: Jrll:- llluii "LI zlKo PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY CIT. C. RABOTEAU, EDITOR AXD PROPRIETOR. llilkM TERMS: $2 50 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, OR $3 00 IF niMIEXT is: delayed six siomus. VOL II. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1819. NO 16. . TERMS. Tint Rai.f.ich Timks will be sent to Subscribers at Two Dollars and a half per annum, hf paid in ad vance. Threo Dollars w 11 be charged, if payment, is delayed six months. These Terms will bo invaria bly adhered to. ADVERTISEMENTS. For every Sixteen lines, or lew, One Dollar for the first, and Twenty-live Cents for each subsequent in sertion. Court Ordois, &c. will be charged 25 per cent, higher; but a reasonable deduction will be made to those who advertise by tho year. ... ITT Letters on business, and ull Communications ntended for publication, must be addressed to Editor, and pout paid. the NOTICE. A T the Animal Meeting of the Directors of tho North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company, held on the 2d January, ie-19, tho following resolu tion was adopted: Rcxolretl, That nn assessment of five per cent, be levied on all the premium notes out-standing on tho 2d January 1841). Notice is hereby given that the tibove assessment is required to be paid at the Office of the N. C. M. I. Co., in Raleigh, on or belore tho hrst day of May next. J AS. F. JORDAN, Sec. P. 8. All letters addressed to the Secretary on bu siness of the Company must ho ;( paid, or they will not be taken trom the PoslOfiice. Kab-iifli, Kb.2(i,ldl'J. 13 3t IMPORTANT SALE OF , Ucclaimcb Summp aitH '. In North Carolina. THE President and Director! of the Literary Fund of North Carolina, in pursuance of certain Reso lutions, passed at the lust session of the General As sembly, oiler lor sale, Fifty Thousand Acres of Swamp Lands, constituting a part of the Literary Fuudof the State, Situated 111 UVUe una ivasiilllgiou vouuues, mm em bracing the region lying between Pamlico and Albe marle Sounds. These lands have been drainod at great expense , under the direction of competent Engineers, and laid off into Sections. The drainage has been effected by two main Canals, to-wit: Puugo Canal, extending from l'uiigo Lake to Pungo river, six and a half miles in length, with an average width at bottom of 22 feet, depth "six feM and full twelve fect-r-and Alligator Ca nal, from Alligator Lake to Puugo river, 6 miles long, with un average width at bottom of 30 feot, depth se ven, and full ten feet ; together with sundry tributa ries or lateral ditches. These Canals are navigable fur Battuaux, and emptying into the navigable waters of Pamlico Sound, their mouth are accessible to sea going vessels. A large portion of this Land abounds n Juniper, Cypress and other valuable Timber, for which the for est of Eastern North Carolina ii distinguished. The 'vendue consists of Prairie, covered with the Cane and Bamboo, and in the estimation of the Eagineers who surveyed it, the whole of it is extremely fertile. To Grain Farmers, and to the getter! of Staves, Heading and Shingles, this laud offers peculiar induce ments. To Immigrant! In the Port! of the United States, Bccustonied to a country similar in many respects, this Land offers a soil believed to be as fertile as any in the North-western States, with easy access to tho Sea, and within three daya' sail of New York. The Juuiper water is pleasant, and the hands engaged du ring the last two Summers, in getting Shingles, have enjoyed excellent health. Time and place : The Bale will take plac in th Town of Washing inn, in Beaufort CountV, bv Public Auction, commen- .Miiir on Mondav. tho 21st dav of May next, and will be superintended by the member! of the" Board, in person. ' Terms s The T.anrl will bo soil in Sections of about ICO Acres, according to the Maps and Plate of the En gineer!. A credit will be given of one, two, three and four years, to bo paid in equal instalments, with interest from the day of sale. Bond and approved security will be required, and the title withheld until the purcnaie money wiuu ire paid in full. Certificates of purchaso Will oe given, and the titles, when made, will be warranted. . Turnpike Road. At the same time and place, the Board will receive Proposal! for completing tho Turnpike Koad from Puugo Lake to the Town ol 1'lymoutn. ;ivnn under mv hand, at the Executive Office, the City of Raleigh, this 6th day of March, A. D., 1849. CIIAS. MANLY. Governor of North Carolina, ' , ! and ex officio Pres't Lit'y Hoard By order : . Xj. Curves Manly, Secretary to Hoard: Hirfeigh, March 9, 1810. 