-and re no fcl , Then, on motion nl Mr. Sian'y, wa directed to ?o alb -rt'ne ausAi.-lccs their altendmice. i After the la pfc of fifteen or twenty minute, all : nf ihft fltMfintitflM la-iwtlif nmiia llit'f .. n.w. r , .I a I' en motion of Mr. JIM, of IWan. the farther i f"r 01 "m '""" "' JNr,r' "r" Willi. ' " Vvinpnny, excited in the breast ul 1 lie '.vnio'r, alternate eui.tio.ia now giatitudc towards r di x. c. tiihm. a voice fro.,; su i;uy and--. ' . Scur.v I'oiMit, m, H!9. Vlr. fcillar An article' whieh appeared in your pa- proceeding! of the call wi-ro dispensed Then, ' " ' RALEIGH TDIES.- T.i internal iui,'iovr.:.;KXT.s. . K i.ti.rul Ike U.MUjki' .Q.pilliiic.U pl.t:1', Sir. Stevenson moved to tac up the motion to jou f.r yoor seal mid devotion in behalfof die bleed- re-wi-d ler Cat ried. j u j,,, f Ui West, Bd then feelings of loath- i K S5 ft'" n m:0a4'!crali,tt a"d I ud eoi.len.pt toward. Senator Bo .a for lie! , ' r ' .t.- .... r .. i mi ' course he has icn nropfM" lrt pursue. f tV .'.... in jri'lisiuMi nk- Mjr. S. J. JVr-1 I,'nt me to put to that man lta'.?zi, who, as m. Mlilor, McMuIli!,, fit inly, KU'V'.'iisj.K auJ ' y ':'Vt' informed us, is at v-.ry d'ftrouii of truve lling Ninu.r-1 ' the " old way ( mi7," ihul while he auuear 10 have . Mwety aldo atldremCii the Mouse in favor J a.lopt a very mifedrJv ami much lamented poli- I .... L ..1. .1 .i ..t ' .1.- 1 i;j , n amcwirr renccu iiiiiruiy uui umy i.ie mrjje Mr ef the hill. Mr. Rayner explained why lie tlfought 1.8 ought not to volt" on trn question beiuro the limn?; it w is on the ground of h'u being an old Stockhol der in the Raleigh and Gaston Roud, die. Tho House then took recces. ! NIGHT SESSION. . The Engrossed bill to provide for making n Turnpike Road from Salishmy west to (Joorgia lino, was taken Up, read the 3d tini", amended and made oi-der for to-inoriuiv 1:2 o'clock. '- The House next look up and considered the Hill to amend an act relative to tho inspection of Tur pentine, ,'i'iit House refused to concur in the a lii'Mtdmeiit of, the Seuate. The Bill ooneerninii the obstruction of the pas 1050 of fish up Caslue un I Roanol,e Rivers, was t ik :ii up, lead 3d tiuw and jusscd ayes 53 nays 38. ' ' The 'Bill coneeniinrr tho ni.nl of Widow ? dis 'niiii; f'min the last wills ami letuments oftheir li.'ceasivl hi'ifhands, wasro.id thu third time, passed and ordered tu Ih eiigroa-itiL Til.' I'nll.iwiiicr ll.V.a Wi'm :.!sf rpltt! lhr thin t:m. and ord. nd to t:t engrot'd : ti incormr;:le ennu:i twn of M.-iKiuu ; to rt p:-al pari of mi act pan-,- rxt in 141-D; sail utulislnn; lify trans 111 name 1 . County. The Bill to f ly oft" and cstabVivh a ruhlie Road in Wilkes county was read the third time, passed and oid-red to Wft enjjrojwd. 'I'he Hill to provide for the amendment of the Con ! t ifiou of the Slatr. was then takan up, and passd ils tliird rending and ordered to be .'iii-usi.'ii-AYcs -.' Tu Not. 3.1. V . . - ''.; Ou motion tho House adjourned. . UaUigl), C. FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, IS 19. -v I two unielt s, hucl)', v. Iiieh tro do not think Were cbar 1 aclirincd by his usubl jood svne, esutlur, bitd coin. , '.tcsy: 0i under tlia above head ; the Hther in regard i r w .w jiwrt pif.-" No:l'i .'ar,:.U't Ra:lxoud bi i (.'euuuuns uu y. lcrdjy,.by a vole oi ii to ".'!. eatutslly hope it' mty y. t ! ace. piahlo to tho ate Uioiij'h we would botdly prtd.it it wd' .,..d the !!, of , .S-,t'tt.hf ov-rii-i ' !jA t!i- m-w'wrt AH n. Wv.-, t'-o LIiiV. in tii'Ciiv-.c 'le'il it-J tliir A'eiivw- ry in a style at on. L.niU.int t'i! i nr.-lie. tt . . ,. -L- p.. l' .,-n i . I Ml 1I1 ir 11 .. . un rj- . to the Iiw.ine Hospital. He is "unwiHin ' t'ict the ! that body. Ve are of cfchiinn, hnw.'v.r, thst a nuie ' . " , . , 1 . c i -- V";,. ' , " V .;- ' , L '. , . I Htcville VtreTrj, whtR" tlWV were jemd tf 1 hrjr blale sliouid go 111 debt another dollar for new Iin- j liberal feil.n0' prevails now upon thai sabjeit iliau at . , . . " . ' t j ; iiuiiii ..I n,u;i' uici.nr.i iij-;i? ti.i .iin v. in SENATE. Titt'KSDir. Jin 18. After the usual morning business, the bill rela ting to Pedlars, wan taken up, debated somewhat, and some propositions made to amend ; : I'ending which, the Senate proceeded to vote for Trustee of the University, The hill in relation to Pedlars then passed its third reading. '.. . The hills to amend the act incorporating the North Carolina jlntnat Iiisiiriinee Company ; the resolution for the, rehef of lsham Hancock ; the hill to amend an net last session to provide for the s ilc of certain Chen kee Lands surrendr red to the State; the resolution in favor fcUupeni.'o; in favor of the keeper of the public anus in New born ; the hill to amend the Revised Statutes, en titled bills, Ixmris, and promissory notes; passed their third reading. Mr. Bower reported, that there was no election for Trustee of the I'niveraity. " .yfr. Woodlin introduced n bill to nmend the; Re vised Statutes