RALEIGH TIMES. Ralfigl), N. . FRI01Y, SMY 23, 1819. JT Fur the lack of Editorial, mid all other im pr.1'Ctions in thin woeb paper, must be attribu ted to the absence ot tin KJitor. IT We are under oblieations to Hon. Vilus T. .Maxgbk for a copy of Executive Document, No. 1," of the hist session of Congress. GODKY S LADY'S BOOK. We have received the Juno No. of this ben nti ful Periodical", which maintaitm.as heretofore., the high character of its l.itrrury contents. Wc be lieve it to be the rtbls.t," and certainly it is the ' handsomest, oYthe Magai'mos. Our Lai!' read er! cannot do better th:n to take this txvtutil'ul Monlhly. Pi 3 you can obtain it, and the L dy's Dollar Newspaper, too, a Semi-moathly pub lication. HOLDEN'S DOLLAR MAGAZINE. Tlie Mav No. of this interesting Periodical is on out table. We have not yet hadan.opporlunity ' perusing its content, but aro assured will be read W'th additional mtoreat. HIGHLAND MESSENGER. This sterling Whig journal has been enlarged and improved and is now one of the neatest, btr jrett.betl conducted, and cheapest uewspapers in tie State. The enterprising publishers deserve, nd we trust will receive liberal reward for their laudable effort to please the public. ;. PICTORIAL NEW YORK ORGAN. We call the attention f our renders to the Ad vertisement of Messrs. Oliver &. BBOTHEU.of tlieir great double sheet Pictorial "New York Organ," for the Fourth of July. The Editor of die Rsgis ter ays : We have seen a epecimen of the En graving, and pronounce them inferior to nq wood nils we have seen. Ttot of "Washington's Fi delity to Freedom,' in bandsftniely designed and snlcndidly executed ; and is alone worth the price of the Pictorial." Snow fell at Chicago on the 6th, to (he deplhof three feet. E7 The Rail Road Convention will be held in Salisbury, on the 1 4th of June next. 1 " l? Tin Hon. Daniel Duncan, Member of Con gress from Oliio, died in Washington on Friday BTlt is said that the Insurance offices of Boston irfcr to the tune of one hundred thousand dollars, by the fire at St. Louis. INDICTABLE MUSIC, A Judge in New Orlcan,"sys the Louisville Journal, has decided that certain music, such as that of tin pat J, tin boris, and grind-orgins, is in dicatable at common law. It might be an inter esting inquiry whether tlie music of such organs as tho Washington Union and Imisville Deme crat is not also indictable. A CLERGYMAN TO BE HUNG. Elder Eons G. Dudley, says tlie Springfield Re publican, convicted of the murder of his wife In Grafton, N. II. bus been sentenced todeath,the ex ccutiou to take place on the 23d of this month. NAUVOO TEMPLE. The Onuawka Spectator ay, "we liave stated that the walls of this edifice have been purchased by Mom. CabiT for the use of bis association of French Communists. We learn from a gentlo- iman who resides in Nanvoo that Cabet paid $3,. O00 for the Temple, and arsenal, together with a- liout elevon acres of ground the title ling vested olely in Mons. Cabet. He has commenced re building the Temple, and employs the labor of thrco hundred men upon the work. Much of the inter est that has hitherto nttached to this edifieo will now he disputed, for it will no longer wear the proud name of "Tnn-Li;," bat in future it will be known as the "Morris Boarding House." The basemen? story is to bo In id off into kitchens, the inri floor will be cenverted into a dining roo.i eapa. b!e of accommodating a thousand persons, and the remainder of the building' will be fitted up for chool room, offices, and sleeping apartments for five buu.' i people. - - ' t ' " On Saturday last says the Baltimore American an atteiniit was made by some of the workmen on tlie Hudson River Railroad, near, Sing Sing, to rescue two of their number wlio had been arrested by tlie Sheriff, for rious conduct. Three of them armed with guns, attacked the Sheriflf, who there upon drew a revolver and shot the three one of them, it I supposed, is wounded mortally. , From the tf. O. Picayune, 6tKintt. MAM OF MAJOR GENERAL WORTH With inexpressible pain we are called upon to announce (tie death of Major Gen. Worth. The newt, to sodden and appalling, reached town last nielil