amusement; Popey GodolpJiai Sqaavh Ls'i Pat- ceI Ledum, 1 !i:tDREX Bei.eukks My lexsliure dis e'uenitig in kiuiscipiinc ftb sebril recsins, will lie oil AMALGAMASIIIW. '.. Le word jnalgamaM, Lord in lo Pokier Kobil, ' On da Animal Probasm ob Je,' was deri fied i'r.i.ii an old Dutch pairrler man, an simply vio.ia inixin ob de kullevs. Da fuss instance ob iut".:i A il knller mongst de mew n: wimin, was fcnnsmmni ted v.Il old Moses tuarVicU viu R kull irej wumati, just lo let ile Afrikins see lie was nut .ulo.ird lo mix wid deiu in de fullest sense obile wr.l an ober since dat old Jew man married dat woman, nil de stingy ojd fellers dat am too miser ly fur to keep a tviuj woman as she shood be, am tryin to imliwie de heds.-rd) de kullcrcd peeple wid .iioalgarnash'dn doktriu; for cbery now an i'-,i I hear ob sum sassy wile I'ei'.er ruimin oil' w id sa;ii iubly kitl'sri. J, an putin for de wacinity ob liostun, as f.iss as de rale -rode, kill karry dem. An, my frens, dis stale ob things am lookin mere einutbtri ebery day ; for dere am not a eastern pa per dat 1 lay my band on but wat kotitains a k ill for a mectia ob fee wito trash to konsider oh de Riil'jk'k obubolishunatulainalgaiij.ishtiii but, my ' 'evpy liercrs, dis am all gas and gammon bout de.e fellers simpcrthi,ing wid de kitllereJ race. A!! dry want am to sassagefry den? charkobup petiles by fooiin round da wimin.. If I had a dar ter, if skstvas as him. i'ly as de rinusinhoss, before one ob dose w ito suckers .siioidd lay his . pnrlisti h.i;i ! on her welvet skin, I'S da as de old Rimiin Warginiis dicl wen old King Kru so tried to lay wyoleut hands on do ini-s.-in ob him darter I'd s.imsh hiiiv ober do bed w.ul Jo blackin. briis'i.V 1 . 'romonihcrweii I seed do actor mini play dis War- uuius m de playhouse, wen a voting man named Uil'vns (who was do bow ob dy dar.t'i ) told: do fiel der dat him darter was dragged up an down de slretes ob Rmn, Wargiuas Icuk inicty kmssand .-J '' ' TWt you see dis arm, bnb, ''-. I; am a Rtimins,:uul has Manured do. sile.. Po fiic am, my. bnmseil -licrers,. deso wite men Aviiiit to nwas'htntc so bsid wiil do kuMered people, dat dey don't no war-to slick der finger, an am on ly pullin de wool ober daeywib yonr blushin dam itsels, like de dobil does o'ler de eyes ob de sinner an it am my private opinyjo, pub'ickiy exprees- l, dat dese wite peeple am as lor from gitin into j li'.'bin as I am ic hall aty salhtTy razed to a libit) pint, (an de Lord noes dat's lur enuiT.) An, my Btingy frens, if dis state ob tings nm loud to exist. itw ill trow de cog weel'ob sibilisashum out objiot, hrako oil de exultrecs, on which dis sirknlambular arth goes round, buss do bilef ob de nashun, upset ilo kars ob aristockracy an spill all society, wicli katasiropliy wood ob korse smash de preface ob ile Koctititshun, an ire hah to Ub foreber arter on ue by-laws. , --..-.' ; '..'. i Mis Florinda Xngomitr.a PasiHa Victotlna Snl Ann Joanna 1ee, am, I is happy to state, got-. ' tin belter wtfii'y much. She scsi suinbody smouoh cd dat sassrr in her inutf, and she innocently tuk it home); Welt, dat may bo de fac, an, derefore, I Anb forgihen her, an I hope eberybody else will do de same likewise, I hab bort aumting dis weke lat hold all do money dis poor kongregashtm kin raze, an it am too big to be karried off in a muff dertiffe.Emdder BeBjamin Franklin Gongk Thom soii will pleese ha nrottn dh "large new lee tray, a-n lirke out for bail pennysand tin sixpnnses. It am time, iny frens.dat de kullercd people ahooil wake up on dis almity subjeck in dis city, as dey hab in Filetnundclphy, as de follorin notis wicli I kul Jioni a paper from dat sity, fully indi kates. Ah ! de world noes dat da most gellcm Irated musishuners dit ebcr libed am do kullered peeple and dis -allows dey am anm in de sity ob tretcs, bluddy riots, and Quaker chrtrclies 44 At a meeting of tho Leaders of the varimis-l V-olorjd Musical Urganizatioiis, held on the eve 411115 of the. 15th inst., it was unanimously agreed, That we withhold the services of tlio various Bands we represent from the Fire Department, q n -the occasion of the next 'Triennial l'arade, until ft H Wliite Mtisiciun8 are excludod therefrom. ; 'Sii'ned George Wasuisgton Joas.sos, : , .. ; ; i Secretary of the Meeting.' Ajnt dt good noose, eh J If dey had only spelt dere words rito it wood hab bin more to dere cred it, but dere bin no counting fur ignorance, sum . time's. ' ' ". ' ' .' ' . " " THE 'EFFECT OP CHARCOAL ON FLOW ERS. From thd l'aris Worticullural Jicview, of July last : "About a year ago, I made a bargain for a Rose -bush, of msgnificent growth,' tndfulf of W, I waited (uT them t blow, and cipcted roseB or. 