I rrary Notice. TPE Kit. 3. (t. Rmreiot, of Richmond, Virriaia, Mtrm lb twa LaMrary Soc:etir of Wak Tin l-Vffr at the Annual Cemmi,ro.ent,on the sen,.! Thursday bi June next . - .-. Rsv.C. RJtNHitT, of Petersburg , will deliver Sermon on th (vening pweadin g Con.mwicerneiit. Msy 8, 1849; M FRESH ARRIVAL OF BOOTS, SHOES, CAITEES, SLIPPERS, if. C. IIENRY PORTER would V return hit thanks to hlei friends rA" for their formerptron(;e,nd Tt " respectfully inform them that be test received his Spring supply of articles inti tin rf biwtoM. embracing wry variety ol Gcnt'emen's Boots, Shoe. P ' , 4c, from the vrv finest kind to the iv jmp down." H:s assortment for the Ladies, is of the most varit-dand beautiful character, suitable to tlie grave ami gav. H.! challenges an Inspection of k.s article, frsting asanred ttmt tliey caunnot be urraneei in tniwniarai",' iwUFACTUKlNG MATERIALS of all ldud fur to the trade. C:U! and examine for yourselves. Small profits ' ani( qiiii k sales ia his motto. . FaVigh.Aprim, 18-19.. 20 3t .iUvinc first-rite workmen in his employ, tiio iibcritwr is prepared to manufacHirenll kinds ef work in his lino, both sewed and pesped. II. PORTER. Statc of North Carolina. MARTIN SUPERIOR COUB.T of EQUITY. Qeorp. W. Hyman and others, ) vs. :-. Archibald Hyman and others. J rpO, Archibald Hyman, Abigail Moore, Reddlck Hy 1 ,nn. Nenev Hvman. John, William and Jan M(v:,the children of Asia Moore, and all ber other chl-iree and the children of Willie Hyman. Y'oa atid each of you, are hereby notified personal ly to be, and appear before the Judge of our said Court of Equity, on the last Monday in August next, and plead, ansvrar or demur to the petition of petitioners above named, or the same will be taken pro coufeaso and heard accordingly. - --r v. itr P.. B. Hansen. Clerk and Master or said Court at Office in Williamston, this the 7th day of A' phi, A. D. 1849. . c B.TUSsELL.c.V.C Aril 13. 6w. pr. Advrt. $J 81L Court of Plea aud Stvts e North Casolina, Hertford County. Quarter Session.' Ftdnuiry Term, 1849. Lavrsne &. Vatighan, 1 DS. Mvits Moore. Original Attachment. Levied upon five negro slaves, to wit r Isaac, John, Lewis and Eliza. Ti imoirnii to the satisfaction of the Court, that Miaes Moore, the defendant iu the above case, "has vi.d himself from the State, or so concealed him. self that the ordinary process of the law cannot be served noon himt It is therefore ordered by the Court, tv. uiMU-itinn he made in the Raleigh Time for six wstk. notifying the defendant of these proceedings ; and sbat he bo and appear before the Justice of the Csuuty Co irt of Pleas and Quarter sessions at in . rnrt to ha held for the County of Hertford, at tb Court House in Winton, on the fourth Monday ef JaV; nxt, then and tltere replevy the property at Uched and plead; otherwise finaf judgment will be altered up araiust him in each case, and the property cesdmnoed subject to the plaintirs recovery, agreea bly ttb act of Assembly, in such case made and srovidei ... .. tv .h,. T-wi. M. Cowoer. Clerk of the said Out at Winton, the lourtn ;uonay m r "'uJi ; A. D . 1149. L. M. COWPER, Cler. . iQ-Sw-t'r adv $5 2 Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions, f'eenwry iVm,lS4P. State ov North CAnoiwi, .tftrtjocd County. William 8. Taytoe. Voce Mort Original Attachment, - Levied upon five negro slaves, to wit: Isaac Chart, John. r, n Lewis and Elita. ' I? appearing t the satisfaction of the Court, that Mete Moore, the defendant in th above can, bus absented himself from tbe State, ereo concealed hiin sslf that th ordinary pracee of the law cannot be emd upou him: It i tncreior oroereo oy v...., that publication be made in th Kalngh iime lor .a!t nnlifvine th defendant f those proceed- ings; and that he be and appear oetore in " : Hmbaad mav Insure ha own Lite, for the sole use and of the Coanty Court of Pico and Quarter eJessione at htnefi, of hi- Wife Children, and in case of the tbe neat Court to be held for th County ef Hert ord, ; dl.ath th Husband, the amount thus insured shall at the Court House m Winton, u th fourth Monuay : fllli onr to Wife Children or their Gnar i May aext, then and there replevy the property at- ( diai( jf mi.t ,gC for her or their own use, fru from Udied and plead ; Mnerwiae nnai juugioc.,. .... ttrd up against him in each ease, and the pre' rty : condemned subject to the plaiutctf recovery, agrt ea bly to A of Asenibly iu such case wad and pro vided. , .., ' , Witness, Lewis M. Cowper, Clerk of the said Court, at Wintou, the fourth Monday of February, A. V.. 1849. . I AI. COWPER, C.eri. '-O-bw-Pr adt 55 C2J ' ; . ; t Court of Pleas aud Quarter Sessions, February JVrm. lSlS. Staia or Nortb Carolina. V lUnjori