gigs TOWN MEETING. I T iho. rr";'iat cf sumc of the citizens, I heri bv V,U a meeting of (lis citizen:' of Uieie;!!, to in' "!:)' la Hie Townlluli.f-n' Saturday "the ?it oTJuhe, ki u o'clock, P. M. it the purpose ol insikiiKt arranau meuls to celebrate the approuthiug Anniversary of iiuc .Sulwuid Independence, WM. DALLAS HAYWOOD, 1 :it ndaut. Raleigh, May 23, 1819. , . S' aw. SELECT SCHOOL. Iw '.l open t Select School, Providence permitting, in Vittsboruugh, on the lot occupied by mo ut prescut, to commence on the 2d day of July. The terms of Tuition will bo the following; : The English bmn-hes will rung from $7 51) to $12 j!J pur session $7 5i for iu-i lower branches, and ill 2 it) ftir the higher girt- Fur tin' classical, $18. Tilt: emirse, of instruction will be vary (borough and exact. Students prepared for any of our Universities. When once a Slisient enters the Sehisil, lie will be Cunsidur ed hound to the c (isc of the session, i ...... ,; To our country friends, I lake th liberty if guy ing, that your sons will bo uutijrly safe here hk mile, nt least, ns in any place in the country. Good Uwrd can be hnd bice, where every thing will In; lound, at from 6 to 8 dollars per month. : 1 trust from the lung experience which I have hud in the important business of managing and instrncl ing youth, that u liberal share of patronage will be i xicndrd to inc. I shall spare no pains ill rendering lull service and exact attention to those placed under i,iv are. D. W. KElilt. Yittsboro', May 1 jlh, 1819. . DISSOLUTION. TfMlE FIRM of YOUNG & BLEDSOE is this day diswk'i'd.hy mutual consent.. As it is dp niroil that the business (if the Firm should be set tltd as early as practicable,, all persons indebted hi the cunrerrt will please come forward and make pavmnnl to S. H. Yousg, who is authorized to t lose the business. . S. II. YOUNG, M. A. BLEDSOE. Raleigh, May 1st, 1849. 22 NEW GOODS ! KEV GOODS! t HUE business herelofora carried on under the - name and style of Youno & Bleusok will be henceforth conducted by S. H. Yotmc, at the same old stand, where he has received and is now open ing a forge and splendid assortment of Staple wib Jdntj) Spring 5?oaiv which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Our old customers and the public generally, are respectfully invited to give me a call. S. II. YOUNG. Raleigh, Mny 1st, 1819, 2'J tf PETERSBURG COMMISSION HOUSE. DICKINSON & LESTER, 1 Bollingbrook St. Petersburg, Va. WILL give Mtontion to the sale of atl kuids of Produce and Forwarding Goods. Refer to Hon. A. W Venable, Granville, and VV, Whit akr, Jr. Esq. Raleigh. John Dickinson, ' R. F. Lester. Late of Danville. . Petersburg, Va. March, 1848. COMMON SCHOOLS. Office of the Board of Literature. TH E President and Directors of Literary Fund htve ordered to be distributed the suu of forty thousand dollars, in part of the nett annual income of the said l imd fur the support of Common Schools, among the srvrral Counties, for the year 1840. A stntiiiieiit.showingtheqiiota to which each Coun ty is entitled according to its federal population, is tiled w iih tho Comptroller of public aeo'ta, and the same will be paid by the Public Treasurer en due applica tion. ' ' i':.' " Given under my hand, this 3 1 ih day of April, 149. CHAS. MANLY, : Governor of the Slate and President ex officio . of said Hoard. Raleigh, April 27, 1849. 22 4t GREAT DOUBLE SHEET Tutorial ftcto l?ork rgan, For the 1th of Juljv FRINCirAL CONTENTS. Washington's Fidelity to Freedom,; designed by Walhu, engraved by Orr.' Emily Gejger, an original Revolationary Story founded on fact, by T. S. Arthur, splendidly illus trated by Orr. -' The Fallen Statesman, en Original Temperance Story of great power, by Mrs. C. W. Dcnnieon, an ther of Gertrude Russell beautifu'ly illustrated by Robber it Edmunds. v , f ' The Hapby Change ; four large elegant Engrav ings, covering two entire pages of the- paper repre senting 1, The Grog Shop ; S, The Call to R?pcn tence ; 3, The Wretched Home ; 4, Reading the Bikie. Portrait Gallery embracing elegantly Engraved Likeness of Rev. Lyman Beecher, ). D., Dauiol H Sands; Philip SWIule and Gen, 8. F. Ciy, , ' t Jeiletaou presentuig his famous Declaration to hit Associates of fh Congressional Commiti ee. ' . Preseutation of lohu Adams to King George III. as the first minister Irom tlie AmeiiCan Republic to the Cort of St. James. -; -.1 ' n : These are two splendid designs by Paul Duggau, i Professor of Drawing in the Free Academy. , . . The Gossiping Neighbors, a gein of-iu sort. t ' The Dram Drinker, a graphic desigu by the cele brated Keany Meadows, with an eijually graphic sketch. . . - ; The Upas Tree worthy the attention of Legisla- .tore. .' !.!. . .. , ... . Debate on the Supplies a family scene. r. The Mother's Birtii Day a choice translation, v T he Aiumalcide of a Ruin Drop, as viewed through - the Moral Microscope, a most eunons teuture, fur- . lushing ample tuatetial for carious redaction. t . About Babies a familiar sceue. Chapter oa Duelling a Stale's Prison for tlie snr- S VOr. "'""f' ;r-a ;- .'