! - f m .1 1 THE; TELESRAPE ' 0i0 "A "til THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1850. i bux awes, ,4h. 53m. 8CJT BETS ?h. Whig ,5- ate vention will meet m KaJLeigh on the June next. DELEGATES FROM WAYNE. Ja3. Griswold. Thos. Hadlev. NcWi jFerrell, Taylor, Dr. A. a Davis, Geo. C Moses, Jas. II. Event, W, D. Cobb,1 Wm. . Hollowell, Jno. E. Bectod, ID CogdeJI, Dr. YV. P. Howard, Richard jRayner, John W. Sasser, Jos. T. Kcn inedyJUr.C. F. Dewey, Dr. D. Cogdell, W; F. 3. (Alston, Henry Johnston, e 1 ter LjPeacockH; Perkins, Jno. Wright; Robert ' Cox, J. C. locumb. j I i 1 4 tltU UrAJLt'4i UUALM. j i We publish the report from the com- pen Ji VVcj leave the reader to draw his own inference. For .our own part, We' see nothing criminal or dishonorable qn the pa'rt of i Mr. Crawford, He was tlic' agent Ifor the claim he received a fee? ; in thepaae and he did his best to ob- tain its, Thus far he did only what any other agent would have done, and what; thousands! are doing every year. '."- j . ' It 1 however, deeply to be deplored, that he accepted office, before he had fi nally settled the matter. Right or wrongj 1 he 'might ! have; felt assured thajl an atteniptj would be made to turn thq wliole a (lair against the administration Tit was saddling the Whig party with a: Durden which he had no right to impose upon tliem. ; ; CENTRAL RAIL ROAD; j WeJilearn from the last Grcensbo-' rov Patriot, that Guilford' County,has in creased 1 her subscription $0,500, Rowan $3,000 Mecklenburg 2,000, and Cabar rus $1)00, ;and paid in the 5 per cent since 1 Gov. Morehead's last report, leavj iiig only $6,00Q unsubscribed. Will not ayne! County take the, remaining fchnr3 ann!ltt t hft umrlr hAtrin t : THE 'ADMINISTRATION. 11 " - i ----. ' - . we receive nteiiiffence lrom everv VOr We give up our columns this Wee, Almost exclusively, taour orres pondeots arid the important news from Cubiv which will no doubt be more. c-' ceptablc with our reader, than any ihxng we might say. I -1 BjPEx-Prpsident Tyler has come out in a letter, in favor of Mr. Clay's Com promise. He leaves the propositions made to TexaW to her own decision thinks her boundary justly extends to the Rio Grande and as to the fugitive slave bill, securing the trial by jury in the State from escaped, says Mr. Editor In a few weekl, we will be called upon to" vote for persons to represent us in the next. Legislature of North Carolina. . Several gentlemen have already announced themselves as candidates all respectable and worthy men. But without intending to' dispar age their pretensions in the least, we. wish to designate one individual whom we think pre-eminently qualified for the office. ' Trie gentleman to whom we allude, possesses sterling integrity, firm ness, and decision of character, and sound, practical sense, in an unusual degree. -He commands the esteem and unlimited confidence of hi3 neighbors and acquaintances, and" as the zealous which the fugitive has "If he have real cause to beleive him self entitled to1 freedom, the bill grants no more, to him tHan is already secured by our laws; This you well know. vv rule at the bar, I have often Drosecut- ! a t,A r,; i t. ;m, ed suits for freedom; and have as often provements in "which wc are deeply in sweeeded by the verdict of a jury. The j terestcd, he deserves well of the people North need have no fear bui that impar-! cf Wavne. He is no electioneered and tial justice will be done ' will never condescend to practice" the The only remaining subject is; that arts of the wily demagogue -indeed, which prohibits the introduction of he knows not how to do it Slaves for sale intO: the District of Co- " Unskilled he to fawn or seek for poVcrj-' " . lUinbia, and the establishment of slave By doctrines fashioned to the varying hUr." depots within the same, in reference to li This is written without, his khowl which Mr. T:says: 