wwm ill .1- .PUBLISHED' WEEKLY BY CH. C. RABOTEAU, EDITOR AM) NiOrRIETOR. . TERMS: $2 50 ER ANNUM IN ADVANCE, OR J3 00 IF P1TMEST I DELAYED SIX M9XTD3. VOL. III. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1850. NO. 15 A tt ,irn it n 'U f I i ' . : . 1 1 . '. . 1 1 I ' , II II I TERMS. Tn RiistoH Timm will be sent to Subscriber. at Two Dollars and half pet annum, it paid in ad vance. Three Dollars will be chared, if psymem deliyed ait mon.he. These Ternia will be luvana aly adhered to. ADVERTISEMENTS. For every Sixteen lines, or ten. One Dollar for the 'firrt.aud Twenty-five Cents for each subsequent in sertion. Court Ordeis, 4.0. will be, charged 25 per ei-at. higher; but a1 reasonable deduction will b made . to thou who advertise bj the year. JJT Letters on business, and all Communications ntemled for .puliation,, limit be nddressed to the Editor, and pott paid. NEW AUKANGKMENT. fpHE Subscriber most rosoettiiil'.y. inform" his customers and the Public gvtir rally, 'hat for the purpose of rlucing his present etock, (which consists of miny desirable goods,)to make room for m new fall supply, be will tell t reduced price for cash. Hp hat also obtained the service of Mr. Robert Peach, lute of New York, as a cutler. He has tpent about seven years in Franc, where he filled the same station in the moat respectable liouses. and enmes highly recommended, as lo his abilities in his profession as well as to moral character. Call and (jive him trial. Tne Subscriber returns his grateful acknowledgments for the liberal pat ronage heretofore received. ' J.J. BIGGS. July 19th, 1849. ' ' ' ; STARCH. A good article. For wile by Sept. 1. J. LITCHFORD. prime Java coffee or good quality. jut received and for sale by J, L1TCI1FORD. Sept. 7. 411-tf 3 Crjcuict to make : fllonen. A CHOICE lot of Superfine French aud English Clothe, Caeaimeret. and Vestines, i now being spenrd at BIGliSS WELL KNOWN CLOTH. IMti WAREHOUSE ou Fayettcville Street, where bii friends and the community generally are particu- larlv invited to call. There is a great variety of tyl tl.i. ,,. .ih a eeutral supply ol Goods in tlia I ur- i whicii. with a general supply nisliing Department, may be round on the moat ac commodating terms at the above place. The Proprietor, or his Foreman, Mr. Teach, may at all times be found at home. JitWy Made Chlkigjust orrivei. Raleigh, Oct. 19. 4G-6V Attorney for Prosecuting Claims at the City of Washington. THE Subscriber undertakes the collection, settle nient and adjustment of all manner of claims, ac count, or demands agaiuat the Government of the U nlted States, or any Foreign State or Country : be fore Commissioners, before Congress, or before any of the Public Departments at Washington. ., The procuring of Patents, Army and Navy Ten sions, the collection of accounts against the Govern ment, all Land Claims, snd every demand or other Dimness of whatever kind, requiring the prompt and efficient services of an Attorney or Aecnt. . A residence of fourteen years at the Seat of the Federal Government, with thorough and familiar acquaintance with the various systems and routine of business at the different Offices, as well as in Con grew ; added to his free access lo the sblest legal ad vieers, if needed, justifies the undersigned iu pledging the fullest satisfaction and the utmost dispatch to those who may eutruat tlieirbusineas to his cure. Be ing well known to the greater part of the eiliiens of this District, and to many gentlemen who have been members of Congress in the last twelve years, it is deemed useless to sxtend this notice by special refer ence. Communications must be prepaid in all casee. Charges or fees will be regulated by the nature and siteut of the business, but moderate in all caws. Address, II. C. SPALDING, Oct.19 l(o6t . Washington, D. C. FAMILY ROE HERRIXGS. 