VOL II. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, APRIL G, J 849. NO 18. TERMS. Tnr. IUi.Kioii Timss will be sent to Subscribers at Two Dollars ami half per annum, if paid in ad vauca. Tliroo Dullars will be charged, U payment is delayed mix inoiitliv These Terms will U invaria bly adhureii to. ADVERTISEMENTS. For every Sixtcr n lines, or Xett, One Dollnrtfor the first, and Twenty-five Cents for each subsequent in irrtion. Court Ordeis, &c. will bo chargtd 25 por fltit, higher; but a reasonable deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. -' DT Lotlort on business, uwl all Communications iiintiilud for. piibiieutiuH, must bo addressed to the Uihior, uud post piti'l. v .. . iSl'USTANCK OF TUB Remarks of Maj. CHARLES L. HIXTOX, At the Internal Improvement Meeting, Md in this City on (is 3J ultimo. Maj. IIiktoj said, il was known to most of thosd present, that he whs not in the habit of pub lic speaking. He very rarely ventured an ad dress in public, except when the kindness and par tiality of his friends requited ef him to contribute his humble aid towards the promotion ol any great cause which was calculated to advance the public good. And in yielding to the wishes ol his friends on the present occasion, he could assure them that nothing but his strong conviction of the import tance of the great improvement, to lurtricr winch they had mot togolher, could have induced linn to respond to the call of the meeting. As I have no preteusions to the character of an nrutor (said Major llinton,) I shall proceed lopre ociit to the consideration of the meeting, a few plain statistical facts, easily to be comprehended by the humblest capacity, in order to how the great advantages of rail roads in general and tlie jxseuliar benefits of the contemplated central road to those contiguous to it. My purposo' will be to how that liot ouly will the construction of this road tend to elevate the character, develope the resources, and increase the wealth of the Slate, but that it will confer direct personal benefit npon individuals. It will be readily admitted that ' money isaved is money made ;" every farmer wlwcun curtail the expenses of his farm, to that -extent enhances his nett profits. It ia usual to es timate tho utility of mil roads only by their cost, and the expense of running them, compared with the profits to the stockholders. The Raleigh am! Osston road has become somewhat odious in the public mind merely because It has cost the Slatca -few hundred thousand dollar.-", and now barely yields enough profit to keep it in operation. Very Jew nop to consider' what arc tho advantages it hfforda to individuals, and that will perhaps never ie foaliaod, till the operations on tho road are sus ipended, which i fear must be the case, if tlie road as not continued Westward. Unfortunate as has letn tlie Raleigh and Gaston road, yet it can be shown that its benefits have been and are now im mense to every one who Owns property, or lives -by his labor, within reasonable distance of the -the road. .. ' ' -': ! ' '.- As this is a meciing -of the citizens of Wake County, met together for the purpose of consult ing npon what they should do with reference to Hhe advancement of thoir own interest, let us sec liow this county has bewi benefitted by the Raleigh ind Gaston Railroad, and liow deep an interest its citizen have in the coatinaation. For I think it mast be apparent to every one, that the continu ation of the road farther West is absolutely essen tial to ita cjiis'once. ;: -WAKE COUNTY, ".;'..