r rr tt JDj Till ES J J " rrni.TSIIED VEKLY BY CIT. C. RABOTEAlJr EDITOR ASl) PnOPUIETOR. ;TERMsrr2"5r?ER"AXxuxr isArrn,:icv; or $3 CO IF MTXEST IS DELAYED SIX II MIES VOL. Ill RALEIGH, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1850. NO. 7 rju; 'ii . TERMS. Tun Rw.r.nu Times will bo Rent to Subscribers f,it Two J).iltrs mid a half per i'inco. Tlirc Dollars will b annum, II psiu m oa- mco. Three Dollars will be chary-d, if payment ( s H.,livnd ii mouths. These Terms will be hivariu- .i j'ly adhered tp. -l ADVERTISEMENTS. ! For even,- Sixteen lines, or est, One Dollar for the .'jVirst, -anil Twenty-live Cents for each subsequent in ':,,srtion. Court Unlets, & vi'l ! charged 25 per A'Sit. higher; but n reasonnb'e il "ibicliou will bo made ).,. those who advertise by the year, if IT Letters on hiH:-i.ss, ! 'all Communications Viitemlod for publication, muat bo addressed to the 'jjEditor, and prist fait!. . NEW AUKAMJKMKNT.. I ilTMIE Subscriber most respectfully infm-ins his -"-customers and (he Pub u: generally, tbut for I .the purpose of reducing bis present stock, (which 'consists of many desirable fjinjilt.,)t make room for jiru new fall supply, lie will soil at reduced price for V!'1 . ..... . , . lie has also obtained me services 01 .nr. uoticrt Peach, late of . New V -fit, as a cutler. He lias pent about seven years in 1'' ranee, where he filled (tlie euinc Kt ition in the most respettuWo. houses, .nml comes highly riTomfiieiulod its to his abilities in his profession us well as to nihrnl character. , '(.all and five, bun a trial. Tne Subscriber returns Maid Briitfelul acknowledgments lor the hber.il pat- liroiiagc heretofore received. -; .' J. J. DICCS. July l.Stli, IS in. iuniE yie(;ar f UST to band, anil lor sale bv JAMES LITCIIFORD, Sept. 7. ( STARCH. A good article. For sale by Sept. 7. J. lJTClU'OKD. PRIME JAVA COFFEE, of pood quality, just , received and for sale by J. LITCHFOltD. Sept. 7. . . . -l'.Mf . Crjancc to niakc iUoiinj. A CHOICE lot of Suncrbnn French and F'.nHish Cloths. Cassinieres. und Vestinrrs, Ib now Ix insf opened at HKitiS S WELL KNOWN CLOTH IXO WAREHOUSE on Fuyctlov'illc Street, where his friends and the community, generally arc parlicu larly invited to call. There is a great variety of new styles this season, which, with a general supply of t.nods m the Fur nishing Department, mnv he found on le most uc commedating terms at the above place. The 1'roprietor, or bis Foreman, Mr. Teach, may at all times be found at home. Ready Made Clothing just arrived. . ' Raleigh, Oct. 19. ' ,- 4G-Ct Attorney for Prosecuting Claims at the City of Washington. THE Subscriber undertakes the collection, setile ment and adjustment of all munnerof claims, ac counts or demands against the Government of the U nited States, or any Foreign' State or Country: be fore Commissioners, before Congress, or before any of the Public Departments at Washington, The procuring of Patents, Army and Navy Pen sions, tho collection of accounts against the Govern ment, all Land Claims, and every demand or othe' business oi whatever kind, requiring the prompt and cfliecienl services of an Attorney or Agent. A residence of fourteen years at the Seat of the Federal Government, with a thorough and familiar acquaintance with the various systems and routine of business at the different Offices, as well as in ('(in gress ; added to bis free access to the ablest legal ad visers, if needed, justifies the undersigned in pledging, the fullest satisfaction and the utmost dispatch to those who may entrust their business to bis care. Be ing well known to the greater part of the citizens of this District, and to many gentlemen who have been members of Congress in the last twelve years, it is deemed useless to extend this notico by special refer ence Communications must be prepaid in all cuses. Charges or fees will be regulated by the nature and i extent of the business, but moderate in nil cases. J Address, II. C. SPALDING, I Oct. 19 IGcoGt Washington, D. C. Oil of Tannin. Frciervo your Boots, Shoes, Harness andCurriage. Curtnius, by using Oil of Tunniu ; a supply of which is to hand und for sale at Oct 12. 