A WHIG JOURNAL : DEVOTED TO POLITICS, GENERAL NEWS, AND TO CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM AND THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1851. JrcSa. Mc frcs&o. 26 VOL. IV, THE TIMES. CHARLES C. RABOTEAU, ' EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR TERMS. , Two Dollars per Pnnum in advance. Two Dollars and Fiftr Cents If not paid within six months. Three Dollars if payment is delayed to the end of the subscription year. fj5 To Clubs, we will send Six Copies for Ten Dollars, and Twelve Copies for Eighteen Dollars, when the money accom panies the order. MA J. GWYNN'S REPORT. line of any extent either level or of a given inclination to t he horizon could be , main tained, without -resorting to a continual succession of heavy cuttings and fillings, and an infinite series of abrupt curves. In many places the ridges and hills that would be crossed are composed of gravel inter mixed with stones and not uufrequently they are formed, entirely of rock, which would add greatly to the expense of grad uation. The extent of these difficulties may be regarded as unlimited on the South to wards which the wafer courses that are crossed flow : in search of a route, on the die and Southern line near the Haywood line has leas curvature of the minimum road on the lands of Dr. Cook. It appears from a comparison of these lines as exhibited in the accompanying fable, that the South line is 1875 feet short er and that the cost of graduation and con struction is S'67SS lcss than on the Middle line, and that in comparison with the Northern line, the length i3 2175 feet and the cost is 545,029 in its favour. The maximum grade is the same on . all these lines, the grade being rather in favour of the Middle route ascending westward and about the same in both directions as the INortbern line. 1 he curvature is also in Raleigh, May 5ih, 1851. To the President and Directors of the North Carolina Rail Roud Compa- "7- - v Gentt.rmev : I have the honor to submit the following report of the progress and results of the surveys for the North Carolina Rail Road. Acting under 3'our instructions to me of July -13(h, I proceeded to organize four - parties of Engineers. To give efficiency to these patties, devolve due responsibility, and incite a laudable emulation, I gave'to each party acting tinder mv instructions a separate and independent charge, and to this end the line was divided into four di ' visions. ;- The First Division commences at the Wilmington -and. Raleigh Rail Road and terminates six r.nd a half miles West of Raleigh. The Second Division commen cing at the last named point, extends to the Guilford County line. The Third Division thence to Lexington and the fourth Division from Lexington to Char lotte. The duty of -surveying and locating these divisions, was assigned respectively to Mr. Lewis, Mr. Prevost, jr, Mr. John C McRae, Mr. J . L. Gregg, and Mr. John McRae, with the rank of Principal Assis tants. Each party was furnished with the necessary Assistants, Draftsmen, Rodmen, Chainmen, and Axemen. Mr. Prevost was sent to the fie'd on the 21st August, Mr. John C McRae on , the 2G;h of the same month, Mr. Gregg on the 18th of September, and Mr. John McRae on the 27th August. ; T-,e aggregate number ef miles run by these parties, including the experimental surveys, the apDroximate and final location amounts to 14y4 miles. When it is re membered that the period of dieir employ ment embraced the inclement season of the late fall months, and the winter and early Spring months, the amount of labor they have performed cannot but prove satistac ion, and i' fully attests the energy, indus try, and fidelity on the part of the heads of the respective parties. The conditions imposed by the Chrater make R.'deiorb. and Salisbury intermediate points in t.;e line of the road. By a res olution of the stockholders at their meeting held in Salisbury on the I2;h of July, instructions were given to ascertain oy ac tual survey whether a route passing near the Towns of Killsboro, Graham, Oeens- boro. Lexinarton and Concord, all things considered, would not be the most practi cable. - Keening these instructions before North, there i3 no medium short' of the I favour of the South line as compared with sources or nearly so of the principal tribu- both of the other lines, t-ries above mentioned of the Haw and A line was also run uniting the South the Yadkin. Being satisfied, therefore, and North lines through Harrington 'street,: that no line could be obtained on the di- which increased the distance over the South, rect route without such frequent deflections line 2750 feet and the cost 2551 1 . as would make it quite as long, that it The cost distance and degree of curya- would be more costly- and, objectionable hire being