-'. '-' cottoic. ' From the compendium of the ermmeration of tlie .inhabitants and statistics of the United States, 'asebtained from the returns of the sixth census, it appear tliere was raised in Wake county in 18 10, 11,301,990 pounds of cotton, Uiiicii when ginned .woukl make 1879 bales of 350 pounds each this, 1 must bolieve, is considerably below the product at this time ; for, ill 1317, as appears from the re port of tho President of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, submitted to the la t Legislature, there was sent to Petersburg troin the Rjlcigh and Wake Forest Depots, 12G1 bales. It is known that a considerable portion of our crop is carried to Faycf.evillc, a largo portion, if nut the larger jinttiim of it, is sold to the Catie Creek, Orange, RocKingham, and Milton factories. I then lako '1879 balcis, Ihecrou of , ISiO, a the kosisuf my alc.jdtion- leavijig the attrplua if any there be, , fur boms consumption.' It msy be jihner for hie lo observe, that previeua to the construction of the railroad hi this. place, our cotlon was all seiu hi I'uyoUcville snd Petersburg the prices at 1'otera. 2 burg Tinging higher than at Fayetloville ; and it . i a. lad known to pur fa.mers, that tlie cotton vfuised North of RaMgh; was carried to the former, f a i.ilf (hut raised South, wit carried to the hitter nmkot. . VV-itt'tiinij tu I'ttarabarg win .l 25 . irr hun.'reil, or tl CjIiIh ptr bale.. s ; ":..1bW hah rt i irJJ x baU em '- $84130 6i It) K.1 1(1 or C,a U nm , 1 'liumlrcJ) at jireat-nt Rail Road '"rates, 3.DJ5 90 .i , Ciitj ti t!ioiiducf ottonr ; . : $4';94 82 I I (! . Ml, -mi',.. . i. H.-(htf we had the advantiige of railroad tfiins .fn'.'tion, the tjonkt of our merchants will show i..,. il,i- j.ncc uf salt rangeit . frotu four h;v to five dollars per sack. For years past it lias aver-1 aged two dollars seventy-live cent. J here is re ceived at Raleigh and Wake Forest depots, 3,102 sacks, wlncli at four dollar serenty-rive cents, mu aes . $10,14 1 50 9,520 50 Same ut $2 75, present price, Gain to the present purchasers of salt, $0,924 00 ' ' 'LIME. ' 820 casks of lime were brought to this county by the railroad last year. When wagoned, it cost from 4 60 to $5 per cask. Present price $2 75. Saving of $2 per cask, equal to $1,600' 40. The Reports referred to, "make no mention of the quantity of Iron, Sugar, Coffee and Molasses brought on the road. They form a very consider able item in the expense of every farmer. My own impression is, that the cost of iron upon a plantation does not vary much from that of Suit. If so, wo place the saving at the same 6,924. Wo are equally at a loss to know the amount saved on sugar, coffoe and molasses. It is all conjecture. We aro ccrtumlv below the stundard when wo say $5,000. The account then stands thns Saving on transportation of Cotton, $4,294 62 " : . 'V Salt, 0,924 00 " " Lime, , 1 .040 00 " " Iron, 0 924 00 ' " Sugar, Coffee and Molasses, 5,000 00 Gum to tho people of Wal-e, )n the sale uf their Cotton, and in tl-eV pur chase of bait, lame, Iron, Sugar, : Coffee and MoIiisbcs, $24,782 C2 Rut this exhibit falls far short of showing all the benefits the farmers of Wake and citizens of Raleigh derive from the railroad. I have enn- mentted above the savings on the sale of cotton, and the purchase of the absolute necessaries of life. Few, if any of our farmers, make an entire crop of any one agricultural article for sale. Their crop is divided. The railroad builds up your lowri ; onr aim is to feed you. More than one half of the surplus of Wake is consumed in Raleigh, rd makes no show on the list of exports. ' I have collected some statistical information re lative to the county of Granville, which presents the savings by Vailroad in ft much stronger point of viewthan those have exhibited for Wake. I have selected GraiiviHe, because it is an adjoining county ; about the same site, and containing about the same amount ef papulation as Wake. '; In 1840 there was raised ia Granville 3,988 832 pounds of Tobacco, !iich reduced to hogs heads of 1500 each, makes .,G58 hogsheads; Before the establishment -of tlie Gaston road, $1 25 per hundred, or $18 5 per hogshead, Was the usual price paid for carrying it to Petersburg, tlie main tobacco market for iVorth Carolina. 