1". F. PESCUD'S Drug Store FAMILY ROE HERRINGS. BARRELS and half barrels for sale bv SEAWELL Si. MEAD 52 Raleich, Feb. 23. 1849. 13 , II.p0W GLASS. A LARGE assortment of Window Class, of all sizes, by the box, for sale bv SEAWELL & MEAD. . Raleigh, Feb. 23, 1B49. 12. ircsl) anil fine ! ! ! 3asl in (Tunc ! ! ! urn : 2is JAMES M. TOWLES TS just now receiving and opening a very exten sivo Assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS, which ho offers on the nmsf reasonable terms fur Cash, or to punctual customers. His friends are respectfully invited to cull and see for themselves. , Raleigh, Oct. id. 46-e u , Raleigh Paper Mill! THE undersigned tukes this method of informing the Publishers of Newspapers and Periodicals iu North Corolino, and the Public generally, that he has leased tho Paper Mill, about 3 miles from Raleigh, procured the services of finished operatives, purchas ed the necessary stock, and is now prepared to make and furnish any amount of Paper to order. Ha asks a triul only for hia Paper, as be is determined to give atisfactiou iu it, or cease its manufacture. ' IMPERIAL, SUPER-ROYAL, MEDIUM Package and Wrapping Paper, manufactured at the shortest notice and the most niod eratr prices. To ' eiKonrngo Home. Industry," is, under alt cir ensnstauces, commendable and proper ; nnd il is wise, when in doing so, we sacrifiee nothing ourselves. ' Address, JAMES 1. ROYSTER. Raleish, Aug. 24, 18-19, , , 39 lm. DROWN SUGAR fT " r'T rnicrlor quality, jnst received and for JAMES L1TCHFORIX V sslf bv Raleigh, Pel 44 P. F. PESCUD, H II0LES1LE A!) RETAIL DEALER IX Pntjjs, Crjcniicata, & Due Stuffs, FAYETTEVILLE ST. RALEIGH, N.C. Hair Curling Fluid, Alexander's Ti'icnbaphi, Jones's Hair Dye, and a grout variety of Hair Oils, Tonics, Philicomcs and Balms, can be tbunet at Oct. 12. PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. WASHINGTON HOTEL, IiALEL'.H, N. C, As a Temperance House. THE Subseriber informs his friends and the public, ffcnerully, that the above Establishment has late ly undersoil!1 extensive repairs, and is now in com plete order for the reception of the Travelling Public, us well as Hoarders. His rooms arc comfortably and . nc'nt'y furnished ; the Tublesliall always be provided with tile best that can be procured ; the Servants are the best in the City for care und attention' to the calls of the guests: and no pains shall be wanting on his part to give satisfaction. . The terms shall be us mod erate as the times will afford ; and the attention of travellers, and others, is invited to the advantages of this establishment, being pleasantly located, near the centre ol the dty. 'Ibis being the only Temperance House in Raleigh, it has a peculiar recommendation to all those who are fond of encouraging and practis ing tbo Temperance principle. : 1". V. KING. Raleigh, June 1."., lH-li). 2s ly . CIGARS. A F'RT'MI supply of those celebrated Spanish Ci gars, just receivod, to winch we invite the at tention ol our customers. . F. FEM'l'D. Raleigh, August 5, 16-19. , 30 ... I'LOl tiHS AM) I'LOIUII ( STI(.S!I A ( OAil'I.E I E assortment of Uiehmond's cele. 1 brated Self-Shurpeiiing l'loughs and Castings ; also '1 wo Horse Houghs for turning over stubble Imiid in the Fall. JAMES M. TOWI.ES. ,. Raleigh, August 3, 184!). . 35 Rags! Ha;s!! Rags!! I THE Subscriber will give the highest cnsli pri ces for any quantify of RAGS, at the Raleigh Paper Mill. Immediate application are requested. JAMES D. ROYSTER. Raleigh, July 3, 1849. ; 31 5t 4 LAW NOTICE. C. BATTLE having returned to this City, will resume the Practice of tho Law, in this and the c. adjacent Counties. All business entrusted to him, will be promptly at tended to. Flo is prepared to make out and procure all SOL DIERS' CLAIMS, of every description, at short no tice, according to prescribed forms. Raleigh, August 7. 38 lm. Fresh Supplies. CONSTANTLY arriving at Peacud's Drug Store. 