1 v J edge perhaps ' he will v notcooscnt to "Do ;me the favor to turn to a code of j become a candidate but tfVr. & A. laws fbrlhe District :of Columbia, pre- liANDKE WS wiU sutler himself to be pared by a joint committee of the two i announced, he will receive the support nouses 4 ininK in ici5DUi never ac-) ot JMAINY VUThilW. ted on. I was a member of that com mittee, being then a Senator from this State You will readily find a statute on the slave trade in the I'istrict. con- taming substantially! the same ions with the reported bill. That stat Written for the North Carolina Telegraph. Qui non potest quod vnlt, vtlle oporUt tptod potttL . Mr. Teleffraph Democrat airain so- provis- ? iicits your kindness, and begs Jo intro t stat i dnce himself to vourself. You Editors ute wa prepared by myself;; ; I need say i are so .-.lassicaL throuirhihe medium "of-tin enrich mhr Stntoa thiv wnnld not nn mnrfl thirafnr rr tl ia rrint " i aknn. little man. f I I i . t -ference bdirg, inrth6 present z tale "of af- iairs, mat, as they are better pnid, they can better afford to buy of thearicuU turist his hog meat and tjorn. which in a 1.1 -m m 9 iura cnauics mm to provide comfort for his family. ' After this, then, let us hear no-objections brought: against State .Rail Road investments, at least until another equally cheap and facile mode of transit for produce, can be pointed out. r It is not to our point at present to enter upon the economy of working Rail Roads. This majr,1 Mr. Editor, by your permis sion, furnish matter for a future com munication. ! - That internal improvements increase the value of real estate, is so axiomatic, that I pass it over by merely offering a simple illustration, to show that it should be managed," if hot altogether, at least to a very great extent, by the State. Farmer A has a farm, two-thirds of which is inundated by water, (and it is generally the .best lands that an so sit uated) and! it; will cort him some three hundred dollars to reclaim this part of hrs farm, bin farmer B has also land. which would I not only be equally, but oeep. or witn anotnerq fiugeaesxroy ioc vc, neoDle of this lower iivorld. d ward take Stanly claims, that vhen the day oflmi bu4c;'a3 does, the loftEst peal: cf the. . Tex tbm TeleOT. Andes above the level If the sea. AVhat? , Lowell, Jonic sto:j, Feb. iU. Edward Stanly a traltO to his country 7 "Mr. Alston Many erroneous reports A3 weu mignt you irr;m maKeme peo iare in circuiauon, wnicn .are caiwuij pie of winch he has ti honor to repre- tor prejudice strangers against rXtit local- sent believe that you U an remove withlity of our village, relative to the deathJ your pun arm the. wafers oi tne great i wnicn occur rea nere, aunng wc i uuu as ine coiuxuuuiiy ccui tv some interest in. the, matter, it ght not be amiss, through the medir blood 8hallcome, thatijie will bleed as um of your valuable paper, to ut the' freely as any of his Scuthern brethren, public right on this subject. . It is true, When the citizens o I kHis dUtrict con- four deaths occurred within , the last demn his course, it will then be. ample eight days, but the attending physician, time for the Editor of tl,atnEROic sheet, Dr. Jas. Hackneyj together with; the which imparts so rniich)iight to the peo- consulting physicians, Drs. Telfair and pie of North Carolina; -('fto sr:ak hb Thompson, say it was not a. contagion, sentiments. Sir, the Icitizens of this but only the effect of severe colds, pro- district are too intelligent and rell in-ducedby travelling through inccssan formed, to be humbuged by such vio- rains. . . ' lent party denunciation P, and ucbecom- . Many and various have been the re- in? obstinacy, as that ;ranifested by the ports with regard to these deaths, ami, Editor of the M Ne woe jn Republican. all put afloat, we fear, for the purposo 41 is not my Wisn ucscauw oi uieioi injuring our lunving iuuc