- a-scv n 1 VJ fl II I . WW I : 1 . ... ... . -. - - I ' r 1 1 : . i ! " . . , , .. ..III. RALEIGH, ,N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 18G21 N O. : J ..IT- - tm THURSDAY, December 25, 18 62. 4 I Terms: For the present the Urmi of th DAILY paper will jbe as ioiiows : 12 months... t : " -3 " .. i - 1. For the TRI -W EEKLY, tha terms will be: 12 months 6. " '3 ; J For the WEEKLY PAPER : ; j ! t tf ' L. " v . J- D1UUUI9.. 6 ' " .... ... No aubseription to the Weekly will be received for ljess than six montns. j. Single copies fire cents. v. i niii u ... $6 00 .. ; 3 50 ;. 2 oo ...L.l-,.' : 2 50 i... ' 1 50 :.. $2.00 i... 1.50 Rates of-Advertising. 1 square, 1 day,.......,.$0 50 1 do 2 das 1.0 T5 1 do 3 days...,.... 1 00 1 do 4 days........r 1 25 Ten lines make a square 1 square, 5 days.i..'....$l 1 do 1 week.!. I 1 do 2 weeks...;... 3 1 do 1 month...... 5 50 75 00 00 EST Advertisements for the Dailr will be inserted in the Tr.i-Weekly fret of c'harge. -This is ; an, inducement whih cannot fail to attract the attention of Advertisers. The aboTe rates appl y fjnly to the daily paper. Adver tisements will be inserted in the Weekly paper at the usual r eertion, and twenty-Bye cents for each subsequent inser tion. ' " -i ' . . . 1 - : 1 . than the above rates tea lines ; or less of leaded matter making a square. J : j. 1" j fc , A4iberal discount to yearly advertisers. 1 0UU LEGISLATURE J - "If this old fugj concern has done, anything more than fill certain offices, increase Uicir salaries, andi at I the same time increase tlidr own p;iy U-$o a day, instead of $3, we would like to hear what it i! True, they paed a 'law' against sueculators, bulfaa it is i: i i . u:-4.. If ;....' . (), -.-r;-, . i,. statutebook.-Tbey have teen talkiugand wrangling a full month over a bill to raise 10,000 troppsf for State defence in which they have .bplit lwrr:t)vr-' "Stjte quisitc lectures against conscript bills, and all that' they have said and done amounts to a fignre-9-wUh its -tail cutoff, j If" Eastern Cat olina defends on t.ljis 10,000 men. niay Uc Lord hel her I ,prhe Ya - kVs will get. her b.'lbre the Legislature ! pases the bill. And if ever passed, it will lake one tloi.tli at least-to collect th-j 'inen, and tfien twej months to diilt thein .If they are to be raised by vlunte3r in, when father (iabricl. blows his horn for Ihe. dead to awake and conic to jud-grnent, you will ffot har1 i, a huudicd voiuntei-rs uetnir ranett. v uv; t?e ' cipnse two-thirds of the "patriots' at 1 onie atespe la'trs and extortioners, engaged in makinitortu tit. of the rmisfortunV of the war. andtbesii thevM see tli State damned before t ly tisk getting a ball in theTelly thcin from their ill-gotten niomy; 'he other ts.ir l inibt voUuneer', 1 . I I . V I . ' " ' ------ . T ' and hpeculators from grinding theif depehdefit' f$fni- lies into dust. But we do nut see' 1 in "(kk.1 luitti to the Confederacy, cm- pass aibill frmivlS ti 4o. The -con su.nl h1 Ca seems to ns, must first.be had The bill i before iey wijj vplunt? tliat;hlikltt p les. es ri- ed but ars a,lnipel a v .l-t in i iir ow the legtslntUre nrrnc it Legislature, we hcKr, takes all who havej nhtuites fn the army. This wJuld be dii'Hues:, ut!44 their niHiley be refundtd. But this 8ubsj.itute ganie ought lieyer liave been tolerated; ninety subsutute but t 'a hniKirtd wi n t right if! they can get a chancy to r Tiey go to run' i:t tl fight. . it-M(e- it enalles ' riclto dodge the army, while 'he poor yho ave less to fight for, are-c-ompelleil to f;ji:e the iiHilic. It would be a jood thing cwrUinly ;a jatri RCt if the whole Legislature wouhll resolve i&el I i ' an Artillery Comiianyiand go dowtd Last nd pght Yankees. This would be a practical terof he f riotism of members. ;nanv cf wh rn are no lii fe.i'theiiug their nests at home by cfiargiusr exlrbitlant jiriccs on the necessaries o I hie.- AltUon Chrvnu i jun! the the tic hto Ithe ;it- Jbt r Disaffection or the Bkack IIepdblicas. Th J Washirifrtnn Star savs a ln-iorityiot. the benatfl. f-Ai,mio .