EALEIGII TIMES. O" The Standard expresses the opinion that Ceneral Taylor's Administration can only prosper by " exerting ils energies t keep tiling as they arc, &c;v''"''''""' Vu think differently, and are much mistaken if such a comse would satisfy the people of ttiis coun try. Onrral Ti.ylor was elected, for purposes of nfi.rm, the change of men and parties being as niui'h a Revolution, peacefully consummated, in dued, us our Government could, in that way, un dergo. ..His immediate predecessors had abused power, usurped prerogatives, trampled upon the rights of the co-ordinate branches of the Govern ment, and betraved the confidence of the neonle. IT As we travel this dusty road of life, we must Whio prM(.hing economV) they plunged the Na expect changes-old friend, leave us, and new ones , ,. , ,,,,,, '.; , nnv t'.;::,, for the improvement of the country, yet they could bring on a foreign war, in which to waste millions tf treasure, and spill rivers of American b!ool thevset up an arbitrary, in place of the con- Ualrigl), 3T. fl. FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1849. APPOINTMENTS TO OFFICE. We observe that, besides the members of the Cabinet, and some few Revenue officers, Piwtmna. tcrs,'&cTr but' few" appointments Tiaya yet been made by the new Administration. Thij is all very well ; but we are much mistaken if many, who are now warm and snug in good fat births, are iuit'e as secure as they think themselves. Gener- MEDICAL GRADUATES. Among the Graduates of the Medical Depart ment of the University of Now York, at the Ses sion 'or 1 818-9, wb observe the following from North Carolina : Thomas C. Dosson, II. C. llorn don, V. A Withers, 1). T. Taylor, R. N. C. Tate, G. P. Perry, E. P. Paschall, T. II. Miles, J. Mc Allister, T. D. Lento, and J. Johnston. The find us, and sometimes we lone regret for the one i the pleasure we derive from (lie other. Hut wliile the world is hastening to California, it ought to cause us no surprieo to find that some of our subscribers go too j toe suppose to hunt the funds wherewith to pay their subscriptions. Now, although when n man ain't pay the printer, he ought, muy he, to go to California, when lie won't pay, ho ought to go somewhere else. We deal somewhat, wo fear, with loth classes. Meantime, wc would hint, modestly, that no ouc need expect to prosper in California, or any where clue, j tluir acts with or without cause, at whose conscience is noi clear, and whom name does or pocket and carry odf. laws whi Mr. Custts, of Arlington, paid his respects to President Taylor, a few days since. lie is per haps the only citizen who has taken by the hand the Wce Presidents of the United States. Bait, American. : stilutional' qualified, Veto power -they forestalled the ai t on of the Legislative boJies, by holding, in tirrorem, over them the Executive will and the Executive displeasure, thus setting up the 'mon strous. Assumption, that the President could annul lis discretion; :h .'lie did if t 1101 stum itnr, upon the printers books. Anu we hope all m.'u will take the solemn warning. .Our readura are referred ti the last page, for the North Carolina Railroad act. The law is suf ficiently perfect for all present useful purposes. There are somo omissions, however, which the next Legislature can supply in good time. As it (stands, it is deemed sufficient for tho commence ment of a very grand work, which will influence the future prosperity of tho State no little. wish passed, and set at utter defiance the Repre sentatives of the. people. The mere statement of all -this, arid much hiorc which might be expressed,, will prove to every dis- nassionate mind that there were crest principles involved in the election of t.'cnerul. Taylor and " to keep things asthey are," entered not at nil in- ALARM OF FIRE. There was tin alarm, of Fire on Tuesday after noon last, proceeding from the old houses at Cedar Hew, owned by the Misses Pulliain. Our citizens repaired promptly to the spot, and owing to tho en ergetic exertions of some two or three of them, (who deserve great credit,) the danger was soon averted, and tho buildings saved. to the calculations pi the people who placed linn in jj0 power, un trie contrary, tncjr uesigneu-j.iiui-.ne should nnl keep things as they arebut pforw, arid bring hack the Government of the