CLOTHING AND CLOTHING : MATERIALS. ' Navy Department, Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, April 23, 1S51 SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Proposals for Navy Clothing and Clothing Materials," will be received ai 3 o'clock P.M. on Thursday, the 22d day of May next, for furnish ing and delivering (on receiviug thirty days no tice) ateach or either of iheNavyYardsat Charles town, Massachusetts, Brooklyn, New York, and Gc3port, Virginia, such quantities only of any or all of the following named articles of Navy Cloth ing and Clothing Materials as may be ordered by the Chief of this Bureau, or by the commandants of said navy yards, respectively, during the fiscal year commencing on the 1st day of July next, and ending on the 30th day of June, 1852, viz : Line pilot cloth pea jackets, wool-dyed 2,000 Dodo do monkey jackets do 1 ,000 Do cloth round jackets do do : .-' 4,000 Do do trowsers do do 4,000 Blue fiannel overshirts, twilled & wool-dyed 10,000 Do do undershirts do do do 8,000 Do do drawers do ' do do ' ' 5,000 Do flannel do " - do yds. 15,000 Barnsley sheeting frocks 4,000 Canvass duck trowsers 4,000 Barnsley sheeting for do yards 7,000 Canvass duck for do do 7,000 Dungaree yards 15,000 Calfskin shoes pairs 5,000 Kipskin do high cut ; do 5,000 Calfskin pumps do 10,000 Woollen stockings do-10,000 Woollen socks do 10,000 Mattresses, (with two covers to each) 2,500 Black silk handerchiefe . 12,000 Blankets " 3,000 The clothing and clothing materials will be di vided into nine classes, for each of which sepa rate proposals will be-received,, and a separate contract made, viz : First Class. All the woolen articles made up, viz: blue cloth pea jackets,' blue cloth monkey jackets blue cloth round jackets, blue cloth trow sers, blue flannel overshirts, bule fiannel under shirts, and blue fiannel drawers. Second Class. All the flannel that may be re quired for making garments similar to those spec ified in the first clas. Third Class. All the linen articles made up, viz. Barnsley sheeting frocks and canvass duck trowsers. Fourth Class. All the Barnsley sheeting and canvass duck that may be required for making garments similar to those specified in the third class, and the Dungaree. Fifth Class. AH the shoes and psmps. Sixth Class. All the 6tockings and socks. Seventh Class. All the mattresses, including two covers to each mattress. Eighth Class All the black silk handkerchiefs Ninth Class. All the blankets The shoes and pumps to be stamped with the contractor's name, number of shoe and pump, and year when made ; the sizes to be in the following proportion for each 100 pairs unless otherwise ordered, viz : Two of No. 12, four of No. 11, twelve of No. 10 fifteen of No. 9, fifteen of No. 8, twenty of No 8, fifteen of No. 7,ten of No. 7, five of No. 6h two of No. 6. All the above articles are to be fullv equal, in the quality, texture, and finish of material, pattern, and workmanship, to the samples which are depos- itea at the atoresaid Navy Yards ; the pea jackets, monkey jackets, round jackets, cloth trowsers, over-shirts, ander-shirts, drawers, and blue flannel to be of American manufactured cloths and flan nels, madeof clean wool and indigo-dyed, and dyed in the wool. The number or Quantity which will beretmired of each of the foregoing articles cannot be precise- jy stated ; it is even possible that of some none may be required. A contract will therefore be made, not for a specific number or quantity of any article, bat onlu for euch number or Quantity of each as the service may require to be delivered at those Navy Yards respecti rely. The prices must ue unuorm at all the stations. All the above articles must be subject to such inspection at the place of delivery as the Chief of tnis .Bureau may direct; and no article .will be received that is not fully equal to the sample or pattern, both in material and workmanship, and which does not conform in all other respects to the stipulations and provisions of the contract to be made. The whole must be delivered at the risk and expense of the contractor, in good, tic-lit, substan tial, and dry packing boxes or bales ; each box and bale to be marked with the contractor's name, and the year and month when manufactured or : put up; the whole to be in good shipping order tree ot all charges to the United States, and to the entire satisfaction ol the inspecting officers, said cflicers to be appointed by the Navy Department. The offers must distinguish the prices for each article mentioned, and must be calculated to cover every expense attending the fulfilment of the con tract, includingthe necessa-y metal and navy but tons. A schedule of sizes will be feund, with the samples, at the respective navy yards, In case of failure on the part of the contractors to furnish and deliver the several articles which maybe ordered from them, in proper lime, and of proper quality, the L-hiel of the Bureau, of Provis ions and Clothing shall be authorized to purchase -or direct purchases to be made of what may be re quired to supply the deficiency, under the penalty to he expressed in tne contract; the record of a requi sition, or a duplicate copy thereof, at the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, or at eitherof the navy yards aforesaid, shall be evidence that such requi sition has been made and received. Two or more approved f uroties in a sum equal to the estimated amount ct the respective contracts will be required, and ten per centum will be with held from the amount of alt payments on account thereof as collateral security, and not in any event to be paid until it is m all respects complied with ; and ninety per centum of the amount of all deliver ies made will be paid by the Navj Agent, within thirty days after triplicate bills, duly authenticated, shall have been presented to him. Bidders whose proposals are accepted (and none others; will be forthwith notified, and as early as practicable a contract will be transmitted to them for execution, which