df n r 1 rvTs- :-r,-r- MES, PUBLISHED WEKKI-X D,Y CH, C. RABOTEAV EDITOR iXD PROPRIETOR. TERMS: $2 5p PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, Oft $3 00. IF PA1MET IS DELAYED SIX MOXTIIS. ggjjjajjtjifji igiMMaMMMMMiaMBMWMMMwwHMMMWMWMMg YOLi II. RALEIGH, FRIIAY, OCTOBER 19, 1849. NO AG . ADDRESS delivered.- before Fellowship Lodge, No. 81, OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS, At UmithUM, June 24, J8.4.9. By Henry V. Mimer. FRIENDS AND BRETHREN : TV I appear before you in obedience to cull which I could Dot' well disregard. It would, however, have been gratifying to my feeling, mid certainly more conducive to the pleasure and instruction which the Cere i oniea if this interesting occasion are bo well calculated to impart, had some one been selected whose experience and learning render him better qualified to address you. There is nothing which more strikingly illustrates the character of the age and country in which we live, than the general and enthusiastic efforts which arc in progress to improve the conditio!) and elevate the moral and in tellectual character f nil classes of men. To advance such objects, Societies and Associations are constantly springing into existence, which, professing to have in view some beneficial and benevolent cud, ure able to command the united energies of vast bodies of men, whose seal, in must inst-inces, affords some test of the sincerity of their convictions, and the purity of their motives. That some of these Associations are not destined for good, but rather (end to evil, either from the principles by which they are governed, or the mentis which ure adopted to effectuate their purposes, will hardly admit of denial. But there is a consolation in the assurance, that, as those which are erected upon a filse basis, will, in the nature of things, work out their own downfall, so those which are founded upon the Rock of Truth, need not fear the violence ol denunciation or the rashness of opposition, but look lurwaril, with a steady eve, and resolute purpose, through all the mists of t rror which may envrloie them, to the bright, clear light which will burst upon their final success ! The Hand which directs this vast machinery of moral and intellectual ffliirt, is Divine; and as it will assuredly uphold and prosper those Institu tions which are of good report, and whose fruits are full of sweetness and healing to the N.itiiin, ku too is that Hand sulliciemly powerful to elicit good out of evil, and to turn, with skill and promptness, all the devices of men, however imposing they may have been rendered by the sanction of human antlority, to the consummation of its own glory, and the strengthening of its own power ! VVs are told in a beautiful Apologue, tint an Eastern Phiioscpher, who was once ask nl what inscription he would furnish as most appropriate to all the worts of man, replied, "I would write, upon each and all of them, the words This too shall pass aaay !n Could this response have been given with a conviction of its truth to tinny, who, in the haughtiness of their pride, imagined that the works of their hands and the monuments of their greatness were to be immortal, how would that pridejhave been humbled, or how readily would the indiscreet Soothsayer have met the f ite of liiin who dared to remind the Ancient Potentate, in the full glitter of his power, that he and his kingdum were mortal I v.. T . .: : .1. t. ; r - :...l .1.... Vi... .:. . . .. e III rcvipwilii; 1MB NisiuiT vi uabi purs, we iiuu mat avuamico wciu overturned ; Empires which had stood forages the shock of Revolutions, sud denly overwhelmed; systems ol intellectual wisdom,which had long been the admiration and delight of the enquiring and the curious, refuted or discarded : the proud Empire of Rome which, lor twelve hundred years, led Nations captive at ber will, and carried her conquering Eagles in triumph to the utmost boundaries of the known World : the Kingdom of Charlemagne, which grasped at the same unbounded dominion : the gorgeous panorama of Military Conquest, which was spread out before the astonished gaze of the Nineteenth Century, by the fiery Genius pf Napoleon : the proudest Theories of Philosophy, by which the magic fame of Plato, Aristotle and others, ld captive the minds of their votaries all all, had written npon them the melancholy sentence of the Eastern Philosopher, " This, tv, shall sim away!" : " So fails, so languishes, grows djin add dies, " All that this world i proud of. From their spheres, " The Star of Human Glory are cast down ; " Princes and Emperors, and the Crowns and Pdlmi "Of all the mighty, withered and consumed!" There is, however, a part which remains : a part which is immortal ! Governments may perish, but their examples live. Associations may die, hut the influence ot their principles remains. The most intricate or sublime nystems of intellectual or moral reasoning1 may be