br the Portland. It was communicated to us in the following letter from Major Deaa : AT Aw't Gtx's Orrrc-, 8th Dtr'j, ) San Antonio de Bejwr. Texsa, May, 1849. i Ei . PtYe n m : I bare to announce to y u for public information, the death of Maj, Gen. Worth, who expired to-day at I o'eduok P. M , of o' o!era. I make the above announcement, in order to set side all doubt as to this melancholy event, , Respectfully, your ohedieiM servant Aim. "OKAtf. Ass t Adt Gen. . The Rhode Island papers inform us of the de tease, at Newport, in thit r-tute, on Wednesday last, of the Hon. Y.lie J. Pea rce .aged sixty years, nrotninett Member of the Bar nf that State, and one of itt Represctitatiws n Congress from the veartSSmtbe J-esr U37, . .' ' ' A DARK PICTURE. The Phil.uletphh Inquirer, a dor remarking that ill.' prearw population of the Club is estimated l ujtie hundted and nixty millions, says thai "of tin-! whole numUrlh.il have deuarted,a bout 18,000,000 have died unnatural deaths, mcli u 9,000,000 in war, 8,000,000 "ry famine and pestilence 6,000,000 by martyrdom, and 580.000,000 by intoxicating li quid, while only 13,000,000 have died is a natural way." ; '. HI'S 1' OF MACUEADY. The New Orleans Bullttin say: "William Forahev, ti nntive artist, lias recently modelled in clay, a minnttiro burst of the great tragedian, li was taken from life during Mr. Macready' late visit to that city, and is so remakable for its faith ful delineation of the peculiar characteristic of the celebrated actor's head and featur'hat it is really a mora striking likeness of him than, any painted or engraved portruit thsit we have seen. We trust measures will bo taken immediately to send a copy of this bust to each of the singers of the New York card to M r. Marreadrv which led to the recent bust there."' ' " NORTHERN INSTITUTION." A woman named Eliza Sancry, was found roam ing about the streets of Boston, during the heavy rain of Thursday night, with a little coffin under her urms, containing the corpse of her infant child. She had been turned out of house, and took her d ad child with her. Much as many of the North ern people arc in tlie habit of denouncing what they are pleased to term "tlie siii of Slavery," we ven ture to say that no negro woman in this State (slave) was ever reduced to the condition of this poor white woman, Standard. The Odd Fellows of Cincinnati have appointed a committee to be in session daily from 6 o'clock A. M., to 10 P. M., at the drug store of Dr. Marsh to furnish assistance and afford relief to memticn of the Order who may need the same during the prevalence of the cholera. IMPROVEMENTS IN VIRGINIA. The Baltimore American in noticing the public works in various states, says: Virginia is at work in earnest. She is re. solved upon connecting the valley of the James with the valley of the Kanawha, with the view of striking the Ohio at the mouth of the Kanawha. A grand undertaking it is and one that must suc ceed. Its completion will mark a new era in tlie history of Virginia, and then it may be that Nor folk may fulfil some of Mr. Jefferson's predictions of her greatness." The jury of Inquest, in the New York Riot case have returned verdict that the firing of the mili tary was justifiable, and they express tlie opinion that if a larger police force had been first called out, the loss of life might have been avoided. The verdict is the subject of much discussion in the city. OUR FOREIGN RELATIONS. I Tho Washingtoncorrespondent of the Philadel phia Ledger, says: Sen-nr Rosa, the Mexican Minister resident at Washington,-has drawn tip a solemn protest against tho conduct of the Ameri can government, in regard to the Protocol in the Treaty of Peace, and handed a copy of it to each foreign Minister at Washington, with the request' to have the matter brought to the cognizance of their respective governments. Petersburg Intel. DEFALCATION AND FRAUD. A despatch to the New York Herald says : The defalcation of Major Scott, late Navy A- gent at the Washington Navy Yard, is set down at about $50,000. He had held the office for a- bout lourteen years. Speculation is assigned as the proximate cause. t It