Y CALIFORNIA. We confess we have been a gnod deal bewilder ed by the many accounts we hare seen, wiiinii tin1 last three or Tour months, or this El Dr:id ; nd have coine tu tlie condition, that, among the ol'U-u conflcting intelligence, it it hard totelt liow far re liance can be placed upon the new with which al most every paper twins. One woulJ think, tint from tlto great quantities of preciru motal report ed to abound, and from the large amounts reported to be obtained, by almost every body thero, in very short period of time, that a continued and rich stream of it would, by thin time, be flowing into our country. But lh receipts of Gold here from California are mengre but very little of it has been coined it Is by no means certain that much has been shipped and we have seen no accarak mention of any one having returned with a fortune obtained by hi own It-bor in the " gold diggim." l'erhapi some might say it is yet too early to ex pect thin satisfying, and we uiight say, occular proof of the richness of the California mines. We answer, it is only what one would be led to expect from the accounts us published. For if a fortune can be obtained in some two or three mouths, sure ly some lucky possessor of said fortune would drift along homeward, bringing it witli him, and putting the mattor beyond dispute tslling his story plainly and Intelligibly, and noin'.ing.to the gli.ter ing muss in its confirmation. When this is done, we may have less reason to wonder ut the " ! jii'u" which prevails, and may owu ourselves sub ject to the iJo infection. We apprehend, however, it is no matter of dis pute that the Gold region of California is very lich, and, in time, a man may gatlier enough ol it, to make hiiii comfortable marry, not without la ',. bar. And if any one has been tolled off there, ii. tlw' expectation that the guttering is an easy taek ; that gold can be picked up, in junks, on top of the ground, and that he will have nothing to do, but to till up his bag, and bear it safely away with him to a land of comfort, we are confident he will be very sorely deceived. We rather think that tho loafer here, will be nothing but a loafer, when he gets to California ; and in any view of the case, it is only the fe.Wer the industrious, sober and prudent la borer, who would win gold in California, ;to' be useful and beneficial tu himself and to his family ; as it is only that class that deserves to win it hero or clsevhere, and to enjoy it after it is obtained. It is probable that the mania lui somewhat sub sided in our country. It is now a mouth since we liad any reliable news from California. The dearih has-been so severely felt, that much intelli gence has thorefore been coiwa' to excite tho pub lic mind. The sober reality, we hope, will soon be knowu ; so that men may not be deceived and disappointed, to gather a fortune In a day would bo too great luck even for California to aflqrd,and it would be belter not to look for it in any event, no matter what may bo said. The first nf April i nearly here and micfc and late news may there fore be expected direct and prodigious. ALARMS OF FIRE; We ban? had several lately ; and it becomes our riliA'iis io be exceedingly careful, at ttiis sea son of the year. While March wind are blowing any tiw which should break out in our City would ne very destructive and the heart shrinks at the very thought of it. Let overy one be very particu lar about fire. ... THE MARKETS. The accounts brought by the Canada, show that the British Markets are dull and gloomy. Tho war news from India, and the news from this country of the large amounts of Cotton at the prin cipal exporting ports, ha given a decided check to the Cotton Market, and caused prices to decline a quarter of a penny per lb. Fair Uplands are now quoted at 4 a 5 eighths ; Mobile, 5 and 3 fourths ; and Orleans, 5 and 7 eighths. The quotations from the Northern markets are therefore of little consequence, until the effects of the above news are felt Favetteville, March 27. Cotton 6 a Cj. Flour 4 a 4 J ; Corn 50 a 55 ; Bacon 9 a 7 ; Lard Ga7j. At Ciuklestos Cotton 5J a 71. Total re ceipts of Cotton, 2,012,290 bales, against 1,026, 746 U.