IF); A TT ; liOAi llA. nw TVTT J ViXTili JZJ. PUR-LISIIEI) WEEKLY RY CH. C. RAROTEAU, EDITOR 1D rROritlKTGR. vol n. TCRKS. Tub 'RAi.ninii Tucks will bo swit to Subscribers at Two Dollars and u half per annum, if ptiUi in ad vance. Three Dollars will be -charged, if -payment in delayed nix mouths. These Terms will be. invaria bly adhered lo. ADVERTISEMENTS. For every Sixteen burs, or less, One Dollar for tUf first, and Teuly-five, Cents for I'ach subsequent ii-. eertioii. Cou'rt Ordeis, Slc. will be charged 25 per emit, higher; but a reasonable deduction will be Hindi; to t1in.se who advertise by the year. (O Tj'tter on business, and all Coniinniiicntinus intended for publication, must be addressed to the Editor, and pott paid. - From the Tusctitoosa Monitor,. REMOVALS FROM OFFICE. v t :; TAUTT hiOSCRirilON, 11 To justify tlie pfosCriptive policy of tlia pres ent administration, the whig press assort thai they (ire wily following the exam pie of their predecessors in office. The administration of Mr, Polk was said to bo prescriptive, but a reference lo the Ri: cokd will hov, that here, too, the charge is fake.". , MuiU. 1'Uig and Adi. We have before u, at this moment, a page of the record to which the King and Advertiser refers with such confidence. It is tho Richmond hio, of September 17, 1816, from which, in preference j to republishing from our own files, the entire cor- respondence alluded to, we copy a condensed but j full and true statement of the facts of a case ol I utotecil proscription for " opinion s sake, which occurred undor " the administration of Mr. Polk and with which we would rrfresh the recollection of our cotcmporary. Doubtless hundreds .of other cases occurred equally proving the potty vindic tiveness and tmull liltlenw to which that mousing " adininistration" was accustom d ti descend. Mr. Childrosa still lesidcs in this ciiy, and has, since the occasion alluded to, been more than once honored with public manifestation of the regard and esteem of his fellowvciiizcns. Ho has never been a violent parlizan, nor .even what may be termed an " ultra" whig , lie has long since b'-en dives'd of all personal feelings in regard to this mattor.and thispublication is made from no prompt ing of his, but solely from our wish to expose tho shameless effrontery of those parlizan presses who denounce the administration of Gen. Taylor as proscriptive, while in the face of such facts as this, they slill deny or palliate the biiter,malignant' proscriplivcnees which marked every appointment made by the administration of James K, Polk. We now respectfully direct the attention .of the Flog md Advertiser to the " Rf.cokd." From the Richmond Whig, of Srptcmltr 17, 18;IG. THE SPOILS SYSTEM ILLUSTRATED. The last Tuscaloosa Monitor contains a corres pondence between James L. Childress, Esq., of ti,..t ;. n.i,l t!r" RnK.rt Wu liter nf tho Trea- sury Department, which strikingly illustrates the , T-v I Vi J . f II Wll IK rSlilUIIOIIl-1.1, Ut-BUILC Ul n H Hill A lUniUITIll beauties of the D'igald Dalghetty system ol pro- n -n i i ,,.". , , . , i i and a free soil Cabinet; and as Gon. Taylor is plcdg vend" for service rendered, and not less strikingly i 3 , , 0 , r,i.p. I ed to bow to the will of the people as expressed the character of the Secretary of the Treasury. . y 1 .. . , . i. , , . I ,,, , , through their rcprescntalives.the Democratic party, Having reason to believe that he could obtain r , , 7 .i i At. fi,il,irca with Congress, will have the administration of tho an office from tho administration, Mr. Childress, b ' ,.... . , , , ,. . . ., ,,t i . , ,, r. , I government almost as eiiectually in nieir hands as l.iMiih n n.IiifT vwitriil VVfltih nton lor. the nur- & - r ... - ,, , . i! r,; poe of "trying us luck," his application being r ' , ,, SUSnilUCU uy lliu uuauuuuus ivcuuiiiil-iiuhuu the Alabama delegation in Congress, all of whom, with a single exception are "democrats" of the strtiitest sect, Nothing was said of his political opinions, In truth, as Mr. Childress says, he is no other way a politician than by casting his vote in accordance with his convictions j exhibiting so little interest in such matters otherwise that even 'his immediate representative, Mr. Payne, who recommended him in reference exclusively to his j business Qualifications, did not know to which! party he was attached. M Sir Robert," taking it ; tt,rsi,urj. Intelligencer, for ono of tho best retorts for granted thut r '"'dg would have tho impu- j we ,!lv9 cen tlia s(.,180n, nere it la ; ' ' ' deuce to apply to