country to purify of administration fur its legitimate objects, not tho ghmj of V Executive., and: the: welfare of the Democratic- parly, but for the National honor anil the happiness and prosperity of tiles' people. , The course of G'c'rien al Tnylor owes it to himself, and to the People, to whole number graduated was 147, who received distribute the public offices, so far as they : hiay be the degree of M. D. at his disposal, fairly between the two great par ties of the country. lie will not mercilessly pro scribe any one, (its has been the fashion of tho Lo cofoco Administrations for twenty odd years;) yet we have no idea of all the offices remaining in Lo cofoco hands ; because the men who bold them have been appointed, not because they were " hon est, payable, and, faithful to the constitution," but because they were the political friends of the men. who have been in pow. r. A great many of the public offices must be very badly filled. Our eouniry is but potiiiy represented abroad ;' the. member of Polk's Cabinet were not, hardly one, fust rate men arid the inferior stations were filled up by -just any. persf;n who had t'io re- quisite o;ie .qnaliticattori, which lilted. .(lie man for any of alt oHlces,s-atijl the more noisy it politician the better. "The cohesive power of public plun-. dor,1' in f.te.t, held tho -party; -itogetlicrhciico .eve ry unconstitutional act of the President was. ap proved, and every. usurpation applauded. . No mut ter, what, when ho made war, arbitrarily,:, a nd when lie concluded peace Informally! buying terri tory without authority of la w or when ho took the ati.vo power, and imposed duties and collec- ted 'revenue- nil was right to the unscrupulous of iico holders, and partisans of power, '.and the slul- HENRY CLAY ON EMANCIPATION. It is known to our readers, that a Convention will shortly assemble for the purpose of giving a new Constitution to the State of Kentucky, and that the question of emancipation has strongly agi tated the public mind in that quarter. Mr. Clay having been addressed en this subject by Richard Pindell, Esq., gives his views in a letter of consid erable length, which has been published in the Lou isville Courier. It is dated New Orleans,Fb. 17th. Mr. Clay takes the same ground assumed by Mr. Jefferson in his Notes on Virginia, and by Gover nor McDowell, Mr. T. J. Randolph and the Rich mond Enquirer in the;session of the Virginia Leg islature of 1831-2. He speaks of the Coloniza tion Scheme , in high ternw, and think the slaves ought not to be liberated but on the .express condi tion ef being sent to Africa. ? V SUPREME COURT. The following Oh.nions have been delivered since our last notice: By Ruffin, C. J. In Gillespie v. Fey, in E- qnity from Rockingham ; declares plaintiff not en titled to any part of the personal estate, but that it at office, the 3d Monday of February, A. D. 184N. : lion, : James E, Reiser of Alabama, is recom mended by some of the Whig papers there, us a suitable candidate for Governor. CANDIDATES FUR CONGRESS. , 7 '.We loam -that Alexander Little, Esq., of Wades bora', has yielded, to tho solicitations of his friends, and consented to bo a Candidate for Congress in tho '3d District, We have already announced the name of Gen, Dockery as a ''Candidate, in tliat District. Both Whigs. -;v The lion: A. W. Venable is a Candidate for ! reflection to L engross in tlie llillsboro' district, irom uiaimitn, auirmingine judgment oeiow. ai- - so, in Lea V. Shellon, from Caswell, affirming the HON. A. II, SIIEPPERD. -'.' . judgment below. Also, in Whitfield v. Hurst, from 7-. Our late faithful Representative ef the 4th Con- Wayne,; alfirming the judgment below.. Also, in grcssiorial District, Mr. Shepperd, has issued a D" eX dom Powell V. Raughan, from . Northamp- I circular to his conitituents-brief, instructive, and tun reversing the judgment and directing a venire I written in excellent taste ; at the close of which ho declares himself a . Candidate for re-election. Patriot.. -' Stall- of Xortli Carolina. Wake CoexTv. COURT of Tieas uud Quarter Sessionn, F.bruary Term. 1H4. - - James Todd, Sion J. Hartsfinlr), and Tt.