I INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT MEETING. On Tuesday, 2Ulh ult., a large concourse of "the chizens of Guilford assembled in the Court House "A RAT ! A HAT.' HEAD FOR A t)i:cvr:" VT.Mr. P,Jk to!l Wilomt that he ("id "rortde That old world and d..rk sg writer. "At.li-; ';re trt w slavery extended beyond the present, Snt ru.t " wim (!, in V-.irtin fnntv. iv'iot i lira!' "in (illtt-r words, that he was in favor of he hat beea. wu.igtitLby. liui-'piMpin-to-jwiUiiwI-l-it pr.dubUion in -New Mexico and California .- j in (ireetwboro', agreeably- to notice, to lotritie oblivion irives us t understand in W.'i!tied,iy a vee ' l:nnt s sixteen, in another celumn.) vtiu upon mo plan ot action the Cuiinty should adopt Standard, that we have w en the 1 1 ?t of his "ncrili- 1 it ho believed tint tlie Democratic papers in the lilinfr'' on the siimcr.n of lnt -rn.it liniirnvoinent. I A'tatr have not told their readers a word about this ? We should iiii.halilc lie resimiod to the f.ite of i i ..j . e .. ncar.n; no more iroin mm, ami lei mm go peaces-1 The last Standard does not even allude to it, al- i thouch Mr. Wiltiiol's Speech was delivered the lly. woro it not for the tenacity with which lie clings to the old policy of doing nothing, because, bs he says, we aro "compelled to take the earn ings of one section of the Stato to build up, fo tcr, and improve another section." The truth is, we are "compelled" to do no such thing. The true policy of the State is to improve all and every parr, as far as practicable but be- for the President of the United States ! That he cause we cannot improve all at once, the Logisl.i-' was a disgrace to his office has long been appa l"th of February, about a fortnight ago, and the Rditor could nit fail to see it. We have no doubt this is a for; subject to our Iocofoco friends. Polk feoms to have been willing enough to betray them, and betray the South, to effect his own pur in order to give prompt and efficient aid to the con struction of the Central Railroad, and promote other measures of internal improvement in which this portion of the Stato is peculiarly interested. The meeting was organised by calling Akchi-! balii Wtt.sox, Esq., to the Chair, and appointing James G. Soott .Secretary. The object of the meeting having been satisfac torily explained, Joun A. (iiLUKit, responding to pr"s or, ho was trying to deceive and humbug j the call of the meeting, addressed them at somo Wllinot.. What a dignified attitude, either way, j length. With a fidelity that was painfully felt he j sketched the past history :md present condition of j the State ,the supineness which has long prostra- ture has bcL'Uil br authorising and providing lor i rent his own friends thought so, when they drop- j led her the wonderful contrast in population and th hnildinir mi of vroar works a-hudi will' enure I ned him without ceremony in the Convention at ; the Duiiuing up oi greu: worm v..:;cii win enure ; mm ,nnum ynvwwj. . .wu.mw.ii j to "the greatest good of the greatest number." Is Haltunore, to take up a man mat. lliey (toole-my; therd no Democracy about that ? This writer ! deemed stronger. They found Talk to. be weak, prosperity sue now presents to her sUtor States, who entered the Confederacy with no advantages, natural or .acquired, superior to her the course f rales and cants about Democracy from one end cf the chapter to the other, Why here it is, and yet he objects ! And so would he object to every thing that could be devised, in which the State, whose duty it is to card for her citizens, is to be . engaged. What do we want with a Slate Government which is only felt in the burdens it imposes, and never in the benefits it imparts ? a (iovernmcnt which oppresses all the time, and never aids? which, having a giant's strength to assist the eo ple, permits them to struggle on, through natural impediments and disabilities j embarrassments of all kinds, arising from their interior location and distance from the marts of trade j the depreciation of their lands owing to these causes ; ami the sure coming of indebtedness and poverty, never helping to improve their condition at all ? And why ? i Forsooth, according to this dark-minded writer, be- j cause she cannot relieve all seclimis, anil eirry bo- ill, at ene and the same time I Well, by the beard of tho Grand Turk I wo had butler rotnm,nt once, : to the primal days when there was ho obligation between the sovereign and the people, but support on the one band arid