GIVE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW, TO UTTER, AND TO ARGUE FREELY; ACCORDING! TO CONSCIENCE, ABOVE ALE OTHER LIBERTIES. -Miltox. ! NEW SERIES. VOL. Y. NO. IV. ' 1 n ' R. I. V YNtfE, Publisher. - C. C ftABOTEAU, Editor. raleigh " ' ' , TERMS. Hie "firtjes is issued every Thursday and mailed . to subscribers t Two Dollars per annum, iu advance; Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if not paid iu six months; ' and Three Dollars if payment be delayed to the end of the subscription Ve&r. jTJ- To Clubs, we will send Six Copies for Ten Dollars, and Twelve copies for Eighteen Dollars, when the money accompanies the order. ADVERTISEMENTS, Not exceeding sixteen lines, will be published one time for One Dollar, and Twenty-five Cents for each subsequent insertion. Court orders aud Judicial Ad vertisements will be charged 25 per cent higher. A reasonable deduction wiJJ tie made to those who ad vertise bv tho vear. Ttters to the Editor must be post paid. Money for the Office may be sent by mail at our risk, in pay ment for subscriptions, advertisements, jobs, &.c. ; O Office ox favetteviixe st., one door below POST OFFICE. BEAUTIES OF DEMOCRACY. From the Speech of Mr. George T. Da vis of Massachusetts, delivered in the Home of Representatives on the 23d ult. the Mexican Indemnity Bill being under con sideration we make an extract or two. ?He is replying to Mr. Allen (free soil dem 'ocrat,) from the same State; and after de fending Mr. Webster, who had been bit terly assailed by the coalitionists, he gives a fair history of the disreputable bargain be tween the Democrats, and Free soilers, by which die offices were divided up among them, and the Whig State of Massachu setts defrauded. The details are quite rich.- ; My colleague is particularly earnest upon the subject of coruption. He expresses extreme fear of corruption. Now, there is a particular piece of corruption as, I con sider it, occurring in our own State, before his own eyes I might say occurring "at his own instigation tltat 1 think his tal ents and force might be more profitably di rected against, than in hunting up these trumpery charges against the Secretary of State. Now, what arc the facts? There are three parties in Massachusetts, and I mean to bring this matter close home, so far as Mr. W ebster is concerned. There is the Democratic party, which in terms, in its resolves, endorses those measures known as the Compromise measures. There is the Freesoil party, which is susr tained and kept up by hatred to the com promise measures, including the Fugitive Slave Law. There is the Whig party, -which I take it, by their State resolves, without taking perfectly distinct eround upon the compromise measures, still take perfectly distinct ground in sustaining Mr. Webster. What are the numbers of these parties? The number of Whig Voters is 64,000; number of the Democratic voters is-43,000; the number of the Freesoil 28, 000; leaving the Whigs a plurality, which anywhere else would be a majority of 21,- 000 votes. Of that vast majority of Whigs and Democrats, you have 100,000 voters against 28,000; one part of whom sustain the Compromise measures which Mr. Web ster advocated ,and the other part of whom, judging by their vote in their State Con--veniion, sustain Mr. Webster, making, as 1 said before- 100,000 against 28,000. 'That was the case last year. Something like that was the case t'le year before. Well -what was the result, and what has hap pened in that State? Here were two par ties, the Democratic and Freesoil party, directly opposed to each other upon a ground which was vital to the existence of the Freesoil party, and which was a most cardinal point in the creed of the Demo cratic rartv. Those parties met together .and made a bargain. The Freesoil party united with the Democratic party, and -sent to the Senate of the United States the most talented and eloquent man who could he presented from the Freesoil ranks; my -colleague (Mr. Allen.) always excepted. Laughter. For whom were the Demo crats in Massachusetts -who were in favor of the war with Mexico called upon to vote? For a gentleman who said, when 3Ir. Winthrop voted for the preamble and bill giving supplies to our troops in Mexi co, that Mr. Winthrop ought rather to al low our army to pass between the dine forks." Now I am iot much of a Latin scholar, tut' I understand that the Caudine forks do not differ materially from the Alamo' butchery ; and that the Caudine rfqi&a in that connexion meant that Mr. i Winthrop fchould have Jeft the American i throat to the tender mercies of the Mexican . . knife. in, Tn,-n-f-rr(i-. nnrtv are In favor of . non-intervention as regards slavery m tne Jtnfi or Territories. They were called upon to send to the U. States Senate for