TIMES. r rl J GIVE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW, TO UTTER, AND TO ARGUE FREELY, ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE, ABO YE ALL OTHER LIBERTIES -Mnrox. NEW SERIES. II. I. WYNNE, Publisher. r. Editor. f Si'-. VOL. V. NO. 9. RALEIGH, FRIDAYM C. C. RABOTEAU, : TERMS. The Times is issued every Thursday, and mailed to subscribers at Two Dollars per annum, in advance; Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if not paid in six months; . and Three Dollars if payment be delayed to the end of the subscription year. O- To Clubs, we will send Six Copies for-Ten Dollars, and Twelve copies for Eighteen Dollars, when the money accompanies the order.- ADVERTISEMENTS, Not exceeding sixteen lines, will be published one time for One Dollar, and Twenty-five Cents for each . subsequent insertion. Court orders and Jndicial Ad vertisements will be charged 25 per cent higher. A ; reasonable deduction will be made to those who ad vertise by the year. Letters to the Editor must he post paid. Money ; for the Office may be sent by mail at our risk, in pay ment for subscriptions, ad vertisemeuts, jobs, &c. U Office on fatkttetiixk st.onk door below rosT office. THE DIFFERENCE Betwekn the Parties. Some Dem ocratic editors and speakers are rather fond of saying of late that "there is now no ma terial difference between the Whigs and Democrats the old issues have become obsolete ;" and this sentiment we hear oc casionally re-echoed by some Whigs of the soft shell sort. The object of such declar ations by Democrats is sufficiently appa rent they are uttered in hope of promot ing the interests of their own party, by de luding whigs into an abandonment of theirs; or, aUeast of stealing a march upon them by lulling them into carelessness and inac tivity. , Is there any foundation for such declar ations ? We undertake to say (here is none ; and that, although time and the progress of events may have removed, or adjourn ed to a future day, some of the issues which have divided the two great parties, the dif ferences between them are nevertheless as essential and important as they ever were. Aside from and beyond any measure of policy, or any catalogue of such measures, there ;s between the parties a difference which is -essential, fundamental, and in its very nature as durable as the government itself ; a difference of spirit, and a differ ence in the ultimate destiny which each contemplates for our country a differen ce which, if all disputes upon questions of policy were accommodated to day, would beget new controversies for to-morrow. The spirit of the Whig party, while it is both liberal and progressive, is essentially prudent and conservative. First of all, it holds fast to whatever is good in the pres ent, and seeks for progress only in subor dination to order, to the inviolability of the constitution, and the supremacy of the laws. The spirit of modern Democracy, on the other hand, is radical and revolutionary, encouraging every wild impulse of the pop ular will, legarding laws and constitutions of little value when opposed to such im pulses, and tending necessarily, though un designedly, to anarchy and licentiousness. The grand ultimate destiny, which each party contemplates and desires for our coun try, is as different as their spirit. The su preme wish of the Whigs is to see the whole of the vast territory of this Union covered with popular States of intelligent, virtuous, homogeneous freemen, united in a common love for, and common allegi ance to, the federal constitution, and in a common and just appreciation of its spirit and giand design ; to see avjeuues of com merce and inter-communication crossing and interlacing the Union m every direct ion, binding each part to all the rest by ties of interest, intercourse, friendship inter marriage and consanguinity; and to see our people, under the influence of educa tion, religion and social intercourse, grow more and more assimilated as time advan ces, by each section copying the virtues of all the others, while it repudiates their vic es and errors with its own. They consid er our duty toward the rest of the world to be that of reforming it by our example,not by our physical power. In their estima tion, the great lesson which other nations have need to learn, is not how to throw off the fetters of tyranny, but how to prevent their replacement ; not how to gain liber ty, but how to preserve it. To achieve liberty is by far the lesser difficulty ; a determined spirit, physical force, military skill these are all the re quisites. But to preserve liberty to hedge it around with sufficient guards to poise pt with checks and balances to secure it (from despotism on one hand and anarchy jupon the other to give to the frame of government made to maintain it, a light ness which prevents its being a burden, an elasticity which allows the fullest scope for personal freedom, and at the same time a ' strength that insures the supremacy of the Jaws and the due administration of justice within, while it bids defiance to all assaults .from without hoc opus, hie labor est .this js the grand difficulty in the civil af fairs of mankind. To overcome it, is the v great distinction reserved for our country, rt ihfi first and onlv example, . I AA 1 U ... w X in all the history of the world, of such a onrprnmpnf - To nresent this glorious ex ample to the world : to demonstrate how personal Ireedom may oe umiea wmi so Zinl r.rAp-r' ml w-iih f h rejnilar oerrna- , ' o l jnent civil government of an immense pop ulation ; and to show how, from this union of liberty aud order, can arise such indi vidual and national happiness and prosper ity, such intellectual and moral and social oiirniinn na man never before saw or con- ci&iiMwuj 7 . 