; ffllldtn - ' '(l'Mir riff WWT " ' ' '''' - - ' : jonrnoli j 0 II N ' 'S 1 E L M A N, 1 B O P R I EO R,j J. W. AtBBRTSOX, pKIXCIfiLKITOI. .. . . r. TdCRSDAY,. January 15, 1863. Terms : 1 I- I ':.( the pr resent tliv? tnns of the .DAILY paper will be a follows: 12 months,.. ...... ,. " : . 1 3 ' V ' 1 " r-M- For tht- TKl-WfEKLY, th. terms' will be: :. $a oo ... 3 50 2 00 .. i eo $i oo 2 50 1 50 .. $2.00 12 uioctns.... .............u- ' ........ For the WEEKLY-TAPER.: ' ! " j 12 Biontas -v ......... k . . y . T ..K' JO PURsCrif'lU'u me crui uc icintcu iui tins months. i ' I '!.. Single cojwes five cents, "I:. C , 1 d;iT,......j..$l .00 1 square, 5 da73.j'.....-..SJ 00 1 do 1 weekl......i -2 25 1 do 2 weeks.'-..... k 00 1 i do 1 1 month ..;..v It t)0 1 tin 1 do 2 davs.... 1 25 3 dava 1 50 i days 1 T5 Ten-lines make a;sauare.' - 1 Advertisements for the DaT will be inserted in a the Tri-Weekl v free of charge. This is an 5nduc?inen whi-lK'aBiiot fail to attract the attention, of Advertisers, The above rate? ajpl j onlv to .the daily paper. Ajdvier J,4iiiemerits w ill be inserted in the ftVeeklr paper t the fol low in ? rates, viz: One dollar per square for Ithe fiit in sertion, and fiftv cents for wacb jsubstquenf insei tin " A liberal diacoant to yearly advertisers. ! - I i THE LITE YAXXES RAID INTO EAST TEX- As tlicre are a thousand rn'rriorsin fcgar.l to tUr-late raid of the Yankees upon the East Tennese ari Vir aiuia Kailroad, ve publish thf full.iwing s atrmlnt of the maUer from the Grei-neville (Teim.,) Vanpcr)i t! - ?, itistnnt : , j C I. R GT A. We, ,.f the ClM N;C Rogfrneiif, vho-v: fptnrfl by the bridge burners, jhs he-n p.i r led. and arrived in this plafe on last Tlmr$aj ' The Colonel has pvepa' inllj staiemenl o( thewh1e afiair. which ful'v exonerates himself. anl hiJ.iiuMe otli'Ts and privates frosn any censure wlutevi''. The vVh' J'i loree guardm? the two bridges did nc.t acxceed r,00 men; This.; lit'le band of soldi ers-p-fAr ld iers ti ev are were attacked by five AUdition regiments, iiu;nlH'ri"o about 4,000 tiM,.HS. .. On Tuesday nVTning Gen. iKii by Smith d'spatched t ion . Marshall that a i ankee t .rro, snppf)sJl C 1 e from four w six thousand siropir, uaa ..been .seen 'the night previous at Kstelvilie. Va.. eu niito F"rTjtist or Rnne other point on ti.e K: Tcirn. am Va. ri'rod. Tlii.- wns .communicated to Col. Love 'y Rpeql cou rier. The O"lor.-1 was nt JnhiiSMti's D. p t heal?" quarters, at the time 1 1- ioi:reiiately prov-etlled. in ro!Tiiany with the. u devrapliic . operat -r fro;i Jone;j lofit . ou an ermine to repair t e lui. it; beiii down,: and t recAriiioitre the rovl between that and Bristol not thin 'vin'g the S'my had yet approached. On ar rivinir at Carter' Deuot he .insoect-'d the trobns sta tioned there. 120 men: and doubled thr- guard. H tlifi) pro(dcd towards Z -llicoffer, t e inll wii riiht at'iat- point. On Approaching this 'laee Ivei disroveed the bridge ovtr Holst n on fi e: a nv-; ment afterw.-ipds th" engine upon wliieh ho iSmi vva (tnrrcun ded ty Yankee, they liavipi eoriri-ad their-j' selves-in ambush until ho hnrf passed h Thefrnek lj ini. obstructed in the rar. And the' Co1, seei'ife retrait 'useless, surrendered himself a prisoner of ar.- lie .was then placed under a guard of. 20, Yankees, attfr "which- they .proceeded with 2,00f) then (lifimr baaf .their number) to Carter's J')je pot, todei roy tie bride oer Watauga. Uin their arriv.tl at tJaBtts l)e- . .t they precipitated t Jieir whole T,.r.v e.at .isieer u p'hn ' the !;it!,e barid there stationed, wh? h wss imder t Vcmmand of Lieut. J. I. Dill's. This sn'ii. force of 120 men withstood the onset . braYxdjV :aiidemtested ' every inch r.l ground,, when' at lastjthey vere ov 'rr whelmed -awl compel'lcc? to Piirrcr.det.. Th4 casua'tips on the fide of the enemy- were mucl .greater in peo imrtion ; to numbers' than our. iThe. Yapkees I ad four kiib d find several woui.ded. .Our joss- was 7 , Tfonnde;d, one morta'ly.; j : ... "; ' X-rJ " After the fight the bridge was set on fife, and the engine, bearing Col. Love., was nni backgto Carter's Denot. th nrisoners taken: oflfand paroled. IT he team was then increased, the muskets and swords belting-; ing to our men were DruKcn ana piacecvpir in'1 engn e.j The engine was then put in mot;onbya I'fankebyl the name of MeKish. who used to run-as engineer on the E. Tenn.andJvra. railroad. whiJh ran imthe biirn- ing bridge, and all went iunder. j ! I . Lieut. Pill's sword was returned o him by the Yaukee Gmmander, in honor of himself ind theoffi4 cers nirti soldiers under him, tor.the'&ohijano: inrns manner in which they d?fe )ded the; bridge.. The cers under the command of Lieut Dills were Lt. oftii ;w II. Brvson, Lt R. M. Wils,n, of Co. II; lit. (J ash ami Lt. Gadbden, of Co. E. . ; ... ;.