six years a gentleman who was in iavor of ;niiimn nnvwhere. or at least up to the verse of the Constitution. They send th Srnaie of the United States a gen ilcmnn who declared, in a speech to be found in one of his printed volumes, that then were deDths of infamy as well as heights of fame; that President Fillmore had sounded the former, and that he had better never have been born than to have Fiioitive Slave Bill, w nat m- duced the Democratic party to do this ? What. I sav, induced the Democrats to ao this? ; What was it? Why and how were the offices of the State put up like mutton and beef in the shambles? I will tell you how. The leaders of the two parties met in repeated caucuses; as an ultimate result six Councillors, the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and so forth, were given to the He three Councillors, the ; United Km f M .nator. and Sergeant-at ' Arms, and some other mall? weight officers ; went to the Freesoi'i narty. Tne Io par . .. ties hisrsled and rhnftwn .1" "" and . mohl hv niorhf - ; I J J uy nigni, in long and hea'ed i w . . . feach be-in. the other to clne "P to the price of its puffed and advertised conscience and patriotism I Jr-unea, i say aaverns ed, I say, as thoroughly as ever were Phil lip's fire annihilate or Emmerson's razor strops. I will do them the justice, howev er, and I feel bound to say, that there was no trickery in one respect there was as perfect an impartiality of treachery to prin ciple on either side as carjr oe expeciea from the weaknesses and imperfection of mortality. Snch a scene was never be fore exhibited or dreamed of in this coun try as was exhibited in old Massachusetts. The leaders of two whole parties bought un bv one wide, wild; wastinc sweep of the offices of the Commonwealth. I want to hear what the gentleman will say about this great crime against our in stitutions, this wholesale corruption, this monstrous I had almost said this inexpli cable falsehood to conscience and to God, to the rftart of man, and to the nature of things? AVhere was the gentleman then? Where was he? Was he attempting to prevent corruption then? Quite the re verse. 1 understand that he instigated it; that he favors it ; that he thinks it was rignt. Better that he should go home and endea vor to undo the mischief that he helped to do there than come here and assail Mr. Webster. Now, nobody at a distance from Massa chusetts could explain by the aid of the reason which God has given him precise ly how it was that two parties, that occu pied such exactly opposite grounds upon the Compromise question could be brought up to the mark the one to help to send to the Senate of the United States, for six years, a man who would during that long period profess and enforce with his whole power, doctrines which they regarded as denationalizing and disorganizing; and the other to lend its influence to put into pow er in the State offices of the Common weallh of Massachusetts a set of men utter ly and entirely opposed to them in all those points which they professed to think most essential. Well, I will tell you how it was. It was party hatred, and that party hatred levelled against the man whom we have heard villified toda'. Nothing else but that could, I am sure, have induced the Freesoil party of Massachusetts to take the course they did. From .the Boston Commonicealth , which is the organ of the Freesoil party and it is my practice to , read the pnpers of the other side more than my own, for I take it for granted that my own are always right from the Boston ' Commonwealth, the organ ot the b reesou party, 1 clip the following winch was the rallying cry for the last campaign, in the year of our Lord 1851 : "In the next place there must be union and effort, confidence and conces sion". Ao concession of principle, for none is required. To our Freesoil friends we say, now that we wish to rebuke Daniel Webster, to sustain Charles Sumner, and to stamp upon the Fugitive Slave Law, its f ranters ctnd apologis's, the seal of popular reprobation,, the Democrat who is farthest from us is nearer than any v nig can be. To our Democratic friends we say, now that you wish to sustain Gover nor Boutwell ? to retain the State Admin istration, to preserve and to perfect the reforms so auspiciously commenced last winter, the Freesoiler that is furthest from you is nearer than any Whig can be. Let the spirit animate the allied forces, and victory is sure." And this, Mr. Chairman, was .he way they whipped us. Oh, glorious defeat! Oh, destructive and abortive triumph! nead I say that I would rather be defeated fifty times in that way than have ene suc cess. - Mr. Venable. So had I. Mr. Davis. Bat we are up within se ven thousand of them. We stand shoul der to shoulder, and though, out numbered, I can tell my colleague we are not by any means subdued. I will state another stri king fact in connexion with this matter. - It h Well known that two years ago, be- fore the election of the present t reesoil Li nked States Senator, and after the election of Mr. Boutwell, the Democratic Govern or, there were some twenty or thirty Dem ocratic members of the House who would have nothing to do with Mr. Sumner. What did the Freesoil paper do then? It came out the very next morning aftei the first failure to elect, and said that uovem- or Boutwell must not make any changes or annointments to office until the United Males ftenatorsniD. was uisuoseu oi. j. imi r..