Literary Xotice . T!in Krv. J C. Rr.vs'oLLS, of Richmr.nJ, Virginia i :;, Jiin s.i the two Literary. Societies ' ) ake f ..; i. i; . sit the Annual tVnin.i uc. nu li'.m tin tc. .1 mi t' .iir-,.kiy in Jmte n-xt. Ue. C. I). Jf.nitt, of Petersburg, will uVkver a Sermon & iho evening preceding C'onimcKo nv-Dt. May 8, 1849. FRESH ARRIVAL OF BOOTS, S HO KS, CUTERS. SLIPPERS. &lv " ' - HENRY PORTER would! rv-TUr -l murft hjs tl)ailks t0 friends Vrl-----i tor their fni"nerpatron;ige,and vll respectfully inform them thai lie lias just received his Spring' supply of articles in hit line of business, embracing every variety of Gentlemen's Boots, Slioc, Bootees, &c., from the very finest kind to the real " toinp down. . Hi assortment for the ladies, is of the most varied ami beautitul character, suitable to tin prave ami g-.iv. He challenge an inspection of his articles, feeling assured that they cunnnot be surpassed in this market. -MANUFACTURING MATERIALS of all Lind for sale tothetr-.ido. ' (,'al! and examine for yourselves. Small pit '.Is and quick sales is his motto. . Ralegh, April 17,1819. ', 2 3' j Having first-rate "workmen in Ins employ, the subscriSwTr is prepared to manufacture all kinds ol work in hi line, toth sewed and peeped. II. PORTER. State of North Carolina. MARTIN SUPERIOR COURT of EQUITY George W- Hymka and others, 1 vs. I" Archibald Hyman and other ) TO Archibald Hvman, Abigail Moore, Reddick Hy man, N'nucy Hvnmn, John.JV'illiam and Jane Moore, the childron of Asia Moore, and all her other children and the children of Willie Hyman- : Yon and each of yon, nr hereby notified personal ly to be. and appear More the Judge of our said Court of Equity, on the last Monday in August itext, and plead, answer or demur to the petition of petitioners above named, or the same will be taken pro ronfesso and heard aeeordinidy ' Witness, C. B. Haswll, Clerk and Master of said Court at Office in Williamston, this the 7th day of A pril, A. IX IMS. g. HASSELL, 0. M. C. April 13. 6w. pr. Advrt. 1 fcl. Si ate or- North Carolina, ( 0l.rl,r Sessions, Ihrtjwd County. V .,, Term. 1819. Lawrence i. Yaughan, ) ' ' tit. '. Original Attachment. , . Mums Moum.- ' ) Levied npon rive negro slaves, to wit: Isaac, John, Lewi and Eliza. It appearing to the sutisfaotiou of the Court, that Mosra Moore, the defendant in the above enso, has absented himself from the State, or so concealed him self that the ordinary process of the law cannot be served upon him: It is therefore ordered bv the Court, that publication be made in the Raleigh Times for six wesks, notifying the defendant of these proceedings J and that h be and appear b.fore the Justices of Ilia County Court of Ela and Quarter. Sessions at the ezt Court to be held for the County of Hertford, at the Court Hons ia Wintoo, on the fourth Monday of Vy next, then and there replevy the property at tached and plead ; otherwise final judgment will be antered up against him in each-case, and the property ciia,'(uiae(l subject to the plaintiff's recovery, agreca !y le tao act of Assembly, in such case made and provided. . , . Willises, Lewis M. Cowpcr, Clerk of the said Court at Wi.iton, the fourth Mouday of February, A. ll;,119. L. M. COWPER, CUrt. 20-bw-Pr adv $5 63& . : , : " ' :. Court of Pleas and SlATK OV NoSTlt CaROLINS ' qu( natter Sessions. ' 'rrora County. binary TeraiS'lS. William H. Tayloe, Most! Moore. irinal Attachment, Levied upon five negro slaves, to wit: Isaac, Charles, John, Lewis and Eliza. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Muses Moore, the defendant in the above case, has absented himself from the State, orso concealed him self that the ordinary process of the law cannot be served upon him: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Raleigh Time for six weeks, notifying the defendant of these proceed mpf and that be be and appear before the Justices of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions at the next Court to be held for the County ef Hertford, at the Court House in Winton, on the fourth Monday of May next; then aud there replevy the property at tached and plead; otherwise final judgment will be entered up against him in each case, ant. the property condemned subject to the plaintitPs recovery, agreea bly to Act of Assembly in such case made aud pro vided ..: r--:,.-- Witness, Lewi M. Cowper, Clerk of the said Court, at Wintoo, the fourth Monday of February) A. D, 1849. , L. M. COWPER, Clerk. 