is said that charges exist against a high offi cer in the War Department, which are being ex amined into, relative to frads upon tlie govern ment in the way of forged land warrants and other claims of dead soldiers, that had no existence. SESSION OF THE CABINET, dtc. . WxsmxoToji, May nth 4 P.M. Tlie Cabinet are in session. It is said that the nominations for this district are under considera tion. Secretary Meredith has been called from the city in consequence of the death of his sister. TeUgraKedfor the Bait. Sun. APPOINTMENTS 3Y THE PRESIDENT. WAsti.st.TOS, D. C, Mayi7-8 P. M, I learn from the offioeof the Washington Whig that the following Postmasters have been appoint ed by the Prebidont to-day : Isaac R. Hurrington.Bafllilo. Joseph N. Sherman, Utica, N. Y. Cheney Ames, Oswego, N. Y. James E. Wharton, Wheeling, Va. Richard Milton, Winchester, Va. Joseph Burton, Augusta, Met OFFICIAL. V ArrorsTMEM ir the rnrsinE.iTs. Logan Hunter, of New Orleans, to be Attorney of the United State for the Eastern District of Louisiana, vice Tho. J. Durant, removed. . Lard Omenta. John Corkcrn, of Louisiana, to be Receiver of Public Moneys, at Creenaburg, Louisinia, vice Theodore Gillespie, removed. Thomas Webb, of Louisiana, to be Register of the Office at Greensburg, Louisiana, vice C D. Strickland, removed. ' Win. H. Wallace, of Iowa, to be Receiver of Public Money at Fairfield, Iowa, vice V. Van Antwerp, removed. , George Wilson, of Iowa, to be Register of the Land Office at Fairfield, Iowa, vice Benhart Henn, removed, Easton Morris, of Iowa, to be Receiver of Pub lic Money at I"wa City, Iowa, vico Enoa Lowe, removed. .; ; Jesse Bowen, of Iowa,to be Register of the Land Office at Iowa City, Iowa, vice Charles Neatly, removed, " : , Mordecai Mobly, of Iowa, to be tloccivcr of P ul lic Money at Dubqqae, Iowa, vice O, Mdlenry, removed. Thoma MeKnight, of Iowa, to be Register of the Land Office at Dubaque, lows, vice Warner Lewis, removed. i 1 CHOLERA AT THE WEST. The Wertr'rn papers eame freighted again, list night, with Mocnnws of alarming ravage of chole ra , The following is from tlx LonisviSe Jotu-rul of Sat unlay : ! During i he twenty-four hours ending last even ing, wo have heard of seven or eight new eaes. A colored barber, and another culwrrd man, are said to have died of cholera. At Portland, several cses of cholera have also occurred, some of which have proved fatal. I Mr. Ricketts, a contractor of the railroad, and seven of his men, have died" of cholera at Floydr- burg. 1 " The Cincinnati steamboat Charles Hammond, arrived from New Orleans yesterday, had 30 case and 9 deaths. The Childe Harrold, from the same port, had 6 deaths on board during her trip one from cholera and five from ship fever. . The Maysville Eagle, of Thursday, gives the na.ncs of twenty one persons in that cit and sur rounding country, who died of cholera during the preceding 48 hours. It also reports 13 or more new casos during that time. The New Alliany Bulletin, of Thursday, reports one death from cholera in tlie preceding 24 hours. The Nashville papers report two dearths from cholera on the steamboat Bolivar, arrived at that place. The St. Louis Republican, of Tuesday, says: : The officers of the steamer St. Joseph, down yesterday from Council Bluff?, report having met tlie steamer Mary at Glasgow, bound up, with a number of Mormon emigrants on board, Captain Scott, of the Mary, informed the officers of the St. Joseph that'there had been twenty-one deaths on board since she left this city; and there were 10 or 13 down with the same disease cholera. The mortality wa confined solely to the Mormon emigrants on deck, a great many of whom reach ed this city a few days previous, from New Or leans, in the worst possible condition as regards health. The Officers of the St. Joseph alo learned.that there had been several deaths on board the Kansas but this rumor, it is thought, had grown out of the fatality on board the Mary. We are told that nine of tire ten burials took place from one neighborhood in this city ongtin day. The victims were mostly foreigners, fresh from Europe, and were reported to have died of cholera. Nearly