contract must be returned to the Bureau within five days, exclusive of the time Tequired for the regular transmission of the mail. Every ofler made must be accompanied (as di rected In the act of Congress making appropria tions for the naval service for 184647, approved 10th August, 1846) by a written guaranty, signed by one or more responsible persons, to the effect that he or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will if his or their bid be accepted, enter into an ob ligation within five days, with good and sufficient sureties, to furnish the supplies proposed. The Bureau will not be obligated to consider any pro posal unless accompanied by the guaranty required by law ; the competency of the guaranty to be cer tified by the Navy Agent, District Attorney, or some officer of the General Government known to the Bureau. A record, or duplicate of the letter informing a bidder of the acceptance of his proposal, will be deemed a notification thereof, within the meaning of the act of 1846, and his bid will be made and accepted in conformity with this unierstanding. Extract from the act of Congress, approved August - ,10,1846. "Sec 6. And be it. further enacted, That, from and after the passage of this act, every proposal for naval supplies invited by the Secretary of the Nay, under the proviso to the general appropriation bill for the navy, approved March third, eighteen hundred and . ferty-three, shall be accompanied by a written guaran ty, signed by one or more responsible persons, to the effect that he or they undertake that the bidder or bid ders will, if his or their bids be accepted, enter into an obligation in such a time as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy with goodaad sufficient sureties, to furnish the supplies proposed. No propo sal shall be considered unless accompanied by cue guaranty. ' If after the acceptance of a proposal and a notification thereof to the bicder or bidders, he or they shall fail to enteritioan obligation within th time prescribed by the"Secretary of the Navy, with good and efficient sureties for furnishing ta supplies, then ! the Secretary of the Navy shall proceed to contract ; with some other person or persons for furnishing the said supplies; and shall forthwith cause the difference between the amount contained in the proposal so guar a Jed and the amount for which he may have con tracted for furnishing the said supplies for the -whole period cf the proposal to be charged up against said bidder or bidders, and his or their guarantor or guar antors ; and the name may be immediately recovered by the United States, for the use of the Navy Depart ment, in an action of debt against either or all . of said persons." April 25 1 aw-4w. ATTENTION LADIES ! fTIHE Subscriber would respectfully inform you, one and all, that, having lately returned from the North, and having procured, at heavy expen ses, the services of a superior Workman, who has been brought up at the trade, and who is confi dently recommended, he can supply you with any thing yon want in the FJJVCY CAKE OR ICE CREAM line. Just be kind euough to give me a trial, and, if every thing is not done up brown, there will be no charge. I intend to have none but the best of materials ; and the citizens of Raleigh may rest assured that the business shall be attended to, and that by the best Workmen. Charges moderate. L. B.WALKER. April 25, 1851 22-tf. Select Classical School, THE Subscriber intends to open a School for Boys on the 16th of Juiy next, in Alamance countv, 13 miles west of Hillsborough, and 20 miles north west of Chapel Hill. The design is to have a School in which Boys maybe thoroughly prepared for College or for business," in a situation remote from temptations to idleness or vice. The number of scholars will be limited to thirty, who will board in families in the immediate vicinity of the Academy, two in a room. He will be assisted by R. W. WiLsoy A.B . Terms : $75 per session in advance, for Board, Tuition, Room, Bed and Bedding, Fuel and washing. Circulars containing further information, can be obtained on application to Rev. A. Wilson, D. D., at Hillsborough, N. C, until 1st of June, and after that at Burnt Shop, Alamance county, N. C. ALEX. WILSON. Hillsborough , N. C, April 25, l85l. 22-4w NOTICE. WE are requested to annonnce that E. G. Read Esq. of Person county will deliver the Address before the Literary Societies of Wake Forest College in June next- Toll the Bell Still Louder! Toll it! Convey ye winds the joyful sound from Currituck to Cherokee from the Arostook to the Sabine, that "the Immortal Insect" is at Home again. . NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS FOR 1851. Messieurs Oliver & Procter, ll. K. II. R. 7I7E are now receiving and opening at our w "Grand Emporium ot 1 asle, f ashion and Elegance," Ugly Row, opposite Lougee's, one door above Litchford's, and hard by Towles's and Primrose's choice selection of vernal and solstitial Fabricks for male apparel, embracing every color and variety, of which tne iollowingare a part: Black, blue, olive green, brown Dahlia and Zephyr Cloths, Drap dtee and Cashmeretts, all colors, for summer coats, Black, single milled doe skin and fancy f rench Oassimeres of every van ty, white aiid colored French drillings, warranted not to fade when washed ; entirely new and very beautiful: Plain white, and Buff Marseils; Fig ured Satins, Silks and Shally Vestings. All of these goods were selected oy " 1 he Bug in per son from the latest importations, and can be conn dently recommended to our friends and patrons as being precisely "The Things" for Spring and Summer costutnery. THE EXPRESS TRAIN. Oh, where are the words that can truly impress, The pleasure we feel when we're off by express ? The Steam King is up, and the whistle is heard, The bell gives the signal, we re on like a bird. Through mountains and valleys, right onward we press, Hurrah ! then hurrah ! we are off by express. Our fliglit'sjlfkethe eagles's. as fearless and brave; Hie