1 Ma thft Whferg consider the nf this.. ReDublic amohjr the nations of the earth. By the moral influ ence of this example they hope to regener ate the politics of the world j not doubting that the people or otner nations wiu uiem tripir liberties auite as soon as they shall have learned how to preserve them;' -' - " Modern Democracy, on the other hand seems to regard our country not merely as an example of free government, but as a sort of reservoir of liberty, from which the world is to be overflowed ; and not content to let the rest of the world take the dripp ings over the top of its. walls, they are ever ready to puncture i's foundations for the purpose of submerging some other part of the earth. They regard our mission as aggressive, and look upon this Republic as a'poliucal church militant, which ought to propagate its doctrines as Mahomet propa gated his religion, by fire and sword. They are for recommending democracy by bomb shells, and introducing republicanism thro' bayonet holes. They are for achieving the freedom of other people at the risk of our own ; and that too without inquiring whether that other people have one true idea of real civil liberty, or in any way pre pared to preserve it. They have an abid ing faith in the extension of boundary lines, and seem to. entertain no doubt that if Canada, Cuba and Mexico, or even the whole American continent, with its adja cent islands, were once annexed to the U nion, the mere fact of running our boun dary line around them, would at once con vert all the bigoted monarchists, wild Ja cobins, ignorant peasants, and uncultuied semi-savages within those vast limits, into intelligent republicans, fit to take a part in the control of this government. And thus, by annexing all the countries upon this side of the Atlantic, and flogging republi canism into those on the other, they seem to think this Union is to work out her des tiny and fulfill her mission in the world. We cheerfully admit that all the mem bers of the Democracy do not entertain the radical views here attributed to that party; and that there are those called Whigs who do entertain them. But we have been speaking of the radical essential character istics, and tendencies of the parties, and not of those individuals, who by the accident of association or peculiar circumstances, stand in a connection where they do not properly belong. Co mmwiwealth, Frank fort, Ky. Convention and Free Suffrage. The Locofoco press, we believe, is united in opposition to a Convention for amend ing the Constitution. We thought they contended the people could do no wrong that they were the sovereigns and their will should be the law. Why do they ob ject to allowing the people the privilege of altering their fundamental law ? Are they afraid to trust them ? Is their course on this subject democratic ? A democracy is defined to be a government of the people, but the democratic party of North Caro lina refuse to be governed by the will of the people. They are willing to allow demagogues to tinker with the Constitu tionto patch it up whenever they think i it will enure to their own political benefit but the people, they think, are incom petent to transact their' own business. When the Free Suffrage trap was first set, political demagogues were lavish with pro- ! fessions of love for the people vociferous in depicting their wrongs and oppressions and self-sacrificing in the extreme , in their virtuous zeal for redressing popular grievances. They were then making cap ital for their own party purposes. But now since the people show an inclination to redress their own wrongs to take the matter into their own hands and amend the Constitution in the only proper and re publican manmer, these mealy mouthed sycophants are afraid to trust them. A fine commentary this, on their loud professions. They have raised a storm they cannot quell. The people are be ginning Co reflect on this subject they see other amendments necessary, and far more important than the insignificant one giving every freeman the right to vote for Sena tor. They are asking themselves if the land qualification in voters for Senators is wrong and un-republican, is not the same qualification tor members to either house of the General Assembly equally repug nant to democratic principles ? YVhy have they not the right to vote for Judges and Magistrates ! And, if Tor redress or griev ances, andfor amending and strengthen ing the laws, elections ought often to be held,' what reason is there why annual sessions of the Legislature snouia not oe restored 1 These are some of the ques tions forcing themselves on the minds of the people, and sooner or later they must necessarily lead to the calling of a Con vention. We do not commit ourself in favor of all the changes spoken of ; to two of them at least, of which we will speak in due time, we are opposed. But we are wil- ling, cordially, to suDmii to wuaiever a mendments the people in their majesty may direct. We go "for a Convention, free and unrestricted, because we believe it is the only republican mode of altering the constitution ; because it will take the fundamental law of the State out of the jfyands of selfish demagogues and political hucksters, and refer it to the people them selves : because it will settle the whole subject once for all ; because it will place all parties on equal footing, and because n't htipve the neoole demand it. We do not see why any one should ob ject to a Convention. The fact of sftiy one favoring flie call of a Convention, does not commit J um to all the amend ments that may be agitated. Those ques tions are to be discussed before the people, and every one will then be at liberty to take the stump and advocate his own doc trines. We are sorry to find some of the Whig papers in the East, assuming a threatening attitude on account of this question. As far as we are concerned, we do not intend to withhold our support from . ... the Whig candidate lor uovernor, snouia his opinions on this question not exactly agree with our own. This issue is not the" test of Whig orthodoxy. We go for a Convention on our own hook, and we be lieve the people, particularly of the West, call for it. We are opposed to any more this subiect. If the Con stitution must needs be amended, let the people assemble in Convention and do it themselves. We have no objection to me nrinrinle of Free Suffrasre, as contained in th art of the last Lieerislature, but we are opposed to that mode of doing business ; and we hope the next legislature wiu con sign that miserable, flimsy humbug, to the tomb of the Capulets.'- Con. Mercury., CURIOUS SPECIES OF BARTER. Tn triA Distrirt of Benin Sooar. fin Wes tern Barbary,) a mountainous country in hnliitH rntirpjv hv Berber tribes, there is one place where, during the fair, a barter of a verycurious kind takes place. This fnir iannlw hftlrl nnce avear. and is chiefiv resortedto for the pupose of Bachelors find- " i ir . .1 ing wives, married men auaing to uieir matrimonial treasures, and madens and widows getting husbands. In fact, the whole aflair resolves useu into me me wo- mon sollincr themselves, but to escape the gnommy of snch a procedure, the traffic is carried on as loiiows: jacu maiueu ue airinnr tn ntpr into wedlock dresses herself in her best and most becoming attire, and takine with her a piece ot clotn otner own weaving, sits dojvn unveiled in the mark--L-o nlnr-P TTiemen. both vounr and u.vv 2 J old, who are candidates for matrimony, pa . . i . .i. . rade about the maiKei examining me lec ture of the cloth displayed by the Jadies, and scrutinizing at the same time their looks Should the customer be liUV4 w " pleased with the maiden, he enquires the price ot the cloth ; sue replies uy iianiui what she would expect as a dowry, and the amount of this she raises or depresses, -1 s . f 1 1 i according as the candidate ior ner nean mnv rJpaspi her. lesortinsr to the demand of an exhorbitant sum should she be averse r. il rnrrh.i!Rr. During- this barter, the enamored swain is able, in some degree; to judge her temper and character. 11 they come to an agreement, the parents of Hi o-lrl are. annealed to. and-thev have the right to assent or not as they please. Should they assent, the parties adjourn to a public notary, the contract is made, and the purchased bride is carried to her new home. In this traffic widows are at a low price in general, and divorced ladies sell thmr -Whs rprv rhean. The wife thus purchased eannotbe re-sold, however much the purchaser may repent uis uuigaui, one ;a Viia lawful wfirlded wife, and retains the purchase money, which is her jointure or dowry. It is evident that this curious sys tm of barter is resorted to bv these Mahom- edan mountaineers as a means of evading a law of their prophet, wnicn mieruicis an courtships before marriage. liays western jjarvary ARRIVAL OF ANOTHER STEAMER. Trip advices brought bv the Franklin, revive the warlike aspect of European af- . . . ., ... - r .1 lairs, and whet the appeuie ior suu turuier intelligence. The English government is making provision for a scheme of national i-pnort sneak trulv. is likelv to be called upon to take part in quarrels out ol the dominion or n.ngianu. au tnrlr on Relrium would involve liinfflish interference without a doubt, and would be the forerunner of general war. Belgi- Um, AUSina UI1U OUICI tuuuucuuu u". (riVa. arp rlpsr.rilied as preparinff earnesdy fnrAmnTncipji: Switzerland already cries to England for help against France. In the interim merely, pernaps, to Keep in practice tne ingnsn sijuauiuu i man. ing sad havoc with African barbarians,who have & penchant for persisting in the slave trade, in spite of all the arts and powers of lplomacy. Sup an- Pbee Negroes.