-t year. At New Vokk Upland Cotton, 6 to 63; Flour fij and J ; Wheat, white, 18i) and 136; Corn, 58 and 80; Rice, 2 a 3 ; Tobacco 3 a 7. BajItiuokb, March- 20. Market' unsettled. Howard St. Flour, and white 43 a 4G. $4 G2J; Yellow Cum 50 c. At the Annual Commencement of Hampden Sydney Medical College of Virginia, at Richmond, on Tuesday last, twenty-lour gentlemen were gra duated, of whom one was. from this State, John C James, of Rockingham county. Tlie. University of Maryland graduated sixty four M. D's on Tuesday last, of whom the follow ing were from North Carolina ; . E. Lafayette Dusenberry, Win. B. Harrell, and Gabriel P.' White. ' '' And, at the Commencement of the Medical Col lege of the State of South Carolina, forty-five gentlemen received their Diplomas ; among them, B. Leventhorpe, of Rutherfordton, N. C, whoso 1 hems was unanimously selected by die 1 acuity for the Aunuul Prize. . GIVING CREDIT. The cool manner in which some of our brethren of the press are in the habit of appropriating our articles, without giving credit, has almost ceased to amaze iw. Justice and fair dealing, it would rem to us, requires a different course yet most of the papers in the StUe, (with one or two hon orable exceptions) have niado no bones of availing themselves of our labor in reporting and publish ing proceedings of the Legislature, and sketches and full reports of speeches, which cost us both toil and mwncy, without any acknowledgment whatever, and as if Ihey had incurred the labor and expenditure themselves taking them bodily 4'rom the " Raleigh Times," without letting their reader know there la such a paper in existence. We are aware that the press in Raleigh has usually been subjected to such depredations yet is it no less unfair though we have never com plained of it before. And we have only now to say, that we are always gratified whenever we can present any thing worthy of being copied by our cotemporaries and if they so consider it, they smght to be willing to do us sheer justice, which is ail tveastk. The pointed instance, to which we shall now . refer, will justify ns, in the minds of all our can did brethren. The last Roanoke Republican pub lishes the speech of Col. W. L. Long, and acrom inline it hy nearly a Column of comments ; yet did . it not occur to the Editor to breathe a whisper that that speech wa originally published in Me Times of the 15th instant but we have ncrcr taken anything from the Republican, without due craft. We had the pleasure of writing that speed), with this hand, from the talented author1 own lips: he will do us full justice : and wbv could nut our jcoteniporary 1 We procured that speech for our columns yet The Republican pub- lube it as if he had procured it for hk. Rank piracy, by George I A brother of the Editor of the A'ieJ Republican, who lately emigrated to the Mormon country, com municates the annexed information as to the ex travagant views of the Mormons respecting the erection of a new Temple : " The new Mormon Temple at the Salt Lake is to be a splendid building. They enclose a lot seventeen miles long and twelve wide, with a mud wall eight feet high and four feet thick. There are to be cities inside. They have discovered mountain rock that resembles cornelian stone, which is beautiful for temples aud pillars. The size of the temple is not stated, but its highest point is to be six hundred feet, and can be seen eighty miles cither way." v THE OPPOSITION'. ' The restless Democracy, as we expected, are picking at tlto new administration in every possi ble manner, and where they hare nsthing tangi ble even, they " Hint a fault, and hesitate dislike." We do not know that there ought to be any cause of complaint, on this score, among General Taylor's friends. But, when we recollect how candid some of these presses have protended to be disposed towards the administration, in asserva- ting that they would "judge it by its measures,'' we find that the estimate we put upon their pro fessions amounted to just what we mad it, and that, let the administration be ever so faultless, they wore not to be pleased. If General Taylor makes the appointments, he ought to leave them to the Secretaries t if the Departments make them, why then General Taylor ought to do it, and' not shift the responsibility from his own shoulders to those of his Secretaries. The truth is, so far as they ate concerned, the President must be impaled oil one or the other horn of every dilemma ; and he could not please those gentry, the Locofoco Edi