1 1 .; .-'"-. ' !'. ..:..' - . . , . '. ' i)!;'-v-.ll(nOTj- '--Carolina edeiWf A : : .a 'fBE JUST AND FEAR NOT! LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S AND TRUTH'S." - 4 1 GOriDSBORO', IV. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER IS, IS51 IVTOIBER 7. " " Itiie telegraph. i PUBLISHED WKEKLY, BY J. B. WHITAEER. EO; Y. STJtOXG, Editor &. Proprietos. TERMS. 'J. t . ,;lTfTEl;NbRTH Caiiou'xa Tkleoraph will be aenjt il;i!-SuHwiber4'a-TfW'.o Dollars per annum, if paid I ti(4laiice.l Two Dollars and; a half, if payment ; btf tlcUy-ed three' lnontli.s, and Three. Dollars at the I j epi j of the y ear. These Terms will be invariably liUWl i;,ifvA dvcrtisehieMt. lquhr(Si t time,il )0 J 3 squares, I year, 1 Rir eaclvcofxtinuance. 25 Half column, " ; -': . -. . ;(. a t .... i. S j I j squat j l year, i uue poiurau, i fl'SfLt'W bniness, anit all commiinicationa I "ititndeq foir publication. mut': be -post -paid. ) $-20 85 GEO. H.1 KELLET, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Next door to'A. A. VVannet, on" North Wai' t. I I WILMINGTON, N. C. yeiilattend to tne sale of all kinds of Country Pro duce, such as Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon. Lard, &,c drid will keepcohstantly on hand afullsupply of Groceries, &c. ' j RKFERtNcrs Willis Hall and B Caraway, of Wayne. and E P Hall, John MeRae. Gen Alexan der McKaeand Willie A Walker, of Wilmingtoa. Wilminou Cards, MM ft r-. -V i - - m Kve Q .) fMLiSl(). AXD FOR WAR I) IX G, MERCHANT, ::r Wl LM I NCiTON, N. G. uber 7. 1S50. . : " . 1 ty !i djtXKllAL VOAnflSSIUX JfKRCHAXT, Y : ":. Wl;MI.(iTOX, N. C." f'jV' 31An-l A 'out for Powell-s regular line of Kew f4?iCv audi Iforon regular liiie of PhiUiiiphia if m My KXfcliALiiJOtiMISSIOX MERCIIAXT, i WJI. II. LIPPITT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST. Iorth East corner of Front and Market strewta, t WILMINGTON, N. C. ! " "VHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER rX DRUGS, CHEMICALS, vt! rii nrru nrr'' cTrrtc" iiTrvv urniuvi j . 'j Y WINDOW GLASS, SHOP FURMTL' EE. PERFUMERY, FAXCT ARTICLES, STATION ERT, GARDEN I j AND FLOWER SEEDS. Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can be obtained at any hour of the night, by calling at hi'' Drug Storewhere will always be found some one ready to wait on persons. 7 ly CORNELIUS DuPRE, 4 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN, Drugs, Medtcines,Chmricih, Paint, Oil, Dye Stuffs GlasSy.l'erf toner y, Cigars, Old liyuors, .4 : Fancy Articlex, &c. Markst Street, Wilmington X. C. Prescriptions carefully compounded by Experi enced persons. . . 0 I FLOUR. . 100 Bbbs. Flour, just received and firX for bale bv y52& GREGORY tORISWOLD. aVcw Jeods, ! . . A r-r-ift-f-- Xov. 71 I v Novnibr 'WILMING TON, N. C. 1 ?y yAl 3 E !t O .. & ' L A T i M VI H , : IiOok Mere! THE subscriber has j opened a large stock of j Jry Goods and Groceries,; at Hall & Armstrongs old stan'd He will also attend to1 the sale of COUNTRY PRODUCE as Agent, ou Water Street. ' 1 ' j MILES COSTIX? WilniingtonvDec:18. ! : : 7-ly RICH JEWcLRV. THE subscrtlwr. after a residence of Sover three far9 in Wavne county, daring a-hkh time he has viMted all the count v towns of the adjoining counties, liopes that he has eart ed a reputation whicli will recommend liini, in future,' to the ciuitidi'nce if all honest omfid in men with whom he has transacted business. llq has now returned from the Northern mar kets, and. offers to the public a rich ami va'.ua- IS now receivmir and oneninir. at the store house l.i,,. J J , adjoining