- The Sher iff of Caroline Countv, Md., on Friday last, sold three free negroes, ior me Dat of the vear. who failed to hire them selves out, as required by law. The Or phans' Uourt also hound out, ior a term ui years about a dozen white ana coioreu or phan children. Atthk Hcrnr'a A nvrrP.Oll. Girls. Set VOUr affections on cats, poodles, parrots, or lap dogs hut let matrimony alone. It's the hardest way on the earth of getting a living you never know when your work is done up. inina oi carrying iS.... nine children through the measles, rhicken-pox, ra-h, muaps and scarlet fever, some of 'ern twice over ; it makes my side ache to think of it. Oh, you may scrimp ana save, ana iwisuauu iujn,auu dig, delve, and economise and die, and your hus band will marry again, take what you saved to dress his second wife with, and she'll take your portrait for a fireboard, and but what's the use of talking? I warrant every one of you'll try it, the first chance yon get ; th'ere's a sort of bewitchment about it, somehow. TV.., Vv. c- -Pmrn The T&rhoro Southerner, A II I- W v.'v ' - states that J ro F. Speight, Esq., as Chairman of the Uunty Uourt just neia, maae a repon i gard to the Wilson fund, which exhibits the follow ing l Sum total of good bonds, - - $10,8G6 Balance in hand, cash, - 864)11 a tnneS.lonkU hnHv nf la nd in Tennessee in l:ti gation, also a large unencumbered tract not dis posed of. Why are a standing collar and a Kossuth hal so appropriate to most of their wearers t Because they are emblematic of a stiff neck and a soft head. Wil. Jour. ;- . , - : Mr. Fiilmore having been nominated by the Whigs of Tennessee and Kentucky, the Times presumes he wtll now ba nominated by the Whigs in erery Southern State. ; EQUAL SUFFRAGETHE DUTY OF THE STATE CONVENTION. There will devolve upon the Whig State Convention, duties of a highly responsible character. Upon the action of that body will in all probability depend the political complexion of North Carolina for the next Quarter of a eenturv. It is right and proper that the wishes of the people should oe luliy Known, in re gard to one of the most important matters which will come oeiore mat Dooy ior con sideration. We allude to the Convention question. j ' Two years ago the thing was rather slurred over. That course-will not do now. Our opponents, the greater portion of them in the middle and Eastern portions of the State, especially, are fully committed to Gov. Reid's plan of amending the Consti tution, by Legislative enactment.. The majority of the Democr atic party in the West, will, we believe cast their votes for an uncompromising Convention man, if such is in the field. The Whigs, East, are, many of them, opposed to an unre stricted Convention, and in this particular, agree with their. Democratic neighbors.- The Whigs, West, are unanimously for an open Convention. Now, let us count up the cost, and see how the question stands: From Greensboro' to the Georgia line, the people are demanding a free Convention they desire to amend the Constitution themselves, rather than trust it in the hands of unscrupulous, selfish, log-rolling politi cians they utterly abhor Gov. Reid's free suffrage hobby, and claim equal suffrage, in its legitimate sense. This scope of coun try includes the Whig strength of the State. Moreover, thousands of the Dem ocratic party, refusing to be led by the beck and nod of Dartv-leaders, are stand ins side by side with their Whig neighbors, and de manding equal sunrage. b rorn ureensho ro', East, as a general thing, a Free Con veniion, is unpopular with both parties. -Now, the question to-be decided by the State Convention is, can the Whig party, or rafhpr the remnant that would remain after drawing a line between the East and West, do without the aid of the West? That is the question to be" consid'eied can the nartv succeed without the votes of! the Conventionists ? But do you ask, how do we know that the gallant thou sands of the West, who have alwavs ral- j lied with so-much zeal to the Whig stand-; ard, will now be found indifferent to the success of the same glorious principles? In turn, we ask, what meant that address to the people of the West, signed by thirty nine members of the last Legislature, pro teat inor ao-ainst the Legislative action in re gard to constit?vtional amendments? Did those gentlemen only indulge in a little p-asconade. or were thev in earnest, when setting forth so eloquently and ' truthfully, the wrongs which have been inflicted up on the West? They are -made of stemer stuff than to tnfle with the dearest inter ests of their constituents. They meant