-.',-.,! r i:.'.'.,,. .;' '.' Jolly fellows a striking picture. - An Origiaul Tempetauce Ode, set to music, alone t worth the price qf Uib paper. Illustrated Auecdutes, with a vnst amount of the Choicest Temperance and Family Reading, altogi thor illustrated by nearly One Hundred Flue Vt ood En - graviugs, many of which will be ef the moat elegant ' unit mtlV descrttitioii. t ri" im !,. i . "'"As we' intend to furnish Ihik Splendid number to .subscriber (Li- without Extra Cbarger it furnishes . all Lxiruuidmwy luduceuicut to fcubsenbe. V hiln we shall spare ntillier pains nor expense to give tins Model Number an attraction for every Fam ily tirele, yet we intend te make it especially iuter- esiiiig uud useful as a great. Picleual.Temjierauce shi 1 1. ' " Tin, Jfew York Orgs it Pictorial for the Fourth f Jury; will make 16 pages will b printed on fine pa i, ter'inade to order expressly lor it, and extra copies will be put at the following extraordinary low prices SINGLE COPIES TEN CENTS. Six cmiies ill c.ts.: Thirteen $1; Tlyenty-seven - 1 Fifiv-I'ive f i; Sixty-niue S,V, Hundred and Forty .' Ih'reV StO.'.1 " "" ' "" i ' t! T Pji Im'itt8,wsei end cDmmnnicatiosjs sliould be p-vi-pjiid and aiMrewrd 1 ' . . ." n IV Kit &. lUiOTHElt, Publishers It - a0. yn I'ttlton-stwi-t, Nsw Kork, ...i t? An Editor mvitij this advorliseineirt one or jiie iii.iertioiu, wilt) anodttenal no and nmrtms a paper dirt:tled to HNew iorB live by iiiii.l, miles eiherv, isc order es of tlio 4lh Jifly I rctnnal. .) t'l li i'l?. A supe.'ior article of Jujube ct'iveu, an,l wi Mile -y P. 1. ! Er ( l D. I et-. Litorary Xolke. I piIE Rev. J. 0. Rcvxoi.os, of Richmond, Virginia -I will address the two Literary Societies of Wake Fun-M t'ulletio at tlm AiuuuU C'uliunincgiuMt,i'U the ieoond Thursday ill June ucxt. ' Knv. C. B. Jknnktt, of Vetorsbur", will deliver a Sermon en the evening preceding CommeuC?ment. May 8, IMS. .'.,., 33 State of North Carolina. MARTIN SUPERIOR COURT of EQUITY. Uoriri! W. Hvman and others, lers, ) Archibald Hymnn and others. TO Archibald Hyman, Abigail Moore, Reddick Hy miin, Nancy Hyiuaii, John, William and Jaue Moore, the children of Asia Moore, and all her other children and the children of Willie Hymnn. You and each of yon, ore 'hereby notified personal ly to be, and appear before the Judge of our said Court of Equity, on the hurt Monday iu August next, and plead, answer or demur to the petition of petitioners above named, Oi the same will bo taken pro Confesso and heard accordingly Witness, C. B. Iln'ssell, Clerk and Masterof said Court at Office in Wilhauistoii.lhis the Till day of A pril, A. D. 1849. ' C. B. HASSELL, C. M. C. April 13. 6w. pr. Advrt. 93 811.. . Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. h'rbruary Term, 1819. Statu or North Carolina. Hrrtfurd Vounly. Lawrence & Vaujjhan, 1 r. J. Original Attachment. Moses Moore. J Levied upon five negro slaves, to wit : Isaac, John, Iewis and Eliza. It aj gearing to the satisfaction of the t'onrt, that Moses Mome, th defendant iu the ahovn case, has absented himself from tho State, or so concealed him self that the "ordinary proccas of the law cannot bo served upon him: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be niaite in the Kamgn limes lorsix wettks, notifying the defendant of these proceedings ; and that he be and appear before' the Justices of thv Comity-Court of liens and Quarter Sessions at tho next Court to be held for the County of Hertford, at the Court House in Wmton, on the fourth Monday of May u.xt, then and there replevy the properly at tached and plead; otherwise final judgment will he entered up against him in each case, and the property condemned subject to the plaintiff's recovery, agreea bly to the act of Assembly, m' such ease made and provided. Witness. T.uwis M. Cowoer. Clerk of the said Court at Wiuton, the fourth Monday of February, A. 1)., 1849. '.-.I M. COW rtlti vur.-- 20-6w-Pr adv $.") fi24 i Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. ) Feltruury 7er,I 19. State of North Carolina, Hertford Comity. William S. Tayloo .'