concerning Appeals, which passed its three readings. Tho hill to provide, for the removal of civil ac tions from the County to tho Superior Courts, u as rejected. On motion of Mr. Washington, a motion was sent to th. ether House, proposing to vote again for Trus tee 4f the University. On motion of Wr. Bell, the Senate took np the bill in relation to Clubfoot and Harlow's Creek Canal. ' Tbia bill was advocated by Messrs. II, Washing ton and Patterson, after which if passed its second and third reading. , ' ' The engrossed bill to incorporate the North Caro lina Mutunl Life Insurance Company, passed its sec ond and ihird reading. The bill to secure the title to lands sold timh-r e. rutinn, was amende-!, and p.ttscd In s cond and third roadiiiTs. i Tha Senate tools a reeose. pecuniary interest that has been confided to hia cure, but equally so the libcraand enlightened sentiments that adorn and characterize tuc uususpeelh.g people, who,1n an unguarded hour, enibued Uiui with a io gislative existence. . ' Sir, ite, of Surry County especially, elected him not only aa the ostensible but as the peculiar champ ion 'of the anticipations of ihe Western Resern ! In our infatuation we honored him with the high com mission incident to so distinguished a trust, under, at tho time, a full belief that he would redeem his pro mises to relied truly at all times, and under all cir cumstances, at least our .eemiavg concerns. And is it nay, can it be possih!e, that after all his pro filed tor for, with hia repeatedly expressed deter mination to watch with a parental solicitude over, our gene-id weal, that, he has embraced a policy si utterly inconsistent with public expectation, and has had Ihe daring presumption to oppose, directly or in effect, a measure which, of all others known in tho annals of North Carolina leyislalion, was and is bet ter calculated to confer such solid and lasting belie fils upon this end of our Stele? He. Editor, are you in any wise acquainted with our pi culiar locality .' with our fertile soil our mountain home, and onr balmy air? Have you ever witnessed onr sparkling stre'niis as they flow gnrg'ing aiid tumbling from their rock bound holds?. No portion of North Caro lina can claim superiority over ours iu point of natur al resources. . For the lueru .waut of a convenient mi.rkct her immense wealth bus for years been en tombed within the bowels of the earth. All around us, on either hand,ure to be found advautageous sites most admirably adapted for all the purposes of ma chinery, which provided a more enlightened policy obtained, might he converted into the means of wealth, and thi n, hit let d of tho croakiugs of the ravou and the owl, the ear would bo more melodious ly saluted with the commercial warbliugs of the loom and tho anvil ! The Yadkin River, in its fioqiietit mealHl'riilgs, traverses li Our thanks are tendered to the Hon. (J. E. Badger and Hon. D. M. Barrier, for valuable public documents. j we ask, are these improvements to be inede? And if ; : there are to be none, at "the present t.me, " when ' ! are we to have them? Is he willing that 'he State ! j should remain for years to come, without one effort f i to better htr condition, when all hor Sitters around ore advancing so rapidly to prosperity and greatness, the more surely because of our slotlifulnrss! Are we to suffer tho rich resources of our own State for ever 10 remain undeveloped, Mineral, Agricultural, aud Manufacturing, when it is in our power, by a liberal and judicious system of Internal Improvement, to avail ourselves of the advantages wc possess T Or must wo always contribute to build, up the uiaikels Stale ; an, after rcjal'nj themselves, ihfy jajtch I ed with inus, t,. (ho Cminiun Hall, whero tiny were hd.lr.ssou by the Ik.n. W dli&m 11. i ti'Bjf Ion. It I due 10 tre- orator to sny, that he Was io 1 1 dispo-ed at the ii:ne,a'iJ had h vn cluvly enga'.l in t So diselnr'p oflui duties : : mem ber of the Senate ; hut ;;'.!! unJir all these discour- ITT Indisposition has interfered materially with our Editorial labors this week. We can only re fer to our Legislative columns, compiled, nvitii our i f otl,cr stn--. iiwu-ad of providing home muikeu't usual care, for the information which will he of interest for all our readers. Of, news, there is little but our paper contains as much as we cun crowd in. We have hardly hud time or room to glance nl Congress yet we shall soon give that body its due utleution. EXTRA SESSION. Or! Tuesday week, a Preamble anil Resolution 1 were introduced hy Mr. Worth, providini; that an j extra Session of the Legislature shall he called ) next Fall, fur the purpose Of acting upon subject t ll,fvl''u,- nf lhtern-1 Improvement. aguie c.rciiuisianres, no per.oruie.i tne tnsK a igned him in icii 1 maii!ir, as it cn'v to su. i tain tut to add to his reputation a a fm w liter tmiagreeable speri.vr. iliTthemeui'jsrs return- RESOLUTIONS ON SLAVERY. The resolutions on this subject, introduced