irn r 1 jJDj TUDMSIIED WEEKLY BY CII. C. RABOTEAU, EDITOR A.D PROPRIETOR. TERMS : $2 50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE, OR $3C0 IF PA1MEXT IS DELAYED SIX . HOMES ! VOL. III. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1850. NO. 8. nn G MES. ',.; TERMS. ; ; Tug Ralrioii Timks will he sent to Subscribers !M Two Dollars aiid a half per annum, if paid m ad iCinco. Three Dollars will bo chared, if payment jfi delayed six mouths. These Terms will be luvana jly adhered lo. ADVERTISE. n:TS. I ! For every Sixteen lines, or (en, One Hollar for the jiwt, and Twenty-five (.'cuts for each subsequent in inWtion." Court Ordeis, &-o. will be charged 2j per u .Mit. hhmer; but a reasonable deduction will bo made iO thone who advertise by the year. ' (P Letters on business, mid nil Communications mended for publication, must be addressed to the sF.ditor.aud post paid. I NEW ARRANGEMENT. fMIE Subscriber most respectfully informs his customers and the 1'iiblic Generally, that for uhe purpose of reducing his present stock, (which consists of many desirable goods,)lo make rooin for I'ii new fall supply, lie will sell at reduced prices fur Vash. , - ; ' j, He has also obtained the services of Mr. Robert I Poach, late of New Y.rk, as a cutler, lie has upent about seven years in France, where he, filled fihe same station in the most rcspoctablo houses, hind comes highly recommended as to his abilities ti his profession as well as to moral character. tUall and L'ive him a trial. Tne Subscriber returns 1 !iis srateful acknowledirint-tits for the liberal pat- Vonaco heretofore received. .:.. ' J. J. BIGGS. July 18th, IS 19. l'RIME VULGAR UST to hand, and for sale by I JAMES UTCHFORD, Sept. 7. STAItCll. A good article. For sale by Sept. 7. J. UTCHFORD. PRIME JAVA COFFEE of pood quality, just eceived and for sale by J. LITCHFOR1). Sept. 7. 40-tf ft Cljancc to make iHoucii. A CHOICE lot of Superfine French und English Cloths, Cassiinen-s, and Veslings, is now being pcued at IJIGGSS WELL KNOWN CLOTH ING WAREIIOL'SE on Fayclteville Street, where i'w friends and the community, generally aro particu afly invited to call. There is a great variety of new styles Ibis season, .vhich, with a general supply of Goods in th Fur iishing Department, limy be found on the most ac Hiinmsdatiiig terms at the above place. The Proprietor, or his Foreman, Mr. Peach, may it all times be found at home. Ready Made Clothing just arrived. Raleigh, Oct. 19. 46-Ct Attorney for Prosecuting Claims at the City of Washington. THE Subscriber nudertukes the collection, settle ment aud adjustment of all manner of claims, ac counts or demands against the Government of the U jiited States, or any Foreign State or Country : bo ore Commissioners, before Congress, or before any of the Public Deuartmeiits at Washington. V The nroeuriiur of Patents. Army and Navy Pcn- ious, the collection of accounts against ti e Govem- nent. all Laud Claims, und every demand or otlier oiisiiicss of whutever kind, requiring the prompt and ffiecient services of an Attorney or Agent. A residence of fourteen years at the Sent 01 the ederal Government, with a thorough and familiar cnuuintiince with tho various systems and routine of Jmsincss at the different Offices, as well as in Con gress ; added lo his free access to the ablest legal ad visers, if needed, justifies the nnderigned in pledging 'lie fullest satisfaction and the utmost dispatch to iioee who may entrust theirbusincss to his care. Be ing well known to the greater part of the citizens of .Ins District, and to many gentlemen who have been kiembers of Congress in the last twelve years, it is eeined useless to extend this notice by special rcter nce. Communications must be prepaid in all cases. Charges or fees will be regulated by the nature and xtent jf the business, tut moderate in all eases. Address, II. C. SPALDING, Oct 19 Ifieofit Washington, D. C. Oil of Tannin. Prcscnre yonr Boots, Shoes, Harness and Carriage. Curtains, by using Oil of Tannin ; a Bupply of which L to hand aud for sale at Oct 12. P. F. TESCUD S Drug Store FAMILY ROE IILRRIXGS. ft O BARRELS and half barrels for sale bv J& SEAWELL &. MEAD Raleigh, Feb. S3, 1849. Vi MIXD0W CLASS. "1 A LARGE assortment of Window Glass, of all ixi.sizes, by the bux, for sale by SEAWELL & MEAD. Raleigh, Feb. 23, 1849. 