luwu. long, tried, and faithful services of this I We hope, alter, this appears, none will noble patriot and statesman, nor ven- be kept away by the cry of ,conlagion.,, ture an allusion to histjate speech ; the You will find annexed, the name of great and good purpoaj for which it is those who died, which you will please can- Nancy Ann Jump, died on the 30th" this January, aged 20. vears. speech is already seeri.t The wayennl Holland Naide, died on. the' 2d day of have become firm and';1teady prejudi- February, aged 48 years. portionallycreater as concerns the works ices have been removeO by its appear- Richard Jump, ded on the 5th day anu inc ciuzens s vu auuDiu uenenuea dv me lmorovemeni. ueeisueu. n iscapauiui Dpfv.wc and yet he will not contribute a cent. Is itself. Edward Stanly j patriotism it fair that A should bear the whole ex. not be questioned. Tf c effect' of pense? And, now, if the hardship be great in the instance given, still is it pro of the State. For not only does it set capital to w'ork I mean native capital but it induces capitalists from other' States tocome dwell amonst'iis. What a prospect this to contemplate, compar ed with the real state of matters! ! that I instead of our men of capital migrating the above little morceau of Lalin, which, tor the bereut of our "pmey-woods men," I give its English synonyme . ; Better play at small game than stand out? The application of this proverb 18, only remain at home, employing.their wealth in the producing of more wealth, but other capitalists would come a mongst us as competitors for thi profits accruing irom the various branches ot Prom Florida. The' latest advices from Tampa Bay are to the 7th instant. On that dav General Twiqgs was to leave Fort Brown for the Caloosahatchie that persons should not indolently sit j manufacture, which would inevitably uci,avwuiupttuicu uy .tuc oemiiiuic uei- uown in inuiuerence, ana ao nothing at ;ramHy Irom the rreat trunk of national egation, to have a talk with the Hon- all, because thev cannot at once attain ! brsneritv. Intkrv a r. I J tj: i i . I ' . . " . . . . . irr-.-v-r : - r. uaxuuians. , i to wnat tnev would. Mow. sir. 1 have long looked into the secret workings of political sects, and that too, betimes with a disgust perfectly nauseous. Ev ery petty Captain, or Colonel, or Gene ral, if you please, must become politi Commerce op the Western riv ers. By a document lately Ordered to be printed by the Senate, we find that the nett value of the commerce of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and their tributa- cal leaders; and iumblin?: together a ries, ior tne year imx. is estimatea at heterogeneous mass of the political sos $256,233,820, and the value of vessels sip of the day, which they con over with empioy ea tnerein . is estimatea at to, 6Gl,50a? H ! .- j i And now, by way of conclusion. The salubrity of our climate would imr prove, is remaining to be demonstrated! That such would be the fact i3 axiom atic to persons at all acquainted , with physical science, . but to those who are not so read, we would require the ad mission of the following postulates 1. 1 hat animals are always best con- ance. ic citizens' cf the whole dis-of February, aged ltJ years. Uictare smiling underlts binign influ- Julia Naide, died on the 8th day of ences. And the name ii Edward Stan- February, aged 19 years. iv, so essential to ine napmess ana pros-1 juua naiac oore ner. suuenng Willi. ana penty oi nis oiaie ana uvp vjiuuh. uiauuiinsuan lunuuuc ana resignation. -. l! "IK I 4V 1 M .1 ii man. in the untutorea.vuus oi our, wca-iauer ner aepanure, me iouowin tern borders, will scarce meet hi lellowiof poetry, which 1 send with the man, witnoui.coniemi iming wh proposed by him for jt !.e restoration of eternal harmony. . Youri. ' Contehtnea Creek, G leene County. Hrhigs of Lenoir tl House of that an earnestness truly