I TP H H .,,- u J- ! - ri .U.INltcn WEEKLY BY CII. C. RABOTEAD, EDITOR AXD PROPRIETOR. TERMS: $2 50 ftAi ANNUM IN ADVANCE, OR $3 00 IF PAYMENT IS DELAYED SIX MONTlIS. VOI,. II. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1849 NO. 51. TERMS. ' ' Tin Rai.imiiii Timki will be sent to Subscribers .it Two Dollars Ami a half per mimim, ir paid in aii ,muc.e. Three Dollara will be charged, if payment i d -Hycd six mouths. Those Terms will b.i iuvariti aly adhered to. j- -V ADVERTISEMENTS. 4 For every Sixteen linen, or (cm, One Dollar for the 5rsi, and Twenty-five Cents foi each subsequent in sertion. Court Ordeis, &o. will lin cliarirod -f per lent, higher; but a reasonable deduciimi will be made to those who advertise by the year. . V Letters on business, and nlf Communications .nten.led for publieatioii, must bo addressed to the 'Editor, and post paid. THE GLOBE; A Congressional, Agricultural aiid Lit erary Newspaper. THE approach of Congress calls out the AiiUHal l'ruspectns of the Globe Establishment. ' The time is mil ol interest, ine coming iu oi a iaew Adiniuisiraiiou tho consequent broaching of a (lew poney touching me internal euueeiiiHoi inu omi :ry tlie n-w mid inosi iniporinui issues -arising i-onl the late vast 'accession tu the public dnuiain, 'ind tho great ualioual sbjects associated with it I ho impending ilillicuny in our reiuii his vim iiunce, Hid the. possible cnmplieatioii of our art'airs with the roubles of Europe, conspire to create great expoc atiea as to tho proceedings of tho next Congress. I'k niiuroachini' Session will probatilv continue till ate in NEW ARRANGEMENT. fllIE Subscriber moat respectfully informs his customers and the Public generally, that for the purpose of reducing his present stock, (which consists of many desirable poods,)to make room for a new fall supply, he will sell at reduced prices for cash. lie has also obtained the services of Mr. Robert Peach, late of New Vrk, as a cutter. lie has spentabonl seven years in Fr nice, where he filled the same station in the most respectable houses, and comes highly recommended as to his abilities in his profession us well as to moral character. Call and give him a trial. Tne Subscriber returns his grateful acknowledgments for the liberal pat ronage heretofore received. ' J.J. BIGGS. July 18th, 18-19.; ourouchin" Session will probably contn the slimmer of 185U. The cVbates, from the ffitaiiou of so many questions of vital interest to the te public, will draw forth all the talent of the Nation- d Legislature. To bring us deliberations home to he people, on eacn siiccec.uinT uny, wiiuo measures re maturing, is, in effect, to bring the whole nation nto council. Tho discussion, spreudinjr from the Capitol to the remotest parts of the lluion, forms u ublic opinion whiuh reacts upon Congress and con rols i i decisions. Te becomo a useful instrument, however linmiile, assist the working of the admirable machinery f ur popular institutions, is the ambition of the cou- UCtOf 01 tile WIOOU' ...AtlttUlUIHMlJ heretofore been made to meet the increasing emaudsofour rapidly-improving and growing couu- rv for Congressional intelligence. '. r u I I.. ...K..1...I ,1, l.l... The Ulone rrcss uoa nuruvij ci,icu ,o teporters yet known to Congress ; its materials aim aaehinery are of the best sort : and the exclusive de- otion of the InUiVMiuai wno ior so many yeum ni nade it his study to embody and publish the labors if Congress, gives reason to nope inai an auvunce vill be made to the accomplishment of this under-. aking commensurate with its increased importance. Jut the accumulation' of expense consequent ou the idditional nuiiiber of Reporters required the extra harges incurred m printing at nigni ine ueDates 01 h preceding dny the vast addition mode to the puhlisl'ed uy ino proiracicu aeastuiiB uuu uic idler reports given, will render our enterprise a ulure, unless congress suau so i puuain n .u eeome a purchaser of such portion of the daily sheets sued, as shall contribute w mane me reporis unit II them. The undersigned has ventured on the reparation be has made for the next Session, in the xpectation that Congress will subscribe for as many aily sheets for each Member, at the subscription nice, as will, in part, defray the expense of report ng, and give them circulation as Congressional dtic mients in their several districts. This will enable he Publisher to bear the charge oi reporting, ana il ill give an impulse to the circulation ot tne l ou ressioual Print, which, although the cheapest in the Jnion, (the expense of preparation considered) will ot yield suflicient profit to make the system perma- rillME VIL(.Ut IUST to hand, and for sale by JAMES LITCIIFORD, Sept. 7. Opiwsite City Hull. STARCH. A good article. For sale by Sept. 7. J. LITCIIFORD..' PRIME JAVA COFFEE of good quality, just received and for sale by J. LITCIIFORD. Sept. 7. . 