3 The North Carolina KUTl'lL LIFE nsiRWrE COHPAM', H4LE1GII, N. C. fTVIE nh"V" Company his bn in opetmion near. J- ly one vear, under the immediate anpervisiou of . Dr. Cnaa E. Joiixsoji, r.'i H'-lfiit, ------- Wiiaiasi 1). (Uvwoon. Vice President, Jauks F. Joaoe.x. S'-cn-taiy, Wiluam H. Jonm. Treasurer, lEIlKtN Ul'SIKK, Attorney, I Dr. I has L. Johnson, lr. W. H. Mti, Dr. Ricu'n. It. Haywood, Mrdiral Bmrrf of Consultation. IV, (ham I). Cooke, i Dr. William R. Scott, Ex'cuL.t Committee. Charles B. Root, , . - J. flEBRit s, General Agent. During ih in time mure tliuu 500 Policies liavo been sud. with an increiisin'r demand for information un )e sullied ol L ie Insurance. . I This C ompany id working under the most liberal 1 Charier known la Liie Compauias. Xlie 5lh See. is j follows ! j ' Be it furt'irr ennrtei, Thsl tile husband rosy in- sure his own life, for the sole use and benefit of his wife or children, and in cas of tin- death of ihe hu- I haul, the um.ciiit thus insured shell bo paid orer to the e-ife or ehihlreti, or their vn ' rdinn. if under ago j lor their owe use, free from all the claims of tlie rep- j res nliitvrH of Ihe husb nid or liny of Ii creditors. tlrjin'jc d on priucip'i s purely mtiiuil. ihe life mem-. b-rs parlicip lie in ihe w ole of tile nrntite. Besides, ; the insured is allowed to use his ainiuul dividends m . the renewal if Pi'en:uiu. i Slaves are insured for u term of from one to five ! years, for $ iheir value j Ail k. 9 of the I'omp my tire pn'4 wi;hin wncty day after sal sl'aern.-y proof is I'urn shed. - N Cin'iioiilia rM,s liiive or w.li he taken, i. Blanks and Pamphlets cmaiiiing Charter. By-' laws. ,Sr may be had en application at ihe. i-lUje c! ; t.ie fVmpany. or any of the Ag'iicies, - Coiiiinuiiicaiions should he addressed, post ntiid, to J AMI', 1'. JOKDAN. Secv. Amil 10. I -..it. !) jiuhvav Acail'jniv. T fl e rubral K F. II la v :.-nh (.i flinl inl,- :oit wti eommeiie lliwttllllie.il 18 I iiceo Spr iifs. in the lid day d siKillt H il ry hraltby, lefii! for tile T siili'"ih r in ei Mimiuiitv. a lo fe's d t rioined to us a conliiiuaiiee of pii'i ir. ".fi.i' tM ad :th 1 i I i'ition : il i I .", !'.) p LI til) IMOIIl'.: v e .lthelnatie;t! departments. ., Coimno ; F.ierlish hniiirhfS. iiuard -wil'j the Pnncipil V per mom1.: N" ex-.j tra i.hai..e. T. 1. JONIi. , A. M.. Pinicipal. i Jim- 14, I ?.-;!. -)s-.rt i The Stiiiida-d, flnirit of the Aee, Tarboro' ' Pn-w. anil Noah Mute Y -if v.i'i c -pv 6ve tiinn and forward. account to the Principal, Iioiiivbiiri;. 1 fyr ,1- ii a V h snlcnb.'r i'eta".-e In execute in a work - maii-iike manner, ail kirds of i'lain unci Oni tmciit il 5;o:isn niul, i2n ;n;i!ii:a' ; Gl' 7:ug, GilJing, I'li'tatinn of all kinds of Marble, ' and every variety of W.iod. Persons wishing lo have painting done would do well to give bun a ci I. as he is conhdent lie cntinni he nurp.as.sed in the place. All orders left at Mrs. M ll.irilie's, opposite the Market Mouse, will be thank fully received and promptly attended to. ALEX. (I AUD IK Ruiei.rh, March 15, 1J5H. 15- S l K I N G F A S II 1 O.N. S.--i JL. kim n 1 WOULD iiihinift evi W gfiillenmn nl Fn.-hiim . that wislwstnWtHSl!Mi..rPUMI, B(M)T,I mado in the fined MviSfif Ismoine Ctirrnieun a j iVw Culf Skin. In rail on him. as ti" is d te- Miti"d nutlft hi surpassed in ihe in intiftotMy i" I'jiix 1?ihi:s. S'nrth ,ir S'niiiii. , i ,:, Atul iwarly all wilij.lii.it llmt it l difficult In In lie irenfelly dressed williuut a pH.riil (). I,. itV Best llixit. : R..I?ijjl.. IT.rch 8, H-t( ""sFiiuts ti rintinfT" FRESH from the Still, kept constantly oil hand, aud foraalcby the Ga'lonor Barrel. ; ' : JAMFS M. TOWLES. Ualeigh, Angst 3, 1M3. : , , v UKOWN SUGAU ; AF a very auperior quality, just received and for sale bv S-ileigli', Oct. 5. JAMES LFICHFOKD. 41 ; " Ashevjlle Alessengcr. ,.-'. ; The "JfeascBffer" is ihe oldert, largest, and has the laijest circulation cfany paper in Western Caro lina printed on fine paper, and new type, and of fered at the low price of 1 copy t vear, J52 00 ; 3 lor 5 50 ; 5 $8 2.7; aud 10 for f 16 00 ! ! ! AJvertisoinenUi of Ifi lines, inserted for tho first insertion, for 8 1 0U, and 25 cbifor each continuance. uud a luVrul allowauce made io those advertising Uuy leii'ili of lime. PuUlisiwd at AshevilUv N- C, every Wednesday morui'iy. JAMES M. MONEY. Editor and Proprietor ' April, lB.'rt. 2d-4l Aa Acalrmy or Sc hoo!. A I-adv, w'n hss h id several years ex-iencnce in il tearhiui the Hig'ler Bmnc'regof Female Educn tion, iucludia r French anil MT, m liistitutioiiR .if hi-h character, and who is eiirinently qualified to tk" th'irge of an Ac idemvor School, is newrous of pro- ' curing a situation in this Slate The very b si rei-) trenecH ins t ablity a- .d stiecesii in teachins; given. 1 and a p .ias will be spared on her part to give tie- j taction. ' ..