oppression on the churl The sovereign was then said to protect and ilejiml the people ; but he took good care te make use of their strong hands and hard-won revenue for the purpose : Governments bad, indeed, a iime but no beneficent consequences. But, according to this writer once more, the ex tent of the Resistance the people aro to obtain from the State and this he contends ie Democratic- is permission to better their own condition to make Internal Improvements for themselves the State, meantime, relaxing none of her imposi tions, removing none of her burdens, and not lay ing on the weight of her little finger to help. I'mph ! Democratic, indeed I Well, now, this Democratic policy, if it be such, we have tried all the time and where Are wc ? wliat haw we achieved Just nothing, and worse than nothing. We are at tlie beginning, where we must always remain, according to this Demo cratic doctrine, never to advance one inch) so far as the State is concerned. The peojile are to con tribute all the time to the advancement, and pros perity of the Slate, but the State is not to help the jtrqile! Where any thing is to be done for their improvement, the State graciously permits it, but Ihe jKOjile must do it for themselves, individu ally. - If this he Democracy, We ato more opposed to it than ever. . Still, the cry of "Anti-State Debt," is "taxes! taxes !" We are getting used to that. The peo ple have an imprescriptible right to grumble at their taxes we might almost say it is their birth right. They have always done it from time im memorial ; they always do it, whether the tax be light or heavy and yet Ihey pay it cheerfully e noogh notwithstanding. We must expect to be incompetent, a double-dealer, and unpopular. But j they have pursued, brightening in glory as it ad' the American people have; passed a heavier judg-1 vancoR, while she, at the best remains but station nvnt upon him Hereafter, when his name is men-' ary, incurring the insulting appellation of the "Rip tinned, it will be with .hissing, contumely, and re- i Van Winkle," of the Union, and a thing of ridicule jjr.'t that such a man should ever have tilled our j and scwnl to.other States and shame and pity to Chief Office but . it Will be a deep and solemn ( lupwn sons. And yet her soil is not cursed with warning, to beware I:- w they permit, inf.rior men ; barrenness, nor its fruits and products blighted by 1 1 bo borne into office o.i tho top-wavo of jxirty ex- j the frown of an anjrry heaven...' The sun does hot eitcnient. j beam on 'fairer lam! than Western Carolina.. Her ucautiMU streams, roiling uioaillv and iiromllv a- In tlie IToihc of Representatives, on Saturday, nearly the whole sitting, till half past 10 o'clock at nitftit, was occupied in debate on a bill to pro vide for paying to Mexico tlie instalment due to her under (lie late treaty. - On Monday, the same subject coming up, Mr. holy map, nr,d qqenchrd the v'fc.l smrk, wiihn'nt a I perceptible siruggle ali tiiat wns inorrai with him, I sank with the Sun, ami left lite smile of culm cliris-1 t nun it ..i; ii i mill iniuiiiii; nil 111.1 iiji. in. iiftni- ing bad li'iig been the abie, tlie f.iithfnl a-ulthe cl oque it Pallor oi l! l'r--sbyterian Church of that T own, and was ranked among the verv ablest Min- rjvtir l?rT rr-r t;('.' IiAHUEi.S and Donuell, of N. C. was entitled to the floor, and tie- f u'rs "f t,."! VnT' ''"""'"? Ul !lle Presbyterian livercd, (says the Baltimore Patriot,) an able and patriotic argument, handling the great questions, which have been argued in this debate, with most decided ability. Mr. Donnell, continues the Patri ot, is the youngest member of tho Houe. He looks as young as a boy, with his light complex ion, light curly hair, and rather spare form.' Iit young as he looks, and is, he ifl an honor to the 1 Ji strict and the State he comes from, I Church of this State. Of him, it niav be trulv said, that his Christian devotion and zeal bis la bors as a Minister in the great caitRi? ol Christian Religion cost him his life ! It shititer'd a Con stitution onre strong and without a flaw, and sun dered prematurely tho thread ol existence. The pious man has passed away from earth, but his virtues are impcri -liable, and furnish a rich theme for the pen of a panegyrist. To in abler hand than ours, we assign that pen.1 Rafc-yt. F.-b. vis-;. 'AWE'.'.!.' r s!.;..- bv v istm (i.ss. A T.ARGK nssortm'.'Jit. of W'ind'iw Giiws. of all sjn-a, by the box, fur sale bv. M..YU K1.L &. MEAD. . !