12. frcsl) anb fine ! ! ! 3rsl in (time ! ! ! ii JAMES M. TOWLES I ! IS just now receiving nnd opening a very cxten s give Assortment of " SEASONABLE GOODS, '' vhich lio offorB on the most reasonable terms for L.'ash, or to punctual customers. His Irie'nds are -espectfully invited to call and see for themselves. Raleigh, Oct. 20. 40-eu Raleigh Paper Mill! TMIE nmlcrsiined tukes this method of informing LL the Publishers of Newspapers and Periodicals iu )UN'orth Carolina, and the Public generally, that he has I ;ascd the Paper Mill, about 3 miles from Raleigh, ! iroeured the services of finished operatives, purchas a d the necessary sioitk, and is now prepared to make it md furnish any amount of Paper to order. He asks 1 i trial only for his Paper, as he is determined to give atisfuctiou iu it, or ceuse its manufacture. I) IMPERIAL, SUrEU-ROYAL, MEDIUM M4P ackage and Wrapping Paper, hnnufuctured at the shortest notice and the most mod- rule prices. ' To " encourage Home Iuduf.lry," is, under alj cir juin.', commendable and pniprr ; and it is wise, hrh in doing so, we sacrifice nothing ourselves Address, i ' james yituyM BK. Raleigh, Aug. 24, 1849, ;, v . 39 lm.: -BROWN SUGAR bp a cry suih-rior quality, just received and for Mlrbv JAMKS LITCHIOUD. Ua'.e.jjh, Oct. i 44 ATASIIIIGrTOI HOTEL, ' RALEldH, N. C As a Temperance House. .,: r4 THE Subscriber inform his friends and the public, generally, that the above Establishment has late ly undergone extensive repairs, and is now in com plete order for the reception of the Travelling Public, as well as Hoarders. His rooms are comfortably and neatly furnished ; the Table shall always be provided with the best that can be procured; the Servants are theb 'st in the City fur care and attention to the calls of the quests: and no pains shall be wanting on his part to L'ive satisfaction. The terms shall be ne mod erate as the tiniM will afford; and the attention of travellers, and outers, is invited to the advantages of this establishment, being pleasantly located, near the centre of the City. This being the silly Temperance House in Raleigh, it has ft peculiar recommendation to all those who are fond of encouraging and practis ing the Temperance principle. F. W. KING. Raleigh, June 15, 1819. 28 ly P. E. PESCUD, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER IX Piugs, Cljcmir al, & One .Stuffs, '; FAYETTEVILLE ST. RALEIGH, NC. Hair Curling Fluid, . : Alexander's Tricobuphi, Jones's Hair Dye, and a great variety of Hair Oils, Tonics, Phiiieomes and Halms, can be found at Oct. 1:2. PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. . v.; ' CIGARS. A FRESH supply of those celebrated Spanish Ci gars, just received, to which we invite the at tention of our customers. . P. F. FESCL'D. , . Raleigh, August 5, 1W9..: : 36 . PLC K.IIS AXD PLOlGli CASTIXGSI! A COMPLETE assortment of Richmond's cele brated Self-Sharpeuintf Ploughs and Castings ; also Two Horse Ploughs for turning over stubble Laud in the Full. JAMES M. TOWLES. Raleigh, August 3, 1849. 35 Rags! Ras! ! Rags!!! THE Subscriber will give the highest rash pri- ces for any quantity of RAGS, at the Raleigh Paper Mill. Immediate spplication are requested. JAMES D. ROYSTER. Raleigh, July 2, 1849. 31 5t LAW NOTICE. CC. BATTLE having returned to this City, will resume the FrauUc of the this and the adjacent Counties. All business entrusted to him, will be promptly at. tended to. He is prepared to make out and procure all SOL DIERS' CLAIMS, of every description, at short no lice, according to prescribed forms, Raleigh, August 7. 38 lm. Fresh Supplies. CONSTANTLY arriving at Pescud's Drug Store. 