8 J 'f -. ' .' ""-' VtV''! v--- - -. ;,,nj-.:-v - ... '' !v-A----v.;-;j-i'v:- ; , ,::- -1: :vv'' .:.- ' .;....v.-' u-- " -it 1 : - ... -.. ....... ' i . " ' ;v!, V. r A7 't'.;' - . - ---'ill, - i .. -1 ' A- T -eW-- I " . I & 1 - j li ; ... ... . m TC. W. X . - I ft. f ? W f - - W " " . r . - L V I . . 3 : . . ' -. . t ... ... ft & .a IK . ik rife. -I I a r I . .. (.v. m il lit I ; -11 I S 1 I I I II ? I VOL. III. V r-RATjEIGH N. . C, WEDEBD ATJ M AJEIOH 18, 1863. I I : 1 It II 1 1 v . . " ' - , (:'' li! - ....' ; j. .' . S .V' ji''- 'r-:':' v'; 2s 1 " 7" t - , j NQ. 12t. T . '.. 1 : i CIjc S WEDNESDAY, iiarch 18j 1863. YoAhc present the terms of the DAILY paper .will be' 12 EiOfilB' a 57 00 4 00 2 50 i oa $5 00 3 00 2 00 , 3 - 1 tor the TBI-WEEKLY, ths terms will be: 12 iTKintus... ... ... .... For the WEEKLY PAIR : i2 months... ........... 6 3 " v" - $3.00: Thft foregoing art thj only terms on t il avUI be sent. ! This notice must vhich tho State ' syfUcient. We a Hirinkp to answer letters relative to an- nthr forns 11 caes giTe: Credit r tboiD,t of .Hrfnev sent, according to the fibovc termg.: -3 i v : ; receipt for the amount of monej- received. ,nrr without. the .money. - !' The receipt oi me uiunvu itut.uc if.u-ueu as. a We etnd no Subscribers will b n'otined of, the expiration of their t.rm8 of snbscription three to four weeks in a?tanc. by a '"og3PIarkon the wrapper.&r the margin of .the' paper. m ? f9 1 square, 1 day....... si i 00 50 00 50 00 50 1 square, 2;weekf.. 1 ; do 1 inontli... 1 ; do 2 monthi... 1 . ,do 3 months.., 1 1 do C months... 1 do 12moaths.. 00! 00 00 00 ' 1 rto i a .... .9 ..15 ..25 1 1 a i do. 3 davs 2 2 3 3 do 4 days do. 5 davs... ; 3 00 1 - do C months..,...40 00 do 1 .week. :...... f 3 50 f 1 do 12 moaths. ...... 'GO 0 Ten lines o-, under make a sau a re. i ' Adre'rtiseuicnts (or the Daily -will be inserted in the Tn' Weekly fret of charge. Thii U ah inducvnie-ht Wrhuh caicotfailio attract the attention,1 of Advertisers. Theibove rates ap-plr pnlv to the daily paper.. Adver tisenients will be inserted iu the Weekly paper at the following- rates, viz : Ope dollar per square tor the nrst in sertion, aiid fifty cents ibr each et)seqaent insei tiont O'jititary Notice will be" charged for sis advertisements I'Jr anv length'over ten lines. We will invert notices 'of ten hues or under gratuitously. Three lines of. mauu fcript usually make tiro in print. f Count the, lines, and re r,it the cost, after deducting , ten iine,s from '. tlfe total amount. Obituary Notices, witnout tne cttsn, w ui fee cut djwn to a simple announcement " j From the. Western-Democrat.: The Vaccinating Easiness1, li will ie se ti by the following resoIutioDs passed, hv.the Magistrates ;of Union County, at a Special (Jor.rt, tht they condemn- the actiuivofj the Legisla ture' in appropriating S0,000!-Atr vacdftnting the peo ple. ' We expresfccd the optutim tlrat the niet.-tire was a useless -ons aa,.iHKn as we hearl th Legi! iture -had. adopted it, and . we thitik'" the aetioi-T 6f the Union county Justices right and proper It has always 1-eea the case m this State that any one who Vented b be vaccinated could have it done wheiher tlteV had the money, to pay for it or rflit. Witliijii the past.tVo luontlis thousands - have beeii vaccinated gratis by juiysiciah's and others. w ho understood the sjniple op eration, and Ave do not believe there was any necessi-' tv for appropriating a !a!rgo sum fr-ora. the Slate 'Treasury, forsthe purpose of employing salaried. "of5-. cev to'do the'huMne.vs : l ' . -i ' . ; ' . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. U.nton Co., ") . Court rf Pleas and Quarter Session?, ' 1 ' Special Tcfin-. ' j , . - ' March 9th, 18G3 ' ) ' Res'tved hy the Justices of the Peace of said Coun ty, a majority hcing present.) That nye dceini the act cf the Legislature authorizing the -appointment of a physician in each county, .with a sa ary- of '$5 per day, to vaccinate the people, as. unnecessary and a useless expenditure of money, and hope no' physreian i;t this counfy will accept the 'appoititment. . ; . The adoption of this resoiutioiy was moved hy Dr. Jas. J. Williams, anil unanimously 'carried. - . On motion, the Wis tern Democrat i-i requested to : publish this action of the Justices of Uuiuu county, arJ other papers copy. - I , General Pillow. ben. Pillow recently made a speech to piantera n flabatna, to induce them t( permit 'their slaves to, enter Government eronlof . as teamsters, etc. To! siiow. that he was not asking them to make sacrifices that he himself would not make, he toM of h" own losses 400 negroes; Fpur gin houses worth $10,000. each,l 00,000 pounds of bacon. 