-tiecrn. bis wilt,, Clendoii 'I'uckor, and Martha, Ins wile, Joliu King, and Susan, his wife, Henry Rhodes, and Clilos bis wife, Jesse Audnrsnii, and Mary, bit wife, Dliza betb Todd, Ilcury Todd, and William Todd, ttgamnt . Mary K. Todd, Alpbeus Todd, Joshua Todd, Da vid Todd, Elijah Todd, (icorge Todd, Thomas l'ec. i lea and wife Eloabeth, Nancy Faisoli, Matthew la'opard uud Mary his wife. : Petition to divide Land. This ease coming on to be heard, and it appearing to tho autif -.ruction of Iho Court, that James Poeblei, nod wife Elizabeth, and Matthew Leopard, and wife Mary, and others, are non-residents of this Slate: It is ordered by the Court, that advertisement he made in the lialcigh Times, a newspaper published iu the City of Rulnirh, for six weeks successively, notifying the said non-residents to be and appear at the next Term of our Court of Pleas end Quarter Sessions, to be held for the Comity of Wake, m the Court Houso in tho City of Raleigh, on the' 3d Mondny of May next, and theu and there answer or demur to the aaidl Petition, or judgment pro confesso will bo granted a gainst thorn, and the Petition heard ex parte, as to them. Witness, James T. Marriott, Clerk of oursaid Court, belongs tp the defendants in equal parts, Also, in Dafgan v. Waddell, front Anson, awarding a ve nir de novo. . Also, in Barnes, v. Sim.ms, in E quity from Edgecombe. . Also, in -.Bell v. Clark, NO NEWS. tilled. 'cry- ate-r'w -went un. " Great is ' Damocmev1. and Polk is its prophet 1"'7'7 - -7; I GrecnsOo, .- But 'the. vwite did'nt'all Locofoco cry began at last to grate harslilv on their I "'. -" ueu on ue... l Ayuut, toe tl) itist. says tue correspondent of the Charleston prudent and wise, .in laying down principles li) ac cordance with the.clements which entered into his election and we were glad to see that he took the pains to leave room for no mistake upon this -sub-; ject. Ho proclaims his fixed determination to main-. iuld c:l'C'? and :!i.;t at last to grate harslilv on their ears. The faiiio had been tilaved tnolnnir: ii iay!Oi,so lari.as oeou. couJ not,.thv.lV JAMhS ''. MARRlorr.C. ft. c Raleigh, March 2i. (l'f. Adv't. $5 62J.)- 17 6w ys wiii. The people put an end to d to ! (lt) i '!' good taste, and. with excellent tact. The Charleston Mercury contains an account of Wo have seldom known tho papers to bo so j til'"- t( "l0 "lent ot Jus ability, the uovcrnmciit ,,,.. kt mmam.1 iUtMiiAn-. !-.. of ii-i. in his oriffinal puritr. and to adopt, as the basis of w lliiiui 1 1 iukuUvV ua MW mi. .bill. ' " .. present time. It is true, wc can always fill up our paper with interesting matter but juat at present, when we propose to lake a short lull from Editori al writing, every one else, we believe, is in the same mood ; and the world has well nigh stopped still. We think, however, our readers will find one or two articles to keep them awake, and one we know to make them laugh. ID By a transposition of names, many of our cotemporaries have given our friend and neigh lor, the Editor of tho Register, the very handsome ost of Secretary of Legation to the Court of Ber lin. An article in our columns to-day, from the Ntrtional Whig, will correct the error. By the bye, talking about Courts, we found him studying Blackstane, tho other day : and thence opine that he may make his first appearance in the Court of Wake County, before he doos in any Foreign Court. However that may bo, whenever and wherever he may court, we wish him success. RAILROADS. We call attention to the Advertisements of the Commissioners of the North Carolina Railroad Company, and the Commissioners of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, each giving notice that Books of Supscription will be opened in this City on the 19th of April next. That day has also been appointed for a Railroad meeting of the citi zens of Wake County, to take action in favor of these improvements. We shall be sure to refresh the minds of our readers, on these matters, at eve ry suitable opportunity. The subject is one of great importasco, atid demands their serious consi delation. is public policy, those great Republican doctrines which. constitute the strength of our national ex istence.; 7 In regard to our foreign relations, he will l: ex haust every resort of honorable' -diplomacy before appealing to arms." What , a condemnation of Junius K. Polk ! who rashly brought on a war in the hope that its eclat would enure, to his own ben efit, and that of his party. But it became the rock on which