vm MJTill .-WliJJldRvo PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY CH. C. RABOTEAU, EDITOR iXD PROPRIETOR. 5 11 ' i ' BIT"" TERMS: $2'50PER'-AXUM, IN ADVANCE, OR $3 00 IF IM1MET IS DELAYED SIX IMOMIH. VOL II. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1849. NO 24. ID AIT Mf3 f 1 1 TiT TERMS. Tri Ralciou Tin" will be lent to Subaeriben at Two Dollan and a half per annum, if paid in ad vance. Throe Dollare will be charged, if payment ia delayed ail moutha. Theae Terme will be invaria bly adhered to. ADTERTISEMESTS. For every Sixteen linea, or (, Olie Dollar for tha first, and Twenty-five Cents for each wbaeqiient in sertion. Court1 Orden, &c. will be charged 85 per cent higher; but a reasonable deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. P Letters on business, and all Communication! intended for publication, muat be addressed to the Editor, and peal paid. WHAT IS DEMOCRACY J The following is one of the resolutions of the Wisconsin Democracy : "Resolved, That Congress has the Constitution al power ant) ought to make appropriation! from the National Treasury for River and Harbor Im provements, to facilitate and protect commerce be tween the several States and foreign nations, such appropriations to be governed by a sound discretion and a due regard for the natoual welfare." - . Sash is democracy in the Northwest, and gen erally throughout the West and North. But here it has ever been regarded as one of the antagonis tic principles to Democracy, and an essential fea ture of federalism. The Democatic member of Congress elect from this district would sooner cut off his right hand than subscribe such a resolution as the above. :- "Resolved, That we approve the principles of free and unrestricted trade, and believe that the most fair and equal mode or raising the revenue necessary to defray the necessary expense of the Government, is a direct tax upon property, and will demand iU adoption by our Government as toon as practicable." Ilere is another cardinal matter in which the Democracy are at daggers point. Let those among them who advocate a, direct tax speak out and let their sentiment be heard. Wisconsin Democracy has else allied itself, like Nomocracy in other Northern States, to Barnburn- erism, and it passes hostile declaration against slavery. What ha become of those " natural al lies t" Democracy in one quarter ef the country dugs out for Free Trade, and in another for the Tariff of '42. iVfcicfc i Democracy t And yet Democracy talks virtuously about Whig gery having no principle. Even if that be true, it is not worse off than its opponents, whose prin ciples are one thing in one latitude and the oppo site in another. The Baltimore American justly remark l "It will be found perhaps, sooner or later, that the democracy of our day it a thing of latitude and localities. So long a the South gave principle to the party, the doctrine of strict construction, , with tome semblance of consistency, constituted the rule of faith ; and democracy covered up the principles of State Sovereignty, under its more con venient name, with a tolerable air of assurance that passed off the imposition well enough when not viewed closely. Beyond the immediate pale of orthodoxy there wai, Indeed, wide range.where ' Dorritm and other indefinite element held away. In that range the 'natural allies' were encamped. "The control of the South how being now pretty well over, Hunkerism being converted to the Barn burning faith, the aspect of democracy I changed. The Wilmot Proviso stands first in the Wisconsin formula. The declaration of hostility to Slavery occupy four separate resolution.' The long string of negations which need to come forth to announce how strictly Democracy wa watching to prevent the General Government from doing anything those transmitted abbreviation of the resolutions of "98 those transcripts of stationary wisdom which wm supposed to indicate tha culmination of all political knowledge and geniu they are now no longer seen imparting the aspect of their peculiar profundity to the resolutions of Democratic Con- ventions." ' " ": ' PROSCRIPTION. The following Resolution wa passed at the locofoco Convention held at Hsrrisburg, March -4,1847: " , Resohed, That the removals from th various office at Washington of EVERY OPPONENT OF THE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION, or , of the Democratic principle and measures, has tieeu long called for, and is alike demanded by the woice of the Democratic party and the best inter sts of the country, and ought not to be longer jwstponed or delayed. " .... And this is the party that is now whining be cause a Whig Administration has tiiought proper . f. . J- - et' ' . SB sjppcint a lew 01 lis own ini-iKis ra omco. ' Covernor Trumbull, Whig, has been elected by 'the Legislature, Governor of Connecticut. In hi iuaiUffOTal message, he touches spun the question of (he enlensioaif&laicry id0w new Territories. II lays it becomes New Englauders to approach this dolicate subject in the spirit of forbearance and regret, ratW than that of animosity or com plaint, ever keeping in mind, (hut tliougk their Hiinirs were among the first to discot or and eouly the remedy for alavery, they were also a niong tlie inH active . '.. itrtiwhietion iiiloour rr.uiitry. ; MISCELLANEOUS. ANNECDOTE OP HOOK. We give the following from the recently pub lished biography of that prince of practical joke and hoasea, Theodore Hook : Lounging by Soho Square in the sfternoon,with Terry, the actor, the nostrils of the promenaders were suddenly saluted with a concord of sweet odors, arising from a spacious area. They stopped, snuffed the grateful incense, and peeping down, perceived through the kitchen window preparations for a h&ndsorae dinner, evidently on the point of of being served. " What a feast I" said Terry. " Jolly dogs! I shonld like to make one of them." " I'll take any bet," returned Hook, " that I do call for me here at ten o'clock, and yon will find that I shall be able to give a tolerable account of tha wnrfhv frAntlnman'a phininoinM anj vAnainn " .... j 6.... ..., ..h... 1 So savin?, be marched up the steps, cave an authoritative rap with the knocker ,and was quick ly lost to the sight of his astonished companion. As a matter of course, he was immediately usher ed by th servant, ass n expected guest, into the drawing room, where a large party had already assembled. The apartment being well nigh full, no notice was at first taken of his intrusion, and half a dozen people laughed at his ben mots, before the host discovered the mistake. : Affecting not to observe the visible embarrassment of the latter, and ingeniously avoiding any opportunity for explanation, Hook rattled on nntil he had at tracted the greater part of the company in & circle round him, and some considerable time hid elapsed ere the old gentleman was able to catch the atten- tention of the agreeable stranger. "I beg your pardon, sir," he said, contriving at last to get in a word ; " but your name, sir I did not quite catch it servants are so abominably in correct and I am really a little at a loss "Don't apologize, I beg," graciously replied Theodore ; " Smith my name is Smith and as yon justly observe, servants are always making some stupid blunder or another I remember a re markable instance," &c. V " But really, my dear sir," continued the host, at the termination of story illustrative of th stu pidity of servants, " I think the mistake on the present occasion does not originate in the source you allude to ; I certainly did not anticipate the pleasure tf Mr. Smith's company at dinner to-day." " No, I dare say not yon said four in your note, I know, and it is new, I see, a quarter past five-- you are a little fast by the way ; but the fact of the matter is I have been detained in the city s 1 was about to explain when " Pray," exclaimed the others soon as he could stay the volubility ol his guest, " whom, may I ask you, do you suppose yoa are addressing J" " Whom f Why, Mr. Thorn pson.of course ; an old friend of my father. I have not the pleasure indeed of being personally known to you, bnt hav ing received your kind invitation yesterday en my arrival from Liverpool, Frith street four o'clock family party come in boots you see I have taken you at your word. I am only afraid I have kept you waiting.' Oh, not at all. But permit me to observe, my dear sir, my name is not exactly Thompson; it is Jones, and" Jones t" repeated the toi iisant Smith, in ad mirably assomed consternation; "Jones why sorely I cannot have yes, I mustgood heaven! I see it all I My dear sir, what an unfortunate blunder wrong house what muat yoa think of such an Intrusion I I am really at a loss for words in