T j runnsiitfTV weekly by xii. a rabqteauv "TERMS T $2 5()TEli ANNTJM IX ADYANtlC, 03 S3 00 IF FiV.'.iT.XT IS DELATED SIX TM.VlHS. . KiTOR iso rrtoniiEToit. r ar id s ersrr: 1'VOL. III. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1849, NO. 3. S 6 JL-dYl TEMIS. . M n ... T..,.i T..M-. iv'.ll li sent to Rulwcribon-- " . . n- ;.t :.. -J Two Dollars a halt per auuuin, n p mice. Three IMInw will be ehurgeel. n payment 1 delayed H meitlM- inese iriiin --- ly adhered to. , advektlsi:ue.us. Far eviirv Sixteen lines, or Iff, One Dollar for the rit, mill Twenty-five Cents for em.li sttbseipiciit in jrtio.it.' Court Orders, fee. will be charged i.'i per ...il. hiirher: bat a reasonable deduction will be made j those who advertise hy the year. it I.,.ii,..4 mi business, uihI all Communications itniiI.-il for publication, must bo addressed 'to Mitor, mid font paid. the THE GLOBE : Coaircssbaal, AsrkttlUral and Lit crary Xcwspaptr, rUfi approach of Congress culls out the Annual Prospectus of the Club Establishment. Tim time is Till! of interest; The coming ill of a ew Administration the consequent broaching of a w 'policy touching tlio internal concerns of the uitntrv the new and moat important issues arising urn the lite vast accession to the public ilnimiin, ml the great national .hjeets associated with it impending difficulty ii mir relations with Franco, ud the possible complication of owr alt'airs with the oubl.-s of Europe, conspire to create great expec ilion as to the proceedings ol" the next Congress 'he upproachiug Scmiou will probably continue, till ,te ill the auiiiuier of lrt'it). The debates, from the t .lion of ao many questions ol vital inierrsi to me public, will draw forth all the talent of the Nation- Legislature. To linns it Oeiiooraitoiis noun- 10 people, on eucli sucooeuiug uuy, mnturin", i, in elfect, to briuK the whole nution to council. .-'The discussion, proa(iiug irom n pitol to the remotest porta ot me union, lornia a iblic opinion which react upon congress una cou- ids its decisions. . : . To becoino a nseful instrument, However numuie, aasiat th working of the admirable machinery .1' popular institutions, u tho ambition 01 mo cou- ictur o( the Globe- Extraordinary preparations ave heretofore la-en made to meet the increasing man.li.or our rapidly-improving mid growing coun ter . th f beta lit MT arat firat etirj, fa- hllia.. f a af i, ara dhr 'oart, 0,aal (1 IriU NEW ARRANGEMENT. 'IMIB Subscriber most respectfully informs Iris cnatomere and the Public generally, that for the purpose of redticinp his present stock, (which cohsists u( many desirable goods,)to make room for a new fall supply, lie will sell at reduced prices for cosh. lie has also obtained the service o Mr. Robert Peach, late of New Yrk, as a cutter. He has spent iilioul seven years in France, where he filled the same station- in the must respectable houses, ami conies hiplily recommended us to his abilities in liis prnfis.-iiHi ua well as to mural character. Call nnJirive hiiiin trial. Tup Subscriber returns his gr iti lul ackmiwleilnieuts for the I'Ik-pi! pat roiinc lierotnlbre received. J. J. BIGGS. July IS:!:, 1349.. 7imilfvi.Ku.ut JUST, to hand, and fur sale bv JAMES UfCHFOUP, Sept. 7. ' Opposite City Hall. STARCH. A good article. For sale by Sept. 7. J. I.ITCI1F011D. I'RIME JAVA COFFER of po! quality, just received and fur sale by J. 1JTC11FORD. Sept. 7. 40-tf y - , ., . rini vet known to Conaresa : ua maienum nuu achinery aroof the beat aort : and the cxclusivo do- .... I- l l ...1.. l..- ...n.ii. i-.nr. Ima .tiou-oi tilt luuivuwai who " ) ado it his atudy to embody and puuium me luuora (.'ngraaa, give reaaou to no)Mi mat an auyaiier ii u. ,,iad to the aecoiiiplishmeut of this umler- ir.nireninineusnratewith its Increased importance. ut lint accumulation of xnae wnaeqiwut on the hlilioual nui..!wr ol Keortera requireo me exira larces incu. u t in printing at nigm tneoeoaxeaoj a Lrt-eding day the vast aiMitioa mada to the r ,, ...I i. ii... ...,vu..lnit iiLdsinlla mid the ftUHS pUIIUSlieu uy iiiu i,w.i .. report giveiir-will romk-r our euu-rpriso a lilure, unleia Congress snail ao ibt pnueiiixe u m coate a purchoaar of auch portion oi me oauy aneew