JL Jrcd aors descended, enJ the evidence J proves tlut itt pure based of the guardian n! cne of the tenants another star". Phis cr.se docs m-t fall wi-tiiiu iinr of tlio rules I.'.iil il'iwn ; because, first, i: guardian as such bavin..' ho authority whatever t 1 sell Ids' vsT""U.?.i h's cod docs' not coavi-y even a prima ficie right ;secouu.y t'.icrc wax not a j i here are io illegal votes ascertained to have (letiuct and exclusive posscssisn, capable of being ; been given lor the witting member; and 3 legal connected with' the title attempted to he conveyed. ! votes for him refused. am compitll.-d therefore to justify the in.-pectors There are (including the. voe of Cheek) fi il !n rofusiii this .vote Megal votes ascertained to have been given for tilt Let its now examine the other alleged illegal contestant, ami 2 legal votes for him refused, voles pronto the contestant. . I By deducting tho legal votes offered, from the 1 . Matthew Cooper. -This is a case of doubt I illegal votes cast for Mr, Berry, and in like manner the ComtiiirtflD tvero unable, to resolve, Two snr- i lor Mr. Wa Well, there remain 2a votes to be sab vets of his I.iik! was exhibited, in ono of which he J traeted from the aggregate cf tlte former, and H has more, in the other, less than fifty acres. This , rase fills wiltiitt the 6th rule, and the vote cannot be reacted. a.. S. H. CTtyter. The proof is, that when lie voted, he said he voted on a deed from Dr. James Webb to Klisha Mitchell. This deed was produc til, dated May.'20tli, 18-13, and by its provisions, secures only un equitable interest to the voter. A second deed is' also exhibited, of an wlior date in ' the Rune month, in which land arc conveyed by )r. Webb to the voter hiuKclf. : Nnw either this was the jjiiip on- a diif-rertt tract f land, from that conveyed in tiie- latter deed ; 7 it .ihesanre, there are more than fifty acres convey ed, and the tirst deed .ill date secures it liVeetuaily to Ihevot'-r; if not tin; R, me, then the voter is . clearly entitled to vote umbr t!u fitii rule, already . ' referred lo. The presumption in favor of tho rigiit is certainly strengthened by evidence that the vo . ter has iawlt, timugh the quantity be hut defined. ll'Jiis right to yote is to be presiuucil without any ' evidcii.e at all, ''surely evidence sin-wing .titles to lands geuer.ilir, cannot tend In impair it. To stip . pose , would be-to make a man's case; with some .hut not suliici-nl testimony, worse than it' is whh t '. .. . i, . ii 'I'u . I ....... IJ ..il"..,.,- t:ui l.-s;i;ii'iiii ii " v r live of the right, as far a ' it goes. '. 3. S. Hodges, The .deed to this "voter is very 'I't-ieefive in the use ol irroi ...-mis. It witnesses that the haiaiiior "agrees to convey upon a vat- vMu coii.sidoiation received, the lands descrilied, j ..u,l contains a.general warranty of title.. Under j . this deed lhslges entered into psAsion which, he : i t,.in?, t laiiiHirg and rrsing the lands in all res pects as his own. The voter would not be'disiss et.;ed by any but the bargainor nor by him in con , vvenc.c. of the warranty. I regard hiin as virfi lied to vote. J ' Ih-'S. (.iilWh font rif led. to Sell Ins ana befopc, but did not convey tilt after the viection,. ! the title th.-reliire remained in liiirt. . " I 1 1) ntltii 'I'., im t Wilt a rnl..ilh rtffltVSCl of v- "-it-. -'"' - , , , , ,. , , i . '..l-i.;.,. i . 1 -I-. I ilii..M'i ni in the. eed ascoutai I iii'JjJ acres. I . ........... ... - 0 j I lit. by nctiiil tiiea -urenieui mere are -no acres. Ifis rijiht to ote, therefore, csuttot udniitof tjues- tion, having been tested by surveys. 6. 1J. Stove.ill. Land was M wider wtecil- tion 25 years ii-s, but no deed was ever made by the oberitt, aaw lie lias al vvnys remained ta P' 4 tiw-wuen-, n .on no stronger grimnu, j -it,;. u.Jnr nei.nm.Hi ilii tvis'ilinn of trustee in iiilieil i , . ...... . v. ........ ...... v. .. . ... . i.t r ...i j ... . i possei-SKin and therefore entitled to vote. 7. IS. W. Fiucett was born and lives in Or- j tii;ge Coiinly, but lias been going to school iuCas- j v,ell, where be bus beo allowed to vtte This the admission of an illsgiil rote in Caswell deprive tiie voter l his right to vote in the district of his j residence. The ftic.ts as proved would render his vote in Caswell illegal, and require its rejection, but not, for this cause, should it be refused in Or er.?e. j 8. FJinsIt-y Elliot, has a deed under which he , holds his lands from one Patterson. It appears j that Patterson having execnled and intending tn ' ilelivor the deed, delivered, by mistake, instead ofjt, j nli.t nfiU lan,l It.. nr,nl. riirnoted Elliot to call aim gel Ins deed. Tins hlliot neciecieu io i do,nd Patterson haviflg died with the deetl in his possession, his executor gave it up to the voter. If those facts rtmslitiite tttdlher an