I " J, " 1 '."'."" I.1.."""' l'J()N MEETING IN WRSIt'UKSTEll j he fcwrtoM its. dangers, and 'i!id a ! CUL' STY, NiiW VOIiK. "uuoh as any m J., rescue the public opinion In piiriiiil)(;piif tli- l"r a niuMiiir of thei fnim itspwiHciirtis frsp. f 1 uoidsol the liioti in Wtsteliostercouiity.n re-j llil.ilio wrole I" a Inem!, ' It i iv first s'uvtahli! and euthu-iastic. auuience, nntwiibsiand-, wish to see the United St i Irs assume am! im-rit in the Mivot'ny of the weather aiul the rugged ! tin' clK,taclornl'iKc ,TMf niitinn, whose ifrritiry tate of the mads, nisenililvd on Thursday last, at i i ivil into ditT rout Stales merely for more "iionti, ( tliit vi! iii jjo of rytow ii. " '' - ' convenient government." ' In 1787 lie "It lias The meeting was organized by tiia appointment '. until lately been a received and contradicted npin i i lion. Albeit lckwonil as l'rosi lent ; Gen. A. i ion, that the prosperity nf llio people of Aincrioa Wan!, mill several others, We President ; and. (depended o.n their continuing firmly united ; ami tionrgo SliiTAiicH1 Ksq., ami others Secretaries, letters were ruad by J.mes A. Iliinitiun , flm I r man ulthe Cunuitlce of Arrangements, fwuisev- ir il dmingiiis'ied sialosnien, who had been iiiv-.t- , .I to he present, among whom were Daniel W eh- J 'rr. Ilenrv Clay. Daniel S. Dirkm-am. Govern- or Kemhlo, William Nelson. William Paulding. illiaiti i Ji-urv Antiiom, James llrouk". and Theodore II. lieneoiot, svinpathizin; w ith the aitiin-'uH which lu. I led to the call for tin' meet - 'nig, are! encouraging the o,le of Westchester to persevere in ell' iris in behalf ot Ihe Union, 'i lie r ailing id .Mr. Web-tor' letter eJicited warm atid loiiC continued :ip lauS. We k-arn from the Journal .of Comiiii.rce that the inectitij; was ad - c'rersed by . Mcss'r'j. J. W. 'ronipk'.ns, A'oX inder 1 lamilton. ji . J. W. (lerurd, and James T. lirit'iy. The sie,'i'h!' '.vf'r ail able arTiinu-iitsaniioioiluent nj pe.i!- in 'whalf of the l'iii;.n. . . . : A t- ries uf resolution,-, siaiilar ill spirit to those ol ill- Castle Clarleii iHeeliiii;, wefo iilianiiiioiisiy adopted, and, afuH- tiie a;i. 'intnieM of a numerous YiriaiK-e. Cmnaiitiee, the iiiwtin adjourned' Willi nine bearty cheern,. e annex t ie lii.er el .Mr. elister. leai'iu? ( it -as Mr. Welisier's Irt'cM may always be very ' veil irft lospcak for itsi'lf. ll-pnhlk. mi:. tt'i:Bsr.!:'s l.rrrnit. : WMtivf.ioN. Jan. 27.- 1M.. .lir.Mr.rvr.s : -I have to aeknowli'dw the re ceipt 'ol your letter of the Kith of this c;onth. in uring rue to attenil a meeting iroiiosi'd iobelio'd- ' en at Tarrytowit, n the 30th iiist.int, W the peo- j d, of Weslciioster comity, .without at'V dietinc- i tiou of party,.wlK) approve of the compromise meas ures of the last, session of Congress. . My pu'j'ic duties do in t allow ;Wie to iK'icej this invitation, bmyoti need not iluttU that I conlialiy iiproe the objecis a nd purposes for which the people of Westc!iest"r propose to asseinh! '. 1 hope the spirit of disunion may be rotis!:'.',rel . ns now, In some degree, checked ; but that it, has. existed, both at llio North and at the S-oiith, n-ai still exist to a dangerous extent, cannot, an i seems to me, be denied bya-iy honest man. in i w- ..-"-Mm, . . i openly proposed, discussed, and recoininendeJ, ab-J : 1.. S.- 1. tl... ,An.,.el., ..I il... Sil.,(ea ij solctety or conthtionally, in lf gisiatuvc halls, atu in conventions culled together Ly -Uis authority oj '''"' . I in the North, the State governments, have " mm into such f,.c.a,bt,t the purpose ofoverturning j tnetiovernnienl shows ifelt more clearly in reso.u-1 linns agreed to in volui'.tarvtissemblies nl imliviil- ! ua.1 denouncing the laws of the lanJ, and declaring a fixed intent to disoliey them. 1 notice that in one of these meetings, holuon lately in the very heart of New Engk'ud, and stud to have baeu very numerousiv attended, the inem ber unatiimonsly feeolvcd ' Ihnt m iod is our : h-dper, we will not suffer a.ixy pereou charged with Udhg a fugitive fnun lnbiir to be takfii from i.htai'mg us ; iind to this resolve we pltJge our lives our fortunes, and-our sacred honor." . These persons do not seem to have been aware, that the purposetthus avowed by them is distinctly it reasonable. If any la w ol'.the brnd be resisted, by force ot arms or force of niimliers, Willi a declared i 'intent to resisttbe application ol -that law, in all J e:mes. ihi is levvinrr war against the (lovernment I . '.i .(.. : r.i.A I 'A..aia,ei..n ..M : ' " within the meaning' of the Constitution, iind is an act ol treaon, drawing alter it all the eon.-equence ' . .' , ., of tliat uSenco. This is the precise ease to which r iconviction for treason twiktilace in Pennsylvania, ', , . . . , (iirin General Washington administration ;and " , , . .. ., ... ... not oulv doee uh I. spirit as tins nnitiitest itselt . ' , ; , ' ,. ... . ... lUIICIIIrU Mill a luniii. nu..w ... also delemled, encouraged, ami cotriinended.iby .ciuw'dcrablc'purlion '.of the pnblio ;trecs ; ami, what is atill tvorsetlie pulpit him, in too many in stances, uttered these 'tones of opposition mj the laws instead of the vic9 of clir'utian meekness, repentance, and the fear of God. Jndeed, occa sions h ive hippeiwd in which men and wom?n have eigitl til a sort of rivalry ornntes', la ee wlicJicr the laws of sosiety, qr the institutions of religioo.Hial'Ihe authority of iDiviiieiRevclatioti, could be ireatrsJ svitlrtheoiere contempt. Il is evident that if this spirit be iw-t checked it will endanger the Goveroienlj if .it -of read Jar ami wide it will overthrow the Government. fPitere are ample pledges, gentlrmen, thctsvilh 'von aid your fellow citizens of Wcstcliester no oilier I'odiitg will be entertained than that of atal- , . r I .L r .