tlie W ay nc H otel, a general assortment ot - -. ' Fall and Winter Goods, t rS2a consisting of a variety of every kind of goods and S,'ver WatcheP, Gold and Silver suited to this market. His stock consists of Dry Pencilc.Gold Pns, Watch Chains, . . - P .,' "T -Wl BOIViVER Goods, Groceries and Hardwares. Dry Goods Such as Calicoes, Silks, Jackonetv r' ;- Cambrics, ;ilgings. Insertions, I ilaces, Lawns, Printed Muslins, j ' j Dotted do., Swiss do., Linens, Gloves, andkerchiefs,Capes,Collar9, Cuffs, Hats, Caps, Hosiery, broad- -Cloths, Casi meres, Testings, shirting, bleached and-UJibleached. Almost every article worn in fall and winter. ' " ! BOOTS AND SHOES. Groceries of nil Rinds such as ii. St. Clary's School, ; RALEIGH, N. O. ri THE 19th Term f this School will comTi'irnce on the 7th of January, 1852, and continue ve mouths. . For a circular containing full particulars Jja to terms, &.c, applv to the subscrilier ii! "A1.DERT SMEDES. RectiU- Nov. 24, 1S51. 4 1V Notice, Sugar, Coffee, alt,Can- DLEi, SrARtU, SoAl liUT- tkr. Cheese,1 IMeal, Spices, Pepper, Ginger, Candies, Crackers, Flour. Dried Beef) Tobacco, 'Sega rs, Snuff. liiiiuwnrc. Nails, LocksJIinges, Carpenters' Tools, of every kind, Spades, Shovel, and in frhort nearly every thing wanted by a Far mer or .Mechanic,! in the iiara ware line, Pitch Forks, Afine assortment of Pccket.and Table Cntlerv. Seals and Keys of eupe. rior quality and fin ; : fih;Breast pins.- " f -a -' Finger and Ear Rinjjjs Bracelets, Lockets, CulTPinp, . Gold and Silver Thimbles, a v'ery superior article. Also, Silver Combs, and , Ladies Pockct-Bo.ks, Gold Buckles and Slides, ' &.C-, &c, &.c. In addition to the fcbove, he keeps on hand a very superior article of lcket Knives, Pen 'Knives and Razors; also. Silver liutter Knives, and a full assortment of Spectacles, steel silver and gold frames. . . . . He invites particular attention 'to his Diamond i?mgs and Breast : Pins, an article whih is sel dom found with inland traders. He ha- a hand some assortnvnt of Pocket Books, Port Monies, and Cigar Cases. ; , As the subscriber -will continue to visit the Courts of Johnston, AVayue, Greene. Lenoirand Sampson wliere he will" alwavs .have on hand a full supply of the a-tic'os above enumerated. m mm w v 4f Liiiii'dTT'c -.1 4! VI ' Love. What so unearthly, sobeau tiful,5i3 the first birth of woman's love? The air of heaven is i not purer in its wanderings its sunshine not more ho ly in its warmth. Oh ! why should it deteriorate in its nature why should the step whicli print?, sully also tho snow ? THE subscriber will expose, to public alrj on Monday, the 22.1 of December on a credit .six months, all the pcrisdiable property of the, Jute Williatn Smith, deceased, ciHisiatiijg of '.'W . New Invention. An umbrella with a gutter round the edge, which causes the rain to run off at one point, T' ' To,.nr pC l' VYrv !t?s decided . ' steps of - his masters' house, i ' "funning at lae., MIOUSCS, MULES, ; CATTLUj The oSing arc llillinij cloud, the llt1ltfT cl'lllmi'irtf .-...iM. r. ff . a. JpfC . both disappear. , . SHEEP. STOCIv HOGS, i! " Dean Swift says he never knew a Between 300 and 400 Bbl. Coii.ln,an lo ll,rive w,lt la' aue lale in Uio iiiuiuiii-, uiiu vs. r ruiiKiiu says: -a. man may rise late and trot all day, and ' never overtake his business." ! CThe subscriber has established himself per- together with all other articles usually kept by manentlv in this-place, and would respectfully in- t,lu m"t cxtensife Jewel'.trs, he .vppeals tthe vite the" citizens I of (loldsboro' . and surnmnding citizens of these counties for that generous pat- h M vn;mon,:.n. cJ y jf ; General Commission Merchants, BIO .V All i & , General Commission Merchants! (South-Water Street.) V4 iWILMlXG'l'ON,. N. C CiiIOVAItl). N.