TMfi1 R A! fffil! TIMPQ -Ill-fv. linn, ni. HI, ds to ivith- r tiin 'i.ige uroe PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY C1T.C. II A DOTE AU, EDITOR AX FliOPKIETOR. TERMS : $2 50 PER ANNUM IN ADVA NT F, OR s3 00 IF PJTMEST J DELAYED SII SOSTKS. u n y to wife VOL. III. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1850 nei- he. each Its eace be- are tible ving a re.h ", fO yen 'am nice li vi. sh SIIC n o on . tel. rod ting !ire lion ,f- lie, eon ilve vor- icnt the en ipil; hat me e- last ind, nun ere the d,t lO I dst too fill irl licr old .by ieir i in ind icy ley at md ft re ts fn( '1 I'li II 14 TEUUS. fhn Rtr.iti.tii Tijiks will bo sent to Suliscrihers 1'wo Dollar mid a Imlf per annum, (1 pawl m un ion. Throe D.illir will be charged, if payment ).-l.tvt-.l nix mouths. These Terms will bo invarin adhered tn. A ' V i HTISE d nT.s. jTor every Sixteen fines, or est, One Hollar Tor tlio 1, anil Twenty-five Cents lor each sulweipicnl m lion. Court Ordcis, &.c.' will be charged 35 per it. hhrlirr; lutt u reasonable deduction will be niadi- those who advertise by the year. XT o:i hnsinc, ant! a!!! a.1tl for ;-fc.."'-.-'-JU, must bo uiiu:c.scd to tin.' I tor, smd pot faid. -.. . NEW ARRANGEMENT. MTA Sulwerilier mwt rospectlnhy informs Ins L customers and llie Public generally, that lor e purpose (if reducing his i resent stock, (which insists of iii inv!e goo,!.--.)lnniiike room lor now fall supply, ho will sell at reduced prices for sh.' ' He Ins aUo obtained ilie services of Mr. Hubert ach. Into of New Y-rk, as a cutler. He lias jcnl about soyon years in I-ranee, where he tilled i same station in the must respeiiawe nouses, id comes highly recoiiim?:' led a to his abilities his profession as wi ll as to moral cliarai tcr. all and give, hiina trial. .. Tne Subscriber returns s grateful acknowledgments for the pat ua no heretofore received. ' . ' J. J. BIGGS. July 18th, 18 Ifl. : STARCII.--A good article. For Rale bv Sept. 7. - J. LITCHFOKD. PRIME JAVA COFFEE of pood quality, just ceivod and for sale by J. LITUIFOIU), Sept. 1. .- 4iMf C I) .nice to make illonni. VCUOIOK let of Siierfi!ie Freneb ami English t'lulhs, Cansiincres. and Vestiuns. is now K'tic; '.cned ut HlliCS'S WEI.I, KNOWN ('.OTIl Sii W.RKI"SE on FavclteviUe'Street.wIrt ro s friends and tin; coiumuuity generally arc purlieu, irly invited to call. There is a ifreat variety f new styles tills lesson, hic'i, with a general supply of (Jaods in the Fur isbini Deiiitrlnient, mV be found on !b. inoet ue- ommdatiiig tenns at the above pine . J.' The l'rop'ii t 'r, or Ins I iiivmau, Mr. t cacti, may t all times be found at home. ''Ready Mmle Chilling j list (inked. Raleigh, Oct. 111. 4G-fit ttorney for Prosecuting Claims fit i the City of Washington. ; "PlIE Snhscrilu r undertnkes the colleelion, aetlle ii. mcut and adjustment of all iimnner of claie s, ae (aunts or demands against the Ooverument of the U pited States, or any Foreitin Stale or Country : be Dre Coniinisa ini rs, before ('onircss, or before any of 'he Pub'ic Departments at Washington. f The prooiiriu'' of Patents, Army and Navy Teiir rioiis, the colleelion of account against tl e Uovern- nont, all Land l.lauiis, anil every Uemaufl or oilier , nf wbatcver kind, wtuiriin the prounit and luliecieiil services of an Attorney or Arent. A resldeuce of fmirteen years at the beat of the federal Coveriunent, with a thorough and familiar OipitUlltailCe Willi llie varum fjaieiui. miy iimhuic u, i.ffihiess at the dilli rent tHHees, os well as in Con '.'ress; added to his free nceess to tlio ablest lefal ael n'isers, if needed, justifies the undersigned in pledging llie fullest satisfaction and the utmost dispatch to Jliose who may entrust then business to his care. ie Tnjir well known to the greater part of the citizens of this District, and to iniiiiy gentlemen who have been iiieinbers of Congress in the lust twelve years, it is jdeemed useless In extend tins notice by special refer, 'conn. Communication must lie prepaid in all cuses. "! Charge or fees will be rerruluted bv the nature uud extent of the business, but moderate in all cases. Address, II. 0. SPALDINt?, J Oct. 19 llieoft I Washington, . C. FAMILY ROE IIERRIXGS. 