- i i: I rni.t oaDer well understood its men. , There was the exeatest state ot excitement anu the most anxious expectation until that matter was arranged, and the doors of the treasury were thrown open to the hungry. I remember an engraving after Ianaseer, in which a number of very hungry-loot ing dogs are squatting or standing on their hind-legs, with watering mouths ana ter rible anxiety in their eyes watching a meat tray over which a very portly-looking dog is keeping guard, augnter.j l ue en graving embodies these lines of the distich "Each wild with hope and maddening to prevail, -Points the pliant ear and wags the expectant tail " Well, there was somethiug of that sort seen in Massachusetts. The pottage was Mmrv. Ran u was hunirrv, and the birth right and all went. Slaughter.! What Ktnte of the case? Why, that these twenty six thousand voters, concen itratino- their raire and resentment on one grey, silvered head, making that their chiet and leading pnjeci, ana sacnucmg principle for the purpose of venting their mo-ft on that great man, have succeeded o . .... , . 1 - 'iticai cness-Doaru, in Iu 'Sffi? I sentiment which actually exists in Massa chusetts. Why this rage against the Sec retary of State? Because they choose to say that he had been false to the North. -Upon that subject, on some prop f occasion , and on some early occasion, I shall have something to say. It is not how the time to speak of his course of policy. My ob ject is accomplished at this time in pointing out why it was that my colleague suppos ed that his course in relation to this matter would be regarded with suspicion by the House. For what Mr. Webster has suf fered if he has suffered anything I do not suggest that he has any specific claim on any section of country, for I do not think myself that he was influenced in his course by regard to one section more than another. What he did, whether right or not in all its details, was, in my judgment, the fruit and result of the intense, glowing, pas sionate nationality which is engraved in the man, and which would lead him, I think, to endeavor, at whaffever personal cost, to do equal and exact justice, under the Con stitution, to every section: and perhaps it may be truly said that his career,- from the abundance of his vital case, and the person al, individual qualities of his character, more forcibly than that of any statesman of the time, illustrates the saying, that, in apply ing principles to the changing affairs of life, the man who is true to his idea must often submit to the risk of being deemed incon sistent in his measures. I cannot tell, Mr. Chairman, how much this sort of assault which we have heard to day is calculated to injure Mr. Webster.--If I can judge from the experience of the past, from the feeling which I see expressed in the faces about me, or from the emo tions of my own heart, I should say not much. However this may be, I comfort myself with the thought that the man dies, but the cause lives; whatever he has done, suffered, and achieved, will live long after him in the annals and glories of his coun try; as the spreading trees bear testimony through its thousand burly arms, clothed with the fruits and leaves of a thousand years, to tne care wnicn nounsnea us eany growth... THE MARTYRS OF RUSSIA. That truth is stranger than fiction is a truism none will now venture to dispute ; but of all the romance of history- that has yet emanated from the the ever-teeming press, most certainly the worK ol Jiicne let is the most extraordinary and the most appalling. That in the nineteenth centu ry an immense nation should be existing in which, amidst glowing civilization the most odious barbarism only should be re cognised as the governing principle, is one of those facts that staggers credulity. The disclosures of M. Michelet will be read with double interest at this moment, and the translation has been rendered with great fidelity. The following extract fur nishes a correct view of liussian society and its paralyzing influence upon humau itv : . Sibeiii i. Much lias been said of the martyrs ot bibena ; but why