'TjJ nn PUBLISHED. WEEKLY BY CH. C. RABQTEAU, lEDITOS AND 7R0PRIET0R. TERMS : $2 50 PER A&XUM IN ADVANCf, Ott $3 W IF PiFKiVT IS DELATE? SIX MOM lib. VOL. II. . RALEIGH, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1849, NO. 52. nn 11 A I J Tut RtLttoR Tmes will be eenl 10 auoscnoers i t Two Dollari nd bllf per annum, if paid in ad I ;vauce. Throt Dollar will be charged, if payment m delayed mt month. These Turin will be invaria- bly adhered to. AOrEKTISGqTS. , For every Sixteen lines, or Its, One t)ollar for Hie first, and Twenty-five Cents for each subsequent in sertion. Court Ordeis, dee. will be charged 25 per :eet. hljhnr; but a reasonable deduction will be made te ihnso who advertise by the year. UJ Loiters on business, and all Communications 'intended for publication, must be addressed to the Editor, and post paid. THE GLOBE: 4 CHfrfsslonl, Agricultural and Lit- ., erary Xmpaper. v; approach of Congress calla out the AnuHal A Proapectus of the (ilohe Establishment. Th time is full of interest. The coining iu of a !w Administration me sonaraiHcm uiuatii-ug utw policy toacluu the internal concern oi iiie ,nirv the n-w and most important issnes ariiiue 'from the late vast accession to the public domain, land the great national objects associated with it to impending difficulty in our reunion witn r ranee, aad tin possible complication of out affeire with the tnnible. of Eurone. conspire to create great expec tation as to the proceedings of the next Congress. iTee approaching Session will probably oontimte till late in the euminer oi in-jo, iu agitation of so many questions of vital imereat to the Republic, will draw forth all thetulent of the Nation al 'legislature. To bring its deliberations home to the people, on each eurceediaji. day, while measures are maturing, is, in effect, to bring the whole nation into council. The discussion, spreading from the Capitol to the remotest pans of the Union, forma a public opinion wliicn reacis upou vugrcs uu tun trols its decision, . T hni-nma a usofu instrument, however numoie. u bmih the worXin? OI me auillirauie uikiiiki, -i . . . r .1 . i i.i -I.: -r our kp2i institutions, in the ambition of the duelor of She Glob Extraordinary prepamtious have heretofore been mado to meet the increasing demands of our rapidly-improving and growing coun- , fr ('niitrrpMional intelligence. ... ." .. .i j.. i:.i n. .M..I The woo rress uas biidwij miwich ...v... Reoortera vet kuowu to Congress : its material and m.ihinjrv era of the best sort: and the exclusive de votion of the individual who lor bo man) ci. mad j it hie study to embody and publish the labors of Oengreos, give reasou to nope mat will be made to the acconipiienineoi oi mis uhuci- ..L mmmelisurate Wlin lis mcrcaseu uuuuiiu.m.r. But the accumulation of expense ceuwquent on the .jH,i;.,.i i.im.Wol' Reoorler reouired the extra charges incurred iu printing at night the debate of the preceding day tne yaav auuuwu ivj " mass oubl'ishcd bv the protracted sessions and the fuller reports given, will render our enterprise a f..;i,.r. mi!,. Couirres shall so far patroniie it as to become a purchaser of such portion of the daily sheets issued, aa nau tomnomr i ino ,.. -. en ih.m. Th undersiimed has ventured on the eramrauou hss laade for the next Session, iu the .xpeetatioa titut Congress will auliecribe for aa many A. .heu for eaoh Member, at the subscription prioe, aa win, in pan, uciruy urn -ii-o "r"--or. and give thorn oirculntion aa Congressional dt.c umeuta in their svrl aistricls. This will enable the Publisher to bear the charge of reporting, and It will give an impulse to the circulation of the Con ...Jw,.l Print, whieh. althoueh the cheapest iu the Union, (the expense of preparation considered) w II yet yield suthcwnl prom to nrnae me sjsici jr.nu.' John C Rives having pureliased the interest of f, rni.irin Jackson Hall the printing omce, ma mn.rv nl matsnal becomes the sole proprietor thereof, and will give hie exe usive attention to the tJiuiim-auoael Del arlnieni. i. v. i icaei win cvmiuui the Miscellaneous Department of the Newspaper, F. P Blnir retires from both concerns, with prayeti for their permanent usefulnew aed prosperity. rh.i;iot will be uublished daily during the ArCntinrnis. and weekly the remainder of the ..,. .iirl will nndenro dktribution in the form of a L Weekly ulooe, a,v,ungress wi"i "r pendix. ; .''