-'.. ' i nnliKiM, maw lu. mi1a lif A,J 1 ait ! -n. '. J to th Eoitvix of the Times, by whom alt necessary Cnfnrinntinn will hd cheerfully given, i. Raleigu Sept. 5th 15(1 18-tf Scotch sn-ff and tobacco. -Those V wlrii are fond of a nfes tlip or good chew of the wet d will find a suip-rb article of Snuff and Toacco, .l P'-scuis l)i Store. ,, . uuetgai jh.tii i:mi mau, , . , . jo- Vll AGS! RAGS!! rTHE Ui rhest Cash Price wil b? paiil for geod cot- X toil and Linen Rug", at the vm ty Store of J 1 RYALs, & () Bul.ijih."Miu-cli, 1. -. ' 12 tr: ..Or NIVI'K'E The M til-ter tisl l.-li.....;l, -SAnetnTiiigt'le North Carolina Cpfy-I SiaU- Con veiipnn. C'lninewniif on i nursn -y in tere ine ,jr Snnd iy in OcHdier ,re r, (Jiiesii d. uion err. .4 iu llit eUftV'n m'ie nniurdi, t.'!y to tue B -ft list C',"''ni where a fjwmitleiv will hjn ntteW U wi'slw! llie.ti In their vv-rwHive plre-p ..bioVsjiiiiir the it' M i t ike V''wnnim.'- iher.iMMHteey iURDAN A. RAtlRfV. w jjmtisihiirjr, Ahj. IT. " Wepi. 27-tut ! :TO TH KrLADIF.S. l"TfIE tiUa.tC t'B'Ja esnnwe tein mwirhn: AhMwrviceS of iprfnp Wo. k Mt 1- ""d im'trtie which the i.es aiv w.nf intl finy Hii-' ';iiie. I arn iwiifi leiit I an p.Hwe herytvec. ' P Arties fnm.s'ied -srilh fvv !iiii n'oe the he terms. Giv ans r fur trial and "h"l. t .1 ne giva satisfaetioa efcry way, there iM Iwi,m rfrr)fV tuMH : ' 1 ' -S'i 1 l, WAUHI.ll JU t:gi, Ssji. I 1830. 40-tf A L I! E II T R. ST IT II, AG EAT, f OMIlSSICV MEIUHA.AT, IXD Dry Goods Erckrr, Xev Vork. 'PENDENS Ins service lothe Merchants, Plun tersnnd citizens of the Southern tit .tes, anil will attend tn anv business, in his lino either in i the sale l Produce or Merchandize, nr the pur. f chase of Dry Goods, Groct ries, Crockery, Shoes,! Hits, Furniture, Cnrritiges, Musical ami Ai"itl-1 i rural instrument, Bigging Kope, Drugs., 31 etli-! cine, &c. He flutier inn self bs a purchaser of I ! yixxls fur Kuutheril Meiclianls his experience will ! enable liitu tr jjiv? entire fat'ofacliim lo Ihe Mer chants wiio inv entrust to linn their otdera. REFERENCKS: Hi Excellency Cliarle Manly, Raleigh. William Hill, Secretary ofStnte, do, (. W. .Mordecai, Pre'! B'k of Stale, do. Dr. J.O. Watwirj.Pres'tliu. In. Co , do. B. V. .Miiore, Esq., Altnfney (!en., do. Malhew Sliaiv, Esq, Wanliington. Hon. J. R. J. Daniel, Weldon. . Andrew Jnvner, Esq , do. I. II. I.ewis. Esq., Ureensboroiigh, Ala. .New Vnrk, August 1,1850. 30-tf. wii fm Si Nw Goods ! New Goods ! ! I -AT i J.UIF s l,IT( HFORD'S, Fajcttcvillc St. , A aiN(j i hope received are -V I r.ui-I Lnwiis and Muslins, Htrip'J and Plain Ginrjhams. Ann -ric ni and English Prints a crest variety,'' It .mim d and Brown Sheetings and ehirtiura, Aii :n ( hecks and Bed Tickings, . C'oihs, tVssimcra and Vcstiuffs, Summer t-oatins and Pant Stuffs, &c, &c. Pt -Mher Willi a vanity of other articles, all of 'which 1 am desirous of selling mi remarkably cotJ terms. JAMES LlTCllFUltD. March 25, 1550. : . 16- Oils, Oils, Paints, kc. Onn GALLON'S CottonSeed Oil, -J V miu " Mnceed " . Jiiu (;nllon Sperm & Whale Oil, A large nipplr White Lead, Pure No. 1 Turpentine, ( hrom (Treen. Pans Green, Chrom Yellow, I inssia lime, ( Itiuese and American Vermillion, l.uhareo Iveii Seed, Terra dts Scieml, Umber, 1 ! i l uiki Lump Black, Spanish Brown, biv i' 'i tuicrican Window Glass, all Ihe t't .'C!" iv c'i'i. d and Putty. Also, every variety anil ... . .,. i ..n, !:. all of whioh will be sold on-reason-...:.. .il l small tnalit by r f. rr.jex'D. . IV eu-.rf it :. ' ..: li Ucc aud .tlolassos, . LI ED, and for le, a new aupnlv JAMES M. TOWLES. ' IS 19. 29 1IJST R! " nf priihi. Jure il. Kaijs! kaffs!! Rags.! ''r 1 1 Siiiwr riber will (jive the litghcst cash pri- c h f u- any quantity of RAGS, at the Raleigh Paper Miit. Immediate application are requested. JAMES. D. ROYSTER.'.' R.l.-io'i. Julv3, 1849. 31 fit riVD0H CLASS. LARGE assortment of Window Glass, of a! sizes, by tho box, for sale bv SfJ.VWELL Sl MEAD, ileigh. Feb. 23, 1849. . 12 i Fresh Supplies. CONSTANTLY arriving at Pescud's Drug Store Hill Kegs pure White Lead, I li J do No. 1, do do 201 Gal ons Linseed Oil, 10(1 lbs. Refined Borax, 50 Ounces Quinine, 12 Dojen Congress Water, 3 Cases Goodwiu's Patent Chewing Tobacco, I Jo Old Peyton Gravelly's Tobacco, '12 do Thomas Miller's Tobacco. A laige supply of Varnishes, Colors and Brushes. :.: ! iimny other desirable articles are just received and expected to arrive this week, and for sale bv P. F. PESCCD. Raleigh, Oct. 19. 46-y NOTICE. THE undersigned begs to inform ths air.nti o) On GKAEFENBERG COMPANY, in Nurth Car olina, that their business is removed from 'he hands o Mr. W. H. Newby, of Louisburg. They will please address the subscriber dirt, t on any subjects connected with the business of the Corn pan), and -make remittances or pay monies only to the same, until further advised. EDWARD BARTON, 50 Broadway, New York. March 15, 1850. '., . 