2 000 Iiogs, 500 head1 cf cattle, his. houses and plantations destroyed and desolated,, and 2,100 bales of his, cutton burned by Lis own Government. . , ' He stated that. Gen. Sherman had written- him a letter, couched in very poliie lahguage,:ofjVring to re turn his negroes to himr and to indemnify him for all his losses, it" he would abandon the Conlederate ser vice. His answer was : il ' . "General, whilst I thank you tor your courteous letter, let me say to yon, the property your Uf.vern-i aent has taKen lroni me vvasiny own lour IjroV it' is too ernnient has the power to rub me of it; poor to buy roe. :: ! - ' - NoWe General! if all the sons of coiiTitry wiuld in like spirit PiJ!ow voiild toon rest in security. -,' -'. ' " 1 . ' our Suffering' !ier ueau, sue The Health of ouh Akmi.es." We! are rcifiiced to hear from aK quart erjs of the. vvojidejfurhenllhful nens of our soldiers in the, field, jit: is c)mA)tting ti feel that' however our finances may-be wilting tinder the number of adverse intlueMces to which they are now -subjected, there is no depr$ciati6n.C'tifrtte! bone and muscle. A htle he enemy iS, frorn.ttn'ip t time shipping from StaEtVd .and Murfieesb.-io' IK h large bodies of sicanji: demoralized triMps as u in duce the belief that he js changing 1 is base, our" ineu; ar$ enjoying a vigor unprtcedenttiL 'Phis diffen nee in the sanitary conditio.! of: the Hostile armies is eas ly accolinted for. The Yankees.re un willing warriors.; aiid.they sleep in tentsi Tliei hearts of our !o1d iV;rs are in thecontest, and having,- fortunately, worn m? all their, tents, and being unable to procure new ones, tiiey take their rest in j the oien aif , with nothing above them tut tbeirj blankets and ttie canopy - of heaven, and in their , universally robnst condition is seen the wisdera -of thef words ot the great Napoleon, that "tsnts destroyed arinieis and hot artillery." r examiner. Ax IxcirrENT at THsi Battle of Murfbeesbo-. Ro'. An esteemed friend has liatideiljus the follow ic letter relating an incident in this' battle, tint yet P'Uibhed, which we cheeffnlly put in print : "V Du ri?g the fighting on . Wednesday .evening, our sharp ' shooters were compelled .to fall back, when one Ser geant Murphy coming along the bank of Stone's. Riv er Accidentally came upon a Yankee Lieutenanc .Col. ; ' au four men. . ; Quicjc as thought, he brought his gun to his nhoulder. and .demanded the-surrender of the party. : The Lieutenant Colonel hereupon ordered his toen td fire upon the rebel; but unfortamately for tpm.iheir guns hd been dischargedi .The Colonel en drew his sabre, and flashing over his bead said - to would never surrender to a rebel; which words, : ere no sooner said than the .sharp crack of the' rebel " yfie caused the Yankee Colonel to lie lifeless at bis fect-' The Sergeant then drew his revolver and parched the four men into' camp: This , man h&s bfeD recommended to the War Department for, pro motion, tqwhlch he is well doservin g Natchez Oour ter. . . . ....: -. -i . . - h - -T . j BZrELEGrRAPH. Reported expressly for the State Journal, Port Hudson, - - i I , ; Mobile, March 16. From Port lludson the 15th. To Lt. GenT Pem- bertoh : ',' ".'-.' .'.;v ;" .- " r---'::" Tfije Gunboat fight lasted, verv heavv. from pWh to ttf last night.. V AH" the ;' .fleet j came- within range. Thejpartford and Monongahelai passed; crippled.- TheiMissisainrii w.ia"hiimp1 : TK n;l,'m',.nJ .v i:.. w W-r- - .r iT. rr .. ; a. ii Akvtiiiiuuu v oa t.ltv abled at.d sent back. Our loss was small. Enemy's land jfbrces advanced. All auiet this mornintr. 'NiLD tlx A M Iv UAKDN Klf, , pen'l. Commanding. ' From Cliarlcstmu . '-,Jm CArfn nl-s tn-rlAV In'roro Kwisrmahlp ' friwv TiirimoK an average 'ad vatjee of 15 "per cent.' AIL Quiet to-. Ul ht. : From the Xorth. , J- Richmond, March 17 The Herald of the 14th. inst received. Rumors i :welerife in Cairo that Forts DoneUonahd HenrV had r ! !!