they split. . But as to our domestic policy, again, Gen. Tai lor leaves no ground for uncertainty. He recog nises "protection to the great interests of Agri culture, Comm?rre and .Manufactures; the im provement of our rivers and harbors; to provide for tho speedy extinction of the public debt; to en force a strict accountability on tho part of all off cors of the Government, and the utmost economy in all public expenditures, under the regulation of Congress." Is this ' to keep things as they are ?" By no means. And what we like the Old Man above all things for, is just this : that ho dt.es not intend to permit things to romain as they are; but that ho in tends reform and improvement, and takes for his example him who was, by so many titles, tho ''Fa ther of his Country." As to the Standard's flourish of trumpets about the "old Democratic guard," and all that, and a bout their victory " the next time," we all know, by experience, what sort of a prophet its Editor has lately been, and may therefore toll easily how that is going to turn out. Gen. Cass was going to be our President, too hut he is'nt ! : MR. WASHINGTON'S ADDRESS. , Wo are indebted , to the '.courtesy of . .Manteo I.ih!o No. 8, of the 1. 0. 0. P. of this city, for a I copy, of '.lie Address of the lion. Wm.. II, Wash-1 j ington, -, delivered before that respectable, associa-. tion and. a very largo audience, at .he Capitol, on the i;;t!i J.u:u ,ry last We had the pleasure, of hearing this most excellent address, and find it . lo-. ses none' of its interest and va!u n paper. It j comes from the Standard press, and is very neatly I printed. . .' - '.-,-.. do novo. By Nash, J. In Parrish v. Mangum, from Or ange, aflirmini the .judgment below. -Also, in Stato v. M cintosh, from Moore, reversing the judg ment . below, a nd rendering judgment here; for plaintiff. Also, in West v. Tilghman, from Cra- Couricr, and received from the General the most veil, reversing the judgment, and directing a venire complimentary and friendly notice. His remarks to de novo. ; Also, in Askew v. Daniel, in Equity M". Cauror.i were fraught with feeling, and made from Granville, dismissing -the bill. , ' Also, in Deans v; Dortch, in Equity from Nash, dismissing thi bill with costs. . By Pearson, J, In Hall v. Harriss, in Equity frbm Montgomery, directing a decree for plaintiff. Also, in Harriss v. Philpor, in Equity from Person. Also, in Ward v. Jones, in Equity from Warren, declaring that testator had a life estate only intht land. Also, in Den ex dem Etheridge, from Cur rituck, reversing the judgment, and awarding a venire do novo. Also, in Hardy v. Williams, from Bertie, reversing the judgment and awarding a ve nire de novo. Also, in Henry v. Henry, from New Hanover, reversing the decree Also, in McCraw v, Davis, in Equity from Surry, directing a decree for an account. it the LocoToco Administration was coiimellc clc'crtnip a nd it was found that the Nation,' over head arid ears in debt, and all its c lfices in possession of the Lucofocos, wlip wore crying " hrnnritv ! n-lnrv to l:l!r imil; IlfimncMPiT ,ttn have done: it all!" The, woY Lavo! to wnlk ,l, a largcand rcspoctahle mcetil.g held in that city to flaiik, cli ? V,'e shall s..v. .-...'.-'" ."'-.-. respond, 'to-Mr.-. Calhoun's Address.. Speeches Were, made, arid resolutions passed. Firm, united and concerted resistance to Northern aggressions, is re commended. ROUIIERY OF THE MAIL. The Newborn. Mail due here on Saturday last, for this city and the North, was robbed on the route, supposed to have been done in the vicinity of Nau seniond River, as the post bills, and Many letters and papers were fount) floating. in said river.- X'irfolk Ikacon, March 17. Supreme Court Reports. R 75 D U C T I O K 0 F PRICE. rpiIE Rtiliscriher having purchased from the Estate . of W. K.Uales, Esq., deceased, the entire Edition of Vols. II, 7, and ti Law, and Vols. 4 and 5, Equity, of Iredell's Reperts of Cases deeided in the Supremo Court of North Carolina, (from December Term 1840, to August Term, 1818, inclusive., and including ttso . the Equity Cases of the present Turin of the Court,) has reduced the price from Six IMUars to Fine Dal ian per volume ; nod is prepared to furnish them to Gentlemen of the Bar and Booksellers, exoept Vol. 5 of Equity, to be published in a l'w weuks, of