-r-MIV, Ai HA Li MJT JikiiMM4i a If:-. jff.' :' .- ,i.-!.I"i'---'-,-:'- PUBLISHED WEEKLY T,Y CIT. C. KAliOTEAU, EDITOK ll NlOrKILTCK. ill ii ir i.rf i ?J.r v . 1 '-j. is i ii iBi i Iiimmi i fill A. Wl TERMS: saso inu ANNUM, in advance, or $3 COIF I'll MEM' IS tLLlVED LJX HiOMIIS. VOL IL RALEIGH, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1819. TERMS. Tiir lUi.Eiuit Tijiks will be flit In Sulwrnbcn. lit Two Dollars and a half per onmini.'if paid m ad vance. Thrae Dollars will lio charged, it aj ini-nt is d luvi'd fix mouths. T.ii se 'IVnns will he invaria lly adhered to. ADTCRTISrjICTS. For every Sixteen lines, nr Irsn, Oiib Dollar (or tlie fifHT, 8.ii(J TwOTtv-free Ocnt for aoH MtirtiMui m. ertion. Court Orileii, &.n. will be charged 25 jier cent, hirhrr; but a reasonable deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. J I- letters on business, und all Communications ntended for pirblicatioa, must be addressed to the. Editor, and post paid. E. PATTERSON'S ADIVSHS. To the Senatorial voters of the Counties of Bmke, Caldwell aiid McDowell. '.,.; Fkulow Citizens: The Address of the lion. Thomas L. Clingman, on the Icecut Senatorial elec tion in this State, now being exttmsively circulated in the first Congressional District, of which you form a part, contains such unprovoked unii uomcrit- d censure of the course of a majority of the mera- individufil,'' ntthe earliest possible moment. This liuvinir been done by the Legislature 111 IS lb, no loubt to tho great grutilicatiou of Mr. Cliiiinan, 'he Legislature ot IS 18 could not fall to sanction by I: s acts, what seemed to be so eminently proper. I admit, Fellow Citizen', to the fullest extent, my responsibility to you while acting as your represen alive, but I do n t admit anv such responsibility to mo Hon Mr. Clmqmin. On tho contrary, I ni'gh; with great propriety inquire by whit authority be h is undertaken to arraign an I condemn cnlicard, a large m ij'Uity of the representatives of trie p'eple 01 the first Congressional District, for executing the trust confided to them, in such manner as they be lieved their constituents desired, and theirown judg ments approved? At tho time you elected Mr. Clingman as your representative in Congress, uid you invest him with power and authority to super vise the conduct of those whom you afterwards se lected to represent you in tho Slate Legislature? If you did not, then Mr. Clingman has exceeded his powers, and hag not only taken tho liberty to cgn demn your representatives, but, supposing that you had not penetration enough to discover their errors and to award tho proper punishment, ha his kindly, volunteered to tell you ,wli it specific infliction', you should visit upon them "Ywf you should bail th'.m Killi many jriie., and sit earmarks upon them, to Unit they may be incapable of deceiving again.11 . Now, for my purr, as one of those.; representatives, 1 protest against the exercise of any such assumed authority on the part of Mr. Clingman, and utterly deny his jurisdiction in the premises: I am not his represen tative, and therefore he has no right to quest iuiiniy public course. Un the other hied, Mr. Clingiu.m . r ...til-. f-. !... ntltnf tli.it I oars 0! tu V8"" . ; I J, mJ representative, and I have the right to ques should feel myself chargeable with a dereliction of (jou bis CQ anJ to ho)J hin reon;(iW, fl)1. it duty to you, did I not take some notice of u is ani- j I therefore desire to know, and perhaps others of three Judges of the Supreme Court have had their residenca in the West and at the present Unto all three reside in that section. Out of seven Judges of the Superior Courts, sir- of them lived West of Ral eiirh, aad only one Fist of that City.; of tho sere.; last Governors, including the present incumbent, four of them were from tbe West, two from the East, ami one, the present. lixeculivc, Irani the Centre. 1' lie beeretary of .Mate is a Wesieru man. 'lhreo out of the five last publioTreuurers, including the present incumbent, who V from the Centre, were iroui the West. 1 no Comptroller of the rfiaie. al though a n.uivo of the East, was living in the West at the time of his electiou. So that it appears, when you apply tho test abivo inlicutci, to the reference which has been made to the other hih oiiices cf the State, proves just tho reverse of what has been stated. 1 have already extended this Address much far ther than I intended, but there is one other point to which I wish to call your attention, tint you tuny judge fur yourtelves, how far those whom Mr.-Cliug-" mm fin Is so much fault with, have acted differently, from what uk would have done, under the same cir-. etimstanues. ' To ascertain this, forlunaleiy, we are at no loss, for Mr, Clingman has told us, iu no many words, what course ii k would have pursued. 