r 1 M H - - stli 'PU3I.I3IIE0 WEEKLY BY CI I. C. RABOTEAU, EDITOR AXD PKQl'RILTOR. TERMS : $2 50 PER .ANNUM' IN ADVANCE, OR $3 00 IF PiYME.VT If EL.tl'K &H Ma THS VOL. III. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1850. NO. !.; If D A IJULI1J- ' H I - rl T - " v II. I I 1 ill! fl II ( t e t t A ietv iry, the tale Ids, vith iter- sued sdajr icas- irsuo bts- ever ice it icstie than ether gros-juth- gioua nd a mong Ed. nuse- eekly nt the icnp- 1 'hilipt. oT the w of Kin of :d, ars red by laleigli he said Court, 50, and ml wil I Court, C21. rs. )RD. LOTH iep for , Dress litis and e terms. CJGS, 4w TERMS. Tint Rai.rkjii Timks will be sent to Sulwcribers 't Two Doth" and u half per annum, if paid in ad vance. Three D.iMars will be charged, if payment be ayed x mouths. These Terms rill H invaria bly adhered to. . ADrGTIS2"rI2XTS. For every Sixteen lines, or Imi, One Dollar for Hie firjt, and Twenty-five Cents fur each subsequent in. urlion. Court Ordeis, &o. will be charged 25 per c at. higher, but a reasonable deduction will be mtido to those who ailvertiHO by the your. D" Letters on business, and all Commituicnlioiw Intended for publication, must be addressed to the Kclitor, and pott paid, NEW ARRANGEMENT. Hp HE Subscriber most rrspoclfiilly Informs his customers and the Pub'ie generally, that fir the purpose of reducing bis present stock, (which coisista of many desirable goods,)toniake room for a new fall supply, lie will sell at reduced prices for cash. lie has also obtained the services of Mr. Robert Peach, late of New Yrk, nsa cutter. He has spent about seven years in 1'" ranee, where lie filled the same station in the most respec table houses, and comes highly recommended as to his abilities in his profession as well as to moral character. Call and give him a trial. Tne Subscriber returns his grateful acknowledgments for the liberal pat ronage heretofore received. . J. J. BIGGS. July 18th, 1849. I'll! ME YIXLiiAR I UST to hand, and for sule by JAMES L1TCHFORD. Sept. 7. STARCH A '-xd article. For sale by Styt 7- J. LITCHFOUD. PRIME JAVA COFFEE of good quality, jast received and for sale by J. LITCHEURD. Sept. 7. 40-tf 21 Cljancc to make flloncn. A CHOICE lot of .Superfine French and English Cloths. Cnssnni res. and Vesting, is now being opened at I!K!(iS S WELL KNOWN ( LOTII 1NU WAREHOUSE on I'ayetteville Street, where his friends and the conununity, generally ara particu larly invited to call. . : There is a great variety of new styles this season, which, with a general supply of Goods in tin Fur. nishing Department, may lie found oil the most ac tommtdating terms at the above place. The Proprietor, or his Foreman, Mr. Peach, may at all times be found at home. Ready Made Clothing just arrived. Raleigh,OcU 19. 46-Gt 1 . : 7 Attorney for Prosecuting Claims at 1 the City of Washington. H -L ment and adinslinent of all manner of claims, nc- l COUDU Or UeiUUUUH against uio vw.c......d..w. w.v v nitcd States, or any Foreimi Stale or Couutry: be- 4 fore Commissioners, before Congress, or before any of 1 the Public Departments at Washington. The procuring of Patents, Army and Navy Pen l sions, tho collection of accounts against the) Govern ment, all Laud Claims, and every demand or other ' business of whatever kind, requiring the prompt and 1 effiecienl sorvices of an Attorney or Agent. v A residence or Toarteen years at tne oeai 01 tne reaersi i.ovemmeui. w in a uiorouKii bum wnumai acqnaintanoe with the various systems and routine of business at Uie Jitterent unices, as well as in l on gress ; added to his free access to the ablest legal ad visers, if needed, justifies the undersicned in pledging the tallest satisfaction and the utmost dispatch to those who may entrust theirbusiness to his care. Be ing well known to the greater purt of the citizens of this District, and to many gentlemen who have been members of Congress in the last twelve ycare, it is il deemed useless to extend this notiee by special reier- l ence. Communications must be prepaid in all eases. Charges or fees will be regulated uy me naiuro mm extent of the business, but moderate in all cases. Address, H.C.SPALDING, Oct. 19 tticofit Washington, D. C, Oil of Tannin.; Preserve your Boats, Shoes, Harness and Carriage. Curtains, by using Oil of Tannin; aeupply of which is to hand and for sule at . Oct 12. P. F. PESCUD'S Drug Store FAMILY ROE HERRINGS. BARRELS and half barrels rbr sale by k SEAWELL & MEAD, Raleigh, Feb. 23, 1849. , 12 WI.XDOff CLASS. A LARGE assortment of Window Glass, of all sizes, by the box, for sale by WEAWELL & MEAD. Raleigh, Feb, 23, 1849- 12. j SxvA) ttni I'm III Just in E:me ! ! .! 