tors, eveu were he to try which he is far from doing. The National Intelligencer thus summa rily dispose of the Chief Croaker, on one point : " The 'Union' carries its carninc aeainst the new Administration of the Government beyond all bearub'e bounds. In that paper of Friday last, for example, the attention of its readers is called 'to the mural-effect' of the fact that tin? appoint incut of Mr. Penrose to the post of Assistant Sec retary of the Treasury has been declared to be not 'an appointment of the Administration, but one made by Mr. Meredith,' (the Secretary ot the Treasury,) whereat the venerable Editor expresses his horror ot such a 'smiting of responsibility from the l'reridont upon his Secretary, aud asks the question, 'And is this really the doctrine which is to be preached up by the Administration V To which w o reply, Yes, reallv : the doctrino 'preached up' h) the present Administration is that of implicit obedience to the laws. In the very number ot the Union in which this question is found, was published at large the Act of Con gress containing the provision by which the office of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury is estab lished, the terms of which are literally as fol lows: " Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That an officer shall be appointed in the Treasury Depart ment, by the Secretary of the Treasury, to bo called tho Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, whese salary shall be three thousand dollars pc-r annum, Sic.', and who shall perform all such other duties in the "tfice of tho Secretary of tho Trea sury, now performed by somo of his clerks, a m:ty be devolved ou him by the Secretary of the Treasury," &c. Under this plain and positive enactment, who but the Secretary of the Treasury could have ap pointed tlie.Assistaid Secretary ? Letjtju'" Union be ro-nssured. 1 he last thing that, can ever be truly alleged against l'residenl Taylor will be his shrinking from any responsibili ty that his station devolves upon him." The organ of the retiring d . miUtmtion at Wash ington, outdoes itselfin fulsome laudation of the con cern overwhelmed by the edict of the people. Such a course is simply ridiculous, because those who hvo condemned it acts are not likely to repent of tin verdict deliberately given. Nash. Banner. Mrc. Alexander Hamilton, has become a per manent resident at Washington, and baa taken a house on Capitol Hill. She is in her 92d year, has seen every President inaugurated, and retain a vivid remembrance of (he past, and a lively inte rest in all the mdfal and political question of Hie day. Senator Badger, of North Carolina, ha also become a house keeper at Washington, as well as Senator Benton and other. We hope the com forts of the Federal Metropoli may not tend to pro long the Sessions of Congress. N. Y. Express Prihtiso Presses, PuLrtTs and Women These are the three great lever that goverrt the movement of the world. W'ithout them the bot tom would fall out, and society would become chaos again. The press make the people patri otic, the pulpit religious, but woman answercth all things. There would be no going to church if there were uo girl there neither would there be any paing to war were the soldiers to meet with no applause except from the masculine. Without the sunshine shed by women, the rose buds of affection would never bloom, not the flower of eloquence germinate. In short she is the steam engine of delight, and the great motive power of love, valor, and civilization. Exchange. A letter in the Baltimore Clipper, dated Wash- iglon, March 52d, says: Mr. Blackwcll, late of the National Hotel, it is aid, failed for f 46,000. He is not in Washing tan ; and a gentleman yesterday was detained as a prisoner with a view of forcing frm him his whereabouts, simply because he had been intimate ith Mr. Blackwell, and had recently travelled with bim a far a Philadelphia I TmiEATENtHO Letters. Mr. Wm. B. Astor, of New York, recently received certain threaten ing letters, stating that unless he paid over $50, 000, his life and property were to suffer. A simi lar letter was received by Mrs. Aster. Mr. Astor placed the communications itl the bauds of the po- ice, who recommended some byplay en his part, GOLD COMING. The purser of the U, S. storeship Lexington, writes to New York from Sari Francisco that lie