Carles c.raboteau, : X.. J , j JJj; ; A V - ;; , .' il .V .: 1 ' ,. ! H Two Dollars. per annum in advance, v. Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if not paid within six months.. ,. -. .. Three Dollars if payment is delayed to the end of the subscription year. To Clubs, we will send Sis Copies for Tea , Dollars, and Twelve Copies for Eighteen Dollars, when the money accom panies the order.' A PROCLAMATION, BX THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Whereas there is reason to belie ve that a Military Expedition is about to be fitted out in the United States with intention to invade the Island of Cuba, a colony of Spain, with which this country is at peace : and whereas it is believed that this expedition is instil ted and set on foot chiefly by foreign ers, who dare to make our shores the scene of their guilty and hostile preparations against a foreign power, and seek, by false hood and mjsrepresentati6n, to seduce our own citizens, especially the young and in considerate, into their wicked scheines an ungrateful return for the benefits confer red upon them by this people m permitting them to make our country an asylum from oppression, and in flagrant abuse of the hos pitality thus extended to them : ; And whereas such expeditions can only be regarded as .adventures for plunder and robbery, and must meet the condemnation of the civilized world, whilst they are dero gatory to the character of our country, m violation of the laws of nations, and ex pressly prohibited by our own statutes, which declare "that if any person shall, within the territoiy or jurisdiction of the United States, begin and set on foot, or pro vide or prepare the means for, any military expedition or enterprise, to be carried on jJL. .1 ;.ct the territory or domin- iroill uien. ogim". j Prince or State, or ot any colony, district or people, with whom the United States are at peace, every person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor, and shall be fined not exceeding three thousand dollars, and im prisoned not more than three years. Now, Therefore, I have issued this my Proclamation, warning all persons who shall connect themselves with any such en terprise or expedition, in violation of our laws and national obligations, that they will thereby subject themselves to the heavy pe nalties denounced against such offences, and will forfeit their claim to the protection of this Government, or any interference on their behalf, no matter to what extremities they may be reduced in consequence of their illegal conduct. Aud, therefore, I ex hort all good citizens, as they regard our national reputation, as they Tespect their own laws and the laws of nations, as they value the blessings of peace and the welfare of their country, to discountenance, and by all lawful means prevent, any such enter prise; and I call upon every officer of this rivil or military to use all ef- vviVHiwiviK) - jj - . iorts m nis power 10 arre&i mai " rresi ior inai auu uuu- offender against the ishment everv such laws of the country. Given under toy hand the tveaty-fiithday IVCU UUUCI 11M ua.m ". ... j j of AprU, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and iifty-one, and the sevefify-hlth ot tlie maepena ence of the United States. MILLARD FILLMORE. By the President, W. S. Derrick, Acting Sec'y State. Opposing the Government. The Mo file Southern Rights Associatian, at a re cent meeting, appointed a committee to re port a preamble and resolutions on the Montgomery platform. The committee re ported accordingly ; but no one could un derstand what they were aiming at. Time was accordingly asked to consider their workv A discreet old politician, Judge Cuthbert, wanted to know what was meant by "oppose" in one of the resolutions, where it spoke of its being the duty of Alabama to appose any attempt on the part of the Fe deral Government to coerce any seceding State To this interrogatory, Col Walker, one of the committee who reported the re solutions, responded, that what he meant by "oppose" was, not only to bppose in Bongress, but to oppose by the State, to op pose by the people, oppose every where, A moinrv wav. even to THE POINT OF THE bayonet ! Judge Cuthbert replied; in his blandest and naost amiable manner, -liiewj my dear sir, why not insert those words in the .resolution ?" UNION ORGANlAf ION AT TIIE SOUTH, The zeal and activity with -t hich tlie Secessioniste at the South are laboring to promote disunion have had the effect of a rousing to action also the friends and sup porters' of die Union. We quoted some remarks from a Mobile journal the other day urging the necessity for vigorous action to confront and beat back tlie rising ele ments of disorder in Alabama. The same conflict is pending in Missssippi. At the last accounts Gen. Foote was traversing the State, making speeches at mnereni ponus and exhorting all good citizens to stand by the Constitution ad the