52 BARKF.LS and half barrela for sale by SEAWKLL V MEAD Raleigh, Feb. 23, 1849. 13 MID0W CLASS. LARGE assortment of Window Glass, of all ires, by the boa, for sale by SEAWELL fc MEAD. Raleigh, Feb. 23, 1849. 19. irtslj oni iint ! ! ! Jtyt in time ! ! ! i;'v.G3::0:;:.'3ea JAMES M. TOWLES IS just now receiving and opening a very sive Assortment nf r etten- SEASONABLE GOODS, which he offers on the most reasonable term for Cash, or tn panctnal customers. His friends are reapectfully invited to Call and i for themselves. 46-e : Raleigh, Oct. ae. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 1 RALE18H, N. C, Is i Temperance Re. THE Snbs-riber iutorms his friends ni ths public, generally, that the above Eetab ishmeiit has late ly asdergone extensive repairs, sod is now in com plete order for the reception of the Travelling Public, as well as Boarders. His rooms are comfortably and Beat'y furnished; the Table shall alwuys be provided with the best thst cti be procurod ; the Servants are lbs beet i the City for ew and attention to the calls ef ths gnests: and no yams shall bo wauling on hie sart to eive satisfaction. The terms shall be u mod erate aa the times will nlTord ; aud the attention of travellers, aud others, is invited to the advantages of this establishment, being pleasantly located, near the centre of the City. This being the only Temperance House in Raleigh, it has a peculiar recommendatiou te all those who are fond of encouraging aud prsclis lag lbs Tsmpersnes frineipls. f w KIXC Raleigh, Jons IJ, 1849. ; The Latest FashlcM Jnrt at Bail. 0L BURCII has retanied from trie North with eTrr thing necessary for ananafactnring the mast fashion able Boota sad riheet that csa be mails. He lies brought the best Fans as well as Philadelphia Catf bkins,aad now feele coufidVot that ke eaa not esily make te fashionable Witt a earable Bests tad filuse at est astiilsf VrOtatat. Cad eat, aaaaa- . State of North Carolina. , JOHNSTON COWL , IX EQUITY. Ashley Saunders Eicrntor nf Elizabeth Jone, r'.ilwin lioykm and his wife Elizabeth J., William 6. Edwards and his wile Amanda M., Nathaniel Blackwood, and his wife Mary E., coinplaiuauta. GA1XT Nathaniel G. Jones Adin'r ofllardy Jones, and David T. Jones, Defendants. In this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the Defendant David T. Jones is not a resident nf the State of North Carolina. It is therefore ordered, that publication be msde for til weeks in the Raleigh Timet, 'a weeklv Newspa per published in the City of Raleigh,) itttifjing the said David T. Jones, to appear at tl next term of this CoHrt, at the) Court House in Smith Meld on the 4th Monday in March 1350, and plead, answer or demur to the Plaintiff's bill of complaint or the matters charged therein, will be taken as confessed and he ird ex parte as to him. Witness, VVm. H. Morning, Clerk nf our mid Court at office in Smilhfield, the 4th Monday in September 1819. , WM. II. MORNING, C. Si M. E. SOITHLRY VIEYIRDS AM) NURSE RIES. Twenty years experience enables the suiaeriber to offer to patrons Fruit Trees and Grape Vines, and other articles in hie line, well attested by trial to be peculiarly fitted for Southern climee, and therefore not Haute to eventually disappoint expectation, as of ten do the products from Northern aud Western es tablishments. Trees and Vines from 10 to 50 cents each, according to kinds, age, and tixc in the nursery- Grape syru, (juice reduced aud no fermenta tion) end wines from 1 dollar to 6 per gallon, accor ding to quality, and cost aud trouble in making. Orders with cash, or equivalent, and letters of inqui ry, post paid, promptly attended to, by the Agricul tural public's humble servant, SIDNEY WF.LLER. , BaiMKLSTViut, Halifax co. N. C. Jan. 3, lb50. 