-. .' . ....ildiLnti.nt f.f.flsA l.niim 9 11,1 Ihfl t .nnstlhlUon . an I a d?l.rifliimion to siippon onui .o mo nisi ax-1 I remily. Amoiig yojit cwumittce I see the son of . ....... Bn, I ill.t.triAII JB H nnilulllf ll lt i I IIT lli shell j , , , . , ' ' .. .. , . , r 111 iHeiTevoiut.isnaty nu t,iMiiuini-i jk iiou ui -.,,., ,., h i eountrv. A exutidcr Kami tan. wai one of the , . . i . t A i" : t twelve comini8sioners.vho oiet al jAa-iapohs, in! .Se1,.embern6,ai.d recaimieuded lo Ilia country "P eS,5jo reg u.e uopes . ;W establishment of ..CouMiiuCh u ..of Gover..- e' ' f hild,e"' 10 h'J on wi"' ""'''nehing linn uneiit, "adequate t the exigencies of the tn;,..., nes, to t!.c Constitution and to the Ciion of the 'Here was the cradle of that for,n ef government Blltl M l,b ''I" t'll hvm;, they conjure ,. , , . . i ii. ,i i rrtJ l,. which has so long bmiiid us all topeUicr, mtit made . I.... ...... i ...,!. .n-.o'n, I . as iiiaiiu-wui'uieHct-ko uib taws isuieimi o pat ua so prosperous at home aad so much respeceu a- T 'P' . . 1 .Inl Iom. r I. In. in .,,, .aui J.l.--..I 'broad. Where the blood of Alexander Ilmmiltoii ,111 the veins, or his example and patriotic-servic-.uinm reiiieuilu.ri'd. the liiiitfiiaiTis nf senasstioiii ..... ..Lo .ul-.!,.,,. will tin.l.uo utterance. and BWnwM of violent resi-tunce to the ltvno!e"rlh in eoufuaion of face ; I sliould wish k, hide . uporoliation sr tolerance. (ienilemeiii-the mortal remains of anolher great . man, venerated and loved through the whole curs ..I a lour, lile, rcK-e in Ilie coouiv of We.lcl.esicr; ..-fronrselmean JoUn Jav. The pi.hlic life of .this illustrious .man was aUaost entirely devoted .to the preservation oltho1t.iini of the Mtstei. the ; 'sslatrlishinentaC Ih OaasliMiSicil. ant) Ibe admin-1 . islrition of the powers roiiforred. under it. N ; .inaiisa-v more clearly or felt more deeply the evils; :, u rising fr-sn the exisiftwe uf States...h entire iitnl distinct - sovereigni.-es. Ni limn pie.'ll,'d to ; his eoiintryriien against such a state nf!iine with nitene errnestnef-,elwneisce or power. , lle auw sine Jjifioftrj of a ,tirt v ;ry mnchjiko tliat mhl-h .the wishes, prayers and ctfoits ol our U stand Wises! Citizens have been constantly directed In tii-it object. Hut politicians whv -apnear. who sist thai this opinion is erroneous, and that instead : of lotting lor safety a I'd linppiuess in union, we, ought to seek it in a division of the Slate intodis-, tim't confederacies or sovereignties. ' "This country and this people seem to have ' ,rpn made for each other and it appears as if it . : iV;,s the design of Providence that an inheritance ; ; proper iind convenient for a band of brethren ; united to each oilier hy the strongest ties, should ' j never be split into a limnher of unsocial, jealous j si ntl alien sovereiirnties, . j. ; vTlipy .who prumntp the idea of snbstttulinj a.j number of distinct confederacies, in the room of j the plan of the convention, seem, c'eaily tn foresee , tint the rejection of i; would put thn continuance , ., f the t'nion in tiie litr.' -t jeopardy. That cer- ; tninly Would be tiie case; and I sincerely wish that l l.jj )na'v pe as clearlv toresvn bv every goqd citizen j i lltt whenever the dissolution of the Union arrives , I ' America, will have reason to exclaim, in the words I ; of the pot t, 'Fimirrll ! a Ims; farewell U a'.l mv greuliiiss. . . lien I am fpwkins of th-? ardent ntlachinent j.of Joiiu Jay to the I'nion nf the American States, i I cannot forliear, even at the risk of extending this aiiswer befsid its proper iunit. from introduc ; iog another extract from his admirable wriling'i as exhibiting remarkable sagacity ami power nf - iilusirati.m. "We have heard inneh,". said he. (,ft1P jleets nl !?riian ; and, if we are wisrj.the ,;-, may coni whwi the fi-ets of .merica mav engage flet)lii. Jiut if nnejiatieiial lioverimient ( had not so rcgnuted tiie nnvigitiou of Iiriuiin in to make it a nursery far seamen i.f one national goveninietil had ic t Oajleif hflji ail the national means jid niati rials for foriniiij, leets tiieir prow ew and iJiumler w'iuld iwvef luive been celebrated. Let r.iighind have its navigation ajul fleej let Scoiland have ils navigation and fleet let JJales have lis navigation and fleet lei Ireland liaxe its navigation and fleet let these four of the count it- j tieu! parts of Briiish empire 1 under four inde- , ... . . i penuent eovernnient-, nil il is easy to perceive iiow ., would each dwindle into' comparative in-1 signitscsilice." '. ' I Wken Jiv'm Jav filled llip seat at the bead f the Supremo Judicature, ho would one appear who, being charged wilh crin.