victory over the Secessionists,' who are willing to call, a Convention to divide the Union, but oppose an open Convention to amend the State constitution. Such hum buggery and hypocrisy cannot long pros per. If the Whigs do not take this plat form through he ageacy of a few double dealing politicans, -.they will be defeated for all time to come. The deserving and patriotic of all classes, in this section of the Slate, see it, feel it, and mourn over the obtuseness of vision and contumacy .of heart that many of our friends of the old line manifest on this subject. However, we will not undertake to coerce them into measures ; they have had their own way long enough to cover us with inglorious deiteat, and that, too, "by such a man as David S. Reid!" It is therefore useless remonstrating with them ; let them take j the stand, true to their colors, and shape ihir course to suit theniielves. It will be a mournful time to part with them ; but if they are obstinately determined to be non committal in their course, thereby surren dering the prosperity of the State and the best interests of their friends into the hands of the enemy, to conciliate a feW dictators, who are ever ready, on the slightest pre tence, ?o break from us unless they can have their own wav in fixing up the plat form, and nominating the candidate that the)' wisn to occupy h, lei tnem gu. j.i is far better to sorrow after them than eternal ly to be disgraced by defeat. I see by ex tracts in the Register, that the Wilmington Commercial, the Carolina Patriot and the Times are fully committed to an open convention'. Be vigilant, active and fear less, and the cause we advocate will, in the end, be sure to triumph over all oppo sition : For Freedom, battle once begun, Tho baffled ofl, ia always won " "I should be glad to see all the Editors of the State at our Convention in August -next, especially those who feel inclined to favor us in this great reform movement ; since I am sure the prosperity of the State and the happiness of our people both de pend upon it. Virginia is about to set us a .noble example ; and do you think the people of North Carolina are jubservient enough, in this particular epoch of her his tory, to stand still and see the constitution of our State tinkered trpoa from time to time by demagogues for sectional purposes and sinister views'!. Nay verily it will not be done. There ace thoug&ods of no ble hearted men who break all party ties before they will desert or ruin their country." " Teach vs to feel for others' WOES. -It is not a little singular that the good people of South Carolina whoJiave seldom or never lost a slave, should make the most noise over the alleged non-execution of the Fugitive slave law. ...They are resenting the wrongs of other people who are quite insensible to them. It has been said that most men bear the misfortunes of others with great equanimity ; with proper self-discipline tne Palmetto Commonwealth ,might arrive ut this happy, state of mind in regard to the wrongs of Maryland and Delaware. ; : . It is a little odd, too, that the great een tral champion of the Southern extremistej should be a non-slaveholder, and preach resistance in the garb of a non-combatant. Such is the position of the Southern Press. It goes into daily paroxysms over the idea of ignominious "submission;" nothing will content it 6hort of the division of ( Jalifor pia Dy 36 3CK; and the satisfactory redress thereby of Southern indignity and oppres sion. It even reads lessons to our Demo cratic cotemporary of the Union about sla very and Southern rights ; and in reply to One of them, we observe in the latter jour nal a quiet paragraph, which says so much inta few words, that we cannot omit to co py lit : " We are a slaveholder ourself of fiflly years' experience, and we believe that thfe causes which affect the value of this species of property must be understood by us much better than they can be by the editor of the Southern Praas, who never ownfed a slave, and probably never will ; but-we can entertain rib hope that our ex perience can be made useful to one who gravely asserts that the Compromise places the South out of the Union." NJv there is certainly something practi cal :Jh this mode of argument : "I have slaveholder for fifty years I was bond, i slaveholder, and shall probably die oner-and I can see nothing to prevent ma fro$ acquiescing in the compromise. You, on $ne other hand ,who never owned a slave in Jhurlife. are exceedingly distressed at the .Wrotrgs 1 have suffered in regard to my negroest, ftTid teach secession from the Union on .my account!" It is certainly a some what strong' argument to the individual 5 .pqrhaps rather, too distinctly a personal ap,. peal : but rt is very much to the point tc. MR- CIAY AT HOME. ' The Lexrijgton, Ky., Observer of the 23d instant tfetis" announces the return. to his home of Hid' honored statesman of Kentucky. Out. dktuiguiahetf neighbor arrived in this ctyy by the evening train from Frank fort pn Sunday lst'.