-.:. " ' '? A dbpdch from New lork, dated 20jh nit., i Tlie Tribune's "Washington special fcorre-4"ndent s says Stuait's cavalry has made the entire circuit of Ihirn ide,s arniy, capturing, 2,5' 0 )prisoners The 17tfi 'Pennsyivauia cavalry was nearly demolished, j Hje captured a battery of fix guns, la'ro'. trains of, wagg ons, and Governrnetit jroperty of everyldescription.1 -KENTUCKY TO BE THE BATTLE GROUXD. The Cincinnati Commercial fays there! is no longer' a doubt that Kentucky is to be th!e gresit battle field. j A Cincinnati dispatch says that Morgan wa witli- iu thirty mites of Louisvilte. .Marfdialf," Floykl and other Generals are. advancinij from (umberlaiid gap and other points into the heart'! of Kentucky!, with thirty-fiye thousand troops. ; !v '. I Dispatches say that Rfweueranz is a 44 played obt institution.' He has nt been heard of for foujr days. V Greely Calling for a Armistick -Tt was but. a short time since that Greely of the New York Tri bune was wishkig the subjugation of tfie South.; lie is now calling for an armistice. IThe Lyuisvil e Jour nal of the 21st contains letter j from freely to t'pn grcss asking 'for an amrfstice : :,' -1 , ' ; He says that 500,000 men have Tbeeii killed! in the Federal army since the war commenced, and still their point is no nearer. He also- makes a speed? of the same character in New York, urging on the peo- I'tvr- ins muiai uCLCBSliy Ol ail MI HUM . ,J jj i! Riotous Proceedings in Davvit.t : K muni deal of excitement was created in Danville yesterday by I tne riotous conduct of some of tlie soldiers (convales- I .up.iipauemsj tnerr. in the morning a coun tryman s wagon was upet by. a sold ier,vh was ar rested by the Mayor and rm in rrnn h 1 r?2,8SH,ft?e folliprs iQ place tothf number of 1 200 or 1,500 then collected around the jail. swear- inT tf hl( thm man nnf ; ... 1L -i -' i t . n. v .v r ...... " cr vne jiii aown. fi ne Jfayor was firm in refusing to liberate htm. The military authorities at Richmond have been advised of the Acts by telegraph., Iast night at the cro"wd was still arouml the prisoij. 6 o.ejock TELEGRAPH. 5 PRESIDENT DAYIS 3ESSAGE. s ' . RtciioND .Jan. 14. r: .The mesa?ro of Psidpnt. n ivi1..,nu trirl u ,-.r'iir . of tili(j miiitarr V nattob of affairs, which is viwrd very a.u l urttory, v :y, y. ,., f; f . . Jhe l'ufSjth' great army or invasion has been d eHii Virgin,!, ami Ge:i. BurnsideThas experienc el the Idle of his three predecessors McDowell, Mc Clej! Ian and Tope: ' . : ; . . j lu the Wtst, the frtunes of war have 'been vari ou. j: Battles have been fuiighi wth frightful caruae oufbath sides; but the hopes of the enelny of any decisive results have been bafiled. " j A review of its history shows that the war has nol.v entered its third, and last stage. ;Th fi! t tSfort was to restores the Union, and has been abandoned. -The second was to conquer the South and govern it as; a iepcndeney ; this ton, hasprove.1 impossible and lias b?eii abandouetl.'- .Tlie tliird design is to distrov ruo piuiuier wnai xney couui not subjugate, it we ccfntiiiue the same etTvirts as .in the past, this design wEll ikewise: be defeated and we may ccinfiderttly ex pint that this is the closing year of the war. The edietny will possess neither spirjt no? resources 'for cyntu'juinij it into .the fourth year on so extensive a sfale. . . ; ' .' .,. :'.': ' i We desire peace, but will continue the war at any sacrifice until our right to self-government and the sovereignty and independence of the States are vind- Icauu auo esinuiiMieo Foreign relations' are 'then reviewed. Our right to ecOgnition is shown bv reference to tho!p-st bistorv f Our States, some ol which were recognized as M ilep;iit by Grtt Britain in the treaty i of peace of 183. and hail lcn previously allies in the war with France.- Wneu our Commissioners. demaudeii recog- lftion, they were told that that foreign governments ould not decide.