0 lithe, thir 1 page of his Address, he says i " JSting in lu( kiqlt, onmy way to this place, (meaning Washingl on) ich'-ii tic Legislature assembled, and understanding ful ly the condition of things, Iadvistd my personal friends to make no opposition to Mr. Bad'r's election. In fret, I went on so fur as to state, that 1 should, if -A Ktiki'iB fill 'bound, by i,vj formt Co.ntss, to iffl-l so far to parly obligations, as to cast my vote for madversions, aud state some of the rcasona that go verned my course, as one of your representatives, in relation to that important election. It is not my purposo to review, in detail, this Ad dress A large portion of it is devoted to the discus sion of subjects not necessary tor me to refer to ; but there a.re parts of it which refieet on my public jiot,as one of your representatives, in conjunction with oth ers which if 1 failed to notice, would subject me to the' charge of being unfaithful to your interests, and at the same time, wantiug in respect to myself. I have said that the ceusures of Mr. Clingman were unprovoked and unmerited, and, I may add, iu my opinion, they were uncalled for iu every aspect of the case ; because I believe that every Whig mem ber from the first Congressional District entertain ' ed the kindest feelings for Mr. C, and in casting their votes for another distinguished individual for Seuator, they ucled under a high sense of public du- iy, an1! itbic ibiu - j r.. A.l Mia diiiAnrfwt. (Wirfl tn npomotl ity and'eommnnt, and io lie held up as an example forother institutions o imitate or condemn,: I mean tho conferring of the degree of II. D. upon one of that sex which 'i supposed l.le wanting ' iu the physical if not moral qualifications necessary for the successful practice of the healing urt. So far as I an! informal, this is the first instance in this country, or any other, wIilii a female has gradua ted in rit'dtctne, niter having gone through the re gular prescribed cours.; utid terms offtiidy; and in the present instance, it is my duly to add, without the omission orsligliting cd' any branch of study, and that too, in so thorough, a manner as to leave nothing unatleinpted or. un.ittaiiied, which it is necessary for one to know, who expects to practice with honor and success, iu every department of the profession."; . ," Such on instance of self-slicrilicing devoiiotv lo science ; of pereyci;ii. o inidcr dillicuhies an,-l obstacles next tm insuiinountahle ;'of unretnitting, iitlrclaxing toil in pursuit of that knowledge so im portant to, and yet so rarely possessed by her sex,, and that too, for the purpose of mitigating hitman misery, relieving the sick, and extendm: tier sphere of usefulness in tho vojldthi3, 1 say, deserves, as it Will receive, tho hyart-lelt approbation of every generous and humane mind. .. This event will stand triotic motive, and the siucerest desire to promote the public good. , ., , The purpose of Mr. Clingmiui'i Address, cannot be mistaken. Having been foiled in his overween ing and premature desire to be made a Senator, and feeling conscious, no doubt, of the impropriety of his course, iu this matter, ho seeks to excuse him self, by casting blarao on others, and vainly supposes that he can escape the just condemnation which a w,iti him at ths hands of his constituents, by at- tempting to convince them, that in the neglect to promote and advauce AtJ claims to Senatorial digni ty, their rights have been outraged and disregarded. How it is that the right t of the Western section of our State are concentrated iu the person of the Honnruble T. L. Cliugman, I confess I caunot very well see but it is evident from the whole tenor of bis Address, that he desires to make his constituents believe that a Urge majority of their representatives in the lust Legislature, h ive abandoned their n'i'4(J, and the rights of the West generally, by Toting for the Hon. George E. Badger for Senator, and by not Toting for him, the aforesaid Thomas L. Cliugman, for the same station. This, not voting for Mr. C, I take it, is the sum and substance of the complaint the burden of the charge which stands out in eve ry page of the Address, from one end to the other of its sixteen pages. Had the Hon. T. L. Cling man been the nominee of the Whig Caucus, and been elected to the Senate of the Uuited States, then, iu his judgment at least, tbe caucus, of which ho complains, "would luive been as fair a thing as ever mat "and the rights of Western North Carolina thereby fully vindicated and ; maintained. The world, however, would