A WHlfcJOURNAI:' DEVOTED TO POLITICS, GXLIIAL NEVS, AND TO CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM AND THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS. VOL. IV. l T .Jim Raleigh, Friday; may ig, i85i." ,.-,, NO. 25. THE TIMES. CHARLES C; RABOTEAIT ,; ; .' - I.OITOR AND PROPRIETOR. " TERMS. Two Dollars per annum in advance. Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if not paid within six months. , '.V i - Three Dollars if payment is delayed to the end of the subscription year. - - jtf To Clubs,' we will send Six Copies for Ten Dollars, , and Twelve Copies for Eighteen Dollars,' when the money accom panies the order. POETRY. A LAY OF LOVE. -by o. rmEsncE. : ' . Yet once again I've seeu thee, And my e Very thought is thine, Ay, I keel to the in worship ' As to an Idol shrine. In my spirit's silence chambers, . " ' " Where hope may never he, One lonely light is burning Tis a holy love of thee. ' I see thee oh, I see thee In the shadows on the river, I see thee in the moon's sweet beams That ou'the bright lake quiver ; I see thee in the mists that move. IJke sceptres o'crthe stream?, And at midnigiit Jeep I see thee ' In the shadowy world of dreams. I see thee oh, I seo the In die gentle flowers of spring, And in the tint the rainbow vears Upon its fleeting wing ; I see thco in the sunset hues That gush along the west, And I see thee in the dew-drop " That cms the rose's breast. I hear thee oh, I hear thee In the murmuring of the waves ' And in the sft and twilight gush s .Of fountain from their caves ; ' : SEcrT hear thy voice's music In each song that wonders by In the cadence of the night bird, And the wind's misterious sigh. I hear thee oh, 1 hear thee In the chime of evening bellF, And in the tone that o'er the d-ep , ; , - At solemn twitigfct swells ; - 1 I hear thee in the forest lyres -: -' Swept by the breath of even, And in the low, deep spirit-voice x That tells the soul o; Heaven. I love thee oh, I love thee--- Thou art in the darkest hour To my soul a star, a fount, a bird, A music tone, a flower ! I love thee, and thy dear thought thrills Each fibre of my Trame, . V Like Heaven's own lightning, and my heart ' i ' In each throbs calls my name. , . I love thee oh, I love thee, . And I would these words were bon.e To thee on every holy breeze . " Of even-tide and Hiora $ ... -. I love thee, and I would these words Were written on the sky,' And on e-tch star and flower aud leaf ; " That greet thy gentle ye. MISCELL'ANEOUS: THE PICTURE GALLERY. FROM THE 3. Y JOURNAL OF COMMERCE Near the veritable portrait of the peevish gentleman last t noticed,- hangs a faney sketch; which is none the less true to na ture It was painted by a promising young urusi, wuu gaiucicu IW uiiucuiua uuuuj u late excursion into the country; and it has but recently been admitted to occupy its present position." Itis called 'The Strike, and illustrates a 6cene which in these day ' is more striking Chan novel ; and whicfi despite the gay humor in which the painter has portrayed it, is pregnant with iostruc- : irm ... The sstorv isa brief one. A manor some genius, whose want of sound princi i pies nd correct judgment liad neutralized 1 the " influence which 'he might otherwise have exerted, had become thoroughly dis gusted with the order of things which; kept him at the foot of the hill he was so ambi tious of climbing, and had assumed trie s vocation of a reformer He became fully i mpressed with the belief that nothing would ' save the world but turning it upside down, t-nnd he therefore applied himself vigorously, to sap the foundations of social order.' His first aim was to make one discontented with his present lot, and in this-such is human nature he was eminently successful, par Ucularly among tlie poorer' classes. The .' next step was to induce all the restless and ' discontented to join him in the task of up heaving every tiling friendly to stability and ! orders In this labor, too he had many , par'tl-Tns ar.i adlierents. " A few of these .auxiliaries really believed in the possibility of vivcr-l, physicrJ;'tr.d social equality 5 tLo ret kii.w Letter, 1 ' joLcJ llie dis- 'or0..-l- j t-JiiUe wkh the determination, that when the overturn was accomplished . they would secure a place at the top, here they might look down' upon thoseiwhom they now both envied arid haled for their elevation. ,i ! ikz-.j, .a . ....'