actual nor ctti- 1 rlruclin delivery of the deed, so as to rentier it ef fectual, they are, nevertheless, clearly within the contemplation of the 3d rule. 9. L. Edwards. The testimony proves, that Ed wards has a deed for land repared by an eminent jurist, who atiitesthat the deed ii so drawn as to I ,l ...... l I.;... ' i vote, but tli-t it places the prnicrty nevertheless beyond the reach of his creditor.; The deed has not been (wotluced and it is impossible to say, wheth er it vests a legal freehold in the voter ; bat in this condition of uncertainly, the vote cannot be exclu-d-L 10. David Cheek. The holes which 1 have ta fcan of ibe testimony do not enable me to state with provision the ftcts of this case. It is rjiiite possi ble, the voter's title t.) his la nil may be merely equi table as iusisted by counsel, and, as it cannot vary the result, it may in proper to concede Hi without Iroulb'tig tlw Sons te wilh a review of the evidence. I These ten iwrsons all voted for Mr. Waddell, at the ten-ember olecliun These were : 1-1-12. John Smith Si Win. Strain. viU tut it in not wed fitr whom tfiy were cast. We have the opinions expressed by wrtnessc., as to how they vote,), but they do not Esther or facts on which .hpinious rest. This can have no influence with lis. To aceejil f.phiinns. ss idf nee wouJJ lie tuniuinorjht to suli stitnling 'I judgment of witnesses, fur that of the vatfl. I have tlins, Mr. Sieaher, eimnierated (he casf s, in which olijecthids have U-t-n ieferretl, s far as tlioy hae beeuJeeHiod eutitled to llo considera tion of llie flenate; and i Itave given, 1 believe, KiiUlnn!i:ilK the evidence as well ss 111 V own CHiilh- i i. .on, appiiduie u. l.M.Ttf MTV BCVCTUl VHt'8, cotsstMl nitf. llic lin. A which have beenclaim. fisr Mr. wlddeB, by 1'Jiere sre several votes classed amw the ille- the Senator irom GnUfis-tl (Mr. Gilmer,) hi his able speech befre tliis hotly a few days siuce ; and there are nlliers, more or less, dsuUful, given tu tbo silting member, which arc not put down as il Jepd. Among the latter may ba purticnlarly no ticed, the case of Lindsay in regard to whom the evidence is jialpably conflicting, and yet the weight of it is, in my judgment, decidctlly against his right lo vote. I have purposely omiited troubling t!s Senate with the consideration of any matters !). deemed nec"twirv to a proper understanding of tht subject kfore it., 3Iy objeci has hern to sim- plify as far as was consistent with, a due reganl for the rights of parties, an investigation already suffL-iiutly complicated auJ perplexing- in its tic tails. -. Ami now, Sir, the i il-jii try recurs, how stands t'.ic r'u ill ?" 1 will briefly rt-caiiiti&itcs Irom the Utter, a relative difference of tight in fa- vonr of the contestant.. Hut the actual majority at the November election as -returned bthe Sheriff was in favor of the sitting member.'. The correc tion of the Kills, therefore, according to the forego ing estimates, shows that Mr. 'Waddell is entitled to the seat which he claims by a majority of one vote. I have alii 1 today this controversy before flic Sonale.witha proper respect for the rights of each of the parties to it. So cio se a contest as this s.riu, to i-,.,.Y ""ones more or less uncernmuy tn any conclusion, to which we may come. . It would h .vi been more agreeable to ! my own mind, hail it been practicable without at greater wrong, to avo'd the necessity ofdeciding it. The possiluhty of tlomg injustice, however uninten- d, -nnturally causes a sensitive mind to shrink from tfie performance, even of 11 n actofdiitv. Rut, Sir, the issue is forced upon tbo Senate, and we I are ..compeiM. i ' . grearer wrong , "um" IT"-"- I lu "l"-: hum, o.r,. are mimiiu. 01 .e respos.ies. of our position. No phonal or political feelirg can rightfully find place in our breasts. We sit , now as melees, not as politician. We pass on - - 1 the rights of our im-mU-rs the rights of a constitu- ency. In making the decision now renuired at our hands, we should be actuated by llie unmixed de- ! 8;ri - of iiiiderstainliiig our duty and performing it fuitliltiHy and 'impartially.' If we do this, wliether ,ve ,,.( wii, kiudlv iuih'nieut at the hands nl'oth- ers or not, whether our course be satisfactory to the parties vvho-e rights we decide 01 otherwise., we shall at least secure ft more grateful reward, in theapprival of our own consciences, -"This con test has from its commencement awakoiwd a deep and gpneral interest in the public mind, an inter- ',. ...I,;,.!, bas not nassed awav with the i-ausn hk-.li prsduced it.' The presence of large 'hii'in-! i'w.m '!!.:.' I..H il..!.. ntt.. t'.. t :.! I .' i. :.. .L . . ...i. II .. tv .1 . is bin it-ii ill me result nut, mr, me pti-sessieu ' ' 1 r ii. ... .i..i ,.,,;.., i ...,i..ri u, iik; v uiiicnit-ii at'o t in iiti iinijjt 1 ni.i. wi iiiijiwi. ul,cti 11H nfl.,.