which notice will he pven. Orders for the whole, or for any one or more Volumes, promptly attended to. And th Bar supplied on reasonable terms with the previous Volumes of North Carolina Reports, and I,nw Books generally. Bound Copies furnished to the Profession, in exchange for their Nos. E. J. HALE. . Fa vetteville, March 19, 1849. - 17 The Union understands that the President de clines to makp a certain appointment " upon the alleged ground that Virginia ha.yjoreignmissims ewmuh at this time." Whatever tho Union may think, the country trict Attorney of Boston, and Mr. Loroy, as Navy will remird this as a nmmisinir Kvmnlnm.' Agent tor Wew Jorll i o J "'1 Wasihnhtos, March 15. IMPORTANT NOMINATIONS, It is announced here this evening that among the nominations sent to the Senate by the Presi dent to-day, are those of Fletcher Webster, a Dis- The effect of the decision of the Senate, in de claring Gen. Shields ineligible, is to render his e lection void and the Governor of Illinois cannot make a temporary appointment. 'The Legislature of that State does not meet for two years, unless specially called together. " It is rumored that Mr, Bancroft will bo recall ed by the next steamer." We hope so,-for if lie stays long, John Bull will have us all. - .. CLAIMS AGAINST MEXICO. Hon, George Evans, of Maine, Hon. Caleb B. Smith, of Indiana, and Col. Robert T. Paine, of North arolina, have been appointed by the Pres ident, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, Commissioner to adjust the claims of our citizens against Mexico. We are highly gratified to announce to the citi zens of North Carolina, the very honorable posi tion which has been assigned to Col. Paine the more, because the Locofocos, for party purposes have sought to tarnish his good name, and detract from his well-earned reputation as a Commander of our Volunteers in Mexico, happily without avail. The object was always so apparent, that although he was assailed with a pertinacity almost unparal leled, his fellow-citizens have sustained him, and evinced their confidence iu him. These are the claims for which Mr. Polk avow edly ma.de war with Mexico. Their amount he has variously stated, at different limes to suit his purposes, ranging from three to eight millions of dollars. After the war was brought to a close and a treaty entered Into, it was agreed in the trea ty that the United States should pay the debt due our citizens by Mexico ; and three Commissioners are to examine, adjust, and settle the claims which way be presented for payment ST Among the published list of appointments confirmed by th Senate, we find the following of ficers of the Customs : " Joshua Tayloe, Collector at Ocracoke, N. C., vice Thomas J. Pasteur, whose Commission ex pired. . James E. Norflect, Collector at Edenton, N. C, tice Zizop Rawls, resigned." -.- - REMOVAL. - Among the nominations gent to the Senate, on the 14th, was that of Henry V. Brown, as Regis ter of the land Office atGroen Bay, in placo of J. S. ' Fish, reinotrif. Thia is tiie onlv removal wo have seen, distant , General shields. The subject which occupied the attention of the Senate last week, mostly, was the question of the eligibility of General Shields. The caso was as plain a one as ever camo before a Legislative body. It appeared, without contradiction, that he w is naturalized on the 21st of October, 1810, and con sequently wanted more than seven months of the constitutional qualification of nine years to hold the office of Senator. ' His Locofoco friends made many efforts to evade a direct vote on tho question ; and, under their in struction, we presume, the General actually en deavored to resign an office he was not com potent to tako upon himself the object being, by this means, to ensure his ro-appointment by the Govern or of Illinois, under the power which he possesses to fill a vacancy created by resignation. But the Senate decided that tho election was void, and, con sequently, the gallnut General had nothing to re sign. Those accomplished and unscrupulous par tizans, Cass, Douglass, Footo, &c, had an oppor tunity, once more, to show their utter contempt for law, propriety, and everything else, in endeavoring thus more firmly to secure the Locofoco ascendan cy in the Senate, by keeping Shields in. right or wrong, eligible or ineligible; and