8,658 hogsheads, at $18 78 fcfr transportation, cost , r -:' ,'-. : -' ... $49,837 Same at CO cents, or $7 GO, ptesjeut. A railroad rates, ,: -,, . , 17,205 : Nett saving to the planter, ' " $32,575 ! In 1817, there was carried from Hn3etson, the principal depot in Granville, 1802 hogsheads ef tobocco ; the balance was deposited at other places on the rond, or citrried down the Roanoke, upon which Granville county borders.' ' " ' ' "' WHEAT. ' : " ' The same year, Granville county raised 53,958 bushels of wheat. What quantity it requires for home consumption we are unable to determine; I but wo may fcul'rfy say, Ihat the farmer who reaps i one thousand busiiels, can (pare 750 ; thus roser ! ving 250, or onefourth, for seed and family pur ! poses. Three-fourths -of 43,958, is 38,953, which j we supH)so was sent to IWrsburg, a p irt in flour, j but tlie greater portion in the grain. Forty cents per bushel was tlie usual price price given when i sent by wagons, ihe only means of transportation before the railroad was constructed. It is now carried from Henderson depot at 15 cents per bushel, It us sec 4he diilereuce. i 3S.953 at 40 cents cost, H ; $13,581 20 Uo . 13 cents, present rates, 5,842 93 tiaiii lo tne wheat grower, $y,73'J 2-i i 1 am informed by the practical intelligent farm- j i the price of transportaiion, tlie" wheat crop has j been increasing (or years ; and at this time, there is more wheat seeded tliari wus sat'td in 1810. ' j ,-w . , ,.. ... i;,: j 2,325 sacks of s;ik were delivered at Henderson tlie last' year. " A consider.ihle portion of this, no uouni,' wa carried to urange and t'erson", but riot inure than Was delivered at the other depot in the county and landings on the river. Say tho sating U $1 35 per sack; the difference between the fomief tinri present (irlces equal to ' ; $3,502 80 1,imk. 330 Casks of lime at the tame 1 ; .'iwtt,-.l'. i .; . : 825 00 . - Tlien, sir, not taking into the estimate the st ring m dry goods, hardwnre, and other articles of merchandise which ar daily ftrririag at the dif ferotitdcpMH, and tlivarietr of tlie msllrr pr ducWaf Ihe hirm ihM in like manner a rv exnort eJ, the account of the county of Granville for her wviHgB.by the railroad tads thus: i '. Tobacco, i,, VI ,.,..: oti m ti $3257J 00 WtMut, , 4 , . x- i 0,7)0 23 Salt, . 3,502 60 Lime, . . 525 00 ' Iron, ,tr , , ,r r,,'-,:f; 3502 fiO Sugai t Coffee Sl Molasses, sume, 3 503 50, Nett galit to the people ef Granville-- tleiif ul $r)3,343 73 So, in proportion, arc Franklin, Warren and I other counties benehtted; anil II the estimate ue extended West, as yon go up the country, so the I the profit increases. j Ihavesaid thus much to show the advantage of the Caston road to Wake county advantages We are now rnjoyinjr. : : I propose now to ask your attention to the grani j scheme of the great Central Road now in coulcm- ' plation and if we were to derive no further ad- j vantages from extending it West, vye are romu- unrated alremlv morn than eirrht times the' nroiior- 1 tion of the tax We would hive to in von fvl OOO'A nun tl, Kito i i,,w r, il,;,t m,,l ' The annual interest on' that sum would be $120,- j;: BlU ll")RC same Counties raised i7.799,555 lbs. f. The day laborer, the Mechanic, the Merchant, and j content, ami of insinuaii,.,n of hostility to tho iii 000. .The population of North Carolina in 1810 01 Collon reduced lo bales of 330 pounds each, 'he professional man, all Would receive encourage. : fresti of -Wiliriinglnn,' sgainst every one, who' was 753,000 of Wake County 21,118. . : 13,97ft. If the difference in transportatioit ! ment. and increased employment, by thus develop- i might, from a tense of duty, ho unable to approvo As 703,000 is to 120,000 so is 21,1 IS to $3 - j ll0"u ,e0llly two dollars and fifty ets. per hale, ing tiie resources, and' iuereasing the wealth of the I the hill bef.re the Honse.- For myself,. (said Mr. 3G8, the proportion Wake County would have U'l "fly ' 13.970 byWhiindrwI and fifty, i eowntry.-... j It.) I shall do wl .it I conceive to be ir.y duty, re pay,- ! and you have S;',!,r !() saveil to the fanners. j Want ol time, howetrer, admonishes m3 to cur- : gurdlesa of the complaints of friendi', or the !e- ;j,er mv n'.ive Bhown to bo ft-M 702 02 I'" ,lmayu0 s',,iJ that our factories consume all the j tail my remarks. I have only glanced tit a few nuiieiutiuis of enemies. I may calculate on no. 