(;1,!, the arrangement of parties or i ...... . . ; questions of political power in this body.- And if it , was, considerations of this kind, shouid have no ; weight in the tletenuinatinn of such a question as , tlli, L(,t 0, enJe0Bt tberefore, .lives- i . ting ourselyes of all political and personal feeling, tonlPO, n,e nw ti'ibvi with the lights before us, , . . ,. ., ..' i. . ., : " ii. .,. fiii i in... in i iu'iiW i :iernn hit m the convictions determined lo decide it according to the convictions - Ufnn, n,v, i.lmn.t ,,.t t.:.ll h v..rv sm to ! ' ' r bad no wia.li to embarrass Ins Administration in ' " - decide it correctly. I a - ,,,, .,,Rs iH a matt,r s0 ilp,Mantas ateiinls of Wihnot. Rumor says I'olk Joes de ; ' . ' .. j- i :..i'.. i- i i ny them l.ut as the tinestioii would be one of t-c ' ; : Pi AUMi. , .-. ... . . , o i , r r 1 lilt gal voters for Berry ..Legal vrtes for Berry . given : 1. Ezekiel Sartin, '2, Clayton Jones, . 3. Jacob I (timer,. 4. 1iftin Tier, 5. John Tier, 6. Moulton Cheek, 7. John Riley, Sr. refused : 1. Jas. Warren, 2. Iler6d Noah, '.'- 3. John S. Eancoit, Illegal votes for Waddell given : 1. Wm. Coble, 3. L. Al-.rigbt, 3. II. Kirkpatrick, . 4. W, Wilkius, 5. C. Cox, Bjrgaiiinrs in Trust. C. Jas. Brinkley, 7. Farthing Garrod, 8. John Garro.l, Equitable Owners. S: V. 'I'lioninsim. 0. J. Thomson, 10. N.Ctirleton, Bargainors in lusl. . ' 11. W. Minnis, II J. I). Cray, 13. L. Picket, , 1 1. J. H. Bracken, 15. lA Trnit Jas. I rautree( 10. D. ISarbce, 17. M. Murrav, IS. B. CastlebVrry, E'ptitaMe Oirnt rs. 19. 'In-iii King, JO. Jthil While, lit. Jas. Griffith, 1 1. Jii lson Riley. 1 1 B. Che" k, 'i'.'nstee, U S llorirau Lunatic, ! 15. Jas. Glass, .11 s.ti... ..i..i. .iri..t. oT i ' ? " ' T ' , ' Y r vv t Q-J . J. II I ..irlelim. i S liirnt trntes fur Wild- - r, ........ . it. W. II. Horner, I. Eli Albright,. i!5. J. Hughes, 2. Norwood Warren. GOLD! GOLD!! GOLD!!! 'Tivas only last w-Jt-k, we spoke in-t7'.ig terms of a gold iniae in this County opening and coritinu !n ' to op -n rich, and now again, when the ink has j scarcely dried from the nib of the pen that noted : the. fact, it becomes our pleasant duty to record an- I oilier msiam e oi yiuueii sut-teaa in iiiuiiii. in ii. -i i- i n..i:r...i.. WI... iii.i.iiii.i...gu.i,iniHt i,u ...... one might as well talk about going from IWa. ! ' . '. . . " ' , .n. r.r..i, P..af..li. In ir-l niv-inrfi lett- fmm pl!i- w e , , !"" fh'M ,et'1 0";i"1B, 1,8 t;i'k f E"'"g fr0ln ,,or'' t v y f , m nna '"u u,"7 "K'" j of "C ' " ' f',('!l"S ' u"8"i'!fn- I U" 'trn,e"t ae,"f 0 ,0,,r . .I..!..!!..... iiram I in inira. iii'iii.n fii.in 11 r iniii. 11:111 .,,... .-. ' (he one we ref.-red to last week, is giving evidences of being extremely rich. From this mine, on Thursday 1 .1th inst. in about one hour and a half, souirthing like Ten tiounds of virgin gold was taken nut- This gold worth 08 cents a pc-miy-weight, or Sc. al,ove the standard aliove the " standard and the whtJe is worth nearly two thousand two , or three hnntlretl dollars, (SIJ,.iOOj J ins w no ex- I aizeralion: any respectablegentlemanol tlnstown aggi.-ralion: any respectable gentleman ol tinstown ................. ,,. r ,.,,,, Wlu, would I .. .. .... . . . , -ll... "",' f liercif nu; vwiitt v...., ...... It costs as much to govern the city of New York one year as it does the whole Stite of Pennsylvania tor six. The Courier says tlie re are 1C Slates in the Union which could have their aggregate e.ten ses paid twice over by wliat it costs to govern that single city. Sir Henry Lytton BuHver, late English Ambas sador to Spain, has been appointel British Minis ter to the United Stales. CONGRESSIONAL. K IS MARKS OP'MRt WILMOT,- (F 1'KSJisVfcVASIA, TH6 HwE P- RBPRMESTATiVWj Fchnmnj 17, lS i9. The bill appropriating for the execution in part of the Mexican treaty, being under cnnsidi-rathm : ! Mr. Wtl.MOT requested that his friend from i Michigan Mr. McClklland would yield the ! Hoor, to enable him to make a briet statement, which he felt was called for from him at this time, j The request being granted, upon condition that a j few moments only should be occupied i . -Mr. Wihnot proceeded to say ; j That while listening to an interesting debate in , : the Senate, he had been informed that a gentleman from Georgia, Mr. Stephen..! in the course of his ! remarks to this commits hud referred to him, in i connection wu;i certain expressions oruec ions or declarations ! of the President of tle United States, lie reget ted that the gentleman from Georgia had made any reference to th subject whatever, because ho was satisfied that no good could result from it. He had nail 110 conversation wil.li tiie gentleman Ironi im ;duri prciffnt f(.ssiul). ne w;ls ntft awilre a hsJ p3sseJ M . (m ,,pre c01,l, have hecn ,,0 concert W givj.,g publicily t0 Us about which he desired to 1, , tw; .1 :.