-between the conflicting 'Statements bv jbor government and that of tlie United States' in respect to our national' -relations, and that Europe would snnply recognize r. as beiiegc n nts anl pteserve a s riet nulrality. This appaient relusal t. decide was in reality a decision against us, because we were tliiis unjustly deprived of diplomatic intercourse on thi same footing as our eneinjes..J The question of the blocknle is discussed IcgMi IlS ' invalidity is shown a tested by the principles of j the treaty of Paris in 1856. The whole cowduct of the neutral nations is senmnvd up so to she w thlit they have enforced all uetra! rights that alfscted usinjurio'ily nd refrained fiom asr ting those t at would injure the United States. j . The correspoiideii' e between the Court.- of Iyrajnce, Great Briliau and Russia is adverted to tThe an giiage of tl?e French dispatch is construed as a formal idmision of our abiht' to maintain our independence, ami justifies the hope. t-f an ear'.r recognition. JThe barbaiiiir; "committed by the Northern troops are referred to. and the acton taken in rehiti. u to the atrocities " ominitted-lv Generals McNeill an I Butler . . . ... ; ami the military explained 1 he opinion Lsexpres - ed that I he infamy of their coruhn t rnust be hhared by their superiors, who have ir. no one instance pat - ished thu teritr itor of tiifse crimes.' ' I In regard t Lincoln's proclamatitin he says, our dettstation is tempered by profound contempt for his impotent rage. The action of the. government will be cohfiued to celivetb.g up all commissioned officers' . heretofore '(?) captured in the ten States named in the prixO.aination, to be tried by the States und?r the laws which i)unish those that excite srivile insuriec- :iPn. -. ;-. ; . - r- ' I The proclamation 'is treated as something possessing great significance. In a political yiewjit 'pro es what were the designs of the Republican p irty from the be ginning, notwithstanding '-heir efforts to conceal them by false declarations. The proclamation is next con sidered as a. guarantee asYiinst the possibility of roon jstructinn. It '-is 'also treated as a confession of their pliability to subjugate the South, winch Europe will be bound to consider .as justifying our, immediate' re cognition, and as an intimation to the people -of the North that they must submit to the final sepa ration of the States. ' ' .';,';" , j Adeourtte taxatioii is recommended. Also the ir- sne of bonds t. be guaranteed by the St ites. The message, the hmgst yet is.-uel bv she. Presi- ; dent, embraces a comprehensive review of the whole ih tenia! and external - n lations of the country. . It is .confident, even triumphaht in tone, and closes with a tiioute to our w omen, without whoso sublime sacri-i fices it declares that oui1 success would huveV been im possible. '-"' i -'I - '' ' ' yte 'Election of Senator In Ylrginla. ; Richmond, Jan. 14, election of Confederate States Senator L The been postponed till to-morrow. I North j-n dates jf. the 4th has been received. News unimportant. H Wnj. K." KIOilARDSON & CO STOCK BROKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Raleigh, N. C. j fOFFICE OS FATETTEVILt-K STRBFT, r ! ; WILL Olye Particular Attention to sales and purchases of State and Confederate bonds. Bank Bank and other stocks, collection of drafts and any busi ness connected with the different departments of the State government. I Bank ngtes of all Southern States bought and sold. ; KEFKREXCKS. ' j; O. G. Parsley, and W. A. Wright, Wilmington. John D. Williams, and W. G. Bradford. Fayetteville. J ' J. Blackwood Jcharlotte. j W. K. Lane. Wayne County. John D. Whitford, Craven Count'. J( Hon. Thomas Ruflin, Alamance County. Hqn. W. N. Edwards, Warren County. " Hon. D. W. Courts, Rockingham County. H. 'W. Guion, Lincoln County. And citizens of Raleigh, generally. Jan, 15th, 1863. ' w&dSms Ta the People of Johnston County. TT0UR Fathers, Brothers and Sons are In verj vX. great want, and call on you for aid Exposed to the severities of winter, their necessities demand your prompt and immediate help. It is impossible for the government to supply their wants, as soon as they will need them. They are destitute of Blankets and under clothing. Pri , vate Hilliard Maynard of Company C. 5th N. C Regi ment; will be in the county for fifteen days, for the purpose of taking charge' of all'or any clothing or boxes, for the soldiers from the " county of Johnston, in the 5th N. C. Regiment. I am satisfied that the people of Johnston, have only to be made aware of. the necessities of their soldiers, for them to respond in that1 highly creditable manner that has always characterized them when doing anything for the comfort of her soldiers in the fields H. L. WATSON, 2nd Lieut. Co. C, & Adg't, 5th N. C. T. .Jan. 15tb,J863. . . : , . .diwttpd Register and Standard will copy twice and forward .bills as above. . " ; ''. "'' ; .. "' ; :T -' '' .' -.' - ' . ; - ' Notice. OX Monday the 16th or Februarj next, I will sell at auction; at the Court House Door, in Raleigh, sixteen Bales Cotton, of the crop of 1861. J J v .