. I The bill was then taken up, when Mr. Williams of New Hanover moved to postpone it lor the pre I sent. Carried, On motion of the same gentleman, the hill to. incor.iorate the N. C. Railroad Coiniiiinv was then ! taken up. to which Mr. B.irriuger oli'ered a sub-! aliitite, being the bill introduced' by .Wr. Ashe, in j the Senate. Messrs. 'Caldwell, of Burke, and liar. riuger spoko hriefly in mippert oC tbe iultttiitnte and ;!. Mehsnc in favor ol thioriginal bill. Mr. Jones, of Rowan, addressed Hie House in sunnort of Ihe snhstitute. ' . Mr. Williams moved to lay the hill on the table and make il the order of tlie day for lo-mormw 3 o clock, t 'arricu. A mess i go wits received from tho Sena te, trans mitting the enprnfsed hill coiicerning the Wil mington and Raleigh Railroad Company. . On motion of .lir. Williamsi the hill was made the order of the day for 11 o'clock Wednesday. , The following engrossed bills und resolutions were received from the Senate and passed their 1st reading: '- To appoint Commissioners, for the Town of Ashboro' a n I incorporate the same; re solution in favor of the Trustees tf Greensboro' Female College; bill to amend an act concerning Pilots ; referred to Select Committee of live ; bill to amend an act concerning Guardians and Wards, referred to Judiciary Committee ; bill to provide lor Ihe clearing out of Rock.f.,1. Creek, in the , r i i i I Com lv ot Cumberland. .. . . u i . ,i ' i .1, i..f,.. j ne men aiinouiiciu vue noiu ioi o - i EVENING SESSION. The bill to lay off and establish a new County by the luine of Alamance, was put upon its third reading. Mr. McDado offered an amendment to the lira seclien, to leave it lo Ihe iieople ol'O'range. A- optetl, and the bid as umendeil, passsd its tliini .. j rt';;!,n?- , i i, Hi' hu! to provide for the c.-tablishinent of a : Medical Board in and for the Stale of North Car olina, was next taluu up, when -Mr. Martin mov ed its indetitdte )stponeiiient. Messrs. Ketnc audi. Stanly spoke against, and Mr. Taylor, of Nash, for indefinite postponement.'. t The question was taken on the motion of inden- 1 tiitn postponement, aud decided in ihe nejratrve 51 I to 45. . I A7r. Dixon moved to strike out nplin. Lost. 1 Mr. Ballard off red an atiicndineut, to tlie effect . th it no one should present hiniselflM-lore the Board i wno was not a g Uliillt. Ul nuuiu JlllilWI vol- 1 legjt. Rejected. - :j fltlr. .W.'bane offered a suljstitute for the bill, ; which was likewise rejected. f Tl,e n-ti"n was then taken, -on the passage of the bilh and decided in the affirmative 53 to 62, tho Speaker (Mr. Jones of ttratig") giving tlio J casting. vote, - .:"':'i'.- -.j On motion of jWr. Wilkins, tlie hill siipplemen- tl toan Act conctrning the Couity of Folk was tuken tip. - ."' ' :'. f . . Mr ,Ji"fikiriS oUered an amendment to the 8th j sfcticn-. Adopted. -'I'he bill passed second read-; ing. On motioitof :Wr. rikins, the bill was put iiln its third reading, when Mr. Stanly offered an amendment,' that the Chairman of the Bo-ird nt Common Schools pay three fourths- of the funds in his hands to the Con My of Rutherfonl, and one fourth to the Country of Henderson Afdoptod. And the bill asstnseded.iiaijscd its third reading. The-' bill to incorpofato the Granville County JWephaBie's Atesociution, passed third reading. , Tlil bill to amend 73rd Chnpt. Rev. Stafi Was put upon, its tlrird reading, when Mr. .Wilier niov- tu ill indetmite postponement. : LuM. . , llr. Skeen