-. . . r. - ": i Veti jcaptured by the Rebek but the report was not. ! credited. -' , . ' ' " -1 '" Coj. Rchardson and 400 guerillas were surrounded and shrprhed at "Covington, Tenn , on the 9;h inst. f IJrjghatn Yoiniof has been Indicted and bailed in two thousand dtllars to-answer Ibr the -viol at inn of the .Polygamy act. A collision between citizens arid the military at Salt Lake was imminent yh the 9th linst. -Gjild in Nv York on the" 13th, active and fluctu ating between 158 aad ,-The Steamship Australasian froia Liyerpotl brings datejs to the 1st inst. - . Seward's dispatch respecting French propos d for mediation provokes criticism in the London journals. , .. Tfne limes says it is quite consistent with ali Sew ard 3ras previously written upou the subject, and that he U either porteutially right, or iticoniprehensibly wrong. . ; . . The:Pt6, Palmerston's organ, declares that em-, errating as this document docs from the Federal Cab-' iuet it is truly incredibie that ..that body should have sunk so low as to endorse as its own, in (he facej of the worid, so much arrant falsehood and absurd' nonsense. ft . a ' i i , 'phe Morning Star pgnsiders the document Jinan- swerjiblc. 'Pne Paris Pays' treats the matter itidiffer- entiy. : , '' ', ''; : ' ; Tije London correspondent of the Manchester Guat'- diati says that tho Gn federate loan has been all freely a:kvn on the Continent, aud that England will have nobiove of it that came from a foreign rnarket, 'I'he Polisb insurrection was exciting great att,3ntiorr in ibe Cabinets of the leading: Powers. j The Russians were defeated by the Poles after ah 'engagement of five hours at Mallagosse. The town r . '. -was Reduced to uins. Jil Liverpool on the "28th, the Cotton; market wa3 -quset, but steady ; Consolsj 92J. ' 1 ' The majority in New Hampshire' against the Dem ocratic candidate for Governor was about 700. .' One" : Denwcrat was elected to Congress. . J S - Confederate Congress. if- li tPHMAvn Afarpti 17 .. j , ... - . .. 7 i Senate resumed the consideration of the Saprerae Court bill. Mr. Tancey' delivered a lengthy argu ment to show that the constitution did not grant to . 'tle Supreme Court appellate jurisdiction oyer the Sfatc courts, or "revisionary .power except in cases wheie the State, had levied an import. At the close of his remarks the Senatei went jnto executive session nn Ithn imni-oasmPTlt. bill' wbi(;b! .WlS reftTreil t.ti a i ... t J IA j bLIU I 1 It I' j. fft II . -j..., .. - - - - - ' -------- --j- C6lhuilttee of contereiice , i I The House was in secret session. . j vjp. , . . . 1 .1 Revolution ry Items On the 6th of October, ll 5, a resolution was pissed recommending to the Mveral provi ucial assent blu'S, and c m mitlecs of pub H'pj safety, to arrest and secure any person in their respective colonies whose gin'gat large might-in their opinion endanger the safety of . the colony or the lib-. eiiv of America. '-'!' '.'' pu the 11th January, 177fi, Congress ordered that persons refusing to receive j the :0ontinenUl ; bills in payment, or who sh n!d obstruct and- discourage the circulation; thereof, shTTuId, on conviction, be Jeemed, pub is'ned and treated as an enemy' of the country aljd be. precluded, from all trade or intercourse with tfie i'tiliabitaiRg of the colonies.''. . :, i T-'-j ' ' ; IjOti the 4t!fof March, a resolution was'passed re- cilmmeudilitf a general tlisarnViug of disaffected per si!iiiAhrughout thtcolonies. ,f ' V rY;fr- :- ilOii the Itfth'ADril' 1776. iit was annouticed to the ' ' cijuii'il of safety of Maryland to cause the person and pipers of Gov E len to be seize 1 and secured u cor4 siquettce f a belief that he lud been carrying on a elirresjH)htence with the British ministry dangerous t the liberties of Ameiica.-i-U S. Livds. V Tl; ! 7edncsday March 18, 1863.- Third Concert of y V Mr. and the Misses Slo'man, on which oc -asion will be introduewd for the first time the following Vocal and Instrumental pieces: .! -, .V.v. ; ; Duetts 44 Lucia," "Aorni,"- -v, r 1 .FAfta." Sumter," " Kathleen maVourneen," ' - Ustrumental- " Oberon,"."Don Pasqual," i " "Travatoria," " Don: Juan."' j . By the Misses Slomau.' - - BcaLSQCE Songs. ,. " The Mistletoe Bough," ' . ' -" Blue Beard' a Tale of Infantile History, What's a Womanlike?" " Betsy Baker," . . With other novelties for which see programme . . r-ECREKA. Pairs MissesoredGaU, March 18-d.lw. .: a 1 : 100 Reward.; v ?AXAWAY from the subscriber on. the 1st -jA - vi TTI. a TTO BOY. ALLEC. He is 6 feet hiffh, Ubout 20 years old, intelligent, and a Tanner by !rade. r He is quick spoken and apt to make a good im-presawn.