an Adininistration, administered j ') Automaton Prksident." Tho Loco Fo avowedly ou the spoi's principle, for an office, and j col Cll oenm Taylor the " Automaton Presi- conBcqnenthy that Mr, riiildress was of the " true grit." promptly promised him an appointment and ly under promise Mr. C. immediately took steps lo remove his family lo Washington. Hut before ho Lad been regularly installed, some of the terrier) of the Department, who had been nosing out Mr. Childress' heresies, appalled the Secretary of the Treasury by informing him that he was about to fontaminatu his office by placing a Wjiiu at ono f its desks J MrJijertfiipon the Secretary, forgetting or once ad wloremt, minimums and i;iccics,hns tened to repeal the error, by writing to Mr. Chil dress the following note , j , " , , , y not. ojfioial.J ..., ' " ,.'..'' .., . Ma 4,-1816, . Dear Sir i On Saturday last, I directed your appointment to be mailt; out, . Since that period, it has been made known to me, that you are and al ways have been a Whig. .TI.U. was very unex jiei ted intelligence toiine. You never did rcprq. aent yourself to me as a Democrat ; but I took it for granted that such was the fact. , It is impossi ble for me to maka the rtiovul contemplated, for the purpose of rppoiotlng a w hig I have felt constrained, therefor-, in '(okit the order for your appointment, - . . - ;.- I regret this occurrence very much; Our short acquaintance had made a strong impression on my tnind in your favor, and I slill believe thai pcr---aoiwlly you arc entillcd lo my reaped jind estecin; but under the circumstances, 1 cannot make the removal and appointment an intended. , I take pleasure, in saying that your deportment throughout has been correct and houoraWe. : :-.;- ;. Yours, .V . ;'-..' 'v'-". . ' Very respectfully, 11. J. WALKER. J.lMEi L. CjfII.DJlF.S9, Es j. This letter bears its own comment upon it face. Upon its reception Mr. Childress addressed a long reply to Mr... Walker, relieving himself from any intentional deception in regard to his political opin ions, not having dreamed (innocent soul) that to be a Whig was, in the estimation of the immaculate i Secretary, a crime of surpassing enormity, or, to uso his own idea, that in a govcrment founded up on the freedom of opinion, any political necessity can possibly exist for. the adoption of so harsh a policy towards all who do r.ot happen to concur in sentiment with the Executive for the time being ! Certainly, he could not have supposed that A uex tlemak would break a promise, deliberately made, and upon the faith of which he had made arrange ments to carry his family to Washington, on so slight and frivilous a protext. 'Sir Robert,' wrappi ng , . . . ... ,. . , ,. i, m ii ! I tniniifllf nninliisHtrrnilv.iIpe.lini'd InnnswerMr.i hi - i dress s letter,oi the latter thon.on several occasions, sought an interview, but snuchtit in vain, with thu honorable Secretary. This was perhaps to have keen expected; as even he, it is to bo presumed could not have seen Mr. Childress without blush- jg at his Own conduct From the Petersburg Intelligencer. THE NEW DEMOCRACY. The Baltimore American states that "a Conven tion has been held in tho Western Reserve of 0 hio at which the coalition of tho elements, begun in Wisconsin and continued in New York, received another link of unity. Mr. Giddings. once known us a Whig, figured in this convention. The name of 'Free Democracy' was fixejl upon and adopted as the designation of the new party. , , 'One of the resolutions declared that 'the Free Democrats of the Western Reserve will firmly ad here to the principles proclaimed at Buffalo, Au gust 10, 1818,' and they further say that 'discard ing all alliance with any other party we will court a union with all men upon these principles, for the sake of freedom !" , The American adds : ''While these movements are going on in Ohio, the Lynchburg Republican is congratulating the 'Democracy' iiKin the result of the late Congres sional election in Virginia. Ueautifuljy appropri- ate I It may find occasion soon to designate which Democracy It alludes to. 