.-!(. Unwilling to hide his light under a bush el, 1 our reformer ' travel led , froni , place to place, sowing broadcast as he went the seeds of discontent, whose germiriatiou led tonuch eora travail and bitter, fruit'Iri the course of his peregrinations he came to a country .vilhige inhabited chiefly by on agricultural people a field which . promis ed at first sght but little success to his la bors! -But human nature is the same eye ry where, and the preacher of - discontent will always find an audience.' Itis so flat tering to our pride or so grateful: to our mortified feelings I to be assured that all our disappointments or failures in life are ow ing, not to our indolence or imbecility, but to the tyranny of the social system; which keeps us out of our proper position; .t The principal iemployecs in ie plaJc were nailk-maids, or dairy-women, who were in the service of the larger farmers, engaged in making butter and cheese; ior which the village liad quite a . favorable reputation. Having" stirred up the minds of tliese damsels to the proper pitch, he called a public meeting for a rcqreseion of The village school house was the place of assembling: and the 'tallow dips, sus pended from the tin reflectors about the room, threw a flickering, ghostly light over the faces of the audience. ' . Mingled with the group of females, were a few of ' the sturdier sex; and quite a number of ragged Urchins and overgrown boys. riie re former, who was surprised at the number in altendar.ee, felt an unusual inspiration of genius, and made- one of his happiest addresses;. -J.; ;:';:; S'Z'l'-'i ' " Ie-comruncdV-'Pcllowcitii4rui gentle friends, I come among you for'your good, fhem ! to ."assist 'you in eradicating or ameliorating an evil under which you have long suflcrcd, until forbearance ceas es to be a vhtue. i Monopolj'of all kinds is odious, "bt jievcf appears more se than when it drives hose , who have beaei bora with all the privileges of freemen to serve taskmasters and oppressors tit is true tks law of man may feanetion your submission; but the laws of nature cry out against it'. -Where is the law of nature which requires of you, my,; fair countrywomen , that you should milk : another, person's ' cows J "What, except the tyranny f etatutca of human inveridon,; prevents . each of you from having a cow of your own, and drink ing your milk under your own vina and fig tree!'. From my heart I pity your wasting toil here' the speaker drew forth his bandanna compelled as you are to rise early, to lalwr ; beneath the mid-day sun, to eat the bread of carefulness and all for what? Why, thaf your cruel task masters may riot in butter, and accumu late cheeses upou his groaning ehelves Faint sobs and clieers.J " Who' has a right tc the soil which-hcrc surrounds you ? Voice from the crowd "those who have earnt the moo ey and ; bought it f !" , No ! my friend, a thousand times, no 1 l&oncjr has no right to buy and own the soil. Im bor alone is entitled to it. He, -before whose swinging axe the ; forest disappears has a right to the land he has cleared .lie, who sows the seed, is alone entitled to reap the harvest. And she who milks the cow" "Is entitled, both to the; cow, and. the butter, I spose J" said an old farmer who sat near the speaker. . -. .--t-; rA-it-t J4 f' This interruption caused some little dis turbance, but the old gentleman having immediately started foi hoinc; the speaker went on." - - . . y , "My friends,'you. see the temper of these tyrants, whom you have served, alas ! too faithfully '; but the day of jour deliv erance draws-near.-. You have the power in your own hands ; combine? together for mutual , support, and dictate , yonr own terms. . Taking the question in the abstr act, jr6u are entided" to the ' ownership of all the property upon which you labor j and Jiave a , natiual right to seize, each of you, a cow, and set up a dairy on your own accountJ''dut' you .caniiot, .perhaps, secure the whole of your rights at once. Tyrant customs have rendered the race so servile tl tat, we must wait 3 fw days; for 'ike good time coming be'fore'the millen nium of social e jiiulity will be i'.'