IT "1 E RA T nn - J J .Hi 1 II . i - 1V1 U kjo TTM.ISUF.n WKtlKLY T.Y CH. C. RAltOTISAU, EDITOR A.D mOPRIKTOR. - TERMS : $2 00 PER ANNUM IX ADVANCE, "OR $2 50 IF MOIEM IS DKL.WKI) SIX MOM HS, RALETGH, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14 , 1851. 7 VOL AV :NO 13 ; TUOl'OSALS FOR CARRYING TIIK MAIL IN NORTH- CAROLINA. ileli (rum thr act ,f Ctijre 3i March, IS 15 .wirifc 18. "And bt it further nuttri, 'I'luil it shall be the iiity ill' thr PiwtnuMtvr General in nil future l-tliujrs of contracts for the transportation of tlie mail, to let the same, in every case, tn Ihi" Invest bidder tender in nullirH-n guarantees forfaithlul performance, with out uilnf reference tu tin? mode nf f ueli transportation llian "iniv be accessary lu provide lor tin' due ceteri iv. cerlaintv, iiml security of sued transportation j nor shall kiiv new c.iulruitor henalicr In- required to tnireliase out, or take al a valuation, ihc stock or v... j hiciesnf any previous onnlruilor lor ihf same route. IT Bidders will be careful to n ail the forms ami .'iumiiRlioM appended to thin advertisement. They urn roauMIrd to state, ill their ropiinuK the mode by which they intend to coiiv. y tie- mail. M hi re the ,ic unit weight of iltt- , or the speed culled fur ill the . , . ... . .i , j . II i : . schedusbajl rere igfffUm. vwll be . lite tor, soaiiiooai, vr raiuvnu ,....,.,..,,.; III th may be, and, conseiuenlly. uch roui will lie let lo bid propoxmi; Mich liiixlo ol conveyance. In all other eases, the mules will he Iwiu'lifd to bids proposiiisf the clienpi'sl lumle of lruiHirtatian. JT liailroad coinpanieii lire specially notified that their rngitlar bids are to he nmh relbral an including the supply of each office on the line of their respect ive roails. not a (pinru-r of a mile from a dct. Separate proposa,) for offices more thou a quarter of a mile off will be contidered. '.'"('' I R01'OSAT,S for carrying the nmiln of ilie rnited Stales (nun Ihr lKt ilny I'l July. .1 "0 1 , o the Slltli rif June, 1855, inclusive, in North f ar nlina, will lie received at the conirnd office of the I 'ust Office Department, in ifie city of Wasliinntori, until 10 A.-M. nfthe 1st of April, lMI. (tn be decided by the 19tli day of April.) im the routes and iu iho milliner ami time herein niiecilied, vis -.'NORTH CAUni.lXA. ' 2801 From Kaleijh daily at 10.J a m ; by Neuse, Forestville, Pacific, Fra nklinton, Stii union; HiMiilersun, Ridneway, Macon OepoLand Littleton, To tiaKton by ll ni 87 miles, and back between 3 a m slid 1 p ni 2803 From Ra leigli daily at 2 p in ; bv Barclays-1 ville Pleasant Plain". Itunn's lvel, and Averys-1 ' . r ... . 1, L ,1 CI Ixirnnjli ; to raveiteviue oy 15 a iii oiai onv, u . -I..T 1 1....1.' iiuaoi, lh n m iiul 111 a in 1 iiii:cs : nun um-nimiii , , - next dnvs. l-niposais ,or iri-weesiy se.v , -i.i.. ...I. I rm ui hours to lie named ill the bid. lire invited i ana Prom Ualeioh at 4 a in. three times a : ... I ,1, I I -l-l.. . K.f ha e . .. . week. JSIinoay, . liesuny, uiiu i imisunv , uv lle Rock, Wakefield, Stanhope, and Nashville; ... n-tu Mount hv IU n m. 62 miles t and hack between 6 a m aud io p m. Piopns-tla for daily servicn t a peed of not lent than five miles an! , ' . . . ..... i. !.:. ...k Il..-I, I tllllir. Will lH?C(msllieiCII. oiail lo ivmii kn nj : Momit in time for the cars jfoini; North, and to leave there immediately alter the arrival of the cars H'lintr South. . , , '. i 2804 From italciedi after arrival of Northern fnail, cay t5 p m. three time a week, Sunday, Wednewlav, and Friday ; by Moringsville, Chapel Hill. Ilillslsirouph, tireen Sprino, Mason Hall, (irahain. and Allemauce ; to Greonsbarouph hy 4 i in netdavs, 84 miles ; and back between 1 a in every Sunday, Tuesday, ami Friday and 1 a m tiext'ibtya ; Burnt shop to be supplied from (ira luiin three time a week. Proposals to embrace jturntshopinthercirular route and supply Mason llall and Green Spring with branch mails are in i iip.l Also, nrnnosals to extend to Salem. 2805 From Raleijih at 3 p m once a ween, Fridav, 1 KelvinGrove,Ro(rer,sftore,Fishilam, Ktanville, Red mountain, l)aniel's mills, and Van Hook's store ; to Rnxbornnpli by 7 pm next day. and back bv Mount lirzah, Red mountain, Round hill, St igviile, and Flemih'jtnti ; to Raleioh be tween 6 a mthnmlay, anil l0 a in next day, equal to 5(5 rnilea and buck. 2WK5 From Raleieh t 5 m, twice a week, fihnlav and Wednesday i hv Holly springs, Hay. YvKtilAdolnll; Pittsherongh, St. lawrence, Marley'a .hill. e'rnek. Frankliliville. Cedar falls. Ash- Isiroiioii. Cafraway, Spencer, Silver hill, Cotion '".'a a ' ..i I. .,lli,l., 1, troye;aiilt iersev setllemeht ; to Salisbury by 5 e . l . .n I I t. L, ......... I) m in p m next days, 1 10 mnes ; ami uais ni ...... sunosy and Vt ednesday, aiid 7 p in next days. ppqiosals for tri weeltlv service will lie considered. ! 2807. From Raleloii at 7 a m, three time a j week, Mofttlav, Wtilhesdav, and Friday ; by tu-i hum, (IitlleyV Store; Smiihtield, Reon Hill; and tVyneslirouoli ; In, (Joldsboroiigh bv 8pm same days, ti miles"; uud Iwfk between arrival ef ears frhni WilniiHgton.saya p tn Tneftlsy, Thursday, si ml .Saturday, and 3l m next days. 2808. From Fayelteville at 2 4 m, daily; by )u((darnich, Randallsville, Montielier, Lsnrel Hilt; .Springfield, and Brjghtsville, S. C ; to Che raw; 8. C. by 4 pm. 7 miles; and back daily lHlWn7.ji m ant! p in. Propiisalu forri weekl service, to he ruri at hours to be named by the bidder, are invited1. Proposafj lo embrace GiloiKilisaud Benneltsvilfeaftdsiippry Laurel Hill, SpriiiBlield.amlBrightsvirle by side mails will be considered, j . , 28d9, FrninFavettevillestSatnjtwiceaweek, Sunday and Thursday ;by l.iitlo Nnck Fish, Hi. Pairt's', lAtliertoii. !