.' . , , The Weekly Globs will contain Agricultural and Cmiscellaiiious article' i will occasionally givede- sates of aucu isiponanee as wnmuiu itci -- tar est. 1 1 ' Tk. nriea of the Weekly Globe i reduced .to oae Liollat, with a view to obtain a more general cireula- tien. auoscrioers wnw ni"w i', " kvi I taanm, will be charged only II after the expiration of the first year. . . . The .Congressional Globe will embody, as it ba done for the last tixteen years, Congressiooal prg- etedinga and debates e4usively . ,i The Append will embrace the revised speeches separately, aud the messages of the President of the United State and .the report of the Head of the Executive Departneat. ,j The) Congeasional Globe and Append!- will ke published as fast a the proceedings of Congress will ..v. nunihrr. Subscribers mav expect one numr ker df each a week during the 6rt four .week of a session, and two ar thri number of each a week afterwards, until the end of the senioa. IJaqh volume , will probably comprise two thuustmd royal quarto uswH ai aifinil ivn. ' , Cooisleie iudexe to the Congressional Globe and I Appendix will be sent to subscriber soou n.ter Con- - swsm aaHinnrnst. ' j Nothing at arpottticaj party peet will appear in 'the Globe save that which will be lowtn in tne i,u ' teieual reports. A paper assuming to be an im partial vehiele for all aides, cannot muintaln itachar- octet U the editorial eoliuua reflect party hue. i .. TERMS. :' ' " r ePyf th. Daily Globe (daily iuong the J , (Mica fCongres. weekly during she recewO I r .Y'rmi of the Weekly Globe for one year, 1 00 I fir one copy of the Congressional Globe during - iklA ICUIDI1. . 00 m -r .la tmuni, diirinir the lua- eton, , . a?.. r... ht Ithm. ar nart of both jduruK .thaaewou, . , , ., . 1000 for ten eopie of ulther, or part of both during I Th price fpr thse paper are to low, ,tW ad- fane paymima r iniiispeuaauio w carry moiu , wh nt.i oiWui aubecriber will be a). lowed twenty per c at. fin the subscription prices for singl papcra.-tsr.x-U Un-yinky retain when thoy send .1.. ..n,- .r in.rnbrrnri the ukeeriptioa rno. I My. Xhe iris for tli Cengreaaional Globe and Ap- Mndix to Clubs who take ten ees. ' low, that ne deduction can be aflo.ded. Milxcnpiioue .may w remitted by mail, at onr rirk, te mmrr y M ar m the emotion of country where subecrilwr reaiie. rk. iL,n.n.,n.ul C.,ih unA AuuundJl, .or.the PaBy Globe, thev wa'v eh-rt.-wdl e nt,to all editor wbejnay publish thi r.wpuf tus ao(tena thre timu te ftx tt; -i .Vpnday in ueoeriui, 'aad at ad n en enpy of,th;ir .paper containing itVa- tinMly warlu i rott with a pen aireol our auen- 99 9 r rntQ VaeWitfteii City. Oct Silt, IfriS. , 1 : Nkht Taocrt; V Mad f Weed and PP". hy h htdat 10. per. NEW ARRANGEMENT. 'PHE Subscriber most respectfully infbrmi his cuelomers and the Public generally, that for tht purpose of reducing hi present stock, (which consist ul many desirable gnodg,)to make room for a new fall supply, be will te reduced price for cah. He ha also obtained the iervice of Mr. Robert Peach, late of New Vrk, a a cntter. He has spent about seven yean in France, where hn filled the same station in the most respectable houses, and comes highly recommended as to his abilities in his profession at well at to moral character. Call and give him a trial. Tne Subrcriber returns hi grateful acknowledgments for the liberal pat ronage heretofore received. : ' J. J. BIGGS. Jnly tStti. 1849. PRIME VINEGAR VSTto baud, and for sale by , JAMES UTCHFORD, Spt 7. Opposite City Hall. STARCH. A good article. For sale by Sept. 7. J. UTCHFORP. PRIME JAVA COFFEE of coed quality, just received and for sale by . J. UTCIlrUUI). sept. 7. 411 It ranii obgp of JTartl) Carolina, THE Omcers, Member and Representative are hereby info-med, thi't the Annual Communica tion of this Masonic Body will be hdeu in this City on the evening of Monday, the 3d of December next, at 7 o clock, for the transaction of such business as may be submitted for its consideration. Lodge which have been working under dispensa tions will not fail to apply for oharter, if any wish to secure a permanent existence. A full representation is earnestly desired. 