.'ty estab lished But pne thing you can' do"at once: determine -'thW yu will work far 'tliese har pies only on such term3 that f,l the profit of your employment 'shall accrue to your selves. Demand greater privileges '; raise tLo standard tf wccs" - 1 . " "I '-' r: Here a squea:-.ing dc?,.' bo f;cm c feayila ci cni tf ihe rear chrs, called out,' " What if they won't it-3 ' . ve jThey cannot help but give it! .'Can their cows ".go long without milking 1 or the .cream without churning ? Let the pans remain unfilled, or die "nulk curdle unskimmed ; then shall your employers learn that they alone arc in the position of dependants ; and that labor, when it rises in its strength, is mighty as truth, and must prevail !" The speaker sat down covered with glo ry, ; ine audience were carrica away ny his eloquence, and the milk maids scarce ly felt the wrongs which he had so vividly pictured,4 in their joy at the propped of such speedy deliverance." 'The 'younger ones already Degan to picture tneir mumpas when' adorned with the neV ribands to be purchased withjtheir increased wages ; and to enjoy hi prospect the long intervals of leisure, now to be secured to tltem. I hey would noloitgcr be obliged to steal a few minutes at twilight, for a sly meeting with a faithful swain, but would be able to choose their own hour3 for this sweet pas- tiTre. v - :: ;- ' ' - , ;-- t)elermined to strike while the iron was heft, the reformer moVed that a bill 'of rights be immediately agreed upon, to wm'ch the empIo3crs should be compelled to give their assent. The motion prevail ing, he (Srewfrom his pocket a paper which to save time, he had previously prepared, and which read as follows : ' " Whereas it is die inalienable right of every woman engaged in a laborious occu pariun to have all the comforts which she requires ; and whereas-, the better to secure these comforts, and toadd to them such luxuries as shall befit the station she ought to occupy, it is necessary that there should be uuion of effort among all engaged in the same description of toil : Therefore "Re'solvcd, That the following rules and regulations shall be insisted on and firmly maintained, until ,the good time coming shall do away entirely with such a thing as service, and render obsolete the very name of employer. ' "1 Every oulk-maid, who shall labor within Ihe Irmits of Time set forth'below shall be flntitlcd to receive ah addition pf ten per cent, to the sum now paid for such service and shall have a lien . upon the butter and cheese produced, as long as her wages remain unpaid. i "2. .The hours of service shall extend from a suitable time after sunrise, to such time aLor before suiisct as ; the operative may select, wim a projer intermission for recreation and intellectual improvement. "2., No milk-maid shall be required to so more than ttfn rods froni the most acces sible door of th house to reach the scene of her labors ; and when the dew is on the ground ach shall be furnished with over shoes at the expense of the employer. 3 , No employer shall keep more than three cows fur each person employed, or make other than equal proportions of butter and chee. ;--. . - : '. "5. Every milk-maid shall; have the liljerty of receiving such suitors as shall pre sent themselves for her acceptance, ana the parlor ?hali be given up for her sole use as sobn as if appears probable that her lover wjll proKke. , . ! ;, -- - ,. i". A1I persons arc forbid workinsr for any employer ,who will not adopt these rules, and any one who attempts it shall be persecuted as long as she livcs.' 1 , These resolutions were passed nem con. , although : many of the sensible- (and there fore lha more : bashful) girls present at the meeting" saw -that they -were impracticable, and, if, adhered to, would lead to nothing but mischief. Still no one liked to be point ed at an on the side of oppression", and so bo voice ,wa raised in opposition. ' ; "The next day all the milk-maids of the place were o a ,"strike,'ftnd the whole town was in a ferment.1 Thescene iti the pict ure which I arn noticing - occur? ed at a large farm house, where all the' Assembled girls were demanding of the bwer Im consent to their 'billa of righta." ' "I'll tell Voij what chWI said the old farmer, "I've lived,hcrc, boy and man, for nigh fiity years, and have always made my own bai gains, and never had a word of diff culty with my help unless some body else intencred. Some women-folks arc worth more t&an otiiers, and them as earns good wages tl a ays gets it. I've had ilve or six gir? j marked from here,and tliey 've all turn ed c'it well.; , Sometimes one had got un easy rind left,-bvi s'ach kliid 'nevef did well any where. If any of you are thort of'plo-; 'my for r ew'drei.'S,r' tlhk yoti ain't paid cncr.