'We Irus',' such is its language, 'that the example of the Democracy of the Ohi Dominion may be imitated by our demo cratic brethcrn of the States that remain to elect members of Congress. If they but do their duty the next Congress will be democratic, and thus a c'.eck imposed upon, the administration though they had a President of their own. .:,.,. , . "Short-nghted observor Do you not s ghted observer ! Do you not see that before twelve months are over you will be clinging to General Taylor's Administration as to a rock of safely, your only hope and stay ? It is a time for Virginians to have done with the miserable jargon about 'democracy' which has been sounded to of ten and so ling in the public ear that utterers of the slang have almost got to believo there is some consistent meaning in it." A CAPITAL HIT. We are indebted lo our friend Syme of the re- dent." Weill wo won't quarrel ubout names, but I merely remark that our Automaton, like Maclzcll's Chess player, beats all with whom he contends. He beat the Indians in three wars he beat the Mexicans in four battle he beat Lewis Cass into a jolty, and too without raising the perspiration by the effort, and now is driving the Loco Focos from nearly all their rosTs. Hit is a splendid "automa ton !" ' . ' - GEN.vSCOTT APPOINTED COMMANDER. , . , LV-CIHEy. A letter from Washington, in the Baltimore Sun says: -, ,.' It is understood and I rejoice to Jiear It that President Taylor lias appointed Gen. Scott, CotiVt mander-in-Chitif of die U. S. Army, his head-qnar-terj to be at Elizabethtown, N. J., or New York, as he may determine. The forces will hereafter be arranged under two divisions Northern and Southern the command are assigned to Genl'i, Gaines and Wool the senior to have the selec tion. The bead-quarters of the former division will be in Baltimore, those of the southern at .New Orleans. The gallant Gaines will, no doubt, pre fer to remain at the Litter point, rendering It high ly probable tint you will have the intrepid Wool a a fellow-citizen. i " : n . This order is lo supercede all previous arrange iliiiii RALEIGH, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1810. MISCELLANEOUS. In! WCllARDHOODLESS, THE HORSE-SWIM- V , n ,i mr.iv. .Had hot the following narrntlve appeared in ii: Magazine Chamber's Edinbiirg ' Journal favor ably known for its respectability and charactcr,we should consider it fabulous. ' It is marvclous,to say the least. It reminds us of the old fable of Nep tune driving his chariot over tho Sea : We supposed we had heard of all sorts of heroes, but find ourselves to have been mistaken. A he ro in humble life has been undo known to us of quite a new order. This brave man, by name Rich ard I .Heedless, following the occupation of a .farmer near Graintliorpe on the coast of Lincolnshire, has Tor many years devoted himself to tho saving of mariners from drowning, and this without any of the usual apparatus for succoring ships in distress. Unaided by such appliances, and unaccompanied by any living creature but his horse, Iloodless has been the means of saving many unfortunate sailors from perishing amidst tho waves uuivaunga sniaw piece ot ground, wIiicIms, as it were, rescued from the sea, and almost . cut I ,.. . . . , , , . . iv j. .i ,. . ofl r.nn t m i.if.in, hi..t i.n , ;f f ... i roads, this '-remarkable man niav be said to devote himself to (he noble duty of saving human life. On I the approach of stormy weather, he mounts to an opening in the top of his dwelling.and there point- ting his telescope to the tumultuous ocean, watch es the approach of vessels towards the low and dangerous shores. By night or by day he is e qually ready to porforin his self imposed duty. A ship is struggling amidst the terrible convulsion of waters ; no human aid seems to bo at hand ; all on board give themselves up for lost, when some thing is at length seen to leave the shore, and to be making an effort to reach the vessel. Can it be possible ? a man on horseback ! Yes, it is Rich ard Iloodless coming to the rescue, seated on his old nag, an animal accustomed to these salt wa ter excursions ! Onward the faiihful beast swims and plunges, only turning for an instant when a wave threatens to engulf him in its bosom. There is something grand in the struggle of both horse and man the spirit of unselfishness eagerly try ing to do its work. Success usually crowns tho exertions of the horse and his rider, The ship is reached Iloodless mounts two or three mariners en croupe, and taken them to dry land, returns for another instalment. ' That a horse could bo trained to these unpleas ant and hazardous eiitcrprisesi,m:iy seem somewhat surprising, lint unppcurs that in reality no train- ing is n(.cessary; Bn depends on the skill and 'firm- ness of the rider. Iloodless declares he could mur age the most unruly horse in the water; for as soon as the animal funis that ho has lost his fooling, nnd isobligfd to swim,ho becomes as' obedient to the bri dle as a boat to its helm. The