(..: (r'l. Feb. L':l, V.I. . !.. CONGRESS, v.-;:,.;" We have given no details of Congressional pro ceedings this week, chiefly because there has been no definite action spon any great measure. Truly hath there been talking enough ; and some of it no doubt to good purpose but thoso hapless papers j tnong her fertile vallies, ask but the kindly aid of .; art to enable them to beat on their bosoms barks j. freighted with the rich fruits that grow on their 1 banks..; Ier inoniilains swell grandly to heaven, ( teeming with inexhaustible mineral resources, and , i S"ein jnipatieut to disgorge their hoarded wealth, j ; TUB FOREIGN NEWS. i very nnponaiii item, in tlie f oreign ?cws, is that which relates to the uflairs of France. The accounts by previous arrivals induced us to think that we should bo agreeably disappointed, and the " Repubiic" would outlive the month of March, a hont .which time' we' guessed, some time ugn, it would blow up. Every thing was said to be quiet and steady in Paris, it was reasonable to suppose tiiat our prognostics were likely to fail of fulfill ment. Rut the recent intelligence revives all our fears, and goes far to realize our expectations. We Lope, indeed, tha:. things may remain quiet for a long time, fur we have no ambition to be " good at guessing," especially where mischief is at is sue. C'wi. ntni rr.rrs. . THE iilwrib'r li is j:i-i ,r.i:.'.ivi tlioi'M' Frua.Trees. from"!', l'erkins! t Hi-ry at Huriingi'ui. N. J. t.n.-i.-ting t.r eois, N'L'i.M:ir:iR' anil .('iifrrics. in ifir: with the view uf iS'-'Uin snrn'.v Vi ' il a supply of !i liriitiil .Vur I'. iielif's", Ari I v:i rl.-iy , und, ;. H'.II s'il tiii'in : tl.W. T the Anni Xurth Car NOTJCt). ttttnal Mi rtiiitr f t!i.. Dircetors of f aroma Milium iiii'iirnce I i.uiikiiiv ; belli on l!n 2d January, lf-lf, the J'.jlU wintr ri-nolu tidll Was til!:.:. K'mlreil, Tliiit an nss'sstiipu( of live p.-r cut. .be I Irvii'iloii all tlii premium nui.-s out-ttlsiudiug-vu the ' 2 1 J I.'ll v I - t Ni.tin. h-:i-.-liv riv-'ll tli:it the tcTm.v- iiBScvfinlPIlt i retpiired to Ii" paid ul til.'. Oiliee cil' tit- .Y C. !. I. ('ii., in Rult'tgli, uu op tjcJoru tlit- first day of May ii-xl. . . JAS. F. JORDAN, Per. T. H. All li'tk'rs addivscii to the .Sei'n turv On Im itilU'fts of tllf Couif.iiliy nest he ;m or llicy will not It- lakfti I'rutti tlie Tout (.Mice. Raieigh, K b. 'Ml If 49. . lit lit Kalt-: F,-b. a:i. T. 1'. I'ii.-t I U, On! r-iMt. j '"I Ifi A US AVI) '1'UltACCO. Clu-wcrs and Snio- 1 V- ki'rs will iind at tnv iJimr anil AiHithi'tarv Siure some very superior Tobacco and Cig .fs. V. F. I'K 'CTD. F.b.a ., ... 12 " ; JJIIDSf'ilE.N'K C.AS ! -I. eeived. and fu-.wate at Fell, it 1 uid LA .VI' OIL, just" re- F. TESCUD'S Drug Store. NOTICE. rtAAII'IIOIt CAP.-U'LES, n V ' Head Aelte, just received and for 'h fine article, for Sick. hv P. f. I'KStTD... i T SIIAI.I. ! IMili inst.. J't'JVBB PASTE. A' snpsrior article of Jujube Past.-. jil:-t received, and for sale ley Pel,, till. P. F. PKSCt'D. advanci: in corrox. Tim X. Y. Telegraphic corresjiondtnt ' .1 I . if . II . . .!.!. I ...1 ? l .. . I me inieiugencer, uu.ou.ai.u u.oue, wmc. auen.pt ,,(esci ,1,, By ll(.MlM clilMlc . io give wo puunc an me laiKins in v-u gress, are ,,.i,:i .,.. ii ,.,, . i t i t b ' 3 ft ' i W IllIC 0 er tt 1 CXt( 111 a IS hive V a. hkv a rannnleR . j any portion of the earth,: Why are wo tbeii so , i far behind the aaj in tho inarch of imiiroveuuni ? ! Pt!t. American, under date of Feb. 21, 6 p. in., savs; '.' The Cotton market is firm and prices erpose at public sale, on Tuesilay (lie ; in 1 o'ehe-lt, in I'reiit of J mi. SkiuaerV ! i Htori-, a Miiai-seiit lil'litJV, iwliieh can be altered 1 ! at pleasure to tine or two seats, so as to curry two or j r 11 H. Sulcriher has just reeeivpj his supp'y of of the ' p- r.-i.iis.) nun llaruem. . Also, a gentle UuggV HUIiMi. 