County. . JhaA AsdersnH, . . . r. . - ... -t rsoH, i , , V Original Attachment, osr Moore..." J Levied upon four negro slaves, ., , i; to witt Alary, Harry, Uherry, . .. , and her child. -a . It appearing te thj satufactivu of the Court, that iW.i iluore, the defendant iu tlia above case, ha abssnted kiniell from the State, or o ooucealrd him tcU tii-.t ih-ordinary process of the law cannot be Served up..n him : U ij u-.4retore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in th Kaleigh 'limes for six w'cVr noti' ig th defendant of these proceed-in- and that uu be and appear bol'ore the Justices of'herf 'iumy Court of Plc and Quarter Smsiousat the ut Court to be held lor the. County of Huhford, at.tiw CM Jioiue iu Wiutou, on the. fourth Mon day of May next, tlien and then replevy tue property artaibed and plead ; otbeiwiee finul judgment will be inter, i up against him in each ease, and th . property coud .-uu. a subject to the jiamtiff'arecoverv-, agreta btv 10 V 1 of ASKrably, ia such cane made aud pnivi dei . , : . L ' .. i i i ' j - W itiiess,' Lewis M. Cowper, Clerk of th said Court, a Wiit ni tho fourth Monday oi' I ebriiary, 'iu y, mo. . " " L. AI. CO W'PEK, Clerk. 30-rVvPr adV 5 C2J ; . , ; , , '. - , , . Gourt uf y,eu Md i -t tixtjari County, j tthruar, Term, 1819. TraW'i Parker,)" . . , -r. Onsnnal Attachment, Juha ?f ..'m- ' Levied on the deirndant's in- -. t - imcrroi iu ouv urr vi in, mu ., . 1 . - - loiuiiirthehiudsof l'hos. J. Di-n ; " . 1 . t . ' : . ' , ' ny, Potry Carter and others, aW .; I. ,1, war. 11 2 w the mitiafaction of ths Court, that till ml:: case ha removed himself sut ot tni dutr.su .Via' tlx onlina-y freees of law (annex batnrtil upn bim: U i nSerelor nrderae) by the ,rm:t lhat pablica'mu be mad m the RsJeigd Times f r .-x week, sjufinigtue defendant ef truj proceed rurthir. that he be and aperar before the J . c of ths C"iiity Court f fleas and Quarter til'. i at tbe next Curt t be hold V th t'ouirty ef il rf"fd, at the Court Vt use is V uiion, on the foun'.i Moudsy in May J ,ne ""d " Iho ttr tta' hd and plead 1 otherwise nuV ju:(o . W:'l be terr4 up against him, and W n-r f u . sd. subject to th plaintiffs rs- ei 'v.- to Act ot Assembly, ia such case. itu , -1 t M. Cowper, Cerk of the said 4 -ii i 'et. tboloutth M'O'tay ef Fvbeuary, - ,. -in. . '. ' J. M. OJ . iP&m ' tmic THE LATEST AND NEWEST. JUX'f RECEIVED, f ' x i ill . assortment ot srtu.NU , C.OOD3, eifcbraeiuf a great variety of .. . Jiinnj enlr Staple Drg oois; Of the Latest and moat Fashionable Styles; which am offered at price that must please, for Cash, or to punctual eu.imvs. For particulars, please see the G.iods on the Counter. JAMES M. TOVVLES. Raleigh, May 11th. 23- JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE it TBI American Temperance Repository, No. 198, FetTON Sttikt, New York: OVER.T0.UuQ -.VOLUMES OF INVALUABLE TF.MPERAXCE READING. CONSHTINT. of the Patho'ogy of Drunkenness, or ths PUvsical effects of Alcoholic Drinks, with seven colored drawings of the Human Stomach, natu ral sue, represent Jig 1st, I he stomach in a healthy state ; -nJ. Stomach of the temperate drinker; 3d, Stomach of tbe drunkard; 4th, Ulcerated Stomach of the drunkard ; Sth, Stomach of the drunkard after a debauch ; Cth, Cancerous Stomach of the drunkard; "ih, Ntomach of the drunkard after death by deltrium tremtpi, by Thomas Sewall, M. D. late Professor ef father, and the r.-actice of Medicine in the Lo- Inmhhin Oo'ieve, D. C. Also, a series of Letters to Professing Christians on the Ine question, by E. C. Delavan, price 50 cents ; the same work, without platu, 10 cents. Discussion relative to th proper kin of Wire for Communion, and the Wine question generally ; containing an invaluable amount of testi mony on this important subject, from E. C. Delsvan, rrofrssnrs Bilhman, Aiken, Kenevick, Uraper, Ware, Ac. &.c. price 10 cents. Vindication of Dr. Sewall's Plates, and the Doctrines they Teach ; eontaininga vast amount of testimony from distinguished medical and scientific men, as to the correctness of the Pistes, and the deleterious influence alcoholic Ikiuors exert upon the Stomach and other parts of the Human Sys tem, once li cents. Ten Lectar on the use of Intoxicating Liquors, by Eliphalet Nott, D. D. L.L. D. President of Union College, price 2U cents. CT These four works contain the entire philosophy of the Temperance Reformation, and should be in pceoossion of all who desire information, or feel an interest in th movement. They are neatly printed in quarto term, done up in uniform style, in paper covers, to be sent bv mail. VV x wilr send the in. tirx set, rMcu'siNO Da. Sew all's Celeisated Platis, for "5 cents, oa 40 ce.tts without