40-tf rani) oogc of JCovtl) (Carolina'. THE Officers, -.Members and Representatives are hereby info-rued, that the Annual Communica tion of this Masonic Body vill lie lirtdeu iu this City on the evening of Monday, the 3d of Ut oeailuT licit, at i o cluck, for the transaction or such business as may be submitted for its consideration. Lodges which have been working under dispensa. tions will not fail to apply for charters, if any wish to secure a permanent existence. A full representation is earnestly desired. WILLIAM T. BVlN.Sec'y Raleigh, Oct. IS. 4U-td 3, )ina to make lUoncii. A CHOICE lot of Superfine French and English THE M EEKLY UEHBLIC. The undersigned will commence the publication of a new Demcratic Weekly Newspilper, bearing this title on the 1 1th November, IHt'.l. It will be of large size ; printed on good, stout pa per, from handsome new type. It will be mailed to subscribers at the low price of one dtdlar a prar in advance. In addition to strong, Bound T-moeralic original articles, it will cnutii'ii selections from ail the best Democratic journals in the country, showing the slate f public feeling ou every topic of interest that attracts the attention of the public. All the Local News of the city of New York will hi fuily given in the columns ol" The Weekly Repub lic, as Well as the (.enc'rul News both Domestic aud Foreign. A writer who wields a powerful pcu, wil! furnish lis by every steamer, a lelter from Jjoudon, wliich will keep the readers of The Republic fully ap prised of ibe state of Europe, find give a truthful ac- cnutil of the progress of iiberul opinions ill all parts of the lld Vorlu; nuwurpud and unbiassed by passing through the tory journals of Knglaiid or the papers of the Continent ; emasculated by llio rigors of the censorship. A full and truthful account of the state, of the Produce Market will also be given, and the state of the Money Market and Sales ui Stoi ks, will likewise be aceu.aiely chronicled,, ill The weekly Republic. Leticrs containing subscriptions, or any other bu sinessin all coses post paid to be addressed to E. P. WILLIAMS, Republic Otrieo, &! Nassau-street, New York, P. F. TESCUD, i WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER I Pvugs, Cljciuica'ts, Sc Dm Stuffs, FAY ETTFAT LLE ST. RALEIGH, X. C. Hair Curling Fluid, ' Alexander's Tricobajihi, Jones's Hair Dye, and a groat variety of Hair i iis, Tonics, Phil iconics and Rutins, cull be found at Oct. 12. PESCVD'S PHCG STORE. AC HUH L lot of Superfine trench and bngbsli ttr i o TTTATfl rrAAT TT AT 171 T Cloths, Cassimeres, nnd Vestings, is now heingj V 'iijllllV VT I Ul ilUli!iL. opened at BKitiS'S WELL KNOWN CLOTlLq ,, .,,,,,,, ' INti WAREHOUSE on Favetleville Street, where HALf.U.11, :. C, his friends and the coinniunityk generally are particu larly mviteu to call. There is a great variety of new styles this season, which, with a general supply of (foods iu the Fur nishing Department, liiay be found on the most ac cumulating terms at the above place. The Proprietor, or his Foreuiun, Mr. Peach, ruay at all times be found at home. RmJij Made Clothing just arrived. Raleigh, Oct. 19. , . 4G-Gt As a TenijH'rancc House. HE Subscriber informs bis friends and tho public, for d,, nil, let on I at :ua and ant'' John C Rives having purchased the interest of F. '. Ulair in Jackson Hall the printing office, ma hiuery and material becomos the polo proprietor lercof, and will give his exclusive attentiou to the ongressiomil Vvy artmenl. J. j. i ickci win conuuci w Miscellaneous Department of the Newspaper. P Blair retires from both concerns, with prayers ir their permanent usefulness and prcsperity. Thafilohe will he published daily during the ses. ;0 of Congress, and weekly the remainder of the ear, and will uudergo distribution in mo torm ol a Veukly Globe, a Congressional Globe, and au Ap- ndix. . .'