3-6w-Pradv$5 62J Court of Plea and Stat r North Carolina, Hertford Vmtnty. Quarter Sessions. February Term, 18-19. John A Anderson, 1 i . n. : ; - Original Attachment, "i Moses Moore. : ) Levied upon four negro slaves, to wit: Mary, Harry, Cherry, .! ' 1 . andherchiW. . ' It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Moses Moore, the defendant in the above ease, bus absented himself from the State, or so concealed him elf that the ordinary process of the law cannot be served upon him i ll is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made ia the Raleigh Time for six weeks, notifying the defendant of these proceed ings ; aud that h be and appear before the Justice of the County Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions at the next Court to be twld fur the County of Hertford, at the Court House in Win ton, on the fourth, Mon day ef May next, then and there replevy the property art ached and plead ; otherwise final judgment will be eutered up against him in each ease, and the property condemned subject to the plaintiff's recovery, agroea bJy to Act of Assembly, m such case made and provi ded.'' s?:5i- ' ' ' ,, Witness, Lewi M. Cowper, Clerk of the said Court, at Wiuton, the fourth Monday of February, A. v., lb V). r ' JU i- WW, t-fart. t JM-b'w-Pr adv $5 62$ , ,, . . . J State of Nokth C"a! I Court of Plea and ,-ARQLlS, . ... , ','"" " ) i-Ver.ary Term, 184?. Trader & Parker, 1 .';''.,' '.''-4 - - Oripinal Attachment. . John Newsotn. ' ) Levied on the defendant's iu .. , ' interest in nue acre of land, ad- ,-'.ii ! ! joiuing tlie lands of Tho. J. Dea- . w., ' t y, rerry Carter and other, It ag"tearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that tht riel'eudant in this ease has removed himself out of this Stat,so that the ordiua-y process of law cannot be served upon him: It is therefore ordered hy the Court that publication be mads hi the Kaleigh Times t" six weeks, notifying die defendant of this proceed ing ; aud further, that he be aiid appear before the Justices of tho County Court ef Pleas and Quarter Sessions at tile next Court to be held for the County of Hertford, at the Court Hi use in Winton, on the fourth .Monday in May m-xt ; Uien and there to re pb vy the (, . ty attached and plead f otherwise Lual judgment will be eu'ered np e-ainst tiuj the propt rly cmideutnod, sul ct to tlie plaint 'Ks r rv,y, BfeeaWy to Act of Assembly, iu audi cw made, and provided. '- " w Uiiae., Lewie M. Cowper, Cerk of tlie (aid Cnuri, at S uilon, the fuBrth .Mondnv of February, A. I)., le l!. L. M. COW PER, CWA. '-;w-l'f adi u fi-j 1 , f , Till; LATEST AND NEWEST- fPXl JUST.RECKIVl'.lK 5fy-.aorIiion of SPUING T;" - GOODS, embracing, a great variety of Sinn nni Staple Drn Votis; Of the Latest and most Fashionable Style; which ire ufK-red at prices that must please, lor Cash, or to punctual customers. For particulars, please see the Goods on the Counter. JAMES M. TOWLES. Raleigh, May 11 :h. 23- JL'T REC EIVED AND FOR SALE American Temperance Repository, No. 103, Fulton Stskst, New Yosts : OVER -0.0U0 VOLUMES OF INVALUABLE TEMPER AKCE RE.MIINU. iOVSlSTIN'fi of the PathoW of Hntiikennenf, W or the Physical effects of .Mcuholic Drinks, with seven colored drawings of the Hnmuu Stomach.nntit ral siy, representing 1st, The Stomach in a healthy slate ; 2nd, Stomach of the temperate driukor ; 3d, Stomach of the drunkard; -ItTi, Ulcerated Stomach oflhe drunkard ; 5th, Stomach of the drunkard after adebanch ; Gth, Cancerous Stomach of the drunkard; 7lh, Stomach of the drunkard after death by deli rium tremenx, by Thomas Sewall, M. D, late Professor of Pathologv. and the Practice of Medicine in the Co lumbian College, D. 0. Also, a series of Tetters to Profeseiri" Christians on the Wine tnjestioa, hy K. C. Oelavan," price 50 cents ; the same work, without plates, 10 cents. Discussion relative to the proper kind of Wine for Coiamu..:ou, and the Wiitetiuestioli generallv; contHiiiing an in 'aluuhle nmonnt of testi mony on this important subject, from R C. Dehivan, Professors Silliinan, Aiken, Kencvick, Drajier, Hare, vVe. Slc. price 10 cents. Vindication of Dr. SrwaUs Plates, and the Doctrines they Teach ; containiiig"a vast amount of testimony from distinjuisheil medical and scientific men, as to the correctness of the Plates, and the deleterious influence alcoholic tiUors exert upon the Stomach and other parts of the Unman Sys tem, price, 10 cents. Ten Lectures on the use of Intoxicating; Lienors, by Eliphalet Nott, D. D. L. L. D. President of Union College, price 20 cents. : ' ILi These four works contain the entire philosophy of the Tempeiaiice Re formation, and should lie in possession of all who desire information, or feel an interest in the movement. They are neatly printed in quarto form, done up in uniform style, iu paper covers, to be sent by mail. .Wr win senu the en tire skt, tscLumso Da. Skwalls t'Ki.EaaTKn Plates, for 75 ce.vts, ok -10 iksts witiiovt the l'HTES. - We nlso have a few copies bound in one volume, including the plates, price $ . Mammoth Plates of the Stomach, Varnished and framed, ready to be liune up. Price $15, formerly sold at $20. The same unfraiued, price i't. tT Temperance Lecturers shonld exhibit these plntos and lecture npon them. At Pr. Sewall' lec ture npon Washington, runiseilers were heard to say, " If our business niakts such