-.. C. B. HARRISON, AcnVr. , . of Bryan Green 8 Estate. Jan 14th, 1865. dim f A Milch. Cow to let by the Month. FOR TERMS, Apply at THIS OFFICE. Jan. 15th, 18G3 dlt Pd BY TnttcTaijlic THE rndcrslgned begs lea re 1 stale tbat bf Is ,not in any way connected ia procarinjr substitutes, nor in the slightest way connected with anyone in that busine.. H THOS. O JONErf. Jam 15th, 1863. T vi ' " dU iIIkaikjuAhters. Camp k Isstuiiction. 1 I Near Raleigh, N. Ci-Ja4gt'0th, 18.G.3, J GENERAL ORDERS, 1 V -'-r No. 1. " ' . . '. :"'- !-:' " ":: I. District Enrolling Officers will report to Hu Exeel Knev, the Governor of S oxth Carolina, any dereliction of duty on the part of Militia. Officers in their several dU ricts in the execnti6n of the conscrint law, with the wit nesses in each case. , o "","-" ; : II. Paragraph 1L Special Orders No. U, 1862, from these Headquarters, will be considered as so far modified, that the District En-olling Officers and ExaniiningBoards ' will not ie required to- make places of rendezvous at the " ConntV- Seats" in ! the seveml counties, where thoe , places may be so situated as t afford facilities for intcr- . ference by the public enemy ; but they will be expected in such case's, tcestablisb such other Jdace in said counties as a place of rendezvous,, as in their judgment may be so situ ated as to not render them liable to sach interference, hav- :-injr ,-im.view.a far as, practicable, the c)mveniencu of the citizens.--:.,- v ". . j - J. v ,.,'-'--''- ': -r ; :. '' By order of - '' u ff m-'-- "" L," J. JOHXSON, J. N. Peior, i1 Capt. Commanding Conscript. Adjutant. Jan. Uth, 1S63. d3t -JWilmington Journal, N. C. Standard, and Salis bury Watchman copy 3 times. Heapqitarters i'AMP of Ikstkuctio, 1 Near Haleigh, January 10th, 18G3. J SI'ECI A LT 0 R DERS, ; . No. 13. J ' . . . All paroled prisoners whose doty it is to report at this post, having been exchanged, will report for duty without dclav, or be considered as deserters. V j By order oi Capt. L. J. JOnNSOX, , Commanding Conscripts in X. C. - Jan. I4th,' 1863. . d3t 32- N. C. St; hdard and Salisbury Watchman copy 3 - times. ' ! On Monday of February Court, ' T SH ALL Offer for Sale at the Coarf Mouse door A in Kaleigh, to the highest bidder, a tract of-One Hun-d.-ed and Twenty six acres .of .Woodland. Soui? Cabins on it. and about 10 acres cleared. .It is on the right of the Hillaboro' road, and about. 5 miles from Itkleigh, the "place on which John Moonvhain re ided till recently. - Win. F. GltEEX, Ex., - pt' J. O.'Jkffrevs.. January 13th. 1SG3. dlw I H K A fQlT A K T K R S , CaVALKY BkiOAOE UoHUboro, N. C, dan. 3, 18G2 Gkkkrm. 'Orders, 1 ' ' J i '" No. 17. : ; J I The following named -soldiers belonging ti 59th .11 giinent, Nortli Carolina Troops (I'artixin Rangers) bavin-; deserted the service, are advertised as deser ters, and a reward of Thir'y d U irs will be paid for t!i- ir appn heosion and delivery of eich one to I).' D.; Ferebee, Col. Commanding ; 59' h Regiment, ; North Carolina Troops. 4 . Comnaiy A. J hn Kilgore,- I.t'l.-, . ! I T If'... ) nas. ii. lioyr, C mpany C. B ubni. ' Kdir Ivey, Comiiany D. Gvorge W WUhsL Ikkh,- Josse Jililay, j.i itnes llollomxn, j Is:iac Godwin, i I .hm.ies K.4 Wii'i.ims, j l -njamin T. I'arker I Jlm Futrell, Lawrence B one. Henry T. Delierrv, Henry R. Wade," Barne.s 'Gifflith, W'illianv R. Overton, , Jnsse Dickens, JaiiKS Brown j ComjKtny E: , Wd iatn J. L .y, Jauits Hope, ilerrwt R. Sharks Compain' F. Kenneth Bntler, Henry II. GUI, ..bin T Barrett, James Browning, John Hoffman, J.irns B. Butler, William Brogden, William E. llolloman, James W. Morris, I.