-0llj ' !', j- .1 C( , ,a(1 converiB,tio, wilh (il(J ircsil,nl - ; s. . . . Q . . , . , . ; ' 1 . . . '. . . , ' ' . ' .1 propriation which he 1 .,.,1.1 l.a , locollcujc a v!rM with Mexico. It g prcvious to !l,e imro,lu.-tion tbctlires mill-. ion bill, but in anticipation of such a measure,- nhit.1 ,,p WM tremely auximis should pins.- j r,if VreAltt eilJl 8011t f,,,. ,HP) or , foJ ! , . . . . o . , , ',i ., .. " ...1 t ' t 1 can again, naming ine tune, wnen nu couiu uae . ;m 0 rtmitv of cil(T wilh fil(, bout in- trtll tion. , Jled in pursuance of bis request-1 ... ' . .,, -n,(, ,.;,,,, 8:,;,( ,,, .. ...... ... G- " r 1 the proviso was giving Inm great trouble anil em-; .1 B fc . 1 barrassnient, and if msistetl uiion as au anwiid- , . ,, -v . ment to an aiipmpnation Ull, would ureseuta se- 1 .' , , ,. rious obstacle, in the way of consummating a . ,, ,, V i ii it. ,i. peart lie said that he had nodoubt of his alalty it eniti 'in ir! ce anl hinii-d a di Jl to negotiate an ear pt ,tc. , am nanu a ay ut . distant, within which be could bring about, such a .... , ,. i I result, provided he could obtain from ( ongress the , 1 . . , ., . .! necessary money appropriation, unrestricted and j un clogged Willi imv.: conditions. 1 presniiieil to t; i..0 ir. .,.,.r ...!, .' nnnu.ri-.ti..n iii ' j briii"ing about so desirable a result ; and express- , , - ... , ... , -: . rtr ed inv liinrehensioi.t at an appropriation ol tiie i . 11 i .: I character he desired, would excite the jealousy of -. ... .. ,,,.,.,.1,; aHA eaiise tbeni to disirust lilt- .lir.ll ail liei lilt , anu iuiubv hhui i un.....r, j jj, f '.j, 0WI1 r,. a,wered ' ,U V(,c .., tb;,, e was much M- , . J . ',,. ..'", "r ... : ,,.,. I . . , , ... . . . . , ( dentiai auents in Mexico, who kept .i,a 'fully in-.l ' - . jlonilCU .... ....':.. ...........;.,. I . ., . . i .i . n. : i . .i. . in nu: unit eini'iiis linn u:iiiii-i ill hit- i tiovt-rninem mere, i assureu un; i iv-muchi uiut t i . . .. .... . . the ; mauiag i an eauy peace, u.a, . '"." ( with the expression o Longiess m anv oilier lorm, . . . 1 . ., .... , . i a Willi Hit piOtlSll, lll.lt .HI UtOll..-U ....n, .. , biin the expression ef Congress, in an authorita tive and legislative form, tn the effect that slavery should forever be excluded from all territory that i we nio'ht acquire Irom .Mexico and ruouuicii noi i . n . - .. . . . ... I . thai such was the reeling of others wtio .tad tavor- ed tne movement. 1 suggested, in me course ut i the convcrsatioh, the iiitrodiiction of a joint resc- j I ution declaring this principle, and said that 1 should be satisfied with it in that form. The Pre , sident said, substantially, and I think ..hnost liter j ally, " Mr. Wihnot, bring it forward in that form i , ' I ........... ...1. n .t....l.....t;.in n-r.iit.t nnt he lin. i j 1 USSlllv- JUU 7llt.ll U Ull.ll.l.l.'l. .....ww .... wpular in Mississippi," I noled particularly that j be did not namo his ewn Stale, but supposed, and : made no doubt but such ivas his intention, that he PVS presented an example in which the slave interest was stronger than in Tennessee. He fur- : ther sunt. " mat lie Had been urougiii up surrouu- .. . . ...... i doJ w,tl1 ,,,3l'll,l'on- ('yO lUM "al'- . . ... . ... .. . i . . i nsa nn associations were connecieu wim ii, urn, i said he, and with a good deal of earnestness of manner, " I do not desire to see it extended one foot beyond its present limits.; that he was con- scions that it could not be done without endanger- ing the peace and safely of the Union." I On my return to my lodgings, I draughted a resolution in accordance with the suggestion I had made ; but, upon consultation with friends or more legislative experiet.ee than myself, (never before having been a me-nls r of a legislative body,) I be- came full v satisfied lliatanv alteinnt lo eH tbroii"h 1 I . . '. ...... . tongrca, sch a resolution would be nllc, and j OK-ref..rcabindo'iicd it.' ' . ! I 1 ""urmeu me guilienm irom .ouui Carolina, . i- . t . r. . in. ie.. I n -r: iiianeuiateiy in mini oi me, air. oouwaru.j oi i this conversation a few days after it occurred. He sjKke m u as a maiirr ol iiiicrcst and Miiponuncc to his constiluents, and asked me if I hud any oh- j jrctions lo iU Wng made public. I understood him U wish in some way to make public the dec laration of the President to me re?ecting the ex- t ry far for such he was found to be here last tension of slavery. I expressed a wish that it i winter, lias (ieneral Quattlebum given up his should not be made public not that the convcrsa-! crusade against the Vnimi! and wjn't he need his lion was confidential, further than the nature of it, Aid? Where, oh! where, shall he look for a siii and the circumstances attending it, would imply j stitnle in North Carolina ? Mr. Dubbin