stomachs, we will atmndou it." . JJ" T emperaace Societies, Divisions, ire. will greatly promote the cause by procuring sets of these plates, and inviting conijieteiit persons to lecture upon them. Orders enclosing the cash, post-paid, will be punctually attended to Address . OLIVER & BROTHER, American Temperance Repository. ' '"""" " ' No. 128, Fulton street, K. Y. . The North Carolina ; r MUTUAL LIFE IXSIRAXCE 10MPAXT, RALEIGH, N C. A COMPANY with the above title having been chartered at the last session of the Igi lulure of thw State, and the provision required in said chatter, (vii: application for insurance for $50,000) having been fully met, the Company has been organized by the appointment of the following Officers, and is issuing to Vies, via: , .:;': ;,. i , " Dr. Cha E. JonNsds; President, ' ' ; ' William D. Haywood, Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, William II. Jones, Treasurer, Dr. Wm. H. McKee, MedicaJ Examiner, Henst W. Miller, Attorney, n- w Mnlf I ( Medico! Board of Dr. Rich d. B. Havwood, ) i - - J. Hersman, General Agent. This Company has received the most liberal charter that has ever been granted to any Company of a sim ilar character in any State in the Union. The 5th Sec tion of the Act of incorporation provides " that the Husband may Insure his own Life, for the sole use and benefit of his Wife er Children, and in case of the death of the Husband, the amount thus insured shall be paid over to the Wife or Children or their Guar dian, rf mider age, for her or their own use, free from all the claims of the representatives of the Husband or any of his creditors." This provision needs no com ment. The Board have also determined to insure the lives ef Slaves ; and this being almost half the wealth of the people of this State, a large business is reasona bly anticipated.. i Any information respecting the principle of the Company will be furnished by the Secretary or any of its officers. JAMES F. JORDAN, Sec'y. - Raleigh, April 9, 1849. ' ' 19. The following papers will copy the above three times, viz: Fayetteville Observer, Carolinian, Newbernian, Republican, Wilmington Commercial, Journal, North State Whig, Edenton Sentinel, Greensboro' Patriot, Salisbury Watchman, Highland Messenger, Mecklen burg JefTersonian, Wadesboro' Argus, Hillsboro' Re corder, Milton Chronicle, and Weldon Herald. s 1 VEAST POWDERS. " A FURTHER supply of Yeast Powders, just re XXoeived and for (ale by - P. F. PESCUD. ' Raleigh, March 8,1849. FINE TOOTH COMBS. SOME of the most Superior Combs ever offered for sale iu Raleigh, niay be found at f "'"' . ' i 1 ' f f- PBSCUD'S .-,. ,'i ... Drug Store. Ra'ehjh, March 8, 1849. - - ' PRIME VINEGAR, - Just Received by v .... .. 'r - JAMES LITCHFORD. Raleigh, March 8, 1849. : 14 CHOCOLATR Drops and Uzenge of al! kinds, just opened, aud lor tale by f P.; F PESCUD. , Raleigh, March 8, 1843.-. ' ' . , -.. , i i, i ';,- ' i MOLASSES, J nt received prime MOLASSES, Mwerop. For sale by " s . .! - . -JAMES LITCHFORD. : . -U v. - Next door above Mrs. Uardie'a " .Raleigh, March 2. . - . IXFOXSATIOX ? i.TE. , r -! JESSE WALKER, a native or North Carolina, came to Lincoln county, Kentucky, and volunteer ed to go to Mexico. He was a private in Captain William Danghtry'a Company, G. 2d Reu't. Ky. Volunteer infantry, and waa killed in the battle of Ijiiena V isti - il lell a wuiowett mother and sis ter somewhere in North Carolina'.-' Tliey are et titled to his land cUun of 100 acreai w ;U . If this lioii!d meet their eye, I will procure their laud, and also any balance of pay: due the deceased, free of any charge whatever.. - Further information can be had by addressing tlie undersigned-, postpaid. - ' I ; O.II.McKlNNEY.t '. , Mar. 31. ; ."etUnford, Kentucky. ,- Sii:0CL IX 1-RAXKI.IXTOi. VPCIIOC) L wi U I a opened jelhc town of Fia riV liiiton, iniVthe 15ih of January nesl, midit the cure of Miss Rt'.liECt 'A Fl It MAN, who has tts. tiitKHiiulsef the most satistUcinry elisracter fnWl Mr. and Mrs. lior.nrrT, fiirine:!) of lanisbnrp. tin iler whom she received her lucation. Shu lias also cerlilicates from several other persons, inclu ding three or four Ministers, some of whom have known her fro-. early life. Miss Ft;rmak has lately been teaciiine the. School at Dr. Edwsnl Speed's, in Cmnville, where, by her indefatitrnlile attentiun to her School, she has given entire satis faction. Terms per stsstot or five months : For Rending-, Writing,' Arithmetic, and En- clish (iwmnier, , igs.uu Ail the higher branches of n English Edu cation usually tattglit in Female Schools, 10,00 Music, 15,00 French, ,5.00 It wi be seen that this Sehotl is now 'ti rinff indiicementa and advantages to Parents Beldtm of fered to any comnrmnity. Franklinton is proverbi ally a healthy location ; and Pupils entrusted to her care will receive every attention necessary iu their intellectual traininij. Any person wishing further information in rein- tion to the School l,oan auuress uev. iv. tuuA, P. .AT a.' Franklinton, Refer also to the tailor of this paper. Franklinton, Dec. 23, 1818, 4 tf. Supreme Court Reports. SEDUCTION OF rRIC E. THE Siiliscrilior haviutr purchased from the Estate of W. R.Gales, lisq., dressed, the entire Edition of Vols. 0, 7, and 8 Law, and Vols. 4 and 5, Eqni y, of Iredell's Reports of Caws decided in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, (from December Term 1815, to August Term, 1848, inclusive, nnd incluuing also the Equity Cases of the present Term of the Court,) has reduced the price from Six Dullurt to F.