dissipated, but their hn- Eitsions fof good or evil, for truth or error, exist, long, ling--Hfter the mes of those who pcomulged or erected them, have passed away, and been gotten forever ! However interesting it might be, it would scarcclv be considered aparo- 1 "prists, even had I the time and information at command, to enter into a minute history ot the Urigm and Progress or f ree Masonry. We know that ihe Craft consisted, in its infancy, principally of Operative Masons, whose primary object was the. improvement of Architecture, by the application of lie Rule anil Principles oT the Science ol lieometry. rrom its Operative, to Its speculative an Mural character, the transition Was easy and natural v The lirst we learn of the establishment of regular Lodges, was at the period of the erection of the (Irk at Temh.s by that wise and powerful Ruler, (lno SotiMox Under the influence of the intimate friendship which' was formed by the mystic tie of Masonry, between him and Hiram, King of Tyre", (he uraer nourished toau astonishing degree, ami spread throughout tliesur rounding parts of that Eastern Country. Its introduction into Europe is attributable to Ninus, as early as the year of the World 8.03,0, from which time its success varied until the yiar of par oavimir, Vtri, when the Ijrarol Lodge ot t or was ijiunueu. and received (he countenance and support of King Athelalaiie, o viiiich Jaidgc bis brother, idwln. was the first Grand" Master. ' ' From tlie Grand (communication which assembled at Vnrk, about that period, wi derive oqr boot i of Constitutions upon which rests the Order of Ancient York Masons. It was tlio founding of thaj; J,ndge which gave an impulse In Masonry that was felt throughout the civilized world. Its advocates and disciples spread over Kumpo the western part of Asia, and the northern parts of Af rica, birly alter tho settlement ol this countrv by thy bun.peaii. it waa introduced with the improvement it had undergone, and soon gained a per manent foothold, from which il has advanced, with a firm and steady step to the present period; There is no section of the Union in which its salutary influence i not tcit, eitlier through the direct operation ot a regular Lxlge or tnc sileni but sure ctfi.-ct ot Us principles through the exertion or its indi jridual members. If iniquity of existence can add to the claim which an Institution may have fq public respect and cyusideralion, tlien indeed, dm the Order of free and Accepted Miifpps, present credentials which cannci disregarded. For nearly Ihme thousand years has It existed. relainiiiL' its dtiinnislied fea lures and keeping stesdily in vi, w iho irreat oliiects of its fmnidaiion amidst all the changes yhich have marked the progress of events. In whatever f lime and under yhateyer Government U has been planted, there its princi ples ni oenevoience ana cnaruy nave tweo deep root, am) )ii due season pro duced the richest fruits. " ' Nor tins it lacked at any perjod of its exigence, the conntenancc and fneouragwnei.t of the purest hearts and the brightest intellects. Under the potectiug and harmonizing influence of its principles, the crowned bead and )Ik humble peasant have sat together. Men of conflicting political and re , . . . . i ; i . i i .. pcrniiasiojif looping sieauny jn .view anu yieiuins one.nence to tne precepts of ,the Order, have met in charity and good wl The Statesman and 1 hilesopher the Poet and Divine men of al! caliinffs. and every eon. flicting pursuit, hye reed from their labors, fnder the expanded branches of this tfec, which has o long witlmtood and breasted the fury of the storms which have boat against its venerable trunk. 1,. Amongst llist gilaxy of bright names in tlie liistory ,o our own country, wli'ich ha v. irne wj))ing and devoted tesjimriv to its character and objects, none h -lj ask fnf a brighter, a more lUuivlrious than that of the Father of Ins Lnuu'K:- lt the captious Caveller. and biffotled reviler cease tiwtr eui' bilteml rsseps, for there is recorded high up, on tlie lonz scroll of its vols- .!.. it- : . .? ..'... ! i wrs, me ijiiitr ui ii A-nisii iwi, fjv iniijF-n'ic pyraniio oi wnoar lamr, win stafjd njntipnt uemding njjes, emiitiog ffoui jts lofty fuiDinit a piifeand stendv beam of liclit which ia destined to Wad the Nations of the Earth to the reverence ana practice of political virtue the establishment of good Government, and the enjoyment of well regulated freedom ! It is not however upon its antiquity alone, nor upon the sanction of the illustrious names which adorn its annals, that Masonry rests its claim to the approval and support of nil good men. ' 1,1 is willing to stand or fall by the principles winch have ever governed it, and the olijecls winch are presented for its accomplishment. In hours of its severest trials it has depended upon the intrinsic. merits of its causoTor success. When assailed with all the bitterness of ignorance and bigotry