. - .. Moses Moore. Original Attachment, levied ii)oo live negro slaves, to wit: Isaac, diaries, Jvliii, Lewis and Eliza. It appiaring to the satisfacltoii of the Court, that Moses Moore, the defendant in the above case, has absented himself from the Slate, or so concealed him self that the ordinary process of the law cannot be served upon him: It is therelore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Raleigh 'Times for six weeks, notifying the defendant of these proceed ings; and that he be and appear before the Justices of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions at the next Court to be held for the County f Hertford, at the Court House in Wuitou, on the fourth Monday of May next, then and there replevy the property at tached and plead ; otherwise tiual judgment will be entered up against him iu each case, and the property condemned subject to the plaintiff's recovery, agreea bly to Act of Assembly in such case made and pro vided. " 1 .'".' Witness, Lewis M. Cowper, Clerk of the said Court, at Wiuton, the fourth Monday of February, D, 1849. I M.t;OwnSK,Mer. 2U-6w-Pr adv $5 62 J C'ourt of Pleas and I Quarter Sessions. j February Tain, 1849. Statu ok North Carolina. Hertford Vuuuly. John A Andei t on, Original ) Levie ginal Atlnchmeut, Moses Moore. vied upon tour negro slaves, to wit: Mary, Harry, Cherry, and her child. It appearing to the satisfaction of tlie Court, that Moses Moore, the defendant in the above ease, has absented himself from the State, or so concealed him self that the ordinary process of the Isw cannot be served upon hiin : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Kaleigli limes lor x weeks, notifying the delandaul of these proceed ings ; and that he be and appear helore the Justices of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions at the next Court to be held tor tlie County ot nertlord, at the Court House in Wiuton, on the fourth Mon day of May next, then and there replevy the property irtached and plead ; otherwise final jurignieut will be entered p against him iu each case, and the property condemned subject to the plaintiff's recovery, agreea bly to Act ol Assembly, iu such case made and provi ded. Witness, Lewis M. Cowper, Clerk of the said Court, at Winton, the fourth Monday of February, A 1. U4Ck 1 If f'MUrDLM) . IS., IfWIi U. 11, W T, M U, UKI , 206w-Pr td? $5 62 j Stati oi- North Carolina, "J"" BUU ...-. f i e in . . . .. Hertford County. J Jehfuary Trader &. Parker, ) ee. J-Original Attachment, Joha Newsem. . ) Levied on the defendant's in- " ", interest in one acre of land, ad- " joining the lands of Thos. J. Den ny, Perry Carter and others, &c. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that tht defendant in this case has removed himself out of tins Stale. eo that the ordmav nroeess of law cannot be served upon him : It is therefore ordered by the ourt that publication be made in the Kaleign 1 lines for six weeks, notifying the defendant of this proceed ing ; and farther, that he be and appear before the Justices of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions at the next t-ourl to be held for the 6'ounty of Hertford, at the Court Hi use iu W niton, on-ihe tinirtU Monday in May next ; then and there to re plc jy the property attached and plead; otherwise tiiuil judgment will be entered up against him, and the property coua-mimd, su'iject to the plauititt re covery, agreeably to Act at Assembly, in such case made aud provided. : Witness, JLewis 1Y1. t owner, L-ierK ot the said Court ', ut Wiuton, the fourth Monday of February, A. 1, W49. L. M. COWPER, Clerk. SO-Uw-fr adv 15 BJi FRANKLIN INSTITUE, -Cedar Rock, Franklin County, N. C. M , LAN KFORD, Es., will address the students on the 8th of June, the day of their annual ex- bibihoii- Examination on the lib. Tlie patrons ef the Institute, audLhe menus or Lduc.atioii generally, am respectfully invited to attend. lhe summer and ran term win commence on Monday, Uw 2d oi July . Terms as heretofore. For particulars address the Principal. It is very desirable the pupils be present at the owning of the Session. - D. S. RICHARDSON, Principal. May 18, 18-19. - - 94 ttJ tat -H2 RAIL ROAD MEETING AT riLlXSLIMCS. THE cilizensuf Fnink!inton,iud its vicinity.'riend ly to the Centr il "Rail Road Improvement, are re quested to hold a meeting at Col. FO"'Lh ES' Tav ern, sm Saturday, the 2nd day of June rr'.rr, for the purpose of appointing Delegates to the Salisbury Con veniion. -FrauUimloit, May 11th, 1849, Till: LATEST AND NEWEST. fr. QT1, JUST RECEIVED, My assortment of SPRIN'f! .4 (iOOI)S, eitibnicing a great variety of anrtj anJ Staple Dry (Sootis; Of the Latest and most Fashionable Styles; which are offi'red at prices that must please, for Cash, or to punctual customers.! For particulars, please see the Goods on the Counter. . v JAMES M. TOWLES, Raleigh, Jlay 11th. 23- JUST REt'EIYED AND FOR SALE . AT T 11 R American Temperance Repository, No. 128, Fulton Street, New York: OVER 70,000 VOLUMES OF IMVALUABLE TEMPERANCE READING. CONSISTING of the Patho'ogy of Druukenness, or the Physical effeets of Alcoholic Drinks, with seven colored drawings of tlie Huinaj Stomach,mitu rul size, representing 1st, The Stomach in a healthy state ; 2nd, Stomach of the temperate drinker ; 3d, Stomach of the drunkard; 4th, Ulcerated Stoimich of the drunkard; 5th, Stomach of the drunkard after a debauch ; (ith, Cancerous Stomach of the