has $178,000 iu dust, which he is to ship from Valparaiso to Panama, and so to the States. It will probably reach Panama by the British Pacific steamer, in season to be taken hy the Crescent City on her return. A mercantile house in South street, N. Y., has now $30,000 in gold dust watt ing at Panama. It will probably be brought on the Northerner. VIRGINIA INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. The Richmond Times says that tho late Legis lature was marked by the adoption of a very unu sual number of measures of Internal Improvement, of which it designates the following as tho most important : .' . The bill for the Virginia and Tennessee railroad makes a State subscription of three-fifth of the ca pital of three millions, or ono million eight hundred thousand dollars. The bill for the Blue Ridge Railroad appropri ates from the treasury one hundred thousand dol lars annual', for three years, for the construction REMEDY FOR THE CALIFORNIA FEVER A friend who has seen some service in camp life, offers to those afflicted with the prevailing ep idemic the following prescription : I t. Sleep tliroe nights in your wood-house with the door open and swinging in the wind, during which time, let your diet be pork, cooked by yoar self, at a smoky Are ifl the garden. Sd. Improve all the rainy nights in sloping between your cur rant bushes and pnrden fence. 3d. On the fourth day of your regime, let the diet be mule steak. 4th. Thereafter, dispense with all kinds of food Save dog meat. If this be followed resolutely, it i confidently believed a permanent cure will be effected. Both were committed for examination; and thedeposite of a package to the writors,which resulted in the arrest of Franklin fJ; Bragg, of No. of a railroad and tunnel from the casters base of 6, and Isaac A. Biggs, of No. 21, Mdrton street, the Blue Kidge,at Keckhsh Gap, to Waynesboro , in Augusta, and further subscribes three-fifth of one hundred and fifty thousand, or ninety thousand dollars; for the extension of the railroad to Staun ton; Tho bill for tlic Alexandria and Orange railroad subscribes ati additional filth, or one hundred and eiglity thousand dollar for the construction of tlut work, a subscription of two-fifths having been alrea dy authorized by an act of the last Legislature. ' Another bill authorises the State s guaranty to the bond of the James riter and Kanawha com pany, Iti Ihe amount of three hundred and fifty thousand dullara for completing (lie connection be tween the canal and tidewater, and of one hundred and fifty thousand for completing the Rivanua and South Side connexions. Another bill appropriates $00,000 for macadam izing a portion of tho Staunton arid Parkersburg Road. v -.. .' . The lills above enumerated authnfize an aggre gate appropriation of $2,93O,0tw; and besides these leading measures, a large number of appro priations have been made for different Turnpike, chiefly ia the western part of the State. SIGNIFICANT FACT. The New Orleans Crescent publishes the re port of a Committee appointed for the purpose of ascertaining the number of death by Asiatic Cho lera which occurred among the Sons of Temper ance iu that City, and tho adjoining towns during the recent epidemic. The Committee state that there are t-velvc hundred and forty-three mombers of the different Division in New Orleans Lafay ette, Algiers, and Gretna. In these divisions three deaths only occurred, and in tome of them not a case of Cholera took place. Of those who died, one had beet, a member but a woek, another less than a month, and the third was a watchman who was much exposed. The proportion of deaths in tho City was fifteen to every thousand souls, while in the Son of Temperance the psoportien was one in more than each four hundred members. ' i Till MISSION TO BERLIN. The Ixmisvllle Journal thus speuk of Ilaone gait's appointment: "We regard this as tire taost disgraceful a ppnintmenl ever made, it was made to enable that rejected and disgraced llannegaats pocket ctghtecti thousand dollars without rendering any crvice for it, and under circumstance that render the wliele transaction hut little less dis graceful than stoaJing. ; . ID'TheSta'ndafdfecotd the death ofTc-lonel Ilillory Wilder, aa aged and respected citizeu of tin county. He expired at hi rosi dence on last Thursday wer. after a protracted nines, which lie bore with fortitude and resignation. Colonel Wilder was distinguished foe hi frngal jual industrious habit, 1ii honesty, and hi sound common siife. lie represented Jolmsoo county for many j eT in the State legislature, and was member' of the Convention which fev'wed the KtateConstltiiiinn in 183S. 1 Fathkb Mathevt. The Pittsburg Gazette pa' l;he a letter Ire this great Irish Apostle nf Tempers ncp, date at r on the 21 et ultimo, h: whi.