have lost the benefit of his Address, and you, porhaps, wouM have remained in ignorance of "tlv. events of this winter, w at developed prior to, aud connected with, the late Senatorial election. For the part which t, us oue of your representa tives, acted in this election, and for having, in con junction with every Whig member, save one, from tho first Congressional District, cast my vote for Mr. Badger i'or United States Senator, 1 conceive it to be only necessary for my full justification, to as sign out of many, one single reason and that is, I believed my constituents desired me so tt vote. For the grounds of this belief, it will doubtless bo recollect ed by you, that during the last Summer I canvassed nearly every pnrtiou of this Senatorial District, the lr.ei in tl.it State, and on all occasions, both pub lic and private, 1 expressed my preference for Mr. Badger as Senator, and my intention, if elected, to ote for him should he be a candidate for re-electiou. And in not a single instance did 1 hear that prefer ence or intention disapproved, or tho uaine of any other Whig suggested. I am very certain that I never heard the Hon. Mr. Clingman spokesi of, iu connection with that subject or any other, that I now remember, during the Summer Campaign. It was lair then, under the circumstances, to conclude that you approved my expressed intention ; nnd under that conviction 1 acted. If, however, I havo erred In this matter, snd have mistaken your viewj ond fishes in regard to it, I must be permitted to plead a want of knowlejgs of those views and wishes, and respectfully to suggest that for the future you will fee more particular in communicating them to your representatives. J Javing thus slated one of the reasons that induc ed me to prefer Mr. Badger to Mr. Clingman, I m iy be pardoned fur mentioning one other, aliuo' not no eary to complete my jusiiftaatjon ; and this, I feel ssurcd, will be admitted as controlling, even by Mr. Clingman himself. It U, that I might share iu tho honor of ai ling, to some extent, in repairing a misfurhiuc to lis Country over which Mr. Cling man himself mourntd at the Session of IS 10. To understand the force of this reason, and to make its influence purlectly apparent, at leant to Mr. C, It is necessary lint I should he somewhat specitio Ou a certain occasion, in iS40, Mr. Clingiaau made a peech in tlm 8eiute or the Slate, on UiU same sub ject of Suu itoria) elections, in which he expressed Ibe following ssutimcn'i! "Tl great men of thl Ration art Us wealth, anil I regard Utsa misfortune to any eoun'ry, poucssing an individual s g"d '" Cetrge E UaJgK, to fad la f,)ace him in that station, where his zreat tai'.:its nonld be most usefvl " If then, it w is a inisforliiin' the country, iu IS40. tn have (failed, to place Mr. Cadger in tun station where his eie.it talents would be must useful, atuvly, it Was nuit of wisdom in the Legislature i.uostieutly, la mttru: the very firu opportunity of n-pairing il his constituents would be glad of the infortn ition, why it was that he abandoned his post in the House of Representatives, neglecting public duties which his constituents sent him there to discharge, and travelled near three hundred miles to Raloigh, to electioneer with member, for a seat in the Sen ate of the United States? When Mr. Clin?inao shall have satisfied bis constituents of the propriety of his conduct in this respect, he may, with a better grace, and much more consisteucy, becotno the public ac cuser of others. You will not fail to perceive, Fellow Citizens, that our representatives in the last Legislature are not the only persons who come in for a share of Mr. Clingtnau's denunciations for on the first page of his extraordinary Address, he informs us that it has beeu usual heretofore, for " tlte Senators as well as most of tlte other high Officers of the State, to be-taken from the Middle and Eastern portions of the Utate," and that' ''Hearty half a century ago according lo my his) present impression, a Senator was elected residing in the vicinity of Salisbury, near the Yadkin, No one else Iking West of this river has ever, in any olher in stance as far as 1 know, been chosen by the Legisla ture to that station." Now, it is very clear, accord ing to this statement, that all the members from the West, for the last fifty years, are, in Mr. ClingmanY estimation, guilty of an abindoument of Wes'ern rights. Mr. C. himself having been twice or three times a member wtthin that period, can probibly ex plain this great oversight. Who the tjivored indi vidual was, " resiling in the vieinily of SJisbtiry, near the Yadkin," Mr. Clingman does not tell us, but ac cording to the public