drunkard; 7lh, Stomach of the drunkard after death by dtkrium trtmtu; by Thomas Sewall, M. D. late Professor of Pathology, and the Practice of Medicine in the Co lumbian College, D. C. , Also, a series of -Letters to 1'rofessilig Christians on tlie Wine question, by E. C. Delavnn, price 50 cents ; the same work, without plates, 10 cents. Discussion relative to the proper kind of Wine for Communion, and the Wihe.quev.ion generally ; containing an invaluable amount of testi mony on this important subject, from E. C. Delavnn, Professors Silliman, Aiken, Reuevick, Draper, Hare, cV-c. Sic. price 10 cents. Vindication of Dr. Sewall's Plates, and the Doctrines they Teach ; containing'a vast amount of 'testimony from distinguished medical and scientific men, as to the correctness of the Plates, and the deleterious influer ce alcoholic liquors exert upon the Stomach and other parts of the Human Sys tem, price 10 cents. Ten Lectures on the use of Intoxicating Liquors, bv Eliphalet Nott, D. D. L. L. D. President of I'nion College, price 20 cents. ID" These four works contain the entire philosophy of the Temperance Reformation, mid should be in possession of all who desire information, or feel an interest in the movement. They are neatly printed in quarto form, done up in uniform style, in paper covers, to be sent hy mail. Wk wilr bknu tiik kn- T1RK BUT, INCU'DINO DR. SkWALI.'s CeI.KBRATKD Pl-ATKS, KOIl 75 CENTS, OR 40 CENTS WITHOUT TUB Pl.ATKS. We also have a few copies bound iu one volume, including the plates, price J I. Mammoth, plates of the Stomach, Varnished and framed, ready to be hung upV" Price $15, formerly sold at $20. The same unfrained, price $.. I3 Temernnce Lecturers sliould exhibit these plates and lecture upon them. At Dr. Sewall's lec ture upon them.ii! Washington, rumsellers were heard to stiy, "If our business makes such stomachs, we will abandon it." n" Temperaace Societies, Divisions, &c. will greatly promote the cause by procuring sets of these plates, and inviting competent pe.reons to lecture upon them. Orders enclosing the cash, post-paid, will be punctually attended to Address OLIVER & BROTHER, American Teniernnce Repository. No. 128, Fulton street, N. Y. The North Carolina MTl'AL LIFE IXSCRAXCE (0MPAXY, RALEIGH, N. C. ACOMPAN'Y.wilh the above title having been chartered at the last session of the Legislature of this State, and the provision required in said charter, (Viz : application for insurance for $50,000) having been fully met, the Company has keen organised hy the appointment of tlie following Officers,aiKl is issuing Policies, vix : Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President, William D. Haywooo, Vice President, Jamus F. Jordan, Secretary, William H. Jonks, Treasurer, Dr. Wm. II. McKee, Medical Examiner, Henry W. Miller, Attorney, Dr. (. has K. Johnson, Dr. Wm. McKeii. Medical Board of Dr. Rich'u. B. Haywood, Loiumltatum, J. Ukiisma.n, General Agent. This Company has received the most liberal charter th&t has ever been granted to any C ompany of a sim ilar character in any State iu the Uuion. The 5th Sec Iron of the Act of incorporation provides " that the Hnshand may Insure his own Life, lor the sole use and benefit of his Wifo or Children, and iu case ot the death of the Husband, the amount thus insured i-hall be paid over to the Wife or Children or their Guar dian, if under age, for her or their own use, free from all the claims of the representatives of the Husband or any of his creditors." This provisiou needs no com ment. The Hoard have also determined to insure the lives of Slaves ; and this being almost half the wealth of the people of this State, a large business is reasona bly anticipated. Any information respecting the principles of the Company will bo furnished by' the Secretaty or auy of its officers. JAMES F. JORDAN, Sec'y. Raleigh, April 9, 1849. ' 19. The following papers will copy the above three times, vizi Fayetteville Observer, Carolinian, Newberuian, Republican, Wilmington Conuiiorcial, Journal, North State Whig, Edentou Seutiuel, Greensboro' Putiot, Salisbury Watchman, Highland Messenger, Mrtcklen bnrg Jelfersonian, Wadesboro' Argus, Hillsboro' Re corder, Milton Chronicle, and Weldon Herald. Female Classical I as tit utc, ;; HU.LSBOKOUGU STREET, rpiIE next Session of this Institution will com- mence on Monday, 25th June. It is desirable that students be present on that day. -For further infjrmation, address HEN NET T. BLAKE. Raleigh, N. C. ) . Principal. May, 1849. 23 lm IE AST POWDERS. A FURTHER supply of Yeast Powders, just re- j--ceiveii and lor sale ny P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, March 8, 1849. FINE TOOTH COMBS. SOME of the most Superior Comlis ever offered for sale iu Ruleigh, may be, found at I". PESCUD'S Drug Store. Ra'elgh, March g, 1849. PRIME VINEGAR, Just Received by JAMES LITCIIFORD. Raleigh, March 8, 1849. , -'.,. . 