Union. An election for members' of a Conven tion and of the Legislature is approaching in Mississippi, and the nomination of candi dates for seats in those bodies are soon to be made. The Yazoo Whigof the 11th ult, announces a meeting to be held for that purpose on the twelfth of next month.' Ally without regard to previous party divisions, who are disposed to abide by the compro--"mise, are" requested to attend. "That the conservative wings of both the old parties," tays the Whig, "have ; for some months past heenpracstically blended into one mod-.M-ate national party no one can deny. Jjutnow fhetime for decided action-on the great questions of Union or Secession approaches it Us time for them to organize Hntrl a nariir: and' present a solid front for Lf, ' n the treasondble ' assaults7 of -Pl . .. : it knnn'nw norainst ' the - neace " and perpetuity of the Umn of the States as it exists. ; i .. . ' V While the national eonservatives of the 1 Squill ri flina unitTW' too-ethef and een- ' centrating their strength against the advex- the rTm",-in in that Quarter, it is in- U .JJ -- JL . - 7: ; , . . . "7. f..: ,v . s-;;: fii -i -."'i :.:..( "... ..'- iiJ -' . A WHIG JOURNAL : VOL. IV. the North to do the' same thing in their section. The time is evidently at hand when plain developments will" have to be made on this subject. It cannot be dis guised that there are many at the North who, refusing to admit tnat mere is any i n rf TTninr nr Disunion amons any pol itical parties there, are yet promoting an . . . - - j agitation ana striving ior enus vviun uuun be prosecuted witnout enaangenng uic - nion. JVlr. Joiin van uuren iuuy e-s-pc, or declares so at least, that he and nis con- foArn tta mti rnrrv nn and consummate their projects witliout affecting in any way the integrity of the Union ; ana in uus upuiuu ATr Sflwonl concurs. Thev are laboring to make the slaverj' question the main sta- a i .1 Z iiniiao pie ot politics, tne issue upon wiuui puatio are lobe formed, the chief point upon which tlie general Administration of the govern- ment snail lurn. i ney mi ix. professions of ardent devotion to the Union ; and at the same time hold open communion with the fanatical abolitionists of Boston, urge them on in their work of agitation, and declare a war of destruction against the coherent bond of the compromise com pact. Of what avail are declarations of attach ment to the Union from men who pursue such a course as this ! We are compelled to say, as die expression of a belief sincere ly entertained, that if this combination of destructive elements, headed by Messrs. Van Buren and Seward, is not met and confronted by the nationalists of the Norlh, the battle for the Union which the gallant nf the South are preparing to fight will be little other than the struggle of a forlorn hope. Southern men rallying m the cause of the Union, are abandoning all previous distinctions of party ; is it not clear that the same thing must be done by all who are preparing to stand by the Con stitution in the North? The South will not be mocked. I She will require sincerity for sincerity, firmness, for firmness ; and bat tling for the Union as it is under the Con stitution as it stands, she is not prepared to behold, as the result of victory, a Union in which, a hostile fanaticism is to hold ascen dancy, breathing destruction to her institu tions, and threatening to sweep before it the feeble barriers of a Constitution already shaken to its foundations by their violence. She will fight for thj citadel of the Union, niirt hnlrl it nrrainst Jill adversaries, but not that it may be gairisoned afterwards by . fl , toutors.-2fc. American. Fugitivg Slave Demanded. Brought . i." A 1 l UnpricKiirrf tCnlTimore. A leUBf 11U1II uoniouuigi dated on the 22(j says . The thorough fares of this usually demure borough were ao-ain thronged, this morning with an exci- ted and threatning populace the colored por tion of the community being called from the lanes and alleys of the suburbs as sud denly as if they had been but waiting for some magic tocsin, as a signal ior a rush, pell me!I, towards the residence ol Mr. Commissioner McAllister, irom uie clenched teeth of one and all was hissing the news that "a man and wife, and a baby, had arrived in their midst in custody as fu gitive slaves and were about to be rem?.n ded by the Commissioner-" The intensest feeling was evinently abroad tuougn no positive breach of the peace had been at tempted. The facts of the case, as I gathered them from the Commissioner, are briefly these : The alleged fugitives were arrested in Co lumbia, yesterd by Constable Snider, on a warrant, brought to Harrisburg early this morning and arraigned before the United States Commissioner, Mr. McAllister, who at once proceeded to the examination. By tlie evidence, Daniel Franklin, of An ne Arundel county, Maryland, and Ally Franklin, the wife of Daniel, add their child, Caroline, abcut