'Dcduciher proportion of fit '' 3 31)8 '(,lll, made in tho middle and wostem portions of ! stubborn and incontrovertible' facts, showing the ! thins else than being charged with motive-- of hos. I the Shite.' Very true. But they will be compel!- j advantages already accruing from our present iin- tility to Wilmington, nnii with repriwnting tho Saving from the present road, even niter paving I .our proportion ol the interest of. the loan $21, 394 02. SiipK)se that Wake and Granville were govern ed as a Bunk, Rail Road, or any oilier corpora tion, and at the end of twelve .months, the 'stockhol ders, were to meet, a committee appointed to in quire into the a Hairs of the in-liUiioii, and it was shown as plainly I think as I have shown by the above calculation, that they ccrli $24,702, or $21,394 (3: mil lost lor the con- heciuse they would . I not expend $3,3CS, docs iiny one doubt for a mo- jment, but the general indignation would ho so great as to demand a change ol rulers 7 V e can not doubt it. Then, acting in our separate and in dividual capacity, why not avail ourselves of ad vantages offered J I liave said ihat $3,3G8, is the proportion of the tax for Wake Couuly, and that she has a popula tion of $21,118. Multiply tint number by 10, and you have more than the iiinouu' required. So 16 centi for oacli member of tlie family,, more, than pays the tax. -;'. ' ' ' But it would not be as bad as that eveii. Wo have $2,030,235-worth of real estate in Wuke. Tax this 8 Scuts on every hundred dollars worth, and you have $1,0:14 W o have 5750 kIIs that are taxed, say 20 cts. on each Merchandise and other things taxed $1,159 535 and you have - : $3,308 But I don't know that thero is a necessity lor taxing land and poll so high. It was the pleasure of your last Legislature to tax money st interest, pleasure carriages, gold and silver pkile, gold and silver watches, and many Other Other articles used by those in more affluent circumstances' ; and there are still other object of taxation that may be made to bear their proportionate part, and thus diminish the tax on land and poll, 1 ' ''-I had neglected to mention the increased activi ty and yaliie this raiUro.id improvement would give to yoar 'business and property. . In 1833, un der tha former asiessmsnt, tin real estate of tti leigh was valued at $338,358-, in 1847, at $410, 43524 pit cent being thus added, owing to tho Raljigh and Gaston Ro.id. Tho To.vn of Wil mlngtoii offers a still more striking illustration of the benefit of Riil Roads. . In 1810, iiiiJcr the fortaer assessment, hur real estate was valued at $G50,359. In 1817, if was valued at $1 ,275,300, early doubled. 1 '. " She has a public spirited, enterprising popula tion, that deserves the aid so generously afforded ber by Ihe last Legislature. : She is united In her public works, and by the force of union she Will surmount every obstacle, and not only repair the Wilmington Road, but owfnew with the South Ca rolina Rflad, ut Manchester '' Far she has already neveuty-fuur miles of that Road hndi "Contract, and every cent to he taken in the stock of the Company. - "',' - But, sir, 1 propose to show some of the advanta ges of the proponed Road to our Western friends; and withoat makiflg utiy aTKr.il to tlie Ststo priJe r patriotism, prove tlrnt on the score of dollars and cents, it is vastly to their interest, and our in terest to unite in accomplishing this work of Ihe Centrul Rosa!.' Withiii 25 miles of a direct line from this to Charlotte, there are 18 Counties, con taiirinp a pnpnlation of 246,099, and reil os ate to the value of ' 20,000,690. The wheat and cotton raised hi 1810, w'as ih folloiv t ; - - -: "' ' . . . . . i , , i ,. , . ' ' '" Wheal. ' : rfii.i ' 1 4,5G8 720 rJ' 899.728 ; 1 U08.100 , 307,0 10 Cabarrus ; ' Chatham Davidson,.,. Davie , ,. . f SuillWrJ ' Iredefl , , " Lincoln f r. Mecklenburg , , Moore . fx.. Ol 'f r ' 86,309' - ? 