-, sbotilu stand up f,, (,; filCe, beamiiig.equal:.y with intcliigence aj K,,,ij-;tVi .,,,lt illsi yui h. disobevedtlie 1 law only from the impulse of liis cwn 'individual conscience ; that lie had disregarded plighted faith, .violated the nioft important obligtbns,and contemned the sanctity of oaths, only upon bis re liancc "" 'hesuperiorilv of Ins own intelligence aver thtit nf the coinmunily, and the right of every individual to judge uf conslitutioii, laws and com pacts for himself ? Gentlemen, i am sure thatyou and vont friends will do yoitr whole diit-y. ns intelligent and patriot- , icitizens, in iipholding the institutions .of your I cannlrv. J iiropose to do mine, and should not I Ciinsent tn act with any body who might be found ! to waver orto'li.iiatu on this all-important qttes-! (i( n, . ' ! 'j'lie Prsiijfiil'-! tnossane, rtt the npenin"o.''tlie I . . , ... . , nretani sess n nt i.onwross. iv-nrpcis in u an, es fully and . o ' I nlitiulv bin own onininn. nnil thn nnuiiiiiinn.nnin. i . ' . ion of those associated with him in the executive , . .,,.' ., . . administralien of the Government, in regard-to , ... . r : w-bat nro called the Adjustment or Compromise j . . , , no'is-res rt the last session. That opinion .is, , . ; , ,' ""'.it those measures should be regarded in princi- t . .. ....1 ..hU.i rii, .1 .j pi .. uie.i u"inr, in u, o unnrioim miu ex- citing wifijcc'S which tliey embrace ; that 'though thoy were.not fife frwn, imperfections, yet, in-thetr : niuiinii uepenormo ami connexion, iiney lormeu a system of ompr:nise, the most conciliatory and best for the entire country that could be obUied from conflicting-sectional interests and opinions; and that therefore they' should be adhered to, until time and experience shoidildemonslrate the neces sity of further Irgislut'oti, Jo guard against eva sion or abuse. That opinion, so far as I know, remains entirely unchanged, and will be acted up on steadily and . decisively. The peace of .the country requires this; the -seourity of the Consti tution requires 'this; consistency requires this; and every conaitleratlon of the public good demand .....i j i ..j .i j- j this. If the Administration cannot stand nnun i -ai'Liuivr wiaiic in.soare ,4 HU(( uul rxiK'ca lu i r r ' I , stand at all Cuizensof H'estchester!. Cittzensof the State of New Yurk! The .voice of ynurcwp iilustriniis dead cry to you fratn (io .f round. . U'hev wlro are! i , . - - - 1 iii their graves beceech you, as vea respect the r 1 ' - p-w . r liainvs uou inriiiiM ,cs, ns iiiu lute ll.'i(, as v!h - ' ; 1 voiv .ii lones in iiiuiM,uanon, lu-rL'joci aiustic I uatis , .' ' , ii..'.-.,,, .ii, lii..--'ii ... ...iii vi'wsiii j uioy n uuti, For niyadf, I confess lhaf, ifll were to witness the breaking upnilhetUninn, mid the Constitution hf thU.iitl S.ates.U should Jiiny .njuself taAi.c I myself fronrthe olwervaiice of ciaukind,. unless". ! '"";'' mni "P "nJ fleclre roly Mn """s' M!,p,i,,n ..Ity i w'c" " 'cu ine;j,aa la. u' "m,'lie e-toa-tropha-. , : 1 !,"- Cs""eoien, with eatiw .regard, and all -.1 - . .I I .T. .. - ,l"' - ('PA) - 'DANIEL IV'F.DSTEIi. To Messrs. Jas--e Ai Usmilton, George It. Butler, Jnn. B. UaK'nin, vAlljert' I.ockwnod. com- mHU-e. Always ho (ttxal nntured. A lew dmpsol nil will do more lostHrt the most a,t'ii,nrn, piacllilKyy 'i,,,,, ,n 4,, incgr in ihe world n i 11 .. '" J I ) 8. C E I Tl 31 . .. . Sow: i ,fSSSS!-Z ii a i, v. I c ii. -N . c:. ruiii.w. riiitui Any n, it-.v,. THK l.Al'K LKlil.-sLATUU;. We desire to call the nttemion of inir ' readers ; tothol'act, that, no resolutions', of any kind, cab, diluted In priuluco usilatioii, or niitag'ini--tieal lo-.i wards tiie compromise measiires of the lastt.'oii- i gross, or fanatical oil the sidj"ct ol'shivrry, ccinid ' be got through Jc !,eg;s!alui'.e nf North-Carolina i Secession and disunion were signally ileh'at -d ; i and the irenecu I feeliio' of our 'people, in fa vor ol , i peace and in ipii. triumphed overall the rH'ortso' i Locolocracy to make political capital out of the j troubles of tiie country. . I Jl is true they had their. Joint Select Negro' ' coiiiinitlee. and said committee made majority and . ' minority reports, and suhniitled volitniinoui; reso- lutions on the theory of our tiuvernineiit, iu.rihts . ; and powers, ami tie right ami powers of tkesev- ; j era! States'; anil the tremendous crisis en band ; ; j and the grave and fearful responsibility ofNoilh , j Carolina, and her duty in the premise's hut when i jail tlse inigbtv and liigh-sounding (lociiiiients i . were sent abroad, and examined by the peop'e, ibe I ; popular voice brealhed upon lli'Mii, and they van-. ; l.-h al away like the dew of the morning; mid, like j '. the smoke, tla-y had, no continuing iiiiit abiding phice.' .; '.'... ..'',' j: lje, i.t known, therefore, 'that .North Carolina'.!. stayds by the coiiipi'omtse.j and by the I'ninJviiHl ;.j rebukes uliko fati itieisni, Secession and trea niinie, i.ir ..'i, f . 1 - ' I 1'i 1 1 : ' 'J'lie iiihlresy of Mi. II.0!,in--. eiui uf the mo t liietmbers of the Ithodc Jsland I.eg.slaluru who voied . for Uoaeral. Jajiks Ut Ihe-Senate.- is a liccumnii -, of iioeren, however ldile sattl'actnry it may lie to w.iin nn, iiiii,.nu T i.. iiT-.iee oi' Mr. 1 1 hi. - : df.s is that of violating party images, m riniinngcoun - ter to the decisien of a nariv caucus. When he con seated to aj-ide'by.the lesuliof tliecaiieus, ihecaiieus ou!v could nlieve Jiim from'llie t.,l2e whieli li:U i uu-., sent invokes. It was for ,;;ie caucus, and noi lor the ; lniLftiiiv nf it. oi il.'lennii'e whal. cnurse should be 1 t U I 1 pursued to defeat .the factious or rcl'ac;nry .Ceiuct of Can scircelv' be a inure forcible ilhiHrannii of the iin indiviiluut. If tieucnil Jamcs is the man he is do- i propriety: ct aireiupluig lg:.