flag tells ot satety as gaily it wavrs. The rails are all clear, and the Monarch, ahead; See forth from his nostrils the deep glare of red. Still onward and onward we gallantly press, Hurrah! then hurrah! we are off by express. Towns, cities and hamlets, have passed in review, Like some diorama of beautiful hue. Our journey's accomplished, safe, safe as a dart. Our frame not fatigued, nor oppressed is the heart With fire and spirit right onward we press, Hurrah! then hurrah! we are safe by express. What applies to the rails is in commerce the same, And hence the Bugg's greatness, and hence the Isugg s lame. Express is his motto; iii matters of dress, He receives all his fashions and models by express AH the qualifications the Buggdoes possess, To outstrip all "slow trains" thus he v. ins by express. Expressly his fabrics are made for his mart, Expresfhe nurtures his cutters of art ; Expressly for him the best workmen's retained. Expressly for all such prime clothes he's sustained ; Expressly to please you, bis efforts progress, Expressly in beauty and cheapness of dress. ; OLIVER & PROCTER, Merchant Tailors, Raleigh, N. C. April 25, 1851. 22-tf POST SCRIPTUM. SPRIXG AND SUMMER CLOTHIXG, 1851. TXTE are now opeuing a beautiful supply of " Clothing, Frock, dress, and sack coats of cloth, Casmerett and Alpacha, all colors. We have a few dozen Skeleton French sacks without lining made of Cashmerett'a and Zephyr cloths in which we defy competition (for Gentlemen's sum mer wear) Grass Linnen frocks, super, french drilling pantaloons all colors cheap and warranted in all respects, , Cassimere pantaloons, Vests. cravats, gloves, pocket haiid'k'Pe, suspenders, shirt collars new style in fact.every thing usual ly kept by Merchant Tailors or furnishing Houses. Ulilvxirt fii rliUCTER. Raleigh, April 25, 1851. , 22- I01'TU'SCL0T1II.G. VXTB have also on hand a complete assortment of Youth's clothing Frock coats, of.cloth, Alpacha, Tweeds, and Brows Linen, also Sacks; Pantaloons, of all kinds, either for scliool purposes or Sunday. Vests of all kinds. We invite the especial attention of parants and guardians to this branch of our trade, aa we will sell clothing cheap er than you can buy the Goods, and warrant them jq all respects. OLIVLR & PROCTER. April25,lS51 :. 22- Te Fancy Gentlemen. ' WE have a few Ilighfalutio Lowrolgarand Jnvhirrl Ktrinps and nlalria for nanta lrmnu-. OLIVER & PROCTER. April 25, 1851. 22- rpHE LATEST Paris, London, and Northern Fashions just at hand. Grateful ever for the patronage uniformly bestowed on us so liberally since our commencement in business, we will en deavor to merit its continuance by renewed exer tions for their internal as wall as eternal wellare, OLIVER & PROCTER. April 25, 1851. " ' ' 22-tf TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. v The Subscriber has four town Lots which be will sell upon accommodating terms, two of which are intho town of Louisburg, one of which is com fortably improved with a good dwelling House and all necessary out houses, convenient to one of the bestSprines perhaps in the State ; situated In a very healthy and respectable part of the town, within one hundred and fifty yards of the public square or Court House. The other is net ranch improved, but equally as desirably located as the former for health, water and respectability, and is one of the most prominent locations . for a family residence tn the town of Louisburg ; which he will sell upon reasonable terms. He has also two vacant lots in the town of Franklinton, near the VVare house, which might be desirable to persons wishing to build business houses. . If any per son should wish to purchase one or both of the first mentioned they can call on the Subscriber at Louisburg; and if the latter they can call on Mr. William F. HilliardorM. J, A. Stone, at Frank linton for further particulars. Cash for the pur chase is not particularly required. The whole, or any part of the above pro perty, will be sold on reasonable terms. . R. R. S. LAWRENCE. Louisburg, Franklin Cor.rtly, IV. C. April 4. 20-tf- The North Carolina HUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY RALEIGH, N. C. fTIHE above Company has been in operation near J- ly oue year, under the immediate supervision o Dr. Ciias. E. Johnson, President, William D. Haywood, Viae President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, William H. Jones, Treasurer, . . Perrin Bi'sbkk, Attorney, , ; Dr. Chas hi. Johnson, Dr. XV m. H. McKee, Medical Board of Dr. Rich'd. B. Haywood, Consultation.: Wuliam D. Cooke, ) Dr. William R. Scott, Executive Committee., Charles B. Root, ) J. IIersman, General Agent. During this time more than 500 Policies have been ssued, with an increasing demand for information on the subject ot Lite insurance. This Company is working under the most liberal Charter kuown to Life Companies. The 5th Sec. is es iouows Be it further enacted, That the husband mav in sure his own life, for the sole use and benefit of his wife or ehildren, and in case of the death of the hue band, the amount thus insured shall be paid over to the wile or children, or their guardian, if under aire for their own use, free from all the claims of the rep resentatives of the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on principles purely mutual, the life mem' bers participate in the whole of the profits. Besides, the insured is allowed to use his annual dividends in the renewal of Premium Slaves are insured for a term of from one to five years, for their value AH losses of the Company are paid within ninety day alter satisfactory proof is furnished. No California risks have or will be taken. Blanks and Pamphlets containing Charter, Bye laws, &.c. may be had on application at the office of the Company, or any of the Agencies. Communications should be addressed, post paid, to JAMESf . JOKDAK, sec v. April 10, 1850. 