15-3t Standard & times and forward account to John Skinner, Louiaburg, Washington Hotel, ' RALEIGH, N. C, ; As a Temperance Ilonse. 'THIE Subseriberfinfornis his friends and the public, -L geuerajly, that the above Establishment has late ly undergone extensive repairs, and is now in com pleie order for the reception of the Travelling Public, is well iu Hoarders. His rooms are comfortably and neal'y furnished; the Table shall always be provided with the best that cau be procured ; the Servants are Ihe bt st in the Citv for care and attention to the calls rjf the eai.'sls: and no pains shall be wanting on his part to g;v satisfaction. The terms shall be as mod erate as the times will afford ) aud the attention of travellers, and others, is invited to the advantages of 'Lis establishment, being pleasantly located, near the centre of the City. This being the only Temperance House in Raleigh, it has I peculiar recommendation lo n'i those who are fond of encouraging aud practis ing tho Temperance priuciple. . F. W. ICING. Raleigh, June 15, 1S49. 28 ly Sedgwick Female Seminary, RALEIGH, BC Y THE exercises of this Institution, of which the late Itev. J. J. Frscii was Principal, will continue, as heretofore, under the dioection and supervision of Mrs. Finch, together with such assistants as circuiratan cin may reipiire. TERM PER SESSION-(JoyiliZ, in Ahmet.) n ar l and English Tuition, frm 00 M-'.sic in P.ano or Guiur, . 20 00 C e of Iiirtrument. . 3 P0 ; D.-rw'i g surf Painting, ' - 10 00 A .ic 'it and Modern Languages 10 00 -pU.iui; ttKrt iiCliargesa sraswaeM WdoetKW will T' me le to tbM who, individually, enter more than . ! po--" ''il'i - , ' . '' lYI.. 1 IPS. ; T. , i 9 U mootblv IKi'UE.JAVA COFFEE of eood quality, just reeMirwf ami for sale by J. UTCUFORD. iV.Vf.:7..,': ,f .,t .' i -4Uf TPiTJBE. PASTE of dirtrent. eolois and Savor, ' tn rece- d nt PeseieTs Vtiig Stors. ., R !..'j(H Mi."" 13th 1350. . CT IPP. 'SO'Ai-a.' I k e.e;... -i,;.. - t W ' t ---- -- . .... . , v, , , n t nuiia a o T ? itnvft pitt; fl fnrfr:np1v of ft! iroimViaiflf of Vh.tn V"nJtor, MHry rahrin Coke, KwrtU, j in is iii-i Miriitmns i mm wij Uflt, t?l r' tl 1jn p, i M iftf dl WnsS P-iV.f., olt a great wiriaj Ksf Fauoy .ojiji!t,ti.aa4iJafen ry, . . m p. f. n: scud, :: irilOLESALEUDKETlII. DEALER IV Drugs, tfljcmtcals, SC Dtic Shiffa, FAYETTriVlLI.E ST. RALeTgII.N'.C. Female Boarding School. THE Eighth Session of my School will open ou Monday the 1st of July next, tiuder the care f competent Teachers. Chari a ns heretofore, V.'I I For Beicd and Tuition, per Session of Five Months, in all the English Branched, including Or namental Needlework, Lights, ,&c. - . $37 50 For Freii. h, per session, - - - - 5 Oil F'or Mub'ic on Piano, - - - - - 12 5(1 Viusic on Guitar will also be taught, at ' 10 00 Thia School, situated 12 miles South of Oxford, on llie Raleigh Road, is a Preparatory School to Greens boro' Female Colh ee : and Parents wishing to giv. their Children a good and thorough Education, or prepare them for Co lee, cannot do s at any other School on better terms than in here offered. No deduction made lor absence, afler enteriue ' School, except ill cat-.' of aickness. - Enwn srr.ED. Address, Brookvillc, Granville Co. N. C. Mav. 21, I -.VI. 25- ; Cl ifljance to make illoncji. ArilOICF, lot of Sitpertiiie Fr-neh mi.! Englibh Cloths. Cassimeri s. mid V. stint's, is now h-itig lp ned at RIWIS'S WELL Iv I iV X CLOI'll IN'G WAREHOUSE on F.yett. vMe Street. where hia friends un J the cciiium.iity generally are jiartieu larly invited lo call. . There is a great variety of new styles this season, which, W'th a general supp'y of G.ae's in the Fur nishing Department, may be found on the most uc comm.ilutuig terms ul ihe above place. The Pmp'ietor, or his Foreman; Mr. Peach, limy at all times be found at home. ' . lleoily MaJe i'ltling jtif' arricJ. Raleigh,. Oct. IS). 40-rt FUIIM ItOE IIEKI.,.S. R BARRELS and halfham-'s for sale bv 3i SEA WELL &. MED ; Raleigh, Fi b. 23, 1810. i 12 f rcsl) ant) "fine ! ! ! Just in iimc ! ! ! JA.MKS ,M. I'OWLlvS IS jnst now receiving and opining a very exteii. sive Assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS, which he" pftern oil the niusl reiisnnnbl? terms for Cash, or to punctual customers. His friends, me rcspectfidlv invited to call ami 6i'e lor tiiemselvea. R.ili"iih. Oct. 2t! ; 4'i-. il Glass Lamps. JUST on band ntiother loi of splendid Lamps, of ditlereiil colors and patterns, (some new style) and suitable for burning Fluid, fur salt bv. P. F. rESCTD. April 9,h, III- Gentkraen's Leshoru llats. f liand a mial assortiueui of Gentlemen's V Leghorn Huts for Summer wear. Also, a large assortment of ci iniuon Straw nnd Lhtp huts. Mav 31st 185". JAMES J.ITC1IFORD. .. 