52 BARRELS and half barrel for ule by SE.VWELL Si. MEAD Ilaleigh, Feb. 2.1, 18-19. 12 WINDOW GLASS. , A LARGE assortment of Window Glass, of all "j XJLmze. by the box, for sale by ' SEA WELL 4. MEAD. Raleigh, Feb. 23, 18-19. 12. SxtfA) oiib -fine ! ! ! -Just in Tunt ! ! ! JAMES M. TOWLES "I i',Rt "w receiving and opening a very cxten 4 live Assortment of M ' ' SEASONABLE GOU US, H whicii ho ofR-r on tlio most reasonable terms for M Cnli, or tn punctual customers. His friends are boi respectfully invited to call and ee for themselves. ke KuIt'igii,Ui;l.!Jb. 4(1-6 11 WASHINGTON HOTEL; RALEI'.II.N.C, As a Temperance House. THE Pubs rVr inform his friends and the public, goiienillv, that the above Estub'ishment has lute- IV undergone extensivo retioirs, " - '-- "i.i. ...i. ft., it,. r-,.limi of tho 1 ravelling fullic jl a well a iioaraor. niiiMni...... - . , , " 1 aeat'v furnished ; the Table shall always be provided , if: nM Mmfrl;itklV ft HO .,i. it., keel ihi can he nrociirsd i the Mervunt are tiiebest in the City for car and attention to the ealls of the guest: and no pain ilmll wauling on t; j nartto trive nt.Kfwtion. 'Ilio term hll tw as nwl W erale M t,e till- will afford ; ami H' Ueiitioi of traveller, anil other, l mvuru iy 1... ..,e. tbi establishment, oeiog pieasumiy -'"'. - '" e-otreoftheCilv. , This being the only Temperance 11 : D..ii.,h. ii hn. a neotillar retonmiendation to all those who arn fond of eucouraginj and practis ing tho Tenijieranco principle. v. king; 9 ly Raleigh, Juno 15, 1849. Tle LaUst Fashions Just at Band. 0 , t. RI'H'UHia relnmei from lh rtortn wun ih, in iiecessnrv for nuiiiuiuctnrinir tho nin-i r. i.;,...,.!.!,, I .eila ond Mioes that can c.-nune. in 1.',.. hmmrht the Uet Paris a Well . Pliilade'pbi: Culf Skins, and now fee's confident that ho em not ...1.. m fashioiiablf bill s daruW RouU and 8hor a. any man in the V-JSMet. . Cull aud exam (lie for youmelv- v : State of Nortl) Carolina. JOHNSTON COUTY. .V EQUITY. Aslilov Saunders Kxet'iitir of Elizabeth Jnnes, Edwin Uovkin and bis wife Elizabeth J., William E. Edwards and bis wile Amanda M., Nathaniel Blackwood, and his wife Mary E., complainants. AS.UKST Nathaniel G. Jones Ailm'r of Ilnrily Jonep, and David T. Junes, Defendalils. In this rise, it appearing to the satisfaction of Ihorniirt (hat the Defwidani David T. Jones is not a resident of the J'lnle of North Carolina.. It is ther..f,irh ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the RiiWeli Tillies, (a. weekly Newspa per ptiblislicd in ihe Cily of Rulvigli,) tiotilyinj; the said David T. Join s, to ppei:r a I the next term of this Couit, at thof'ourt II.iiHe in Smith !i d,d on the. Hit Monday in Marrli 1 S5f, and plead, a nswer or demur to Ihe. I'lainliir's bill of complain! or .the matters rliargrcd theriin, will betaken as eoiifessed and lieard r.c fttrte as lo him. Witness. Win. 11. Morning, Clerk of oor said Court at office in Siuitblielil, the 4lli Monday in September I!!). WM. II. MORNING, C. & M E. SOlTIiEia VL'EYARDS A.I) M'USE HIES. r: Twenty years experience enables Ibo subscriber to offer to pat'ons Fruit Trees and drape Vines, and oilier articles m my hue, well utictcil v trial to lie oee.iliarlv filled for Southern climes, i therefore 1 not Huh!.' in rvpiitiiitllv liixiuintMiit exiMTtatioii. an of- leu do the products from Northern and Western es tablishment. Trees and Vines from 0 to 50 cents : each, aeordinix to kinds, 3, and size in the uurse- ry. Grape, syrups, (juice reduced and no ferincnta i tion) and wines from 1. dollar to