,', NEW SERIfiS. .';', ' ' 'V ; i VOL. V. NO- 14. R. I, WYJNTNJE, Publisher 1 RALEIGH, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1352. l. r, C. C: RABOTEAU EAU, Editor. j r qiYE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW, TO UTTER,' AND TO ARGUE FREELY, ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE, ABOVE ALL OTHER 'LIBERTIES.'' Miltox. -1 ' V-V-- t ' .-' IJL.tt.IUa.' - ' .! .- The Time ia wjued erery Thursday, and mailed to lubscnbers at TwoPollar per annum, iu advance; "Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if not paid in six mouths; !nd Three Pollara if payment be delayed to the end '-rot the subscription year. ; S3" To Clubs, wa .will aend Six Copies for Ten Dollars, aJid Twelve; copies for Eighteen Dollars, " when the money accompanies the order. ' ADVERTISEMENTS, .. ,' "Not exceeding sixteen lines, :will be published one "'time for One Dollar, and Twenty-five Cents for each .subsequent insertion. ' Court 'orders and Judicial Ad : -rertisements will bo clmniedSS per ceut higher. A reasonable deducti:n will be mada to those who ad- ' -vertise bv the yenr. ( : , : ,(' -' letters to the Editor ninst t-e'post paid. Money rr iU. nfl,.i mnv lui wnt ht mail at onr risk, in PHV- meut for subscriptions, advertisements, jobs, &c. . 53" Office on fatetteville st., one door below VOST OFFICE. v ' ' WAKti AUiilLiULlUltftb ouoiLii i. Raleigh, March 29lh, 1852. - Hie waKeouniy Agricuuuiai outic ' y assembled in the Hall of the House of Commons, agreeably to notice, a half-past i o'clock, P. Mi , : The proceedings of the previous meet ing having been read, the President intro duced Alpheus Jones, Eq.- who address ed the Association some thirty-fiv c or forty " minutes, on the importance of knowledge, scientific and practical, to the perfection and just elevation of Agricultural pursuits, and the advantages of associated efforts in accomplishing agricultural -improvements. His address was replete with instruction , and cogent argument, beautifully illustrat ed, and was listened to by the audience ". with profound attenlion and manifest evi dences of delight. After Mr. Jones had concluded, l :,i ; I, 1UX. IjClliay iU&CUUU kuu,ji. n-a an "- portant stage in the progress or this Associ ation ; and as he saw in the assembly a -distinguished gentleman, the Rev. Dr. Mason, who had devoted much of his time to the study of subjects immediately connected with the objects to which it is devoted, and who was well qualified to give instruction and encouragement in the good work in which we were about to em bark, he would take the liberty to request that genileman to favor the toociety witn some remarks ; and in order to place a .question before the House, he asked leave 7 . . i -i - r.ii : I...: - to introduce me iuiummg icaun-uuu . Resolved, That every gentleman pres ent will render some service to the State by uniting hi motif with u w-- -Airripulniral Society. : Th Tlftv. Tir. Mason responded to the call in an able and instructive speech of an lialf hour's length, in which he demonstra ted the importance of success in agricul ture to the permanent prosperity and inde pendence of any community or country shewed the importance of knowledge ana co-operation in agricultural improvement and very happily illustrated the utility and " pleasure which would result from greater care and attention to the orchard, as well as to the farm and the garden. The following gentlemen then enrolled . their names as new members of the So- - ciety: Joseph T. Hunter, Allen Adams, . Quinton Adams, R. B. SeawcII, Wm. H. Pope, Charles Manly, John H. Jones, Green Beck with, Moses King, Henry SeawcII,' Wm. White; Jr. Caswell Powell, ' B. F. Moore, -Rufus II. Petrel, B. S. D. Williams, W. G. Strickland, James Wiggins, B. T. Strickland, Patrick McGowan. Mr. Lemav. from the Committee ap pointed to prepare a Constitution, &c, re ported the same, which was adopted. Thp. Sncieiv then, proceeded to the e lection of its officers for die ensuing year: Whereupon the following genuemen weic unanimously chosen: Charles L. Hin'.on, President. Wm. F. Collins, 1st Vice President. Willis Whitaker, 2nd Vice President. ' ' John Hutchins, 3rd Vice President. Jere Nixon, 4th Vice President. TI W Montiio-iie. 5th Vice President : .Wilson - Whitaker, Recording Secretary. T. J. Lemay, Corresponding secretary ' W. R. Poole, Treasurer and seedsman Alpheus Jones, Stephen Stephenson, Needham Price, John H. Jones, Peleg Rogers, J ames Wiggins, E. P. Guion, John W. Harris, L. O'B. Branch, Gaston U.Iey. Mr S fT. Rnwrs introduced the fol lowing resolutions, which, after discussion mMRt.inn. as to the manner of prin ting, in which Messrs. Boy lan, Pope, t1 Willis Whitaker. Thos. G. Whita- " ker, Collins, Branch, Hicks and Rogers