--; -.r. K- ir -l ..- o mmiotaKho H doilhtleSS 6HO- & .wnenue.ieii. ue wuio -; plied with tree papers ana Ithe Yankees, as he waslt kn.o vanrarilfn he T) aid P7lrr."-W:: v thousand pounds Bacon l ntueigu a icw u.;. v ur4 o-.i. D..i ;. Ah , lor nis aPDrenension aau eva : Ifiaement so that I can get him.- f " . - . UnionTtlle,8. 0. March 14. HMw " ! Large Arrival of Valuable Imported Drug I :. -! .. - kSn TOILET ARTICLES, JUST KECElf ED . ! AT PESCUS !)UI G SUHiE I Yonslstlnsf In part of tee following. Tiza: lOKessbap. uai o. oona. 10 Ca?es Cooneys Indigo, 10 lbcasaa. 200 Ounces Qninine. 150 lb- Gam Camphor. ' 300 lbs Copperas. " Ik IVt.iiM t nirvnAil t S SuDfA En?. Mustard b lh Bottles and! .6 lb caaeg.. 2 Gross Low Oi l B own Windsor SoapV T 2 Gr?)?s English Tooth Brul;-s. :J j V 1 i ! - Vprv SuoM b -Younsr HvsoiaV Gun. Powder, Shoultng and "Congou Tea, in Chestx and hsl chests. . ; ' I 10 Owhw Mitch '?. 6 Io2, UMrr's Oaleia.-d Magn atau 24 Doz. Fine Tooth Co;ttbi jvtii v, Horniititf Indi.tt Lubbi 500 lbs lilack Pepper, - ; '! " ; .' i: KGum ard Powdert d Oy ium : -Ipecac ; Dover lewder )Chlo ofotm j Salad Oi-' ; 2UU m lower uljfiar. ,; 23 lb Bottles Raltam Copaiba. , ' . r , : . f : ! ; English Blue Mass and ; Cbunbl. in jPS And poqnl paefca- S "3 ; 25 ! lbs Clbratci Potush-ati-1 jjnanv otliivi- gpds bourrit at receAt sales in Charittwi ami Wiiinirton!, "T- hich -will b'9'ol& 6t"??p4TttUe3 . ' "suit purchaifrs." 'Z if:rt:; -. 1 ''' 320 airr expected y 5? ayuaiira uw r March 17 2aw3w: '.';f SVLr v 4- " STATE OF. NORTH CaT mm - It ' Wavn Cantv.' COCHT Of Pt5AS"AXP CARTK SESsSssy Vt" .' MUY n. Smith, vcHnv Wnii Snim Oliier. Cofr, Jordan Smithrand wife Sirah. Josiip 8snith. Johu Kf?'nkh." Mary - A. SmOlhJohu III S nitlWad'ainis-' trators of Stephen J". -Smith decasd. B.-nj iin.in . .Smith '-Wiley" II . S!nithJ.Cord.rahV.-Sy.-S?aii'th-Marirape-tt'TL: Smith. Luv jnia E. Sni0i. Susan Ei. Smith, re- man .Smith. Matthew Smith nnd 1wi.t' Patsn Appy Smith ad ministratrix f Jamas I).; Soiith.' J .s$j IJ "ntof. Sarah Bentn, John W. l5ritt and, -Wife Xaaiy, ;" Wm. J. Dorth, Mary D. EHoHnw4la"nrl. Joseph Edrd and wf. Emily. . PETITION FOJ DOV;KlU '-t il It appearing to the satisfaction of thejCoart tliit Jordan Smith and wife Sarahana Joseph "Edwards andfwife Em ily, dependents in thfj Cltuse, reside, hypnd th iflimits of tliis State ; it is therefor, pn motion',; ordUref by the Court tht ad vrtisernnt be made forj.six wh'M succjes sivtly in the State JourSBjfjf, a newspaper' published in he, citv f Raleigh.iiotifyjngtbe ealdefepdents Oijjthe nlng". of this petition And - (jti unless they ippear , a the next term rf this C(Urttob held at the Conrt House in 6e'di boro', on the third Monday in Mir nest, and answer the petition, the same will W ia;en proqoalesso anq'theard ex part as to them, ' '!'." r i I'--- "; -r K-Sl -;. f !: -,.. Witness. S. H. Denmarki Clerk of said Courf, at office in Goldsboro', the third Monday tn F.-bmarr. AID , JS63. . .-. f! S. H. DENMARK:, rk. March 17-6w. . . Prict Adv,t$12.ft23 k " STATE OFORTH CAROLINA, -. ' ' Wayne County ! J ' ; - J ' Cocnr of PleB3 AsrkOrAKi er Sss'sroys. . ii February. l3. f W3LB. ewsoni anil wife Gat$y. Mira& Smith, 'Richard Neysom and .wife Etna 'Amanita mith,. Oliver S:nft"hk Bartimus Smith and Fnaell Sm&h, .versus the ". heirs-at-law of Jackrn Smith. . '1; r . ' ; , PETIT-ION. -FOR PARTITION OF .LANDS, It appearing to" ,the jatisTaciiou- ofjtbe ;Cou ft that fhe defer.denfa , the hepg-ataw jo Jacks a' SjOith, Reside be- , yond the I i siits o'-RSjiaie it is therejforo. sou riiotionj'or- aejea oy tne .uwuiaaqveriisem pni u&, inaae.iorj.5ix weeks successively -ii thSlJfcUJournal, a newspaper pub lisbed in the city. of Raffish, ribtlfyingj the sai'-d.fendfnts Of the filing of "this petition, and thatj unless ifhey appear at the next term of-thi Court to beheld at the ;Pourt-h(fuge' in GoldsUoro- on the thit;d Monday oi" May nxt, and; an-' swer the petition.the same will beUakten pro-onfesso and heard exjxirtp. - , . -J - " i Witeess, S. II. Denmark, '.Clerk-of aid Court, at office to. Goldsboro', the third' Mondar ,F;ruarT, A. '). '... : " ' " ' . r " S. Of iXMARSr.aerk.--Marchl7-Cw 4 Ptice Adv;2 $f.S2K ? v ' ll'i For ' Sale.