POLITICAL,. LETTER FROM MIL, WEBSTER. MarshneIdrApril 15, 1851. To Messrs. George C Smith r Caleb Ed dy, Asa Swallow, Uriel Crocker, and . others, of Boston. Gentlemen I duly received vour let ter of the 11th of this month, and had ful ly made up rny mind to comply with your invitation ; for, although I have entertain ed no purpose of discussing further, at pres ent, the political questions which have so much agitated the country, yet I could not deny myself the pleasure of meeting you and your fellow citizens,- for mutual con gratulation upon an escape, so far, from dangers which, one year ago, so seriously threatened the very existence of our na tional institutions j and upon the prospect of an early return, in all parts of the coun try, of feelings ofgood will and reciprocal regard. But the newspapers of th is afternoon in form me that the Board of Aldermen have refused your request for the use of Faneuil Hall. I care nothing for this personally, except that it deprives me of the gratifiea- don of seeing yon. ; although if I suppos ed that the general voice of the people of Boston approved this proceeding, it would I confess, cause me the deepest regret. The resolution denying you the Hall has been adopted, if 1 mistake not, by the s,ame Board which has practically refused j io join witn the other branch of the City Government by offering the hospitalities of ine city to .President t'lllmore. Gentlemen, for nearly thirty years have been in the service of the comit.iv by the choice of the people of Boston and the appointment of the Liegjslatureof Mas sachusetts. My public conduct throusrh the whole of that long period, is not un known, and I cheerfully leave it to the judgment of the country, now and here after. ." Since the. commencement of March of last year, I have done something and haz arded much, to uphold the Constitution of the united btates, and to maintain inter ests ot tne most vital importance to the citizens of Boston. And I shall do more and hazard more, whenever, in my judg ment, it becomes necessary that more be done, or more be hazarded. I shall per form, with unflinching perseverance, and to the end, my duty to my whole country ,- MR. BcfctiAKAN.-The Richmond Whig I WHIG MEETING IN UGNOIR hnely touches off this ancient Federalist, A. . . , but modern Democrat, who has lately hied tJll f r"scftabl,e P? to come the game of flattery over the Vir- felF of lfSD. Tr mmano Tt . uL o-.... Court House m Kmston, the fo Fatdv lece Preamble ad solutions were adopted, who call themselves "th Central Snihpm Rights Association of Virginia," an invita- Whereas, The period is approaching tionto Visit Richmond :whereto hereolied wnen tne choice of a representative fortius in judicious terms of prostration to the old Congressional District must be made ; And local sods, whom hp. sn liitl relieved in whereas, our late able and distinguished when thev were new nnd whom. lw iru representative, the Hon. Edward Stanly poses still the idols of Virmnin. Mr. Rnrh. Mias nifule known his determination to with anan is one of thnsf who. if tbir hr, f tu"aw irom puouc ute : l bererore. . . . J --'""v n 7 j mt.. travel to Kphesus. begin ciying '-Great is . ."t- mai we concur in rne opin Diana !" before thev bnvA flmnn tir ion expressed by other counties of this Di booLs. strict, that a Whiff Convention should be He is consulted "in regard to tlie best ,neI(J at Washington, at suck time as may means to be adopted in the present alarm- oe aeemect most advisable, by a majority i inr i-icio - ' n n I, I . . 7 1 jr. nor do I, m the slightest degree, fear the result. Folly and fanaticism may have their hour. They may not only affect the minds of individuals, but the' may al so seize on public bodies, of greater orless dignity. But their reign is destined to be short, even where, for the moment, it seems most triumphant. We, of Massa chusetts, are not doomed to a course of po litical conduct, such as would reproach our ancestors', destroy our own prosperity, and expose us fo the derision of the civi lized world. No such future is before us. Far otherwise. Patriotism, the union of good men, fidelity to the Constitution in all its provisions, and the intelligence which has hitherto enabled the people of this State to discern and to appreciate their own political blessings, as well as what is due to their own '.'history and character, will bring them back to their accustomed feel ings of love of country, and of respect and veneration for its institutions. I am, gentlemen, with the most sincere regard, your obliged friend, and very obe dient sen ant, '..DAN T.i. WERSTER. Mk. Fillmore Administration-. The test to which the present Administra tion ha3 been subjected was one of the most trying in our political history. Had the ad ministiation faltered in its gocd purposes, or had it for one moment listened to the voice of faction, or had i(7 condescended to do only what it fancied would be of value to ihe. party which sustains it, then it would not deserved, and neither would it have received, half as much of the uni ted approbation of tlie people. But, with an e'e single to the public good, it has pursued an onward upward course, and, without being intent on pleasing any par ticular class of men, it has succeded in winning the