finally voted a gainst the resolution declaring his election void. Their respect for the constitution must be very lit tle, when they ihus regard it as of no mora effica cy than a piece of waste paper. The people will learn the character of such men in time, and know how dangerous it would be to trust fliem. We still think, and it will more and more appear, that the country had a very happy escape from Cass ! Correspondence of the Baltimore, Sim. Washinciton, March 10, 1819. The appointment of VV. Carey Jones, Esq., son- in-law of Mr. Benton, as Secretary of the board of commission under the Mexican treaty, is an nounced. Mr. Jones is a moderate Whig, and a good Spanish scholar. The appointment was, in every way, fit lo be made. It seems that Mr. Hall, of Tennessee, a member of the last House, is to succeed Mr. Graham, as Register of the Treasury. irrolk and Walker, among the Whig office holders, (what few were left in place under John Tyler,) made a complete scamper. If a man was a IVjig- it was all the same as if he had com mitted the unpardonable sin out he had to go, pro scribed and branded. Will those Democratic Editors, who are putting up a pitiful cry of deprecation now, against pro icriitiiin, think of this? How is it, under Gene- frnm the Seat of Government. We have no doubt nil 1 aylors administration ? i he 1'remdent says, this Fish, has been out of his element, in some " Honest;-, capacity, and fidelity are the indispen wav '. hence the cause of his beine dono Brown. I sable pre-ruquisites to tho bestowal of office 5 and .... . Dr. Thomas Dice, the celebrated Christian Phi losopher, intends to visit the United States this Summer, (on dil.) , : the absence of either of these qualities shall be deemed sufficient cause for removal." Was any brawling oflwc-holder honest and faithful) We doubt it. ' The National Intelligencer says : It is intimated to us that a rumor has been put in Circulation that tho lion, Andrew Stewart, one of .the Represen tatives in tho last Congress, had been a candidate for a seat in. the Cabinet, and that his claim had been set aside or rejected. Wo are authorised to state that the rumor is unfounded; and that, on tho contrary, Mr. Stewart did, in terms, before the Members of the Cabinet were designated, peremp torily decline being ''.considered as a candidate for any office iu the gift of the Administration. MIXED EMOTIONS. The Philadelphia Times, referring to the pa thetic description by the Union of the parting scene between Mr. Walker and tho Clerks in his Depart ment, oif which occasion "tho voice of tho Chief Clerk was thick and htsktj with the feelings of his noble heart" 'is reminded of the shipwrecked mari ners described by Byron : "They grieved lor thoso wboperish'd in the cutter, Ann also lor the biscuit casus ami buller 7 NEW HAMPSHIRE ELECTION. Dinsmorc, the Democratic Candidate for Gov ernor, lias been elected by a large majority. The returns from the third Congressional District indi cate that Gem Wilson, the Whig Candidate, has leen re-elected by an incroased majority. In the First District it is doubtful whether Tuck, the Whig Candidate, has been re-elected. In ten towns he has lost 424 from the last election, when bo was elected by 1,500 majority. Gen. Scott returned to Washington last TueS' day, and the next morning paid his respects to the President. His health is restored, and, it is s iid, he will, in future, make his headquarters in Washington. K0RT1I lUCLINl RAILROAD. VTOTICE is hereby given, that Books will be open X i'fd for Subscription to the Capital Slock of the NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY, in the City of Raleigh, n Thursday the lflth duy of April, 1849 ; ani will remaiu open for sixty days tho.-eafur. . JOSIAII O. WATSON, DUNCAN K. MoRAE, THOMAS J. LEMAY, CHARLES L. HINTOV, WILLIAM W. HOLDEN, Coifmitsumtt 1. Raleigh, March 20, 1849. 