records of the country, the on ly person ever elected to the Senate of thu United States from the vicinity of Salisbury, was Jude Francis Locke, who wag elected on the 21th of De cember, 1S11, and who set out on his journey to Washington City, but resigned before reaching that plaoe. The inference, however, fairly deducible from the foregoing extract is, that no person living West of tho Yadkin, near Salisbury, was ever elec ted to the Senate of the United Slates. Whether or not it was intended, that while the language used was literally true, it would, from its particular col location, produce a false impression, 1 do not pie- tend to say; but ! can hardly suppose Celt a gen tleman of Mr. Clingtnau's intelligence is" ignorant of the fact, that the late Governor Franklin, of the County of Surry, (the County of Mr. Cliiigaiin's nativity.) was elected a Senator in Congress in 1 7 List, and was re elected in 18U0 thus serving, with but a slight intermission, from the 4th of March, 17UD, till the 3d of March, 1813 ; and that tho late Gov ernor Stokes, of the Couuty of Wilkes, was elected in 1816, to fill a vacancy, and at the same Scssi in was eleolcd for a full term, serving iu the whole, from 1S10 to 1323. These gentlemen, it is true. happened to have their residences on the Horth side of the Yadkiu river, but both of them were West of that river, near Salisbury. Now let us seo how it has been with other portions of the Western part of the State for un ler the old division of Eastern and Western, all the Counties West of K-ileigh, were regarded iu all qutious affecting Eastern aud Wes tern interests, as Western Couuties. Mr. Cliugmau, in the same page of his address, says; that twenty years ago both the Senators, Messrs. Iredell and U ranch, were from the East, aud that since that time the Seuaturs have beeu taken exclusively from the Counties of Wake, Or ange, Caswell and Cumberland. This is true, but even in this case (lie rvesi nss net me au vautage, for three out of the four Counties named, to wit : Orange, Caswell and Cumberland, were un der the old division refered to, considered Western Couuties. But who, let me ask, aided by his vote and influenced, iu 1340, iu giviug to the County of Orango alone, not one Senator on.y, but actually tiro f Would you believe it fellow citizens that this same Thus. L. Clingman, who now complains so loudly of an abandonment of tho rightsof the West, should have so far forgotten those rights himself, as to vote for tno persors, living io the same County, fur United Stales Sonatas, au l lu..t County loo, as he says, in the ceutro of the State ? Strange as this may apperr, it is nevertheless true I What then, became of the rights of the West? Had we then no individual iu that great region who could wear Senatorial honors with bocouiiug dignity I Alas! tint we were then so destitute! Tho Hon orable geutleman who lately aspired to the station of Senator with so much ardol, had not then been to Washington. Ha had not fixed his eyo upun one of those crimson cushioned seats in tho Senate Cu imbcr, and fancied to himselr with what grace and dignity he would fill it. Had he done so, no doubt the members from the West iu the Legisla ture of 1840, would have made the grand discovery that the rights of the Western seotion of tbe State were all embodied in the pereo of the Senator from the Buncombe District, aud that the only way in which those rights could be vindicated and la .in tained, was by transferring the said Senator from a seat in the State Scnuti , to "X in the Senate of the United State. Had they failed, however, to make this important disoorery, they certaiuly would have been as severely lectured fur their want of percep tion! those of 1848 have been, fur similar fail ure. In relation to " theother high officers of the State," which Mr. Clinemaii says have Usually been taken from the Midlltnnd Eastern portion uf the State, I t Ii ink a slight refefewwto the facts will show that in thu distribution of tlil'si-j-the West has no eause locoiin'laiu. Fur 6omeVe.iiT pa jt tn out of the Aim. as the nominee of the mrtv." Of what, then. it, that Mr. Clingman so loudly complains? Of j forth in all future time, as a memorable example of whit hive a majority of the representatives from the wlilt won,.,n can undertake, and accomplish too, i - i when stimulated by tho love of science, and a no- tirst'Congrcssional District been guilty, to merit sucl severe punishment as Mr. C. advises you lo it'.lliet 1 What crimes have they committed, to justify the use of such language as he has applied to them? such. 118 ".TUB 'SERVANTS' OF. Ce.SiRU. MlN.lOKKs" 'wiiiii; slaves'' i'H mho can be ''cajoled