-re Dol Ur per volume f nnd is prepared to furnihh them to Gentlemen of the Bar and .Booksellers, .except Vol. 5 of Eqmtv, to be published in a few weeks, of winch notice will be given. Orders for the whole, or for any one or more Volumes, promptly attended to. And the Bur supplied on reasonable terms with the previous Volumes of North Carolina Reports, and Law Hooks generally. Bound Copies furnished to the Profession, iu exchange for their Nos. ' V 11 J. II A I.E. Fayetteville, March 19, 1S-I9. . 17 : REMOVAL OF STORE! JAMES LITCHFORD respectfully informs his fr ends and Ike public that he has removed his Slot k of (loods from his fonner stand to the opposite side of Fayetteville Street, NEXT DOOR ABOVE MRS. HARDIES, and directly opposite 'the Market, where they are in vited to give him a call, and continue their custom. Onhaiiih n good assortment of .DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &c. He also continues the Tailoring Business, and will attend to all orders for Cutting and Muking Gen tlemen's Clothine. - Raleigh, Feb. 23d, 1849. ... 12 B c ck witliV Anti-Dyspeptic Pills. THESE Pills have beeu now for more than ten years before the Public, aud their just pretensions to the character claimed for them closely examined and tested,' by a great number of persons, too intelli gent to lie deceived, aud too deeply interested in the results, not to observe with care, and judge without favor. ':-' ' .' Experience has not weakened, these retensions, but strengthened and confirmed tliein by a mass of testimony of such respectable character ash:is rarely sostaiiied any article in this form in any country. The subscriber has just received a supply of them, which have been recently made, and he being Dr. Ileckwith's Agent for this part of the State, ia prepar ed to furnish the wholesale trade at his price, in any quantity. P. F. PESCUD, Druggist. Raleigh, March 20, 1819. 17 RICE.-A Cask of FRESH RICE just to hand, and for sale by JAMES LITCHFORD. Next door above Mrs. llardie's. Raleigh, March 2. FRl'IT TREES. THE Subscriber has just received a supply of choice Fruit Trees, from T. Perkins' celebrated Nur sery at Burlington, N. J. consisting of Peaches, Apri cots, nectarines and ( hemes, m ereat variety, and, with the view of effecting speeov sales, will sell them low. P. F. PESCUD, Druggist Raleigh, Feb. 23. - 12 CIGARS AND TOBACCO.-Chewers and Smo kers will find at my Drug and Apothecary Store some very superior Tobacco aud Cigars. P. F. PESCUD. Feb. 23. 12 CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, a prime lot. Call at ' ; JAMES LITCH FORD'S, Next duor above Mrs. llardie's. Raleigh, March 2. ' FRE3II DREGS, IHEDICIXES t PAIXTS. BY recent arrivals, I have received a Urge supply of articles needful to make my stock complete, to which I invite the altentiou of purchasers. P. F. PESCUD, i - ' '- ' Druggist and Apothecary. Raleigh, March 8, 1849. . . . ; , , TIMES PRINTING OFFICE. OUK PATRONS are informed that the Printing Office ha beea removed to the West (ids of Fay etteville Street, , - , , . ., ..- , . ., . ... OPPOSITE THE CITY nALL, ia the Room over tlie Store of James Litchfurd, next door above Mrs. llardie's Confectionary Store, where we shall be happy to see our subscribers and friends. . We are prepared to execute all kind of 'v'uw'M: Printing, ,; . Vl,"v- upeoUie usual terms, m a neat and handsome man ner, and solicit a portion of pablio patronage iu this line ef business. .... Subscription to the Paper only $2 50 per annum in advance, or $3 00 if not paid before the expiration of six month. - . ,. ; . .. . , , . v. U" THE TIMES will alway be furnished Jfre Mat As for One Dollar, in advance. But subscrip tions will be thankfully received en either plan. 1 C Those indebted to the Office are requested is remit ineir respective dues at our risk ; when a re cept will be forwarded in their next paper. t . Raleifcdi, Fab. 23, 184 " - . - - ' - - : f h LAW S 0 T I C E . " C C. BATTLE having returned te this City, will resume the Prctic of the Law.ia tha and the adjacent Counties, All business eutmsied to Kim, will be promptly at tended to." ' '.' . . " He is prepared to make out and procure alt SOI,. DIERri' CLAI MS, of every description, al abort ao- tice, aceoriliug to prescribed Jorina. i Raleigh, Aujiist 7. Sfate of Xorlh Carolina. , : . , Was Couxtv. . .