100 Kegs pure White Lsad, 100 do No. 1, do do 200 Gallons Linseed Oil, 100 lbs. Refined Borax, 50 Ounces Quinine, 12 Dozen Congress Water, 3 Cases Goodwin's Patent Chewing Tobacco, 1 do Old Peyton Gravelly' Tobacco, 12 do Thomas Miller's Tobacco. A large supply of Varnishes, Colors aud Brushes, and many other desirable articles are just received aud expected to arrive this week, and for sale by P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, Oct. 19. 4G-y SPIRITS TURPENTINE, FRESH from the Still, kept constantly on hand, and for sale by the Gallon or Barrel. JAMES M. TOWLES. Raleigh, Angst 3, 1849. PETERSBURG COMMISSION HOUSE. DICKINSON St. LESTER, Bollingbrook St. Petersburg, Va. WILL give attention to the sale of all kinds of Produce and Forwarding Goods. Refer to Hon. A. W Venablo, Granville, and W. Whit aker, Jr. Esq. Raleigh. Jons Dickinson, R. F. Lester. Late of Danville. Petersburg, Va. March, 1848. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE, in Moore and Montgomery Counties.' By virtue of a power of Attorney to me xecuted by Mrs. Sully Bass, of tho County of Wake, I offur for sale the tract of land in Moore County, known as the Bul lock Spring tract, containing about 275 Acres And also, one other tract, lying in Moore and Mont gomery counties, on both sides of Williams' Creek, containing about 400 Acres, more or less. These lands were partially worked a few years since for Gold, bl a eentleinan of Raleigh, and found to contain the richest specimens of Copper ore, as well at some Gold and Iron ore. Capitalists would do well to look into thia mat ter, as a great bargain may be had, and aa tlie nlnnlr roiid will run near it. it mav be worked to .... advantage. II not sold privately, i snau oe in Carthage, Monday and Tuesday of Moore County Court, January 28 and 39 and shall then sell at public sale. F r further particulars, and aa to ti tle, I refer to C. C. Battle of Ralaigh and A. R, Kelly, of Carthage, Attorneys at law. J. B. WIHTAKER. December 20, 1849. 4 tf. Female Boarding School. milE Seventh Session of my School will open on JL Thursday, the 10th of January next, under the care of competent Teachers. Charges as heretofore, vis: For Boa-d and Tuition, per Session of Five Months. In all the Enirlish Branches, including Or- nameutal Needlework, Lights, &o. $37 50 , For French, per session, .- - - - - 5 00 For Mimie on Piano. ' . . . - - 12 50 " Musle on Guitar will also be taught, at - 10 00 This School, situated 13 miles South of Oxford, on the Raleigh Read, is Preparatory School to Ureeiu boro' Fe male College and Parents wishing to give their Children ' a cnod and thorough Education, or prepare them for CVlege, cannot dc so at any other School ou better terms titan is her offered. . No deduction made for absence, after entering School, except in case w sickness. - . i t' ED WD SPEED. Address,' Brookrille, Granville Co. N.C. January 4th, lrjiO. 5-4t State of JTortl) Carolina, GRANVILLE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term 1819. James Gooch, Amos Gooch, Wil liam Gooch, Daniel T. Gooch, Joseph Gooch, Anna Gooch, Wil liam Clement and wife Jane, Ra chael Howard, and Dudley T, Gooch, versus, Thomas (ijoch, Petition Insell and the heirs of Samuel Gooch, f : Mares. Deceased, viz: Jacob C. Jones and wife Martha, Jr,. William Leigh and his wife Adeliza, Emi ly Gooch, Hannah Gooch, Louisa Gooch, and Samuel D. Gooch. rTMIIS Petition coming nn to be heard,nnd itap pearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Thomas Gooch, and the heirs of Samuel Gooch, dee'd, viz Jacob C. Jones and wife .Martha, Jr., William Leigh and his wife Adeliza, Emily Gooch Han.iah Gooch, 'Louisa Gooch and Samuel D. Gooch, are non residents of this State, it is there fore ordered, that publication: be made, for six weeks in the Raleigh Times, notifying the said non-residents, to be and appear, at the next Term of Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Granville, at the Court House, in the Town of Oxford, on the first Monday, of Feb ruary 1850, then and there, to answer or demur, to the said Petition, otherwise judgement pro con fcsso, will be entered against them, and this peti tion heard, ex parte as to them. ; ' ,..v. Witness, Augustine Landis, Clerk ofonrsaid Court, at office, the first Monday in November. A. D. 1849. A. LANDIS, C. C. C. Nov. 19, IS 19. - 52 GEO.WOUTIIAM, Att. at Lam , Oxford, N. C. TITILL attend to claims entrusted to him in the it counties, of Granville, Warruu, Frankliii) Si, Per son. ".