'thy -if noh a neble plant, and of the praises foes towed upon it by the vender. At length, when it Iilootncd, all my hopes were blasted... Tho flowers were of a faded'color, and t discovered .that I tad tr!ty a middling muttifjota, stale colored enough, I resolved therefore to sacrifice it to tome cxperi-i.etrts-Ut I had in view. My attentioft had been captivated with the effects of. Chatcoal, 43 stated in some English) publications. I then covered th? earth in the pit, in Which my rosebush was, about lairan Inch deep wtthpilTccnici cJioiTBoIi Some days after, I was astonished to sea tho roses which tleomed ofas line UrelycuJoras I could wish! I doterrrtlnedlo repeat the e.tperttnent ; nd there fore; when the rose bush had (lone Cow ering. I took off all the charooal, and ptit fresh earth about tire roots. V08 may eofceive- -that I waited for the 4 : ., 1 1. .nil.. n mAAfh VJtilJiAC',h, PV. IieX IWllie iiii'i-,iiijr, iuocv 111. ..... v.. jidrimerflV1 WJtcn' it bldotijed, the roses were, as ,t first, paie and, discolored; but, by applying the charcoal as before tu roses soon resumed -their rosy refl color.l tried tho powdered charcoal, in larc (jarmtlties, li.ewis,pti -'my' petunias, and liim,A Hsm botli the be am! vudrt flrrwftrs were tKiaalfy'spnsIIWV? acfioii.'ilt always gavegreat vigor to iho W or vigkt olors of 4b flowers, and 4lio white pf tmihts keflanie teined with- red or vfo fet trtitsj ticvlerltts became "covered with irreguIuTr pots of, bluisli or almost blck tint , Many per son wlio-dmire4 them tiwngM that they were sic-w varieties .frtiin' the seed.-t Yelfow flowers are', s I lmva pruved, insensible to the influence of Uk cliarcosl." ; - HOl'i;' oS, I10F1 ti; E ft. omaivt!'0',Ehocri, wn's five' linndreJ ltd c'lliijr years oli when she vvaii inafried J ""'" -,- .Ui .'-:- V tn GRAND SECRET OF MASONRY. . The following incident needs neither preface nor comment. . It speaks for itself: On a visit to a neighboring city recently, I call ed at the house of my friend B -, with whom 1 had been long and intimately acquainted. To my astonishment, I found his lady reading a Masonic paper. I asked her what chntrge bad come over her, that she should not only admit such a paper to her house, but sit down to its perusal; for I knew her father's family was among the most vindictive, bitter, proscriptive 'anti-Masons, that ever left the infected district of New York. She replied, that fhe had discovered the grand se cret of Masonry; and if it wonld be agreeable lo me, she would relate how she tame to make the discovery. I requested Insr to proceed, which she did as follows : " Soon after yon left here last fall, I learned (o my extreme mortification, that my husband had be come a Mason. 1 attributed it to your influence, aod I need not say what my feelings were toward you or my husband. I at once came to the con clusion that my domestic happiness was u4 an end ; but I resolved that my conduct in the relations of wife and mother, should see that I had done all a woman -could, do.. Some three or four months af ter 1 learned my husband had joined the Masons, a circumstance occurred that, for the first time, gave me any reason to doubt his integrity." It was one of the coldest nights of last winter, that my hus band returned at a late hour, and said tome, "Marffaret, cannot you do without vonr blanket shawl ?" I replied that I could. lie asked me to get it for him, and bring him a bedspread or com forter. I handed the articles to him, and he imme diately left the house. .My first thoughts were lo follow him, I went to the window, and Ly t!.o liglttorh the lamps I discovered another man with a large basket the shawl and comforter were pla ced in it, and they both soon disappeared. My husband returned in about half an hour. I ex pected 'in the morning as a matter of course, he would have some stry prepared to explain his mysterious conduct, but not a word did I get ont of him. I determined to keep a sharp look mil for my shawl, for if I could once get iny eyes on. that, I would be., able to unravel the whole mystt ry. It was not I was in the. street, that -a female whisked along past me, tipon v!iom I dis covered my shawl! The good for nothing huzzy ! thought I; while a glow of triumph thrilled every nerve, and quickened my pace in the pursuit. I followed her closely from one street to another in- to the fourth story of a bindery. I saw tier very composedly lay aside my shawl and sit down lo her work where, urged on by that insatiable desire to get the clue to my husband's perfidy, I soon learn ed the street, the number of her residence, and im mediately left for it.' I was not mistaken, neither, for I saw my comforter there. The whole secret flashed on my mind at once, as clearly as if it had been written with a sunbeam from Heaven. There