participated, were unanimously adopted i; Resolved, That the thank of this Soci ety are due, and hereby tendered to Al and the Rev Dr. Ma. '' fr tU ahl. interestins and inslruc ! live addresses deliveied by tliem on Uns occasion. - . That committee of Uiree be - x' . . , ..... ; appointed to communicate to the speakers ' the above resolution, and to request of each of them a copy of his address for publico- .n,l tK.ii Kflul -nmmiUee be authoris- ed to cause the same to be pnnted with the Constitution and By-Laws, in pamphlet form, for distribution among the .members of the Association and the community. Branch, and Iemay .,' were appointed the committee to carry out ,'. the provisions ot tne loregumy ioiuuw. '. On motion, it was resolved. that when Snnotv nriiniirnj. it shall adioum to "'.o'clock iu UicTown Hall. On motion, ; ; ' : 'I ! . Resolved, That L. O'B Branch Esq., be requested to deliver an. address before the society at its meeting in May next. . Resolved, That the City papers be re quested to publish these proceedings. On motion, the Society adjourned. C. L. H1NTON, PrcsH. -W. W. Whitaker, lice. Sec'ty , . . . From the Norfolk (Va.) Courier. GOVERNOR GRAHAM. ,. We- hnvp. vpninrpfi. since the Whi? par ty of Virgrinia have eo universally and en- thusiastically endoreed ine course oi presi dent Fillmore, and declared hi.n to be their choice for reaccession to the highest office within the gift of the people, to elicit the views of many of the Whigs in this neighborhood as to their preferences for the office of Vice President; and we sincerely believe, that if the will of our parly could be known to-day, William A. Graham, of North Carolina stands first and foremost among all competitors for that position. The basis of this conviction is, that we hear everywhere accorded the highest meed of praise for the able and discreet manner in which he has administered the affairs of the Department over which he presides; for his undoubted capability and unswerv ing patriotism; his bold, manly, and con sistent course in the Whig ranks, and his well-known and unalterable attachment to tli Srmh nnH hr institutions.' It is con ceded that, under any and all circumstan ces, we must have a southern man for the Vice Presidency none other can expect to be acceptable. In the race for prefer ment few can have the same favoiable cir cumstances to recommend them few can prove so reliable and so popular as the dis s - , .i . ..i j a ...t,.. unguisnea genuemau uameu. i.o vc before intimated, harmony in our ranks is to be attained even though it should re- quire a sacrifice ot the strongest individual preferences; cordially upon those who may seem most likely to secure a triumph, and to realize the expectations oi our menus m nil units nf thn countrv bv uniting every J ' ' . fractional part of the Whig strength. William A. uiaham, oror.h oarotina, from his extended popularity and uational reputation, bids fair to be most acceptable to that portion of the Union , which will claim the second office as an appropriate pledge and acknowledgment of a disposition to in terfere in nowise with its peculiar institu- nant "of fidelity to the bonds of our Union, ... . i i i . ... tt lnch must be preservea, anu.uo uena evidence of its almost universal acceptabil ity by Northern Whigs can be produced than lslound in tne iaciuiaiasyei uu uum I T. from that section has been namea m nexionwith the office of Vice President. Whether our Presidential candidate be Fillmore, or. Webster, or Scott, we must l,.tr af-iithi-rn man as Vice President, to ensure the success of the ticket and to har monize ihe discordant elements which ill- temnered nreiudice and sectional views seem likely to engender. . With us it is a borne question; we can trust any and all of those who have been named for the first office we know them to be Whigs and patriots, tried and true. Let us, then, seek to name one for the V ice Presidency every wav as worthy as they of southern support and southern confidence. It is not alto gether improbable that our State Conven tion, soon to assemDie, may ueciaic unan imously for Mr. Fillmore; and we do hope . J . . . . r r . t -.1. . . . . that the lueuds ol Air. mranam, name is legion in Eastern Virginia, may tnlr thf- rsmner slens to elicit an expression nfnnin'mn in i lie convention with reffaid to . . . . i a? 117. 1 iLio .a a&w w h,a - gun: in uip. seconu omce. c umc frar nf ihe result: and we think it quite as good policy to announce our preferences ,1 !! fm- ihe first office in our Republic. I Jl UIV fcJV MR. AVEBSTER. Com. Stockton paid the following high .nmniiment to the eieat Constitutional Statesman, in a speech before the New Jer 1 sey legislature last week; Fronds, if there is anvlhinsT that can excite the mind, it is the contemplation of the ailecuon bestowed upon me possess"! of hiffh virtues and lofty intellectual attain- mAntu Ami tt'hpn we leei we cu.u wv i.