samu thing is ob served in this sagacious animal when being hois ted lo the deck of a Bliip. Ho struggles vehement ly at first against his impending fale : but the mo ment his feet fairly leave the pier, he is calm and motionless, as if knowing that resistance would compromise safety in the atrial passage. The on ly plan which our hero adopts is, when meeting a particularly angry surf sr swell, to turn his horse's head, bend forward, and allow the wave to roll over them. Were the horse to face the lager bil lows, and attempt to pierce them, the water would enter his nostrils, and render him breathlees, by which he would be soon exhausted. In the year 1833, Iloodless signalized himself by swimmirg his horse through a stormy sea to the wreck of the Ilormione, and saving her crew, for which gallant service he aflerwards received a tes timonial from the Royal Humane Society. The words of the resolution passed by the society on this occasion may bo transcribed, for they narrate a circumstance worthy of being widely known "It was resolved unanimously, that the noble courage and humanity displayed by Richard Hood less for the preservation of the crew of the "Her- mione" from drowning, when that vessel was wrecked near the Donna Nook, on the coast of Lincolnshire, on the 31st of August, 1833, and the praiseworthy manner in which he risked his life on that occasion, by swimming his horse through a heavy sea lo the wreck, when it was found impos sible to launch the life boat, has called forth the lively administration of the institution, which is hereby unanimously adjudged to be presented to him at the ensuing anniversary festival." , As it may not be generally understood that a horse can be made to perform the office of a life boat, when vessels of that hind could not with safe ty be launched, the fact of Iloodless performing so many featt in the manner deseribed cannot bo too widely disseminated. ' , On some occassional we are informed, he swima by himself to the wreck : but more usually he goes horseback.and is seldom unsuccessful in nil effort. About two years ago he saved the captain of a vessel and his wife, and ten seamen some on 'he back of the homo and others lianging on by the stirrups'. Should a Vosscl bo ;.ig on her beam ends, Iloodless r quires to exercise great e niton in making his approach, in consequence of the ropes and rigging concealed in the water. On one occa sir.n he experienced iniu V inconvenience on this ac count; ho had secured i seamen, &, whs attempt ing lo leave the vesst I for the shore, but the horse could not (novo from the s; ot.' After various iiieilVtual , " J . I 1 ft. I'lkfeiS plunges, Iloodless discovered that the animal was entangled i a rope under water. What was to be done? The sea was in a tumult, and to dis mount was scarcely possible. : Fortunately, lie at length picked tip tho rope with his foot, then in stantly pulling a knife from his pocket, leaned for ward into the WHter, cut the rope no easy task in a stormy sea-nnd so got off with safety. All honor to Farmer Richard Iloodless, who still in his own unostentatious way, performs acts of humanity as singular as they are meritorious ! Only bf accident have we become acquainted with his nar.ie and deeds of heroism, and we could not deny ourselves the pleasure of giving them all the publicity in our power. Chamber's , Ediuburg Mtieaxinn. THE PEOPLE'S PLATFORM. Wisconsin is certainly the crack(ed) State of the Union. Having but very lately got into breeches, it finds them entirely too small, and seems likely to adopt Gov. Marcy's : mode of en larging tbcin. Her Legislature seems to have fOtllld mit thtit "tLn limoa avA m.f. nf ..: 1 .II.IL.U III 1. IUt lf II l l Ullll lhat ..joint rP6oIlUions arP ,,,-., .,,.( ,,,,.i.. .i . . , ., .viucujr nn nriiMia ovoiy lllllli; III 1'IL'I IS. I lev . n H b J i have accordingly at their late session pa sed a i lull "set," oh almost every imaginable subject, po : htir.nl and pecuniary, theological and philanlhro- pic. Some wag burlesques this quixotic cxtrava I gatice in the following resolutions, which are de cidedly rich 1 Piioi'LE's Pi.atfokm.ir Wisconsin. The Bos ton Chronotype says that the Lobby members of the Wisconsin Legislature l'elda meeting a few days since, and adopted the following resolutions as the IVnTle's Platform : . 