moved In atrika out 35 and insert 40. The Uouie refused to strike out. .. . ; Mr. Leach offered an amondinent, that each Company be composed of 45, exclusive ef Offictrrs. Adopted. - . .. ,1 J: ' On motion ef.Wr. Johnson tho House adjouruad, ; ;:; . ; ; v. ' sexati:. ;; : ,4,- 'xv, ... ;: -' Tcisdat, Jan. 18 ; Mr. Fibom, of Pitt, who hai been confined to his room Iry indisposition, for irirno eight or ten days, appeared in his seat to-day. ( '" :' !" h ' Mr. Conner, from the committee on Claims, re ported a resolution in favor of the Keeper of the rutmc Arms in t'hmontn ir- -,v .,r'..M ,. -i Ar. Walker, frourtrteeomtiiittpe fi rrotiositions and Grievaecse, to whom was referred a memorial on the subject oif a new1 county' to berallod Yad- km, mil ot-parwof CkMvr-MAVilkeeU. reported aavorseiy, arm recommertueu Rs rejection.. Mr: Woodlin,' from' tlte JtMioiary committee, msde vi-ml reports- bt bHI which will be iwtlcod inihcif ertljr.- . -'.', rv-. -0 ':-.-;; ., :.!. These reixirts Re or. " -a . , . - ( '- i Mr. HaUey pTwnted' fesidtitlon1 fcra trans-' fer of the public arm iit Plymouth, to t-ho' Arsenal kind in future. ? lie dil hot,c ts jiisihijafion a io Ralifigh. Head the flrettim. i-'-i :;-. 'gainst KW now in p'tuVCr, or those , forpicrly. yj Jtr. Mtirchison, a resolution relation trr a gram t power". . ; of bind iff-CWiiberiaiid..'' Hefrr. tv si: t.v, Mr. Gtlirter mrwot! to fn1tt all after R -sol-" Mi, tiilmcr presented a memorial of titixens.'nf t ved. and insert : ." it is not tho wish of the Greensboro', in relation 10 Ihc location of IheLii- j General, A'semhly that that road shall lie run, nrtip'Asylum; Idesovcr. j when its income do-s not pay ks expenses: ''' '. The engrossed bill to amend the R'v. Slat, en-1 Mr. Gilmer ninrlitkij hi ainondtueiil, so as to titled CoitTt, of Etjuityi ptssel lirs-t raJinj rca-iV R)wlv!,t;iat tne lULijb ui. ! Coistoti -.. ' l s- ' . ' . . -Mr. Gilmer moved lo !..!:. up hi rosolutirrts"- forcJ yesterday, in r I::tii t-i th. eontok-.l ekvtiuu tn:n Dranji', nt i i-tW ;. mi ttltoritoon. "it inn" am un mw w: mie i e-wen . Messrs. (Jilm-r. Bower, 'l'hoiiipscn.uf W'ali". un l Uliii''1.m, the Ult, r uf m'iI.hh en?ietl fur lite Ave- ! au.1 . ut's, . Mr. K.viim moved ton mend tin injT lliein lite order of the day 11 oclo;k. .... f i . 1 tut tion by malt-' lef Thursday) at . .or. .isaii unl a peech i:pen ihe ! resolutions, wheii he wus interrnptrd by the ;itri- vl of th? Itonr for Ilia Spec'ci Or.lir. U-injj tin resolutions intmuttred by 3It. Kiepril ou the ttU j.rtof Slavery, and which are the suite. s those before the House fcpuftei! by Mr. Dobbin, aiid heretofore published by us. The r;-8.ilutiol;a havifuj leeli re .id Mf. Shepard od'ored un auieni!ini-nt to th-' fourth resolution, so as to embrace tlie snbjecl of Slavery t the District of Colttmbi.t, tt hicli adopted. . .Mr. Shepard nddressid the is'euata in a speech which we shall furnish hereafter. Mr. E.tim called for the Yeas uimI Nayi; and -Mr- Daniel IV .r a division of the question. . The question was then taken or; the lirst reso- lutimi lobows : i eae 4, Nvs 0l. The second reululion was th.Mi adopted, Yeas ; IS. Vas 00. . , 'J'he third Aves 43, Noes 00. Tlie lout th Ayes 41, Xivs 2. Messrs. Albright 'J'hoiap- an I Daniel.. Vr. Gilmer di son. of Bertie, and Mr. W Firth Ayes 4."), No.s J I not vote, Mr. I!r',, absent. M srs. Albright and JMniei. ...... , Sixtli 17 Yean. Mr. Wooilfj'n moved lo amend the lliird resofu--i tio:v by Uriliing out the werd c Urni;" ami Mr. llaisey move) to insert "indignation;'' which; was accepted by. Mr. Washington. - i Mr. Patterson called for a division of the uues-j lieTi r.tirely concurred in strikibg out but was opposed to tle insertion of any irritating word : J, he smenoments were reieMed, ;Wr. Conner called lor tlie Yeasimd Nays on tha ltr-loi ol' l!ii. r.ivi ,! utioiw t I lioir tiitr.t i- i.i ,, . 