three years of age, were proved to be slaves, for life, of Barbara Wailes, of Baltimore city. Immediately af ter the hearing, the usual certificate was made but, under the act of Congress, and the fugitives ordered home. The morning train fnr TCaltimnre. bv wav of York, and thrnnrrh the f!nmherland Vallev; having h mute it was intended to convey the slaves into Maryland,) they were taken to the tavern next tfee JJauphin County Jail, and were taken ai ay in the evening's train. flnuornnr Tnrmstnn has '. not signed the Viill renenlinor the sef.tion of kidnaDoitlff law of March 3d, 1847, which prohibits the use of the jails of the Commonwealth for the de tention rr fncrit ivea from labor: consequent ly, the jail atthis place could not be opened tor trie security ot me pnsmiers nllnerl in. nf orse the reDealin? act cannot become a law until it has the signa ture of the Executive, which he may with hold until anv time nrevioas to' three days alter tne convening ot tue legislature. Capture' op FutiiTivE Slates. The Vincennes (Ind.) Gazette says that on t n rinv nrirl SaMirdav. the 2Sth and 29th ult. the ritizens of that place were quite inter ested on account of the arrest of four ne groes, supposed to be fugitive slaves,- togeth tr u-iiK a white man who lii3 name as John Miller, and who was supposed to have abducted them. I ne negroes were uih-en Ksouire. Roliinson. who committed mem to jail to await the necessary process. whicn was ionncomiug on tjaiuiuaj , ium when it was ascertained that they were the property of one Mr.i Kirman,-. of or. near Florence, Ala;., they . were very;. properly hw retnmpd to his service.and the necessaiy certificate granted to ' enable Mr. tTirmnn's nfrpnt to take them to Alabama. 4 Tlie abductor was proceeded against, as a fugitive frotn justice and ordered into the eustody of the officer irt pursuit, tot be by him delivered to the authorities of Alabama, there to answer for the violation oi ner law s. DEVOTED TO POLITICS, GENERAL. NEWS, AND TO COI&TITUTIONAL REFORM AND THE ; CONVENTION QUESTION. Public Meeting in Yancy. On Tuesday the 1 5th April, pursuant to previous notice, a large and respectable meeting of the people of Yancy ,County, took place in the Cour t House in Brunsville. The Meeting on moti oh of Samuel Flem ming Esq., was organized by calling to the Chair, Mr. John Mat 21roy, and appointing for Secretaries, Nathan Young and John Garland, after w hir h the chairman called on Mr. Flemming w no explained the ob ject of the meeting, in a speech of consid erable length, force, beauty and eloquence, in which he, alluded to the manner in which the question nad been treated in the Legislature and a t iled on the citizens to speak out on it. Me said that he believed the Constitution -needed amendment, and that it was the pi opermode, and most con sonant to the pri nciples of cur institutions, that it should be amended by a convention. He spoke, of the j present constitution of the State as a mag'. ificent humbug, unequally distributing the power of representation a mongst the pt ple, and denying to the peo ple the rights t hat are natural and inherent in all fundam ontal principle of free insti tutions. Mr . FlftmiTiino- concluded his speech by oU 'ering for the consideration of the meeting , the following preamble anu resolutions . Wherel ,s , The subject of constitutional reform has for some time past agitated the public mi ad throughout the State; and whereas, t lie last Ueneral AsseniDiy was divided b tween two modes of amending the consti Lution. viz bv Lesrislative en- actment, or by a free, unlimited and unre- strirfprl winvpntinri nf the nifionle : and whereas , we believe that a frequent recur I v npfoprw to smirfi thet blpssinor of liber ' - j - o ty, and fJiat it is useful and proper that the .l-i i ?i. ii i will or me people snouia at an times ue frpplv !Tnrpssfd in their nrimarv meeiinafs. j -X r- J . j ' upon al'i questions afiecting their interests. more e Especially upon one involving sucn iiHjic c cipciiuiijr ujjuii ui iiiiviuuguuvu import unt conseqiiences as the manner of chang i ng their organic law : Therefore, tfe.nIreH Tint n II no itical Tover is vested in, and derived from, the people only . 1? Tl tha rorTle r,f this Stntp. i x i .i i i v.i...,;i-o rirrUt OUSillllO 11UVC liie U1C CUIU cauuohv - .1 oi r eguiaimg iue mieniiu guvciuiucui. a."" i- . i c I . . . i .. . n t poii ce inereoi. t Resolved, that there oughtto be a con- . . - . . . i- ,i I vo'fltion of tne people ot tne otate, ior tne v . .. 