-esville,and(riid(ljsville; to Marion V. H.,H.C.hv 12 in next rTsy. 78 miles: and back lietween 1 p m Monday sid Friday, and Jll p 111 nex day. Proposals to eiirl at Fair Bluff, N. (.'. are imiif'l. 2810. From Fayetieville at Gam once a ft-eek. v..l,, h Arevle. Solemrf Grove, Nefti Gi- lead. Clark's M ills. Macedonia alSil Troy 1 tfi Swift (.l i lid hv 5 p hi next day. 78 miles j and back bo iwMMiOa in.Mo.alav.aud by 5 pill next day. S81 1. F'fiiu Fayelleville at 1'tT a in. three limes week, Mnrtilav.' Wednesday, and Friday; by tiray's e, t'rosprc. Hall, Lynn's Landing. hlizalaMlltown, vvnur .n-r, "o U.4i.ismr; f Wihiiington hy ft a in next days, fjfi miles; niift hark between 10 a ,m Tuesday, I'liiirsday.aiid1 Saturday, und9 a m next days. J'ropusals fofseiiH-wwlily service re invited. SI3. FroW Favetteville at 2 p in, threetimess .week. Htindsv, tnesdsy, and Thursdsy; by Owensvillc Clui aiul Springfit Id ; to Warsaw by a m ne ilv, 49 mile ; and hack between 2pm Monday. Wednesday, and Friday, and 4 a 111 next days. Proposals tot daily service are in tited. T leave Fayelteville on the rritfl or the mail front Chefaw, ssy 10J pm.snd reach War saw by $ i" xt ly, or lime w eoifnect with fh ears Boing Houth. ,eae Wsr-swaflerarri-vsl trom South, ssy I p m and rech tsyetieville lit I n m next dsv. ;28l3. Frm Fayelteville at fi a in, twice week, Tuesday ami Saturday', by Riverside, Johnson, Ville. Critin's e-k. Carthaffe. f.'almionia. An man' HihV Snno l.ick, While House, Hill's Hinro, Kslein Church, and Healini' S)iriugsv lo Silver Hill by i'& TliHrsday and MonHay, or in t me mentiispVl wilb the oiail Inna Raleigh; (hence tn Lexii'trlun hv.5 41m, J 33 miles; ami Ueen fi a in TuesJay and F.haJ-, and C p III nev Th irsiluy slid Sniilxy, Prop'isa Is to end at Salis tiurv, instead ui l.exiiiglon are iuviled. 2814. From Haywood at. 8 in once a week, Monday; by Martha' Vineynril, Clmlk l.evel, Norlhuiutoii, and Ejiimtiiorville ; to .Iverysboro' by 6 p in, 32 miles; ami hark between 8 a tu mid 6 put next day. Propm-als to supply Neill's Creek will he considered. 2815. From Haywood at .r a in once a week, Tuesday; by I-nng Street, Rollin's Store, and Harrington; to Johnsonville by Spin, 41 miles; . and hack by The Pocket, between 5 a hi mid 8 i in next day, omitting Harrington. Proposals to omit Harrington entirely will he considered. (See 2842.) A I proposals to omit Jolinsoitville. (.See No. 2813.) 2810. From Haywood nt fi a m once a week, Thursday, by Trade Hill, Hackneys X Roads and Grove; to Green Level ny 1J in, sa nines; and back between 1 p m and 8 p in. 2817. From Nashville at 1 pni once a week, Fri day ; to Peach Tree grove by. 5 p n't, 1 2 mile: and hack lietwet'll 8 a In Friday and 12 ni same (lay. 2818 From Clinton at ti a in once a week, Wednesday ; by Fine drove. Monk's Store, Now- ion s urove, aim iiaui;ii.iu num iu wri,o- ,, vi ,);,, (;ros9 Koads. liruui'h, i ,, s.,r. IUri- Beatnan's X ltoaiU, between fi a in and 8 p in Thursday, Cijeul to 40 miles and back. 2819 From Laurel Hill Bfter arrival of mail from (.'heraw, say at 3 p m. twice a week, Tues day and Saturday; lo Rockingham by 10 p in, 21 miles; and hack lietweoti 5 a m aiid l l a m. Proposals to extend to Wadosboro" are invited. Also; proposals to ooinmciice at iS'pringliela in sliMi! of Laurel Hill. . . . . 2820 From Laurel. Hill at 2 p in .once n. week, Tuesday ; by Stewartsville ; to liilopolis by A p m, 12 miles ; and back between 8 a in and 1 1 a in.:. Proposals for 6emi-veekly service will be consid ered.' '. 2821 From Liimbertnwn at 7am once a week, Monday ; by Howellsville ; lo Prospect Hall by 2 p m.20 miles; and back between 2A p in and 9 n n. Proposal, lo embrace Kmiilii HridKe, mewayorbwliwavs will he considered. 2822 From Little Rock Fish at I p m, Monday ; ,v Lnmfer Dri.h-e : lo PliiladelnliiN by 7 nm.20 m one hy Luiuler Dridoe; lo Pliiladclphu by 7 pin miles ; and back between 6 a in and 12 in. 2823 From Lumbertown at ( a in once a week, Friday; by Pliiimlelphus, (iilopolis, ( 'owner Hill, Stewartsville, Qneensdale, and Alloidsville , to Lumbertown by ti p m next to ,li miles I : " . aim iiKcs. ' nsoi liVnm F.livn'opthtiHvn :it fi a in once a week I . a-.. ...i .... L.. II:.. u I.1.. ;.. Ill ., (V I :...... ,n . . esuav, r v nio virv i. v iiiesvi e. a mi v esiern i rone ; to V. izabellitown hv 2 P in next 1 Inir'dnv. eunai .. ( , . .. ,:, in to 52 miles and back. rruposais to onui r air mini are invited. 