--li'wl:y coaie' ti '1:: 1 in a ;-;::t way, fepA I'iidouLat'a 'reacor.a.,!.2. Cut as to co;ifc-rrr.:ng ta your regulation.?, nnd billow-, i - vnt to nsrre c" vci-.r c ,rn v, ay taint j bestfor-nctiher rf vs, hid JT&l-.-.'' do it! Now get n;T your Sunday frocks,, and go to work, or pack up j-our duds and try some other place. 1 shau't go 'down on my knees to have you stay ! The old wo man 'and 1, with the boys, can keep the churns a-going, and we ain't so closely cor nered as you think !" All of the choicest hands stayed ; a f?w others left, and soon applied to come back, but their places were filled by new comers. The'old farmer's steady employment, kind treatment, and ready pay, were, too well known not to call out those who appreciate die advantages of such a situation. " Over tlie history of some who left let charity draw a veil ; they had fallen under evil influen ces, and were led on to their rurh.. 1 would mat all wbo have a ieal for the kind of reformation here alluded to would pause ere they begin their work, and ask themselves seriously what they hope to ac complish. s But experience shows us that few will heed any kind of warning it is so much caster to provoke a community to discontent "and recklessness, than to incite them to a patient continuance in well loinr. INTERESTING EXPERIMENT. There would seem after all to bo a deal of amusement in being h ung if we can believe in the ' result of an experiment re cendy tried in France. The Chattillon nais, a paper -published;- we believe, at Dijon, has the following account : - "A short time since three young men of Mouliot, Department of tne . Coted'Or, were chatting together ; one of them re marked he had heard that hanging produc ed most agreeable sensations, and that he Should like to try it. A rope wasaccord- irisriv put rouiid his neck, and he was hauled up to die beam in a bain and left hanging for a few moments, vhen let down he fell heavily to the ground as if dead. The two young men, although dreadfully alarmed, employed friction, and at last restored him to life. - . Instead of be- insr reproached, as they had expected, they .were surprised to hear the man com plain that they aroused him' from a slum ber in which he had had the most delicious dreams. lie wished to recommence the operation, biit they prudently declined be ing a party to it a second time." - BOYS. Thf Olivf Bunch gives, the follovvins exct-llpnt ex position of that queer and inexplicable crcatiou a V' - - -'. - ;. : : . A hoy is tht; spirit of mischief embodied a perfect teetotum, spinning round like jenny or tumbling ' heels over head. He must invariably go through the process of leaping over every chair in his reach, makes drumheads of . the doors, turns the tin pans into cimbals, takes the best knives to dig worms for bait and looses them, hunts up the molasses cask and leaves the molasses running, is boon companion to 1 the sugar barref, searches up all the pie and preserves left after supper and eats them, goes, to the apples every ten minutes,- hides, his old cap in order to wear his best one, cuts his boots accidentally if he wants a new pair, tears his clothes for fun, jumps into the puddles for fun, and for ditto tracks your carpets and cuts yonr furniture. He is romping, shout ing, blustering, and inall but his best es tate a terrible tortrient, especially to his sis ters. He don't pretend to much until he, ia twelve, then the rage for frock coats - and hih dickies commences. At fourteen he is loo big to split wood or go after -water, and it these interesting offices ought to be performed, contrives to be invisible, wheth whether concealed in "the garret with some old worm-eaten novel for his companion, ensconced in the woodshed tryin to learn legerdemain tricjksj or bound off to some expedition that turns but to be in most cas es more deplorable than explorable, to coin a word ; at fifteen he has tolerable experi ence of the wdrloV but frohi fifteen tcr twen ty, may we be clear from the