distinguish them ? The line of separation would be altogether fictitious. With the exception of an aggravation of cold, the whole of Russia is Siberia beginning at the Vis tula.' One speaks of the condemned ; but ev t i i , . ery nussian is conaemneu. in u counny where the law is a mere mocker- there can be no serious judgment. All are condemn ed ; yet no one js judged ; there is no dis tinction between suffering and punishment. The universal punishment is not such and such a positive evil it is that breaking of the heart, that moral anxiety of a spirit, crushed beforehand, by an inevitable com bination of misfortunes. In that merciless world where everything seems to possess ie fixed rigidity of its native ice, nothing is fixed all is pregnant with chance and doubt. All are condemned, said we ; the serf perhaps the least so, even m his servitude and misery ; for he is not even sure of that very misery to morrow, all may change for him ; he may perhaps be Carried off, either for the army or the factories ; his wife given to another ; his family dis persed. The soldier is condemned not only be cause he was, all of a sudden, earned oil from his home, and has ever since been subject to that continual bastinado, called military service : but also because ne is to tally ignorant of the time of his liberation ; the law was thirty years formerly now twenty : but what is the law in Russia : The officer is condemned ; ne is rorceu , --- ... r .1 against his will into a military school he follows in snite of himself, the rude and monotonous path of unceasing exercises, parades and changes from one garrison to another. Sad priest of war : even whilst his fortune promised him the enjoyments of the world ! But what befalls him it ne does not serve ? His family is thenceforth suspected perhaps ruined and degraded and for himself he is lost forever ? Lost 1 Wrhat means that word ? Kuled But it is apparently something more than death, since it is the occupation of the of fice? to fight and so expose himself to death otherwise, says he, he would be losU The serf, who is seized, for the army, savs. "I am lost." He is m the very denth of his misfortune : he can descend no lower. But the officer can descend h han Vftt. soinp.thincr to fear, which is worse to him than death he fears Si beria. . : -r When the serf is made a soldier, his hrwlu onlv i tafcn. Thev care not for heart -. - but with , the officer, it is the . ' he problem of Russian government being, how to seize the soul of a man whose life of insupport able misery renders death indifferent to him. ,:. ' ' This soul has been early deadened in those schools where is taught only the void nothing material nothing moral ; so that, from very weariness, he is thrown into the arms of those enervating pleas ures which deaden it yet more. But even this twofold operation ttoes not always suc ceed in extinguishing n strong mind. AH that still remainsrVfthe i man most be re strained m list be overcome and that by a moral terror. What terror ? an un known punishment. The Catholic Inquisition , besides its dun geons and tortures, continued to the end its physical torments, by a moral torment an "eternal hell the infinity of time. Russia has its hell an infinity of space the horror of the desert, and of the void. A never-ending distance. He who makes the journey on foot, loaded vyith heavy chains, starts young, and arrives aged a man, twenty-five years old, full of health and life, started "from Poland ; three years aier, a shadow drooped into Kamtschatka ! A multitude of sufferings result from the climate itself merciless climate ! Some few degrees nearer to the Polar Sea were sufficient to cause deat h . If the Russian even at home, shut up six months in his oven, his heated room, can with difficulty keep out the furious north wind, what .must it be in this second Russia, where the cold eats into you, where steel breaks like glass, where even the dogs that draw the sledges would inevitably per ish were they hot cased with fur? To arrive there without resources would be deliverance, for one would die ,- but death must not come too quickly. Estab lished in a small fort, in the midst of the icy desertduring two or three years, sometimes longer, digging the earth, Or drawing the barrow, fed upon sour milk and bad fish, the exiles'die slowly beneath the lash. Even those r, ho are not condemned to this terrible doom, but who have a kind of half liberty a sort of physical existence, almost tolerable, find the moral effect scarcely less dreadful. If, to them, Sibe ria is not an eternity of suffering, it is one of forgetfuiness, where they feel themselves disappear -dying away from the living woi Id, from their families,from their friends. To lose one's name, to be called number 10 or