something, and their intentions have un dergone no change. What means the of tpn p-rnrp.5sprl flfisira of the people, throush their primary meeting, for an , unlimited Convention? What mean me noDie wings of Rnncombe. when thev solemnly declar ed they-would support no man for the of fice of Uovernor who is not tne advocate oi an open Convention? Are the people ex pected to eat their words, and at the ballot box.give the lie to their oft repeated declar ations? Such a calculation, if any enter tain it, will be sadly disappointed. The Whiff party were taught a dear les son in the last canvass. Will the dose have to be repeated? Will the Conven tion, by taking a milk and cider course on this important question, shut out from their aid and fellowship the thousands pi goou and true Whip-s. who insist upon an equi table distribution of the power of the State? Will the Convention, torgeuing tne warn ings of the past, and the indications of the present, give us a candidate who will be pig here and puppy there, and whot will "if and ''suppose" and "presume-' in rpo-nrd to this matter, rather than take a firm, unyielding stand, and boldly advo cate a Uonvenuon, m every pan oi tne - - - . - . i . i State.' if so, the game is up wim me Whio- nartv in North Carolina, and we had as wellhang our harps on the willows, "curl up and quit." isuch a course, win force the friends of a convention to run a man of their own- to cut loose from both parties, organize themselves, and go to work m earnest to secure tneir ngnts. This, the' Whisrs of the West do not de- Rirp. to do. while it can be avoided. They love the great and glorious principles 01 their party they have Dauiea ior mem, and their power has been felt throughout the length and breadth of the Union. But if they are only respected as servants and irihnfnrips for thev have been nothing more they unll use the only remedy left them, and endeavor to secure oy a separate orrranization. what thev have heretofore been denied while fighting the battles of the Whig party. - There is no doubt that Gov. Reid wilt he the. nominee of the Democratic party, and that he will advocate the same doc that he found so successful in the last canvass. His election was the result of rlio.opncinn3 in the Whiff partv. on this very subject ; and it remains to be seen whether we have profited by deieat. This is plain talk, and will not be relish ed in certain quarters. Nevertheless, as a sentinel upon the watchtower we have felt it our duty to speak plain. After the Con vention meefe. it will be too late. Fore warned is to be fore-armed. As much as we would riseTet to see divisions and strife in our ranks, we are satisfied that such will be the case, unless the Convention meot this question boldly and honestly. Give us a man who will boldly and fearlessly inscribe Equal Rights upon his flag who will traverse the State, and kicking to old harry the advice of superannuated po litical grannies, boldly appeal to the patri otism, intelligence, and manly independ ence of the hard-fisted yeomanry of the State, to sustain him. Give us such, a man as this, and whether he live in Cher okee or Currituck, will make no difference ; he will receive an overwhelming vote, and as in days of old, the West will send up her mountain thunder in tones so deep and loud as to cause the very citadel of Democracy to tremble. AsfieviUe Jews. WHIG MEETING IN GREENE. At a meeting of the Whigs of . Greene County, held at Snow Hill, on the 21st of February, 1S52, Jonathan Wood was ap pointed Chairman, and Franklin Powell, Secretary. The object of the meeting having been explained by the Chairman, on motion, R. N. Forbes, W. H. Home, W. H. B. Taylor and Wm. Dail, were appointed a committee to prepare a set of resolutions for the consideration of the meeting. After retiring ashorttime the Committee return ed and reported the following preamble and lesolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, we believe that the defeat late ly suffered by the Whig Party in the elec tion for Governor, resulted solely from our own neglect and stipineness, and the work nf thp. rprlp.mntion of the old North State is now before us, and its accomplishment re quires only that we arouse ourselves to ex ertion and do our duty, assured that our principles will triumph if explained and advocated zealously as the interests and claims of our country demand. And ... i , i whereas, to do this a tliorougn ana regular nrtrnawaiinn nf out oartv is necessary, and v" r i . ' a full, mutual expression of opinion , so that (here may be general unanimity and con fidence, which ulone can insure united and vigorous action, the want of which has been recehtJy so disastrously demonstrated: Therefore - 1 . Resolved, That it is with a noble pride and exultation that we regard the lustre a-hirh has heen added to oursrlorvas a na tion, by the dignified, patriotic, and mas- - 7 J - r- a terly administration oi our uovKiiiuient under Millard Fiilmore, and most gladly and hopefully would we hail the flag of Fillmore and Graham at our mast head, but in this we do not disparage the claims of some others of our prominent men, and with pmial ripvotion would we do our du ty in the hope of entrusting die helm to their hands, farm as we are m our conna rwp in thpir nrinrioles and their patriotism and in their ability to guide us rightly and safely. 