11,1,1 Al l. BAia, sec'y. . Raleigh, Oct. 19. 46-td 51 Crjanct to make lonrti, A CHOICE lot of Superfine French and English Cloths, Cinmimeres, and Vestings, in now being spened at BKJUS S WELL KNOWN CLOTH ING WAREHOUSE on Fayetteville Street, where his friends and the coinmunityk generally are particu larly invited to call. 1 here is a great variety of new atvle this seatou, which, with a general supply of Good in th Fur uishing Department, may be found on the most ac commodating terms at the above place. The Proprietor, or hi Foreman, Mr, Peach, Susy at all time be found at home. Rady Made Cluthing just orrtttij. Raleigh, Oct. 19. 4G-6t Attorney for Prosecuting Claims at the City pt Washington. j THE Subscriber undertake the collection, settle ment aud adjustment of all maunerof claims, ac count or demand agaiust the Government of the U nited States, or any Foreign Sta.e or Country : be fore Commissioners, before Congress, or before any of tie Public Departments at Washiugtoo. The procuring of Patents, Army and Navy Pen sions, the collodion of accounts against tl Govern ment, all Land Claims, and every demand or other busiucs nf whatever kind, requiring the prompt aud effiecient services of an Attorney or Agent. A residence of fourteen years at the Seat of the Federal Government, with a thorough and familiar acquaiutauce with the various system and routine of husiuess at the different Omces, as well as iu (in gress; added to his free access to the ablest legal ad visers, if needed, justifies the undersigned in pledging the fullest satisfaction and the utmost dispatch te those who may entrust their business to his care. Be ing well known to the greater part of , the citizens of tins uistnct, ana to many geotiemea who have seen members of Congress m the last twelve years, it i deemed useless to extend thj notice by special refer ence. Communications must be prepaid in all cases. Charges or fee will be regulated by the nature and exteut of the business, but moderate in all eases. Address, II. C. SPALDING. Oct 19 40eoQt Washington, D. C. PHOSPHEttE GAS aud LA VP OIL, juid re ceived, and for sale at Fob. 23. P. F. PESCUD'S Drug tor. Oil of Twnift. Preserve your Bowls, Shoes, Harness aui Carriage, (Lurtams, by using .Oil of laimin; ttupply ot winch is to hand and lor le at Oct. 12. P. F. PESCL'D'S Drug Store FAMILY ROE HERRLUiS. V ARRELS aud half barrels for sale by SEAWELL dk. MEAD 52 Raleigh, Feb. 23, 1R49. 2 WINDOW GLASS. A LARGE assortment of Window Glajs, of al sixet, by tht box, for asls hv SEAWEJX it. MEAD. Raleigh, Feb, 33, 849. 12. Sxt on fine J 1 Juetjn Cimc 1 ! ! JAMES M. TOWLES , TS just now receiving and opening a very ejten tive Assortment of 1 SEASONABLE GOODS, , which ho offers on the njoel easopabje (exmi for Cash, or to punetuni customers. frienus are respectfully invited to eaU aod e (urjhrruiele. ilateigtt, Uct. 2S. i . , ' .-tt Rqtlpigh Paper MilJI THE tindersigped takes this method of informing trie Piiblislmr of fewspnpats aad feriadcabia North Carolina, aud the Puiilic griexaJly, U,ai he has leased the Paper Mill, about fl . miles from Raleigh, procured the service of finished operatives, purchas ed the necessary stock, end is now prepared to make aud furnish toy -auwuntof faper tit order. He ask a Iriul.oply fori is faper, a he i determined logtvt ausiacuqu IU li or ccw lia uianuiavtuio. JMJ?!!, SFPEEeJJOYAJ,. MEJW manofactued 4 jjte liortst nvtic ad .the mojt mod erate pricey. j . .. . - i i -To '.' eucourage Home Industry." it, under all cir cumstauses, eomroendnWe and proper ; and h Is wipe, when in so, we Sacnhoe nothing eursrlveek , Address, . JAMES D. Ry VSTER. Raleigh, Ang. S4, J843, , ;'9jf , BROWN SUGAR (XF t yry tnperior quality, just received and fer" Vfsaltjiy- JAMEst UTCiirgRJ). W WEEKLY REPUBLIC. The nndersignej will commence the publication of a new Deuicratic Weekly Newspaper, bearing this title on the 14th November, 1649. It will be of large Mie ; printed on goad, (tout pa per, ffoin hsndaoiu new type. It will he n-' to subscriber at the low pries of ens doll . iu advance. In addition to strong, aonnd