admiration of a vast majority or the people ol all sections. It has proved itself to be fully equal to the occasion in the most perilous crisis through which our country has been compelled to pass. That the conduct of the Administration should be a source of just pride to the vv htgs is. what was naturally to be expected The Whigs of the United States generally we think, regard Mr. Fillmore and hi: Cabinet Ministers as eminently worthy of the high trusts which have been confided to them. Further than tin's, the Whiffs point admirably to the Administration in illustration of Whig principles, and as af fording the best practical commentary on the spirit tind doctrines of the Whig party They think, very properly, that tlie selec tion of Mr. Fillmore, by the National Con vention in 1848 for Vice-President was a blessing. He is a thorough Whig in feel ing and principle, and yet he has not been so warped by political prejudice as to be incapable of entertaining those broad na tional views in which partizan bitterness is swallowed up in all engrossing patriotism. He is able, honest, inflexibly just, a pat riot without sectionalism, and a statesman without any narrow partvism. And his coadjutors in the Cabinet are worthy to be associated with him. Each one of" them in his seperate sphere of duties has proved himself to be entirely adequate to the sta tion he occupies. There has been very little complaint made by Democratic mem bers of Congres3 or by Democratic editors of the manner in which the business of the Departments of the Government has been conducted during the presidency of Mr. Fillmore. Louisville Jour. inr crisis : and, as lie is consulted from Virginia, it very naturally occurs to him that mere can be no remedy which so ex actly hits the case as tbe old Virginia phys ic of the doctrines of '93 -the Kin-cure- all of every ill that flesh . political has had in this State, for the last fifty years. A few drops of '98 or perhaps a pill or a pow der or two of tlie errand universal social specific will, he is sure, make a cure, radi cal, rapid and everlasting, of "the present alarming crisis. " Ah, rather simple that meant it to be sly, Mr. Buchanan ! You thoifght this a fine stroke of policy, did you?--. You said to yourself "I'll tickle that queer old curiosity, Virginia, tlie "mother of Statesmen" and widow of Strict Construction, until her sus ceptible old heart shall fairly dance a jig in her. She has, for half a century, break fasted, dined, supped, slept, awaked, upon Madison's Report and Taylor's Resolu tions. They have been meat, drink, clothes, and money to her. They have filled her head and emptied her pockets. 'She has had them for her food : she has had them for her physic. I'll prescribe them -: they are the stuff for her, sick oi well. If she's fondof anything, she must be of them ; and they'll make her fond of me !" Alas, sweet insinuator ! somewhat anti quated gay deceiver ! thou swain of sixty ! thou tempting spark to. thin ultra-sexagen of die Whigs of tlie District, for the pur pose ot nominating a gentleman to repre sent this, tlie 8th Congressional District, in the next Congress of the United: States, and that delegates from this county should be sent to said Convention. Resolved, That the Hon. Edward Stan ly has merited the approbation of his con stituents, for the patriotic and conservative course pursued by bun, m the late Con- rrrnco nf tKa Qtnnn Resolved, That the series of measures passed by the recent Coneress of the Unit ed estates, known as the "Compromise, are Constitutional in their nature, benefi cial in their operation, and absolutely ne cessary to the fcouth, to secure the free ex ercise of her rurhts. Resolved, That the repeal of the Fu gitive Slave Law, or the modification there of, in any of its essential provisions, would be an act ot gross injustice to the South, and would be well calculated to disturb the tranquility which that Law was in tended to effect. Resolved, That no gentleman opposed to the spirit and operation of said "Com promise," will truly represent the feelings and wishes of the Whigs of Lenoir Coun- 'y- Rcsolved, That in President Fillmore, we have an Executive Officer, who has been prompt and efficient in the discharge . . . - . ' J lir I TC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " rl 1 t . ,-. . . ...... .. I . arv dames! thou has mistaken a drug for , , , S,uul.'y imuw, a dainty. There's such a thing as sur- taat. -f he lias received, as he has feit. Other practitioners about as honest in,"b the r cordial .approbation of the and as cunning as thyself have been before I ' f V , lue pe0Ple 01 llie &outn' and thee, and plied the noor fantastic natient's 01 "ie V101e country x i r infirmity with an endless quantum sif 'of the same elixir of folly, until she loathes it, and sweats and trembles at the very same ! Were the resolutions of '9S actual cakes and custard, thinkest thou, oh most arch' of political purvevers ! that folks for- " Resolved, That Ave will use all honora ble exertions to elect the nominee of the Convention. ' Historical Discoveries. A" corres pondent of the New York Herald, writing ever crammed with them bv cook Ritchie irom "ie city otKome, on the 4th of March, and all the one-dish scullions would never anno"nccs, that