9 Ttpsnlnerl. That we trust it may be the last time that it will be neeessary for .s 1 us to reiterate our opinion, mat we reguru iU flninummise measures as a final settle ment of the slavery question, and our de termination to stand oy mem, pioviueu thpv he full v sustained and carried out by all parties and all sections. 6. liesolvea, l nai me resnu oi uie ooi al filection has rendered firm our slightly shaken confidence in our party and that the Eighth Distrtict has almost hprsplf hv the handsome majori ty polled for our nobla Stanly, regarding his triumph as an assurance oi me uevu tion of her staunch sons to the principles of our glorious Union. A Tlnsnl.np.fl. That it with deep and heartfelt sorrow that we learn that the hand of time at last bears heavily upon one ot our noblest patriots. The heart of the na tion even now trembles with the solemn fear that soon the death of Henry Clay will fill thp land with mourninsr, and a grief will come upon us second only to that which bowed the neans or our laxueis w the dust when the grea,i "Father of his Country" passed from among them to fill his high station at the right hand of his Maker..-- --. 5. Resolved, That we trust that our par ty will see the urgent necessity at this time for earnest, united, and timely action, and that all parts of the State will be fully rep- rAjsniPri in hp tate uonvenuon to oe iieiu in Raleigh, on Monday the 26th day of April next, to nominate our uanaiaaie ior Governor, and that the Chairman of this meeting appoint a suitable number of Del egates from each Captain's District in the county to represent us in said Convention. 6. Resolved, That we are willing to forego the expression of preference for any partTcuIar person, desiring first and mainly the triumph of our principles, and having full confidence m the wisdom ana juug mort nfiha (Innvpntinn. we pledge our- UlCUh Jl ' 7 ( o selves to the unqualified support of its nom- inao 7 Resolved, that we concur with our brethren of Beaufort and other counties, in dieir opinion of the expediency ol holding a District Convention in the Town of Green ville, on the 5th of May next, for trjpur pose of appointing a Delegate and altern ate to attend the National Convention, and that the Chairman appoint one Delegate tiorn each Captain's District to represent us in said Convention. Delegates were then appointed, and the meeting adjourned. Lent. Archbishop Hughes has pub lished an official bulletin regulating the meals of pious Catholics during the forty ilniranfT.fnt: On certain davs one meal is only allowed, with a small supper. Beef and mutton are also iorDiaaen. un uuiei dnvs fish an rl flesh are prohibited at the same meal. Eggs, butter, and cheese are flowed, according to quantity. Nothing is said by the Archbishop of rum, brandy, or liquor of any kind. The pious regula tions look queer in the nineteenth centnry. They are "only suitable' for the age of Pe ter the Hermit. Many a poor crerlure in New York is compelled to abstain from flesh for twice forty day3, simply because he cannot buy it. The Maine liquor law is a sort of a Protestant Lent, forbidding drams forever and a day. From the Goldsboro' Telegraph. DREADFUL ACCIDENT. Our streets on Monday evening last were the theatre of a frightful tragedy. About five o'clock the New Berne stage, with one inside passenger, by the name of R.'N. Taylor, and with Mr. Col bert, the Contractor, on the boot with the driver, Mr. James Turley, was moving rapidly up Ches nut street to Centre, ill the midst of which is the trackof the Rail Road. When very near this track, and when it was too late either to turn or stop, it was discovered that the Passenger train going south, and descending at this point a slight grade, was within forty yards and rapidly ap proaching. Nothing was left except to hurry a cross as speedily as possible. This was accord ingly done, and the track was scarcely cleared by the stage when it was covered by the engine. Had the stage proceeded in a straight direction, no ac cident would pTobably have happened, since the horses had not yet taken fright. But the street in front being occupied by a road wagon, they were necessarily reined to one side up West Centre street. They were thus brought in full view of the passiti train. They took fright and commen ced immediately to run up West Centre. While opposite the store of Messrs. Gregory & Gfiswold the gentleman inside jumped out and saved himself though at considerable risk, since the skirts of his coat were for a moment entangled in the rapidly revolving wheel, by which he was thrown with some violence to the ground. The horses mean while moved onward with increasing speed. They hurried past Mrs. Borden's