iWARRENTON, N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1800. v 1 NO. 535. ;;rSIXI-SS LOCALS. THE RECORD. ; '.VI ' t o it I ' V T'vf-c have s;ld out the two shipments ot horses v.-oek, ami have received es this week. l03 ! every pnfferei fvohi ;ut, Sciatica, should a boi. J. E. EODWILL, - - - Editcr. Published Everv Friday. SUBSCRIPTION S1.00 A YEH3. Wharton v.iU fill his m the Presbyterian d v, n.-dy for Rheumatism anVctwno-PIXK DISCS. 7 , I ;ll,u i'.i bowl. ,o v-s ay that all grades ivc advanced and the e anxious to buy. you c;m get the best ; a quart, i'J, 10 auu am fle best beef soup at 5 iiso fresh coeoanut candy at datJ. il. Miles". vv.'hI a line of nice now style, which wc are selling low. lioyd and Rogers, ,1 R,:;ers are anxious ,:vo now. Bring them for all a Cotton 7 1-1G cts. The cohered State 'Fair is in pro gress in Raleigh this week. ;r is a the Election i ...r, i'ling ihem a 1 1". ovc I'od load of will vt von a o ior sne apply at Tiie See notice of personal property sale by Mr. II. Ii. Hunter, Si, The Presbyterian Synod of X. G in Session this week at Newberue. See notice of sale of land ty C. A. Cook, commission o'"'. Mr. Boyd Kimball and Miss Lucy Piummr were Married last Wednes day in Middlcburg. The N. G. Supreme court decided this weak that it is illegal to ?;un freight trains on Sunday. Good ! The Democratic vote was some 250 or 300 larger in Warren this year than Fovd ! "at 'lie election. The great Baptist host of N. C. are in session this week in their annual 1. L. Shaw .i Co. have ;.vs :: Shoes !!! The lar A selected stock cl Shoes, in eau be icund N. E a new and interesting advertisement iu this issue. You will eniov reading ii pay yen to do so. and it vvili ... ;:.io of Fu-ess good, Ging (.l;tli.i'..s and Calicoes reeievc'a to N. 11. Johnson. ; ivy iuuies, misses avd " chil ,. .,,.,,0 fresh Etook to sc. eel 1 . , ;Ui .-,i.-.e, . ! A--v l--i V. J". WHITE, ;;:;;::v...; bridles, b'-gcy whips, horse : - at ve. y low pnoee. v." a. WHITE, v, .!.. . f.-.tde Patent flour, best 4:i,'.ui ehecpe, ccfiVo, sugar, tea, cat .,;,!. (vimjed goods, and a flill line of Li-.ivrit-s constantly replenished and ; .1.1 ; t I" tvo-ii yriees. w. J, white. Our State Legislature, according to the latest returns we can (rat, will con sist of C3 Reps. 5S. Pops, and -13 Denis. There is a tie m Jackson couutj'. Nothing d PjL-os. & Cf irarehor.Sf tlifir record was saved in the great Democratic conflagration in this st.tte except the Kitchen, but that is a very important part of an establishment. The Populist, in large numbers, certainly must have voted for Ilnsseli for Governor or.Iio could not have re ceived the large vote he is said to have gotten. County officers and township ofu.;evs elected, who will hAve to give bonds, are going to rind it harder than they thought for to give the required bonds. The "Warren Union will meet with lViVVVLl -.'-lb Oi r: nuvions t id wish I Browns enurca iriday and Saturday 0 ou:ulij I preceedms the fifth Sunday of this can : :!,.; lU i i ' i i'v on ;lv iuv pi ! ", V Good; :-p;0 1 . -1 !. Curry your tnbaeoo will t iu' you home has I wo will oner at ex . .1 -.le.eniK ,;hig. Shoes, Bats, Notions, Crockery. i month. An interesting program ; o-jen issueu. Pvev. C. N- pulpit here, ehnrch, next Sunday morning at 11, o'clock. i:j.r. ,J. II. Kerr Jr., received a very' Battering vole indeed for senator from ; this the 11th district. Had he conic out sooner and inside speeches in all. parts of this county and Vance, we verily believe ho would have been elect ed, lie led his tukt here and in Vance. His efforts in beholf of the ! entire silver ticket were splendid aud it is a pity that lie was net heard by all of 'our people. Ther.e arc two things we call the attention of our patrons to, which must be adhered to. 1st. Business Locals will be placed iu the business local column, -first column in paper, most prominent place, and no notice of them, here nfter, will be made in the Local News Column. 