very recently there have get cloyed : . uuc" "iscovereu a numoer oi manuscripts, K . M.s.mmtmnr.i - sro c,u 1 unuctieu wan me eaiiy history ot eternal simpletons as we have seemed to country, which will throw much light up be : not so senseless but that we can see 011 wh:it has heretofore been buried in ob- A Singular Call A lady in Cam bridge died on Wednesday last, so the phy sicians said, and was laid lor burial in her winding sheets, but from the fact that the body still retained an apparent warmth, though there was not the slightest appearr ance of respiration, interment was suspend ed. Yesterday, (Sunday) the lady open? ed her eyes and called on her Lu&band, "Albert, give rne spnie water."' - Boston MaU. that tlie more we have taken of this State patent medicine, the sicker we have gotten . It is like that physician mentioned bv Boil- eau, at the mere sight of whom every cold turned to consumption, and what wr.s mere- y blue deyils became -a fixed frenzy. Could it cure any thiiiij", how should we ever be ailing? For wc have been dosed with it ever since we were born.- Yet again, thou .Esculapius of govern ments ! consider! The disease, the "alarm ing crisis," to prescribe for which this loy al Central Southern Rights Association las called thee in, is Disunionisin, Seces sion. And surely the oddest of all reme dies for that is Madison's Report. Every body knows that s what originally gave us the malady. V V ouldst thou heal , like Hah nemann, with nothing but what, if we were whole, would give us the precise dis ease : We have a cracked skull ; and thou wouldst knock us cn the head for it : we have a creak in tho neck ; and thou wouldst hang us. for it!' (Grr.ce Greenwood, otherwise known as Miss Sarah J. Clarke, a voting lady of somewhat piquant style, but who in default of being able to procure a husband, is some what prone to Abolitionism, communicates her impression of the poet Tuppcr , in the following extract of a letter addressed to the National Era: -IJiave had a slight acquaintance with Mr. Tuppcr, the poet and proverbial philosopher. From his personal appearance, you would scarcely pick him out of a crowd as one likely to distinguish himself in Solomon's particular line. He is more genial than grave, and a stranger might expectfromhim more wit than wisdom. He is a small, neatly-dressed gentleman, wih the frankest and easiest of manners, and the rosiest and smilingest of faces bright-eyed and curly headed quick in movement, and not slow in speech. He lias none of the stiff-crafted and hauteur, gruffness, and arrogance of an ordinary John Bull not he 4)ut comes to us as to his kindred or at least as a gracious noble might meet his foster brothers and sisters, more affectionately than proudly. He greets America with the warmest feel ings apparently; and if he has ever had any illiberal prejudices against us, they now seem drowned in a tide of more generous sentiment. A short time since while look ing over some prints with a young friend, I came upon one of the Iron Duke. Said Miss , "I once had a great prejudice against Wellington, as the conquerarof my favorite' hero ; but I have a particular friend who quite adores him." Of course I could do nothing less than express to the lady my hope that F. M.the Duke would reciprocate her affection. But there will be no queston of reciproci ty in this case, if Mr. Tupper's friendliness be genuine, as we have no reason to doubt that it is. He has many hearty admirers in this country many to whom the benevo lent spirit of his genius has long ago con mended him. In social circles he will doubtless be a favorite, he is an agreable and a handsome man. The potrait in Butler's illustrated edition of "Proverbial Philoso hpy" is quite like; butlhave it from the po et himself that in the picture of Albary, his residence, there are one or two chimneys wanting, or one top many I unfortunately I forget which. scunty. These manuscripts, so far, com prise twenty-five packages or volumes. Mr. Cass, our Minister, accidenlly discov ered one of these volumes, and has follow ed up the examination, which has resulted in the above discovery. The "principal col lection belongs to the manuscript library of the Dominican Monks, and is contained in well-arranged parcels, sewed up in vellum covers, (probably about the time they were written,) each containing materials for a large volume. The result, thus far, has induced Mr Cass to extend the examination to the archives cf the Vatican, with hopes of making im portant additions. Each volume has not been thoroughly examined ; but enough has been ascertained to say that they com prehend the early reports made by the mis sionaries of the Spanish, French and Ital ian nations, and have reference to the Can adasj the Valley of the Mississippi, and Florida indeed to the whole territory, which surrounded the thirteen original States of our Union. The author of one of these volumes, or manuscripts, accompanied De Soto for two years in his expedition through Florida and along the banks of the Mississippi, and will no doubt furnish us, in the simple language of an eye wi' iess,with a correct detail of the discoveries i. ad adven tures of one in relation to whom so much of the strange and marvellous has been written. In other volumes there