Hotel, and came to Mulberry street, which led in the direction of the stables. Down this street they turned at a short angle. While turning, the inside fore wheel was raised from the ground by the centrifugal force. In this position it struck against a portion of the trunk of a large tree, which happened to be in the way. The body of the stage was thereby thrown entirely over and detached from the fore wheels, with which the horses hurried on, throwing down one of their number, dragging him some distance and striking him against the angle of a fence, until they reached the stables, where they stopped. The worst part of the story remains to be told. The body of the stage fell with tremendous momentum upon the poor driver. When the eseited citizens reached the spot, the iron railing around the top, intended to secure the baggage, was found resting upon tUe small of his back. He was immediately extm-ated and carried to Mrs. Borden's Hotel, whrre Messrs. Dewey, Davis, Hooks and John Andrews, of the medical fraternity, soon assem bled to render what aid was in their power. They discovered however that the hip bone where it joins the spine was shattered, that the spine itself was mashed, and that there was no hope. The poor fellow died about 8 o'clock, and was buried on the day following. - Mr. Colbert also was very seriously injured. When he arose from the ground upon which he had been precipitated, and rested hia weight upon his right leg, he felt it give way.and upon looking down saw that it was broken. He was also taken to Mrs. Borden's Hotel, and it waa found upon examination that both bones of the leg were broken at their articulatton with the foot. It was imme diately bandaged, and he is low in a comparative ly comfortable condition. This sad affair and its incidents teaches us two important lessons. From the general concern manifested in behalf of the sufferers, and the kind, prompt and assiduous attention which they receiv ed, we learn to lake a more benevolent view of hu man nature, since these things shew that there is more kindness in the heart of man than it has credit for, certainly much more than we would be induced to believe, from its developments in the ordinary affairs of life. But by far the "most im portant lesson inculcated, is the homely but most impressive truth, that in ' the midst of life we are death.' At the hour of five, the unfortunate Tur ley had blown a merry blast upon his bugle horn, the signal of his approach ; at eight his friends were preparing to consign his mortal remains to 'darkness and the worm.' Shocking Murder. Mr. AUigood Bay-: nor, an old man aged about 60, was brutaK ly murder&d at his own house in Beaver' Dam district, in this county,on Wednesday evening last. The perpetrator of this hor rible outrage was Wm. Congleton, a neigh bor of Mr. Baynor. It appears from the confession of Congle ton (who went to a neighbor's immediately after the murder in a state of intoxication and told what he had done) that they got in to a scrimmage, and that Baynor tore his (Congleton's) shirt ; and, said Congleton, "no man should tear his shirt without dying for it?" There was no body present.except some negroes, when the murder was com mitted. Baynor was stabbed in five places, and died in three hours. This Congleton is a desperate follow when drunk. He was recently turned out of jail in this county for an assault upon one of his neighbors, with intent to kill.it was believed. He has not yet been arrested. The day af ter the murder he passed Pactolus, in Pitt county, on his way to the rail road, it is sup posed. The sheriff has pursuers on his track, and it is not likely he will escape. JSTortA State Whig. ..tr. loitor rnm n subscriber to the r. . ninff P. O.. Texas. eiveB rather a novel list of the names of villages nd settle ments ia that neighborhood, as followsV " East of our vicinity, are Buck snort, Doublcat, j t Snnth-Sr.rnucrfibiir( and Truck- in-the-Bucket. North, Nip-and-Tuck.-West, oi .i. S.npwf-f9t. 'Possnm-trot. Slick-un- UM&l.Ck-aii'- 1 - and-snatchit, Step-ami-fetr.h-it. Gonrd-necK val-. lev, and Rake-pocket." Accident. Mr.Ju.lius Andleton an over seer on the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, was killed in a frightful manner on the 24th ult. On that day, he got on board a train on the road, and took iiis stand on the front car, next to the tender, holding on to the tank of the tender with his hands. He rode in this way until within a short distance of Littleton, when, very unexpectedly, the coupling broke between the car and tender, throwing him foward off the car in the track. Eight heavy loads of sills passed over him, crushing and mangling his body in a dread ful manner. He was takeii back to Gaston, and on Thursday morning the 26th ult. was carried by Railroad to Garysburg, where he was met by his widowed mother, who had only heard the sad news but a short time. He vas the youngest son of Mrs. Andleton, and a member of the M. E. Church. Washington, M xrch 1. The Ameri can Telegraph publishes