I found a widowed mother in the fast stages nf v,ino,iinntinn anil three children nVnfindent nn-! on the scanty pittance earned by the elder sister,) Whom 1 had so stispiclously followed. I learned from the lips of the dying woman a lesson, 'that m all my philosophy I had never dreamed of such a tale of sorrow as I had never before listened to and when she had related the deed of charity, that had been the cause of all my unhapriness, I felt that there was not room in my bosom to appreciate the disinterested benevolence of my husband. She said ' I da not know how we could have lived but for tho kindness of two' persons who came here late one night, and left a basket-filled with provis os and some bed clothes, shawl and five dol- 1 irs. They just opened tho door, and set in tho basket, saying: 'Accept this, and ask tie ques tions;' and left before I had time to inquire even their names. I do not know who they were ; and I have had some doubts from where these things cam. But I never forget in my daily prayers to Him who openoth His hand and fillelh the poor with bread, to ask if these were men, Ho will keep them and theirs from the sorrows with which I am visited. , I left the house a better woman than when I entered it." ' " Bui tho grand secret of Masonry," said I, " I thought you were to tell what it is." . She replied, " It ia this to do good, and not to un of u r . ' . . . ; : ' DEVELOPMENT OF THE LUNGS. The following commendable hints are from Dr. Fitch's lato work .: : ;. . , .. Much has been said and written upon diet, eat ing and drinking ; but I do not recollect ever noti cing a remark in any writer upon breathing, or C.e manner of breathing. They suppress their breath ing, and coiitract the habit of short, quick breath ing, not carrying the breath half way down the chest, and scarcely expanding the lower portions of tb cheat at U. Lacing tho- boftom of the chest also increases this evil, and confirms a bad habit of breathing. Children that mevo about a great ileal in the open ahr, and in no way laced, breathe deep and full to th bottom of the chest, and every part of it. So also with the mot out door laborers, and persons who take a great deal of exercise in the open air, because the longs give as the power of action, and tho more" exercise wo take, especially out of doors, the larger the lungs become, and tlie less liable to disease. - In all oc cupations that reqnire yon to stand, Iteep ths per son straight. It at a table, let it bo high, raised tip nearly lo the armpits, so as not to require yon to stoop yon will find the employmnt much easi ernot one-half so fatiguing J whilst, the form if the thest!) the yrnmrtTy of tlie fignre, will ra ms iu perfert. Yon hatre noticed thatj vast ; num ber of tall ladies stoop, whilst a, great iany short ones are straight. This aTises, I think, from the tables at wliich they sit orworMr efMiity hcm- stlves.'or stuily, being of, a medium height, far toe J low for a tall perso, and about right lor a sliort nersotfT 1 Thi ltotri j be carefully corrected and regnrdeif, Kitlfat each lady Atiy occupy herself )it a table suited to her, and thus prevcut.,li'2 nspeisLi ty or possibitj ofjStiopiu;. -itjr j ifAffairsaf Stockltohn upon the evidence" of his puticiiR.Uoo in ihe offence of smuggling. 1 Tl A JYatHiilptt corrcfjxnaciij jj jjie iiila- All business tutrustea to nun, wui uc nromptiy . flhiaiim-rican writes 1 Jhat. tlie.l'resident has di i0"1'''1. w' 'if, ';f "" ."" 'n ant r' ,. ,,, .. - , 1 f He is prepared to mku4 snd proenrs an SOU IfCtedttie recall Of Mr. lh Wi Ellswortll, ChnrgSF niPuc. i-i.iJUS. f dpacrinlimualakortuu. State of Aorth f aroliua, tVtta County. . COt'RT of rieag aui Quarter Sessions, Fi-bruary Term, - James Twld, fiion J. Tfnrtsfielil, and Rebecca, his wito, Clendou Tucker, and Marth, his wife, John King, and Susaa, his wile, Henry Rhodes, and Cliloe bis wife, Jesse Aiulmon, and Mnry, his wife, fcliist bcth Todd, Heury Todd, and Williiun Todd, agtimt Man- R Todd, Alplieiu '3'odd. Josliua Todd, Da vid Todd, Klijah Todd, Ueorgu Todd, Tliomui Vul ly, and - wife Elizabeth, Naucy Faison, Mutthew Leopard and Mary hit wife. . Pilition to ditide Land. This ease coming an to he heard, and it appearing to 111:' satisfaction uf the Ouurt, tliat James iVvbli-s, and wife Kli.aboth, and Matthew leopard, and wife Mary, and othora, are non-residents of this Slate : It is ordered by lh Court, that advertisemeul be nude in the Ualcijrh Times, a newspaper published in the City of Raleigh,' for six woeks successively, notifying the said non-residents to lie and apnear at tlio next Term of our Court of l'leas and (JuiirUr Sessions, to be lic'd for the County oi Wuke, at the Court House in the City of Rah ieh, on the 3tl Monday