-jia-- Parker, John W. IVarce, L wis Thomas, Edward'Morris. Jerry B. LawYenee, - Nazireth Parker, Geore Tavlor, -I John il. Wi loughby Joseph W. White. ; i " - jy order of Brigadier General . B. II. -ROBERTS C mmaiidinff Cavalry, Ch as. TI. Gordon. Capt. & A. ArG. Jan 13th,'l83.;'. d3t Wanted. WE WUb to hire six or scicn Gook Black smiths. Apply immediately to . the undersigned six miles South-west from High Point, or address us .at High Piunt, IS, C. ; J. K. & M. II. PHINNIX," dAw2w Jan. 13th. 1SG3. Piano for Sale- TjOR sale an excellent one of Chiekerlig's Pi-t JU anos, in perfect order, cased in Rosewmd and of lai gest size. Apply to this officebr to E. G. Haywood, -j janl ! ' 59-tf j Wanted to Kent. i A HO lSK, either Inrnisned or unfurnished, m containing at least three roomsand situated not more than a milfrom the capitol. Apply at the Journal Office.' Jan. 9. tf N. C. Six Per Cent Conpon Bonds, 1 " Treasury Detartmext ofvN. C., i ' December 28th, 1802. SEALED proposals will be receiyed at this of fice until 10 o'clock, a. m., 2('th day of January next,: tor the purchase of $200,000 of Bonds, issued by the State of North Carolina, dated January 1st, 1663, running thir ty vears and payable at this Department. 'the above bonds will have Coupons attached, for inter- h est at six per cent, per annum, pay able 1st of July and 1st oi tianuary in eacu year. . - Successful bidders, upon being, informed of the accep tance of their bids, can deposit the a.nount of their bids, including, the interest acernud thereon to the credit of tile Public Treasuer, in the Bank of North Carolina or Bank of Cape Fear, Raleigh, -' Parties bidding will please address their letters, en dorsed "Proposals for N. C. Stocks." to the Public Treas urer, at Raleigh". C. ! i The bids will be opened in tne presence ot tne governor, Secretary and Comptroller of the State, and .the ' Presi dent of the Bank of North Carolina. .' '.-.:.. D. W 'URTS. Pub. Tre as. ' Raleigh, Dee. 29, 18G2. . 8-dtd : i S100 REWARD, R-FX A WAY; from the snhscrlter's 1 planta tion, in Caswell county, N.' C, on Sunday night. December 28th,' 1862, two negro boys, named John and Jerrv, for w hose apprehension I will pay FIFTY DOL LARS each. JOHN is a dark looking negro, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, and a little tongue-tied. Had .on, when he lefty ai green jacket with metal buttons. He formerly belonged to the estate of John Cook., Green, of Culpeper county, Virginia. - '. . .'- . ' :'--;"' -. .. : JERRY is about the same color of John, features rather sharp', spare-made and about John's height ; wore, when he left, a" copperas-colored coat, and a cap with red band around it, and a rosette' of ribbon on one side. He formerly belonged to a gentleman in Pitt county, N. C, whose name is not rememDerea. Both of these negroes were recently purchased by me in Richmond, and I suspect that they will endeavor to make their way into the Yankee lines in the eastern part of "North Caarolina. .'' .-" "--'..'. '.r;" v I will pay the above reward for their apprehension and confinement in jail, so that I can get them, and any infor mation which may lad to that will be thankiully received and suitably rewarded. Address. c. -. C, G. HOLLAND, 1 Danville, Ya. CI j . . v..--- ..v.:;.--t - f-. Notice to Stockliolders. , - Orrica W. A O. TttinaAfH Ci., ) . V IUIe!go.'. C January 7th, 13. ( FOR the following named persons the dlrl derds due them on stock in the Washington 4 w Orleans Telegrspb. Company, have been received; at this otfice, in the Southern j Express Companj'a tuiMiry. and ther will pUa.c call oa the undersigned and riKri-ve them: G W ilordecai. I E-tate of W 41 Ualer, Kenneth Kavner, s Mrs. E Washington, Henry D Turner, Alder t S met tea, ; i Estate of Kichard Smith,' J it liryan. George' E Banger William Boylan. ' William A Graham". ames McKimnon. '- W. E. DULIX. I. r i' For W. 4 X. O. Telegraph Co. - - ' - d6t Jan. 9, 1 86. i j An SHor's Deparfra cnt. THE attention of all persons who are conrern is hereby called ; to. the Act of the General As sembly which creates j the . office of Auditpr of Public Ac counts. -;v -?r '-' .;'.;.. -i--, ' Accounts with the State for the expenditure of public money i will be required to conform, iu all eases touching military affairs, to thi fArmy regulations of the Confede rate States ; and all accounts, whether in the military or iu the civil departments of the government are to be 'pre sented quarterly, and as soon a may be after the close of the regular, quarter. ; - . , The undersigned avails himself of the present opportu nity to notify all who are delinquent in rendering accounts of "public money or property in their hands since