-.n Jin 17th imlotitnri a. riPKnlntion TSl'hieh : ! iMUtuo V'li v i i f . - -p V e in IS ! first prepared, declared a want ofonhdehce bn their j part in the Secretary f State. This washio itied to j as to express to die President an urvminibus recim meniation of a partial reconstructijh of th fcabnet, The following history in ccMinectibu with Ssawa d's ! resignation is given by' the Star: j. The Republican party' met in' caucus on tie 18th. when a. resolution was introduced reouestingincoln to dispence with Seward's services. On this propo sition the caucus stood 16 for and 3 against i. : f . Finding unanimity' Uuattainablis on this for. the many substitutes, offered for-it, the caucus adjjourhed until next day. On again meeting the resoluf ion re questing the President partially to remodel lii whole ahinetwas unani mouslv. agreed to : the Gunservatiive - lie publicans regarding it as an invitation to thfe wljiole CabiiH-t to resitiii. nd thev confidentally ezict, the Star says, that Lincoln will regard the receutuninis- takabld manifestations of popular sentirnent as his ' guide in the necessary recoustructipn, V I Prepare foi Ithe j Spring.- In ith twi months which intervenebefore the opening of the Spring campaign, the Confelerte Government .: ami people should make the most thorough and energetiq prepa rations for another and perhaps a decisive strukgl. It isonly when tlie South has failed to avail Itself of ' opportUnitiefor preparation that itd caise ha suffer ed. We have nd fara whatever for the futur, ifj the Southjs tru to fcself and awakfe to the exigencies of the occasion. What has been is a' guarantee if wjhat i titbf if we are true to our cause, and to ourselves. But the remainder of the winter must be devbted to every form and shapeloi preparation against the f co lns.nl iintflrnrize ! of the enemy, which the IRghest wkdnm ran "devise and the roost! powerful enerlries exec ute. Richmond Dispatch. Bcrnside Superceded Fremqst in Command. The Richmond Examiner, of yesterday says.: - p ' The report that Burnside had been supercededj has been eontirnsed. I Colonel Henery B. Davihsoti, tele graphing from Staunton, under datel of the-22d inst, says" i he has received a dis-pateh from .'a trustworthy source in Winchester, stating that! Burnside had een. recalled and Gen. John G. Fremont put in cotaniand of the Graad Army ol the Potomac. Literary IStelliqekce. 'Pearsoune," tha ajrmy correspondent of the CharlestJiq Courier i is preparitg a work to be entitled, "The Camp Fires, Battle Fjelds and Marches of; the. S(thern Army. -s l he "saific writer announces" voltirrie in progress Mlustrting the devotion f Southern women in the war ofSot-th- ern lndependenqp.: ;-.' ' j. -y k Personal. Thomas W. Hall; Esq late eiitdr of ih$tSouth newspaper, and the ExtiyxngtxA Bafutipore, Alary lancr, and vvha sunwrea sucn an exwnaei lerm of; imprisonment in forts Warrcu ana.Jjayiayete am Tea in iiicnmona. . BY TELEGRAPH. . - Reported expressly for the State Journal. . . . ." From Fredericksburg. Richmond, Dec. 23. Passengers by the. evening train rjport t ut t ie r is no change in the situation of affair af Fredericksburg. ,1 . Sewards Resignation Confirmed. Richmond, Dec. 23.. The Philadelphia Enquirer is received ami fully confirms the resignation of Seward and the other news forwarded yesterday. The Washington correspondent says, since the late disaster at Fredericksburg the- feeling , has grown strong, almost uuiversal, that 'here must be a change in the cabinet and policy before the war can be prose cuted further. r , , Seward and bis son still remain t- their desks avaiting the appointment of their successors. "Further from the Korth. The Richmond Enquirer- has Northern da tes to the 22nd. The Herald say Seward and Chase have certainly resigned. Seward wilj not temain in if Halleck and Stanton are retained, and Chase will not remain if Seward quits. Fremont is represented as the radical candidate for commander-in-chief, and McjClellan as the conserr a tive. - : The Herald says Sunday was theg loomiest day at Washington known in history. It thinks if Frempnt is appo.nted or Stanton retained, the newly elected Governors o &ix great States will withdraw their troops and demand a. change of policy. A -dispatch frm Washington, Sunday at midnight, says, the President hag announced that he is the proper judge, of the couduct of his armies, and