2825 From Weldou daily at 2 a mi by Halifax, Enfield, llattleboroujrh. Rocky Mount. Joyuer'i Depot, Wilson, Rlack Creek, Nahunta, (ioldsboro' .....:n. Iln.,i U'.N., Mlu,ti Everettsville, Faison'a Depot, Warsaw, Slrick- land'a Depot, Teachy'a, Washington, deKit, Sills creek, Cypress grove, Wilmington, and Smith ville ; to Charleston, 8. C- in 31 hours, by 9 a m, 340 miles ; and back daily between 3 p in and 8 p in next day. 2826 From Weldon at 3! p m onco a week, Thursday ; by Quankey and Westland ; tu Little ton by 8 a m next day, 25 miles; and back between 8 a m and 3p in. 2827 From Weldon nt 3 a m, three limes n week, Jlonday, Wednesday, a ml Friday ; hy Jack son, Square, Roxabel, lintel, and Windsor ; lo Plymonlh by 8 p iu, 72 miles ; uml back helweeu 5 a in and II p"m nextd iys. Proposals for s-ini-weekly service am invited, Also, )rnio?als In reach Plymouth' in time for departure on 28tiS, without rei'ereyce !o the iidvertided scheuiile on that route, proposals for changing which are in vited, 2828 From Enfield at 5 a ni, three times a week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays; by Pmeluni, Scotland Neck, Palmyra Roanoke, and Hamilton; Willi nisi- ' by 8 p in, and hy Gard ner's Bridge; toP'virmnth hy 12 in next day. 71 miles; and back lo Williaiustorl between 12 in Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays, avid 7pm same dav. and to F.nfield, ne.;tday by 7 pin. j propiaistogo.throuoh thesaina day w I l.iw.,l.lii end i.t W ill lie con- sidered. .Also, proposals to end at W ilhatiiston. 2829 From Knfield at 6 t 111 twice a week, Tuesday and Friday; hy lleathville, BiinkleyviHe, Ringwood, and Sycamore alley ; to Enfield by 6 p m, equal to 17 miles, and back. 2830 From Rocky Mount at 6 a m three times a week, Monday, Wednesday. and Friday; by Tar- bororigh, Sparta, Falkland, tireeiiville,aiul paclo li;s ; (t Washington by ll p in, 7(1 miles, and back between J a in and 5 p 111 Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. 2231 From Rockv Mnnnt at 5 s in three times a week, Tuesdav, Thursday, and Saturday; by Hilliardston aiid Belford lo . Isinishurg by 4 pm, thence at 6 a m daily, except Sunday ; to Frank linton by 8 a m, 48 miles, and back to Louishurg between 5 p m and Spm daily except Sunday, thence to Rocky .Vomit between 5 a in aud 4 p 111 Monday. Wednesday, and Friday. 2839 From Wilson at 9 s 111 once t week, Mon day ; by Stantonshjirg, Speigpl's Bridge, and Snow Hill; In Hookefton by (j p nu 23 miles; and iWck hetween Gam and 2 p lit next day; with all additTonsi weekly (rip front Wilson to Sta number? ; a ni bact lajt weeii 9 a m and 8 pm, Thursdny. Proposal's to end at' Sjieight's Bridge are invited. . , 2833 From LereltsVi'le at 1 1 a m orfce a week. Thursday; by Whitfield's M ills, Sleepy Cfeek. and Jericho, to Mrahane hj 7 pin, 32 miles; and back oeyween ft a m and 2 p uyiexfi day, 4834 From Nliickbind's Depot st3 jS'mVJiico a wfek' Wednesday f to Kensnsvilleby 6 m, thence' at 9 a monce a week, Saturday; by bsrects ; to AMbertson's hy 1 p in, 21 miles; and bkcktoKeiV nnSville by 6 p m saturduy, and lo iSirickland't Depot by 3 p rri weilnestiay. rroposan to com nience at Kenansville will be considered. 2835 From .sfrickland's Depot at 5 a in once a week, Saturday ;' by Kenansville, Richland, Com (brt,Tren'ton, and Pollocksville j to Newborn by g p m next day, 83 mile 5 and Imek between fi a m thnrmlay smlbpin next day; wilh an additional weeklv trin from Newbern to Tremon and back every monday. Proposals for send-weekly service! on the whole ronle will lie considered. ' 1 283(1 From Strickland's Depot aftr arrival of mail from Wilmington, say .at 3 f m, Friday; by Tay lor's Bridge, six Runs, LishuVn", CraveHy' Hill, Cy press Creek, arid Ellisville; Ui Fayrttetills hv 13 tn next Smslsy, 80 miles 4 and hack betWMU, 1 p lu Sunday and t p ni next Tii-sday . 2S.')7 From Nahunta at 6 a m one a week, Mnn- I . . l-c. .'d-i.. 1 U....1..1. . I. -1.. 11..1. L a 1 ' tn In' ..a h-eh L,... a-- Mui u W D III. lIMir sb 1 in sHM 1.' for som'iviriMkh' swvifl. will I- ..-.WI. itlsn urooosaU lo eiiiliraee Lnatall. 2838 From Wilmington at B a 111 once a week, Fridays by Lonir Creek, Realty's 1ttiilge,'lllack River'l'haver1 snd Harrel's Htorerto Moore Vrrfk bv Spm next day t and bark by Ioir Creek l. tireen 8 a hi and ti p tu, Thuwday, eatuil is 47 miles mid hack. . ... , .. , , , 2y.'ll) From Wilniiuloa nt ,j a nioncn a week, Fri day : by Top sail Sound, S;; mp Sound, Koy's Store. Duslow ('. H.,iiuiK'aihariue Lake; lo Kichlands by li p in next day, 7U niih s ; uad back by liannermaa between 4 a hi Sunday and 5 p in m xi day. 2S40 From Wilmington at 12 m three times a week, Monday, Wednesdnv, and Friday ; by Whites ville, Fair lllutl'. Marion '('. II., S. l: , Mar's lilurT, Hriidleyvilte, uud Siimlerville ; to Manchester, S I'., by III p n: uexl Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, 156 miles; and back between 6 a in Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday, uud ti p in next Wednesday. Fri day, and Sunday.. PiojMisals tor daily service at a speed of not less than live miles an hour will be con sidered. 2.41 From Averyslsiro' nt 8 a m once a week, Monday ; hy Hannah's Creek ; lo Smitli tii-lil In, li f in. 3D miles ; and back between H a in and (i p in next day.. . 2p42 l'Vom River-side at !) a in once a week . Tues day ; to ilurriiu'toii bv 4 p in, 211 miles ; and kick be tween 8 a m and 4 p in next day. 243 From Kenny's Uridyl' at 1 p m once a week. Friday ; by Colly Swamp : to Cane Tnek hy 5 p in, 15 miles; and back . betwcrii t a in and 12 in. 1'ro pnsals to extend hy connnniciiij; at (iravclly i til will lie considered. 