sued, aa ahull coutnhuto to maKo tne reports mat n ilmm. The undeniiirned has ventured on the feparation he has made, for the next Session, in the ,ciauou thai Coniresa will subscribe for aa many . u- .heeta for each Member, at tha subscription rica.as will, lu part, defray the expense of report- g, and give mem circulation as imunMionai u.ro luats in their several diatricta. Thia will enable a Publisher to bear the charge of reporting, and it ui imiinUe to the circulation of the Con- L..U..1 Pri,,i. ohieli. although the cheaneat in the uion, (the expense of prepurotion consiaereuj win -t yield sufficieut profit to make tho aystem ponna- John C Rives bavin j purchased the iuterest of F. . Ulair in Jackaou Hall the printing office, ma- I hecoines the sole pronnetor (Dranb 01)90 of Nortl) Carolina. THK Olfici-rs, Members mill Representatives are hereby- info-nied, that the Annual Communica tion of this Masonic Ilmly will he lulJeu in this City on the evening of Monday, the 3d of December neat, at 7 o'clock, for the transaction of auch business as hiav 1m submitted for its consideration. Lodges which have been working under dispensa tions will not fail to apply for cluuiets, if any wish to secure a permanent existence. A full representation is earnestly desired. WILLIAM T. BAIN, Sec'y. Raleigh, Oct. 19. 4G-td 3 Cljcmcc to make iTToitcri. ACHOJCE lot of Superfine French and English Cloths, Cnssimeres, and Vesting, is now being opened at liluui? s lYbl,LHun ULOIH. THE WEEKLY RErl BLlC. The undersigned will commence the publication of a new Hemcratie. . Weekly Newspaper, bearing this, title on the 1 4th November, IS-I9. It will be of large size ; printed ou joed, stout pa per, from handsome new type. It will be mailed to subscribers at the low price of one dollar a ywr in advance. In addition to strong, sound Democratic original articles, it will contain selections from ail the best Democratic journals ill the country, showing the state ef public feeling on every topic of interest that attracts the atter4i'in of the public, AM tha Local News of tho city of New York will 1)' fully jriveu in the columns of The WcvUIy liepub lic, as well as the (ieneral News both Domestic and Foreign. A writer who wields a' powerful pen, will furnish ns hy every steamer, a letter from I lOiidon, which will keep the readers of T!ie Republic fully up prised of the slato of Europe, and give a truthful ac count uf the progress of liberal opinions in all part- of the U.d World; unwarped and unbiassed by passing through the tory journals of England or the papers of tho CouUicM; emasculated hy the rigors of the censorship. A full and truthful account of the stnte of the Produce Market will also he given, and the stnte of the Money Market ami Sales ol'Stoiks, will likewise be accurately chronicled in The weekly Uepublic. . Letters containing subscriptions, nr any other bu siness 'in all esses pest paid to lie addressed to E. P. WIU4AMS, Kepuhlie Office, . Vi assau-street, New York, lot UomrreBsiouai inwingenuu, . .... i, xt. ,v . pvuruiuc- l- u...... -l rh(;iube Press has already enlisted the ablest -""""""V hie friends and the comniunityt generally are particu lariy mviteo to call. There ia great variety of new styles this season, which, with a general supply of Goods in tha Fur uishiiig Department, may be found on the most ac comintdating terms at the above place. Tha Proprietor, or his Foreman, Mr. Peach, may at all tunes be louuu ut home. , Ready Made (Jltii!ung just arrtW.J Raleigh, Oct. 19. 46-Gt P. F. PESCUD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER I. Prnjs, CljcmUab, $z Dm Stuffs, FAY ETTEV1LLE ST. RALEIUH.N. C. Hair Curling Fluid, Alexander's Tricohnphi, Jones's Ilsir Dyo, and a great Variety of Hair Oils, Tonics, Pliilicouies and Balms, cau ke found nt Ot. 1. PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. WASHINGTON HOTEL, RALEK'II, N. C, As a Tcmprrar.cc Uousc. ie?!!V : Illl lfJn ' . . fTMIE Sukscrilier informs h;a friends and tho public, J- i n aaj pltal-. ply rf ttariaa, aaasUy a from ilafaea raraari atkaasj atk. )rtial irtol. - i XI. j 'At riea ti relarjrfi pleasvd all ll. ! M iiaitU, laaaa'ty N'l.T. ln j 4 I p : a jt INK iaai ('eat 8DA i : ilf (ri I : and sf hl as t aaaWt 'inruof, and will give his exc'nsire atteutiau to the L,.rcUi.,al Dei artuieut. J. C. Picket will conduct Miscellaneous Deparlnieul of the Newspaper. P Itlair retirea from, both concerns, witn prayers r their permunenl uefnlm-s aae) prosperity. Th.lilnht, will he DUb isnea aauv auriiiE in- w ,. f Coiinress. and weekly the remainder of the tear, and will midergo distribution in the formol a eekly Globe, a Uongreasionai vi-iooe, aim an op- I'he Weekly Globa will coutam Agricultural anu iscellaneons articles; and willote-sionally givede- kt of such iniportauca at comiuauU universal in Tho price of the Weekly Globe it reduced to one llr. with a view to obtain a more general circula- . -. , l. : . i. :a ao rtm Kunacriuera vnt iw" huhcw - iiuumi will be charged only tl after tha exturaioti 'Vh. rn.rmaiioiial Globe will emtwdy, as it has mafortho last sixteen years, Congressional pro- -u.U..rKi nnfl llluitfl eXClllSiVOlV. . ' 'ITte Appendix will embrace the revised speeches miraidv. and the mcssaireaof tke President of the nited States and the reports of tho Heads of the xacalive Deportments. , . I'he Confessional Globe 4 Appendix will Vblihfd ss fast as the proceedings of Congress will ike a numbers Bubacribore may expect one num- Ejof each a wee iaoug the tirat tour weexs ot w'mu anrl ( urn or three number of each a wacl terwards, until the end of theseesiotk Bach voltime iK probably comprise two thousand royal quaro Complete Indexes to the Comrressional Globe and I puendix Will be sent to subscribers soon alter Con- resa adjourns. ' iHbiug ot a political party aspect win .ppror is Globe wire tlial whieli will be found iu the Con- n-seioual reports. A paper aicimuug to Be an im- artiul vetiinte forull sidre, canaol ma.iiiniu ncnaj ; tor if (tea cditoriul ooIsmbiis retloct a party hue. - er one espy t th Daily tHobo (daily during ttie ni t:iiwnns. und weekly during the recess) a year, J Ink r of the Weekly Globe for one year, 1 W . mw i tlia t kmrresioual Globe during " I - flft ttiA ui-Kuiuu. a uu .......,.. nt Jio Annendix durln? the ses- r..r ml rilher. or Dart of both during tha session. . 10 00 'or ten oopies of either, or part of Iwth duriag the sessiou, 20 PO Tlie price for these papers- are se low, that ad auee paymeliUi are iudieiieiisiible to earry tlui ou. Puslmastcm who may ohluia suhsi-iibera will be al iweil twenty pet cent, on the subscription prices for ,..!. onuers. which thev may retain when they send the uame of aulwcribera and the subscription mo y, TU price fur the CougrcssionBl Glob? aud Ap eodix to tUubs who tuke ten copies, is so low; that ,d dcrtueeiim n be auVded. tuliscriptiona maybe ei..;tte ao mail, alow risk, i aaaesry " la uSs r " i 1 i ufcirnfi ri r "'" j 'Hie Coiigrtssional tilolw and Append, or Oie iM'HU&S. aa thev niav elect, will be sent to all 'jiuiar who mav pub'lih ii Wospectu as ofteli a i,r, tiiiH-a Wore ttte rtrst Moudak- in Jkcrmber, .-n,l us sue cony of their pipi-r conraining Udis , nctly marked around with a pea to ifireet ouratteiH aU . : : , joii g-.RiyE3, . Wuaiiiiijtoii r.iy, Ocu 9tii,.icviui. ( !jlu , Vttorney for Prosecuting Claims at the City of Washington. THE Subscriber undertakes the collection, settle ment aud adjustment of all manner of claims, ac counts or demands against the Government of the U- uilea states, or any foreign state or Country : bo fore Commissioners, before Congress, or before any of the Public Department at Washington tne procuring ol 1 atenls, Army aud Navy t en sions, the collection of accounts against tl Govern ment, all Land Claim, and every demand or other business of whatever kind, requiring the prompt aud effiecieut service of an Attorney or Ages. a residence ot tourteen years at the seat or the Federal Government, with a thorough and familiar acquaintance with the various systems aud routine of ausmeas at tne different unices, a well aa in Con gress ; added to his free access to the ablest legal ad visers, if needed, justifies the undersigned in pledging the fullest satisfaction and the utmost dispatch to those who may entrust their business to his cuiu. lie- ing well known to the greuter part of the citizens of tins Uistrict, and to many