-wr Twirt.v TrfHilections. when we can r wst- ft-1 ft. nrrf 1 n v conic up lurjciuu jmjr lift nltar of our country sec- ii'nnnl nrpindices. and applaud these with 1 J " J 7 11 . not distinction oi party, u is a iriiuiipn u Via Rplfishnss uf the human mind that we may feel proud of. Battles may be fought, and victories won, and fields deluged with iLoKM nf ihpir rll tided victims. Victo- rr in nil forp has received honors. ' But thr.c w)n hnvp. won them have senerallv been actuated by some invincible necessity ambition, or the lust of power: - This is a proud day for those here assem bled, and New Jersey. I feel it as a New Jerseyman, as n man, as a patriot, and a hristian. Whenever I contemplate Mr. .Wohotori mv bftart ffoes up in devout as pirations to Heaven, thai it has endowed ro f nur Knoru& with such virtue and in tellect. It is not simply for hia manly form, that noble brow. whicn seems piaceu hv ihe Almiffhtv: but the tHrtuP. nf the man. I have known him for I hvi seen him silting a- mong the wise and good in the councils of the nation; I have sat as a uoy, uuu h .words of wisdom falling from those hps, which I deemed inspired. And 1 Bay it before this assembly, and before the world, that if there is a patriotic iiean iu unj thar heart is in the body of " Daniel eb- o.or t li nv heard him at various times Oll . . A w - - discourse of public affairs in-private, arid have never heard a word that , might be construed against his country or her inter ests, or that should, not emanate from a great and pure man. . I have seen him in the sports of the field, with his gun upon his shoulder, following my own dogs; and whenever and Avherever I have seen him he was the same great and pure man. You need not' be surprised at my hesita tion, and think my concern affected, for the great talent of , our distinguished guest are enough to petrify my insignificant and measurable abilities. I could not let the occasion pass ..-without, raising my feeble voice in welcome to our guest, and I am proud of this occasion of performing a du ty to exalted worth. WHIG PRINCIPLES. It really amusing to read some of. the pompous articles iu our Democratic ex changes, glorifying their own party and demolishing, as they seem to think, at one fell blow, the whole Whig party. These papers talk very flippantly of Democratic principles, of their triumphs, fcc , and as sert that the Whigs have no principles, having abandoned the Bank, the Tariff, &c. "One can hardly read the articles to which we refer, without coming to the conclusion that the writers themselves know v ery little of the-principles of the two paj tie& and thai they never have in their own minds drawn a distinction between measures and principles, even if they have the ability to do so. But such arti cles have their influence, and while they may amuse some by their simplicity, they may lead others astray, as many of their readers take their assertions upon trust without due examination. How ridicu lous is the assertion ihat the Whigs have a bandoned their pnuciples, when it is noto rious that they have now a consistent and firm representative of those principles in ihe Presidential chair, and that they are fast bringing their forces into a formidable array to contend for them in the next Pre sidential contest. But it is urged that the Whigs have a-bandoiu-d a United States Bank! True. But that is no Whig principle. It w-as a Democratic measure in its inception ; and was advocated by the Whigs because they believed it afforded great facilities to the Government and the people. Their prin ciples, which had regard to the interests of the people, led them to sustain thisZ?e power and popularity of the man who ihfi ally crushed it. But the Whigs would not believe a Bank would be useful if made the subject of party strife, and the princi- les, therefore, led to its abandoment.- Mip nflmnrraia will have to establish it a- gtunif they deem it necessary the Whigs, we presume, wilt not; ana as some jem- ocrats have been taught to believe that Dprnmrnrv consists in OPOOSinST a Bank, there is much reason to fear that this plank in their platform will have to be dropped, and that those who have nereioioie jiiam pH ilipmsf-lpps so firmlv on it in opposition to the ''monster," may be at a loss to clas sify themselves. In rPftrpn-P. tn the Tariff, the Whigs stand upon the same platform upon which r . X - -.1. T1T rl,r they stood twenty years ago, wuu iui . vi at their head. They go for no higher tj-nffthnn i necessary to provide an ade- ...... v .. , . . nuate revenue for an economical adminis- r,t iiio nrmpi imipnt But desire it cV.nl! Iip sr nrlinsted as to favor the inter vow v ' ' " I 1 ' - . he. people of Great Britain or nf -hp r nan rte.:"rie. ratner inarx uie . 