-.C: ; ! W. N.. PKDKN YM C1 LATTA, '. CVXMISSIOX rAHftl CJIAXT , AXD OEXEi UAL AO EXT, , ; j WlLStlXGTOX, N. C. I ) . I WILMIXGTOX iV. C. Liberal Cash Advances made o? Conxigtwients. " H aye a larie aiid commoiHous Wharf tor the re ception of Naval Stores, ;or other produce'. REFER TO : , Japies Griswold; Esq., Goldsboro' ; Robert Bvnum, Esq., Wilson ; W. W. Peirce, Esq., Warsaw ; John Campbell, Esq., Wehlon. Is ov. 27-4-1 y. country, to,gtve him a call, and test his articles i v. 'r i :.. it... illHl DlltC?. Ul'llll C Kill V.ll.ll II" LL UI1V ULII.i PliH I. He feels confident that all who mav trivo him a trial will be satisfied. , GolJsboro, b'ept. '24. . 4G I NEW FALL AND Winter if Goods ! ! rouaije which a Southern citizen may freely claim of the trading public. HENRY KIMS. Wayne Cmty, Oct. 8, 1851. AS Spring hd Summer Clothing. COSTUME HALL. Cor. Pratt t. i d Centre Markt Sjmce, Baltimore. THE largMst and best stink of A AVI ' MA D E CLOT 111 XiJ ''er ifered in Haiti more. Dress, Frinrk, and Sadc CUATty, all colors, qualities and sizes, from 2. i to S..)!!, and upwards. l;m tulooiis at $1 ti ?;.5U, and upwards, emhrae- All the Fodder on haiul ; One road wan ; one timler,wagii; horse ciyts ; one line single ox ; one family car riage ; one buv and sulkey"; from! one hundred and iiftv to two hundred ' head of fat liogi ; all the household and kit-Un furniture; one set of blacksmith tools: farrivuf tools, and many, other articles not herein men u-1 lional. ui I .AS I :va. i .i ousere?. so lonir is ic a noneniuv a i" mere cypher-'of liumanity but with, another liirure added the figure of a wonian, for instance this cypher be comes a respectable member ol the hu man nufltiplicalion table, and proves himself a lover of his country. Amen. . Mrs. Jar.vis savs there is no instant c of a wise bachelor they arc merely ra- oo lorn: as a man'is single, she. Ifcnhl wilh approved securitv, will lc rcqu ti-d,' .... .... l...f. i. . .i.t: I f ' EVlRllT bMlXli; AdniVj NoveinWr 20. 1851.' 5:4 The undersigned, Ft ;m- det. and Machinist, lyis Lf:i sented to act as Aent fn the" only actual PORTABLE CIRCULAR SAWMILL 111 of vl;-ly xvyi ; jti . 11 a. at iti s s, IGENE R AL SCOM M I SS IOX AN 1) FORWARD- I N C ' M hi R (i 1 1 A X T , AYILMING UON, N, C. POLLEY & HART, Manufacturers and Dealers in toves, Grates, lm, sheet Iron and Copper W ares, lc generallv, to :ui examination of them. olar, Cainphine, J? luid and Uil Limps, Guns, lis- Their stock consists of -' i:' t k i;s I'.' p:- (J. Parsley ) . r.. . , n S ;.)l . .1 so. NIc 1 1 a k, Stifi :J!-' i'h;RU:i'Sniithrield, N.C. : f; : 4-v Ai. . uo.-s.v, -y . , . , l;ly. Sto tols, and a variety of other articles. We are. also prepared to lnauufacture 1 urpentme Stills, at; a less price than -they can be j bought for in New (York. Call and see. I Wilmington,' X. C. :Jan. 10 1851 ! U-lv. Tiili subscribers, having just received their ul St-VjC5 v.-,dain an,l plai.l stockof " I v nvi,- ui tui re jo"ioijtj priees .' FALL GOODS, invit4he attention of their customers, and the pub the United iStatp.,niade by U"ni. Mcfwihstr Washington. Ilieseilills nro' of Ci.t Ir.n brick U'iujj used in their erection. They caT -be taken lown, removed 5 miles, and nut in oier:'!i.!i WliLEA.X:A.;GVVYKn, il OOl'lKAIi A ( iE N 1 FOR W A R'Dl N G and; KGoMiissiaii Merchant, j r S'-1l-''-h x . WiLMixtiTos, N.'ci. i i 11? i11'1! plcayire in in'formiur my friends that X k prit' 'pared to .iv"e. all liijsiness entrusted to iiu; i? 