14 ts MOLASSES. Tint r. eivid piirae MOL fcES, new crop. For snle by JAMES LITCHFORD. Raleigh, March 2 Next door above Mrs. Hurdle's. PUBLIC SALE. A GOOD CHANCE FOR BARGAINS. ON Monday, tho 91 day of April nexl, will be sold at Publu Auction, ai the house on Fayettoville Street, now occupied by L. F. Smith us a Urfeclory, (formerly PBI'PER &. HUGHES,) all tho Fixtures belonging to the Establishment, r urnitnre oi an kuius, Cooking apparatus, Crockery of evry description, (a splendid lot,) with a variety of article! used By fami lies. And alt tho Stock an hand, consisting of Liquors f every sort, and of excellent qualities, Wines, of va rious brands, Segars, &c. . -' also; A new Northern Buggy and Harness made to or der, and a first rate Harness Horse. L. F. SMITH. Raleigh, Marcli G, 1849, J4-4t ' : B W. R. FEPPER RESPECTFULLY return! his thanks to the citi zens of Norm Carolina, for the patronage he has received from them, while engaged in bntimm in the ' eity of Raleigh, and begs leave to inform thorn that he may be found at . ; JARRATT'S HOTEL, PETERSBURG, VA., where bo will be happy to soe his old friends and ac qitaiutances, and pledges himself to leave nothing ua ilono on his part to contribute to then comfort and convenience. .. Ho hopes his friends will girV Mm a call. Raleigh, March, 6, 1849. ', 14 3m ; rRIME VINEGAR, Just Received by ' Saleigh, March 8, 1?49.- JAMES LITCHFORD. 14 CIIIEWINQ AND SMOKING TOBACCO, 1 prime lot.- Gull TAMES LITCHFQRD'S, Next dear abovo Mrs. Uardie's. r.aV'jti, Marcli 3. Hub FAMILY ROE HERRIMS. BARRELS and boK barrels . for sale by SEAWELL & ME D igb, Feb. 23, 18 III. 12 FRESH CARDE SEED. IT7ILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, A- Co., have just re- V ceived a supply of Garden Seeds, which they warrant to be fresh nud genuine, consisting in part of the following kind, viz : ARTICHOKE, Grctn Clobo ASPARAGUS, Giant BEANS, Early China (Dwarf) Relume (or 1000 to 1) " " Ked Speckled French " " Wliitc Cranberry (Running) " Larue While Lima " BEET, Early Blood Turnip lmg do Early Yellow Sugar French do CABBAGE, Eailj Miy ".; v i orK ";".'" llattersca or Drum Head " Sugar I.oaf Large late Drum-Head Large Bergen (Winter) Green Globe Savoy do Flat Dutch do Red " do CARROT, Long Orange ' Altnngham Early Horn CAULIFLOWER, Large Early " Late uutcn CELERY, White Solid Rose Coloured CRESS, Curled (or Peppergrass) CUCUMBER, Early Frame Cluster ; Long Green White Turkey ' Small Gherkin (for Pickling) CORN, Early Golden Sioux 1 Sweet or bugar 1 Tuskarora EGG PLANT, Purple LKTTUCE, White Cabbage ice Cos3 " White Butter Earlv Silcsr.ia MELON, Long Island Water " . Carolina do " Pine Apple " Yellow '. antaloup " Green Citron ' Nutmeg MUSTARD, White " Brown NASTURTIUM. ONION, White Portugal " Early Siver Skin Large Red : " Yellow Dutch " Buttons OKRA. PARSLEY, Doubled Curled PARSNIP, Large Dutch ' Sugar or Cup Crown PEAS, Early CecloNulli (Dwarf) h Waslnnr'ton or May " " Bishops Prohlio " " '.',. Marrowfat " " Sugar (Edible Pods) " Marrowfat (Tall) PEPPER, Long Cayenne . " : " Bell or Oxbeirt " " Sweet Sparrith (a salad) RADISH, Long Scarlet " Early Short Top " " Cherry Turnip RHUBARB, (For Tarts) SALSIFY, or. Vegetable Oyster SPINAUE, bummer SQUASH. Early Bush " Crook Neck TOMATO, Large Red " io Yellow TURNIP, Urge English Norfolk " Purple l op Kuta uaga " Large White Flat. Raleigh, February 23, 1849. 13. WIXD0W CLASS. A TiAROE anmrtiniil of Window (.lass, of all -A- sizes, by the box, for sriln bv SEAWELL & MEAD. Ralei-h, Feb. 2.1, IS 19. W. FRI'IT TREES. . THE Subscriber has .just reri-ived a supply of choico Fruit Trees, from T. Perkins' celebrated Nur sery at Burlington, N. J. consisting of lVuelus, Apri cots, Nectarines and Cherries, in great variety, und, with the view of effecting sneeiiv sales, will sell them low. P. 1'. PEsCLD, Druggist. . Raleigh, Feb. 23. i -' .... CiRAKS AMI TOBACCO. Chewers und Smo kers will find at mv Drug and Apothecary Store some very superior Tobacco and Cipjars. i'. r. I'Mitii. Fell. 23. 