every patient had contracted symp toms of divase long before reaching this city. The St. louis Era of the 7th, says The Iov-a arrived last night with neatly four hundred deck passenger. Some 20 case of cholera occurred on the passage upnear one half of which proved fatal. The Madifon (la.) Courier of Friday, says : Two case of cholera have occurred within the last two days, both fatal. The Louisville Courier, of Saturday, however, asserts on the authority ot physicians, that tlie general health of that city was never better than at this season. The Pittsburg Mercury of Monday, says : In this city not one single ease has occurred. which originated here, that we have heard of. Our city continues healthy, and perfectly safe for strangers to visit A letter frem Independence, April 30, says Up to this time there have died in all in Kansas, with cholera, 23 persons. The population of Kan sas does not exceed 600 At this place we are oiost favored. Every day almost a case occurs, but yields readily to treat- me nt, when taken in lime. From the Richmond Republican. DESTRUCTIVE CONFLAGRATION. THE CITV OF ST. LOUIS IX BlIKS. ' We are under obligation to those enterprising and indefatigable Telegraphic New Agents, Mes srs. Garland & Thompson, of Baltimore, for 'the following important depacth, received at this of fice at 41 minutes after 8 o'clock Inst evening. Baltimohi:, Friday, 5 o'clock, P. M. A destructive fire broke out at St. Louis, Mis souri, this morning, at an early hour, which) re sulted most disastrously to the city. , Nearly one lialf of the whole city In the very heart of the businei portion is in ruins. Five Banks, and every Insurance Office in the city, were destroyed, Twenty-seven Steamboats, many of them richly freighted, while lying at their v, haTves,were burnt to tlie water' edge. The Telegraph Office vra also destroyed, but the instrument wcnriubscq'iently removed across the riy r a nd put into operation to convey the new IMPORTANT DESPATCH FROM CAUFOR- MA TO THE U. S. GOVERNMENT. -Washjkotoh, May Utli J P. M. Information ha been received by tlie U. 8. Gov eminent, and is in possession of tb Department, of preliminary arrangements in progress for the formation of a Government in California, which it i said will be formed before tho meeting of the next Congrcsa - THE PRESBYTERIAN GENERAL ASSEM- : ' '' BLY. , ' PrrTSBOjto, May 17th S P. M. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, met thi morning, but nothing of Impor tance was done. The produce markot are un changed, and business matter wear a gloomy av pect. No eaae of Cholera have appeared in our city, which ia considered perfectly healthy. , STEAM BOAT DISASTER LOSS Of LIFE. f- Newsuks, Niw Yohx, ) , - Msy 18, 8 o'clock, A. M. ' Th beautiful steamer Empire, of Troy, wat ran Into by the chooner Noah Brawn, at half east eight o'clock last night, opposite thi place. SIi had sunk to her promenade deck, when thesuam- r Rip Van Winkle cam to her assisfrsi and rescued th live of throe hunJred p.ttsenger. It I Impossible to give) tbeeorrcl number of live lost. A mU boat ha just come aahor with the bodie of throe lau.es from the wreck. ' It is (opposed tlint the submerged Cabin of th ill-fatod steamer Empire eontain come 20 or 30 dead bodies, 8 were round this morning, tine then tlie boiler have been pumped h4 t't body of a young lady tound, : Tilt Empire tot insured, - r& THE RALEIGH TIMF?. EFFECTS OF THE LATE DESTRUCTIVE FRr.T ON TWO ARTICLFS OF AOMCVITURE. "Mr. RjUjttau : As one drawback u Southern Agriculture is, the liability to sudden vicissitudes of weather, and sudden frost on vegitation put forth, it would be well to inquire into such item of culture not subject to disappoint the farmer in this way. From the light of experience, I would respectfully suggest two, viz : Jerusalem Arti chokes and Grapes. While Irish Potatoes and other early vegetables were cut down by the late frosts, those Artichokes stood uninjured.;- And when we take in view the wonderful productive ness of this vegetable, and it great facilities for feeding swine, it is of no mean im( irtance as a ouree of Agricultural wealth. It stands all weath