is a series of letters by Padre Vitellis, a priest attached to the band of La Salle, that child of chivalry, as he Avas called, who traversed the Canadas imougiioui uieir enure extent, and a por tion of our Northwestern country. In the researches and investigations which have been made in European libraries by Irving, Prescott, Sparks, and others, no such im portant acquisitions have been made for the elucidation of our history, as these manu scripts. '. "'"',' ;-.. '.,.' It is hoped that these manuscripts will be thoroughly examined and brought to light. They will no doubt elucidate fully the long period of sixty-five years,during which time the French held possession cf Mobile, and the interior of Alabama and Mississippi a period that is now involved in almost total darkness. Mobile Register. Cotton Factory Burnt. The Cot to Factory at Franklinsville owned by tfie Kantiolph Manufactunng Company, on Saturday evening last, ivas consumed by file. The fire was first discovered about nine 0 clock at nisrht, in the dressing room which f oom was in the upper stoiy of the building. In a short time the flames were communicated to the roof whereupon it be came evident that no effort could arrest their progress. Money and goods belonging to tne company were saved, but the machin ery, being fastened to the building, was de stroyed with it. No other buildings were burnt.'. . ve nave not hearu that any one pre- lenas to Know, or even conjecture, th3 on gm of the fire. The loss of tlie Company is very heavy, the original cost of the estab lishment being upwards of thirty thousand dollars. The walls of the building were brick, but the falling in of heavy burning tmihers leit them in a ruined slate. No part of tlie establishment was insured. Since writing the above, we Icam that only a part of the yarns were saved. Herald. Tub Wheat Crop. We receive fa vorable reports from the wheat crop in the eastern portion of North Carolina. It is re presented to be very promising, and unless blighted before harvest, we may expect an abundant yield. The farmers have also finished planting com, and much of it is al ready up and growing finely. Thus far the seasons have been favorable for agricultural purposes. I he accounts from different parts of Pennsylvania.' say that tlie growing wheat never presented a more promising apjear ence than at die present lime. 1 he Cleveland (Ohio) Herald says that the wheat crop throusrh the counties of Wayne, Stark, Holmes, Tuscarawas and Mahoning never looked better at this seas on of the year than now. It has occasion- aly been a little more rank, but without ex ception of a single field, it is looking strong and beautifully, '.',-.' A Great.. Passage. "Hurrah for tiik uollins LiiNE ! burst spontaneous- v from a thousand voices this mornin". when it was known that the "Pacific." in nine days and twenty hours, had crossed the Atlantic. It gave full as much gratification to the public as if a great battle had been gained in Mexico, on the frontier, or on the ocean." ...: And why should it not? It is a great victory for our mechanics, our ship-yards. our iron and steam foundries, our engineers, our mechanics, in general for our common country. Such victories are bloodless, but far more important for pur prosperity than if five thousand men had been killed, and ten or fifteen thousand wounded. New York Expi-ess 19i. The New Democracy. It was old- fashioned Democratic doctrine that an ab solute acquiescence in the will of the ma jority is the vital principle of republics. 1 his is good Whig doctrine. It will be seen, however, by reference to the proceed ings of the New York Senate, that a new Democratic pruiciple has been established. I lie received "Democratic" notion is that ou are to pay no attention to the will of the majority, but that you are to defeat any unpalatable legislative measure by reading it to death, as Mr Soule and Mr. Clem ens did with tlie River and Harbor bill.; If that fail, the sovereign panacea is resig nation. Turn every thing upside down let chaos reign again but defeat the ma jority' M all hazards, and let the "minority " rule "to the last extremity." This is the new-light Democracy. Rejnibha The Ohio State Journal, a paper politi cally friendly to Judge IVade, the newly elected IT. S. Senator from Ohio, states positively that the new Senator, who has been considered an ultra free-soiler, ad mits the constitutionality of the fugitive slave law defends the President for hav ing signed it, and declares that it must be executed in full while itexists. RALEIGH TIMES. iiiiiiiJIM f-r-iYtvtM"r 1 g - . .-a -- -!-., -A3, .