94.342 .' !,i- 114,357 , . k 44,481 , ' 87,728 : 109,444 1C05-J 51 1,719 !85,37A 1 );. ' 1,479.390 -(l,t5327 ., ,750,610 . 253,437 " :" 600.000 81.633 W.481 67.223 2,33322 k 2.39.9JG ' - 'cirn 11 Rowan ' Randolph jy 15 ovtr Siokeft - 74;987 1 . 48804 lvvr i ,48 804 ... , 'J3.S79'" ' ' -il .:. '. . , .a !.! -I ii. 1,33118 Bmhslt.v Surry ;i Mnntgomrrj Wak' '"f- 17,79933 Nctb The j'ftodurt-of Rowan ia hot put In statistic. ' i ' 1 Knppnso three-fouitlifi of th wheat, an in Gran, ville, is fm market ; one-fourth for seed, and home consumption, Though a nimher of the named Counties are more tuan double Hip dUtanro ' of Granville !mm market, we put the savin" to the 1 farmer al thesamc, viz : 25 cts. pnrbinhel. They! raised in 18111, 1,'J31,918 Bushels ; tlm'e-fourths ! of that is- 013,031 ; at 25 cts. amounting to 8230,- 982,75; the saving to the farmers of sixteen Cnun- ! in tlle "wiportatioii of Wheat alone. " j And, sir, does any one doubt, but that after Rnil ! Ro&d facil,!MI for carrying to market areliffijrded i t'ie crop will continue to increase in those Conn-j tie' ,,nIi' hmounts to four or live times the 1,mn.t.iy "w raisedof conrs! the amount of ' grain raised will im-rease in the sanio ratio. ; " ! ed to give tue Charleston, Petersburg or Wilming- I tnn prices,. the rate of tmnsw'rtttiim'beih do ted am! in like proportion will, our factories bs benefitted,-when tlie supply in this Slate is not c qual to the domand (which frequently is the case) and they have to depend on distant malkets.. . The climate and soil of our Western Counties is us well adapted to the cultivation of Tobacco as any portion of the United States. Want of mar- I "'", ""-"i uuui lunuug nit-ir nueu- i tlon ta lts growth, to that extent they otherwise L'nt ...1 .1 f. !.. ... ... would jjivo them the means ol reachniL' ket, and they will r.iise the produce. But, sir, I said nothing about the savings to those Counties on tlie articles of Salt, Iron, Sugar, Cof- 1 fee and Molasses, Every ciie will admit that the estimate I hive made for the County of Wake is low. I have said the annual savings npon those items for this County is $20,438. : Wake coiitaiiis i little more than the eleventh part of the popxila-1 tion of the 16 Counties ; multiply then $20,188 by 11 it gives 223,308 dollars, saved to the Coun ties named, on Salt, Iron, Sugar, Coffee aud Mo lasses. This amount appears, large, but I give the data ; let every man make- his own calculations. The advantages to them and to ns due's nut stop here. No settled part of the United States'uffirds better grazing for stock, than soino of our West ern Counties. They could, and would supply not only our market, but every market Town from the Mountains to Wilmington, with -choice beef of a superior quality. Instead of laying in your win ter supply of butler from ifew York, as many of our citizens havs done for years, and still do at 25 ceuis per pound, you would get your supply from our Western brethren of a bolter quality, and at reduced rates. -Look -at the simple article of Irish. Potatoes! We are bringing iicm from tha Northern Cities, and giving at this time two dollars per , bushel they most usually sell ut this season from one and a hall to two dollars. In the. Western Colin ties, whero tho soil and climate are so peculiarly adapted lo their cultivation, that they can uise five hundred btishchs lo the acre, that they cW be purchased in any quantity at ten cents a bushel What an immense profit it would be lo ihein, niul what a great saving lo in and our eastern friends, if we only had tho means of cheap and speedy transportation. ; t ' , Iu Wilmington alone, it is supposed thqt net less than 300,000 dollars is annually p.,eiided at the North, in the purchase of the products uf .the soil, similar to tiiose ruised in the Western part of tli is Stale in the greatest abumla'cc, and rendered profitless fur the want of a market. , . . Lt us sum up theso savings in the Comities be fore n;i mod, and present them at one view; f. Whi-at, j,. i, ':,). -i .... $230,982-' Cotton, 3J.910 SSalt, Iron, Sugar, Cuffeo and