the com mencement of the .war now; pending, of the necessity of having their account prepared and settled. The atten tion ofthe General-Assembly will be called to the names of thesa persons and suits will be directed in cases where this notice is dir gardcd.'; - '.;- - Glaims against the State will ba andited Taccording to the rules observed by the late Board of Claims. - ;:-'-: -- :'-. -S. F.4'niLLlPS. Jan. 9 6t ' 4 - . Auditor. Ac. " The Standard, Register, Fayettville, Observer. Wilminir- ton Journal, Salisbusv Watch man, Charlotte Democrat A ana Asnevuic iNews will copy 6 times and send bmsto Au ditor's office. ; " - j - ; University of North Carolina, Cliapel Hill T HE next Session "will begin on Saturday,' January 17th. and ead on Thursdav. June th, 1863. Board by Cob Guthrie at the Eagle "Hotel; $125, tui tion $30. and room rent $ per session all payable in ad vance. .The means of inHruetion are ample, and pains have been taken to ; bring all the expenw-a of education within reasonable limits. - , D. L. SWAIN, Pres't. ' January ft, 18R3. d3t x- Lost or Stolen, On Tufstday 23 Z Decrmtxr, 1862, on the Raleig'h. and . . (laston, Ii. H. ; . Reward will he paid for the dellrerj or ijptJy-J a Large Ladies' Trunk, covered with white can vass, w ith the iuitials of M.' F. W., marked Upon it. The above reward will be paid upon its delivery to th c Pro prietor of the Exchange Hoteb Jan. L 1863 lw-ywi Bethel Academy: HlflE Spr!ng session of this School opens cn I the 3rd Mor.day in January next The price of board and tuition is one hundred and twenty dollars per term of twenty weeks. J -For particulars address , the principal at Bt-thel -Hill, Person countv, N. iC " j - T J. HORN ER, Principal. dec 31 -I ' - 8-w5tpd i Valuable Farm for Rent j Oy the 22nd of the present raont?i shall rent the well known farm, for the present year.. for merly belonging to Mrs. Mai-th J2. Terrell, deceased. 12 miles east of Raleigh. There is a good dwelling with two eood fir places, six rooms, aBd all necessary outbuse?f Kel'uget'S would find it greatly t th ir interest to attend the renting, or make application to the unaerngned pre vious to tli above named time at Raleigh, bv letter, or to J. 1). Powell or W.J. Allen at the same place, who wi take pleasure in showing the premises as will a& give a necessary information.. M ' JAMES 11. PACE, Guardian. Januarv 5. 1&G3. dtd pd r Soap Grease. ! P'iiRSOXS Wishing to Manufacture Soap, can obtain the necessary material from C. II. Thompson, M. S. K.. bv applving at the .N. C. Dt-pot. For tbeJ grease furnished one half its weight in soap will be re quired in payment. . f - THOS. I). HOGG. J Dec. 50th, 1862. 55 dtf Crt. k C. Sj Equity Sale of Land in Rowan County and Town Lots in saiisnury. BY Order of the Court of Equity, I will cx ptise'the following Real Estate for sale, at the Court House in Salisbury, on the 3rd day of January next,! at 11 o'clock, A.M. ; ; V j One fourth part, or interest in therick Offices, oppo site the Court House, and the entire interest in the trnt i nd of said Oftic- Lot, where Phillips no live', extsnding back from main street to the ollices- .1 Abo, all the Real Estate belonging to John W. Elliide- 1 ceasedi, consif-ting of. the following tracts of land, jand i Town Lots: One tract of land adjining the lands of i William H. norah ana others, containing 100 Acres One tract of land adjoining the lands of Lawrence Brin gle and other8,'containing 154 Acres. One tract known as the John Hartman land, containing 50 Acres, situated near Salisbury; One third interest in a .tract of land in the suburb of Salisbury, adjoining the lots of F. E.'Sho ber and others, on the MocksvilU road, containing One Hundred Acres the other two-thirtis b-ing owned by John ; I. - Shaver, and Henry t A. Lemly. - Also, a Lot on main street in Salisbury, on which are two tenements, ad joining the lts of A. L. Young and B. F. Fralev. f Also, the one fourth interest in the Brick House Lot, occupied at present by S. R. Harrison as furniture rooms. Terms, six months credit, with interest from date, purchas ers giving bond and two or more approved securities. Also a houye andlot on main street, known as the Row zee property, adjoining the Boyden House. ' , . ; ..- y-.f L. BLACKMER, C. M. E. r Dec. 29th, 162. ,-"- - 55 dtd 1863.1 " , THE ;' .;. '.."