-El,,, 11 A LEIGH , N. C FRIDAY APRIL 25, 1651. It OUR NEW DRESS. We send out the Times this week in its enlarged form and new dress. We trust its friends will be pleased with its appearance. It has been delayed one day, in consequence of the ad - V 1 1 . uonai moor required to put it in its present shapej but that will not occur ncain. No new declaration of principles need be made by 11s. We love tlie Union and shal labor for its preservation we glory in th title ot anJmericaitlxen. North Carolina gave us birth, and for her honor and prosperity we shall always feel the deepest solicitude and contribute our best exertions to promote spirit of improvement and progress is believed that the Times is a Whig paper, and it is known that it supports the present Administration. As to our State policy. we favor the call Convention to amend our State Consitu tion, as the only true Republican mode, and shall endeavor to keep public attention in terested in the subject until a decision naci. iv e desire mat tne 1'eopie s voice shall be heard, respected and obeyed, and protest against any change projected and endeavored to be forced upon the people bij parly foi parly triumph. The people of the State are free and should reject with scorn and contempt the men and ihe parly who make Iruck and dicker of the People's rights, that they may ride into place and power burn are our sentiments we shall act ac cordingly. We offer to the public an independent and a fearless Journal. We shall conduct it with such ability as we possess Wc own our party allegiance frankly but we shall never be servile and when we re fuse fair and free discussion upon all sub jects, we shall vacate the tripod. We trust the people of North Carolina will sustain 11s, so far as we may be thought to deserve it. : We never expect to grow rich, but we should like to be a little more easy and comfortable. But we won't dun anybody. The President of the United States, af ter a careful examination of the evidence taken by the Commissioner in the matter of the charges preferred against Mr. Col lector Lewis, and Mr. Surveyor Norris, of the Port of Philadelphia, has found that those charges are not sustained by the proof against cither officer, and has dismisssed mem accordingly. It is known that the Secretary of the Treasury had previously given all the papers a full and satisfactory examination, and that he concurs entirely in the decision of the President. The Pensacola Gazette says that reports are current there of the revival of the pro ject for. the invasion of Guba under Lopez. He will be a prominent actor in the expe dition, no doubt but, if we are correctly infcrmud,he is 710 to be, the leader of it. The New York Legislature. This body adjourned on the 17th instant, in pur suance of a resolution pased on the inability of the Senate to obtain a quorum in conse quence of the resignation of twelve of the Senators'. These Senators, as we have al ready noticed, resigned for the purpose of defeating the Lne Enlargement bill, and in doing so defeated also the Appropr' tion bill, The resolution referred to authorises' the Governor to call an extra session of the Leg siture at such time and place as he may deem expedient for the interest of the State. Governor Hunt has issued a proclamation convening the Legislature at the capitol on the 10th of June. The election to fill va cancies by the resignation of the twelve j Senators will take place about the 2,0th of j May. . ' - ''-;"' ' : - MISPLACED CONFIDENCE. Jones is in general a good husband and a domestic man. Occasionally, however, his convivial tastes betray him into excesses which have subjected him more than once to the discipline of Mrs. Jones. A few nights since he was invited to 4 'participate" with a few friends at Florence's by way of celebrating a piece of good luck ..which had befallen one of his neighbors. He did "participate" and to his utter astonish ment, when he rose to take his leave, at the "wee short hour ayont the twal," he found the largest brick in his hat he ever saw. Indeed, he was heard to remark so liloquentiy. "I think, Mr Jones, you were never quite so tight before. " He reached his home ffnally, but by a route which was anything but the shortest distance between two points, not, however, without experiencing very considera ble anxiety about the reception which a waited him from Mrs. Jones. He was in luck that night, was Mr. Jones, barring al ways his primal transgression ; he got into his house, found his way into his chamber without "waking a creature, not even a mouse." After closinghis door, he cau tiously paused to give thanks for the "con science tindefiled" which secured to Mrs. Jones the sound and refreshing sleep which haujrevented her taking notice of his arri val. Being satisfied that all was right, he proceeded to remove his integuments with ai much despatch and quiet as circumstan ces would permit, and in the course of time sought the vacant place beside his slumber ing consort. After resting a moment, and congratulating himself that he was in bed, and that his wife did not know how long he had been there, it occured to him that if he did not change his position Mrs. Jones might-detect from his breath that lie had been indulging. To prevent such a catas trophe, he resolved to turnover. He had about half accomplished his purpose we are now obliged to use the idiomatic lan guage of Mr. Jones himself, from whom we receive this chapter of his domestic tri als "when Mrs. Jones riz right up in the bed, and, said she, in tones that . scraped the marrow all out of my bones, said she. Jones younecd Vnt turn over, you1 r6 drunk clean throvsh." N. Y. Post. VRALEIGH AND GASTON ROAD. ' Petersburg MEETiXG.