'V-'v"?1- JAMES M. tOWLES T S just now receiving and opening a very ex'tcn " sive Assortment of . SEASONABLE GOODS, ..,'..' which ho offers on tlio mosl reasonable terms for Cash, fir to nitnetual customers. His friends are respectfully invited to call and see for themselves. .Raleigh, Oct. 88. - 46-en WASHINGTON HOTEL; 1 ' RALEK'.H, N. C, i t , , ' is a Temperance Ilouc. , !-' ' '': ' '''.'" .ft ' , ':"."1;,v; .JsSMi .m' : ,j --.Il it.Kj' 1 rritvb iUibf inrnnna his frieuds and the) vublie. ') X generally, that the above Eslab'ishment has late- andenrone' sxtenstve repairs, mm nun ... ! ' .F . .... r ! V..Un, plete orutsr Tor tho recepiioa 01 tne iiwnj ' as well as Poarders. His rooms are comfortably ud furnished 1 the Tabic shall always be provided fel with th best that etui he preeund ; the Servants are the best in the t:ily for kre and attention w me cans of the gnosis: and no pains shall be wanting oil bis part to give satisfaction. The terms shall be as mod erate as th: times ' will afford : and the attention of travellers, nd cthem, is limtt d to the advantages Of this establishment, beine pleasantly located, near the eeoiw of the Citv. ' Thu beini; tho silly Temperance 3 House in Raleigh.'if has a peculiar recommendation l all thoas who ara a wwonraging oua pracus- injthe Temperaucs prineipl. F. W. KINti, l-L.-ijb.Jitiis 15, lS-lH, P. F. PESCUD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IX Drugs, Cljciiiicala, (c Diic Stuffs,.. FAY ETTEV1 LLE ST.RALEIC-ILN.C, I lair Curling Fluid, Alexander's Tricohaphi, Jones's Hair Dye, and a jri-itt variety of Hair Oils, Touics, Philicomcs and Halms, can be found lit Oct. 13. FESCUD'S DRUG STORE. ' CIGARS. A FRESH supply of those celebrated Spanish Ci-J-A. gars, just received, to which we invite the at tention of our rustnnii-rs. P. F. PESCl'D. Raleigh, August 5, If .. . 3 : ,; PLOllillS AXD PL01GU CASTINGS!! A COM l'LETE assortment of Richmond's cele brutfd Self-Sharpening Ploughs and Castings; also Two Horse Ploughs for turning over stubble Laud iu the Full. JAMES M. TOWLF.9. Raleigh, Augiuu 3, IS l'J.' 35 Ragsl Uajfsll Raffs!!! TMIE Subscriber will give the highest cash pri--- cos fur any quantity of UAGS, nt the Raleigh Paper Mill. Immediate application are requested. JAMES D. ROYSTER. Raleigh, July 2, 1819. 31 Ot LAW NOTICE. C. BATTLE having returned to this Citv. will resume the Practice of the Law, in this and the c. , adjacent (. ountii'S. I All business entrusted to bun, will be promptly nt I tended to. lie is prewired to mnke out and procure all SOL I Dlbll.v CLMMl. of every descnotiou, at short no tice, according to prescribed forms. Raleigh, August 7. 38 1m. Ercsh Supplies. CONSTANTLY arriving at Pescud's Dm I Store V lt)U kejrs pure lute Lead, WO do No, 1, do do 200 (iul ous Linseed Oil, 1 1)0 Refined Corax, . , .' 5(1 Ounces Quinine, 12 Dozen Conffress Water, 3 Cases Goodwin's Patent Chewing Tobacco, 1 do Old Peyton Gravelly's Tobacco, . 12 do Thomas Miller's Tobacco. A large supply of Varnishes, Colors and Brushes, and many other desirable articles are just recuived and expected to arrive this week, anil lor sale hy P F PKSClfl PESCUD. Raleigh, Oct. 19. 