1-' 1 1HOSPHENK GAS and LAMP OIL, just re ceived, and for sale at Feb. '.'3. P. F. PE.SCUD'd Drug Store. Cl.iMPIIOIl CAPSULES, a fine article for isick I Head Ache, iust received and for snle by Feb. 23. P. F. PESCl'D. UJl'BE PASTE A superior article of Jujube Paste, just received, and for sale bv ; lib ai p f ri'sc un (aitDE.V SEEDS. fipifE Rulwcnher has just received bis supply of J. liurden nnu ,niss aeons, wincii no wnrniiits io fresh und genuine, consisting in part of tile usual Varieties of the following kind, viz : i P. r. PESCUD, HOLES ILE Q RLTIIL liElLER l Pntiu, (Tljcmicals, & Dire Stuu3, FAY ETTKVILLE ST. R ALe7i;II,N. C. tMr. l'ESCUD would inform bis custom ers and tlie public in general, thiit be bus bought or Dr. JOIlN.sON his 'entire inter est in the late concern of I'ES(M)& JOHA'SOV, and will continue the business at the Old Stand ns heretofore, where he will be happy to accomn-odute nil that favor him with their orders.., His long expe rience in the business he is prosecuting, and n deier ininntiitii on bis part to spare nni'iiurtR.tnClVE.l'NI. M,UsALiSAll!FACTON In the Quality of bis (ioods, and the Cheopneiw of Sale, induce him to be lieve that Purchasers MUST lilO SCnT-D- The Assortment of Goods in his Store is nrrnngi'd in a manlier to please und gnitifv OLD, AS WELL AS N bV t;lJWl OMI'.l(S, he having spared no ex pense, time or lulwr to relit his establishment, and to place everything In view lor. those who buy. The ob servation of u moment will lie sullii.-ient to 'disco cr his arrangement, and test the truth ol this advertisement. MEDKlNLS DIUt.s D H M I 11 's, 1 11L Mlt AI.S & PAINTS. Some portion of theae (ioods are required by every Country Dealer, und it is to iheir interest to buv tho best articles at ihe lowest rules to l"ii customers at borne. P. F. l'ESCUD,. Wiolesale Deuler in J)nigs, l;)yp Stuffs, and Cheiuieals, Fayetteville Strut. Raleigh, l ob. Hi, lMl'J. ll-ia , From the Philadelphia Impiirer. Tlie liglits and slr.uluws of real, life are often in painful' contrast. The extremes in a crowded me tropolis -arc indeed widely apart. Wealth and pomp, and power, and pride, may be seen basking in the sunshine of prosperity in one 'section vi thi; city, while in another poverty and want, and '.ve.ik nc?s, und wretchedness, may he found dniggins on a weary existence, and almost liesitaling be tween life a nil death. The oases, too, are not rare, in which llieae contrasts, are. still more startling; in which tlio indigent of curly youth will bo re cognized among the uflliient of the present lime, and the rich mm of a 'former d.iy be discovered in '.he very'deptha of indigence, and sometimes of crime. But in no case thotild wo wholly despair. There is an avenue to every heart. .'There are seasons when the moat hardened may b softened. Somewhat more Ihan a your ago, a" gentleman of I'liiladubimi was invited by a friend in New York. to visit the uotoiioiis' " Five Points," tinder the guidance of a police officer tlie object being t Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Brocoli, . . Cabbage, Carrots, ; Cauhtlower, Celerv ( ress, I ucuuiber, l.gg Plant, Corn, Leek, . Lettuce, Melon, Mustard, Nasturtium, Ultra, Onion, .Parsley, Parsnip, Peas, Pepper, Pumpkin, Radish, Rhubarb, Salsny, Hpinage, . Squash, Tomato, ' l uruip, Aromatic herlts, (rHs Seed, and ! ruit '1 rees. Also a lot of I lower Seed, which will be sold nt three cents a paper, aa they ure not of Inst year's growth. P. F. PESCUli, Apothecary and Druggist. Feb 23. . 12 R1CE.A Ciisk of FRESH RICE just to hand, and for sale by JAMES LITCHFORD. Next door above Mrs. Hardie'a. Raleigh, March 2. : BLAKE 1T1TMAN, (I.ATU Or HALIFAX, H. C.) touimissiou Mmliant, I'etcrsburff, Va, CI IV Es his speend atienlion to the sale of all kinds ' ol t nuiilry l'niduce, the purchase oi boous, und the receiving and forwarding of Goods, lieler to H. F. Moore, Esq. Raleieh, N. C. 'l'ho's K, Thomas, Esq. Louisburg, N. C. ( Rocky lit. N.C. V . T. Dortch, Esq iu. wesion, Jesse, il. Powell, ) ,,. , , D.J. J. Philips, DmltliW, N. C. XV. .U. lioug, Ksq. L. M. Long, Esq, James Simiuoiis, Patterson. Conper . Co W ills & Lea, Petersburg, Va. P.. F. Ilalsev, - ) F. S. Marshall, Halifax, N, C. Petersburg, I'eb. 1st. 1S-W. . 