14 CHOCOLATE DroM and Lozenges of all kinds " vjttst openi. for sale by " " - i P. F. PESCUD, Raleigh, March 8, 1849. 1 TOLASSES. Just received prime MOLASSES. IU new crop, t or sale hy , JAMES LITCIIFORD. . ' Next door above Mrs. Hurdle's. Raleigh, March 2. , . fl ICE. A Cask of FRESII RICE just to h-ind J- and lor sale by JAME3 LITCIIFORD. ' Next door above Mrs. Handle's, Raleigh, March State of orth Carolina. Wakis Coimrv. . CIOURT of Pk-RS and Quarter Sessions, February 'Term, IMS. ' . James Tedd, Sion J. Hartsfield, and Rebecca, bis wife, Clendon Tucker, and Martha, his wife, John King, and Susan, his wife, Henry Rhodes, and Chloe his wife, Jesse Anderson, and Mnrv, his wife, F.liia beth Todd, Henry Todd, and William Todd, Marv E. Todd, Alphens Todd, Joshua Todd, Da vid Todd, Elijah Todd, (Mr Todd, Thomas Put- ly, and wife EhzaheHi, Nancy r aison, Matthew Leopard and Mary his wife. Petition to dmit hind. This ease coining on to be heard, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that James Tibbies, and wife Elizalieth, and Matthew leopard, and wife Mary, and ethers, are non-residents of this State: It is ordered by the Court, that advertisement be made in the Raleigh Times, a newspaper published in the City of Raleigh, for six weeks successively, notifying the said non-residents to lie and appear at the next Term of our Court of !leas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Wake, at the Court House in the City of Ruleigh, ou the 3d Monday of May next, and then and there answer or demur to the said Petition, or judgment pro confesso will be granted a gainst thein, and the Petition heard ex parte, as to them. Wil ness, James T. Marriott, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the 3d Mondav of February. A. D, 1849. JAMES t. MARRIOTT. C. C. C. Raleigh, March 22, (Pr. Adv't. $5 62J.) 17 Cw S0RA SAL.1:RATUS; ONE pas of Soda Salmrrttiw. iiwrior article for cooking purposes, just received nnd for me by I t? DIVTlfl l , 1 . 1 X'J.I-' J 1. Raleigh, March 8, 1849. QNUFF Roxes, Cigar Cases and Tobacco Boxes, k-'just to hand and for sale hy P. F. PESCUD Raleigh, March 8, 1849. VARNISHES. A large supply of Conch, Furniture. Polishing and JapaiiVarnishes, just received and for sale hv P. F. FESCTTD. Raleigh, March 8, 1819. GUM DROPS. most excellent article for Coughs, Colds. iljust , received and for sale by P. F. PESCUD Raleigh, March 8, 1819. BAY RIM. A fresh supply of Bay Sum, just received, at P. F. PESCUD'S Drug Store. Raleigh, March 8, 1849. FISH HOOKS large lot of Fish Hooks of the siost approved XA-kinds, just received and for sale by P. F". PESCUD. Raleigh, Match 8, 1849. PHOSPIIENE GAS aud LAilP OIL, just re ccived, and for sale at Feb. 23. P. F. PESCUD'S Drug Store. TAILORING. WILLIAM II FURMAN respectfully informs the public that he continues the above business the old stand, and he solicits the orders of his friends and customers. He is prepared to make gentlemen's Coats and Pants in the latest syle and iu the neatest manner, and will warrant them t be cut and made as well as they cau be in any establishment in North Carolina. His prices will be moderate to suit the times, and no effort ou his part shall be wanting to give perfect satisfaction. All who want- neat aud fashionable Clothes, call at . FUR MAN'S Old estnblised Shop , iu Louisburg. Louisburg, April 29, 1848. REMOVAL OF STORE! JAMES LITCIIFORD respectfully informs his fr ends and tko public that he has removed his Stork of Goods from his former stand to the opposite side of Fayetteville Street, NEXT DOOR ABOVE MRS. HARDIE'S, and directly opposite the Market, where they are in vited to give him a call, aud continue their custom. Ou hand, a good assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, 4c. He also continues the Tailoring Buine, aud will attend to all orders for Cutting aud Making Gen ii emeu's Clothing. Kaleigh, rob. 23d, ItiVJ. 12- FRl'IT TREES. THE Sulocriber has just received a supply of choice Fruit Trees, from T. Perkins' celebrated Nur sery at Burlington, N. J. consistiug of Peaches, Apri cots, Nectarines aud Cherries, in great variety, and, witn the view ot enecting speenv sales, will sell tliem low, P. F. PESCUD. Druwist. Raleigh, Feb. 23. 12 CIGARS AND TOUACCO.-Chewers aud Smo- Vy kers will find at ir-v Drug aud Apothecary Store some very superior Tobacco and Cigars. P. F. PESCUD. Feb. 23. 