he will uotbe influenced by the dictation of Senators. Burnside was0 in Washington on Sunday. It was telegraphed from Burnside's headquarters on the 21st that his stall' knew not hi ug of bis resignation. Gold rose one per cent in New York when Sew ard's resignation reached there. : Gallant Attack of Gen. Forrest Route of the enemy. Chattanooga, Dec. 23. . A special dispatch to the Rebel from?Puscuuibt.i Dec. 224, says, a gentleman here to-day with h,s brother's corpse, kitted in the figh at Lexington, Teuns says Gen. V on est attacked and routed the Federaai there on tin 18th, capturiiig a battery , horses and ail and four hundred prisoners, five hundred carbines, tw Luridrcu horses, several hundred saddles and a considerable quantity of commissary stores. Citizens reported the enemy five thousand strong, new recruits. , ) " Oujr loss very trifling. A man here say, the Yan kees hacl returned from Okdona. Tudenveod the Spy. Richmond, Dec. 23. John C. JJhderwood, the spy captured by Hamp ton, was the first man to rausc'the Black Republican flag ou Virginia soil, . j , Gen. -Prjor among the Yankee'. v ' - PETttEbBURG, DtfCi 23.. On Monday,' Gen. Pryor with a small detafrUment, attacked an Abolitionist force of several hundred ,f-ta-tioued at Isle of Wight C. H., to protect an election of bogus reinesentatives -to the Abolitou Congress. At the first ch.irge, General Dix's protectors fled in great confusiou and were completely routed. They were chased ten miles at full speed. Our loss trifling. Gen. Pryor and 'his men af terwards visitcdlSmithfield. r Later from Europe. By the Philadelphia Enquirer we have Liverpool dates, p r Scotia, to the 6th. . ' Nothing ne.v on American affairs. The Paris Moniteur, in a quai official form alludes to the presence of the French squadron at New Or leans, which is represented to have greatly elated the disaffected 'population. . . The col ton taming in France is increasing in sever ity . .' . ' " ' . - . The London Globe thinks tue situation of America promises sinking results soyu. The Liverpiol cotton market clo: 22 to 24 pence. James Sheridan Knowjes is dead. jsed quiet. Uplands Seward and Chase retain their Places. . Richmond, Dec. 24 ' A special dispatch to the Enquirer from Fredricks burg says, on Saturday afternoon after mature delib eration, Lincoln sent a joint uote toSewauIa d Chase to the effect that the governnicnt could not "dispense with their services tnd asked them to resume the du ties of their respective departments. This they, have dune and the cabinet crisis is over. Burnside and the Attack at Fredericks!) ur l Richmond, Dec. 24. From the Enquirer's dispatch, we jearn that Buri side has written a letter admitting his responsibility for the failure in the attackrat Fredericksburg. He exonerates Lincoln, Hallecjv and Stanton. A proposition for Peace in the Yankee Congress ' Richmond, Dec. 24 , In tho House, on Monday, Mr. Vallandigham of- fered a resolution looking to peace which lies over. A SMALL trunk. Lost red corer. between Goldsbo ithi-r tm Tnnndar or FrMar la.t. It was pat aboard of the train on TbSradav ai Goldsboro. It has a card on one! end, marked CapU J. il. Ficxsxa, (Jliitpany G, 22d Regiment, S. C. Yoluatcers. i -.- napcA. Mfnrninv utd trnnk tct Cant, O- A . T rlnr now aUtioned atthejDepot in this city, will be liberally -ar-si-ft -1 k infArmitinn concermn?Mt will lw tha nk rewarded. fullr received. Dec 23d, 1852. J. M. P1CKEXS. d3tpd - St Mary's School, RALEIGH; N. C. Risht Bsv. THOMAS ATKIXSOy, D.D. TUitor Kbv, ALDERT SSJKDES, ll.D. Hector THE Experience of the last Term having sat ' tisfied the Rector that the boarding department of the School cannot be maintained ai the present prices, he Las, after consulting judicious friend-, determined upon the Sbllofriag vfaaren for the ensuing year, TERMS: For Board and Tuition in English, per term of five months, commencing 'Jan. 6th, 1863, $160. Tuition in French, $10. Tuition in Music on the Fiane, Organ or Guitar, $30, with $3 for the use of Instrument. Tuition on the Harp, with the use of Instrument. $45. . Sinking' in private lessons, $30. Drawing, $10 ; AVater color, $15 ; Oil Painting, $25 j Pens and Ink, $2,00 ; Library $L Washing, at the charge of the laundress; the present charge is $15 per term. The role prescribing a uniform is suspended . for the present. ' - - '" ."f .:: Raleigh, Dec. 11 tb, 1862: 44 d3t pd ' To mj Fellow-Citizens of GranTille. I Announce Myself as a Candidate for the Ilonse of Commons to fill the vacancy occasiond by the resig nation df Hon. R. B. Gilliam. ; GEO. BADGER HARRIS. Henderson, y. C Dec. 5th, 1862. 