1. i7esijW,That the "ills that flesh is heir to,'' area reproach upon tho progressive spirit of the age. 2. Resolved, That the mutable nn lure of eter nal principles imperatively requires that every thing heretofore established should be done away, and the whole system of thing? should bo created anew.; ". . .; . ' , ; . ' .;- '' 3. Resoked, That the public lands ought to be cleared and fenced, and a.cron of notatons nut in Vt5T"Trie general government, before they arc dona ted out to the sovereign people.:. i; ii: Resvh-edi That gold, and silver, no less than the soil, are the gifts of our common Creator for the use of man, and that the exclusive appro priation of these metals by individuals is an out rage upon the natural rights of the toiling mil- lions. . '..' 5. Resoked, That the Elhiopean's skin, and tho leopard's spots ought to be changed, aiid that all laws recognising these qualities ought to be imme diately abolished. : , 6.. ResoheJ, That in our sympathy with the blacks we ought, not to forget the equally oppress ed and unfortunate green 'uns. 7. Rcsolfed, That the principle of a pocket in .. ..!.: ! I iii i . ... a sum is illinium; aim iiuerni, nowever much ueh- cacy may be felt in approaching derails; and that a limit ought to bo placed to the number of quills upon the 'fretful porcupine." . 8. Resoked, That the best way to "raise the wind" since the 1st of January, is to borrow mo ney and give a note for it. 9. 7Je5oiifi,That there ought to bo a uniform rate of 2 cents a drink for all liquors, whether the amount imbibed be more or less and that the sum ought to be charged upon tho national trea sury. 10. Resoked, That tho length 6f a pig's tail ought to be between that of a mosquito's bill and a clothes line. 11. Resoked, That the people themselves and not their representatives, ought to elect their own officers and make their own laws, and that the present Legislature in assuming to elect a United States Senator without allowing us to vote, have been guilty of the grossest usurpa tion. ' '-. ', 12. ResiUced, That the members of the U. 8. Senate and Supreme Court be requosled to resign forthwith. . ' ' 13. Retailed, That as a great and glorious and living people, flourishing undor the broad wings of the great Ainarican Eagle, and 'whistling "Hail Columbia" and "Yankee Doodle" with perfect fa cility, with the whole "green earth" underour feet and the whole blue heavens above us, we consid er ourselves worthy any man's money ; whatever party or sect he may belong to, that we are not going to sell out for any picayune consideration iiosir-rae. ORIGIN OF A PHRASE. . Tho phrase "the devil to pay," doubtless origi nated in a printing office, on some Saturday night's settlement of weekly wages ! v . . "John," says the publisher to the book-keeper, "how stands the cash account ?" . I i . "Small balance on hand, sir." , ( "Let's sec," rejoined the publisher, "how far that will go towards satisfying the hands." , ,. ...... John begins and figures : so niiich to Typus, so much to Grubble, and so on, through a doaon dit toes., The publisher stands aghast, t- .,, "Here is not money enough by a jug full,.'' ,"No sir ! and betides, there is tin, deiil t fay." Incorrect knowledge, like counterfeit money, It worth nothin. He who climbs highest, may rail fmlliesl TERMS: $2 50 PER $3 00 IF PAYMEXT BORING FOR WATER IN CHARLESTON. The Artesian Vem A visit to the spot ttheio the indefatigable, scientific and we must add humorous Mr. Weltoh is boring to obtaiu the gushing fount that is-to give us the pure and spark, ling bevorage that nature has provided for man, procured for us the knowledge that he had perfor ated the earth upwards of seven hundred and fifty feet. Mr. W. has found the strata generally conform to the descriptions given by geologists, in the na ture of the soil, but each strata much greater in depth than the most scientific have prtdicted. It appears that near 700 feel of the penetration hat been through marl, occasionally interspersed by other substances. It was the general opinion of geologists that the water would be Btruck at the depth of from 610 to 680 feet, and, as we are in formcil.none doubted that at about 700 feet it would be obtained. Mr. Welton, however, has practi cally proved all their theories as to distance incor rect, while in reforence to other matters he has given the strongest evidences of the truth of their observations. All agree that it will be necessary to strike the burr stone before .water-can possible be obtained, ami it. pleased us to hear the cool,ca!mn confidence that Mr. Welton expresses of eventually obtaining what he is seeking for, an ample supply of jiure water. As to the depth at which it is to be ob tained, ho exprestet no opinion. But, to go on bor ing until the object is