-latirc umrndmrut- I ) ri'uod to be by Air. Hoi.des, he cannot be a very (lis- (lie t 'oiistilutmn of the Slate, than was ail'irde ! tressiiigly bad "Democrat. A man who voted for Hah- .hy. ' history' ef the Free ftuffiage hill in the law : ..w. ... ... i ..a.- -..i.i i. r. r:. i IIUSJ tlllU V. l.A-H, iJUU liu,.lltlll lie IC IWI'e' v. , ,n.l TviJ..'if he had voted at all. and .who .tfl-idiMi alllhisiiageodT.ri.rma1,andU,uo,,,na,,,,,.,a,votc,lj for Governor Avniovv, is a Wiiw for so tnauy good, I Snb,ta.,;ial ,putposes,: that bis claiui to Peniocraey must, b ratlicr aw occentricit v. -Wi r.re rather in- eliitpil to think thn' it is (he demncrney of .numkri S ihnt fieneral J viiii affect,- and iiot t lie liiehinmiii I ami Albany lK inooracy .' " ' -..- MRHl C A 11C1 fl . II A I Lib "AD. Th Carolina AVatciunaii conveys thn gratifying j uitelligciioe, ,'hal (.ov. Morelaad, rresideiit or" l,u- ; Board of D miliars, was in that town lost week, and s',0'!'! 1,mt rhriugly and cnihusiasticaily of the suc.-esof tbif srrcat measure. T leGarrtiorirav tlist " the estimatoB-are so far completed as to render it ccr- iaiii,oiai me e, MuuiuMsr,, , u,e. sufficient to. oomph ie the work ; and that the .con tract will br let out. about the fust of .April. He is ' engaged . , . j. ,' .i i j squiring rights ,f way lor the road, , ,d lutniusaciiucoiiier.ma.ieciiiirem.io,. . ,r rurjo - ,i . ,t . . ratiop. His visit to Mii-miry was a grrai saiisiaciion i ... , .... ., .- .. to lU.ci'izeiuf, aim a. reie-i ia mo onxieucs oi soj le wbo.liad beemheset -ith evil reports. TIIK lTMI'LL'S I'RKSS The above is the title of a new Tapsr, just issued by Messrs. Cj.um ii. Sox, at Salem. It is a very respect able sheet in appearance,, iind vdued with manly in llepelideiice. . ' 'J'ha.Fress does not take, sides in politics, but the Editor say: as faithful sentinels, they will not be found shuubijriiig nt their posts; ''but, whenever danger threatens the liberties of the peopla. in any shape or maimer, we will "cry aloud, and spare not ! " ".Wiiboul arrogatuigiio tuiriyives any undue pre rogative, We.wish it distinctly underslood, that any remailis Wfriiave rnadedo not preelurie us from advo - catinj- the cause of any public man or piiblio measure. 11 ' Wbeiicver are satisfied that our service are re- Hn,l,-U, " iiitf'. 111 ma irim 111 mi ay hi amuiice I n ' 3 ' 3 I the public weal, we shall not lip found wanting, but .' wi" go hand nd heart ito the musure. I "Wl,at we particularly abject to, is the ungrotis "I0 ,!lllpnaiiied byyioiue, ''o'.ir parly, right or 1 wron" '" I ur niol'o is ''orin,.;,,!,,. i ' K r m p ,9-ll . . STATU CONVENTION. We find the People , both si the l.aat and West, arebrginuinjto umiersUnd and admit the necess ity of holding a (S'tate convetjtioii, for Ihe purpose of disposing of the, various qucstionsof.Consiitii tional, reform, v.'.hif.h are agitating the public iiiinJ. The piodrentie f-the citizens of N'wh ('arolina innst.acon be apprised of the dangerous nd anlU repubiioaniUiode of.f hanging our organic law by I-egislativo enaclmfyi.ls, andrreaolvo not to. submit to it. TIm WiliiiittjftiMii Commercial any that nioslf the Whigs, and may of the Democrats in the C-pofear region, arein favor of.fiubuiittiiie the question of free Omveniiqn to the People ; and the Editor observeii that .the inorev.o reflect n tliesulijuct the greater is pur amnzeinenl, tliat so many of ihe democrat should Iiiivk the pqlit. ,....i;,......i.. n..:..,..f..- ii.i icni iisiuiiim :u oi iijr inr inue ui inr cel. i uusiJ-'j doctrines of. ilk-party. .We say s,,-. because all nf the meml-ers of that party are found in the category of contisdiction andabunlity which enveloos those- wlui denv the riirht and tJ.e came. . itiy of the people for elf gi'VriMrient. Jlanyof ' them think with s nor -do we see Imw any re- 1 futtkan riiulliiek otherwise, whether !e he Whig W deeiofr.it. ,11'l'ic peojiU have the right to ). .ler.9y pail of their orranic law', they h ive a rieht to alter every part, it'llicy choose. If it i" proper to fut'init a part of the mbjeet to ibeir consideration, it in proper lo submit the whole. The whole question is. com prised in lew words either they have or have nut the rieht toad in the ca'e ; and if they have the ri'lit, is it not the most hare-faced political ii udacily to deny it to thi;m.'' Either tiiey are capable of self povnuiiout, or iliey are not capable.' Who says lh"V are not ? Let ll: action of the demucrats in the Legislature ansvcr Ihe qnestimi. Hut it is said that, i people will make such j teralcns as will i",ve inlliien;e to parliciilar : - s( .in'is, iii laei.tn an limine power in mi' n j V hat i" meant by undue lowers? Solt is lor: its disjntei'rai-d pa its imo on ph itr rasas oljir s ;'tir,;ial interests, poldical power, ,'.nd local ag-rieg and belligerent leni 'lit-, Mr. .1 it '.re elante I graiiii.eiiient that the (letnocralip .principle is to himself upon the Co i-t t lieu and Lnvs. and iriHi work, otter ;i II ! . 