when persecution kept its fires lighted up, in every valley and upon every hill, the hellish glare ot whose names was but a type a miniature of the hearts of those who kindled Ihem, and longed for fresh victims tor the devouring element of their cruelty ; IT never for one moment lost sight of its benevolent purposes ever exercising the virtue of forbearance bearing in mind that "a soil word lurneth away anger, and confident that its success depended not upon violence or denunciation not upon altercation or excitement not upon cruelty and persecution, but on the strong assurance which has accompanied the Order in every trying vicissitude through which it has passed, that as light should break in upon the minds of men, its virtaes would shine forth in all the mildness and beauty or their character. It is not however in the full gsze of the public eye that Masonry spreads out its trophieB. It erects no monuments of brass or marble to impress it actions upon the minds of the astonished multitude. It is not amongst the gay and glittering throngs which surround the thrones of Princes, or press with eager curiosity around those who bear upon their persons the insignia of civil or military renown but in the privacy of the domestic circle, that Masonry would apply lor a just consideration of its claims to hutio? and respect. Nor would it hesitate to forego any and all the charms which the career of wealth and power can bring, to the gratification of the most unbounded ambition, to walk an humble handmaid ot Charity, as she scatters around ber blessings, coming to the hearts of the suffering and distressed, like the manna which fell from Heaven, to the starving Israelites of ohl! To relieve the distressed feed the hungered clothe the naked bind up the broken-hearted raise the fallen pour light into the dead and darkened intellect call out and add vigor and efficacy to all the nhler impulses of the heart what higher what more heavenly objects could elicit the admiration or command the energies of man 1 Its mission, like that of the good man, the anniversary of whose birth we have met to commemorate, ia but "to prepare the way" to prepare the way for those still tubhmer virtues, which illustrated (he character of Him, whose life here was one of goodness, love, purity and suit-ring who died "the just for the unjust" and who, wltllst in all the agonies of the intensest pain and anguish, uttered that heavenly inspired invocation, " KiitT,rire they know not trhat they do .'" Whilst at the same time that it remains one of tlw profossed principles of the Order to confine its acts of benevolence within no particular limits, but to extend the hand of Charity to all mankind, and brotherly love, to all Masons or their families, who may need it, no matter in what clime such may be found, yet melancholy and mortifying indeed .would it be, were they to neglect those objects of their care and aid, which are around and about them, and which conic under thoir immediate view. Brethren, it is not necessary that you should go far hence to find an ob ject worthy tlie active exertions of every Mason. I should be doing injustice to the Order, and violence to every generous impulse, were I to pass it over without notice. . For years nriBt. the attention of Masons in other Slates and Counties, has been earnestly directed to the great subject of Education. Under the fostering care ol the Order, Seminaries of Learning have sprung up and been nurtured in many sections ot our country, producing results, me inliu ence of which will be felt throughout succeeding generations. The appeal which has been made to the Order in our own State, cannot be disregarded, without placing at our doors a heavy responsibility, i he Grand Lodge of the State, in 1817, by a series of Resolutions, brought the subject ol establishing seminaries lor tlie education ot children ol living. and the orphans of deceased Masons, before the subordinate lsxlges. the matter was discussed and urged with much zeal and ability at the last meet ing of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Master in an eloquent address which should call forth a hearty response from all the Lodges, has pressed this sub ject upon us with an earnestness and ability which is worthy of the highest success. It is propneed to raise a fund sufficient to found and support an Institu tion of learning, at which tlie children of brother Masons who are in needy circumstances, mav receive the advantages ot a liberal education, under tne supervision of the Grand Lodge. I will not stop here to inquire into the practicability of the plan. If two thousand regular Masons, in connexion with, and aided by, tlie large number of retired Masons in the Slate, sarink back in despair from the accomplishment of such a work, then indeed ia the spirit which actuated the Fraternity in days past, gone gone from amongst us! liut the feasibility of the plan has been