TTTV A TT .TTN3TTTdTTTT -- - r7TraTT ir ;PTti A - - - V - f ' .-""." .... ... sa ! rUBLFSHKI) WEEKLY T,Y CIT. C. R.YROTEAU, EDITOR AXD PROPRIETOR. ws TERMS: .2 50 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, OR S3 00 IF FAY9IE.T I DELAYED SIX I-IOWMS. lliillli VOL IT. RALEIGH, FJillMY, JMA1KJIT 1G, 1819. KG 15. . TERNS. ' Tun R.u.i-.igii Tuiks will be sent to Snbscrdieni nt Two Dollars and a half per annum, iif paid in ad vance. Three Dollar will be ehnrged, if payment is delayed six moutlui. These Terms ill hi invuriu- bly adhered to. AMERTISENEXTS. For every Sixteen lines, or Imt. Om Dollar for the first, and Twenty-five Cents fur each suliseqiieiit in sertion. Court Ordeis, &r. will he charged O.'i per cent. higher;' but a reasonable deduction will he made to those who advertise by the year. ' . . U-T Letters on business, and nil Communications litemled for pollination, must be addressed to tile Kuitor, nnd postpaid. . : IMPORTANT SALE OF ttcclaiiiui) Saiamp- aniia, In Xoilh (aroliua. rtll'"! President and Direetors of the Literary Fund .1. l' North Carolina, iu pursuance of certain Reso lutions, paused nt the lasi sussion ot the t,euernl As feinbly, eller for sale, Fifty Thousand Acres of Swamp Lands, roustiuitinjr a part of tho Literary Fund of tho Mute, situated in Hyde and Washington Counties, and em bracing the region lying between Pamlico and Albe marle Sounds. These lend have been drained nt groat expense, under the direction of coinpeUmtfEiigiHeers, and laid itl into Sections. The drainage has been effected bv tvvo main Canals, to-wit r Pimro Canal, extending Irani Pungo Lake to I'lingo river, g.x and u hall miles iu length, with on average width at buttoiu of 00 leet, 'depth six feel and fall twelve feet nnd Alligator Ca nal, from Alligator Lake to Pniigo river, (i miles long, -with an average width at bottom of 30 feet, depth se ven, and fall lou feet ; together with sundry tributa ries or lateral ditches. Theso Canals lire 'navigable for Ratteanx, nnd eniptvmg into tho navigable waters of Pamlico Sound, their mouths are accessible to sca nning vessels. A largo portion of thin "Land abounds 'n Juniper, Cypress and other valuable 'limber, for which the for est of Eastern North Carolina in distinguished. The residue consists Of Prairie, covered with the Cane and Itnmboo, aud in the estimation of tlio Engineers who Min-eyed it, the whole of it is extremely fertile. ,' To lirain Farmers, anil to the getters of Maves, .Heading and Shingles, this land offers peculiar induce ments. To Immigrants in the Ports of the United States, accustomed to a country similar in many respects, this Land offers a soil believed to bo as fertile a any in the North -western States, with easy access to the Sea, and within three days' sail of New York. The Juniper water is pleasant, aud the hands engaged du ring the last two Summers, iu getting Shingles, have enjoyed excellent health. Time and friar e : The Sale will take place in the Town of Washing ton, in Beaufort County, by Public Auction, commen cing on Monday, the 21st day of May next, and will bo superintended by the members of the Board, iu '. person. . Terms; ' The Land will be sold in Sections of about Hit) Acres, according to the Maps and Plates of the En gineers. A credit will be given of one, two, three nnd four years, to be paid iu equal, with interest from tho day of sale. Bond and approved security will be rcqnired, and the title, withheld until the purchase money shall be paid in full. Certificates of purchase will be given, and the titles, whn made, will be warranted. Turnpike Road. At the same time and place, the Hoard will receive Proposals for completing the Turnpike Head from Pungo Lake to the Town of Plymouth. Given under my hand, at the Executive Office, iu the City of Raleigh, this tiib day of March, A. D., 1? 19. CHAS. MANLY. Governor of North Carolina, and ex officio Pres't Lit'y Board, fly order : L. Chcves Manly, Secretary to Board. Bateigh, March 9, 1849. 