track when he is in sight ; he knows more than Washing ton and Benjarrtin Franklin together; in a word he knows taorethan he ever will know again. , ' ' Just hail one of tliese J oung specimens 'boy," at sixteeh, and how wrathy he gets ! If he does not answer you precisely as the little urchin did who. angrily exclahrTed, "don't call me boy, I've smoked these two years," he will give you a withering look that is meant to annihilate you, turn on his heel, and "with a curl on his lip mutter dis daiufullyi "who do you call boy ?" and O ! the emphasis. ' ; '" - v - - ;; But, jesting aside an honest, blunt, mer ry, mischievous boy is something to be proud of, whether as brother or son; for . in all his scrapes his good heart gets the bet ter of him, and leads him soon to' repent ancev and be sure he will rcinenber his fault, at least ha minutes. . : A ' ; .. IIeceifk coaMAKixr; Beeb, To make the best beer in the worldtake one pint of corn and boil it until it is a little soft, add to it one pint of Eiolasscs and one gallon of water ; shake th6m" well together, and get.it by the fice and'iii twenty-four hours, the beer will be excellent'. ,When all the beer -in -the jug ia usedj just add1 more mo lasses and water. The same corn wilt an swer for six mmths, aud the beer will be fit for use in twelve hours, by keeping the ju5.which; contains it warm. In.tlie ab sence of molasses, surgar or honey will answer in its place. In this way, the whole iccredients used in making ai gallon of beer, wiil not cost cxeceding four cents, and it is better, and more wholesome than cider. Paulding (Miss.) Clarion. FROM OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENT. i London, April 24, 1851. Another week of good spnng weather and of great calmness and quietness m political and social affairs has passed over. Nature is rapidly assuming her gay dres of bud and blossom under the influence of the former, and the busy streets of our crowded metropolis echo to the varied sounds of business, and are filled with rapidly-moving streams of human beings, im jielled on their course by the call of com mercial intercourse; the pursuit of amuse ment, or the duties of social life. Public life is quiet ; private life is left to; the en joyment of its private joys, or to the endur ance of its private griefs,' linintruded upon by any thing of an external nature. The Great ibxhibition is the subject of general conversation a'nd anticipation ; our streets daily assume.am increasing mixture of for eigners of every hue and costume ; and the company which we daily meet in our 1 coffee-house speak an increasing jargon of languages and dialects. .Qur country hedgeroivs are lively with -jlie verdure of spring and the melody of .birds';, and our city streets are clean, and shop tronts bright with plate-glass windows and choice and costly wares. Painters and renova tors of every description have been busy causing, the houses tck assume a holyday appearance, and the great city and her far reaching suburbs seem fully prepared to receive and welcome -the mighty streams of visiters which are expected to flow into them during-the next four or five irjtonths. The French papers state that 210,000 passports have been issued in Prance for citizens of that country to visit 1 ondon at the Exhibition, and principally to jwrsons of small independent incomes.' Paris does not furnish a fair proportion of this number, but it is supposed that that city will event ually funaish no fewer thaii 100,000 vis iters. -. . , Contrary to the understanding of last week, and very much to the satisfaction of the public, her Majesty has signified her desire that such arrangements connected with the opening of th'e Great Exhibition should be made as w(ill permit as largo a portion of the public as ossiblc to be pres ent at the opening ceremony. At present it is understood that the holders of season tickets and all the exhibitors will be admit ted ; the whole of the .visiters to be intro duced and arranged on scats previous to the entrance of her Majesty and puite,rhus enabling the tattef to mov0 freely along without interruption ors pressure.' ' The Sovereign will thus inaugurate the World's Fair in the presence of the most fitting del egates from the nations of the tprld, as well as of a Gratified number of,, her .. own subjects. We