11-bc Weldon, N. C. VARNISHES large supply of ( oaoh, 1 urnitnre, Polishing and Japun V armshes, just rece.ved and for sale bv Raleigh, March 8, 18-19. P. F. l'ESCUD. SCHOOL IV li:iMvLIMO. 1 SCHOOL will be opened in the town ol Frank linton, on the 15th of January next, under the caro of Miss REBECCA FURM AN.wlio has tes timonials of Ihe most satisfactory character from Mr. and Mrs. BoJjiutt, tonnerly of Louisburg, un der whoni she received lier education. She has lso certificates from several other persons, inclu ding three or four 3inisters, some of whom have known her from early life. Miss Emu has latelv been teaciung the School at Dr. Edward Speed's, in Granville, where, by lier indefatigable attention to her School, she has given entire sutis- uiction. Terms per sesstos or five siortnis : For Rmiding, Writing, Arithmetic, and En- clisli (jrainmer, $8,00 All the higher branches of an English Edu cation usually taught in Female. Schools, 10,00 Music, 15.n0 French, 8.(0 It will be seen that this Scho.l is now offering inducements and advantages to Parents seldom of fered to any community... Frankliiiton is proverbi ally a healthy location ; and Pupils entrusted to her care will receive every attention necessary to their intellectual training. Any person wishing further info'rmatio'i in rela tion to the School, can address llev. R. Fjjkmak, P. ill. at Frarklinton. Refer also to the Editor of this paper. Franklmton, Dec. 22, 1848. 4 tf. REMOVAL OF STORE! piHOCOLATE Drops and Lozenges of all kinds, vjust opened, unu lor sale liy P. F. TESCUD. Raleigh, March 8, IS 19. GUM DROPS -ti-iust received and for sale bv Rulcigh, Marcli 8, 1819, 4 most excellent article for Coughs, Colds., etc., P. F. PESCI'D BVI RIM. A fresh supply of liny Rum. just received, at i. p. r. PEsci'irs Ding More. Raleigh, March 8, 18-19. risn hooks. larse let of 1 ish Hooks of tho most approved ----kmds, just reoeivetl auu tor sale bv P. F. l'ESCUD. Raleigh, March 8, 10. .volold the gratification of enridbity, and the in culcation of a moral lesson. The invitation was accepted, and the party, soon alter nightfall, pro ceeded to penetrate into somo of the deplorable mysteries of the commercial metropolis of the Ne .v f orld. It is unnecessary lor us to enter into all the details. They would form only a twice told tale, and prove any thing but agreeable. Our friend, however, as he paased throngh one of tho most wretched portions oi the Points, had his at tention arrested by a face tnat lie thought he re cognized. He paused I old, familiar memories came over hun, and he mentioned the name of a school mato, an early friend of Ins boyish year ! I'lie bloated and disbgiii'ed being was roused by the utterance of bis name by a stranger, and espe cially as tlie (one was one of regret, not unmingled with regard. His story may soon be told. Ho was a gay youth, fond of the delights of con- vival companionship, und even before he attained the years ol manhood, he was a drunkard. Many expedients were resorted to to reclaim him, but without success. At last he became a gambler, then a forger and then a convict. His poor old father, who had exhausted all Ins means to rescue lnm, descended broken hearted to tl.o grave, tlia erring was still a young man, comparatively speaking, only thirty-live years of age, possessed hue talents, and was highly educated. But in temperance had become a disease with him. lie had attempted more than once to wrestle with and conquer the Rum-Ficnd,but in vain. He admit ted his error, deplored it, spoke feelingly of the past, and asked if Ins mother still lived. His friend be sought hun to make yet another effort. He liesi tated at lirs.t, said that it was idle, that he had lost all self-respect, sell-command and Bolf-relianee, and felt that he would sink intcra dishonored grave. Rut ins Inend urged, persuaded and at last pre vailed. He took lnm to a mercantile house in New York, wnere he stated the facts confidentially and obtained for hitn a situation. The selection was mo-t fortunate. The firm consisted of two brothers; true christians and philanthropists, and thev entered heartily into the benevolent enter prise. Their policy was one of kuidnas eonji- dcnce-gcneruiitii 'Thev' appealed to the heart nt,.