'pilic!u;Jifi and personal attention. I have a wharf : foj-Jiaailjtitp-f, with iiuple"iiccommodations,Sjiir ; ii't 1 1 loused njid ! Varlt' jiseV ,Con-ignuients of Naval !; SiofCrti f-Vrlfsal or shjniaent.-; ?aiid all kinds of Ciiun v: trM'ri.jdaco solici ted. Casladvances made on cori .stiri'miits.., ; Kov. 7.. ly. O. & . HOLMKS ; WIIOLESALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Domestic Goods, Groceries Wines, Liquors and j Provisions Corner of Water and Princess Streets, J j j WILMINGTON, N. C. Owen IIotMES, 4 6 GEX 'tJ.OKPII U. I5L.OSSOJI, A. COMMISSfOX MERCIIAXT, WI L.MlNtiTON, NV c:.. ' ' , t . Qjash ''advances made, oh -consignments, to ' ' I !' ' ini, oi"! o ,in v Friends in NewiYork l-B , 4 . S M ASfV A'JTt'llKll AN 1) IiKAI.KR IV 5 UMlUlKLLAp, AM 1 l1j 1JTXG VAXES of every descHption l4-f-.':i t:&iiOLESAi;E fclKKTAlL, f ;- L Vhltt jl S10K MAUlCEr STKKKT, WU.MlXUTOX,ff. C "V- 1:i!-'Jri,vniitcy.'jlo,rcUaivts supplied iNew! lork . ; -r 'f 4-pr l VT ' K. FOR p, 'U TO S:XOllTJr CARP LIS Ay !f!';.':I)lUiGiriN,'-:'' jaWM lVf f ilkulxa nd Foot StonesPaint Gabriel Holmes Ury Goods, of every variety and stvle. HATS, 1360TS AND SHOE'S; ;kveky style and thice, BONNETS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, - CROCKERY, PAINTS, OIIL & in faetj almst every article kept in a retail stove. Thev invite the 'community to call and examine their sock, 'before they purchase, feeling confident it will .be to. their 'advantage. Thev will ivc the highest market prices for Prod ii cv, and sell as low as any other e.;tablhment in the place, for cash, or good responsible credit. G RE GORY &. GRlSWOLD.x. Goldsboro''Oct. 30. 51 Also, a large assortment of Uoyn" ('l.-thittg. Importing ur own Cloths direct ff.m Europe, and manufacturing on'theuiot oxtm-dve cale, 4-n ables us toofer inducemrnU to purchaM-rs. nt to be surpassed by any Clothing Kstabli-hnunt in the United Statis. Tho propria tors are deU'rinined to make the Wholesale. Uooni the Mint f great at traction, anihave now male up more lh.ui .r,o,oo Garment, tenia the riuesf. quality to ih luwt. in price. -.5j tlj Custom Depai tmeiit .will alwavs bo tiw Choicest selrC'ion of Uiutfis, Lafifri. arul 1 rxltnq. which will be made up at the -h nttice attii a A Sensible I$eply. Yetterday e venincr. duritiir the examination of a yitness as lo the, locality of the stairs m a house, the counsel asketl him "whicli in 16 ho'ir. Power of EniriiK- 20 horse will Vnr I vvav ilbl tlift stairs rim Tlic witnsj?. !J?J" : who by ihc by U a noted wajf, replied 'v ""' uir HIII11IU1HUI uiu Airy- u.l . ..t I land stntP Ri.r vr !t ...t... : UiM "that one w hy the v ran tm tain. hut - I.M.MIIMI., unit uif 'rv4 I . . the Ut iii the world. 1 would be ideased t IVc-1 the other wa v they ran ilowii stairs.7 ceive ..r.I.r-. eiih-r for the Engiius with or uh- The learned counsel winked hoth eye?,' outtheMill. LetteraddresodtoaG.lIalL4iIl .....I ,..L l.,. ..nli;. r.... ii. ..ft....:.... f'l ! wv-lv tu itl .VJiiwi,. . r Iwillputtl.e Mills up any where wilhii miles of Favetteville. if desirable- - 'it ilg.iii; 10 Fayrttcvillv. Nov. 26. 