'lelliil". I (tfl. . I VM. W. JONES. ; Touisburg, .N. C., March 1st, 13 2t the heaviest him of our acttuaintanre. We be lieve if hone of these long Congressional speeches were published at the public expense, the public would lose no great deal and we furthermore, be lieve, that if they Were diily published at the ex pense of the orator, they would be much shorter, what few of tlioin would see the light at all ; and the country would bo fully as well oft". ... The fact is prolixity, in this respect, is the cry ing vico of the age, and operates aa a complete bar to the attainment of political knowledge. If it is n:cessary to read one of Col. Denton's 80 column long speeches to know what he was talking about, the world must reinaiu ignorant for we don't be lieve any one ever did it, except the unhappy proof reader, poor fellow ! So, if we can only know what has been going on in the country by reading one J'he cause of our backward condition was trtt- : ly a ml justly expressed by .Mr. Gilmer, that it is a market we want that we have no outlet by which a market can be reached, so as to realize any pro fit from the produce of eur eouutry that from this cause our lands are sunk far beneath their trac value. While a negro put upon the block after an hwtir's notice will command a fair equivalent in cash, the best plantation in Guilford county might be exposed after twenty or thirty days' no tice, the. sberitl' might bawl himself hoarse, and then not dispose of it lor one third of its real value. The 9lave is ca.-ily transferred to a nwrktt where the products of his labor will justify tlie have -ailvauced under the news. . Sales of JHUO bales middling ('pl.i'ud and Louh-iiina at. 7 a 7 for the former 'and 7J' a "I cts. for the latter. Deal- i ers not lunch disposed to operate until the receipt j of their private advices.". ,: FRAXKLIX AND LOUIS PHILIPPE. There, in the Palais Royal, the Dukeof Oilcans received in state, the envoy o' the United Colonies. Renjaniiii Franklin. A picture of the scene was painted for the Historical Gallery of the. Palace, representing the host and hostess in tho rich cos tume of the time, the sturdy Ex-Printer in his plain garb, and a young lad seated upon the floor, beat ing a toy drum. '' Judging from that boy's pres ent performance," said Franklin, " I prophesy that he is destined to make a great noise in the World 1'' . When, after passing through groat vicissitudes of F,. A Cask of FliF.SH RICE just to hand, and for sale by JA MF.S MTCIFFOUn. Next tluor above .Mrs. llani.e'i. Raleigh. March .,-.'.. '.' . . : : MOI.ASSCsf. Ilew crop. -Jiist 'received prime .MOI.ASSKS For sale In- JAMKS I.ITCIlFOltll. . Next door ahovc Mrs. Ilatilie's. Raleiah, March 'I. GAR1)E. SLEDS. t'linhll l.lld drass Seeds, which he warnin'a to be fresh aud geiiuiue. eoiusisliiiu in pari of the usual varieties of tie: fallowing kind, viz ; . riui:vi'; .and 'smoking prime lot: roiiAcco, Call at James i.rrcii ford's,: Nexl dtior alwvo Mrs. Hardie's. Itideigb, March 'i. '. nil re I laser ill ni viinr n tii.rli nrir ..lii!. 1.. ...I i.i.i.l r f. irtiitie. I lie in-j tour .trniiimor hui'u mp Ki nrr .f f hn . of Polk's lonp; messages, some of us must gowith-: ... , ,. ' , , I ,. ' , , , ., , . . . , . be following kind, viz: t ' b .'.. remain fixed and immm-a Jo ii mi mm t.i .In- I' renc. Ii. lm freaneiit v Mfktetl this niiec.dotp. when t ' TRESH CARDEX SEED. tyil.I.l VMS, HAYWOnil, k Co., have jinttro- ceived a suniilv of tJarden Seeds; which thev warrant lo be fresh and genuine , consisting iu part of out the know cdgc--for " 1 in Mnw, as the sail- , .. . . . . ,-, I , b. ' . . . , i reed. It is bringing a market to every man s plan-, or says, if we do if, nor will one man in a thousand.-' , . , , . , , , , ' ,J . ., , ,: tation that alone can give a value toour lands and I So far as tho President s messages are concerned, .. ,, . ,". , " , . I incite our tanners to attempt those improvements however, we 8 ia not huve cause to complain ! :.-. . ,, ',. . , .., , . , 1 ' tu aer c.u t ire whieh have mr-r with aueh urti:i We've cot a f . ' . ., , . , . . J iaa in oilier ci.ies ana yieutcu such run re-1 turns. . '.'. Americans were presented at Court much, we recksn, tins tour years. YA e ve cot a man of iU., not tenrJs one who will require no great amount of special pleading to justify his acts,, as they will be according to the law and the Con stitution, which he will tnko as his guide one whose mind being honest, will be the oasior spoken out plainly one who Will have no party to build up, no privalo interests to carry outnothing to aerve but his country who will say all that is l right and proper, and say it well, and to Hit point, ' and no more. . . j Do you remehibet 3fircy, and (lie Wn'f aul , the Lamb pointed, was'nt it? And the fur flew off the Secretary at every pop ! Commend ne to Old ZackV curt and nervous style, of all things ! ORIGIiXAL TOETM. At Columbia (Arkansas) an accident occurred to the steamboat, which mado it necessary for General Taylur to land iu a skiff. In addition to the rower already in the skiff, a drunken fellow jumped in immediately after him, and stood up in I