21- T1IK LATEST FASHIONS, AT BIGGS' FASHIONABLE WAREHOUSE. ON FAYETTr.VILLE -TliKET, T.'.rre ioort hehxo iVessrs Williamt, lluyitootl, Ii Co' Drug Sorn, M Y be seen a beaufilul nssortment of Fashion able Spring and summer Go.kIp. consisting in part of Bsou.n, GaEEN, Olive and Blue Cloths, of various shades aud qualities. Plain and F.g'd. Black Casvimrr, do " do Light do do " do Cashmarrt. do " do White Dri'lings, for pan Is do " do Light do do do " do Black Satin Vesting, do " do White " for Parties, ; do " do Black Florentine, do " do While Marseilles, do " do Light Challey, Fancy Embroiderid Linen, au entirely new article, for V sts. With niauv other articles, such as Cra vats, Dress Shins, Bosoms aud Collars. Silk and Merino Under-Shirts. white and black Kid Gloves, light and back Silk do.; Silk aud Linen Cambric Pocket Handkerchiefs, All of which will be sold on the most iccommoda. ting terms. Mr. rEACIL Late of Paris, will assist in the Culling Deparment. All orders promptly attended to, and a good fit warranted. N. B. One or two first rate Coat hands wanted immediately. J. J. B. Raleigh. March 23, 1P50. 1ft PLOUGHS AM) PLOFGII ( ASTIM.SM A COMPLETE assortment of Richmond's cele hruted Self-Sharpening Ploughs und Castings ; also Ta o Horse Plouglis for turuing over stubble Land in the Fall. JAMES M. TOWLES. Raleigh, August 3. 1849. 35 Watt & Patterson's , IVew Patent R'ork Snriiitr Trnss. FOR THE RADICAL CURE OF HERNIA. ITS advantages are a t;Lr-ojrsn.vi patNCii'Le, producing a uniform pressure, secuie retention, nnd ease tn the wenrer. A snpp'y just received and for sele bv P. F. PESCl.'D. Ralegh, Feb. 5th, ll5fJ. T te.......l .. 'II tlj I.U g T7R0M the Iindereit'iied on the evening of the X 12th inri. two dark hay Carriage horse and one dark bay pony, very sn ail, all bob tai's. Anv information respecting them will lie duly ap preciated by J.F.SIMMONS, : Welilon. N. C. Attorney for I'lOssecuting I laims aj the City ol' Washington. THE Subscriber mulertokes live collection, settle ment and adjustment of all manner of claims, ae. enmits r demiuids sgainm the Government of the U itrd States, r any Foreign Mate r Cimntry : be fore Commissioners, before Congress, or before any of the Tnfclic Departments at Washington. The procuring f Patents, Army and Navy Pen sions, the collection of accounts against th Govern ment, all Laud Claims, and every demand or other business ef whatever kind, requlriHs; tie prompt and etBeetent service of aa Attorney or Agent. A residence of fourteen years at the Seal of tils Federal Government, with a Utorough and familiar aeqnaiatonee with the varioMa systems and routine of kusiues sl the different Cfllcee, as w,H am in Con gress; addid to his free access lo Ihe abhet b-galnd-visers. if netded, justifies the uiidersiciicd in pledging tke ftsflest satisfaction and the utmost dispatch to those who niy eutrost their busuwes tatiis care. Be. in?, well known to ibe fvti t lrt of the cititens of this Djtrlct, and to many gentlemen who have been members of tigress hi rite lost twelve fears, it is uVeaies) uselees ls eweud this notitsr by pcial refer enee. Coiumunicaliens must he prepaid in all cases. 1 Chirties or fees will be regulated bv llie nature and iestunt f the bnsinesi, but rrxwierate in all ew. Address, H. C. SPALD1N'A, 6 Oat. l?lCoCt JVaahin-rs D. C HOTEL, E Y a. G. II AY KS, IIEl)EKS0X. X. . HAVING taken ihe House recemly filled up in the centre of the vi.lagc and neai the 1'epol, I am prepared to acecmiiuNhite travellers. - As 1 nv tSva uferuut. iiU. Atty cuird, 1 w.J only remark that slrict attention shall be paid lo my sta bles, and those leaving horses with mi , (which shall be kept on reasonable terms,) need apprehend nothing as to Iheir treatment or being used. I also keep tiie stage oBSce for the west. .Meals always ready upou lie. arrivulof the cars, and persons conveyed in hacks, buggies, or on horse back, to any of the surrounding country. Persons wif'iicg packages forwarded by the. stage, by having them directed to my cure (hull always be promptly attended to 1.7" Th Danville Stage will leave RAVES' IIO TKL imm diately after tiie arrival of the Traiu ou Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. A Daily Four Horse Line wilt also ran from this llutel to the Sulphur and Shocco Springs, during tho Watering Ssei.son. Feb. 22, ll U-tf New and Neasoualtie Goods. JAMES M. TOWLES. has just reeled his stock of Spring and Summer Merchandise, embracing a great variety of the latest slues and nhr.ost every .piality ol Fancy and Staple Goods! For particulars, lie would respectfully invite his f iends to call nnd see for il'.emselvis, as he it determined to oiler them on such t-Tni as iniKt please. . IV A Cask of fr.'h Rice ju-t received. Mav I i. 23- itaUjjoh i'apvA' Milt! THE under-aned takes this iitethod of informing the Publishers ot Nowsjuipei and Perioi'ioids in North Ciiroliiin, ar.d llie Puhoc gvoerall) , lhat he has leased tile Paji'T .M i'l, aliolil 3 nohslrem Rltle'glt. procured the servic. s of (ir'shed op.