Molasses, ' , ' ' 225,368 ' Annual Kiviiitf of .'' $ VMfifi to 16 count ties. . , .. .... (... -. . . ,. This is nearly one-fourlh of the cntite sum you propose to bu borrowed to conslract the road. . t leave others w wane itn rt icnlal ions on the y.Axif of tlf orr ,hc jine nij mi pms oh Merchandise, the. article bnmght ack j im-cnient,, a' I hVe already proVfti t There in return for the exports, the increased quantity j C(U1 mrJy i. a dollot) but in a few vears the in thatonld.be raised in each County, from tlie hex j crt.ascj rnue -fr-mi'tliis sonrc? alone will near that fhey could he ensily-carried to market, the in-1 1 p,y ,!ie HnBUil itete on uie ut.bt t0 be corf. iircafted value tti 'fimnnsjeal improveftiei would j trictf ' t it Utf M:t ,"j i i- V ' givi1 to lands, aikllie stimulus to Industry (if eve. ' ry kind.-' ''' i-:it t:.Vn, j ' It may be sail, that tlie heavier articlca would I Hot bear rail road transportation.' Ms a"mitake. i 1,r ra" aro aUtoolilgk 'Tliemfornia- lion I havo collected 6n the aultji'ct of rail roads, since 1 have boi?n connected with tho Gaston road1. satisfies me that If this Road belonged to Coin phy;'aodwda put fn lhoTotigli'np.iff, they 'wouTd find it vastly to litter Interest to reduce the rates of char'geft.bothorfrerght auj passengers,' at lcasl floiM.iird if not 'mor. The Increased patronaife il would bring to the rond, would more than m ale up the diffcrimeo. Fn iclit from this to Petersburg on hnndred and fiRy mtleajs sixty Cents por huu- Hreg". larlouM fcT h.irlrrly ronttne fcundreu khoold carrr produce fro BaMslrofy Ia Pelttsbufg, Wilmington ot Norfolk. 1 A citil ti -ofOrtnp' County, within a f w months past, pnfclnsed a drove of hogs in O.'n o, drove lliem lo Cumlieilaud. the terminus of the Baltimore and Olno rail road, laid thi.m put on the Curs, rarrii il tliein to Balti more, a distaneo ol lD mil -s at twenty-live cent.-: a head, the trip performed in 24 hours. Thus (he expeuse of carrvin? them 180 miles is actually less thin it would take to feed them in driving the same uistanee, making no allowance for the loss in weight, and the eight days saved in distance to the drovers. . I might go on to show, st much greater length, the groat benefits which 'would result to every branch (if industry by the construction of this Cen- tral Road.. As the agricultural interest llomishes all kinds of labor and enterprise are promoted. perfect rail road improvements, and that thesj ben efits must be greatly enhanced by the c itittnimitm. ol'the road. There lire, however, a .'few consldef; atioiis df n general nature, aff. c ling the intf'e--t of tlie (Stale, as a t'ommiinity, to which 1 brielly al lude. - If this Central Itoiid is hot now eotlstructcr) tinder the lilieral charter lately granted by the) I.e gitdature, I fear the only chance -of building it will have forever passr-d beyond our reach. Nothing sed the charter of the Exchange Bank of Wil hut the great anxiety felt for "the construction of iningtoti j because 1 thought in the then 'condition.' this road, and the feeling of the State pride enlisted of the'etirrency of the country, the measure w.is in its favor, prevented the granting ol the C harter an unwise on". or this I was then charged v. tili of the Charlotte arid Danville Road. "If this Crn- being inimical to Wilmington; and notwUhstaif tral Road is hot now built under the favorable aus- : ding ftty strenuous exertions afterwards, in (aver pics in winch it is presented to us, it is not f. sonable to Uppose that the next Legislature will refuse-ft-charter for the 'Charlotte and Danville Road.' ' If individual enterprise will not contribute one-third towards this great measure, how can the Legislature Consistently persist iii refusii to al low individuars to build the Danville Road entire, with their own means. ".'The reasons for withhold-' Ing'tiio charter, viz ; its conflicting -with a contem plated State work- will cease to extsf, when after trial, ft is shown that after the State has agreed to roiitribntc' two-thirds," indiviiljiala" fell not