surprising, - they 7 ditioned when they enjoy pure air. 2. That the lunjrs arc Locofoco paper we happen to sec, that pen. Taylor is unworthy the confidence vt uio uuwicl ! aim 'uiui me Ajaoinei is composed of the most degraded men in the Union. Let us5 for a moment re4 quire memory to furnish us with a his- iury oi . uie pasi.; uo ine people re- meinoer inc euiogies,tnat were neap 'd upon. Gen. jTaylor before he refused to becone the tool of tho Locofoco party Do they remember the anathemas piled up onj the bid chieftain, while fighting the battles! of his country, after thev had ascertained he was a VVhier? D! they remember the celebrated 4 vote olf jthanks7'v ?Do thev remember the nor- f rid misrepresentations made of the bid "From the field of hisf; I " We have no doubt," says the Wash ington Union, " thf. lime is close at hand and we warn our friends of it when the democratic party will have to choose 1 between ! total disorganization apd defeat, and the repudiation of cer - parades in political agitation. tain individuals who 1 1 i prominent m support mount the stump to shew off their hob by in the form of an appeal . to.-their Respected fellow-citizens !" . Really, common sense and common' honesty must feel the blush deeply -very deep ly, for the honor of the "Old North State, at beholding such pragmatical free from pernicious l. : i:.r i . I . ri the organs of 1 1 for the Telegraph. WHIG MEETINQ ;N LENOIR. A meeting of the was held at the Court county, on Saturday, tjie 25th injtant, for the purpose of appointing dejegates to the Whiff State Convention to be held in Raleigh, on the 10i,h day of June next 1 IUuben Barrow Esq. wa alled to the Chair, and Anthony Separlx, ap-! pointed Secretary. Ul- On motion of W. Dtinn, Jr AfCom mittee pf five was appointed to prepare resolutions for the actirn of the meet- incr tne commitiee cinsisung oi uic respiration, or, simply, that animal func- j following gentlemcn, ;nz : W. .Dunn, tions, in physical economy, are carried Jr., Jno. C. Washing .on, Dr. H. W. on by breathing. Is it not vitally im-1 Blount, Tho. J. Ken jedy, an portant that that which enters our lungs iH. Peebles, retired, aricHin asht which purifies d jjohn ort time and miasmd, the that which enters our lungs jH. Peebles, retired, aricj'iin a short tin ifies our blood should be ' reported the following preamble ai fnicious matter. That the ! resolutions, which wereKurianimoualy ! foetid exhalations of the ' dopted : J i i . piece hope that you will publish, was found treas- urea up among ner papers : And must I die so far from home. Must I here yield my breath MunLMrangers hear my latest groan, And close my eyes in death I Far from mr kindred must I die, -' And no kind mother near. To whisper of eternity, ; Or shd for me a tea r f No father stands beside my bed. To breathe a prayer fur me; . No brother's arm supports my head. Oh, must it must it be 1 " .Yes, there's a damp upon mr brow. Friends of my you in adieu Tour memory erer haunts me nov, , Though death appears in riew. Dear sisters I can sing no more, Thy faTorite song of glte Mj fererish dreams will sooq be o'er, Mj dreams of life and thee. O, had I from my natire hills, " One little shrub or floirer, T would ease the mind of half its His. And cheer my dying hour. But oh! it must not, cannot be, Ere y oo bright sun shall set; ily weary spirit shau be tree. My heart to throb forget. C. . Telegraphed for the Baltimore Sun. IMPORTANT FROM .CUBA. The following highly important in-, tellijrence from Havanna will bt read have once been Free suffrage has had a brief notice ; 1 myriads of putrid infusoria; which so a- Whereas, the Whifc. Central Com- of its principles, sufficient, however, to shew the.absurd- bound-in our swamos and marshes, are ;mittee has appointed! the 10th day of usages 'and Candidates, but who are now ity of such. a. scheme electioneering; highly pernicious to health, is an admis-' June next, tor the holding bf a Cbhven- its deadlvVenemie9. clinffihff'to its skirts, quibble thoujrh it be Let me how pro- sion readil v crranted bv everv ohvsician! tion in Raleieh to nominate a candidate ' . ...'