all m favour ofihe Soumline, I both in grades and curvavure, than the am compelled in a professional point of view routearound the heads of the water cours- fogive it my prefeience. There are other es before mentioned, that no intermediate considerations however which may properly, route could be found, and that a survey of influence the Board, such as the propriety, the direct route would be attended p obably the necessity and obligation of the with no better results than loss of time and Company, to put a depot within the cor- unnecessary expenditure, I determined to porate limits of Raleigh, which would be abandon it at once," arid make the detour attended with no serious objections so far of the ridge, so plain!y indicated by the as the erodes of the road are concerned on topography of the Country as the route for the Middle line ; while on the South line the rail road, which I shall now proceed the road ascends with a uniform grade of to describe under four separate heads, cor responding to the four divisions of the line heretofore defined . FIRST DIVISION. me, regarding them however, as impera tive only so faras respects the requirements of the Charter, to construct a , Kail Road from the Wilminaton and Raleigh Rail Ro;id via Raleigh and Salisbury to Char lotte, and onlv as absolute under the .di rections of the stockholders to ascertain the practicability in comparison with other routes', of a location through the towns of Hillsboro',, . Graham, Greensboro', Lex ington and Concord, and not by any means as restricting the location to those towns. The line would occupy precisely the same ground which it doe3 had no al lusion to those towns been made in the proceedings of the stockholders. I explor ed or caused to be examined every route between the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road, and Charlotte via Raleigh and Salisbury , .which I thought at all feasible and surveyel every line that in my judg ment was deemed necssary to the attain ment of the most practicable route, aftd the results of those examinations it is now ray purpose a? briefly as may be to lay be fore you.. But it may be pertinent before entering .upon, a description of the lines which were surveyed, to submit- a few re marks upon the general features of the in termediate country between Raleigh and Salisbury, and their influence upon the lo-.-Ation. An inspection of the map pfthe State will show lhatastraightline between Raleigh and Salisbury is crossed by the waters of the Haw and Yadkin rivers, and by their almost innumerable tributaries, mbracing among the most conspicuous, .with. their branches, New Hope. Rocky ' Deep and Uhaiie rivers. ' Any one who lias travelled the direct road from Raleigh to Salisbury, by FtUshoro and Ashboro must have indelibly impressed on his mind the many "ups and downs" which he en- counters, and it must have occurred to him when slowly climbing up the hills which ever and anon rise before, how much the road might be improved by winding around them, through some of th munerous rav ines which constantly present themselves on the one hand or the other- These lull whicjj so much obstruct the common road, and the graduation of which, to easy grades, would render it so serpentine and devious, and carry it so- much out of the direct course, would affect in a much greater degree the route of a rail road no. This Division unites the North Carolina- Rail Road with the Wilmington and Ra leigh Rail Road, thus forming a continu ous line from the Seaboard through the heart of the State and reducing to realiz tion the long deferred hopes of a Central Rad Road The Charter requires that the Rail Road shall connect with the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road, "where the same pass es over the Neuse !" The bridge of the Wilmington and. Raleigh Rail Road," over the Neuse, is united to the mam land on each side by trestle work across extensive low grounds, subject to frequent inunda tions, which affords no secure site for a landing" or suitable place for bidding. As this provision of the charter was evidentlv intended to unite the Rail Road, with Steamboat Navigation on the Neuse, and thus extend its benefits and a participation of its advantages to the lower Neuse, 1 have on account of the objections above assigned to a strict compliance with the letter of the charter, directed ' the approach to the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road , 47 feet, per mile past Raleigh, upon which the establishment of a depot '.'would be very objectionable, an account of the difficult' of slopping the descending and starting the ascending trains, and this objection can only be removed by.intruduc-' ing a lighter grade which can in no other way he effected than by increasing the rate of ascent from Walnut Creek, which would operate against this line ; but as the grade would he m favor ol the heavy tonnage, it would still maintain its superiority oecr the middle line. ' ' - ' Recurring again to the commencement of the line at the Wilmington and Raleigh Raid Road, I would recommend the estab lishment of the Depot at Goldsboro', in stead of at the point of connection of the roads for the reason that the ."Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company having warehouses already erected at Goldsboro' could v ithout additional expense to them give accomodati6ns that would be a saving to the Company. SECOND DIVISION. After several trial lines acros3 Crabiree creek which is encountered six miles from the commencement, of this division, a line was selected crossing at Mr. Jere Morris', thence it ascends along the sloping crround I radius and the length of the maximum grades is less, but these faveurable features not being sufficient to counterbalance its decreased Iei.gth and cost, 1 give the upper Hne the Reference and recommend its adoption. From : Providence Meeting Ilouse the line, of this division is traced over very fa vourable ground along the ridge dividing the waters of Haw and Alamance rivers, to' its termination on the dividing line between Alamance and Guilford Counties.:-. With the view of cutting off the detour, on the route by Hillsboro', around the head of N. Hope, a line was reconnoitred diverging at Parriss Yates on this division, one and a half miles from its commence ment, passing arouhd the head of Crabtree and by Mr. Bartley Sear's eight miles I from Yates', thence along a ridge dividing the waters of ISoith Eat, New Hope and White Oak Swamp to Mr. Marmaduke Williams,'-'-where it. Crosses New Hope, thence on the ride -between Morgans and Boilings Creeks, to a point about two miles from Chapel Hill, where the ridge, upon which the College is situated, rises very abruptly ; to ascend to the summit of this ridee either Morgans or Boilings are avail able ; having attained -die summitat Mr. Arch- Andrew's owing to the necessity of exceeding onr maximum grades in the pas sage of Cain-and Haw Creeks, the line would be compelled to follow the ridge descends Piney branch to its mouth, where! occur in but very few instances. The length heading these creeks, -until it intersects the line heretofore "described as the Chapel Hill Ridsre line, near Mr; Fredk Williams, and thence with that line as rim.. Owing to these frequent deflections this route, al though called me direct about two'- miles longer route, would be than the line bv by the way of Waynesboro', which affords drained info Crabtree to Mr. Robt. Wiiher- the nearest eligible site to the point, where spoons on the ridge dividing the waters of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road New Hope and Neuse Rivers, thence the passes the Neuse, for a landing. Here the line pursues thi rntec, departing from it channel washes the base of a high bank only at one place to maintain the general which is rarely if ever overflowed, afford- direction and at the same time avoid the ing every necessary facility for transhipment. Brasfield hilts which are past, leaving them Making Waynesboro' therefore, a point in a half a mile on the North, at a trifling ex the location, three lines were run from sta- pense encountered in embanking across two tion SdSf four and a hatf,mile3 West ot small branches of New hope. At LFesar- Goldsboro', to the Wilmington and Raleigh nes, ten miles east of Hillsboro', two routes Rail Road, on by the way of Goldsboro', present themselves, one pursuing die ridge and thence to Waynesboro', making Way- dividing the waters of the Eno and New nesboro the terminus of the road. , One Hope rivers, -forming an independent Ine by Waynesboro' to Goldsboro direct , and one by Waynesboro', intersecting the Wil mington and rlaleigh Rail Road, 1,03 miles South of Goldsboro . These lines are all laid down on the ac companying map in the order here referred to, lettered A, B, and C, and "a compari son of their cost, length and grades will be found on a sheet hereto annexed, upon an examination of which it will be found, that the line passing through Waynesboro and intersecting the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road 1.03 miles south of Goldsboro', designated as C, on the map, is 3887 feet shorter and 'will cost $1 0,277 less than line A, which stands next m the comparison. Hillsboro and a eompanwn of the grades, curvature and cost would also be against it This being the result of the reconnoisance, it was not thought advisable to incur the expense' of a survey. ,1 THIRD DIVISION This division begins on the Alamance and Guildford lines, about one and a half miles north of iho s:ar road on the ride dividing the. waters: of Traverse creek from those of Alamance and continues on this ridcre about two mile?,' thence it descends the Valley of Rock Creek-which it crosses at its junction with Cedar prong, theney upon the south slope of Cedar prong Vallee to the summit of the ridge, dividing its wa fers from Bitch Creek, thence along the South slope of the ridge,- dividing Ala mance and South Buflaloe creeks, crossing it at the intersection of the Shallowford and Fayetteviile roads. The line then de scends to south Bufialoe, creek, crossing it about one thousand feet below the stage road bridge, thence it ctescends to the ridge between North and South Buflaloe creeks on which it continues to Greens boro', crossing South street three hundred feet -north of the Caldwell Institute, thence on His ndge to station near iur. Nathan Hiatfs'. From this point to Lex-ir.n-fon, three lines present themselves for comparison which we. will designate the Fair Grove, Middle and Northern lines. The fair grove and Middle lines are common to the Prospect meeting house : before reaching this point the line crosses it crosses the. north prong of Deep river, thence passing over the ridge between the north and south prong, it crosses the south prong just below Chapmans mill. Thence it follows tip Tan Yard branch to its head, thence crosses Rich Fork near its source and immediately ascends to the ridge be tween Abbotts creek and Rich Fork, a long which it runs to Mr. Andrew Links on the stage road, when it commences de scending and crosses Abbotts creek about half a mile below the stage road bridge and thence along the grounds of Abbotts creek to its re-union with the middle line at sta tion 23SI. The length, curvature, grades, cost of construction and maintenance being in favor of the middle line, I give it pref erence and recommend its adoption. FOURTH DIVISION. The location of this division commenc es at the termination of the Third Divis ion above described. The line passes through the far-famed fertile lands of the' Jersey Settlement. Swearing creek and North Potts creek, which waters these lands, are crossed, the first at Yarborough's old mill, and the sec and about a mile belcw Dr. Holt's mill on the lands of Dr. Holt, which furnish the best evidence on the line, of the bene ficial effects of a judicious combination of science and practical oxperience in fann ing. Trie second branch of Pott'3 creek is crossed at the Trading Ford road, and by a cut across this road, the line enters the Valley of the Yadkin, which it pur sues to station 2720 on the land of Mr. T. McDonald. From this point two lines were located-across the Yadkin . The up per line cresses the river a little below Lock's bridge, on a bridge C00 feet long, 46 feet above low water and 30 feet above high water. The low line cresses the riv-'j or near the lower end of Chowan's Island , by a bridge 1000 feet long, S feet above high water and 24 feet above low water. I am not prepared to give an opinion as to the comparative advantages of these two lines and express my preference until a farther examination has been made, which will be done the first low stage of the water. I shall however, place in the general estimates such a sum as will em brace the cost and any contingencies of a farther examination. These two lines re unite at station 251 7 on the ridge near the head of small branches of the Yadkin, and thence for a distance of 22 j miles fol lows the ridge, keeping within the vicinity of the stage road and passing at station 2315 the town of Salisbury. From station 1 32S the line descends to the valley cf I rish Buffaloc and cresses the creek near the old mill dam a quarter of a mile below the public road and about a mile from the villageof Concord. Thence crossing Cau dle creek and Rocky river, 423 and 578 miles respectively from Irish Bufi'aloc, the ine passes over into the vallev of Back creek, and ascending the ridge between Back and Mallard creeks, the summit of which is gained near Col. Cochran's, it then follows the creek of the ridge from which it descends, crossing: some of; the of the road is 223 miles. . I have estimated for a single track wi'h the condition of the Waste earth beui disr posed and the borrowed earth taken by.'