12 C HEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, prime lot. Cull ut JAMES LITCIIFORD S, Next door above Mrs. Hurdle's. Ruleigh, March W. . FRESII DRl'GS, MEDICIXES & PAIXTS. "OY. recent arrivals, I have received a large suuulv JJ of articles needful to make my Block wnicii i umie me attention oi purchasers. i F. PESCUD, Druggist and Apothccury. Ruleigh, March 8, 1849. ' TIMES PRINTING OF1TCE. fVH PATRONS are iuformed that tlie Printing uinee nas oevu renuvao to uie est sale of fay etteville Street, 0PP0SIVE TUE CITV RALL. iu tho Rooms over the Store of James Litchford, next door above Mrs. Hardie s Confectionary Store,- where we shall be nappy to see eur subscribe! and friends YV e are prepared to execute all kinds uf lob printing, upon the usual terms, in a neat and handsome man ner, and solicit a portion of, public patronage in this line ol business, 1 it- .' i si :j u, . Sulscription to tlie Paper only $2 5 per aunuiii in advance, or fi3 OU if uot paid bclore the expiration of six months. , IT THE TIMES will always be furnishod Jim mtht for One Dollar, iu advuace. But subscrip tions will be thankfully received 011 either plan. 9J Those indebted to the Office are requested to remit their respective due at our risky lieu a re cent will lie forwarded in their ncL tinner. I Raleigh, Feb. 23, 1849. BOARD TOR STUDENTS . ' ... . IN TIIC Efjlanilae Academy. THE SL'ItSCRilSER would take tu board a few Students, who may attend the Eglantine Acad omy. to he re-opeued by Ins son. Mera I,. Weller, on the third Monday of June next, at Brinkleyville M Rnnds, Halifax County, N. C, about two miles from Ins residence. Tuilioii in the Academy for Languages and higher branches of Mathematics two dollars per month ; fur higher branches of English one dollar and a" half, and other English Studies one dollar. Board iu respectable families at and near said X Roads, from six to seven dollars per mouth. Locality perfectly healthy. ' . Any young man difxwed to lessen expenses of ed ucation by laboring occasionally iu thu siilwcriber's Vineyards, nuiybe accommodated in that way. SIDNEY WELLER. Brinkleyvile, Halifax Co., N.C., i 24 tf May 18, 1848. ) The Press, Types and Flxtrrcs of the WARREXTON (N.C.) REPORTER OFFICE FUR SALE.. HAVING determined on quitting the Printing Bu siness, we now propose selhngour Printing Press, .Types and Fixtures, at a very low price for catli, or on a short credit for a part of the purchase money, with bond uud approved security. The Press and a part of the Type are considerably worn, but will do pretty fair work for two or three years to coinc. The Job and Advortising Type are in better condition, and will last many yea's. The Cases, Stands and other fixtures ure very good. There is a sufficiency of type of nil kinds for a village establishment. Warrenton is a desirable plnce to re side in, being remarkably healthy, and has as good society as any village in the State. Wo have keen engaged in the publication of the Reporter for21 years, and have been tolerably well sustained. We will sell at a price m low, that any one wishing to engage in the business would do well to call and see us, or ad dress the Editor, pent paid, Warrenton, If. C. U. N . V ER ELL, Editor and Proprietor. April 21, 1819. : , 21 Supreme (o:;rt Reports. REVVCTIO NO F PRICE. rjnilE Subscriber having purchased from the Estate of W. R. Gales, Esq., decuused, the entire Edition of Vols, tt, 7, aud 8 Law, and Vols. 4 and 5, Equi y of Iredell's Reports of Cases decided iu the Supreme Court of North Curolina, (from December Term 1845, to August Term, 1848, inclusive, uud including also the Equity C ases ol the present lerm of the ( ourt,) has reduced the price from Six Dvllart to Fier Dol lar per volume ; and is prepared to furnish them to Gentlemen of the liar and Booksellers, except Vol. 5 of Equity, to be published in a few weeks, of which notice will be given. Orders for the whole, or for any one or more Volumes, promptly attended to. And the Bar supplied ou reasonable terms with the previous Volumes of North Carolina Reports, and Law Books geuerally. Buuud Copies furnished to the rrolession in exchange for their. N os. E. J. HALE. Fayetteville, March 19, 1849. 17 LAW NOTICE. C" C. BATTLE having returned to this City, will resume the Practice of the Law, iu this and the adjacent Counties. . All business entrusted to him, will h." promptly at tended to. He is prepared to make out and procure nil SOL DIERS' CLAIMS, of every description, ut short no tice, according to prescribed forms. Raleigh, August 7. 38 lm. W. R. PEPPER T) ESPECTFULLY returns his thanks to the citi- JLLiens of North Carolina, for the patronage he has received trom tnem, while engaged in nnsiuess in tho city of Raleigh, and begs leave to inform them that ne may be lound at JARRATT'S HOTEL, PETERSBURG, VA where be will be happy to sec his old friends and ac qtiaintances, and pledges himself to leave nothing un done ou his part to contribute to. their comfort and convenience. He hopes his friends will give him a can, . . ' -.".:-.' Raleigl March, 6, 1849. 