- VVe have not had '" the pleasure of seeikg'him since his return, but are gratified to learn that his health is greatly improved ine! he left New Or leans, where he was' laboring under the effects of a slight cold' contracted ' probably during his voyaire frord'Havana ; and we doubt upt, nojy that her lias returned to his' family and is again enjoying the quiet re-1 pose of his own . belove4 Ashland, -that he wil he speedily- restored to his accustomed vigorous and robust health- Ilk fellow citizens are rejoiced that he is again among them, and although - no public manifestations of their respect and admiration greeted him on his return, his aversion to such displays being well under - stood and properly appreciated they yet entertain none the less of that ardent at tachment, friendship and love which they have everfeit for him, and to which along life of arduous but brilliant public service so justly (entities him. We are $ ure we do not mistake the feel ings of the great mass of our fellow citizens . ixotpnl cf.JJjcfcynty of Fayette but of the entirt Commonwealth, when we de clare that at no period of his illustrious and ever memorable career has he enjoyed to the extent he now does the sincere and heartfelt admiration and regard of almost the entire population of Kentucky. They regard him as a great public benefactor, in stead of a great party leader, and even the fiercest of his hitherto political opponents do not hesitate to award to him the meed of praise to which his recent patriotic ef forts in behalf of our glorious Union gave him just claim. Long may the noble pat riot, statesman and orator be spared to do battle for his country against those who would destroy her fair proportions and make her a shapeless mass of ruins. CHenryW. Miller, Esq., of Raleigh, we perceive, has consented to deliver an Address at South Lowell Academy, in Or ange county, on the 3d Of June next, that hpL the last dav of examination of the pu pils of that excellent institution, the repu tation of which is spreading" co-xtfensive with the State. Milton Chronicle. Hon Daniel Webster,- was summoned to Washington, the New York Journal of Commence understands, in consequence of the n ecessty of adopting immediate' measures for the suppression of indian hos tilities in the Mexican frontier settlements aoreeably to a stipulation in the Treaty of Gaudaloupe. ThJ lack of any approbation; specifically applicable to the purpose, is supposed to be the difficult point. Mexican Indemnity. A treasury no tice has been given, that the awards for the Mexican indemnity will be paid m cash after the 16th of May, eithr to the persons to whom" the awards are mad' e, or to their at torneys; No money to be pai l while ad verse claims are in litigation. JJnion and Trinity Land Company scrip not to be paid till holders establish their legal claiVn. PiTTSBrRG( April 26. At the Jv'inny Lind concert, last night, $9,000 wero re ceived. Some mischievous boys threw stnnps into the windows of Jennv Land's carriage, and afterwards into her dressing-1 t-r r- J 1 . 1 room, iier leenngs were suueepiv uuim ed by this outrageous assault that she re fused to sing to night, and ; left for Balti more. Thus has Pittsburg added to die disgrace of electing Joe Barker as Mayor, the stigma of insulting the good, amiable, and benevolent Queen of Song. , After a very warmly contested struggle the Barnburners succeded in defeating the Old Hunkers and getting possession of Tammany Hall. This is what they have been aiming at for years, and they have, succeded at last, so that John Van Buren can go into the wigwam once more. In the election of Sachems, on Monday night, they elected their whole ticket with the exception of one candidate. Newspapers of the World. There are 10 newspapers published in Austria, 14 in Africa, '24 in Spain, 20 in Portugal, 30 in Asia, 65 in Belgium, 85 in Denmark, 90 in Russia and Poland, .300 in Prussia, 320 in other Germanic States, 500 in Great Brit ain and Ireland, and 1,800 in the United States. 1 i, Mr. Clay once refused at a dinner to take precedence Of Governor Jonesj of Tennes see. "No," said the great Kentuckian, ','yqu are a greater man than I am ; you beat James K. Polk, and I could not." 7 Governor Ramsey, the Governor of the Territory of Minnesota arrived in Philadel phia on Wednesday from St. Paul, the capir tal of his Territory, and was warmly welcom ed by His numerous friends in that city, ; ." An.American, Col N. C. Baldwin, of Cleavelaod, Ohio, has been fattening an ox until at length he has attained the enormous weight of .4,000 pounds. A mile per day is the fastest rate the monster can walk. He is to be transported East by water, and will be sent to'London for exhibition during the World's Fair. Pedestriantsm. A man at Oswego offers to bet $1000 that he can walk 1250 miles in 1000 .consecutive hours, at 1 1-4 miles per hour. Row in MoTREAt.; On the 22nd instant there was a slight row at Montreal Canada, between some Irishirfeo and some refugee slaves. No great mischief was done. (....; Rumors at Washington say that as soon as the Secretary of State returns to that city, the Nicaraugua question . will immediately be taken up by the Cabinet, The population of Rhode Island is 147, 549, about 3000 more females than males ; there are 28,532 families and 22,415 dwell ing houses. Population of Arkansas, in 1851, whites, 162,514 ; slaves 45,573. A relaltive of the Fox family in Syracuse has publicly stated that she was taught by one of the Fox girls how to produce the rappings ; but the secret was given to her on the promise that she too would become a