accomplished, appears to be his determination, let the distance be what it may. Another fact surprised us, which was tho little cost of the gigantic undertaking, compared with what we had supposed was the expense. The ab solute figures were not mentioned, but the proba ble sum already expended was not more than one third what we had supposed it would be, judging from the experiments which have been made In other places. . DECLIVITY OF RIVERS. A very slight declivity servos to give running motion. Three inches per mile in a smooth, staight channel, gives a velocity of about three miles an hour. The Ganges, which gathers the waters of the Himalaya Mountains, the loftiest in the world, is, at 1800 miles from its mouth, only 800 feet above the level of the sea that is, about twice the height of St. Paul's Church, in London, or the height of Arthu's Seat, near Edinbiirg; and to fall these 800 feet, in is long course, the water requires more than a month. The great river Mag dalena, in South America, running for 1,000 miles between (wo ridges of the Andes, falls only 600 feet in all that distance. Above the commence ment f the thousand miles.it is seen descending in rapids and cataracts from the Mountains. The gigantic Rio de la Plata has so gentle a descent to the ocean, that in Paraguay, 1,500 miles from its mouth, large Bhips are seen which have sailrd against tho current all the way, by tho force of the wind alone that is to say, on the beautifully inclined plane of the stream, have been gradually lifted by the soft wind, snd even against the cur rent, to an elevation greater than that of our lof tiest spires. :.. REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. A gentleman has just arrived in this country from Guatemala and banded us some numbers of the Official Gazette, and besides given us some account of the state of affairs in that country The bloody war which had been for some time raging, is, as our readers already know, for tht presentat an end. Gen. Mariano Paredet is Pres ident of the Republic. Mr. Hise, Charge d'Af- fairos of the United Slates, had been received pub licly with great ceremony. We understand, also, that he succeeded in making a treaty with Guate mala, anu likewise witu Nicaragua; the ambas sadors from the Utter were very desirous of enter ing into relations with the United States. The sympathies iu Guatemala, Nicaragua, and all other States are representsd-to be with the United States rather than with the English, who, by con tinually keeping men-of warin their neighborhood may at present be said to rule supreme over them. Mr. Chattield, the British Consul General, has great influence Willi one of the parties, the Ser vile, to which the new President belongs ; and it is represented that not long ago, upon some unim portant question with the State of San Salvador, the Consul wnt for a man-of-war and blockaded the port of San Salvador the vessel going off af ter a few days and leaving a boat and a few raon to blockade the port. .. The Government of Guatemala, being in want of funds, determined to lay a forced loan upon all merchants in the country, and, a most of the bu siness men ate Spaniards, the weight of the meas ure fell naturally upon them. They.inaile a pro test; but, being of no avail,: they put themselves under the protection of the French Consul, who undertook their defence, and there ha been a flare up in consequence, which ended in the Consul re ceiving hit passports and quitting tha country. ', A robber and assassin, called L. Rayniiunl, who stylet himself Rey del Muni!o,'Kingof the World,' who likewise aspire to the Presidency, is still making war upon all whom he meets on ih roiiils He ha a Urge p uty of such gentry under his command. Nat. Intel, v ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, OR IS DELAYED SIX MO.M'US, , NO 25. CANADIANS DON'T WANT TO BE ANNEXED. Hon, Col. Tache, an influential Canadian from below Quebec, replied lo some remarks in the Leg' islative Council, a few days since, that "neither he nor the French population wished for Annexation; they were prond of their connection with England; and if ever events arose to call for the action of his countrymen in the matter, it would be found that the last cannon fired against Annexation would be fired by the French Canadians of Lower Cana da. It had been said that the present Government were powerless ; but he must say that if they ap peared to fold tueir arms and look silently on, such was not the case ; for the course they had pursued was adopted in order to save the effusion ofllood.