2'0 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA CHATHAM COUNTY. John Thompson Ad- : ministrator of Betty Manon deceased vs. Edward Moore and wife Jane, Henry JVIcKensie, I Matthew R. Moore and wife Manah, 1 1 wo t'etitiorfs for ac- Benj. McKenzie, j count and settlement. Mary, Henry, Ldizabeth and Lydia Moore chil dren of Lydia Moore deceased and Jeremiah Pickett and Margery Mendenliall and chil dren of Rachael Buck ingham. TT having been made to appear before me- that Edward Moore and wife Jane Henry and Ben jamin McKenzie and the children ol Rachael Buckingham are non residents of this State. Publication is hereby made according to act of Assembly for six weeks notifying said non resi dents of the filing of said petition and that they be and appear at the next term ot our said Court of Equity, to be held for the County of Chatham, at the Court House in Pittsboro', on the 3d Man day of September next, then and there to plead, an swer or demur to the said petition, otherwise the same will be taken pro confesso and heard ex varte as to them. Witness M. Q, Waddell Clerk and Master of our said Court of Equity, at office the 3d day of April A. D. 1851. M. Q. Waddell C. M. April 11 1851. 6-w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA CHATHAM COUNTY. Andrew Siler, .. Record Siler, Davis Siler, Philip Siler, Price Bosker and wife Mary Jane, Peggy M. JSiler, Rachael C. Siler, Sarah Siler, Elizabeth Siler, William Siler, John Siler, Marion Siler, a lid Ruth Siler, Joseph M. Siler, by their Guardian M. Q. Waddell, Leonard Smith and wife Mary, Daniel Sta ley & wife Catherine, Emprior Siler and Rachael Siler. vs. . " -:, Wm.Silers heirs, (to wit,) Murchison Siler, Ixirenzo Siler. Petition for'account and set- J- tleraent and sale of Lands lor partition IT having been made to appear before me that Lorenzo Siler, Murchison Siler and the other heirs of IVilliam Siler deceased are non residents of this State, publication is hereby made according to Act of Assembly, for 'six weeks, notifying said non residents of the filing of said petition and that they be and appear at the next Term of our said Court of Equity to be held for the County of Chatham, at the Court House in Pittsboro on the 3d Monday of September next then and there to plead answer or demur to the said petition, other wise the same will be takan pro confesso and heard exparte as to them. Witness il- Q. Waddell Clerk and Master of our said Court of Equity at office the 3d Monday of March A. D. 1851. M. Q. WADDELL, GYM. E. Apr:! Ilth, 1851 6 w. WEEKS & GRIFFIN'S National Sky-light Daguerrcan Gallery. . .,,v- IS now open. Entrance at Pomeray fctrNears Bookstore, opposite the Post Office- , . ," . "The Dctures we have seen are of a snperior finish with a remarkable softness of tone, and life-dike ex pression of the eye." Deaf Mu te. ' f "We advise all who wish to secure gtitid likenesses to eive them a call, as they have been engaged in tfca study and practice "of. tha Photographie Art from its earliest comrerwement, and possess advantages rare ly to be met with." Ftrmville Ya- Republican r JttJleigh, INov. 10. aum "V CONVENTION ADDRESS. ' Ve have a few hundred copies on hand of the ,"Address to the People of North Carolina, on the subject of Constitutional Reform," the second Edi tion of which hag just been published. They can be sent by mail, and will be afforded at the rate of $2,00 per hundred. . The money musi accompany the order.- Address .;',-:-. C1I.C. R ABOTEAU - JJaleigh Times Office. Raleigh, Feb. 28. 1851. l5-3t NOTICE." HAVING been duly qualified as Executor to the last will and testament of the late Edward Shaw of Hertford County, State of North Carolina, in said County, I hereby give notice, that, at tha term of the Circuit Court to be held in the City of Norfolk Verginia, on the first day of June next, I shall move tha Court to make an order directing a transfer to me as Executor, of the stock held by the testator in the Exchange Bank at Norfolk aforesaid, according to the provisions of the law of said State. Hertfbra County, ) LAWRENCE ELEY North Carolina i Ex'r of E.wd SHAW Jan. 31, 1851. ll-2m (IT Richmond Whig and Enquirer insert ouch a week two months and forward accounts and a copy ef the paper containing to" W N. H. Smith, Murfres buro, Hertford, N. C. MUSTER ROLLS. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812 IN PRESS at the Raleigh Times Office, and will shortly be published, THE MUSTER ROLLS of the Soldiers of the War of 1812, detached from the Militia of North Carolina, under Requisitions from the President of the United States. Published in pursuance of the Resolutions of the General Assembly of Jan'y 28, 1851 : under the direction of the Adjutant General, The Work will make, probably, upwards of 100 pages, and will be out in about three weeks. A limited number of extra copies will be printed, and may be obtained on application at this Office. Price One Dollar per copy. Persons at a distance, sending the money, will have the work mailed to their address. CII. C. RABOTBAU, Ed. & Prop. Raleigh Times. Raleigh, Feb. 21. 14-3t NEW STORE. THE Undersigned most respectfully inform their friends and the public generally that they have associated themselves together, in the Tailoring and Clothing business, under the firm of J. J. Biggs &Co. They have opened a New Store, a few doors below the North Carolina Bookstore, where they will be hap py to see all of their old Friends and Fattons, and pledge themselves to sell cheaper than ever. They can at all times warrant agood fitting Suit of Clothes. Call and examine their fine Stock of Ready Made Clothes. Also, their Stock of fine Cloths, Cassimers and Vesting. To the Members of the approaching Legislature, they would say, it shall be to their advantage to pat ronize the new firm of J.J. Biggs & Co. Call next door to Mr. Root's Jewelry Store. J. J. BIGGS, SYLVESTER SMITH. Raleigh, Oct. 16, 1850. 46 rcslj axxit Jiiu ! ! ! 3usi in (time ! ! JAMES M. TOWLES TS just now receiving and opening a very exten sive Assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS, which he offers on the most reasonable terms for Cash, or to punctual customers. His friends are respectfully invited to call and see for themselves, Raleigh, Oct. 26. 