-!i he atatea, tie, Ireland now a brighter frospwt, and hi health is sufficiently r-t;i-'!ihe1 In permit him tn rrtM the Atlantic, hr rouii- to avail UnWlf of th long-desi rej frl ?'" 4 ijtittj tiiia ctMiiity ia Air)!, (tV SUPREME COURT. ., The following Ow.tioss have been delivered by the Judges, since oar last. We learn that the Court was expected io adjoura to day, (Friday.) We shall therefore Conclude the list of Decisions In our next: , ' By Rcffw, C. J. In Graham v. Littl, iii E- qi.ky from Wuko. Also, in Holdfast V. Repaid, from Pasquotank, reversing the judgment and di recting a venire de novo. Also, in Bed sole v. Monroe, iu equity from Bladen, declaring that there is no error iu the interlocutory order. Also. In J. C. Rankin v. T. Rankin, from Guilford, affirming the sentence of the Superior Court. Also, Ut &ato,r. Williams, from Sauipsoa, declaring that there is no error in the record and proceeding of the Court below. : Also, in Davis t. Gilliam, in equity from .Martin, affirming the deer jo. Also, in Yarbjroiigh v. Arringtun, iu Equity from Nasi)! dismissing the bill with costs. By Nash, J. In Barnes v. Farmer, from Edge- xomb, reversing the judgment and directing a ' aire lie tievo. Also, in Sutton v. Edwards, In equity from Greene, declaring plaintiff entitled to h iv.' the former partition established, ccc. Also, iuDoggettv. Ilogaci, equity from Halifax, de claring tlie plaintiff eutitled to a decree, and direc ting a reference, Ate. . , , : . By PcARsoti, Ji In Simmon v. Gooding & W. rl, iu Equity from Jones. Also, in Cully v. Join , from CraVen, aifirmitig the judgment below. Also, in Devereux v. Burgiryn, iu equity from Northampton, directing a re-valuation, 4ic. Also, in Nicholmm r, YellowHy, in equity froin Halifax. AV'o, iu Heiidriik v. lloye; In equity from Pitt, dismissing tho bill with cost. , ' ..'I THE METHODIST CHURCH PROPERTY QUESTION. We learn the Baltimore Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the first in rota tiun , has ananimotwly passed a resolution author izing and recommending that the properly ques tion, in dispute between the Northern and South em branches of the Church; be lubmitted to arbi tration. Should the Annual Conference follow the example, and it seem to be generally expect' ed that they will, the Constitutional difficulty will be removed. The South, having made prepara tions for commencing a suit to establish their claim will have incurred some expenses; but probably these will be made matter of arrangement should an amicable adjustment of the other difficulty be agreed upon. Mr. McGadgiiet, of Indiana, who was ttoaiiua ted as Governor of the territory of Minesota, has been rejected by the Senate. The Union say the Vote on the nomination was a strictly party one, all the Whig voting for its confirmation, all the opposition for its rejection ; and we are advi I d by '.he late official journal that its party friends Voted against it because Mr. McGacgiiev: was opposed to the late war with Mexico, and whilst in Congress voted against carrying it on I The conclusiveness of this objection, when made to the appointment of a person to the office of Gov ernor of Minesota, now that the war has ended, is not very clear, Baltimore Patriot. . FAMILY SECRETS. In Cole Connly, there lived a man namsd Isaac Dodson and hi wife, who were both firm believer the prophesy of Father Miller and not doubting for a moment the correctness of their prop' 3t's c al- culation, they set about making act: v.' "repara tions for the eventful day tlut was to terminate the existence of all sublunary things. Alter having set the house in order, the following conversation took place l j Hisdanb My dear wife, I believe I have made every preparation for to-morrow. I have forgiven all my enemies, snd prayed for the forgiveness of .11 my sins, and I feel perfectly calm and resigned. Wife Well, husband, I believe 1 am