ers in its spring growth, and is never injured by winter freezes. But aa to store hogs in lots of this plant afford, without other troublo than turn ing them in, healthful feed all winter; and no bet ter cooling alternate food for fattening swine in the fall. Grapes are peculiar in their bearing properties. The nete branches putting forth in the Spring are the bearing parts of the vine. And hence, after a severe late frost destroy the young foliage and bearing twigs, they aftorwards spring forth again, and generally no diminution of fruit, Four years since, when a frost like the late one this Spring, destroyed all other fruit nearly in the United States, the Grape product was abundant notwithstanding., Boside entertaining hundreds of visiters for partaking of Grape fruit in my Vineyards that year, I made an abundant crop of Wine. So, since the late frost, the Vines in my Vineyards have again sent forth bearing twigs and foliage and every indication ef as good a yield, as if no severe freeze bad occurred. So, when a farmer reflects that, in the Old North State, (found to be the best Slate in the Union for Vine culture, and especially it own native Scup pernong Grape, the best Grape in the world for Southern culture,) no surer crop can be cultivated than the Grape; and in it culture he is doing a business of first permanence among the ancient people of God, according to Bible record, and a business of vast importance to the cause of true temperance, by experience in other countries, he need not hesitate to embark therein, by motives of profit, morals and religion. Most respectfully submitted to fellow farmers by SIDNEY WELLER BIRTH OF A CANADIAN LORD ELGIN. Montreal, May 17, 1419. The Countees of Elgin has this day presented the Governor with a son and heir. Both doing well. BISHOP ONDERDONK. The Episcopal convention of Pennsylvania, now in session in Philadelphia, has adopted the follow ing resolutions Jilmost unanimously ; Resolved, That the removal by the House of Bishops of the disabilitiet imposed by that body on the Right Rev. Hen7 U. Underdonk, D. D.,would give great satisfaction to tho individual, clerical and lay, composing thi Convention, and also, it it belloved, to many others, a well in the Church generally as in the Dioce once under hi jurisdic tion. . "--'; Resolved, moreover, That while such removal would cheer the declining years of a venerable and distinguished servant in the Church, it would se cure, to his many admirable productions their just estimation by posterity, and be in accordance with the charity so eloquently portrayed in the teaching, and so consistently exemplified in the coduct of the great Apostle of (he Gentiles. A LADY EDITOR. Mr. Rennet, late editor of the Yazoo City Whig having died, hi widow ha taken charge of tlie p iper, and w.ll in future conduct it In her own name. She write us a beautiful letter, reques ting us to exchange with her. She had only to Command, and we should triovt cheerfully have o bejed. . We welcome the fair editrcaa into our ratik,wilh all our heart. We have long wanted the presence of a lady in the corp,to (often the asperitiea which beset the path and harden the character of political editors, rendering them bnt too often insensible to th comities of life. - Our fair sister w ill, we have no doubt, become the pet of tho whole frater nity. All will unite in protecting her, no matter how often they indulge in the f port of tearing out each other's eyes. Our new found sister.wo are happy to learn.lik the majority of tlie better ex, i a genuine Whig. We look forward to much pleasure and instruction from her pen. . JticAmoni Whig 4 paiSOfJt "SELLING" HIS KEEPER. Wn Phillip, alia Phelpe and Porter, u tried in Lowell, in November last, upon three -indict menu for burglary, and sentenced to bard labor nine year in State Prison. Shortly after be ob tained an interview with Mr. Robinson, the War den, and told hint that be had "planted" $30,000 In a locality which he described. After consulting with Mr. Nichola, marahal of Cbarleotown it wat deltrmioed to March forf' prlxe. Phillip wa granted a holiday and the trio proceeded by cab to th