16 td - NO THANKS FOR IT! In the Missouri Legislature on the 27th ult., a member proposed to resolve " That the thanks of the people of this State are due to the Honorable David R. Atchison for tho manly and unwavering course pursued by him in regard to the all important question of slavery, by subscribing his name,' solitary and alone,' to the address of the southern delegates in Congress to their constituents." but on putting it to the vote, it was rejected 41 to 46. Other resolutions (accompanying the one thanking Mr. Atchison,) declaring that the people of Missouri endorse Mr. Calhoun's Address, shar ed the same fate. We understand that the President of tho United States availed himself, on Saturday, of the first hour of leisure ho has found since his Inaugura tion, to visit Mcsdamcs Madison, Adams, and Ham ilton, and pay his personal respects to those ladies. Nal. Int. . Vfo learn that Mr. Gales Beaton, the son of our very worthy Mayor, has been appointed to besccre-. tary of Legation to the Embassy at Frankfort. Mr. Scalon went abroad in 181 in company with Mr. Henry Drayton, formerly of this city and now a distinguished citizen of the French Republic,and has been sojourning most of his time in Paris and in Germany. He brings lo the discharge of his new dutiei a vigorous and well stored mind and a know ledge ,o the German and French languages. We understand that Mr. S. is now in Paris. His ap pointment is highly creditable to the administration, and will not fail to be gratifying to the many friends of our respected Mayor. 'al. Whig. ANOTHER RUMOR. The Northern papers mention a rumor that Mr. Ritchie is about to retire from the Union, which is to pass into the hands of Mr. Burke, late Commis sioner vf Patents, and Mr. Forney of Philadelphia, who pz.y the sum of $50,000 for it. , ' ' '- ... ' ', , ' - ' ' Ex-Pbesidem Polk, at Savannah The Sa vannah papers of the 1'Jth are largely occupied with the public reception given the Ex-President on his arrival in that fuite, on his way homo. Mr. Polk and Mr. Wulker, the Georgian says, went to Church twice on Sunday. ; PERSECUTION. The Duke cf Argyle and sons, and. Lady Blan tyre,have been excommunicated by Bishop Trawer a tractarian, for attending divine service in Glas gow in a PreslyU'rian church. ,7 PRESENTATION OF SWORDS. It will be remembered that when Mr. Polk sent to Gen. Taylor the splendid Gold Medal voted to him by Congress, it was unaccompanied1 by any ex pression of pleasure, or testimony of his apprecia tion of the great services of Gen. Taylor, A very different scene occurred at the White House on the 2d inst., on the delivery of the six swords voted to Gens. Butler, Twiggs, Worth, Quitman, Hender son, and Ilanier. In presenting these President Polk wrote to each, that, "concurring in the senti ment of Congress," it gave him "sincere pleasure" to carry its wishes into effect, with various other complimentary expressions. How marked is the contrast between Mr. Polk's conduct to Gen. Taylor, (whose gallant deeds in Mexico could not even secure him the honor of be ing named in the Annual Message to Congress,) and Gen. Tayler's courtesy to Mr. Polk since his arrival in Washington! Fat. Ubs. The Senator from Mississippi not Jefferson Davis-continues yet, we see, by our Washington correspondent, to make a figure. He flies about in the Senate, it seems, and whizzes like a boy's top. He buzzes like a bee. He is a regular oratorical whirligig. We really hope that when the Hon, Senator goes home, the Mississippians will turn his powers to some useful purposes, for it is a pity to see a man thus run to waste in the Senate. His ani mal power would answer for a ferry boat the sub stitute for horse power across the Mississippi. It vvojild inflate a balloon. It would light Natchez up with gas. He is the long sought for but hith erto undiscovered perpetual motion. If we only had him at the North, we could make a fortune with him. JV. Y. Exp. RARE BIRDS. Four hundred gold eaglos originally nestled in California, have been returned from the Mint. They are expected lo Jlij. 1 TIIE NEW ADMINISTRATION. Our exchanges from all sections of the Union, comes to us" full of warm commendations of Gen eral Taylor's Inaugural, and expressing the great est satisfaction with the composition of the new Cabinet. There is a perfect unanimity in tho Whig ranks on these points, and even the more honest portion of the Locofoco press "own up that so far they have found 110 fault with a Whig President. JV. V. Express. BLEEDING IMPROPER. An Admission. The New York Journal of Medicine, the organ of the regular Faculty, thus argumentatively and summarily disposes of the practice of taking blood as a remedy in disease : "An acute observer of disease and remedy would perceive