7 tf The North Carolina MJ;T1t4L L,FE HSfRAXfE fOMPAW, . ' RALEIGH, N. C. THE above Company hea been in s;ration since the 1st of April last, tmdsr the dirscliou of the following Officers, vis: j Vt. Ctist. E. Johksom, President, Williim D. IUtwood, Vice IVeodeat, Jamcs V". Joantn, Secretary, W'illum H. Jonis, Treasurer, . Ptasm Bi-sota, Attorney, Dr. Cuss E. Joimsoa, ) u ., , j Dr. W.. II. McKxt. J Dr. Ricu'o. . Hsvwood, , C""- J. Hsitsmx, General Agent. This CsmsMT has rsoeiveO a charter gfvinf ad vantages to the insured over any other Company The Sth Section gives the Husbanu the privilege lo insure his own lite for the sole ass ef bis Wife and Children, fret from auy claims of the representatives of the husband or anvnf his creditors. Orraniied on purely muitiai principles, the life members participate in the vhale ef the prorits,whieh are declared annually. Besides, the applicant for lire, when the annual premium is over $3U, may pay ous half in a Note. All claims for insurance against the Company will be paid within ninety days after proof of the death of the party is furnished. Slaves are insured for one or for five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of property agaiuat the uncertainty of life. Slavs insurance presenta a new and interesting fea ture in the history of North Carolina, which will prove very important to the Southern States. The last four month's operation of this Company sbow a very large amount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year having already issued more than 200 Policies. AGENTS FOR 1 . iE COMPANY. J. Hersman, George T. Cooke, Wesley Whita ker, Jr. George E. B. Singellary, R. P. Waring, Travelling Agenbi for North Carolina. S. J. Young, Agent fur South Carolina. All Communications on business of ths Company should be addressed to JAMES F. JORDAN, Sec'v. Raleigh, August 29, 1849. , 43 State of North Carolina, WAKE COUNTY. Petition far the Silt of Real F.itate. In Euuitv Fall Term, ll?49 Wesley F. S. A ston and William Hester and wife Naucy U. ' ' s. Mary J. Kennon, James Thomas, and Gritxy his wife, and Mary Moore, Martha Moore, George Moore, Nath.'f Moore, Lemuel Moore, MathewP JaTowe and Speck Moore. . TN this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the X Court, that the Defendants are nen-rraidents of this State, it is Ordered, that advertisement be mads fur six successive weeks ia the Raleigh Times, for them to appear at the next Term of our Court of Fjnillv to lie held for the Countv of Wake, at the Court House in Raleigh, on the First Monday after the fourth Monday of March next, then and (here to plead, answer or demur to the Plaintiff's Peti tion ; or the sams will be taken for tonfeutd by 'hem and be heard ex-tarie. Witness, Perrin Butt, Clerk and Master of said Court, at Office in Raleigh, Jan'y 12, 1890. rEUKlN BUSBLE, L. M. E. January 18, 1850. 7-6w P. F. PEStTD, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, RALEIGH, N. C. IT EEPS constantly on band a larM Stock of Medi- IV cinee, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, and Dye Stuffs. Also, a full snpply of ths most popular Patent Mrdi ciues, the following of which he will seltysf Gross or Dozen at a small advance on the Manufacturers pri ces, vis: Wistsr'a Balsam of Wild Cherry, Gruy's Ointment, Brandreth s Pills, and Beckwitb s Auti rtvaoentio Fills. , Physieisns, Merchants, Farmers, at a distance, are reatieated to send their orders to him, which he will fill nromptlT epos such terms as will give sstisfae. lion, provided satisfactory reference of the cash sflnt. KaJeigh, tebruar) 19, WN ,;. . it .DAGUERREOTYPES TAKEN perfect by JOHN C. PALMER, whe has recently recei ved alt the improvements (rem (he North. He now works witU Uie celebrated qn'ek proparatioa ' cBtEtarrri , wWefe le decidedly an improvement in the Art. ' Hie Gallery it in Palmer ft Ramsay's Jewei'rer 8tOr. -,.:) : - ... ' fOfIN C fALMKR. GARRETSONS Fresh Garden and Field Seeds. 