24 I F rom Onslow ( II, at (i a in once a week. Sunday; hy I'iuy 1,'rceu lo SvvauslKiruusji by 2 p ni, 24 mill's ; and back between 5 a in and 12 in Satur day, or ill lime to connect with the mail lo Uii ldands. Proposals to embrace Palo Alto are invited : also pro posals to coinuieuco at Pollocksville. (See Ho. S2-1T.) .2M45 From Xewheru at 8 a m three times n week, Monday, 'Wednesday,, nnd Friday; by Winston ami Mosely Hall ; to tioldslioro' by I) a in uext days, (15 miles ; and back between 8 a in tu'esday, thursdny, and Saturday, hy (i u m next days,' Proposals (('.re verse the schedule, making with route. No.; a id from j daily .northern mail (, -sccpt siinday) to. iiieivberu, are invited : Also proposals for three ad- I ditmnal weekly trii i 2H Iti From Newhem ut 7 a in three limes a week, ! Sunday, Weduesduy, and Friday; hy t'lanoisvillo ; j to I! niil'orl hy 5 p in same days, 48 miles ; and hack between 7 u m and 5 p ni tucsday, lliursduy, uud sat I urdav.;' . f r" ouoMvuie at Fnday; by Palo Alto: to bw ! f 'e ,l;'-v ",7 " b !? P. ,"tdiiy. 2847. From Polloltsvilie at 7 a in onco a week, Swuusuoro' by 4 p in lie I ween 8 a in and 5 p m next day. Proposals to end at lladnots are invited, also proposals to embrace. Ous'ow C, 11, an-l Piue'v (irecn. (See No. 28 14. - zv-io. from roiioksville ut 2 pin every ether ; Monday; to lladnots by 9 p m, 22 miles; and back between 7.a in and 1 pin. 2849. From Kinston at G a in once a week, : Friday by Sandy Foiimliition, Pink Hill, nnd j Ruena Vista ; to Hallsville by G p m. 31 miles ;" . .,.. . . ... ... . . . - - r - j 2850. Fmm Greenville at 4 a in once a week. ' i Friday; by Contrnlnia, Hookerstown, and Snow i i Hill ; to Goldsboroiigh by 9 p m, 49 miles; and , haik between 8 a lit and 12 p iu next day. Pro-) ' posals for semi-weekly service are invited. j ! 2851. From Pungo' Creek at 12 in, Thursday; j to Nwrlh Creek hy 3 p in, 9 miles ; and back be-1 tween 9 a m and 1 1.1 a 111. I 2852. From Washinoton at 7 a m once a week. I Thursday; by Bath, Pungo Creek, Pa ntego, J Leechville, Germautou.SladesviHe, Swan Quarter C. H., and Lake Landing ; lo Midilleton by 12 in next Saturday, 1 10 miles ; and back by Fairfield instead of Swan Quarter, between 2 p 111 Saturday and8p hi next Monday, with an additional weekly tup; t mm Washington every buturday at 1 p I in ! to liath by b m and back between 7 a In ville. Va, by f p ui.42 miles ; and hack hiweeii 5 a and .12 111; Proposals for sttiii-weckly service on f m anil 8 p ni; next day, with un additional weekly the whole route will be considered ; also, proposals 1 nip hehvecu Clarlisvilfe uud Hrownsville. to enihrace North' Creek; See 2851. ' 2ss2 Fmin O.vliird at 5 a ni onco, a Week, satur- 2851! From Washington at I ji m once a week,,' 'day ; by Tullyho. Ilutchvill.t, Kwipp of lived. Stag Tlmrsday j to Ocracoke hy 9 a m next Naturdav ; , vilie, South Lowell Mills, mid Fune Mills; to Hills and thence to Pmtsmoulh iiy 12 111, 85 miles ; aiul boiuo2h by 7 pm, 48 miles; uud hack between 5 a back between 8 am Monday and 12 m next Wed-!' iulJ f,M'' lv' ,' ..-'" , .,. ' uesdav ' l'rom VViliiin at ham once a week, fridav; 2854 From Plvnioutl, at 2 am three timesal hy Tjt. ...illity. Fish dam, We t, Pratt.rA, , ,., , . . ,, uiid lrues Store; to I hapel Hill by 1 p m, J8 IVashinaton by 1 1 a ni ; thence, hy ,S'wift Creek Bridge; to Nrwljem by 10 p 111, 70 miles; and back to Washington, Monday, Wednesday and , I .1 . L . ... .1 .. . .. I . , . 1 tl ...I. ' c rmay, uetweeu a m aim 13 m, aim 10 1 ivinoiuu by 9pm. ProposalstoeiiibraceGardner'iBridge and Williamstm are invited. 2355 From Plymouth at 7 m once n week, Thursday; hy Skiimersville and Su'ippernong ; tn Columbia C. I), by 4 p 111, 36 miles; and back between 8 a m and 6 p in next day. 2856 From Windsor at 4 a in twice a week, tuesday and Saturday; by Merry hill, Ashland, Colerain, Harrellsville and Pitch landing; 10 M urfreesboro' by 11 pin, CI miles; and back be tween 4am anil 11pm monduy and friJay. ; 2857 From Edenlon at 2 a in three times a week, monday, Wednesday and friday; by HerlfordAVood. ville Elizabeth city, New Lebanon, South mills, lake Drummnnd and Deep creek; to Noifolk, Va. by 4 p m, 77 miles; and Imck between 8 m and 10 p m the next days. Proposals for three addi tional weekly trips will be considered. 2858 From Edenionat 4 a monce a week.thurs day; by Ballard's bridge, Mintonsville, .S'unbury Gatcsville and Somerton; lo Suflolk Va. by 4 p 111 next day 71 miles; and back after arrival ol Pe tersburg mail, say between lpm tuesday aud 8 p m next day. Proposals toeiidatsnnih Quay Va. and supply Holy neck V. and Factory Hill N C are invited; also proposals for a second weekly ttip between tialesville N C and snnlli Quay Va". 2859 From Wondville at 12 m once a weelt Sa turday; to Dnrant's neck by 8 p m 12 mites; and back between 8 a mand 11 a m Saturday. 2860 From Elirjibeth city at 5 a m once a week Wednesday; by Camdeu Shiiiihlndiantown Corner gum Currituck c li, Northwest river hrulge a. Hickory ground and Great bridge; to Norfolk Va. by 12 m next day, 68 miles, and back between 1 p m thursday ami 8 p 111 next day. 2861 From Elizabeth city it 8 a m once week thursday; hy Newbigon creek and Nixonton; hack to Elizabeth city by 3 p in, equal tn 1 1 m and back. 28G2 From Powell's point at 8 a monce a week, monday, hy Roanoke island; t Nagg's head by 4 p m 20 miles; and back between 8 a m sad 4 p m next day. Proposals for earn ing above mail 3 times a week from 1st July to 1st October in each yearwill be considered.' 2863 From Powell's point at 8 a ni once a week, rrtonday; to Roanoke Island by 6 p m 30 miles; aud hack between Sam and 6 p m next day. ( VOek mmdayitn Knott's isfand N 0 by 12 m; and back between 3 p mand 7 p m. 2864 From Creed s bridge V a at .7 a m once a 2869, From Washington at 8 m once awek, Taesday; by Blount's Creek t to Durham's Creek hy 5 p 111. 