46-y PETERSBURG COMMISSION HOUSE. DICKINSON & LESTER, Bollingbrook St. Petersburg, Va. WILL give attention to the sale of all kinds of Produce and Forwarding Goods. Refer to Hon. A. W Venable, Granville, and W. Whit aker, Jr. Esq. Raleigh, i . Joitx Diokinso.1!, R. F. Lester. Late nf Danville. Petersburg, Va. March, 1848. State of North Carolina. PITT COUNTY. Court or Pleas and Quarter Sessions, . November Term, 1849. Sully Philips vermt Heirs at Law of Isaac Philips. IN this Case, It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendants, and Heirs at Law of Isaac Philips, deceased, bung the Next of Kin of! 1 oil v 1 unwell and Elizabeth .Moore, uecensra, are net residents of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publieation.be made in the Raleigh Times for six successive weeks, commanding the said Defendants to appear at the next 'Perm of this Court, to be h-jld on Ihe first Monday of February, 1850, and answer the Complainant's bill, or judgiront fiuul wil be entered against them. VWrnen, IIsnrtSiiepimrd, Clerk of our said Court, at Office is Greenville, the first Monday of Novem ber, A. D. 1849. H. SHEPPAUD, Ci-f.uk. Nov. 23.i ' 51-Cweeks. Pr. adv. 5J. G2J. Chewing Tobacco and Segars. F good quality, for sale by " 'Dn- IK ' : lAMl'S JAJIES LITCIIFORD. Ready Made Clothing. A FRESH sopply of READY MADE CLOTH 1NG just receivH. and will be sold chenp for Cash., Also a lot of over size Silk Shirts, Dress Shirts, Lambs' Wool anJ Merino under Shitts and Drawers ; which will be sold on reasonable terms. J. J. BIGGS. Raleigh, Dec. 10. 2-4w PROSPECTUS OF '! " THE GRAXVILLE tTHIG. . il Wrehf Paper, dtroted Politic, Newt, Inter nal Inipritt emails and Southern Nanufaeturtt. : Edited by Geo. VVortham. A PAPER bearing the above title will be issued ill Ihe Town of Oxford, Ni C, ou Wodncsduy the VI th of February next. While tlie Grauvlile Whig will advocate the meas ures of that Great Conservative Party, it will pursue a fair and candid course towards the Opposition, bes towing censure on whatever is censurable, and ever battling for truth, regardless of the source whence it emanates. A correct compendium' of foreign and domestic news, drawn from k number of well selected exchan ges, will be given weekly in its columse, together with statistics and general inloimation ou the eugros, sing subjects of Internal Imi-uvkkennt and South eru Manufactures. .A portion of its columns will be devoted to religions intelligence uud mutters of general interest, and few choice literary selections will also be found among its contents -' In short, it will be the object of its Ed itor to make it a good Whig Paper, combining amuse ment with valuabln information. , . . '. 1 I -a The Gsantills Whig will be published weekly with clear type, on good paper of medium sizo, at the exoeediiiKiy, low, rates of - , ' 13 (Id per anunm. , . ;i ! Or' $3 00 if not paid in six months from suhscrip liesiAi Vhll :! fp-.l ." ., Address tlis Editor ((tost paid) Oxford, N. C. .', ,, ,n 0, L. ElRCn, u TAKES this eccasioa lo aunouaoe to his frieuds and the public generally, that he will continue the Boot and Shoe business at the old stand of O, U Buroh.4. Cs. andwiH wert himself to th utmost, as hi retoforo, to give satisfaotiva. . Mo pain -nor au trution will be spared to please and accommodate all Ihnse Who mar favor rum with their custom. t iVigh, .Hoote-nbcr 9T, 1819. 49 State of &ortl) Carolina, GRANVILLE COl'.YTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term 1849. James Gonch, Amos Gooch, Wil liam Gooch, Daniel T. Groch, Joseph GikicIi, Anna (ioocli, Wil liam Clement and wife Jane, Ra chael Howard, and Duillev T. Gooch, vfejtu, Thomas (i mch, I Petition to fell and the heirs of Samuel Gooch, Slaves. Deceased, viz: Jacob C. Jones and wifa Martha, Jr,. William ligh and his wife Adeliza, Emi ly Gooch, Hannah Gooch, Louisa jooch,and Samuel D. Goocli. 'JMIIS Petition coming on to be heard, and itnp poaring to the satisfaction 'ol the Cunrt, that Thomas Gooch, and I lie heirs ol" Samuel Gooch, den'd, via Jacob C. Jones and wife' Martha, Jr., William lPigh and his wife Adeliza, Emily Gooch Hannah Gooch, Loui.