ready for the sound of the trumpet. Husband I'm rejoiced to hear it ; but, my dear wife, I have no doubt there are many little dames tic secrets which we have kept hidden from each other, which, had they been knewn at the time of heir occurrence, might have produced unpleasant feelings : but, a we dave but one day more to live, t us unbosom ourselves freely to each uiiior. Wife Weil, husband, you are right ; there are some little things that I never told you, and which intended should remain between me and my Cod; but, as We have but one day left, I reckon its right to make a clean breast to o&ch other. I'm ready ) ysu begin, husband. Husband No, dear, you begirt. wife No, husband, you begin j I can't. Husband No! You know, my love, Paul say husbands have a right to command their wives, It i your duty, a a christian woman, to obey your usband and the father of your children t so beaiii: lovB. Wife Ia the tight of God, I reckon it't flrhi so I'll tell you, dear husband, our eldest son, Wil liam, is not your child ! . Great God ! Mary, I never dreamed of your be ing untrue to me. s that so? Wife, (in tears) Yes, Gd forgive me, it is true) I know that I did very Wrong, and am orry for iti but in an evil hour I fell, and there's ne help for it new. Husband William not mine ! In the name of God, whose child is he Wife He's Mr. Graham's, the constable, the Lord be near your poor wife. Husband So William taint my child I Go on. Wife Well, our daughter Maryf named after me; tint your si neither. HusbaHd Saltation I Talk on. Mar.--comc right out. Who's Mary's father ? Wife Mr. Grinder, the man that built the meet ing house, and went to the lower countrv. ' -1 Husband, (resignedly) Well, at there ia bat one day more, I'll bear it i so go on, if you have any tiling elsei -Wifo-Well then, oir ydufigeit II usband I ('pose Jemmy aint mine t Wife No, dear husband, Jemmy, that we both love o much, aint yourn; neither ! Husband Merciful Lord ! Is that tot In the name of the Savbur, whose is he 7 Wife He it the one-eyed thoemaker', that lives at the fork of tlie road. Husband Well, by thuader, Gabriel, Mow your horn! I wixt to go, now I St;rfmf Court Ucports. R UVUvflOM O F I'RIC E ftm K SiilscriUtr ht"mj purchiurd trom tl.r Eft it of W. K.Uahs. Esq., dccwJ. the f-ntit Pililkw of V H, 7, aud 8 and Vufs. 4 and S, K uit , of !rd-lt' UfprtN ol ('urn abided in the Snrr-nH Ci.mi1 !' North Cftrultua, (trom ileceinber Trrm It'i . to AuKust 'IVrm, lt'4H, hiclusiw. aud including a.o the Kqnity Coses of the pnt Term of the Conn,) has rodmvd the price from Six Dollars to Five Pol Inrs per volume ; and is prepared (ti furnish them t; Gi-iitlenii-u of the Bar and Booksellf rs, eic?p Vol. S of Equity, to lw published in a few weeks, of which aotico will b' given. Orders for the whole, or for any one or more Volumes, promptly attended to. And the Itar supplied on reasonable terms with the previous Volumes of North Carolina Reports, snd Lw Book generally. Bound Copies furnished to the Profession, in exchange for their Nos. E. J. HALL. Fayetteville, March 19, 1849. 17 NORTH CAR0LIXA ItAlLROAD. "VfPTICE is hereby given, that Books will be open X 1 ed fnr Subscription to the Capital Slock of the NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPAN"; , the -'it v of lLoYic.li, u Thursday the 19th duv -f April, Irili) ; tilli Will remaiu opcu for sixty day thereafter; JOSIAH O. WATSON, 1ILNCAS K. McltAE, THOMAS J. LEM AY, MIAKI.KS I HINTOK. WILLIAM W. HOLOEN', ' Cvnunissimas. Kaleigh, March 20, 1819. 16 td RALEIGH tt CAST0 ROAD. "VTOTICH i hereby given, that Books will be open i. 1 ed for Subscript iou to the Stock of tlio KALEIGH AND OASTON RAILROAD, in accordance wil h the Act of the late session of the Legislature, in the City of Kaleigh, eu Thursday, the 19th day of April, 1849 j and will remaiu open for sixty days thereafter. KlCHAKl) SMITH, GEO. W. MOKDECAI. WILLIAM W. HOLDEN. C'ommitMoiKit. Itnirigii, March 20, 1849. 