.wi---denihg the' Cuts with a view to a double track, the Road bod to be formed of gravel or other suitable material to the dept! of a foot, and for a superstruction with a T rail of sixty pounds to the yard. The drains and culverts are all to be built of stone or brick, and the wooden bridges to be of the most substantia plans of arch bracing, rest ing on the stone abutments, and every des cription of work to be as permanent and durable as any similar kind in the countrv. The warehouses wiil be built of wood. The -whole cost of the road on this plan, including engineeringexponscs, superairue tion and land damages and every thinj appertaining- to the road way, will be $3,i65,- In this estimate I have endeavored to provide for every possible contitrencv tint may arise. : Such as increase of labor amj provisions, unforeseen difficulties in sinking foundations, and although the amount of each excavation has been ascertained by re peated borings on nearly ' the whole line, 'est it might have been missed in our exam ination, 1 have made a libera!, ailoivance for that contingency, aL-o, so that T ied every confidenc in stating the above sum cs full and sufficient to cover all expenditures for the items therein ''embraced 5 and every thing is included except ' "the ' locomotive?, .errs and, coaches end the shop for renew al and repairs. The' cost of the shop and fixtures may be put d'.wn at $100,000 though the whole of .this expenditure will not be necessrrry be-, fore the ecrnpletion of the -road ; it', may be spreac- over two or tlire years sf.er the rosd goes iiito operation. . . i he numbers of Locomotiv trains' depend of course eii ti es y.-ith their Fy on the n be. increased c quire. It is original osti- mourit "of business, ;:ul -may as the wants of the company not usual to embrace in tin mates and cnarge to. eopital, more than bare ly 'sullicient to-put the road info operation, and with inconsiderable additions, carry it through and enable it to do the business of the first year. . With this restriction I submit the iblllcwing estimate, viz : 10 6" 4 SO Locomotors, Passenger cars, Baggage . mail cars jrtiicn cars, 7,00 2.000 1,000 CC0 WJiich sum to tne fwti prcreedin $75,000 .'. 12.000 4,000 IS.OOO SliD.SOO di sums give boUo.lJ, Jcr tiis .roa.d-.way e quipmeiit cud worksiieps. Xo difiicalfy or extraordinary expenditures will te encountered on any portion of ths line in procuring substantial foundations for the works " art. The soil en even ncrtion is pec-uiioi-ly adapted to the forma tion of a dry and firm road bed; timber for. sills are found every where convenient to the line ; for several of the brid-cs, it wiil have to hs tran-suf)rted a ceisiderrb!'; with this exception aitd th building rock tt some, cfth materials of every kind : where convenient to the line. f.istnnce ; carcny of good le.lnts, suiiabie t i'lund evrrv In relation to the' income of the road I crossing Haw river at Gilbreath'sford, and i South Buflaloe near .Mr. A. Wilsons-, Bull thence to Providence meetinghouse, desig nated on the map as the Chapel Hill rifhje line. The other passes ry Hillsboro .-nd crossing Haw river at Trolinger's bridge reunites with the other at Providence meet ing house. These routes may lie united by a cross Ifne on the ridge dividing the waters of the Eno and Haw rivers by a deflection from the firs line at Gravelly Hill, and thus the various routes crossing Haw river, which will hereafter be described, may be made u part of either line 'and a comparison between the two may be made ; adopting either cf the crossing of the river. Suffice to' say, however, that the result by Commencing at station 22S, the point of anv combination that could be made would divergence of the routes above described, two lines were run to Mount Auburn, ten miles East of Raleigh, one crossing the Neuse river at Smithfield the other cross ing on the lands of Win. Vinsons four miles above Smitbfield. ' The result shows 1 mile, 1720 feet in distance and $11,000 in cost in favor of the line by Vinsons j the rate of grade and length of straigu line, is also in favor of this route ; it waa therefore selec ted as the basis of , the estimate and is dea ignated on the map by the red line. From Mount Auburn-, after a most thor ough examination and survey of the coun try, with the View of obtaining the best route through the City of Raleigh, three ines were seleoted for comparison which wilt be designated as the bouth middle and Iorth lines. - J he bouth line rans down wild Cat branch, crosses Walnut creek, near Hollemans bridge and runs up Rocky branch to its head, passing in the.rear of the Governor's, and Judge Cameron's resi dences, and thence in the vicinity of, the Elillsboro road to the end of this division. six and a half miles West of Raleigh. ,. i The middle line descends Poole s branch to its junction with Walnut creek, .and af ter crossing Walnut creek near Mr. Hutch- ings', it ascends along the slope of the ridge between .Walnut and Crabtree. to it sum mit in the race field, thence it follows near ly the course of the ridge, passes South of Air. Atkinson's and . through Kaleigh by Hargett street to its rs-xmion with the Soudi line at Judge Cameron's.. , , , , : .Tne North line is identical with the mid dle line, until it reaches a point between the race-field, and Mr. Atkins m's and through Lane 6trcet by the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Depot, back of the Fe male Seminary and connects with the atid- be in favor of the route by Hillsboro', in all the essentials of grades, cost, curvature and distance. I shall therefore dismiss the Chapel Hill route as it is designated on the map and confine my observations to the Hillsboro' route, which alter it became evident that it would be the preferred route was subjected to the most elaborate, explo- ations and surveys. 