-!- vi-hieirre n.. tonclled llie feolin2a ' ,han STORMING A NLi;sr.P.Y. 'Tis now the very witehiu'i time, of niiilit ; and itself broathesojit cunlagiuu to the yt-riJ !" Thus thought Watchman No. 5, as a dark ' and stormy iiiht.ime three weeks tlnce.he paced wearily -up and down Cirod street, and I'oWed more closely -about him his heavy cloak, as the rain, dri ven by the wind, came beating against him. With a slow and measured tread he wended his solitary way, peering cautiously into the da:!: alleys which abound in that neighborhood, aiid his vivid .imagi nation pictured to him the forms of robbers and as sassins, watching in the jjoyut for an opportunity.' to 'full upon their victims.; No. 25 was in the mid die, uf a block, drawing a very disagreeable com parison between his present Situation, wet and cold, and his own comfortable, bed at home, which Mrs. No. 25 was doubtless thet enjoying, when be was suddenly awakened from bis reverie by sever- . al cries and moans, as j F, indeed, bloody murder was being committed. The sturdy J' guardian" stopped short, and soon ascertained that tho cries proceeded from a gloomy looking shanty hard by, with its doors and window-shutters close barred, as if with a view of preventing interference from without in the deeds being perpetrated inside. The watchman, with' a -light and cautious step, approa ched the place, and with a greedy ear listened to the sounds of agony, intermingled with appeals for mercy, which fell with startling import upon his ear. That eome outrageous act was beins com milted No. 25 was now convinced ; and ho debat ed with himself what course he should pursue. No. 25 does not lack courage; but, in estimating the odds there would probably , be against him, if he entered the place alone, he came to the conclu sion that discretion, in such a case, was indeed the better part of valof , and he rushed from the spot in pursuit of assistance. In a few minutes he was enabled to called file or six of his brother watchmen, to whom, in broken and hurried sen tences, he communicated the awful state of affaire in Girod street. No. 25 having reconnoitred the premises, was appointed to lead the van, and with hurried steps the party proceeded to the spot. When in tho immediate vicinity of the scene of murder for nothing short of that was supposed to have occurred men were posted in different pla ces to prevent the escape of any one from the hw-:e, and No. 25 then gallantly led his party to the charge. They entered a narrow and gloomy al ley, and soon came to tho door of a room' within which the sound of voices was heard speaking in a low tone, and the trusty watchmen were sure of making a capture. The door was tried and found to be fastened ; but No. 25's blood was up, and with one awful lunge he went through the door, and stood face to face with a midwife ! holding in her arws a very diminutive specimen of human ity, which had just made its entree into this wicked world! Had No.. 25 been "ailed to the flocr, he could not have seemed more like a statue ; and whon he recovered himself sufficiently to turn his head, and inquiringly look at his companions, a loud burst of laughter rang in his ears, making him feel keenly how bad ho had been sold. THE WIFE'S FRIEND. Important to those about to become Mulhers. . PROFESSOR ALEXIS V.PAUlITAN.ot the Paris Lvi.vo-m Hosimtai,,' member of the Medi cal Acadnny of France, Corresponding Secretary of tlie Paris Pharmaceutical College, respectfully begs leave to announce to the Italics uf America, that he has appointed DK. JEROME Y. C. KOPENHCR TY, of New York, bis sole American Agent, for the salo of his wonderful medicine, known in France as THE WIFE'S FRIEND, or MOTHER'S ASS1S 1'ANT, the most extraordinary medical discovery the world lias everseen. Its province is to LESSEN THE PAINS OF CHILD-BIRTH, and 'promote a BAFB, EASV, ANIlbl lLUV JH.MV Ml , which It , . -t - i :: ' I j i... .-a.:.. I i M...r..n.i.. lr...... , , il .t 7, .u k i . .,...j i,-,. STriCACiocs, pleasant to the tnste, and never fulls to Ineuds sun the public that he has removed Ins .'