in the House of Commons by a Committee, as a suhti 1 111 0 fur Steele's, were presented to the Seriate, by Mr. Shepard, aud with a alight amendment, pass ed that body. The only speech delivered on the occasion washy Mr. SheparJ, of which wo took notes, ami, when corrected by that' gentleman, we shall publish it. Though it is not 011 r purpose to If no beneficial systems are adopted the present Sestion, il.c people mn'st take this business into their ow n hands ; and we hope tS see their! evevy- whors move with promptness and vigor in it. II the representatives are afraid of the people, let them assemble in their primary meetings and in- for our people? and enrich our ueighbo.s, on either ! Uruetthein. lt them call Lounty 1. onventiorn. side, when we might be enabled to thrive upon oar '. an.l District Convention, nnd H iss meetings, am! own wealth ? '"We. fear our neighbor' lives too near i let them dgihil'; AgitaTe, AGITATE, until their Petersburg and finds that market ton convenient j doubting, fen ring and trembling representatives be to enter imo our feelings upon th;s subject. To our ' mide to mpect and obey the majesty of the voice1 view, the time is Itere, when we must cither under- j 0f the People. Wo are glad to see this matter ' take souk thing, as a Stale and as a -ople, or make . brought early to tiie attention ;l -th? potiple of the ! up our minds lobe always poor, with the sorry boast, j Stut." tiw-y ill not hold hack when their hiierVjfi that we are out of d. hff ;ligh we are vastly behind arB S(, tOSPw sntl vitally concerned nd hoi. ed to their II ill, the tha nks of the Lodge were unan imously tendered to Mr. VS'.ishiiiton, aJ a copy of his Address was solicited fo. puh'icatii h. . Tlie cereiniuies Ui'in over, thu lii'jin'uri u'f ti. Lodge itud visiting hretliivn present, aljouni 'd l the Ci:y Hall, where they pariooR of an e.xc.4'ltit aup;r, M'fVi'd Ujihy .Ues-rs. Pepper unj llnghei. .V.i'iM-'.J. he spirit of the age, behind even' land in improve- 1 incut and prosperity sliinding slid, iu the saiue po- sitioii, almost, that we were thirty years ago and j from which, it appears, with the good will of ihe Ed- j iter of the Republican, wc are not to budge aa inch ! . Is this Wis.'um! . i Tho sneer which he fliugs at Ihe Insane Hospital, , has soinethiug ungi'iicrous iu it. Hero is a ih-ln which ! during the cniiing-Spring nnd Summer to see such , an jinprtns given to the spirit of .improvement all o-! vor the State, thatour citizens 'may see thodawning j of a better day hem ai hoine, anil no'l be forced to ! leave the land of tlmir nativity, because liiev can t 3' We uirk-r-tand ti at the Public Treaow of the State is now ready M issue scrip, 13 author izejtlTe act of the prcifnt Seasiuu of tlie Lcgis- A Dl-s forestall, by comments, any position in tins speech, has long been due, to this uuforiuinte class of beings , before it appears, we take leave to state, that we ! recognized by our General Assembly, in 1825 j dissent materially, from some of them. We are of j which, tardily and at length, the Slate has taken . tlinsr. ivlm Miow that the vote iriven bv Mr. Bad- 1 some steps towards piying, ill l:- H-fl. No man has , GEit,ou the so-called Coniprontiee bill, at the last j any lease either upon his life or his reasnn-and there Session of Congress, Waa-nV.. and we think it i '-f'! ' Peonies him to he coin).assionate towards his . a ' .T will he found that tho people of North Carolina iK .'..uisi.A'tu;;. M. Louisi, a llac t-"j-, no longer make a support. North Carolina can 1- i 1.1" ,ro:" M''",,,l,. ' ta ui made worthy of the continued fesidence of our ' Ulc Afcitihly at Pafis. on the 1st of Decembsr, hord-ienrki-ir oml l.lPi.i ei.lrnsv. ... j WlilCil lie c.ailll1!! lor In s C.Jii-T.t irpnl mil Versa I 1 in wliii'.i lie 1 suffrage. Iii.s treat tliem to take hol.l with us. in ihe effort to improve' her condition, and never ' 'a ba ::dun hot ; l1,1-1'1'' '''''' cuii.st'iueiits are tlie late'v euvacci- ; . HOUSE OE. COMMONS. Mr, Erwin introduced a bill to IncorpoMM the 1 aney and lJurko I urnpiuo Company road 1st ' time:- Mr. Miilera hill to amend an act to establish the 'Caldwell and Ashe Turnpika Company read lal J ouly with admiration and awe at our interminsBle dr. BowiV's Senatorial District, almost froni centre to eircumfcrcnce, and has not that gentleman sufficient capacity to discern that in the event of Ihe completion uf tlie now pnjeoted improvement, that that stream whose advantages have been so long suf fered to lie dormant and neglected, would -soon he freed from all the existing, though but slight impedi ments to ' navigation ?:. Is he not endow ed with au eye that, 'half-closed, Can peep 'sufficiently far into futurity as to behold with feelings of exultation and pride the glorious and effulgent rays that would beam and smile upon his people ou tho consummation of such an event? Once open the Yadkin, and our progress to wealth would be eary