1 ing impbciiv lo oio p i r H s ii of i i ,. i - for Surp:isotlie resulis of a Conversion do (five in,ore j snnpor, he sought. In1 imle' ibm .m ' iii;., t pow'i.r to the V,'e.-t, it ;s not pfelcndcil they v. i!l ; direct and Conhol tiie luiv of tii - -i ro .w'' e have (iiore power than is warn jped by the princi- pies, pi our deinpcratic. asocialioti. . e do not; know whether H f'onveption will give more power to' thu W.esteri)' peopie pr no ; it is not our husi-, : ness lo inijiiii,', hut ye do know that if t iere ' i iiny doi ina iit or suppressed power there, ii th ing hut l'e,sjiifisin'-'r,ilil prevent its exorcise ami i arlioii ; a' tvrainiical principle. witliho);!s it, c.iil;1 it by wlml ua;ii.e ve may. It hat -deny a free Coiivei.iion, li,-i'.i use the legitimate rights of lie p ji p'e in on:: s"i:li H'.are giK'Ssedto be in qiposifLoo to tie1 poliiica I pow-r. a;id intent of aiii'lia r ? ' in :iu,el Is il.:s ,!e ii.ocracv is Jiii rejiuhlie ues;:i ? Lei it be re : . in, ihii ;. I til if .in tins e-iimtry, we know no .. eivigh inn tiie 'eenle and In? u'lmwuiial sinoth ef their voice or impede the, r will, is Ire icnerous tj ih" doctrine of ro iiili'ieaii liberty. ''- li e feci that we have (a ken no jHitizin ground, yen of a II parties are deeply-interested ii tile anproaches ofdi'spoti.-ni, andiT wh'teve,- ilisjiiise: it may appear. - :al' igi!m'e.i tiie: price of liheitv ?"' 1'nt notrust in nohtii'i.ii's. as siu'h'i but adopt Ihe inaxim of eti rn.il w isdoin--':; Hy : tlie'ir ffiuls y.c shall knoy lliein.''; ,' . . . . ,Tlie Salisbv.rv Watchman says, it is hardly pr.V u.lile that one cin.of tweiiiv will be fouiid in this p. ri ; of ihe 7-int.e wlio will nut-'agftv. after luainre fuilee. j .liftir, thiit 'i'.ii (;: n t'iini:"',iiiui! (or the iirpu.-e of a ' general reform is far )irelerab1e', as being nior.o in ac- ' 1 corilaiice with the genius of Aiaeric.iin I, die, ty,. than ' tl,-,, p., I, I.. ..l..r.- el r.,1, I ,i f i-il , I , vn . ,. i . i 1 ruactuient. A cou eiiiien, eien'ioM'ii ol Ihe nest a ml ablest men in cur State, ,wdl ' e far belter (pialil'ieil 10 wens w.i .muse iii'eessnry rvicri.," aiiooe.u eli-uiire of cirrujitt.tx-es. in; idi iit lo- lbe progress of all hliintoi .; ft'airs, Ibaii a le-'alalive bodv inoie thaii.b:i!f can'p'-sed i,f uiune. ini v rii need, antl in.piudi iit: mea, mure anib.liniis t;l' jueset pvrsunet lnrae.tl.iaii (lie aeeoiiijiusliuieiit ei a vyor to result ia tiusf-eood t.. tiie Atate. . . , - A'i "it loeensii the aetaai of the .e ;-.)' I'atrict remarks, con 'i-latiire on tin's in iller- emiiij i I Here ' Leeif ature. Legislature. 1 liere are too many oilier suhjects c- . - . ;.. Pn,e.any iwi ly rietrs. which preiem a e,. uuu i . . . .. . .- .... e ... ..i. .....i i ve,,,y co,,s,dera,iofpro .'o-if the plan of legislauv, imiuidmctH to the I ,C:nns.i;uiio,. in to be thus ultai ded by piuly mistakes, l party tlebati-s, party hitteriiesi!, parly deniagogitery j 'away u It'll such plaiis. aiul let us have ail open and 1 unrestrirted t'opveiiiiiiii of the r. oph'., without aiiy 1 spect to party. . tVIIli CO y 1'C -i 1 1 'Fife" F ft ) V P RT V ' 'ri, l(iei,v,,,l Fiiimirer snv oihe Dei.iocraiic i j-irty. if ils.piiiloples'are r.rriej eat, is the' Union ',, ,ri"y of tin-1 oniftry."' W "w-'suuia. the Kiifiuirer liails nroof ol'tliis -assertiun in the dwrrceel'ul coalition li'iw at work in ,!assichuse;o.'. and iu tin- silit which trek nlace in its o-vn nattv m the L'rcat Slate of New j . , . Mw ,.. ,,,,;,, , f ,u, nttifide -,wm tnuttifestcl Iv tl o Democratic Sao? of P. pres Wrph Carolina. Jtut does not tha Luaidrer s: c thai, - " I bv noiutiinr to the political aartv as the I nion parlv ol - ' ' ' -i'- . , y it ,tt.-h.piiif to orCair.e the very I n- - " ' - , . ..,,:,., , u denrrcates-tliat il is makin" ihe .,.., ...... ..,,, r ,i,. ,n,. , --j . .... v,. .......... ,... .. of a party broug!:t into vriftrnce by certain questlous tf ti overniiieiitnt pulicv. ,7'hc r.iiiiuiji s im-niory i titib.1 lis hut inileeil. if tlei iraiiMictiou of tho last l-irelre nioatbs hove alrea.lv esi aned it : and. We re- sued ullvask. who a-ted withtbe promi'tent men of ils own party in an effort to 'a,'-- tho' U-iioii ?,' Did not.Clay ami V",tbster slaiiil shauliler lo slpulder Willi Ciiss and T.ootft in pushing forward tio measuriis which were jegardcdibythc Luquirer, as jvell as our selves, as tiiaonly means of suv-g ihe I'nioii ! . At that fearful tjne, the Knqnircr bad no mors to say about .Whipi and Democrats than strenuously urge both to lay aside their party quarrels and co-operate in a patriotic effort to maintain and pnservo that I tvhu-h WHs&t-ove alluartv nnestioiis and if it will turn o- i ,. , ... , . . r, , r . -. i ver the leaves of its last vear 9 tile.itwill Iih J in it more ., .. , . ,'r ... , . . . tlian one article ropied from this puner and coiniiiend- , , . i;..,i . .....;.,.' r i,...,.io o 1 V" HO .im II .iiiiitii l.T.ni.ll w J'ui-.T Hi.,,, n. o until the prefervation of the Union was secured. I'ndfr these cu-cuinstsucea, wc at, is it la.irand,,caii. did i-'ow to say, that "the PeuKicrulic Prly is he L'nici patty of, tho ciaiHryl" We c'ajm no such dlstiiKtion for tjie Wilis' puny, and the hi lory of the country forbids a: to acc.erd it to air.' other political