1 he hrst important enquiry was the pass of the Valley of the Eno, the result of which was the establish ment of a crossing at .the upper end of the town of Hillsboro' and again ir.st below the bridge, near Brown's Mill, thence the line ascends aloAg the side hills of Seven Mile Creek to (he ridge dividing the wa ters of the Eno from those of Back creek, a branch of Haiy river and along 'his ridge it is traced to the vicinity of the Orange and Alamance county line. From this point to the Haw river a thorough reconnoisance of the Country was made and the river examiued from the shallow Ford to Rufiin's Mills. - The result of this reconnoisance was the selection of four lines crossing Haw River respectively at Gilbreaths ford at the mouth of Freeland creek, Conrad Long's and near Trollingera bridge, all uniting at Providence Meeting House. The first line was abandoned on account of its increased length and cost,' and the second for the same reasons ' and 1 in addition thereto in consequence of its objectionable Curves and the heavy rock excavadons between Back Creek and Havy River. 1 his narrowed down , the choice between the two routes crossing' at Long's and at Trollingers bridge, noted on ,the map a3 the upper and the lower lines. A comparison of these lines gives the following results The upper line cost3 lessby $5 ,C00- and the length is one mils less than the lowef; The lower Run a little below the stage roatWord, and Deep river 1200 feet below the stage road hrid-e : thence the line passes a little to the South of Jamestown , up the South prong of Bir branch to station 1S39, a quar ter of a mile west of Prospect meeting house on the summit of the ridge between Deep river an 1 the Y idkin . . From sta tion IS39 it. continues heading nearly the wateis of Hunts Fork, thence H descends along the South slope of the Valley of Hamb'Vs creHk, crossing the Raleigh road near Fair Grove meeting house and con tinuing upon the north, side of the read to a point near the house of Mr. Smith Cur ry, thence keeps near the Raleigh road and passes about 300 feet to the left cf the Poor House j thence it descends to Abbotts creek, crossing it about threp-fouiths of a mile below Randolph's bridge ; thence it passes up the south-slope of the valley of Grime's branch to the summit of the ridge between Abbotts and Swearing creeks, near Parks' at the crossing of the stage road about 4,500 feet west of the Court House, where it joins the fourth division. The middle line diverges from the. Fair Grove line at station 1839, crosses thehead wrtef3 of ITurTts Fork to thc ridge between Rich Fork and Hambie's creek, which it. follows three miles : thence it descends in to the valley of Jimmies creek to Conrad's old mill ; here the line crosses the creek and again makes two crossings at the bend opposite Mrs. Lopp's and passes over the point of. a ridge between Jimmies creek apd Rich Ford, crossing the latter near its junction with Hambie's creek, thence it crosses Abbotts creek, about half a mile above the junction of Rich Fork', . thence it passes up the valley of Abbotts- creek, crosses Leonard creek near its mouth and thence "along the sloping ground of Leon ard's creek to Parks', passing Lexington 1200 feet south of the Court House. This line may be straightened by a loute leav ing the line which is common to it and the Fmr orftvo lin at station 1041. nassm? three-foiirths of a rnile north.of Prospect meeting house, and coming into the mid dle line again about five miles 1644 feet from the point of starting. ;"" ' - Northern line ; the liner deflects from the Fair Grove and middle lines, at station 2S; at Heats ; thence it crosses south Buf falpe creeks a little below the Salem road, it then ascends to the summit of the ridge between HaW and Deep rivets ; thence' it head waters of the tributaries;; of Sugar 1 have no data, if it were mv province' to do so, upon which I would be willing: to ven ture even a conjecture of the specific . mount. Bnt, upon -a "subject of so much importance to the Stockholders ;i may be expected flint 1 should say something, at least in relation to the prospects and jmt expectations th-it' may be 'entertained by those who hae embarked i;s it. This road paszes through the almost en tire length of the State, it embraces in its route a variety tjfsoil and