aud rapid. Then upon her placid breast would be borne the elements of that commerce which such an improvement would naturally beget Then would our lands, how lying in heaps of native wildncss, be rapidly reduced to a slate of cultivation, and everywhere, amid our jovial, ii'oiiniaiii bays, " would content sit basking ou the check of toil, till laughing past' nie led them to the hour of rest ! " Indeed, sir, we are by nature a most highly fuvi ured people, and were cur cause but once rightly espoused iu cur legislative couueils, we would also soon become an independent people, among whom the effluvia of office seeking would never in fuse its noxious poison. '',' The sirni-ger who visits our .section, either allured thither for the purpose of recreation,, or to inhale our invigorating and health-restoring breeze, is struck not will sustain hint in it. Again we believe these resolutions are not, called for by any crisis in public affairs arc use lesscan effect nothing pra -ticiUy, will do to the Southern people no good ought never to have j been introduced and ought not to be passed. They are abstract and equivocal wher.'as. when ihe South speaks in earnest, at the, right time, she should speak in a voice which cannot he misiiii derstood, and in a manner which our Northern brethren dare not disregard. .We have had too much of this empty vaporing which fell on North ern ears, as these resolutions will again fall on them, " like tho idle wind which they regard not." The time for cct'un is not yet if it is, where is fellow-nten. The pauper lunatics of the Slate are. emphatically the State's children she owes idem guardianship and protection, tho means of ul'cViatiou 1 of their sorrow;, and the hope of restoration to hea'ih j of liody and mind, if it be possible. The present i Legislature, with commendable philanthropy ,.liave recognised the claims of these unfortunates, and pro vided menus for their relief. Vet the Ediior of the Roanoke Republican -preaches up. " hard times," and insinuates that these Legislators are subjects" in other words, that their act was, that of Insane, not wise, men : that we. take. to. be tho meaning of his sneer.. Would he also have us to be behind the age hi Charity, Philanthropy, and Christianity ? We trust not. Rather let him aid us, in our feeble endeavors, to push along every good cause, and every good work, which will ennoble the character of our belov- whilea hope remains. i - ill The Standard has a rumor that Mr. Senator Badger has given his friends to understand thai if the Resolutions oil .the' subject of Slavery pass i our Legislature, ho ril resign. The wish was ; 1 father to the idea, we reckon. It is hardly neces?a-' TV tosav that ihero js no foo.ii.Jation for it whaler- .V-QIv------ :'"! , The EJitor of the Standard has got his l.ttle : Senator" Sevier, nf Arkansas, died on the 1st inst. There has been it "iiiurkabld fatality -mong the United Slates S.-nators from Arkansas, within a short space of lime. ,No less than three have died, namely : the Hon. Chester Ashley, t'n Hon. William S, Fulton,' and now the Hon. Am brose 11. Sevier; ... Jndge Dickey, of Chicago, has decided that t'n masier of a slave esea ping into Illinois, has a right to remove said slave, regardless of Illinois statiites any aciton ..bout these resolutions? Arc the peo- u State, ami speed ner on m tier marca tewarus pie of North Carolina prepared for action ! What greatness and pro-p.'rity. will they do jirovidej they can't carry slaves to I '. . ,. ... .'.' " - . . New Mexico, and California ? provided the slave - ID. We received yjstj'rday, an "Address of the trade and slavery aro both abolWied in tho Dis-1 H"; T. L. Ci.ixsm.in on the recent Senatorial Elec tric!, of Columbia? Do these resolutions answer lio'" we. have barely had time to glance at tyiese questions ? Decidedly not. Who will dis-1 solve this glorious Union ? Southern men ? 1W 1 frien I, James K. Polk, a real Monarch at last. The i to the contrary, which' w declared to be uncoil- following .pompous aimonnceinent is from his last I stitutiot al. .. - . paper: ', .' I Errtct or the S te amer's Ntv:?. Tlie ad-:' "Thel'roshlont has prorogued the. Senate until ; vjC09 by the America have rather depressed the tions as may he laid before it by President Taylor." r!f 'u bread-stutls, and lower prices will " Prorogued ! Co.1 aave hi. Majesty, Pre.i- noW b 1 WW hate , been prior to th dent James K. Polk, King of the United States, of j ,low'- Com 18 also firm' Wt t,ho K& '"f Oregon, Mexico, and California ! It has pleased ! PreVe"!' "Pat.ons. The general tenor of the ,. . .1 . c- . . ..4 iu-" s, 111 n toiiiiiii-icia. ioi l u i ew, .1 ui atur- Inm to rirnrtfruf the American .Spitntp- lms it ? 1 . ' j -n - Perhaps he may take it into his kingly head, soon, to prorogue, in like. manner, tho House of Reprp. -tentative, ami the Statu Legislatures. D j We copy the following from the Lincoln Cou rier of the 13th. tune. . Mr.: )onea. of Oranje, a bill supplemental to an act to lay off and establish a new county by the name of Aiemuncp. .