. . .-. a cr - ' 1 , - " . .. . - , O J J V J O. - . , .... I .l .1 Ml' . . and holding on to its name, that their ceed to the great bug-a-boo ot my par- Will any then deny that anvthinz.cen- for Governor; And whereas, it i? xpe-1 witn tnninng interest. parricidal thrusts! at its vitals may be fy,and try if I cannot divest it, at least , tributing to lessen chances of preserving dient and highly impijrtant thot? the more effectual and fatal. The time has to a tolerable extent, of its horrifying ap- a vigorous constitution should not be re-; Whigs of every cbuntvim the fcfaie be neany come wnen tne true democratic pearance. democrats snouia nave nom sorted to tWhether it is better S15U represented in saia ionvenuoa. 4c u press should spnlak boldly, and call both ing to fear but. their own strength. persons and actions by their proper f road in their might, they should be names, oucn , at tne appropriate time, always reaay 10 go ionn conquering ana will be .our course, regardless of the con- to conquer. What then, permit me to -if i- aruss, or New York, May 24. Our city is in a storm of excitement cn account of the arrival of the steamer.O hio from Havanna, bringing important .i it r . t, I . 15 cents paid in tax for inter-1 Resolved, 'Iliat appoving the object and thrilling intelligence from this great rial improvement? Go to ve loaua- Jof said Convention, we the Whigs of cious loggerheads, who attempt to dhr-. Lenoir County, appoint dele'gales to sequences. I ass, is inere in Duiuiing a itau iteaa, or nity such political balderdash by bring-( represent us tnerein. it1- M- It has been the policy of the W ash- cleaning out a River, to paralyze the ing it into; the catalogue of State .af- Resolved, That we h-ve implicit con- itiRton Uhiorfandits party, to pick up physical, energies of our paity ?. Alas, fairs! But I men of discernment will fidence in the ability, it teg r ity, and pa- any tnmg and every body that promis- inai our piney-woous larmers snouia oe yet arise to lead our democrats out ot tnotism ot our present, governor,. -ynas. ed to be serviceable to them for the time so easily olmd-tolded-not by specious the senseless labyrinth of nonsense. Manly, and most hear jly approve his h Airier TI71.hr.llt m-iIfiniT anmtiru lntn I flrfflimPtlta nr Pl'Ptl nhlKlhlo RrrhlirkQ with Tirliiih rlaemniniT lnniroa nr niiil. qHnitni.lrotmn (( r r' Lr' I'. .' i. i . i L... Ll. L -1 J. Tm 'f ... 1 . .1.1: -II w I . ' I principles or quanncauonsj ana loaiscara out uv me sneer zpsiaiuni oi u. pany oi ly as. Daa, 6iny poltroons, nave arawn them the moment they ceased to be use- speculating, hungry, political gluttons aroi nd them. i . I : tt. it ( ' I i l.i . a. .i ' i I -r ... '. I .... ' iui. vanuuren wasiior-a long time wnose mirsi ior popular apptause is on- r .wr. Hiaitor, l intended to go turther nut the entire subject -.oi me ncmina the pet ot the party, and some ten years ly exceeded by their want ot patriot- on this point, but lack of time bids me tion, and we are prep 'red to give our 8ii.ee Mr. Benton sjood second dnly to ism, and consequent incapacity for any I stop here. You shall, however, hear cordial and undivided y, support J:o the Resolved, That to trie wisdom and discretion of the Convihtion, wi$ sub- DEMOCRAT. the Northern man with Southern feel- appointment in the State ! The ashes I from me again. nigB. ii no uie union now aiiuues 10, ui classic oreece me ruins oi ancient i i - - . we, of course, do not know, hut shall Rome, spectre-like, stalk from the tomb i For'the Telccraph. patiently await I further developements. of agesj and the bones of the heroes of . Mev Alston The com se the "New- with a similar ? 