which to apologize yon will permit me to re tire at present, and to-morrow " " Pray don't think of retiring," exclaimed the hospitable old gentleman, 14 your friend's table mutt bav been cleared long ago, if, as you say, f or was the hour named, and I am only too happy to be able to offer yoa a seat at mine." Hook, of course, could not hear of such a thing, could not think ol trespassing upon the kindness of a perfect stranger; il too late for Thompson, there were plenty of chop-houses at hsnd ; the unfor lunate part of the business was, he had made an appointment with a gentleman to call at 10 o'clock. The good-natured Jones, howevor, positively re fused to allow so entertaining a Visitor to withdraw dinnerless. Mrs. Jones joined in solicitations, the Misses Jones smiled bewitcbingly, and at last Mr. Smith, who soon recovered from his confuslon.was prevailed opoa to offer his arm to one of the ladies, and take his place at the well furnished board. In all probability, the family of Jonos never pas sed such sn evening before. Hook naturally ex erted himself to the utmost to keep the party in an unceasing roar of laughter, and made good the first impression. ' The mirth grew fast and furious, when, by way oft coup de grace, he seated him self at the piano-forte, and struck off into one of those extemporaneous effusions which bad filled more critical judges thsn the Jones' with delight and .stoniahinent. ' Ten o'clock struck, and Mr. Terry being announced, his triumphant riend wound up the performance with the explanatory stanza : '"r ''''" ':' ' ' " I am very much pleased with your fare, j , Your cellar's aa prime as your cook ; My friend's Mr. Terry, the player,' Aiid I'm Mr? Theodore Htiok !" , A FUNNY FAMILY. Oh, mother,' said the beautiful Rose Mayburn on Tuesday evening last, 'Mr. Rubycheek did squeeze my hand so funny, when he left m at the door to-night and he says you most give me liberty to go to the ball to-morrow night.' - ' Well, Rosy, love,' answered the oid lady A she pulled her spectacles on the bridge of her nose.and drew her chair closer to the 6re I have no ob jection to your going ; but you must have a new dress, you know, and where on mirth, my child, are you to get it 1 ' No, mother, I don't want a new dress ; I can wear my white muslin frock, over my satin petti coat, and I'll borrow cousin Julia's pearl orna ments, and get Frizzier to do my hair up.' ' You had better stay at home, and read that interesting account of the burning of John Rodg er s in r ox's isook ot Martyrs, remarked Hose s uncle, with a groan, as he sat toasting his gouty shins at the fire. 'Or ask Mr. Rubycheek to give his money to buy bibles for the poor, disconsolate heathens, in the Sandwich Highlands,' suggested Rose's aunt, who spent forty dollars last week on a white poo dle doff. 1 Then I suppose I am to be cooped up in this dull house all the winter ! It's a shame I de clare it is !' replied Mrs. Rubycheek in the pros pective, while her little pouting lip swelled until the blood almost bursted through its rose leaf case ment. A dull house indeed,' said her sharp featured aunt ' I am sure you have plenty to amuse you. There's Watt's Hymns, Esop's Fables, the Piano and the Chessmen ' ' Yes,' interposed the uncle; 'and talking about chessmen, the ivory elephant gst his leg broken the other night,and the cook's nigger baby chowed the bishop's nose off in culling its d d little grin ders. Things arc never taken care of in this cus sed Tower of Babal.' ' brother Josh, you are in a r mst amiable mood tonight,' remarked the aunt with a sneer, while she wriggled about in her chair, as though the seat had becu stuffed with Csh hooks and Spanish flics. Amiable yesA-rcmarkably amiable .' So ami- ble that I wish some one would set you to knitting soup with four steel rasps, or that that tongue of yours was struck like a spiggot or a screw bolt, into some d d tight place where you could nt wag it!' A knock is heard at the door, and Rose's father enters. The appearance of tins important person age of course puts an end to the affectionate con versation of the aunt and uncle, tnd Rose, draw ing a chair to the fire for her father, throw her arms about his neck. 'Come, come,' muttered Mr. Mayburn, 'none of your wheedling bless your soul, you shall have any thing you want if it don't cost money !' 