Democratic orihl articles, it will contain selection from ail the best Democratic journals in the country, siiowiH'r the state of public fueling on every topic of iulofe that attracts thu altoiHio)) o the pifblie. All the Local News of the city of New York will bs fully given iu the columns of The Weekly Repub lic, a well as the General New both Domestic and Foreign. A writer who wialil a powerful pen, will furnish ns by every steamer, a letter from Loudon, which will keep the readers of The Republic fully ap prised of the state of Europe, and give a truthful aa- coaiit of he progreae of liberal opinions in all part of the Old World ; nnwarped and unbiassed by passing through fho (ory jpurnals qf England, or the paper of the Continent ; emasculated by the rigor of the ceiixo:hip. A lull end trnthful account of the state of the Produce Market will also be given, aud the state of the Money Market and Sales or to as, will likewise be accurately chronicled iu The weekly Republic. Letter containing gbacriplioiui, or any other but sinus Ul all cases post paid to be addressed to E. P. WLLIAMd, Republic OHjee, Nsjau-treet, New xork, P. F. PESCUD, WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL DEALER IX BrnoB, CljcmicaU, Dw StuUs, FAYE1TEVILLE ST. RALEIGH, N.C. Ilajr Curling Fh Alexander's Tricobaphi, Jones's Hair Dye, and a great variety oi tluir uus, ionics, rnnicouie and Bulnia, can be found at Oct. 12. PESCUD'3 DRUG STORE. WASHINGTON HOTEL, RALEU'.II.N. C, As a Temperance Uoase, THE Subscriber informs his friends and th public, generally, thut the above Etlab'ishmeiit ha lata- ly undergone extensive repairs, mid is now in com plete order for the reception of the Travelling Public, a well aa Hoarders, nis rooms are csmfonably aud neat'y furnished ; the Table shall always be provided with the beat that cap be procured ; the Servant are the best io the Cuv for care and attention to the calls sf the guests: and no pains shall be wanting on his part to gwe satisfaction. The terms shall be as mod erate a? the tune will nrrmd ; and tne attention ot travellers, and others, is invited to the advantages of this establishment, bpiug pleasantly located, near the IIUlir OI .'IP uiijr. . aim mx ... "'J . v,-w House ht Raleigh, if has a peculiar recommendation to a1 1 those who are fond or encouraging and practis ing the Temperance principle. Raleigh, June 15, 1R49. 28 ly TAILORING. WILLIAM II FURMAN respectfully informs the public that he continues the above business tb old stand, and he solicits the order of his friends and customers. He is prepared to make gentlemen's Coat and Funis in the latest syle and in the neatest manner, and will warrant them to be cut and made as well aa they can he in any establishment in North Carolina, (lis price will be moderate to suit the times, and no effort on his part shall be wanting to give perfect satisfaction. All who want neat and fashionable .Clothes, call at Ft'RMAJTS : Old establised Shop , in Leuiburg. Lopirfmrg, April 29. 1848. CIGAUS, AFRESH aupply of those celebrated Spanish Ci gars, just received, to wliich we invite the at tention of our customers. Jr. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, August S, 849. 31) PLOKillS AD PJ,01GH ( ASTI(.S1! A COMPLETE assortment of tftchmond's cele brated Self-Sharpening Ploughs aud Castings ; also Two Horse Ploughs for turning over stubble Land in the Fall. JAMES M. TOWLES. Raleigh, August 3, 1849. 35 Rags! ttigsjl K THE Subscriber will give the highest cash pri ces for anv ouantitv of RAGS, at the Raleigh Paper Mill. Immediate application are requested. J.'l.UCO A. iVVAJ tJ. jRleidi, July 2, 1849. 31 6t DiDTICE. C C. BATTLE having returned tehi City, will . resum th Praotic of tht Law, in .this and be adjacent Countiet. All busines tutrusted jt? tn, wjlj be pwmofly at tended to- ' ' , r : . . H. ia nresared to makt out ana prtour ail QMb- DDERS" CLAIMS, oveiy uescriptiflo, si shoa no tice, according to prescribes Jorfls. Raleigh, ACwt 7. tim. Frejh Supplie.8. COKSTANTLY arriving at Petoud't Ping Store. 100 Keg pre Whitt Lead, - .. 