li per gallon, uenor ! dinr; to ipialilv, and cost and trouble in mtikiie;. wroers Willi can ,, or e,unue,:i, mm irin-ir w nnjiu- ry, pest paid, proni.tly attended to, by the Agricul tural public's humble servant, SIDNEY WEM.T'f!. ninxKi.Ervii.i.K, Halifax eo. N. C. Jan. 2, '1501 7 tf The North Carolina ilIlTUAL LIFE IJiSlRAME tOMPASY, . RALEIGH, X. C. THE above Company bus been in operation since ' 1st of April lust, uuder the direction of the following Officers, viz: : Dr. Cuts. E. .louxfox, Presid-iit, ' William 1). H.wwoon, Vice President, , . Jamks F, Joitn.tx, Secretary, Wiij.iam II. Jonks, Treasurer, PeasiN liuftiKK, Attorney, Dr. Cuts E. Jomxsos, Dr. Wm. II. McKke, Dr. Ricu'n. B. IIavwooo, Medical Board Cuiim'talien. J. Hkiisua.x, General Agent. Tliis Company hag received a charter giving ad vantage to the insured over any other Coinpuny. The 5th Section Rive the Ilusbanu the privilege to insure hi own life for the sole us? of hi Wife and Children, ree from any claims of the representatives of th " hnsbaud or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, tb life member participate in the wiof of the profits, which are declared annually. Resides, the applicant for life, w hen the aiinu d premium is over $1)6, may pay one half in a Note. All claims for insurance- against the Compauv will he paid within ninety days after proof of the deulh of the party is furnished. Slaves arc insured for one or for five year, at rate which will enable all Slaveholders to secure Ui'ib class of proerty ugainstthe uncertainty of life. Slave insurance present a new and iutcrMrting fea ture in the history ol North t aroltiia, which wid prove very inijiortant to the southern Mates. llie lust lour month operation ot tin lompany i'.'ow a very large amount of business more than tho Directors expecti d to do the first year huviiitrulrcudy issued more thai! ihO Policies. AGENTS FOR THE COMPANY. J. llersman, (ieorge T. Cooke, Weslov Whita- ker, Jr. George E. B. Singeltary, R. P. Waring, Travelling Agents for North Carolina. S. J. Young, Agent tor South Carolina. ; All Communications on business of tho Company should be addressed to J AM ES F, JORDAN, Sec'v. Raleigh, August 29, 1849. 43 State of North Carolina, WAKE COUNTY. Petition for the SVe of Real Ettate. In E0.111TV Full Totin, 184'J Weslev F. S. A'stou and William Hester and wife Nancy L. !. ' . I. Mary J. Kennon, Jumfs Thoias, and Grizzy bis wife, and Marv Moore, Martha Aloore, George Moore, Notb.'l Moore, Lemuel Moore, Muthcw P Jl.ure and Sti ck Mooro. N this, case, it apeearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Deli plants are non-residents of Ibis v''-"ie. It S Ordered, that advsrtiseinent be made for six successive weeks in tho Raleigh Times, for them lo appear at the next Term of our Court of Kiimtv to be held for the t-omitv of V atte, at the Court House in Raleigh, mi the First Monday after the Fourth Monday of March next, then and thero to plead, answer or demur to the Plaintiff"' Peti tion: or the same will lie taken for eonfestcd by them am be heard ex-varte, Witness, Ptrrin Ouslrte, Clerk and Master of said Court, at Office m Raleigh, Jsn'v ia, is.w. PEURIN BUSBEE, C. M. E. January 18, 1550. 7-1 w P. F.rESlTP, W'holesalc and Retail Druggist, RALCICn, IV. c. TT F.EP.i ennstnnllv on hand a largo Stock of Medi .IV cine, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, and Dye Stuffs. Also, a full supply of the most popular Patent Medi cines, the following of which ho will sell per Gross or I Wen at a small advance on the Manufacturer pri ce, viz:' Wistur' Balsam of Wild Cherry, Gray' Ointment. Braudrclb Pills, ind tlccKwith a Anil Dvsncnlic Pills. Physician. Merchant, Farmers, at a distance, are requested to send their order to him,, which lie will rill promptly upon sucn terms as win give bhiuhw:. tion, provided satisfactory reference or the cash is sent. Kulelgli, reoruar) o, icov ; -. DAGUERREOTYPES SHAKEN perfect by JOHN C; PALMER, wlm -- ha recenttyrectived all the improvement from ihei North. Ho now works with tho celvbratcd uick preparation v . C E I.EBOT YPE , which i derided! v an imprnvenient in the Art. His Gallery is in Palmer Si Railway a Jewellery Store. ' '' " . JOHN C. PALMER. Raleigh, June 30. 