the Plates. . We also have a few copies bound in one volume, including the plates, price S I. Mammoth Plates of the Stomach, Varnished and framed, ready to be hung up. Price SIS, formerly sold at 'i0- Tbe same unframed, nriee f 5. IT Temperance Lecturer should exhibit these plates and lecture upon them. At Dr. Sewall's lec ture upon tl.cm.in Washington, rumsellera were beard to eay, " If our business makes such stomachs, we will abandon it." IT Temperance Societies, Division, &. will greatly promote th cabse by procuring sets of th plate, and inviting competent persons to lecture upon them. Orders enclosing the cash, post-paid, will b punctually attended to Address OLIVER & BROTHER, ; 1 American Temperance Repository. No. 138, Fulton street, N. V. The North Carolina MTTAL LIFE IXSFBIKE fOUPl.Vr, RALEIGH, N. C COMPANY with the above till having been i tinHarut at th iatL WHHtnn of thn IfriHl.llirA Af this State, and the provision required in said charter, (viz: application lormsurance tor du,uuu; naving been fully met, the Company has keen organixed by the appointment of the following Officera,and is issuing ro'icie, vix : Dr. Out E. Johnson, President, WiLXtaa D. HATWoors Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, . WjixiASi H. Jones, Treasurer, Dr. W. H. McKee Medical Examiner, II enrv W. Millir, Attorney, wney, I Me, ft? Dr. due t Johnson, Dr. Wil McKee, dical Board of Dr. Ricu'o. B. Haywood, ConruiratMit. J. HiasMAN, General Agent. This Company has received the most liberal charter ,hat haeT9r beu granted to anyi jia, character Sfany Stat in the Union. The 5th See . lh i hteornontiim nmvidea that th. kU c,aiD1, o1 ltit representative of the Husband or any of his creditors." This provision ueeds no com merit. , 'Th Board have also determined to insure the live of Slaves ; and this being almost half tbe wealth of I the people of this State, a large business is reason. ' My anticipated. ! Any information respecting th principle of the Company will b fnraiehed by the Secretary or any 1 of iu officers. JAMES F. JORDAN, Soc'y. Raleigh, April 9, 1849. 19. The follow ing papers will copy the above three times. viz 1 r a etteville Ubserver, Carolinian, jvewbernian. Republican, Wilmington Commercial, Journal, North State Whig, Edenton Sentinel, Greensboro' Patriot, Salisbury W atchinan, Highland Messenger, Mecklen burg JerTersnnian, Wadesboro' Argus, Hillaboro' Re eordor, Milton Chronicle, aud Weldoa Herald. 1EAST POWDERS. A FURTHER supply of Yeast Powders, just re- ceived and fur sale by P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, March 8, 1849. FINE TOOTH COMBS. SOME of tuo most Superior Combs ever ofiered for 1 i n l 1. r 1 . r. JT. rJSHOUJTB Drug Store. Ka'olgh. March 8, 1849. PRIME VINEGAR, Jaat Received by JAMES LITCHFORD. Raleigh, March 8, 1849. 14 "IHOC'OLATE Drops and Lozenge of all kind, Vy'iust opeueq, and lor ai oy - . P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, Mare 8, 1849. ' T TOLAS? KS Just received prime MOLASSES, X'A new cropl. or sale by JAMES LITCHFORD. . Next door above Mrs. Hardie's. Raleigh, March 2. HFORMITIOS WASTED JESSE WALKER, a native of North Carolina, came to Lncoln county, Kentncky, and volunteer ed to go to Mexico. He wa a private in Captain William Paughtry'a L'oinpany.O. 2d Rrg'L Ky. Volnnteer Infantry, and was killed in tlie battle ol Buona Viata. He left a widowed mother and sis ters somewlwrv? in North Caroliiuu ,Thej are eo iitll to hi land claim of 160 acres. If this hoiiM meet their eye, 1 will procure their land warrant, and also any balance of pay due Ihe deceased, free of any charge whatever. ' "Further information can be bad by aiSdressin TiLir. SJ1. ' kJtaiifbrd, Kentucky. - SCHOOL IS FRAXSLKT01. A SCHOOL will be opened in the town ol Frsnk linton, on the 15th of January next, under th ears of Miss REDF.CCA FURMAN.wlio has te- tinwaial ef th most satisfactory character from Mr. and Mrs. Bobbitt, formerly of Louubnrp, un der whom she received her education. She ha also certificate from several other person, inclu ding' three or four Ministers, some of whom have known her from early life. Mis Furmah has lately been teaching the School at Dr. Edward Speed', in Granville, where, by her indefatigable attention to her School, ihe has given entire satis faction. Terms per bissios or nvi mouths : For Rending, Writing, Arithmetic, and En glish Crammer, $3,00 All the higher branches of an English Edu cation usually taught In f emale schools, lo,w Music, 15,00 French.