'Father, mayn't I go to the ball to-morrow night?' Who's going to take you there P 'Mr. Rubycheek the young clerk that gets 92000 a year for keeping books.' Bad young man wears a goatee on his chin ; said her father. . " And a hat turned up at the sides like the irons of a high Dutch skate, remarked her uncle. 'And a cameo breastpin,, with three figures dan cing that Elssler catchoker (cacbuca) as naked as the day they were bom,' interposed the auntn her usual delicate manner. 'Has young Rubycheek t hook nose ? interro gates her father with a most profound pucker of the lips. ' No father,' answered Rose, 'his nose is a beau tiful aquiline.' ' : Aquiline! worse and worse. A confirmed hook distinctly. Rose, my love, I am sorry to disoblige you , but when you've lived as long as your daddy, you'll find that men with hook noses ars not to be trusted. There's your aunt there, she hung hor affections on a man with a hook nose, and sfter he hooked all her property, he ran away. There's' But my dear father,' Interrupted Rose, 'your nose is hooked, and I am sure h's a handsome one. . 'Is my nose hook'd T Well, I suppose my moth er must hre been scared by a scythe, before I was born. Strange world, strange world! Here I have 'wen married twenty-two years, and never knew I had a hook'd noso ; but as yoa ssy they are hand some besutiful manly noble Roman, and all that kind of thing, yoa ssy go to the ball, my daughter and here's 990 to buy a new dress !' ARREST Of A STEAM DOCTOR. A Dr. Cross has been arrested at Strondsburg, Monroe County, Pa., for man -slaughter, charged with causing the deuth of a patient named Daniel Quin, by improper treatment, . Cross steamed him for rheumatic pain over a pot of boilir.g Water ; smothered him up in bed, bead and shoulders, for three hours, with sn immensity of caver ; and then gave him a few drops of. a medicine which lie called " Indian Red Drop,". He had no sooner taken it than he clasped bis IwBds to his bead and exclaimed " wlio struck mo V and Iu a short tims he expired of apoplexy. Cross has attempted the enre of rheumiini,upon oilier subjects frequently, snd sometimes with success. , , . , ' t This js positively ll jast litis in this column. CAPT. STICK AND TONEY, A JUDGMEKT FOB COSTS BT J. S. HOOTER, ESQ. Old Captain Stick was a remarkably precis old gentleman, and a conscientiously just man. He was too, very methodical in bis habitsne of which was to keep an account in writing of the conduct of lis servants, from day to ds. It was a sort of account current, and h? settled by it every Satur day afternoon. No one dreadded these hebdominal balancings, more than Tony, the boy of all work, for the Captain was generally obliged to write a receipt for a considerable amount across his shoul ders. One settling afternoon,the Captain accompanied by Tony, was seen 'toddling' down to the old sta- ble, with his little account book in one hand, and a small rope in the other. After they had reached the 'bar of Justice,' and Tony had been properly 'strung up,' the Captain proceeded to state his ac count as follows : Tony Dr. Sabbath, to not half blacking my boots Sic. five stripes. ' Tuesday to staying four hours at mill longor than necessary, ten stripes. Wednesdsy, to not locking the hall door at night, five stripes. Friday to letting the horse go without water, five stripes. Total, twenty-five stripes. Tony Cr. Monday, by first-rate day's work in the garden, ten stripes. Balance due, fifteen stripes. The balance being thus struck, the Captain drew his cow-hide and remarked' Now Tony, you black scamp, what say you, you lazy vidian, why I shouldn't give you fifteen lashes across your back, as hard as I can draw ?' 'Stop old Mass,' said Tony ; dar'a de work io de garden, eirdat ought to take off some,' 'You blsck dog,' said the Captain, 'hav'nt I giv en you the proper credit of ten stripes, for that. Come, come ! Please old massa,' said Tony, rolling his eyes about in agony or fright 'dar's you forgot-dar's de scourin' ob do floor old missus say e nebber been scour as good before.' ' ' . .1. r....i. c.:.L . UWIW, JUU MUVJ ItVOVH), (UUlll V"aUI UHUK , you're bringing in more offsets, are you T Well now, there !' here the Captain made an entry up on his book 'yon have a credit of five stripes.and the balance mi '. be paid.' Gor a mity, massa don't hit yet dar's sumpen else oh Lord ! please don't yes sir got urn now