11 Petersburg Intel. nominee thereof. Resolved, That - a c mmittee hi', five be appointed by this ni jeting, toxonfer commute appoimcu uv e frj'h ftiirl lnr" t i ? ' remsmoer 1 all thi3. and the n our own Revolution, tremble in their sa- Kbem Republican" has thought proper to the Whizs of Greene County, take cred dust at the direful monitions they pursue, as regards the late speech made into consideration thciisubject of the COMPLAINTS OF THE JOURNAL. w6uld gu? of uch miscreants. Qh, Jbard )rves contempt, nomination of a xandic ate to represent irpi -ol f i rA , . dui say tnose wiseacres, " we are aa?p- rv-. vuuuciiiiiauuH. - w inig senatorial uisincihi uie iicajb' !- . v - . J . .J r . w MtPQ nf internal i'mnrnunrnrt1 '?a W icri rivel aware he has been driven to such iUtnr nt rnnrt tel. an adiourned ,T n j JfliS TvnrTfo 10 sce internal imprqvemeht go forward, tneasures, more through t he perfidy of meeting of the Whi gs f f this cotmty 1J0 tnev d v theyrrem3mber the foul imprecations," .vcry "luch of the the array ot Charg nun, as President irt ftfrt.A a' nrnth ? remember, and mpch more. Theyl rd-H f should hae gone to the.W hig meet- Tjiankee 1" member that ged themselves ter ehd'V iwhateve wrong. They their: promises The wail of wn that pah H-V I nsa his party, than his own evil passions Twixt OuHclc and. the Locos, r . The difference must.be, As truly alleged from their birth : ; For the Locos were bred from the scum of the sea. And Gulick, from that of the earth. ' Resolved. That the i t bility. firmness, and strict regard for thtt great Republi can principles of. the Q institution, 'dis played by President Taylor in his .'ad ministration of the duties of the Kxec- . I have carefully perused the speech of utive Department of t! Government, Eldward Stanly, and I am happy to say, elicits' our . warmest- IjQmiratiorL iand findialtogether different; from lha rep , meets the just expectau-os of the whole men, lhe waU of; wo that ou hear rant of the simplest irpmlbocorocoisrn, is only its expiring U iT u P u litical economy as groans, i ney nave been least mg at' w3 r "f50 uu iwu fallacv of the Uncle Sam's Crib" for a number of J to Governor .Mawly, jia. cprisideraUon an-t::JlBrna, . : vears; arid ! now i out. thev broken1: gambler," they are blind," for they have nothi If they were flush with offices, a.11 would, f 7 be well. P6:tho people remember cnarges against tne action net on thei "Nicafagua T we ask them to look.at the resehlations of tho u Republican." !. people... 1 enunciations in. po i Under date of March 20tb. I find in On motion, tho blanlilm the lnt res- not to perceive the the columns of that sheet, in an article 'olution waa -filled witbi the following position assumed by?tne I penned by hb own hand, the following names : W. Dunn, Jri,h I no. C. Wath- . r . . . i . i i r tt 1 1 r ni. .. 11.. -w. i Roundtiice, John. Cow Separk, iJ; jbn. H. Peebles, Desmond. C.lX'Dunn, H. F. Bond, James Waiters, Jtmuel .Coward; t m" - 1 T.. ;i I T point of revolutionary progress. Information had been received at Ha vanna that General Lopez had landed at Cardenas, from the steamer Creole, with 500 men, and had taken possesion of the town The garrison composed ot 600 Spanish troops, surrendered at the first sight of blood, having lost but'thrce men before they. lowered their flag and threw down their arms .The flag of free Cuba was immediately hoisted from . all the prominent points of the City. . This intelligence had caused the greatest excitement at Havanna. The ; City was immediately placed under martial law, and several thousand mili- tia had been enrolled. Arms and am munition were beincr delivered to them, and the resident foreigners had 'also been called upon4 to enroll themselves. There, were 1,500 troops in Matanzas, ' and 800 were despatched from Havanna at 1 o'clock, A. M., on the 20th, for the purpose of reinforcing them,. in order to march against Gen. Lopez. It was rumored that the force under Lopez had increased toaboyttwo thou sand men, and. that he was already half way on his march" towards iMatanzas 1 News was received at:.HaTanna on the 16th, to the effect that a large forco was collecting on . Woeman's (or 'Nor man's) Island near Cape Catoche,' Yu catan. The General of the Marines, with several vessels . and about 3,000 men,, started irnmediatcly lor that -point.