- 5,00 It will be seen that this Scho.l is now offering inducements and advantage to Parents arldom of fered to anv community. Franklintoa is proverbi ally a healthy location ; and Pupil entrusted to her care will receive every attention necessary to their intellectual training. Any person wishing further information in rela tion to the School, oan address Rev. R. Fdrmab, P. M. at Frapklinton. Refer also to the Editor of this paper. rranklinton, Uec. 22, 1845. 4 tt. Snpremr Court Reports. REDUCTION or PRICE. THE Subscriber having purchased from the Estata of W. R. Galea, Esq., deceeeed, the entire Edition of Vols. 6, 7, and 8 Law, and Vols. 4 and 5, Equi y, of Iredell's Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Coart of N erth Carolina, (from December 1 erm 1843, to August Term, 1848, inclusive, and including also th Equity Cases of ths present Term of the Court,) has reduced the price from Six Dollart to Fire Dol lar per volume ; and is prepared to furnish them to Gentlemen of th Bar and Booksellers, except Vol. S of Eqnity, to b published in a few weeks, of which notice will be given. Orders for the whole, or for any on or mora Volumes, promptly attended to. And the Bar (applied on reasonable terms with ths previous Volumes of North Carolina Reports, and Law Books generally. Bound Copies furnished to the Profession, in exchange for their No. E. J. HALE. Fayetteville, March 19, 1849. IT REMOVAL OF STORE JAMES LITCHFORD respectfully informs his friends and Use public that he has removed his Slock of Quoit from his former stand to the opposite side of Fayetteville Street, NEXT DOOR ABOVE MRS. HARDIE'S, and directly opposite the Market, where they are in vited to give him a call, and continue their custom. On hand, a good assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &c. Hs also continues the Tailoring Business, and will attend to all orders for Cutting aud Making Gen tlemen's Clothing. Raleigh, Feb. 23d, 1849. 19 B eck witli's Anti-Dyspeptic Pills. THESE Pills hare been now for more than ten years before the Public, and their just pretensions to the character claimed for them closely examined and tested, by a great number of persons, too intelli gent to be deceived, and too deeply intereated in th results, not to observe with care, and judge without favor. . Experience ha not weakened these intensions, but strengthened and confirmed them by a mass of testimony of suoh respectable character a ha rarely sustained any article in this form in any country. Tbe subscriber has just received a supply of them, which have been recently made, and he being Dr. Beckwith's Agent (cr this part of the State, is prepar ed to furnish the wholesale trade at hi price, in any quantity. P. F. PESCUD, Druggist. Raleigh, March 20, 1849. 17 RICE.-A Cask of FRESH RICE just to band, and for sal bv JAMES LITCHFORD. Next door above Mrs. Hardie's. Raleigh, March 2. FRCIT TREES. THE Subscriber hss iuat received a buddIv of choice Fruit Tree, from T. Perkins celebrated JMur aery at Burlington, N. J. consisting of Peaches, Apri cot, Nectarine and Cherries, in great variety, and, with Die view of enecting speedy sales, will sell them low. r. I. ruscui, lruggit. Raleigh, Feb. 23. 12 rilGARS AND TOBACCO.-Chewers and Smo. y ken will find at my Drug and Apothecary Store some very upenor tobacco aud Cigars. r. r. riuvtu, Feb. 23. 12 CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, prime lot. Call at JAMES LITCHFORD'S, ' Nut door above Mrs. Hardie's. Raleigh, March 2. FRESH DRFGS,BIEDICIaES& PALTS. BY recent arrival, I hav received a large supply of article needful to make my stock complete, to which I invite the attention of purchasers. ; P. F. PESCUD, Druggist and Apothecary. Raleigh, March 8, 1849. TIMES PRINTING OFFICE. OUR PATRONS as uvfovtad that ih Printiaf Office ha been removed W the West side of Fy. euevuie otreei, opposite The citf hall, in th Rooms ever the Store of James Litchford, next door above Mrs. Hardie's Confectionary Store, where we shall be happy to see our subscriber and frieuds. W e are prepared to execate all kind of Job printing, upon tbe usual terms, in a neat and handsome man per, and solicit a portion of public patronage ia this line of business. - . Subscription to th Paper safy 3 M per annum in advance, or $3 00 if not paid before the expiration of six months. IJ- THE TIMES will alway be furnished fas moato for One Dollar, in advance. But subscrip tion will be thankfully received on either plan. IT Those indebted to tb Office are requested to remit their respective due at our rat ; when a r cept will be forwarded in then aext paper. ,, Rakigh, Feb, 23, JP49. -LAW XOTICE. aC. BATTLE having returned to this City, will resume the Practice of the Law, in this and the adjacent Counties. ' " . All busines snlruated to him, wiii be promptly at. tended to. ' '" ' He hi Drcrwred to make sut snd procure all SOL DIERS' CLAIMS, ot every