100 Kegs pure White Lead, 100 do No. 1, do do 2 III Gal ons Linseed Oil, 100 lbs. Refined Rorax, . 50 Ounces Quinine, '12 Dozen Congress Water, 3 Cases Goodwin's Patent Chewing Tobacco, 1 do Old Peyton Gravelly's Tobacco, 12 do Thomas Miller's Tobacco. A large supply of Vuruishes, Colors and Finishes, and many oilier desirable articles ure just received ; and expected to arrive tins week, and lor sate hy F. PESCUD. Raleigh, Oct. 19. 46-y SPIRITS TURPENTINE, FRESH from tho Still, kept constantly on hand, and for sale by the Gallon or Barrel. JAMES M. TOWLES. Raleigh, Angst 3, 1849. ' PETERSBURG COMMISSION HOUSE. DICK1NSO! & LESTER, Bollingbrook St. Petersburg;, Va. WILL give, attention to the sale of all kinds of Produce and Forwarding Goods. Refer to Hon. A. W Venable, Granville, and W. Whit- aker, Jr. Esq. Raleigh. Jonx Dickinson, R.F.Lester. Late of Danville. Petersburg, Va. March, 18 18. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE, in Moore and Montgomery Counties. By virtue of a power of Attorney to me executed by Mrs. Sally Bass, of the County of Wake, I offer for gale the tract of land in Moore County, known as the Bul lock Spring tract, containing about 275 Acres And also, one other tract, lying in Moore and Mont gomery counties, on both sides of Williams' Creek, containing about 400 Acres, more or less. These land were partially worked a few years since for Gold, by a gentleman of Raleigh, and found to contain the richest specimens ot Copper ore, as well as some Gold and Iron ore. Capitalists would do well to look into this mat ter, as a great bargain may be had, and as the plank mad will run near it, it may be worked to advantage. If not sold privately, "l shall be in Carthage, Monday and Tuesday f Moore t,onnty Court, January 28 and 29 and shall then sell at public sale. F- r further particulars, and as to ti tle, I refer to C. C. Battle of Ra!eiKli and A. R. Kelly, of Carthage, Attorneys at law. J. B. WHITAKER. Dcccmher20, 1849. 4 tf. Female Boarding School. THE Seventh Session of my School will open on Thursday, the 10th of January next, under the care of competent Teachers. Charges as heretofore, viz: For Boad and Tuition, per Session of Five Months, In all the English Branches, including Or namental Needlework, Lights, &c - - $37 50 For F'reaeh, por session, - - - - 5 00 For Music 011 Piano, - - - - - - -12 50 Music on Guitar will also be taught, at 10 00 This School, situated 12 miles South of Oxford, on the Raleigh Road, is a Preparatory School to Urcens boro' Female College; and Parents wishing to giro their Children eood and thorough Education, or prepare them for Co'lege, eannot do so at any other School on better terms than is here offered. No drdnction made for absence, after entering School, except in ease of sickness. -' 1 EDW'D 8PEED. Address, Brookville, Granville Co. N.C-. i . January 4th, 1850. 5 It Tttai f PASTILES for perfuming parlors and Sick Rooms, on baud, and for sale at Seq. , rhVCTPV Dreg Store.- WILMINGTON AND RALEIGH Rail Road Bonds.'"';. . $50,000 worth (if Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Bonds, endorsed by the State, will be ready to be disposed of on the 1st Ji.nnary, 8.5I. Those, who wish in re invest will have the preference, if application be inailo in time. CliAKLi:SI,HISTO, Public Treasurer. Pec.2 dth .810. 4 NORTH CAROLINA TEMPERANCE COMMUNICATOR. PrniJsiiED, WEEKLY, IS FAYETTEVILI.E. This Paper, which has been in existence two years and a half, continues to lie-! published, and has been highly rcrnnmiettecu by the Press, gener ally,. and, recently, by ll.e Baptist Cape Fear Asso ciation. Tekms. To single subscribers, $1 50 per venr "Clubs of 5, and upwiirps. $1 encli Address, post-paiil, ... VM. l'O'l'TEU, Fayetteville, N. ('. flj" Our brethren of the Press, throughout the State, are respectfully reijuested to give the above' tiva or three insertions. To rrhU rs and Mlicr?. 