7 , it rjimnse nt nnatinnr such alterations in me t 1 o . - . vristinr constitution as in their sovereign will thev deem licht and proper. Resolved. That we reerard an unrestric ted convention of the people as the only proper and republican mode of amending tlie constitution. Resolved. That with a view of securing this naramount obiect. we fullv concur in the proposition ot the people ot mmcomoe " " r . . . j , - . in public meetingasscmoiea, wiuioui reier enre to former nartv distinctions to nomi nate a candidate for tlie office of Governor, and request him to canvass the state, piac inor his election on this issue, in order that the people generally shall be fully aioused and en ior lteneti on tne imoonance oi this movement. Resolved. That those who favor a free convention are the true republican Partv the party of equal rights the party of die peo- gi(Jes other remarks, congratulated the Jury pie ; that they are opposed to monopolies that no violation or infraction of the law re against the exercise of the momed influ- . q rcciaination of fugitives from -. . i i . ence ortne state m aerogauon oi me iignus , i ,i Oi me peouie,- uiui uiey .-uic upyuow w f- strictions upon the free expression of the will oi the people, ana Deiieve inaiinar wiil should when lully explained, De ooeyeu, nnd that therefore we propose to designate the movement as the movement of the Re publican Reform Party of JNorth Carolina. Resolved, That we heartily approve the snn-o-estion to hold a district convention at Morgan ton on the second Monday m Au- o-nst. next, aud that the chairman oi tnis o . . . . . - .. . meeting appoint twenty . delegates to rep resent tins county lnsaicl convenuon. - Resolved, That with the view of nomi naiincr: a candidate for Governor, we are in favor of a ' state convention, to he held sometime during the summer or fall, and invite other counties of the state to hola meetintrs and appoint delecates to said con venuon; and that the District Convention at Morganton designate the time and place for the I ;iti volition. '. , - : Resolved,. That tlie ! chairman- appoint ten delegates under .uie last resoiuuon, io represent this county m uie state conven tion. : ' ' ' - ' v The fnreroinsr resolutions were read to the n-iefitins- fterwhich Mr; Nv W.'Wood fin. nf Rimcombei beinor called on, enter tained the meeting in a speech that was hrrr-terii;rir: lf .that p-entleman. for its forre. elonuencfe. and armmeDt.:: He poih- ted out clearly to tne people uie gieai um- ted out cieariy touie peopie uie gicoi um- erence there was in the representation of .1 .1 c. . : J .I ...... . tne eastern part oi me ciaie anu uie i i i . . - r ,L1. ana Drougtu to view in a loiciuie uauuci the effect it had upon the . improvements ot tne state, ana msisieu, aua-maue n c- . i i i l: , . . . - . . .1 fectly plain to every one wno nearu mm, that to improve Uie state it was necessary . .i 1 i. ' o nave tne consuiuuon auieuuuu vj fflve;power to that section of the state that f f r.uii. a ooa nas uie niaTorny oi txie iacuuic, a-iiu. .'i"o greatest in need of slateaid, , . Mr. Erwin &. . , u j ;n , , , , ... . .j cludedty taBugm hraOemacrauc Ciends , fr-xAa nf he ... ?r l. ,K?f on,i county oi jjrtncomue va una -i u . .... t-.o- to eo on in it.- taring estate au pariy uiner pnrp.q nf . nniifinri nulofli and to act togemer this great question of reform. ? After which, and a few desultory remarks from Pr. John ' . . . , RALEIGH, FRIDAY, MAY O. Butler, theiesolution were on motion unanimously adopted. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Flemming, and unanimously a dopted : ." ; V, . V Resolved, That as by the God of Hea ven we are ordained to inhabit the highest county in the United Slates, and adminis ter justice nearer Heaven than any County upon Earth, we will never submit to in justice from others 7 without entering our solemn protest, however Constitutional tlie authority, j The following persons were appointed Delegates to the convention at Morganton : - Col. Tilman Blalock, John Keener, Is aac Pearson, Col. A.' F. Keith, Samuel Byrd, Col. James McDowell, David Prof fit, Elijah Hunter, VV. Dixon, Esq., A. Erwin, Jackson Stuart, Col. D. D. Baker, G. Garland, T. Baker, David Ballew, J. VV. Garland, John Edwards, S. A. Hens ley. ' . ' The following gentlemen were appointed by the Chair, as delegates to attended the State Covention, should it be held : Mai. Saml. Flemming, Col. T. Bla lock, . M. P. Penland, Maj. T. Baker, Saml. Byrd, Nathan Young, John B. Woodfin, Isaac W. Broyles, Esq., Col. John W. McEhoy, and Isaac Pearson, Esi. . ;.. ' Then on motion the meeting ad ourned. JOHN McELROY, ClSm'n. N. Yotog. 7 Secretaries. J. W. Garland, y From the Randolph Herald. TliR Ashville News, seconded bv other Wtprn nansrs nronoses a Convention of the people ot Western XorUi Carolina, to De hflrl at Toroanton some time durinar the ap- . r r nrnnrtlintT Slimmer. Theobiects of the con- venuon are set tortn as "ior tne purpose oi ... . ... , i n 1'- .....-t, - . i ta kino over the uonstitutionai neiorms uis- cussed in the last legislature, and to enlighten each other and the public. We r.nnsifler this a pood susrrrestion. and ' ' " O OO being strongly in favor of submitting the . i .i : (. questionoi ameiiuiug me cuiismuuuu . "" people, we hail this move as one eminently calculated to insure energy and unity of ac- tion nn the nart ot the mends ot amendment by Convention. We are at a loss to per- ceive why some of the lnends ot the iuor nranton Convention orelei Julv to August. We wonhl sncrcrest the oneninar of the Su rae- . t i " . . t . . .... 