or in- TlMIDATICO t.ro AN A B IN IXIN.UCNT- OK YOl'R EUlll r.S.,J Their offence "n'i this evtuil. in wwe'--th?y vo ted fur the Hon. George E. Bidder,- for Senator of the United States and Mr. Clinginin says, if he h til been a member, be would have done the same thing but not being a member, he advised his friends to do it ! ; Now, where is the difference be tween what Mr. Cliugman, if a member, would have done, and what your represent ilivesiii do? Upon the strange inconsistency of the course pursued by Air. C , I leave you to make your own comments, nnd to award your own judgment. - In conclusion, Fellow-Citizens, I havo to express my regret that any necessity existed for addressing 'you ou-this vocation, as it is painful to me to be brought in coutliot with those I havo horetofii.ro es teemed. It was a necessity, however, not of my cre ating. I deemed it due to you, lis one of your rep resentatives, tu say what 1 hnvt in "vindication of my public conduct as such, leaving you to decide the issue which your representative in Congress has made between himself and your representatives in tho S.atc Legislature and with that decision 1 shall be Content. Thanking you most cordially for the generous confidence yoii have heretofore reposed in me, and expressing the hope, that upon proper enquiry, you will be satisfied that that coufiJcnce has neither been misplaced nor betrayed, . , 1 remain, wiih great respect. Your frieud aud fellow-citizen, S. F. PATTERSON. Caldwell County, February 10. 1S40. . PE litors of Newsp apers wh i h ive, published or may publish Mr. Cliiiman's Address, will oblige mc by also publishing the above. j hie spirit of philanthropy. Henceforth it may not ! 1) ' said that medical science is monopolized by man ! a!o:iThe door is this day opened the bar is re j moved which has shut out woman from fulfilling her mission as a ministering angel to the sick, fur nished not only with tho softer atul the kindlier at tributes of her sex, but with all tho appliances aud resources of science : and she takes her rank a mong the disciples of Esculapius Minerva-like, fully armed, tlioneh not with the panoply of Mars. God speed her in her errand of mercy, and crown her efforts with abundant success." '-':' While (he Professor was pronouncing this part of his address, bearing such a noble testimony to the merit, of tho hd'j graduate, the eyes of many of the fair auditors were suffused with tears : litul at its conclusion, a hearty applause gave proof that nuny hearts responded, Amen, to the wish for her success, - Whether it is desirable for ladies to pursue- the study of Medical science, except U schools designed fir females, is a question I &top not now to discuss; but Eliza Ei.ackwill has done it successfully, and I doubt not her future course will prove that Gen eva College never conferred her honers upon one more worthy ta receive them. She is from Phila delphia, and came to Geneva, because several other lljdical Institutions declined receiving her. KVELVS. . Wakk, Co. Feb. 28, 1819. Mr. EniToa : Sir, You noticed not long since the graduating of a young lady, Miss Eliza Black wi!', tit Geneva Medical College, N. Y. and as it inny not be. uninteresting lo your readers, to know suiii'3 of the particulars connected with that event, I send you a slip from tho Syracuse Journal, which you can insert in your paper if you think proper. . Yours..'. G. C. S. GENEVA COLLEGE. Geneva, January, 23, 1S19. The exercises of the Medical commencement were held (Ids morning in the Presbyterian Church; They drew together an unusually large concourse, and til.' spacious 'edifice was tilled in every part, chiefly by ladies, in expectation of seeing what was never seen before by an American undience. Tho course of Medical lectures was attended last year, by a lady. Although she acquitted her self with credit aad propriety, she was the subject of much remark, but regardless of all gossip, she resolutely pursued her object. During the course of study and lectures just closed, alio again applied herself with a view of attaining the honors of the college; and now the result was to be proclaimed, publicly, in presence ef a large assembly compris ing the Board of Trustees, the Professors and Tu tors of the College, the students, citizens and stran gers, and treat numbers of her own sex, who were there to regard her with curiosity, or envy, or ex ultation. . The oxercises wore opened by president Hale, with prayer, and a brief address. Net followed tho presentation of tho Diplomas. All eyes were fixed in expectation. The young men, in groups of three and four at a time, were called upon the platform and received their parchment. Seven teen