of May next, and then and there answer or demur to the said Petition, or judgment pro Ronfesso .will be granted a gainst thein, and die Petition heard ex parte, as to llieni. Witness. James T. Marriott, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the 3d Mondnv of I'ebrnnrv. A. U. I84S. JAMES T. MARRIOTT, O. C. C. Raleigh, March 24. (Fr. Adv't. .62 J.) 17 Cw SOM SALMiTCS, 0E rase f Soda Sata-rntm, a si;. ,'rW artielo for rCHik ing purjHMcs, just received hthI for Hale bv 1'. F. FESCUD. ' Raleigh, March 8, 1S-19. QJXtlFF Ihnes, ("igar Cases and Tobaoco Roites, ljust to hand mid fur sale by - r. V. PESCUD . Raleiirh, March 8, IP 19. VARNISHES - larg? supply of Coach, Furuitiire. t'lilishiiig and Japan Vuinishes, just rece.ved and lor sale by 1'. F. l'ESCL'J). . Raleigh, March 8,18-19. CUOCOI.ATE Props anil L.7.enges of all kinds, just opened, atld for sale bv P. F. PESCUD. Rakigh, March 8, 1S19. GUM DROPS .1 inost excellent artielo for Coughs,- Colds., Ice, Ljnst received and fur sale by 1'. F. PESCUD Raleigh, March 1 519. BAV Rr.1I. Afresh -sufrly f Bay Rum. just received, at 1. F. PESCUIVS Drug Storo. italeigh, March 9, 1S-19. fish iiooxs, A large lot of Fish Itooks of the most approvod kinds, just received and for Sale by F. F. PESCUD. . . Raleigh, March 8, 18-19. ; PRIME VINEGAR, Just Received iy JAMES LiTCHFORO. Raleigh, March 8, 1819. 11- C HEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, a priuie lot. Cull at , JAMES UTCHFORD'S, . Next door above Mrs. llardie's. Raleigh, March 2. NOTICE. AT the Animal Meeting of the Directors of the North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company, held on the 9d January, 1849, tho following resolu tion was adopted : -.Rewired, that an assessment of five percenUlw levied on all the premium notes out-standing oil the 2d January 1819. Notice is hereby given that tlm nbovo assessment is required to be paid at the Ollico f th N. .!. M. I. Co., in Raleigh, on or before the first day Of May next. JAS. F. JORDAN, Sec. F. S. All Icttora addressed to tho Score tury on bu siness of Hhe Company must bo iont mid, or tlicy will not be taken from the Post Ollico. Ralyi, Feb.26,lS4'J. - 13 St - Tl TOLASSES. Just received prime MOLASSES, J-rjL uow crop, for sale by - JAMES LITCHFORD. Neil door ttbovo Mrs. llardic's. Raleigh, March 2. FRESR GARDEX SEED. WILLiASS, HAYWOOD, A. Co., hve jn re ceived a supply of Garden Seeds, which lliey warrant to be fresh and genuine.'- '- To the Tatrons of the Temperance (ODioiunicator. T OWE an apology to my Tatrons for the tenmora ry suspension of the Commwii!ir. At ths car- nest solicitation of many friemls, I havo -chani'ed my location from PiUshordhgh to Fayetteville, whence the mails uivenrc m many directions, aud by which 1 can send the Communicator more speedilr and with more certainty to all iny subscribers. 'I ha regular issues of the Communicator may bv expected aa soon asthe press can be put in operation say alwut two weeks. 1 . W.U. l'UU EU; Ed. Com. Fayettoville, Feb, ?, 1S49. , . TIMES PRINTING OFFICE. OUR PATRONS arc informed that tho Printing Office bus beeu removed to the West side of Fay ollsyiUs Street, ..,;! . .... : ,, . . . - OPPOSITE TUE CITY I1ALL; in tho Rooms over the Store of James Litchford, next doar ahovs .Mrs, Hardie s Confectionary Store, where we sliull be happy to see our sulwuribers and inesds. A e are prepared to execute all kinds of . t , Job 3i:iutiiu(, -. nm tin trsnal terms, In a neat tnd hsndsomo wan ner, -and solicit a pwttuu tf, public patronage in this line of business.. . .. ., .. . -, , . ,. ,; : Snliscription to the Pajier onjy 1 50 per nwrsni In adrance, r l3 80 if not paid before the cspiration of six inoalhs. , ii. M si -. i-- -. .IT TUB TIMES will always ko furuiidjed.ii mottM for One Dollar, ill advance. But suWenp. tionawiil bo-thankfullr received on either plan. ' ILT ')'hoeoak'bte4 to th Office are requested to remit their respective duos at sur risk ; when a re cent will be forwarded in their next paper, i Raleigh, Feb.i3,lM9. " . LAW NOTICE, ir C. B.VTM.B having rotatned to this City, will V. resume the Practice of.tbe Iu',in this aud die adjacent I ounties. tiee, according to prctci-ibed forms. RaV-fh, August T. l 38-1 m.' REMOVAL OF STORE! JAMES MTCHFORD rwpettfully informs lit Ir ends and tlie public that he has removed hw Sto' k of Condi from his former stand to lha opposite side of Fayrtteville Street, NEXT DOOR ABOVE MRS. HARDIE'S, and directly opposite the Market, where they are iu vi'.ed to i;,ive hiin " call, and continue their custom. Onhnnd, a food assortment of PRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &e. Ho also continues ths Tailoring Runnels, and will attend to all orders lor Cutting and Making Gen tlemen's Clothing. Raleigh, Feb. Aid, 1P43. 