.' The Wwkly Glolie will contain Agricultural ami liicellaiieons articles ; and Will occasionally give He lta of such importance as command universal m- irest The price of the' Weekly Globe is reduced to one ollar, with a view to obtain a more general circula on. Subscribers who have hitherto paid ?2 per naum, will bo charged only $1 after the expiration ftha first year. ' ' The Congressional Globe will embody, as it has one for the last sixteen years, t-ongrBssioual pro- eJiugs and debates exclusively. The Appendix will embrace the revised speeches Tu.raO.lv. and the messages of tke President of the Olted States and ithe reports of the Heads of the xeeutive Departments. Th Coniressioiial Glolie and Appendix will ko nbiwied as fast as the proceedings of Congress will take a number. Suuspriberg may expect one nnm ec of eacli a week diuiug the first four weeks of a ioo, and two or three numbers (,1 eacli a ween fterwards, until the end of the session. Each volume ill probably comprise two thousand royal quarto ages, of small type. , Complete Indexes to the Congressional Globe and ippeuix will be sent to subscribers sot.u aTter Con- imb adiouriK. Nothuig of a pol'itica' party as)ect will appear in ae Globe save fhat wkieli will be found in the t on- resewnal reports. A paper assuming to do an u: artial vehicle for all sides, capnot maintain itschar cter il the editoriul columns reflect a party hue. TERMS. or oni copy of the Daily Globe (daily during the sesarn ol Congrtgs,, and weekly during tho recess) year, 8 ' 5 Ufl . ... ...t..r..j..e ...... t no or one copy oi me v ecsiy uiuunin raj, w 'or one copy of the Congressional Globe during tho session, ? uU nf the Annendix duriuir. the ses- .,on. " ' 3 00 or four coDiea of either, er Dart of both during the session. . . 10 00 '.ir iu eonies of either, or Dart of both during tlx session. SO 00 The prices for these p'tperj ure so low, that ad auce paymeuts are iudiripeusable to carry them on. Pus'jnastsrs who nia ehiain subscribem will be al iwed twenty per cent, ou the subscription prices for ingle papers, which they may retain when they send n tho names of subscribers aud the subscription mo ey. The price for the Congressional Globe and Ap--ndi to Chibs who take ten copies, ' so low, that a deduction can be afforded. SulMcnpin nay bv emitted by mail, at our risk, in money at par m the ctien ef couutry where subscribers reside. The Congressional tti.-oe and Apetuj:-or flu laily Globe, a they may elect, w ill be sunt to all litorf -vrbomay publish thie IfrmtiK-eius as often as ireo tune before the first Monday in December, nd s-iid n one copy of their paper containing It dia nctly iiiarked around villi a pen to direct our attsn- i .. JOHN C. BITES. " Wash agton tilf. Ac. 9. f9. , Attorney for Prosecuting Claims at the City of Washington. THE Subscriber undertakes the collection, settle meut and adjustment of ull manner of claims, ac counts or demands against the Government of thu I' ll itcil Stalea, or any Foreign State or Country : be fore Commissioners, before Congress, or befure any of the Public Department at Washington. The procuring of Patents, Army and Navy Pen sions, the collection of accouuts against the Govern ment, all Laud Claims, and every demand or other business of whatever kind, requiring the prompt and etliecient services of an Attorney or Agent. A residence of fourteen years at the Seat of tho Federal Government, with a thorough uud familiar acquaintance with tho various systems and routine of business at the dill'ereut Offices, as well as in Con gress ; added to his free access to tho ablest legal ad visers, if needed, justifies the undersigned ill pledging the fullest satisfaction and the utmost dispatch to those who may entiust their business to his care. JJe ing well known to tho greater part of the citizens of this District, and to riiany gentlemen who have been members of Congress in the last twelve years, it is deemed useless to exteud this notice by special refer ence. Communications must be prepaid in all cases. Charges or fees will be reguluted by the nature uud extent of the business, but moderate in ull cases. Address, II. C. SPALDING, Oct. 19 lu'eoGt, Washington, D. CI ly undergone extensive repairs, and is now in com plete order for the reception of the Travelling Public, is' welt as Boarders. His rooms are canil'ortably and neat'y furnished ; the Table shall always be provided with the best that can be procurud: the Servants arc the best in theCitv foroure and attention to the calls of the guests;, and no pains shall be wauling oil his part to give satisfaction. The terms shall be as mod erate as the times will alford ', and the attention of travellers, aud other, is invited to the advantages of this establishment, being pleasantly located, near the centre of the City. This being the only Temperance House in Raleigh, it has a peculiar recommendation to all those who are fond of encouraging aud practis ing the Temperance principle. F.W.KING. Raleigh, June IS, Ir? 19. 