-1 : : I . ') 1 iye; h hundn uiulretl acre of excellent IiikI. one red cleared bottom land, a'j l undeicultivatiion, a the South Fork of th-a Catawba Eiler, the balance ivell wooded, and known as the Lonergan Place, somewhat im proved and a desirable place, is offered for sale. J For terms, &c.. apply to E. Lonergan, on the place, -or to Dr. G. Caldwell, in Charlotte. i v' jani 2 idt. Near Fredericfebm g, FcibruarV -5.' 1S63. ! ' J fATES M ARTIN. DI O," ALLEN RO HERTS, ORIVzVTES MARTIN. DI ON, ALL ST Joseph Tosto.Wni. Canned, , Solomon Gipshart, Philip Rice, John. Gilbert and .Henderson Hiijl fa"re hereby notified that unless tney return to duty linmeaiateiy or i;eport some suiih ient reason for not doing so! thy wil) be teted as deserters. J r j A feb. 12-d J VV. Capt. IjA.t tlAM,' ; Bianch'Art'ileryt . I ' S50.000 NorMi Carolina liicas for sale. OFFICE OF THE CHATHAM Rill.ROAD CO., ) ' '"". ' Raleigh, N. 1," March 5th, 1(!3. ) . On or before April 1st, l$0;, tlic, suhsrrlbpr will receive pronosals for ihe piirthase o IMIIRTT Fl VE -.THOUSAND (35.000 NORTH CAROLl N A SIX PER CENT. COUPON BONDS of th-.d vmwinnatios of S500 and $1000 interest payable semi-anriuaily tin thejirst davs ot January .and Jul v; m each ver at th' Public ireas- i uarv, and. the principle at the end f twenty years ft om the i l- w. i s-T innilillilT A II : I JVf t -V . I MliUUi IMII I Oi Illllli'l' !1 II lir. i Chatham Railroad Company, are issued to ths Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Companyin exebanfr for bonds of the ) latter Company, deposited" with the Public Trifaui er, prin- eipal and interest payable at the same tune, out witq lib- ertv to the .Company to'discharge such bonds Jb'fore hiatu ;,l rity. Paymvnts made by the Ralegh and Gascon Uaili oud , CompSpyj are to be exclusively applied to the redemption : of the State bonds issued to ths Company. f- ! . ' Proposals will likewise bjrecjivd for FIFTEEN TROU ' S A N D 1) O Lb A RS ( $ 1 3.000) of North Ca -oliha six per een t ; bimds, similar to the atiove, but issued to thejeity of Ral ei?h in ext hansje for like bonds of the City.' Pavni-nts j made bv hj City ape to b" applied bi thi redamption of 'f the State bonds issued t,o that corporation. , , Attention is invited to the following sectlmi of an act ; passed by thi General. Assembly at Hi iato svssitin, by ' which the bonds advertised have th Rouble neurit if of the l'V State.of North (aroli'a,!audf corpirations of the highest naacial swKtivV1-;' :- V ' .-' !r;': ? -' Sec. 5. Ue iffurtrre? ente edr That R sums of money fjpaid by'th-' Raleigh and Gaston Ratt Rd C uipny and i tha City f RaUigh to theTisuk'r tf fhiStUe in ?atis 'faction of the principal and interest kit" the Vonds of feaidi ( corporations deposited with th Treasurer, ascoutemplattd in the'saul "Ordinance of thpr&tqten'lhvn,' h4ll be applied first to th-jpavraent'of thmfeiresttn bonds of the .State gtSten said corporations' in ex-hange ffif tlieirrbwrl. aoid the ' residue shall be paid to the Commissioners of; tb.3 sinking fund, to bj us-'d by the u ! at their discretion for the re demption of aid bonds cf the State. : i Copies of tb laws, under which ?aid bonds ai-e issued, may be .had on application to the undersigned. Proposals ' should be endorsed Proposals for Bonds," and addressed to the; undersigned,' 'and will be opened in the presence of ' i the Public Treasurer andj of the President of the Bank of North Carolina, "March 11, 1863. KEMP P; BATTLE!, Presidfn 2aw td. offer for sale two valuable tWn lots in Mor- nton- anda meadow ' containing fonr acres, lying within one hundred yards of the depot. - This is ari excel lent place for a large tan-yard. Oneiof 4he lots is well fenced and in clover. It if the most bandstfm building site in town. The other has a new.bne-aud-a-half story house, a good well of .water, an excellent garden, a large stable which will accommodate j fort horses; large coach sheds, and st No. one frame blacksmith shop on it. j; This is the most desirable property now to be found in market. Refugees from the East will do well to look at the prop erty, as I am determined to sell,-aqdwyi sell. on : fair terms. If not sold priyately, it will be soldt public auc tion on Tuesday of Burke County Court. W ' . - , i C. S. BROWF. . E. II. BOONE, Agent. . Morgan ton. N ., Feb. 6 4 ' '4; 2.--.