I H It VOL. 2. WARRENTON, N. C, FRIDAY,. DECEMBER 25, 1890; NO. 41: -id ,1 i.-il- r- .-!!. l.-i-r- e. fi -i J. o 3 BUSINESS vTCOST FOR CASH Shoes, ct'au, cks' Underwear. CahWai bK ., whines.. Hats', Cver- 1, biU, p ;; U-. ... Harness, liridles, wnips In addition other articles. pom ... mull V the above 1 will sell until the 1st til i. u-uiry goods of all kinds at reduced 'Vv iv::h, and invite special at to my stock of Crockery, Glass '.re LumS Tocket Knives, Table ? "'tu'ry, Sci.-sors, Toilet Soaps, memo--lluia'lJooks. Taper, Envelopes, &c, o full line of Heavy Groceries at ve' v oteet eash prioos. iL " W. J. WHITE. ttfi-RECORD. Ji 1. lefiELL, - - - Editor. Published Everj Friday. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 A YEAR. WASTED! new subscribers between now and the first of Jf.nuary. for t!iis week wo will offer orAi entire . i. .., ' fin's. Bov3' and Children's tod 1 ' ' ower tb;in ever. Jackson & Gregory. r v-in Bros. Cnristmas stock is up ,,,.,, hi quality and price. Don't i', , t tin. bargains they offer during week on even thin;. 1500 . a iii.iirs jut received at 20 cents, a Uzvu. Big stock of Candy and Apples, n't live the largest assortment, hU.-t r-tvl -S will la?t longer, fit better ... i ,-io more satisfaction than any !; in- h that is sold in th?s country T!, l'vv Solby & Co's. Ladies' shofs-.-'i-.i by Jackson & Gregory. TV '.oAi ."S ! To reduce our present vk of good1: we will offer 1st, '97, everything at ivn . prices. CLOTHING at Aycock Co. G . beautiful Gems at SEE .WHAT YOU CAN GET WITH AN EXCEEDINGLY SMALL OUTLAY OF Cash. The Record and Atlanta Constitution, with a guess at- the missing word for The Record and Home KUti ti-m, a No. 1 Agricultural paper for The Record and a hand some sfo.oo Bapste-r's Teacher's Bible for ,75, 95. Address Or call and see The Record. Warrenton, N. C. Headquarters at tS rfflSf .Kk s ' A Egg-f? li 018 b , See notice of amendment to Charter by Mayor, Tasker Polk. Rev, J,, A, Hornatlay moved from Eidgeway to Weldon, this wees. The editor will be in his office every day during Christmas week, prepared j to receipt for old debts, or new sub scribers, and will wait upon any ap licants for teacher's certificates. Call and see us. Mr. Jno. W. Evans, of JSctbush, has killed thedargest hog we have yet heard from. He killed cne the other day that weighed 415 pounds, dressed. Why will you buy bitter nauseating tonics when Grose's Tasteless Chill! feZSS!SgS?$g3Sffi iu.mu is as pieasani as nemon oyrup. Your druggist is authorized to refund the money in every case where it fails to cure. Price, 50 cents, 39-ly. Ex SI eriff Davis showed us a circu lar letter from the State Treasurer, Mr. Worth, urging upon him to send up his State funds as rapidly as possible be cause the state treasury was about bankrupt. The first fluarterly conference on the Warrenton circuit will be held at Macon on the first Sunday in January and Saturday proceeding. Dr. W. S. Black will preside. There will bo a stewards' meeting on Saturday of con Glaus' P?i I i U iJ fc Etj &J2S Se V I sS H-vt 1 3 fe1 J SB PPIil 1 I MUSI WJL MM JEEfUTn iC, M. U.$ m k Bale and nretaffi of Leaf 'IwM W READY FOR THE 1896 CROP. C -lilplet. :cts 1 .!i:,siiis, Citron, Clean Cur Nuts and a complete line ..v'ectioueries at Aycock's. r, y.A what we say. lie will prices for every pound of Christmas. Iiemembor the poor. A morrv Chrifetmas to all. See notice by W. A. White- C. S. C. See ad.- -:f Hon. "W. j. Bryan's book. Executrix's notice by Mrs N. X,. SHAAV & CO'S XLiTri:motli Store. V. o Ul IV vnn nila'.