8lr"tJdmer ealled fra division of llie'ion. ! First Yeas 4ti, Nays 0. id, 3d, .'5th, and G h, Yeas 46. ' Mr. Ilalsey t.lTered an 'amendment lo tht ihiri! reso'iitiun. when t'ie (.' ;iii a- meniiinent as out or order.- 'i'he question was (hen taken on the llli r.-s tion, which pas.seij, Ayes 4 I, Xays 2,. Messrs. !u-1 t I ' . ! bright aim D unci. : . .The Special (Jrder, fcitig the North Carolina J Railroad bill, Was hid upon the table. . . j Mr. Ilalsey presented a resolution in. favor nf,i S. VI. 1'reston, lor a loan of itiuskets. liassed il-t liit reading -Mr. Mtirchison Culled up lh" bill to incorporatcr the Hank pf Fay. ttcville, whii-h was read the sec- ; otiu lime. : ...... ..'.' EYDNING SEiIONV The bill to alter tlie time of holding tlie Supe rior Courts' in the c.rOuty of Cleveland, passed its j third n-'ading. Mr; Thoiiipsor, of Wali vebieli u'.i referred to lli represented a 'meiiiijrjul; cuiumittte on Proposi-. tintt''ti,l flwevianf.-t. '''.."' ; 'I 'i'he engrossed bill to .anthorize the inspection The Chair decided that the amendment was in " Mr. Washington called up the bill tnakmg bcl of provisions, being takeiuip,, Ilalsey opposed '. order:. -whereupon, Mr. Paine appealed from ihe I ll'r and niore equitahh' provision for .ws pov.-rt. it, 'und 'Mr. Ashe spoke in its favor; alter which ! decisiou of the Chair, and the House reversed the , Amendments retorted by ike Jndicinry Committr5 tho hill passed it third reading. '! decision.--.. . . j were adopted, and the'bill passeil its second read.- . The bill to facilitate the taking bf depositions ) The question v.ns then hken on the' ri mend-;.!,lr. - . .' -in this Siuto Ut be read in the Courts of other i in mt us amended, and .decided in the negative, 1 14 . -Mr- wrry called up a bill lo ..IHid the OitmtT States, was taken up, on motion ot Air, Speight, an I passed its third reading, ; The bill suppleinenttrv .to the Insane Hospital bill, came up, and .Mr. Thomas ol Davidnou tiler cd an additional section, as biliou s : " lh it further wr.trd, That William R. Holt, Andrew Hunt, a.,,1 James M. !aeh. are upintl i .1 . . , . ' r ed Coniniissiooers witji those Bpponited first . ,--t ,.i. . . it . I-..I- i,. . t;i lion ui iiiu lmii to eua i u iji;st"iai t't oils oiuiu, ,o, v,,.,ci, u..a. a ... nun i. y ...'.;..i. ,i.: . i ...i..... .. .t .1... if i ' viicaoi v ui.uui in inn ioaiu u. v-oillilllssitai- i ers apjiointed to lorato and erect said Hospital, by ! reogiiaiion, diMlh, or otherwise, said vacancy shall j be tilled by appointment of tho Governor ;''. w hich j obtained, and the bill passed its third rosining. j The bill for the furtherance of Justice m the) County Courts oi New Hanover, was amended on motion nf Mr, A!ie, ami pass sl its third reading. ' The Senate took up the uiiliuislied business of tlie Morning AieBsion, being thu resolution of .Wr. I Gilmer, in relation to thu contested election in Or- ' ango ; wliich being rend, Mr. Thomas, nf David, j son, moved to hi? then; on the table, ns tho