44 dlw ' . THE KEY. A. A. Watson, Post Chaplain at Goldsboro', will take pleasure in receiving and for warding articles intended for the officers and soldiers of the 2d Regiment, N. C, Troops. Packages (properly di rected,) may be left either at his house, or at the store of A. McLackfaa, Esq., next door to the Bank. 4 Deqember 11th, 1862. 44 dltpd Notice. l I WILL hire out, at the Courthouse door, In Raleigh, on Thursday, the 1st day of January, about 30 likely negroes, the property "of the late General. Branch. . WM. A. BLOUXT, Jr., Adm'r. dec 9 41-dtd V , Notice. HATING qualified as Administrator of the late L. O'B. Branch, at Norembes term, 1862, of Wake countvCourt, I give notice to. the debtors of the estate to make payment, and to all creditors to present their claims within the time prescribed by law. ' Wt' A. BLOUNT, Jr. November 22, 1862. " d6w Substitutes. FOUR good reliable men, natives, over 45 years of. age, can be employed as Substitutes for. a reasonable price, if immediate application be made at the Army Intelligence office, Wilmington St., over P.; Fa iwWZ Store, opposite Town Hall, Raleigh, N. C- Nov 18,1802, - 23 5dtf Hillsbcro' N. C. Military Academy. Th'c-Ffifth Aeademic Tear of this Institution wHl commence on the P1K3T "WEDNESDAY IN FEBRUARY, 1863. For ioformation and tircnlars apply to .SUP'T H. M. ACADEMY,. Hlllsboro', N. C. Noy. 28, 1862. . 32 d3m. Deah of Senator Pcarce. Richmond, Dec. 24.-' Senator Pearce df Maryland is dead. , Sale of Negroes , HATING Obtained an Order at the Xoremher Tejm of the Conrt of Pleas and. Quarter Sessions of Wake county. I will sell at the late residence of B. F. Womac, deceased, the negroes belonging to the estate of S. S. Womac deceased, the negroes are three in number. Two of which are likely, valuable boys. Terms six months eredit. S. M. UTLEY, Adm'r.' Dec. 8th, 1862. I 52 It w Look out for the Rogues! v STOLEN from my Stables, at Durham's Depot, , Orange County, N.j C, on the 19th insL, (Friday night,), two line Mares; one a dark' claybank with; black mane and tail, four years old,' blaze in the face and white hind feet, has a scar on the inside of the right hind leg, just at the hock. When taken she was barefooted. The other is a dark brown, nearly black, is about seven years old, medium height, thickbuilt- and is supposed to be in fbal.. 4 ' : ..-;"'-. Any one taking up said. horses, or leaving information at thisoXice so that they may be recovered, will be thank fully received and liberally rewarded. , ; . - . : V T- B- MORRIS, v ' " - ' - '' , Durhams, N. C. Dec 24, 1862 dlw ' ' . Desirable Residence Eor Sale. :, " .. . . NOTICE. , .. : . ON Monday, 15th December next, I Trill sell at Forestville, Wake county, 15 miles Vorth of Raleigh, the following property belonging to- the estate t oflJerjainin F. Biddle, deceased, viz r About 20 negroes, (among them, are. likely young men, women and boys,) a carriage and harness, a rockawaj and set of double Hjar dess, a buggy and harness, a wagon with iron axletrees and two sets of harness, several barrelo'of pork, household ,and kitchen furniture : also, a Maynard , Rifle, a Navy Revolver and a Colt's Revolver, and" several pounds of fine sporting powder. 0 Terms made known on day of sale. V . 1 SAML. S. BIDDLE, Adm'r. Forestville, Wake county, Nov. 25, 1862. 29-dtd Apple Brandy for Sale- npiIE Undersigned haye some 10,000 to 12.000 a gallons ot Ap,pie jJranay, which they oner tor sale, Apply to , SUAL1-S & til l 11, Nov. 27, 1862. Madison, N. C. "'--. 