gentlemen who have been members ef Congress in tire last twelve yean, it i ueeinea useless to extend tins notice by special refer ence, t omniuiiications must be prepaid in all cases. Charges or fees will be regulated by the nature aud extent of the business, but moderate in all cases. Address, R C. SPALDING, . Oct. 19 tGeoGt Washington, D. C. generally, that the aliove Eslab'ishnieiit has late ly iinderguno extensive repairs, and is now in com plete order fur the reception of the Travelling Public, as well as Hoarders. His roouis are comfortably and nealty furnished ; tho Table sfiafl always be provided with the best that can be procur.d ; lbs Servants are the best in the City for care and attention to the calls of tho guests: and no pnins shall be wanting on his part to give satisfaction. The terms shall be us mod erate as the times will afford ; aud the attention of travellers, and others, is invited to the advantages of this establishment, being pleasantly located, near the centre of the City, 'itiis tVingthe snly Temperance House ill Kaleigh, it has a peculiar recommendation lo all those who are foud of encouraging aud practis ing the Temperance principle. i. V. KI.NG. Raleigh, June 15, 1810. 2? ly New Cheap Cash Store THE UNDERSIGNED most respectfully invite the ulli-jition of tho citizens of Raleigh and the surrounding country, to their assortment of Goods, which are all entirely new and were selected with the utmost care from the host Houses in New Yorf;, Jlal limore and Petersuurg; and as our terms for business are Cash, we teel assured uf doing a bu-iness of that kind that we will be uhle to oiler great bargains tj those in want of Goods m our line. Auucxcd is a part of the Goods in store r . liloached Sheeting and Shirting, 3 and S qrs. wide, Unbleached do . du do do Jaconet, Hack and figure'! Muslins, I'laiu and fouey striped Alpacecs, Cilrsner.-s and Mnusliu tie Laities, Scotch Giiijhains and Aprun ('becks, J .' AVooleu I.iusi ys iu;;l Cotton Flannels, White ctI colored Cambrics, Indies' and Gentlemen's Hose and half Iluse, "Calico ami Furniture Prints, (.loves and .Mii-pciHlcrs, Kentucky .Ii aus, plain and striped, . Cassinu-r aud Wool Tweeds, f 'anvils? and padding. Iii diieking and Cotton jeans, Irish Linen and Thread, . lh-st Italian sewing Silk, Silk and Cotton Hundkerchcifa, : V'estinys, usi-urleil, . Fancy Scarfs and Cravats, , .: C'out, Vest, Shirt and Suspender buttons, l'ins, Needles, lluoks und Eye, Iaices and all kinds of trimming Goods, : Wool Blankets, large sizes, Wool and Worsted Shawls and Comfort, Silk and Fur Hats and Cups, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoos. . (.P.OtESIES. : . Ri and Lngnira Coffees, . lioiif, Crushed, Pulverised aud Brown Sugars, : Allspice, Teas and Ginger, . . Adamantine and Tallow Candlea, Cl eese and Crackeim Tobacco, Suiifl' and Segars, Powder, shot and Lead, Shoe Thread, Tacks and Blacking, Solo and Upper leather,' Crockery, Glass and Stou Ware, Nails from No. .'1. to No. JO, Candies, Lemons and Apples, Salt, Uncoil, Meal and Flour, Together with a great many Fancy articles too te dious to mention. All kinds of Goodd, Wares and Produce taken on sale at a moderate per cent. Consignment or for warfiing will receive strict attention, and every exer tion to please all who may favor us with their patiou- ge. J. J. lil MjS & CO. t ayetteville str-et. Raleigh, Oct. 9, 1849, 4U Jw. BLAKE PITTMAN, (LATE OV HALIFAX, N. c.) ; Commission Mcrchaut, ri'terslsurp;, Va. GIVES his special attentiun to the sale of all kinlsl or Country Produce, the purchase of Goods, and the receiving and forwarding of Goods. Refer to B. F. Moore, Esq. Raleigh, N. C. Tho's K. TJioiuas, Esq. Louishurg, N. C. W. T. Durtch, Esq. i , ... v : ; M. Weston, - j Kooky Mt.N.C Jesso II. Powell, ) n , . D. J. J. Philips, nraU:' . N.C. N. M. LoiILT, Esij. j L, M. Iiou-f, Esq. Weh'on, N. C : James Siiiimons, . Patterson. Cooper & Co ) Wills At Lea, Petersburg, Va. R V. Halsev, ) F. S. Marshall, Halifax, N, C. Petersburg, Feb. 1st. 184: . . ; ll-be I'KTERSDURO COMMISSION 1!