enough interest in it lo contribute tho other third. And when the Charlotte and Danville Road shall have been built across the entire State cutting it in tivo and severing, ns it were, the East and West, we may bid farewell to the idea of ever building np a market within our liorders. The rich products trf our Western Counties will 'go to Virginia en the one hand, and South Carolina on the other. We shall be drained of our trade and onr commerce, to build up two States that arc always deriding u! The tendency oT tills will be that the' feelings and affcetfons of onr' people will he alienated from the StatirahJ'finin eacli'other. " Tlihy will look to oth- er commutiities, hS Hie sources of wealth, co;nforf and -prosperity ;'ai)d what little.1 State pride we have now left and' we hive' very Tiltlonnfortu nately will bo frittered aw.ij'l ' ' "": ' , ": " ' This'is hot all; with Virginia an:) South Caro lina markets we shall have Virginia aiid R.iiilh Carolina ctrrrehcy; this is unavoidable no sort of Lfaislrtion can cure the evil. The effects of rlii ! are already felt to a very considerable extent. Where the trade and produce of a community M.. ...J. nn T .. ...., nr.. t,.A .. I .. f : la . mu "my w iii i iii-ni o ram; mo tuciiiiiiiny me- ii in rr, tint mere win aiw go rue local eiirrency ill the way of jiuri.lia.se, and in the' natural infer- change of inule. ' Our own Cankt must and will feel (he ( fleets of hi: Their discounts must be limited, theirifsues will go from its, and their phice be supplied by a foreign currency. I need not slop to prove the injurious conseijitences of such a state of things sstlii.;! .''"."" - " : I know thtt-feiir of iaxttinn it 'a "peculiar chaf acterijlic of our people. J!n;h will be said about j the Interest on the two million we propoup to sub scribe by the Ptafeasd the lniTMhd taxation lie- cessary to mept it. Buf suppove n b 1 haVc'ftlreiuly j nftVmpttHl to show, -the bnH)fit of the road rnalle ; t"' people to save or gait awn or right time as j much as they 'have- tn rrnilribtrtr. 'Will tVyifot , make a most excellent bargain, from increased "' But then how greatly tiihanetil will bethemearSs of the people' Wpaftlw Wxi'; Wheru there Is wettlth,nd Com fort arid prosperity, a tieary tasf l BuMehaonre, than ; Itgfif tar with rwerff, Vaht; end' idleness. Wfcr is -mosf cdrnl'oftal.!?, ihe laborer, who gets fifty cchts a day with an ari- nuiii tax of 'two -ux.Uara.or he'wKb gets 25 'cents a dftywun an anniuitsxot onooonarornitv reirt7 j The forinrisurely-','Ana'although tI.r"con!itnic - tiort Br this' road may Increase dr taScr?s,'fyrf 1 ft twill enhanfe our means Kraj IrV I the meotihg lie longw, lwt eowluoi! by tmyiyg, thtt Ahet'mr w consider this w. W v J dnstry tin f th ('hterfris of tvery in mniiiii w n ""eresi, ure in - meehirfe -Aif Mit. tnnrehnt, ar pr.f,sii nl u .1 eh ,Miur. tiMiu; of the ?Uw ft atipxil lo w.,by all the f'eeliiigi f patriotism, TifSiulfi pride, and f mtpn-jl, to conwj up to the mark like men. j M'BSI'AN'CK OF TIIT'V ' IU warks of Mr. l!.U.LR,of Hcrlf'ord, ON JUL " BILL UOACtlintNO Till; lll.MIXGlo An!) JtAIXtntl RAIL LOAD I'OMPA.NV," IN THi; HOVSt: Ol'' . CO.MMO.NS, JASI'.IHY aOfll, 23l) AXD U4TU', 181'J Mh. r. t sr-H said he folt compelled by a strn bin unpleasant serw of public duly, to oj'potift lint passage of this bill in its pivsrMit shape. ViAmti it was materially auien.li'il, ho could hot possibly-. vot for it. Mr. R. niil hc was aware of w bkx tlB hud M; encounter, in oiiosing the' measurr.- Ho had already heard of tho muttefings 'of- di- lot r (s of" tho cetitnil-f Irpit'. ' Ami I now take ' ocensioii to nie.'t such charge in antieipa'ioit, and j to pronounce it - '; let it i-omo -from wbatevei1 ip'.i.rier it ;iny. 'V: ' ' ' " ' ' ' j l. h-is been my mii'irtttno hemtuforo, ! I the censures of fome of my Wiliuirigton 'Tor lining what rf'll to he. my duty. It , recollectefl bv some, Ihat two yours sine?. :o .iu:nr. . I'rieods; will .! ' 1 ppo.' of ihe bill to authorize tha Corporation of that I wii to impose a tax to enable them to take stwk ill Manchester Road yet I f arl have never remove ed tho unfavorable impressions produced by my op position to the firs'-namcd tlieasnm. Anil now in opposing: this hill, I suppose at least J f;r I shall seal my fate forever, in the estimatron of the good people of Wilmington.: 1 deeply f .