-r-We learn from a private source that, at the meeting in Pe tersburg of those interested in the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, on Tuesday, about $100,000 were subscribed to the Stock of the new Company forming to become part ner with the State. The meeting was ad dressed by Genl. R M. Saunders, and very liberal feelings were exhibited. All honor to Petersburg she has done nobly. The public spirit and enterprise of her citizens cannot be too much commended ; and con sidering the heavy burdens they have here tofore assumed for works of improvement in Virginia, opening highways to their town; anu, too, uieir losses 111 mis same road; we confess wc regard this subscription as very liberal and highly honorable. Progress in subscriptions is made slowly, however, elsewhere. Perhaps they hardly yet reach $200,000 in all ; no positive in formation has reached us of even that am't. We are now to hear from Norfolk. Her in terest is immense. Let her imitate Peters burg, and we shall consider the thing fixed. We have never believed that the interests of the people of the two States could suffer the Gaston Road to fail, and, notwithstand ing discouraging circumstances heretofore, there has been no cause for despair. It must be rebuilt ; and we believe now that the offer of the State will be accepted, and the terms complied with. Ought not our citizens upon the line of I this Road to feel encourged enough by the action above alluded to, to be stirring and active, and put forth their best energies ? Petersburg has acted we are doinar well in Raleigh, and hope to do better. Franklin, Granville, Warren and Halifax! what say you? Come forward and help us to achieve this work of prime necessity and mutual benefit, John Kerr, Esd. We are pleased to hear that this talented and accomplished gentleman designs to fix his residence in Wake county. The Editor of the Biblical Recorder, in an account of a trip to Wake Forest College, says : "We learned that brother John Kerr, a lawyer of some dis tinction, has purchased an estate near the College. Should he open a Law School there, which we hope he will be persuaded to do, many more of the young men of our State will be induced to resort to Wake Forest. An industrious young man might make considerable progress in his law stu dies during his Senior year in the College classes." . Important. The Postmaster General has decided, that under the new Postage law, which takes effect on the fest of July next, weekly papers only axe entitled to circulate free of Postage in the county where published, and that the office of publica tion is the starting point and not county lines. -; f" An important Movement. We publish on our first page the proceedings of meeungs in Buncombe and Henderson, held for the purpose of favoring the call of a Convention to amend the Constitution, and looking to an organization upon this issue for the coming canvasses in the State. To our mind, it is getting time to push this matter of Reform to speedy completion. The people are awaking upon the subject, and demanding action. Never can they be made to submit to the dilatory means prescribed by Gov. Reid and his party for reforming their constitution. The major ity of the last Legislature knew very well the feeling of the people upon this subject ; a feeling which, reckless as that majori ty was, they were bound to respect ; yet they stopped half-way in the only measure they proposed by Legislative en actment. If the abolition of the property qualification for voters is conceded, tlie ab olition of all property qualifications should follo w a radical, and not a partial change is required to satisfy the people in this re spect. The principle of property qualifica tion being given up by the ' Free Suffrage , " why should property qualifications be requir ed for the members, when it is no longer required for the voters ? If it is wrong in one case, it is wrong in all, and all should be abandoned together. But where is to be the end of these par tial and piece-meal amendments by Legis lative enactment ? If this mode of reform obtains, will any of us live to see a thor ough remodelling of the organic law ? Not unless length of days like that of Me thusaleh should be vouchsafed. This generation surely will have passed away, before the reasonable desires of the people for all their rights and privileges shall have been gratified. We hardly believe, if the vote of the people of the State could be ta ken, that a thousand men in it would vote against the election of Magistrates by the people yet in the mode proposed, it will take us' eight or ten years to get the consti tution so amended as to give their election to the people; What a rank humbug, then, is this mode of Legislative enact ment ! especially when we come to re flect that at least six or seven salutary a- mendments have been already proposed, and favored, more or less, by the people : some of which will be strongly demanded , whenever a proper discussion of them shall be had, and a propel understanding of them entertained by the public mind. It would appear we ahvars so regard ed it that this matter of amending and 1 reforming the constitution of the State should be kept distinct from, and above, the party strifes of antagonistical politi cians. But let it never be forgotten the Democratic party of the State have refus ed to allow the people the poor privilege of speaking for themselves, and have as sumed to dole out to them, in broken dos es, and in their own, mode, only such a