12 REAMS Pearl Foolscap, 'unruled, end 10 Reams liice Flat Foolseap express'y lm print ing, a new article in ibis maiki t. Also, a few reams of superior ruled lelt r p:qer, for sale by f F PES' 'CD. Raleigh, Angii.it 5, It I!). Mi State of 2Covtl) Carolina, ciiASVii.LV. corvvv. Court of Pleas and. Quarter Sessions, November Term 1310. James Ooocli, Ainos fioocli, V.!-, nam uoocn, idiiiiet 1. tioorli, Joseph Oooch, Annn'GWli, Wil liam Clement and wile .bine, Ha cliael Howard, ntnl Dudley T. Good), versur, '.Thomas '''( loch, and the heirs of .Samuel Gnoeli, Deceased, viz: Jacob ('. Jones and wife Marlhn. Jr,. , Williatii Leigh and his wife Adeltet, Emi ly G'ooch, Hannah Goocb, Louisa 7' llt'mn Inscil il'.lif'S. Gooch, and Samuel D. Goocli. 'PHIS Petition coming on to be hoard, and itrip- pearinj to the satisfaction of . the Court, flint Thomas Gooch, and (lie heirs of Samuel Goocli, dee'd, viz Jacob C. Jones and wife Martini, Jr., William Leigh and his wife Adeliza, Emily Goocli Hannah Gooch, Louisa Gooch and Samuel D. Gooch, are lion residents of this State, it is there fore ordered, that publication be made, for six weeks in the Raleigh Times, notifying the said non-resident, tp be and appear, at 'the, next Term of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Granville, at the Court House, in the Town of Oxford, on (he first Monday, of Feb ruary 1850, then and there, to answer or demur, to the said Petition, otherwise judgement pro con fesso, will bo entered against them, and this peti tion nearu, ex pane as to them. Witness, Augustine Lnndis, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the first Monday in November. A. D. 1819. A. LAND1S, C. C. C. Nov. 19, 1319. 52 New Boots and Shoes. Oliver L. Burch. : Fauelle viiti S! 1 Door behm the Post Ojjka. ' RALEIGH X, V. OULD inform the public that he hnsjusl receiv ed a large assortment of BOOTS ANDSHOES, comprising in part the following articles: Ladies' Gout welt Buskins, French do do. Kid welt Ties, F'ine Kid Buskins, F'iue Orcein La Virtoria, (New Fashion) Goat do do do French Kid do C'hildreu's Black Morocco, Do Colored do do do do do do , Do i; ronzo do Do Lnccd Boots, Boy s Calf Boots, Do Kip do . . Do Laced Monroe's, -. Do Peg strapped do . Children's do 100 Pniri Philadelphia made Gentlemen's Boota. Hitched and Pegged, different qualities, Women's Oraeia Boot; (New Style,) Do. Flesh Out, Negroes' Coars. Shoes, &e. eVc. He requests all wanting Boots or Shoes to give him a call, as lie knows his ussortmont to be the largest in tho City, and he flatters himself that he can fur nish as good bargains, if not better, than can be got any where else in the City, O. L. BURCH. November 23 1819. 51. Ladies Gaiters, JUST RECEIVED , Blue and Black; very fine O. L BURCH. Nov. 27, 1819. 53 Congress Water. QIX dozen, "fresh and prime," just at hand, and for Osaleat PESCUD'S. Raleigh, August 5, 1849. 36 FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Franklin Count j, Bf. C D. S. RICHARDSON, PRINCIPAL. THE Session for 1850 will commence on Janu ary 7th, at which time it is very desirable that the Students be present. Terms as heretofore. For particulars, address the Principal, or . . , DR. JOS. B. OUTLAW, , President Board of Trustees. ' elfnrd, Nash Co. Dec. 16. 2-U3J GEO. WORTHAM, Att. at Law, Oxford, N. C. Tyil.L attend to claims entrusted to. him in the W counties, of Granville, Warren, Frankliu, At Per son. Jan.4!h 1F50. 5-Cm CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, prime lot. Call at " JAMES LITCIIFORD'S, Raleigh, March 2. FOR SALE. THE large and very convenient Dwelling House and Lot.formcrly belonging to the estate of Mrs. Prescilla Shaw, doe'd., and now occupied by iHaj. J. Nixnn. : For terms, apply to JAMES M. TOWLES. June 21, 1S49. 29 LOOK AT THIS. " ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY ! IIIE Undersigned would most respectfully in - form the public, that lie has again resumed the HATTER'S BUSINESS. Being obliged to stop the business lot awhile, on account of bad benlth, birt having recovered some what, better health 1 now ask the citizens of u vieinitv, and the public, generally, to give n.e call. I am prepared to Press Hats, Color Ludies Dresses, Gentlemen Pants, or tiny tiling that may be wanting in my line of business. My shon is I situated one square west of the grave-yard. NEAL II lit )WN. I , Raleigii, Sept. 1 3, '49. ... 