12 FAMILY ROE BERRIXGS. KQ DARREIN and half barrels for sale hy Ji SEAWELL &. MKAD. Raleigh, Feb. 23, 1849, 12 -X 1TIXD0W GL.m, A LARGE assortment of Window CJhiss, of alt XXtfizes, by the box, for sale bv SEAWELL Si. M Raleigh, Feb. 23, 1S49. FRUIT TREES. THE Subscriber has just received a supply of choice Fruit Trees, from T. Perkins' celebrated Kur sery at llurlinglon, N. J. consisting of Peaches, Apri eiHs, Nectarines and Cherries, in (Treat variety, anil, with the riew of effectiiiij speeiiv sales, will sell tlnni low..' V. F. PESCl'D, Druessirf. . Raleigh, Feb. 23. : 12 CIGARS AND T02.C(Whewers and Smo kers will find at my Drug and Apothecary Store some very superior Tobacco and Cigar. p. f. rEscrp. . Feb. 23. 12 TjllOSl'IIEXE GAS- and LAMP OIL, just re JL, ceived, liud for side at. Feb. I- V. F. PESCX'IVS Drug Store -.-- ClAMniORCArsCLES, a fine artielo for Sick y Head Ache, jnst received and lor sale by l eb. .J.' , r. r. U. Tl'JUBE FAST 11 A sntwrior artielo of Jujube ft Piisie, just received, and for sale bv Feb. S3. V. F. 1'K.SCT'D, GAlitlLW SEEDS. THE Subscriber, has .'just received, his Sttip'y of Garden and Grass Seeds, which lie warrinil.-i to be fresh mid iretmine, cotisVtinp- in part of the- usual varieties of the following kind, viz : HEAD. 12. Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Broeoli, CaMvig", .-Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery. Cress, Cucumber, Egg Plant, Corn, Leek, Lettuce, . Melon, Mustard, Nasturtium, Okra, Onion, '.Parsley, Parsnip, Peas, PepH-r, Pumpkin, Radish, . -" ','-. Klmbarb, . .Salsify, Spir.nge, ... .Sipiuhh, :. Tomato, Turnip, Aromatic herbs, Ciruss Seed, .' and Fruit Trees. Also a lot of Flower Seed, which will bo sold at three cents a paper, as they nre not of last year's growth, :. P. F. PESCUD, ; Apothecary and Drtigirist. Feb 23. . , 4 RICE. A Cask of FRESH RICE just to hand, and for sale () JAMES LITCHFORD , Next door above Mrs. llardic's, Raleigh, March !i, SCHOOL I. FRAXKLIXTOX. 4 SCHOOL will be opened in the town of Frank- A- linlon, on the 15th of January next, under the care of Miss REBECCA Fl'RMAN, who has tes timonials cf the most satisfactory character frjin Mr. and Mrs. BonfliTT, formerly of lauisburg, un der whom she received her education. She has also certificates from several other persons, inclu ding three or four .Ministers, some of whom have known her from early lifo. Miss Fi'MA has lately been teaching the School at Dr. Edward SKedX in Granville, whoro, by her inddfatigatle attention to hor School, she has givon -entire satis faction. Terms per session or rive months : . For Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, and En glish Grummet,. $8,00 All the higher branches of nn English Edit- ' cation usually taught iu Female Schools, 40,00 Music, 15,00 French, , ... 5,00 It will be seen that Siis ScWl is now oflering inducements and advantages to I'atetits seldom 'of fered to any community. Franklinton is proverbi ally a healthy location ; and Papils entrusted to her care will receive every attention necessary to their intellectual training. Any person wishing further information in rela tion to the School, mm address Rev. R. Firman, P. .If. at Frarklinton. liefer also lo the Editor of this paper. Franklinton, Doc. 22, 18 IS. k THE WIFE'S FRIEND. Important in thnut ahmil lo became. Mulhers. , PROFESSOR A h V.XXS V. PA VLITA AT, of tho Paris Lhno-iii IIosriTAL, member of the Afedi ro( Academy of Fiance, ('brresKudiug Secretary of tho Paris Pharmaceutics! ('allege, respectfully begs leave to anuoniice to the Tidies of America, that ho has appointed DR. JEROME Y. C. ROPENIIl'R TY, of New York, his solo American Agent, for the sale of his wonderful memcine, known in r ranee as THE WIFE'S FRIEND, or MOTUKU'S ASSIS. TANT, the most extraordinary medical discovery the world has ever seen. Its province is to LESSEN THE PAINS OF CIIILD-UIUTH. and promote a sapr, easy, n SPEEDY DELIVERY, which it does by amittinfr nature. It is perfectly Harmi.kss, kfpioaciocs, pleasant to tho uistc, arid mtt fails to promote an eny and naj'e delivery, and improves the general health of oth mother and child. It has been tested for ysars hi all tlio principal Lymr-In Hospi tals ol Uurope, and recoivea ths saucltou of Dearly all the prominent t--ol eges ana aleuical meu of the old world. It is the GREATEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD; as all wdl admit that 1 merlirine milit be that will lesson the terrible pains ucuallyat ntedaut on child-birth. There is no mistake about this medicine doinj all that is said of it " ' IT NEVER FAILS. It is iu the form of a fine, light powder, to be made into a drink, and ussd lor a few weeks previous to tho expected event, nd its pries is so W a louring it within the reach of all. Suraly no huinano hsulrand will wilier his Wile to en dure pain, when it can be so easily and cheaply a voided. For tlie small Mini rf oalv $1.00. sent unt paid ts JEROMK Y. C. OPENIIDin'Y, New York Put Ollico, a packaro will he ssnt by re turn mail, if being so light that it caiiuc saut any where av MAIt, AT A VKSVTlilH.t.a COST. J 7" No unpaid Alters taken from tho oftice. J J To prevent iinpnwuon, the U. H. Agent, Dr. Ropenhurty will write his name in full on ths out side label ot cadi package. No other genuine, Rt. memier '", W -' ' ''"-' ' " ; NowYork, March 3d, 18-19. i.