30 tf GARRETSONS Frcsli Garden and Field Seeds. rMlE Kubpcrilier lias just rer?ivc.I nd opened his supnlynf Fresh Garibn ami Field Seeds. The sloek is well selected, and are of the most ap proved kinds. JVlow are enumerated some of the kinds, viz : . Ajar.ipun I-arsre White Giiint ' Beet Karly Red Turnii, Fnn Blood French Surar, Manuel Werlzel . Oabbtii;e Seed H:ir!y York, Siinar Loaf, Red Dutch, r.arly and Lite Batlersea, Drumhead, Flal De.lch, Lou?, Bert'en, Green Savory Carrot f.nnjr, Orantre and Early Horn Celery While Solid Ceci mb r Long Green, Prickley and Early rr Hue. . Prown Dnic'i. lee anil Royal Cabhaee Onion White Silver Skin, yillotv Dutch airl Oni, n liiiltons. I'n.-!ey 1,-irge furled Parsnip l.irge While Surar - Raddwli Long Scarlet, Red Turnip and White do. . . SaUlfy I.nrpe White Spinage Round Savory Tomato Large Red Turnip Early Flat; Ruta Baga, White Dutch Red Top, and Aberdeen Roans or Snaps Early Valentine, Mohawk, Rofugne, Yellow G weeks, Large Lima, Iirge while Kidney. 1'ciis I'.xtra harlv, larje tall Marrnwhil. Dwarf '"""wiai, uistiop a nonnc anu earty waning- l" 1 "H Grass Rliio, Ilords, white Clover and Lhcern Sundries Tu3canra, Susiarand Smith's early Corn . i Sage Tliymft, Summer favnrv. Sweet Murgo j rani. True, Cres?, Eo'l, Tomato Sl.a;cd and Cny j emu- Pepper. : I Scotch lek, Melon Peed, &c; a'i of which are i warranted fresh and genuine ' Raleigh, Feb. 12, 1S50. and lor s ile ley P. F. l'ESCUD. 11 Watt & Tatterson's Now Patent Etorli Sprlrp Truss. ; FOR THE RADICAL CURE OF HERNIA". ITS advantages are X ski-v-arii'sting pimxcii li-:, prnducintr a niiiforni pressure, sccme retention, and ease to the wearer. . A aujiply just received and for side hv P. F.'rESCl'D. Raleigh, F.-b. 5th. l?5n. .; C11EVVINU AND SMOK1NO TOBACCO, prime lot. Cull at JAMES LITCIIFORD'S, Raleigh, March 2. FOR SALE. TlIE large and very convenient Dwelling House -t- and lit,fi)rmerly belonging tn the estate ol Mrs. Prescilla Shaw, dee'd., and now occupied by Maj. J. Nixon. For terms, apply to JAMES M. TOWLES. June 21, 1? 10. 29 TO TEE TRADE. 01.. BURCH will inform tha-Trade tliat he eon I autly keeps on huud a large ast-ertment of Tools, Lusts, Boot uud Shoo Thread, Calf, (ioal, and Lin ing Skins, and every thing to furnish a shop out and out. November 23 1849. 51. SPIRIT OF THE AGE. This is the title of a Weekly Newspaper, pub ished in Raleigh, by ALEX. M. GORMAN, de voted to Temperance and Gencru.1 Information on the following low terms, viz To single Subscribers, $1 50 per year. Clubs of 5, and upwards, 1 each " " GEO. WORTHAM, Att. at Laav, Oxford, N. C. ILL attend to claims entrusted to him in the comities, of Granville, Warren, Franklin, &. Per son. Jan.4lh 1850. 5-Cm PASTILES for perfuming parlors aud Sick Knoins. on hand, and lor sale at Sen. rFSCPP'S Drug Store. NORTH CAROLINA TEMPERANCE COMMUNICATOR. PUBLISHED, WEEKLT, III FAYETTEVILLE. This Paper, which has been in existence twe years and a halt, continue to be published, and has been highly rcconiineneed bv the Frees, goner- aPy, and, recently, by the Baptist Cape Fear Asso ciation. Tekms. To single jubscribcrs, $1 50 per year -' Clubs ol a, an I n e.varps, 1 each Address, post-paid, WM. POTTER, Fayclleville, N. C p Our brethren of the Press, throughout the Slate, are respectfully requested to give the above tw or three insertion. IV cw Boots and Shoes. Oliver L. Iturrh. FtrjclUt'ilh S., 1 Door bchne the Post Ojjice. UALLICIirV. ('. ITrOULD inform Ihe public lhal he line just reeeiv- U edaktreussoHmeutof