14 ts PUBLIC SALE. A GOOD CHANCE FOll BARGAINS. ON Monday, the 2d day of April next, will be sold at Public Auction, at the bouse on Fayetteville Street, now occupied hv L. F. Smith as a Refectory, (formerly PEl'PKtt &' HUGHES.) all the Fixtures belonging to the Establishment, Furniture of all kuids, Cooking apparatus, Crockery of evry inscription, (a splendid lot,) with a variety of articles used by fami lies. : And all the Stock on hand, consisting of Liquors f every sort, and of excellent qualities, Wines, ol va rious brands, segars, c. ALSO, A new Northern Buggy and Harness made to or dcr, aud a first rate Harness Horse. L. F. SMITH. Raleigh, March fi, 1849. . 14 It W. It. PEPPER I ERPECTFULLY returns his thanks to the citi i sens of North Carolina, for the patronage he has xoccived from them, while engaged iu business in the city of Raleigh, and begs leave to inform them that he mnv be found at JARRATT'S HOTEL, PETERSBIRC, VA., where he will bo happy to aec his old friends and ac quaintances, aud pledges himself to leave nothing un done on his part to contribute to their comfori aud convenience. 11c hopes his friends will give him a all. Raleigh, March, 6, 1819. 14 ,1m prImev'lnegau, Just Received by JAMES LITCTIFOUD. RKleigh, March ?, 1R I9. It p HEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, a y' prime lot. idl il , . J AM F.S LITCIIFOKD'S, Next door ah.ive .ir. Il.irilie's. Raleigh, March J. NOTICE. A T the Animal Meeting of the Directors of the -L V North ('aroliua Mutual Insurance Company, held mi the 9d January, list;), the following resolu tion was 'adopted: ('Mri'rf, Hint an assessment of five per cent, lie levied on all the premium notes cm-staudiug oil the 2d J miliary lM'J. Notice is hereby irirfin that the above assessment is reijiiired to lie paid at llie Ollice of the N. C. M. 1. Co., in Raleigh, oil or before the first day of May llexi. J AS. F. . JORDAN, Sec. r. S. All letters addressed to the Secretary on bu siness of the Company must bo jmt jiaul, or they will not be taken fioiii the Post Oliiee. . KaWij'j, Feb. 2ii.lij.11). la-3t NOTICE. I SHALL expose at. public sale,' on Tuesday the l.'lth hist., at 1 o'clock, in front of Jno. Skinner's Store, a Slide-seat 111 GOY, (which1 can he altered at pleasure to one ortwo seats, so as to cany two or Tour persons,) mid Harness.. Also, a gentle llnggv HOUSE. Terms, CW,. ' VM. W. JONKS. Louisbu rg, N. ('., March 1st, lf1!l. 13 2t T TOLASsF.S. Just received prime MOLASSF.S, 1VL new crop. For sale by- JAM F.S MTCTIFORI). Next door above Mrs. Har'die's. Raleigh, March 2. . FRESH fiVRDI SEED. WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD. &. Co.. have just re ceived a supply of Garden Seeds, which they warrant to he fresh and genuine,' consisting in part of the following kind, viz i ARTICHOKE, Green Globe ASWAUAUL'S, Giant BliAXS, Early China. " Rfl'ugee (or 1000 to 1) 1 " Red Speckled French (Dwarf) " White Cranberry " Large VV Into Luna (Running) BELT, Hitlv IJIwtl Turnip " Lung do " Early Yellour Sugar " French do CAHI1AGE, Knrly May " " Vork " " . . lialtcraca or Dram Head " " Sugar Loaf " Irgc Late Drum-Head " l,arge Bertren (Winter) do do do " Graen Glnbo Savoy " Flat Dutch " Red " CARROT, lama Orange " Altringltam " Early Horn CAULIFLOWER, targo Early .- 1 " " LaleDulch CELERY, White Solid " Rose Coloured CRESS, Curled (or Peppergrass) CUCUJUJElt, Early Frame ' Cluster . " Long Green " White Turkey " Small Gherkin (for Pickling) CORN, Early Golden Sioux " owect or bitgar " Tusk-.irora EGG PLANT, Purple LETTUCE, White Cubhnge " . . Ice Cos " .. White Hatter "-: : ' Early Siloscia MELON, Long Island Water " Carolina do " Pine Apple " Yellow Cantiilonp " Gruen Citron ' Nutmeg MUSTARD, White " Brown , . . .. ' NASTURTIUM. ': OMON, White Portugal " Early Siver Skin " Largo Red u Yellow Dutch : " Buttons . OKRA. PARSLEY, Doubled Curled PARSNIP, Large Dutch ' Siignr or Cup Crown PEAS, Early CedoNulli (Dwarl) " " Washinglon or May " " '' Bishops Pvolilio " " Marrowfat " " Sugar (Kdible Pods) " Marrowfat (Tll) PEPPER, Long Cayenne " " BellorOxlieart " " Sweet Snatiish (a salad) RADISH, I,ong Scarlet " Early Short Top " " Cherry Turnip RHUBARB, (For Tarts) SALSIFY, or Vegetable Oyster SP1NAGE, Summer SQUASH, Early Bush Crook Neck TOMATO, Large Red " do Yellow TURNIP, Large English Norfolk " Purple Top Ruta Baga " Urge White Flat. 1 Raleigh, February 23, 1649, 13. REMOVAL OF STORE! JAMES , LITCHFORD respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has removed bis Slock of (nods from his former stand to the opposite side of Fayettoville Street, NEXT DOOlf ABOVE MRS. HARDIE'S, and directly opposite the M'rrkct, where they ore. in vited to g ve him a call, and continue, their cut'.oiu. On hand, a g.xifl assortment of DHY.OOODS, j :iwvt:iilli. 