demonstrated beyond cavil' beyond the captious objections even of the most miserly parsimony. &yen should nope of us witness, in our day and generation, such a work brought to perfection, we can at least make a beginning. We do not indulge the vain hope to soe such a project spring into full perfection, il;e the tamed luKldess whom the Ancients represent as leaping ready armed from the brain of Jove. To some it may be granted to lay the foundation to others may be the labor of building the superstructure, and to those who shall come after theiii, may be lelt the gratification ot witnessing the completion oi uie cuince. uui still we can do something. We can lay the corner stone with assurances that the work will fio up and go on. We may not see and enjoy all of its l'. " t II I.. llf- Ll IJ .1 messings, out some ponion may iau 10 our ioi. vis may noi ucuuiu uie brightest effulgence of the new-risen planet, hut some few of its rays may penetrate the gloom which surrounds us. And is il not an object worthy of all our energies? Does it not present the strongest claqns to our support 7 Can we be true to the great and benevolent precepts of he Order, and with hold our aid. however small from such a work marked as this Is by every thing which should elicit the best hows, and exertions of the generous and the good J 1 coiuess my nean is run wnrn i rmeci upuu uie giunuus rrruit iiiibu must necessarily follow the erection of such an Institution. !ok around yon my friends, at the condition, menial and moral, of many children whose lament were once ornaments to tne vruer. mnugfi mem, are many who were deprived of the comforts of life, and passed under the iron yoke ol poverty, by the same b(ov yyi'ieh severed them from paiental care andsssisr tauco. Whilst poverty and suffering are thus pressing them to the earth, tlie wants of the body, you stand resdy to relieve. Your purse is open your hearts are open, to satisfy their hunger and clothe their nakedness. But oh! how infinitely more important lo their present and eternailiippiness, t the satisfaction of those other cravings which prry upon lha' niiud, and devour the immortal aspirations of tlie soul ! Month'altcr mouth passes like a dark wave, inio Jhe Ocean of the past year after year with icy fingers creeps upon thein, but ho hand' is raised to lift from their intellects the thick and chilling cloodof ignorance! ' The light of intelligence is around and about them it beams foith Iron every countenance, and warms every heart, but no ray il allowed to penetrate' (heir souls! dope of its genial influence warms Into life and activity their down-atricken minds ! Amongst thein may be fhnse who under proper culture, would' leave llje impress ol their minds opon the age n which they live, transmitting to posterity a fame, which Would no) only add to the character of the Order, but give new lustre to pur National renown! And yet we hesitute I ThelFratcmity, in every part pf the Civilized World, are awakening to the great Importance of this subject They see and feel that in the race of Mental and gjaral Improvement, Vbich if now going on, and which is giving to everything a new and more active form' arid character, that for this Order to stand by, in dull and listless inactivity, would be to falsify its principles', and to assume a position which, evert in the darkness of the Middle Ages, it would have scorned to Wd'; for 'even' fnen, were the lodges of Europe Uie rerjositoritVof Learning and of the Holy Scriptures, and from them went forth many a beam of light which burst through the thick gloom that bung over the continent, and carried joy and mental freedom to thousands! ' What a neble example did, )he Masons of Germany, Denmark and Swe den, niore than half a century ago, present for our Imitation I fechobli d Seminaries of Learning were erected in many sections of those countries, for the education ol the children pf Masousj'yho, by Jjieij poverty. M been debarred this advantage J ' In an Imtitutton of this kind, established at Brunswick, the Students were taught all the higher branches of learning, and regularly examined by the puke of Brunswick, himself a briglit snd zealous Mason j and the most di-sc'rvihg among them were rewarded with suitable pKinimhs fo litimulate thein to renewed exertionf. ' ' ' " 'At Eisenach sevc;J Seminaries of tlif same clitracte r were erected and flourished, Jn a few years, thry had sent ' Uijk upwards of (Tight hundred children, instructed in all the principles of Science and Christianity. In 1771, a like Institution was established at Cassel, and continues to this day to spread its blessings throughout the surrounding country. The united Lodges of Dresden, leipsic, and' Garliu erected, in 1773, at Frederii'katadt, a Seminary of Learning, which has been richly endowed, aud greatly encouraged. In a few years after it went into operation, il had educated ami sent forth eleven hundred