2? ly TAILORING. TTTILLIAM II FURMAN respectfully informs ' ' the public that he continues the above busiuoss the old stand, and he solicits the orders of his friends and customers. He is prepared to make gentlemen's Coats and Pants in the Infest syle nnd in the neatest manner, anil will warrant mem to ue cm ana mane as well as they can bo in any establishment iu North Carolina. His prices will be moderate to suit the times, and no effort on bis port shall be Wauling to give perfect satisfaction. All who want neat and fashionable Clonics, call at " ' HUM AN S OI establiscd Simp, in Louisburg. Louisbiirg, April 29, 1H4H. New Cheap Casli Store j rPHE UNDERSIGNED most respectfully invito -L the attention of tlm citizens of Raleigh a id the surrounding couutry, to their assortoicnt of Goods, which arc all entirely new and were selected with tho utmost care from the best Houses in New York, Ral titnore and Petersourg; and as our terms for business are Cash, we feel assured of doing a business of that kind that we will be able to offer great bargains to those in want of Goods m our line. Annexed is apart of the Goods iu store : ' ' ' Wenched Sheeting and Shirting, 3 and 5 qrs. wide, "Unbleached do do do do Jaconet, Book and figured Muslins, I'lniu and fyi.;y itriped Alpaccas, -Cashmeres and Mousliu de 1. nines, Scotch Ginghams and Apron Checks, Woolen Linseysnnd Cotton Flannels, - White nnd colored Cambrics, . Ladies' aud Gentlemen's Hose and half Hose, Calico and Furniture Prints, Gloves and .Suspenders, Kentucky Jeans, plain audstriped, Cassiincrc and Wool Tweeds, Canvas- and podding. : Hedtu king and Cotton Jeans, Irish Linen and Thread, Best Italian sewing Silk, Silk and Cotton Handkercheifs, ; Vestings, assorted, . Fancy Scarfs and Cravats, (.'oat, Vest, Shirt and Suspender buttons, Pins, Needles, Hooks and Eyes, Laces and all kinds of trimming Goods, Wool Blankets, large sizes, Wool and Worsted Shawls and Comforts, Silk and Fur Hats and ('ops, : ' Ladies' uud Gentlemen's Shoes. GROCERIES, Rie and Laguira Coffees, . Loaf, Crushed, Pulverised and lirowa Sugars, ; Allspice, Teas and Ginger, . Adamantine and Tallow Candies, t leeiieand t rackers. ' Tobacco, Snuff and jiegai, Powder, shot and Lead, " r Shoe Thread, Tacks and Blacking; Solo and Upper Leather, Crockery, Glass ai.d Stone Wars, Nails from No. 3, to No. '.'0, . . Candies, I.emoiiH and Apples, Salt, Bacon, Meal and Flour, Together with a great li.any l'unc articles too te dious to mention.- ' All kinds of Goods, M'ares and Produco taken on sale at a moderate per cent. Consignments or for warding will receive strict attention, and every exer tion to please-alt who inuv favor us with their patron age. J. J. RYNLS fc CO. Fayetteville struet. Raleiyh, O. t. 9, lr"49. 49 4w. State of North Carolina, HERTFORD COUNTY.'' ': Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term, 1943. A. Harrell and II. M. Jones, 1 Endorsees, uersus Henniug Original Attachment. (': Smith. ) IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant ill the above case is not a resident of this State: It is ordered, therefore, by the Court, that publication be made in the Raleigh Times for six weeks, notifying the Defendant of this proceed ing; and further, that lie be and appear before the Justices of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Seuiona, ut the next Court to be hbld for the County of Hertford, at the Court House in Winton, on the Fourth Monday in Noveiubor next, then aud there to replevy the property attached and plead; other wise final judgment will be entered up against him, and the property condemned subject to the recovery of the Plaiutilts.agi'ceably to act of Asiepibly in such case made and provided. Witness, Litwis M. CowrER.CJerk of the said Coart, at Winton, the Fourth Monday of August, Anno Domini, 119. L. M. COWPER, Cl'k. October 2u'. ; 47-Cw Pr's fee $5 62 Petition far