46-eu FRESH GARDEN SEED of all the popular varieties this day received and for 6ale at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & Co. Raleigh, February 1, 1851. JUST RECEIVED a lot of good Vinegar. March 13th 1851, JAMES LITCHFORD. BOYS' CLOTHING. TTTe have on hand the most beautiful assortment o Vf Vaii!. tlivptiivc. frniri 1 fi vnm of awft ilowii ever offered for sale in North Carolina ; consisting of T1 , et I Jt . D 4.. t rrocKs, PacKS, lunnaiiouuia, uverciKie, i auu aiiu Vab Parstift- hv fnrwarHinor their measures and cintinnr iIia nn-i. rtf tliA Youth. ran hfl Kunuiled without being pr eseut. Suitsof evervariety on hand always. send in your oraers. November 8, 1850, 49-tf TO THE LADIES. WE have on hand every kind of CHIL DREN'S CLOTHING, that we can sell much cheaper than they can be made up in this country. Overcoats, sacks, Jackets and rants. Send in your orders, together with the measure and age. - OLIVER &, PROCTER. November 8, J 850. 49-tf LOST. IN the Eastern part of the Town, on Monday night, March 31st, a six barrel Revolving Pis tol. The finder will be liberally rewarded by re- tuning it to this Office. CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES. A LATIN ENGLISH LEXICON, Founded on the large Latin-German Lexicon" of Dr. H'illiam Fkeusd. With Addi tions and Corrections from the Lex icons of Gesner, Faccioisti, , . Scheller, Georges, etc. bt . A. ANDREWS, IX. B. ROYAL OVO EXTRA, AN ENGLISH-LATIN LEXICON founded on the German-Latin Dictionary of Dr. C. Georges. By Rev. J. E. Riddle, M. A.,"and Rev. T. K. Ar nold. M. A. First American Edition, carefnlfy revised, and containing copious Dictionary of Proper Names from the best Sources, by charles AUTHOR, LL. D. ROYAL 8v'Oj SHEEP. A GREEK AND ENGLISH LEXICON of the hew Testament. : A new Edition, revised, and rewritten. By edward robissok, p. d., ll. d. MtrsLis, $5 50 ; sheep, $4 75 ; half calf. A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON, Based on a German Work of Francis Passow. By Hen ry G- Lidbell, M. A., and Robert Scott, M. A, With Corrections and Additions, and the Insertion in Alphabetical Order of the Proper Names occur ring in the principal Greek Authors, by henry drisler, M. A. royal 8vo, sheep extra. AN ENGLISH-GREEK LEXICON; Contain ing all the Greek 7ords used by IVriiers of good Authority in Chronological Order for every JVbrd used; explaining the Constructions; and giving the Declension or Conjugation of each Word when Ir regular and marking the Quantities of all doubtful Syllables. By C. D. Young. Edited, with arge Additions, by henry drislerM. A. koyal! 8vo A CLASSICAL DICTIONARY, Elucidating all the important Points connected with the Geog raphy, History, Biography, Mythology, and Fine Arts of the Greeks and Romans, by charles anthos, ll. d. royal 8vo, sheep extrh. A NE IV CLASSICAL DICTIOARY Of Greek and Roman Biography,- Mythology, and Geogra phy. Ffflf Colleges and Schools. By William Smith,-Lt. v. Edited, with numerous Additions, BY CHARiES AHTHCTN. LL. D. ROYAL 8VO, SHEEP. ANTIQUITIES. : Edited by William Smith, tL. T.: Illustrated by a large namper of Engrav fngs. Corrected and Enlarged and containing also numerous: Articles relative to the Bqtany, Mineralogy, and Zoology . of fhe Ancients, by CHARLES ANTHONj LL. ft'. For sale at the N.! C Book ftrre; J?aleigh i By HENRY D. TURNER. March, 21st Is5l. 1 ' ' ' The Pepper Bo Corner of Wilmington and xiafgett Streets. MM THIS splendid Establishment is now open for the patronage of the public. PEPPER is well known in this community, and throughout the State as a Caterer for the taste of those fond of Game, Oysters, Fishi and other Delicacies of the Season, Baked, Scallopped, Fried, Stewed, And done up Brouiri, with all the et celeras: The House is so arranged as to furnish Saloons completely retired for private parties of gentlemen desirous of feasting themselves and friends. PEPPER attends to the Cuisine in person. Trays, handsomely piled up, sent td every part of the City at short notice : and Parties will be sup plied at any hour of the day or nighij by sending their orders to the House. Members of the Legislature, when fatigued with their arduous official duties, may refresh themselves at PEPPER'S; and other Visiters, as well as his old friends and customersof the City, are invited to do the same. Nonainsoi expense shall be spared to make this THE HOUSE where every wish of the Epicure shall be gratified. W. R. PEPPER, Asrent for L. F. Smith. Raleigh, Nov. 15, 1850. 50-tf BOOKS ! BOOK ! ! BOOKS ! ! ! IIEXRY I). TIRVER, Pullis1iery Bookseller and Stationer, No. 1, Fay elteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. HAS always on hand a large and general collec tion of Law, Medical, Theological, Classical, Voyages, Travels, Novels and .Miscellaneous Books ALSO, a very extensive assortmeht of SCHOOL BOOKS,- &-c. Blank Books, Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, Check Books, and auy other kind that may be wauted, manufactured to order. Together with a general assortment of STATIONERY. Particular aftention given to filling all orders com plete from Booksellers, Merchants, Teachers and pri vate individuals. And every article in his line sold at the lowest prices for cash or approved credit, eithei at wholesale or retail. All new Works received as soon as published. Raleigh Nov. 8, 1850. 