medium She states that it is done by the the toes and knees. Two females were discovered concealed in barrels on board a vessel bound to Charleston from Liverpool a short time since, after being fourteen days at sea. Several others similarly concealed were subsequently discovered. From Texas. The Houston Telegraph of April 11th, says: "The crops that were planted early are exceedingly promising this season. A gentleman who has recent ly visited several of the interior counties, in forms ui that he has never seen the corn and cotton fields so promising as they are at present.' The corn on several plantations that he visited is two feet high, and the cot von in some instances had been worked the first time. . - . The valley of the Bosque, says the Hous ton Telegraph, of April 11, is settling up with' ' astonishing rapidity. Hundreds .of emigrants from Missouri, Arkansas and. oth er states of the Red River, are flocking to, .this section. , The emigrants are advancing, go fast into the.Indian. country, that it wil epon be necessary for the frontier military stations to he removed' farther into the interior. The Orleans Family. -The Prince de Joinville, Duo de Nemours, ard dAunrale, are on a tour in Ireland, The 17. S. Sloop-of-War John Adams sailed from the Naval Anchorage at Norfolk on Thursday morning, bound for the coast of Africa. ' - , MASONIC COLLEGE. Rev. Mr. Archer, a deputy from the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, visited the Lodge in this place during the present week. The object of the visit we learn to have been to raise funds for the erection and endowment of a College for the Edu cation of the sons of deceased, or indigent Master Masons. A most worthy and com mendable object to which we are highly gratified to learn the Fraternity in this place most nobly responded. The amount sub scribed reaching the very handsome sum of 0700. We hope this truly charitable design, fraught with inestimable blessings1 to the Order, and to humanity, will" not flag for want of adequate support. We trust every Lodge in the State will respond to the exertions of the Lecturer in equally as liberal mannei as did the one hv this place. Old North State. Anti-Rent Outrage. As the agent of Mr. Van Renssalaer was engaged, on Wednesday last, m surveying a portion of land in the town of Berne, N. Y., he was attacked by a party of anti-renters, com pletely disguised, and armed with rifles, tomahawks, &c, who bound his hands painfully tight with a rope, bandaged his eyes,- and then tarred and feathered him. In this plight he was marched round the neighborhood for some hours, the fellows Who had him in charge being fed and trea ted by the inhabitants. ... - WILMINGTON MARKET, April 30th. Natal Stores. In the Naval Stores' market there have been some changes since our report on the 23d inst.. Spirits Turpen tine has declined, the last sale heard of, a lot of 15 barrels, was at 23 rts. Some lots of Virgin dip Turpentine have been sold during the last week at 4 dollars, hot yes terday we understood that buyers were of fering only three dollars; probably this was for an article of inferior quality ; Old Soft has been pretty steady for some days at $2,30, and Hard at $1,30. Tar has advanc ed to $1,40, at which rate a considerable quantity has been disposed of. Nothing do- .;ng for several days iii Common Rosin; alol of No. 2 brought $1 3-8. Timber. No change in this article ; dai ly s.las at formerly reported rates. ; LrHBER A raft of Wide Boards brought $7, anii a lot of Scantling $5. There is but little doing in Staves and Shingles'. In Corv Meal, and Bacon, we do not hear of any changes within the week, From the African Squadron. The U. S. sloop of w ar, Dale sailed from Morn rovia February l-ith, for Port Prayra, after a cruise of four anu1 a half months on the Coast, Left the U. S. Brig Porpoue to sail in a few days for the same place, after a cruise on the coast, The U, Ship Ports mouth and brigPerry were to windward. ARRIVAL OF SFEAMER NIAGARA. Halifax, April 29, 11 P. IV. The royal mail steamer Niagara arrived here this even ing, bringing Liverpool dates to the 19th, and London dates to the 18th inst. Parliament has adjourned till aft ?r the Easter holidays, ahd.will meet again on the 28th. The Queen will open the great ex hibition in Slate, and the Public wili be excluded during the iceremony. An insurrection 'had broken out, headod by the Duke ofSaldina ift Vincimpia. Tho insurgents were 5000 strong. The King had taken command of the royal troops. Lord John Russell complained of the dissensions produced in i.the; country by those motions which, when brought forward disclaimed any intentien of changing the free trade policy. Upon a division, there were found for the motion 250 against 263. Lord Stanley presented a petition from the inhabitants of British Guiana, praying an entire change in the representation sys tem.. . : Earl G?ey agreed with the noble Lord, that Guiana should enjoy free institutions as soon as she was fit to receive them. : ! The. Income tax bill will pass its second reading when Parliament reassembles on the 28th. INDIA. The overland'mail had arrived. The po litical news s unimportant. Business at Bombay is steady, but inactive. Canton freights were 1 10s. A decline was ex pected ' ' ' i ; i ' CAPE PF GOOD HOPE. Late accounts, ,state that the British had obtained a decisive victory over the Caffirs at Kent river, but there was no prospect of a speedy termination of the war. MARKETS. . . .'