elation of the Old Colony railroad, and then by ear to Fall River, near which Phillip poin ted eut the spot where they mutt dig. They went to work with a will. Phillip superintended oper ation, and the City Marshal and Warden relisted on auother at the spade. The marshal wa at work with th shovel, and had made a bole ix feet deep, Phillip and the warden were on the bank cheering liim to tiH greater exertion. Juu before Nichols earn to the shiners, Phillip shared Robinsen into the hole, commenced bnrying them op, and vanished. The warden and tlie marshal bad so much dust in their eyes that they could not porta hint to advantage; and th maHhal bad sprained ankle. So they cam borne, , JCIohols took to hi bed, nd Robinson c.Tcred a reward for th arrest of Phillips, who wa rilcert to Fall Riv er in Ugns, which wen removed it. order to. alhiw bim to taKjiis turn tt the (hovel. . He I forty five years old, five feet ten Inches in height, dark complex-ion, blpe tjet, and dtvrk hair. Bnttan B:t, THE JilND THAT MAKES THE MAN. by stysox . IUIWES. r A proud patrician lord one day, His pleliian neighbor met ; And thus in most disdainful way, The worthy man beset : A clown ihon art, yet still they say There's mind within thy breast ; That Science' giddy mountain heights Thy roving feet have presa'd ; That fame awards her laurel crown To rest upon thy brow ; That richer things than gold or lcaurels Thou hast in keeping now. Yet plainly still thy garb and luien, Ignoble birth proclaim ; What fancy strange is prompting thee , To carve thyself a name ? A moment on tho scornful face, The plebeian's eyes were bent A moment, and hi answer came In words the heart made eloquent : My father was a woodman's son, Who left unto his child No gold nor lands, but rii her far A birth-right undcfiled. And I am proud to own my sire, -Though nlelieian he mav be; For Heaven hath placed upon his brow The stamp of its nobility. Not for thy lands, nor yet, indeed, For all thy wide domain, Would I ipiiounce the laurel crow By hard-earned labor gained. . Onward and upward, it shall bo The meteor lightning still, My chosen path, its trusty guide Omnipotence of will. Strange language this, news wcrds to him, The child of wealth and pride ; Whose random shafts so rudely aimed, Their lowly mark defied. And silently he turned awsy, Though pausing first to scan The speaker's visage, as if to read u The mind that makes the man." MARRIED, In Burke County, nn the 8th inst., Col. Lelan Martin, of Wilkes, to Miss C. L. Corpening,daueli ter of David Corpening, Esq. of Burke. In uuillord, on the 6th inst., by Peter Adams, Esq., Mr. VVm. Cox to Miss Sarah Wood. DIED, In Chatham County, very suddenly, on Tuesday evening the 1st of Mayf Apoplexy, Dr.J.G.Han ner, in the 43d year of hi tige. He was a popu lar and skilful Physician in the neighborhood and surrounding country in which he lived, nd was lov ed and respected by alt who knew him. TOWN MEETING. AT the request of some of th eilisens, I hereby call a meeting of th eitixen of Raleigh, to b held in the Town llall.oa Saturday the 3d of June, at 5 o clock, 1. la. lor trie purpose of making arrange ments to oelebrate th approaching Amuversary of oar National Independence. WM. DALLAS HAYWOOD, - Iutendant Raleigh, May 23, 1849. ; ' 22 2w. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. PRIME Brown, Clarified, Powdered, Crashed, and Loaf Sugars ; Port Rioo, Laguira and Old Java Coffee ; very superior fresh Imperial, Gunpowder and Black lea ; Vinegar, Lamp Oil, &c. ate. c. Raleigh, May 35, 1849. SELECT SCHOOL. I will open a Select School, Providence permitting, in Pittsborough, on the lot occupied by me at present, to commence on the ia day or July. I he terms or J anion will be th lojlowiui : Th English branchs will range from $7 50 to $12 SO per session Ql au tor Uie lower Branches, ana 50 for the higher ones. For the classical, $18. The course of instruction will be very thorough and exact. Students prepared for any of our Univera tie. . When one Student enter the School, he will be consider ed bound to the e'oae of th session. To our country friends, I take tb liberty of say ing, that your