424 w. j Spires and Salad Oil. I THE Subscriber has on hand n lame sunnlv of all j the ftwst approved Spires, Deans and Essences for 1 IV.w.r'.ng P.ekli-s and Preserves. Also a supply ofve I ry sup.-rlar t'.ad Oil and English Mustard. Cull j and gi t a supply at my Establishment. AV,-rf. 28. P. F. I'ESCi n. i 'iiTnn kiting c)1f7ce7 OP 15 P.VI UONS are informed that the Printing Oiuec has been removed to the West side of F ay- j elteville Street, ' . CirOMrE THE HTY HILL. in t!if Rooms over the Store of James Litcbford, nexi door above Mrs. Hardies ConfectU-nary Store, where we shall be ..happy to ee our subscribers and friends. We are prepared to execute all kinds of Job IJriutinc!, upon ihe usual I i-i.iiM. in a neat and handsome man ner, and -solicit u portion of public patronage iu this line of business. . - . Subscription to (he Paper onhj $2 50 per annum ir, iiuviuice. or 3.1 uti it not paid bctore tho expiration of six months. - : . ; 1 1' '1 II I-. '1 1 MES will always be furnished fire Kiuiiiltt lur One Dollar, in advance. But subscrip tions mil bo thankfully teceivedon either plan. Jj" Those indebted to the Office are requested to remit their respective dues at our risk ; when a rc cept will be forwarded in theirucxt paper, a Ra'eigh, Feb. 23,lrM9. TO THE TRADE. OL. BURCH will inform the Trade that he con stantly keeps on bund a large assortment of Tools, Lasts, Boot and Shoe Thread, Calf, Goat, and Lin ing Skins, and every thing to furnish a shop out and out. '..-' .' November 23 1819. 51. State of $3ortl) Carolina. PITT COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions November Term, 1849. Arthur Forbes, Ad'mr. rersut Stephen F Johnson, Guar dian, and others. ( Petition for account and settlement, TN this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the A Court, that Louisa Forbes and Archibald A. F'orbcs, Defendants, arc not residents of this State: It is or. dcred by the Court, that publication be mude in tho Raleigh Times for six successive works, commanding I Hie said Defendants to appear at the next Term of I this I onrt, to be held on the first Monday in Februa I ry, lt50, and answer the Complainant's Bill, or judj- , meiu unai win 00 emereu against mem. Witness, Hksiiv Simer-Ami, Clerk of oursaid Court. at Office iu Greenville, the first Monday of Novem ber, A. 1). is 19. H. SHEPPARD, Clkrk. Nov. 23. 51-Cw Pj-. adv. $5 03 ; State of 2Cortl) Carolina. ! ! i '-. PITT COUNTY. Ccurlof rieas and Quarter Session, November Term, 1849. Arthur Forbes, et als. tertus ) n .... r t- Louisa Forbes and Archi- ( FchUmr D'T""0, bald A. Forbes. ) of Slaves. IN this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of fhe Court that the Defendants are not residents of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that pub lication bo made in the Raleigh Times for six succes sive weeks, commanding the said Defendants to ap pear at the next Term of this Court, U be held oh the first Monday" iu February, 1850, nnd answer the Com -plainants' Bill, or judgment filial will bo entered a gainstthem. VYirneM, Henry SiisrrARD, Clerk of our said Court, at Office iu Greenville, the first Monday of November, A. D 1849. H. SHEPPARD, Ci.r.a. Nov. 23. 51-Cweeks. Pr. adv. $5 62 State of North Carolina. PITT Cocntv. ! Cetfrt of Pleas and Quarter Sesskm, November Term, A.. I). 1819. Sally Philips tWJtis Robert Jefferson and others. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court in thii Lease, that the Defendants and 1 loirs at Law of Isr.nc Philips, deceased, being the Children and Next of Kin of Polly Tugwell, deceased, and Elizabeth Moore, deceased, arc not residents of this State: IT is therefore ordered bv the Court, that nublica- i tion be made in the Raleigh Times for six successive weeks, commanding the said Defendants to appear at the next Term of this Court, to be held on the first Monday iu F'ebru iry, 1850, aud answer the Com plainant's Bill, or judgment final will ba entered a gainsl them. ( Witness, Hknst SiisrrAan.'Clerk of onr said Court, at Office in Greenville, the first Monday of Novem ber, A. D. 1849. II. SHEPPARD, Ctuni. Nov. 23. IYs Fee 15 62 51 Sweeks. SPIRIT OF THE AGE. This is the title of a Weekly Newsnnpor, pub lished in Raleigh, by ALEX. M. GORMAN, de voted to Temperance and General Information on the following low terms, viz. To single Subscribers,, $1 50 per year. Clubs of 5, and upwards, 1 each " " Bank of tire State of Xorti Caroll ca. A DIVIDEND of Four per cent, on the Capital Stock of this Bank has been declared for the last six months payable at the Principal Bank on the First Mbnday in January next; and at the Branches fifteen days thereafter. C. DEWEY, dshior. Raleigh, 14th Doc. 1849. S-tlMJ New Cheap Cash Store rPIIE UNDERSIGNED most respectfully invite X the utUviLoii of the citi.ens of Raleigh und (hi surrounding country, to their assort-rsent of (oods, which ure all entirely new and Were selected with the utmost care from the best Houses in New York, Hal tiuioro and Petersourg ; and as our terms for business are Cash, we feel assured of doing a business of that kind that we will be able to ofl'.-r great bargains tj those in want of Goods in our line. Annexed is apart of the Goods in store : .."..' Bleached Sheeting and Shirting. 3 and 5 qrs. wide, Unbleached . do do do do Jueouet, lluok and figured Muslins, Plaiu and fancy striped Alpaeeas, Cashmeres and Mouslin de Lhuios, : Scotch Ginghams und Apron Cheeks, Woolen Linsevsand Cotton Flannels, lute and colored (. ambries, . Ladies' and Gentlemen s Hose und hulf Hose, Calico and F uruiturc Prints, Gloves and SusiKMidcrs, Kentucky Jeans, plain and striped, Cassiinero und Wool Tweeds, Canvas1 and pudding. : . Iiedtieking and Coltou Jeans, Irish Linen und Thread, . Best Italian sewing Silk, Silk und Cotton Ilandkerciieifs, V'estings, assorted, . -.Fancy Scarfs and Cravats, Coat, Vest, Shirt and Suspender buttons, . Pins, Needles, Hooks and Fives, Laces und all kinds of trimming Goods, Wool Blankets, large sizes, Wool and Worsted Shawls and Comforts, Silk and Fur Hats mid Cups, Ladies' ai d Gentlemen's Shoes. GROCERIES. Ri and Laguira Coffees, lrfiaf, Crushed. Pulverised and Brown Sugars, Allspice, Tens and Ginger, Adainuntiue nnd Tallow Cundles, f 'teese and Crackers. Tobacco, hnufl and egars, Powder, shot and Lead, Shoe Thread, Tacks and Blacking, . Sole and Upper Leather, ( rockery, Glass and Ston W are. Nulls from No. 3. to No. 20, Cmidies, Lemons and Apples, Salt, Bncon, Meal and Flour, Together with a great many Fancy articles too te dious to mention. All kinds of Goods, Wares and Produce taken on sale nt a moderate per ernt. Consignments or for- wunbng will receive strict attention, and every exer tion to please all who may luvor us with their patron age. J.J. KYNLS&CO. Fayetteville strvet. Raleigh, Oct. 9, 1849. , 49 4w. ' The North Carolina MUTUAL LIFE IXSIRAXCE tOMPAXF, RALEIGH, N. C. THE above Company has been in operation since the 1st of April last, under the direction of the following Officers, viz : Dr. Chas. E. Ooiinson, President, ; William D. Havwood, Vice President, Jahcs F. JoaDAN, Secretary, Wiixiam H. Jones, Treasurer, I'ehiun UuSdek, Attorney, Dr. Chas E. Johnson, Dr. Wm. If. McKee, Dr. Rich'd. B. -Haywood, Medical Board of Consultation. J. HansMAN, General Agent, This Company has received a charter giving ad vantages to the insured over any other Company. The 5th Section gives the Husbanu the privilege to insure his own life for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any claims of the representatives of the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, tho life members participate iu the whole of the profits.which are declared annually. Bi sides, the applicant for life, when the annual premium is over $30, may pay one half in a