the sale of land. State of Nartl) Carolina, ' HERTFORD COUNTY Cutirt of Pleas ami Quarter Seniuhs,Augvst . Term, 1849. John A- Anderson, Adm'x of John-! ' L, Griffith, ter.s Jesse Vance and wife Cynthia, and others heirs at low of John L. urimth deceased. . ' j THE Heirs at Law of John Warrenand wife Mar. 4- garet, whoever they may be, are hereby notified of the filing of the petition in the above case: and further, that they be and appear before the Jnstices of the County Court of 1 leas ana Quarter Sessions, at the next Court to be held lor the County ot Hert ford, at the Court House in Wiutou, on the Fourth Monday in November next, then and there to plead or demur to the sniij petition ; otherwise the prayer of the Petitioners will be granted, and a Decree for the sale of the Lauds described in the Petitioners' pe tition will be made in the cause, agreeably to Act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Witness, Lewis M. ("owper, Clerk of the said Court, at Winton, the Fourth Monday of August, Anno Domini, 1S40. L. M. COWI'ER Clk. -Oct. 26. 47-6w. . ' Pre. fee $.i 6! DAGUERREOTYPES TAKEN perfect by ty.HN C. PALMER, who lias recently recei ved all the improvements from the North, lie novv vvurks with lie celebfaT&dj quick preparation CELEROTYPE, which ij decidedly an improvement in'the Art. v (lis uallery is in I 'aimer oi lUinsay jeweuery Store. J.OIIN C. PALMER. Raleigh, June 30. v.- 30 if CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, prime tot. Call at JAMES MTCHFORD'S, Next door above Mrs. ilurilie's. Raleigh, March 2. State pf North (Carolina, FRANKLIN COUNTY. !' ( Mndical , I Consul Board of Consultation. PHOSPIIENE GAS and LA.VP OIL, just re ceived, aud for sale at Feb. 23. P. F. PESCCD'S Drug Store. Oil of Tannin. Presenre your Roots, Shoes, Harness and Carriage Curtains, by using Oil of Tannin ; a supply of which . . i i ....i. i is iv iidiiu auu iu. saio n Oct. 12. - F; F. TESpUD'S Drug Store FAMILY ROE IIERRIXGS. K() BARRELS and half barrels for sule by Ou SEAWELL & MEAD Raleigh, Feb. 23, 1849. . ' W REMOVAL OF STORE! JAMES LITCIIFORD respectfully informs his tr ends nnd tke public that he has removed his Stock of (rood from his former stand to the opposite side of Fayctteville Street, . NEXT DOOR A ROVE MRS. MARINE'S, and directly opHiite the Market, where they are in vited to give him a call, and continue their custom. On hand, a good assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES,' HARDWARE, &-c. He also continues the Tailni ins Butinete, aud will attend to all orders for Cutting aud Making Gen tlemen's Clothing. Raleigh, Feb. 23d, 1849. 12 WIXDOW CLASS. A LARGE assortment of Window Glass, of all sizes, by the box, for sale bv SEAWELL it, MEAD. Raleigh, Feb. 23, 1849. 12. f iesl) anb i ine ! ! ! iitst in inic J ! ! in .i JAMES M. TO WLES TS just now receiving and opening a very exten siye Assortmept of SEASONABLE GOODS, wliich he offers on the most reasonable terms for Cash, or to punctual customers. His friends are respectfully invited to call and see for themselves. Raleigh, Oct. B6. 40-eu Rags t Rags!! Hags!!! THE Subscriber will give the highest cash pri , ccs for any quantity of RAGS, at the Raleigh Paper Mill. Immediate application are requested. : JAMES D. ROYSTfiR. Raleigh, July2, 1849. 31 6t The North Carolina MUTUAL LIFE IXSIRAXIE C0.1IPAXV, RALEIGH, N. C. ',: TMIE above Conmauv has been in one ml ion since J- the 1st of April as, under the direction of the following Officers, via: Dr. CiiAB. E. Johnson, President, William D. H.ivwooii, Vice President, James F. Jukiu, Secretary, ;' William II. Jonhs, Treasurer, ; Pkkiiin llLsiiiiR, Attorney lr. Cius V,. Johnson, Dr. Wm. II. McKkr, Dr. Ricu'u. 11. Haywood, J. Hkiisman, General Agent. This Company has received a charter giving ad vantages to the insured ovei1 any other Company. The ith Sectieu gives the Husbaiiu the privilege to insure his own life for the solo us of his. Wife and ! Children, ree froiq any claims of the representatives of the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual prinoiiles, the life members participate in ilu, lohole of the profits, which are declared annually, lb sides, the applicant fur life, when the annual premium is over $30, may pay one half iu a Note. All claims for insurance against the Company will lie paid within ninety days alter prouf of tho death pf the party is f.irnished. Slaves are insured