children, many of whom subsequently took their places amongst the most distinguished Scholars and Statesmen of the Age ami Country in which they lived ; and even now, sotne of them are known to the civilized world as being in the front ranks of the most illustri ous men ot Lit rope. The same benevolent and enlightened fpirit has governed the Fraternity in other parts ot the Kastern Continent. A,d should we, who believe that to much, both of individual' and National happiness and prosperity depend upon the enlightenment of the public mind, bo found in the rear of our bre thren whose lots have been cast under the Monarchies aud Despotisms of Europe ? Who can calculate the value ol such an Institution to the rising generation aye, to generations yet unborn ? None can estimate what, men tal richness il may gather up for our S'yi',e and Country ! Brethren, it is lor you to say whether 'such sweetness is longer to be wasted on the desert air whether such gems, such intellectual riches are to remain obscures in the dark, a. id now impenetrable, caves of ignorance ! With you 1 leave this cherished object of the Order, confidently assured that the appeal which is made by so many of the needy and uneducated Offspring of your brethren for light that light which illumines the soul that light which points tho way to Heaven that light which teaches " 'tis not all of life to live," but that there lies beyond this transitory existence a dread reality for eterjial weal or woe, will not tj made in vain ; but that there will be found, nv every section of our State, men who, with wise, bene volent, and resolute hearts, will push forward tins great work to a glorious consummation. good cause, we chall have the approving smiles pf those, who, as they are the first to eschew evil, should be (lie last to desert good : And let thein ever remember, that, Inasmuch as one claiming to belong to the Order of Free and Accepted Masons, forgets or neglects tfie sacred duties ol domestic life dashing to the earth all the holy treasures of filial love and rilling with poison the cup of conniibiariiappiness in so much has he departed from the' high and ennobling precepts of the Order ! '," i. . . Brethrex ! Tiiave thus, in my feeble way, performed the task, which your partiality allotted me. Would that I had possessed the ability to do justice to those principles of oiir Order, the' beauty and power of which are' this day being illustrated throughout oiir own country, and in' every part of tho Civilized World. From all those who desire to see" tbf precepts of Kindness substituted for the influence of Force, id the government and con trol of the iriinds and heartB of men, the Institution ol Free Masonry must' ever receive the highest commendation, and the richest reward that Earth can bestow ! Under such hopes, its disciples can "go forth to meet the Bhadowy future without fear.and with manly hearts." Arij may tlie Great Ruler above so chasten your minds and govern your actions, that you may oe prcparea ior an entrance into ll)e Tem?le "not made Willi hands, eternal in the Heavens !" ' , . , ,i . Brethren, whilst remembering our sacred obligations to each other as Masons, let us not, I beseech you, forget our duties and responsibilities as men and patriots. Wo live in an age marked by stirring incidents. The human intellect seems more than ever on the wing for new discoveries, new experiments the human passions ever eager for new gratifications, In this great drama ot hie on this excited and varied stage ot action tlie humblest amongst you have a part to perform, either for good or ill. The civilized world has but recently been called to contemplate a succession or Revolu tions which in many respects have no parallel in history. The events of the last twelve months have overturned thrones and revolutionized kng establish ed governments. The whole of Europe has been writhing under the throes of the mightiest political Revolutions. The sceptre of Monarchy has been shivered in the grasp ot ancient Dynasties. It is proclaimed that the spirit of civil freedom has been aroused to action that her voice is heard in deep a nd resolute tours amidst the mountains of Hungary and on the sunny plains of classic Italy that the long smouldering ashes of down-trodden and dis membered t'oland, aro about to be rekindled and that the once ureen Isle of the Oceap may yet be able to prove that she has not listened in vain to the Heaven inspired Eloquence of her Grattan and her Cumin. What are to be the effects on the civilized world of that voles n a which is threatening to burst over Europe what horrors the eruption is to produce what fields are to be laid waste, and depopulated by the hot lava which will burst from its fiery craterwhat villages, and towns, and cities, and temples,are to be over turned and buried beneath this molten mixture of human passions, no one can foresee none can venture to foretell. Doubt