woduclions not creek, into the valley of one or the mom branches of that creek, along which it is tracked to a favorite point for crossing at station 132, thence to Charlotte passing on the south eastern side of the town to station 1049, the end of the Charlotte Rail Road. The line above described is the result of a fidl reconnoisance of the Country and a comparison of the cost, grades and length with a trial .between Lexington and the Yadkin, and it was also tested by the merits of a line from the vicinity of Con- rruvl frt C!hnr!oftr rrossinrr Trisb RnfTaloe nnUn,'0 n,v,rt0r nrl n;nr tr. tho i ear and tki minatcs in the cotton iietris ot V . - ....1 . - ... w -, -. -' " J ... , . r . highly west of Back creelc, by. duferent crossings of the intermediate streams. The line by Mount Monrne was also compared with it and was found from its greater length to be objectionable. ;" In the above description of the several divisions I have omitted numerous lines that were surveved and examined, which will be found in the memorial of the Prin cipal Assistants, herewith laid before you, and to which I beg leve to refer 1 have confined myself to those lines, in whose comparison I supposed the stock holders might feel an interest. The surveys have been made through out in reference solely to "the inrerests of the company. It has been your pleasure to leave me free and untranmeled, with no other declaration of opinion on jrour part tlian an expression of your solicitude for the selection of the best and most pra;ti- cable route, it has been my most earnest desire to conform to your wishes ; no pvins have been spared on my part and no labor has been wanting on the part ol those entrusted with the duty of carrying into effect my instructions. The Country has been thoroughly explored ; whenever any doubts existed they have been solved by instrumental survey, and the competing hnes tested and compared by well known and acknowledged ' principles, verified by experience : nothing has beea left to spec ulation, theory Teduced to practice's the formula by which I have been governed ih my enorts, m the language ot the char ter, to obtain the most practuable route for a Kail Road from the Wilmington and Raleigh Road, via, 'Raleigh and Salisbury, to the town of Charlotte. I believe such a route is how presented to you, and that there is not a Rail Road in the country of the length which posseses equal facilities for economical application of Lo comotive power, ; The grade nowhere ex ceed fiAy feet per rnile and curves of five de grecs rieflectiou adapted -as th lainixcurn, to bo found on any raliroaii m ts;e country. It commences in the rice fields on tne Capo Ids com lennurg, traversing in Hi way a ingiiiy pro ductive Grain, J cbacco. and Cotton grow ing coutry. What is defievnf on one, part of the hne to supply t!) - wants f man is found on another, the raw material on one point will supply the manufacturies at anoth er, who in turn will Fend out the wrought fabrics to the producer. The wheat and flour of the West will he exchanged for the products of the coast, and thus a reciprocal, glowing and constantly increasing way tra e will spring up, which the history of raiiror.ds shew, is the most profitable business ; in deed, that it ia the only buf ine-ss that pays'. Then there is the enterprising and flourish ing town of Wilmington which may be re fardsd as the eastern terminus of the rosd." with her large West India trade and varied commerce, giving her the ability to supply the wants of the producers and creating a constant demand for 'heir productions, and . the markets of Virginia thrown open by the Raleigh arid Gaston Kail Road, with their demands and means to supply, all unitm to stimulate industry and production an thus add such an amount of tonnage and business to the road as to render it almost unnecessary to lock beyond its limits for the sources of its productiveness. But, if we were permitted to look abroad, we could w ith quite" as much plausibility of argument as Ave see urged every day, in connection with other schemes, place this one also in communication with Memphis, which seem? to be regarded by many as a point on, the great high way to the Pacific, and we could then without any verv greet stretch cf the imagination, extend this road to Leaufort, and fancy her safe end secure harbor crowd ed with shipping from all parts of the world. Such speculations would probably not b considered rational, though far within the bounds of the visons which fill the mind of tne projectors of Rail Roads possessing nothing like the probabilities of accomplish' meat as would seen to. attend the very rea sonable project of extending the North Car olina Ro.id into Tcjjncssee rrd down ta Beaufort

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