ketchin' de white boy and fetchin um to ole mis sus, what trow rock at de young duck.' That's a fact,' said the Captain 'th outrage ous young vagabond That's a fact, and III give you a credit often stripes for it I wish you had brought him to me now we'll settle the balance. Brest de Lord, ole mass,' said Tony, thaft all. Tony grinned extravagantly. The Captain adjusted a tortoise-steel specta cles, with great exactness, held the book close to his eyes, and ascertained thst the fact was as sta ted by Tony. He was not a little irritated : 'You swear off the account, you infem&I rascal you swear off the account do yon !' All de credit-is fair, old massa,' answered To ny.' ,;, - Yes but' said the disappointed Captain but still the Csptain was sorely puzzled how to give Tony a few Kelts any how 'but' n idea popped into his hesd 'there's my costs you incorrigible, abominal scoundrel t Yon'wtnt to swindle me do you, out ef my costs, you black, deceitful rascal 1 'And,' added Capt. Stick, chuckling a well at hi own ingenuity a the perfect justice of the sen tence ; I enter judgement against you for costs- ten stripes' and forthwith administered the stripes and satisfied the judgment. 'Ki nigger f said Tony; 'kl nigger f what' dia judgment for coss,ole massa talk "bout. Done git off ,bout not blackin' de boct git off ,bout stay in' long time at the mill and ebry ting else but dls judgment for coss glm me de debbil Bress God, nigger mus keep out ob de ole stable, or IU tell yoa what, Ait judgment for tost make a back feel mighty warm, for true !' I have lieard of a young lady " down east," who (hang "alto" in one of tha churches. She bad been at a boarding school for half-a-quatter somewhere snd came home perfectly amaxtd that her unfash ionable papa did not dine at "chew" o'clock. She always spoke of her "tsbewty," and made frequent allusion to an obsolete old lady, whom the ancient knew dame "Gra'inchnde." There was a favor ite anthem commencing. "Turn, O Lord, O turn away!" much performed by tlte choir, tHn al ways chanted it Tschurn, tschurn, O Lord! O tschurn away!" much to tlie edification of the con gregation, most of whom were extensively engaged in tlie dairy business. . . .. ... :( , ;: : Ysnker Notions. Tlie Green Mountain Free man says that "the amount of ins pie sugar made annually in Vermont, according to ths best ett mate wo can obtain, is about five, millions of pounds," i . i ' !:-!.'. r? ; The Bliowbsgan Press stales that one establish ment is) that town turned out betweet) tea and twelve thouss ltd dollars (forth of shovel handles thepsst yesr. ' , ' ARKANSAS HUMOR. Judge McKce, of the Garrard (Ark) Banner, is responsible for the following: Sitting roasting 'taters the other night, when all nature reposed in death-like sleepy stillness,think inj over "tilings that wore" and perhaps things that never will be, our ears were suddenly assaul ted by a neighboring violinist O, fiddler, that's what to call him with some of the sweetest and most melodious old airs that ever enraptured the heart of a Mozart, or entranced the soul of a Pag anini or a Rousseau. Always ready to catch at any thing good, up we pricked our ears.and quick ly stirred from the deeply interesting and highly intellectual feast in which we were engaged, and what should be sent quivering to our heart, mak ing melody indescribable in our soul, but that good old time-reverenced family-used, boy-whistled piece of melody, 'chicken Pie,' laid thick all the shakes and quivers in. Suddenly entranced with delight, we stood still as if chained to a rock then moved walked the room twisted screwed turned round sit down got up again, as one who knew not whist or what to do; till all at once, the sound, but not the music, ceased, (for it went merrily on in our heart.) But scarce had a second, or even a thought intervened, ere twang ! twang ! and here come that good old reel, "Leather Breeches," which anon was follow ed, better and better, in rapid succession by its co temporaries in age, and rivals for universal favor, Rackensack Traveler,' "Billy in the low grounds," Ax.., till at last, with one overpowering and irresis tible rush, went "O, she would' nt, nor she could'nr, come at all." d&. This was too much for our mor tal scruples on such an occasion, and smash went the 'taters into the fire down went three or four chairs they seemed to