--,; .,- 1; 1 61a FRE5R IHU GS, MEDIUMS it fifflk BY recent arrivals. I Jiave received a largs supply ofarticles needful to make my stock complete, to which I iurit the attention of pnrernw em. " , ;..-. i.r. v"! l F. PESCBIV -. Druggist and Apothecary. ; l Raleigh, March 8, ' . v t - . - - i - ' . " ' '' IMPORTAXTSAl.EOP v ncclaimci) Smamp fanis, . . B jyorth Carolina, THE President and Iirectri of the Literary Fund of North Carulina, in pursuance of certain Reso lutions, passed at tlio lust suasion of the General As sembly, offer for sale, - Fifty Thousand Acres of Sivamp Lands, constitntinir a port of the literary Fund of the Stato, situated iu ilyde and Washington Counties, and em bracing the regiou lying between Pamlico aud Albe marle Sounds. These lands havo been drained at great expense, under the direction of competent Engineers, and laid off into Sections. The druiusge has been effected by two main Canals, tn-wit: Pungo Caaal, extending from Pungo Lake to Puugo river, six and a half miles in length, with 1111 averuge width at bottom of S2 feet, depth six feet and full twelve feet and Alligator Ca nal, from Alligator Lake tonngo river, 6 miles long, with au average width at bottom of 3D feet, depth se ven, ami fall ten feet ; together with sundry tributa ries or lateral ditches. These Canals are navigable for Hatteanx. and eroptyinjjuto the navigable waters of Pamlico Sound, their mouths are accessible to sea going vessels. A large portion of this Land abounds 'n Juniper, Cypress and other valuable Timber, for which tV- for est of Eastern North Carolina is disiiniuiiJi. il. Tho residue consists of Prairie, covered with the C'ane and Bamboo, and in the estimation of the E gincers Who surveyed it, the whole of it is extremely fertile. To Grain Farmers, and to the getters of Stares, Heading unil Shingles, this laudorJeispeculiarinduce meiits. To Immigrants in the Ports of the United States, accustomed to a country similar in many respects, this Land uft'tra a noil believed to be as fertii as any in the North-western States, with easy aeress to the Sea, and within three days' saii of New York. - The Juniper water is pleasant, sad the hands engaged .du ring the last two Summers, in getting Shingles, have enjoyed excellent health. Time and place : The Rale wilt take place in the Town of Washing ton, in Ueunfort County, bv Piius'c Auction, common. cing on Monday, the 2 1st day of May next, and will be superintended by the iticniWrs of the Hoard, in person. -V Terms:"': Tlie Land will be sold in Seei.ions of.nliont ICO i Acres, uccording to the Maps and Plates of the Kn- I gineors. . A credit will be given of one. two, .three and four years, to he paid iu eijual instalments, with interest fnnn tho day of sale. '-.. - , Bond and approved security will be required, and the title, withheld until the ' purchase money shall be paid in full. '' -Certificates of purchase Will he given, and the titles, when made, 'will .be warrantud. . Turnpike Road. At tho same time and place, the Board will receive Proposals tor completing the Turnpike Road from Pnngo Luke to tho Town oTPlymouth. Given under 111 v hand, at the Executive-Office, iu the City of Raleigh, this (ith day of March, A. 1)., 1-19. - - - - - ' (HAS. MAXLY. Governor of North Carolina, awl ex officio Pres'l Lit'y Uoard, By order : '. '-'', I ("llEVES MaXI.V, Secretary to Board. Raleigh, March 9, 1819. 11 Is PUBLIC SALE. A GOOD CIIAN'CE FOR B AUGAIS. OX Monday, the 2d day of April next, will be sold at Public Auction, at the house on Fayetteville Struct, now occupied by L. F. Smith a a Uefoctory, (formerly PEPPER & HUGHES,) all the Fixtures In-longing to the Establishment, Furniture of nil kinds, Cooking apparatus, Crockery of evry description, (a splendid lot,) with a variety of articles used by fami lies. . And all tha Stock on hand, consist ing of Liquors of every sort, and of excellent qualities, Wines, of va rious brands, Segars, &c. ALSO, A new Northern Buggy and Harness mudo to or der, and a first rato Haruess Morse. L. F. SMITH. Raleigh, March C, 1819. 