--They had made a call on the country, and the Gov ernment had at their cammand 15,000 in one part,. 30,000 in another, and so on all over Lower Cana da, both of the French and Irish ; and although these men were ready at the call of Government, yet they had not, on their partfiroken a pane ofglasf, notwithstanding the acts committed by the oppo site party. Some of their friends thought it would be necessary to call for their assistance ; but the Governor General was opposed to this, because they had the British Army to defend the country, the men composing which were always found to obey the commands of their superior officers. Was the Government then to blame in keeping back, when the the cause of their doing so was to avoid bloodshed ?" COTTON CROPS. PnosPECTs. In the course of this week, says the Jackson Miss. Southron, we heard three ve ry intelligent Planters, who had given the subject much thought and iHention, give it as their opin ion that the next cotton crop of the United States) would fall short at least 500,00 0 bales, in conse quence of the untimely and destructive frosts of April, and the extraordinary and prolonged over flows of tho Mississippi. They thought the frost would dostroy at least 300,000, and the overflows 200,000 bales. This state of tlilngv . f without making any allowance for an unpropitious Fall, Cannot fail to have a very sensible influence on the price of our great staple, as soon ss it is gen erally known and understood. Cotton planted late is always more or less liable to injury in the Fall from the worm and frost. Hence, although, we might approximate in our estimate of the im mediate injury already done to the crop, time alono can dcvelope the remote consequences of these two drawbacks. We should, however, hope for the best. DOW JR.'S CREED. Dow Jr., the inimitable preacher of Short Pat ent Sermons, in a late discourse in the New York Mercury gives us the articles of his creed, and roncludes with the remark " Poke over with the cane of consideration wlutt I have emptied before you ; and if you can find a single grain of- wheat among the four pecks of chaff, I shall be highly gratified. , " The following are grains of the genuine arti- . cle or we are no threshers : "I believe that the most industrious are the most contented and happy. Idleness is an incu bus upon the bosom ef enjoyment It is the hard est work in the world to do nothing by the month,, and have nothing to do it with. " I believe that kicking against custom and spitting in the face of fashion, is a foolish and fu tile endeavor. Both need correction but they must and will have their way. . , "I believe that if the devil be the father of all liars, he has a plaguy large family to look after, and it is rapidly on the increase. " 1 believe tlmt girls are like kittens gently smooth them the right way, and they rub and' purr most affectionately; but give tbeio a contra ry brush, and their backs are up in the most dis dainful manner. They like to be kissed, but sham a delicacy about the operation. ,. , " I believe that human flesh is bard to digest. Jonah did'st sit easy upon the whale's stmiach. " I believe that simple honesty, the naked truth, pure virtue, and a straight up and down way of dealing with the world, have at much advantage,. over vice, trick, and stratagem, in the long run, as good square trotting horse has over pacing ponj or a racker that goes a mile or two like mischief, and done for tlie rest of the journey." The world without a Bible has been a World without humanity. The idea that all men are e quil exalts men, and Ii umanity, truly conceived, is above nationality. Give op this one idea of equal ity, and humanity is lost, an'l castes and pride pre vail. The Chinese and th Indian know nothing of th end of humanity. The Bible gives the on ly true idoa of liberty. God is the head of all government. . As tlie National law it aboTe that of this Suite, so is the law of God above that of another. The liberty of Greece was not Cut of man, but only that of Greeks as Greeks, i ma ny of their Stiles there weru mora slaves than freemen, Tlie world without tU Il'Va hs be n without domottic socieiy ; wnn-n h is nut been appreciated, nor has she occnpnil hrr pr ; er fU tiim; wUIi.mii the Bible, the world 1ms b.m without popuhr education, which, is iii,i, , ii.A. ble to liberty. Dem her. ; : i. IlATomsa Euos. They have a new hatching eyes in the West. Thev till way of ' I a ! with egys, and then put a hen on the bun

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