4 fi 4 1 1 n t . . nrenie t jfiiirL in :yi(jii'1iiwii - luuiy. i -- , Anoriist will doubtless suit farmers better than V , , , - . i .i "f;7sf" V, ofuiKirferert as as that ot nrotessionai t i i u c r. ..; men. .Resides, a large number of urolession- . .... ' . . nlmen will have business at Morarjton at that time. We wish it understood, however, that we will not complain of the time ; the Convention is what we want. SUPREMACY OF THE LAW IN OHIO. The fact that no violation or attempt to resist the Fugitive Law has occurred in the State of Ohio, where hostility to slavery in the abstract is almost universal, must be considered highly creditable to the intelli gence of the People of that State, and their understanding of their duty as citizens to respect the Laws of the United State as constitutional obligations. - At the openiug of the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Ohio, on t Mr. Justice McLean, be- t.iv iwm . , , '" n i State service had taken place within this Mate - ...... -.. - He remarked that this fact spoke well tor uie cnaracier oi xne cmcus uimu. : trusted that no torcibie lnterterence wim iuc reauirements oroperation of that law would at any time be exhibited, within, the State. Ifthv'law were obiectiouable, let it be rem irlied bv the ballot box. Forcible resis- t..,l1 -nr. he ertiihtenanced : it should be promptly discouraged and frown lUUCT: B1JUU1U iiv. j infh a mnrie of redress has no ttl 1 V 11 , . sanction, and can have no sanction, from the institutions or morals of the country . It tends alike to the subversion of all order, nA the destruction of all the securities of bur social existence. alcn -it the smile tinte. cailea the attention of the jury to the law of 1S18, denouncing the preparation ofmilitary expe ditions acrairist 1 friendly Governments. He l,ovVorl thnt from late reoorts it seemed icuiaitvvu , - i . a ... that the Captain General of Caha appre hends such an expedition against the Govern- rnent of thatisland. s? He admonished the jury that it was their duty to present to the court anv Derson or persons, if any there were, u-i,n had been or were engaged within the State, in the getting oh foot any such expe- dition, and this duty he hoped would De laitn , , - ,- , t n fully and fearlessly discharged, as he had no : . . 1J l - Tni ioaut li nowu uc-v... ,. . . . : . ; , , ; . - r. - . --a ' . WxiAi having : refused to countenance im; WJUvv..-.- - - .... 1 nntrisnpprpd at. taalnted. revil- nm ortcs nt tlve. orJTH. U-AROLLXA ilis- uiiiilh, o , . - ed, and abused lay tlie organs of the fac- n;eta "Verv well. . Liet them sro on.-? , . r .Yjbt a little while, and the w kole .people of viwrinin: rii learn- to estimate -lastly :. tne , gi- . . , r.u public far.mojveatsrf the u,w no Soitth Cairoliaa eonspjjracy n miiPBtliq of themdd alread'T-'- tne next resoluUons ahat .the Legisluture of lrcrinia are called on to pass in relation to South Carolina mav be of a differerit ctiar- - . tU if m;r. I ihao iifloTrferl at the last S?SS10n - ciei um , - - - - on -ojuipauijr j ------ into rtistfuKt Axii ablsorrence. ! Alexan'(rtot uazcttc. t , . . . - - 2,' lablfaSfiClpjfo. , 1 ' RAIL ROAD MEETING. f At. arlionrned ineetiiiir of the citizens of Petersburg was held in the Court House on the evening ot tno xza msu, o.. the City presided and ii. A. Pryor acted as Secretary. , , T .. The Chairman introoucea ioureiuCCu, the Hon. Judge Saunders, of North Carolina. T..j T,rior nddressed the meeting ai O UUC uuuuuviu , , length and with marked ettect, in Denaii oi the Raleio-h and Gaston Koad. At tne con clusion of Judge Saunders' speech Mr. A. G. Mcllwame moved the appointment i Committee of five to draft resolutions for the consideration of tlie Meeting. The Chairman appointed on the Com mittee Messrs. A. G. Mclhvaine, DArcy Paul, R. K. Meade, T. S.Gholson and Win. T Joyues. During the absence of the Com mittee, ' Mr. John W. Syme addressed the Meet ing in response to a call. At the conclu sion of his remarks he offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of the citizens of Petersburg are due and are hereby ten dered to the Hon. R.M. Saunders, of North Carolina, for his able speech in behalf of the ..,.....,,. twr, tlio T?nlei(rh and GaStOIl Railroad, a work of common interest to North Carolina and Virginia. The committee appeared, and, through their chairman, reported the following pru-r amble and resolutions : Whereas, the citizens of Petersburg deem the speedy reconstruction of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad as of vital and press ing importance to the prosperity of the ity; and it is not only expected that the citizens of Petersburg