2nd. All advertisements must be handed in to the printer by 10, o'clock every Thursday morning. It is ab soluty necessary for us to enforce the two above rules iii ordei to get the paper out in time and to save space for the news. The People's Paper, of Warren Plains, is no more. Haviug served its pui pose, so it says, it retires. Bro. Walker has moved to Littleton and will publish a paper from there Its character and purpose he does not tell r.s. This leaves Ths Record, practically alone in this Held, and we wish nil to remeni ber that we are still in the ring and wish to double our subscription list between now and Chiistmas. We have some excellent things in store for our readers, nowr that the election is over. Subscribe now and get these good things. We are anxious to issue a good county paper and to have the same to cuter every household i; the county ind ! surrounding country. Only 1.03 per year. The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, cl East Brim field, Mass., had been suffer ing from neuralgia for two days, not being aide to sleep or hardly keel) still, when Mr. Ilolden, the merchant there sent her a bottle of Cliambcrlaiu's Pain Balm, asked that she give it a thor ough trial. On meeting Mr. Wi11k the next day he was tcld that she was all i ight, the pain had left her within two hours, and that the bottle of Tain Balm was worth $5.00 if it could not be had ior less, lor sale at oO cents per bottle by F, P. Hunter, Druggist. GRK.VT KXCirEMKXr AND TREMKXPOra KI'SII AT N. L. SHAW & GO'S . . I mmwu l- Pr J Hi IJ LI L J nil ra fs -fc'i-iV s rr bm vim jSXnimiiotli Store. ue l'o mi hiim of Leaf Tobaeei. evi y fei READY FOR THE 1896 CROP. "Mt. 1,111 Lvery m ;iahl right and proper and it is not to tail out with your V3 and friends because thv do vu tio. right or proper JDs&th, cf Mrs. Handersch. I not see thiosra p. 's ! (4 Uwt v. eveiv bodv Mrs. Join been expect several wee' AJ, i,1 Ilenders u's death has for some time. For f he has been tmrcineb- IUSIUfSS ill at her uncle's, Dr. J. B. Williams' iu oi U-e ')if: larger orders iii aecomida '''c ari'-u i !vcd we can and -rices for all Cosmopolitan, .u,...-.,.i iin:ue.a . n lliLi.-.. Li ilLi U 1 L' November is on our laid.;, i l'u" 'lu"''vv "sll , i','U!U"" htfai paper and richly b?"8lst tc the oU cemcler.y hc ;?t Wednesday afternoon They uiv now r-oi vJntf tho lar.wst ami K-st as.rtsm-Pt .f Pr-.-s" (iw..4. Notion, Sliof.s, St.-ij.Ie ami war,cy t;roMrioii. FrwJf. t nf- tio:u i t In i-tmas unrt HoIUIay ti'.. u. ever fjt f n t-oirvM-l by tli-.li to the l-ublic. PRESS GOOr.S-ali styles ami pi i.e- . SHOES ele.'pt i tbaD ever known. TRIMMINGS womloifuP.y cheap end Irptty. CATS of all btyles nd prices, "for Men an 1 Boys. I.AI ROCKS-jr.t s j cLeap and aip'relty as you could desire. HOUSE BLANK LT S 1 a re , warm and colli fort:'lle. Gents" rnderwerr, al! MZt- and jrico!", C 'llar; -, Nec!:v.':ir. Silk, I.l:.e:i and Cfttoii Handkerchiefs, Kid and Woolen Glove. Jewelry of ail - eriet'on. 1'Iai" ne'.s. Tant Good, Blankets. Comforts. Trunks, Valises, Xejilijiee, Cotton ami Wool Shirts, White M'i Colored Dress Shirl, Iloiery for Ltdiei. Gents. Boys and Girls. Crockery ni'.d Cila-.vcro. All very cheap and pretty, Wesre opening and will soon have c.n sale tho largest, pjvitwt and mui-t varied assortment t HOLIDAY and CHRISTMAS I G OOi'S ever v.f:, red to tho trade in Warren I coi-r.tr. Tl.ey will consist tf Vse. H.wc I l'owlf, Gia:-- Ba.-kels. Cups and tauv-r, J of all kinds from a iK.-nij- to ilv j dollars, V.'r.s'..iu, Carts, WheelLorrc-vs, llohSy Horse. Shoo-fiii . D.dl Corriat-s, .j !.!! Ftu r.iupv. Trunks, Washing Sets, t,iI Coi-iv, Drain-:, Balls, Tea Sets, Albuuid, Beautiful niekls plated oets. noveltlgs. Cl ristnias Cards, Calendars, Books for tlui littltf tots as well g for larger ho- and iris. Games. Building Block. Air Guni end infaet any and everyt!iin; to plea e hoth v!d and yor, an J at prices which will astonish yon. Headquarter. forSehod Books 4nd S'aiions ry. Wo shall stvive to pleaso nil in fiusji'y. ariety .