or ganize ;i in. Th, at history teachrs us that the masses pf both parties sre sound upon the subject ef llio Un ion, and, Willi fgarilless of. all other cousiderUioiis.net J.arinoinoiisly in an cil'tfl o save it when ever it shall pe in .peril. The,?igo? of the tildes indicate that the dj?organiz ers, North apd South, ultbo' failed for the present, have uol yetbandoncd ;rir di sigu i upon tjie Union, and it bebooviM the llumjrer, aial every p;ler frjend of the country, lo refriin from every tiling. Iiicli ipay tend to array jhe two great purlics of this aipuiitry'oii he question of the preservation of the Unioji. l'ptertbmj' InteUigenctr. fin this iffi'.inoetiou.wo fly f.it p the admirable jncssne ofesideut Killnnorr, wuch gavs a stronger sssurauco ,tq tho frji rids of law and order, rhat the tfAwam.,.nl -wft'.l I.. nriau.rVM.1. lliti.i tl.'x.n i ' , , , . ' , ,. .. . 'M'eh h""1 prof-eded ,t. It.Mttots tx IllK (.'I'VieKoviisi; . We are glad to seettiaiihis piwerful Nurit. Western Stateis irn. ,to the Union and the Coiulituiinn. On 1'. 4 first ilny ot the prp-nt session i.t tiie lgslture, resolutions were ititnsliiceil, lescinrting Hie Wit mot :rov,s,.re.o..H,o,,s.,u.,e ,st igisistnre, and eiispi.ripg tlieexeculioii of nil Ihe lawscxeept :ne higher bw.- These KeseMinns have ,..Jd the K-uiilehvivntoi -21 to 8; and the HnrjnirhVld mih .r. ttuv will mI lines, hass the Hnusi. be iurire m-'i'tty. 1 - " -' . I" -' 1 . 1 . . . - : " . r. V 1 ,1 . UU nE AND, lljiS. ADUI.S I RA 1'IO.V We have recently seetj, a shorl arlicb' uin the round: of the H'hig I'i,pss, says the Lynchburg I Virainiiin, complnneDliiior .1, I'Mlmore atiMtis Aduiinistioii, which, if we had not nrsptnecil it, we should have transferred to our own columns as we ll earned .tribute lo a deserving administration. The loss of it, howevi'r.lia,!l Toi preveu'l us from expressing our lively appreciation of Ihe maeiy, jii-l, and pitrioiic tone of th A 'uiiiistrntion, and of t,l;e honest, slraiolil-iirivard acd p,,lj,.y u-,i,., ch.ir.,c.tor i;-s its act- conservative -unlink into lich coin uls- imwer on the s'onu and ihe (' ret w V ' i en tie, ,v i n, i ly ji k it - iii'it l ei ! oi piling- strengtli it was iin;io--!hl,' ii'i npliv -t ""1 III' i ." il t end s' ei. ;il tiVUII- his ailiin.ni-ii.iii n i .mi.li .lic.llv. .W and aims are no .n r.tioij'.l ,u) I (bin, f iilg fhe a v, efile wiiole coanin roj i.r iijofe paltry inn '-rests ,if purl v. A 1 ch i ii lio'uesiy, s nii'lioii'-if ln- ;i:i.r. 't s ::,'a 'i l 'in-iiioi,il'-d-by wisilo n, con d tj iai'. t.o i:1 ; to ( ,e SllliM.ot of ihe )'',,eeillive, ill lb" h .' Ji-d, ihe epghtoned :iiuj lilii rati, I all m . ::- ' n'i ; ! u-l I'loiice we iind l-iiii invested :-"r' ' ' e eoi.ji-ilein:.- which, lioucvor inneii i n i t , u-'ni iv be ihsposcd j,, caipaml iail.. wi I so ) ,, i;i,iulea secr.j wi II spring nl hope in III" hesien ol in.ir.y wiie h ue not ev.,11 tiie Irai kin,. s to aoW its ' ji isteiiu". . F: r one. we a. v free to confe-.-, tint tin Prei 'lent, hiiwever at lenl miv hive been our hopes nas more than lulhll.-il i.ur e.vpe. tltions. He f.'ii.d the in;hi,.jice of ihe Niuth"! f,ict:ous, which. uot,ad too tnneli reason to appeliend, wcilild he iirought to lie. ii noon his jkvIi.cv A false step or a p,!,e;'.ng .o icy woiili! have piiinged the country i;!e ;;-i;nedia)jl" ruin. Throughout ihe. Union the inost inteii: i anxie'y was fell, to know ''what ii. antler of man he h.'' How happily was that (iiSin llf'il by the re'-a'ssiiranre of ihe .Mess ie. ihut the rights of ihe States should be sespecied and the j l,.wsof.ihei:niii laiilifullycxeciii' d! ; Ail brilh- e.: i.'ie m...,-; :;r to. so renewed assurances, (, r nil .1 fclt liii'V werif' too honest v made to be Ehainelesslv. ' disregar'Jed., The result vi:idica'c;. the ci tifldciice thus geiieroiisjv ajsiowed uiion mm . " ., ..' . ' Ti.a ,...,.i,:i,.;, ., t,...,.-.r... 11, IIM.. ll ......... ,., ,( , I, ov 1,, I, , , Iriotic, wise, priident iiliJeiaiciliajorv. as ahso- pnl.ru.itic,. w:se. priuieiit aiel ooncuaj;orv. as aiiso- int. ly to i,isi.;in tiie more . nnerai i t iiisuppotieists ofthe ordin iry Aveapons of c ivil, and criticism. The fanatics of rouise revil" biin. but their cen. sure is r. ore tolerable than their jiraise. Verily Mr. J-ilhiieres ml.iiin.tratiop is at lies moment one ol Ihe wises', nest, anil most popular that the - coiinxxv liisltnowii since init ot ishr.igton ; and t'ur tn siinple reason t tat he h.tit done hisdutv. and ibne it. toD. honest iv and ahlv. " '- . I .Mr. riLL.ii.;;i: a si tub' M'A t imiesi- Dl ( ! in to-d.iv's. edition two articles, ore . I ... . , -- . I a ' . .'