number 20, and, if your family still remain, to beget children without a name, a miserable race, which 'will, perpetuate itself in eternal wretchedness ! The ruin ed man ruins his children he is cursed : so are they and by a frightful crescendo it happens, that the" children of a man who is himself condemned to the mines for twenty years, will remain miners for forty or fifty j-ears, or even unto death, their children after them, mid all their posterity. Siberia not only draws degradation up on persons, thence transported, but also upon things. A bell was transported there for having sounded the tocsin during a re volt cannons were transported, and re ceived the knout at Tobolski. But deg radation is indeed a most serious affair to persons, where it implies bastinadoing at will. ; Had the exiles only to fear a complete change in their habits, the passage from an indolent Asiatic life, to a life cf labour, even that would alone be sufficient to ren der Siberia the dread of the Russian. Their effeminatt mode of life can hardly bear the easy existence of the West of Eu rope. A liussian lady declared to me that it was impossible for her to exist in France; an infinite number of Eastern luxuries were wanting to her. Our servants ap peared too rough for her ; their voices harsh and proud. fehe could not support tne natural friction of a world of equality. She missed the "flatteries and attentions of her women ; her life of heated rooms and baths the tepid atmosphere of her Rus sian house. What would have become of this poor woman, if, instead of the journey to Paris, which she found so painfnl, she had performed the voyage to Siberia? There is a tradition iu Russia that Cath arine, (or, perhaps, one of the empresses who preceded her,) in order to lower the pride of certain great ladies, occasionally favoured, them with an order tor tneu- nag ellation, which was to be performed by their servants in their own palaces. The chief of her secret chancery intimitted ihe order with respect, ami himself superintended its execution. The sad operation being finished, the patient dismissed him, with thanks, holding herself happy in being let oft at such a price, ana in iraving avoiueu Siberia. Judsre of the horror of a poor timid wo man, dragged from her palace, hei volup tuous ease, and her everlasting summer ; perhaps thrown at night into a strong chest lined with iron, and rolled along some iour or five thousand miles :' or, perhaps, she who has hardly ever walked, is forced to make this frightf ul and begging journey on foot, goaded on by the whip,. and receiving on herroad some miserauie suaeuautc uum the charity of serfs I In whatever way she may go, it is , in deed, a frightful, torture for a woman, leav ing her husband, her children, and all she loves in the wide world, to wander alone and in the darkness of night, in the north and in winter and in the- hcrrof of the unknown ? To pass from Europe into Rihp.ria. is like fallin"? into chaos : a desert of men and a desert of ideas ; a vast noth ing, without history, without traditionmd without religion (other than witchcraft.) so ' . . ihe, religious which have penetrated; such as the Mo hammedanism of the Tartars, lose their dogmas, their legends and their halo, and become pale, dim, and nolhingless, even as the invisible sun of Siberia. Few can resist this destroying power of the void. Lost m this immense waste.they are stamped with its very image ; and los ing all personal identity, in their turu, also become mere nonentities. In a journal published at Vilna, under the Russian censorship, in 1850, Madame Eve Felinska uescribes the deplorable con dition in Which she beheld a Polish colo nel, at Tobolski. Implicated in the trans actions of 1825, he had been condemned by the Senate to three years imprisonment merely for non-revelation. The emperor paid not the slightest regard to this sen tence. He caused him to be transported to the north of Siberia, as far as the sixty third degree, from whence, in mercy, he was allowed to return as far as Tobolski. "This unhappy man, who had been for merly one of the finest men in the army, was no longer to be recognized. He was lying back in art arm chair, for so weak was he, that he could not stand ; .his hair, (already white,) though very thin, and combed with care; fell upon his shoulders, and reached as far as his elbows. His face was very pnle and swollen; and his look vacant. His eyes and lips trembled with emotion'. We could see that he possessed the wish, though not the power to speak. He motioned us with his hand to draw near, that he might salute us. For a mo ment, his mind regained its reason, but so affected was he, that he could, with diffi culty, use his almost- paralyzed tongue Finding that we were going to Berezowa, where