32-dlmpd npIIE highly Improved Premises now Occupied j. uj iulu xuauuucr, ieq.t may uc purcaaseu oy apply iny to the Rev. James Ricnardson, on Fayetteville St. -uec 24, 1BU2 54-mt v - ,; Wanted-To Rent, has INthc Cebtral part of the Clty, a Furnished Room, by a single Gentleman, without board. r" - v Address Box 362, Postoffice. Dec 24, 1862 2pd I , Economy in House-Keeping. "PERSONS WISniNGTO ECONOMISE WILL DO X well to send the subscriber two dollars, for which he will send them three receiptsj the most ngeful to House Keepers ever used. v First, I will send , a receipt -for doubling the " ordinary country-made or - turpentine soap, at a cost of -.not more than tvyo cents per pound in addition to the cost of. the than the ordinary soay, and makes them much whiter, soap. ThTs article washes clothes with much less rubbing I have sold a great many ofthese receipts, and so far, I have not heard a single complaint. . i ' Second, One for making an excellent article of .washing fluid. V - . ; In using this preparation very little rubbing will be necessary. The ingredients for making te same are kept in most . Drug and Grocery Stores. By using this p reparation, clothes can be prepared for the starch and iron cheaper, and with more ese, than the ordinary way of washing. The article can be made in a very short time. , ' ' , . Third, One for making patent starch polish. The use of this, polish will enable the most ordinary Ironer to give linen the appearance of just having left the hsAds of the most experienced nnisher. Very beautiful. t No Savings Bank notes take in payment. Address, P. A. PIERJDY, P. M., Mount HopeP. O., Mecklenburg Co.,' Va. Certiflcates. We hereby certify that we have fairly tested Mx. Piet cy's Receipts for making Soajp, and believe It to be everv thing he represents it, v : ; , . , 1 L: E. Fisch, of Cl.arlisvir.c, Va. , Dcxcw & Lswelles,. Do. " v R. n. BirrisTS & Co., Boydton, Sallt S. Ligojt, Do. ; ,t W, T Cba.fpih, Charlotte, Va. ' v Wau II. BiuvacH, Mecklenbnrg, Va. This will certify that I have given Mr. Piercy's Receipts a fair trial, and that it is ho humbug.: . ' J - , . V, . O. M. Smith, Lunenburg. .. ; - " -" -;;;" ; , - . , This is to certify that I hay,e used the abov receipt 'or making Soap,, and think it is the best and cheapest meth od of making it, I have ever seen. I woald not be entire ly without it for ten dollars. ; : ;K " Elisha. Andrv.ws, Lunenburg, Va. I would advise every family to purchas a .Receipt. .They could not spend a dollar to turn them' out more, t: , , -"' ' ' : " " Bailt, Lunenburg, Vs. i ; No House keeper should be without these useful receipts. ! v'-V; Sosaw Andrews, Lunenburg, Va.' ' " - Jas. W.- Nash, Mecklenburg, Va. Nov 21. d&wSms - t , j.v" . ; . JoiRenigces. B w VALUABLE Farm for Sale.---A Talnabie farm f consisting of 105 acres of good 'land for sale. It is located in a healthy situation, on the main road between Newton, Catawba county, and Linccinton, Lincoln county, JT miles from Lincolnton. There are good improvements ? n the - farm a good House, Barn and Stables also a " good orchard of Peach and Apple Trees; r ' '.f.. , " - . Refuge-s from the east will find this a desirable opportu nity for locating in one or the best parts of the State. For further information applr to . i STATE JOURNAL OFFICE. Dc. 22d, 1862 52-dAwtf ' Wanted. A SItoatlon as Teacher r 25 or 30 small srhol. ar, bv agfBtlemaa who has bwi disbarred frwm th service. -; Price $25 per scholar for axtaioo or Ua moeiha, parable quarterly . Address ! XENOPHOX, ! - Warren Plsias, Warren county, N. C, Dec. 22d, 1S61. iJ-dtt Notice. A LL Men belongins to the Ith Eeglmert, N. C; JljL Troop, whose iarlnughs have expired, or who are otherwise ab?rnt without leave, will report immediately at the Camp or instruction at Raleigh, or they will be ad vertised and treated as deserters. . I). R. ML'RCniSON, - I lit JT.t. 7th N. C. RegimeaU .Dec. 17th, 1862. &2 dlt . . ": - '; Strayed, ' A Sorrel Mule, not Yerj -tall, blaied face, whi belly, N- O." marked on the right hakier. It disappeared from Raleigh oa the night f the 18lh inst. Any person bringing the said Mule to. this office will be liberally rewarded., , " T. D. nOOO, Major k C. S. December 22I, 1862- V t 52 dtf Valuable Sale; I OFFER For Sale, PrlTatelr, the beautiful res idence of Mrs. Cotton, in the City of Raleigh. Terms to suit the purchaser. Persons wishing to purchase will please appl y to the undersigned before the first of January , 1863, orrI shall rent the premises en that day. . 