-a (Jooch and Samuel D. Gooch, are linn residents .f this Slat, it is there fore ordered, tlmt publication be made, for six weeks in the Ralcigli Times, notifying the aaid non-residents, to he and appear, at the next Term of Court of Pleas and Quar:r Sessions, to be held for the County of Gninville, at the Court House, in the Town of Oxford, on the first Monday, of Feb. niury 18.W, then and tliere, to answer or demur, to the said Petition, otherwise judgement pro con fesso, will be entered against them, and this petU lion heard, ex parle as lo them. ' Witness, Augustine Lnndi, Clerk of our said I Court, nt ofiioe, the first Monday in November. A. L 1849 A I ANDIS, CI ' Nov. 19, 1849. r,i ' ! CED.WOIiTlIAM, I Att. at Law, Oxioiti), N. C. "lyiLL attend to ciai: ' 1 counties, of (jraurili son. Jan.4lh 18f.O. us entrusted to him in tbf e, Warrou, Fiauklin, i. Per- S-Cm PASTIL IvS lor perluimng parlors id Sick Rnoms, on baud, and Tor sale nt ' and Seo. PI:ITJ Drug Store, WILMINGTON AND RALEIGH Kcil Road Bonds. $50,000 worth '.'nf Wiluiiiiglnn and Raleigh Rail Road Bonds, endorsed by the St ite, will lie ready to be disposed of on the 1st January, 18511. Those who wish to re invest will havo the preference, if application be made In time. CHARLES L HIN10, Puolu Troasitrer. Dcc.i (ilh ,819. . 4 NORTH CAROLINA TEMPERANCE COMMUNICATOR. FUULISHBD, WEEKLY, IS FA VETTEVIIXE. This Paper, which hns been in existence two years and a hall", continues to bo published, and has been highly rccommeneea hv the. Press, gener ally, and, recently, by ll.e Bnptist Cape Fear Asso ciation. 'I eiims. To single subscribers. 81 50 per venr " CI11I16 of fi, and upwarps, 1 each Address, post-paid, WM. POTTER, Fsyt lteville, N. C. IT Our brethren of the Press, throughout Ihe State, are respcrtliillv requested to give the above two or three insertions. To Printer and Othrrs. I REAMS IVsrl Foolscap, unruled, end 10 JL ii Reams Rice Flat Fuolscup expressly lot print ing, a new article in this mmket. Also, afewroums of superior ruled letter paper, for sale by P F PESilUD. Raleigh, August 0, 18 19. . . ."16 New Boots and Shoes. OIlTcr L. Burrh. FauettnilU St., 1 Door beUm the Post 0ce. . RALEIGH!. (V TTTOULD inform the public that he hns just reoeiv. Il ed a InrRe assortment of HOOTS ANDMIOES, comprising in put Ihe following articles: Ladles' Goat welt Buskins, French do do. Kid welt Tics, Fine Kid Buskins, ' Fine Orcein ha Victoria, (New Fashion) Goat do do do French Kid do do Children's Black Morocco, ' do Do Colored do . do do do Do Hroii7. do 1 Do Laced Boots, Boy's Calf Boots, ' ho Kip do Do Laced Monroe's, Do Peg strapped do Children's do ' ' 100 Pair Philadelphia made Gentlemen', Boot, Stiehed and Pegifed, dill'erent qualities, Women's (iracia Boot, (New Style,) Do. . Flesh Out, Negroes' Coursa &hocs, &c. &.o. He reiiiests all wantiug Boots or Shoes to give him a call, as he knows his assortmont to be the largest in the City, and he flatters himself that he enn fur nish as good bargains, if not bettor, than can he got any where else iu the Citv, - O.L.BURCH. November 23 1849. -1 " 51. Ladies Gaiters, ' just received; ', Blue and Black; very fine . , : -i -.'-.' -i O. L. BURCH." '.N.S7,KM9. ' --62- I v - Congress Water. SIX dozen, "fresh and prime," just si brnid, and for sale at " J" ' ' PI 311 B'S. Raleigh, August 5, 1849. t " ' 36 FRANKLIK INSTITUTE. ,! ' ' Franklin Coantj, Cr ". . ;, , C D.'S. RICHARDSON, PRINCIPAL. .... THE Session for 1850 will commence on Janu ary 7th, at which lime it is very desirable I bag the Students be present. ' Terms as heretofore, for particulars, address the Principal, or 1 . , V,... ,.fs. pit. JOS. B. OUTLAW, i :i 1 '" President Board of Trustees. elford.NashCo.Dec. 15. 3-U5J State of North Carolina. PITT COUNTY. 1 Court 'of Pleas ami Quarter Sessions November Term, 1819. Arthur Forbes, Ad'nir. rersitf ) .... , w,, ,,. , . f Fe tilion for account Mephen 1'. Johnson, Guar- V ,, . .,, .,. . diaii, and others. . : : and setllenieut. TN this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the J- Court, that Louisa Forbes and Archibald V. Forlie. Defendants, are not residents of this Stale : It is or dered by the Cjjurt, that publication be made in the Raleigh Timesforsix successive werks, eomnianding Ihe wiid DeUndants to appear nt the next Term of ibis Court, to be held on the first Monday in Februa jTj If.W, anil answer the Complainant's Bill, or judg ment final will lie entered against them. H V.'.jfsk', II r.Miv SiiRman. Clerk ol our said Court, at OIKce in (irecuville, the first Mnndar of Novem ber, A, I). ISO. If. SHEPPAkD, Ci.UKK. Nov. 23. 