-riitiies. pinchi.s ed the n. e. ssuiy stock, and is now prepared io make and furnish any .ueount of Paper In Older, lie asks ii trial only for h.s P. per, i.s he i. d. teiiiiined logive sutisfacticn ii, it. or cease its manufacture. IMPMltlAI., SUPER- HOY A L, .11 EDI I'M P arkaffoand M' rap pin? Paper. manufactured at the shortest notice and the most mod. erate prices. ' To " encourage Horn" Industry," is, under nil cir cumstances, commendable and proper ; mid it is wise, when in doiugso, we sacrifice nothing ourselves. Address, JAMES. D. ROYSTER. . Raleigh, Aug. 2 l,184!l, .'111 I in. Feinalc I iiissical lustilutc. RALEIGH. N. C. rllE fourth Seion of ibis Institittioii will begin W'ldnesdav, the 3rd July next. A Judicium and IhoiotiMh roue of stuilv, n con peteiit male F.ieultv, a pleasant locution, a limited number of pupi's, with nil llie ri mlcrts of a piivutc fiimilv, render the Ii.st.tut on a ibsir.l.le place if in-stin-iioii. BENNET T. BLAKE. P.iiieipnl June, 1853. ., 31-tf Herds Grass seeds. ,1 l.uuir cnppiy 01 rreill ttelCs tiniss eerl, ills il reCel eived. and tor sale by P. F.PESCUD. Fib, 6, 11-50. Linseed Oil. f) KA GALLONS Moiintuin Linseed Oil re tatiU ceil ed this day and lor sale by P. F. PESCUD, April 0th, ' . ; I!t IJKIiFl'MIRy. rOAP, AND'ANt Y AH II CLES (IF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE, consisting of Lubins and Ron sells' ExIraclB mid Colognes. Transparent and new style Wash Balls, Tooth Brushes (ill great variety, and of dilTereut qualities.) Hair Brushts Violin and Guitar Strings, Segar lights. Matches, Combs Porte Mounuies, V'Uegar Rouge, Lilly White, Steel Tens Erasive Soup, Cement, Tobacco Pouches dcc.&c , just ou hand, and for sale by P. F. PESCVD. Raleigh March 1 fit la IPSO. lfi- iy Lxpress. ITST RECEIVED, another ! t of those beauti I fill lymoine (Parip) Calf Skins, which I am hav ing made up in a superior at) le, in gentlemen's Pump and French Welt Boots. Call aud examine for your selves. ' . . ' All orders promptly executed. O. L BURCII. FOR SALE Fr nch aad Phi'adi Iphia Calf Skius, iu Are. April M, 1-5(1. . 20- GEO.WORTIIAW, tt. at Law, Oxford, X. C w ILL attend to claims entrusted to him in the counties, of Granville, Warren, Franklin, & Per son. ', Jan.4lh 1S50 5-Pm DAGUEUU10Tyi'Ei rpAKEN ierfect by JOHN C. PALMER, who has recently received all the improvement from ihe North. He now worka with llie celebrated quick preparation CEI. EROTYPE, which is derijeilly an iinpMvement iu the; Art. . His Gallery is in Palmer Sl Ramsay's Jewellery Store. : . JOHN C. PALMER. Raleigh. June 30. 30 If PROSPECTUS OF THE WHIG BANNER. TUB uiideisigned purposes to estihlieh, in the town of Halifax, a Weekly Newspaper under the almve title." Jl 'lii'ving, us we do, th it the principle of the Whig party are test c.iciil.ied in sustain the hon or and prouole the prosperiiy of llie whole conn, try. we will ever piie them, itrntgh ihe fi.luiiui ol ihe D , liner, H zealous nnd mm vstii,jt support. At the hiiiiic lime ive are dekTiniianl iicvpr In deny juklire lo h ol it i r 1 1 opponent, nor lo forget the eonriesv w hich i due t. our ho thri ll ol llie press The column of the "R inner' will not 1e entire ly token up with the disenili ol political subject.; in the fiu trary lrge space ill be drvolrd tn the iitteiesls of Agriculture ; tn Literary Antrlcs. origiiml a ml seli-c t ; and to Ibe news of ihe day pener i;ly. By this means it is Joped to make Ihe "Burner" family, a wpII a a 4itiiil Papef, The publication will he commenced in Ihe first week of January, 1851. Great attention will lie paid to the Mechanical department of the Piper, and it will be luriiisneu io sutiBcrniers at 4SJ. 60 in advance oral 93, if not paid within three innnilis from the receipt of the first number. ! WM. L. LONG.' Halifax, N. C, August lOtli i860- . i 39- ' Spring Importation of Hardware, (ntlerr, and Gnns. : i q. . iv. mortox, ARE now reueiviiig by the Ships Ramus d t'onslellstioa from Liverpool, their Spring IM rORTATION of , " Hardvur, C,MUf, (3u " ' - wb'.ch with a targe nesortiiietit of An erican Hard, war, makes their Stock larger ai d their awmmeut better thun eve tajfore. ! Having bought their goods under the most favorable circniiM'aiiccc, thr y off.r them on the most libetul terms and at ns low prices at they can he fcougtil in any of .'be Norther tries. They awpcetfully Csnntry Merchants, and ofhen wanting goods in their line to call and. jimine their Stock, at their Old Stand ou Hycamors Street, froct( Boltingbreok. , . ruvt.b-t'5 Yj l!a;K Ktfi, 1EJ0. ' JC-In IT a I c Is b Carey .Uancfattory, THE SUBSCRIBER wen'd