description, at short on- tiee, aecordmg to pr-Mribed forms. Raleigh, August 7; - 38 lm. State of Korlh Carolina. Wax; County. COURT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Februnry Term, 18-19. . James Tsdd, Sion X Ilbrtsfield. and P-iecca, hi wife, Ciendon Tucker, and Martha, hi vile, John King, and Susan, his wife, Henry Rhodes, and Chloe ha) wife, Jesee Anderson, and Mary, h wife, r.hia beth Todd, Henry Todd, and William Todd, aeaivtt Mary Fi. Todd, Alphens Todd, Joshua Todd, Da vid Todd, "Elijah Todd, George Todd, Thomas Pol ly, and wife Elizabeth, Nancy Faison, Matthew Leopard and Mary hi wife. Petition la dhidt Land. This case coming on to bs heard, and it appearing to th satisfaction of the Court, that James reebles, snd wife Eliisbetb, and Matthew Leopard, end wife Mary, and then, are non-residents of this State : It is ordered by the Court., that advertisement be made in the Raleigh Times, a newspaper published in the City of Raleigh, for six weeks successively, notifying the said non-residents to be and appear at the next Term of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Session, to be held for the County of Wake, at the Court House In the City of Raleigh, on the 3d Monday of May next, and then and there answer or demur to the said Petition, or judgment pro confesso will be granted a- gainst them, and th Petition heard ex parte, as to them. Witness. JsmesT. Marriott. Clerk of oursuid Court, at office, the 3d Monday ot February, A. D. 184S. JAMES T. MARRIOTT. C. C. C. -Raleigh, March 22. (Pr. Ady't. 85 621.) 17 6w' SODA SALJXVITS. i"V"E cass ef Soda Salaratus, a superior article for vr cooking purposes, just received and for sale by Raleigh, March 8, 1849. QVUFF Boxes, Cigar Csse and Tobacco Boxes. Jjust to hand and for sale by P. F. PESCUD Raleigh, :Jarch 8,1849. VARNISHES. A large supply of Coach, Furniture, Polishing and Japan Varuishe, just received and lor sale bv P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, March 8, 1849. GUM DROPS. most excellent article for Coughs, Colds. dec. just received and for sale by P. F. TESCUD Raleigh, March 8, 1849. BAY RUM. Afresh supply of Bay Rum, just received, at P. F. PESCUD'S Drug Store. Raleigh, March 8, 1919. FISH HOOKS. A large lot of Fish Hooks of the -nost approved LA-kinds, just received and for sale by P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, March 8, 1849. NOTICE. A T the Anunal Meeting of the Directors of the il North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company, held on the 2d January, 1P49, the following resolu tion was adopted: Koolved, That an assessment of hve per cent, be levied on all the premium notes out-.r.onding on the 2d January 1B49. "Notice m hereby given that the above assessment required to be paid at the Office of the N. C. M. I. Co., in Raleigh, on or before the first day of May next JAS. F. JORDAN, Sec. P. S. All letters addressed to the Secretary on bu siness of the Company must be po-rt paid, or they will not be taken from the t ost Utuce. Raleieh. Feb. 26, 1649. 13 3t PHOSPHENE GAS and LAAIT OIL, just re- X eeived, and tor sale at Feb. 23. P. F. TESCUD'S Drag Store. TAILORING. WILLIAM H FURMAN respectfully informs the public that he continues the above business th old stand, and he solicit the order of hi friend and customers. He is prepared to make gentlemen's Coats and Pants in the latest syle and in the neatest manner, and will warrant them to be cut and made as well as they can be in any establishment in North I Carolina. His price will bs moderate to suit the times, and no effort on his part shall be wanting to give perfect satisfaction. All who want neat and fashionable Clothes, call at FUKMAN'S Old est a Wised Shop, in Lotusburg. Leuisburg, April 29, 1848. Notice JUST received, the wonderful and important remedy against Baldness, Hair becoming grey, flic., which has been round 01 the highest ellicacy. It can be had in bottles, uy application at my flmr Dressing Koom, on f ayeueville Street. 