- Jan, 4th 1850. 5-(!m PASTILES for perfuming parlors and Sick Rooms, on hand, and for sale at Sen. -V&leVVfr I W Store. WILMINGTON AND RALEIGH Rail Road Bonds. $50,000 worth fif Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Bonds, endorsed by the State, will be ready ue TP who wish to to be disposed of on the 1st January, 1861). Those re invest will have the preference, if application be made in time. CHARLES L. IHNTON, Public Treasurer. J)ec.2 6th ,849. 4 . NORTH CAROLINA TEMPERANCE COMMUNICATOR. ; PUBLISHED, WEEKLY, lit FAYETTE VILLI. This Paper, which has been in existence two years and a half, continues to be published, and has been highly recommenced by the Press, gener ally, and, recently, by the Baptist Cape Fear Asso ciation. : .. Tebms. To single subscribers, $ 50 per year " Clubs of 5, and npwarps, leach Address, post-paid, WM. POTTER, Fayetteville, N. C. ID Our brethren of the Press, throughout the Slate, are respectfully requested to give the above two or three insertions. ,: To Printers and Others. ty REAMS Pearl Foolscap, unruled, rnd 10 A d Reams Rice Flat Foolscap, expressly lm print ing, a new article in this market. Also, a few reams of superior ruled letter paper, for sale by P F PESCfJD. Raleigh, August 5, 1849. 36 New Hoots and Shoes. Oliver L. Burrh. FavellevilU St., 1 Door bcluw the Post Ojfice. RALEIGH IV. IV "TOULD inform the public that he has just reoeiv 1! ed a large assortment of HOOTS AND SHOES. omprising in part the following articles; Ludies' Goat welt Buskins, French do do. Kid welt Ties, Fine Kid Buskins, Fine Orccia La Vietoria, (New Fashion) Coat do da do French Kid do do Children's Black Morocco, do Do Colored do do Do I! rouze do do Do Laced Boots, do Boy's Calf Boots, Do Kip do Do Laced Monroe's, Do Peg strapped do Children's do 100 Pain Philadelphia made Gentlemen's Boots. Miched and 1 egged, diuerent qualities, Womrn'i Oraria Boots, (New Style,) Do. Flesh Out, Negroes' Coarss Shoes, Sic. &c. lie requests all wanting Boots or Shoes to give him a call, as he knows his assortment to be the largest in the City, and he flatters himself that he can fur nish aa good bargains, if not better, tlmu can be got any where else iu the City, November 23 1843. 51. Ladies Gaiters, JUST RECEIVED; Blue and Black; very fine - O. L. BURCH. Nov. 27, 1849. 62 1 Congress Water. SIX dozen, "fresh aud prime," just at hand, and Car sale at PESCl'B S. Raleigh, August S, 1849. - 36 FRANKLIN" INSTITUTE , , Franklin iountr, . , , D. S. RICHARDSON, PIUNCIPALr " THE Session for 1860 will commence on Janu ary 7th, at which time it la vary desirable that the Students be present. Terms as heretofore. For particulars, address the Principal, or . DR. JOS. B. OUTLAW, President Board of Trustees, clford, Nash Co. Dec. 15. 2-tlSJ State of JTortl) Carolina. PITT COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions November Term, 1849. Arthur Forbes, Ad'inr. uersuj Stephen F, Johnson, Guar dian, and others. Petitien for account aud settlement. TN this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the A Court, that Louisa Forbes and Archibald A. Forbes, Defendants, are not residents of this State: It is or dered by the Court, that publication be made in the Raleigh Times forsix successive werks, commanding Hie said Defendants to appear at the next Term of this Court, to be held on the first Monday in Februa ry, 1850, and answer the Compluinant's bill, or judg ment final will be entered against them. Witness, Hkkrv Siiepfard, Clerk ot oursaid Court, atOllico in Greenville, the first Monday of Novem ber, A. 1). It ID. H. SHEPPAKD, Clksk. Nov. !23. 