2"i miles : and back between 8 a it) and fi p m next da j. . , t 2868 From Durham's Creek at (5 a m once week, Wednesday ; by South Creek ; to Ba Riv- et, Craven souniy, hy 1J m next dy , and hack 1 between 12 m Monday and 8 11 hi nextday.: , -t, t"j- .s t 8o7 r ram UwrrititcK U 11. H 'a monce a ween. ! Fridsy i bv Cuilliuck and Poplat Brmktli i to PoW; 1 ell's. Point by 6 pm, 85 miles; and back between 8 a m snd i p m next day. .v. , j 2868 Flora KomhQnay, Va.,1 pm.three time a week, M.wduy,, Wednesday, and Frklay ;. by j Wintnn, (N. C) and Edenlon i .10 Pljr'imnih by l i m, 102 miles ; sihI baelf Is'tween 1 1 p m ai:i 10 n m next days, Proposals to commence at Franklin Depot, Va., are invited. Bidders tosjipc ify the hours of departure and arrival at PlyuiHUth. 28G9 From Miirlreesboro' at 6 a in once a week, Saturday ; by Potec.asi, St. John, and Roxabel, (untton a A roads ;) to Scotland neck by 8pm miles day. ami back between U a in and b p m.l'ri- 2870 From Murfreesborotigh at 7 a m three times a week, monday, Wednesday, and fridav; lo Win ton by 10 a ni, 13 miles ; and back between the arrival ot mail from Portsmouth, say ut 3j p in and 1h p m. Proposals lo end at Franklin Depot, Va., are invited. 2871 From Ridpeway at 7 a in twice a week, Wednesday and Saturday; by Nut bush", Palmer's spriii:, St. Tiiumijiiy, and JUerry mount ; luRidjje way by 7 p in, equal to ll miles and back. I 2S72 r mm KiUgeway, alter arrival ol cars lrom ! Gaston, say at 10 a in three limes a week, tues j iln,thiirsday,aiid Saturday ; hy Exchange, 1 ynes- ville, Clarksville, Va., White house, and Hyco j fall? ; to Halifax C. II. Va. hy 1 1 A p in, 5G miles ; dud hack between 1 J a ill and 3 p in, monday, wed i nesday,aud Iriday, with a tri-weekly branch ; from :: LyneWviile, N. C. ; hy W'oodworlli's to Rnydlown, ; Vu., by ti p m, tuesday, thursday, and Saturday; ' and back to Lyncsville by 12 m, monday Wednes day anil Inday. 2873 From Henderson at I p in three times a week, tuesday, thursday. end Saturday; to Wil by 3 p m 'J miles; and back between 9 a in and 11 u m. ,2874 From Henderson after arrival nf Northern iniiil, sav at 10 a m, three times a week, monday, Wednesday, and i'fidiiy; by Oxford, Berea, Rnxho rnuoh. Leaslniro, Moore's store. iM ilton aird Riiis- c"'1' -V'- i ,n Danville, Va by 7 a ni mvxtdays, 77 miles ; and hack behveen 10 am, tuesday, lliurs day, it nil Saturday, and !0nii next days, with three additional weekly tHps from Henderson to Ox lord and back, between arrival of Northern mail. Say 10 a m and 4A p ni, tuesday, thursday,: and Saturday; . Proposals lo change schedule o as to connect, at Danville, wilh route No. 2894, as pro posed to connect at (ireenliorough or Salenv, with No 2895. will he considered. 2875 FroS Franklinion at t p m once a week, Wednesday; by Wilton, Tally hn, RutTtln kill, Red Miinutain. and (,'adwell ; to Hillsboroiij;li hy 7 p m next day, 49 utiles: and hack between 6 a in I lies- davand 10 am nexniav. 876 Fro.n Franklinion nt lpm once a week, weiluesdiiy; by Harris X roads; to Hall's X roads i,,. 7 n m.' IS miles: and hack hetween G a m and in ln. : -mrr From Forestvil'.e at 5 a m once a week. bv New linbt. Wilton Brookville. and - 'ivi,'. er' t- tn Oul.ud hv 7 n m. 43 miles: and lietween 5am tuesday, and 7 p m; 2h78 From Forestville- at 'll a m twice a week, monday and thursday ; to Holemrille by 1 p in, 5 -miles: and hack between 8 a in acd 10 am. 2879 From Warre.iiton ut lhi a m once a week, Saturday ( to Shncco sprinpi by 14 p 111, 1 1 miles ; and back botwerit 7 am and It) H in, with two addi- t'nal weekly triis at the same fours, tuesday and iliursdav, from 1st July to 1st October, each vear 388U From Littleton at G a 111 (Mice a week, sntirr dity; by tirove Hill and Areola; to Uausom's llridje by 12 111, 21 Muha; and buck between 1 p m aud 7 P. ni. ''' . . . : 2a8l From Oxford at 5am oace a week, fhnre- itav ; bv Waterloo, (irecorv's Mill, Abraham's plains, RrownwihV, imI Vomer's Cross Riwds; to Chirks. miles ; and back hetween ti a in and 7 p ill, next day. 2Hh4 From llillsliorough at 6 a m once a week, thursday': by Cedar Grove, Walnut Grove, Prospect. Hill, and, (inn Ion 1 on ; to Leushnrg by 12 m next day, D.'unilfa; uud back botwsen 1 p lu J'.iday, and 9 u 111 next day. .' . ost-.V From Hillsborough nt 6 a in once a week: tuesday ', by Walnut Grove ami Van Hook's Store to Koxlairoii'h by 4 p in, 24 miles ; aud baclr be tween 6am Wednesday, aud 4 p m. . SStti From Hillsborough al JO a 111 once a week, thursday ; by Ilawrield, Mount Willing, Meadow Creek, and McDauiels; to Rock Creek by 6 p m,29 miles ; and hack between 10 u in Wednesday, and 9 a III next day. : : ' ' 2887 From Aaliborough. at G a in once ,a week, Wednesday; by Gray's Cross Roads, Salem Church, Allen Skiens Lassitcr's Mills, Dix Mills, and Bur uey's Mills; tu Troy by 7 p m t and back by Mata nioros and Cox's Mills, beta-ecu 6am and 7 p ni tuesday, equal to 30 miles and back. , 2888 From Asliborough at 6 a m, once a week, Friday ; by Moffits Mills, Wadded' Ferry, and Brower's Mills; to Prosperity by i p m, 31) miles; anil back between 6 a mand 5 p 111, thursday. 2ism!I From Mason Hull ut li u m once a week, thursdiiv : by I'leusimt Grove, Big Falls, Facett's store, Moorosville, Stony Creek, Anderson 'sstoro, and lliirh Towers; to Leasbnrg hy 12 in next days, 52 miles ; aud back between 1 p 111 friday, and 7 p 111 uext day. Proposals to commence at Buntt Shop are invited. 