- ' COURT of Pleas ami Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1?I9. ' ,"V James T.!d, Rion J. HartsficlH, and R-ls-e-ra. his wife, I'tendt.n Tucker, and Martha, his wife, John Kinl, and Susati, his wife,ilnry Rhodes, and Chloe his wife. Jeese Anderson, and Mary, his wift, Elija beth Todd, Henry Todd, and William Todd, flifdiAor . Marv-K. Todd, Alnheus Todd. Joshua Todd, Dti v d Toild, Elijah Todd, George Todd. Thomas Put, ly, and wife Eliiabclh, Nancy Fa'uon, Matthew Leopard and Mary his wife. , .. Pttilion to diri'le Land. This ease coming on to be heard, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that James Peebles, and wife Kliiabeth, and Matthew Leopard, am) wife Marv. nnd olhers. are non-residents of this State: It is ordered by the Court, that advertisement be made in the Raleigh Times, a newspaper published in thi City of Raleigh, for six weeks successively, notifying the said non-residents to be and appear at the next Term of our Court of Tlens and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the Connty of Wake, at the ( onrt House in the City of Raleigh, on the 3d Monday of May next, and then and there answer or demur to the said Petition, or judgment pro confeeso will be granted a gainet them, and the Petition heard ex parte, as to them.-. ; V. : " Witness, James T. Marriott, Clerk.ofonrsaid Court, at office, the .Id Monday of Febrnnrv. A. D. 184S. JAMES T. MARRIOTT. C. C. C. Raleigh, March 22. (Pr. Adv't. $5 fi2J.) -H Cw SODA SALJERATTS. fXSV. case of Soda Salmratus, a superior irtiele for VA-o cookin' purposes. i"st received and for sale by 1,1. IWL l I'. Raleigh, March 8, 1819. ONDFF Boxes. Cnrar Capes and Tobacco Boxes. Mjmt to hand and for sale by r. F. PESCUD 1,, March 8,1819. VARNISHES. larg" snpplv of Conch, Furnitiirn. rolishintr and XI Janan Varnislies. lust received nnd lor sale nv P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, March 8, 18-19. GUM DROPS. , most excellent rrticle for Coughs, Colds'., &.C., ilins Ljnst n-ceived and for sale by P. F. TESCUD Raleigh, Jfarch 8, 1849. BAY RW. A fresh supply of Bay Ruin. jnt received, nt - ' P. F. PESCUD S - Drug Store. Raleigh, Marcli 8, 1849,' . : FISH HOOKS. A larsre lot of Fish Hooks of the viost approved -il kinds, just received and for sale hy P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, March 8,1849.- . NOTICE. AT the Animal Meeting of the Directors of the North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company, held on the 2d January, 1849, the following resolu tion, was adopted: . Rr mired, That an assessment of five per cent, be levied on all the premium notes out-standing on the 2d January 1849. Notice is hereby given ' flint tho ubove assessment is required to be paid at the Office of the N. C. M. I. Co., in Raleigh, on or before the first day of May next. f . JAS. F. JORDAN, See. P. S. All letters addressed to tho Secretary on bu siness of the Company must be ; puid, or they will not be taken from the Post Office. Raleic'i, Feb. 86, 1849. - 13 3t PHOSrHENE GAS and LA.VPOIL, just re ceived, and for sale at Feb. S3 P. F. PEKCuTS Drug Store. TAILORING. WILLIAM II FURMAN respectfully informs the public that he continues the above business t'le old stand, and he solicits the orders of his friends and custoqiers. He is prepared to inako gentlemen's ('oats and Pants in the latest syle and in the neatest manner, aud will warrant them to be cut and made as well as they Can be iu any establishment in North Carolina. His prices will be moderate to suit the linn's, and no effort on his part shall be wanting to give perfect satisfaction. All who want neat and fashionable Clothes, call at Fl'RMAN'S Old establised Shop , in Louisburg, Louisburg, April 29, 1848. N o T I c e . ' ; v JUST received, the wonderful atvl important remedy against Baldness, Hair becoming grey, &.c, whieh has been found of tlie highest efficacy. It can be had in bottles, by application at my Hair Dressing Room, on Fayetteville Street. The pub lic are requested to read the following Advertise ments : - WILLIAM SMITH. PROF. BARRY'S - Wonderful Trkopherons. flURES BALDNESS, PREVENTS GREY v'Hair, and eradicates Scarf and Dandruff This article differs from alt the other advertised nos trums of tlie day. Its manufacture is based upon a thorough physiological knowledge of the growth, of tlie hair, and its connection with tlie skin, as well as a knowledge of tlie various diseases which affect both. This celebrated compound iu addition to its usefulness as a preserver and beantilier of the ha'-, is uiH.iallnd by any other article as an external application for bruises, sprains, erysipelan, swellings, ring-worms, scald bead, inflamed skin, prickly heat, scrofula, tetter pimples, sore throat, tender feet, salt rheum, rough hands, head ache, chapped skin, chilblains, internal pains, rheuma tisms, &c, &c. ; and the paia occasioned by the sting of insects is immediately relieved by its appli cation, and a a ready and effectita resource for all cutaneous diseases of tlie skin, it merits a place among: tlie household treasures of every family. Anru .