14 3m P, E. TESCUD, WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL DEALER IN Drugs, CljcmiraU, $c Pjit Stuffs, FAYETTEVILLE ST. RALEIGH, N. C. Mr. PESCUD would inform his custom ers uud the public in general, that he has bought of Dr. JOHNSON his entire inter- est in the late concern of PESCll) & J0II.S0, and will continue the business at the Old Stand as heretofore, where he will be happy to accommodate ail that lavor nun with their orders. - Mm long expe rience iu me ousiness ne is nrosecutiug, and a deter mination on nis part to spare noettorts to GIVE UNI V EKSAL SATISFACTION iu the Quality of his Goods, and the Cheapness of Sale, induce him to be lieve that purchasers MUST BE SUITED. , The Assortment of Goods iu his Store is arranged ii a manner te please and gratify OLD. AS WELL AS NEW CUSTOMERS, he baying spared no ex pense, time or leVr to refit his establishment, mid to place every thing in view for those who buy. The ob servation of a moment will be sufficient to discover his arrangement, and test the truth ol tins advertisement. MEDICINES, DRUGS, DYE STUFFS, CHE- - . MICALS 4 PAINTS. Some portion of these Goods are reuuired bv every Country Dealer, and it is to their interest to buy the best articles at the lowest rates to gain customers at home. P. F. PESCUD. Wholesale Dealer in Drugs, Dye Stuffs, and Chemiculs, Fayetteville Street. Raleigh,-Feb. 10, 1849. ' 11-ta DLAKE PITTaMAN,. (l-ATI Or UAI.IKAX, 91. C.) Commission Merchant, Petersburg:, Va. GIVES his special attention to the sale of all kinds of Country Produce, the purchase of Goods, 'aud the receiving au forwarding ol Goods. , 1 . Refer to B. F. Moore, Eh. Raleigh, N. C. Tho's K. Thoiiitis, Esq. Louisburg, N. C. yy. 1. uortcn, iq. f n 1 ' m, v . - M.Vet..a, jRoekyMt.N.l Jesse H. Powell, ) , i). Jr. j. Piiih,. I B'io.N.a N. M. Long, Esq. , , . , L. M. Long, Esq. VXeldon, N. C.i James Siuniions, Putlerson, Cooper et Co ) "-' ' ' Wills k Lea, , j ; V Petersburg," Va, ?' i. r. inusey, ' F. S. Marshall, Halifax, N.C ' . Petersburg, Feb. 1st. 1849. . ' 11 -be 1' VIIILY ROE IIERRIXGS. KO BARRELS aud half barrels for sale by SEA WELL &, MEAD Kaleigh, r i.-u.S3, 1849. , . 1 .11 WIXD0.V GLASS., A LARGE assortment of Window ..Glass, of all -i lnzes, by the box, for sale by 1.. SEAvELL &'MEAD. . Raleigh, IVb.23, 1849. ' - i. , CAMPHOR CAPSULES, a fine article for Ilvad Aclio,jutreeeiv i-d and for sale hy Pck-83. l'.T.PEijCUD. rRosrnnrs. TFsiifi'u'ietitly supported, the sutMcriber intends to ' "- publish a monthly paper of eiirht dhops. for the purpose of diffusing information on the stilject of. education with the especial view of- improving the chararterof our Common Schools. It is intended to give an account, drawn from the public documents and other sources, of the or igm anu progress ol our Common School system, to compare it with that of other Stales here and in Europe, thus noting our improvement over for mer years and suggesting jhe means of overcom ing the defects and difficulties under which we still labo This will lead ns to investigate the sources from which school funds are derived, the modes of thoir ppn!i ;ation, the preservation of order I il schools, tlie election of proper books for study, the recreation suitable for the pupils, the treatment e cesaary for different dispositions, Sic. Anu believing Unit the State which would im prove its schools must first improve its teachers, a portion of our columns will he devoted to the qnes tions How are 'our schools to be supplied with competent teachers 1 How s the -standard of ed ucation to be raised, ar.d the services of u band secured who are well qualified to go forth and in the spirit of love, labor fpr the advancement of the children who are placed under their charge 7 uut lenicaiiiiii is a woruoi very extensive mean ng.and although the primary object of the publi cation may frequently take us into the school room, we do not intend to be always confined there. Our subject matter is, the human "mind and the in- . ftuencesr-good and bad, with a view of preventing the one and strengthening the other which can be brought to operate upon it. That this is a theme of the deepest moment none can deny. It grasps the in terosts not of this world only it reaches through eternity. We shall not hesitate then as occasion may demand, to enter the family circle, to placo ourselves ors the streets or minnde in the Imsv crowd and thcro set forth the rules of life and principles of conduct which wo believe will pro mote the good of our race here and redound to our everlasting welfare in the life which is to come. The publication will be commenced in Greens boro', so soon as a sufficient number of subscribers can be obtained to defray fie expenses of printing- -wo, primea on tin r type, at 00 cents a year, ax-able- on the receipt of the first number, l-ctiera relating to the naner niav be directed (post paid) to Nereus Mendenhall, Jamestown, Guilford county, N. C. cmnscription also received at the Patriot Office. The papers of the State, anil nthnrs friendiu in the cause of Education are reouested to mihlish or notice the above. NEREUS MENDENIIAIJ.. 