51-ll'v Pr. adv. JJj . State of jjfortl) Carolina. PITT COUNTY. Ccurl cf Pleas and Quarter Session, November : Term, IS 19. Arthur Forbes, et als. rris Louisa hnrlies and Archi bald A. Forbes. Petition for Division of Slaves. IN this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of thj Court that the Defendants are not residents of Ibis Stale: It .is therefore ordered by the Court, that pub lication bj made in the Raleigh Tillies for six succes sive weeks, comuuiudiiJ!! the said Defendants lo ap pear nt the next Term of this Court, to be held on the first Monday in February, If-.')!), and answer thcCoui- pioiuanis Dill, or judgment tiuul will be entered a- irauist Iheni. ! Witiifffi, TIkmit rsi! ; al'OlVicc in'UieenVille, ;'A. D IX4!I. . I ...v. M-! :iTAnn, Ch fk of our said Court,; the litt Mnndav ot'Novrinber, 11. siu'.ri'AUD. ci.kiik. Weeks. l-r. ailv. M.i te! Stiuc of North Carolina. Pill COL'.NTV. Cunrt ' Vhiis and (2n::rtcr Sefs'nnis,Sutembef Term, A. I). IS 19. Ra!lvPliillns' i-erMj lf,.li,-ii J,.fT..ro,, .n.) il,.M itt ap ! J- Casr peuring to the .satisfaction nf the ('ourt in this . that ihe Defendants and JJeirs at Law of i Isaac Philips, deceased, being the'. Children and Next 1 of Kin of Polly Tugw. I!, deceased, and Klizabeth i Moor., ueci-nsed. an- i.oi resnii-iits ol mis Mate: ' Ff is therefore ordered by the Court, that publiea j tion be made in the Raleigh Times for six successive 1 weeks, commanding the said Defendaiilji to appear at the next Term of. lllis Court, to be held on the iirst j Monday in February, Usifl. and answer the Coin- ipiaiuams Dill, or juiiguient rmal will be entered a ; gainst them. . 11 itnr, Hi;-RY SnnrPAnn. f Jerk of our said Court, at Olliee in Greenville, the first .Monday of Novem ber, A. I). If" ill. H. SHKPPARl), Clerk. Nov. 23. Pr's Fee $j W 51 tiweeks. CHEWING AND SMOKING' TOBACCO, primo lot. Call at JAMIW LITCHFOUD'S, Raleigh, March 2. FOR SALE. THE Iirge and very convenient Dwelling House and Ijol.formerly belonging to the estate of Mrs. Prescilla tilmw, dec d., and now occupied by Maj. J. Nixon. For terms, apply to JAMES M. TOWI.ES. June 21, IS 19. 29 " LOOK AT T1I1S ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY ! fltHE Undersigned would most respect fully in- Inrm tli0 mllilie ill,. t lip hua nmnn ri.limH Ilia HATTER'S BUSINESS. Being obliged to stop thflbtislnesK for awhile, on account of bad lieallli, hiK having recovered some what, better health I now ask the citizens ol n vicinity, and the public, generally, to give n.e . call. I am prepared to Press Hats. Culor Ladies Dresses, Gentlemen Pants, or any thing thai may be wanting in my line of business. My shop is situated one square west of the grave-yard. 1 NEAL Bll OWN. Raleigh, SepV 1 3, '49. 424 w. SpiccsJl44alad Gil. THE Subscriber has on liamTttuge supply of all the most approved Spices, Beans anil Essences for flavoring Pickles aud Preserves. Also a supply of ve ry superior 'Salad (III and l-.uglish Mustard. Call ami get a supply at my Establishment. -f.-" Krpl. 28. . i; t I'ESCLD. TO THE TRADE. OL. RL'IK'II will inform the Trade that he con stantly keeps on hand alarge assortment of Tools, Lasts, Root and Hhoe Thread, Calf, Goat, and Lin ing Skins, and every thing to furnish a shop euland out. November 23 1849. ' ' 51. 1 Bank f the State of North t ar oil a. A DIVIDEND of Four per cent, on the Capital Stock of this Rank lias been declared -for the last six months payable at the Principal Rank on tho First Monday in January next; and at the Branches lifteoil days thereafter. C. DEWEY, Cashier. Raleigh, 14th Dec. 1619. , J-UMJ TIMES PRINTING OFFICE. OUR PATRONS are informed that the Printing Oflice bos been removed lo the West side of Fav- etteville Street, . ., OPPOSITE TnE CITY II ALL. in the Rooms over the Store of James Litchl'ord, next door above Mrs. H antic's Confectionary Store, where we sti all be happy to see our Subscribers aud mends. Wo are prepared to execute ell kinds of ... . . - . .. lob Printing, " v '' upon the usual terms, in a neat and handsome man ner, and solicit a portion of public pstrouage In t hii line of business. ' . SulMriptio to the Paper Only $2 50 per annum