-'Mr. Foy, a hill to incorporate the town of Swans Iioro read 1st time. On motion of Dobbin, tho Rosoltuirms in relstinn to tnternationnl exchange were taken uproad 2d . 'tinln and pii.). " Ayes77, Noes .20y ; 'I'ha Resolutions also passed 3.1 ml fat tjihtj. The' special order, th hill to incorporate the 'North Carolina .Kailr-nd.'-wn tn-xt t'.liert tip. i AfrH. C. Jrnsoll''nidah ameiidniaiitstrikoniit "Onl. Assembly! and insert 'Coveror with the ad of his Cotmcil" idopted. Mr. ' Mebane, offered art amerd netif,' provided thtttllo anms appropriated for Neuse and Tt Rivera shall not bi id h the Pn'ilie. Treasurer Vu-rtil the whofs umoont of" stock is subscribed forf tUirf?Tl. " :' v -- - - ' : -' ':' Alt. fiHnlv, efTerd an amendment !rf adation to the ecfim'xion ol the P.oa'da, as an additional "ace UtW which' wan ' adopted. The qocsfioti was then taken on tho passage nf t'irnillaaamenoed,' aiw decided in tlie Hlhrmative WtoS3. .; ' - ,.' ,'-.,' i-;:.-. Before the votes were counted out, .Ifr. Rayner " r-'inarlied thaf hp haoT already sfateil his' reason for not cordin hia vote irf favXir or the jmssaga i'f the bill on the second reading. But hegliTstik . froi wteqiomiHltry,' tit it fliV' Ifntsa 'wartU consent to his voting, ho votild bb hn'ppy and proud to record his vote ifffairor of tho otablish iiient of so great a work. . . ' Th -fuse of the H.uise vt'as fli,n taken oh the propriety nf Mr. It's voting, and their being-no diasentint; vnic. fr. R. voted ;. "' ' r Tho Ifous then took tltclr ree'est. TT It is due- Jlr. S iterlhwaite of PiU, to state that the reasqn why his nair.o has not nppeard in the proceedings of tho House for eeverardavosst, K - ''o hati beetl acttng aa speaker, II r. liilliatn buiug inJUnoaed, . . , , , .' , s- . ST Both IImies were atQ nf Session" when wo '"; went to puss, vv ' .V,'-,...' .. ,.';'.,-.; .' ' .'''. lay war. Northern men ? We do not believe -it.. This rhatter.caii, and will be compromised and set tled irritating and indignation resolutions, North or Smith, will never help to do .either thry cannot benelit onr caiise.and had better be omitted. Wo have hilt littlo more to add, W'e believe the election of General Taylor the most auspicious event which cniild have happened for us and our country, upon this as upon every other subject. The interests of the South are safe in his hands. We'belicve tliey arc als'o safe in the hands of otir Senators and Representatives.. Hut whether they nro or not, 'General Taj lor knows the 'rer. vse.am! in!in'ion of tlie Veto power nnd all'. unconstitu tional legislation on this subject ,will altrely meet with hi? check. . 11' ... . r . .1 .... r . but which we are Under promise to publish. We shall I "K ' " uu m lur ' I,ur!"'su ul V do so next week, With a detailed .review, embracing ( Posing our'opmton that great uijUhbec is done to our own opinions and sentiments concerning it. - We j iai& ".Vre who we do not behove deserves censure ultlio Iiautls ot anv om.' m t.'ie Mate : 1 abl ; to the maintainiriee of present prices ,' either ! of Hour,' grairf or cotton'. '.:: - .' , " . " " . Washington, Jan. 12, S, P. M. ;; "jfaxta or Cut, CjtoGiux A telegraphic despatch his beon roceived an nouncing the death of the gallant CuL Crol.a'n, Insjiectur General of the Army. It is supposed t.iat the President will anpoint the gallant nil'! meritorious Cul. Duncan to hu die tnuv as well say here, that no article we have ever ! nuhlisheil. on Uiis tuhli-ct. embodies, so far as we I know, the views of inv Dcrson bet fho Editor of this ; futniiop as a aimge 01 me cup -nor Mua ol HW ' . " ' .. u Mil 1- 1. 1. lit ' nn ,.,,A,,l., r.C .11 , .,!.!. 1.... -1.1 I i.:... :.r n ..e M- n..... . 'Pl.: ; ,:...l.. 1 ",,u eiu... y, ... .U..I1. ui n. nv.mti. vojuu nu- pupe.e,. ... ,. o, -.? "'""- ( dunce, suv we : thotioh wi pendent papcr-and we arciiUhe habit of expressing , 9l.iusiiesH: of his own uioru'Mrin' di MiMlion ,nl t ofacoui. fronUu Uur. n to Cass our own freo thoughis as, on refloction, the appear j. unlitness for the oliice had as much as anything to The amendments to the bill wera amusing. . One. lo us right. We do noi know what Mr. JtADur.a may do with it. Them r.evcr has been an oflleer, ''the i WM to c.iV,.,..(. that all childien named Martin ioiu oi a moment, in ixinn i iiioiina, wno na.i ' 'The lln. Augustus Moore, has resigned Ins 1 vacancy lints occasioned in the Army. Lixtsi.AiivE IsDioKATioni i,he Lekislature of, u- ' . i ' . ... i ... . . i . . 1 ; '(dunce, say Ave; though wclHimo tint icon- insas, a snort tune s, ,ie, miigiunnj tnu.