and darkness hang over the future. The sagacious and philosophic mind of Edmund Bubke enabled him to declarewith truth, when speaking of the Government which was reared upon the ruins of the first French Revolution "Before ils final settle ment, it may be obliged to pass through great varieties of untried being ; and in all its transmigrations to be purified iiy tire and blood." If the scenes which have recently been exhibited in Europe, a recurrence of which is still apprehended with awful terror and alarm, be, as is claimed fpr them, but evidences of the rousing irp, the full awakening to its strength', of ihB long pent spirit of human freedom and national regeneration, we can but bid it triumph ; hut let us uot forget to ask for it to demand, as necessary for its permanent success, moderation and wisdom the safe and holy guidance of Virtue and Religion ! Thank Heaven i we have no such political tyranny to encounter no such religious intolerance against which to struggle. ' The civil and religious privileges which we enjoy were won by the indomitable valor, and have been transmitted down, by the far seeing wisdom and pru dence, of those illustrious men whose fame- has become the common property of the whole nation the common inhentage or every Inend of free Govern' tnent throughout the world ! Aud though an much haa been done by those who have uone before us, still the cup ol our national and individual respon sibility is full, and it will not be permitted to pass from ui. Of its ingredients we must drink, at evcrv tuzard.our full share, the eyes ot all Nations and People are turned, wit'i n ep and absorbing anxiety, to our Confederacy to our system of Civil f J Religions Freedom. The enemies of Free Institu tions watch ils progress with dread 'heir friends with delighted hope and joyous confidence; and it is because they long for its perpetuity and suc cess, that they entreat us to observe with sacred devotion the warning of Washington " not to interweave our destiny with that of other na tions not to eutanirle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivaUhip, interest, humor or caprice." It is only by a frequent recurrence to the wise and conservative counsels of this great man and his illustrious compeers, that we can expect to protect fron) the machi na'ti6nsof secret or open enem'.oii l home or abroad, the invaluable bless. iugs we enjoy. They taught us by their example that moderation is not al ways the virtue of cowards, nor compromise the prudence of traitors. It is true, that we have not the same course of duty to run the same sufferings and privations to encounter the same battles to fight the same troubled sea of political dangers to explore : But we have the road of our duties and res ponsibilities marked out before ns-brbad and plain thrugh beset with difli- - .1. . I -f ' T Ann k. Uul '.n3 tl'tu tn tl.tt Pnnati. CnlllcS anu aruuuus UI appilttuif. nc lujrni Biu " us w yuupw' tution and Liws of our Country. We can rebuke alt mean, sectional je'al niisiea and animosities which would tend to embitter one portion of out People against another which would arouse in hostile conflict brother against brother father against son, and son against; father drenching one common soil with the blood of common kindred and friends. We can place our stamp of disapprobation upon that wild and utibridled fanaticism which would kin dle the fires of discord throughout our glorioun confederacy which would root up the deep foundations of our National prosperity and renown. We can assist hi opening the eyea of our countrymen to the mischievous inten tions of wicked and designing liien. We can aid in pointing but to the ig norant the path to intelligence and virtue" Sic iiur adqstra !'.'. We can instil into the hearts of our children a high snd unconquerable devotion to the Union. We can invoke with humble confidence the blessings of Him who holds as in the hollow of His hand the destinies of nations, and who led onr fathers, with the same merciful care and protection that he threw around '.lie Israelites of old. throueh all the dancers and fiery trials of the Revolution! Let nado this, and then indeed shall we feel that we had accomplished something as rtien-ss patriots as Masons as Christians, to discharge the heavy debt of gratitude which we owe fo the great arid good who (livelong since' run their career of usefulness and honor, and to transmit to posterity (h ' -, civil and religious blessings, which they labored even unto death to e . .'I''!,. 1 .1 L L I.. I.. .1... I...-. I.!