16 td lETThe Petersburg Intellitreueer and Republican, and Norfolk Argus, will pleas insert each of ths a- bove advertisement three times. of APPEALING TO THE INWARD NATURE OP CHILDREN." Writer on Education now- -days, in treating the government of children, have much to say a bout " appealing to their inward nature." The doctrine was practically illustrated in School street Sunday. K lady findrW some difficulty Iu making a couple of children walk home from Church in a becoming manner, said to them " If you behavo so, see if you tku't have to take tome castor oil aa soon a yoa get home. Now, take my word for it, just as sure as you are alive." The clnltlrcn im mediately drew up demurely by her side, anc mov ed along as gravely as mate at a funeral." TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED Proposals will he received till the fist day of April next, for building; a Church iu the Town of Louisburg, 41 by 36 feet, with a Basement Story and Gallery. 'Die plan aud specifications may be seen at the County Court LlerK s Otlice, or oh ap plication to the lluildmg ContmiUee. N. B. MASSENBURG, DAVID THOMAS, A. II. RAY, Building Committee Unisbure, March 39, 1R49. 1 7 2w . Register, Star utd Stauiard twice each, attd forward accouut. Joseph P. Cauwew,, Esq., orlredeH Connty, is announced la the Salisbury " Watchman," a a Candidate for Congress in the socoud district, last icseated by Mx. Bovdea,1' 4 ' ' The Taxes are indeed licavy, said Dr. Franklin tn one occasion, and if those laid on by the Gov ernment were the only one we had to pay, we might more easily discharge 'them ; but we have maay others, and much more grievous to tome of us. We are taxed twice at much by out idleness, three times a much by our pride, and four time as much by our fully; and from these taxe the Commissioners tawmit case or deliver us, hy al lowing any abatement. , : . : ; hL ' TO DRIVE AWAY RATS. . Mr Charles Pierce, of Milton pounded up potash and strewed it around their holes, aud rubbed some on the tide of the beard', and under part where ihey came through. The next fright beard tqura kir.jr among tlicm which lie uppoc4 from the caustic nature of the potash that got among their hair, or en their bare feet. They disappeared, and he has not been troubled with them since that time rthicli was iwarh a year ago. OmI. Cun'ri.'av. '' FOR THE LADIES. Our fair reader will be interested in the fol lowing, which we take from a New York Corres pondent of the Philadelphia North American, who professes to bo au fait iu such matters : The new Parisian bormet is a trifle smaller, and less broadly arched over the forehead than last winter. The materials are, of course, of tho lightest description abort of positivo diaphony which is held iu reserve for midsummer and New port. The outsido embellishment consist of a single bunch of small fresh spring flowers, of iiiilo blush rose. Iinide a flowery labyrinth ding gracefully and caressingly to the downy cheek, and iu this department tlie exquisite and still inimitable taste, talent, art tall it what yen will, I name It genius of the Parisian milliner, i displayed in it highest amd snort delicate form. The favorite colors of the new bonnet are pink and white indeed nothing else it strictly tllowa- ble ; and as nine-tenth of all the well dressed ladies on promenade wear green mantilla, and half of them gtvea dresses aa well, (be effect of these piak and white bonnet, with their delicious trimmings, it indescribably charming. Every where the eye is refreshed with the tender contrast of toft greed and blasting pint, taw when, here and there, it reposed for a moment on a mow white bonnet, curving gracefully at a tea-shell arouud a face beautiful at Aphrodite. EPITAPH oa toe.l4.ts cntxi or tux coma. Beneath the stone erected hero, : ' -. The dcut of on ia lying, Who, though he aeidoot abed a tear, ' ; " Lived tU the while by crying. Now lefttlone ia ftkn alters His bonee here mouldering lie, ' ' JTbe Courts of law far hi in thould Keep For them, he uft did cry ? ' PETERSBURG COMMISSION HOUSE. DICKINSON & LESTER, Mingbrook St. Petersburg, Va WILf. eive attention to the aale of all kind of Produce and Forwardine Goods. Refer to Hon. A. W. Ncnablc, Granville, aud W. Whit aker, Jr. Esq. Raleigh. joint uicanrson, K. I. Lesteb. Late of Danville. Petersburg, Va. March, 1843. REMOVAL OF STORE! JAMES LITCllfOIlD respeetfully informs his fr onds aud the public that he ha removed hi Stock of Ooodt from his foauer stand to ths opposite side of Fayetteville Street, NEXT DOOR ABOVE MRS. HARDIE"S, and directly opposite the Market, where they are in vited to give him a call, and continue their custom. On hand, a (rood assortment of DRY GOODS. OROCEklES, HARDWARE, tus. lie also continues