... , - -.. .:.,..,. iron inn i.v e : r" re. i an ai o i e in er an .9 oanlieaU ir, I he Missouri lgislafitre.op the rece,,- election ot S, ii- afor. llitberto,, w e ha ve suSyrcd ourselves to be beirayed iiilo ii.p.y cxpressu.n of.opinion relative to a (dioice wliicli jye-iniglt have iiiado among llio various proihinent Wings, whose claims may bo ailviiuced (or the next ('residc.nry. Jlowever iniich - 'C nav preler anvnne In the rest, we are aware nl consulting tin' wishes o all Whigs in the selection ! ol a candidate, but at the pttne liij':e twe may ex- . press our preference when discretion dues', not forbid. I We iuiapine tliat al this time but little ha nil could 1 ensue from Minnlv statin'' that in our view, no man. I i.:...,. a.. i.w... ,1.,,,,. nni.n ihe alT. eiioiis" ill Ihe American neoole. no I ; , i.t,,,;!:...! ...ui, ii,a ,, ,! ....imirt uian o. ii.mio "' "s -." i . i. . i... .t. . :.. , .i, ,;.,!. .... ,,r n..i .' limn lienjin, Ul ilic iii-i luiaeic , iruwin "i . i , .. .. ...... ,.. ,.', . a... -i.:f... a. (' IIP M"W IH'tits 1 1 iv i mil "Uiur hi 1 1 in i;t ' i m. nee now holds ihe chief office of the government ; . . .' . ' . , At a lime whop every citizens stood in awe and and spicy on this subject. ,l!nt ho will helisi ,. dreaded the rivtilt of ihe conflict waging between j pointed There was nothing no resolution pas' two ai verse sections of our -country when sits- i ed at ail. On ihe last day of,,Jiesf j-inn the lion'. ! I '"011 was rifo and neiehlier upbraided neieiihor, with an intent In tumble him m ruin -when tne alinuspj;.ere was loaded will, cmmistib e ia tin l i really to, explode upon, coma, t with an iiiadverlent spark-rlhis man by the yjjsdoipoif bis action, by the indomitable firmm'sB of his character, cabned the apprehensions nl a liat.ion a ii(d poiired t lie oil ot peace upan the slonny wavvs pf s(.rife anildiscon- )m. yi e say it wilhout.leaiol its Deing msprovei that no ii(!ier public man of either puny could have ! blent, fiom the dissalisfactioii expressed .by ji, - atieiupted Ih is and si'ceeiled in eii.cli a shoft lime. StaObird, and papers of ihe "same sort'' in i, Tiiere are others who might have don- ai uli-r j S'ate, wilh the Cnnipronii.-e of Congress, that r--Diontl s of piocrasl inatien, but the 'fleet ol .li bud J union was in llio. wind. In what shape i was t.j l''illinoie's.spir t i f inft ,01111 iiiy ua.- n ci gi tseii p-l ppear nobnily could divine, except perhaps ihose lejt, as last as the win-. s nf.the light- i;:g could j whose fancies dwelt en gredilv' aiul pleasiil-;v licar ils impression through our land. j iinon the foreshidoivipgi jvhich they saw. .'l-.. . Ve J'ield all preconceived prelereiices lo him iS'lajidard was deliirbleil wijh liie nolii ii of j! " We abandon he fanciesth.it bave clinp.g around Nashville Convention, ami anxious fur Gov. )n onr mind and heart fur year, jl'e give np tlie '; le tn convene the .ls'slalnre. and what not - once fjosen nlcur lie;jft, and bow to the JI AN ol j Hut the korgati" srvl its cl que ini-cslfiilaiyl his enpntry and. of the a(;C. Millard Fillmore needs no psnefyric. Ilis in- valuable services are tn rccenl and, too green in the memory ol his coiinlrynien, to R?ed even a re - bsarsal. If tins Ration ca,u evince its gratitude to a cili7.en,tt hots! aits Imye probably rescued it !. from, the. idle of Jj-jst repiibhcs. let it be 'poured fotili iipnn.MilliirdJilliiiore. As for ourselves, He shall keep his naine cotistantly before the people, apd remind them gf.he beneiits he has conferred urio t cm, a,nd until st,h,e voice of the party ia heard in convention, and its choice be known, we shall not cease, to advocate the claim? of .)i Lrd 'ilhnpre lu the next Presidency. Jlilljrd Fill more am) the Union. Norfolk il'iiy- gsVN-.INTEUCOIJil.St:. At tho .late scssiou of the legislature of Sqpih Car olinalS Id.OvHJ were eontributed lowutcls thfterctyp ingajid jniblitjiing of two manusoripts of the. J-.ou. Joan C. Calhoun. These manusoripts are a.'l rea lise, upou (iove.nnieut, and a Discputse p.ijn the institution of the Unilcd Himei. 'sgains'.hi we lutvr no objection to arye. Opt jlier,reuder jinny be astonished to learn, that the appropriation if If be , illthecityof New York-' "'ITie noble State of . , -.a e i S"ulh Carolina' ocBht to appreciate thejhcy ol ' nou-mterrourae or tho leaders, whom shv has insti. ' e-ated. will not be sbte to lead ir'.'r.i.a into an advo ' - - - ft e I eaev "f the iiuw;e scheme- COCItlissliiv ,. The Siaiatcha' bi-.'ii i hl;iiI, , elm :i . , I .r t'h- I'ast week, na the ("alifnruia Kll. uml tl e j, n-in ..it m lo Whel!ierSeiiaior Winihrop has- IV ryl,i n. ti lain his ceat iiiuil his .surei ssoriipivio'ii i.riuti.. his ' ccptaiifi' ol' the olli , ' " " The tiiiiisi h.i berii, wt'iipied ia cons, ilenii '- the lull ffnm ih .Venule, fMb t-aiiii'hniriit or a H'nnr nf Aeciaints, In consist nf threw cmiunissinUcw, to I,, ' appo.inedhy Ihe PreSid-nl f,y w, il,.. a.lvlr, and cousin of the ri-nate. ilriormlns and linal.') ail jmlicate ctaiiim gaintt (Ite I'nitvfi ?itae, i,Hi as cannot beiuljiidicaliil by ilie uccmiiiiiii,iifi (. m ii. 0veraii.."it under ilie gem-ra! Ian. T.'.eh,IK,i ih. .-t-iiiiie j-u.f lues nir ;"rin uieai Dturil ,1ir. .u .. -.J r. - . . .. report' ii 1' mil ihe ("o;iMiiitt.;e nh ihe Jn.v-.inrv a s,il, stmt'eu.r ia, 'lull, previ-.aio.r, ninon; o;her intportrmi uiiillers. 'that Ihe luard shall dr appoint (.. I'.ac years nUj-, al wh.l pine ilif boati, a;; tl-e ;- w. shall i ipiio, anless t'oiygress by r-tptM H . u, ,' 'i; 1 1 ,;eriii.e ,,( i,. upcraiiiiu of the ayjlein, At p.'i.v.iielorlheeoiiiiauanee. .Mr.M.I'idly f xplaiit.-d ;.n iidviK'iited the mii.-jiihuei;i nl'ihe JialieinryVomniUie. il" win. IWImv h by -.Mr. 'i:lso- ia I'uvor of the btmi. and in ilel'eiiee ' o jilc h lj us pr ip,,.( p ..'innty'.j bv ihe t'liininiltee of ('la oisoi till' ll-.iilte. .Vjr'.' 