will materially aid said enter prise, but, from information to be relied On, it is probable that the success of it depends, in a great measure upon them : Therefore, Resolved, That, in the opinion of this meeting, immediate cteps should be taken to raise (for that purpose) a sum not less than $100,000. Resolved, That the Mayor of .this City nn. ho. anu inev eiit; hereby appointed a committe tu wait on the .citizens of Petersburg, and "solicit. subscrip tions Tor the aforesaid purpose. The resolutions were unanimously adopt ed, and the chairman of the meeting filled up the blank in the resolution with' the fol lowing names: Messrs. D'Arcy Paul, H.D. Bird, Ro. B. Boiling, Edwin James, It. O. Britton, A. G. Mcllwame, 1 hos. W lute, J . H. Patterson, and G. W. Boiling. Mr. McTlwaine surrrested a caption lor - . no - the subscription list, to which Dr. Cox and Mr. Branch objected. Mr. R. B. Boiling moved an amendment to the caption, and after considerable discussion the amend ment was adopted by the Meeting. The subscription list was then submitted to the Meeting, and although was quite late and many of the audience had left, upwards of $30,000 worth of stock was taken upon the spot. .. . . On motion of Mr. Gholson the Meeting adjourned. AMJKtvv ivtiViii, wiiuKui.iu, ..; Roger A. Pryor, Secretary. North Carctjna Coxferexce. The Salisbury Watchman of Thursday last savs : ' "We are renuested to announce-to. 1hv readers of our p: per that Biship Andrew- . 1 a .i iti i. ,i has at the requestor tne vuurcu aim hl i7enj crenemllv of this place, altered the time of the next session of the iovt!i tm- olina Conference which is to meet here, from the 15th to tlie 25th of .November next;' ' "The Bishon. -with his usuallv obliging disposition, has made the change, because of the very serious inconvenience u uum lave put our citizens to, as tne nine ou- gmally appointed would have embraced the t all 1 erm ot our superior, vom . We have .received from the Standard Of- fio -'a rnr,v of Wm. IV. 'Shepatd's speech on Secession, put up in pamphlet .form, in a style of typography highly creditable in t ii nrpsq wnnrft it was lsbutu. jjv. v way, immense pams are miveii io --ivc. before the people" this speech. . This, we beheye, is itsthna appearance in t u. ; ent form. The next ought to bean illus trated edition, and we think. we could sug gest a suitable series ol liiustrauorjs. - ' . - Ureensb. 1'U. " Massachusetts Se.yator EtECTEp.. We res-ret to learn, that on the twenty fourth ballot, on Thursday, Mr. Sumner, the free soil candidate, was elected by a w-inioritv of mm vote. The National Intel .. J "' ,:-w 1.:. .,.-.,, i-i-,.. lio-encer says : "in view oi ma tuui..uii Avlth recent occurrences ih Boston, we can not account for the change that has been wrought in his favor. It should be remem bered, however, that his eiecUon is Uie re sult of a bargain to which a large majority of the Democrats of Massachusetts is a party, and that tlie Whigs in the I.egisla- ture have nooly exeiiea inemstuvca w Ventit." '- -- v'-';- - Nox-lNTEicouRSE. The Boston J oilr nal says it is estimated that the slavery ag itiion fn that, citv has injured the trade with the South and West to the amount cf Iwo millions of dollars or more. A Lav yer's Toasts Belonging, as he said, to the profession which had the repu tatibn ef being fond of fees, he offere d 'Fee simple, and simple fee, U ' And all the fees in tail, ; ; : : Are nothing when compared to thee, Thou best of fees Female: kz, A kr.hoolmaster wrote to a lady :' How comes it this delightful, weatherj That U and 1 can t dine, togetner. She ahswered : 'My worthy friend it cannot be, U canuot come till after T.' PEOPLE , RIGIITS v& N0 23 A Crazy "Clemiymax" at iauce ! To show how badly a funatic may some times rave, and yet be allowed to at large without a strait jacket, we cjuote the following extract from a sermon of the no torious i"llevv" Theodore Parker, preach ed at the Melodeon, in Boston, on Fast Day (Thursday week.) : -'Last ' Thanksgiving day I said it would be difficult to find a magistrate in Boston to take the odium of sending a fugitive back to slavery. I believed, after all,' men had some conscience, altiiough they talked about its being a duty to deliver up a man to bondage. Pardon me, town of Boston, that I thought your ciJzens all men ! Pardon nie, lawyers, that 1 thought, you had been all born of .mothers!. Pardon me, ruffians, who kill for hire ! I thought you had some animal mercy 'left, even in Vour bosoms ! Pardon nis United States Conn lissioners, -Marshals, and thf- like, I thought you all had some shnme ! Par don Tne, my hearers, for such mistakes ! One Commissioner was found to furnish the warrant ! Pardon me, I did not know he'- was a commissioner-': if I. had I never would have said it ! "Spirits of Tyrants, I look down toyou ! Shade of C;i!ti,"ihou great first, murderer, forgive me that I have forgotten your pow er, and