1 he pub lic are requested to read the following Advertise' nunt: willia.u smith PROF. BARRY'S Wonderful Trieopuerous. PURES BALDNESS, PREVENTS GREY VHair, and eradicates Scurf and Dandruff. Tills article differs from all the other advertised nos trum of the day. Its manufacture is based upon a thorough physiological knowledge of the growth of the hair, and its connection with tlie akin, as well as a knowledge ot the various diseases which affect both. This celebrated compound in addition to iu usefulness as a preserver and beautifier of the hair, is unequalled by any other article as an external application tor bruises, sprains, eryaipekn, welhngs, ring-worms, scald head, inflamed skin. Irickly heat, scrofula, tetter pimples, sore throat. tender feet, salt rheum, rough hands, head ache, chapped skin, chilblains, internal pains, rheuma tisms, &c, Sic. ; and the pain occasioned by the sting of insects is immediately relieved by its appli cation, and as a ready and effective resource for all cutaneous diseases of the skin, it merits a place among ine nousenoiu treasures ot every family. April a. its at Dr. A. F. Cooper's Splao-Abiominal SUPPORTERS. THE Subscriber ha on hand, a supply of the above valuable Supporters, which are recommended for all persona, oltticted with muscular debiuty, nd shoul ders, or prolapsus Uteri. Prof. Slott thinks they are very well adapted for some varieties of incipient spinal distortions, as thrv afford th useful oombtuation of shoulder Brae and Abdominal Supporter, with vary decided support to ths spinal column. . . The abor Braces are recommended by Physicians generally, who have seen them, and I hav cold a number to citizen of this place, wb an highly pleased with them. A gentleman observed a few days since, that he had ben weariug a very celebrated body brace for some time, and that he would not give on of the above, for fjty such. . " They need ao puffing, a they speak for them', elves, , P. F. PESCUD. IT Tbe above Supporter is an improvement op Dr. E. Craine's Spino-Abdeininal ttupporter, Raleigh, March 20, 1849, 17 IMPORTANT SALE OF nlatmti Sroamp t anils, Ia Worth Carolina. THE President and Directors of the Literary Fund of North Carolina, iu pursuance of certain Reso lutions, passed at the last session of the General As sembly, offor for sale, Fifty Thousand Acres of Swamp Lands, constitqting a part of the literary Fund of the State, situated in Hyde and Washington Counties, and em bracing the region lying between Pamlico and Albe marle Sound. These lands hav been drained at great expense. under the direction of competent Engineers, and laid off into Sections. The drainage has been effected by two main Canals, to-wit : Pungo Canal, extending from Pungo Lake to Pungo river, six and a half miles in length, with an average width at bottom of 22 feet, dopth six feet and fall twelve feet and Alligator Ca nal, from Alligator Lake to Pungo river, 6 miles long, with an average width at bottom of 30 feet, depth se ven, and fall ten feet : together with sundry tributa ries or lateral ditches. These Canals are navigable for Ratteaux, and emptying into the navigable waters of Pamlico Sound, their mouths are accessible to sea going vessels. A large portion of this Land abounds n Jumper, Cypress and other valuable Timber, for which the for est of Eastern North Carolina 'J distinguished. The residue consists of Prairc, covered with the Cane and Bamboo, and in the estimation of the E gineers who surveyed it, the whole of it is extremely fertile. 1 o Urain r armors, and to the getters or Staves, Heading and Shingles, this land offers peculiar induce ment. To Immigrants in the Ports of the United States, accustomed to a country similar In many respects, this Land offers a soil believed to be as fertile as any in the North-western States, with easy accem to the Sea, and within three days" sail of New York. Ths Juniper water is pleasant, and the hands engaged du ring the lost two Summers, in getting shingles, nave enjoyed excellent health. Time and place: - Tlie Sale will take place in the Town of Washing. ton, in Beaufort County, by Public Auction, commen. cing on Monday, the 21st day of May next, and will be superintended by the members of tlie Board, in persou. :. Terms: The Land will be sold iu Sections of about ICO Acres, according to the Maps and Plates of ths En giueerr. A credit will be given of one, two, three and four years, to be paid in equal instalments, with interest from the day of safe. Bond and approved security will be required, and the title withheld until the purchase money shall be paid 111 full. Certificates of purchase will be given, and the titles, when made, will be warranted. Turnpike Road. At the same time and place, the Board will receive Proposals for completing the Turnpike Road frera t iniiro Lake to the 1 own of Plymouth. Uiven under my hand, at the executive Ulfice, in the City of Kaleigh, this btli day of March, A. I). IS49. CIIAS. MANLY. ; Governor of North Carolina, and ex officio Pres't Lit')' Board, By order: L. Cuevks Maxly, Secretary to Board Raleigh, March 9, 1819- " 14 ts W. R. PEPPER T) ESPECT FULLY returns his thanks to the cili IX lens of North Carolina, for the patronage he has received from them, while engaged iu business iu the city of Raleigh, and begs leave to inform them that be may be louud at JARR ATT'S HOTEL, PETERSBURG, TA. where he will be happy to see his old friends and ac uuaiutancos, and pledge himself to leave nothing uu done on his part to contribute to their comfort and convenience. He hopes his friends will give him carl. Raleigh, March, 6, 1849. 