soot will bo entirely safe here s sate, al least, a at any place in th country. Good board can be had here, where every thing., will b tound, at irom o to B dollars per month. I trust from the long experience which I have had in the important business of managing and instruct ing youth, that a liberal share of patronage will be extended to me. . I shall spar no pain in rendering rail service and exact attention to thom placed under my cars. D. W. KERR. Fittuboro', Msy ISth, 1849. RAIL ROAD MEETING AT FR1MLWT0N. THE eitixen of Frank lintoo, and Us Ticiuiiy,'ried ly t th Central Rail Uoad Improvement, an re quested to hold a meeting al Col. FOWLKES' Tar tan, Saturday, the 2nd itt of June next, for th purpose (ppoiutui g Delegates t toe oauabury Lon Tcntion. rrtaklintoo, Msy 11th, 1649. 93 DISSOLUTION. THE FIRM of YOUNG 4. BLEDSOE is this day dinoived by mutnal consent. At it is de sired that the butioesa of we Firm (bould be set tled a early a practicable, all person indebted to tb concern will please eonie forward and make payment to S. H. xovxo, who I authorised to cloeethe buaine. - a H. YOUNO, . M. A. BLED80E. Raleigh, May Id, 1843. . i S1 NEW coons I EEwecorst ; THE buaine heretofore carried ao nnder (be name end tvl of Yotixo It Blemoi will he henceforth conducted by S. II. Youxa.at the came old stand, where he has received and ia how open ing a large ana spierwia sstorimtnt oi Staple cn anrg Sprinj OooH which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Our old customers tod the public generally, art respectfully invited to give in a call. - ail. YOUXG. kaleigh, May 1st, 1849. ' S3 tf PETSRSBURO COM Mi: "ION HOUSE.. " DICKINSCM & LUSTER, -f. ., Wlingbrouk St. Petersbtirfr, V.; WILL give attention to the sale of all k-.nie el Produce and forwarding Go!s. Reffrio Hun. A- W Venable, Granviil, and W. Whit aker, jr. Esq. Raleigh, . - ; JOHl DtCXWSOS, r R.,r. LtSTES. Late nflrtvilles -m" . :' . PteTbur5,Va. March, 1848. ( GRE1T DCrELE SHEET Jirtorial Jim Dark Organ, For the 4th of Jaljv MiKcirtL cswrrnfr. WajihiiijrtuH's Fidelity te Fittdom, dtniirncd bv Walliu, eii'ruvid by Orr. ' l.inily beiircr, an cfi-rm.-.l Kevoialisiiary Mary louuded on fact, by T. S. Arthur -spi iMlidly illnj iruU'd by Orr. 1 b fallen Statesman, an OrirriarJ Trnvberaur Siory of great power, by Mis. C. W. Dmiuim, n thor of tiertrude RiUistU beautifully iHiuulKi :y Robber k Edmuuda. The ilapby Change ; four, lanre eleiriiit IIiiitst- ings, covering two eulire pages of the papr r. pre- seouag I, i n urog bliop; , The ill u Jt n tence;3, The Wretched Home; 4, UcuJiUt' the Portrait Gallery mbrnrin r.Iefrnntlv Fii.rmre! Likeness of Rev. Lyrnun Bceclur, O. 1., Duuitl II. Sands, Philip P. White and Gen. 8. F. Cry. Jencrton presenting his famous Dee!antua to ti.s Associates of the Congressional Committee. rresentauon or John Adams to king Urorjm III. the first minister from h Americuu Republic to the Court of St. James. These are two splendid designs by Taut Dugg, Professor of Drawiu j ia ths Fre Academy. The GjMiplug Niijhbcrt, a gem of its jrt. The Dram Drinker, a graphic design by th cele brated Kenny Meadows, with aa eqvsj y graphs shete.li. The Upas Tree worthy the attention of Lf.'itla tors. Debate oo the Supplii-s a family sesne. The Mother's B;rih Day a choice IransUttuu. The Animalcule of a Rum Drop, as viewed through the Moral Microscope, a most curious feature, liu niehing ample material for curious.reflidiou. About Babies a familiar scene. Chapter on Duelliug a State's Prison for the survivor..