... Brown $" Shipley's Circular. -Liverpool,. April 17th. The business in cotton for the week ending to-day, reports a heavy cotton market, with a decline of l-8d per lb. on American descriptions since the last steam er, and l-4d since our circular of the 7th instant. The market is in a desparate state and prices considered nominal, as it is im possible to effect sales in quantity even at an l-8d. below our quotations. Public o pinion is decidedly against the market in conseqnedce of the large receipts at Ameri can ports. The stock of cotton in this port is 527,000 bales, oi which 365,000 is Amer ican, against 570.000 bales last gyear, of which 365,000 were American, Danville, Pa.j April 28. About half past three o'clock yesterday afternoon, while the congregation were assembled at the Methodist church in this place, and during the exercises of prayer, immediately preced ing th reception of the communion, the church was struck by lightning the fluid passing down the steeple through the roof and down a lamp rod to near the centre of the church, in the midst of the assembly. One lady, Mrs. George Pensyl, was instant ly killed. Several others, who were seated in different parts of the church, were more or less injured, 36ffle seriously. The steeple was shattered to pieces, and C'Uhave to be removed. The floor boards in several places were torn up. The outside door was much shattered. .The . building is ,a. handsome one, and was but recently completed. A Sensible Grans JcRY.--rTbe Grand Jury for this county, at our last Court all came in' aad subscribed for the Palladium, paying is adTacet aod for their good wish es and ex-artians for th.e Pallad.iin, we tender them our grateful thanks ; and hope that at each returning circurt court for this county we may have as intelligent a Grand Jury as the last was. Troy. (Ala.) Palla dium. . 0-lt seems to be the, pride of certain Secession paperstb r'epeat that they are wil ling to ''acquiesce," in the compromise measures ; a. rare piece of .magnammuy, since their doctrine has been killed ; but they brand as "Subimssionists" all who endeavor to maintain the Union, and a bide by the laws of the land, and support the Administration in their enforcement : Webster gives the definition of "acquiesce" as follows . - Acquiesce, To rest satisfied, or apparent ly satisfied, or to rest without opposition and discontent. - Acquiescence. A quiet assent ; a. silent submission. Acquiescing. Quietly submitting j rest ing content. In short, then, acquiescence is submiss ion ; silent submission ; quiet submission ! So that our Locofoco friends according to these definitions, are 'tsubmissionists"! I ! Ho, for Cuba! On Tuesday evening' last a company of two or three hundred from Cherokee and other parts of the State, left this city, by extra train, for the seabord, en route to Cuba. They were mostly men of desperate fortunes who "leave their own country for their contry's good," if not for their own. While here they manifested such a belligerent spirits as to attract the atten tion of our own efficient police, . One blow from the ten pin maoe of a Deputy Marshal was, however, sufficient to make a crowd of fifty take to their scrapers in less than no time, proving, them tc possess a . least one of the saving qualiries of a good- soldier' that of superior leg-locomotioDw They took "French Leave" and "walked Spanish" in a way that would have delighted the Captain General of Cuba, could he have witnessed the performance. In the crowd, we observ ed a few of the better class of Georgia's sons, who, we fear, have been duped into a scheme of exceedingly doubtful expediency and propriety, by certain - men in "high places." It is indeed, no longer a question who are mixed up in this business. The Treasurer of the concern in Columbus is none other than John Forsyth, of the Col umbus "Times." This is sufficient f itself to cast suspicion upon the whole movement. It indicates, pretty clearly, that the disun ionists of the South are bent on embroiling this Government in a conflict with Spain and other allied powers of Europe, and should caution the public against their ma chinations. We hope that the President will see to it that no invasion of Cuba, from these States will be connived at or permitted. If desperate men resolve to become jrirdtes on the high seas and bucaneers at large, let them take the chance of the garrotte or the "hempen doom" which they deserve, but let not our national Flag be desecrated by any such atrocities. . When the people of Cuba rise in succesful revolution and over-' throw a tyranical Government, it will be full time for us to extend "aid and sympathy"? to the liberators. But until then, the expe dition is dishonorable and wicked, and should receive the condemnation of every I friend of law and order and constitutional liberty,' in the Union. We have no appre hensions, however, that this 2d crusade a gainst Cuba, will be more successful than the first, . liopoz had only 25 followers when he left the Balize a few days since. There is a-Peenoh and English war steamer cruising in the West Indies, also a Spanish steamer and an American vessel of war or two. : How then, can a handfull of undis ciplined men hope to reach the island, much less overthrow its Government, even if they are permitted to leave our shores for such a purpose. 