in advance, or $3 00 if not paid before lbs expiration of six months. : t 1 BT THE TIMES will always be fnmiehe'd'.ire month for Oue Dullar,' id advance. But subscrip tions wiii be Ihankfullrrroeivedon either plan. ID Those indebted to the IMtioe srs reiicsled to remit their respective dues at our risk j wlieu a ru cept Will be lorwarfled in llieirucxt paper, a Raleigh, Feb. 23,1849. t," - i-a ; ' ' it'l' "SPIRIT OF TIIE AGE. , Thi is the title of a Wecklr Newspspcr, piill lislied id Kaleigh, hy Al.r.A- Al. GUUilA i, de voted to Temperance and (em-mi Infonnatiun oq the following low terms, viz I To single Subscribers, $150 per year. Clubs of 5,auJ ujj wards, 1 each. " " The North Carolina MUTUAL LIFE IXSIRAXCE lO.UPAM, RAi.Kir.11, n. r. THE above Company has been in operation since the 1st of April lust, under tile.-direction "of Ihe. following Ofiicers, viz ; Dr. Cms. E. Johnson, President, William D. II.ivwooii, Vice President, " Jamks r. JonUAN, Secretary, w William H. Jonks, Treasurer, PunaiN Busuke, Attorney, .'Dr. CiiAt; R. JoiixsoN, 1 ,. , . Dr. Wh. II. McKke, ( M'!hr"1, Dr. Ricu'n. B. Haywood, ) J- 11 busman, General Agent. This Company has received a charier giving ad vantages to the ir.sared over any . oilier Company. Tho 5tli Section gives tho' llusbam. the privilege to insure bis own life for the sole usv of bis Wifa and Children, free from any claims of the representatives of the linbnnd or any of hij creditors. Organized on purely mutual pr'n -i les. the life members participate iu the whale of the proflts.whieh are declared annually. Besides, the applicant lor life, when the iinmvjl premium is over $31'., may pay one half in a Note. . Ail claims for insurance against the Company will be paid within ninety days after proof of the deiilh of the party is furnished. . .. Slaves are insured for one or for five years, at rales which will enable nil Slaveholders to secure this class of property against the uncertaiiily of life. Slavs insurance presents a new u 111) inter-sting fe'o tnre ill the history of North Carolina, which wil1 prove verv important to Ihe Southern states. Ihe last lour month s operation of this Company s'jow a very large amount of business more lliau tho Directors expected to do Ihe first year having already issued more than 2U0 Policies. ' AGENTS FOR THE COMPANY. J. 1 liTsmnn, George T. Cooke, Wesley Whit,, ker, Jr. George E. B. Singelturv, R. P. Waring, rravrllinnr Asents for North Carolina. S. J. Ybtiftg,; Agent 'for South Carolina. : All ('ommunications on business of Ihe Company should ho addresst-d to JAMES F. JORDAN, Sec" v. Raiilfh. August 29, 184!). 43 New Cheap Cash Store WML UNDERSIGNED most respectfully Invite J- the attention of the citizens of Raleigh and the surronndinjr country, to their assort ment of Goods, which are nil entirely new and were selected with the utmost care froin the. best Houses in New York, Bal timore uud Petersburg ; and as our terms for business arc Cash, we feel assured of doing a business of that kind that we will be able to ofler gre M bargains to those in want of Goods in our line. Annexed is a pari ol the Goods in store.: Bleached Sheeting and Shirting, 3 and 5 qrs. wide, Unbleached do do do do Jaconet, Book and figured Muslins, Plain and fancy striped Alpuccas, ( asbnieres and Mouslin de Lames, Scotch Ginghams and Apron Checks. . . Woolen I jnseysnnd Cotjon Flannels, Into and colored Cambrics, ' Ladies' and Gentlemen's Hose aud half Hose, Cahoo and Furniture Prints, (.loves ami ,ndr, Kentucky Jeuns. plain aud striped, ( jwsimcre and Wool Tweeds, Canvas and padding. ' Bediickingaud Cotton Jeans, Irish Lineu and Thread, , ... Best Italian sewinj Silk, " . . " Silk and Cottou lluudkercbeifs, V esuugs, assorted, I ancy Scarfs and Cravats, . Coat, Vest, Shirt and Suspender buttons, Pins, Needles, Hooks and Eyes, , Laces and all kinds of trimming Goods, Wool Blankets, large sizes, , V ool and Worsted Shawls and Comforts, Silk and Fur Huts and (Japs, , , Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes. GROCERIES. Rio and Laguira Coffees, -. ' ' Loaf, ('rushed, Pnlverised and Brown Sugars, Allspice, Teas and