51-fiw Pr. adv. $5 tii State of 'ortl) Carolina PITT COUNTY. Ccurt of rieas and Quarter Session, November Term, 1819. Arthur Forbes, et als. versus Louisa Forbes aud Archi bald A. Forbes. Petition for Division of Slaves. IN this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Defendants are not residents of this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that pub Mention be made ill the Raleigh Times for six sneceS' sive weeks, commanding tho said Defendants to ap pear at the next Term of this Court, to be held or tits first Monday in February,' 1831), and answer the Com plainants' Ilill, or judgment final will be entered a gaiiist them. .IVfiMS, HeVrv SimrrAnn, Clerk ofonrsaid Court, at Ollice in Greenville, the first Monday of November, A. D mi). H. SHEl'PARl), Nov 2.1. 51-Gweeks. Pr. adv. S5 t State of North Carolina. PITT Cousty. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Aovemfer iron, A. U. 1849. Sally Phillw versus Rubeit Jefferson and others. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court in this case, that the .Defendants and Heirs at Law of Isaac Philips, deceased, being the Children and Next of Kin of Polly Tugwell, deceased,' and Elizabeth Moore, deceased, are nut residents of this State: IT is therefore ordered by the Court, that publica tion be made iu the Raleigh Times fur six successive weeks, commuudiug the said Defendants to appear at the next Term of this Court, to be held on the first Monday in rebrinry, lejll, and answer the Com plainant's Dill, or judgment final will bs entered u gainst them. Wilnens, Huxav Siieptard, Clerk of onrsnid Court, at Ollice in Greenville, the first Monday of Novem ber, A. D. 1849. II. SHEPPARD, Clerk. Nov. S3. . Pr's Fee $5 62 51 Cweeks. CHEWING.' AND SMOKING TOBACCO, , prime lot. Call at JAMES LITCIIFORD'S, Raleigh, March 2. FOR SALE, THE large and very convenient Dwelling House and Lot,formery belonging to the estate of Mrs. Prescilla Shaw, dee'd., and now occupied by Maj. J. Nixon. For terms, apply to JAMES M. TOWLES. June 21, 1819. . V ' , 29 LOOK AT THJS. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY ! r1HE Undersigned would most respectfully in form the public, that he has again resumed the HATTER'S BUSINESS. Being obliged to stop the business for awhile, on account of bad health, but having recovered some what, better health I now ask the citizens ol fit. vicinity, and the public, generally, to give n.e .. cull. 1 am prepared to Press Hats, Color Ladies Dresses, Gentlemen Pants, or any thing that may be wanting in my line of business. My shop is situated one square west ol the grave-ynrd. . NEAL BROWN. Raleigh, Sept. 13, '49. 42 4 w. Spices and Salad Oil. THE Suliscrilier has on hand a large supply of all the most approved Spices, Beans and Essences for flavoring Pickles and Preserves. Also a supply of ve ry superior !Salad Oil and English Mustard. Call and get a supply at my Establishment. Sept. 28. P. F. PESCUD. TO THE TRADE. O L. BURCH will inform the Trade that he con stuutly kreis on hand a large assortment of Tools, Lasts, Boot and Shoo Thread, Calf, Coat, and Lin ing Skins, and every thing to furnish a shop out and out. November 23 18-19. 51 Bank of tho State of Aorta Carolina. A DIVIDEND of Four per cent, on the Capital Stock of thia Bank has been declared for the last six months payable at the Principal Bank on the First Monday in January next ; and at the Branches fifteen days thereafter. C. DEWEY, Cashier. ' Raleigh, 14th Dee. 1819. 