100 do N. 1, do dt 900 GaJ'on Ltnseedjljil, '' JOO lb. Refined Borax, 50 Ounce uiuine, . )S Doxeu Congress Vfttu, - 4 Cet Goodwin't Patent phewuig Johoxto, ' " 1 do Old Peyton Gravelly' Tobacco, 19 do Thoant Miller' Tobacco. ! A Una. aunnlv af arnishe. .Colors aud Brushes, and intuy other deairabl article ar ' 'W aud expeoted to tm,ve Uus wsea, ,dii ior smie uy P. F. PSt:UD. i BaWgh, Oct. if, : . .... . 6r SPIRITS TUBPENTOE. ... T?RESIJ from tht Still, kent etnstantly oa baad, A- and forsubj by gallon or v.tnti. . JAMES M. TOWLfS, ; Rfjcigh, AstJ. 69, i ; TUJ't'BE PAST? Vr artiel tf JujuV PASTIMES for fatimwgftftM at ic aoeaa. hand, stas lor m at et. ZWVW nj 8ltrt. New Cheap Cash Store THE UNDERSIGNED most respectfully iuvit the attention of the cilixens of Raleigh and lb surrounding cejintry, to their assort nent c Goods, which are all entirely new and were selected with th utmost care from the beet House ia New York, BaJ. tiiore :nd Petermturg ; and aaour term for business) are Cash, we feel Lssured of doing a bu iuea of that kind that we will be able to offer great bargain tJ those in want pfGooq ip our line. Aunuted i a par) of the Goods in store : Bleached Sheeting aud Shirting, 3 and .1 qr. wide, Unbleached do do do do Jaconet, Book and figured Muslins, Plaiu and fancy striped Alpaccas, Paslimeres and Mouslin de Lames, Scotch Ginghams and Apron Checks, Woolen Linaey and Cotlou Fl&uuels, hits and colored Canienes, Indies' and Gentlemen's Hose and half Jloee, Calico and Furniture Prints, Gloves and Suspenders, Kentucky Jeans, plain and stripsd, Cnssimere and Wool Tweeds, Canvnsr and padding. Bedtic king and Cotton Jeans, Irish Linen and Threaa, Best talian sewing Silk, Silk and Cotton ifaudkercheifs, Vesting, assorted, Fancy Scarfs and Cravats, Coat, Vest, Shirt and Suapender buttons, Pins, Needles, Hooks and Eves, Laces and all kind of frmiiuing Goods, Wool Blankets, lurge ues, Wool aud Wonted Shawls and Comforts, Silk and .Fur Hats and tups, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes. GROCERIES, - Ri and Laguira Coffees. Loaf, Crushed, Pulverised and Brows Sugars, Allspice, Teas and Gingvr, : Adamantine aud Tallow Candles, Ci eeac and Crackers. 'fobacco, Snuff and Segars, Powder, shot and Lead, Shoe Thread, Tacks and Blacking, Sole and Upper Leather, Crockery, Glass aud Stone War, Nails from No. 3. to No. 2(1, Candies, Lemons aud Apples, Salt, Bacon, Moal and Flour, Together will) a great many fancy article too te diou to mention. All kinds of Goods, Ware and Produoe taken on ale at a moderate per cent. Consiirumeiita or for wardiiig will receive strict alteptiou, and every exer tion to pleaa all who may faver us with their pulrou: age. J.J. Hi MLS & CO. Favetteville itrset. Raleigh, Oct, 9, 1849. 49 4w. The North Carolina MUTUAL LIFE IVSl lUVCE tOMPASy, RALEIGH, N. C. fTMIE above Company ha bben in operation since X the 1st of April last, under the direction of tht following Officer, vix: , Dr. Ctu. E. Johnkw; Preside!, ' ' W'illiau D. HavwoOD, Vice President, Jams F. Jordan, Secretary, William II. Jonu, Treasurer, riRki.N Uusatt, Attorney, Dr. Cms E. Johnson, ) Dr. W. H. McKaa, V Dr. Rich'o. B. H.ivwoon, ) tlrdical Bnari $ onmltation. 1. Heusman, General Agent. This Company has received a charter eivini ad vantages to the insured ovrr any other Company. The 5th Sectisu give file Huabanu the privilege to insure hi own life for the sole us of hif Wife aud Children, free from any claim of the representatives of the husbaiid or any of his creditors. . Organiwd on purely mutual principles, the Irfe member participate in the vholi of the profiu.which are declared annually. B' sides, the applicant for life, when the annual premium is ever $30, may pay ous half in a Note. All claims for insurance against the Company will fee paid within ninety days after proof of the deaf b of the party is furnished , Slaves are insured for one or for fiv year, at rate which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of properly against the uncertainty of life. Slav insurance presents a new and inler-sting fe biro iu the history of tygrlh Carolina, which will prove very important to the Southern States, The last four mouth's operation of this Company now a very large amount oi Dnsuieas more inau tne Directors expected to do the first year liaying already isnued more than 200 Policies. AGENTS FOR THE (COMPANY. J. Hersman, George T. Guake, Winlev Vyhita- ker, Jr. George E. B. Singeltnty, R. P. Vynring, Trayefling Agent for North Carolina. 