2d mo. 7, 1818. GARDES SEEDS. rpiIE Subscriber has just received his supply of , J- Garden and Grass Seeds, which he .warrants to be fresh and genuine, cousistiug in part of the usual varieties of the following kind, viz : Asparagus, Beans, Beets, llrocoli, , Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower,'' Celery. . Cress, Cucumber, Egg Plant, 1 Com, Leek, Lettuce, Melon, ., Mustard, Nasturtium, Okra, Onion, Parsley, Parsnip,' : Peas, Pepper, Pumpkin, Radish, Rhubarb, Salsify Spinage, Squash, : 'Tomato, Turuip, Aromatic herbs, Grass Seed, . and Fruit Trees. Also a lot of Flower Seed, which will be sold at three cents a paper, us they are not of last yoar'a gnwlh.. P. F. PESCUD, . Apothecary aud Druggist. . reb , jo Dr. A. V, Cooper's Splno-Abdominal SUPPORTERS. THE Subscriber has on hand, a supply of the ubove valuable Supporters, which are recommended for all persons, afflicted with muscular debility, round shoul ders, or prolapsus Uteri. Prof. Molt thinks they are very we'll adapted for some varieties of incipient spinal distortions, as they afford the useful combmuliou of shoulder Brace and Abdominal Supporter, with very decided support to the spinal column. , . Tho above Braces are recommended by Physicians generally, who have seen them, and I have sold a number to citizens of this place, who arc highly pleased with them. . i i . A geutlf man observed a few days since, that he hud bee a wearing a very celebrated body brace for soma time, and that he would uot give oue of lhe above, for fifty such. ' . " . " They need no puffing, as they speak for them, selves. r. jf, I'ESCUD. . JJ The above Supporter is ail improvement ou Dr. E.Craine's Spino-Ahdoininal Supporter. ' i Raleigh, March at), 1849. 17 Bcckwi th's Anti-Dyspeptic, Pills. THESE Pills have been now for more than ti n years before the Public, and their just pretensions to the character claimed for them closely examined and tested, by a great number ef persons, too- intelli gent to be deceived, aud too deeply interested iu the results, not to observe with care, and judge without fuvor. in. , win i:1;.' Experience has not weakened these l intensions. but strengthened and continued them by a muss of testimony of such respectable charucter as has rurely . sustained any article In this form in any country. no suuscnoor nas jusi received a supply ol tlicm, which have been recently made, and he being Dr. B eckwith's Agent for this purt of the State, is prepar ed to furnish the wholesule trade at his price, in uuy quantity. , . P. F. PEhCUD, "' i ':'". ' " '!: '. i ... Druggist. Raleigh, Murch 20, 1849. 17 i THE WIFE'S FRIEND. . Important to ihm about to become Mothers? 1JROFESSOR ALEXIS V.PAULITAX.oCtU X Pasis Liinu-in HosriTAL, member of the jlferfi cil Academy of France, Corresponding Secretary of the Paris Pharmaceutical College, respectfully begs le ive to announce to the Ladies of America, that h has appointed DR. JEROME Y. V. ROl'E.NHUR TY, of New York, his sole American Agent, for the sale of his wonderful medicine, known in France as , , . FKBM.r MOTHER'S ASSIS TANT, the most extraordinary medical discovery the world has ever seen. Its province is to LESSEN; THE PAINS OF CHILD-BIRTH, and promote a s.irE4 aasv, ako KPEEDY DELIVERY, which it does by tontitting nature. It is perfectly Harmm-ss, emt'.iciot s, pleasant to the taste, and never foil to promote an eaty and toft uVdiwy. and improves tho general health of buth mother and ciiild, It has been tested for years in all the principal Lying-in Hospu tuht of Europe, and receives the -sanction of nearly all the prominent Col'eges and Medical men ef' iho nui u-ono. tin in. i.kka i .x' - Ml, 11 ii. n THE WORLD; as all will admit that a medicine. must ne that will essnn the hrnlile okins usuuflvat-f ntedant oil child-birth. There is no mistake about . this medicine doing all that is said of ft.,.,.. ,, 1 t . IT NEVER FAILS. It is in the form of a fine. liii. puwuvi, 10 lc ii.auc iiiiu n uum, wiu lis' i K'l n few weeks previous to the exected event,- and its price is so low is to bring it within the reach vi all. l... ,n L. ..,fA U.t i. Ai..b ...J 1...... rtiuen no iiutnwn iiiHiimiiu wm Biiuri 111s wne 10 cu rium nam. when it Cat! be so ensilv and c.henntv a voided. -For the einad sum of -only &1.00, sent fot paid to DR. JEROME. Y. C., ROPENUUKTY. IN ew York Post Office, a package will be sent by re turn mail, it being so liht that it can be sent any. where ar mail, at a vkkt vair.iNii van. No unpaid letters taken from tlie office.; Uj T prevent iinposition, jhe.U. S. .Agent, Or, Rupetihiirty wil) write ",s iinme in full ou xho hut Istde label ol each pscl'.nge. ' 'Jiio otlii-r geliuino. 1 A ntetnber this. . .r. ,. . , : . . , , New York, March 3d, 1849. " . H-tm

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