is not a confidence but I did not wish that my conversa - , ,ion wit)l ie lrcsi Joiit should be made (he topic , of mlbie uigCUgl,i011) eili1(.r l0r0 or a,tonet the prcss of ho eolmiry j ,ime juril)fi ,,e agt of Congro,fli Some time duritir-the last session of Contrress" I .. ,7 .. " . t 111 conversation wim me gtniienian irom ueoryta, Mr. Stephens, or with others in his presence, I narrated sulislautially what I hare here said. The gentleman has thought- proper to refer lo il on this lloor. I repeat my n-gret that he has done so, be cause I can see no wssible good that can result from it ; but in so far as any responsibility may at tach to me in this matter, I have nor regrets. Be fore God, I have stated substantially the declara tions of the President to me, without, however, en tering into all the details ef tie conversation. lie that shows his passion, tells his enemy i where to hit hiin. HALEKni TLMES. Ualcui!), 2C. C. V . .: FRIMV, M.IBCU ?, 1S49. rrOLIC MELTIVU. 1 T the suggestion of several t.f the Citiitens of A Rah-igh, I hereby call a I'uldic Meeting, to be n.-i-i in tue ciiv ii. tn. on Mnniav. tne i nv o : March ne.vt,at 3 o'clock I'. M., to take into ion- I M.-n.ti. :he system, of Internal luiprovements j "" PK.-h",e' '. .r ... - ' l i.i.i,.vs u. HUtJH, tlard, by Ins inuen.loes, would produce the nnpres-,"tl'"Jant- i sion, that Mr. Critts-nden was afraid to accept of fice under General Taylor, lest it might be enppc INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT MEETING,; L,, to sll(;ll offiw Wl llic r0MlU of a Mfj,aU Our citizens must not forget the Interiml I'm- j Now don V these ni'rrY'gnatv sweetly on a filel provement M.-eting, called by the Iiitendant of ' U-t them l,.v at it until they find themselves' (Mi IVIice,at the City Hall, To-worroie Aflmiinn, at ! lst't By that time they may discover thuir pnsil 3 o'clock. We hojie to see a large attendance. ! laniiuity and weakness. 'Their rancor is apparent It is net alone for ourselves, as ; citizens of Ra- j to all the world. . leigh, and the benefit which the Slate works will ! Why den't ther fetch out (i.islnit VihLr again 1 1C t0 ''i;it we should leei interested. It is for j ' hoor Prosperity of the fetate-,t the pe. m ' wit,, n, in tbose tieneliis. i tie p-ople of Raleigh are patriotic - J ..." " hot' .'.tfl tn cpii full lu.li aitvanceil the e.iarac- 'ter and standing of North Carolina: and thev will come up to this g prepared to' yield their j heurty supKrl and co-operation to the Great Work projected by out legislature. '...The meeting is iiiiportant in many respects, as it w ill lie the first movement in the .County, and as preuiiiinar) in oilier anu greater v.iiiiernigs wlucli W. ,tt, ' Bl " l'ul 'h (uT , B,cik't C,,J" - .cul fur the whole CiteTprisepledgmg all.the aid and assistance ... ,,111. l t,,.v. t ,n ...... ...... ...... .I.,.. !!.... ... , , , We r.u-A n ihilt- t.i t ,.. Sttit.. l..t n nl-n n.. n... ... tii.i.iiua nn. , tl,.-,u.llllrf lll'lt Ul IIIV 1 llltl. We owe a lhitv to the State . , ,. ... , ' i nimds to pc rlorir, it, and show an earnest of our : 1 . g'xid wdl at once. ,. ; , , , ..' ,, 1 titiiens of Jlalei'di! Re sure to attend the ...'.,,, . ,. ; lo-Murrra- Aftttmm. Give us a goo.) r;l ,llu ut (o vy Btet a, 1,. ' " i. ers, for the general good ! " . , . .. WIIiM0T S vmcn . '(. : t lie reatler s attention will Is; arrested bv tiie 1 "I"""1' of Mr. David Wihnot, Pa. in our col- 1 minis to-tlay. lie tills a plain storv, which needs j '"cr.can people. 1 hat party sustained tiie i're no eomiiieiits at all, XI r. P.dk goes out of ollice however much he ustirieil power, overstop oll Monday next-aud thisls the -blaze of el,-v" i H lilw ! violated the Constitution however . - R . ,,i(,h "companies him..: The cup of his treacl.-i fr)' Jeccit is full, His weakness might call , f. pilv but his insidious nieaiiiie assuredly provokes disirust. The American neonle are well fid uf '-l'PPy. Woiild it be could we esca, fiom the recollection that he ever was our Pntaik i dent. ' We hav mn im ntWit.ii... .t.mt .1 nt ii. .j, betwe8' U.o' two leUKci. we m.v n. . . ' v is a very pretty quarrel as it stantls." IN THIS DARK. Two sapient gentlemen, who are in the habit of a. .11. ,1.1... l... .. ...1.1 J.,.. I. t... l : "'8'"t"'j! " im m-rv, uy (ini iik-i-h-s, : ..i...:... t.. i... . :i i 1 1 . i i , ; .v , uu....g a great uea, in -. . . mtouj i im emu 'T l"0 last Standard, and thereby prove .. ;...ii..r .1 i .i i .... . : . . . ' "' . -.. ...ougt. ...o Knowing prtaensiona flint- tiv iL-a tvrt i.oilai..ln ln It ' ...v si 1 .., ... . ... .. ,1. ,., lurj hitow nothing. Ilsar the Editor and his Fidus Achilles. I ... R Halifax ; The ISditor says It is now pretty generally umlfrstootl, tbat .Mr. CriltemU-n has iositi vuly.de- ' lined a seat in General Taybr a Cabinet, itc. . ne coiresKiiioeiu, accurate gewi'man:) says : ; uri i... L..