48-y Female Boarding School IN GRANVILLE. -, " THE NINTH Session of my School will open on Wednesday the 15th of January next, under the care of my Daughter, who is a Cradcate of Greensboro' Female College. Charges as hereto fore, viz: For Boad and Tuition, per Session of Five Months, in all the English Branches, including Or namental NeedlewoVk, Lights, &c. - - 37 f0 Por French, persession, - - - - - - 5 00 For Music ou Piano, - - - - - - - 12 50 Music on Guitar will also be taught, at 10 00 This School, situated 12 miles South of Oxford, ou the Raleigh Road, is a Preparatory School to Greens boro' Female College; and Parents wishing to giv. their Children a good aud thorough Educatiou, or prepare them for College, cannot do so at any other School on better terms than is here offered. No deduction made for absence, after enterin School , except ia case of sickness. KUW'D SPEED. Address, Brookville, Granville Co. N.C. Female Boarding School. THE first session of my School will open on Mon thly, the 13th January, 1851, under the care of com petent Teachers. Boafd and Tuition, per sessoin ef Five mouths, in all the English branches, including Ornamental Needlewcrk, Lights, &.c. $37 50 For Freiifh, per session, 5 00 " Music on Piano, 12 50 Music on Guitar will also be taught at 10 00 The School is situated six n?iles North of Oxferd, ou the Gosheu Road ; three mi lea West of Midway ; und two nJlcs East of Clay's X Roads. Parents wishing to give their children a thorough education, oi prepare tlom for College, cannot do so at any other School on better terms than are here offered. JOHN R. HICKS. Address, Oxford, Crauille couutv. N; C. Dec, 7th, J-50 ' . ' 3-8t BETTER STILL. J. HENRY IIARRISS, UPHOLSTERER AND MATRESS MAKER OPPOSITE THE ' YARBROUGH HOUSE, GALES' BUILDINGS. WOULD respectfully inform the Public, that he constantly keeps ou hand a supply of the best Bed Mattresses of all kinds including the much ap proved Shuck anh Cotton Mattress, which will be found a perfect luxury, either in Summer or Win ter. Also. SOFAS, LOUNGES, EASY CHAIRS, :. f-c, manufactured in every style to order.; Repairing of all kinds done at th e shortest notice aud all work warranted to be done iu the best and most workmanlike manner. N., B. The public will please bear in mind that I attend personally to the manufacture of iny Mat tresses, Sofas, Lounges &c. Raleigh, Feb. 5 1851. 13-tf JOHN C IN TOWN ! THE undersigued, who has just returned from the "unexplored regions" of the State of Nash, takes this method to return his thanks to the citizens of Ra leigh, aud the connty, for their hosp'tali-"ties," and to inform them that he wishes to purchase a few "Darkies." I will give as much for Boys between the ages of 10 and 25, aud girls from 8 to 20, as any man on top of the ground. I am not very particular as to color, but wrfuld prefer mulatto? with "soap lock." Persons having such property for sale are roquesied to give me a call ; and those that have not would do well to call also ; as a few moments with me Would no doubt remunerate them for the time. I deem it unnecessary to say more, as there is not a man, woman, or child in the State, who has not heard of the Hon. George E. Badger, Hon Wm. II. Haywood, Jr. B. F. MooreyJohn C. Moore, and "Bug Oliver." . Mr. J J RYAL will attend to any calls during my absence. JOHN C. MOORE. Dec. G. 3-tf Bounty Land to Soldiers. By a lat e Act of Congress, Bounty Land i granted to the officers and Soldiers of the war o 1812, and of the various Indian wars since 1790 In case of the death of the Soldier, to their Widow and Minor children. The undersigned being permanamly located at the City of Washington, and possessing a thorough and familiar acquaintance with the requirements of the Government offices, is prepared to attend to procuring Jounty Land Warrants without jeopar dy or delay, and at but little expense to claimants. Land Warrants located on the best Western Lands, and the Land sold, if desired, onthe most advantageous terms. Claims for Invalid, Revolutionary and Navy Pensions, Back pay. Lost Horses, and every oth er descriptions of claims against the General Gov. ernment adjusted with promptness and despatch Persons desiring information of friends who are or have been in the Army of Navy, will forward to him all the particulars known of their service, together with a fee of one dollar, and their enquir ies will be replied to by return of mail. Address, (post paid-) Chas. C TuckefV Washing City .1). C. 1851 fTIHE AMERICA ALMANAC AND REPOS- J. ITORY OF USEFUL' kJNOVL,;iJUiv ir the year 135. " A few copies of the- above valuable work for sale at TURNER'S. Raleigh, FebV 1851. 15-tf HEIEY D. TURNER. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Bookseller & Stationer. No. 1 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA, Has constantly on hand, and for sale, at the lowest prices, a large and well selected asortmeut of LAW, MEDICAL, SCHOOL, THEOLOGICAL, AND MIS CELLANEOUS BOOKS. ALSO, FINE EDI TIONS OF BI BLES AND PRAYER BOOKS, In every variety of Binoinq and Size. And receiving regularly all the NEW AVORKS in the various departments of Literature. SCHOOL BOOKS. He respectfully solicits the attention of School Teachers engaged in the instrnction of youth, to their assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS, which is very ex tensive, comprising the most VALUABLE WORKS now iu use. Bl.AXK BOOKS. His Stock of Blank Books is complete, embracing every description of Account, Record and Memoran dum Books. , Stationery. Every Variety of Common and Fancy Stationery) including Writing and Wrapping Papers, Steel Puns of every description and price, Ink, Quills, &c. Booksellers, Merchants, Teachers, Libraries, and School Committees supplied on the most reasouable terms... . ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Feb. 14,1851: 13 If. ENCOURAGE SOUTHERN MECHANICS. THE subscribers respectfully announce to the ci tizens of Fayetteville and the surrounding Country, that they have commenced the Carriage making business, at the old stand formerly occupied by Simpson and BIcLauchlin, (one door below A. A. M'Kethan's,) whure they are now prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of Riding Vehicles, from a Sulkey or Buggy to a niue passenger Coach, which, for style and du rability, shall not be surpassed by any establishment in the place. They hope, by a strict attention to business, and a desire to please all who may favor them with a call, to merit a share of the public patronage. Repairing neatly exceuted. at short notice, and at 20 per cent, lower than any other establishment iu the place. THOMAS V. WHITE, JUNIUS B. RABOTEAU. WANTED 5000 White Oak Spokes, for which a liberal price will be paid Fayetteville, Feb. 17, 1851. I l-tf A NEW STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. gLA 1 1 nit, suuscriiier nas justre- iOL I J t .1.. v' L.W.. luuieu iiuiii iue iY ui Liitrm Markets, where he bus laid in a large and beautiful s tock of arti cles in. his line of business, embracing every descrip tion of fine and coarse wear. Hisstock for Ladies and Misses, comprises every quality of Slippers, WalKing Shoes, whole and half Gaiters, &.C., and hisupply for Gentlemeu and Boy's, such as will suit the taste of all. He has also laid in a large supply of materials in his line, and brought ou a firstrate workman from the North ; and is therefore prepared to manufacture BOOTS, SHOES, &,c, in a style unsurpassed by any other establishment in the City. All he asks is a trial, feeling assured that he Will be able to give satisfaction both iu quality and price. HENRY POUTER, South East Comer Capitol Square. Raleigh, Oct. le'th, 1850. 46 Come At Last. 4A BAGS Superifn: Buckwheat Flour; T 500 pounds best soft she!! Almonds,- 20 Drums best Figs, 4 Barrels soda Crackers Just received and for sale by L. B. IVALKER. Raleigh, Jan 20lh, 1851. -t AT THE NORTH CAROLINA MUSIC STORE Received this day, another supply of new and fashionable Music, a lot of fine Guitars and fine Cocoa wood Flutes by K. W. PETERSILIA. Raleigh, February 13, 1S51. 1 3-tf AL BER T B. S TIT II , ACEXT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, A.D Dry Goods Broker, New York TENDERS his services to the Merchants, Plan ters and citizens of the Southern States, and will attend to any business in his line either in the sale o( Produce or Merchandize, or the pur chase of Dry Good?, Groceries, Crockery, Shoe, Hats, Furniture, Carriages,- Musical and Agricul tural instruments, Bagging, Rope, Drugs, Medi cine, &c. lie flatters himself as a purchaser of goods for Southern Merchants his experience will enable liim to give entire satisfaction to the Mer chants who may entrust to1 him their orders. REFERENCES: His Excellency Charles Manly, Raleigh. William Hill, Secretary of State, do. G. W. Mordecai, Pres't B'k of State, do. Dr. J. O. We Json, Pres't Ma. In. Co., do. B. F. Moore, Esq., Attorney Gen., do. Mathew Shaw, Esq :, Washington. Hon. J. R. J. Daniel, Weldon. Andrew Joyner, Esq., do. R. II. Lewis. Esq., Greensborough, Ala. New York, August 1 , 1850. 30-tf. Steam Saw Mill. IB EG leave to call the attention of builders and persons wishing to purchase Lumber to my STEAM SAW MILL NEAR RALEIGH, WHERE THEY CAN BE supplied with any kind, at the shortest notice. Also sawed Laths of the best quality at $1 00 per M. T. 11. SNOW. July 12. ':;--: 32-iv TO POSTMASTERS. POST OFFICE STAMPS. THE advertiser, Postmaster at Pleasant Grove, Alleghany county, Maryland, is the first person in the United States who conceived and undertook extensively to publish the idea of furnishing all post offices in the country with cheap stamps. Ail stamps made by him are warranted equal or supe rior to any other that can be procured for the same price, and whenever any are sent out in any man ner defective or unsatisfactory, duplicates will be forwarded, on notice, without extra charge. All who order a' set ofstampa, with a full set of Changes for dates, at only 2, (for thirty pieces,) shall be kept in stamps ad liuitum. Full sets with one change 1. When stamps are r.satlv made with turned hand les and scre w same style as the regular govern ment P. O. stamps durable, efficient aud warran ted r Price one to two dollars only, and special authority to send by mail free. Address," Post Master, Pleasant Grove, Alle ghany county, Maryland. D Any editor publishing he above (with (his note) three times, and sending a copy of the pa per, shall receive credit for ten dollars in wood letters, or a ten dollar proof press or if preferred, a wood engraving or an engraved newspaper head, of the above value, will be forwarded. . February 19. 16-5w' WESTERN HOTEL. THIS HOTEL, a short distance West of the Cap itol Square, is opened for the accommodation of the Travelling Commnnity, and the Proprietor would be mnch pleased to board gentlemen by the wetk, month tn year. He will atte hi kest efforts to please and render comfortable, all who may visit him, and he respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. His Stable will bw attended to by an active and teutive Hostler. WM. T. BAIN. Feb. 7th. tf. PROSPECTUS ! of the People's Advocate asd CGNSttTtmoxAi Reformer. j The subscriber proposes in publish in Rnther fordton, North Carolina, a weekly paper to be call ed "The People's Advocate and Constitutiosal Reformer." The princil object of the nnper, will be to advocate the call of an unrestricted Con vention, by the people of North Carolina, toUke into consideration the propriety of amending the constitution of the State in such a manner as ihey maydesire, and to shew the dangerto which our in stitutions will be exposed ly permitting that instru ment to be amended or altered by the Legislature. The subscriber believes that this is the most impor tant question which can engage the attention of the people of North Carolina. The character and prosperity of the whole State depends upon it. A people cannot be free who a re forbidden l form and reform their own constitution, they cannot be sov ereign, if their Legislature can say to lhem,"thu3 far shalt thou go, and no farther." This is a ques tion which rises far above Party. It is a quesfmn of liberty, which effects every citizen of our nollb old State. J The subscriber will also stand by the Constitution) of the United Ssates and the Union, and will freely denounce all attempts to destroy that which was built by the blood of our ancestors, the purest blood of patriots the world ever knew. But while he is willing to abide by the action of the Gennal Gov ernment thus far, he