-j-;- " 18 at Dr. A. F, Cooper's Splno-Abdomlnal - L-i ' - ; SUPPORTERS.1 ; A 1 ' THE Suhscriber ha en hand, a supply of the above valuable Supporters, which are recommended (or all persons, atllicted with muscular debility, round shoul ders, or prolapsus Uteri. ; ' ' Prof. Mott thinks they are very Well adapted fot Some varieties of incipient spinal distortions, aa they alfurd the useful combination of shoulder Brace aud Abdominal Supporter, with very decided the sniiat column. . a :,,.: - !. The altove Braces are recommended by Physicians generally, who have seen them, and I have sold a niimlwr to citizens of Ibis place, who are highly pleased witntuem. ., '.,1 . 1 v .?. A gentleman observed a few day since, that he bad been wearing a very celebrated body brace for some time, and that he would not give one of the above, for fifty Such.. ' - - - "They seed no puffing, as they speak for them selves. P. F. PESCL D. ir The above Supporter is sn improvement on Dr. J5. t rnines hpuio-Abdominal hupporter,'' v. Raleigh, March 20, 1849. . . :,, . , . , , '17 BOARD TOR STUDENTS "' IX THE ' ' Eglantine Acalcm)V'., : THE SUBSCRIBER would take to board a few Students, who may attend the Ejlantiue Acad emy, to be re.oponed by his son, AU rxa L Wilier, on the third Mouday of Juno, at Hiiukleyville ! Roads, Halifax Connty, N. C, about two miles from his residence. - - '. ' ' Tuition in tho Academy for Languages and higher branches of Mathematics two dollars per month ; for higher blanches of English one dollar and a half, nnd other English Studies one dollar. Board in respectable families at and hear said 'A Roads, from six to seven dollars per mouth. Loeuliiy perfectly healthy, . i . ' . Any young man disposed to lessen expenses of ed ucation by laboring occasionally in the subscribe! 's Vmeyards, maybe accommodated in thnt wsv. - SIDNEY WEIJ.ER. Brinkley vile, Halifax Co., N.C., ) 54 tf May 18, 1848. The Press, Types and Fixtures of the WARREN TON (N. C.) REPORTER OFFICE FOR SALE. HAVING determined ou quilting the Printing Bu siness, we now propose sellingour Print ng Press, Types and Fixtures, at u very low price for canh, or on a short credit for a part of the purchase money, with bond and approved security. The Press and a part of the Type are considerably wora, but will do pretty fair work for two or three vears to come, the Job and Advertising type are in better condition, and will Inst many yuais, The Cases. Stands aud other fixtures are very goml.-- There is a sufliciency of type of ali kinds for a village establishment. Warrentoii is a desi -able place to ru- side in, being remarkabiy healthy, and h:m as good society as any village iu the ntate. We have been engaged in the publication of the Reporter for'-'l years, and have been tolerably well sustained. V e will sell at a price no low, Ihal any one wishing to engage iu the business would do well to call and see us, or ad dress the Editor, pot paid, Warrenlon, N. C. R. N. VEKELL, Editor and Prupnetur. ' April 21, 1849; -. SI STOP THIEF. - A MAN who called Itis mime MADISON, and who professed to be a Horse Drover from Ves tern Virginia, called at my house on the Kith nist. and bought a horse of me, for which lie gave me $150 in three fifty dollar bills on tho St:ile Bank ol North Carolina, which bills prove to ho counter feit, nnd are well executed and calculated to de ceive. Two of them nre made payable at Wil mington, and the other tit Fayetteville. ' Madison, or by whatsoever name lie may pass, is aliout 6 ll-et, 5 or 6 incite high, 35 or 41) years of age, square built j small deep blue cyet.; Hat forehead; dark hair, mixed with grey; slow and shrill voice ; flat nose ; keeps'his hair comb back; had on a black fur with a broad brim that stood out straight, has a down-cast look. The horse is a light sorrel, about 6 feet Inch. feet all white a white spot in Ins forehead with a small scar in it holds a high head body large and heavy through tlie foreshouldcrs has asmall mouth for a horse of his size; is eight or nine year old this spring, and has a lump the size of an egg on his side. . I will give a liberal reward for tho recovery of the horse, or any information that will enable me to get him again. And it is to be hoped that the thief will be arrested in his counterfeit career, and punished to the extent of the law. - Letters addressed to me at Blackwalnut Post Office, Va., will reach me. S. C. CRUTCHF1ELD. April 25,1849. '. -ii W. R. PEPPER Y) ESrECTFULLY returns his thanks to the citi XL zens of North Carolina, for the patronage lie has rocoived from them, while engaged In business in the city of liitloigh, and begs leavo to inform them that he may be found at rV JARRATT'S D0TEL, PETERSBURG, VA., where he will be happy to see bis old friends and ac quaintances, and pledges himself to leave nothing un done on his pan to contribute to their comfort and convenience. He hopes his friends will give hiiu a call.' "- ' Raleigh, Marcli, 6, 1819. 