take lids metlod of informing Dcnlns in CANDY, that he hns procured ihe e; v.ces of a Superior Workman ; and has made a great improvement in his CAN DY ; and he hopes, by attention to the husiness, to merit the custom of North Carolina Merchants. He would say that It is as much to llie interest sf Noitii Carolina Ven honts lo sustain n Cn.rfy Facto ry, as it is to hinweif. He warrants his Canity to be as good, in every respect, and as cheap as it can be biutiht this side of Baltimore. All he asks is one trial, to convince any one that he can and will sell as cheap mid ns geed as can be found anywhere. He also keeps ou hand a good assortment of PE GARS, II AISIVS, Engravings in Framesand with out Frames: NUTS, of various k nds ; and many arl ell's in the Confectionary line not necessjry to mention. He will, in a short ,'me, commence the manufac turing of all kines ef FANCY CANDIES: such as Sugar, Almond, Plum, Mint drops, and Candies for dn-ssing Cakes. His estal.lishuieut ma fund directly opposite the Market House, on Fayctteville Street. L. B. WALKER. Raleigh, Sept.fi, If-50. 4'J-lf. O" Register and Age copy both. PESmnV .XTSNO.U.l ! PPI1E Subsrrilier wishing to oo Nur'.lionthe I5lh ol next miinth to buy a fresh Stork (d Drugs, Medicines tie., ,rr speetfi;y requests all who are iiidi'lued lo Slith Sl I'escud, I'escnd & Jnhnson or on bia individual account previous In January 1850, loc illiind se'lle, williou' d, Uv or further persuasion. IV. F. i'E.SCOD. Jiilv 23. 1851). 3t- Stc.'un Saw 31 ill. r BF-fi It'iiv.' to rii'l tin iiltfiilluu of hn I-.crj nnd pfrstiUB t H'ch;tP( Iu!i:l)- r in ntv SI EA iISAU MILL l R I AL! Ml, WHKRE THEY CAN BE ; supplied with any kiud.al the shoitcsl notice. Also sawed Lathsof llie best qu l.ty at il 10 per M, T. H. SNO'V July 12. ' . 3--lv xoritE. NOTICE is hereby given, that an application will' be made to the nexi Legislature of North Caro lina, on behalf of th- Commissionera of the City of Rateirli, for an amendment tothet'orwratioii Charter. W. ). HAYWOOD, Int. Police. Raleigh, June 10, 150 3'-tf Rounrts, .piv Style. A LARGE LOT of Fashionable Bonnets, Artifi cials, &.C, &., &.(:. Just received, and for sale low, ut JAMES MICH FORD'S. March 22, 1850. lb- STARCI1. A good article. For sale bv Sept. 7. J. Li rCHFORD. L AW h 0 T 1 IK, j CI C. B ATTLE having returned to this City, will j resume the Practice of the Law, in this and the I adjacent Coii'ittes. : All husiuiss entrusted to him, will be promptly at tended to He is urenared to make out and nrocure all SOL DIERS' ( 'LAI MS, of every description, at short no lice, according to prescribed form. Raleigh. August 7. 3S m. ETK I It I A V II K AT. 1 sflOri Bushels of the ETRURIAN .arietv of 1UUU WHEAT for sale, at g 1.5,1 per bushel. Ail early application is desirable', as I am having it ground up into F our. The very few persons around ine who si.wed this varkty of W Iu at have made fine crojis. It is an early lutd vigorous growing Wheat, which is the cause of its resisting the It. ssiau Fiy and Rust bjtter than any variety I hve ever knowu. PEI'ER EVANS. EurrT, Chulhaui County. Aug. 23, 133 38 4t. Ready Made Clothing. A FRESH supply of READY MADh t LflTH I.SO inst received, and will be sold rheap for Cash. Also a lot of over size Silk Shirts, Dress Shirts, Lain, s' Wiad and Merino under Shirt and Drawers; which will be sold on reusonuHe terms J. J. BIGGS. Raleigh, Dec. 10. 43-w Rrlnklervillc Entertainment, ie. Ma. Editor: As Inter than most seasons the flrinkleyville Vinyards open (or visitors, or grapes gen erally ripe towards the lost of this month. Terms for entrance aud select grapes to carry away as heretofore. Pic nicartiesor largest companies (has been 100 at a time) rn Saturdays for about two months. : May bo received specimen treer and other articles in th Brinkleyville Nurseries. Also rock pillars an! other most approve.) fixtures to support the vino canopies ; accruing to the true American system of vine culture. Grapes very abundant this sea sou of all kinds.) Therefore as fiO, 70 or more barrels of wiiiewill be constantly making, for about two months on the subscriber's presses by self aud neighbours, all visiters desirous may, by personal inspection and infor mation, avail of long and well tested experiments to make best American wines. It will be noticed (hat like tha wise procedure of the vintners of Maueria and Oporto, about one t iid of spirits mixed with grape juice as a pure safe keeping ingredient, (some juice boiled to asyriip in an oak box with copper bottom, but this nat wine really.) And here observed that spiiit aud sugar the purestand must preservative prin pies iu Citation pervading ill som- form all the vege table w irld. And as in all wines really so, tho alco holic and sachurinc principles, naturally -constituent parts, why consider it