walk and reel at once and saying a hasty "Lord lead us not into tempta tion," we iu an ecstasy preachers and sweethearts forgive us responded "yanka-tanka-too-don-did- dle-todium-a-da-a-a" when out we sprang on the floor, not upon "the light fantastic toe," but accor ding to the most approved style or a real old Ken tucky Barbecue break-down. Away, and around we went, thrashing it down, a la mode a Pooieya, when rumbling and tumbling down from the gar ret, then out of the back room and through the mid dle door around the walls, over the woodpile and under the table, pranced a shower an ocean of as merry-hearted and congenial rats judging from appearances of course as ever graced a parlor or cut "fantastic tricks" in a ball-room. Round and round, through and across, and altogether we went, no one slacking his pace, till overcome and exhaueted, down we sunk into a snooze, and left our tailed companions to finish the dance them selves. How it would have ended, we are not able to inform our readers, as just at this point, we were aroused by, who had built our morning fire, and had the room so "plagy" full of imake that our comrades had to leave, and our eyes have been most "tarnation" sore ever since. DIABOLICAL ATTEMPT TO DESTROY A FAMILY. About 10 o'clock on Thursday night, a man disguised a a negro, called at the houao of law yer Warner, and handed a package to tha ser vant, at the same time stating that it wa for Massa Warner, addressed to Thomas Warner, Esq., (confidential) . Mr. W. being absent from tlie city at tha time, the package remained on- touched by the members of tlie family until yes terday, when Mr. Warner returned from Philadel phia, ana while the family were at dinner In the basement, he ordered his son to bring the pack age, which was wrapped in a copy of the AT. Y. Herald of March 26, with soma care. The news paper enclosed a. strong mabogaay bos with a slide lid. Mr. Warner proceeded to draw off the lid with great saulion and very slowly, and dis covered a faint.blue tight, and immediately warn ed his family to fly for their live. All instantly left the room and closed the door, and tbey had just passed into the ball leading into Hi roar yard when a tremendous explosion took place, after which they passed around the house and diacov ered the front basement to be on fire and tlie win dow shattered to pieces and blown out of place. Mr. Warner with some person who bad stopped at th beat thsn entered th room and extin guished th flames, and as soon at th smoke had subsided it was discovered that ths basemeut doot was completely shattered, the partition wall bro ken and very much displaces the dining-table at which they were a few annates before fitting ve ry much broken, and a picture, of Geo. Washing ton and th door perforated with dug shot. Tha box in question wa about the tiz of a small ci gar boa, and contained canniiter filled with powder and slugs, and several bundle of frictioq matches, which were so placed that o withdraw ing the lid, on th inside of which a piece of sand paper was glued, they would, instantly take fire and cause an immediate explosion. , Mr. Warner's asutioo in withdrawing ths lid is the cause of . the wonderful escape lie and bis" family experienced. ' N. Y. Tribune. - A Cheat Piscoveut. The editor of die-Hires Wes(' announces the atnnihing fact that he has succeeded in discovering a ' " living, actual lna fit dcswfldsnt timoneaf fht sneond families " in Viiyinia, Giiod graiiousi is it possible T WOMAN'S AGE. It is well known that ladies, and narticularlv single ladies, after they have arrived at a certain e, oecome stationary ss it regards years, so that reality they are no older at fortv-feur than fh. were at twenty-eight But why this is so, docs not sppear to every one and certainly we were ignorant of the cause until very lately, when ws .earned mat uie ancient writers assert with great boldness that Eve was just sixteen vwr. nM h- she was awakened by the side of her husband. r rom that period then, shev of counting her years,so tbt she would be forty years nu wnen sne acKnowlfdgcd herself twenty-four, tnd so on. Now, with this maternal eiamnl, h.. C .1 ... r mo mum, aiter mey nave arrived at a marriairei- u,c .j,0Or, line Lve, mey arrive at that as soon is possible they advance very slowly, and finally Irop sixteen years. A hsndsome U,i r n therefore, can