1 . R. O. LEWIS, ; Dec. 14th, 1862. 47 d till 1st jan. lgent, &c For Sale. . A HOUSE and Lot ln.lIoclv1Iler DaTle countj, CL N. C. The lot contains 18 or 20 acres part of which is wooded land, with all necessary outhouses.1 For further particulars apply at this office. Dec 3 . 36- ANT Person wishing a good Cook, House Ser vant, or Washer and Ironer, will please make imme diate, application to Mrs. DcPRE'. Also a good Milch Cow for sale. ; December, 15 th, 1862, I 47 dlw Jersey Settlement Lands Tor Sale. TniS plantation Is on the Tadkln River, half a mile from Holtsburg Depot, on the N. C Railroad, in Davidson county contaibs eight hundred acres, half cleared "and in cultivation.- The balance is wood land.- 125 acres river bottom land in cultivation,' and 75 acres of the best quality of uncleared creek bottom compose a part of the abov - tract. There is a good dwelling and eat hous se on the place, orchard", Ac. Persons desiring to look at the place will call upon the subscriber, who will be at home until Christmas. . ANDERSON ELLIS. Dec 3 ! , . 36-d2m Important Sale of Real and Personal Property in Warren County. ON Monday, the 22d day of December I shall sell at Areola, in the county of Warren, situated 15 miles Southeast of Warrenton, and 4 miles South of Grove Hill, the following property, belonging ti the .estate of the late Samuel T. Alston, deceased, to wit : 1,395 acres of land, known ,as the Areola tract : one .other tract, con- -taioing 585 acres, known as- the Melton's Crck tract. This land is adjoining the lands of Gen. Samuel A. Wil liams, John Burgess, Doctor Mark Perrv and others. This is valuable land, and well adapted to the cultivation of tobacco, wheat, corn and all the products of the coun trv, and for health and good society is unsurpassed. , Persons wishing to view the land will call on General Samuel . -Williams, ' D . Mark Perry, or Dr. Robert E. Williams. . Also, at the satn . time and place 60 bales of cotton, 25 hogsheads tobacco and 20 likely negroes, of both sexes. TERMS OF SALE: N. ine months credit, with interest from date. Bond and undoubted securityill be required before the deli very of the property. i t , A. I). WIDLIAMS, Ag't For the estate of Samuel T. Alston, dee'd. Warren county, N. C:, Nov. 25, 1862. . 29-d2w Petersburg Express and Richmond Enquirer copy two i weeks, daily, and send bills to this office. To lleifygecs and Otiiers. " ' TldlJSF and Lot for Sale. An excellent House XX and Lot at HqIIv Springs is offered for sale. The I ouse is ta large one with six rooms, four fire places and recessarv outbuildings, and a fine well of water in the yard. The lot consists of 25 acres in wood. The place will be sold cheap. The neighborhood is good. Apply to STATE JOURNAL' OFFICE. :r . '", . ' Notice ' ON and after the 1st day of January, the price of Gas will be eight dollars per thuand feet. 1 December 12 th, 1862. WATERHOUSE A BOWES. 45 till 1st jn. . ' Old Saws Wanted. I WILL pay for old Circular Mill Saws, from three feet upwards in diameter, fifty cents per pound ; and for long, heavy saws forty cents per pound, delivered, o L. FROELICKS, Confederate States Armory, ' Wilmington, N. C. Dec . 36-d2w-pd Register and Spirit of the-Age copy to the, amount of $3 And send bill to this office. Milbnrnie Paper Mills Cotton. The Neuse Manufacturing Company will pur chase 100 bales damaged Cotton, delivered at either Depot in Raleigh, or at their Mills- H. W. HUSTED, - Treasurer. Raleigh, Dec. 17 2w. " ' Trinity College- r THE next Term will commence Jan. 7th, 1863. Tuition the same as formerly, Board $20 per month, in advance. " We, have comfortable rooms, proper furni ture, and good board. The regular College routing will be continued with a competent Faculty. We are prepared to receive boys of any age or advancement. Students can have rooms separately or otherwise as may be preferred. For further information! address the undersigned, - . ' B. CRAVEN, President. December 13th, 1862. - 47 dim pd Wagons Wanted. THE Subscriber wishes to purchase TWO and FOUR Horse WAGONS. Application to be ma0e to the Commissary Department. v i : T: D. HOGG, Copt. A C. S. : -"Raleigh, Dec. 16th, 1862. . 