adulterating wuns to add those materials artificially whin not enough iu grsp jimel Maileria and Port wines, the beat foreign niedichi. !y. not consider1 'impure, if fot genuine, though one third sp ri Is therein. And why sbr.nid a prejudice exist as to muking American wines by adding a suffi ciency ol spirits or sugar 1 ' Or say as to sugar 3 IV. at least per gallon, as equivalent Is eue third of spir its T Unlrss interested foreigners and their agent here should encourage (his notion to keep us dependant on tho East for annual million worth of wine of rem dubious genuineness and health 1 And especially this prejudice injurious to as as retarding th advance of temperance.' for I have ever held that as in eas tern lauds wine making eouuties tempera)?, o would ours bo in proportion s vineyards may abound. ; , And therefore, the yineyani fntise Uid reelly at least grandly anxi iary to the noble efforts of the Soos of TeABperatie j serfwitln'aiiding some indivi duals blindly contend for the adverse doctrine But aa an amiiiote to the influence of such they bidden t'lH-y at least attack ehr stlauity or the Bible itselr, sanctioning the temperate use of wine j and then at, tempt to tn Jke wine a tttrss instead or a Itting im plies the blasphemy ef charging rmr'Ravioar the great est, patten oriosnpcnaMMimrawal tsr making and dunking wwe. tr Car d ah, that aw etottM af whioh the Pbsnsiee of bt eaed bin ty way f reproach a wins bibber- ' :r ' -.'' 1 ': ' f,,-', -'' ' ' , MDNEY WELLFR. PtWdeyrHleJIsStax Co, C Aa;. Prospectus f THE ET1 DERMIS AND NORTH OA ROLIN A ADVOCATE. WITH a vie .n express more fully the charac teraml design of the paper, the siiIm nU r proisn. ea aliiirily to add io the title of live Newla rnian," . Hit' Words, "and fii.rtli CanliiM Adviwati." Ha r.onci ives Ihat llie press ol I ue Sluie is now, more emphatically th n ever, called u am to advocate wi.h xttl a fuller development of the resources of"' Norlllt'snilin iii,v reliaiu'e lis.n her own in. dusiryani! skili ,u HSjnruitiirv, comiU' rce and ma lilil.iClures and In r I'l ns. eiiieiil eiev.ilion lo a more coiniiianding p. i,iti uainniig her sister St.ie s. The piper will ol'eonrae preserve its ch irn-ler of a K'litical Ji'Um il ; and In the renders nl t e New Is rulall. it I scarce ly access i rv lo'siy, iischa racl' r as a Xi'iiloiiH ailiiaale of H'oig principles. The late r'vci-e which Ihe Whig jurtv has no I in llie Stale has net shaken, ill Ihe least, i nr linn Con. virtion that the lastii g prosperity of lh runntrv,' on I Ihe in .int. mi nee of the ciuisliiuliou in its pu rity, are idenlilied with the success ol ilu se prim i. ph s. Thai di has oi.'J auiiiialed us lo renew ihe coiillicl with more zeal iimleinTgy tn pick our" flint, take belter aim, and trv nrjaiii. The "New hernia n aud North Canilnm Aduaialn" will, hkeihe Newhcriiian, take h tirin siand lor South, rn rights. Bui, believing as we do thai these rights can best be maintained tn the I'niitii, anil under ihe ion.-ii-lulion, it will oppose strenuously every approach to Disunion, except hi a last resort to sate ihe South from oppression and miu. In these respects the paper will coiiiinue in pursue it accustomed course, but as we Impe with more ze.il and imi'Tv.. The chief improviim nl H Inch we In pe Ine tii ct, is tho eX"ri iseo great, r inHm nee on the ngrt cuitural, i iiimue'rciiil and iiiaiiuhn inrnig iulcresls of Ihe State in gen' ml, and of Eastern Carnli a in piriiciil ,r. As these imprest are intimately con. necled with llie growth and prosperity Ol our lnwiis, we Irusl that the merchants, lui'ch inics nnd olhtr ii z-'tis iiiliTi'stcel in the pro-p T.t v of Ki.iston, 0 I' inf.iri, an I ,,ther t'wns iviihiu the rau::eol' 'i'l c.rc t iti hi, '.an.l spn. iH ly of Newlieru, will j!. h id i s evil) I ci ill niilcir iner. in e i u niuni. iH'ing iulnriiiiili. u iu repccl ti, ihe luiil-Hie rem. r. eree, tiiiiniifactnres, and shipping int. r els of thi'so towns. 'I here hns lie-on, ii ml is .-till, tun nnie li inihirereiice aud backwardness iu this ie- cl for 'he mutual interest of' all concerned. We will 1 udeavor tu do Mir purl heller lo r, mei'v II i- e'e lei t. und hope to he seconded in nir (li tis lv r. til rs, Sluuihl we sneered, in renili'riiu our eiict t ninro iiss'l'ul ami valuable in t ese r. spt ts. im.y we not hope frotn a n enligl.letii d piiblie. a n e re ix- i tended circulation and a mere libiial sunpoil ? TERMS. The 'Nrtvlierninii jitiil Nor h Cartdinn Advccnie will be pulili-lii il in New Ism puny 'J'tu sili.y, at 62 50 T i.nuuiii, pajahle in advance or $310 per iiiiiniin it not paid ui'hin s x no i tl a VM II. MAYIIKW, Editor and I'rujirieliir, : N-w's-rn. An" 27 1S5(. A I'Air.il FOR rolB l'AM LV. THE HOMi: JOURNAL. .Yeie SerinMorris a id U'lfi. tUitnr. "The best family newspaper in the world."" Ev Star. "Rather 'gel in' coal than go without it." Bosl, Pist IN consequence of the great and continually 'a. creasing ileiiiam, lor this elegantly-printed, vuielj circulated and nnivi'rsully popular Family N.