8. I. Young, Agent for South Carolina. All ("ommuiiicationj pu husiuess of the Company should be addressed to w JAMES F. JORDAN, Sec y. Meigh, August 29, 1849. , ti BLAKE riTTMAS, (Late of Halifax, N. C.) Commission Mxxchat, PjEEBiB,UBO Va. OFFERS hi leryicet t th fanner and other ef EdgeeouyVe, iu the sals of their Cotton and oilier Pro-daoe- Juviawofihs preseiUdiraculty, of making remit Unpe to ihs vicinity of Tarboro , he will attend rcg ul.srly all )) court held for the county; and nay over whatever fund may be in hi hands tor tht sale of Product. Sep. 14, 1849. ; t NOTICE . - r -TIJE SuUtcriber Js.vjng dettrmlued (o go Sputh, offera jforasje tif dosira-s- gt hie retdeoce one mile ajud a half Entt jJUsaw. "( fta T0wB Louisburg, Franklin County.' ' Persons degirpn of health or educating their children, yvotiU 4 weV 1 c," tpd .ii(t. This Tra of Lajnd jCoqtaini hfee tm$t4 aitd eighty acret. Also, one othe Tact, two mile above, on fit tame jCreeJ, cootaiaiog aboutibree hundred acre; cleared Jafld all frejjh, and enough (or a crop faf (bar or ve hande. Alto, one other Tract .of pine Woods, contain ing one hundred and tii acres with Bozea enough cut f maJte one hundred wd fifty barrelt Turpen tine. . 1M. JJ. TJJWB I AfLL. fanklinCounty.OctJJ. . -..'..? ; . . InfQrrijaUQn Waited, CONCERNING ROBERT T. ENPOR,,wh sod deu'y and myterioasly diaappearad from Nsw Or leans about the hih Dem,bu, lt8 supposed to have about his person $ I Uti) in money, and two geld watsh- a. iuamoj ivlixa A.nr,waaof toe watou ts. lis was last M-aa at Jrlr.Fret'telethiugMn,ia (J. Orleans. .By iiVonnwion ef the a d Eosor .will b thankfully received iy i mother, Maar Ami En- joa, inaiaav., av i- .',.'. t . .Car .of ffw Wf F3Ut XT Southexa A frettern papers will reader die trestd wife and ineUier eual srrio bjr ivig State of North Cwolina, HERTFORD COVSTY. Court of Pleat end Quarter Sessions, Atjjort Term, IBM. Harrell and If M . ) Endorsees, rsM Uanniug Original AttachueBl. C. Smith. J T appearing to the satisfaction of the Cou.i, that ! -a. the Df leudaiit in the above f not a resident pf this Stat : it ij, ordered, therefore, by ibe Court, that publication be made in the Raleigh Times for fix weeks, notifying the Defendant of this proceed- ig ; and further, mat b be and appear beiora tke ustice of the County Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions, at the next Court to be held for the County of Hertford, at the Court House in W'iutou, on the ourth Monday in November next, then and there to replevy the property attached and plead ; other wise final judgment w" be entered up against him, and the property condemned subject to the recovery pf the FlaiiitiQii.agreeably q act of Assembly in suoh pose made and provided. vyitne&s,twi tt. Uoexx.uisrxol the said Loart, at Wiutou, tlte Fourth Monday of August, Anne Domini, 1849.. L. M. COWPER, Cl'k. October 26. 47-6w Pr'a fee $5 C2 tat? of North Carolina, HERTFORD COUNTY. Court of Pleat and Quarter Seuient,Augu$t Term, 1849. John A. Anderson, Adm'r of John "1 L. Griffith, tersus Jesse Vauce and wife Cynthia, and others heir at law of John L.niJJtli, deceased. Petition fer th ale of land. THE Heirs at Law of John Warren and wife Mar garet, whoever they may be, are hereby notified of the filing of the petitiou in the above case : and turther, that they be and appear before the Just ice of the County Court of Plea and Quarter Stolen, at the next I ourt to be held lor the County of Hert ford, at the Court House in Winton, on th Fourth Monday ip November uext, then and there te plead or demur to the said petition ; otherwise the prayer of the Petitioners wilt be granted, aud a Decree for the aale ol the Lands described in the Petitioners pe titiou wil be made iu the cause, agreeab'y to Act pf A ... k',. ; .,.i, .... .j 1 .-.....j , null i-one ,,,uf mui jiiviiu. Wituesi, Lkwii M. Cowfbr, Clerk of the said Court. tU Wiulon, th Fourth Moudav of An cunt, nnn,:: a.a '. t u rftuDt'D fit. Oct.26. 