is by no means an advecate ot a tame submission to any aggressions upon the rights of the South. Any interference j with our institutions, on the part of the General Government, unwarranted by the Constitution of the United States, should be properly and firmly resisted. He believes that the cause of complaint now exist ing is against the insane and lunatic doings of a portion of the people of the non-slaveholding States, not against the action of the General Government.. This can be remedied by proper action within the constitution; on the part of the people of the South ern States, without adopting the suicidal and levo lutionary measure of a dissolutijn of theUnion. The subscriber will endeavor to develop the re sources of Western North Carolina, so far as he can do so, by laying before the public a faithful pic ture of our agricultural, manufacturing and min ing facilities. No portion of the Union possesses all the facilities to a greater exlf-nt, and nothing but the wantofa proper system of internal improve ment, prevents this port'ou of the State from becom ing the fairest in the Union. j The subscriber expects to be assisted in his la bors by many gentlemen oftalents and distinction in the State. He will council with and be advised by older and better men, He lias consented to take charge ofa paper with great reluctance. He has been urged to it, by gentlemen from alt quarters in the IVest.arid has yielded to a of duty, at great personal sacrifices, and with u'e expeclalion of pecuniary compensation. 116 appeals to the friends of Constitutional reform,' and to fh friends of the Union to see that he sustains no loss, lie is willing to bestow his own labor wilhortt one far thing of remuneration for the sake of the cause in which he has enlisted- The cause needs an advocate devoted to jt exclusively. The Resristr, Times, and Star in Raleigh; the FayetteVille Ob server, the Wilmington Commercial, and most of the papers in JFestern North Carolina have no bly taken their stand on the rfghtside. Every pa triot in the State owes them;a deep debt of gratit ude. But they are all devoted more particularly to other subjects, and only regard this great meas ure as of secondary importance. He does not de sire to deprive them of a single subscriber; bu wishes the success commensurate with their merits and will take great pleasure in assisting them to the utmost of his power. His object will be to break down the barriers between the East and West, to show that they are not natural enemies, that their interests can be united whenever mutual confidence shall be established, and when that un ion shnll be effected, but nit till then will Norlh Carolina occupy the position to which her resources and her people entitle linr. j The publication of "The People's Advocate" will be commenced about the 1st of June if the subscriptions justify it. As the subecriber enters into the undertaking with no view to make money, he mast be sect red against less by his Mibscription list. JOHN GRAY BYNUM. March 1st 1851. - - TERMS. i "The People's Advocate and Constitutional Reformer" will be published on a large Imppria Sheet, with new Press and Type, on tne following Terms: 1 S"2 if paid before the expiration of 3 months. 2 50, if paid after the expiration of 3 months. S3 00, if not paid till the expiration of months. A NEW PAPER : in A . W IL 31 INGTO N , N J C . The establishment of the Chronicle" having been purchased by the undersigned, he propo ses early in May to publish a Semi-Weekly and H'eekly paper, to be styled I THE WILMINGTON HERALD, j Without enlarging upon the principles which will direct its government, the subscriber desires to say in a few words, that he wil". endeavor to pub lish an interesting paper; that so long a it shall remain under his con'rol, it will be found battling for the rights of the South,- and the faithful exe cution of the compromises of the Constitution. Having every confidante in" the ability, patriotism, -and firmness of the preseut Administration to en force the teachinss of that great political text book, it will give to Mr. Fillmore a cordial support.) The HeraId will be an independent sheei and will exercise the riht of freety discussing the acts of public men and topics National and State in te rest, irrespective of political considerasions. Every measure which in the judgment of the Editor shall tend to the proper development of the resources of North Carolina open new fields for ihe active exercise of industry, talent,' and capital -increase her fame enlarge her prosperity add to her common stock of happiness, and pre serve iindimmed the fair shield of her honor, wilt meet with an earnest advocacy. ! The extension of the line of Telegraph to this place will enable the readers of the Herau) to be apprised of the earliest intelligence. ; The general and local news of the day, and the' Commercial department of the papet , will receive particular attention ; the Prices Current especially will be carefully corrected and prepared by able hands. . Means have been taken to' proenre interesting' communications from competent correspondence, and the promise of assistance has beefl offered by gentlemen of acknowledged literary taste and abil ity. , . In fine, the Herald will be for Internal Im provements, Law, Education. Commerce, Agricul ture. Literature, and Gcod Humor, and against Abolitionism, Fourierism, Socialism, mob force and all ihe new fangled lallacies tf this age, of progress.- . '' -. . Terms: The Semi-IFeekly IlEEiLt will be published Wednesday and Saturday, ok a fair sheet, arid vill be furnished to subscriber at gi t per annum. The Weekly Herald Will be pub lished at $2 per annnm,the day of publication to be hereafter designated. Job work will be executed neatly at the Herald office, with dispatch, and on favorable terms. O" The papers of. the State will greatly oblige the subscriber by giving this Prospectus a few insertions. '"'"'' TALCOTT EURU, Jc.

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