that an inflammation consisted in torn? disturbance of the circulation, and health consisted in the restoration of tho circulation to its original condition ; the secret of remedy would be found in the cause of the circulation. The blood is not the cause of its circulation ; for the self-same quanti ty of blood may be in the vessels when it does not circulate at all as when it does most healthily, as daily instanced in concussions, epilepsy, Sic. The taking away blood docs nothing directly but alter the quantity. "Indirectly by taking away the fluid which con taius the life, we diminish the life itself, and the means of obtaining life the respiration. Bleed ing, therefore, diminishes the quantity of life. Can a man have too much of life t It matters not that from the days of Hippocrates down to now, bleed ing has been adopted. It matters not that it re lieves the tension, and of necessity, the pain, of an inflamed part ; it does not act upon the part dis eased, producing any change in its condition. How, therefore, can wo designate it as a remody?' RALEIGH & GASTON ROAD. "VfOTICK is hereby given, that Books will be open-i- ed for Subscription to the Stock of the KALfclUH AN O GASTON RAILROAD. in accordance with the Act of the late session of the Legislature, in the City of Raleigh, n Thursday, the. 19th day of April, 1849 ; and will remaiu open for sixty days thereafter. K1C11ARD SMITH, GEO. W. MOROECAI, WILLIAM W. HOLDEN. Committioners. Raleigh, March SO, 1849. 1 6 td ID The Petenburer Iutelliirencer and Republican. and Norfolk Argus, will please insert each of the a- bove advertisements three times. CITY TAX LIST. NOTICE is hereby (riven, that I shall attend at the Court House, on Friday, the 30th day of March, instant, from 10 o'clock A M. to 5 o'clock, P. M. to take the City Tax Li4, for ths current ytar accor ding to law. r W. DALLAS HAYWOOD, Iuteudant Raleigh, March 10, 1849. 3t. Dr. A. F. Cooper's Spino-Abdominal SUPPORTERS. TUE Subscriber baa on hand, a supply of the above, valuable Supporters, which are recommended for all persons, afflicted with muscular debility, round shoul ders, or prolapsus Uteri. . Prot Mott thinks they ar very well adapted for some varieties of incipient spinal distortions, as they afford the useful combination of shoulder Braes and Abdominal Supporter, with very decided support to tho spiuul column. The above Braces are recommended bv Physicians generally, who have seen them, and I have sold a number to citizons of this place, who are highly pleased wilhtliein. A geatleman observed a few days sirce, that he had been wearing a very celebrated body brace for some time, and that he would not give one of the above, for tifly such. . " They need no puffing, as they speak for them selves, v. i'. l'ESOl'D. LCT The above Supporter is an improvement on Dr. E, Craine's Spino-Abdominal Supporter. Raleigh, March 21), 1849. 17 Beckwi th's Anti-Dyspeptic Pills. THESE Pills have becu notv for more than tea yean before the Public, and their just pretensions to the character claimed for them closely examined and tested, by a great number of persons, too intelli gent to be deceived, and too deeply interested in tho result', uot to observe with care, and judge without favor. Experience has not weakened these retentions, but trenithened and confirmed them by a tmm of testimony of euch respectable character m baa rarely sustained any article in this form in any country. The subscriber has just received a supply of them, which have been recently made, and he being Dr. lieckwi'f t Agent for this part of the State, is prepar ed to furnish the wholesale trade at his price, hi any quantity. P. F. PLSCUD, ' Druggist. Raleigh, March 20, 1849. n , FINE TOOTH COMBS. SOME of the most Superior Combs ever offered for sale in Raleigh, may be found at - P. 1'". PESCTJD'8 . Drag Store. Ra'elgh, March 8, 1849. v f EAST FOW DLKS. " A FURTHER supply of Yeast Powders,' j.wt re ceived and for sale by 1 - p. f. rrscca Raleigh, March 8,1849. . SODA SAEJCRATIS. OXE ease of Soda Sataratus, a superior article for cooking purposes, just received and for mil (;y P. F. MSSCTD. ' Raleigh, March 8, 1849. SNUFF Boe, Cigar Casos and Tobaetio Boa., just to hand sad for sals by P. F. TEsCUD. . Raleigh, March 8, . ie 19. '

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