never be any more than thirty; and even if some envious hsg should assert the contra- , you would not believe a word she said. With this view of the subject, the m vsterv ia ckml nn. for certainly it was a mystery to us why some la dies, whose names we forbear to mention, should give tneir ages, lur ten or twelve years in succes tion, as "twenty-six" and " twenty-eight" But here it is all nlain and ri?lif P.. J. J .i i daughters have an undoubted right to follow her example, at me end or tunc. See what it is to have learning ! THE PURE IN HEART. The springs of everlasting life are within. Thw are clear streams pishlne up from thn r the soul, and flowing out to enliven the sphere of outward existence. But, like the waters of Sil oah, they "go swiftly." You must listen tn rK the silvery tones of the little rill as it glides from iu mountain home; ton mar not witness in silent march throngh the green vale, but its coarse wfll be teen in the fresh verdnra and the opening flow- era; lis presence will be known by the forms of lifn .J t 1." L .1 ... . nu ucauiy wmcn gainer around it. It is ever thus with the pure. You msy hear the "itill small voice," or heed the silent aspiration shut thm ( a moral influence and a holy power which you will teel. the wilderness is made to smile, flowers nf new life and beauty pring np and flourish, while" an invisible presence breathes immortal fra grance through the spiritual atmosphere. ' ' April the 18th annually presents en th bank of tlie Jordan a scene of most thrilling imprest. Itis the anniversary of the Saviour' baptism bv John, and tens of thousands of pilgrim, many of them from distant countries, on that morning are seen hastening from their tents on the plain of Jericho to the spot on the sacred stream, Where eighteen centuries ago the baptism took place and where also, Uiirty-three centuries apo the nation of Irael passed over on dry ground, whilst the' waters stood in mountains at their side.' In accordance with immemorial neaer, treat multitude of oriental Christians continue to re sort there at that season and plunge into the con secrated waters, under th impression that to trash in them on that memorable day will cleanse from sin snd enhance unssortal blessedness. Th Company of the U. S. Explsrintr Expedi tion in that quarter, were present at this anniver sary last year 4 and one of tlie party, in his recent ly puuisned journal, under date of April IS, 1843, says: . v. As early as two o'clock in the momlmr we warn roused from our short lambsn by th thousand of pilgrim fathering around us. There are DrosV ably twenty or twenty-five tlioussnd men, womc w and children, tiers are all sees and conditions of men, from different countries, brought toother bv' one prevailing motive, t he scene on hs broad spreading plains incresses in interest; the flaming; torches, which served as a lamp to their path be fore sunrise, are extinguished ; the bank of the Jordan are lined with the living mass ; ami ae-, rid, middle-aged, and young with esmrnes iurnn into the river i the children of several year are thrown in, and th infant carefully handled l;y their mother ; th poverty atricken and th eump tuouily drceaed, alike unceremoniously, wssh in, the stream ) while their countenances bespeak the happiness of their soula. Who would not wish to join la such a pleasure ss this. It is worth the wMa voyage from New York. ' ' ... . ...i...... -v.am ; u : A CALIFORNIA EMIGRANT. . A sailory calling upon a Liverpool goUiinitlij asked him what might by the value of an ing it of. goto as uig as nis arm. ' j oe snopltecper t Hon' ed him into a back raom.and primed him with grog. He then asked to see th ingot. 5t - ' Oh," said Jack, I hav'nt got ft yet, but Put going to Californy, sti would like to know the .vslne of such rump before I start.".'1 n t The jeweller stsrted bim out of the shop.' ' -To er.i M Human." A clergyman having .indulged too frsvly ;t glljng up his gl&.s, -ent one SulbsilViuU ( pulpit, and having gir-ra rm a hymn to hw congregation. satduwB tlie n!!y of the sacred swig asusr tVUt.! IA to strep ; he continued fbvswne tirs to j ! .y a trrit Un vm phony rtb htaimse. At Umgrh on of b:r4Vae.ii' ascendtd to the sacred ikp.-Ht, nind, I, 'J UUb Um hymn tras md, - WVIt," Says tm fjjl it Hp a. jain, tnd chtrgt if to Jim iinrs."

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