IlUUiti ANDSUUUS, eomprismg in part the following articles: . Isulies' (Jout welt Buskins, French do do. Kid we't Tie,' Fine Kid Buskins, Fine Grcria La, Vietoria, (Xew Fashion) Cost do do do French Kid do do . Children' Black Morocco, do Do Colored do do Do I! ronze do do Do Laced Boot. do Bov' Calf Bot, l)o Kip do Do Laced Monroe's, , Do Peg strapped do - Children' do 10 I Pltilndelpiit mnde Gentlemen' Biott. rtiehed and reggea, different qnalttien, IPrmir ii Gratia Bool$, (Htm 8tyle,) Da, ITshOut,' Ncrroes' Coars- Shoe, Arc. &.C. . II,' reqn"st all wanting Bisit of Shoe to give him a call, a he now 11 is aauortmont 10 o llie largest in the CitV. and ho Halters liinis. If that, he on 11 fur nish a good hargu:ns, if not better, thuu cuu be got any where else in llie i-ity, O. L. BURCII. 51. November 23 161?. A full supply of all the most popular Remedies, kept constantly on hand, and sold at Manufacturer's price at Pescuu'i Dua Stohk. Sept. 2d. Eire and Molasses, "I U.ST RECEIVED, and for sale, a new sitpr'T of prime. JAMES M. TOWLES. ' Jure 21, 1849. 09 Sl'IKlTS TURPENTINE, FRESH from the Sti'l, kept constantly on hand, and for sale by the Ga'lon or Pjarrel. JAMES M. TOWLES. Raleigh, Auget 3, 1649. .. .. Jjadics Gaiters, ; ; JUST RECEIVED ; Blue and Black; very fine O. LBURCH. Nov. 27, 1849. ' 52 . Raleigh Paper Mill! THE undersigned takes this method of informing the Publishers of Newspapers and Periodicals in North Carolina, ami the Public generally, that. he has leased the Paper Mill, about 3 miles from Raleigh, procured the Services of finished operatives, purchas ed the necessary stock, and is now prepared lo make and !'iirui.--li any ,1111011111 of Paper o order. H asks a trial only for his Pupir, as lie is .determined to give satisfaction in it, or ceusc its niniiul'ucture. IMPERIAL, SUPER-ROYAL, MEPIUM i" ackapje aad Wrapping Paper, niani'.r.ietiired at the shortest notice and the most mod erate prices. To Ceneonrngo Home Industry,'.' is, under all cir cumstances, commendable and proper ; and it is wise, when in doing so, we sacrifice iiothinir ourselves. Address, JAMES D. P.OYSTHR. Ralei-li, Aug. 24, 1P49, . 311 I m. Female Hoarding School. THE Seventh Session of my School will open on Thursday, the Kith of January next, under the care Of competent Teachers. Charges as heretofore, viz: For lioiud and Tuition, per Session of Five Months, in all the English Brunches, including Or namental Needlework, Lights, tie. - 37 511 F ir French, per session, . - . . , . . 5 00 For Music en Piano, - . - - - 12 50 Music 011 (luitir will also be taught, at 10 00 This School, situated 12 miles South of Oxford, on the Raleigh Itoad, is a Prcp iralory Sehu, to Creens b'lro' Female College ; and Parents wishing to give their Children a good uud thorough Education, or prepare them for Co'lrge, cannot do so at any other School on better terms than is here offered. No deduction made for absence, after entering School, except in cuse of sickness. ' KIWI) M'Kr.1). Address, Brookvillr, Granville Co. N.C. January 4th, 1K50. 5 It SITUATION WANTED. A YOUNG MAN, of Franklin County, is desiron of obtaining a Situation a Clerk. He is well qualified for the Statiou, aud would bo faithful to hi employer. 1-or inlormation apply to THE EDITOR. Jan. 25, 1850. 8 3t 0. L. BIRCH, TAKES this occasion to announce to his friends and the public generally, that be will continue the Boot and Shoe business at the old stand of O. I,. Burch, St Co. and W'll exert himself to the utmost, as h retofore, to give satisfaction. No pains nor at tention will be spared to please and accommodate aH those who may luvor him with their custom. Rdeigh, SeptTibr !!7, 184S. 4 Sedgwick Female Seminary, RAlEICII, X. c. THE exercises of this Institution, of which the lat Rev. J. J. Fmcn was Principal, will continue, as heretofore, nuder the direction and supervision of M,. 