for one or for five years, at rates which will enable all .Slaveholders to secure this class of, property against tie uncertainty of life. Slave insurance present's a new and iuter-stiug fea ture iu the history of North Carolina, which will prove yery iniportalu to the Southern State, The last four month's operation of this Company show a very large amount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first yeuf OaviHE already issued more than 200 Policies. ' AGENTS FOR THE COMPANY. J. Hersman, George T. Cooke, WoBlev Whita- ker, Jr. George E. B. Singeltaiy, R. E. Waring, Travelling Agents' for North Carolina. S. J. oung, Agent for bouth Carolina. All Coiiiui'inicalions on business of the Cempany should be addressed to JAMES F. JORDAN, Sec'v. Raleigh, August 29, lt49. ' ' 43 Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, September . leriu, io-ia. William F. Milliard, Adin'r.1 of Stephen Sparks, dee'd. I Attuclimont levied on nse of Shimuel Kearney, vs. a house and lot in the Marcellus A. Williams and I town of Fraukhutou. Silas Winston: J IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that . Marcellus A. Williams and' Silas Winston' reside beyond the limits of this State : It is therefore ordar- ed by the Court, that piiblioatisn be made in the Ra h igh Times fof six weeks, that they appear at the next Term of this Court to be held at the Courtllouse in Louisburg ou the second Monday in December, iti 1849, to jeplcvy, plead or demur, ) or judgment will bo taken against them pro coufesso, aud execu ti.;n Ifcsue accordingly." ' 1 , ' " '' IVi'tuess Young Patterson, Clerk of oir said. Court at Oilice, the second Monday of September, A D'. 1H19. y. PATTERSON, CO. C. Oct. 19. '4G-6w Priadv. J j 62 FOR SALE. THE large and very convenient Dwelling House and Lot, formerly belonging to the estate of Mrs, Prescilla Shaw, dee'd., at;4 lit" Qfiupied by Maj. J. Nixon. -' ' .. " ' "' For terms, apply to JAMES M. TOWLES. June 21, 1849. ' 29 Rice and Molasses, TUST RECEIVED, and for sale, a new supply J of prime. JAMES 11. TOWLES. ' Jure 21, 1819. ' v ' 29 LOOK AT THIS. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY ! rpHE Undersigned would most respfotfully in-, form (he public, lha he has again'resumed the' HATTER'S BUSINESS. Beinrr olilit'ed to Btop the busi'neos for awhils, on account of bad health, but having recovered some-; what, better health I now ask the citizens of this vicinity, and the public, generally, to g'.ve me a call. I am prepared to Press Hats, Color Ladie Dresses, Gentlemen Pants, or any tiling that may be wanting in my line of business. My shop is situated one square west of the prave-vard. ' KEAL BROWN. Raleigh, Sept. 13, '49. 42 1 w. Spiers and Sa!asl Oi!. THE Subscriber hns on hand a Urge mlv of all the most approve Apices, Beans and Essences lor flavoring Pickles and Preserves. Also a supply of ve ry superior balad Oil and hnglish Mustard. Call aud get a supply at iny Establishment. 1 ' &pt.W F,F.PE.SCUD. LAW NOTICE. C C. B ATTLE haviiu returned to this City, will J resuin'e the Practice of the I.ui',iU this aud the adjacent Counties. All business entrusted to him, will be promptly at tended to. . He is prepared to make out and procure all SOL D1ERS' CLAIMS, of every description, at short no. tice, according if) prescribed forms. ' Raleigh, August 7. 38 lin. Night Tapers, Unk . f Wood and Paper, may be badat lue. per. .I fiseOD'S Drug Store. Oet. 19 Raleigh Paper Mill! THE undersigned takes this method of informing the Publishers of Newspapers and Ceriodicals in North Carolina, and the Public generally, that he has leased the Paper Mill, about 3 piiles from Raleigh, procured the services of finished operatives, purchas ed the uecessary stock, and is now prepares to make and furnish iiny amount of Paper to order. Me asks a triul only for his Paper, as he is determined to give satisfaction in It', or cease its manufacture. IXi-ERIAL, SUPER-ROYAL, MEDIUM Package ant Wrapping Paper, manufactured at the shoji.cs notice and the most mod erate prices. To f encourage Horn Iudustry," is, under all cir cumstances, commendable and proper ; and it is wise, when in doing so, we sacrifice nothing ourselves. Address, ' - JAMES D. ROYSTER- Raleigh, Aug. 24, 1849, - ' ?9 )m. BROWN SUGAR OF a ery superior quality, jnst received and for sale by JAMES LPPCHFORD. palttgh, Del. . i i BLAKE PITTMAXV (Late of Halifax, N. C.) Cohmissiom