-' 18C3. Southern Field and Fireside. I PUBLISHED AT AUGUST, GA. - A First i Class Literary and Agricxdlurul Journal. Many cistinguished Southern Wi iters contribute " ' ' ' - ' .i . . to its Columns.- ; - j On the first Saturdav in January, 186S, a New' Series will betcommenced, in Qua.rtoTorm, ol Eight Paces, con venient trr Binding. Each number will contain THIRTY TWO COLUMNS Reading Matter. ; The Proprietor trusts that his exertions to maintain a First Class.; Southern Literary Paper will, be liberally sustained. . ' The Terms o the ps per will be FOR ONF. YEAR. ..v....: ........ ; S3 00 OXP 1TEaR SIX MONTHS. ..... ... 2 THRs MONTHS, l 00 00 SINGLE; COPIES; : . TEN CENTS fSf" Clubs of 10 or more, for one year, $2 each. ,' -; . 10 or more, six months, $1 each.' ' POST M ISTERS, are invited to' use their influence in behalf of the" paper. On all subscribers forwarded by them, except at club rates, they will be allowed a cotii mistion of twenty per cent. No commission on club rates can be allqwed. . . : , .'-'. v ..." y -"V- '-'V J The first number of this Favorite Weekly wi 1 i contain .the beginning of ' ."-" - '" i : . BELM0KT : 4 ; i J AThrUlw- Ramtmc of the Jjaxt Century, r Il Ifm- Sn E. Hcxt. of South Carolina. ! . Also the opening of a Series ef Five Cnarriaa oF a nis- TOKT. '. - , -: s-- '-.'' '.v- - " -'"' - ' "; ' ' ' A Georgia Court Forty Years Ago, -'- : i By- Phiikiiox Vkhch. - ' -. J -, And the first ofaSerieaaf'BALLARDSOFTnEWAR," J Bv "HtraBssT," whose cbaxmiag production,' recentlv published, have marked tbisluvenile Poet as tha Keats,r of the South These" will be follawed by a Scries of Sketchy Romances, by Hon. W. Giutoas'Siiis, and bv a choice collection of original and selected Tales, which It is not boasting to say, will render the Field mnd Fireside, more attractive than ever. " . JAMES GARDNER, Proprietor. Dec. 23th, 1862 . iti-Ira-pd Economy In llousc-Kcrping; tF.aS0XS WISUIX6T? KWMttJHWM X ! "well to send nrvcrior iwn u.ffii, -- b rill send them tlrr trea ts, tie o?J nsefal to lloo Keepers ever. ut-d. -,.-.-' ' ' .1 -' ; ; Firt. 1 will et a rerelp ft dtbf'C th wnliaary csuntry-niad or tanxntife soap, at a cst fot awr than two cents frnd in addition t th. et f tU than ir-ordinary wp. and wakes life eh so.p. Thi artfcfc bcs cMbet ithjtnih levf rubtir I have ald a jrrat l?t t thw reerij t' M lf have not bard a single nnplaiiit. J!-r, ' ' . . . iv-coi-d, Oa for nakint an eacrilenattKl of walnr Tin Xhl preparation y miU., nVot 4 nectary. .The iaprrdleaU for KIT r kept in most Dn and Grocery StM"f. By ir this Preparation, clothes ran be prcparrd;for th starch ana inn ch-sprr. and with ra ce.than lbs trdarr Way of washing. The articU can t d In ery sbwt time. -. ' ' '"' i.- ' ',.: 'j j Third, One for making patent starcfc p4iin. ; .. I The use of this pohh will enable Jthe most rdrtary Ironrr to giva linen the appear snca ofijart batiaf lea the hands of the most experienced nnUher. Very beaatital. ; NoSarinUank noteaUkaf In pavwenw,. Addres, j P- A;.fjlECT.rP.Ma s Mount "flope, P. U.. MeaWenUrg Co., Ta. . Certlflcatel ' t w w- tiK Mri;?- tht we have faifclv tefttrt Mr. Plr- cv' Krceipt for miking Soap, and bjelleve It tm be tLiag he represcttj iu A - L. E. ricn, oi viarasvu.o, DrsitT Jt Lswetits, Do. R. II. BArnsrsA Cu., loydton. j . . sau.ts.lioo, I W. T. C vrri. Charlotte, Va. ' Wn.J H. BiAxrit, Meckltnbaix, va. This willccrtifv that t hate firm fr. rierejVUeceipta a fair trial, and that it ii no hurnl aj u. i. 5attB, LaenbTr. This if to certify that I have u the abo'v receipt nr luakiog toap, and tuink it u the od of making it, 1 lave ever seen. Iv ivlltimit it fur- tfn dollar. t and cbeapeat saatl)-. would aot be antire- r , Eusa As oat is, Lunenburg, Vi, l ;would advWe evrry family to fere hat a Recrlpt.-- They could nJot p nd W A- BaiLy, Lnneatnrg, Ta. No House -keei,r should La without these niful reeelpt. Scsah Asnsidws. Lunenburg, a. f.