'PHE flnbacrilier has just received end opened his supply of Fresh Garden and Field Seed. The atock is well selected, and are of the most ap proved kiwis. Below are enumerated some of the principal kinds, viz; Asparagus Large While Giant ' Beet Early Red Turnip, lying Blood French Snp-ir, Msr-el Werttol Cabbage Seed Early Yoik, Sugar Lonf, Red Dutch, Early and Late Batterses, Drumhead, Flat Tl ch, Long, Bertjen, Green Savory Carrot ling, Orange and Early Horn , Celery White Solid Cucumber tang Green, Pricklct tad Eitrly Fran c. .' '" ltluce Brown Djich, lee End Royil Cabbage n;M Ai'i,',,. ct.:- n r....i. wiiiuii . imc mivci .jaiu, vi'uiiw I'Utlll alio Onion Buttons. Parsley Lnrfre Curled rtrsnip Irge White "urar Raddiah Long Scarlet, RcdTarnip and White do.: ; . SaUify large Savory Spinaue Round ed Tnmato Lirge RWhite TurnipEarly Flat; Ruts. Baa. White Dutch Red To.i, and Alierdeen Bcant or Sm pe Early Valentine, Mohawk, Refugee, Yell' w b' wtekt, Large Lima, Large white Kidney. Peas Extra Early, In ree all Marrowfat. Dwarf Marrowfat, Bishop's Pioiific and early Warling ton IVaa. Grass Bine, Hi t V,white Clover anil Lncern Sundries Tujcaora, Sugar and Smith's early Corn Sage Thyme, Summr Savory, Swet M r.'o ram, True.Creet, Boll, Tomato ShaJ and Cay enne Pepper. Scotch Irk, Melon Seed, etc; all of which are warranted fresh and genuine, smi I for sale hv P. F. PEStTD. Raleich. Feb. 12. 1S50. 11 Watt & Patterson's New Paten. Llork Spring Trass. FOR THE RADICAL CURE OK HERNIA. I'S ndvamngea nrn a aKl.r-sojiiSTiaa faisrirLa, ;i swing a uniform pressure, secure rettiliuii, aud easrt. to the wearer. A supply just receivii and for sale by P. F. FE.Scu'l). Raleigh, Feb. 5th, 1150. ', CHEWIKG AND SMOKING TOBACCO, prime lot. Call at JAMES LITCHFORD'S, Raleigh, March 3. KOU SALE. THE large and very convenient Dwelling House and Lot.forinerly belonging to the estate of Mrs. Prescilla Show, dee'd.. and now occupied by Mai. J. Nixon. For terms, apply to JAMES M. TOWLES. June 31, 1849. 29 TO THE TRADE. BURCII will infornvJke-Trade that he con- OJ; Ctantly keeps on hand anarreVissortmentof Tools, Lasts, Boot and Shoe Thread, t'atf, Goat, and Lin ing Skins, aud svery thing to furnish a shop out and out. -. November 23 1M9. 51. SPIRIT OF THE AGE. This is the title of a Weekly Newspaper, pub lithed in Raleigh, by ALEX. M. GORMAN, de voted to Temperance and General Information on the following low terms, via To single Subscribers, $1 50 per year. Clalie of 6, and upwards, 1 each " " GEO.WORTIIAM, Att. at Law, Oxford, N. C. AiriLL attend to claima entrusted to him in the M counties, of Granville, Warieu, Franklin, &. Par son. Jan. 4th JS50. S-Cra PASTILES for perfuming parlors and Sick Rooms, on htatid. snd for sale at Seo. PBtSCUPV Dreg Store. NORTH CAROLINA TEMPERANCE COMMUNICATOR. . n'ELISHED, WEEKLTfIS riYXTTEVILLt. Ton Paper, which hat been in existence two yean and a half, continues to be published, and has been highly recommenf oy trie Press, gener ally, and, recently, by the Baptist Cape Fear Asso ciation. Terms. To single subscribers, ft SO per year ilubt ol a, an I upwarps , I each Address, post paid, WM. PUI1 Kit, Ftvctteville. N. C. XT Onr brethren of the Press, throughout the State, are respectfully requested to give the above two or uinse iiwrriions. New Boots and Shoes. Oliver L. Burch. FsvtttnilU St., 1 Door belvu the Poet Offiet. RALEICU X. I'. irOCLD inform the pahlic that he has just receiv il edalsrge assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, comprising in pan tne louowmg anicies; Indies' Goat welt Buskins, French de de. Kid welt Ties, Fine Kid Buskins, Fine Oreria La ViettrU, (Nsw Fashion) ' (Joat do de do