14 3m T. F. PESCUD, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER IX Dntgo, (Cljcmicals, S; Dm StuiTs, FAY ETTEV'I IjLE ST. RALEIGH, N. C. Mr. PESCUD would inform his custom ers and the public In general, that he has bought of Dr. JOHXsON bis entire-interest in the late concern of PESCI D& JOIIXSOX. and will continue the business at the Old Stand aa heretofore, where he will be happy to accommodate all that favor him with their order. Hi long expe rience iu the business he is prosecuting, and a deter mination on his part to spare no efforts to G I VE U N I VERSAL SATISFACTION in the Quality of hi Goods, and the Cheapness of Sale, induce him to be lieve that Purchasers MUST BE SUITED. The Assortment of Goods in his Store is arranged in a manner to please and gratify OLD, AS WELL AS NEW CUSTOMERS, he having spared no ex eiise, time or labor to refit his establishment, and to place everything in view for those who buy. The ob scrvatiou of a moment will he sufficient to discover his arrangement, and test the truth of this advertisement. MEDICINES, DRUGS,' DYE STUFFS, CHE- AUCALa &. PAINTS. Some portion of these Goods are required bv evcrv Country Dealer, and it is to their interest to buy the best articles at the lowest rates to gain customers at home, P. F. PESCUD. Wholesale Dealer in Drugs, Dye Stuffs, aud Chemicals, Fuyettcville Street. Rul-igh, Feb. 18, 149. 11-ta , BLAKE PITTMAN, f.. . (LAT1 or HALIFAX, H. ft). . Si 'J Commission Merchant, Petersburg, Va. GIVES his special attention to the sale of all kinds of Country Produce, the purchase of Goods, and the receiving and forwarding of Goods. lleler to U. i, atoore, fcsq. Italeigh, N. C. .-: ''ThoYK. Thomas, Esq. Louisburg, Jf. C, i -i!n . IWky Mt. N.C.- Jesse H. Powell, ) - D. J. J. Philips, t .... ., 4i ;. v . . ..... 3 Brattle boro", N. C. N, M. Long, Kn. Long, Esq. 1 -'-'---' . Long, Esq, i JVeldou, N.C.i, ' 1 Siiuinons, - , 1 . . e.1 ' ' ; ''- t i v is' : "A Mi , James Patterson, Coorjer & Co 1 Wills Sl Lea, - Petersburg, Va' , v; ts tu ' Hiusoy, -r v, ) - ft (--'-, -j j -, F. S. Marshall, Halifax, N, C. -". j Petersburg, Feb. 1st, 1849. , ' " " " 11-bc FAMILY KOE L'ERRIXGS. 52 B ARRELS and half barrels for tale by SEAVVELL & MEAD - r Raleigh, Feb, 23, 18 19. ' " " WIXCOW CLASS 1 A LARGE assortment of Window Class, of ail xxat t, by the box, for sale bv ' . SKAW'ELL & MEAD. Jialeijh, Feb. 23, lfrl9. lii,,,, lAMPIIOR CAPSULES, a fine article tor Sick V IUad Ache, just rccoivcd and for sn, hv Feb. 23. P. F. PIOSCUD. f Fut'lTiuoiiliy supported, the siihsciilicrtiileiiils-to publish a monthly paper of eight pages, for the pnrporw of dili'irsintr information ot. the subject of education with the especial view of improving mr cn.1 racier i our common rscnnol. It Is intended to give an account, drawn from the public documents and other sources, of tho or igin mm progress oi our Common .School system, to compare it with that of other Klates lie're nnd iu Eumie, thus noting our improvement over for mer years and sliiniestinrr the means of overcom ing the defects nnd dilHculiios under which we still labor. This will lead us to investigate the sources from which school funds are derived, the modes of their application, the preservation of order in schools, the election of proper books for Ftudy, the recreation suitable for the pupiU, the trpattiiriit ( e ocssary for different dispositions & c. And" believing thai the State which would im prove its schools must first improve its teachers, a portion of our columns will be devoted to the fini s lions How are our schools to be supplied With competent teachers ? How is the standard of ed ucation to he raised, and the services of a hand secured who are woM qualified to go forth and in the spirit of love, labor for llie advancement oflhe children who are placed under their charge ? But Education is a word of veTy extensive menn ing.and although the primary object of the publi cation may frequently take its into the snhool room, we do not intend to lie always confined there. Our subject matter is the human mind and tin in fluences good and bad, with a view of preventing the one and strengthening the other which can be brought to operate u pon it. That this is a theme of the deepest moment none can deny. It grasps t he i i J icresis noi oi mis worm only it readies through eternity. We shall not !i?sitate then as occasion may demand, to enter the family circle, to place ourselves on the streets or mingle In the bnsr crowd ami there sol forth the rules of life anil priiic'i'les of conduct which we believe will pro mote the good of our race here and redound te onr everlasting welfare in the life which is fo enme. The publication will be commenced In Green, horo', so soon as a siiffieie'nf number of subscribers can be obtained to defray te expenses of p:intincr toha printed on fair type, at 50 cents a yea", payable on the receiptor the first number. , ,, , IiCticru relating to the paper may be directed fliost paid) to Nerens Mendenhall, Jamestown, Guilford county, N. C. Subscription also received at the Patriot Office. The papers of the State, and others friendiy to (he cause of Education are requested to publish or notice the above. NEREUS MENDENHALL. 