47-w. Prs. toe a62 tatc of North, Carolina, FRANKLIN pOCKTY. Court sf Plets aud Quarter Sessions, September Tenn, 149. William F, Billiard, Adm'r. V of Stephen Sparks, dec d. I Attachment levied on net of Shimliel Kearney, tl. Va house and Igt in th Marcellu A. William and f town of Frauklinton. Sila Winston. J IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Marcellu A. Williams aud Silas Winston reside beyond the limits of this State : t ia therefore order ed by the Court, that publication be made in the Rar leigh Timet for six weeks, thai they appear at the next Term of this Court to be held at the CourtHouaa in Lounburg on the second Monday n December, iu lb4S, to replevy, plead or demur, ; or judgment will be taken against them pro coufysso, tad execu tion issue accordingly. Witness Young Patterson, Clerk of pur said Court at Office, the etcoud Monday of September, A D. 1849. y. PATTERSON, C.C, C. Oct. 19. 46-6w Pr.adv. 5 62 " Slate of Norn) Carolina. FRANKLIN COUNTY, Court of Plea aud Quarter Sessions, September Term, 1849. Joseph B. Outlaw, Caveat to th Wifl of De es. vid Outlaw, dee'd. entered at Geo. Herdle and other, f the lost term of this Court. IT appearing to thje satisfaction of the jPourt, that Hinton Sharp is a resideut of the State of Alaba ma ; Beuebery Walton is a resident of the State of Teunessee; Joseph Reddi.ck and wife Nancy a p re sidents of pie State of Mississippi ; William Walton is a resideivt o'. the Sttta tf Virginia : and Mary 8. Cogk is a resident of the State of Illinois, and next of km to the '.aid David Outlaw, deceased : Jl is ordered by the Court, that pub icatios be made m the Raleigh Times, a newspaper published in the City of Raleigh, for six weeks, for the said next of kin jto appear at the next Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the said County of Franklin, at the Court House in Louisburg.on the second Monday in December, 18-J9, and ontet the Probate oi th said Will, if they think proper. Alto, that ail the next of kit be oti A in aaid Adverljaamant. and all the neat of kin not therein nained, who are nonresidents, if there be any, to be and appear at tjie next term oi this Court to bs held at the Court House in the Town of Louisburg, County of Frai-klin aforesaid, oi) the seohi) Monday Li December, 1849, and caveat lb if tifl think proper. witness, I oung rauerson, inerx oi ine saia voun aipthce, the tscpnd Monday jor BeptemBer, tr4. J . r A t TtSKtiUfl . IU. t. . U. Oct. 19. 46r6w Pr. advt; 96 th. m,AIE PJTTMAN, (juti ,or MAirAx, . c.) ' Canis$i9B Wtrt-wU f tefjliBrf, fa. Ci IVES bit special atlenOon te the tale of tH kinds 1 r'niinl rv PmJtiM. tha nnreJiBM of Goads, and jn recevipg ana rorw.aiping WSV . - ft.(ei9p.F..Vt.r..Eso. I net tk. i nomas, u. LosWg, ST.'C, W. T. Dortcl rich. Est. In.... r r. U..Sn.' ' llocaymun.A,, Je. HTPoweH, ) - ..J .Us' v r VtM ' I ' . t IWNI VltV fT A. Long, Elj. James Simmon. W.la,tf.C , Patterson, Cooper L Ct ) Will. Lea Jrhrg, Va. , U. f. Malsey. " F. S. Marshall, Halifax, IT, C. fetertburg, Feb. 1st 184?. 11-fce PETERSBURG COMMISSION HOUSE. WC.J0NSQN tt LESTER, .,, Bpllingbrook St. Petersburg. Va, WHjLgiye attention to the sale of all kinds of Produce and Forwarding Good. Refer to k ' .. a i r Li- :ii I tl firL:- tlpn. A. vv venHuis, uimnvuie, bimi xs . r. mw afer, it. r.aq. rvaieign. . ..' , Jomi Dicraton, , . ,s ,R. f . Ltiita, Late nf Danville. 1 , Petersburg, Va. March. 848. FtfBt Ne"iclf9. , vk rull'ttppty ,9 U te mot popular Remediea, kept tonttariiljf eu hand, and told at M an u facte rev's price ai FawwB'f Dtt) SviuL ,' ' ' ' .98. ,i V Qaifel'Bl'ajij xtract.0)r. fv-.. I yHF.RE it uthing better ,th- Connel't Ptl fcxrojy '(m eajiniif enaM Jpt'i Burnt, Scald, osl fiitten Toet, and Chilblain. A tupely ot) Itaad, aid fur stilt by DAGUERREOTYPES TAKEN perfect by JOHN C. PALMER, wh h.it receutlyreceived all the improvement frem the Nurth. II now works wi(J4 tht csltbratti quiti prep&ratioa ' ' CELiiorrri, which t decidedly in improvement in tht Art. . Hit Gallery ia in Palmer ti Ramtay't Jewellery. Stot. JOHN C. PALMER. Raleigh, Jane 10. 