the Tailoring Business, and will attend to all orders for Cutting and Making Usa- tlcmeii llothmg. u tlateigh, r eb. Kid, it-VJ. J-' Beck wi th's Aitl-Dyspeptlc PlUs. THESE Pills have beeu now for mora than tea years before the Public, and thsir just pretensions to the character claimed for them closely exaniiuod , and tested, by a great number or persons, too lutein (rent to be deseived, ami to deeply Interested in tli results, not to abtcrte with ears, tud judge without favor. Experience ha not weakened these I retentions, but strengthened and eonfinned them by a mas of tostiruouy of such respectable cbaraeter as has rarely wistaiued any article iu this form in any country. , 1 he silbscnoer ha just received a supply ot them, which have been recently made, and he beinj Dr. Ueckwith'a A Jenifer Ihii part of the State, is prepar ed to furnish the wholesale trade at hi price, ia any quantity. P. F. PESCUD, , '. Druggist.' , Raleigh, Match SO, 1649". ; 17 , ? PRIME VINEGAR, Just Received b'y ' Raleigh, March 8, 1343. JAMES UTCHFOm 14 CHEWING AND' SMOKING TOBACCO, i prime lot Call at JAMES I.ITCIIFORD'S, Next door above Mrs. Ilardis'a Raleigh, March 3. TVfOLASSES. . new erop. Jiwt received prime MOLASSES, For sale bv JAMES LITCHFORD. Neat door abort Mrs. Hardie'.- Raleigh, March 3, i . RICE. A Cask or FRE.SII RICE just to hind, aud for sale by , JAMES LITCUFORD. . Next door abovo Mr. Hardic't. Raleigh, March 2. Dr. A. F. Cotpcr's Spla0AMmiaal SUPPORTERS. THE SuhscriVr ha on hand, a supply of taw above valuable Supporters, which are recommended for all persons, afflicted with muscular debility, rotttd shoul ders, or prolapsus Uten. rrof. Molt thinks they art very Well adapted for some varieties of incipient spinal distortions, at they attora the naelul eombtualioa ot sboulder Braoa sod Abdominal Supporlar, with vary decided support to the spinal column. The soovs Brace art reconMnesded by Phykisiaa renerally, who have sees them, and I hava sold a umber to citisea of this place, whs an highly pleased wiuinein. A centlrmsn observed a km dav since, fhatha had beea wearing a very eelehrarM body hraw fc-r torn time, and that he weald tot girt ant of tht above, for fiftv "Mch, Iter aeed at pafltmr, M they Mk for tfiem- tern P. F. PESCUD. ST The abort finaporte B ia imnravsaaesa an Dr. C.v raine K)au-AbdoiBiiial Supporter. ttaieiga, intra XV, isvf. IJ FINE TOOTH COMBS. DOME of ths matt Superior Combs ever offend far tJaalt m slileigJi, may be found t r- r. rtscuu s Drag Start. Sa'tlgh, March 6, 1849, CITY TAX LIST. NOTICE it hereby riven, that I ahtllaHettd at ths Court House, an Friday, the 30th oaf f March, instant, from 10 o clock A. M. tat o'clock, P. M t tak tht Cjty Tax List, tof th eurreat year accor dhil to law. , W. DALLAS HAYWOOD. , :" ' lotsadant, Raleigh, March 19,134). SU ' FAMILY C0E CLRBI.G8. XO BARRELS and half barrels for sale bt 3t SEAWELL iu MEAD, Raleigh, Jeb. 23, MM9. 18 UD0ir GLASS. A LARGE assortment of Window Gluts, tf tit sites, by the box, for Sale h SEAWELL 4 MEAD. ' I Raleigh, Feb. 23, 1643. ( : lit .., MFORMATIOX WASTED .. . JESSE WALKER, a naUvaof North Carolina. .. came to Lincoln county, Kentucky, and volunteer- , ed to go to Mexico, lie wa a private in Captain imam wx.-mi; m uiiipniij, . Sve U IV V. Volunteer Infantry, and waa killed in tlie battls of Buena Vista. He left a widowed mother aud tin. ten tomewhere in North Carolina. , They are en titled to hit land claim of 160 arret. If tlilg shotiji! r,i?-" thrtr ctc, I tvH procure tliMr' ' land warrant, and also any balance of pay due the ' deceased, free of any charge whatever. . - Further information caa be had by addressing the undersigned, postpaid. G. II. M KINNEY, ; liar. 1. 8tnftjrd, Kentucky, ' ruiiTTHEL's. ' THE SuWrilx-r has just rived a snppty of choice Fruit Trwa, from T. Perkins1 fwlobrattd Slur. ery as BarUiigtriit, N. J. eoiisislinjj of Poach, Apri. tola, NemsritiM and Cherries, ia tre4 yarivty, nii,, with ths view of itfi-ciin; eyweoy sls, wiH s- ll )heia Ww. . P. F. FiiSCU'D. Umr-'-i, ItaWirh, Frb. K. 1? ' OIGARH AND T03AOCO. Chewer m4 ,. V krm t ill find t iw Druj a-id Aithcry ht r sorat vary siaicriur liiacco aud t'ifsn. PP. l'IUCtl.. Fcuax-: -. u IT Fv . a. A resTH'Ett .! of vMi r- Lriv ed sud fr iio b r B4'-'5'i. Mwl, 8,1813, p. 1 '

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