believe that tbie 1 idea of greatly limiting the number present at the opening, and thus giving it the character of a private visit of royalty, did not origi nate with cither the Queen or the Prince, but from the ill-founded fears of those on whom rest the responsibility of preventing confusion and inconvenience. English police authorities are accustomed to mar shal or manage large crowds, and .large crowds of Englishmen are habituated to act as, their own police, which however efficient, is at times of a rather rough char acter. , Besides, Jonx UrixiS apt to think that he cannot see an object unleSs lie is near it, or to understand it unless he" touch es it ; and hence arises the imjiiilse to crowd upon a procession or a jtfubHti per sonage, so as to in'terrupt the oncor to per sonally inconvenience the other. We hope we shall not be charged with libelling our fair countrywomen when we say that they are quite as mucli actuated by tliis impulse, perhaps a. litdc more so, tlian the other sex. At all events, the habit is so gener ally acknowledged, that one of bur morn ing journals jokingly proposed that every impulsive Englishman adinltled to the in auguration should be placed between two civilized foreigners. However, the audi ence being seated before the royal proces sion enters, and a sufficient police being in attendance to cause them to remain seated, will prevent all inconvenience and inter ruption ; and thus ends this great affair, which had really, from the public disap pointment, began to assume an appearance of impotunce, and to cast a cloud over the commencement of this Industrial Festival. Whilst upon the subject, we may add that the building and the 'internal arrangements of the goods begin to assume an appearance of completeness wbich is highly satisfactory. The American department is progressing very sjapidly, under the direction of the commissioner and his numerous assistants ; and, thbngh the United States will not in the articles exhibited complete with the splendor of many of the European depart ment, they will abundantly show that in all the departments of .ingenuity and indust ry by which the great interests of human progress and happiness are promoted, and m the possession of the raw materials upon which human ingenuity and industry can be most profitably exerted, ihey are. second to no people on earth. We haye seen a list of the American goods to be exhibited, and do not perceive that Boston or Mas sachusetts in general furnishes the fairquoto of articles. How is this ? That productive and capable portion of the Union cannot be indiuerent to the occasion. Is it possi ble that, (lie contribution from that section has not yet arrived.- For the United States to exhibit heT', capabilities and ' skill with out the aid bf Boston, would be neoily as bad as playing Hamlet without the Prince nf Denmark being personated a' tiding we have heard of, but never paid the penalty of witnessing. The goods received up to Saturday last from foreign countries a- mountcd .to 8,938 packages, and 1,14 from the colonies. ' The United States fur nished 878 pf the former ; Belgium 1,039 , France 1,913,; Austria 631 ; Prussia 1a059; the remainder of Germany G53 ; Italv 2ir ; Holland 22. ; Portugal 10. ; Russia 250 ; Spain 228 ; Swiizerh.nd 152 ; Egypt 41 ; and Tunis 202. -Only two packnges bave yet. arrived from Turkey, and one from Persia. The delay in the arrival of the steamer from X'oiititantinople for Chi na sends 231 packages, and '.Hong Kong 18 ; India 436 ; Australia and the neigh boring colonies48l ; Africn. and the Cnpe of Good Hcpe 45 ; and Malta 49. Perr haps your readers will think we are intru ding too much upon their" time and your columns with those details ; but such is the happy dearth of great public events, and such is the interest excited here by this ap proaching festival, (bat there is little else to furnish materials Air our weekly converse with our American friends and fellow-citizens. Parliament will soon re-as'semble after the holy-days, arid no doubt its pro ceedings w ill supply the '"plentiful lack" of news which, we feel at present. . OuV theatrcal and literary news of no week will be', in a grea't ni'easurc', blcn'ued in, one ann'o'uncemenl.; tlint of the estab lishment of tlie ; " Guild of Literature and Art," under 'the