Mkhciiant, rfTEKSBURe) Va. OFFERS his services to the farmers and others ef Edgecombe, iu the sale of their Cotton aud other Pro. dupe. Iu view of the present difficulty, of making remit tances to the vicinity of Tarboro', he will attend reg ularly all the courts helu for the cou'utv; aud pay over whatever funds may be iu his hands for the sale of produce. Sep. 14,1849. State of North Carolina. FRANKLIN COUNTY. " Court of Pleas and Quarter Sencions,: September ' Term, 1849."' ' ;" ' ' " 4,eph B. Outlaw," ) Caveat to the Will of Da n. Svid Outlaw, dee'd. entered at Geo. Herdle and others. J the last term of this Court. ' IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Coiir(, that Minton Sham is a resident of the State of Alaba ma ; Benebery Walton is a resident of the State of iennessee ; Joseph Keudick and wife Nancy are re sidents ol the Mute ol Mississippi ; ilbxin v alton is a resident of the State of Virifinia : ami Mary S. Cook is a resident of the State of Illinois, and next of kin to the said David Outlaw, deceased : It is ordered by the Court, that 'pub icatioa be made in the Raleigh Times, a newspaper published in the City of Raleigh, for six weeks, for the said next of kin to appear at the next Court ef Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the said County of Franklin, at the Court Mouse in Louisburg, on the second Monday in Decerhprr, 18-"), aud contest the Probate of the said Will, if they think proper. Also', that all the next of kin be noti fied in said Advertisement, and all the next of kin not therein named, who are nonresidents, if there be any to be and appear at the next term dl this Court to be held at tho Court House in the 1 own of Louisburg, County of Franklin aforesaid, on the second Monday in Liecenioer, 1H W, and caveat the said will it they think proper. ' - Witness, loans Patterson, Clerk of the sp'1 Court at Office, the second Monday pf September, 1849.. X. rA 1 1 KKStliN. C C U. Qct. 19. 46-Cw Pr. advt. $6 50. DISSOLUTION. rpHE FIRM of YOUNG &BLEDSOE ia this day dissolved bv mutual consent. As K is de sired that the business of the Firm should be set: tied as early as practicable, all persona indebted 10 me concern win please come Iprward and make payment to e. tl. louxq, who is authorized to close (he business. ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' " ":' 8. II. YOUNG, il. A. BLEDSOB. Raeigh,May st, ;849,. ' : , Zi NEW GOODS NEW COODSi npiiE business heretofore carried on under the name aijd style of Youg & Bledsoi will be' henceforth conducted by S. H.' Young, at tiie same old stand, where he has received'apdisnow open. - ing a targe ana spienaia assortment ot Staple ani) iancjj Spring (Boots, which will be sold on the most reasonable ternis. Our old customers and the public generally, are respectfully invited ba give me a call. B. 11. l'UL'.NU. Raleigh, lyjay 1st, 1849. 32 tf Frch Supplies. CONSTANTLY arriving at Pescud,'s Drug Store. v uiu Kegs pure vvmte isaa, 100 do No. 1, do do, SflO Gal'oni Linseed Oil, 100 Ihs. Refined pornx, SU Munces ymnine, 18 Doieu Congress Water, 3 Cases Goodwill's Patent Chewing Tobacco, 1 do Old Peyton (Jravelly's Tobacco, 1Q do Thomas Miller's Tobacco. A large supply of Varui.hes, Colors and Brushes, and many other desirable articles are just received and expected to arrive this week, and for sale by P..F. PESCUD. Raleigh, Oct. 19. 46-y County.- SPIRITS TURPENTINE, THRESH from 'the Still, kept constantly 04 hand, A and forsulcby the Uailbdor Barrel. JAMES Raleigh, Angst j?, 1849. M. TOWLE8. TVJYBE PASTE. A superior articjs of Jujube SI raate.issn ruceiveu, ana i t mam uy fM' ' : - P. F. PESCUD. PASTILES for perfumiqg parlors and nick lewiof , on nana, ana tor saie ai 6e.fJ ' '' . VWl'F Drug Store. NOTICE. THE Subscriber having determined to go South, offers for gale his desira ble residence one mile anil a half East nf tke Town ot Louisburo-, Franklin 'ersons desirous of health or educating their children, would do well to call a (id look. This Tract of Land contains three hundred and eighty acres. , Also, one oilier Tract, two milei above, on' the same Creek, containing about three hundred acme; cleared land all fresh, and enough lor a crop for IUUI U. U9U itatlUB. Also, One other Tract of Pine Woods, contain ing one hundred and six acres with Boxes enonsh cut to make one. hundred and fifty barrels Turpen tine. N. K. XCNo 1 ALL,. Franklin