'Tis madness to think of it. ' : . Georgia Citizen. Seaboard and Roasoke Ralroad Compai y. The report made at the last meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, states that the Charters of the Com pany, granted by Virginia and North Caro lina,aie of themost liberal character. They contain no restrictions as" to the dividends. The property of the company is perpetu ally exempt from taxation in Virginia ; in North Carolina it exempt for a period of fifteen years. ; The road is remarkably free from cur vature. The gradient! are very low. In one ottwo places only,- and for very short distances, they are as high its twent3-five feet to the mile. For practical purposes, it may almost be regarded as a straight and level roan,- -The capital stock is one million of dol lars, which may be increased, to one and u half millions, at the pleasure' of the Com- pan . . " . ,, The entire road, ninety miles in length, wil not cost jhe " present Company over one million of dollars. This will include the entire relaying of the track, with the Trail, the road way , the full equipment of cars and engines, the buildinga, shops, wharfs, &c, necessary for the business of the road. , ,. .. . The road is novby (March, 1851,) laid in the most substantial manner, and, in dai ly operation both for passengers and freight to Franklin, on the Blackwater river, a distance of 37J miles. The iron rails are provided and on hand for the whole length of the line, and an efficient force is now en gaged in laying the track between Frank lin and Weldon. The length now laid is about 45 miles from Portsmouth.. The road will probably be opened to Weldon, 80 miles from Noifolk, in May next, and to South Gaston, in season for the fall crop. The estimates for the receipts have been made after a good deal of examination into the subject, and from many detailed state ments from persons familiar with the great resources of the Roanoke valley. A large amount of tobacco, cotton, corn, lumber, naval stores, floui , pork, &c., will , find their best market at Norfolk, and the sup ply of West India goods and other articles consumed in the interior, will be transmit ted in return. . The ComDanv has authorized the issue. at par, bf four hundred first Mortgage Bonds, of the. denorrutiatijon of one thousand dol lars eacW and has . paid wit$ them aj par for the.irori rails, upwards of s'even thposand tons, necessary for the. relaying the track, aijd alio a small, floatjng debi'bf tao Com pany.' -Only three- hundred and fixty of these fcond have been issued, and it is not known tjjaj any occasion exists for the issue of the remaining pges. rnese xionas uax an iuierei uj ki per cent., payable semiannually, at the Merchants' Bank in the city of. New York, and are redeemable at the" same place, ea the 1st of August 1860. They have coupons or interest warrants attached, and are trans ferable by simple delivery, in the same way as a note. of hand payable to beaner, or by a special endorsement. The Company has been authorized, by special acts of the legislatures of Virginia and N. Carolina, "to mortgage their. road, property, income and franchises, acquired and to be acquired," for the payment of these Bonds, and the interest-of the same semi-annually, at seven per cent., in the eity of New York. The mortgage limits the number of Bonds to be issued under it, as above. WHIG MEETING IN GREENE. The following are the resolutions adopt ed by the Whigs oi Greene : Whereas, the interests of our countiy de mand the holding of a' Convention to se lect a suitable candidate for the next Con gress, and our former comparative inaction has given to our opponents, the color of a hope, rendering promptnessnergy and u nity of effort doubly essential to success in the ensuing canvass. Therefore : 1. Resolve That we suggest the ne cessity of as speedy an assembling of this Convention as may be possible ; and also that We agree with several bf our sister counties in their opinion of the expediency and convenience of its being held in the town of Washington. 2. Resolved, That we gratefully appre- f ciate the noble and patriotic discharge of his duty on the part of our late representa tive, ,aid while we cannot again in justice urge upon him a still farther sacrifice, vet we sincerely regret his determination of re- jf uiiug; ituu pnvie uie. 3. Resolved, That we earnestly recom mend to the consideration of the Conven tion the name of James W. B.yan, believ ing as we do that Mr. Bryan is a gentle man of a high order of talent, of distinguish hed ability, and commanding eloquence ; to whom with entire confidence we can entrust the interests of our State as one who will ably and fearlessly advocate them, and who will to the last extremity neither wa ver nor falter in his high devotion to the Union and to the rights of the South. 