14 It W. R. PEPPER I) ESrECTTFLLY returns his thanks to the c'Ui izons of North Carolina, for the patronage he has roceivi d from them, while engaged in business in the city nf Ruleigh, and begs leave to inform them that he may be found at JARRATFS U8TEL, PETERSBURG,., where he will be happy tonce his old friends and ac quaintances, and pledges himself to leave nothing undone- on his pan to contribute to their comfort and convenience. Ho hopes bis fciuiius will give him a call. - Rah-igh, March, 6, 1819. ;:. 11 Sm r. F. PESCUD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Clrugs, Cljcmicalo, Ddc Stuffs, FAYETTEVI LLE ST. RALEIGH, N. C. Mr. PESCUD would inform his custoni- en n'1 lhe puldic in genera', that he bus I w-.s 1..,j,i r n mnuiM 1.:.. cat iu the late concern of PESCtD&JOHlVSOV, and will continue the business at the Old Stand as heretofore, where he will be happy to accomu-edate all that favor him with their orders. His king expe rience in -the fcusRiess 4w is prosecuting, and a deter. nunation on lus part to spare no enoris lot. IV L C.M VERSAL SATISFACTION iu the Quality of hit floods, and tho Cheapness of f ale, imlnre him to be lieve that Purchasers MUST BE SUITED. .,: Tho Assortment of Guods in his Storo is arranged in a manner ts please nnd gratify OLD, AS WELL A3 NEW CUSTOMERS, I, w.sjI no ex pense, time or labor to relit his establishment, nnd to place everything iu view for llnse who buy. The ob servation of a moment will be sufficient to discover his nrmsjement, and test His truth ol this advertisement. MEDICINES, DRITCM.- DYE STUFFS, CUE . MICALH & PAINTS. Some portion of these Goods aro rerpiired by eveiy Country Dealer, and it ia to their inten-st to buy the best articles at tha lowest rates to train customers at home. . P. F. PESCUD. , Wliqletalo Dealer in Orugs, Uyo Mulls,: mid ( henncals, l ayettevdle MrreL Raleigh, Feb. IS, 1819. ll-ta . BLAKE PITTMAN, . (UtTE f llll.trAX, H. c.) ' femnilssion Mrrcbant, PctcrsAnrg;, Va, (MVF.S his special attention lo ths sale of all kinds J of Couutty Produce, tlio purchase of Goods, aud the recoil inn and fWivarriint of Gnixls. liefer to II. F. .Monro, Ei. K;ik-iKli, N. C. -; , -Tho's K. Thomas, Esi). Louinhurg, N. C. "tv. 1 . Honcn, r.sq. '',., J Rocky Mt.N.C, .: f Wostou, a k 1 11 i a i' Brut,lebro',K. . C. 'N, M. Long, Esq. ) ' ' " j L. M. Ung, Esq. ' Wcldou, N. C. James Sinuiuiu, ) . ., , ' , -PoUersoii, Cooper it. Co 1 1 ' ' ! 11 ' Wills Si, Lea, , PetoTtburg, II 1., I,. I -s-.. . I Vs. ... r . I ,illMV, 1 , F. S. Marshall, IWifaa, N, C. ' ' Petersburg, Fib. 1st. , t . ; lUbc TFsuffi.'iently supporteil, the subscriber intends to - publish a monthly pas-r of eight pages, for th purpose bf diffusing information ,n the subject of education with tho especial view of inipruving the character of our Common Schools. It is intended to give an account, drawn from the public documents and other sources, of the or igin and progress of our Common School system, to compare it with that of other States here and in Europe, thus noting our improvement over for mer years and suggesting the means of overcom ing the defects and difficulties tinder which we still labor. This will lead us to investigate the sonrces from which school funds are derived, the modes nf their application, the preservation of order in schools, the election of proper books for study, the recreation suitable for the pupils, the treatment xc ceesary for different dispositions, ic. And believing that the State which would im prove its schools must first improve its teachers, a portion of our columns will be devoted to the ques-. tions How are our schools to be supplied with competent teachers f How is the standard of ed ucation to be raised, and the services of a band secured who are well qualified to go forth and in the spirit of love, labor for the advancement of the children who are phced under their charge ? But Education is a word of very extensive mean ing.and although the primary object of the publi cation may frequently take ns into the school room, wejdo not intend to be always confined there. Our subject matter is the human mind and the in fluences good and bail, with a view of preventing the one and strengthening the other w hich can lie brought to operate iqion it. That this is a the mrjnf the deepest moment none can deny. Itgnisps the in tercMts not of this world only it reaches through I eternity. e shall not hesitate then as occasion may demand, to enter the family circle, to placo ourselves on the streets or mingle in the busy crowd and there set forth the rules of life nn'd principles of conduct which we believe will pro mote the good of our race horo and redound to our ; everlasting welfare in the life which is to come. The publication will. lie. commenced in GreeNs- Isiro', so soon as a sufficient number of suhscribers ran lie obtained to defray t'le expenses of printing to bo printed on fair type, at 50 cents a year, payable on the receipt of 'the first number. lie-tiers relating to the paper may lie directed (post paid) to Nereus Mendenhall, Jamestown, Guilford county, N. C. . - Subscription also received at tlie Patriot Office. The papers of the State, and others friendiy to the cause of Education are requested to publish or notice tlie above. IMEKEUS MENDEMIALL. 