... j... ji . . , ,,, Stack of OW.- from bis former stand to the opposite side ut Fuyettcville Street N EXT DiWR ABOVE MRS. IIARDIE'S, and directly opposite the Market, where they ore in. vited to give huu a call, and continue their custom. On hand, a good" assortment f DRY GOODS, GROVMtlMi, HARDWARE, ic. . j Ho also continues tho tailoring lhuiiuu, and will attend to all orders for Cutting and Making Gen tlemen's Clothing. ' " Raleigh, Feb. 83d, 1849. 12 :jQff PRINTING, &c.' - CT THE TIMES OFFICE being well supplied with a good assortment of JOB TYPE, we are prepared fpr printing, neatly, all kinds' of a i . ' (Circulars, Carii0,' anir (janiibUI?, and other work, with despatch, upn reasonable terms. A share of public patronage, in this lfcie of bnincss, respectfully solicited. ' February 16, 1819.' which I invil recent nrrivam. 1 have received a large supply ol articles nceiim! to make inv slock complete, to R.l the attention ol purchasers. P. F. i'ESCUD, Drogjjist and Apothecary. h, March 8, IP II. To the Talrous of the Temperance louimiiBirator. T OWE nn apology to my Patrons for the 'tempera ry suspension of the Communicator. At the ear not solicitation of many friends, I have changed my location from PitUlKirough to Fayottcvillc, whence the mails diverge in ninny directions, and by which I can send the Coiutuiuiicutor more speedily and with more certainty to till my subscribers. 'Ihe regular issues of the Communicator may be expected as soon as tho press can be put in operation say about two weeks. WM. POTTER, Ed. Com. Fayettevillc, Feb. 7, W49. harsh allusions, but addressed themselves to the teller nature inthinthe loftcr and holier qualities that had been embittered, concealed and hidden so long. And they wero successful. The7 heart was touched and subdued. The tires of virtue were rekindled the lamp of mind was replenish ed the moral vigor of the character was resusci tated. Nearly a yoar has gone by, and the re claimed continues to pursue the way of well-doing; to gather strength, a ml courage, and determi nation with every hour of his existence. Mo is a nsw mana soul redeemed ; and an honor to the true spirits who rendered him "aid and comfort" in his extremity who nerved and assisted the rightful impulses of his better nature ! promote an tatt) and a ft delivery, and improves the general health of both mother and child. It has been tested Tor years in all the pnucipul Lying-in Hospi tals of Europe, and receives the Sanction of nearly all the prominent Col'eges and Medical men of the old world. It is the GREATEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD; as all will admit that a medicine must be that will lenon the terrible pains nsually at tendant on child-birth. There is no mistake about this medicine doing all that is said of it - IT NEVER FAILS. It is iu the form of a fine, light powder, to be made into a drink, and used for a few weeks previous to the expected event, and its price is so low ss to bring it within the teach of all. Surely no humane husband will suffer his wife to cn dnr pain, when it can be ss easily and cheaply a voided. For the small sum of only $1,00. sent post paid to DR. JEROME Y. C. JROPENUURTY, JNc-w York 1 ost Uttice, a package will be sent by re turn mail, it being so light that it caube sent any where by hail, AT A vr tsiituno cotr. fj No unpaid letters takfn from the office. IT To prevent finpositiou, the V. S. Agent, Dr. Ronenharty will write his name in full on the out side label ol each package. No other genuine, lit member tis. . New York, March 3d, 119. . 14-6ro LAW NOTICE. CC. RATTLE haviug returned to this City, will resume the Practice of the Law, in this and the adjneent CoillilieS. All busiuess entrusted to him, will be promptly at tended to. lie is prepared to make out anil procure oil SOL DIERS' CLAIMS, of every description, ut short no tice, according to prescribed forms. Raleigh, August 7. 