Note. claims for insurance against the Comnnrrvwill be paid within ninoty days after proof of the death of ttic party is turmsned. Slaves are insured for one or for firo years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of property against tho uncertainty bf Jife. Slavs insurance presents a new anal interesting fea tnro in the history of North Carolina, which will prove very important to the Southern Stules. The lust four month's operation of this Company stow a very large amount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year huviug already issued more than 200 Policies. AGENTS FOR THE COMPANY. J. Hersman, George T. Cooke, Wesley Whita ker, Jr. George E. B. Singeltary, R, P. Waring, Travelling Agents for North Carolina. S. J. Young, Agent for South Carolina. All Communications on business of the Company should be addressed to JAMES F JORDAN, Sec'v. Raleigh, August 29, 1849. 43 BLAKE riTTMAJ), (Late of Halifax, N. C.) Commission Mekciiast, Petersburg Va. OFFERS his services to the farmers and others of Ldgecombe, in the sale of their Cotton and other Pro duce. In view of ths present difficulty, of Disking remit tances to the vicinity of Tarboro', he will attend rerr. ularly all the courts held for the county; and nav over whatever funds may be in his hands fcr the sale of rroauce. Sep. 14, 1849, UJVBE PASTE. A superior article of Jujube ' rane,jw received, and lor sale bv Fk P. F. PESCUD. Patent Hcdiclnes. A full supply of all the most popular Remedies, kept constantly ou baud, and sold at ManufoctRrer's prices at Pescud's Dbvo Stobb. . Sipt, 2d. Connel's Pain Extractor. THERE is nothing better than Connd'a Pain Extractor for healing and removing pain from Burns, Scalds, Frost Bitb-n To.s, and Chilblains, A supply on hand, and for sale by Oct. 5. p. F. PESCUD.' DAGUERREOTYPES rpAKEN perfect by JOHN C. PALMER, who -- has recently received all the improvements from the North. He now works with the celebrated quick preparation CELEROTYPE , which is decidedly an improvement in the Art. His Gallery is in Palmer i. Ramsay's Jewellery Store. JOHN C. PALMER. Raleigh, June 30. ' - 30 tf ' Rice and SlolassrV TUST RECEIVED, and for sale, a new enpnfv J of prime. JAMES M. TOW7.ES. ' Jure 21, 1849; 29 State of Norti) Carolina. JOHNSTON COUTY. i r.qnry. Ashley Sh under Ex"clilor of Elir, 1 belli Jones, Edwin 60) kin nnd his wife Elizabeth J., WilliaiU E. EdwnrJsanil bis. wile Amanda M , Niithutiiri Blackwood, and his wife Mary E., coiiipUinuuls. AGAINST ''''.' Nathaniel G. .Toiu's Adin'r of Hardy Jones, and David T. Joiiesj Defi'tai nits. .; In this case, it appearing to the satisfaction (if fhe court that the Dcli-iidinl David T. Jones isnot 11 resident of the Statu: of North Carolina. It is then-fori, ordered, that publication he mtidsi for six weeks in the lialeiob times, (11 weekly News per published in the City of Raleigh,) notifying the said D.ivi.l T. .bu s, to appear at the next term of this Court, at the Court House in Smitn field on the 4th Monday in March IS'iO. and plead, answer or d Miinr to the Plaintiff e bill of complaint or the matiers cliarwd lliere.n, wi 1 be taken us confessed and heard ex parte aa to him. : ' Witness. Vni.; H. Morning, Clerk of our said Court nt otliee i n Siiiithfit'ld, the 4th Monday in . September 184!). WM II MORNING, C & M E The Latest Fashions Just at Hand. OL B"RCH has relumed from the North with evorv thin" m-cessary for manufacturing the most fashionable lloeta mid Shoes that ran be made. He has brought the best Paris as well n.-. Philadelphia Calf Skins, and new feels confident that he can not only make us fashionable but us durable Boots and Shoes as anv man in the V. Stales. Call and nam-. uir forvoursi !ve-. November 2.1 1 11. 51. State of rCortl) Carolina WAKE COUNTY, Court of Tien and Quarter Sessions, Nov. Session, -., -1H49. Moses Kinrr. adin'r, ol Richard hmr, vs Hartwell Jours AV Wife FZIizebeth. and others, Petition to muke Real Es tate assets. ; . IT appearing to the satisfaction of the ConrMhai the Defendants, llarhvrll Jones and his wife TJizh bcth.are not inhabitants of this Stnte.but reside m the State of Alabama: It is therefore ordered, by the Court, that ndveriaena nt be made in tlie lUleiglt 'Tim... V,.,.