Giuger, , Adamantine and Tuljew Candles, . . C! eese and Crackers. " . Tobacco, Snuff and Segars, I Powder, shot and Lend, . . Shoe Thread, Tacks and Blacking, coie ana upper ijeoiiier, Crockery, Glass and Stone Ware, Nails from No. 3. to No. 20, . Candies, Lemons and Apples, . Salt, Bacon; Meal and I-lour, Together w.Ui a groat mauy Fsucy articles too te dious to mention. ( . . All kinds of Goods, Wares and Produce taken ou sale at a moderate per cent. Consignments or for warding will receive strict attei.tion, mid every exer tion to please all who may favor ns with their patrou ge. :'. J-J- ItVNLS & CO. Fayettcvlllc struet. Raleigh, Oct. 9, 1849. ' . 49 4w. ' BLAKE PITTJIA!,, - (Late of Halifax,. N. C.) Comiissio.s Mkbchant, '' ,.:c.' . Petersburg Vs. '' ' OFFERS bis services to tho farmers and others of Ldgecoinbe, iu the salo of their Cotton and other Pro duce. . In view of the present difficulty, of making remit tances to the vicinity of Tarboro', he will attend rcir ularly all the courts held for the county; and nav over whatever funds may be in his hands for Ihe sale of l'roduce. Sep. 14, 1849. State of North Carolina, ' - - WAKE COUNTY. Petition for the S tie of Heal Estate."' In Equity Fall Term, 119 Wesley F. 8. A'stou aud William Hester and wife Nancy L. . . . . . . ".'. , . ,. '. Mary J. Kennon, James Thomas," and Or!r.'.y his .wife, and Mary Moore, Martha Moore, Gcorg--Moore, Nath.'l Moore, Lemuel Mooro, Mathew P, Jlforc and Speck Moore. IN this case, it appearing to fho' satisfaction of the Court, thai the Defeadants are" non-residents of this State, it is Ordeiedf that advsrtisouietit oc.mudr (or six successive weeks iu tffe Raleigh Times, for them te appear at the next Term of our Court of Equity to be held fo the Comity if- Wake, at the Court Mouse ia Kulcigh. en tb - First Monday after the Fourth Monday of March next, then and, there to plead, answer or demur to the Plaintiff's Peti tion J or the same will tot taken for confined by them and I e, heard fl-jiarle,,, , r?e's Mni y'v Witness, Perrin Hush.', Clerk and Master of said Court, at Office in Raleifh, Jan'v. 12. 1P5 ". J" " PERRIN B(JSBEB,C.M. E. " January l8,lS50, !r ,;;. 1 y m -uli jui". Connel's I'ain Extractor' j.r- THERE is nulhin betler baW Conners pW Extractor fur healing aud removing:, pain .from Burns, Scalds, Frost Bitten Toes, and Chilblains. A supply on hand, and for sale by ' Oct. a, P, F, PESCUD, State of jXortl) Carolina. JOHNS TON COUTY. i.V F.qi lTY. Ashley Sniinders Executor of ri'zsbeth .Tune, Edw in tin) kin and wilt Elizaiieih J;, William E. Edwards and 'Ms Wifa Auiaiuiu NiAaniel Black wood, andjiis wile Mary E., complaiuanu.- ' AUAIKST ' N'levijirl G. Junes Adie.'r of Hard v Jones, and David T. Junes, DcletalaiiU. . ; ' , " : '. In this" case, it appearing to the' satisfaciien cf thecourttlr.it the Delendint David T. Jones ivn,,t a resident i.f. the .Smte of ,..f;h Carolina. It. is rlierdiirb ordered, that publication he made for six weeks in the Raleigh '1 im. s, (a weekly .V wspn per pnlilislied in the City of Haleigli.) uotifviiifr . the said David T. Jones, to appear at the iiext term of this Court, nt the Court House in Smith held on the4lh Monday in .March ls.r)0. and plead, answ?r or demur tothe I'lsmtiii Vbill of complaim or the mutters char-ed therein, will betaken ns confessed, a nd hen rd fx fm te as t him, Witness. Win. H. Morning, Clerk rf otir said Court at oliiee in Su.itlikdd, the 4lli Mondav in September 1319, WM II- MORNING, C.VfcM. E. State of 2Cortj) Carolina wake .County, Court of Pleas and Quarter Semons, N ov Sesiion, . lp-ia. ..'". Moses King, ndm'r, Oflilehnrrl 1,':,,. vs I !' tit.'on to make Rml K. Ilartwell J, .t n,lf. ''e "uts. l.lizi belli, and others, j TT appearing lo the sat;sf,.etion of Ihe Court that J-the Defendiu,.., Ilartwell Jones aud his wife Eliza-: uc-i,Bre not innasiiant. of this State, but reside-ui tho SlilL of Alabama: It itt therefore ordered, bv tho t ourt, that advi rlisement lw made in the RaleiHi limes, a Newspaper, punished in the City of Raleigh, for six weeks, successively, notifying the said Deien dains, Ilartwell Jones und his wife Elirabeth," to-be mid appear at the next term of our ourt of Pleas aud quarter Sessions to bo h 4,1 fr the Gounty of Wake at the Court House in the City 0 Ual.igh on the3rd Monday of iebruary next, aud then and there answer to or demur to said Petition, otherwise judgment pro confesso will be entered aud the prayer of the PeU ion granted. . V uncus,. James T. Marriott, Clerk of our soil! vouu ai oince me 3rd Alouduv of Nov. 1S49. JAMES T. MARRIOTT, Clerk. ;"--". 