4. Resolved, That though we thus in sincerity express our preference for Mr. Bryan, yet we are willing to submit the matter to the wisdom and discretion of the Convention. General Hinton, the extensive mail robber, out on $15,000 bail and who was to have made his appearance at Columbus, Ohio, last Mondav, has forgotten to drop in. CRADLE SONG. by Alfred tennyson;. Sweet and low, sweet and low, Wind of tne western sea, , Low, low, breathe and blow, Wind of the western sea ! , Over the rolling waters go, Come from the droopiug moon, and ":.llow him again to me; : blow, While my little one, while my pretty one sleeps. Sleep find rest, sleep and rest. ; ' Father will come t- thee soon, Rest, rest, on mother's breast, Father Will come to thee soon, Father will come to his babe in the ne$C, Silver sails all out of the west, Under the silver moon ; ; Sleep on my little one, sleep on my pretty one, sleep.: OBITUARY Died, in Louisburg, Frank lin county, on the 22d ult.j Richard F Yar BROUGH, in the 55th year of his age. The deceased had for the last .twenty years re sided in Louisburg, and success in business crowned a life of indefatigable industry and perseverance. He was endowed with re markable soundness of judgment? his bu siness habits, his incorruptible integrity, his fidelity to engagements, his known veracity, his character unsullied through a long life of active exertion, mark him as deserving a high place in the admiration of good men. As a husband, he was affectionate, and kiud; as a father, indulgent, though firm and prompt in discipline ; as a citizen, he was ready to obey the laws, aud to bear the bur dens of government ; as a mister, he was merciful, and carefnl to teward dutifulness. He was constant in friendship; compassion- ) ate and kind to the afijjeted and needy ; a man of exalted virtue, of enlarged benevo lence. As a patriot, philanthropist, hus band, father, master, he was adorned witti every virtue. ; He died in the communion of the Pre -testant Episcopal Church. For eighbe m months before his death he was undar :i.he chastening rod of God; and through the whole period of his affliction bore h iraself with christian meekness and subiriir jsion. To the bereaved friends of the decern d, tho Gospel speaks in the language of camfort ! "Grieve not as thoso who have no hope." "And I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me, Write, blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from hencefort n. Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their la bours; and works do follow them-" Way 1st, l'5l. R. The ilegister please copy. University of North Carolina. TH" Committee of Visitation of tho Trus tees of the University for the Year 18a 1, consists of H's Ex'cy D S Reid, Prcs't ex ftfTtciq lion, D. Li, Swain, L. L. J)., . President of the College. Thomas S rlshe, William W Avery, Daniel Jit Barringvr. William A Blount, Thomas Bragg. Charles Chalmerstt . Geqrge F Davidsont William Eaton, Jr Burgess S Gaither, Solomon Graves, Frederick J llill, James Iredell, James Jtlebane,, j . . Bartholomew F Moore, Frederick 'Nash, Thomas Settle, ' WiBhXijnA Washington, Nicholas L Williams; John C Williams, Patrick H Winston. The annua Commencement will beheld on the first Thursday (5th day) of June next. CHAS. MANLY, Secretary of the Board of Trustees. May 1st, 1S51. ' A lady was lately waited on by a poor woman, who lived in the neighborhood, and who solicited charity,,, ijrgiijg that she had named a child after the lady. 'I had under stood that the little one was a boy,' said the lady. 'So it is,' said the other- 'Certainly, then, you could not have given it my name.' 'I know it,' said the other, 'but your name is Augusta, and I named my boy Augustus, which is so near it that I thought you would give me a new frock for him ; and will do without the apron, on- account of the differ ence in the last syllable." j Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. A Meeting of the citizens of Granville and of all those interested in the recon struction of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, is requested at Oxford on Tuesday the. 6th of May, being Tuesday of Court wee(c. Gen. Saunders will be there to address the meeting. May 2 NORTH CAROLINA Mutual Life Insurance Company, OFFICE, RALEIGH, N. C fTUIlS COMPANY continues to insure the lives of a'l healthy White persons aa Slaves. Tne greatest risk taken on a single fife is $5000. Slaves ate iasured for a tem of oris ts five years for iwo-thircis their value. OFFICERS. S s, . Dr Charles E Johnson, President !v Wm D Haywood, Vice President James F Jordan, Tecretary y. William H Jones, Treasurer i-.TXrW H McKee, Exam'g Phpsician j J Hersman, General Agent All Inacpa ar navnhlp within 90 riaca nftpr ui- . -" i j j " f'iisfactory proof is presented. Blanks and pam phlets, showing the plan 01 operations nt the Com pany, may be had on application at the Office, or any'of the Agencies. All letters on business should bd addressed to May 2 JAMES F JORDAN, Sec'y. SEASONABLE GOODS receiving by everv Train, a very large SUPPLY OF GOODS For Spring and Summer Turde, Embracing- a great variety cf Fancy and Staple Dr Goods, Hats, Shoes, Bonnets, Hardware, Crockery, Carriage Trimmings and Groceries. Which are oSered on the most liber 1 terms for Cash, or to punctual dealers on reasonable time. Please call at the Old Stand, 3 doors above the Market. and see fur voursplves. May 2 JAMES M TOWLES. FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, & C. WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, &(0. ARE