were graduated. Then was called "DOMINA Black will." Miss 1). ascended the stage. The' audience held their breath. The President rcse, and pronouncing the usual Latin formula, delivered the Diploma into her hands. Instead of turning awaj, she stood a moment, as if something remain ed to bo door, and then, iu a modest but audible voice, said" Ihank jnu, Sir. ll sliall be tlie ef futi of mij life, by OixVt help, to fhed Awior on this Diploma." The feelings of flic audience could be restrained no longer, unJ a round of applause testi fied their interest in this novel and exciting scene. Professor Charles A. Lkk then proceeded to deliver the customary V'diuas to the graduates. At the close of it he s a'al " An event connected with Ihe proceedings of this day deserves some notice oil this occasion, calculated a-i it is locjtcilecMrioc. SUPREME COURT. The Judges of this Tribunal have commenced delivering their OeiMons, of which the following arc tho lirst : I!y UvFFiff, C. J. In McKensio v. Litlle, from Anson, remanding the cause. Also in Arlington r. Screws, from Nash, affirming the- judgment Also iti 1 larpor . Davis, from Duplin, reversed in. part and judgment here for $12. Also in Den ex tli'in Phelps v. hong, from Washington, reversing the judgment and remanding the cause. Also in Daughtry v. Iliddick, in Equity from Gates, affirm ing tho decree'.. Also in Carmichael f. Uay, in 'Equity from Cumberland, directing an ac;'0".'nt. Also in Monroe t. Stutts, from Moore, affirming the judgment. l)y Nash, J. In Ilanliuo r. March, from Davie, affirming the judgment below. Also in Den ex Vein Toole v. Peterson, from New Hanover, re versing the judgment and directing a venire. Ae m to. Also in Coltrane v. Spurgin, from Randolph, reversing Ihe judgment. Also in Dully . Mur- nil, from Onslow, reversing the judgment and di recting a venire de novo. Alio in Den (X dcm. President &.c.of the Literary Fund v. Clark, from Hyde, aflirming tlie judgment. Also in Freeman i Skinner, from Bortio, directing a venire de novo. Also iu State v. Jone3, from Rockingham, rover sins the judgment and directing a xenirc dc novo. Also in Brown v. McNeill, in Equity from Cum berland, dismissing the bill with costs. Aho iu McGuire t. Evans, in Equity from Cumberland. By Pearso.v, J. In Draughan v. Bunting, from Sampson, reversing the judgment below and direc ting a rcitire de novo. Also in Hubbard . Wall's Ex'rs. from Richmond, affirming tho judgment be low. Also in Nixon . Nunnery, from Cumber land, dtiW.ing the judgment. Also iu Lea v. Johni-ton, from Caswell, dismissing the Petition with costs. Also in Cole v. Hester, from Frank lin, afiir;niiig tlie judgment. A'so iu Twi ly r. Sanderson, from Tyrrell, affirming the judgment Also in Tubus t. Williams, from Pasquotank, af firming the decree of tlie Supreme Court. A'so in Howell v. Unwell, in Equity frnmOleavuland, dis missing tho bill with costs. Also in lVgu'ca, v. Pegues, is Equity from Anson, directing a refer ence to tho Master. AIfo in Tilley r. Huberts, in Equity from Orange, disiuiashig Ihe bill with costs. Also, in Ruby r. Ellison, in Equity from Martin, dismissing the Bill. .- A LOCOFOCO BREEZE! To the Editors vf .the Xilitmal -liilcIHgetrer ' WAsiustiTOs, Feb. 2. 1840. Gr.STLCJtr.x: Tlie extraordinary character of i the following letter from Gen. rSrir.i.ns, received , through the mail un the morning of the 2 ith inst., j imposes upon me- the necessity of giving it pub- I licity, with some comments thereon. I have, there- f.re, to ask of you sufneient space in your columns for that pit rnoise. Very. respectfully, yo'i'r o;:c i't, ici .SIDNEY lUiEKSE. Washington, Feb. 23.18-19. Slit : On my return to this country from Mexi co, broken in constitution, feeble in health, and stili siillering under the "effects of wontn!.?, you were the oply man. in tlie city of Washington who re ceived tne with coldness and unkind ness.. When this city honored me with a public dinner, which Was generally intended as a compliment hot only to uie but to my State, you were the. only man who declined to attend that dinner. Voir went further, Yon propagated a; report hero in Washington, and circulated it afterwards in Illinois, that I .was inel igible to the office of Senator ; and this, too, after I had poured out my blocd like water in the battle fields of my country. You published an rtiticle in the St. Louis Republican charging me with in eligibilily doing that which I thought no man in these United States would have been mean enough to do in my case, even if it had been true. You, however, did this, knowing it to be untrue. Oa this subject I have imply to say, thai, had I been defeated by you on that ground