()USE.: DICKINSON & LESTER, liollinirlirook St. Fclersburrr, Va. WILL give attentiun to tlie sale of all kinds ol Produce and rorwarilinir (ionils.. liefer to Hon. A. W Yen:t!;l-, Granville, and W. Whil- aker, Jr. Esq. Raleigh. JoilN DlCKINsOS, R.. F, l.ESTEti. . Late of Danville. Petersburg, Va. March, 1843. Patent Mcdiciiios. A full supply of all the moat popular Remedies, kept constantly on hand, and sold at Manufacturer's prices at Pescud's iiuii Stork. . Sept. 28, Connel's P am Extractor THERE is nothing better tliau Coin Extractor for healing and removin"; Burns, Scalds, Frost Bitten Toes, and ; '-'. A supply on hind, and for sale by Oct. . V. i , 1 DAGUEURKOTYPi v TAKEN perfect by JOHN C, PAL.: - who has recently received alltlieiinprovoiiK frost the North, lie now works with the celebrate! quick preparation CEIEROTYf E . which is decidedly an improvement in the Art. His Galiery is in Palmer & llaresay t Jewellery Store. JOHN C. PALMER. RaleiMi, June 30. S if TAILORING. WILLIAM H FURMAX respectfully informs the public that he continues the above bnsinvss th old ataud, aud he solicits the orders of his friennV and customers. He is prepared to muke gentlemen s Coats und Pants in the latest syle and in the neatest manner, and will warrant them te be cut and made a well as they can her in any establishment iu North Carolina. His priees will be moderate to suit the times, und uo effort ou his part shall lie wanting to givu perfect satisfaction. All who want neat aud fashionuhle Clotlies, call at FURMAN'S Old establised Shop , ill Louisburg. Louishnrg, April 2!l, le4f . The North Carolina MUTUAL LIFE LNSIRAME (O.rlPAAY, RALEIGH, N. C. fTMIE above Cnnmauv ha been In nnerntinn Sn J- the 1st of April last, under tlie direction of the following Utticcrs, viz: Dr. Cii.va. E. Johnson, President, tVvj.ua m D. Haywood, Vice President, Jamrs F. Joroas, Secretary, William H. Joxks, Treasurer, Prrbin Busiiks, Attorney, Dr' Wii. H.'.McKk.! ' ( Medical Board of Dr. Rm. B. Havwoob, ) Coh.i'. ' J. Hessman, General Agent, Tins Company has received a charter givina ad vantagi-s to the insured over any other Company. Tha Sth Seot'nti gives the Husbami the privilege to insure his own life for the sole uss of his Wife and Childreu,ree from any claims f the represcutatives ot tne niuhunu or any ot Ins creditors. tHgamzed on purely mutual principles, the life PHOSPHE71E GAS aud LAJIfP OIL, just re ceived, aud for sale at Feb. 23. . P. F. PEiCUD'S Drug Store. Oil of Tannin. Preserve your Boots, Shoes, Harness andTarringe Curtains, by using Uil ef lulilun; aaupply of winch is to hand and for sale at Oct. 12. P. F. PESCUD'S Drug Store FAMILY ROE IIERRIXGS. Ef) BARRELS and half barrel for sale hv 0i SE.VHELL A MEAD Raleigh, Feb. 23, 1849. , 12 ; " '. WINDOW GLASS. A LARGE assortment of Window Glase, at all sizes, by the box, for sale hy eKAWtibh m, fttl'HtLi. ttaleigll, Feb.2S,IR43. 12. CIGARS. AFRESH supply of those celebrated Spnuish Ci gars, just received, to which we invite the at tention of our customers. P. F. PESCUD. Kahili, August 5, lt49. 36 PLOUGHS AXD PL01G1I CASTIXGS!! A COMPLETE assortment of Richmond's c le- ii hrnted Self-Shurpeuing Ploughs und Castings also Two Hoise Ploughs for turning over stubble Land iu the Fall. JAMES M. TOWLES. Raleigh, August 3, IP 19. 33 Ts Pain , j- from itblains. !'('P). NORTH CAROLINA ' TEMPERANCE COMMUNICATOR. ri.ri.isiiiiti, tt'EEKtr, i:. faye n evu.i.e. This Paper, which has been in existence two years and a' half, cnnliiins to he published, ami lifts been highly reenmineneeu hy the Pre, p-ner-ally, and, recently, by the Ua ptist Cape Fear Asso ciation. Tekns. To single suhscriliers, Jl 0 per year. " Cluls of 5, and ti,warps.$l each. Address, post-paid, VM. POTTER, Fayettovillo, N. C. 33 Our h'clhrf n of the Press, throughout tha State, are respectfully requested to jive tiie above two or three 'insertions. To Printers and OtLt'rs, IiJ ItEA & Rean AMS Pparl 1'oolBflnp, mi-wtrd, 10V ms Rice Flat Foolscap expressly lei print ing, n new article in this maiket. Also, a few reams afaoperior ruled tetter paper, for ale fy P F PES' 'CD. ; Rah-igli, August 5, 1819. . .''Ii N. CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. FN compliance with a resolution of the General Convention at Greensboro', Rail Road Conyf.n Tiosswill he held at the following times ami pla ces, to