1 ml " .1 mw nrhpF frtf-eivn country. 1 UIS IS lliu Whiff doctrine now, Just as it was when :a i.,r Mr rilnv in ihe Senate in lu-u j - - 1 But it is unnecessary to dwell upon these . ,i0 mo- nn K raes ure iuu iiii-uiu--- wuift4-o. . r l 1 - ' . , . y connectea with me prosperity Bl"'J f nimtiu pvr.r to be abandoned Thev are the principles of Washington, as avowed in Ins lareweii auuiess, upuu ...Ni.tnfthp. inviolability of the Union and non-interference in the affaire of other nations: and in regard to other questions, llioir nnni'inlpa are based unon a steady ad i,r,..o tn iIia rnnstitution and the true in KroBt nf the. people m. all their . business The Whiers abandon such principles as these! Never. If they were base etiougn 10 uu n, ki i hem up. They are WISUIU ivivsvw w i m - the true principles upon wnicu una !!H he. administered, and upoh which it is now administered by our pres- cnt able Executive, iuay u ey i"-"-to v thus adminiered, whoever may oc cupy the Presidential chair. Mr.Soule's Speech. The speech which m Ka maHe in the Senate in be- half nf HKhuiierism in general is thougnt to e..;r ,i-;th his disunion speeches two in ciu. ..... i vears aro. It is difficult to make a Trench - - f I - J 1 na man uvi i-i " . . txt. cnio liaa hrn. com Drehend the role ovon it naturalized as iulk i.lJ.1. uuui- - I . . , nfthis rnnntrr. Fillibusterisin and boutn c:..oi;cm Hr. Sonl seems to set CIll UCVUUlluiiJ'( - " down as its primary duties. Minding tts own business is neither popular in France, nor elsewhere, among such representatives of it as Mr. bouie. - - - - -., as. Ti,nm5 Moore was buried at the vil io nfRmmham. within a mile oi the cot- ; ht hrpathed his last. He was placed, in obedience to his own wish, w the same crave with one of his daughters, ihe village church was crowded with the poor d the ector of the Ul Kim w.JgMw...w a : , . .j- ..... ..:n nmo to nav the last tribute of regard to .n oldfi-iend. , But beyond this .renMeman and Mr. Longman, trie publish- n i horn wort nnnp W ho had known the poet in life to offer him personal respect in 'Ul'.lll. CASS AND THE PROVISO. ; The, intelligent reader will recollect that not many months before the meeting of the .Baltimore Convention of 1848, Mr-. Cass- of broken sword notoriety wrote a letter to one Mr. Nicholson, of Tennes see, upon the subject of the then much talked of Wilmot Proviso. : The real ob ject of the epistle was to procure for the writer thereof the nomination for the Pres idency by the said Democratic , Conven tion of 1848 j and so ingeniously was it contrived to look one way and row anoth er at the same tinl, that its purposes was in all things accomplished. Cass received the nomination1, with unfeigned gratitude, no doubt, mounted the platform erected for him for the campaign, and declared that his Profession of Political Faith was for ever closed. But the people of the coun try were not so easily bamboozled as the builders of the Baltimore Platform had supposed. The hero of the broken sword was routed, and was glad enough to get back to tlie United States Senate, where he could again play the demagogue and manmiivm for another nomination. But to his inexpressible confusion he has found that certain retractory memuers oi ins par t v lifiv not nniift as much iSsnect for '.-a J x beaten General as they might entertamind lhat it would not go mucn against ine grain with them to shuffle off his leadership and put themselves under the colors of some other adventurer. Certain portions of the Nicholson letterre not quite so savory in their nostrils as they were four years ago ; and consequently he has been compelled more than once since his return to the Sen ate to re-open his said Profession of Faith and add an explanatory note or two to the original text. On the 1 9th ultimo it be ing hangman's day frcm time immemo rial -thp. illustrious chief found himself a- gain obliged to mount his monstrous legs . 1 m 1 1- I . . ;' 1 " and bestow lunnei cuuguicnmcui upoirmo undeipatca iouowcrs. tne pretext tor is magnificent uplifting of his lordly pro portions, was a letter wntten by iUr. Jer ferson Davis, of Mississippi, and copied into a Washington paper, calling in ques tion the soundness of some of his views. After a proper and becoming prolegomen on, he proceeded to sound his ram's horn in the following wise : "I am not going into a review of the bid controversy, connected with the general cnUipct nf thf Wilmot nroviso. . 1 desire. ticuiar, -'ace ooi.