-.-id price f our lare (.ml Weil -el ied S!m-k of (.-o'ld and re-pi r! (ul- " o;' !-ho pu'-iic to cal; and exu;iii. Yours resjuctfiiliy, X. L. SHAW A CO. 3 MC71 O S3 Seventeen Years Experience Increased Capital. Large Orders. Warehoues Service Unsurpassed. Highest Market Prices Guaranteed. n; DZh'lKK TO CALL ATTEXTIOS OF TUU TOBACCO GROWERS TO THE FACT THAT TJIF OLD RELIABLE BOYD'S WAREHOUSE" haa alwnvs becu iu tho Load, U still iu tho LoaJ, ml !c limine J to tUj in tho Left.l if rial J ami Heavy Stroke, Highest M&tket rricc, lUl Acv-tr-oilations find Tip Top Service will kep it Ibcre. Oar pal year S-I4 ato Iho Largest ever xaaJo by any firm on ILo Warnutou Market. We bettily thauk tho Public lor tlicir liberal nappott, auil can rromi"w: ILcta t!.at tLo o.st is oiily a forctntte of hut the future thall U. wmtmm m CD CD Stick to the iBridge that Carries You over Safe BOYD & ROGERS. Wo keep couitautly on bnn.l a l.irjr fUirk i.f "VIEDXOXT WAGOX.," "TTSOX 4- J0XES IH'GGIR,- ntul otlicr hUiulartl wtk at Lfttotu Prices with full guarantee. ie price asueu ior it cA or Si.00 nor year. Aacli'ec? C:03mopc-litiia Magazine, Irviugton, N, r . j yestertlav, and laid to res t by tho side af iiei litt It, son v,i) preeeeded her l V. ,-, l;r . 31. '.10 I'd' 1:16 Nu bo',ks 1 " X i I X ! :h t.'idy, at p(.jil;i i. I'm; V'idlVLag: it '- r.r. T.' t All officers of every discription elect ed r.i last election inve to render to the 0. S. C. a vuiilied itemized account of thoir el e alio a expenses. Judge White ini'oiias us (hat eeveral have not done so yet. To day is tho last day 1:: : :.st v.lii!l we say. ik-es for every x :d on oitv lioor. ii V'e -wil ! allowed for their returns. tuf X ii, "95 A - n resforv. I 1 i )' tin ! JJiU'Wt'ii res. Co. We are reliably iuforme .I that Mr. DeWitt McCraw. a former well known t; ie to save iiioi:o"t. citizea of our town, lias altor spending by many years iu single blessedness taken :: IS t !, u'i.i.jg ihv. liius o? Meu's and 3ioys' ! unto himself a better :n winter CIof!r!;g at Better b. Vfwv 7- rest .-,1 H... r' Wagons, :h"'s: for sale i.'Urv.eil liros. "Wrenn at rock -'.'.'Ul I;. we r-'u! ot our county r.-fHcers lent ni.-ntical b-ith from wl. i iii.j t i.;;ve tin m, yet o we 1 them never, especially when the ! beautiful young widow friend DeWit has captured is reported wealthy. Why sufier with Cough.0, Colds, and LaGrippe when Laxative Iir.ono Qcisixe will cure vou in one dav. Does not produce tho ringing in the head like Kid pirate of Quinine. Put up in tablets convenient for taking. Guarau- f-re teed to cure or money refunded. Price iHl 1 25 cents. For sale and guaranteed by 31 Gm. across the river about sis months ago. Mis. Henderson was a most ctimab!n christian wom:il, wile of our esteemed townsman, Mr. John Li. Henderson, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol I'. Williams. She was a consistent mem ber of the Presbyterian church of this place and died iu full hope of a blessed immoitality beyond this life. Her i pastor, Ivev. C. X. Wharton, conducted the burial services at the grave. Our deepest sympathies go out to the husband who has lost his loving, d- i voted wife, and to the father and mother who have lost a loving dutiful daughter, and to the brothers and sisters who have lost a model hister. i May the God of infinite love and wis dom pour the oil of consolation into these sore hearts. SEXES 3 c-.:i.-vi tilt all druggist. are j of nou'.