-wn-t if, sir, hut I can't help it! I am hot disposed to corn- '. plain of it evert, its long ns my motiv:;s tire UM:' sailcd. ' When we consider that their feelings are so deeply itivol'vrd in the success of this -ineafture; . that thoir enterprise and pnhlic spirit, llieir local pride, and section il interests all tend lo p'oent to their View. but one tide of this picture, it is not at all remarkable that they should look with impa tienee, h;-on any nttempt to thwart their purposes. Sir, I am no enemy to Wilmington or her inteN ests. So far from it, I have look?d'with pride up on her growth find prosperity. I have1 admired" the energy of her sbrW 5n grappling with adverse tirttin?, aiid their'ihilorriftiib'e efforts to sirstsiit tlKir chamct.'r and their credit. I liave ermally ndinired and osteemed the liigh-toned beariiig nnd j giMillematdy deporlraent of most of her prominent eitiiriSt with whom I have beeif bronghtlri cotil tact. 'And no matter in what light they may view my conduct, 1 shall ever lie roady, in my public ra pacity here, to aid and eneoiirsge their enterprlze', aiid to favor their fortunes, as far lie I can do to consistently with that still higher duty, which I owe to (he whole State r North Caiv!ina. : ' ' A to my vote against the Exchange Bank two years ago, I have liefore said, my efforts in hei j half of another fuvriie incj-ure soon after) sliou! j ,t .l ! .... .1' I . . . j nave reuevea nie irom mo marge ot being arln- ated by hy feelings of opposition "(o Wilmington ni ls. A few flajrs since, I voted against ihe' icreMS. a. lew cays since, i voted against I Charter of the 'Fayeitevlllb 'j!ank,'ever with tin- provision making the stockholders responsible for the liabilities of the corporation and jet I huve' voted for (he Fayetteville'arid Western, plank ro'ai'f' improvement ; wliich' by 'the 'Way wilt prbve'a beneficial to Wlhhington, or mdrd! so.'as to Fayi cttevilliv For Wilmington niust be Ihe uVpof, frduj which the commerce of the YaAhi valley "will then seek a distant Market. 'this look like hostility either to Faycttovilleor W'ifiniiigton'.? ' .: t. t .1 n. 2'"' : .igain, i vuu-ii iur uie i-ajie rear ana Uecji Kivef improvement bilt;the eiirci'st of which nmsit inc j yitably rtinre'to the eoihuierlal prosperity of Wil-' ; ic.ington"; a'ud here M iue remaik, that thai mcas-" ; Ure recommended i'.stlf to tne as much bv th consecration; mat n would lend to, carry tli rich prwlucts of our'ihlerlor 'counliea to a imiikef within our ' own borders, as 'that ''It WoiiliJ iietieiil the producers, by tha ; opening to fheit indtinfry direct cjmmunici'''':.i')'v,lfh the oreaiC'lNd tliis liiok'M'ilid IkiatjlitJ ''td'ViTuiiiioii f' But" air 'f .went still farther. 1 Voted, for tlie' Central R,j frorri tlolusooro1 t(i CliallottV, on' the third reading of the'lilll, when t kirfw tlie bill was alreiidy pa'ss'l ed'iiv a" hiajorily of Ciur' or five Voles when f j might TiaVe riioi3ed tlie TbspWlinitybeca use t j Was n'mvilliog'tii evdn triJi (6 sliiiif 'sncli resioll-' Ability ''jieing read)' !' WaV'to'Wilke" coiniMoii ' bhn. n f (i-vd be. kburn tho ', .,.., r., ,.'. ! tLie.Vv'io wire'dispoW-d' to'do' sonu'tSin for the tinpi'i.veiiii'iT and Vlt-y.-j tioii of llie'r.tt' V' 'hvi i5 !1.,'Eliiiiut-."a Vel1- now, nr"any' ('U VCiy ! that t'lpVuiSti-er (iut bill ':.' I -n. ,1 t,v ;i v1. g ,r n,B ,M a , rt , t'' Wl.r a ,k , t;r M,l l.i.J, pr.w.Jm. t ir a roil' 1r...ii tl is il :,-h r;l , f.mer.'i.C, 1', ,tv.i rtni.n j ' ht r . ,1 ! d f, m (f tjrv Ci-uum -liwt m th n, P 1 .-.1 r T M ir t,' nf ,w v? 1 n lr il f.''r . '"ta 1 II nm ba !"-'(( lui' ' Was lcauiw It uWi uo ir (u. -f, t re.n cJU!anit.an wjOt iliuiiigtop i,et would

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