-xrjonlf jiijjtitijirei me. It will be recoiiectea inai wneu uy Nicholson letter was written we had not ac quired California. It was yet during tne existence ot the War, ana tne principles discussed had therefore relation to the usual form of territorial government, as establish ed by the authority ot Congress. Wrt .loiiht he was misunderstood the usual plea of politicaf weathercocks. And this is a specimen oi tne canuor oi a jii.iii ;..or. T)nniocrntic. candidate for the Presi dency not only in 1847, hut also in 1852 ! When his "Nicholson letter was written yj Kori nnt acniiirpd fialifomia:" and the prin ciples which he "discussed had therefore .ohitmn tn thp nsnai. torm oi lerruoriai gov ernments, as established by the authority of Congress." VV hat a miserable l at is tne Hon. Mr. Cass to take refuge in such a dir ty hole as this ! Does not every body know that although'we had not acquired Califor nia when the .Nicholson leuer was .nimcn, vpt it uns psneciallv in contemplation ot that very acquisition that the said letter was - . . .... . L- XT tU penned? else why did ue assure ins inunu etn friends that slavery would never go there evr.n without the proviso? Mr. Buchanan, oi reunsylvania,.naa written a icuci i-n i.. ,i,r.-,o.t if ? .nistake not. eiviii2 as his opinion that slavery would uot be carried to Jew Mexico or uamornia, proiau ut m,;,i Cass instant V seized upon me theme. out-Heroded Herod, alid carried tne nomination iu the face of all opposition. Bui now, we had not acquired California when his Nicholson letter was written? Are .i T-k i ..t .l iliair man ? the jjrmocrBis noi asuumpu u- -vi. ....... ir nnca will nrohahlv vet come to the con i. ,.riVTr I.nftv. heforo he srets to he n ih.i i.o -,hn invented the art ol I icaiucui a- " ... . telling the truth was a much cunninger fel low than he has credit tor. 1 Argus.j From the Boston Atlas. TVTr, TTat t vtt n-p the South. This tlen-inn ' the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and the head of Hunker liOcofocoism in Mas sachusetts, is now undergoing a very se- ere political examination in ine soumeiu papers. I he recent speecn oi iui. ivui- toul, in uongress, wiiue n. mo --u sink that gentleman twenty fadiom deep, in the estimation ot tne uniemueu ouuw., has also very materially aided to drag even such an angel as Mr. Hallett down to a corresponding depth. tvt. T?ovrnil in nnler t defend his J.T.L1. " - ' --. own position, and to prove that he was al- ways consistent ra- iub wuiw, u.nu r to the true. Hunker standard of Democra cy in Massachusetts, quotes a couplerof resolutions, which were drafted by Mr. Hallett, who, as Mr. Rantoul says, has a perfect passion for this sort of business, and which were passed by a Democratic State Convention, in Faneuil Hall, in 1849, in oi. nnA ihr-Mf. resolutions have eer- tainly, if we are to judge from eouthern papers, placed mr. uancu, m a. ous position. -' '; --' Now, it appears from a statement made in Congress by Mr.s Rantoul, a Freesoil Democrat from; Massachusetts,, that Mr. Hallett entertains opinions identical with his. He says that at a convention of the Democratic party, in 1849, Mr. HaUett,aa chairman of a comnliuee, introduced the following resolutions, which were unani mously adopted :. "Resolved, That we are opposed to sla very in any form and color, and in favor of freedom and free soil wlierever man lives throughout God's heritage. . "Resolved, That'. we are opposed to the extension of slavery to free Territoriestnd in favor of the exercise of all constitution al and necessary means to restrict it to the limits within which it does or may exist by thi local laws of the State." W. art. fnrlnhforl to Mr'.'.; On hell, of Flor ida, for worming out of Mr. Rantoul the i- " . -r. . . . : aisimci racr tnai -inese resoiuuoua weie written by Mr. Hallett. In the Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle of the 17th we find a leading article and Wash ington letter, devoted to the freesoilism of Mr. Hallett and Mr. Rantoul, which are important, as they show the high estima tion in which both eendeman are regarded by the Union paity in the South. ' The Clironicle quotes from the speech of Mr. Rantoul the extract which we quo ted above, and asKs, in .terms muignant, whether the Union party of the South can meet in Convention at Baltimore with such men as Mr. Hallett and Mr. Rantoul, both of whom, we understand, are dele gates to that convention. After quoting Ranloul's speech: so far as it relates to Mr. Hallett and the resolu tions quoted by our Richmond friend, tne writer breaks out thus : "From this it will be seen, not only what sort of a man this Mr. Rantoul is, but also what, sort of a man Mr. Hallett is, who is chairman of the committee who called this Baltimore Convention. It was expected by some of luefire-cating- gen tlemen of last year, that Mr. Rantoul, for the sake of harmouy