-r mivI respectability, j The ladies of the E. church will coniuleiK-ry evpect thorn -oti. i. iiii'it-ut ofiieerH. '' '''''Oil i,l (;orI)il.cji0i1;i.s ni.g coiQ- 't (,1 yoi.d i f, raen who will eu- ii' duly conscientiously ! have a chrysanthemum show at A. D. liarris' old store, from 5 till 12 o'clock this evening. Lot every liody go and ;pend a, pleasant evening amid beauti- t U'l .1 r!a'ii i:l iieip us rusn it. This issue of Tb.e ErcoRP closes the ith year of its existence. It was es tablished four years ago, and Dr. J. F. Long, its first editor, issued its first number on Nov. 17th 1802. Tho paper has steadily grown iu favor with our people both as to subscriptions and advertisements. We arc truly thankful for the liberal patronage given the paper under its present management, , i 1 j ;i " 1:"W '' t :. l' and Kegister'of Deeds s:!'-e ' "'luces for many ' ei!iyu::,t, polite aud -rers in tho state. Ii'. Juo. U. V. .b.nes. 7 1! t:' JaeKt of the people of 1 'III l' H T..t.i rw,r.l "'Isomo and looks like a (':"iy ; in fact he comes from - -iiviUi'.s. His father, the t.-:-.-.;-ph il. Jones, was sheii " ''"j" for mor5 than score of li!0 oijts family held the ":ua this couidy for over The incomiug sheriff, we ais.dve a popular oi;:cer. oi the new oliicers a.undaut 11 oniciai lile, m-jU nope ftjK,t tLy v"1 have the Kuconrigoment support of all patriotic citizens, ol , , u"r Pelitiml faitJi, in their efforts flly and efficiently administer r" "";;:i" s of flu ir respective offiicies. uuua rcay to iieirj them i 1"-lij-ynf. will same time help on a good cause, De lightful refreshments will be served. Contributions of handsome flowers from a distance, in addition to our home flowers, will be exhibited. A large number of our patrons' sub criptions to The ltoooED expire w ith this number, All those who started with the paper under Dr. Long's management will have to renew. Please see, kind reader, if your paper is marked, aud if so please renew promptly. We are sadly in need of the money. Don't delay this matter, but attend to it at once, and save us the trouble of calling your attention to it the second time. Water-proof Dress Goods, 54 inches wide, all shades, for Ladies Suits and Gapes, regular price 60 cents, reduced to 45 cents. Ladeis' Oloth a,nd Broadcloth, 54 inches wide, regular price $l.C r per y ?d5 reduced to 90 cents. samine our Dress Goods at 15, 20 and 25 cents per yard E C RY OF HARD TWBES. ful flowers aud lovely girls and at the '. both from subscribers and advertisers, but our watch word is "Go lorward, and with practically no other paper in the county wo confidently expect to double our suoscription list in tlie near future. The Hecokd will strive to work for the best interest of Warren county and Warrenton, and to give the news faithfully and honestly. Wc "cordially invito every citizen of what ever race or faith in the county aud surrounding country to subscribe. The price, 1.00 per year w ill be maintain ed. If our business will justify it, we contemplate in the near future an en largement of the paper and other im provements. Let tae good people of our county, of both races, encourage us by their patronage, and we promise to give you a paper worthy the name aud one that you will not be ashamed to acknowledge as your county paper. We hear it every day, but we are selling1 just as muck Clothing Shoes and Hats as we sold the same days last year. So our lev prices must be doing the selling. If you will give us a few minute: of your time, spent in our store, we will make you open your eyes our prices. If you don't buy it will not be our fault. KuckKii s Arnica Salve. I f you need Clothing, in Men's and Boys' Suits, Shoes, Dress Good- Vest and Men's Underwear, give us a chance and we vil: Ladies' please you. 'lit,, The best Halve iu the world for Cut, liruisee, Sores, Ulcers, Salt -Rheum, Fever bores. Tetter Chapped HandSj ChiiblaiiiBj Coins, aud all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay rearmed. It is guaranteed to aivo rtspousio.e i rrieo 23 centa per box. For uuobv i Di 0, A. Thomas. Good advice : Never ieave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamber lain'a Colic Cholera and iHarihoea Pvemedy. For sale by 1 P. Hunter, Druggist; ackson & Ore ory. ' f ! If It ' t !)