1531. O-3-JV r 31 17 Acres Pine Latld . i . -. A ' For Sale or Le;ikc. The Doctor Yelcomc. Down East there rcs-ides a certain M. D. . One very cold nipht he - was aroused' from his slumber by a veiy loud knock ing at lii door. After omc hesitation. he went to the window, and asked,; A! A. IS. SOUTH ! GBXER4L AGENT, COMMISSION MER QUA NT, A ND COLLE C TOR, WILMINGTON. N. C. WILL, receive and i sell on commissun, any Goods, ll'ares, Mercliaiidize and country produce, that may be sent to jhis care. He also otters his services to the .Merchants of -ilmington- and the public generally, as collec 1 . ' .11 I ' i . I' 11 IT I 1 ting a;eut. au Claims put in nis nanus ior couec tioii. or any, other business entrusted to his care. shall receive his-prompt'attenticm. He respecttul ly 'solicits the patronage of his friends in the above business,; or any other business where an agent is wantingiNjFilMiingtonjN. C. Uetertmvc. riiis tt ilitchell. K. u. urant, l.. R.!Frenfli,;.C. Mvers. ; U May 6-2G-tf. Piano Fortes, I5oswell ii;ino For lt??, for sale by the subscriber, at his Furniture H'are Rooms. . ' . JKO. D. LOVE, rrilmington, lpril, 0, 1S51. 't 22 Ne'wbern HotelL -: !i- BY . . JX0. CnARLOTTC ': Newbern, N. C. A SCIAR5i, ' WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER IvINSTON, N. C i Cash Advances. THE undersigned are prepared to make liberal iL .. J '.. .... . f 1 ... .1 iuiyauces on uuiiMiintiiuis u piouucu io uifiu. Particular attention will be ,given to the sale of bpir its Turpentine, ltosin, liacon, &C., &c. " ANDERSON &, LATIMER. Wilmington, Nov. 7. '. 1 ly VJ5. a. stro:i, ATTORNEY AT LAW KINSTON, N. rtet tii l-i... J i i- i- e. t ! vl .andiuthelate- Htvle. and a iit alwavs i,uar.v;"r":,":: s . V1 l1-" u ho S there" Friend.77 was llieail- "I. ! I i .. ...tl ...L-.i-f i.- . i .' . I vvr, ''U ml iln rnn .vnfit?" nnt TX . i .1 ti l. : jnr, in .ii nit iiiuuill "I IjIIIUI l"jnTS,Hl yililL ills- "--' l w u... ' " JntT v ;i , I hur-1)i,ri0U w,tl' l mww f-r "at lts. to stay here allV.-ht T "May there, Rc.ue.nhc'r the in-ue and place, corner Pratt st , :uij v,.illl: tive w;. ,H f .. ktMinllIiat ,,.,- J .,f ,-f, , ..,. -At 9 I Centre Market ace. . ,, '. t..... i,.... i,;...- u " " -! I was uiu ucno uicni. i ciiiy . April 14,18.,!. -J) 11. II. COLE t-O. I aarir.g th. winter. ?p, ing. nnd fill. jfl.Ti IMPORTANT. It 13 important to (taVC ' v.,a u. ..meprovHo,,,a..lj oU.er suprjjes ail umbrella in a'bhower. dinner when ICI.i:t.l.M ran In? obtained, ror tho 1 unxntine Rusiuo.k it i i i , . Patent Fire and Water Proof PaintA" lnti..n. ami near a filthy fart'.g 'ou a,re .limm't ai,(1 a. wng-boat m a or Artifirifrt JSIatu jhecii- noi thedi-trict. Plenty of hoop jn.ies j.o- squall ; but the most important of all iTHEaWe valuable Paint has U,x examined T"t"Vl I'ol .. th.c VC loa"icc yHS gentlcnian, IS a nice u-Dr. J.R.c:i,ittonofN,w York, its ,he;ni, al ! ' 1-5 'Ii V ( Tr young lady to say " YcsM at the right !.,i.. t.., r ii cw it i y tiMbcrsutiu-icnt to cut from 15 -to 20-croi lof '. 3 J J aalys.s follWjs .4,,,o,. and'' 1-xes. 1 will tell or lea-e for 5 Vears, i li Ul llme' " . " I' oj Irpn. with less of MamicMa, Lime and rarn.n. ,..rn,. the nl ,v. l ,.l , ' ' V C. - Sfvites, Imposing Stvuex A ad ihvsliwrt, auy article called for of either Ital- iauf fcviitiaia, 'or -' Ainerican Marble ; audi work Ft - S . i : -.. . "... i :e i ' l WiLrraM-lce. to- iieaso -or ivt suit iiuu n uameu '4"i bafVr4 d IIATIfAWAV A; SOX, s. " j . WiLMixorox, N. C. ... i frlot attention paid to the sale'of all kinds of :id dofer North Water street.j t in '.;,.wv ? ; J L. Hathaway. Uijll.tlU'.H" U ljuM' 12, 1S50 3;i-ly 1 CASH DiiALEUS 1 ; I ; 7 K CTIO NA R V'v i UTS, s, Fancy Articles. 