I had sv;ru in my heart that you never should have profiled by your success; and, depend upon it, I would have kept that vow, regardless of consequences. That, how ever, is now past, and tho vow is cancelled, by your defeat. Why I address you now is simply this; '-.' In 1810 you gave mo sernething in the shape of a final certificate-of naturalization in Effingham court.. You knew at the time that I was natural ized by law, and by the 'naturalization of my fath er while ! Wag a minor. I told you the circum stances, and, as I then talked of going to Canada in caso of war, you offered to give me a certificate which would simplify the proof in case of diilicul ty. Now, I wish you to give me a letter acknowl edging these facts. I write you ' a private letter for that purpose. I should have sent a friend at once and imperatively demanded such a letter, but I felt that, in disgracing you, I would disgrace the State that made you and myself Senators ; and I aho wished to give you an opportunity to make this acknowledgment quietly. If, however, you persist in your course of injustice towards uie, and refuse this request, I here give you fair warning let the consequences fall on your own head I shall hold myself acquitted both before God and man for the Course I sliall feel bound lo pursue to wards you. ""'Your obedienl servant, JAS. SHIELDS, lion. Sidney Breese. : depeiiJ upon it, I would havo kept my. yrii?.;: aril less of consequences,". Certainly it is f, i uriate for; the honor of the country that this rash " vow" lias been " cancelled" by my defeat I" General, Shields suijLiils his pretensions to a scat in tho Senate to a Democratic caucus of tlie Illinois Le gislature, and i expressly, or by A corrcstKindent of the " WMmington Journa writes from Clinloti, that Bryan Sanders, who was ehatged with kidnapping slave from Johnston ( utility, nil d in hjuipsou tyOunty Jail, Hi Sunday lorlnjdit. Gen. StiiULDS begins his loiter by referring to the wounds he received in Mexico. This allusion seems quite, unnecessary. The wholo country, and particularly the peoplo of Illinois, arc familiar with the fact he bears honorable scars upon his person. For these wounds he has already receiv ed a liberal share offfiympathy from his grateful rounirynien. However, I am not disposed to cavil at this part of his letter. It is a matter of taste that does not concern me. I I deny most positively that I treated General Shields with "coldness and uiikindncss" on his return from Mexico. Immediately on his arrival in this city, I called to pay my respects to him, nod not finding him at home, hit my card, as is the cus tom A few days after this, I met General Shields, when his manner towards me was eo cold and re pulsive that I saw all familiar intercourse was at an end, and of course I did not aitend the dinner given to him. ; I repeat that I did , not treat Gen. Shields with " coldness and tyikindness," for I entertained, at that lime, none other than the most friondly feelings towards him; and I confi dently appeul to tho wholo history up to this time of our personal, professional, and political inter course, to support this declaration. As to his eli gibility to the offiee of Senator, 1 can only say that I "propagated" no "report," here or elsewhere, in relation to it. In conversation upon this subject, I stated to a friend a fact, which the record of the Effingham circuit court would establish, and "blood,'1 no matter where or how " poured out," cannot al ter that record or change the constitution of the United Slates. The assertion of Gen. Shields thai I charged him wi.h "ineligibility" in an arti cle in the St. Ijouis Republican, not only is not true, but is without any color of truth. I positive ly assort, and defy contradiction, that I did not write, nor cause to be written, nor knew until afb r its publication that it had been written, that, or any other nrticle, for that or any other paper, in rela tion to this subject. Niit tho least so of the many remarkable passa ges of this letter of Gen. Shields is the following: ' On this subject I have simply to say that, bad 1 hi en defeated by you on that ground, (the ground of ineligibility,) I had swim in tny heart that you . . y. . i a v ..M I,..., A l,Kll!lt.l I... ...t.r a,t.j-a l. 1 eafc'st implication, mat tie will almlii tlieir w c.-.-.on ; and yet it appears that ut this very moment, he had sworn in his heart tu defeat ths will of the. baity,. 1 iii',i,i.iiia.ed in f,iv..r of 'his- tnont .promi nent competitor ; and in or. lor to acomplUb. h!s purj ose, he' determines to perpetrate an a-sassina-lion; for such is the obvious import "of this lau- ' guage, . Such a design and such a deed are revol- . 