-a sciniisiiess- ol Ins own ovoruoiiring disiaisition and think nor have we-ever 'thought of inquiring Editor of the Times ll-.in for himself. The ATTACK ON. THE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL. Our readers will notico tho -amendment oSP-red to the rasOiiitiuns reshectitig payments for I ho UtU eigii and Gaslmi Ruilroad, by Mr. Rogers, of North- PONS OF'TEMPErtA-NCE STATISTICst '. We (ilui'ih'tlio 'ashingtoa News, the following extract front the report, to the annual meeting of the National Division, in June, 1841:: i -j Nutnlier of Divisions in the UmtedStatea 2,61 " Meniliers initiated dunngthd , ' past vcar - ' 2 CS7 Whole number of me e.ber" ' ' ' ', j 1 19,372 Whnh? amwnt of receipt nf ho(irjlnntr . Divisions in the Duited States , . $ I75d37 fi" Whole amount oFltonoCta paidMif i'W.O.V, 39 ," . - .caslToithand !.v,i." 208,0i.f.1 fkUii.ur of djathav i --,n,tl .... t ,7 scenery, but, contemplating one variegated and fertile Vallies, he mentally ejaculates, "what more is possi ble for a people to desire 1" Should he be told that oveu here, wherNatc incneofher merriest moods seems to huve lavished her blessings with an exhaust less hand, that the cry of distress and the wail of la mentation, are occasionally heard as they reluctantly proceed from those whoso energies are paraly zed by legislative stupidity, he -will inquire, ia tho language of the noble Tiuiun, . "Why should you wail? Bihold, the earth hath ' roots, ' "-.''.' ; Withiu tliis mile breaV forth an hundred springs The oaks bear mast, the briars scarlet hips ; - The bounteous house-wife, Nature, ou each bush, Lava her fnll mesa before you? Want? Why want?" though, pinching hunger is a thing unknown to our soil, Jet it is no less true fhat we can reuliz'e btit little from flic proceeds of commerce, uulef's we ore per mitted to enjoy the immens e advantages accruing from ceiimercial meattss It ta idle to cultivate our scil, and till our barns with its rich produrctious ouly that they may lie in waste and' rortenuen on our hands. Give us but th h.d VemjMT ors to us by proper iegislatiiM' action the1 varied ports of commerce, and at ho distant day by the infusion of wealth and its hand-maid, intelligence, posterity will ere long blush at the rccollectjnu that one so niggardly in his views was ever permitted to represent their fathers. iu the halls of legislation f ' 1 ' ' I' ; '. To Mr. Boweb, I have a parting.word to say t You sadly mistake tlie character of your people you to..Jly uiirepresent them on a subject of deep and viial couceni.' Oit thd lmprbvement now pond, big lieforo the legislature, your lieetihlyT whether" tuidly or cowardly inunifeSted, h gathering for yob a it arm of jtir.t and righteous indignation, wluch neith er repentance horoafter can f xpiate," nor pa'rly drill subdue. On the subject of an improvement so well calculated to lead to others still mora intimately sea- seeted w'Uh tlieir brighteat hopes', the unahiniity of both purtiee is-singular and oVerwhehnihg't Shobld j-ou provo recreant, your uaine will disceud to other limes tri1 a manner by no means flattering to your repvlatfuiv . , - . -j - . ' Sincerely Irust.ng, Mr. F3.lor, that ourreprescuta--tivein the Senate will rttftmstdrr hi"course,aid' alter all do Justin to his wniniluonw, 1 Wg leavo to sub scribe niyJeli," . ' f'" ' Yours, Sit., "YADKIJf RIVER. amnton, containing n censure upon the State olU- We have ever opposed the acquisition of new j C!,rSi cnr performing tiieir duty in relation to that territory such acquisitions have brought on us fad, when its operations were in danger of be many mischiefs but they must neither run us !lg stopped, by an unavoidable accident, crazy, nor dissolve tho Union, nor breed a civil The fame and reputation of Governor Graham war on the subject of slavery. W'e see it stated j not needing any defence at our hands, we proeae tlnvt Mr, Calhoun is for leaving ta each State, as to examine this sorry attempt to make party capi ta usual with him, " tho mode and measure of re-1 . ti,. for st brief moment. This Mr, Rogers, who dress." This is iiuUiltoUiim, and we trust North Carolina Will especially eschew his counsels fol low neither South Carolina, nor Virginia but, when she deems it proper to act, act in such a way as will Mtmiand all that Weight and respect to which she is justly entitled, from her known stead iness of character, honesty of purpose, and firm attachment fo the principles of tho Constitution and thelTnionof the States. Er We had the pleasure of listening to a patri otic and effective speech of Mf. Dobbin, ou'Wed nesday last, in tlie House of Commons, on the sub ject ol Internal Improvement. The views token by him, are sncTi as do him great honor ; he looks at tlu? aulijocr it) an enlarged aud enlighteneu man ner, with the mind of a statesman, overleaping the petty boundj of Secthtn,' a nd anxiAus to' advance the Iioifot ami interests of IImj icWe State. ' We trust ilie argument, which he l'9rcei with to much strength and MUf'trisy haw the1 jtts'f wciglitto whiot) hoy are entitled ; for which pur- posa w4 hope hrs speech may be published. It would give na'grbitt pleasure to liiy It before our readers. . '. ; . .'' ' ; ' '. '. ' 'U .i iii '' t S .'ii ' ICT 'The Standard niakes a bu!j..alf'umpt toiol iter up Jtfr? Thompson, of WaH.'tipon the subject of Intertial Improvement. We shall tako occa- aion, soon, to examine into thu matter and we! can say, now, thai we never have known any one more ricky and te.rgiverwi ting than he has been Una SiisBiu j ; and we shall produce tho record Id prove If. " If he had been all fair and honest upon thWabtJert, what's tlie usi of all1 hi fqnotit a-' pologies and explanation lo the Senate, where fore his elaborate defence by th Standard ? Why. J1 lhi dodging of brickbat ? 