--1I - e i ' Tl 1 . . . . .. .N Mi"ie in.tt umui mt iieiguiKirs, since vieuerai Taylor's interview with him (Crittenden) it is un tlerstooJ that he is certainly to resign, (as Govern- r I- ...... .1. .. . . .1 . i. .. . " ' ' -,ve"",cW nu utho p tits residence here ; r... f..... . i i - J"- Reader, which of these knowing oraclrs a re yon going lo helicve 7 If you put no faith in either, ns a general rule, you will be nearest right. Rut "they will be talking." IT We had heard, some time s go, that Walt ,svrce would probably lie a candidate for Con gress in Barringer's District and the Standard gives currency lo a rumor to that effect. His cel ebrated qnattMwm resolutions, therefore, we sup- nose. wnri iiitrmlnroil rr il.n mn.r.en nf. .l.i.. ;..;.. 11 . ' 11 v the support of die J-oco Nnllifiett who may aliowul thereawav, towards South Carolina. We kardly .nppose this gentleman would go before a Whig . .. ..... . ... . i iinvention, to settle the nomination between liiui- self and Maj. Porkery, who is also out on his own Jkxk. urn !tie w hijfH ol Kiciiiiionti ro good m. true, and will hardly endorse Watty very enthusi astically. Being sound themselves, we incline to conrlude tl-.ey will hanlly trust a rntten Whig ve 1 military man, and llie F.dilor of tiie Standard can't be spared. We must write to Mr. Calhoun upon this subject. OT Mr. J. L Badcf.r bus retired from the IS. Ii . T a. , .". : loriai v-tiair oi me imnoiw journal, anu puunsii- es a very neat valedictory in (ho last paper. The Journal will be continued uiu'tr the auspices of the publisher (T. J. Holtox, Ksq.) ss Editor. He will devote more of his time than formerly to , the editorial department, and hopes by unremitted attention to this branch of his business, to merit s continuance of patronago from his subscribers, Some improvement is contemplated in the size, tyiography, &.C., of tho Journal ; and he holies his effort to deasp the improving taste of his pat rons in these particulars, will be mot by a corn s, ponding liberality nn their part towards sustain ing him." TIIiS'EV CABINET. ' j . Every paper we recoivo, nowadays co:itiin j speculations as to w ho will compose the new Cab inet. With tbo exception of Mr. Clayton, we , have re j son to btdieve that all is doubt and conjee ! '.ure. We presuir.c to think there are very few j with whom General Taylor has consulted upon I this subject. If he is the man we take him for, 1 he has a will of his ow n, and about as acute and i correct perception of matters and things, as any one j whoso advice ho could possibly ask. i Rut while we believe the Whigs are perfectly satisfied that the selections will be made from a- mong the talented, pure, and distinguished States men of the Country, and are therefore quite easy i''1" 'heir minds about it our ljcofoco friends are 1 dreadfully troubled ; and ene impudent scribbler in n.., c 1...1 1.. .1 -1... V 'r'T T V"ff",e'7-""UCTU' "f; CH- bf 11,0 Ulctawow. the nc.ence " ' '' """c ""'""""' u,c 'Tis almost time for him to apjiear, once more, ott-tlw stage of action. THIS NEW ADMINISTRATION. Before this paper reaches the majority of our readers, the triumph of ibe People on the Tth Of No-1 vemher last, will have been completed, and they j will have a PiiKsti'txT wlm w ill be faithful to . their true .interests, and bring back the Govern- !.of the fact, without approving and jiistitying them! nient to purity of administration, such "as adorned : All right, then!. Vet, are: they any better than the days of our earlier Pesidents, and gave such a i Wihnot, Hale, Giddings, and the rest, Some of whom high character to the nation as well as to its Exe- j arc as good Locofocos as they are 1 Not at all. cutive Chair, Pincc the advent of General Jack- j They are all in the same mess only some of them son, as President of the Democratic party, one-half j abler men than either Polk or Cass, vet they dc of the people of this country ha ve been proscribed, ! nnunce the first, but praise and support the last. .. ...I b....t .... I.. ti.n i... ..r i.' ....... i :. .::....i.......w.. ' It' tl.;a i.. I.U...I.... l. ...! li u ...:,i , , . . , , . am in.!..r tt.'it tl. ...... np.. t .. ...v ... !... t. t., y). .... , ., . . , t rs Map'' the iimls, ' no em inence of talents, no . ' . , . . pun iv ol life, no patriotic services, could entitle a n-, ' . i , , , ., llug to lienor or office under the General Gov- .. ,, eminent the Government of his. Country.' He was as lunch proscribed and disqualified as though i . n he were not an American citizen. The Deinoerat - . , , ,, ... , .,' ., ic party had the Presideiil, and lotbit parte all the ,,., and einolumenls of the Nation were made i i ,, ' ,, n ' ' . . ,, lu '"-'""i'- 1 .- wiiiw.i.