-.!. I !h1,.h. lauiisn, anq wnica nave proveu iu uo uie ucai uuiu-njfiu nuu uuuicm mucu tanceof inan. ' To ihe Fair Auditors, who have honored na with their presence on this occasion, v. hat can I say half erjiml to that which they richly merit T ' Had ( language adequate to the sentiments of respejf and reference which should ever be insnired by their benminir and lovely countenances, I might' dwell with pleasuro on tlie influence which they always exert In enlightened socie ty, Over the hatsher tlx. I might appeal to those thrilling emotione which mnat ever arise in the breast even of the most callous, at the mention of those familiar bui magie vntin-Mothet Sister Wife! I iniglit dwelj with de light on the earliest dawning of those young' affections ot the hearl, which under proper p'arenlal culture, expand into the amplest and sublimes! senti ment of benevolence a pd patriotism. I mlghi fqllow tlie hopes of the mother as with the eye of Christian faith and piety ahe reared up to aterner man hood, those tender virtues, which 'lit youth, are but (he foreehadowings Of all the trighter and 'purer realities of a well spent life'. Haa" f fhe power of language, I might portray those charming virtues of the heart which have made the sex, iq alt agre, the pioneer in y cause, whifi? had m view the amelioration of man I 1 might pictnre to "you tlie self-denial, the f irtitndo, thesufji'ring, the genileifesa, the unceasing charity, exhibited by them in the nvdot or sickness, sorrow, anu distress . . . u Cnim dawn To midnight, keeping angelic watch tajfc .. iWebbing soirit, lightj'ng Its way to Heaven C? THE STATE OF DESERET. The Richmond Whiff SaVS Our readeure not nrnhnlilv nunrn that thn Mormons, who have settled on Ihe Great ShIi Jake, havealreadv become suf ficiency numerous to claim the privilege oflentering the 'Unibn as a Sover eign State. Such, however In (he fact, as will be seen by'lhe following pas sage which we give on the authority of the St. Louis Republican. The edi tors of that paper have Seen certified copies of the' constitution, and give the sunjotneu account ol it, ol tlie causes' wl.ncli lu'd to its adoption, and of the proceedings 6( the Legislature under it. ' ' : " The new Rtaf.; is miaintlv stOed'the State of Deseret which imnlies. according to the Mormon History and interpretation, "The Honey Bee," and ia sigmncant oi industry anu me Kindred virtues, It is scarcely necessary to say to our readers that the population of this new Stute is comrosed altooelhr of persons professing the Mormon faith, of whom the number is rapidly in creasing every year, that bt ing the State to which all their emigration 1h la.,.r;'r' In nnAn,ltnA H t l..tfk: l- .1 I- . .! . """"'6' " unav piuiiccuoiyn, in cviivimug cist', ine peculiarities oi inis people are preserved, though we cannot see that thih will offer any good bar to their application for admission into the Union. ' In ono respect, at least, the Convention which farmed the constitution for the new State has set a good example. ' They were employed only one week in action upon it, and we do not see but what it is as good a one as some of our States have been able to form after years of agitation, aud 'Months of de uueraiiuii. ' :. - When' the Convention assembled, on the 5th of March, at the Great fin It Lake, they appointed a'commit'.ee to draft a constitution, who made their re port accordingly. ' ' '' ' ' ' '. ;v The powers of the government are divided into three departments execu tive, legislative and judicial. ' '' : ' ' i 1 Tlie article in relation lo the legislative department is not essentially differ ent from the constitutions of the several States. Members are required robe free white male citizens of the United States, and to take an oath to support the constitution thereof. ' The first Senate ia lo consist of 17 members, and the House of 35 members. " In the' Executive Department provision is msde for ilieelnrtion LidutenanrGoverhor, Secretary of State, Auditor of ' public Accounts, and Treasurer; The judicial power is vested in a Supreme Court aud such inferi- A Chief Justice and two A- '-.-. . But I fnrhear, under Jhe ronf)dc nt lielief, that in Uiis, in every other j r or tribunals as the Legislature shall establish, sociates compose the Supreme Court. Thefifib article provides for the election of all the .fiicers named in the . Constitution, on the first Monday of May, last, and for a vote for or against the adoption of theCor.stijiitlbn'and'if a majority of all the legal vote aba It oe m lavor oi iu adoption, uie same snail take eni cl troin and after said elec tion." .. ; In the Declaration of Rights, it is declared "that all men have a natural and inalienable right to worship God according (0 the dictates' of their own con sciences, and the General Assembly shall make no law respecting an eatati !:.' k:.:.. .l. r i. .1 rr 1: "r , . . fiviiuivuL ui iciiiuii, ur pruiuuiMiig lue iree axeret! inereoi, OT disturbing any (xjiboii in ma reiigiuus wprsjtip or senumenis prouaea na act not insturo ll.e public peape nor obstruct' others iri their religion wort'iip." " ' " j ne constitution was adopted on he 0m Marco, I84Q. , ' The first General Assembly met on the 2d of July. : 'Millard Snow was e- lected Speaker of the House ; Alfred Carrington, Cletk : John