'HARDWARE, &c He ids') continues the Titihirin lhiviirt, td will alleiul to all orders fur Culling and Making I i,-n- j tienlen's Ciotiiing. j lt.ii.-igh. 1-Vb. dd, I t:. - 'j j . .From t'no Rioliiiioiid Whig. A COXTUAST. Two years ago, when the sun of the 22d Fcliru arv arose, Ziiclurv Tti vlor was standing on the plains nf Buena Vista, with as gloomy anil forbid ding prospect, to ordinary eyes, as ever expanded before the vision of murt.,1. After along period of inaction, 'to' which he had been condemned by the Government; he was suddenly placed upon a tliea tre of the most ahsorbing excitement and peril. i Ho was now an old mai?,thotiLl) Mill hale and vig- f rotis; he wits a. soldier,' wHh'the' recollections' flf forty years of hard set-vice; since ho had " fleshed his maiden sword" nations had grown , up in the ; fields whitdi his earlv valor illus'frated. and Hour. isiting towns invaded tho forests where the re man learned to his cost that the young Kentucky brave was superior to both Indian valor anil strat egom. .Tli memories of later scene's must have been still more fresh in hn minril ' Without self conceit or'vanitv, lie could not but remember that j tl.e sncient motto of his family, " F.ulhful ami I lirmh." had never been sullied by her hands, and that at Palo Alto, Resaca, and Monterey, he had ! done all that duty demanded;, and had" achieved that success which never nnee in his long and ? vunlful jife had der,orted his standard. But, net--withstanding this, he had seen his ' Government turn upon htm a distrustful look, confine him to a sphere of obscurity, and remove from him the flow er of his army. His eye had gazed with a proud, yet saddened glance, upon the departing banners that lie had so often guided to triumph and glory, until the last baronet of his veterans disappeared forever, from his view. : . Ho now stood alone, sustained, with the excep tion of a few batteries nf artillery, by a handful of volunteers. Before and ,m,l I,;,,, ,i,ifi,r and disclnlined armv oftwenie ibn.,n,l , .;,. to his one, cointnanded by tho first military genius ol Mexico. In all human probability, on the field of Bnena Vista, Tavlov was to close his illustrious career, cither as a prisoner or avion" the dead 'Ml 1 nere was to be llie end of a life consecrated from youth to age to his country's service. There, in a foreign grave, was to be the reward ol the toils, fidelity, and valor of nearly half a ccuturv. But, upon that dismal and forbidding spectacle, the old warrior looked forth with a bosom as calm and serene as if it wero sonie high and joyous fes tival i't which he was a conspicuous 'participant; -Amid that dark and stormy sky the star still shone which he had ever watched, and which had never led him astray the star of Duty. Napoleon knew no such' word as Impossible. Taylor knew no such sentiment as Despair, His immovable self reliance was proof against all (lie storms of for tune, He had faith in that superintending Provi dence winch never deserls those who do not desert themselves ; and Ilopg is the twin-sister of Faith, which always points upwards and reveals a clear sky beyond the darkest clouds. Two years have passed, and what a chance! The sun of another 22d of February arises, and llie same old hero, who seemed deserted by his country and doomed to an inglorious end, advances to the Capitol of the Republic, surrounded by mil lions upon millions ef admiring friends. At every step of his progress, tha air is rent with the shouts of welcome and the joyous roar of cannon ; old men gather about his steps to gaze upon one who brings back to their minds the mire nnd simple virtues of revolutionary times; theNtiiigf to be hold a hero whose deeds of valor have 'immortaliz ed the name of America, and to study a model of exalted and unselfish patriotism ; Women, to cheer with their smiles and blessings one who is good as well as great, and to hold up his example to their children. A nation