'fliero may1 he lib cm I, and patriotic. nndkenf?5h!cn6d men In the Sen ate, who think more of the character and hilcrests of the State, than they do.ef ITtB eaS tiicy hold there-J-but Mr, Thompson is riot of that inilnher.J n Rnvtor itlTJ-il.:..l; i.a-;..1.i ,.l l,;A1l,..i r .1: . c ' ' ,. - J : 1, B lllllll lie im..i n,:.,-. iu uaiu iee.ii ill UIJ oeil- , . slate bu( we we plainly tint all thu work lie does! hoi-A nt ,in I offered tliia iimendinent some time ago, presented resolutions, which Were adopted, calling upon the late Governor for a great deal of information up on the subject ofthe State's liabilities for this Rail road and for the authority by w hich money had been borrowed for tho repair of damages, &c j Now, a considerable part of this information tifs already pn the tables of Senators, contained in the. Annual message, Treasurer' Report,. Reports of the, Coiiimissionera of tlie Road, &.c and the Governor in hia message in answer to the resolu tions, referred to it over and over againbut we suppose ho didn't flatter Jlr. Fv.ogers. a great deal nor please him. in tire tp-oile of .giving tho informa tion lienc,this attempt at censure, and tlie charge which ihirgrtitleman'mnde s londly el withhold ing irtforinatibrt, so fife Waivllng demagogue in tow nrfmanBeT.'. Tho athendtnerit did not pre vail, howeh, and, suppose , 'Mr. Rogers' failed in lii purpose-3 -;J ..'i'"'.'-'!:"; f' r;; . "" It i,s those hlfempt? irt" making partcapitiil ont of everj'tliii g connecter! With Improvements in'N'. Carolina Vrlilch Kinder is ad grentlv-. ' We eonld enlarge lu'nctron ffii. su1iject,"and wemayaonie day-biit ' we are hoping' that a- better spirit begins to prevail nrid that all parties may sooh'ttillto'iif every scheme which promises to elevate the digni ty and" promote the interest of the good Olu Aorfh State. 1 ' " ' S- CI MUNICIPAL EiJiCTlOV. . 'S riu lered himself so 'unpopular in so short a time The Elizabeth City paper says: "We know not the Causes that have induced Mr. Moore to resign a seat which he was so well qualified to fill with credit to himself i.nd honor to those who' elevated him to the distinguished position, but vf e si ncerely regret that any such s'loulil exist, nnd wb feel con fident that in thusexpres.sing our regret wc but echo the feeling t nttrtair.rd by all w ho know Mr. Moore. Under the iiaiwintinent made by the Gov ernor and liis Council, Jlr. Moore roJk on; Circuit, aud we learn that he gained there, a reputation for great iegal abilities and all the other qualities, w hich fit him so well for a judgeship, that he hat so long enjoyed-in this community." APPOINT U''TS TO OiTICE.-GEN. TAY LOR t COURSE. . A correspondent ol the Cincinnati Gazette, who j paid a visit to Lenural Taylor recently, saj's : . . General Taylor told me that he was already overwhelmed with applications for office, so much so that it occupied all Ins time not necessarily de voted to business, to read the numerous letter. Many of which are long and tedious, so that it it quitoout-ol his powprto giye.answers. , .. ' . , "IL'sides.'says tlie General,"! am not yet' Pres ident, and. when I nm, let these afiplications lie Hiade thtfrugU the proper departuieots, and if h is wished tortjuioyean iiicuiitjont, cl it he lahowu that, he does not answer the Jelt'erionian staijdard lor ah cmce-hordef, and 'that the applicant docs; for as fur" a lies in my power, t intend that all new apKmitrocnU shall beef men honest and capable. I do not intend-U remove any matt from office bo en use he voted aguiust me, .fur that is t.frucnuinV privilege;' but such desecration ofollicoand offi cial iatfoiia go as some of them have been guilty of, to secure tho e'ection ot the tnastof whom thev served sw slaviis, is degrading to the character of American trcemen, ana wiil,b8 a good causa tot removal of friend or foe. " .The ojtuea (if (1ie.gov wnmetit shftnld Tjo filled with men of all patt'es ;' 1 . . A . r . ...r.,-, . 