2890 From Greens-borough at 3 a in three times a week monday, Wednesday, and friday; by Mom ticello. I liompsonville, Lenox Csstle, aiade a i 1 cust Hill, and Yauceyville; to Milton by 2a in next (lays, 55 miles ; and back between srrival from Fannville, say at 2" p m monday, Wednesday, and friday and 2pm next' day. Proposals) run in cotinexion with the flenderson and ftanville Miite at Milton will be considered. 2891 From (ireensbornugh at 4j p m twice a week, monday and thursday j by Jamestown, Penufield, Brummells, umf Rich Fork ; lb Lexing ton by 12 m next days, 351 miles ; and hack be tween S amrwmdayand fhtirsday, and 3p in. 2892 From Greensborohgll at Bam once week, friday ; bV Gilmer's store, Shaw's' mills, Clapp', Holt's" store, llatiihorTi, Rock' creek, Snow eamp, Sandy Grove, fcudlick, Cane creek, Hadley' mills.aiid Rock rest ; ti Pittsboroiigh by 5 p in next day, 65 mile; and back between 6 a in siindav. snd 6 rimnextday. . 289 From Greemborongh it 9 m once a week, tuesday,. by Foutr'his, Centre,'anU New sitem; tn Ashlmrougli hy8pm,31 mile r and bick between 6 a in and 3 D m, Wednesday. 2894 From GreenboronghatS a mrhretimes a week, monday, Wednesday, and friday j Hy Hills dale, Mofiroeton, froubieeiMne, neiusviiie, nsw lingsbiira, and Grave j to D.iivil by fi p m, 51 miles i and back between 3 a siund lp m next days.' Proposal to expedite and rhsnge . the schedale lo connect t Greensbon)' with the HaHa hury milt will be'eonsideder in view of cbjritiii the schetule on the.Hendcrson mnte', slso imal Hicoiiiineuceiil Salem and rgu direct bv Keruers ville, Hummerflold, &e. connecting at Salem with the Salisbury (wite, both way. J'rnposals mem brace Wsutworib instead of Moiirocton and Trmib lesifliie ra ilivitol: r , . . . 1 2895 From (Jteensboroitjrh after arrival of sta ttr I from lUleigh, it at' 1 J p m three times a week, s i 1 1 ' , ', '" '" t monday,thursdsy,and Saturday, by New d'ardt li Friendship, Keruersville, Limestone well, Malem. Midway, Martin, and Lcxiiielun ; to Salisbury by 9 am next days, G5 miles; and hark between 7 a ni ninnday,. thursdny, and snhm!.iy, and p m. Proposals to commence at Salem' are invited, in view of pxtendinjr 2804. Proposalslo extend over )'2S ami also to go via mil tic red. 28U6 From Reidsvilleat 6 in twire a week. Wednesday and Saturday; by Wer'iwonli and lile falls ; to laksville by 12m, 18 miles: and back between 1 p in and 7 p tn. Proposal to commence at Wenlworih are in .neii. 2897 From Reidsvillt- al 6 a m one. a week, tuesday; by Lansonville and . Blackwe'.l's; lu VancepiMe by 1 p 111,24 miles J and back hetween 2 p in and 9 pm. 2898 From llillsdalent 7am once a week, tuesday ; by Siiuiuierfied, Oak rid(T". uud Belew's creek; lu Keruersville by 12 111, 22 miles: and backhetween t p 111 and 6 p m. 2899 From Weiitnr:h, after arrivul of maii from Reidsville, say 8J a 111 once 11 week, Wednes day ;by Pleasantviile. Aladison, Ayii'sville, Crmik ed creek, Colesville, Frnncisca, and Big en el; ; lo Mount airy, by 2 pm iiext day, 69 miles : and back. between 3 pm thursday and 8 pm iwxi day. With an additional weekly trip from Wcntworth afler arrival of mail from Reidsville, say 8jatn Saturday ; hy Pleasantviile ; to Madison hy J p ni, 17 miles; and back between 1 p in and 5 p m. 2900 From Salem at 6a 111 unci! a week, mon day ; by Walkerstown, White roa'd. Ulakely. Mad--ison, Grogansvillc, Jlorse pasture, Va., and Tray lorsville , to Maitinsville, ra., by 6 p 111 next day, 68 miles ; and back between 5 a. 111 Wednesday, and 8 pm next day. ' 2901 From Kalein st 2 p m onco a week,. sat nr. day ; by Rough and ready ;to (iertuauliHvn hy 6 p 111, itfld thence by Red shoals, Martin's lime liillns, Colesville and Avo ; to Patrick C. II , Va., by 8 pm next .day, SOmileB; and hack hetween 6am inouday, and 6 p in to GeriiianloWri and tn Salem by 12 m next day ; with an additional Weekly trip from Salem at 2 p in tuesday; to Gtrmiiiiiown by I 6 p m ; and hack between 8 a 111 and 12 in. 2902 Frrttn Salem at 4 a tn ihree tunes a week, tuesday, Friday, and Sunday ; by Oldtown, Belh 11 nia, Little yadkin, Tom's creek, Mount airy, Good spur,Va. llillsville, Cranberry plains, and Jack son's ferry ; to Wylheville, Va. by 11 p in next days, 93 miles; and back between 4 a m tuesday, thursday and Saturday at 11 p m next days. Pro posa s for semi-weekly service are invited. 2903 From Salem ut 5 a m sunduy, tuesday and Friday; by Muddy Creek, Huntsville, llamptt li ville. New Castle, and Briar Cteek, Wilkesboru', Church s store, and South t'ork; to Jeneison hy 10 p tn next days, 94 miles; and back between 5 a m tuesday, thursday and Saturday, ana 10 p in nextdays. Preposals forsetni-weekly service are , inv.ted; also proposals to supply Clersmousville, 1 instead nf Muddy creek,and likewise proposals to supply Dowelton by this route. 2904 From Salem at 7 a 111 twice a week, tues day and friday ; tnClemmonsville hy 10 a in, II miles ; and back between 1 p in a nd 4 p m. Pro posals to extend by Smith's grove to Mucksvillc will be considered, ' . ' ' ; ", 2905 From Jjcxington at 7 a rtt once a week, tuesday; by Walser's .Mills, Fulton, tn MockavUle by 1 p m, thence by County Line and Oak Forest ; to StatPBvillo by 12 m next day, 48 miles; and back hetween t p tn .Wednesday and 6pm next day; with an additional weekly trip from Lexing ton to Mocksyille and back between 5 a 111 and 7 p m every friday. 