in the party, would have modified his opinions to some extent. But it seems that his Yankee obstinacy is stronger than their southern chivalry for h. Knnlrp. with the same boldness that he did last spring, when he volunteered in the case oi the runaway slave '-aims, -.who ivna tntpn tin in lWiri. You probably y K. ....... J recollect, as weir as your readers, what ex citement was produced throughout me South bv thp trial in "that case. Rantoul was the volunteer counsel in the case,who denounced the Fugitive-'clave law as un constitutional. And ibis is the man that Southern Rights men are now willing to sit in a convention with, to nominate a candidate for the Presidency in whose be safe i v "And this is the man that Constitution al Union men are asked to associate and affiliate with. How do such men as Ran toul and Hallett diuer from Ludd ings or Garrison?" AN ANECDOTE. The inhabitants of a small town in Ohio were recently put in a great state of ex citement, by the announcement that Kos suth would pass through their village at a certain hour. Accoramgiy -eeiy t'f" that could walk, man, woman and child, was at the depot at the expected moment prepared to give warm welcome to the na tion's guest. It so happened that Kossuth did not arrive in that ram of cars, but a returned Californian was there, who -prided himself on a magnificent moustache and a heavy growth of black whiskers, and sported a Kossuth hat and plumes. Up on seeing the parade, he stepped forth up on the platform, to -tne -great amuwiucii of his fellow passengers, and was received with three times three hearty cheers ! He raised his hat and plume, and bowing ,,-f.iltv to the. assembled company, re marked, lhat owing to his past labors, he. ; ;!0i;.n'tn health, and should not be CIO III iv.w j - tble to address them at any length, but thanked them most sincerely tor meir sym pathy with "down trodden" Hungary ,and amid deafening hurrahs returned to his seat iu the cars. The conductor gave the signal and the train moved on and was soon out of hearing. The inhabitants of that village will undoubtedly go to their graves in the firm conviction of having seen and listened to Hungary's great Pat riot. Jioston Journal. WHIGS OF EDGECOMBE. The meetmg was held in Tarborough, and Delegates appointed. The following resolutions were adopted : ' dioVi rrhnt ."whilft we have heard IVMUl-VUj A . . with pleasure of the nomination in several . nr i.flin Tfprr. Esn. of Caswell, lUlllluo vi " . . . . - 7 1- ti gallant champion in our ranks, yet con fiding in the intelligence oi ine mg ty , we will cheerfully support the nomi nee of the Convention. Resolved, That we view the Whig par ty as the great National conservative party in the Union. And that whatever of en lightened progress has maiked our career as a nation, has found its sturdiest advo cates in the Whig ranks. . Resolved, That although we sympathise with the politically oppressed in every coun try, and sincerely hope that the time may speedily arrive w'heu the iron heel of des potism may cease to inflict its tortures up on its down-trodden vjcUms we hold that "to thine own self be true," is no less es sential to national than individual prosper- ;Tr.a iho hn ipv or uovernmeni up iu this time, has been to cultivate relations of ; j,.; tt-Mi nil nations, to form "en- tangliug aliiances" with none that this doctrine of AV asnmgion was mul wicuuwi r but for all time, as a riii ;,-r.l ma-rim ' -That. therefore, the iQo Kppn nrnificted bv time serving politicians for selfish and unworthy purposca, to iavol ve this Govcnimeiif ia European poUtics is deserving of unquali fied condemnation, and should be discoun tenanced by every lover of his country. Resolved, That the true Wings of Edge combe, believe that the Compromis meas ures of 1850, in their natural bearing and relations, were the best that could ; have been desired under the circumstances, and that as no one of them can be repealed without destroying the ; harmohy of the whole, and as some of them from their na ture aie placed beyond legislative control, and as they were passed in the spirit of concession and compromise they should be regarded as-a final settlement" of the different subjects they embrace. ' Resolved, That we know no 'higher law' than the organic law of our Govern mentthe Constitution . of the United States that we are in favor of the Con stitution as it is without modification or a mendment. ., Resolved, That we deprecate the feel ing of sectionality, tliat has, to a certain extent, shown itself in the Whig ranks -that as the Whig party North and South look upon the question of Slavery as set tled bv the Comnromise : and we believe our Northern brethren have given their ad herence in good faith to this settlement,' and-are