-wspu per, we have heretofore been unahli, to lurnish Ihe back nuinbers to only a very limited extent, Co live id this disappointment in future, we shall, ou the first of July next, commence the publication of a New Series,, and print such an increased edition as will enable us lo supply New subscribers from that date. Besides the orig nal prnductinus of ihe Eelitors; the Foreign and Domestic Corn sHndeiice of a large list of contributors; the tpict of the European Magazines; the selections of the most interesting publications of the day; the brief novrls; the piquant stories; the SMikhug wit and amusing anecdote; the news and gossip of the Pans iaii papers; the personal sketches of public characters) the stirring scenes of the world we live iu; the cbrnii. icle of the news for ladies; the fashions and fa.bi'ina. bio gossip; the facts and out ines of new ; the pick of English information; the wit, humor and pallidum the times; the essay on life, literature, society and mor als; and the usual variety of careful choosing fn m tha wilderness of English penod;cal literature-, criticism, poetry, etc. Several New Features ol remarkable iu-ler.-st will enrich aud give value to the new series. Terms For one copy 12 ; for llin e c, ha $5, or one copy for three yearsC.T always ill aelvance. Suliscr.b" Witheut delay. . Address MORRIS and WILLIS, Editors aud Proprietors, 107 Fulton st. N.Y. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY JOURNAL 1 (the Weekly of the Merchant's DoV Book) One of the cheapest papere ever published iu this country, is issued every Saturday from the ofliee of tlie Mer chant's Day Book, at the very low price of ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Tiie Wkkklv Jocbml 's made up from the Mer chant's Day Hook, and contains all the reading mat, ter of the sx day's issue of thu paper.-.. AUo, Prici Current and Bunk Note Table eor. rected every week Report ef the Money and Pro duce Market, aud also ihe prices of all the hading articles of DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ; With a general summary of the transactions iu that branch of trade. Tne Mbrchamt' Day Book has taken a bold stand in lavor of the South and Southern rights, ami has been used in the Senate by Soul hern Senators to show that the views of the Editor upou the Slave ry questions were such as commened them not only to the Southern people, but to all candid men every, where. The WnttttLV Jotkmal eontalns all the reading matter of the Merchant V Pity Book. It has a 'urge circulation in the Northern States, where its views upon the Slavery question althmig considered a ex tremely Soutliern have crested a good eleal of in terest, and are exerting much influence. The Smith em people are invited to beeonw eulwerlheni, and lend their influence to extend it circululiou iu the Slavehulding Stales. REVOLUTION IN PERIODICAL LITLRA. TUUE. Holders Dollar Magzlne and ricnthl ' Heview. THIS TOPULAR MAGAZINE, which was slutted two yeais since as a new adveutme ia publishing, with the object of h;ToiIiiii to the reading masses of llie United Slates a work of the highest class at the lowest price, ha new enteres! upon tho l third year of Ua existence, witli a eJrenlaticti which usures il pemionciit conlinnance. The first num- f ber of the fifth volume for January Is now ready, ami the publisher resneolfully solicits the attention and parous ge ef all who waul a month!): Liternrv 13-igs. une. ur who elcsire toeacouruge an loiilertakiiiwbich baa for an object the dissemination of cheerful, heiillby aud instructive resiling among the masses of tlm .eu. tire people of the Union. , , Iloldeu's Magazine is illustrated eyiX)' pwmlh wiih u nmnber of admirable veorsl engravings ay tlie bc( artists, representing view of remarkable place! and , portrait of remark able persons, mo ly AeueeUap, The literary imatler is fnrajkW Sy tomei of thM most able and uccoinplwUi' riter In the Union: it eonsUtsof Easaye, llistorietle, SketfJv ofCharac--r, Poetrv, Uiographjea, lute 'J'niilatir, Re views of New Woiki.aod a free eoniiuent on all the: enrreiit topiss at the month, tleini intended for llwi" lanii'y ciicle. Ii"? strictest care is exerc si d l rfclfwlo ! every thing from the pages of tho Magazine of sn iinmond tended?, ' Ti rork eoosists of ti pages monthly, ttesautifully printed with new type on fum whiis paper. Tern's tn tuy subscribers fl per an niiia icliirenij. Bound vols, of the vear 140, itf eloth, giU edge and back, for sale nt I 50 e-ach, i , W, II. DIET'Z, Piibhshev 109 NaMuiu Si. Chewing Tobacco and Segars. ' alPeMlJ'nn.tll. K,. I. h." "'" " '" '" J.VV.KS LJTCUrORJ.