2906 From Lexington at 7 a m once a weell, Wednesday; by Fair Grove, La Grunge, Eden, Hoover's Hill, and Snwyersyille ; to Ash horn' hy 7 p 111, 41 itniles ; and back bciweeu 7 a tn and 7 p 111 next day. 2907 From Hnntsville at Gain once a week, Saturday ; by led plains. East bend, Forbnsli, Republic, Dowelijnwn and Mount Nebo ; to Rock ford by 1 p m,35 miles ; and back between 6 a 111 aud 7 p ru next day. 2908 From Rockfordst 8 a m once a week, tuesday; liy Walnut lane and Jotiesville , to Briar creek by 6 p m, 27 miles ; and back between 8a mand 6 pm monday. 291)9 From Rockfnrd at 6 ft m once a week, aunday ; by Siloain, Slquy Ridge, and Little Yad kin ; to Gernianlon by 4'p m, 32 tuiledjand back between fi a m and 4 p m.Salnrday. 2910 From. Hamptiinville at 7 a m once a week, tuesday ; hy Zion, New Hope, Mount Pizgah,and Liberty llill ; to Statesville by 7 p m ; snd back bj Liberty hfill.SiitiwCreeli, Post Oal: Williams burg, and Eagle Mills, between 7 a in and 7pm next day, equal to 34 miles snd hack. ,2911 From Hamptonville al 7 a mohceaweek Monday t by 1-ovelace: to Wilksboro' by 7pm 3d mile ; and back between 7 it m and 7pm next day, , ... ,. , 2S12 From Brier Creek at 8 a in every oilier thurs day; by Hay Meadow and Mulberry; to Laurel springs by ti p m,38 miles ;, and buck between 8 a in aud b f iu every oilier jFriday. . ... y.. ' 1 2913 From Wilkesboro' at' S a m on'ce a week, tulay; by Iwis' fork, Stony Fork and Brushy Flat; to Boone by 7 pmlbnnlea: aud back betttoen 6 a in aud7 p in ncxtdiiy, , . .. ,.,;. . ;. 2914. From Wilkeshora' at 8 a m one a week. tuesday j by F.lkville, Fort Defiance, Lenoir C. H., anil Copeiniageii ; 10 iuorgaiiion ay 1 x in nCjXi oy , 49 piiles'; and back between 2 p m Wednesday, and 7 p 111 uext day ; with an additional trip from ilkes boro at 8 a ill every Friday by ElkVille slid Fprt De fiance ; 10 I-cnoi r by T pm, 33 miles; and rack by Kiug's Creek uud urnor Creek, between 8 a ni aud 7 p m ue A day.. x 2915 From Morgsntori at fi ' m twice a'weelf, Wednesday snd Saturday ;! by Brindlelnwn, Moun tain Home.Minersville, and Cuba, le RnthSrford- ton bv 7 p m, 39 miles; and'hark between Sam and' . . , - 1 ,.. 1 7pm tuesday aim (nuay, rroposai ior irowvea ly ervices are invited. y 2916 From MbrgaiitoWit st Sa m twice week, thursday ami Sunday; by Mation, Old Fort, and Bwanano; lb Aahville by f 69 miles? and lurk between fi'a ra and 11 P m Monday and thurs day Propols" for tri-weekly service are invited, in view of similar service ami an evpedilerj sched ule onthe Sali.fiury route No. 2926, tti coniact with the Grcenille,Tp., smite at Anhvilk Tmie ihrouch from Salisbury to Ashville not to exceed 40 hours. Returning in same lime and con nee t- in at Salisbury with Mo. 28lJ.i. " 29i7 From Morganhm at ft a m onre a wees, Monday ; by Linville River, Nflh Cove, Grassy creel, and Dakersvillev to Burntiville bv 4 p in next day, theuse at 4 m thursday by Bald civfk, Ivy, Democrat, Sb-ckyille, snd Re?iu' creek; to Ashviile by 4 pui,90 miles; and buckvm Youi-g' instead of Bakersville between 6 a in fridav, and 44ni nextsnuday. Proposal ta i"Pl)( Y"U'' ami Bakersv.illa hA t'ltijutn inyited. , 2918 Frtitu Morgaiiton at 3 a m mice a week. Saturday.; by Perkinaville, Cnlletsville, Globe, Vslle Crocis, Sugar grove, BiKiue, and Morel Mill ',. t" Jeflorsqn Jiy ft p m next dVi 79 miles ; and back between i a ui thursday aud 6 p in next day.- V1"''" ' ,''' - ' 2919 From l,enior C. II. tit 7 a 111 onco a week, thursday; by JxiveUdy, tnlaivlu View, and U it-, leiiherg; to Taylnrsvflle hy 7 p m, ami Ijack by Little A'lver, and Deal's .Miil. lo Lemur between 8 a 111 mid 4 p 111 next day, equal to 31 miles and back. 2920 Front Je.Ter'HH st 5 a 111 three .times 11 week, aunday, uesi!iiy, uud thursday ; hv north Fork, 'Pay lorsville, Te., Pandora, Digger's Feny, Dividing Ridge. Eliabethtuwu,' Happy Valley, Blue Plnin, aud Green meaikiw ; 10 Jouesi nro',Te , by 10 p 111 next days, 8 miles ; anil back between 5 a in t'jesday, thursday and Saturday, ami lo p m uexl days. Proposals, lor senn ueekly service are invited, 2921 From Jefferson at 8 a m o'uee a week, tuesday ; hy Hilton ami Manly f tn Miaorack Greer's hy 5 p 111, 26 miles; and back helweeu 8 a 111 nnd ,1 p 111 next day. . 2922 From Mouth nf Wilson, Va.. at 8 am once a week, weihu sday ; hv (inn civil, N. t' ,; m ' Trap It'll, N C hv 7 p m, iiu inlos ; and back hu- I tweoii H a 111 and 7 p in ni'.st lay. . I 292H From St.iteville at 6 a in once 11 week, I satiirilay ; hy Fauev hill, Story unint, and T11V- lorsviile : tu VVilkeshoro't hy 6 p 111. 07 miles ; uud ... back betweeiiG a m mid 6 p 111, friday. . 2924 Front Slalesville at ti n mi (Vnce k week, . Wednesday; by Bethany church, Maple bottom, Huustonville, Hatnpiuiiville. Di-Vellon, Mount ne ho, tO'Rockfurd hy 6 p m, tlience at 6 a in friday bv Scull camp and Haystack : to .Mount Airy by 8 p lit, 83 link's ; and hack to Rockfnrd heiwoeii ti a 111 and 8 pin Saturday, aud to Stutesville (from Rock ford) between 6 it m and H Ji 111, tuesday. , !t925. From Salisbury at 6 a in once a week, Saturday ; by' mount Vernon, Moclisville, Smith' grtive aiid Fariuinaton ; Utlliilitsville hy 7 in.-lj. miles; and back between 6 a m uud 7 p in, fr'day ; I with in additional: weekly trip from li.i;,::: to Mocksville and hack between 8 a 111 mid 8 pm tuesday. Prupneals to omit Smith's grove will lie ' considered ; also proposal lor weekly service only onthe whole route. ' ': . 