D. Lee. 4a- sistant Clerk ; and Geo. D. Grant, Sergeant-at-Ami. ' Alter tne organization the chairman-announced to the House that a major ity of all the voles of (he people had been given for the 'adoption of the Consti tution ; and that Brigham Young had received a majority ef all the rotes for Governor; Beber C. Kimball for Lieutenant Governor; Wm Richard for Secretary of State ; Wm Clayton for Auditor for Public Accounts,' Jot 8. Heywood for Treasurer; and they were severally informed thereof. On the 3d a resolution was passed providirg for a joint committee to me moralize Congiesa for a State orTerritoiial Government: which waa after wards reported and adopted. On the 6th inst., according to previous resolutions, the Legislature met in joint session, and proceeded to' ballot for a Delegate and Representative td Congress, when Almon W. Babbitt, Esq., having received a majority of all the votes, was declared duly elected. ' ' . . c . . . , untne lath the Legislature adjourned iu die. Before doing so they adopted a memorial to Congress, in which they set forth the reasons which have induced them to organise a State Government. " They cite the failure of Congress id provtde a -government for the territory acquired from Mexico, the' abrogation of the Mexican law, the anarchy which has followed. "The revolver and the bowie knife," they say, "have been the highest law of the land the strong have prevailed against the weak while persons, property, f h r r1 mr mnA Mllninn h.HO kann nnaiflfejl n A Piling nnnMl..l.il L1 I ly, they represent that there is now a sufficient number of inhabitant resid ing within the Strife of Merrf to support a State Government, and Is relieve the General Government from the expense of a Territorial Government, and they therefore ask that th" Constitution accompanying this memorial be rati fied, and" that the State of Deseret be admitted into the Union on an equal foot ing with the other Slatci , r that sucii for.n nf Government may be given td them as may be decrhed expctljent ; and that their Delegate may be received dnd their interests p operly represented in the Congress of the United State; Not a word is aaid in Ihe Constitution about slavery pr the Wilniol proviso, such things not having entered into the imagination of law-giver a impor- . tant for their welfare, 'li.e Constitution will bepn ssedupot Congress, snd, ' if rafifjed, fwo new Senator and a Representative will kood appear in that body from tlie State vf peteretti State which wa without a settled inhabi tant four years ago, and which l some twenty-five hundred miles from the eat of the Federal Government " ' ' ' We think we can see in this'appjication, the gem of much future trouble of a war between the Mormon and the' other ?e .tier of California such a' was waged between them and tlie people of Uis6ari and minors.' The cus tom, as far at we can'learn, has a! way been, heretofore, for Congress to lay off a State, and not for any portion of (he people of a territory to constitute themselves a State, and call on Congress fa doininn their own foregone con clusion. These men, being a portion of the inhabitants of the territory of California, have, without any tort of warrant a fares w can' see, created in imperium in imjtrio, a State within a State, o)ely bjT virtue of their own authority. By reference to tlie map, ft wiij be'secn Ml they propose to cit the ferrilflry ol California nearly iri two, taking themselves an endrrrout slice, and leaving the fragments afterward to unite as they may. ' The; rest of Cal ifornia, whert thi Mqpnon State hal'h ve befn formed, will resemble a squaie board out ofAbich a large triangle has been sawed, So large will the new State be, arid in srfeh a fragmentary coieliliouVili it leave the '-t of the territory, that it will be difficult to form a utc of respectable size bi t of ny one of the fragments. . , ' W ram ot think that the people of Calironia will r er consent to r thifir territory mutilated in such a iTranjre fashinc ; and we1 have no doult they will rroteBt' yigi.rously 'against ft. The win 'e Term', ly J .. ai''. misfiori aa VState at 'tlie next session; tnd When it shall hue bee u thus s -mitted, it will be time enough t talk about d'f.dii g i . ''" ' thus do we brpe to 'w Free Soilism and the Wtlmot Proviso kilUd for ever and their deaths will put an erid to tlie aspiratrOiis and mirhi-vnia projects f all tons who.- politlca rplfal they hat e l een for this lot g lime past New Mexico 4ij follow in good time arid w pray God that this will be the last new territory we may ever have to be a bone of eonten lion between the North and the South. Rather let harmony, pea an i I vp, sh identity of interests, and a common dvstiny, be united to tlie ci.mi,,. j. I Union, cmcnted by tbt blood nf pur romruon ancestors, ami eudejred by th I reqpV oif'tW if inhering and Iriniiinltf. ' f

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