2-tlMJ" TIMES PRINTING OFFICE. OUR PATRONS are informed that the Printing Office has been removed to tho West side of Fay etteville Street, OPPOSITE THE CITY HALL, in the Rooms over the Store of James Litchford, next door above Mrs. Hardie's Confectionary Store, where we shall be happy to see our subscribers and friends. Wo arc prepared to execute all kinds of lob printing, upon tho usual terms, in a neat and handsome man ner, and solicit a portion of public patronage in t his line ot Business. Subscription to the Paner tnlv 2 50 oer annum in advance, or $3 00 if not paid befora tho. expiration of six months. IT THE TIMES will always as fumiahed fit months for One Dollar, in advance. But subscrip tions will bs thankfully receivedon either plan. . JJ" Those indebted to the Office aro requested to remit their respective dues at our risk ; when a re cent will be forwarded in theiruet paper. ,0 . . , Raleigh, Feb. 23,1849. , f , . ! ., SPIRIT OF THE AGE. : This is the title of a Weekly Newsnaner. nnb liehedin Raleigh, by ALEX. M. GORMAN, de voted to Temperance and General Information on Ltne following low terms, yn . ' 1 ft. - C, , A. . . i o smgie ouoscnoers, 91 ou per year, Clubs of 5, and upwards, 1 each " H The North Carolina MUTUAL LIFE IXSURAXCE COMPAXY, EALE1GII, N. C. THE above Company has been in operation since the 1st of April lust, uuder the direction of the following Officers, viz : Dr. Ciias. E. Johnson-, President, William D. Havwoou, Vice President, Jahks F. Jordan, Secretary, William II. Jo.ves, Treiisurcr, " Periii.n Bvsikk, Attorney, Tl- v l)r'. Wm. II. Mi'K'hk' ' ( Medical Board J Dr. Ricn'n. B. Havwood.V L"'mUa" J. Hkrsman, General Ageut. This Company has received a charter giving ad vantages to the insured over ony other Company. The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own life for the sole us of bis Wife and Children, .free from any claims of the representatives of the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members participate iu the whole of the profits.whirh aro declared annually. Resides, the applicant for life, when the annual premium is ovor ij.ju, may pay one half in a Note. All claims for insurance ajainst the Company will be paid within ninety days alter proof of the death of tne parly is lurmsned. Slaves arc insured for one or for five years, at rates which. will enable all Slaveholders to secure tins ohms of property against the uncertainty of life. Slavs insurance presents a new una interesting fea ture in the history of North Carolina,' which will prove very important to the Southern States. The lust four month's operation of tins Company I sbow a very large amount of business more than the I Directors expecteu to uo the lirsl year having already issued more than 9.00 Policies, i AGENTS FOR THE COMPANY. J. Hcrsman, George T. Cooke, Wesley Whita ker, Jr. George E. B. Singeltafy, R. P. Waring, Travelling Agents for North Carolina. S. J. Young, Agent for South, Carolina. All Communications on business of the Company should be addressed tu JAMES F. JORDAN, Sec'v. Raleigh, August 29, 1849. . 43 New Cheap Cash Store THE UNDERSIGNED most respectfully' iuvite tile attention of tho citizens of Raleigh and tho surrounding country, to their assortment of, G.oods, which are all entirely new and were selected with the utmost care from the best Houses in New York, Bal timore and Petersuurg ; and as our terms for business are Cush, we feel assured of doing a business of that kiud that we will be able to offer great bargains to those in waul of Goods iu our hue. Annexed is apart of the Goods iu store : Bleached Sheeting aud Shirting, 3 und 5 nrs. wide, Unbleached do do do : do Jaconet, Book and figured Muslins, ' Plain and fancy striped Alpuocus, Cashmeres and Moushn de Lumes, Scotch Ginghams and Apron Checks, Woolen Linseys and Cottou Flumicls, . White and colored CambricB, Ladies' and Gentlemen s Hose nnd half Hose, Calico and Furniture Prints, Gloves aud Suspenders, Kentucky Jeans, plain aud striped, Cassinicrc and Wool Tweeds, Canvas and padding. Bedtukingand Cotton Jeans, Irish Linen and Thread, Best Italian sewing Silk, Silk and Cotton Haudkcrcheifs, V Vesting!, assorted, : Fancy Scarfs aud Cravats, Coat, Vest, Shirt and Suspender buttons, Pins, Needles, Hooks and Eyes, I .aces and all kinds ot trimming Goods, . Wool Blankets, large sizes, Wool and Worsted Shawls e.i.d Comforts, Silk and