rises tip to do him homage. Amid all these wonderful changes, there is but one thing altered by time or circumstances tho calm, self-possessed, unambitious soul of the chieftain and the sage. Now, as at fluena Vista, though the centre of the storm, he stands unmoved by its excitement. Whether the wind howls in his front, or fills his canvass with favoring gales, hp holds the hchrt with tlie same steady hand, and guides his course by the s.imo polar s'ar of Right. " Never despair." It is a good maxim in all conditions ol life. Think ol Wash-inutoh. in the daikest hours of the Revolution ! Remember Tat Xor, at Buena Vista ! COLONEL AND MRS. BLISS. " A correspondent writing from Vfashington, iu speaking of the last levee given al the 'Whits House by Mr. and Mrs. Polk, says : " Mrs. Bliss entered late, escorted by her brother-in-law, the Hon. Jefferson Davis. She was dressed with great simplicity and elegance, and was the " bright par ticular star " of the' evening. Her hair was taste fully, though not elaborately dresed, and she wore a simple wreath of green leaves, which might have been woven from tho abundant laurels brought home from the wars by her veteran father and her gallant husband. Col. Bliss appeared in full uni form, and drew theyesof all the ladiesatter him." Judge Eldred, of Pennsylvania, has decided in court, that listening at a keyhole, though against etiquette, good manners, and the clearest maxims of common law i;i a nun, is perfectly legal and pistihable in any individual of the gentler sex 'ow ing to the amiable weakness 'of curiosity whi jtatiiro has iniplaiiled in leinale bosoms. TtlH LA'I'K ADMINISTRATION1. . The r.;ign (for it Ws heen scarcely less) of Jas. K. Polk lias closed, and. ho has returned- to the great body of the people "from whom he wus selec ted four years ago to fill the first office in the world. The four ye-ars of his administration have been a -inong the most remarkable in the hi.nory of the country. Four years ago. the pnrty which elected inn seemed all powerful iiv the Union. Ti'tevhad s"-1 ll,rlt,(. '"one of the severest contests known t0 C"lr ''i';01' lf ml -'liamp"ion of tho Whig l'1,rl-v' The Whigs appeared prostrate, beyond ll,e l'"'cr of overSin Mg thpir heads. The I'rosilloMt an easy task before liiiii. Mo had I,,it ,0 lf"i!tor tho Government according to the policy of Madison and Monroe, in order to have seennvthe ascendancy .which his party had obtain ed.. The desire, however, to insure, what was al ready near'y certain, did not allow him to pursue the lino of safety.- His friends had nlrdo-ed him . I B 10 1110 P00!"6 01 "e htale 01 Pennsylvania as a b''t!or tiir:F ,nan tlwn Mr- Clay, and it had in consiT'-,lel-,cc cast .its -lieavy electoral vote, for him. 0im'"2 hi foAact was to violate the pledge tl", ,1;l'-,r''en -in his favor, and thereby to dis- gust one 'of the most powerful of his suppnrtin States. The doom of the Democratic party was staled for that moment. But the President fell into another, and a still more fatal error. An impression had long prevail ed, that a war policy would' always lie acceptable to the people of the Union, owing, doubtless, to the enthusiasm with which tha whole people -rushed to arms to avenge the piratical outrages of Great Britain, in 1812. Tteiaoncxalion of Texas, too, had decided bin election, and Mr. Polk was under the impression that the acouisition of torritorv I wou'" alW!ys !ls popmaras a war..-.-. I o have a ! warAen, which shou'id be neither long nor dan. s, and to Require thereby a vast accession of territory, were moans of securing the ascenJaitcy of his party for years to come. Out of this belief sprang the Mexican war ; an event which Will be deplored by the Democratic party as long as they continue to regard party triumphs as an object worth struggling for. We opposed that war from its in ception; yet now we conies, we are sorry that it occurred. It devolved the power and resources of our country in such a manner as to command the admiration of the world, and raised us many grades higher in the scale of nations. It brought out the great qualities of our soldiers, who had been repo sing so long in peace, that the world had forgotten how well they fought. It exhibited Winfield Scott in