1) ii, . II L lilsn prnjieseil u 'HlUMtiiiihS d;il" l illfj ill illlti'irtaet p,'ilils fiiiiii. the i,;h. r ,.r. Al.. Tuoii lln"I ailipiweil ihe llnitse in iij'piisiti!.,! i dm L.t,(i.e p. iii ! cy of ii!ui1criii"iuwe:r! s ilitmriatt and so dcliea' ' to any. lia-d., lie lieiieeii lliai i. pu'.v.rof dcie;' iMiiiuu' when ape bow.; iiiicii.iiiniH-y wn t b ti;i--kej ,,;n, ihe I eler ,l IVitsiiry. she.;l, ."hu jealousi; re;,.iiieil ;,y Congif-ss iiseif. lie l.-'lieveit I'oiiW-'1-a-i Coni ;''iil as aav beard that nm.-hl be ereateiT" a.:i w, sely innl justly ;n delMiiiniiii-; iipmi claims a gainst ihe (.on riniiehi. (I,, ref.-rrifil to the cunning nioll appoiliiei! isjjj in adju.t melt i:lailis, wln '1' coiiiiiiissicin, he uvrn-.!, -vus .'ihiiuloiieij in conii', -' .pu n-- of the immense I'-mls ii'rN-trai-4 tincir it-" He was roU'iv.ecl hy .Mi-is. Vkm.r. ainl 'Slci.c if K. ii!uek , v ith al l" arjeiie nik in mvor of if lli'W srl:'lll pro d, bin not nf the dutail- of ij. bills hi iere tie- Ileus". Tliey cypres vd the npinii thai there were as eiany unjust , e i nis passed li o ulily Ujiea hy I. unless -lor wan, ol" tinis and disi, siliulltu lidly investijale iheni, us eoul't possibly caie lhe vigilance ol a hoard o rainmiiMiciien, hen" est and learned in the 1 iw.1 - . -.'; -.. --i-s.'.,--. .'-.' . Till' I'AU'l'V AND . THl'l J'KKSIDKNT. . P , Mr. J-.,.i:. ..nCs speech in the joint se,- ion of the M i. -ouri "l,eo i-l -e i'.. ,'t..ii..., ,'- Senator, ,ve ijiio'ti! ltjs toliov. ing pa'agriiph; : "I luive been taught that to reverence the Out, .. , , , . ' n stitiilion. iind .iliide iia laws, is a cardinal docfrii.o ;0 , e-o,,i A,;,,.;,, Whig p,,iy. . . . We .ecognise aits polt;icnl headMillariJ Ki" . ; no re, of New Yurli, thn man who. thougli ewT.CY f i,'exprrte,ily to the high station" wlti.e,r be miv; ! - !,. , the nio-t stonny period ofonr hitorv-4aVs 1 m. when the iiplieaviil - nflhe noliiica uem.j. r : was widl nigh in ilting - . " .o'l. ii wrcc-, o our ff.orioi. i p . Union, Ins roved himself ciiH I ve. kir. I fiiolit I ij'. more- than equal lo ihe dread re.-pn- - I'lililie el Inat station, lie rr iv have sacrilic. t iu'-y ' i'v mi-, u.t jt.;iroti6i les broail (.onleileracy he is a'lractilig theaibu ratioo, of all the siiber-ini piled nieii of all rurtie- lie has allied Inmse.f to no fiction S'oith or Sou'' ,. - --, .... " j ' gn M .no. ;,a lo a I V pty, a,,,, lo ihe 'in teres,, uf ,t,e wheye country, i heeds no.thc d tricricn of factioiiis.s and f:W,tic..;.: ' North or Soutli, pastor est; end if weure to,!.-' j,pl 'eei by llio gentleman from ..Toward, by "the l-e t ol';Hililic.-l oithri,Kixy llia,t lie pre, -it to us, in ti.. ; - l 111,1 "t 1' ree-s,ui v lugs, winch, is headi d bv em-i ; men as , Mills rd I nrmore, V "hsicr.Clav, and h ' ' other illustrious n-.m of Km'i:ickjf, John .1. t riue'i , den, then 1 accept ' lhe.te.i, and glory in lb" nan ol l-'ne-soii W'lrg, .To ine.sir.tianiesare ii.i;!nng'! TUH SLAVflliV UKSOLl'iyiSS The unsophisticated re iderssay tlu fi.-epnf! -I'alr'iit, wl 0 reeiihiriv reiusfdfhe nrne.ili:i .''. i ol ihe Li'"s!iitiire.aiid romaihfd the .l-jrir amo i of lime consumed in '. ih.t-nie ,r it, 1 . n i-'r- -"-,. ,- nlniu-n immiiii ..-ill .i ...i .': j. (....... . ., , ui.vuurr.-t I., H mi 1' i ,i, t' .,ti,.. f. . ,l.m;u ,' ...i ' : ? "- ifvu- (v M - mii-iii i imi v (' i i.J:... a.:. . . "..".Iv re.ri!utions were id on the tnhle by a vote of A. ' . ' to 2fi. The Sem-ie resolutions aha red it siini! fate i Hut all thl- is we)i e pnngh. Thj.,tiin" ocenpj: -in the discussion nf these resolutions miahi be ci ..' sidered wnsied," were it not,f,ir the Figniil ri.dnl which re-iilled to the insidious a t it aWiiny Ji c'rne of Seessiop. . ' L l'tig-hefore the session cnniioenced, it was ei - ibeir iiiRiieno over even the Deiuncratii p'!li.-' - nf-N'nrih Carolina ami. the organ ami tin- clio i.- . keenlv f dt Ibeir failure, ton, pidgin fruni the ceo Tl". ; sorioii. and pennerv remarks acainsl fhe- riiiili j moling in llm-kinghntn, much ihe larger p"rii "i . j of which was composed ,f pairiotie hemia-nits. I .The resnll r,if,.t!:e disenssinnin the fi'enenil 'As. : sembly Iras shown that the ormniof the I.c-nioerijlie . ! pij r.t y and. the disaffected spirits with wlium ir n I ro-opemtjng mule one grand iisi';0rt.1n,tim'ff' ! their ftrengtli and influence. .Tiie Prni., 'yt j N'nrth Carolina, of both pnrtin. uiteuil to slf iyl,! v tbe-I.Tninn. its constitution mil jlsjiws ;iul. their .Reprp.ptitMti.es have taeitly sxpressetl their fuiii tha the laws nflhe Union, as (bev exi'ltt7)l he ifairlyand finnlv executed by pnrnnit ,dmi: i!rnlirm -theop:nion nf all ninnnrr of ''orwaiik'' to .the riinlrarv notwilhstandin;. " SorTttCARouiA lrRiS"NMET r.Tlie enrr pondenc. between thetiovr rnor of South f.'-iriVpr-i and the British Onnl has lieenVfprrerl ti' lect cominitioeiifihe.f'!ilniiitp, chosen (11111; .. Chfirtisston deierei lion, iviih, the' pnwrrv i n'l't ''l". rinf the recesei of the liil:ilnre II i ts-hei'Vii ftisf the sbn"xinii Ian' fnr iinari-niiipi fr.f fila'el'j nilt h iihoiuioiieit. nrprnbulv rner'i' !n fif. f.nn innii pti'rlnipi.r in f,,rre if tVi'miineienV'T. r. w1 irb rrqnires nl! free r.it,ifd ticxeM r..'f j-. ,, - , tMvnr.l their vpol r-s-iin.,i,i.i, h. . '. s;.. .'.tl I ibeir ves.els I " ' ' O' I at 'cite c teiirij J1u)Ulu.

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