-fi. nphe underslrncd; Executor of Fanny J.Smith. . ,j ' wul sell at ner law .residence, iu iionaay, tne za day of March next, troni 300 to 400 barrels of "Corn, the ; Lard, Brandy, Vauahtitv of articles too tedious to mni iriTi r ? . Persons haying claims againet said estate are. reauired to present tbem for payment, or this notice will be plead in bat 8f their recovery O. H. WILDER, fb!8 dtd Exemtor. entire cron w ruauur, Found Dead On the 9th inst., on the rdld from Enfield Mount x miles north of the latter, on jze, bad on a wool hat, a rwhite kersy round Jacket, brtAvn kersv pants, wooleri socks, all new and Confederate spun. a.pair thoes. uppers cut in a single piece, no cara on nis person Tisstoie, as he was clotned. j He cad been driving toji cart a large tine pacin male. In the cart was a barrel of Flocr and three new Ducth oTens and lid?. He was jpoin tow ards lockj Mount. The mule and cart were fast in the mud. And it appeared as if the m-gro had made a slight effort a extricate them but un successful. Ths owner willpleass appear or address, V i i CTW' D. HARRISON, ,'T.-- Battleboro' A. U March 12, 1863.1 d.tf. : - !;"v ? 'S50 Reward, K; ' '.;:vr '; ; ' ! V I: Cajip Greqg, March 7,' 1863. ". I will pay the aboYc reward of fifty dollars for the ar est and; delivery at cauip, of private DEN NIS MAFJONY, who des-ited from one of the Richmond Hospitals some time last 'Summtr. Mahcnv is a thick' built Irishman, fivt feet ten inthesTbigh, dark hair, grer eyes, has a hole in bis igbt ear caused bjr a wmnd from V bullet. Hf isSuppsed to beurkinjitxtut Cap$ .GrahimV Battrry, Co., C, 10th Regiment N. C. Artillery, (of which he was formerly a member) near Goldsbot-n'. , J - 1 JOS II. SAUNDERS, V CaptCom. Co. A, SJrd Reg., N. C. T. ' ; Jones Brigade, A. P. Hill's Division. MarcM3. 18fi3. j ,: , d.5w. ; ! aSOO Negroes Wanted,' ; TIIK ondersigited desire toii!rehrec hundred hands to workonthe gradingof the Chatham Railroad.. . The line runs through a healthy coiinti y. on a high ridge, and all bands employed on the "road-, will be well fed and cared for We will hire either by the month or vear. Ap ply: to-us at Gary, 8 miles west of Rali-igh, br at llavwood, or ljocKvuie, nainam county. . ' KN. CLEGG & COv Contrictors. ;-,' V VKKFK ESCE3. K. P. Rattle, Prcs't Chatham R. R. Company, Raleigh, and W. J. Ha tkin's,. Pres't Raleigh and Gaston. R. lt. Company, Raleigh. 1 ' j : March" 14, 18C3. ! ; ' ; o.:')m:-.. TA1L(KING. THE sceptre has departed from Jodah.and the fullness of the Gentiles come in. CLLEN is at RICHARDSON'S." . r ,.) jMarch 3-d3m. ATTENTION IRECUC1TS WANTED: I am now in Raleigh, and would be glad to get a few recruits to fill up Company E,J 1st Regiment N. C Cavalry;; Noone wanted unless tfecan furnish his horpe, for which he will be allowed 12.00 per month, and forage. Arms and horse equipments will be furnishe,d. 1 will be . in the city until 1st April. CAD : J. IREDELL, f Lieut, Co. E. 1st N. C. Cavalrr. March 12, 1863. H - V dtlAp. Progress and Register copy and send bill to this fllHce. : Confederate House. This? House is situated ort FajettcTille Street, " No. 15, and is open for tho reception of -trans ient " visitors.; The proprietor will do all in his power to make v hisguests comfortable" He has i room suitable for families, and his accommodations are as good as any in the City. Custom U solicited. . T. R, FENTRESS, march 7 dim. V ' - " Raleigh, N. C. ' Js2 Progress copy f6ur weeks. : Plows vand Agrlcuitural Impleinemciits. niwo. torse, one horse and subsoil Plows, of VJL -pryed patterns and complete in every respect ; al- - fersbge$her with a large lot of .wood and iron work for ' VlZx&b&fvQm the latvvsUbJia!macu frerckB & Rea der. ripjiy to -r- - 1 Z r " - .' P. A. FRERCKS, . .. . i' , Salisbury, N, C. ... March 12, I8G3, d.2w. J f BeeTes Wanted. THE undersigned will pay the highest market ' prices for Stall' Fed Beeves all the year round. Ap--ply to . ; THOMAS YOUNG,' march 7 wit. ' Cary, Wake C6.J N. C.J ' "Sjiw Mill '.'mill TiniPTifiiiP Still foi ShTa f- AVIAG Sawed the best portion Of timber Off 11 'llZ i? j. iidiiiuau, ucinccu oianiuj.' auu ouiHUIl 'tUaiatluUB. The mill is a fifty-horse power, iu good running oVder. "1 he turpentine still is in good orer, holds 18 barrels. Oan be bought on a credit if desired. The Hill is suitable for a hiskey still. N. M. VINSON. Ootl5 -,',,- ;.;:'. ; " ' U.:--, I '" i" -tf JOHN Cf WILLI A3IS & CO 9 - STOCK: AND MONEY! BROKERS . . . RALEIGH, N. C, CONTINUE