Chair- t man of the Uominittee would ba- ready f.ore(iort on to-morrow; ard make Uteni the order ol the d.t'y lur tl o'clock. Mt. Cihiier could see no reason for delay on , fentl by Mr, Ba rt iiigVr. fhese reso! u lions. Thenession was drawing to a .Wr. II. C. Jones offered an amendment in reht close he wished to gt Ihe tense ol Ihe Senate ; lion to the Raleigh and Gaston Road to tlie situ- e i... i 'ne- to. rt ,.r M .. H.. . t, I IltiOII III. Ill, Mill lie IV.lU 11. IV ILilUY IU I'lUil.TtTI. 1 UO ,,.,t!,.r .n-l l, lest. ,1 n,l h,. . ,r-:,n Snr further postponement. Mr. Thomas, enquired of the Chairman of the Committee if they would report to-morrow .Mr. Bower answered he wool!, and went on to give reasons against the adoption of the resolu tions. . .: ""-.'.:-''.''.' ; ' -. Mr. F'xnm claimed that his motion was to make them the order of the day lor Thursday.'? Th ipiestion was put and hot carried. . . . . The question recurred on Mr, Ciimer's motion to malw 'them the order lor U o'clock to-morrow,.-and carried. : . -'--....- .-. i .. Mr. Ahe innved. thst when tliis question comes 1 up; die Counsel-lor tun sitting mem'ier l Heard, f .Wr. Thompson, of Wak-, c illed for the Yeas and Nays which- rerfuked arf. follow: A-vcs 29, ' Noes 13. - : -v . . ;, Tito Rosolutinrts ch tlie subje-et of lite Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, hiving been read, I yh. Rogers offered the following simendnwrtf 1 "' Resvhed fstrtlicrj' That; this Legislature, 'in ! making the appropriation provided for in .the fore-" going resolution, jirtends" only to .protect and jnjjr. serve the honor of (he State linioiate, apd r,ot to approve' 0f but to condemn, in decided terms, the manner in w hich the said debt has been inturreii,' and to enter a decided pr -test against the contrac ting i if debts for the future by tho public OtTrecrs hf the State, not only without uuthoriiy ol law, but in violation of law. , . Mr. Thoavu.of Davidson, called fir tho Ayes and Nis'8. v : ;! i y .. Mr. RogersaiJ.he had ofT'red resolutions call ing for infonn flion front the Governor jiome time a go, in relaUon to the States Liabilities; and also another resolution calling lor Ins authority by which loans were nude--blit the Governor failed entirely to girctneact of Assetnbly under which the nionuy was borrowed. ie lug passed il reo- ( lution fortlie payment of that money, and he hail j voted for it tiuUhe Governor billed to say (my I ! thing alwut this yyl ,003 now prooos d to he pud j il bad SUtirely escaped his notice. . Ry reference to j tlie act for tha foreclosure of the morigageit would . j be seen, that whentycr the Rand did not pay its e. peiiaes, ine opcraupiM 4noum ou stopper uereau front said acta liassage onlhe slibiepK Ilubehov- Hoved lltese debts anvntnting tp 1C.0W,, M t)n violalionof ljivj' Jie hid ho, idea of j wanted to proviilo' iigjiin,4 ai) pceivreni? of tjie jv-.ijtv". v- I".' reriT'-T .......j, ru t be at 'th; i . tt:0 Suite.' A coiisiiieniKo i!'r!