now receiving large addi tions to their 6tock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, V CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, DYESTUFFS, Window Glass, Perfumery, 'C, 'c. from the most reliable Houses in the Northern Cities, which have been purchased with ail eye single to their purity, and are offerer! Tor sale Vt such prices and on sncfi terms as fhall compare favorably with any house in the State. Physicians, Country Merchants, and Dealers generally, will do well to give us a. call before pur chasing, feeling assured wf. shall not fail to please both in point of price und quality. Orders promptly attendeI to, and particular at tention given to packing ? nd forwarding. Family Medicines anr'l Prescriptions compound ed at all hours of ihe d'iy and night, by a compe tent person ; with nealuess and despatch. We tender our mo -t sincere thanks to the citi zens of Raleigh anl the surrounding conntry for the long and liberal patronage we have received, and trust by cnt'ring zeal and energy to please, in thn prosecution of our business, to merit its continuance. . Raleigh, April 25, 1851. 22-3m BALL AND PARTY ! A "BALL AND PARTY will be given at the Rait Road Hotel in Franklinton, eu the 7th and 8th of M: iy, Wednesday and Thursday ensuing. Fi anklintou, April 15,1851. 23 2t G U N N ' S D OM E S T I C MEDICINE. 'DR POOR MAN'S FRIEND: in the Imvts of affliction, pain . and sickness, a safe and : reliable guide. THIS BOOK points out, in plain language free from doctor s terms, the Diseases ot Men, Women, and of Children, and the latest and most improved means used in their cure, and is intended expressly for the benefit of families. It al.o contains descriptions of the Medical Roots asd IIekbs of the United States, and how they are to be U6ed in the cure of diseases. It is ar ranged on a new and simple plan, by which the practice of Medicine is reduced to principles of common sense. This invaluable book has passed through many editions; it has now been teyised arid improved in every respect, and enlarged to nearly double its tormer size ; andcpntainsnine huncred octavo bases. It does not propose to dispense with physicians in severe caes ; bnt it does propose to save tliou sands and tens of thousands annualrDy-f utting the meari3 of enre into every man s hands, and of saving many valuable -lives (which is of far more importance by instructing . individuals how to check diseases in its beginnings, before it has ac quired too much strength to resist and overcome . For sale by H.D.Turner, . ; At the N. C. Bookstore. Raleigh April 25, 1851. PROSPECTUS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA BABTIST. TO BE PUBLISHED AT ASHVILLE, I.. C. AND EDITED BY W, C. BERRY, . J. M. BRYAN, JAS.BLYTHE, T-E It M S . The North Carolina Baptist, wilT be published on a handsome sheet-of 22 bv32J inches, and upon new type, once every two wee,ks. at 0,1 per annum in ad vt. nee, or $ 1,50 if not paid in advance. Widows, Ministers,, and Post Masters will be choreed only $ 1, payable during the year, and $ 1,50 afler.the.end of the year. .; CLTJBS, . ;' ' 10 copies will be furnished to clubs for $9.00 ! 20 copies for $17,50 !!- 25 copies for 18.75 !! All persons .obtaining subscriptions, ere requested to forward them to James M. Eduey, Ashville, Ni C, free of postage, by the 20th of May. Ifhv that time 500 good subscribers are obtained, ar rangements wiil at once be made for its publica tion. Subscribers will only be expected to, py up on the receipt of the first number. J M EDNEY, Publisher. SMALL STORES, 1 SGI -'52. . j NAVY DEPARTMENT, Y Bureau of Provisions and Clothing-, April 24, 1851. PROPOSALS; sealed and endorsed "Proposals for Small Stfres," will be received at this Bu reau until 3 o'clock P M on Monday the 26th day of May next, for furnishing and delivering an re ceiving ten days' notice) at tlie'United States Na vy Yards at Charlestown, Aassachusctls. Brook lyn, New York, and Gosport,-Virginia, such quan-' tides only ol the following article, as may be re quired or ordered from the contractor by the Chief of this Bureau, or by the respecive commanding officers of the said Navy Yarda. during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1852, namely : Boxes, shaving Brushes, shaving Brushes, scrubbing, Brushes, shoe . Brushes, clothes Buttoes navy, vest Buttons, navy, coat' Buttons, dead-eye Blacking, boxes of Beeswax , Combs, coarse Combs, fine Cotton, spools of Grass, for hats Jack knives Handkerchiefs, cotton T Handkerchiefs, silk, fancy colors Looking glasses Mustard seed Needles, sewing, assorted Pepper, black Pepper, red . Razors, in single cases Razor strops Riband, hat Soap, shaving, in cakes Silk, sewing, blue black Scissors Spoons Thrpad, black, white arid blue Tape, black and while Thimbles Mustard and pepper' will be required at" New York only, and in the raw state. All the articles must be of good quality, equal to the best of those generally used in the service, nd conformable to the f amples (all of which have been recently selected and new.) deposited at said navy yards and in this Bureau, and subject to such inspection at the navv yard where delivered as the chief of this Bureau may direct, and be in. all re spects satisfactory to the inspecting officer, said oKlcer to be appointed by