did not .remember -that you - were parent.' of so long a line ! And - you, .my brethren, if 'hereafter I tell you that there is any limit of meanness or wickedness which a Yankee will not jump over, dis trust me, and remind me of ihh day, and T will take it back - "Ti'et us li.iik at the public conduct of any Commissioner who will send an in nocent mail ' from Boston into slavery. m ' . A man commits a ' -murder, inflamed by jealousy, goaded !y de-ire of great gain, excited by fear, stung by malice, or poisoued by revenge, and 'us a horrid thing. But to tend a man in to slavery is 'worse than to ni'uder linn. 1 woiild ratlier be slam than enslaved. To do this, -."inflamed .by no jealousy, goaded by ho desire of great gain only ten dollars ! .4-excited hy iio fear, stung by no special malice, poisoned by no revenge I .'.cannot comprehend that in any man, not even in a hyena ; beasts that rave for blood do not kill for killing's sake bit' to feed their flesh. Fonrive me, oh ! ye .-wolves and hyenas, thafl bring you into such company. 1 caii only unueistand it in a ilecil ! " When a man bred in Massachusetts, whose Constitution declares "that all men arc horn free and equal ;" within sight of Faneuil Hallwith all its sacred memories ; .within two hours of Plymouth Rock ; 'within a single hour of Concord and Lex int'ton ; in sight of Bunker Hill when he will do suchli deed, it seems to me that there is ho life of crime long enough to pre pare a man for such a pitch of depravity. ; I should think he must have been begotten m sin, and conceived in iniquity, and been horn "with a dog's head on. his shoulders," that the concentration of tlie vnuuny ot whole generations of scoundrels would hardly be enough to fit a man fcr a deed like this !'' Solon Roljinson has addressed a letter o the Wihniiiglon Commercial, calling public ailrnUoii to the fact, that straw braid icork, of the most durable and beau tiful kind, can be manufactured out of the lea ves of the common long-leaf pine. It must !;; .'prepared in the same way as the nnlinnrv i e. straw irailiercd while in its most luxuriant state, and scalded and dried in the shade. It is then exceedingly tough, and almost iadestructable. It an.-wers ad mirably fur ladies' vbrk -baskets.;; Mr. R, susrgests that if generally hrotightinto use; the'whole. v. orld may be covered with straw hats at the least possible cost. A XF.w Emetic. We congratulate the Medical Hoard of North Carolina upon .'the: recent invention of a now article of physic, more power! ul ns an emetic epetacu aha or tartar'. Wj allude to the compli ments that have "recently passed between the Editor of The Halifax Republican and the Editor of the 'Raleigh Standard. Char ley of the Republican plies "soft sawder' upon the Standard thick, and the latter pity pats it back upon Charley, Hoth Locos, and both Whig deserters. "A fdlow-ieel-inJ- makes 'cm' wonderous kind," indeed. .Milton Chronicle. .Yew Si ijlt of Hair 'Dressing. The N. Mirror'avs that a large proportion ol the ladies Zi that citv have adopted a new style of wearing the hair. It is called the Jenny Lind Lift, and is so arranged as to hit the s. therein' iriven the 'retinlofrists a nccri. as 'twere, behind tlie curtain of some very iuteresting localities. To a certain class ol laces, says uie ror tlie sfvle is oaite becoming, but to the majoritv of ladies it is decidedly ' .otherwise, crivini' them a bold, oareiaceu iu"i, ir........ inr oite of obstinate "cowlicks" upon the side -cf the forehead. If this is the same strle that has been in vogue here about a year, and which, we believe, originated here, We quite agree with the Mirror's estimate. N. I), rivayunr. Senator Rhett of S . C . whose ton 1 ias lieeii a member of the present Senior class at Harvard University, has removed his son from College, on account of the anti slavery, agitation ; in Massachusetts. A Boston papei says ' the College Faculty have voted as a special fa-vor that a degree si all be granted to the young man. ; Tor thexn "boj-ie couiJ not get a degree, withoutj remaining till Fall Term, or offering some, o-ood reason for tlieir departure. s . OFFICE OF THE TIMES, j ON FAYETTE VILLE STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY HALL. . 1 ADVERTISEMENTS, ;; Not exceeding sixteen lines, will be pub lished one time for one dollar, and twenty five cents for each subsequent 'insertion.' Court orders and Judicial advertisements will be charged 25 per cent, higher.' A Rea sonable deduction will be made to those who' advertise by the year. $5 Letters to the Editor must be post paid. Money for the Office may be sent by mail, at our risk, in payment for subsciip- HISTORICAL SOCIETY, j Asrecable to previous notice a resecta-, hie iiinnher nf (he citizens of T.inculii ninl adjoining Counties was held at the Court House, in l.iUicoluton, on tlie loth iut;for the purpose of foniiing an Historical Soci ety, auxiliary to tlie State Society cf North . , . - V . - T "I T T -r : Uarolma. un motion, ti is nonor jutigo Battle was called to the chair, and Dr.j C. L. Hunter appointed becretary. Interesting addresses were delivciei Col'J. IT. Wheeler, and Gen. J. G num, in explaining the objects, and point- . .1 . y l ing out tne great inipo.iaucu oi sucn a so ciety. ,.