- Jas. W. JTa.sA, Meckleaburg, Va. Nov. 21. diw3:na Sale of Lands, Negroes, Ac. -T OX the First, Second and Third DajsofJan; uary, A. lc 1S63, the Lands apl Negroes, Iloueho Furniture, Corn, a number of valriLla Milch tiws, if., of tha bite Mrs. Rachel Stokes, and also a number of tin I beef Cattle, a valuable Jack, aeverjal head of horses, with other articles too numerous to mrliti'ia, thev property of tlw late Mrs. Slokes and (Jot M, ti Skeseceased, will be sold on a credit of twelve montfis. This is to take place at the foraier residence of General Stokes, calb-d th Bend on the Vlikin Uiver, about t'or miles ah)ve Wiikesboro. f Attention is especially invitetl ,tf th valuable and deei rable tract of land oflefed for sale! Un Monday evening, the 5th of fjanuary, vill b- sld as tb,e property of the lata Mrs. Slokes, a valuable Stock - Farm, in A'she county, contaishrl about Wlf acres. Also, on a credit of 12 montb?.Lere will b. sold a quaa titv of llav, and a parcel of Ib.nivhold Furniture. i JACOB FKALKY, Adro'r. With the will annexed of Mrs., R. Suikes, and AdtnV of Col. M. S. Stukes. j Dec 8 ' , V" if 4dAwlm . Ililhboro N. C xMilliary Academy. rrhe Ffifth Academic Te4t1r cf this Institution I will commence on fthe FIRST WEDNKSDAl J.N FEBRUARY, lhC3. For inforn to SUP tion and circulara apr'jr T H. M. ACADEMT, !- Hillsboro. X. C N,or. 28, 1862. 32 d3m. To Refu :ccs. T7AU ABLE Farm for Sale. A T Valuable farm -"V conMftinsr of 165 acres oil good land for sale. It'ii located in a healthy situation. Jon the main Toad betweVn Newton, Catawba county, and Lincelnton, Lincoln countv, 7 miles from Lincolnt'on. Thre are good improvement . on the farm a good House4 jBarn and Stabtca also a. good orchard , of Peach apd Apple Trees, Refuges fiom the east will tiind this a desirable orpc.rtu- nityfor locating in one of the For further information airlv. bst parts of the State. to - ; -v.- . . ! "' STATU JOUUNA riCE. Vi dAwtf De. 22d, ls62. Trinity otlege. TilK next Tcrw-irlll copimcnce Jrn. 7tli, 1SC1. Tuition the same as formerly. Board $20 per month J in advance. We have comfortable rooms, proper furnij ture, and good board. The regular College routine .will b continued with a compeenfl Faculty. We are prepared to n-ceive boys of anv Sge Jr advancement. Students can have rooms separately or'otjherwisc as may be preferred. For further information address the undersigned, . - ' W (B. CRAVEN, 2VeaidM(. December 13th, 1862. ; (? , L 47 elm pd ) Drive 'iVantcd ! WHITE prlTers fe(r Stato teams Wanted; to haul cbrn at Tarboro. N. C, for this Dep-.- 10 went. THOMAS D. HOtJO, Can't dec 1-tf ' CommiMary Iepartment. Raleigh. . C Notice. T ALL Persons who present themselTes at tfct Olfice of the Surgeon General, between the bears o' j and 10 a. nj., will be v activated, free of harge. I EDWARD WAR REN, Surgeon General of Carolina. Raeih, Dec. 19th, 1662.) V - .." il dtf Jersey Settlement Lands for Sale. npiIIS plantation Is on the Yadkin Rlter, Isalf 1 a mile trom HolUburg Lepot, on the N. C. Kaiooad. in uaviason countv eonia n eight honored acres, .half claared and in cultivation. 125 acres river bottom land Tbe balance Is wood .and. in cultivation, and 75 acrva of the best quality of uncleared creek botom compos a part of tbe abov tract. There ii a good dwelling and ant aov- se on thA place, orchard, c. Persons deviring to Insk at the pur . 'will can upon the subscriber, who will be at home until Chrutir.as. 1 4 . - ANDERSON ELLIS- ) 3 .1- -i I ' . J6-dtm Desirable "Residence For Salt . f piIE nl?hlr ImproTf d Premises now Occupied X. by John Maunder, Eo., may be purchased bv apply in v to the Rev. James RiibbariLton, on Fayirtteyille St. l)ec24,182 I4dtf 1 j Wagons Wanted. THE Subscriber withes to purchase TWO and FOUR Horse WAGONS. Application to be made to the CommUsary Depaitmcot. j .- -,.'.. . . t. n. nocG, " '!-':.' -. '!;i- Capt. k C. 3. ; Raleigh, Pec. Utb, it 2. 1 4Sdtf Orrtca or IUliich fc Girrov R. R. Cx, 1 Kaleigh. Dec 22d. 1P62. f The Bonds of this CVnepaar will tnStare on tbe fir day ol January, lS&3, aad will bapromptlv paid at th oftiee. Parties holding kbese Boods are hereby notifi tbat no interest wil be allowed on same after saatoriiy. The Bonds of this Company will mStare oa tbe first thia notified W. W. VASS, Treasurer. Dec :4, 1862- 54 I n v . y Orrtca or IB Allien k Gastok ft.. B. Co. V . IWleigh, N. a, Dec 22, 1S2. . . Tb Board of Directors of this Company have delared a dividend of ten per ceni. on the capital Stock, payable on- and alter tne nrst Aloncayid January. IWJv. . r W. W. VA8S, Traasnrer. Liecst, is3 taw : ; Mutes .Wanted. ' nrnK FXDERSI&flED WAXTS t rrRcniSE X TEN GOOD MULES, Aprlv at to, Jom.ii.ary De partmtnt. . THOMAS D. HOGG, ' ' : : Captain ACS.' IUleigh,Nov. 22, 1W2. dtf v - i I 1 ? . 1 'in v f '':";-'-"McyM'X:: - :yyy ;. ,:.."-- :;-vsi;t; -".h- 'i ' .: ; - " ' -;; ; ' -. -; - : .' i'yxi .-. -:ry: x: - :: '- , ; . , " ;;; ..... - - . -... ; -: - . ... . ..-, ; : . -. . rr ! ' ." -:; i r " ' i ' " ' I., ,tm.m, .,. : m -;--"-. ...J"