the Navy Department. All the articles to be delivered tree ot all incidental expenses to thu Government, in proper vesst ls or packages, and the drice ot eaQii ana every arncio must be the same at the respective places of deli very. Every separate package in which one or more dozen of the above articles are packed, and" the boxes, bales or barrels in which the same may be delivered, shall be marked with their contents, the name of the contractor, and the month and the month and year when, put up ; and when desir ed in good substantial shipping order; ' ( The contractor must establish agencies at such, stations other than his residence, that no delay may arise in furnishing what may be required; and when the contractor or agent tails promptly to com ply with a requisition, the Chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing shall be authorized to di rect purchases to be made to supply the deficiency, under the penalty to be expressed in. the.contiact ; the record of a requisition, or a dplicnte copy thereof at the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, or at either of the navy yards aforesaid, shall be evidence that such requisition has een made and received. . . . 1 Two or more approved sureties, in a sum equal to the estimated amount of the contract, will be reonired, and ten per centum, in addition will be Withheld from the amount of all payments ou ac count thereof as collateral security, in addition, to secure its performance, aud not in any event to be paid until it is in au respects compueu wun ; if per centum of the amount of all deliveries made will be paid by the Navy Agent within thirty days after bills duly authenticated shall have been pre sented to him. .. . ' i Blank forms of proppsals may be obtained on application to the N'ayy Agents at Portsmcnth, New Hampshire; Bostpn, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, Pensacola, and at this Bureau. Every offer made must he accompanied as di rected in the Act of Congress making appropria tions for the naval service for 184&r'47i approved ICth Aioust, 1846, by a written guaranty, sign ed by one or more responsible persons, to the ef tectthat he or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will, if his or tbpir bjcj be accepted, enter into an obligation within five days, with good and sufficient sureties, to furnish tjie supplies proposed. The Bureau will not bp obligated to consider any proposal unless accompanied by the guaranty re quired by layv; the competency of the guaranty to be certified by the Navy Agent, District Attorney, or some officer of the General Government kpq.wu io the Bureau. . . ' A record or duplicate of the letter, infprmlng a bidder of the acceptance of his proposal, will be d -emed a notification thereof, within the meaning of the acjof 1846, and his bid will be accepted in conformity with this understanding. j Extract from the Act of Con press j approved Au gust 10, 1846. j "Sec. pV nd be it further enacted, TJ at, from and after the passage of this act, every proposal for naval supplies invited by the Secretary of the Na vy, under thn proviso to the general appropriation bill for the navy, app;oved March third, eighteen hundred and forty-three, shall be accompanied bX a written guaranty, signed by one or more respon sible persons, to the effect that he or they under take that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their biu be accepted, enter into an obligation in sush time as may be srescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, wits good and sufficient sureties, to furnish the supplies proposed. No proposal sIih II be con sidered unless, accompanied by such guaranty. It, after the acceptnnce of a proposal and a notiOea- tion thereof to tl.o bidder or bidders, ue or tney snan fail to enter into ;in obligation within the time pre scribed by tbe Secretary of the Navy, rvith good and sufficient sureties for furai6hing the supplies, then the, Secretary of Ihe Navy shall proceed to contract with some ojher person or persons for fur nishing the said applies; and shall forthwith cause the diffidence between the amount contained in the proposal so guarantied and jhe an.ount for which xe may lijye contracted for furnishing tho said suprjjies for the whole period of the proposal, . to be charged up.against the bidder pr b:dders, and hia or their guarantor or guarantors ; and the wmc may be immediately recovered by he United States for'the use .of the Navy Department, irran action of debt against either or all of said persons." ; May 2. . . 23-4v . GRAND ROYAL ARCII CHAPTER QE THE State of North Carolina, j THE Annual Grand Conyocaiion of this. Grand ChaDter will take nlace iu Wilmington ou Mon day, thp second day of June, A I) 1.851, A I 2381 , A'L 5851. A full representation is desired, a business of importance is to be transacted. By order of the MEGHP. . ROBT G RANKIN. Sec'y May 2. ' 23t2dj J Cheap as Ever COME AND SEE ! '1 THE Subscriber would also. infnm. his town, and conntry lrieiuls, thai, having -i4rned from the North, where he has tOiry assortment of Groceries Bnd.Shre!.-!hyrmv " satisfied' that he Will not be undersold by anv. ','Bwit listen any idle tales, but come and set-for yourself ; art I you Vhall not low anything by so dointr.' April 25,1851, .23-tf L. 13. WALKER,.