Cconty, Oct 1J. ' 4S4t Information Wantejl, CONCERNING ROBERT F. ENPOR.whosud. deu'y and mysteriqusly disappeared from New Or leans about the (ith P ncembei, lrj4SSupposed to hMye aoout nis person 1 3m in money, ana two geld wsteft es. The name of t'liia A. Knser was one of the watch es. no Was last seen at nlr. r rost's clothmir stare, 10 N. Orleans. Any information of the said Elisor Will be thankfully received by his mother, Maf AxxEn- soa, igciiMONu, va. ' Care of IJiaAjt W. Tvlh. IT Southern and western papers will render a die irvesea wne sua nioiiHcr esseutial service by eivme 1 outHicuy 10 me auove. FOR RENT. A LARGE and commodious room, suitable for a bed chamber & office, above Pecud'i4)rog Stert For terms, apply to Samuel Lucas. ' Raleigh, August 17,' 1849.'" ' . 38 St. BLAKE PITTMAN. (lati or HALIFAX, N. c.) Commission Merchant, Petersburg, Ta. GIVES his special attention to the sale of all kinds o'f Country Produce, the purchase of Goods, and the receiving and forwarding of Goods. '" 1 "" Kefer to IS. r. Moore, lsq. KdlflgH, M. V. The's K. Thomas, Esq. Louisburg, N. C. . T. UortCft, Esq. M. Weston, Jesse II. Powell, BRIAKLET1ILLE TINEYARDS, OPENED again Tor visitors on the nuVdle ef A . gust, later than most seasons heretofore, becanee; that, after the 'grape feliage aud formation of blos soms being killed by the destructive spring frost. 'hy had to be renewed by another growth putting forth. Notwithstanding a good crop of grapes. But as little er no other fruit the season, and dag ger of my wine customers abiead cut short of usael supply by too 'great a resort to the Vineyards at form' er reduced price of entrance ; this season about a quarter dollar each visitor, bud commutation for fam ilies or numbers on etc nil er Saturdays, with the usual glass 01 ;,icucuiii oevtrag ouereo ; or ei mat pronouueeu oy uws or greatest moral ma religions authority ou earth; to "cheer God and man." ' Most select grapes to carry away firuhtd ewtera, and when seat for, at about 50 ceuis per gallon. ' 1 'Preprieter. BriukleyviUe, Halifax t o., N. I ., ( I7-tf . . July 31, 1H48. D. J. J. Philips. N. M. L, RockyMt.N.C. 5 Brattleboro', tT. C. Lour, Esq.) L. M. I-ong, Esq. WeldoB, N.Q James Simmons, 1 Patterson, Cooper ii Co Wills dr. Ua, B. F. Halser, F. 8. Marshall, Halifax, N, C. Petersburg, Feb. 1st 184". 11-bc Petersburg, Va. PETERSBURG COMMISSION HOUSE. DlCKLNSpN & LESTER,' ' Bollingbrdok St. Petersburg, Va, WILL irive attention to the sale of all kinds of Produce and forwarding Uoods. Reter to Hum. A. W Venable, Granville.'and W. YVhit- aker, Jr. Ksq. Raleigh. John uickiksou, k. f. lestrr. Late of Danville. Petersburg, Va. March, 1843. Patent Medicines. ' A full sunpIv'Bf all the most -popular Remedies kept constantly on hand, and sold at Manufacturer's prices at t cjcvvt Diva BToaa. - Sept. at). i Connel's Tain Extractor. THERE is nothing better than Connel's Pain Extractor for heuling and removing pain from Burns, Scalds, Frost Bitten Toes, 'and Chifblains. A supply on hand, and Tor sale by (jet. 5. ' p r. PEscyrj THE LATEST AND NEWEST JUST RECEIVED, ' tv Iff assortment of SPRING . GOODS, embracing a great Tarioty of Jancii and Staple Prj QJorjs; Of the Latest and most FashionaLle Styles; which are one red at prices that mast please, for Cash, ei to punctual customers. For particular; pleas ee the Qooda on the Counter. '' '' JSJ. 1VWLEH. Raleigh, May Uth. ' 23- TIMES PRINTING OFFICE. OUR PATtoi'S are informed tint the frintiew Office has beea removed to the m ide of Fay ettev.ile Street, - ' .'', . '.! OPPOSITE TOE CITT HILL, in the Rooms over the Store of James l.itdiford, nest door above Mrs. Hardie s Confectionary' Store,' whar we snail oe nappy to see our eubscnb.-is and Ineftus, We are prepared to execute H kitidt f ' iob flrjuting, " " .f " ' ' upon the usual terms, in a neat and h'lndsnnse trita ner, and solicit portioa of public pauon-o in thi line of business. '- Subscription to the Paper sn.'y (3 SO , j aunuia in advance; or $3 00 if not paid before the- etitiratmi of six monthe. '''. ' - . ID" THE TIMES wilt always b teruUedsi montht for One Dollar, in advuncs. fmi kuUenjI. tiens will be thankfully received on eiibsr plan. tT Those indexed to the OtCoe'aM refjuented t remit their respective diiea at our ritk ; whet a . eept will be forwarded hi their pafr, Ra'.eigh, Feb. 28, 1849, 1

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