1 ting to the American mind, and foreifln to the American character. They are worthy only: of . tlie most infamous ago of Italian ciimc. If our . political contests are to be niingUl w.th, or follow ed by personal violence, how long will our elective system ciiduie? Without further comments, I submit tliisextriiordiniiry passage tothe considera- ' . tinii of candid men, Christians and '.patriot's, who love and respect tlie laws and institutions of our country, and desire to guard and defcnd.thcm a gainst all violation. Geii. Shields says: " hi 13 10 I gave him sojie- . . HUM, U THE SIIAI'E OF A i'lNAL CLKTIFICATE OF SATL-RALizA-nor;," which was " lo. simplify tho proof in case of difficulty.' The naturalization laws -. do not recognize "something" or asythino "in the shape of a final ceriilx ite," to " simplify proof in case of difficulty," or fur any other purpose. How, then, aould I, a circuit Judge, have given him any such paper? The statement has no fact, legal provision, or probability, to support it. The truth is, no such ' certificate" was ever given by mo. lie may, or may not, havo procured a copy of tho record of his naturalization under the seal of the Court, and that is the only certificate I could have any connection with, directly or indirectly. The first and only knowledge I ever had of Gen. Shield's father, either iti connection with his citi zenship or in any other connection, I had derived from an artielo published in tho St. Louis Republi- . can, a short time subsequent to the clcdlioH of Sen ator. And 1 have yet to see or hear of any man in Illinois or elsewhere, who knew that his father was even a resident of this country. Gen. Shields ' says I knew that he being a minor at tlie lime, was naturalized by the naftiralization of his father, because ho"io!J me of the circumstances." Sup pose he did tell me so, (which I positively deny,) does that make it so? Even though his assertion might convince me of the fact, a bundle of certifi cates from me, no matter how strong, would be of no legal value. If it be true that his father was in tin's country and naturalized, is it possible that Gen. Shields should know tho fact, and not know the State and county where it occurred ? When authentic copies of those naturalization papers, if ihey exist, could be so easily procured, is it not strange he should attempt to extort from me by menace a statement which if obtained, could have no legal bearing upon the subject. What tho " consequences" are against which Genera Shields gives me " fair warning," if I per sist in what ho sane man will call " injustice," I am equally ignorant of and indifferent to. One thing is certain, be they wdiat they may, I havo not given, nor shall I give him, any " statement" of the character required, cither "quietly" or upon "imperative demand," In conclusion, I will state that I have neither provoked nor desired tho necessity that has impel led me to make the communication. I resjwctfully submit it under the full conviction that it is called for by ths circumstances. SIDNEY CREESE. WAsnmGTOK, Fobruary 2P, 18 19. J- , HON. D. M. BAliaiXGER. Tho following deserved compliment to this gen tleman, is copied from the last letter of tho Wash ington correspondent of the Baltimore Patriot: " Among the members of the present Con; i ess who decline a re-election to the next one, Is the Hon. D. M. Barringcr, of North Carolina every n di a geutleman, and every inch a whole-souled Taylor Whig. Every body here who knows him, will regret his absence from Congress, wliore for tlie last six years, ho has boon so much a general favorite, even though ho should be ent Minister to Spain, to relieve tho Hon. Romulus M. Saun ders, of the same State, now luxuiiat'ug at the Comt of Madrid." An article in tho Philadelphia North American, speaking of California, aay: Afier the gi!J mania shall have abated a little, our emigrant friends will discover another peculiar quality in California, which will, probably, not b). much totkir li!;mg, namely, that it is a great coun try for earthquakes. At Monton y, according to Kir George Simpson, no lesa than one bvudred and. twenty shakes wi-re noticed during two aueccsfie im nths in the summer of 1S41. Most ofllwfV.uuy he supposed, were very Eliht ones ; in proof that thry are notalways so, Sir George speaks of having seen njar the.town, besides shat'eieJ chuttl. 's. ; 'rent in the earth a mile or so in length, and thiny or forty feet in depth,' the result of a recent eartii qnake. j A friend that yon buy with pinwnii ill U Iw.gbt, from you. ' ' 4 UC ny ws'iimj 'a--' vi iv.a v o t ' ' . -f .-'"

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