1' inch, together with such assistant a circumstan ces may require. TERMS PER SESSION (PayahU in Advanet.) B ard nd English Tuition, fJfiO 00 Music on Piano or Guitar, 20 00 Use of Instrument, 3 00 Drnwii g and Painting, 10 00 Ancient and Modem Language 10 00 On the ubove charges a reasonable deduction will be made to thos who, individually, enter more than 2 pupils. tel.. 1 1S-50. 9 4t monthly P. I1. PESCUD, WHOLESALE A.D RETAIL DEALER Ifl Dnigs, CljcmicaK $C Dbc Stuffs, FAYETTEVILLE ST. RALEIGII.N.C. rLOK.IIS AD PLOUGH CASTIXGS!! A COMPLETE assortment of Richmond's cele brated Self-Sharpening Plough and Castings; also Two Horse Ploughs lor turning over stubble Laud in the Fall. JAMES M. TOWLES. Raleigh, Angnst 3, 18-19. 35 Kagsl ItassII RagsllI , THE Subarrilier will give the highest cash pri ces fir anv quantity of RAGS, at the Raleigh Paper Mill. Iin.nediate application are requested. - mifj n Itriv-Ji'mj Raleigh, July 2, 1-819. ; 31 5t LAW K 0 1 I E , CI C. BATTLE having returned to this City, will resume the Practice of the Law, in this and the adjacent Counties. All husiues entrusted to him, will be promptly at tended to. He is prepared to make out and procure all SOL DIERS' CLAIMS, of ovary description, at short no tice, according to prescribed form. . , -, . . Raleigh, A ugust7. 38 lm. Fresh Supplies. CONSTANTLY arrivum at Pescud'i Drug Store. 100 Kegs pur White Lead, ' 1 1 , .Kill do.. No.1,, do , d... ., ,. . : 9lK) Callous Linseed Oil, ... 100 nS. Refined Borax, ' - .''50 Ounces Qaiiiiuo, . " ' -.-' ' " -' ,12 Dozen Congres Water, . 3 Case Oomlwip ' Patent Chewing Tobacco, 1 do Old Peyton Gravelly' Tobacco, 12 do : Thnma's MdWiTobncoo. 1 A large supply of Varuishes, Colors and Biuhes and mauy other desirable articles uro just receiveij and exia-cted to arrive-this week, and for sale bv P. F. PESCCD. Ruicigh, Ot. 19. . 4C-y BROWN SUGAR a ve- iiperior quality juct reciypd and for salo by Kulfijfli, Oct. 5. 44 IjMNE CALF SKIN and Coarse Shoes of home . Manufacture, for sale Cheap; Also Boots and Shoes made to order, in a neat and sulistunlial stvle. JAMES W. WALTON . Feb. 1st 1S.-.0. . 8 Conm-css Water. QIX dozen, "fresh and prime," just at hand, and for lOsalent PI 8 WS. Rule gh, August 5, 1819. 3S Ready Made Clothing. A FRESH supply of READY MADE CLOTH ING just 'received, and will be sold cheap for Cish. Also a lot of over size Silk Shirts, Dress Shir's, Lamls' Wool and Merino tinder Shirts and Drawers ; which will be, Bold on reasonable terms. J. J. BIGGS. Raleigh, Dec. 10. : 2-4w 'PR0S1'EI'TLI.S OF THE (JRAM'ILLE WHIG. A XVeely I'npet, derated to Pulitici, JVeirs, Inter nal IiripriMinent-i and Southern Manufacturei. Edited by Geo. Wortham. A PAPER bearing the. above title will lie issued in the Town of Oxford, N. C, oil Weducsday the -11th of February next. While the (iranviile Whig will advoente the meas ures of that Great Conservative Party, it will pursue a fair and candid course towards the Opposition, bes towing censure on whatever is c-nsut utile, and ever battling for truth, regardless of the source whence it em. -mites. A correct compendium of foreign and domestic news, drawn from a number of well selected exchan ges,, will be givin wei kly in its columns, together with statistics and general iiiioimutioti on the engros sing snlij 'CtS Of IXTF.liNAI. I.Mi-OVHMKXXT Ulld SoUtll- ern Maiiiil'aetures. A portion of its columns wi'l lie devoted to religion iutellieciicp and matters of genprul interest, and a few cleave literary selections will id?o be found among its cnuti nts In short, it will be the object of it Ed itor to make it a good Whig lp?r, combining amuse ment with valuable infonnut'on. The tin.txTii.i.E Wuei will he published weekly with clear type, on good paper of medium size, at the exceedingly low rales of . $- 0b per annum : Or J.1 00 if not paid in six mouths from subscrip