- t . . Just before tho steamer Ohio TefL tho steam erPizaro camo in with ope bun- article coDied front the n?iltimnr Siiri n tody's paper. , And ifwill be seen V,B uu . , brity of; her climate in value of real estate, improves the salu- a word, docs sumption. i he lormer .... matter ox fact, while that snouia be a of the latter ihaUhe UaDjnet na acted with Ihatl :! " cu "1C " " F1'- what everv well regulated State should is mere suoDosition on vour Dart. Now. honesty whipb Uaa ever characterized -Vt Max mere isaiscora in tne nemo- .do -hat ihtencb to keep march"-witb the I challenge you for proof of the asser tha Whig party. Then fear no free- J; f. We eupnose tha grows fonmtmtnta of the age.' Look at the tion you hive made. Or, have you xnea, Gen.HTaylor ia tha same straight- ouJ ofmejaa onvl (d busy scenes of active and highly remu- changed your mind since this scurility forward old man, and there are hb fVf0 !? ?.uW Il-U?al docnat m nerative labor that are rapidly progres- and abusi was heaped upon 'little KdV pieced siaaaeiens- wno axe cUU on- Mu wr.", , . UinJbcfore our eyes. Turpentine, for head, by your pair hands. T. -Jt ybu j - mi, . . jQstance, is affording- employment- in 1 have -not, I would say to you, continue : . . v 1 this Stalfl-to manv thousands.of hands. Inn-with-vour vulvar abuse. All vbu : 25- Charles J. McGurdy, of Conneo I that oiherwifte." comparativclv soeakin?: I mav sav. will not detract one . laurel a a - - w m . - m ..a. m mzm m m w a m - ucut, it is positively stated, is tp .be the I Would be idle, though, in which case, firom hi brow, or decrease the splendor charge to Tienna; vice Webb, rejected they would still have to be fed and cloth- bf his fame. He towers as high above posing him. The Baltimore Son of jesterday fully confirms the report of the flight of en; ipex anq nia uoop?, uom tne oa- land 9 vubai cd at the expense of the State ; the. dif-your shafts of malice and venomous a- dred and five passengers, mostly French Dr. John Lv. Taylor, Jaihes Davis, Jas. and Germans, which were captured and M. farrott, ,vm. h; vv iiineio, rincK- taken from the island : ney Hardy, Benjamin Yilliams, and The force of the . Creole," with which Thomas J. Kennedy. j . I Gen. Lopez effected a landing, is only a 4 ne ioiiowing. genumen were ap i small part OX the expeoitnn. it is tat some ten, or twelve vessels Orleans and different ports of probably to land sunultane- different points. ported that Jbopez had bro ken up the rail-roa I leading to Carde nas, in di he rent places. The principle merchants and brokers at Havanna were removing their mon- ey, plate, and other valuable goods, to the forts for protection. .Captain Schenck protested, through the American consul, to the Captain General, and demanded a safe anchor age, but he was refused and told if he did not like it he" might go to sea as soon as he pleasedthat the Spanish Government would n-t be' responsible for the safety of his ship, nor of the h , efficient manner in whi(h they dischar ged their duties. . - j On motion, it was retolved that the proceedings of this meeting be publish- ea in tne iNoruiLAirouna. l eiegraph and newiernian. s No other business i ppearins: before the meeting, it adjournal. . i REUBEN JIAI-jaOWa Ch'm'n. Aa Sep ark. Secretajil j 'if-' k ffVThe strawberry u ason has nassed at Charleston, and blac! berries arer now in the market. n i t f T.