mendments as may suit their schemes of obtaining and holding power. They guard the constitution of the btate, as so much political capital to be traded out, and par tial reforms only to be granted, upon con dition that the offices are to be bestowed upon their men. At the last Gubemato rial election, they said to the people, in ef fect, if yo will elect us, you may have Free Sufl'mse. At the next, thev will ay, probably, "Elect us, and you may have the election 01 J udges, or Magistrates; or some other single amendment. . How long will the people of ihe State submit to ? What free people, (to whom a free constitution belongs as a matter of abso- ute control, to be modelled and remodel! ed at their pleasure,) can bear such dilato ry tampering such mockery of reform such desecration 01 tlie solemn instrument which guards and secures their rights and iberties It must not be. The Repub ican mode of amending the constitution , as practised upon by the States all around us, is by the People themselves in Con vention assembled. Let them be heard and let the majority rule. And this is the true Democratic doctrine, though now re pudiated py those who call themselves Democrats in North Carolina, to suit their own purposes. It has become with them a struggle for poircr -by the agitation of one question of Reform, they claimed to :iave gained it with great professions cf ove lor popular rights they came in then reflecting upon the means of keeping office, they kept "the word of promise to the ear, Put brote it to the hope ;" they kicked a- way every plank of their platform of Re form but Free Suffrage and for that they propose to make the people wait six years, dependant at last upon the caprice of a Legislature elected without reference to tlie matter, because 'tis not of sufficient impor tance to influence a general election ! Such is Democratic love for the people ! Had the Whig party been united last winter upon this subject of Reform, they could have forced through a bill to take the sense of the people upon convention or no convention ; and they would thus have providea for a speedy and complete settlement of thi3 matter by that means disposing of all the hobbies which the other party are holding back to let slip one ai a time into every canvass ror tne next twenty years. But no ; they could'nt trust the people, those whigs of the East. Rather than go with their Western brethren (with honorable exceptions,) they voted with the Locofocos : and that, when they were not required to sacrifice any j 1 - 1 ,i . . uear pnncipie, dui ramer 10 act upon a Republican principle, and carry out what we always thought was a sound whig doc trine, namely, to consult and defer to the popular will. A Whig afraid to trust the people ! Because a man is an Eastern whig, should he rather aid his politicxl foes than his Western brethren 1 Then may he bid good-bye to all hope of establishing whig ascendency, unmistakably whig though the Old North State may be ! The last election went by default of Western whigs, perhaps if the next be lost, it will most likely be by Eastern whigs, unless they are willing to see a setdement of the amendments to the constitution which are agitating the State, that we may get rid. of these issues m the btate canvass. Do they not now see, that they cannot elect a whig Governor, when tlie great west, where mainly the strength of th&Stae lies, is moving ' for an 'organization which will ward the ball of Reform ? -And who shall stop them ? Look at the names of those wrho participated in thislnovement. Prom inent among them are as noble and gal lant whigs as breathe in the State. All over the West, others, as stout and true hearted, are ready to spring! to action, and soon their voices will be heard in unison with those who have already spoken. -They appealed to their brethren' last win-' ter, to suffer this matter to be tested by a vote of the people. It was refused, per haps under the hope that they would slum ber. Not so ; they are awake and active they will be vigilant and untiring, until success shall crown their efforts by a Con vention of the people, as the best means of defeating the political tricksters who aim to peddle upon the organic law for the next quarter of a century, j J throw down the party lines, and urge for- f- The Raleigh papers comment upon: the recent meetings in Buncombe and Hen derson. We designed to offer some com ments upon the articles in the Register and Standard ; but our time will not permit this week. Tlie Standa-d, of course, oppo ses a Convention, and ail amendments to the Constitution save the patent of the De mocratic party, in the Democratic mode. -'Free Suffrage" and nothing else now: that's the ''good enough Morgan" for the next campaign. f The Register very faithfully and hcartilv advocates the policy of taking the sense cf ' the people on the question 01 tailing a con vention, and favors tbe call j but regrets the deJcrmination of the gentlemen who put forth the resolutions "to vote for no man for the office of Governor, or any oth er State office, who will not pledge himself to advocate the call of a free and unrestrict ed Convention and, indeedj to run, irre spective of former party distinctions, a can didate for Governor, placing his election on that issue." j If the