14 3m P. P. PESCUD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER I Prnjjs, $)tmA$,;& Due Btuffa, FAYETTEVILLE ST. RALEIGH.N. C. Mr. PESCUD would inform his custom- ere and the public in general, that he has nought of Dr. JUHNSUIM his entire inter est in the late concern of PESCID & Jonso, and will continue the business at the Old Stand as heretofore, where he will be happy to accomn odate all that favor him with their order. Hi long expe rience iu the business hs is prosecuting, and a deter mination on his part to spare no efforts to GIVE UNI VERSAL SATISFACTION in the Quality of hi Looua, and the Cheapness of Bale, induce him to be. lieve that Purchasers MUST BE SUITED. The Assortment of Goods in his Store i arranged in a manner to please and gratify OLD, AS WELL AaWtW CUS1UMK3, he having (pared no ex pense, time or labor to refit hi establit-hment, and to place everything in view for those who buy. The ob nervation of a moment will be sufficient to discover hi arrangement, and test Ihe truth of this advertisement. MEDICINES, DRUGS, DYE STUFFS, CHE' MICALa ol PAINTS. Some portion of these Goods are reouired bv every Country Dealer, and it ia to their interest to buy the best articles at the lowest rates to gam customer at home. P. F. PEiiCUD. Wholesale Dealer in Drugs, Dye Stuffs, aud Chemicals, Fayetteville Struct. ntiirign, ran. 10, ibw. 11-ta BLAKE PITTMAN, . (LATI or HALIFAX, It C.) Commission Merchant, Petersburg, Va 1 ( IVES ha special attentioa to the sals of all kinds " of Country Produce, the purchase of Goods, and the receiving and forwarding of Goods. Meter w n. r. Moore, Juo, Kalei,iir . C. Tho's K. Thomas, Esq. Loiiishurg, N. W. T. Dortch, Esq. , , M, , M. Weston, Rocky Mb N. " DTffK'.'lBC' N. M. Long, Esq. J - . 1. ... L. M. Liinr, Em. Weldon, N. C. Jam Simmons. PatlenoD. Coooer Ac Co Will &), J Pctentburg. V; n is 11. 1 I . " . F. S. Marshall, Halifax, N, C, Petersburg, Feb. 1st 149. 11 -be FRESH GARDES! SEED. . WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, A Co., have just re ceived a supply of Garden Seeds, which they warrant to be fresh and genuine. FAMILf ROE HERRIXGS. KO BARRELS and half barrels for sale by SEA WELL &, MEAD Raleigh, Feb. 21, 1849. WIXDOW GLASS, - A LARGE OMortment of Wiudow Glass, of all sixes, by ths box, tor sal hy BEAWELL 4, MEAD. Raleigh, Feb. S3, 1849. t , i J. CAMPHOR CAPSULES, a fin article for Sick Huad Ache, jujt received and for sale by Feb. 23. P. F.FESCVD. PUOSPLCTIS. FsufTiciently supported, tlie subscriber intends to publish a monthly paper of eifht naofw.for the nrpose of diffusing information nh the anbipct nf education with the especial view of improving tlie character of our Common Schools. It is intended to eive an account. ilmaL-n fmm the public documents and other source, of the or igin and progress of our Common School system, to compare it with that of other Stales here and Europe, thus noting our improvement over fur- mcr year and snggesting.the means of overcom ing the defects ind difficulties usJer which we still labor. This will lead us to investigate the sources from which school funds are derived, tlie modes of their application, the preservation of order in schools, the election of proper books for study, tlie recreation suitable for the pupils, the treatment it ccssarv for different disposiliens, cVc. . Ana believing that the State which would im prove its schools must firt improve its teachers, a portion of our columns will be devoted to the ques tions How are our schools to be supplied with competent ti'achers ? How is tlie standard of ed ucation to be raised, . and the services of a band secured who are well qualified to go forth and in the spirit of love, labor for Ihe advancement of th children who are placed under their chanre 1 t... rvi , , - uui j-.iiiicauun is a word 01 very extensive men n nHiid although the primary obieet of the publi cation may frequently take us info tlie school room, we do not intend" lo be always confined there. Our subject matter is the human mind and tlieiir- uences "ood and bad. with a view of nreventinn . the one and strengthening the other which can be brought to operate upon it. That this is a tlipme of the deepest moment none can deny, itgrasps the in terest not of this world only it reaches through ricmirr. tve snau not hesitate then as occasion may demand, to enter the familv circle, tn nle ourselves on Ihe afreets or mingle in the busy oiunuaiiu mere sei torin tne rules ot hie and principles of conduct which we believe will pro mote the good of our race here and redound to onr everlasting welfare in the life which is to come. 1 he publication will be commenced in Greene boro', so soon as a sufficient number of nboerihor can be obtained to defray the expenses of printing to be printed orsfair type, at 80 cents a year, ("j""" " ivueipi oi uie nrei number. Lctiers relating to the paper may be directed (post paid) to Nereus Mendenhall, Jamestown, Guilford county, N. C. subscription also received at the Patriot Oflico. The. pa per of the State, and other frienrliv tn Ihe cause of Education are reauwit pd to mihliftn nr notice the above. NEREUS MENDENHALL. 