his true character; a character, but for it, he would never have heen known to deserve ; that of the greatest of living tacticians. Above prostrated IOcofocoism, and brought to the aid of his country the great virtues and merits of Zach ary Taylor. Hick. Wliig. - SETTING A TRAP FOR VOTERS. We sec it stated in an account of the proceed ings of Congress, that Mr. Jones, of Tennessee, in behalf ol his colleague, Mr. Andrew Johnson, who was 'confined to his room by sickness, asked the unanimous consent of the House to introduce a bill ' to provide every poor man, and every widow who is the mother of a family kwithn farm from the pub lic lands, without money and without price." Without any particular information as to the slato of Mr. Johnson's health at the time of this request, wo venture to Sty that his affectionate'' constituent neeJ entertain no very serious nppre hension on the score of his illness. Ho was evi dently thinking more of the next Congress than of the next world when ho deputed Mr. Jones to ap pear for him In that behalf. If we mistake not, he was considerably pushed at the last elacliou : aud a little make-weight might be of service at the next. To provide a farm for etcry poor man without money and without price ! What a friend to the " intelligent masses ! -. If ho would add a further clause, providing that all the lawyers, of East Tennessee should be killed or transported for life, no opponent that might venture to take the field against him would hear the horn blow for the next sixteen years. A". C. Argus. SACRAMENTO GOLD. The Courier drs Eiats Um'j stales, that lately a letter from " Maj. William Trr.r., Porssts, Envoy Extraordinary to the United States," was passed atout among tha members of the Assembly in the Chamber, in which the Envoy says: -"There U ' without doubt some gold on the shores of the Sa ' cramento, but it requires a good tlcal of silver to 'come at it" that is, the cost of getting it will be moro or not much less than the value cf the gold when obtained. We shall be pleased if many who are going to California with golden hopes and golden dreams do not realizo-the truth of this remark, before they realize) the fortunes they go to seek. Whoever will consider what -numbers are on their way to the HI Doradn,or that soon will be, must be con vinced that ail immense amount of disappoinment is in resewe for somebody as respects llie pre cious metal. But those who will be content to tinS a healthy and fertile country,and are willing to go Jo work to Improve their fortune after the gmid, old-fashioned, slow-and-stire method, will do well, we think. ." ''"'', . . ' 1 " , The NilTlh Carolina fisher are said to be doiii;? n I fair buaiu'-ssihis season. AN EXPLANATION FROM GE. SHIELDS. The publication of 'tin extraordinary lcttr of Gen. Shields, to Judge Breese, having evoked upon the head of its author a withering rebuke from men of all shades of political opinion, Shields now comes out we see, with a supplementary letter, somewhat explanatory of his former epistle. . The reader will judge for himself how far it palliates the: ruf fianly menaces embodied in his first ldtor to Mr, Breese. . ' . A fard. Wasimnutox, Feb. 2S, 1 8 (9. It is with much reluctance I feel compelled to obtrude on the notice of the public a statement ex- I planatory of a private letter addressed by me, a few days ago, to the Hon. Sidney Breese, and publish ed by him, with comments, in the Intelligencer of this date. The facts are these; Mr, Breese has been for many -months engaged industriously in disseminating tlw most injurious reports concern-, ing me, the only ostensible mpiivu being that tnv friends had 'brought me forward as his competitor for election to the Senate of the United States. T had, ever since my visit to this city, last summer, cognizant of his efforts, unceasing, 'unremitting, apd reckless, to blast my character and rob. me of tho only wealth to which I can lay claim a repu tation, thank God, without a blot. Immediately on my arrival here, I wrote hnn the letter he had published, accusing him of his baseness. That letter, 'written under tho influence of no ordinary emotions, was couched in language which, under otner circumstances 1 would not have used J and upon reflection, and by the advice of my friends, I authorized two-honorable Senators formally to with'. draw it. Air. Brecso declined to yield it up, and the use he has made of it shows by what motives he wasacltiatpd. 