Fur Hats and Caps, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes. . GROCERIES. Rio and Lsgnire Coffees, Loaf, Crushed, Pulvensed and Brown Sugars, Allspice, Teas and Ginger, , Adamantine aud Tallow Candles, ' Cheese and Crackers. Tobaoco, Snuff and Segars, Powder, shot and Lead, Shoe Thread, Tacks and Blacking, Sole and Upper Leather, Crockery, Glass and Stone Ware, "" Nails from No, 3. to No. SJO, Candies, LcmonB and Apples, Salt, Bacon, Meal and Flour, Together with a great many Fancy articles loo te dious to mention. All kinds of Goods, Wares and Produce taken on sale at a moderate per cent. Consignments or for warding will receive strict attention, and every exer tion to please all who may favor us with their patron age. : J.J. RVNLS & CO. Fayclteville street. Raleigh, Oct. 9, 1849. 49 4w. DAGUERREOTYPES rpAKEN perfect by JOHN C. PALMER, who -- has recently received all the improvements from the North. He now works with the celebrated quick preparation - ... CELEROTYPE, which is decidedly an improvement in the Art. His Gallery is in Palmer & Ramsay a Jewellery Store. JOHN C. PALMER. Raleigh, June 30. ' ' 30 tf BLAKE PITTMAX, (Late of Halifax, N. C,) Commission Mexchant, Petersburg Va. , OFFERS his services to the farmers and others of Edgecombe, iu the sale of their Cottou aud other Pro duce. '.."...- -. . In view of the present difficulty, of making remit tances to the vicinity of Tarboro', he will attend reg ularly all the courts held for the county; aud pay over whatever funds may be in his hauds for the sale of Produce. ' i' Sep. 14, 1849. TUJVBE PASTE. A superior article of Jujube as raite, J ast received, nd for sale by - 7 TbU , , , , P. F. PESCUD. . ' Patent Medicines. A full supply of all the most ponular Remedies. kept constantly on hand, and told at Manufacturer prices at rssouD Daua Btori. . -,i (Sept. Ktt. Connel's Pain Extractor ; THERE Is' nothing better than ConnelV Pain Extractor for healina and removinn- rain from Burns, Scalds, Frost Bitten Toes, and Chilblain. A supply on hand, and for sale by Oct. 6. "1 - . . P. r. rESCUD. " - Rice and Molasses,! , . ; TUST RECEIVED, and for sale, a nrw supply " 01 prune. JAilL.a SI. lUttl.M. Jure 31, 1849. a'J State of 2Cortl) Carolina. - JOHNSTON COUTY. ; IN EQUITY. , ' Ashley Saunders Executor of Elizabeth Jonet, Edwin Boykin and his wife Elizabeth J., William E. Edwards and his wife Amanda SI., Nathaniel ' Blackwood, and his wife Mary E., complainants. agaikst Nathaniel G. Jones Adm'r of Hardy Jones, and David T. Jones, Defendants. In this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the Defendant David T. Jones is not a resident of the State of North Carolina. It is therffor ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the Raleigh Times, (a weekly Newspa per published in the City of Raleigh,) notifying the said David T. Jones, to appear at the next term of this Court, at the Court House in Smith field on the4th Monday in March 1850, and plead, answer or demur lo the Plaintiff' bill of compUint or the matters charged therein, will be taken confused and hea rd ex parte is to him. Witness, Wm. If. Morning, Clerk of our said Court at ollice in Siiiithlield, the 4th Monday in September 1849. WM. II. MORNING, C. & M. E. State of ftovtl) Carolina WAKE COUNTY, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Nov. Session, 1849. ' - Moses King, adm'r, of Richard King, Petition to make Real Es tate assets. HnrtWetl Jones & wife Ehzcbelh, and others, IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Defendants, Hartwell Jones and his wife Klun beth. nre not inhabitants of this State, but reside in the State of Alabama : It is therefore ordered, by the Court, that advertisement lie made in the Raleigh Times, a Newspaper, pnlihihed in the City of Raleigh, for six weeks, successively, notifying the said Defen dants, Hartwell Jones and his wife Elizabeth, to be and apear at the next term of our I ourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be h 'Id for the County of Wakn at the Court House in the City of Raleigh on the 3rd Monday of February next, and then and there answer to or demur to said Petition, otherwise judgment pro coufesso will be entered aud the prayer of the I'eti ion granted. Witness, James T. Marriott, Clerk of our said Court at office the 3rd Monday of Nov. 1849. JAMES T. MARRIOTT, Clerk. 