French Kid do ' ds Children's Blsrk Morocco, do Do Colored de ee i Do Brents de ' do Da Laced Boats, de Boy's Calf Bsois, Do 'Kip do --;-, J- Do Laeed Monroe's, ... Peg strapped da ; , Children's do ' ' 100 Pairs Pst.'soVIplia mtie Gentlemn'i Beets, fetched and Pegged, different eaalitiea, IV ii' tfrsew Boots, (New Btyle,) . Do. FVeahOnt. Negroes Coarse Shoes, Ac. auv " ' lie reqteelt alt wsntinf Boots sr Sbsrs to give hint a call, as be kaowe his asserbiwcit ta be ths btrgrst in the City, aud he Batters himself thst be east fur nisb as criod aartithis, H tut better, taaa east ben tssg trbereektskttkeCktyr - v a pin v KsisiTT Uid9. Patent Medklnfs. A full supply of all the most popular Remedies, kept constantly on hand, and sold at Manufacturer's prices at Puscud's Daua Stoat Sept. 28. Rice and Molasses, JUST RECEIVED, and for sale, a new supply of prime. JAMES M. TOWLES. ' Jure 21, 1849. 29 SPIRITS -TURPENTINE, - FUESII from the Still, kept constantly on hand, and forsalc by the Ga'lon or liarrel. JAML3 M. TOWLES. Raleigh, Aupst 3, 1M9. Ladies Gaiter $y JUST RECEIVED ; Blue and Black; very fine ; o L. BURCII. Not. 27, 1849. 52 Raleigh Paper Mill! fTMIE underrined takes this method of informing -a, me. runiialicrs ol Newspapers and J'er o licals in North Carolina, and the I'ublie generally, that he liu leafed the Paper Mill, about. 3 miles from Kaleich, procured the aervices ol finished ouerative,, pureliim i d t:ie necessary stock, and is nuw prepared to make iiuil furnish any 'amount of Puper'to (iritr. . He ask" a trial only for his Paper, as he is determined to give satisfaction in it, or reuse its manufacture. IMPERIAL, SUPER-ROYAL, MEDIUM Package and Wrapping Taper, mannfnetured at the shortest notice aud the most mod erate prices. , To " eneournge Home Industry," is, nnder all cir cumstances, commendable and proper ; nnd it is wise, when in duiugso, we eacrifiee noihinsr ourselves. Address, JAMES 1). KOYSTER.' Raleigh, Aug. SI, 1849, 3D Im. Female Boarding School. THE Seventh Session' of hry S'c'ieol will open ou Thursday, the 10th of January next, under ths care of couipc teut .Teachers.. Charges as heretofore, vis: For Bwd and Tuition, per Senion of Fire Moutlis, in all the English BrsHchesriiicludintr Or- nanirutnl Needlework, l ights, liX. - . .' 37 5tl tor t rent h, per session, - ..... . ft 00 For Music on I'iauo, - - ' . . lit 50 Music on Guitar will also be taught, at 10 00 This School, situated 13 miles South of Oxford, on the Rulrigh Read, is a Preparatory School to G 'ecus- boro female tolleire ; and rarents wiahme to eive their Children a good aud thorough Education, or prepare them lor College, cannot do so at any other School on better terms thsn is here uflsred. No deduction made for absence, after entenns School, except in case of sickness. r:iiw r speed. Address, Rrookville, Grsavills Co. N. C. January 4th, I860. 5-41 SITUATION WASTED. A YOUNG MAN, of Frsnklia County, ia desirens of obtaining a Situation lis Clerk. He is well qualified for ths Station, and would be faithful to his employer. . t or information apply to THE EDITOR. Jan. 3S, 1950. 8 St 0. L. BIRCH, TAKES this occasion to snnouncs to his friends and the public generally, that he will continue the Boot and Shoe basiness at the old stand of O. L. Burch, & Co. and will exert hims If to ths ntniost, aa hi retofore, to give satisfaction. Nopaius ner at tention will be spared to plrass snd accouiraodats alt those who may favor him with their eustoas. Ralsigh, SsstsTiser tt, 1848. 