-p.iJ,K-.v.m , to belong. Tor the Democratic nartv, the Govern- j ",eli; VV,,B administereti, and not lor tne goon ol me ; . , muAl 1,0 pncroacliea upon Legislative or 1 opulnr ,:,l ,,(! l''"1 i,l,d Vton& athis Jiwal, to punish his enemies and reward lii friends. . But rial The peoplt, who have suffered under """f long, have done away with it, A new Administration is a Unit to succeed, under new principles of action, mid, as we believe, prin ciples better calculated to make and keep us a wit tr J, free, and inJcfttuli nl people. IIoW then, will General Taylor administer the Gpvernmen'.J ; We might answer this qnestion negatively, and relieve the anxieties of many by it be will not administer it as Mr. Polk did as Tyler did as Van Buren did as Jackson did. That we distinctly undsr stand, and bless (!od for the knowledge ! But the question Can be posiliulj answered in his own .r,t. "orus. ,,W((k,nt T W, replytothe Memphis Com- mittee, Feb. -lid, ho says, " The ollice was one, ntt of his seeking, nor had it been secured by any ff f elect! ,,;,, tlie ,.resiueCy of - . ' if. United States, the people had mainly looked i- .i. i . i . i - . forward to good government and artist flt!miHi.(ri. t oi nf le law . tind in oinleavuriiirr tn enrrv nut ,hose ,1(s ju m ro.lV(, (altl8ffll n0 one couU rival the father of hi country) it was left for those, who might succeed him to emulate hit example as , . In his address at Irfiitisville, Feb. 1 1th, he said, " It was his ardent wish to dissipate all party acri monies, and to bring the Government back to the 6:ln.(j,j,y of 0Hr hlUet W1PI1 ,ie objects aimed at ' J ' J wero the banninesR uuil nfnneritv of lln rnniitrv- 01,jVl" In his Speech at Cincinnati, Feb, IC, he speaks very plainly about who made him President, ai.d upon what Was his reliance, thus : " I have been called b) the highest office in the world, by the un bought, unsolicited suffrages of the people the masses of tho people. I look Upon these disinter ested suffrages as a higher honor than can be ccn- lerred hy any station here, or in burnpe. I am thankful to Divine ProviJeiice for warJing the bul I ts from .. y p-.-rsou : anil I must look to the same Di' vine Providence Co guide and assist me in perform ing these new duties." Once more, and we have done. Governor Ciit tenden, in his Message tn the Kentucky Legisla ture, of January 1st, has this passage: "General Taylor comes into his high office, w:th the avowed purios-' of endeavoring to carry out the principles and policy of Washington, and this should com mend him to the affections of the American people. Il will lie his aim tu snften,iflie can no extinguish, the atjterities of party strift tog'uc t the Gaiern- nient its eonnlitutional dirisiuns of powers a they were desigmd to hs exercised by its framers, and to make the Congress nf the United Slates the true ex ponent of llie will if tlieir constituents." Now don't he differ widely from Mr. Polk ? An l don't we love hiin for it ? What ! administer the Government as an American Patriot should ? Why such a thing has not U:en known in the coun try for twenty odd years ! 1 et OLD ACK is about to become (he President of the .tmrriivm People, and he has courage enough for any thing. Aloiit, he will be President, and he told his friend. at Baton Rouge, that the trusts reposed in hiin he would endeavor to fulfil, " it'tluaU regard to fear. favor, or affection fur any vne." Glorious Old Man! the country may safely trust you I Long-tried, and always faithful ! The first step in hi1. Administration has nlrea- dy been taken, and it has met with univer.il appro- val, so far as we have heard. Thai good and true, j ors. V by, you, muku mute a speculation tn snli and stout and sterling WHIG, John M. Ci.a vtos, i scribing lor such a work. No .idy ca get nun has been chosen by lite new Ptesi dent to lie Se-' for su,ch an amoiiut. -''.'" i '...' .: .- able State-iinao, o-eil. 'es!:-U in whom all confidence inav be re doubtless have the pleasure of announcing the whole Cabinet in our next. , GENERAL CASS. We see it stated th;.t General Cass had readied Uniontown, Pa. ou the iiflth ult. on his way to th Capital. Our readers have heard, 'probably, that he returns to the United States Senate, under in structions to vote for the Wihnot Proviso. And, of course, the Locofoco papers at the South have no more to say about him. They do not even an nounce his movements. Now, if he were I'resi dent, and were to do this thing, were he even to recommeud it in his message, it would all be right they would praise and justify him all the same, as they did Polk, when he signed it. But a few short months ago, our Locofoco Contemporaries in North Carolina were endeavoring to humbug tlitf South, by asserting that Lewis Cass of Michigan, was a Swirtirn man, in principle, and dcneral 7'iyor, of Louisiana, a AortVrn man. Ah! but " (hat cock would'nt fight !" The