Mr. G. showed from tho statistics of other States the results of a liberal and judicious system of in- ternal improvement that such a system never had j failed, wherever adopted, to prove all that its pro- j'ctors could have hoped for, 'He demonstrated ! with a force and clearness which left no doubt on j any mind Capable -'of discovering truth, that the j Central Railroad it the. Road., (or North Carolina, especially Western Carolina, and urged that 'im mediate steps should be taken by the citiaens of Guilford, at least to grade as much of the Road aa should pass through the county. After a few remarks strongly fccomiilehding the Turnpike from Groensborough to Mf. Airy to the consideration of the citizens of Guilford, Mr. Gib mer took his seat. Mr. 1). l Cai.tHvi:i.t being loudly Called for, impressed and illustrated with interesting statistics tho views which had been snbiiiiltedjii a brief and appropriate speech. After which resolutions of a tho small and frail atf.ir, so as to seriously to en taxed for the public benefit every body knows i danger the Upsetting of the skiff, and occasioned '. highly spirited aud patriotic character were adop that yet, with every new tax, the demagogue has no litllo anxiety among us. " Sit down, my good : ted, and the Chairman appointed the following gon a new hobby to ride. A new tax is a new -"fact'' j man, sit down," said the General ; but the more he j- tlemc'n delegates to Salisbury, viz t John M. More and a new "argument," we suppose, with w hich asked him the more he would not tin it, and began head, James Sloan, Dr. John A. Fonlkes, Jona I We have no objection to publish the following, j but we hardly believe it was written by a lady, though it appears so, on its face. .' for the Times. . Ah ! me I want a bcatl the time seems long, Aad slow ly pass the weary tlays away And slow the weary nights I'm on the wrong Mile ot tour lustres, anil I IUTK uelav : Oh ! goodness gracious ! how long must I wait, lletore i change my hatclul tingle stale ( I've thought of California, several limes, And how they're troubled there for want of wivcs Amid the richest gold and silver mines, The men are nctually pining out their lives A vessel load of girls, would make a mint on And go Off like " Lot cakes," says Dr. Hinton. What say yonj girls, fot by the blessed piper,- We can'lbe worsted any how you know ; WejnAytfSit hero until our age grows riper, And even then iray never catch a beau- A bitslianil ! gold and jewels to adorn ye, Slrongly entice I'm off fur California. (Dwarf) u. .14... (Running) (Winter) do do do ; rifs writer is no doubt greatly enamored, and upon which he has ridden, and yet hopes to ride to a backing the skill' under the guards of the boat and across her lines, uniil'at last the General lost all place, whither Ida talents and merits would never ' patience, and finally exclaimed, " sit down, you carry him. "Taxes !" his talisman his Demo- j drunken rascal, or I'll throw you overboard," and erotic talisman, by which to keep the people poor, and consequently ignorant, that such as he may represent them, and so ahapn the policy of the State that we are never to advance one peg ! ,. .Lei's head him off, and all like him, forever. " llut we have done. Our Democratic fellow citizens are not to bo governed now, by this writer, nor swayed by his views. This is an age of J'ror rcJJ the world "around us is bustling and moving on ahead. Onf people will only be cAeataanduV f rauled, if the State should stand still, inactiie, and, in the race of prosperity, give them no chance. They have demanded, and they 'da demand, vigo rous action. Their will ;.itt( bo respected. It is true Democracy to submit to il, and aid iu carrying it out, this oldtim'ij Democratic light to 'the con trary, notwithstanding. RALEIGH FIRE COMPANY. Agreeably to previous notice, a meeting was held at tlie City Hall, on Saturday afternoon last, when the requisite number havi ig volunteered, a Fire Company nf forty members was funned, of which Alexander McPhcetcra was elected Captain. We did not obtain a list of the other officers. Wu have no doubt the Company will be an efficient one but their chief difficulty, in case of fir?, will be tiiat the town is not properly supplied with wa ter. Ought not our City Fathers to look to it, and make it mors plenty, if practicable ? never did a fellow come to anchor in uuick.r time, to the reliel of us all, particularly when he was safely landed. From the Charlotte Journal, Feb. 21, 1819. Mx. Editor: I was much surprised this eve ning, on visiting Charlotte, to hear a report in cir culation that I intended applying for the Superin tendency of tho Rranch Mint at this place. Such a thought has never once crossed my mind nor have 1 uttered a single word giving currency to that report.' I am neither directly, nor indirectly, through myself, or friends, an applicant for that or any other office. . . .' , " I make this statement in justice to myself, and ; those gentlemen whose names may be presented for the place in question. Yours, .Ie. -. R. UARttlXGER. IT" The House of Representatives of New York has passed a Resolution to present to Maj. Bliss, (who is a native of that State,) a gold medal, w ith suitable inscriptions and devices triplicates of which are to be struck, one to be presented to Mai. Bliss, another to be deposited in the Stat Library, and another at the Military Academy at West Point. CALIFORNIA GOLD AT THE MINT. The Washington Union states that the amount of California Gold deposited at the Mint of Phila Idetphia for coinage up to Wednesday last, was S 53,622. The only coinage of California Gold i ii; quarter eajhand amounts to 52,897 it). CoM'MBtw, 0., Feb. 22d. ELECTION OF OHIO SENATOR. Hon. Salmon P. Chace was elected by the Ohio Legislature to-day Senator of ihe United States for tho term ef six years from the 4th of Match next, in place of Mr. Allen, whose term expires with the present Congress. Ho was elected on the 4th ballot and had 4 ma jority on tho joint ballot. Mr. Chace is a Free-soil Democrat. Wilmington, (Del.) Feb. 2 3 lj o'clock, P. M. An express from Dover, just arrived, brings in formation that (lie Legislature of Delaware mej in joint session to-day for the purpose of filling theJ vacancy in the representation of the State, in the Senate of the U. Slates, occasioned ly tin resig nation of the Hon. John M. Clayton. John Wales Esq., of Wilmington, was chosen to fill the vacancy- - WASHINGTON, February, 27, lPltt. ARRIVALOFTHE VICE PRESIDENTELECT. The Hon. Miluihd Filluoie, the Vice President, elect of the Uuitod Slates, arrived in this city on Sat. urduy uight last, and baa taken rooms it CoUniau'i HoUl. - than W. Field, Frederick Fentress, William Wat' son, Joseph Gibson, John M. Dick, Jesse Renbow and James A. Stewart. (Ircensbutu 1'at. From the .Vi';i IntHlieiiC-r of Sitlnnbty. ARRIVAL OF GEN. TAYLOR."'; After a long and tedious journey, Gen. Taylor has finally reached the Metropolis. . A gentleman who accompanied Gen. Taylor, from Cumberland, informs us that his car Was lit erally waylaid by a party of miners in the vicinity of that place, who determined to ha:; a single sight at the Gennral. In a few remarks which he made to them, he uttered the fulhiarilig senti ment : he said lh?y were the men who developed the wealth of the country, and added, that good laws were all that we wanted, for the AmericaaJ people knew how to take care of themselves, Gen. Taylor, we are happy to state, Is iu the enjoyment of his accustcmed good hcatth, though he suffers some inconvenience from the lameness of his right arm, which was unfortunately injured by an accident which happened to him on his journey. His suite consists or the following individuals : Maj. R. S. Garnett, U. S Army; Col. J. T. Van Allen, of New Y'oik ; Judge Winchester, of Louisiana ; J. P. Benjamin, Esq. ef New Orleans ; Col, Balie Peyton and daughter, of New Orleans ; A. C. Bullitt, Esq. of New Orleans ; Dr. 5! cCor mick, U. S. Army, and lady ; Col. James Taylor, of Newport, and daughter; Howard Christy, Esq., of Kentucky, and lady ; Miss Johnson and Miss Wickliffo, of Kentucky. Among the gentlemen who came from Balti more to meet Gen. Taylor, were his brother, Col. J. P. Taylor, and Slaj. Dusenbury, U. S. A. As the cars from Baltimore were a little delay ed, Gen. Taylor, with his party, came into Wash ington after nightfall, but the stars shono brightly, and tho Railroad track wai occasionally illumina ted by bonfires on tlie route. By bonfires, also, aud the roaring nf cannon and hi'shts of brilliant rockets, was the General heralded into the City, and ihe mass of human beings which blocked dp tne Kaiiroau uepot, rcnnsyivania avenue, on his 'arrival was greater than we bavo witnessed on snv former occasion. The immense multitude accom panied the General s cortege to his lodgings at Willard's Hotel, where, after a short time, he stepped out on the balcony a ad returned thanks to tlie people for their enthusiastic welcome, which were