-'' j - On motion, tlie following gentlemen were appointed a committee of five to draft a constitution and report the same the next day nt 12 M. viz .1. II. Wl.oilrr, W. M. Shipp, W. J. Alexander, M. 1. Vlc (.Vrkle, ''. J. Eccles. j The meeting then adjounied. J Wednesday, Api il 1 0. The citizens met pursuant to adjournment, Judge Battle in the chair. Col. Wheejer, from the committee appointed fur that pur pose, reported the following Constitution, which was adopted ; j 1. The objects of the Society shall 1 be the promotion of historical literature, and the collection and preservation of iviemou als of die early history of our country; j 2. Its officers shall consist of a President; four Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Cones ponding Secretary, Recording Secretary and an Executive Committee of live mem bers. ... 3 It shall have semi-annual meetings, and at the said meetings by some member at such place as the Executive Committee may direct an Address shall be delivered on some subject connected with the objects of this Institution. 4. The duty of the President shall bo to preside, and in his absence one of the Vice Presidents shall act. . j 5. The Treasurer shall take charge of all the funds and pay them out, as order ed by the President. 1 lie Corresponding Secretary shall keep a conespondebce and a little Dooic witn sucn persons as may be proper. The Recording Secretary sliall keep records of the proceedings. 0. The meeting of this Society shall be semi-annual, at such times and places as the Executive Committee may direct. The officers to be elected annually. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to select some suitable person to make an ad dress, and when accepted to 'publish said acceptance; as well as the time and place of delivery. 1 7. Each member shall contribute fifty cents annually, and each member on ini tiation twenty five. ! After the emolmenr of names the fol lowing officers were-elected for the ensuing year : . D. C. E. Hunter, President. j Benj. Sumner, Esq., j Gen. JohnG. Bynum, j v; prsJ Capt. John I . Hoke, ) Capt. G. W. Caldwell, j" Win, II. Michal, Treasurer. John II. Wheeler, Cor. Secretary. Thos. J. Eccles, Recording Secretary. YVm. M. bliipp, J. W. Osbcrne, L. E, Tliomnson, Executive Com. J. M. News on , Dr. 1). W. Schcnck, C Tlie Society then adjounied !o meet on t le.'I'iiesi lav evc-uincr or tne next janco Superior Court. THOMAS J. ECCLES, Sec'y. A Promised Compromise. Mr. Botts has submitted a compromise in the Virgin ia Convention to settle the vexed question of representation. He proposes that the House of Delegates -sluil consist of 150 members, 75 from east of the Blue Ridge, and 75 'west of it; the Senate to be simi larly divided, and elected by districts.' He also proposes a uniform ad valorem system of taxation, except where specially exempted bv two-thirds of the Legislature ; and o prevent the creation of a public debt, with out at tlie same time providing for its pay ment by increase of taxation. Appropria tions exceeding a certain sum , before be mimturn fnw. miif.t receive the vote of 'a majority of all the members of each branch of the Legislature. '. ; L We commend the following lessons T . . . rt 1 1 .1 . -T. . i to the attention of out lady readci A lesson for Girls. An intelligent gen tleman of fortune, says the Bangor Whig,, visited a country village ill Maine, not lar from Bangor, and was hospitably entertain ed and lodged by a gentleman having three daughters-two of whom, in rich dresses, entertained the distinguished stranger in the parlor, w hile one kept herself in tlio kitch en, assisting her mother in preparing the food and setting the table for tea, and alter supper, ill doing the work till it was finally completed, when sAealso joined her sis ters in the parlor for the remainder of the evenin"-. The Jiext nvorning the same, daughter was again early in the kitchen, while the other two w ere in the parlor .4 The gentleman, like Franklin, possessed . . a discriifcinatilig mind was a oljser ver of the habits of the young ladies-i-watcjied an opportunity and whispered 1 cnmetliinrr in the ear of the industrious onp4 and then left for a tune, but revisited the same family, and in about one year the young lady of the kitchen wasGsnveyed to Boston; the wife of the same getejwan visitor, where slie ;nowr; presides at an elegant;- mansion. -I.Thegentlemaa,. whose i fortune she shares ,rlie won judicious deportaieht and w-ell-diijected iudustvy., So much for an -aidustrigus ?a ,- - . . : .. 1. "ifumbent on the national": conscrratives ol r t ::.-i