to carry on the I Brokerage busi ness at their old stand as heretofore, in all its vari ous brancbei. ; i v s fs 242m ; NOTICE. I will not hire any horse or carriage from this date (funerals excepted) on Sunday, and also take the present occasion of informing all persons that have horses at my stables that on and after the first day of March, the -board tf horses, will be raised to $40 per month, otherwise iuev must ds taKen away by tbat time. feb 24-lw J. M. HARRIS.! . - - ' 1 Ranawaj v I : ; From the GoVernment Shops, Raleigh, my boy - JOXAS. He is about 20 years old, 5 feet 10 inches high, of dark color, and ha two" large teeth in front, ne .left, with a pass from the clerk of the; superintendent of V theshos (Capt, Sharpe.4 on Ihe 1st inst., for Henderson nepoc. , lie raay De loitering about ivittreirs or Henderson". r A A LI J 1 I Ml x - . . . - teb. 2d d3w. j :; Camp Holmes. Progress copy and send bill to thisoilide l .': "-j '.: - - - j WANTEI. : U A man who thorou'y understands opening r XJL and wck,in gald mine.-.i44he Stalof Jforth Car- olin i. Must come -well recommended..--Ti a man that' can be depended upon in every particular a liberal salary will be N. C. given. Auuress j . n., caTe ot Uox lis. Kaleigb, WANTEDS A Toon? lady who has been Driven from xl her homein Eastern North Carolina, desires a loca tion as teacher, in a school or a private family. - She will, teach in all the wrdinary English Branches, and Music on the piano. As she d?ires the benefit of practice, she would be unwilling to teach, where music was not one of the branches -of instruction. Address ' . v v rditors state jonriv I.L Feb. 11, 1863. JJ4-3wpd, : Wanted to Rent A HOUSE, either lurnlsned or unfurnished, li containing at least three rooms and situated not more tnan a mile from the eapitoL Ap Apply at the Journal Office. Jan. 9. r - tf j Situation as Teacher Wanted. - 'A joung lady, a natlje of the State and agra- jHL' duate of Weslean Female CIIegV, with some experi- ence, wants a situation as teacher.' She is competent to teach English, Latin, French" and -Music"' She wul accept ' a situation in a school or in a private familr '. . Address '-u: f.-.n.. K.. r- . ' ' A. B. C." ' jan. 28-lmo-pd. x . i Murfreesboro', N. C. F j ; I-" Negro-Woman Wanted. I Wanted to hire a negro-woman, wlihont child ren, capable of cooking, washing, Ae., for a small family. For a good capable servant a liberal price will be ' paid.. Apply tu.this oiico.- . march 9--tf. : A large supply of boots and shoes constantlj. JOL. kept at the manufac&rr, one door from tilt Watek na olSce t also, choice dry Bides. -: - . .. . ... - . - JOPX A. BBADSHAW. . Eilkbury, N. C, Jaontr SWdlmpi. , A reward of twenty-fare dollars will be paid for W deliv ery to me, or for his-being lodged is any jail so thaijl can get him Address j . Dr. It. B. BAKER, , r i I Vm. il nirrf Annnv rn i i ifOmvE OS VATjCTTCTllUt fTillT,) I VV lhU jlrarilCBIjar All? DIIOII lO-tllCl tea 1 r T. P j,!? iJ" t Baak t r " VT" . . " B H nu aaa hj u ess connected with the diSWent dWtmcata tJ th State Baak notes of all Southern Statds boa At and solA. ' i ' - ari3atxcx., ' "! O G. Pa!v. aad W. A. Wri?!t, Wilia, John D Wilhama, aad If. G. trkiford FajetUrills, J. J. Blackwood, Charlottt. j Tt W. K. Lane. Wim Comity. i - "" John D. Whitford, Crardn CouBtr. V Hon. Thomas Raffia. Alxmaace CkHtatT, " ; Hon. W. N. Edward;, Warren Cbaatv. ,, Hon. D. W, Courts, Rociinchamf Couatr. ii. . union. uBeoin toontv. t And citizens of Raleigh, reinraUr. van. lam, it.. I - FENDER'S BRIGADE. NOTICE is glTen thjk a !enjt Tor the btfieflt '' -. erclutirj of Pendr'a'Sriade, cotudsUair of th ' 13th, 16th, 22d, 34th, and SSth ReSmUi of Xorth Coro lina Volunteers, has been esttblkhtd in the city of Risk monrj, under charge of Sefgcast J v. D. Montgomery. ; ' Roxes, package, Ac, prjBperlT narked aed tent to a la care, can be stored, or fowardred immediately to'tkair destination. ' j ,' ' . ' - Persons sending articles throng I this Depot, tthould o tifv Sergeant Montgomery , so that ther tear prooptJy taken charge of upon their arrival at Ritbraond." The Depot is situated on Wall strest, under tke old St. Charles HoteL v ' N. E-.SCALES. March 2 dlw V . Major and Tra. M. - ' Payetteville Observer, Greensbi re Patriot, Salisbury Watchman, Charlotte Democrat, A?heii!le Ktwf, copy . three weeks, and send bills to offico of Journal. . , 3Ianufactured and Siuoklntr -Tobacco. THE undesigned haTinr tnken thelirte tnd commodious boildingNo." 