received by deafening huzzas from the im mense crowd. In sortie twelve months I may perhaps return. And with a Wealthy husband by my side And lots of gold to take up our sojourn. In this old city, nlieays to abide : I'll read a lesson to the girls I know, Whenever they complain they want a Jertti. LIZZIE- MARRIED, In Chatham County, on the l ttli tilt., by the Rev. Win. Taylor, Mr. Rttfus II. Jones, of VVake, to Miss Sarah Merrill, Of Chatham. On the lilth ult, at the residence of Mr. Dickie Gait, in Williamsburg, a., by the Rev. Charles Meniger,ode, Of llrandoh Parish, T. L. Skinner, Esq.. of Kilenton. N. C. to Miss Eliza Fisk Hir- woial, da lighter of tho late John R. Harwood, Esq. ! ONION, White Portugal ARTICHOKE, Green Globe : ASPARAGUS, Giant BEAXS, Early China " Refugee (or 1000 to l) " Red Speckled French : " White Cranberry " Large White Lima BEET, Early Blood Turnip " Long do " Early Yellow Sugar " French do GARBAGE, Early May " York " " Battersoit ortJrum Head " " Sueir lmf " large Late Drum-Head " Large Bergen " :'" .- Crcn Globe Savoy " Flat Dutch " Red " CARROT, Long Orange " . Allringhain " Earlv Horn ' CAULIFLOWER, Large t'arlv " " Late Dittch CELERY, White RollJ " Rose Coloured CRESS, Curled (or Peppergrasa) CUCUMBER, Early Frame " : " Cluster " Long Green " ).r White Turkey " Small Gherkin (for Tiuhling) CORN', Karty Golden Sioux " Sweet or Sugaf " Toskarofa EGG PLANT. Purple LETTUCE, White Cabbage . " IeoCoss . . " White Hotter ..- " Early Sib-aria MELON, Long Island Water " Carolina do " , l'ine Apple " Yellow Cantaloup " Green Citron ' Nutmeg MUSTARD, While : " Brown NASTURTIUM. Asparagus, fieaus, Peets, . . liroenli, ' ' Cabbage, : Carrots, CaiilihWer, . Celery, .. : Cress, . Cucumber,. : .. Kgg Plant, . Com, Leek, . l.euucc, Melon, : :, Mustard,'"'. ' Nasturtium, . Oltra,- Onion, ... Parsley, Parsnip, .. Pen-, .. Pepper, Pumpkin, . " Radish, . Rhubarb, ' . S.,isily, .. Seinae'V S jiin-h. Tomato, ; Turinji, . . Ar iuiatic herbs, tirass Seed, andFruilTro.es. Also a lot of Flower Seed, which will he sold at".' thrte senls a paper, as they aw' not of last year's growth. P. F. PKSCPli, Apothoeary and l)ru"i'ist. .: Feb CI -' . -',;,- ..'- .: ft WHOLESALE A.VD RETAIL DEALER IV Di'itp, Cljcmifaisf, & Dm Gtnffsr, FA V li'l"! EVILLE ST RALEIGH, N. C. Mr. rESCl'D would inform bis r.usloni' -y ers and the public in geiieral, lliat lie bus bought ot Dr. JUHMSON Ins entire inter- esl iu Ihe hue concern of PESllU & JOIIXSOY. v and will continue the btniness at the Old .Stand es heretofore, where he will be happy to Hocomn'odulo all that favor him with their orders. His long expe rience in Ihe business he is prosecuting, fluid deter (uinatisn on his part to spare no efforts iolUVE UNI VERSAL SATISFACTION in the Quality of his Uoou, aud the Cheapness of Male,-indue him to be lieve that Purshascra MUST BE SUITED. The Assortuieiit of tioods in his Store is arranger! in a manner to please and gratify OLD, AS WELL AS NEW CUSTOMERS, he havin? spared no ex pense, time or labor lo reril his establishment, and to place, everything in view for those who buy. The ob servation of a moment will be sufficient to discover hi arrangement, uud test the truth ai this advertisement. MEDICINES, DRUGS, DYE STUFFS, CHE MICALS 4. PAINTS. Some portion of those Goods are required by every Country Dealer, and it is to their interest to buy tba best articles at the lowest rates to (rain customers at borne. P. F. PESCUD, Wholesale Dealer iu Drujrs, Dye Stuns, and Chemicals, Fayetttville Stroet. Raleigh, Feb. 16, 1849. 11-ta BLAKE PITTMAN, (LATE Of n.lLlFil, N. c.) CoMnilssion Merchant, Petersburg, T. CJ IVES his special attention lo the sale of all kinds of Country Produce, lbs purchase of Gouds, aud the receiving and forwarding of Goods, liefer to II. F. Moore, Esq. Raleigh, N. C. J has ft. I human, Esq. Louishurg, N. C. (Rocky Mt.N.C, Brattleboro', N. C. ol Norfolk. On the-S3d tilt., at tho residence of Walter R. Moore, of Johnson County, by the Rev. J. J. Finch, Dr. John B. Beckwith, lo Miss Ami Gil bert Thompson. At the Episcopal Church iu Warrenlon, on Tuesday evening the UOtli ult., by the Rev. 0. F. McRae, the Hon. Micajnh T. Hawkins, to Miss Ma ia Ealou, daughter of the late Blake Raker. On Wednesday, the 1 Uh ult., by Win. C. Clan ton, Esq. Mr. John II. Harriss, to Miss Sarah W. daughter of Win. C. Lancaster. Iu Hollv Springs, Miss., on Ihe 13th ult., by the Rev. Win. McMahnn, Mr. Richard II. Hill, for merly of Franklin County, N. C. to Miss Susan