2d tno. 7, 1848. A (HEAP FAMILY PAPER. . The Dollar 1t'r?.7y .Y- tcs. v Published in the city of Philadelphia, and Edit ed by 11. T. Conrad and J. P. Sanderson, is offer ed at the following low rates, per annum : Onecopy $1.00 " ; Six copies ' .()() Thirteen coplies 10.00 Twenty copies 1 "),()() Twenty-seven copies 20,01) Thirty-four copies 25,00 Forty-two copies 30,00 Fifty copies 35,00 The Dollar Weekly is a Whig Jour nal. Special attention is however directed to (leu eral yews, Litrrnliire the. Arts and Science, the interests of Trade ami lintintt, and all such oth er readieg as is necessary to make a good FAMILY NEWSPAPER. It corttains also the most ample reports of the state of the Markets, in tho principal cities of the Union, and a general synopsis of matters' interest ing to bnsiuess men. ITT No paper will bo forwarded unless Mymc'i be made in advance. Money may ba remitted throngh tlie (nails at onr risk. Address, postage paid, J. P. SANDERSON & CO., News Bindings, . , cor. Third aud Chcsnut SUt Philadelphia. TAILORING. "ITTILLIAM H FORMA Tespectrully informs I ' tile public that he continues the almve business tho old stand, and he solicits tlie orders of his friends and customers. He is prepared to make gentlemen's Coats and Pants in the latest syle and in the neatest manner, and will warrant thein to he ent and mads ns Well as they can be in any edablwhrnenf in North Carolina. His prices will he moderate to suit ths times, aud no effort on his part shall be wanting lo five perfect satisfaction. All who want neat aud fashionable Clothes, tall at FCRMAN'S Old estaMWed Shop , in Louisburg. Louisharg, April Sit, I84S. ALMANACS! At.MANA.CSi ALMANACS! 1 DOCTOR D. JAYNE would respectfully inform the public, that he piih'ishes nnuually for gratuiloss distribution, by himself and all his Agents, au Alma- ' uac, called JAYNE'3 MEDICAL ALMANAC, AND Cl'irm TO HKAl.Tll. The calculations fur this Almanne ore mode with great care and accuracy for five dilC-rcnt Latitude and Irfiuuitiul.n, s as to makt tliem equally useful as a ("nlendar in every part of tlio tluited States and ilritMi North America. They aro printed on good paper, and will) handsome new type, and art neatly bound, and besides being the neatest and most accu rute Calendar printed in tho United States, they con tain a large amount of valuable information, suited In the wants of all, and of that kind too, which cannot bo found in books. , HIS CATALOGUE OF DISEASES, with re. marks and directions for their removal is really inviil- ' auhle, and make them welcome visiters in every house they enter. Every family should possess at least one of these Annnuls. His Almanac for 1H4!) is now reudy for distribution, ':'of which he designs to publish at least TWO Ml I. LIONS, surf in order thnt -every family in the United States tnd British Ameri-. can, may be furnished with a copy, he hereby ia- , vitcs - ' MERCHANTS AND STOREKEEPERS , ; to forward their orders to him as earlv aa powible, and they shall be supplied tWATUITOUSLY with as m iny copies as they may deem necessary to supply their various cinloiners. They are. also invited at tlm same liuu, to sends copy uf their '1IUSINKSS CARD," which will lie printed an placed on tho- on the cover of the Almanacs sent them, also without charge. W ; " . ..'- .;; . -..-.!- w - -" -;' They are also requested to give all necessary direc, tinns how the Ahuaeac should h forwarded to them. Ily law they cannot be sent by mail uuless the post ago ia first paid oil Uiem here t ' - "- ' Orders (post paid directed to DR. D. JAYNE, Philad-Iihia, will meet with prompt attention. J r FAMILIES can obtain Ihem Almanacs Oral is of - I '.::'(. ' R. i MAYNARD, ' Agent for ths sale of all Dr. Jayne's CclcbiuU'iL Family .Medicines at Franklinton N. C. , JOB PRINTING, &c. ' ' IT TUB t'lMUS OFFICE being well supplicii , Willi . jtrooJ assortment of JOB TYl'K, we aru" preprcd for printing, ucatly, all kinds trf 1 Circulars, 0.3, ai JJanlibillff;, snil other work, with despatch, upon reasonably terms. A share of public patronage, in this lauf of business, respectfully sohicitcd. ' '. February lo, I8PJ. x ;. ;;'

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