tion. . Address the Editor (post paid) Oxford, N. C. State pf North Carolina. r William J. Ellison Adm'r. de bonis non with the will annexed of St-1 lieu Lung aad Adm'r. of E. A. Lang, dee'd. . Joseph Waldo L. Johnson, et al. In Martin Superior Court of Equity rTo Spring 1 inn 185J. . . "jVTOTICE is hereby given to the heir at law and 11 next of kin, non residents of the Stute of North Carolina, of Stephen Lang, to plead, answer or demur to the allegations of complainant's bill of complaint in this c.i, or judgment pro coufesso will be taken aa to them and tho same heurd accordingly. Witness, C. B. Hassell, Clerk and Master 'of our said Court of Equity, at office, this the 25th day of January A. I). lbau. C. B. HASSELL, C. M. E. Feb. 1, 1850. Price Adv'r. 5 C2J 9 6w REVOLUTION IN FKKIODICAL LIEERA- ' TL'KE. '- Colden's Dollar fllaffziiic and Monthly Eevlf". THIS POPULAR MAGAZINE, which was started two years since as a new adventure in publishing, with the object of affording to the reading masses of the United States a work of the highest class at the lowest price, has now entered upon the third year of its existence, with a circulation which insures its permanent continuance. The hrst num ber of the fifth volume for January inow ready, and the publisher r-'speetlniiy solicits tho attention and patronage of nil who want a monthly L'terary Maga zine, or w ho desire to encourage au undertaking which has for an olij 'Ct the dissemination of cheerlul, healthy aim instructive reading among the masses ol the en tire people of the Union. lioideu Magazine is illustrated every month with a number of admirable wood engravings by tho best artists, representing views of remarkable place and portrait of remarkable persons, mojtly American. The literary matter is furnished by ome of the most able and aeenmn'ished writer in the Union : it consists of Essays, liittori- tt s, Sketches of Charac ter, roetrv, Biographies, Islnr, I ranslatioiir, Re view of New Works, and a free comment on all the enrrent topics of the month. Being intenled for the tamily circle, the strictest care is exercised to exclude every thing from the page nf tho Magazine of an immoral tendency. 1 he work consists of t4 pngi monthly, beautifully printed with new type on fine whne paper. Terms to citv subscriber II per an nuin, delivered. Bound vols, of the year it4!), in cloth, gilt edge anu back, for sale at tl all each. W. H DIETZ, Publisher, 109 Nassau St, PETERSBURG COMMISSION HOUSE. DICKINSON & LESTER, BollingbrooU St. Petersburg, Va. WILt, givr) attention to the aalo of all kinds of Produce and Forwarding Good. Keler to Hon. A. VV Vena tic, Granville, and W, Whit alter, Jr. Esq. Raleigh. John Dickdiswi,. R. P. Lester. Late of Dam ilie. ; Petersburg, Va. March, 1848. Chewing Tobacco and Segars. OF pood, quality, for sale bv f Dec. 16. JAMES LITCHFORD. Herds Grass Scedf. I GOOD Supply of Fresh Herd Gras eVed. jnst il reoeived, and tor sle by. r. F. t'KStlP. Feb, 6, 1850. Cheap Groceries, Slc, GOOD Sole nd ttrrpef Leather, ' ' ' Calf and Lining Skias, i :i ..,: ' Shoe Thread, B ackiag and Tcks, Good Chewing id Smoking Tobacco, , , Ground Prprx r, and Ground Ging-w, ' ' , , Sugar, Coflbe, CHie"e and Lard, 'I Tea, Copera and Pie Lines, Flou', Meal, Fish and Vinegar, , Caudle, Simp, Snuft" and Caudy, j . Powder, Shot and In:nd, Tar by the barrel. &.. -Ste; For lude, hep for Caaliat . JAMES W. WALTON'S, ' Opposite Clt) Hdl, FayetUvIlle. St.'' Feb. 8. 