-. Jolly Fellows a striking picture. An Original Temperance Ode set to music, alon worth the price of the paper. Illustrated Auecdotes, with a vast atnouut of the Choict st Temperance and Family Reading, altogether illustrated by uearly Oue Hundred Fino Wood En. gravings, many of which will be f the most elegant and costly description. As we intend to furnish this Splendid Dumber to Subscribers CT without Extra Charge, it furnishes an Extraordinary Inducement to Subscribe. While we shall spars neither pains nor expense In give this Model Number an attraction for every Fam ily circle, yet we intend to make it especially inter esting and useful as a great Pictorial Temperam- sheet. : - ' The New York Organ Pictorial for the Fourth w July, will make 16 pages will be printed on fine pa per made to order expressly for it, aad extra caput will be put at the following extraordinary low price v. SINGLE COPIES TEN CENTS. Six copies 50 els.; Thirteen f 1; Tlyeniy-seven t i; Fifty-five 4; Sixty-nino J5; Hundred and Forty three $10. XT All remittances and communications should be post-paid and addressed to OLIVER It BROTHER, Publisher & Piinter. No. 123 Fulton-street, New lotk. O Any Editor giving this advertisement sue 'iv two conspicuous inside insertions, with an editor. no tice, and marking a paper directed to "Nw Yora Organ," shall receive by mail, unless otherwise order ed, twenty copies of the 4tk July Picton&t. UNIVERSITY. rpHE Publio Anniversary Examination ef the Student of the University of North Carolina, will be held at Chapel Hill, oo Monday tb 2$Ui day of May, ensuing, and be continued frem day to aayuniu i nurauay, in itn ot June, Ming tlie first Thursday in June, which hat mentioned day i appointed for the Annual Commencement cf the Colleg. The following Trustee compose the Committee of Visitation : Hi Excellency, Cuarlet Manly, Governoref the State, and President ex oci of the Board. Hon. David L. Swain,! L. D., President ol tltr College. John L Bailey, Simmon i. Baker, John H. Bryan, John. R. J. Daniel, John M. Dick, James C. Dobbin, John A. Gilmer, Calvin Grave, John D. Hawkins, John Kerr, Walter F. Lett. Willie P. Manguei. James T. Morek-eeA Sam'IF. Ptteron, Thomas Ruffiu, R. M. Saunders, James S. Smith, Rich. D. Speight, Lewi Thompson, Cuaa. L. Hinton, John D. Toomer. All other member ef the Board of Trutteet wk may attend, will be considered meniUr Jo el thi Committee. By order, CIIAS. L. IUNTON. May ltt, 1849. - M td renale Classical lBitltnt, HILLSIOROVGK ITItlST. rpiIE rext Sxssiox of this Institution will eoau mence on Monday, 25th Jane; It it deeirtklc that student be present on that day. For further inOnnalion, address -' BENNET T. BLAXP " Raleigh, N. C. I ; Principa. May, 1849. Si ttu 8TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Fiukxliw Covnr. v Co-rtof Pleu and QuarUr Sees., March Term,! i 13. i Arthur Cooks, . Willi P. Alford, Jeremiah Alford and Beai. Alferd. Caccal tt;NuneupatmWiU ef Mtdit AlfirJ. It appearing to the aatisfaetioa of tho ceurt, that Arthur Alford, who it we ef th next of km to Afe- . die Alford, reetdse heyood lb limit tf th 8t f It is ordered that publicatioa b mad itt eix we-Vt' ia Um Raleigh Time notifying bin to iprwet at Ue Court House in Louisbarg, on th 2nd Moo da is Juao next, to ebjeet to th probata ef vd will. ' to show oaute, u any h kM, why tud Nuiu nrtttr will thaH aot bt admitted to probat od record. Given nnder bit hind it effie. . YOUNO PATTERSON, C.Cf Tt. dv. 12 62). 9 6w FRANKLIN INSTITUE, Cedar Rock, Franklin Cenuty, K. f . MLANKFORD, Eso.., will ddrw the rtuiea' M th 6th ef June, the day of their snout! ex hibition. Examination en the 7th. Th patrons C th Iaotitutt, aad the friends ef Educattou gcneralry, are respectfully invited to attend. Th Summer and Fall Term will eomnware ? Monday, th 94 of July. Tom heretofore. Tor ' partieiilar addret th Principal, it very detirtbir th pupil be present at the ojjtvn-ne; of tlie 8eM,on. , f D. & RICUAKUSON, Fr-r,Mt. " Mayl8,lf49. . , g-tJ-t.-.t.' !. COMMON SCHOOLS.' . CZce f tie Izzri cf W.zrz' -rt. . ' THEPretident and Director! afljt'rsry I'uudh t ordered to be distributed the tun. of ;tv thmise.o! dollam. in purt of tie nett aouaal iiw- mie of tht eai i-, Fund for the support of Coiumea fetiiwis, auiw;( ilte . several C'ciiutirai, for tbe year 18 U. A (t:stementrhowingtliequotato wh'cHeach Cn-nt.. ty b entitled aeeer!iui to its ft'VrM pepMlatk. ir - t . Witli tb t'OHi(;trl!er of pablic sce'i, tud lb will be paid by tiiu VitUao T'twuni due tyM. tivn- . . C.iven wider tr:y h:-.-', - CTih f .y , vuiil. ":). Cii . :.':;ly, Uvuvrnor of tlie S's' and fresidt'.l r Ol ta-d i', IStfet&h, April 87,18-19. "ICJUUE PASTE. A aupcrir Is u! ,1 atte., nut roeeived, and fur ti:e bv i Fib. 2.1, - P. K rESflK