48 dtf Talnabie Hotel and Property for Sale. On Monday; the 4th of January, 186.?, I will sell to the highest bidder, in the town of Weatworth,. Rockingham county, N. C, a valuable notel and all the property belonging thereto, the place is known as the Vil lage Hotel. The lots contain five acres more or less. There are twenty-four Rooms attached to the hotel, and there are between twenty-five and thirty valuable beds and furni ture, a good many excellent blankets and quilts, all the beds well-furnished.' Tb beds will be sold separately. There are two lots at the stables containing near tiro hun dred stalls for horses. . This Is an excellent stand for a hotel, and the railroad from Greensboro' to Danville will run within seven miles of this place, and travel will be greatly increased by that road. My profession as a practioneer of medicine requires all my attention, and I cannot attend to the business of the hotel at the same time, acd that induces me to tell. Terms made known en the day of sale. Dec. 11, !S62.-rd2w. - J. Q. BEASLEY.- : Wanna TO HIRE A NURSE FOR THE ENSUING TEAR Possession desired immediately. Applr to - r - I . P. f. PESCUD. d 6t-pd. -: - "" . - University, THE Annual Xeetlnr of the Trustees of the University will be held in the Executive Office, oa Wednesday, the 10th instant. - -." r i CHAS. MANLY, . Raleigh, Dec. 1-dtm SecreUry. HeiNCiSTCts, Camp ct IstTarcTio Camp Il4, 25. i SPECIAL ORDERS, 11 (3 - V- i. Bl-m . 1 ' I. COMMAXDIxa OFFICERS OF MIUT1A WTMU U all pr sutjvet la t exrnaitioa, to the Caoap of 1 j lll.TAU proos wno may so iv(ortne utn of Uecri rollment. and must Wu Cc vice of the Confederate Stau IV. Applications for eveni made to toe eeroiiiar omi aaeata arc rMimirvd to provisions of the a-rt eu titled! an act t aea4 aa act e- ..i .j. .i, r. v .vj: jr. UUN U 1CI W pTOf lQf urUKT IWI ymimrw , approved Sept. 26- lSVd enroll tU sae. , II. Aa Korviliftf uacer aJ au t.taiatag iara wu be appniatad fr each CongrfiniMMMil DUtriet. w b will ciyf. doc notice to tW CoeamaadUg f RefiawwU ta bHnr the Conscripts to UMrwMiyjfeatc f ilwr rre tive Counties for eiamiaatioiu. IsaaedUtely mpo eaaaa-f iaation. the said Cmaaodiar OfScers ef Rt jrisceats will, conduct all Conscripts d t having rrctxieA rrtote of MtructkM, ear Kaif a. - , deaire to vwlaateer mwt 4 iber. the dar at atvart tor r4 panted whWw were ia thWrJ -. oo the icto ex ArrU, mi. tioo, t. ia a earn, t f the district ; t copies of said applicatktsi brinr' aaadr ! writ tar, dl worn to before an acting JaHicc of the TWw aM beariag the certificate of thelerk of the Court, give unoVr Ue County Seal and seat throtgh the Colooel of the rvgiaaeut. An appeal may be taken from the decUtou of the enrolliag officer to the Com saandant of Cooacripts. I V. All Conscripts enraged oa Government works will' be.rn rolled and returued to tleir said work. in issuing the above orders for the enrollment of Cos scripU betweea the ages of IS and 40, tbe"Colaadat avaiU bimself of the opportnlnitv to thank the State Ot5 cer for their untiring and laborious efforts ityhe dUc barge of their duties and the efficient and rcadj aaautanU rtu- dared to him in their otQeiaJ rapacity neretoiore. .The importance and absoluite urcrasity of renewed ener gy and prompt action in executing these orders faitafally is' full v expressed in His Excellency Governor Vance a General Order , No. 10. ' I The efficieacv of the armv Snd the safrtv of our comtry dependa in a great measur upon their faithful discharge of toeae datiea. By order of Colonel Pet Cmmmndt 2jr Standard. Favettevil crat, apd Asheville News, copy and tend bill to tint omce. dec 8-dAwtde r Maueti, aw N. MANX, t Observer, Charlotte Iei till date of enroll maat 40 Acgro w Sale Renting and Hiring Hill Station, Johnston ILL be sold at BoDrt county, A. C. on the eiffht or ten likely' neeroes. belooziafil to the estate of Ti W , Whitley, deceased. j. : Also, will be hired out about seventy likely nerroes iwnoDjr them is a food carpenter, olacsimltD and cooper At tiamf tim -nil nlarrf. the i-tilla and lasdi Ixltar ing to the said estate will be rented, unless prevtoaity di a J . 