wit : Alamance C. II., Tuesday, 4th tTeeeraber, 1849; I Iillslsiro'. Ora nge, Tuestlay , 1 8th Deeember ; Raleijjh, Wake, Saturday, 15th. do Smithtiehi, Johnston, Saturday, 22d do (joldsboro', Wayne, Thursday, 3d Jannnry 1S50; Wilmington, New Hanover, Saturday 6th Janu ary, 1850; Salem, ForsyUi, l'uesday. I Sin Uec r lo4 ; Lexington, Davidson, Friday, 4th Jun'y 1850 ; Salisbury, Rowan, Saturday, 5th Jan'y" do Concord. Cabarrus, Monday, 7th Jan'y da Charlotte, Meck'p. Wednesday, 9th Jan'y do ; Mount Mourne, Iredell, Friday 1 1th Jan'y do Statesville, Iredell, Saturday, lilh Jan'y do Mocksville, Davie, Holiday, I4th Jan'y do By erder of the Committee R. M. SAUNDERS, Ch'm'n. Greensboro', Dec. 4, 1819. 1 G HEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, i prime lot. Call at , J AM KS LlTl'll rUU 115, Next door above Mr. Hardie'e. Raleigh, March 2. l'OR SALE. THE hroe and very ennvenicnt Dwelling- House and Lot .formerly belonsintr to the estate -if Mr. Prescilla'Shaw, dee'd., and now occupied r y Maj, J.JN.xon. , For terms, apply to JAMES M. TOW 1. 3S. June 21, 1819. 29 Rice and Slolasscs, JUST RECEIVED, and for sale, a new ply of prime. JAMES 1L TOWIJIS. ' Jure 21, 1849. : LOOK AT THIS. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY 1 m?lE Ilndrrsio'nprt would most ipsne ctfullv mr memker participate iu the whole of the profiu.which I - form the public, that lie has again resumed tke f ri sl) ant .fine ! ! ! Just in (Eiuti ! ! ! 3 JAMES M. TOWLES TS jnst now receiving and opening a very exten sivo Assortment of " " SEASONABLE GOODS, which ho offers on the most reasonable terms for Cash.ortoonnctiial ctiat.Tmers. His friends a.r respectfully invited to-call and see for themselves, Ualt)igli,Ocl.28 . t , , b9U Ragst KagslI .Rags!!I PIIE Subscriber will give the highest cash pri ce for any quantity of RAGS, at the Raleigh Paper Mil I. Iinuiediate application are requested. Raleigh, July 2, 1849. 31 6t are declared annualSy. Btsides, the applicant for life, when the annual premium is over $3U, may pay one half iu a Note. All claims for insurance against the Company will he paid withiu ninety days after proof of the death of the party is furnished. ' - Sktvcs are insured for one or for five Team, at rate whiih wili enable all Slaveholder to secure this class of property against the uncertainty of life. Slavs insurance presents a new and inter-sting fea ture in the history of North Carolina, which will prove very importunt to the Southern States. The lust four mouth's operation of tltis Company s'jow a very large amount of business more thah the Directors expected to do the first year having already issued mora than 2U0 Policies. . AGENTS FOR THE COMPANY. J. Ilersinan, George T. Cooke, Wesley Whita ker, Jr. George E, B. Singeltary, R. V. Waring, Ravelling Agents for North Carolina. S. J. Young, Agent for South Carolina. All Communications ou business of the Company should be addressed to JAMES F. JORDAN, Sec'y. Raleigh, August 29, 1849. . 43 LAW NO TICS, CC. BATfLE having returned to this City, will resume the Practice of the Law, in thia ami the attjacf nt Counties. All business entrusted to him, will be promptly at tended tot- He is prepared to-mtihe ortt and' procure att SOL DIERS' CLAIMS, of every description, at short uo lice, according to prescribed forms. , Raleigh, August 7. 38 lm. Raleigh Paper Mill! THE undersigned tukes this method' of htfoniiiug the Publishers of Newspapers and Periodicals in North Caroliaa. kud the Poblic generally, that he has leased tho Paper Mill, about 1 miles from Raleigh, procured tlie services of finished operatives, purcliua the necessary stock, and is now prepared to make and furni-Ot any amount of Paper te-ordor. He ask a trial otsly fo bt- Paper, he i ofetermiaed to give satisfaction in it, or cease its manufacture. . IMPERIAL, SUPER-HOY AAyJIEDIlIM Package a4 Wrappta J a?et tnauufaet ured a t tlie shortest uetSootttr tile moat mod erate prices. j i , To " encourage Home Industry is, under all oir cimutajieea, oommendaUe and prosier ; aad It is- wis,- when-iii doing so we sacrifice nnUiing eitrsefveei. ' ' AdiUoss. . , f J HW.W ROm'KR.. Raleigh, Aaij. 24 1-849,, .' ' - 30 1ju4. sidf!! ! -J-.il1 VL'nri . 