1'ertuaery , Tooacco 'Segars, i l j WilOLKSALE AND i K ET AIL, WiwingtOxI N. C RAVAGE' & 3IKAUFS, GR0CERS,C0MMISSI0N AXD FORWARDING 1 MERCHANTS, And General Ascnts for the sale iof Country Produce, ! . SOUTU-WATKR STUEKT, (Third door below . Market-Street,) I ; Wilmington, X. c. EDWARD SAVAGE. V o'i UASTOX MEARES i A TTORNE Y A T LA W. GOLDSIJORO , N. C. i May be found In hisoffice, on West Center street formerly occupied by Dr. Evans. j T. SOUflDIAYD, tt,lIA qKS Al ITI l;RRASS i ! :" i A N fs ' ! IROX FOUNDER, 1 order.s in the line will be punctually attended to, WILMINGTON, N! C. 3tv J 'ti. jle It AS: & II ABUM, i i nfrnr no i I-n iMPiyii vEiis axd i Y ' A ND R ETA IL D EAJtu it u ; id rj;.l-aSD EVaTUENVVAa, AXD KAiitlXG l.',vt VXO EARTHEN W Wesl Udi Front et,' between Mf ket and Dockets. .:!bii:ta.-:, Uu: : Sbmngto,,N.O. j. ik lo e, v ; j-. ; EALEII IN CABINET FUXITURK, RED I i rriHRS. MATRASSES, OiC t'X..v!fri.,.t. Smth of Marft, Xf.i;t.:::p'::F" WlLMIXGTON,. : C. HKo-vember-7.; ' :. .' " -. -: i s --' ' " ' ' ' ' ' : ; lJrown's Building, rbMMmSIOX AND FRWARDING MER Yi' Til HA NT. AND G FERAL AGENT, :jV ';:' : WIEMJ:NC"ONjrN. C. . l ioyember,1851.; - 5 5 V GRADY A: 3IOJi, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . i ' ; - AXD DKALEUS IX Dry Goods,; -Groceries, Provisions, WATER STREETW-i-fcMIXGTOX, N. C. rompt attention will be ;iven to the sale if all kirjds of country produce which may be sent to ineir care, i . . . W J. GRADY. 43 JAMES V. MONK J p. Ii. BUIIBAXK, (SUCCESSOR TO HATCH 4 BURBAXK,) . IOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER If Tobacco, Segars and Sunlf, Front Street, Wilmington, X. C. EJLl, RUSSELL, & CO. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHAXTS, WILMINGTON,: N. C. latent Yoke Shirts. Just received, and always kept on hand a fine sup ply of patent yoke shirts ; also a lot of figured lin en frosoia urrx and an elegant, article of gentle men's figured satin ties; land another : lot ot those, fine' linen and silk craval, just to suit the season Call and examine. For, tale by I , . . CHARLES BARR, July 3 - iiMerchant'Tailori 'Wilzuimrtcn. X. C New Goods ! ! EDMUNDSON & BORDEN, ARE now receiving and opening at their store on the cornerof John and If alnut streets, a large stock of . i ' C all uiul Winter Goods, consist invr of a variety of every kind of Goods suit ed to this market. Their stock consists of Dry Goods Groceries, and Hard U f Ware, BOOTS AND SHOES, . Hats, Bonnets, and Umbrellas, Ready-made Clothing. Aic, iVc,, all of which will!le sold at the Lowest Prices. Buyers willtind it to their interest to call and ex: amine their stttek; before purclusing elsewhere. ' Edmcxdsox Bordex take this occasioa to return thanks to their customers generally, for theS ery lileral patronage heretofore bestowed up on them, auil solicit a continuance of their favor. G oldsWoV Oct. 1. 47 Notice, DR W. fJbERBY has locatci him self in CliKton.and offers, his professional services to the Citiiens of Sampson County. April 2. tf I X' STORE A XP FOR A LE, BY ' . - ELLIS, RUSSELL .L CO. St. Doiringo ani Lauvra colfee, a superibr ar ticle; .: : Bal tinware flour;-. - Adamantine -candles ;'. . - , :' 1 Hhds. sugar cured hams, expressly for family use ; . Boxes cheese ; .. .. " , v. ; ; Barrels Mercer wtatocs, fr family, use ; racking yaro.tkc, Dc.I,lS51. Mlmh frms Artihcial Slate.. It therefore after lifing mixed with .Oil, and spread on harmonized su.l conibmes in its tiatuial state; and tl.c power ful cohesive attraction of the Oxide of Iron blend- aid attracts thediiferent rhijMnent parts, so that tie longer on. the niore powerful the attraction. Consequently the harder ; the Slate and the closer it will adhere to the substance applied. For sale wholesale and retail at m inufacurcrs pice. ! AVM. H. LII'PITT. Prmrgist and Chemist. . Wilmington, Nov. .22, 1851, . . 