he had once resided, he wished us to take up our abode there, with his form er hostess. All this conversation proceed ed with considerable difficulty ; we were almost obliged to guess his.meaning. At lengrli we perceived that he had exhaust ed the use of his faculties, for he informed us that we should find at Berezoiya, mel ons, grapes, and other southern fruits, his imagination, no doubt, wandering to the borders of the Tagus and the Seine, which he had known so well. With sorrowful hearts, we shortened our visit, btit he still sought to retain us by his gestures, vainly endeavoring to articulate the word: 'Staj-." DEaiccRATic Officers.; The Wash ington correspondent of the Baltimore Pat riot gives the following catalogue of the Locofoco officers of the House of Repre sentatives for the past two or three years : The Democratic majority in the House has been unfortunate for some' years past; in its selections of its good men for the officers of the House. At one time, it se lected and honored Mr. McNulty,by mak king him Clerk of the House. All re member how he turned out. Ata laterpenod itselected B. F. Brown, the author of the two-faced biography of General Cass, as a most suitable man to be the doorkeeper of the House. But before the election, he was detected in some for gery matters and took to his heels and ran away. ' Next , by means Of a coalition and bar gain, William J. Brown was put in nom ination for Speaker of the House, and came within one vote of being elected, by the combined support of the Southern and Northern Democrats and the Ultra Aboli tionists ; but the bargain was smoked out jusl in time to prevent his election. And now it has come to light that the Democracy lias elected the author of the Forney Letter to the Clerkship of the House, and still retains him" in that respon sible position, without any mark of its dis approbation or condemnation of what the records of a Court show that he has done." The Resohttions of '98. Governoi- j Johnson, in hrs1 letter of acceptance to the Stauhtori Convention, gave promise of what he would tlo for the State, by declar ing that he would stand firmly by the Res olutions of '98. Tiie Knickerbocker makes the fol lowing; happy fling at this habit of making these Resolutions apply to evciy thinjp; past, present and to come. "A representative in Congress from the Interior of New York, meeting a brother member from Virginia immediately alter his arrival in the Federal City, a day or tw i before the meeting of the present Con gress., in answer to an inquiry from tl ie gentleman from the Old Dominion, the former remarked that he had celebrated Thanksgiving Day with some friends in New York city. , "We have no thanksgiving in our State, responded the Virginian, with something of a chuckle. " I sunnose.' 'retorted the New Yorker , tbat is owinar to the fact that you have nothino- to be thankful for.' " 'No. Sir! you are out fltere rejoined the party of the second part, ardent as a Southern sun couia mase niui. - i i;c son .'Sir. that we have no thanksgiving in Virginia is, that there is no provision maue for it in tha Constitution of the State, and 7 ' . . . 1 it is nowhere recognized in the Resolutions of '98.'" : ' .;,:; .:,;..,' The Democrats of Tennessee having ex nrpssed a preference for Mr. Douglas, of II fnr President, and Major General filHon J, Pillow for Vice President, the N V: . Tribune vestures to express the hope that when the gallant General entrenches himself for the campaign, he won't throw the dirt up on the' wroig side of the ditch, as he did at Mata moras, when he was gain mr, immnrtal irlc.rv in warfare affainst the o & Mexicans." MR. BUCHANAN AT II03IE. Under this significant heading the Dem ocratic Convention of Lancaster cotihi5 have issued an address, setting forth the grievances under which the favorite son of Pennsylvania has suffered, and the claims which he sets up to the favor of the Dem ocratic party. This manifesto commences with expressing the " inexpressible gratifi cation" of the convention in being able to greet their friends throughout Pennsylva nia and the whole Union with the cheer ful tidings that fe "home of James Bu chanan" has redeemed its pledge of a bril liant victory in his behalf, and given him at the Delegate Elections the largest ma jority "ever placed under similar circum stances upon the records of a political con test." It then proceeds to deplore the "un natural war" that has been waged against their favorite by a few "unscrupulous and unprincipled" enemies in his own party-, who are charged with having resorted to the use of the most opprobrious language and the most infamous calumny in. his de nunciation. This portion of the address is levelled at Mr. Reah Frazer and Mr. Si mon Cameron, who are said