2926 From Salisbury at 10 a m twicoa week, tuesday and. friday ; liy Cmvaneville, Statesville, Poplar prove, Bunker hill, Newton C. II., and Drowning creek; to Morganton by li p in next days, 84 miles; and buck between 5 a in tuesday and friday, and 8 p 111 next davs. '.Proposals lot tri-weekly Service and an expedited schedule are invited, t-uy to run through ettCh way in 24 hours, in close connexion with No. 2963, so n,s to go .through from Salisbury to AslOvi'ile in not exceed ing 42 hours. Reluming in sume time nnd con necting nt Salisbury with No. 'J895. 2927 From Salisbury k( 10 am three times a week, Sunday, tuesday, and friday; by Miranda, Spnug grove, Deep well, Mount liiournc, Beattit's Ford, Ca- tuwba springs Vesuvius lie.ucre,. liincoluloii, Shelby C. H., Fillmore, Mouieilium', Webb's ford, Rutherlord tou, Chimney ivock, aid Fairvi;w ; to Asnerdle by 4. a m tuesday, tbamlay, and. Sunday, Minute ; ond back hetween 8 a in Saturday, tuesday, and thursday, aud 6am monday, thursday, and Saturday. Propo sals for seni-weekly service are invited. ,, , 2928 From Salisbury nt 10 a lii three timss a week, Buiaay, tuesday, and friday ; by Chinu grove, Cole- . man, Concord, Jlarrisburg, Charlotte, Whi(5" buiU, Rose hill', and Rtuialtbury ; to Yrkville,fy, hy 12 11: next days, 72 miles ; and back to Charlotte between 1 pm and 11 p m, tuesday, thursday, and Saturday, and thence te Salisbury between 6 a in and 84 pm next days. ' Proposals to. run from Charlotto by th most direct route to Chester C. IL.S-t!., arc invited. Schedule to be specified, ''Connecting with railroad at Chester C. 11. , Koiile to bo (iurxailei us railroad is extended. ';. ; , . 2929 From Salisbury ut 10 a m three fun's a week, smidiiy, titfsday, nnd friday ; hy Roekville, Gold bill, ' Kendall's store, Albemsrlei Norwood, Cedar lull, Car olina female. college, fcyerly, W'adesboro', and Mor yen ; to Chernw, S. C, by & p m Uext day, 90 miles ; and back via Cdiestcrrield 0. H., S. C iiisleod of Mor ven, N. C, hetween 4 p ni (or arrival nf road from Fayetieville) sunduy, tuesday, and friday, and 12 p m next days. . , x 2930 From Salisbury at 12 rii oace a week, friday ;' by Organ rliurch ; to Mount pleuaant by ti p in, 19 miles; and back between i am and 11 a in, . 2!)3l From Jameatowii at 6a m once aweek, Wed nesday ; !iy Hunt's store, Institute, Fair grove, La Grange, new market, new mhmu, sandy creek, Troy's store, Long's nulls, Patterson's slant, snow eaiup, cioJ ver orchard, Uudleys Slsre, Clover eanleri, Belh-, mont, and Uock spring ; to llillsboro' hy 9 p m next day, 84 miles ; and back belweea a ni friday, and' 9pm next day. ' " v "''. 2932 From Jiunestowii at 8 a m oiico week, tins day ; by Westminster mid Deep river j to Abbott's creek by 11 a m, 11 miles; and bail It between lpm anrf4 p m. . . ; : , ': r. ' ",,.. v i I 2933 From Fraiiklnirille at 7 a ,1 ene'e a week, suturday to Troy' store by 10 a ni, 10 miles ; aud back between 11 a rji and 3 $ in. .' 2634 From Pittsboro1 at am, ere a wee, mon day ; by fedlar's bill. Gulf, Evans' mills, Walton' Bridge, and Ceutrcvitle ; to Carthagii by 6 sj ni ; and back by Phan's mills and Prosperily, instead of Ceil Iraville, between 5 a in and f m next day, espial to 4U inilerf and back. . Proposals to supply Jenny land will be considered. , 2935 From PitlsbOrb' at 6 a m, once a week, Saturday ; by Emerson's lanyard, Bush creek, But- falo ford, Motfitt's mills, Brower mills, sod Gold ,. region tb Caledonia by 4 p m net day, 87 miles;' and bavk'hetweenGa m monday aikll pm next day. 2936 Fmin Trov aT5 p m,onc.e a week, itnira, day. By HarTisvillAAVIiia mtll, Jackkon hill' and Bren?1' ferry i'ro SaliiouVy by 6 p m nexH day, 80 miles; and back beftvweu Saturday 6' a nt and next monday 9 a 111. 2937 Ffom Swiftfislana stTa m, mice a weeli fridav; by Modht glleadi' CltklK mills, Dumas'g stored Pee dee, and Lilesville f to M'sdesbort)' liy". 7 p m, 3T mile ; and back betWeeA 7 a ni and 1 p m next day. , ,. ' rj38 From Albematl at 8 a m, imce a week'., monday ; ly Efird's mills, Morgan's wills', snd Gorrfisn's mills I t Clear creek by 13 m nef't day V snd Mum I7 Rowlandsville between I p m Tues day and 8 fi m uext day, equal tb 37 mile snd backj , 2i?39 From Wfdebom' st I p rii, nce wee It, sunday ', by Lanesboni' Mhnrne C. H. t.obtim'g store, Orrville, and Homet'a NeslW Ctrsrkitlti qy 8 p in next dsy, 60 mi)ht ', and bick between 6am Saturday, snd H ni next day. 2940 From Wadesiiom' st fi a ni, once a wee!(, satiirilay j'ny Poplar hill, White's A'-re, Melton' ville, Uane1 ereclf, Beaver dam, Riehanlson's creek. Jenkin' iore, GonuJ witio. .Hammond' ..... ,'M..l. l!'.l.l.-i tlorc, and I'ltmonu 11111;. u tiauesiieni i.j 9 p. ui next ilsy,B(Ul to 84 miles and hack. 3941 From Cheraw, 8. C. at 4 Jj p m, mce a week, thursdsy hy ftewaristrtwn, . C.,- Riaik itiohsm Dockery's, etore, t'oviiigtm, PnWellton, MflCallinn'sstore. and Mcltae's mill J to Troy hy 6 pin next day, 67 miles and back to Rocking ham by Host irk ' mills, instead 'il PnwelhVn. f'liv inot iit. ani! Dui-kerv's store, lietween 6 a frt atal 8 pm estar lay ;nd to Cheraw (froai Rucking 1 ham) iietwwii 8 a 111 snd 1 p m thurwUy. Prouu- wls tu ersmirence at Ria-kingliain are invited. 2943 From Charlolie at a m.once a week, wediKwdiiV iby Sharon, (IfmphilPa "'ore, Provi dence, and WoIlKViltet toiWniin) C; H. ht7p re, SO miles ' and wi'k wtweeit b a u mid 7 p ui totsdy.- " Cotitinneil im IhFcnrth p;e, 1