-t-!on lot.k pla;- iv;i-. be tween .titers. VVatiliiii, Ashnand Joyiu-r. i-i sii.'iMtnd Mr. Jlewt rs i jllic oth r. Mr. Rotors re fXNited, 4t HHKwero Col. ,1rnoi with "rent em- .phaui..auj vitdeuctf, 4ImI tiw (Mr,Mir iitiil wUlt ' held luloraiaiien called liir bv tbe The ipiestion was Uiui taken eilatP. on Hr.Kinu out ; i Ares 33. Noes 1 1. . When Mr. Thompson, of Wake, called, he tit-Keil leave to make a remark. not ;iilio:id . to vote ioT-sevCvl reasons, ilo concurred that ruled out of order. the Governor had in power it borrow ihc money , The onesti.iil was taken oh Mr. Bower'ainoiioiii but he acted as wisely and discreetly as he pott. . wtirh tvaiied, A Noesil. sibiy could, and he desired to be excused lioin el- ' ' Mr. 11 irnrove t .";..! t tl Die hill to incorpprata iiijl any vote calc.ilated to upbraid and roiidemll ; ihe Urunvilb Aw ciati. it of .1echtinics, i.'nj r. him. He H as excused, and thus the twii'! ; coniTm ndeil its n:;sv 1 be q. lotion was then t.inon on ittM-rtitw tin . r . . .. " propofiiiou oi .nr. t.omer. .vy.s u.. .i.x-s .5. . J lie question then nvnrr-J on tbe ailoption ol ; toe aucndmei't as amended, w.uch prev nle The resolutions then pass-.'d th ur ajcon I ?ad. . A nuuiher of hills passed their secjnd r, and then the Senate adjourned, . , norsE OP. COMMONS, A K'.iuihcr of enrolled bills were tlie Sp 'iiker proceeded to ratify Mr. 1 la lip v inlfouncnl a hillitr relation to the estate of ihe late (.'ol. Wilsojt. Referred to Ihe conunilter on the Judiciary. Mr. John.aju moved to rectiisider tho bill sup plemental to the t.ll to improv.: Deep and Cape Fear Rivers. Carried lit a vote 7" to 3!. On motion of Mr. Person, of Mxro, the bill was laid on the table. Mr. Saucers uiovtd to reeonsid'. r the Vote on tlie bill to provide for tl; establishment of a Med ieal Board in and for th.i State of North Caroliiiii. Carried by a vct of 51 to 51 ; and on motion of '.Mr. Sundew, the hill was indotiuilely postponed. : - JUr. Farmer introduced a resolution to s.n;l n message to the Senate, proposing to adjourn fin? tik on the 2,"lh.. Mr. Martin moved to -amend by '''' l.he.22 Mr. II. C. Jones movod to lav tho resolution on the tattle, list. Mr. Dayman moved lo amend by saying ifllh. Reyctc. lViiding tho question Siieaker annnnnced th.- nn the amendment, the hour' for uking up the l'''il "'dor of the-d.iv being the the Revenue of tlet .State. bill to increase Mr. Caldwell, of Bitrke, offered an aniendment to the 5th section of the bill, to tax weapons. A doptrd. .' :'v ' ' - JiM iStanly efli red an nmendment tn the Cth seclion, that tho tax on nil Slave .Mechanics shall he one dtdlur. Instead of SO cents, Mr. jStevenson offered an oniendincht to the iinieiiduient, that the tax of $1 shall lie imposed on Slave Mechanics whose services yield a certain amount. On these i , . i . i . r . ' anieiiilniei.ts, a short thsctivston h.'hvfen Missrs. Sunk, Paine, Sinith, Sattertinvaile, Hams, of New'Ilanover. Mehane and Stevenson. The amendment 61 .Wr. Stevenson was rej "cted, .Mr. T. J. Person moved to strike out the words, j " negro slave." ' (.'arri:d. ' Mr. Stanly then moved to insert before the word l.'1 Mechanics, the word colored.": On this mendiiient. ,Vr. Saillli raised n noinl. of order.: to u : "Mr. Mi-bane offered a substilute for the 1st sec- t'on. 1 his aniendment was advocated bv Messrs. ' Mehane. Dobbin and B.irriieror. II r. Duak re- i . .... n ... . ; plied to the last named gentleman. i "; ' f . ""T T""" , f 'il s'!'kl" nt t,,e orJ x"14 uJ f boats. Ur. Stevenson supported tins amendment .r , -i . , . ,n t I ne tartlier consideration ot ihe bill an. I a. I Mr. Pu'ult offered an amendment . . .1 .......... I t. mendinents was ctit s!iort.; bv the arrival ! i,0r for roceiw, AFTERNOON SE.S'SION. Mr. McDowell of Iredell; moved to reconsider the vote on the hiil lo open (ho mail Irom the Ten nessee line to Burtiaville. Carrieik Mr. Mc.Doweli then