-,,,-,,....-. noli'ished in the City of Kaleigh, . for six weeks, sac- ss velv, notifying the sn;d Defen dants, Hanwi ll Jones and Ins wile Elizabeth, to be and appear at the nexi term 01 our ouri, . . Quarter Sess-ons to be h Id for the County of uke t the Court Hons.- in the uity 01 uuieigu Mondnv of Fehniar n-xt. and then and there answer to or demur to said'f lilion, otherwise .9 Igmcut pro coufesso wil! be entered and the prayer of the 1 eti- lotr granted. T. Marriott. Clerk of our said Court at office ihe Sid Monday of Nov. 1H I9. JAMS'S T. MARRIOTT, Clerk. . 7 Cw . State of ix'ortl) Carolina WAKi: COUNTY. ' "'. !.".-; Court of Pless and (iii uter Sessions, Nor Term, W it. A. Stitti, ) O.irnnl attachment, Levied on '. ts House & Lot in ths City of C. C. Nelson, y Rdeigli. ' . . IT appeariii'i to the s-n:sfaction of the Court, tnst C.C. Neb. the Defendant - in this case, has re moved from this Slate; It is therefore ordered by the Court, Uiat advert'seiie ut be made in the I aleign Times,a Newspaper published in the City of Kaleigh. for sit weeks, ntifv' the Defendant, C, C Nelson, to be and ap;car 01 the next term of onr tirt ol riens and Quarter S. ssions, to lie held foe the County of Wake, at the Court House in the City tf Raleigb, on the third Moiuiav of February next, and tbeu aim i there replevy end p!. ad, otherwise judgment by de fault final will be granted against him ana tne prop erty levied on condemned to satisfy the plaintiff sdeb!. Witness, .Inines T. Marriott. MerK 01 our sua. Court, at office iu K.ileiirh the 3rd Monday in pioyom ber, A. D. lc4!l. JA.MES T. MARKIOfTT, CI k. $6GTIE2!I l L EY Alt US A.0 RlKSt- UIES. 'i;-'v''! Twenty vears i sperieuce enables the subscriber to offer to patrons F'.uit Trees and Grape Vines, aurt other articb s in Iu line, well attested by trial to be peculiarly Cited tor Southern climes, and tnercioie not liable to eventually disappoint expectation, as of ten do the products from Northern and Western es tablishments, 'i'n-es and Vines from 10 to 50 cents each, according lu kinds, tge, and size in the nurse ry. Grape sj rupa, (juice reduced and no fermenta tion) and v,'iiws lam 1 doi ar to 6 per gallon, accor ding to quality, sud cost and trouble iu making. Orders with casii, or equivalent, and letters of inqui ry, post paid, promptly attended to, by the Agricul tural public's bumble servant, 1 SIDNEY WELLER. BsiNKLEwiLi.E, Halifax co. N. C. Juu. 2, 1850. FEMALE C I a si c a I Institute,' HILLSBOROUGH STREET, :' ' kvlxsgii, k. c, Z :, Rev. B. T. BI11 ke, Principal; ' , Mr. WiiUAJt C. Doti A. '. Assistant Mrs. Lucy M. Petlksillu, Mr. Kaiil W. l'ETiiKsiLLA, Prof, of Music' Miss Martha E. Docb, Principal of Prep. Dep. The first Ses.iuu for 1850, will begin oh Monday the 7th January. ; . . . . . - ' TERMS. ' ' - - - . e Board and Tuition for Session of S Month, 1 $70- Music on the l'muo, or the Guitar, , -Drawing and l'atiiung in W.tcr Colors, Painting in Uil Culors, , , French, ' '' ' ' .'" ' ' " Tuition in Preparatory School ' '"; " Thirty 1111ng IxuiescuisoeuccommoilaleQ wiu board in the litstituw. . . , . j, (,,,, The design of the Institute it to furnish tea limited inn. n or of Students the means of a thor ough course ol instructions iu lite Classics. Being ' a private enterprise und having nothing to sustain it but its own i.erits, care has httva ukB tiiso cure the assi.tuiic of Proleaeora aud -1 echer who are f kuowfedged abilities and , jopg expyn-. enc.e in their scleral duparlmeiils.' Fes further particulars, address (be Priotljwtt.1'"' Raleigh, Nov. 2(ilh, 1849. " ' -J .1 ,, I. "FOR RENT. s " ' -; ' . ' e ., : - v . , T -j rJWQlarge Unis, suitable f.r I , wig Ruuius, unci u. Hv;. P1" ftf TstofJanaar,. JJ December i 4, 18 w. t . f i?clU, 10 15 10 15

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