8-tf. HOTEL, BY S. G. II A YES, IIEXDEitSO.V, X. f . HAVING taken the House recently fitted up in ceutre of the village and near the Uupui, 1 tit em rnu iu rcuoinmoauie travellers. As I have given reference 011 my card, I will only remark that strict attention shall lie paid to im sta ble., and those leaving horses with me, (which sin !l be kepi on reasonable terms,) need apprehend iioiiin r us to their treatment or being used. 1 ulso keep the stage office for the west. Meals always readv up 11 the arrival of the cars, and persona conveyed in haokh, bu sies, or on horse back, to any of the surroundii country. " IWiu wishing packages forwarded by the tae, by having tlion directed to my cure shall always be; promptly attended to ' IV The D uvdle Stage will leave HAYES' KO I EL inuiien ately alier liie arrival ol tlio i.ui,, uu Mondays. Wednesdays, and Friday. A Daily Four Horse Line will also run fr-in th'i Hotel to the Sulphur and Shoceo Springs, during the Watering Sseawu. Feb. 22, leill. 1 gaITden SEEDS, ; Comprising the most popular Varieties," warranted FRESH AND GENUINE, Just received, and for gale at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, h Co. Raleigh, Feb. 14, IS JO, Artichoke, Green Glob Asparagus, Giant, Beans, Earlv China, (DwarO Do. White Kidney, Do. Refugee or IUUII to 1 ' Do. Bed Speckled French, " ' Do. White Cranberry , (Running) Do. Large White Lima Beet, Early Blood Turuio do. Long da . do. Early Yellow Sugar do. French do. Cabbage, Early May 00. do. York do. do. Battersea or Drum Head do. do. Sugar Loaf To. Large Late Drum Head (Winter) 10. Large B rgen do do, Green Globe Sayey uo do. Flat Dutch do do. Red do Ai. Carrot, Long Orange no. Aiiringriain . do. Early Horn Cauliflower, Lurge Early do. do Late Dutch Celery, While Solid do. Knse Coloured Cress, Curled (or Peppergrass) ; Cucumber, Early Frame no. 00 Cluster do. Iioiig Green do. White Turkey do. Small Gherkiu 1 for rirkllnirr Corn, Adams' Early do. Sweet or Sni'ar do. Philad. Wkiu do. Tuskarora Era Plant. PwpU bettuce, rfhite Cabbage .1 . T ice cos do. White Butter do. Earlv Sileseia Melon, Long Island Water do. Carolina do do. Pine Apple do. Yellow Cantaloup do. Green Citron do. Nutmeg; Mustard, White do. Brown Nasturtium.' Onion, While Portugal do. Early Silver Skin do. Large Red do. Yellow Dutrh do. Buttons and S;lt Okra. Parsley, Doubled Culed Parsnip, large Dutch do. Sugar or Cnn Crown Peas, Early Cedo Nulli (Dwarf) do,, do, Washington or May do. , do. do. Bishop Prolifio - do. do. Marrowfat do. do. Sugar (Edib'e Pods) do. Marrowfat (Tall) Pepper, Ismg Cayenne do. do. Bell or Oxheart do. , do. Sivet t Sp iniah (aialad) Ft lish, Inng Scarh-t do, Harly Short Top do. do. Ch vry Turnip do. do. White do. Rhubarb, (Fur Trts) SalisfyVbr Vege'ablc Oyster " Spinspe. Summer nd winter Squaah, Early Bush do. Crook Neck . , : . . , , . Tomato, large Red do. do. Yellow Turnip, Large English Norfolk '"' do. Yellow Rirta Bagu-' ' do. large White Flat - , , do. Early Red Top do. do.'Flat Dutrh. l v HERB SEED, Thyme,' ' . Winter EUvory, ' " ' Rcseniary. . Sage, Fennel, t lavender. , . JT Order from the surrounding Country thank ful y received and punctually attended to. ' " NOTICE. ' ""'-' rpiIE nndersigned, in the name tnd on "behalf oflafayeitn Divisk.n, No. 3, of the FW of Tem)orance, will give $25,60 for tin? tied Origi'.' na Essay rm iht Uril nf Intemperance and?ho. Remedy. Thi Essay must lie written by a North Carolinian, nr resident in the Slate; nms not," exceed thirty page duodecimo, and must be for. wardrd free of charge, on or before the 5th of June rext.t.. Rev. R; T. Ileflin. K. VV. and (5. C. Rabotaan, Ksq., Rleidi, N. C, who hav 1 kindly conaented to aet a djndieloni. The ma re incrlpi ipnt be accompanied with a ecled lew.? containing the addrea of the writer. The award' will bedjudged oft the Jaatday nf Arrgait. " .' . '-- V',''J. ":-, .,1 1 CP. JONEa. E7;JMitor in North CroIina Aiendly ro th0 , cause. of Te-npentnee, will please give tho abyj one pr two irfertinr. i'herp'' Groceries ' lor Cash.!" ''; 1 A IftX of L verpoo rid Grcnrd Atom Still, J " ""ety of v her Groceries, for ul Cliei i, ior Cash, at : ' ' JAMES W, WALTOJ,.!'1.", i. Op; oi'e the City Hail . FayuUi-yiile bi ,. J K-U. 1 i Ibid.

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