5-tf. J:ist Ilccelvcl at Pierce's ook . . Store.. Mirgaret, a Tale of the 7.'t al and Ideal Blight and iBloom; : " : DQuineys R'ritings, 3 vol's.; : Xiyal Life, by Lieut Lyncli. Cbset Hours, . r CttechiMii of familiar things ; -StMies and Legends of Scotland, by Hugh Miller; lulicatioiu of the Creator, by Taylor ; Tie Closing Scene, an excellent work for family reading ; : ; Xegro-Maiiia, leing nn examination of the falsely I assumed equality of the various races of men by Sjohu Campbell; rarest. Life and rorest Trees ; Iiventors Manual ol legal Friucrples'and guide to 'the Patent Office, j ! At the following new Juveniles: DVrggadocio," Mrs. Tuthill, abik for Eovs aud iUirls; ' . Tie Little Jischief Maker, by Uncle Frank. Also, the following new Focai, by A. T. Conrad; Arlmere and other Poem. Wilmington,' Dec. 1, 1 851. 5. State of Ttforth Carolina, FITT COUNTY, Cjurt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, X'ovember j Term, Tlie Petition of Manh i L. S. Adams, - j- ; VS. I Catherine Idams- and other. ! Petition far Dower. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court.that liibvrt S. vldaiu-. : neof the defeniLmts in thi case, resides Wyi ml tlie limit. of this State : It tlitrefitre ordered that publication In? made in the (ioUl.-bro Telegraph, for six su-c:sive week;, ihh lifjing the said defendant to appear at the next term of this court, to be held for the couutv afore sail, at tlie Court House in, Greenville, on th- tir.t Mou'dav of February, A. D..1S51, then and there to plead, answer, or th-niur, or judgment pro con fesso will be taken as to him. and heard acccrdin"- 1- ! ' : Witness, Henry ?heppanl. Clerk of our said Court at Of'ce', in Grceuvill;, the first Mouday in X'ovember, A. D. 1S5 1. ! II. NIIEPPARD, Clk; r-.2, 1851. (Pr.Ad.?5.C2$) . 5 6w Fire Crackers.--20 loxcs Fire Crackers. For i-ale by I MOWRD t FEDEX. Wilmington, Dec, 1, 1S31. ' t. Any p- rsin that wihcs, can get the tcrm;bv ,i. v.. ! ii.. ' . . . - appjying by letter, or personally, at ,HookcvjHi. .x. u., Iiom atxu. the 'JOtii of Deccaiber nexi.un- til the 1st of January, 1832. SAMUEL BELfii Conway boro', S. CXov. 22,: 1S51. . U For Sale. A LOAFER'S S0L1L0Q,UY. Oh, dear! Oh, ilcar! AYhat a vorld litis is. This world, as Sliakspeare ve ry beautifully remark?, "is all a cattle show, for man's (elusion given and and woman s 100. '1 hat s a fact. Shakspcarc's right ! This here is a ve ry a very checkered life. This world: is given to fault-finding', remenjus. Now, here's my wife kick- ....... ' . i .,,u; bcnier offer lr sale the Plan ftjon ed up a row, just because 1 went to bed wiin me improvements, whereon he now lives ;tn- v.-;,!, ..... ,...',, i, taining about 2U.I aeres ; aUut half of whii M llllf ue,-uBati b .red. llie improvements consist of a gTmd'fwo ry IJnildiiig, containing six large rcHmis, j Va h -Floiir. 200 bbls. Can.il Flour. For fale low by HOWARD t TED EX Wilmmg'on, Dec. 14 1S31. 5 cleared. Storv IJ lire places in every khuu, and nil necessary -iit- II' . - ' v . ' oauuiiigs. i ms tract lies cn the fclast side of Glt boro', adjoining the Town. j 11 . ALSO .rj. One other tract, known a the Borden and Hoks Iind..ituatetl on the Southride of Gold4n Ad joining the Town.coutaining abut -IU0 acres jjUl jxirtion of which is ctjual in jviint of pnHlucf Re lies. t :rhv hnds in W a ne cunt y, r. I inigb k' inot say, in the State, and would. If rented !:jind well attended, alw;f, s pay more tlian the int(st n the pun luise i none v. I have also several T jwn sell any, or all of mid property, and take' in jiy mentlikeiy Young Xgries. lVids, X'otes.or Wn.uld sell on a credit, fir anvTea-onable term. til The tlourishinir state of Goldsljoni' is well knt ttn. Amongothi radvantages.it affords rare facirjles to parents to educate their children. There ij'jat pre.