68 Main .street, formerly occupied bv Lewis Webb, have rei uined the uanafaclur of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. j , .-.. .. Webavu in store' a large and well selected stock ef Bright and Dark Tobaccos, in and M boxes, aai uait-pounas in cuddies. j Also, Smoking Tobacco and Supff, in sized -packages, to which wJ ihvife the trade before purchasrng eisewherel all ta vsrleas atteaUon of U CUKlsriAA A LHA, -o. S Mala ft.. I RichaoBd: Va. dec 8. . " 1 V 1 . I ... , iiO-dlM EXTRACT WAR D fcpA"RTM EN T. . A.Dj'jr. awb Ijs'sp. Gait's. Orrira. RicauONjo, Jalrllit, 1M2. UfciSKAli OKUEKS, No. 63. III. Paragraph I. General Or-f eri, No. 44, Till rte?, is hereby revoked, and all caroled DrwMwiwhoit Regiments are in the East, will rfport at kichtnond, Vir-T ginia, and those whose Regnnoeau are ia tha urttat Vicksburg, Mississippi., . j j . j , IY. Aft seizures and imprefsnierttg of every deseriptia of property whatever, and especially of arms and Ordnance stores belonging to the States m the Confederacy, ar hereby prohibited, and officers off the Cl S. Array are en joined . to abstain caref ally from sujch seizures and imprese ments, and in case they are, made by mistake, such ofiicera are ordered to make prompt restitution. I By command of the Secretary of War, i x AuiuiiDi iu inspector ucnerau i UufiTUst 6th, 1M2. J The attention of the officers ' akd nr.ea of the -6th N. O. Regt, is called to the above ordrl N'o. fiS, and all offlcers, ana men are requirea 10 report lmmeaiateiy 10 tne ueaa quarters, or sena certincates ot ciirffeons. . . By order of . . f 1COL. McRAK. . -aug. 9 :'.-'" J ' .-I 76 tr Bristles! Bristles I Bristles! nE, Subscriber Will 'girt the highest Ciih JL Price for any quantity orB istlcs.j - Farmers and others would do well to be earefttl and save all the Bristles they way tare during the coming season. Apply to r September 19th,il662i PjHILLlP TIIEIM, - '. i 87-tf ' For Sal 26- tf Raleijh, N. C. Jfotice to Refugees and Ofliers. QQO ACKES of excellfit land, one-half In JtJJ woods, an ample dwelliig and out-houses can be purchased by applying to the Stebbcriber. ine location, on J. n.Ji. ana 1 a ax in Uiver,-& mtlen from Salisbury. A. BRADSiAW. jan. 24 dlmpd. iiiiiii.i sixteen Bales Cotton, of the cropjof 1661. r , . , U. B. HARRISON, Adm'r. ' (ryan Green's EiUts.1 , dim Jan 14th, 18G3. Substitutes anted. TWO men can obtain emplojraent as Snbstl- X tutes, to joinuny company they may choose, whoara ' ou years oia, ana wno wm D acceptea in the army, by applying to the Progress offlce.1 or !M 2fV Uox lO ltaleigh, ft .: C. A fair price will be paid. . juarcn a ai,anw z , WANTED Td niRE. A nurse for the balance cf this Tear in a taall family. Enquire at ISAAC O E TT ENQ ER'Reor ner of Fayetteville street and il aetaqaare. ilarcn 3 dlw A ierj line, morougn-pred, stallion., ,fla b a very superior foal cetteir. Goes weH In harae and under the Saddle is perfectly! docilej. Would make an excellent charger for as arfmy officer. Ha caabet seen at thesUblesof MrWUliab A. Cox at Durbams' who will answer any enquiries. If sot! sold, fc will be let to mares in the viciuity of Raleigh and Hilliboro' the . ensuing spring at $40 thej aeawni Ilea 3 very fine brood mares of same blood for iale. ' j j , - -. z...' - , - Standard copy z Umea and forward the nbteriber n marked copy of the piper with MIL - ' f r Fdr Sale. THE U0U5TA15 nOIKi." OX Mohflar the 16th of Kebruarj next, I will sell at abction, at the CourdHoasa Door. In Raleltr k i ' HIS large establishment situate 1b the iaott " ; ehpble sue in the town of 14 organ ton, and nearest te the railroad depot, i4 now offered for sale. Terms madi t t v known bn app hcation to J -, . A J. I. ilTAJPPOLDT, jan. 21 dim. , .v.'; , , Morganton, 5 C r i - - . 1 ii ' i ' ' ' ," .: who fpmcdt theaselret at tbt Office of the Surgeon Genral, between the hours ftf -9 and 10 a. m., will be vaccinated, free of charge. . 1-';. ' I..'. EDWARDj-WARREX , ; tfaiewNt, Dee. istli, - . , l-dtf GLBE, GL T II E BEST I R I SII GL 0 E . MANUFACTURED BY v i THIESI & IF1UPS, RALEIGH, N. Oct. 39, 1862. e w and ftrile iftti : JML JeVtrnai 0dc. i LTX. 2 m hSQd - . . w r i ' : - X' ' Jr . . 'V f : ? - ,' -. -' k 1 '

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