7 6w State of Kortlj (faroluia . WAKE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Nov. Trm, v..lP49.;; W. &. A. Slith, ) Original attachment, Levied on House 4 Lot in Ihe City of C. C. Nelson, ) Raleigh. : , - I "J T appearing lo the satisfaction of the Court, that, iC.C. Nelson, tho Defendant in this case, has re moved from this Stole: It is therefor ordered by the" Court, that advertisement be made in the Haleigh 'r" ' K: e-r;-, r-'-y-i-i in l.riirf RnUal.. for six weeks, notifying the Defendaut, C. C. Nelson, to bo and appear at the next term of our Court of Pleas aud Quurter Sessions, to beheld for the County of Wake, ut the Court House is the City of Ruleigh, on the third Monday of February next, and then and tliere rdplevy and plead, otherwise judgment by de fault final will be granted against him and the prop-' erty levied on condemned to satisfy the plain tiff's debt. Witness, James T. Marriott. C:b-rk of mtr ...it Court, at oflice in Raleigh the 3rd Mondnv in Novem ber, A. D. Ib49. JAMES T. MARRIOTT, IT k. ' 7 liw -t . , FEMALE C I asic a I Institute, HILLSBOROUGH STREET, '.. RALEIGH, A. C. -Rev.B. T. Blake, Principal. Mr. Wiuiam C. Doub, A. M. ) , . . I Mrs. Luev M. Petersillis, A-1"1"". Mr. Karl W. Petersilli, Prof, of Music. Miss Martha E. Dobb, Principal of Prep. Dep. The first Session for 1850, will begin on Monday the 7ih January. TERMS. " Roard and Tuition for Session of 5 Months, ' $70 Music on the Piano, or the Guitar, o Drawing and Painting in Water Colors, 10' running in Oil Colota, 15 French, . 1 jo ' Tuithm In Preparatory Rcliool, 15 Thirty Young Ladies can be accommodated with board in the Institute. : . , ,-. -. The design of the Institute is to furnish tei lim led number of Students the mean of -a thorv ough course ol instructions in the Classics. Being a private enterprise nnd having twilling to sustain it but its own merils, care hss been taken tnse-s cure the assistance of Professor and i'eachera ' who are r-f knnwledged abilities and long expert- , cnee In tl eif several departments. For further particulars, address the Principal. Raleigh, Nov. 261b, 1849. , .i ; 62 ' ' SCiTIIEItS TIAEVAKBS AAD KCUSE- .i' v. RIES. i.. v..-.t-r !.,--, Twenty years experience enables the mVwrlberts 1 offer to pal runs Fruit Trees aud Gtxpv Viues, and other oiticles in his line, well attested by trial to be , peeuliaily filled for Southern ciimcs, end lliercfoie not lioWo to evenlually disopiwinl expeelation, as of-'' ten do (be products from Northern and Westera s- tublishihents. ; Trees and Vines from 10 to SO cents each, aocotding te kinds, age, and size in the uurso ry,,,,trupe,s)riips,. (juice redueed and no fettnema-" lion) and wines from J d Jar to 6 per (alios, aoe, r. ! d nr; to quality, and cost end trouble is niakiiij. (t.-lrs with em,' or equivalent, and letle a of inqu.. ' ry, pent paid, promptly ;-aituded to, by the Agrieul. ' lural jubl;c'a humble servant, r - . ; " " SIDNEY WELLER. ; BtKltLvviLti Halifax -bo. N. C.Jau.a, 150. I'8 1. -.l,.'-S-.ie I'lf S -l.iM.i -.7.f ' : -"; --il '" ' " ', -: : . ' site Latest Fa:;li!oii Just at Kaud. Ot;UtTRCrt.li WmVa f,em . Xuth with '1 evry Ihlnj ufeawswr ;or noMinrsntnring the luost ? fashionable, liowi iid,(S.m that can knuMl-He f has brought the best 1'arls a well u Philodlpbi CSIf Skins, and now fe'ois ' ennfident that r cou not ' only make, a fashionable H,t u darahle Bo,;ta and Shoes as any man in th U. Stale., Cull ud um .' ine for yourselves. , , , . November SSI?!!!"1;' "v tl ;. " ",v"n" .Vi ) n :..i ! ;.- , -i - ' FOIl KENT; r p Wd'large 'Rooms, salable for' OfSVw'L PlTSSi Ut ot Januury. " Dumber 14 181-9, essioii ns

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