parentage of Sir E. Bll wek Lyttletox and Mr, Uiiarles Dickens. The inuaguration of this in- stiptlion Will take place on the 1 nth of May, by the performance, at Devonshire House, ' of a new 'comedy by Sir E. B. Lytton,. cAtti "Ndt'so bud as ire seen, or many 'sides rib 'h character." The per formers will be Messrs, Dickens, Jerroid, Limpn, Forsler', Marston, Charles Knight, Frank Stone, Perier Cunningham, and other authors of the day. Her Majesty and Prince Albert will form part of the au dience, and the price of admission is to le fiv.e guineas. )i her performances, at a smaller.! charge, will follow ; and the mo ney raised is to In; expended in the estab lishment of "anew Endowment in con nexion, with an Insurance Company for the benefit of Artists and Men of Letters.'.' The endowments are to consist or n wan den, with a house and a salary, of $200 per annual ;. of ,mpmb'ers with wa house ami $170 a year.; and.bif associates with -10O u yfcar.- . For these officers all who insure ill the society are qualified as candidates! The members, will be required to give three lectures every year, and the ivarden one.. Sir E. B. Lyttort has given the ground for fhe necessary, buildings ,the dramatic re resentations ,ar,e expected to furnish ade quate funds,for thqir erection, and annual subscriptions will,jt.i? hoppd, support the endowment. The prospectus issued gives all the details of die project, and great con fidence is expressed that: its - benevolent suggestors will be enabled to reajize their wishes. In the words of this prospectus, we venture to express the hope ' 'that the day at least has come when civilization shall no longer forget the civihzeis ; and when soine earnest attempt shall be made to free our age and nation from the charge of Callous and ungrateful indifference through life to Utose who, after death are revered as the luminaries of time, and ranked among the loftiest nobility of a land." Nat Int. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN AFBICA- TRANSLATED FROM THE COURRIER DU HARVE. A Hungarian savant, M. Gaysa, who is now travelling m the interior of Western Africa, has sent a communication to the Imperial Society of Vienna containing in formation of great interest. He has found among the Kommenis, a small tribe tributa ry to the kingdom of Oulli, in Senegambia, traces of Jaques Compagnon, a French trav. eller, charged by M.-de Choiseul toward the middle of tlie last ccntur with a voyage of exploration iotr the interior of Africa, who disappeared iu 1760, and was after wards heiird from. Wishing to complete the discoveries made by his brother some years before, Jac ques Compagnon left Senegal toward the end of the year 1758, and, after visiting all the tribes to tlie northward and eastward of Senegambia, he penetrated as far as the desert of Simboni, a very curious point for geographic science. Nothing was heard of him after March, 1760, and all the research es of tlie Government of the French post of St. Louis proved utterly fruitless. The Kommenis arc a partially civilized people. They have notions of religion which resemble Christianity, and : are not entirely ignorant of the arts and sciencs.' They" have a language, an alpabet, and the art of writing, M. Gaysa has discovered in one of their principal villages a small stone, monument of conic shape, covered with numerous inscriptions in lectters resembling hicrogliphic characters. ., .., , After having studied this curious construc tion, and after interrogating the .oldest in habitants of the country aud Jcani,ing tha popular tradition, he becamg convinced that, thjs monument is e.ected over the grave of Jacques Compagnon, who, being made cap tive by the Kommenis, instructed tut !; in the principles of all the useful arts, and died about the year 1775,, leaving among: them the venerated reputation of u sagf and a good genius. But the conviciton of M. Gaysa was turned into certainty wjieii1 the chief of the tribe, showed Lira vanou articles of - European" maiufactu.rer which have been handed down fi cm futhcr to son,' and wijich they are umvilliiig to jart with' atf any price.' AiiHj th ; be saw a qaad raut.'on Which was crraved the-, nairie of Jaques Compaction - JI.' Gaysa, who is a great travrMor, de signs to continue his exploration in AHca for manv vears. A". V. Cow. .(.