1 hat portion of my letter winch lie has distor ted into a threat of assassination, I shall briefly notice.. The means ho used to provent my elec tion were of such a nature that the competition between us became a personal struggle, and as his triumph woulJ have been an endorsement of his calumnies, my character and position were involv ed in the issue. I determined, therefore, as intima ted in my letter, to render such a triumph unavail ing by a thorough exiosure of his charrctcr and conduct, thus turning into a moral pillory the posi tion of Senator of the U. States which he would have acquired by the vilest misrepresentations. Tho interpretation he has put upon this throat- that is, that I had av owed to assassinate him, is so absurd that it would bj equally preposterous on my part seriously to repudiate such a meaning. That any sane man can believe I would have assassina ted Mr. Breese, I have no apprehension. That Mr. Breeso himself ever dreamed of such a thing, is totally impossible. For the controversy in which Mr, Breese would involve me on other matters, I have no relish. I do not think myself warranted, except as in tlu' case of the above statement, for self-defence, in thrnting my persona! concerns on the notice of the public ; besides that, the course Mr. Breese has pursued in relation letter, disentitles him to that consideration which might induce me, under other circumstances, to reply to his remarks. JAMBS 81 II BEDS. THE POWERS OF THE PRESS. The great powers of the Press were never more conspicuously displayed than during the recent session of our State legislature, on the subject of Internal Improvements. When the two Houses were first -organized for business, it would have been a matter of utter impossibility for any gen eral scheme of Improvements to have made its way through either Branch of that body. The Press, with singular unanimity, attj almost with-, out distinction nf party, raised its hundred voices in support of this paramount subject, and the pas sage of the Central Railroad Bill and other im portant measures that will redound to the lattinn' honor of llie legislature of 1818-9 were the re sults of this united effurt. Without it they could mt have passed. And what does this grand a chicvemcut demonstrate ? Tho wonderful influ ence for good or for evil, that this great moral en gine the Press, is capable of exerting when all its machinery draws public opiuion in the same right line, instead or it in different direction, and thus keeping it in a slate of suspension, like Ma hbinel's coifin, between opposite magnets. What a pity that it does not devote less of its ti ne to Federal politics, and more to the nffairs of our own State to the encouragement of its industry and the de-relopnient of its great resources ! Were it to do this, then would it fill its high destiny, and bo indeed the grit Palladium of the land the image of Minerva that fell from the heaveus at the building of our City ! .V. C. Argvs. ' Among the acts passed, by .Congress, is one ap proved on the 2 ttli iust., giving five year', half pay to 'the widows and orphans of every ofilcer noii-cenniiWioued officer, aud private, who served during Ihii late war with Mexico, and was honor ably discharged, or continued In service to tho time of his do-utli, and whoso death was in conse quence of wounds received, or" diseases contrac eil within the htio of duty." - - li is said the t' of Ibsk.n has resigned his oilier. VAsni.vr,-Tos. Feb. 27, 1S49 Im (lie debate, last night, in the House of Rep. ivsenta lives, Mossrs. Venable'of North Carolina, IWden of the same State, and Palfrey of Massa chusetts, were among the Speakers. .- Mr. .Tenable is a Southern fanatic Mr. Pal Trey is a Northern one. : Oh-would let out (he last drop of his blood before he would allow the North to draw chains around the slaves of the South, and debar their owners from taking them to California- . or New. .Mexico, should said owners ch lose to re move to thoje regions. The other would let out tha last drop of blood in his veins, before he would al low of the expansion of sluvrry tu the new terri tories in question. So Mr. Tenable' discoursed, So Mr. Palfrey discoursed.: Mr. Venable talked much about, and, as usual, highly prn ised his constituents. 