2d mo. 7, 1818. A CHEAP FAMILY PAPER. . ThtjDullar Weekly News. Published in the city of Philadelphia, and Edit ed by R.T. Conrad and J. P. Suiiderson, is ofTer- .l ... ,1.- Cll I . . . ' . . iu in mo loim.Tiiig low rau-J, pu' annum : fine copy $1.00 Six copies 0,00 Thirteen cophes 10,00 Twenty copies 15,00 -"-Twenty-seven copies 20,00 Thirty-four copies 25,00 Forty-two copies ' 30,00 " Fiftv copies - 35,00 ; '' The Dollar Weekt.t News is it Whig Jonr n il. Special attention is however directed to n tral Sens, Literature, the Artt and Sciences, the interest of Trade and Businem, and all such oth er read i eg as is necessary to make a good .. FAMILY NEWSPAPER. It contains also the most amnio renorts of Urn state of the Market, in tlie principal cities of the union, anu a general synopsis ot matters mtewtT tng to business men. , . ( , Ij" No paper will be forwarded Unless lie made 111 mlrance. Money may be remitted through the mails at our risk. r Address, postage paid, ., ' . J. P. SANDERSON & CO.,,, News Bindings, N. K. cor. Third and Chesnut Sts., Philadelphia. 1 ; ".-GARDES SEEDS. ' fTMIE Suhscriln'r has just received his snpp'y of J- Garden and Grass Seeds, which he warrant's to be fresh and genuine, consisting in part ol the usual varieties of the following kind, viz : Asparagus, Beans, , Beets, . v Broeoli, . Cabbage, Carrots, , Cauliflower, (Jelery. Cress, . , Ciicuiuber,. ; : Eggplant, Com, Leek, .Lettuce, Melon, . -Mustard, Nasturtium, Okra, Onion, Parsley, , Parsnip, Peas, -.'' Pepper, Pumpkin, ltadish,- : Rhubarb, - Salsify, Sjiinage, Squash, Tomato, . i Turnip, Aromatic herbs, Crass .Need, and Fruit Trees. Also a lot of Flower Seed, which wiH be sold at' three cents a paper, as they are not of last year growth. P. F. PESCUD, Apothecary and Druggist, Feb 23. . . - THE WIFE'S FRIEND"? Important to those about to become Mother. i t PROFESSOR ALEXIS V.PAVLITAN.ot the Paris Lving-isi Hospital, member of tho iledi-, cf Ar.ademy of Prance, Corresponding Secretary of the Paris Pharmaceutical College, respectfully licgs' le ive to announce to the Ladies of America that hei has appointed DR. JEROME Y. C, ROPENHUR. -TY, of New York, his sole American Agent, for the .. c I.- l-i-..i . 1 , ... ' pom ui niiiiuruiii i,n-ijiuine, nilOI.11 III riUllCe 08 THE WIFE'S FRIEND, or MOTHER'S ASS1S. TAN T, the most extraordinary medical discovery, the world has ever seen. Its province is to LESSEN THE PAINS OF CHILD-BIRTH, and promote ' a sake, asv, and SPEEDY DELIVERY, which it r does by attitting nature. It is perfectly Harmless, efficacious, pleasant to the taste, aud never fulls to promote an ny and mfe delivery, and improves tlie general health of both mother and child. ' It has been tested for years in all the principal Lying-in Huepi. tuls of Europe, and receives the sanction of, nearly-, all the prominent Col'eges and Medical men of the old world. Itis the GREATEST MEDICINE IN l'HE WORLD; a all will admit that a medicine must be that will lesson the terrible pains usually at-, utedunt on child-birth. There is no mistake about, this medicine doing all that i said of it ?, IT EVER FAILS. It is in the form of a fine light wwder, to lie made inio a drmk, and uxed for Si .... , . .v-iit, ,wt4 . price i so low a to bring it within the reach of alt Surely no humane husband will suffer his wile te itt dure pain, when it can be so tasily aud cheaply av voided. - For the small sum of only $1,(10, sent ixw paid to J)R. JEROME Y. C.-JIPENHURTY Aew xork t'ost Ullice, a package will be sent by rv tiiui mail, it being so light that it can be sent any where av mail, at a vervtrikliss cost. " '" '" Ij No unpaid letter takeu from the omoW. ILJ To prevent imposition, tlie U. M.. Arent; Da, Ropenhurty will write his name iu full vu the eat- tide lubel ol each package. No ether geimiue. Re. mttmer thin. , : , . , - . .. New York, March 3d, 1819. " ' I I Cm, JOB PRINTING, iic. i -;. IT THE TIMES OFFICE being well I atipplied with a good assortment of JOB TYPE, we are prepuretT for printing, neatly, sit kinds of if irrltlitrei" (Trtrtn "ntil finritlhilln. and other svork. with dosnatcJi. tinon reamWHbl? terms. A share of puujic Kilronag, in, ahis ol business, respectfully .solucited, , , v. February Hi, ISVJ.. ' ,