disposed in like faith to carry it . . l . - 11: .: .1. i mio execuuon ; ana as we Deueve inai when the reason of a tiling ceases to exist, the thing itself should cease : therefore, that we re-affirm our adherence to the time honored nnd lontr cherished nolicv of our paty, and appeal to our brethren of the whole country, in the name oi our party, its principles, and its purposes, to forget past differences, forgive past grievances, and move in one solid column, ana act as one man, against our political opponents in the approaching contest. Resolved, That we are devotedly at tached to the Union as it is ; and that we abhor and detest all kinds of fanaticism, particularly disunion and secession, aboli tionism and freesoilism, wherever found, as tending to subvert the greatest political fabric ever instituted for man's govern ment. Resolved, That Millard Fillmore, for his eminent nationality, his disinterested patriotism, and his unflinching integrity, no less than for his soundness and conser vatism upon all questions of Whig policy is our first choice for the Presidency ; yet we will support the nominee of the Nation al Convention, if he be sound tiwn the Resolved, Yhat William A. Uiaham is one of the noble sons of our State whom we delight to honor that we have a most exalted admiration" for him as a man, a patriot and a statesman, and that he is pi e-eminendy the first choice of the Whigs of Edgecombe, for the second office with in the gift of the American people thai we believe with the names of Fillmore and Graham nailed to our mast head, the Whigs of North Carolina will rally as one mm' and re-assert in the most unmistake able terms her title, as the "banner Whig State of tlie Union." " Resolved, That it is with feelings ofthe most poignant soirow and regret, we hear of the continued illness of that distinguish ed and patriotic statesman, Henry Clay we trust he may yet be spared to enlight en our national council by his wisdom and experience. Operation of the Liquor Law in the State Of Maine. We have had several re- norts of the excellent operation ofthe liquor law in Maine, and the following case is res pectfully submitted to the collectors of those ..-.-tc fi-vr information and record. It is copied from the Bath Tribune, of Tuesday: "A large dealer in dry goods in this city, a temperance man, and a firm advocate of temperance, received by the train a large box of valuable goods. It was evidently packed with great care in Boston, and the box strongly secured with iron bands. It contained linens, and other goods of a cost ly kind, and was from the house of Beebe & Co., Boston. When it arrived at the mer chant's store, it was evident it had been opened. The box was nearly broken to pieces, bearing marks of having been open ed by the force of some heavy instrument. The ban4s of iron were torn off, and the box confined .together by means of some old rope lashed around it, and nailed to it. On opening it, the contents were found in a perfect state of confusion. The packages had been overhauled, their wrappers torn off, (and, in many instances, their labels destroyed,) and were all left exposed and damaged. It had evidently fallen into the i A nr ho pnthiiKiasiic entorcers oi tne Udliua v " "law." at Portland, and had undergone an i examination worthy that of the most strict' system of search, is practised in the domin ions ofthe autocrats and tyrants of Europe and other countries. Such proceedings are outrageous in the extreme. It it has come to this, that our (Merchants cannot have their goods transmitted by railroad through the o . , i , i , : city oi rortlaod, witnourDemg ouuji unrl rnnspniient loss bvdamasre, 111 ti3 WttlVU) w j V -' - delay, &c.', it is quite time other means of J . . . i . i 3 ft-'- transportation shouia oe iouuu. End of the New York Cuban Trials. The trial of JV L. O'Sullivan, Capt. Lewis, and others, in New York, alleged to have been concerned tlie Cuban invasion, was brought to a close on Satur day evening. The jury, after being lock trht hours, came into - c- ' .. . , court and slated there was no possibility ot their ever agreeing upon a yeruici. x. court, after some hesitation consented to rlisa-haro-ft them. Itis said they stood sev en for-the conviction and five for the ac "Mri O'Sullivan: and four for the conviction and eight for the acquittal of Capt.' Lewis. ' ' . ; .-!.