to have "ha ted and despised" each other (before they were united by a common hatred to Mr. Buchanan) with a 'cordiality which would make them envied pupils in an academy of demons." To illustrate the ancient hostility of these worthies in the most pi quant and pointed way, the address says : "No appellation was too vile in its signifi cation for one of them to bestow upon the other; and, to believe his own asseverations, if there was one cavern in the regions of darkness blacker than another, he would have consigned him to an eternal asylum within its vaults." This phrasing js wor thy of the poet's parson who "never men tions hell to ears polite." We Uo not be lieve that any such circumlocution ever oc curred to Mr. Cameron or Mr. Frazer. . In spite, however, of the efforts of the hos'ile and malevolent, out of forty -five townships and districtsin Lancaster county. forty-bnc have elected delegates friendly to Mr. Buchanan, r ive thousand votes were polled, of which Mr. Buchanan received "an" immense and overwhelming" majori ty. The votes polled approached within a thousand die largest number ever thrown in that county for Governor of the State or President of the United States. The city of Lancaster alone polled 1,187 votes, of which Mr. Buchanan received a majority of seven hundred and sixty-seven. Thus, in the judgment of the Lancaster County Cohveuti.on, the "home of Mr. B uchanan" with the counties of York and Cumberland and the city and county of Philadelphia, have terminated the contest for the State with good harbingers of Democratic success in the Presidential sttuggle, and have en sured Mr. Buchanan the votes of one hun dred and ten ofthe one hundred and thirty three delegates to the State Convention to be held at Harrisburg on the 4th of March next. " The Hon. James Buchanan," says the Lancaster county manifesto, 'may now, therefore, be considered the candid ate of Pennsylvania for the Presidency of the United States. So certain as he lives he will be presented as such to the Nation al Convention to be held at Baltimore on the 1st of June next with an unanimity of feeling in his favor which must convince every rational man in the country that he is truly 'the favorite son of the Keystone State.'' " "" v ; Having. Pennsylvania to begin with, Mr. Buchanan will start fair in the National Convention ; and if her delegates adhere to him with fidelity, he may obtain the nom ination. There is little dcubt that he is more popular in the South than any other Democratic candidate from the North, and would run better, probably, than General Butler, in view of the lattei's Freesoil col teterals and dependencies. The intngues of the other candidates, howevery may ren- Mr Buchanan's home strsnsfth una- vailing; and in that event,- we apprehend that the domestic feuds m renusvivaiti may lose that Slate to the unternlied De- mocracv Republic. Rare Ficelift. The Louisville Journal does not think very fovorably of the pros pects of General Cass for the Presidency. At least, such is the inference from the fol lowing piquant paragraph from that paper: "We perceive mat tne uetroitiree rrew . .i i i.,!,gcs reluses to iniuK. oi any wuj uui rcna.. in connection with the next 1 residency. Wo almirp ttiR editor's fidelity. He re- miuds us of a faithful dog that stays and starves to death by the dead body of his master." OLD BACHELORS LOOK ON THIS ! Singi: Blessedness. Sheet-iron quilts blue noses frosty rooms ice in the pit cher unregenerated linen -heel-less socks coffee sweetened with icicles gutta-percha biscuits flabby steak dull razors corns coughs and cholics aloes misery &c, &c- Bah ! AND THEN ON THIS 1 Matrimony. Hot Buckwheat cakes warm beds comfortable slippers smoking coffee round arms red lips (ahem ! etc. etc. shirts exulting in bflttons re deemed stockings, boot jacks,happines?,&c. Washington Monument.- The Leg islature of the Slate of Georgia have deter mined to withdraw the block of marble bearing the inscription, "The Constitution aa it is: the Union as it was," which was transmitted to Washington by the lale Gov ernor, as the donation of the State of Geor gia: and resolved to have another prepar ed, of Georgia marble, with the arms of the State of Georgia mscri'icd thereon. i i PRAYING TO A PURPOSE. An Alabama contr-rnporarv gives following as f h " rxorunnn of nn ex-j hotter at a camp meeting in the old Bayj State. IIow l inch he has improved oh the original it becometh us not to say : Brethren ! 