friends of Reform in the State deem it necessary to organize upon that issue, (and if they are really in earnest, of which we have 110 doubt, it is their best course,) the reasons are very weighiy which; demand a canvass of t'ie State. It is a very sure way of kindling the proper spirit, and . bringing about a settlement of the Reform question. Suppose the Whig party, stand ing aloof from this movement, or opposing it, put up their candidate for Governor can they elect him, and regain the control of the State ? It were idle to think so nor arc they likely again to succeed, until the call of die people for reform shall have been heard and respected. j We do not, like the Register regard this as a sectional matter. Some of the amend ments proposed to the constitution are po ular everywhere and there are friends of a convention in every part of the State. Those who move 111 tlie matter in this way adopt it as the best method of pushing for- -ward to consummation that which ihey re gard as above party allegiance It is not the fault of these Western gentleman that unanimity and fraternal feeling does not prevail upon this subject. . Long- and zeal ously did they labor last session of the Le gislature, to produce union and harmony and a fair concert of action. Their efforts were defeated and now they) appeal to the fountain of all power, and enlist for the war. Parties may retard the call of a convention they cannot totally defeat it, and crush the spirit which is abroad. The East should yield something now, or per haps the day may come when she will be compelled to yield all. j We append the greater part of the Re gister's article ; and design to discuss this maUer more fully in our next: j "While heartily endorsing the doctrine proclaimed in tlie Henderson and Buncombe resolutions, that it is the right, the privilege of the Pkople to be consult ed as to whether they desire a Convention to amend their organic law, we regret the determination they express, on the part of the Western gentlemen who put them forth, to vote for no man .foritho office of Governor, or any other State office, who will not pledge himself to advocate the call of a free and un restricted Convention and, indeed, to run, irrespect ive of 'former party distinctions,' a Candidate for Go vemor, placing his election on that issue. We can , easily appreciate the feeling which prompts this reso lution, and can readily and fully undorstaud the deep anxiety felt by the West that the. people should be al- -lowed to pass tipor. the sfctionar issue which has been rais. d, and in the result of which they are so vi- -tally interested. It is impossible for us, however, to close our eyes to the fact, that, come what may, the Locofoco party of the State will not allowthemselves -to be split up by any sectional or local dispute. Co hesion, for the sake of plunder, is 'heir motto it is the motto under which they have always fought it is the banner under which they will continue to array themselves and nothing short of an internal commo tion as violent as that which, in the physical world. sometimes uproots, the very foundations of nat-.tre, can - tear them asunder. The Eastern and Western i)e--. mocracy will not split upon the issue upon which the. Western gentlemen in the meetings al'tuW to propose to run a Gubernatorial candidate, -litis we consider. as very certain. Whatgood, iiien,ca any portion of our Whig friends, we respectfully submit, who. may be in favor of such a movement, expect to efiVct 7 It cannot, ice think, i-ndeh the. circumstances, be pro ductive of any decisive expression of the popular will. Local county elections may, and doubtless will, lie- made to turn upon the issue proposed to be presented. . And thus, aftei alt, th Legislature will reflect the popular mind and wish as to tbe propriety of leaving this question of Convention or no Convention ta the decision of the sorereigB arbiters of the laBtL "We have thrown oi these suggestions hastily and at much random. TTe can bo accuser of nothing im preper in the premises-. Our position is known. It i our earnest (fesire that eqnal justice shall be done in this matter of constitutional Beform, to each and eve ry section of the State that good feeling and frater nity shall prevail in onr midst, and too, sa fur as party organization a Whigs is concerned, whatever may be the course f the opposite party, that we may hold fast to that anion, ai.d presenra that concert of action, by , which we have hitherto conquered, and without which we cannot rescue our glonoos old State from the hands of the Goths and Vandala who have gained a tempo rary foothold in its citadel, or retrieve the reputation of ' North Carolina for consistency and political honesty." Upon this same subject, that, sound and. reliable VThig Joamal, the Greenoboro1 Patriot, remarks as follows : j ''It is gratifying to see this action of our Western, brethren. After witnessing the seeues of the last Ge neral Assembly, when incipient eteps were mode for legislative amendments, founded on party issues, ir ia gratifying to witness this movement of lh jmplc,. without regard to ra!-'vt n question of constitui t onal reform. . , ? ' v .';.."....'; ". ..".'-;:. -.'''.."'''. '' ' . ,

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