7 Cw State of JTortl) Carolina WAKE COUNTY. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, Nov. Term, '.'1849. W. &, A. Stith. ) Original attachment, Levied on vi Mouse & Lot in th City of C. C. elsou, ) Raleigh, IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that C. C. Nelson, the Defendant ill this case, has re moved from this Slate: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that advertisement be made in the Raleigh Times, a Newspaper published in tho City of Raleigh, for six weeks, notifying the Defendant, C. C. Nelson, telle1 and appear at the next term of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held tor the County of Wake, at the Court House in the City of Raleigh, on the third Monday of February next, and then and there replevy and plead, otherwise judgment by de fault final will be granted against him and the prop erty levied on condemned to satisfy the plaintiff's debt. Witness, James T. Marriott, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Raleigh the 3rd Mondoy in Novem ber, A. D. 1S49. JAMES T. MARRIOTT, Cl'k. , 7 ow . ' FEMALE C I a si c a I Institute, HILLSBOROUGH STREET, ; RALEIGH, SI. C. Rev. B.T. Blake, Principal. Mr. WrLLiAM C. Doub, A. M. ) .... ,. Mr.. Lucy M. Petkrsillu, A,,,"'Unll, Mr. KablVV. I'ktersilla, Prof, of Music. Miss MARfHA E. Doub, Principal of Prop. Dep, The first Session fur 1850, will begin on Monday the 7lh January. ' ' : TERMS., Board and Tuition for Session of & Months, $70 Music on the Piano, or Die Guitar, 20 Drawing and Painting in Water Colors, 10 Painting in Oil Colors, ,15 French, 10 Tuition in Preparatory School, 15 Thirty Young Ladies can be accommodated with board in the Institute. The design of the Institute ia to furnish tea limited number of Students the meana of a thor ough course ol instructions in the Classics. Being a private enterprise and having nothing to sustain it but its own merits, care has been taken toso cure the assistance of Professors and Teachers who are of knowledged'abiiiiies and long expert ence in their several departments. for further particulars, address tiie Principal. Raleigh, Nov. 26th, 1849. 62 SOUTHERN Tlt YARDS AD MRSE- ! RIES. Twenty years experience enables the suhseriber to offer to patrons Fruit Trees arid Grape Vines, and other articles in his line, Weil attested by trial t bs peculiarly fitted for Southern climes, and therefore not liable to eventually disappoiut expectation, as of- ten do the products from Northern and Westers es tablishments.' i 1 rees and Jf mca from 10 to 50 eeats each, according tt kinds, age, aud sixe in tho nurse ry. Grape syrups, (juice reduced and no fermenta tion) ana wines from 1 dollar to C tier cation, accor ding to quality, and cost and trouble in making. orders wun caaii, or equivalent, and letters of inqui ry, post id, promptly attended to, by the Agricul tural pontic's humble servuut, -' : SIDNEY WELLER. 1 BaiMKLtTTiLUC, Halifax co. N. C. Jan. 3, lbjl). ,The Latest Fashions Just at Hand. OL. BURCH has returned from the North with every thing uecessary for munufacturing the most fashionable Boots and Shoes that enn be inude. He has brought the hest Paris as well a Pliiladelphia Calf 6kins, end new fee'g leonfuleiit that he oait ;t only make as fashionable but as darable Boots aud Shoes as any man iu the U. States. Call aud oxuiu hie for yonrMvcs. " ' 1 " ' ' V Koveiuber 23 ; t : "' InW. 1; rtnt':: ' 1 '- :.:.-k-s FOR KENT - - - fpWOIfrge Rooms, suitable forOfDces'orle. ing Rnuns, over my .Store. Possession riven 1st ol January. P. F Prsrnni Lk.f.,4,iltft 1 1 to in vwi n.u.

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