a card this after noon, of Mr. J. M. Bernliisel, a delegate, from Oregon, in which lie positively con tradicts the rumor brought b the steamer Prometheus, from Oregon, that the Mor mons had issued a declaration of indepen dence ard set at nought the powers of the general government. He also asserts jJi at the story of their arming themselves and declaring their territory to be aa independ ent republic, is a ehcar fabrication, aiid has gained circulation from the misun derstanding growing out of the difficulty with the government affairs last fall. Juggernaut's Household. The establishment connected with the great temple of Juggernaut, in India, is immense. It includes thirty -six different kinds of offices, some of which are subdivided into several more. About 640 persons are required to fill the appointments, a few of which are the fol lowing: The one who puts Juggernaut to bed, the one who wakes him, the one who gives him rice, and another to give him pan, one to wash his linen, one to carry his robes, one to carry his umbrella, and one to tell him the hours of worship. Besides these, there are 4,000 coohs, 120 dancing gitrls, and 3,000 priests,, many of whom are ex cecdingly 7ich. i The Railroad between Weldon and Gaston. We are gratified to learn that the Board of Com missioners, appointed to receive proposals for iho construction of the Raleifrh and Gaston, have al lotted the whole work to Messrs. Green, Myers &. Co. The former John A. Green, Esq., of tin Gos port Iron Works, and well known to this commu nity is an active, energetic business man, and a gentleman in every way qualified for the underta king. The latter, a resident of Norfolk, we be lieve, is also a gentlemau of great energy of char acter, and in connection with our friend Green, we feel assured the work could not be placed in' better hands with a view to its speedy completion. Ports Transcript. ! ' El mine spectalores, plaudile! The gladiator exhibition between Messrs Rhelt and Clemens, of the Senate, is over, and Clemens remained victor. Mr. Rhett wasJnquithed in the Roman sense but escaped in the sense ecclesiastical. He interpos ed the church between himself and his antagonist, who had bestowed upon him those epithets in 'he English language which cover a person mo6t with opprobrium and disgrace. j Mr. Rhett is right s far as fighting is no argu ment, and does not further the cause of truth ; but he ought to have applied the doctrine not only to hia own case, but also to his State and to the country. The religion he professes is that of peace; iU di vine founder having blessed the peace-makers, aud the peace-makers are not those who foment civil war and strife and talk, as Mr. Rhett dos, of the "gallows," the "block," and the "battle field," as if there were nothing in these things to disturb the pious imagination of a Christian. 1 If. C. MUTUAL IXSURAXCE COJIPAAT. RALEIGH, N. C. j THIS COMPANY insures the lives of indi viduals for one year, a term of yearsor for lifeontLe mutual principle, the assured for life participating in all the profits of the Company. For policies granted for the whole term of lite, when the premium therefor amounts to $30, a note may be given for one half the amount of the premium bearing interest at 6 per ccnt without guaranty. ' - . j The prompt manner in which all losses have been paid by this Company, together with the low rates of premium, present great inducements to such as are induced to insure. i Slaves are insured for a term of from one to five vears, for two-thirds their value. All losses are paid within 90 days after satisfac tory proof is presented. j DIRECTORS. Charles' E. Johnson, AVm. D. Haywood, James F. Jordan, Perrin Busbee, H. W. Husted, i Wm. H. McKee, : Charles B. Root, Wm. W. Holden, Wm. D. Cooke, Wm. R. Scott, Wm. H. Jonep, F. C. Hill, ) Seatoa Gales. , j j OFFICERS Dr. Charles E. Johnson, ' William D. Haywood, James F. Jordan, William II. Jones, Perrin Busbee, Charles E. Johnson, M. D. William H. McKee, M. D. Richd. B. Haywod, M. D. President, " j Vice President, Secretary, '. ( Treasurer i Attorney. j . ; r Medical Board of i Consultation. William D. Cooke, Dr. Wm. R. Scott, Charles 13. Root, 1 Executive Committee. 3 ! J. HERSMAN, General Agent, rihrr information, the oublic are referred to the pamphlets,, and forms of proposal, which- may be obtained at the oince oi me uiupany.ui any of its agencies. i - Communications should oe aaaressea.post paiu; to JAMES t . JUKUA.-v, oecreiary. Dec. 6, 1851. - W.L.POMEROY, (SUCCESSOR TO POMERO Y & O'NEAL,) Book Seller and Stationer, . No. 16, Fatetteville Street, Raleigh, HAS on hand a very large and valuable collec tion of Theological, Law, Medical, Scientific, Ag ricultural, Miscellaneous, School Books. Blank Boots and Stationery of all kinds. Pr ces very low call and examine. March 5, 1852. 81y WANTED, i AT the Neiise River Oil Mills, B000 bushels of Cotton seed, Flax seed and Palrna-Christe or Cas tor Oil Beans, for which cash and the market piic will be given. ' .' ' March 5, 18, ,