E. daughter of Jas. Glover, Esq., uf Marshall County, .Viz. On the Hth ult., by Joseph Gooch, Esq., Mr. Benj. F. Harriss, to Miss Ann E. Rogers, daugh ter of Mr. Samuel Rogers, all ol Granville County N. C. Ot the Mth ult., at Ayersville, Perquimans County, by the Rev. Mr. Snowdcn, Kulicrt W. Lassiter, "Esq. of Oxford, to Miss Catherine B. Skinner, daughter of Mr. Benj. S. Skinner. DIED, In this City, on Saturday last, Miss Lavinia C second daughter of Win. Ashley, Esq. Iong and painful was the illness of this amiable and interes ting young lady, yet she bore Hall with that Chris tian fortitude which discerns in all tlie Providen ces of God, that " all things shall work together for good, to those who love Him." Com. In Smithfield, Johnston County, on the 22d u!l., Mw. Rowena Ridgly, consort of L. U. Ridgly. DEATH OF THE REV. N. II. HARDING, D.D. We have a sadsnd mclnncholvtask to perform ! It is to announce that the Rev. N. II. Harding, 1). I). is no more! He died at his residence, iu Mil. ton. n Saturday evening, Ihe 17th, after a protrac ted illness, which he bore with true Christian for titude, and without a murmur when that day's un went down, death entered the chamber of this Early Siver Skirt " Large Ketl " Yellow Dutch " Buttons OKRA. PARSLEY, Doubled Curled PARSNIP, Large Dittch ' Sugar or Cup Crown PEAS, Early CedoNiilli (Dwarf) " " Wa-diinglon of May " " " Bishops Prolific " " Marrowfat " " Sugar (Edible Pods) " " Marrowfat CP. 11) PEPPER, Long Cayenne " " Bell or Oxhetrt " " Sweet Spanish (a salad) RADISH, lamg Scarlet " Early -Short Top " " ('berry Turnip RHUBARB, (For Tarts) SALSIFY, or Vegetable Oyster SPINAGE, Summer SQUASH, Early Bush " Crook Neck TOMATO, Urge Red " do Yellowy TURNIP, Large English Norfolk fc Purple Top Rtita Baga. " lauge While Flat. Ilaleigh, February 23, 1813. 12. REMOVAL OF STORE! JAMES MTC1IF0RD respectfully informs his fr ends antf the public that he has removed bis .Vlm-it of Ooodt from his farmor stuud to lbs opposite side of Fayetleville Klrcet, NEXT DOOR ABOVE MRS. HARDIE S, aui directly opposite the Market, where they are hi vited to give hun a call, aud continue their custom. On hand, a good assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Sto. He also continues the Tailoring Bunnetn, and will attend to all orders for Cutting uud Muking Gen tlemen's Clothing. Raleigh, Kb. UU, 1&49. 13 W. '('. Dortch, Esq. ai. i esion, .lesso It. rowell, I ; D.J.J. Philips, ( W. M. lAiig, Ksq. 1 L. M. Long, Est!. Wcldon, N. C. James Siniiuoiis, ) . Paiterson, Cooper & Co ) Wills & Lea, Petersburg, Vs. H. F. Ilalsey, ) F. S. Marshall, Halifa. N, C. Petersburg, Feb. 1st. 18111. ; ll-bc To the Patrons of the Temperance i'oiuuiunicator. T OWE an apology to my Patrons for the tempora ry us-iifii .a uf the Comtmmicalor. At the ear nest milieualie.il nf many friends, I bavo changed my location from Piltsborough to Fayelleville, whence Ihe mails diverge in many directions, and by Vfliicli I can send the Communicator more seedily and with mere certainty lo ull my snlwcrilieni. The regular issues of the Conimimieator may be expected as soou as the press can be put in operation snv alsatt two weeks WM. POTTER, Ed. Com. Fv etteville, Fib. 7, 1 W3. LAW NOTICE. CO. BATTLE Imving returned to this City, il I resume the Practice of the Iaw, in this und the adjacent Comities, All business uutrustcd to him, will be promptly at tended lo. lie is prepared lo make out and procure all HOL D1ERM' CLAIMS, of every description, at short no tice, accnnliii" to prnrcribed forms. ltaleigb, August 7. 38 lm. TIMES PRINTING OFFICE. Ot'R PATRONS are informed that tits Priming OHice has becu removed lo the West side of Fuy ellevillo Street, 0?rOSlTE THE CITY HALL, In the Rooms over (be Rlore nf James Lilchford, text data alKive .Mrs. Hurdle's Confectionary Store, where ' we shall be happy lo are onr snbscriben and Iriemls. ' We are prepaieJ to execute all tfnds of "."lob printing ''' - upon the nsital terms, in a neat mid handsome man Bur, and solicit a poi liun of public palroaago iu this lino of business. Siilcriiiio to Ihe Taper anli $1:1 60 per annum in .advance, or $:t UO if not paid before the eipirulwa of six mouths. V THE TIMES will always bs fnrnisbed Cre " mntttfu for O ie Dollar, in advance, ltiit BuUnir.u lioits will be lb .Vfully reeied n either plan. IT Those Mebtcd t IheOfliee aft- iiieited , ' rrnnit their ii-spective dues at o-ir risk when a re ' cepl will be fntvanlcd in their next lwuer, . IU!igh, Feb. S3, ' '