30 tf CIIEWUfC AND SMOKING TOBACCO, a Brim lot. Call at JAMES LITCHFORD'S, Heat aeor above Mr. Hardie't. . Raleigk, March 9. fOR SALE, THE large and very convenient Dwelling Hoata J- and l,fotroerly belonging tp the etUte of Mrt. Prescilla Skxw, dee'd., and povr occupied by Hai, J. Nixon. For teruu, apply to .. JAMES U. TOWLB. June 21, 1849. Ble til Mtlissts, TUST RECEiygp, and for'tsli,' a new suppl J ofprimt. JAMES M. TOWLES. Jure 21, 1849. 89 . LOOK AT THIS. ENCOURAGR HOME INDUSTRY ! '"FHE Undersigned jyould most respectfully It form (lit public, that he hat again resumed1 tht) HATTER'S BUSINESS. Being obliged to stop th business for awhile, oa account of bad health, but having recovered tomsv what, better health now ak t(it citiaens of tliit vicinity, and tht public, generally, to give me a call. I am prepared to Prest Hats. Color Ladiet Drosses, (ientlemen 'nts, or any tiling that may b whining in my line of business. My shop if situated one square west of th rruve-vard. NEAL BROWN. Raleigh, Sept. , '49. ' 43-4 w. Spices an4 Salad Oil. THE Subscriber ha on band a Isrgs supply ef all ths most approved Spice, Besns and Essence for flavoring Pickle and Preaerve. Also a mipplv of v. ry uperiur Salad Oil and English Mmtard. Call aud geta supply at piy Essubiisbment. 38. P.P. PESCUD. P1SSOLUTION. I-PHE FIRM of YOUNG & BLEDSOE is this x day dissolved by mutual consent. As it i de sired that the business of the Finn should be set tled a early at practicable, all persons indebted to the concern will please come forward and uiakt payment io a. n. yqoiia, who it aulbsrixed la clott (be batinett. 8. II. YOUNG, B , , , M. A. BLEDSOB. Raleigh, May lit, 1149. t p? eooDTiy)EW poodsi rTIHE business heretofore etrried on ont'r tht " name and atyle of Yodwo k Blidsoi will b henceforth eonducted by 8. H. Yocko, at the lama old tjtaod, where lit hat received ami it now open. in. - I..M n .J 1. I : J . - ug Mic,a,tu apicnuiu aaaonment OI . . . fitcjilf ae antg prtna oobf, which will be told on the meat reasonable termt. Our old customers and tht public generally, art) respectfully invited to give mt a call. Rligh,ajrst,49. : 99 tf ' FOR RENT. A LARGjJ and commodious room, tnitsW far a ;P-bet chamber f. office, above Eetcd'srf Stare, 1 or terms, spply to Samuel Lucas. Kaieign, August 17, 1849. 99 At PIMLETHLLE FWETARCS. OPENED again for visitors ta th middl tf At gust, later than most seasons heretofore, because, """ " p .lenagt ana lormatkM t klea.. joms iMUig killed by th destructive spring frttt, they , i, . " ' mor growia puuuif forUL, Nojitbstanding a good crop 0 grape. ' ' Tr But u Uttlo er no other fruit the teeswa, aad daa. ger of my wiue customers abroad cut short of aaatl , supply by too great a resort to ths Yin.y ard at farm. - V. .u.i,cj mis aon aeout a quarter dollar each visitor, end commute for fi-. -,.. . nic r paturoays, with tbf usual glass of medumal bmriurt offered : ar mt that pronounced by Book of grs'sissi moral tnd' relipow Authority on earth, U "thtfr ped sad nJ ' mow seiocf grape, 1 carry away ffiruadud TWIeta,, nd "he M f "rWt 50 eeat pT . mlliST oiuwer waller, HJitCt.,K.C,) . . 11-4 ,M THE JyATSST 4ND NJ?WES(T 31 im ffECEIVED, . . x I ,. . I Wrtmn pf BPRINO . . ' GOODSeucing a great nriety of " ' Or tht Latest and most Fashionable Etv!e.r'waieii ' are offered at pricM that tnusf plea te, Tot Cath, " to punctual customer.. For partietjlar; plMte tee the Good eo the Coariter. 1 s. r-TT, Raleigh, May th. J .., , TIME3 mmim pfhce-: OUR PATRON'S are informed that tht MaViar , Qifict ha been temovtd to ,tht V) est aide ef fay. tttevili Street; 1 ' :; ! " '1 ' ffcnTE m nTf Ri?i, 5 in the oom ove'r the Store of s-ne litehforil, awss doer above MriHardit's Coafee.ij.sry' Ktro; war we hU bt happy to See our sWuy.r aad tVittMt, ' 1 1 w F JfV?!" , tjtecut M kibd tf , ' . , ' . .. apoa th Bui tsnnt, ki t aest ad kandscaM m.l nor, an solicit a pome poruoBtf puWie ' pstronaf j u.. line of kisineaa. Suhcriptin to th Papr ! J M pr in adyanas, or if 00 if hot paid the ex pirauo, s tft month.,' ,., . . ; . . . , VT THE TIMES will alwav W ftr.w, moHlkt for On Dollar, ia avsnt; n suW, t.ent WiH l thankftitiy recii'ved au rUU pUa, -r ; tf. Thiet indebted te' tht f.ffio, e. F.a remit their leepective due at nr risk I iki.CM eept ifriU be forwarded la thatr jil trtfr. 'igv, fti S3, IM PT i ) myp pi'ts . J pi mtwi.j aa fcr a a , v

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