moved to make tho til! the order for to-ic.orrow .! o'clock.. Carried. The engrossed bill to ittcorjorate the Charlotte nnd Boulh Carolina Railroad was read tlie fust time. , . Mr. Da ncy moved lo take up and ronsidt r Ihe bill to lay nil aii l es!'h!'is! a new county l.y (he nnmc of Wilsoti.' Lost. -, : . "'. ' The .Speaker then nunonnccd .he order of -the V, Hie hill to" incorporato the N. C. llailnmd ;. -uav, Hie bill to, tncoriiorato Conipanv ; the iiuestiou U-iugofi the siibstitut. ! Ol- numii. ii .ill. jj.i i i irtf ci , w nil o ntioiiirni. Mr. W.u -.uorlh oPerpd ml imrailmni.t In Jbe I stihstitulp, providing for'an appropriation for the j improvement of Tar and Ne.tse rivers. Mr. Thig - pen spoke against tire amendmetit. Mr, Kelly moved the indeliuite KisJponeiitent of j the biii and the Speaker (hen. announced the hour for reccsn. ? -' I :. .NKiirr Session. The speciii! .enlc'r -the bill to. lay off tiiid eftn'.i lisli a new county by the t ame nf Williams v.ts j taken up, when Mr. Mcintosh nifdressed the. House I in support of tlrt' passage oi' the bill.-' .'" : i Tlie. question ontho passage of the bill was de- ci.led it. the negative. . ... , Mr. Pi;;ott moved to take up tlie bill to amend nru7.wliioli niiaciroprevem iiie uesiriicuoii ot oysiers. vur- Mr. Fa rmer moved t.) snsprrfd rlie pi.1n or- ' tUH; ' , . ,- f - -i J,.r to ttkeuptlif fesoliiliun in favor of Jot-ii ' Mr. P, men offered atV amendinent, which vcas t Livingston. Cturii d. Hllt;ife,,;..s '-j ' . '" '' ir ' . L The Resolution passed il and 3J reading.. ' .le H V iwte;- . " : -MV, pame- mowj ,5 ;Iakd up 'the . reo!u;!nu in . 'IhobiH for the betler ' KegnWtbn W Comiwnf f,,,, llafi(te ltt- it,At.-i CarTicd. "--Schools was .nest taken up. , ,Vr. -. Wartin moved i 'fie resolutjon frl'i's d and 3d remlin iiiavuimu. .piMipoiivtlii lii: to mu wio(i. iwra 011 v:ln there was a protracted discussion between' iHessrs, l iWetr3, Uherry, i,a!Hweli, ot KlirK, .icu.rwit,: of Ifedett. Citrtmchael, I'alile, Caldwell of ImiV f.H-J.Rtiuly, H. f. Jones, Gambiil, Smiili, and I imnl Tciiiiesset? litu; to Jiufnsvilir. whs 1 " S .,- .1 "''-' ' ' ' 'I iicxtikcn uprbtitouvii.utioii nCir. CliV4!v was : lUqi.ortton rwihiP tkenonlne i?V",luil .., lltoM-nti t-u -rtw. ptwlpon, inkfutcj.anJ d td din the m.ut.e tfr f tdwill inoud to l,y the nufni.h llu-- M tO ij . r,a-..f ,t,K. i,, tt,n . .1,1 h l t.biViin tbh ' .11. V. ..!.. (P,...J ... ...i.l.J ,l...i mi. muiiii 1111 mil' iiiiiiieui jioviuiTi inui this distribti.ion shall not be ininle out of Uie fuud that came Iroin GcKeral Governiflcpt. Sin. A c. The question was ikeu (11 lien on Mr. St mi v's amendment, and decided 111 the negative 73 to IS. I he question wui then taken on tl punRrgn ot tlie bill mid dueidml u tlki"ncsg4tiv 51 & bJ.-i't On.inotion of Mt, Williams lha House .adjourn-. ed . '- f. -it;it'"r f-ri ,v,-j-'-;-: t; " , " ' Wldic M,3in 17, " Mr. Bower, from the Committee ol-Privilegeo and Llei-rions, made a detailed report, -in fa vol of j tlio alltijig mSinher, accompanied by rcoluHons jif- lirm:ng (lie right ot John Kerry to Jits seat, both 1 under the 'AtDrndt ittl Vm-imherliteilKti i ' ' ' " Mf, friltiKr'remarkt'-J that ttir oritailttc fin ti otiwr akle 4rtinseeHiled thr nulltotity nuiler ..v.i oivavowiiifcivii . ,n riy ij-mi iitiiv 01 s. JIJIl IIK rni-lkrir HiSi enk.1. kill ttmvli wl .,.,o fiiiu; U'.J -.. - j L-,viy I'.li.'v . , - in, tnade up a decision, -wlntti theif fiiripTo (duty was toTi'ilwtthff fvklettcw r:''-ii ; Jic'f . (Mry Giltuor, (Jien .')TrlNpiJtX.nr9vt, .wwH fu connrmity witli the instructions of tlie Senate il it... fV..,...ltt..a'j:. .,.,..:! i...