48 Sedgwick Female Seminary, RALEIGH, N. f. THE exercises of this Institution, of which the late Rev. J. J. Finch was Principal, will coutinus, aa heretofore, suder the direction and supervision el Mrs. Finch, together with such aaaisrante as circumstan ces may require. TERMS TER SESSlON-tlftysHs in Aifnee.) B ard and Engliah Tuition, : TO 00 Music on Piano or Guitar, 30 00 I'se of Instrument, S 00 Drawii g and Painting, 10 00 Ancient aud Modern Languages 10 00 On the above charges a reasonable deduction wfl be made to those who, individually, eater mors thai 9 ptipak Feb. 1 1850. I"4t monthly P. 1 PEISCUD, WHOLESALE AD RETAIL DEALER Vi Drntjs, CljtmicaU, & Dne Stnffff, FAYETTEV1LLE 8T. RALEIGH, N.C. ri.OlbHS AI) PL0CGH CASTINGS It A COMPLETE assortment of Richmond's cele brated Self -Sharpening Ploughe and Castings,; also 1 wo Horse rloaghs for turning over stubble Land iu the Fall. JAMES M. TOWLES. Raleigh, August 3, 1849. 35 Rtrsl Rags It Raffs! I! TIIE Subscriber will give the highest cstli pri cea f..r any quantity of RAGS, at the Raleigh Taper Will, immediate application are requested. JA.ubo I) Raleigh, July 3, 1849. ROVSJ'ER. 31 5t LAW NOTICE. CC. BATTLE having returned to tins' City, will resume the Practice of the Law, in this aud the adjacent Counties. . All business entrusted to him, will bs promptly at tended to. He is prepared to make out and procure a() SOL DIERS' CLAIMS, of every description, at short no tice, according te prescribed forms. Raleigh, August 7. ' ' 38 1m. ; Fresh Supplies. CONSTANTLY srriving at lVscad's Dreg Storey V 100 Kcgt pure W hite Lt sd, 100 do No. I, do de ' , 800 C.sJ'uis linseed OiL ' 100 lbs. Refined Borst, ' 80 Ounces Quinine, ; ' ' ll " 12 Doten Congress Water. : - 8 Cass Goodwin's Fsteat Oewmg Tobaoeo, I to iM PeytMi Grael'y'e Totneos, ' W 4 Thomas M diet's Tiiacee, A. raWsMl 44 V aralshea. Cokut n4 BrasV. 4 suae other leairaUe tulWest eu jtiei reoeretd sx4 tmieiAxit b si t4('iw) tsresle y BROWN, SUGAR OF a very superior quality, just received aud for sale by JAMES LITCHFORD. Raleigh, Oct. 5. FINE CALK SKIN and Coarse Sl.oea of home Manufacture, for sale Cheap; Also Roots aud Shoes msde to srder, is a neat and sabstantial stvl. JAMES W. WALTON Feb. 1st 18J0. . v t Congress Water. SIX doien, ''fresh and prime," just al lmid.aiid for saleat VI -UB'S. : "Raleigh, Aiijrust 5, 1P49. . 3G Ready Made Clothing. A FRF.SH supply of RKADY M ADK C1)TH ING just received, and will h" sol I cheHp fur Cash, AIsoh lot of over size Silk 8hins, Drops Sliirtn, Lamlis' Wtiol and Merino uniler Sliirlsain! Draweio ; wliicli will be bold on reason) 1 terms. J. J. BUU.S. Raleigh, Pec. ID. 2-4w PUOSPECTCS 1F " THE (.HAMIi.I.E WHIG. A H'eeiy Paper, devoted to Politice, New, Inter nal Improvement anil Smtnern Mauufnctui ee. . Indited hy Geo. Wortham. ' PAPER Ijearinir the iibove title will be issned in the Town of t)xlord, N. C, on Wednesday the 1 1 id .f February next. : While the tirmniftc Whig will advocate the meas ures of that Gnat Conservative Party, it will pursue a fair and caadid course towards the Opposition, bes towing censure on whatever U C'iiPUrai!e, aud ever battling for truth, regardless of the source whence it simulates. A correct -compendium of foreign and domestic news, drawn from a number of well Selected exchan ges, will he given weeklv iu its columns, together with statistics and "eneral imnimation on the engma- Sl' g subjects Of I.MTI.KMAL iMt'OVUHtSNT Slid SdUtll- ern Mannt'actiires. A portion of its columns will be devoted to religious intel'iuence and matters of general interest, and a few choice literary selections will also he found among its contents la short, it will b- the object of its Ed itor to make it a good Whig Pnper, combining amuse ment with valuable information. ' The Gkantii.i.b Wiiio will lie published weekly with clear type, on good pnper si" medium sias, utthe exceedimr'y low rates of $'! DO per annum Or 83 0U if not paid iu six months from subssrip- tion. : Address the Editor (post paid) Oxford, K. C. State of North Carolina. William J. Ellison Adm'r. de bonis non with the will annexed of Steihsn Lang and Adin'r. ef X. A. Lang, dee'd. -.' ':' . '.'". 