13M1LUV VI" S i I 1ST IIUIIH1 1 -1 1" . Oet. 1 Made ofV'Hl and raper. u,.y ox, -t rESCCDf Df'tf BROWN SUGAR' OF a vart superior quality, just received and for ale by ' ; JAMtS LITCHFORD. ' Raleigh, Oct. 5. 44, Fresh Supplies. CONSTANTLY arriving at Vescud's Drag Store. J 100 Kegs pure White Leud, 100 do No. 1, do do 200 Gallons Linseed Oil, ; ' MMUbe. Refined Bora, , 60 Ounces Quinine', VI Doaeu Comresa Water. 3 Caae Goodwin's Patent Chewing Tobaccov I do Old Peytoir Gravelly ToBacCOi 12 do , Thomas Miller' Tobaoce. A large supply of Varnishes, Colors and Bmslies and many other desirable strtii'los are just received and expected to arrive this week, and lor sale rty . , P. S. PESCUD, Kaleigh, Oct. I?. 46-y SPIRITS TURPENTINE. TRESK from me Still,. ep constantly eer Hand JT ami for sale by the tia'lou or Barrel. - jambs yt. 'WLiea RateigliAaigst Jf 184S.. ;vi.,'.:; '.- 'JJvnffi tXUVSr-A suferios artict ef i Tute, Jujabe fute, just received, aud for sale by r. r. rt.scUA PASTILES for; perfumingparibrs . J cfl.L T 1 I ...1 fmuL nt ' ' " . liBijeCCP't' Drug Store, HATTER'S BUSINESS. ! Being obliged to stop the business for awhile, account of bad health, but having recovered some what, better health I now ask the citizens of this vicinity, and the public, generally, to give me a call. I am prepared to Press lints. Color Ladies Dresses, Gentlemen Pants, or any thing that may be wanting in my line of business My shop I situated one square west of the prave-vrd. NEAL BROWN, Raleigh, Sept. U, '49. 42 4 w. : Spices and Salad OH. THE Subscriber has on hand a large sspply ef all the most approved Spices, Beans anu Essence fee flavoring Pickles and Preserves. Also a eie! oi ve ry superior '.Salad Oil an4 English JrUsiAiii Call and get a supply at my i.8ial)l,..limiit. Sept. 28. P. '. PF.SC I'D. State of Nortl) (Carolina, 'URAXV1LLE COVSVi. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term 18 19. ' James Gooch, Amos Gooch, Wit-" ham liooch, Daniel 1. Oooeh, Joseph Gooch, Anna Gooch, W il liam Clement and wife Jane, Ra eliael Howard, and Dudley T. Gooch, versus, Thomas Gjoch, f Pelifum Instil and the heirs of Samnel Gooch, Slaves. Deceased, viz: Jacob C. Jones and wife Martha, Jr William Iigh and his wife Adcliza, Emi ly Gooch, Hannah Gooch, Iiuisa Gooch, and oamuet D. tioocli. rpilIS Peiition coming on to be heard, and itajc - pearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Thomas Gooch, and the heirs ol' Samuel Gooch, der.'d, viz Jacob C. Jones anu wife Martha, Jr., William Leigh and his wife Adeliza, Emily Gooch Hannah Gooch, Louisa Gooch and Samuel D. Gooch, are non residents- of this State, it is there- fore ordered, that publication be made, for six weeks in the Raleigh Times, notifying the said non-residents, to be and appear, at the next Term of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Gram-ilk?, af the Court House, in the Town of Oxford, on the first Monday, of Feb ruary 1850. then and there, to answer or demur, to the said Petition, otherwise judgement pro con- tesso, will be entered against them, and this peti tion heard, ex parte aa to them. Witness, Augustine Landis, Clerk of onr said Court, at office, the first Monday in Novemlier. A. D 184. A. LANDIS, C. C. C. ; Nov. 19, 1819. 83 New Boots and Shoes BLAKE NTTMAX, (Late of Halifax, N. C.) Commission MsneHvrt, Petersburo Va. ' OFFERS his services to the farmers and others of Edgecombe, iu tlie sale of their Cotton aud ether Produce. Iu view of th present difficulty, of making remit tancea to the vicinity of Tarboro', he will attend reg ularly all the courts held for th comity; and pay over whatever funds may be iu his hands for the sole of Produce. Sep. 14,1819. NOTICE. AfaffWlik, TIIE Snliucl-ilwu. hauinn lolormlnorl $2a ,0 6 Sonf'. nul'rs fr "ale his desira- me resilience one nine ana a nail e-ast of (he Town of Louisburg, Franklin County. Persons desirous of health or educating their- children, would do well to call and look. This Tract of Land contains three hundred' and eighty acres. Also, one other Tract, two miles above, on the same Creek, containing about three hundred acres; cleared fend ell- fresh, and enough lor a crop for four or five hands. Also, one other Tract of Pine Woods, contain' ing on hundred and six acre with Boxes enough Cut to make one hundred and fifty barrels Turperr-tinet- i H. ft. TUNSTALL. jWfcuft Cbanty, Oct tZ , 45lt DISSOLUTION. rpilE FHllt of YOUN'G & BLEDSOE is (his day dissolved by mutual consent. As it is de Bired that the business of the Finn should be set tled as early as practicable, alt persons indebted to the concern will please come forward and make payment to !. 