(.: FINE STOCK.. -We had the pleasure a few Weeks since, of being upon the farm of Thos. Jones, Esq.; of Martin county, and we Were much pleased with the farm, and its own er besides, Mr. Jo;es is turning his at tention to the breeding of improved stock, both of catde and sheep; and from hia great success in tlie beginning, ;W& are much inclined to think that he will suc ceed. , Several farmers who tire disposed to raise improved stock, have met witk poor success in this State; they very often kill them with kindness. What we mean by that is, that they generally purchase them at a fair in some State, when they are fat tened for the very purpose of making a fine show; and farmers in this State who buy them, generally think that they must still be kept in this condition, .and they have them fed hi.wh. and very often over-feeding by negroes who manage them, kills them. Mr. Jones mrorms us mat tie auow3 ins improved stock to fare the same as his oth er, and he thinks that by this process he is nun ate enough to save mem. j e mw me fine Devon cows, and a; very, fine ihree-year-ofd bull as noble an animal as we ever looked at which, would com pare .with bulls of the same age anywhere, We saw also, several Cotswald sheep, which are generally looked upon as tlie best breed t-f that kind of stock. J We hope that Mr. Jones will favor us occasionally with hints upon the raising of fine stock; for we are well assured, from our little con versation, Uiat he is well posted up on that subject, as "well as most others, in con nection with the various improvements be longing to farming. J j armer s journui. MANUFACTORIES IN ORANGE. While on the subject of improvements, we propose to notice some which have re cently taken place in this county,' and which promise, at no distant day, greatly to advance the business and interests of the people. ' . -J ... Messrs. Webbs .&, Douglass have just completed a Cotton Factory on Little Riv er, about thirteen miles east of Hillbeto' and are now receiving their Machinery from the North. They expect; to com mence operations dnring the summer, and will run 1000 spindles. ! Messrs. Roberts &, John Shilds have also erected a Woolen Factory on Ena, a-. it Is expecte3 thai 0ey will commence op erations in afew davs. This we think is the third or fourth Woolen Factory in the State; and we look upon their introduction as ofthe more importance, because, if Aye are not much mistaken, if proper facilities are afforded, Western North Carolina will eventually become a great wool 'growing countiy. We hope the locafion of Uiis Factory i i Orange will induce our people to pay more attention to the raising; of Sheepjfor it is generally conceded to be the most profitable animal we can raise. Eagle Foundery, owned by j Messrs. Brown & Wilkinson, is situated on Euce, about three miles Eart of Hillsborough. It has been in operation onlyt short time, and its ingenious and enterprising, proprie tors are constantly adding improvement. We are gratified "to learn that the demand for their work isuite equal to their ability at present to meet it. : Messrs. Dicksons & Brovn's establish ment,' for manufacturing Wool Carding Wheat Fans, -&c, is situated on Enoe river, about six miles east of Hills borough. In to-day's paper will be found their advertisement, to which we invite at tention. Tothcse we may add Mr. R. F. Webb's establishment for manufacturing Window Blinds, a handsome article, of which we have before spoken ; and the Rev. John A. McMannen's establishment at South Lowell, at which are manufactured Smut machines, which wc see, by frequent men tion in our exchanges, are obtaining con siderable celebrity in tlie State on account of their excellence. He also manufactures Patent Qorn Sheilcrs, &c, which are in good repute. ' ' . .'. There may be other manufactories: in the county Vhich have recently been com menced, butUiey do not occur to us just now. These, though few in number, form quite a respectable beginning, and furnish sufficient data upon which to build a reasonable calculation of the. prosperity that must attend a well directed energy when o ur Railroad is put i n operation . IFiUsboro1 Recorder A New Appliance of Villainy.--A few nio-hts sincft. in louisville, thieves made entrance into a dwelling-house by means of outsiders, and finding their way to the room where the family (three persons) were sleeping applied chloroform' to - their -i ... . i . (T", . i .-i t T y - cf.ir.i- nostriis, until mev weie siuuv-ii.-v-j fipd tn hp. rmst the possibility of waking by any noiue that might be produced. I Thus secured, the rascals ransacsea vue uyu, and made way with money, jewelry, arid other valuables, at their leisure. j BANK OF CAPE FEAR. ? Thos. H. Hardenbergh has been elec ted Cashier of the Washington Branch of the Bank of Cape Fear, in place of Benj. Runyon resigned. Mr, 11. has been many years connected with" the Bank as Teller, and his appointment as Cashier gives great gratification to pur citizens'. . ! W. R. S.'Burbank takes the ptace of Mr. H. as.Teller, and will mako a good officer, be5Tond a uouDt. . , Whig,

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