1 e.' ...'..... Joseph Waldo L. Johnson, if tl. In Msrtin Superior Court of Ejuity,-Te Spring Term 1850. "VTOTICE is hereby given to the heirs at law sad It next of kin, non residents of the State of North Carolina, of Stephen Lang, to plead, answer or demur to the allegations of complainant's bill of complaint ia this cause, or judgment pro confesso will be lakea as to them snd the same heard accordingly. Witness, C. B. Hassell, Clerk and Master ef ear said Court of Equitv, at office, this the 23th day ef January A. D. 1C5U. C. B. HASSELL, C M. E. Feb. 1, 1890. Price AeVr. 85(94 - :.t 6w REVOLUTION IN : PERIODICAL LIEERA. TCUE. Koldcn's Dollar Irlaprzlne tad M8italy Rericvr. THIS POPULAR MAGAZINE, which was started two years since as a new adventure in pahlishing, with the object of affording to the rending masses of the United States n work of the highest class at the Iswest price, has now entered upon the third year of its existence, with a circulation which insures its permoacat continuance, The first num ber of the fifth volume for January is now ready, and the publisher respectfully solicits ths attention and patronage of all who waut a momhy Literary Maga zine, or who desire to encourage an uiidertakingwhich has for an object the dissemination of cheerful, healthy and instructive rending among the masses of ths en tire people of the Union. Holdin's Maguiine is illustrated every month with a number of admirable wood engravings by the best artists, representing views of remarkable places and portraits of reirarkuble persons, mostly American. The literary matter is furnished by some of the most able and accomplished writers in the Union: it consists of Essays, Hiftnriett -s, Sketches of Chsrac Ur, Poetry, Biographies, Tales, Translation Re views of New Works, and a free comment on all the enrrent topics of the month.- Reing intended for the tamily circle, the strictest caro is exercised to exclude every thing from the pages of ths Magazine of en immoral tendency. The work consists of 64 pages monthly, beautifully pnnt"d with new type on fine whiie paper. Terms to city subscribers 8 1 per su num. delivered. Bound vols, of the year 1S49, iu cloth, gilt edge and back, tor sale at tl oil each. W.H DIETZ, Publisher, -. -.:iU Nassau St PETERSBURG COMMISSION HOUtiE. DICKINSON & LESTER, Bollincbrnok St. Pete rsbnrg, Va. WILL give attention to the saJc nf all kinds of Produce and rorwitnltng (iocsIs. liefer to Hon. A. W Venable, Granville, and VV. Whit aker, Jr. Esq. Raleigh. Joint Dtcitttsot, K r. LitTlt. lite nf Danville. .. : " Petersburg, Va. March, I8t8. rv , ' Chewing Tobacco and Scgara. OF good quality, for sale by Dee. 15. JAMES LITCHFORD. Herds Grass Seeds. I GOOD Simplv of Fresh Herds Grass SeW, inst i received, and tor sale by . P. F. FEbCl'D. Feb, 6. I860. Cheap Groceries, &c. J GOOD Sole end Upper Leather, Calf and Lining Bkias, ' ' 1 r-hoe Thread, Blsckiag and Ticks. , : Gotd Chewing and rmokiag Tnbscca, Ground Pepper, and Ground Ginger, . ' twigar, Cofl'ie, Clieese and Ijudj ; " ' " ' Tea, Copeae end Plow l-ittee, v , t . tlosu-, Meal, fish end Vategar, . . t C'atlce, rjoep, fettoff ana Candy, ' i ftowder, MiMaiid lfad. . ' ',..' Tar by the Isuret, ttc., t; For asKeJi"t W Cash at, ... JAW It W.IVALlUtt , .. , rejeV Ur$ iUtt,tsUsiviU. HOTEL, BY S. G. HAYES, Ui:.MEK$0.. N. C. HAVING taken the House recently fitted up in ths 'centre of tne village and near the Depot, I am prepared to accommodate travellers. ' As-I have given reference ou my csrd, I will only rmnurk that strict attention shall be paid lo my sta bles, aud ihov leaving hones with me, (which shall b? kepi ou 'CMmable terms,) need apprehend nothing as to ilieir trcHtinvnt or being used. I also keep the