-..-i it... I-.'-., e-1 : lilt; i mi 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 ,u v uij... j 1 1 t si , ioii'niii inti uim. ' Mr. Bmver moved llt tt brilli the" reports, 'togeth er with the Journal and Indttxbo pritited. " .' : Mr. Giliner said, if there waio time he would like to h iv." 'hiftn printed but lliat would be t- - i ..,.. tainnuiit lo a denial of a hearing llu' niaii ;! was . ry shen tuiil hi. renr. tlett in i,. I a desire to ist;a lie tmlice in the rirl place, -e. I now a ulOiUai inaite w hlch would del it into i tii ( th-'t.t' l.e sV-ioit. II . nulr opirt t le prtTfij on tle cnitinl th t t mott'.ii tlcteal a dfivmiM. ttr. t j :in,;.r a'u. l'.,'!ed to order by the Cii lir. j Mr. A-iie ros.'to rp but the Clnir ruled the discussion out of rr.r. Mr. A. aJv.e.itfd tiei printing of the testimony. Alter some more discussion, which tln (;b Mr. Ashe presented a I'reiui'dean l rel1iii'.iti, re!.rr;mr divers nmttets concerning tt Ontnir Supreme (.'ourt, and r. contes'.ial election to tin i questing their opinion on the s,i ne. Mr. Wooten presented a resol.ition in favor of the-aditiluistrakir of the late Miarlff ol Ht.idsit. . ; Referred. . " . '.Wr. Patterson, a resolution for I'm sile of p.... 1 tain lots in the City of R ilsigh. Pastki Urst ; reading. I The special order i.f tho day. being the rf-o'i!- tion heretotiire s ilunitted ty Mr. Cihn r,iu rv'alioif i lo the contested election in Orange, being 't.tkn' ' ! up,- tlf order was po-tpi utd t.nti! 11 oV'ccJs f.vJ ' 1 morrow. j ' ' Mr. Washingtoii in.nducnd a bill in relif.otl ti . ' Justices of the IVueo. P;ise,; its tj, ,t ridiug . A resolution providing for ihe apimiiitinrut'i-f ail additional Krfttng Clerk, passed its thri 1 loadings, . - t '-. : Kngr.ifSed bill to irrorjnirate South G.vjj t'ai,. . il C.anpnny; and the bill in reinth.n In p.jlr .left- ; ois; to annul tne imiii sec. ;! cn. itensed Stat- -, ntos; to establish a lion ol Director lor the I leaf. 1 and Dumb Institution ol lids ,S.liite ; to ntiifiidlbo -: ' 3d sic. Both ch. revised Staluies. con.-erniiig Pu ! (rollers ; Couceriiino the Scab iurd nud Roanoke Railroad Companies ; to amend tin act to incur- ' ; porate the town of Wilkeshnm ; to rejienl the 3rd ' and 4tl sections of ch, I (JO Statutes of IB4U-7 j to authorise tho siipcrii.tendiints of (.Vininon I Schools in Rowan to invest a 0 Hon of it ftiia's; ' to iiicorpornte Rock Spring Ter.t, No ISO, I. O.O. . R. in the Twvn of Wilmington; to incorpointotiB : Academy in Plymouth, pa-feed (heir first reariiutr. ' .Wr. ( introduce a bill in to the University of North Carol'stia, which passed its i lirst rending. ' ; , j .Wr. Washington called up Ihe hill in rplatinn to I the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, itnd 'several' amend I ments were adopted on his motion; - vthen the Liil passed its second and tlnrd - 'I'he Chair then presetted a -number of fills mi .... I I- . .. .. , . .1 I-, "" '", fZ ,vV ' ' -'........ . occupied Ihe wdKW toruoon. : EVENING SESSION. V " : I ;Wr. Thorn, son, of Wake, introduced a bill JO' , ! incorporate the Caswell Cavalry. Read the first and second. time. , . V Mr. Pittlerson palled up the resolution concern " tngitie i iituiooinnu uuriow surei . i.anai. wiiicn k ! was read the second nnd third times ,and passed. oi viaoe.umi esiitowsn a tii'w i oiiiiiv taiiitii J ;Wi'anei, which passed its second and third read-- V"1? - Mr. Ashe called up the bill tn establish the Bank ol Fayetteville, which passed its second ratdinp. i Aniiuiberot Engrossed b.ils from l!iD lloitt I were read the first tune, . -. I The Senate then tmk up the hill concerning1 ' Pedlars, to which amendments were made, and ins j bill passed its third reading. " . ; '. -,.. , The bill in relation to gates across the public. iroail, was amended, oil motion of Mr. Miller, a tut : passed its Miird re uliiig. . . . .Mr. Lilhiilon introdiiceil a bid to inforporaia liie ( barlotlo and Du,ivi.'le Ruilrmol C' iiiit) ; ! which was read the tirst time, arid made th.J order i of the thy lor Friday, at 12 nVht k. . ; Aa.l the beinte titljoiirncd. I HOL'SE OP COMMONS. - , j Mr. Rayner asked leave of absence from mul .. l tifll r to-dav, for Mr. Cherry, of Bertie. Gr:ui(sl. I Mr. Hpves i iovtd to take up nnd erm-i ler tho t 'V M ' ,u,w. I ' r 7, "ll "T"" V J r' UfT mCB.,,!"?t'1?: ,h 'T' tore oaueiumaiip iiioii'ii to i:tv iia suott-ei un n 9 " tabie, - Pending thU -questinn, tlio .Snki.-r un- ... noiitieed the fperhtl onh r, the bill couccriiing the iiiiiiii.jion aiiit ii.ueigo iaoro;i.i. The bill was put itjsin its secrtid reeding; find , , . .. . . ., , ' " "V T"1' " '" l-''Si'. u.'.www freiacd by Messrs. Mubane, .Willisms, m4New ! UJ'U ey,mw, ,fw.,.u, ouns. It fl. ..I F- .... f l '11.! ... t ' ..... Tltt" .Speaker announced the reception" of depot.'' sitiAim in relnlinn In Ihp tnntrlcd elretinn i fAr.. rv ; which on motion of Mr. '-Williams, were re ferred to thcfoiiiiuiltce on Privil-gea aud Elec tions. .'-( ... .. ''.:.-: "?. ':-- :' ,-- :',? '::':i'' ; The .House then took recess. '.' :? ; AFTERNOON SESSION. .... 'Mr I' JiiTiTl n(Y.m, A n.M lli.ii 1., -..n a ltii; - j ,,. ,0 tocSen-.te, jo elect a Trustor for j Ihe L'niversilv to-morrow at 11 o'clock. .VW-"' pj - " . .-, ... - jik. iiiiiipeu uw.upine.wii ,to wyo..-- and establish, a. Dew itiui.liy ,by the . ti'.ini v Wil- , ; ron. Lost.'- - .'' ::"" :4. ( , ,,(. ,.f li, ,iwfc''-rt.-fcil m tW. i - : " " I- - bid tn hieorporatin Uie .N, (., Rfllrnad totnpunv i lurrir-Un- ... - e .- - n rv . ' , The question befcre the House then. was ont'i ameitiluietit uflcrcd yeslertly by Mr.. adsttorlh, .which was adotted. - - - i 'i'lnt'inesttali w then taken rtrl & fume r.f. ' the bill o its econd rtadiag, and decided lit tlie ! n gJtuo, tjto 41 , , i Mr. Ixivo moved to rcfen.-idtT tho vote just tn k(,n, : - -' -, 1 -. 1 i. Mr: Pultie moved lay fl,i mrjuion tm the tsble. ; Currwd. :-,- i -.m "i- ' -'i sThe Speaker announced tlie pest thing in pn.r to lie the prdposhiqn to seaia niemngf totho Sc.' nite. 'proposing to odjonrn t'i tlte '25t1i,'which oit rrtrJitm-of Mr. S('Cits laid onthe tnbl . oeMf. Ptiiily thew trteved call 'i.f the House,-in Ofile. tfi nave .u-cetosiM yms yo mf iH'fc tuinr poiatc ti.N,.C.;Railr().l Ci.inrjixv. Carried. i 'J'lie Cleric thcii proceeded to'call'liio roll, whea lBeKHV.iroifgri'intleinHi? wVttf,Wfl?S'.3eMl MV" Kajnernnd JAuW t- :r; i tt' e-.; y .lvVSii jrite4WVUJTw')WiiHW" C'Und.t,,)V''A Uw-jboa Mtfrtisw M dlspoeed, and lium d InMlifbt eN'ftisXU TikrwISiS But .Mr. Love, on Mr.Staidvnyin-jtliat bttthmi Mr. Ravtter would tibe-U att.a taur lobejaJ.f $ witlii'rfw bis rr.'jli-ja. . . .,. ... ' . . ' ' , p.j.- -. .

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