11, Yoi;ku, who is authorized te close the business. S. H. YOUNG, M. A. BLEDSOE. Raleigh, Bay 1st, 1'84. ii NEW GOODS ! SETT CeOBS! rpiIE business heretofore carried on nnder the name and style of Yousr, & lii.ensoE will be henceforth conducted by 8. H. yorrif;,at the same old stand, where he has received n& is now open ing a large and splendid assortment of Staple anlr Janrn Spring (TJooSs, which vrffl be sold on the most reasonable terun.- Onr old customers and the ptihllc generally, are respectfully invited to give me a cull. S. Ii. YOUNG. Raleigh, May 1st, 1819. M tf Oliver L. Bnrch. FavtttexUU SI., 1 Door below the Post Ofiict. RALEIGH , IV ITfTOULD inform' tne public thnthe hnsjnet reeei V d a large assortment of HOOTS AND 8H0E comprieing ill part tlie following article: Ladies Grot Welt miskins, French do do. Kid welt Ties, Fiue Kid Buskins, ; . Fine Grcria La Victoria, (New Fashion) Goat (In de 60 ' French Kuf do d Children Black Morocco, do Do Colored do do lo liroiite do do Do Laced Boots, de : 1 Boy's Calf Beots, Do Kip do Do Laced Monroe's, lo Feg strapped do Children's do 100 fairs Philadelphia made Genflrinen'i Sotiitr . Stiched and Pegged, dift'ercnt-qiralitie, W'onien't Graeia Bout, (New Style,) ' Do. Flesh Out, Negroes' C-oar he&e. oVe. ; He renesls all wanting Hoots or Shoe to givehinr a call, as he know hi aasnrtmoiit to be the largest in (he City, and he flatten- himself that he can fur nish as good bargains, if not betlsr, thau can be got any where else in (be City,- (. L. BURCH. ' November Si 1649. ' . ,...-51.-i. . Information Wanted. CONCERNING ROBERT F. ENSOR.wno .od'. den'y and mysteriously disappeared- from New Or leans about the 6th fceinlR-i', IH48 suprKWed to have about hi perD s4 500 inney,rtd two gold watsb e. The name of Eliia A. Easor W-one of the watch es. He was last seen at Mr. Frost' clothing store, in N. Orleans Anf ilitotlnsllonof the snid Enaof will be thankfully, reeeiveel by bis mother, Iat Aa Est i,-ReueMi, Va. , ... - ,- ; . , i - . -pare of Hisam W. TvLta; TT Southern and' western papers will render a dia tressed wife audi mother essential sorviee by firing publicity to the above.- TIMES PRINTING OFFICE. fXVfl PATfiONS are infonsed that the Priatias J Otgce has been removed to th West aide of Fay- ettevuie eireet,. OPPOSITE TBfR fltY HALL, in the Rooms over the Store ef Jamee Litchford, neat door above Mas. Hordes' Couleclionary Stors, when 4e shall be happy to see our subscriber aad friends. V are prepared to execute all kind ef ' . v; Ipb Printing; upon the usual terms, iu a neat aad haudsasj urns nor, and solicit a jwrtieu of public patrDuage la t bis line of business. - , Sulwcriptkia to Wie Paper esjy $2 50 pet- knanm in advanen, er $3' OO'if not paid before the expiration of six months. . IT THE TIMES will alwev. be fa rnishrd five mmtbitnt One Iotlar, In adva'oes. t Bir a -baiirip- uni wim oe inanaiuiiy receiveilou titlwr ptan. , ICT 'Illoae indebted t the Orhce ere rcqn-st4 to remit their" respective dues -at our risk; vhraare eept will be forwarded in theiraext twaer. , Raleigb, Feb.23,.D43. . Ladies Gaiter sf 1 " JUSTRECEIVED - , . ' Dluo and Blackj very fino' : O U BURCH. ' Noy.2fJ84d; 5 ' 1 - I ' " ' ' Congtess Waters SIX doxen, "fresh aud prime," just at hand, and tor" salea ... PKMCl'ivU Raleigh, Augiisl S, 1843: - 3S FRAKIJN INSTITUTE, ? ; Frklla t'ountj, it. C-. ;" . J S.. ftIOHARDS()N, JrRlNyiPAl -V rTAHO Session-'or 1 350 will Ciai-t-n: on Ann--, -t ary 7aS, at which ttine-'il is vety desirable thiu tlie Students be present; Terms as hcretnfute.. For particulars, addresa Ilia Principal, or ' 5 DRtrJDM. B.-OliTliA'Wo - : w. h, -rmU ttoketiW Xjtmu BtiroriliNaahCo. The. 15. . x-iii -. t

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