1- ! , .... .VanBuren slioiilj be.'ifierb called tewuxCaxt.' - -. . The telegraph announers paasago of reeolu tiousof the Legislature of Illinois tu faver of the Wil mot Proviso, by aclooe and meagre majority. MifiiiUAx Senator. A telegrapluc despatch dated at Detroit list Fn.l i v mi ys : "The Senate lif ter a two days' fight, lias refused to nominite a U. States SeiVa'to?." .. . ' " -: We ;ern that the ifon. .. C. Doilge h been re-elecled by the Legislature of Iowa to the United S tales Sen te, for tho iicriod of its years from the 4th of March next, nt which tin tho term which he 4iew for on faking his seat in the Senate will have expired." POETRY AN INQUIRY. ' -. b'av, wiit thou love mf, whcnthe'darVbrnwn'cufhi "' That o Vr thy bosom ft;' " '-ts;.' .!. Shall.be Lonnd ith'iher thrpajs of age, -, -, Like wiuV-r's hoary .snow ? . , f Say, wilt, thou love, when summer' n'y smiles, t Enliven fliy cheek no tnnm ; " -' ' .Ind hnvi'i bFifhf'bearon star r !!! in elouM h ; And drcauia of youth are o'er? f ' . i . ,-S .''.v-. ...-,.;--.-'.-,. i .,r.t.; t. .V Oh ! telfmi, wilt tliou love, when cnet'rfu'i eye Grow dim with eorroVi raw , ' The heart tlmt beaS reapomiVeiVthy iitb",' " -'' ' Tbo'. lull of rantwid nam t a j ' :i i:-t Yea, even vyhon tlio tlvvtluig (hcuhtiof youth, J v . In blushing bloijnj ilp it k i' v And sorrow's celdand freei ng chairi ' " i Is'w'indiifrctina my heart ? ' ..'' ' ": j, a.', ! t ?:"'-' ' . ' . K so. tis. rase Moron wlosjr.nn coujer.jiuj, , f !,;Ai.d, warmly mfc i w . As sliruiis Tow faint. ng in tna rKwn-tide he.it, Reviv? InanmrnM-'raltlr ho i.boo:4jll.i-wclmme"bNar f,uri 'J anu as i vxiwci to nrra many oi inose now nom ng ." i j. - . ,i . ' tt, be ho, J goal n-vau a. thS new appoi jiteI ' mcnta ,jlt,or CoitrSe b Whigs, Unit wiU Ufing ; ' ' " !;-' "",. , . ... e., e, -r about ttiw result, itliougli I do not inteiij to al .Ml At an election lor Officerrof tin City, on ilojf day fast, tlift following gentlemen were choain s-V-... INTENTJATsT OF TOLICE ; ' i : William DaiU"nywood, Esa.- ' . - COMMISSIONERS '':.''.v;: H'es'errt irrrf.-8. W,. Whiting af W. V,' llolilen. f ; -Ki tH''t. .t.,ii-t! Middle IV'tfrJ. 0. W. Ilayva:,- Ci 0. Vfloot,' and W. H. H. Tucker, Easier lVarA-JoJmlftfchin, Ind Jtfidiaon !llin ACW York Piwllilisfil, follme'lnr, n Tri nni.li' . . V. ' .: r i ' ... li I, ' n l 7:, e. I... ..' l. .1. ,... .1 .. Th. -It. Y,.l.n ClifTVd'l' ft MlnUl.. l'' h iinrtiJ'tliatlMir.inMiiril..ii.l-n I '! wuu reieieiive 10 ue w.a.i genuurc again, Mxrro;is( thrmifh M.iliiVon the 81 t i.lt.n I'CatlioliO citnens, inUnd to cell w puhlic meeting I Wc shall lake t.' c UifMf- -of Jookinj. after him, rvVwiv roth iv.'jf'M,,xiiI!T tvwittu' lirsom- tnr the iinrposc of inviting t'opei I'm Nr.iili.'m i however, ami cxirnuilng r.OJ-fy luteins piiVic CONSTABLES:'-' Dirtrict So. 1. Hinton Franklin, i " DUtHcl Au. a William II. Pntncy." i. el s On the 7th KowmlKUt last. ,Mr, Hoftrv F, tall, formerly qf Fpivbh I Cciinty.N C ,btit lain--ly "of 'Weakley County, Tenn. to Mes Dili E danghtrt of JiVf Piick, aC theainie tnnnlc ' ' Un Weiledy irHirmnpyilw'arHh if Himi her Lst. siVjrmthir'.(inv I.h2bli lhni In Randolph count);, bv the. Rey, Thsle MelorT aId,T)r.'B. L. Brail. f Behnor.f. Davh ison mun. If, 'to' Mrs. Elizabeth' J. Sumo, lormeri) of Liu:i-!' buri'."1 '-! '!- .".! -, t '. 6nldl.li, s. make till country his rcti lei!c. cour.e. r Mr. Atchison h lieenr.j-elffkd Id the Senatl ofthe Unit, d rttates frma the Sluteof Micfouri. wW ah ih.liscrimiriiite'removal.yei it jrwvw nie to ' .' j u l ARRlCU. ttnniE tnat it wiiroe necessary to 'require a great I many to give place, to tetter -men.' A tmf cah-M tmt.1 uiKiiJ-ihat all nitereeUrtd a .Mcttotis.o the otmntry shall rbo. nspreoentcd, ljuj ru,4 as ionic ! ol the newspapers will havo it, .(II p'uiiesi I am. f Whig, -as I have alrtyls bceri'lree tb flcknbtvr-1 edge f but 1 do not .believe ttuVt thdje'-whrt voted ftir i me, wish, bib to be ' mrn pkfli, Pn'Stdeut, ami I shall tljerefore. try, to be a president pf tlie Amer ican people. As to tho pew territory, it is rww ree. nrtrl slirVery cannot exist there with Jut a' law" ol'tntfrtsrt authorialnsf it, and that 1'dn nfjt he- : iiove tiiey will eve .uaa .1 wa ontmse'd UJira iicfiuUilien titthii territory, . I k was to the j will h. pn 2nd MJ.,d rc.ra mm ... . eaaa. oppiw 10 . ine war,, nric a. Wofefo-eMaaie m Ua.Urfo mmmn. in, niiiiooei. uy ociii wuoii a . warrior. tin a - w Instructress.-. The be assistant. n,lm-tl . .1.. . ' . a;.. t 4 . : - iv a. -,, : ..... A .; , - - - j wvcrui iieuiuiiiirmit , .eKiy review ai- nuniviriv ' '" i'1 '-.i.y. W 't;:rnin:'iiotts rhreflty adhered b, and'mioh a (wioV ' .--e ."'',. w'r .'V.i ti-W 0A.UM,'tan; t. ri'-4 ririlliri.adetjted, . k is lwli'-vd, -fan lwar'iv tail. I -titer, haw been hd few iwwt.naVlJW!:tir?rt.ri',',l I':'n,,",,""H ' '?'kTl ' . ; are agair Hire, to see thst tlie.f cfu ! ,-.i - s-. , diyvholer wtlt city Huring tlie fast twewf fmri-are at eh:ool fri the Jirtf . die i, ,t ,-'. - f ... Jwri TlicBoanl of H'althjvsterdnyphtilouiicA-il'.s01'- - lhaf.tliool.ol.Tt wa. ho hniiri.r n .,f l...,,iA, i TI... I. X ... ,.. t - ' '"V" 1,KI'"" ' i-innhii!,' In r.Mudlt- dis:,nnrairmit'. : , :, -fr ,.. rv . icia-.-, ; .. n, . .UIH, H'.J. !fesC"'lti''u,liu-f,:i'J J-i" "-' .flHfti Hi: npvr:' m y.'intnrv.- peiicw maif." '- 4 I.I li

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