2d mo. 7, 1848, A CHEAP FAMILY PAPER." The Dollar Weekly Netcs. Published in the city of Philadelphia, and P.,lit. ed by R. T. Conntd and J. P. Sanderson, is offer ed at the following low rates, per annum : wnecoiiy $1,00 Six copies . 6,00 . Thirteen coplieg . 10,00 Twenty copies isoo Twenty-seven copies 30,00 ' Tiiirty-fctir copies 2!5,0O Forty-two copies 30,00 ; Fifty copies 35,00 The Dollar Weekly News is a Whl Jour nal. Special attention is however directed to i7e. eral Newt, Literature, the Am and Sciences, tho interests of V'rade and Bunnett, and all such oth- er rcadieg as is necessary to make a good . . FAMILY NEWSPAPER. It contains also the most amnio renort of tho state of the Market, in the principal cities of the Union, and a general synopsis of matters interest ing to business men. Cr No paper will be forwarded unless vaument be made in advance. Money mav be remitted through tlie mails at our risk. Address, postage paid, J. P. SANDERSON Si CO., News Cuididf'S. N. E. cor. Third and Chesnut Ste., Philadelphia. GARDEN SEEDS. THE Subscriber ha just received his supply of Garden and Grass Seeds, which he warrants to be fresh and genuine, consisting iu part of the usual varieties of the following kind, viz ; . Asparagus, Beans, Beets Brocoli, Cabbage, , Carrots, Ct.uhflower, Celery. ('re, Cucnmber, Egg Plant, Com, Leek, Lettuce, Melon, Mustard, Nasturtium, Okra, Onion, Parsley, Parsnip, Pear, Pepper, Pumpkin, Radiah, , Rhubarb, Salsify, Kpinage, Squash, Tomato, lumip, Aromatic herbs, Grass Seed, and Fruit Trees. Also a lot of Flower Seed, which will k. u three cents a paper, a they are not of last year' rwlh- P. F. PESCUD, Apothecary and Druggist, reb 23. 12 THE WIFE'S FRIEND. Important to those about to become Mothers. , PROFESSOR ALEXIS V.PAVLlTAIf,e(the Pasis Lyino-in HoarrrAL, member of the Medi cal Academy t-f France, Corresponding Secretary of th Pari Pharmaceutical College, respectfully beg leave to announce to-the Ladies of America, that he has appointed DR. JEROME Y. C ROPENHUR TY, of New York, his sole American AirenU for the sale of hi wonderful medicine, known in France a THE Wl r E' FRIEND, or MOTHER'S ASSIS TANT, th most extraordinary medical discovery the world hss ever seen. Its province is to LESSE V THE PAINS OF CHILD-BIRTH, and promote a safe, Ar, aud SPEEDY DELIVERY, which it does by sting nature. It k perfcotly Harmlks. XFricAcioLS, pleasant to the taste, and never fail ta promote aa easy and safe delivery, aud improve ths general health of both mother and child. It ha been teeted for year in all the principal Lying-in Hospi. tals of Europe, and receive the miction of nearty all the prominent Col'ege and Medical men of tho old world. It is the GREATEST M EDICINE IN THE WORLD; as all will admit that a aeaicino must be that will lessou the terrible pains usually at. utedant on child-birth. There is no mistake about this medicine doing all that is said of It IT NEVER FAILS. -It ism the form of a fineC light powder, to be made into a drink, and used for at few weeks previous lo the expected event, aud its) price is so low to bring it within the reach of all. rtureiy no nuinane Husband will sutler Ins wife to en dure pain, when it oan be so easily and cheaply a voided. For tbe small sum of only 1 .00, sent post paid to DR. JEROME Y. C. ROf ENHURTY. New York Post Office, a paokage will be sent by re. turn mail, It being so light that it can be sent any where ay hail, at a vxav tsuliko cost. ILT No unpaid letters taken from the ofSoe. Hj To prevent imposition, the U. S. Agent, Dr. Ropenhurty wiH write hi name in full on th out side label ot each package. No othor genuine. Re member fAis. New York, March 3d, 1849. 14 6i :JOB PRINTING, ov , ILT THE TIMES OFFICE being well supplit 4 with a good assortiueut nf JOJ1 TYPE, we arts prepared for printing, lie atly, all kinds of j Cirtttlars, Carbo, onlJ IjaiMUls, and other work, with dispatch, uno reaauu.itlu lenne, A. skate of public pitronigi, in this lino of burliness, respectfully sulticili'd. 4 ,. , February tti, 1519,