-ent, in the vicinity, a good a school -MrrV'ob- insinV as the State affords, and a building f Vf a ...11 :... i :n i t r1 couriaie m-i loot iit oe commenceu in a. jew weeks. Iiie-e cuisiderations, and the intti value of the property offered for tale, ouglj i make a residence anil farm near GciilabcrjJ desirable object, especially to parents. For "other particulars, annlv to ii WM. li.EDMUXD5j f!l 1.1 V 1 r , r- . , . . V'iiu;iR'Hl, ."IV. J ", IfOl. IC to a ZiX. : . . .JRVriffvillo Female Acadcrn. THIS In.-titution will 1k continued underijtjie Miperintendcnce the Rev 3Ir. Smttiu a.i"i-d by ct nn pet en t Teacher. in all the br inches. jv qui.ite for atinbhed ediication. . The next session will commence on the l)f January, 132. . j ' " " ft Tlie "Academy is furmhcd with PhilosopH jil. Chemical, and Astronomical apparatus. 'HY Two or three Uardc-rs, in ' addition to tjyc alrealy enyagel, cau be acorni'i;oLael in 4 he family of the Print-1 pal ; but board canlje prtfjlr cd on very rea-Mn:ib!e tirm- .in families of4he highest respectability in the village. ) For term. Vc applicuitii'ii may be m.uhj to John Evr.ntTT. Esq, Trtfsurcr, or" Rtf ; J. Jji"ts Smttii. PriiH-pal. '; 4 ' ; Dvcrrtt?ville, nne Co N. tr. Uecio. v.n Ilelizioiit 2Vo1icc. i The- Rer, J. 31. FULTON. MUMonarr -toiiil- ale I if r iiia, will preach in Snuthritld, the lth land Goldiboro'-thc TJth Dec. at.niht. A;-ii- cuoo wm De iaen up ui ucuaii ot me mi ou. boots, and hat, when he knew that I wauled lo get up airly in ihc luornin'. and start oir itnmejitly ou 'porlant business. She's very p'licu lar la inquire what business it 'is thai calls me out so airly but I wonVtell 'er. She's no right to inter-Vre in my business. 1 don't in'efcfe'n hers. I don't never ask her where she buys gro ceries and provision, and grits trusted lor. eni if she only" gels 'em without throwin' away money for 'em. And then she finds fault wi me for speudin1 so much money for likcr. But what am I goin' to dew Lickeis cash; it can't be bort without the dimes. -She says it hurts mer and makes iny hands peei, says thaV'.twould take a great deal oi iieiD.mil k to nake a man's hands peel bad. What o',ibat! Hain't the men that sell iicker.got to live? How can they pay rent if nobody.patronize3 Jem 7 That's a question that goes to , my heart like an arrer. "When 1 think of the high rents that tavern keepeia : have;to pay, 1 al'ays go and take su'lh ing to help 'cm along. I've thought a good. deal about 'this. lately and oow 1 thiiik of U they've riz on what's his' name's rent, acro3 the" way, and I'll . just go over and give . him a small lift. Ou, dcai ! this is a checkered life. .Toucco has spoiled and utterly ruined thousands of boys, inducing a dangerous precocity, developim? tha passions, polleninq: and weakeniug tho bones, md greatly injuring-tlie "spinal Inarrow, the braiuand the whole nerv ous fluid! . A boy who early aud freely" smokes or. otherwise largely ues tobac co, never is known to, make a' man, of much eneriry of character, and general ly Ui.ks.pl.ycal ;t:d inuccubr us well us meiitut energy'. f i . . t j . -.i i ft t -. r - i br I

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