1 was out on Rip-ihiu Moun tain yesterday, and I come across a bar pen, and it had a bar in it, and thinking he might git out, I took a sharp slick and punched his eyes out- I thought, if he; did get out then, he'd have a rough tray -j elling down the mountain. I thought it! might be brother McCoughe's or brother j Moses' or some of the brethren, and Ij come down to-day to tell the brethren a bout it. Let us pray; O, Lord ! have niassey on the whole world have massey on the people who live in the North Cove, the Turkey Cove, the Linsick Cove, and nil the little adja cent Coves. Blessed be God! Have massy upon them who live on the Cataw ba river, and more par upon them who live about Jim McDowell's. Have massy upon them who live on Buck Creek up to where Billy McClung lives, who married my dai tur, and who is a holy man ; Lord, have niacsy, and then taking the Dividing Ridge between Dick's Creek and the Garden Creek over to Mud dy Creek, where Billy McCloud lives, who married my toilier dartur, and who is another holy man praised be God ! and then revolt back to Jim McDowell's Spring Branch and up his Spring Branch to where my son Joshua lives, who is a living monument after thine own heart, blessed Lord! and then taking up to where my son Baxter lives on Black Mountain Lord have massy! he is afineboy,aclever bloy, he killed a turkey on day before yes terday, a fat buck on yesterday, and, O, Lord! may he kill a big bar on to-morrow. A very quizzical, and telling letter is published in the Alexandria Gazette, from "Phvstowisky, Ex-Chamberlain to the Ex-Count Koklophty," in which he gives the following significant resolutions as hav ing passed at a 'Classic Symposium in Go tham.' "Resolved, That in the installation of the New Era, we proclaim as its lead ing maxim, Action first, Discussion after wards. "Resolved, That the present generation, being mounted on the shoulders of its pre decessors, can see vastly further than they, and sees, for one thing, into the utter falla cy and doctrinal imbecility of those anti quated saws, 'Mind yonr own business,' and 'Charity begins at home.' "Resolved, consequently, That it is our first and chief business to regulate the af fairs of our neighbors and to sec that they arc comfortable; and that by our neighbors, in the new reading of the law of nations, is meant, finst, the Hungarians, and, next, al! the world and the rest of mankind. "Resolved, That, although the new poli cy opens to us avista of boundless debtand endless trouble, and would probably imper il or dissolve the Union, we hold that to be a matter of but little consequence, since the Union itself is to be swallowed up in the new and grand discovery ofthe ;solidar ity of the peoples.' "Resolved, That it is impertiiiertt t-) talk of precedents, in an unprecedented age, and that, being determined in fature to think with our stomachs and reason with our bayonets, we bid adieu to the old sys tems of logic and language ; referring ourselves for the first, as before stated, to the lower viscera, and for'fhe latter to that (mind style of orientalism which has produ- cuh !i narnvvsiil O! ecstacism HI the oro-ans of socialism and abolitionism. Books uxuer Ban. We see by an ar ticle in a law London paper (hat the arch bishop of the diocese of Lucon has issued a decree forbidding his flock to read what you think? Walter Scott's novels, Don Q.uixotte, the Arabian Nights, Robinson Crusoe, and the works of Chateaubriand. This i3 a singular enumeration, and, as no reason for the excommunication is given, it will be an amuaing puzzle to some scholars to discover why these authors have fallen into disrepute with the churchmen. N. Y. F. Post. On the 5th of last August, this paper hoisted the names of Millard Fillmore and Vm. A. Graham for the offices of President apd Vice President ofthe United States. At that time, we were solitary and alone. being the only paper in the United states withthat ticket at the head of its "Editorial columns, but now, more than 300 papers have Fillmore a name hosited tor tne presi dency, and over 50 have the name of Wm. A. Graham, at their mast heads lorthe Vice Presidency. Vve venture to assert, tnat- ich unanimity seldom ever Deiore prevail ed, in regard to the nomination for ttrose offices, at so early a period preceding tne Presidential election. We have honesty and candor enough to assert our belief, that Millard Fillmore js the only Whig in the United States who can be elcted to the Presidency, at this time. Mr. Fillmore, though a Northern man, has shown, beyond question, his ;determi nation, to do all sections justice, and to administer the law according to the .Con stitution, as formed by our fore-fathers. , He is a noble patriot, and a wise statesman, worthy to be honored by his comitrynvr ti. Alabama Argus. Louisiana Senatoh. J. P. Benjamin, . Whig, has been elected U. S. Senator, in' place of Mr. Downs, whose term wiU, ex pire March 3d, 1833. 5 Mrf Benjamin, w'e i .1 !.-' .... :ti ' " unqrrsmuy, is a native oi r ueutMijt, b WW v. ' '

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