38 lm. TIMES PRINTING OFFICE. OCR PATRONS are informed that the Printing Olboe ha b"cn removed to tho West side of Faj -etteville Street, , OPPOSITE THE CITY HALL, in tire Rooms over the Store of James LiHiford, next door above Mm. 1 birdie's Confectionary Store, where we "hull be happy to see our subsciiliers and friends. V e are prepared to execute. all kinds ot Job ipriutinrj, " upon the usual terms, in a ueat and haudsome mnn- uer, and solicit a portion of public patronege iu this lino of business. , -' ' Suliscription to the Paper an lit $9 50 per annum in advunce, or $3 U0 if not paid before the expiration of six'monhs. 1 HJ' THK-TITHES will always be fdniishod J?tv months for One Dollar, in advunce. But subscrip tions will be thankfully received on either plan. HJ Those inrtebied to the Office are reqnested to remit their respective dues ut our risk ; wheu a re ccpt will be forwaoied in their next naper. Raleigh, Feb. 3, l?49. A NEW SPECIES QF COTTON. Gen. C. D. Mitchell, an intelligent and experi enced planter of Warren county, Misa., has recent ly introduced the culture of. a new kind of ctton, w hich he calls the Prolific Pomegranate, und w hich is said to surpass any species oflhe gossypium fam ily yet produced ia this country. The stalk does not attain a height usually of mora than four or five feet, but every portion of the plant is literally covered with bolls, which are curtained in an up right posilion by the strength and vigor of the stem and branches. The chief peculiarity of this plant is that tlie stem and branches have no joints as in other kindd and although the boils are so nume rous, there can be no inconvenience in picking, In fact an expert picker might at one grasp gather half a dozen at a time. The staple ia beautiful and far more silky titan the Petit Gulf. From one third of an serf, measured, General Mitchell- gathered and weighed die past" season 2142 lbs. of superior cotttn. One hundred pounds of the; seed cotton yielded 32 lbs. lint, and by an accurate test lie found that sixty-five bolls made one pound of lint. Unit. Annr. A wise man gets learning from those who have none theuiselvts.' WOMEN &. MATRIMONY IN CALIFORNIA. A letter, dated San Francisco, July 25, written by a lady to her friend in Massachusetts, says:1 Since my husband went to the gold region, bouses have become vacant in all parts of this village, anl the entire male population has left ui. The women have b?err obliged in the absenco of the males', to congregate together in the largest nutii ber", in .large houses, and live together and do tiicir own cooking, 6tc. I am now living or as' we call it, messing, with a company of fourteen; , Tho experience of the world, men have said, show ed that women could not live togefher vithouf quarrels and turmoils; but our sisterhend, at this time, gives a plain contradiction to this slander up on our sex. When not interfered with by men, and when permitted to drink our enp of tea 'under our' own vine and fig-tree," we are as quiet and peacea ble as lambs. The demand fof msirriagable women seemstebe' as great as for goods. This is tlM'only country in the world where women are properly appreciated.' The proportion of tralcs ill tfio territory is five to one of females, and the Ja'-Gi ot females is as much , needed in cooking, etc., at the gold region, as th males. There have Iven more marriages Die last few months than in ten years previous in tins coun-' try. The squaws, before they will go to the galj region, make efforts to get wfiite husbands, which they soon obtain in the present stute of atl'ars. - Father Manaipie, the Catholic priest, haB informed1, me. that he married tho last month 1 10 while men to squaws.' The consequence is, that the poor In-' dians will soon' be left w ithout any clasB of females from which they can choose is ccrt.iirrly no white' woman of whatever condition in society, ill mar ry an Indian, when she can readily marry a white man of some wealih and prominence." Borne of the most ugly aud slovenly servants here, marry traders who have accumulated fortunes in a few'''' weeks. A" woman who cetnes liPro with one tooth in her head, has a great - capita! to begin on in llie matrimonial line;' and I have thought if a cargo of g'frlswere shipped from Lowell here, il would thru out a great speculation to some entcipiiing Yan- ' kefl. fiy all means induce Peggy to come here by tho first vessel. Vgy as she looks ahe would be " readily taken by some enterprising trader iu Hi' J,prciciit brisk state of the markov