1 1 e en praised slavery and his slaves, and told how handsomely lite latter received him whenever he returned, after anabsence, to the bosom of his fam- ly. I hey are a great peonle. black and white in Mr. Vcnablc's district, unquestionably a rery gmit fopic, ' y ' Mr. Palfrey talked also in a very patriotic strain. Ho would do as much for his constituents as the1 gentleman from North Carolina would do for a Southern Constituency, every bit of it I his being the state of the case, as rcrMi-dad these worthy antiode fanatics. Mr. BovJen pounced upon them both like a hawk upon his prey, and the way he made the fanatical feathers fly North and. South, was a little the most ainus- , ing and entertaining of any exhibition which has, as yet, taken place during the session. 'Ihese gentlemen, he contended, ware highly honorable and patriotic, and possessed of exalted ideas and notions. They were puro and disinter ested. They were not speaking here with any now of influencing forthcoming elections in their respective Congressional districts oh, no ! those elections taken place, of course ! Had they not ? Some said, however, that they had not ta ken place. Some would have it that the election in tho district represented by the gentleman from Massachusetts, was to take place in a few days, and that the Congressional elections in North Car olina were to come off on the 22d of August next. If so, the honorable members must have both for gotten the fact, for they were too patriotic and dis interested to make these kigh-toned speeches here purely for bunormhe! But I will not undertake to do justice to Mr. Boyden in this matter. I cannot do it. He ad ministered a rebuke to the two extraordinary poli ticians in question, which will not soon be forgot ten. His speech was a brilliant one, and, when published, will be read with pleasure. He look the conservative ground, and most ably and gal lantly maintained it. . KISSING. Jacob kissed Rachel, and lifted np his Voice and wept. SCHIPTUHE. If Rachel was a pretty girl, and kept her face clean, we can't see what Jacob had to cry about. .V. O. Gluhe How do you know but that she slapped his face for him ?-A. O. Delia. v, Weering, is not mifrequenlly produced by ex. treme pleasure, joy, happiness it might have been so in Jacob's case. Whig. Gentlrm n hold your tongues. The cause of Jacob's weeping, was the refusal of Rachel to al low him to kiss her agin. Taylor Flag. it is our opinion that Jacob wept because ha had not kissed Rachel before, and ho.wept for the time he had lost. Age. Green, verdant, aHof ye. The fellow wept be cause the gal did'nt kiss him. Mari. American. ' - Nonsense, Jacob wept because Rachel told him to ' do it twice more,' and he waa afraid to. Dfm. and Freemen. Ridiculous ! there is not a true Yankee anions; you. We ttcis Jacob cried because Rachel threatened to tell her narm.-Sracca Union. ' There, you are .wrong again ; ho wept because thcro was only one Rachel to kiss. Rat. tier. Oh, yon get out ! He wept for joy 'cause it tas ted so good. Mail. ' : . ' ,t We reckon Jacob cried 'causo Rachel had been eating anions OP . ' Our own ojiuion is, that Jacob wept, because he found, after all," it was nat half what it was cracked np to be." R. Whig. ' IMPORTANT DECISION. A caso has deen decidod before the Court of Ap peal of Maryland, involving the constitutionality of the law prohibiting the sale of .liquor on the Sab bath. .The Court decided thattlie State hsd the right, under t! Constitution, to pass the law in question. - . , : ' ' " "" ' , A WashiasrUm letter ay lht Genets! Taylor baa written to (Jeneral Sfitt,"invitiiig him to return ud make Wnaliingtou hu head-quarters. ' . Hie main lino of the Pennsylvania faun's wit! be opened fir uaviKutiouoii the lOlh luUut, if tlw weall. tr jM-rimis. ' ., ,; .... ." '"" ' The. Nashville Banner menlious the appearance of notes of the Planters' Hank of Tennessee, altered urom ' -ne-to two and lire dollar. - '

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