stagamc. lor lIio west. ' Meals always ready upou the arrival of Uie-cars, and persoue conveyed iu hacks, buggies, or on iiorse back, to any of the surrounding country. Persons wishing packages fit vafd(d by the stage, by hnviiig (hem directed to my care shall always be promptly attended to IT The Danville Stage will leave HAYES' IIO TI'.L uiim.'d ately after the arrival of the Train eu Mondays. Wrdnesdays. and Fndkys. A Daily Four Horse Line will ft'so nin from this Hotel to liie Sulphur and 81ir:co Spriugs, during the Watering .Ssi'i.sou, jvb. ia, ir-50. ii-tf GARDEN SEEDS, Comprising the moat popular Varieties, wtrr nted FRESH AND GtCVUIN'E, JrAt received, and for siile .it thn Drug r-'ture m WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, & Co Rileigh,F-b. 14, 1850. Artichoke, Green Globs Asparagus, Giant, Beans, Early China, (Dwarf) Do. Whiic Kidney, ln. R.-rmjee orltll.'Otol - I'o Red Speckled French, Do. White Cranberry (Running) Do. Large White Luna " Bet, Early Blood Turnip Ho. Long do t'o. Early Yeilew Sa;ar do. French de. Cabbage, Early May do. do. York do. do. Battersea or Dram Ilsai do. do. . Sugar Loaf do. tjirge Late Dram Head (W;nter) (le. Luge Bergea 8 do. Green Gl.ibe Savsy Se do. Fiat Dutch ee do. Red do 4a Carrot, Long Orange . ao. Altriugham do. Early Horn Cauliflower, Large larly do. do Late Datofc CeU y. White Soli4 uo. Rose i oloured Crese, Cur'ed (or P"ppcrgrse) Cucumber, Earlv Frsms do. do C.ustef do. Long Green do. White Turkey do. Small Gherkin (far rMkKatr) Com, Adams' Early do. weet or Sugar do. Philad. White do. Tuskarora Egg Plant. Purple Lettuce, White Cabbage do. Ice cosa do. White Butler do. . : Earlv SileaciA Melon, long Island Water do. Caroline, de do. Pine Apple do. Yellow Cantnlotfi do. Green Cittua do. Nutmeg Mustard, Whit to. Brown Nasturtium. Onion, White Portnftl do. Early Silver flkia do. Ijirge Red do. Ytllow Dutcb do. Buttont and Bttt Okra. Partley, Doubled CulexJ Parsnip, Ijirge Dutch do. Sugar or Cup Crosrm Pest, Etrly Cedo Nnlli (Bwarf) do. do. W a slim ton nr Mat' da do. do. Bishops Prolific de. do. Marrowfat eV do. Sugar (Ediblt Toas) ee. Marrowfat - (Tall) ' Pepper, Long Cayenne do. do. Bell or Oxhsart do. do. Sweet Spanish (atataJ) Rtdish, long Scarlet do. Early Sho-t Top do. do. Cherry Tttraia do. do. White , 4e.. Rhubarb, (For Tsrte) Slisfy, or Vege'sble Oyster Spinage. Summer and witter Sqntsh, Earlv Busk do. Crook Neck Tomato, lisrjre Res! do. do. Yellow Tnrnin, Large English KerlMt do. Yellow Rata Baga do ltge White Flat do. Esrlv Red Top ( do. do.'Flat Det 'h. ' HERB Str. Thyme, ' Winter taeesy, Rosemary, , staffs, Fennel, j Lavender. ; IT' Orders from ths surrounding Country thaak fylly received and ainctssl1y attended to. r NOTICE. TIlEnndersignedj'inthe name snd on Wialf of liStayette Division, No. 3, of the Sons nf t eniper pe, will give 8Ji5,80 lor tlie best Origi nal tissay pit the Ei ih u Intemperance end the Itemeily. Tt Essay mnst be written by a NotJi Carolinian, or a resident in the Sate; mast ont '. exceed thirty pages dnodec tn, ami mnst he f.if wsrdi d tree) of eliarge. em or before the 6th nf June next, K. Rev. R. 1'. Hefliu, a VV. Whiting ami C. C. Rnbotean, Rsqs., Raleigh, N. C, who hare kindly consented to act as adjudicators. 1heinn- Hscnpt nmt be aceonipanird with a sealed iHter 1 containing (lie address ol the -writer. The t Ware) will be adjudged en tho last day ol Aiieunt. ' :.s.rV;.. -.-)-. CP.JCNS. tT EJitors In North Carolina frienoly to "tlw cause nf TenirTsnce, will please grceUie aixe one or two iii-ertions. j. v Cfirnf Groceries foiCJu. ATtTof LimljtBdCfoeud XIum tu ml tniriitjf fliBi.st ei Uicsti tor bCaabat '- - , - . . .. . 41F3T4WAjttK'. ; tVpwIte ft C.') 4j let faKUt. HiM. ' 8 1st trjM .t.-i

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