people cmWrtt be fooled on that subject. They repudiated and rejected Van, because he wis a Wihnot Trovi man, an Abolitionist anil behold! look ! lo ! in two or three more months he returns to Washing ton City, under instructions (o ,i'e for this very . Wihnot proviso! And the. Locofoco presses are now as muto as fishes ! Where are their denunci ations 1 They are continually talking' about dis solving the Union, in this, that, and the other con tingency, the passage of the Wilmiit jirudsn be ing one, but when the Patriot Poll; or the Pntri- of (Vs. go for it no thunderbolt is launched, no anathema hurled, nothing said about the dun- ger to the South, they don't inform their readers . , , . iren lire, ua ft.m't Ljintv u.'t.Qt la . ., ., . ., , , . , 1 be truth is, that these men, and their flatterers, I . . ' ! are any and all things for the sake of party nopu- i - . Vi i .i i ii. , lanly and i'f. H s the " kwve6 and fishes they r. i- , . . , . , , are after ; and, in endeavoring to obtain them, they are perfectly nnscrnnnloiM. '. Hence, when ctindi i . .i i i r it , , dates, thev bid for all sections. Polk wrote the I,. ,,,'. . ., ., , ; Kane letter to deceive the North, and was success ful-wl.y they run hiia irlmsylvama as a bet- '! ,' ... ,, , .. ter tariff man ll.au Mr. Clay I Cass wrote the me et.cuoistin letter loueceive me Miuin and ne was run here as a better Southern ti.an than Gen eral Taylor. The Dutchmen bit at the Kane lot ter but the .Southerners were up to trap; the thing had been tried before with Vah Buren, and wits plain before their eye The ra ipij smtlt, all over the country and when we caino to the muster, the Pulrwl Vass was rejected by the coun try and note, he goes to Washington to pnn what he is, and always has been, a Wihuut Pro viso man and Abolitionist 1 Fellow -citiaens of the South, had not we, sad our couutry, a'happy escape ? SONS OF TEMPERANCE. The friends of the Temperance cause will h pleased to learu that important movements are now going on in the advancement of this excellent Order, extending its usefulness to many parts of the Stale where, hitherto, it has been unknown.. Within a few weeks, Divisions have been opened at the Uni versity of the 9ute, Smi'.hfield, Elizalietli City, Willianiston, and Hamilton, besides three others, the names of which we have not heard. The Grand Division of the State have now in the field an aide and efficient agent, the Rev. Mr. Pearce, under whose labors, it is confidently Imp ed, the spread of the Order may be rapid anl w idely diffused. Every candid man, who will re lied dispassionately upon this subject, must con e'ude, that the surest means of promoting Temper ance in any community, is a union of its friends, that their example, as well as influence, may have the greater efl'ect. Let a Division, therefore, bt opened in every town and villsge of the State, anil let all the friends nf Temperance, rally to its aid, if they wish to sec a reformation in the land, and our word for it, the condition of that coreinunity, in this respect, would be much improved, until fathers and sons' ' would belong to the order together, and RiJiF(,0,mtenaiiccintt.-inperance,iutil,inthat place, j j. (nonM be w morVa .-; The Order now numbers 2G Divisions in llie State, with the prospect of many more being set lo work during the year. TEMPERANCK COMMUNICATOR. Onr readers are aware that this establishment 1m been removed to Fayettctilte. We noceived last week, the first No. which has been Issued I'rtim that place, and arc really gratified at its neat and handsome appearance. The execution of the typo. grahical department, as well as its selected and original matter, reflects great sredit upon out old friend, Mr. Potter: and we doubt not i's re-appearance will be hailed with much satisfaction by all its readers. We hive reason to btdieve that the CoVMi'siraToR is about to take a high stand as a Temperance paper. It has always been useful to the cause, and was much missed during ils brief suspension, which taught Its subscribers Its value and rcilly being the cheapest paper in llie State only One Dollar per annum wo see not w hy it should not have a large patronage. We command it t the support of the friends of Temperance every where, andswish its Editor the mini abundant suc cess. Mr. II. II. Putter, is the Agent in Raleigh. CODEY S LADY'S BOOK. ' Wo havo rcceiveJ tho March No. of this bean. tifitl Periodical, which maintains also the high character of its Literary contents. We belicvo it lo be (he able-it, and certainly it is the handsom est, of the Magazines. But it is the cheaiitst. For thne daltars per annum, yew receive 13 Nos. of a work full of splendid engrayiqgs, and intsres. ting matter, and also the Lady's Dollar Newspa- i per, a semi-monthly, of great value lo feipale read. ! cretarv of .State a nrinlnif and