1 " pcaea oi. - r a Also, tbenerroea and lands belonrinr to M. K. Whitley known as the Etheldred Bell tracu . " A.J. HEATH. Adm'r. Dec 4 Sale of Lands AX the First, Second V u 17...: x us iiiiui w vt'i u usjui va v o ; - v m of the lae Mrt, Rachel 8tekf, and alto a number and Third Da ji of Jan uary. A. D 1863. the Land and Negroes, l!oaehold FunitnroCorn, a number of val&able Milch Cows, Aci of fine beef Cattle, a valuable Jack, other articles too namerous , to mentioa, the property of the late Mrs. Stokes and Col be sold on a credit of twelrt This is to tske place at thej Attention is eepeciallr-invi 7th djty of January, USJ SiUltdpd Negroes, &cv several head of hraea, with M. S. Stokes, deceased,' will months. ' . I former residence of General ' Stokes, called th Bend on (fie Yadkin River, about four u.iles aoova viiKesDoro . ted to the valuable and deal ruble tract of land offered for aale. On Monday evenine, the 5th of January, itl he ld aa the property of the late Mita. Stokea, a valuable Stock, Farm, in Ashe county, contajininjr about" 500 acres ; f. ' Also, on a credit o( 12 months, there will be aold a qusn tltv of Hay, and a parcel of llunehold Furniture. " JACOB FRALF.Y, Adm'r, With the will annexed of Mrs. R." Stokes, and Adm'r of Col. 11. 8. Stokes. Dec8 For T OFFER for sale rofl j Iot on HillshorA' streets Raleieh. Parties disD(?ei invited to examine the pro'pe The ground West of the radt will be sold srparat aide of it. Terms cash or If not disposed of before Auction that day, at 1.1 o'clock dec4-dtf 40-dAwlm Sale- nouse and in tbe city nf purchase are s si Ral.-igh and Gaston Rtii- riv irom mat on id r.aii with undoubted aarrtjr. ZJd insc,i. win dc aoii at before Mr. Towl- daor. D. W. COURTS. To Presidents and Superintendents of Kauroads H. Richmokb, Dee. 4,1862. 1 ATIN0 been appointed Assistant Adjutant General, and assigned tjo Uie rpeciat duty of suprii. -tending and directing Government Transportation tyr Railroad, I desire a coVeredce with the Tremidenta and Superintendents of all the Railroads in the Confederate State, at Augusts, Ga., on the 15th inst. 7 I W. M. WADLEY. . . A. A. O., P. A. C. Ac. Dec 4 I . . 3S-dtd il : : Horses and Mules Wanted forState Pur- "' r; posies. '- TnE undersigned hTJnbefn appointed ajgent for the State tor the purehaJe of horses suitable to the Cavalry service, and good draft mules suitable fop-Ststs nauung, wousaaiaie inai neunav oe lound. daily, ta IUI- : i-. . v . . - i t'f i-f i t ' 1 JAME3M. IIARRIS dec 9 i 4I d2 (Standard an Progress copy two weeks. i -j Board Wanted T X. can give the best refcre lair price ;will be given for N a priTate famllj, bj two joanS men; who Dec. 201862. r ices as to charae ter , A e. 'ood accomodation. Address box 21, P. O Salt for Wake County. riniK sail commissioner or wane county, on- X der the order of the Cuhty Court, will commence the distribution of Salt, in Rajcigh, on Monday next, 15th msu xxi me Magistrates are requested to make their ports by that time. dec 9 hrflOS. G. WHITAK EIL tomiouiioifi'. 41-dlw Drife I A wniTE Drireri J to haul corn at menL dec 1-tf ComzuLtsary Wanted t j or State teams Wanted : Tarboro'. N. C, for . this DepS-t- THOMAS D. DOGO. Cap't l r Land rrinE nnderslsmed wll ' JL day of January. A. D. of John Webb, deceased, in State of North Carolina, id credit of jix months, 830 Oxford, on Tar River, and Bell, Aderaon Green, Klijahj are well adapted to the gn wheat, oats. There are on table dwelling and all rendered valuable by at grist mill ou the river; I win show the aBove or give.further information! uranville county, X. C. .f . decO land Department, Raleigh, Sale. offer for sale on the Utta , 18S3, at tha Uu residence the county of Granville, and the highest 'bidder, unou a oi land, six: miles rtuth of 1 joining the lands of Governor Averet and others. The lands th of corn, cotton, tobacco, premises a large sad comfor- outbouses. The Isnd is excellent mill site fui saw and acres ad row the necessary to any one wishinr to jee iL. by addressiagme at Tally Ho, JOHN' H. WEBB, ExV. v 41-dlw Jfotlce. A LL Persons who XjL Office of the Surgeo .9 and 10 a. m., will be v Raleih, Dec, 19th, 1862L present themselves at the Ucneral, Detween inu noura oi aceinated, rree oi ,'narge. EDWARD .WARREN, Surgejon General of Carolina.! - at dtr tat t-

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