-ed ou our floor, lry us w-ta a load. Burwell Bros. & Co. - jr.,-at bargain in a ' Square Grand pjj-1,0 (Weber) to prompt purchaser. Apply at r.ECOFL office. Orders, capital, and high prices tell the bile. Sell at Boyd's warehouse. riXIv DISCS ! every sufferer from Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, should try tlieni 50ets. a box. 'Old Hi?T-'6ry" Wagons, Wrenn I'.ucL'u s and Harness for sale at vock bott- ir, prices by ButV'ell Bros. & Co. Always sell your tobacco at Boyd's T.are!. r.se if you want every advantage thnt ''."Mi be offered. cee Bettie Farmer. The tobacco market is closed January -Itii. 1897. till Bnrv.eU Bros. & Co., propnetors of A'.n!'-t u irarehor.se are anxious to V .ill the tobacco thev can and wish t Ix iiic their record o 7850CO pounds iif-rU las-t season. Carry your tobacco to them and they will send you home happy. .Mi "'St of the farmers selling with j' yq oc lingers past week, express Uif'iiieivos 'itl' prices Tlie torn has been full of shoppeis every day this week. Our schools have all closed for the Christmas holidays. The Editor is anxiously awaiting some nice chrisfcmas presents. If you will pay us what you owe us Christmas will be made much happier. Prof Hick's severe storm failed to materialize last Saturday the 19th. Cai-'ds are out , announcing the marriage of Mr. Boyd Eusselland Miss Webb, both of Ya., on the ?0th inst. T. M. Browti, of Shccco, has a cow that has calved twice this year, once in January and acrain in December; Both calves are strong and heartv. Miss Lucy Hawkin's school gave candy stew to invited guests last Mon day night- and the lfoys and girls, as being highly pleased Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes!!! The lar--.' 't and b st selected stock cf Slice! in Vravreuton can be found at N. E, Joliu son's iTii s w ai-oa--v, holds laage orders Nvrap'i-s, Gutters, strips and y.ii' kt r.s and are anxious to till them. nee hue (l jJrfss ?oois. O 7 Outings and Calicoes recieved to N. E. Johnson o Mr. Peter Arlington, forQerlyf' our towc but now oi Clarksville Va., and Miss Kate Pendleton, tlie beauti ful and accomplished daughter of Mrs. V. L. Pendleton j will be married in the Episcopal church here, . .. -. s inst. Senator Morgan's resolution on the Emigration Bill in the Senate the other iy requiring all emigrants landing . i e to be able to read the Ten Com i -ldmcnts was defeated by th?.t r -i st body. The Decalogue is not popular with the nation s fathers, it would seem. The Episcopal church here has call- tu Bev. B. S. Bronson as their rector, and he has accented and will servo them from now on. "NVe hope to have Mr. Bron sou's regular appointments by our next issue, that his appoint ments may be kept constm v in the directory. Mr. Bronson is A known here ind greatly beloved - i A respect ed. The Record is glad : he ha? been tendered the rectorship and that he has accepted the seme. who attended, all report a time. delightful The proprietors of Rheumacide, the new vegetable compound for the cure of rheumatism, seem to think they have a great remedy and claim that cures are the best evidence. Cures should be the yardstick by which medicines are measmed. See advertisement in another column. 37-4m. DRESS GOODS all styles and prices. SHOES cheaper thin ever known. TRIMMINGS wonderfully cheap and pr-.tty. VtNJS tall stylos and prices, for Men ''.n,l Burs. L.T RBES just as cheup and as pretty as you could desire. HOUSE BLANKETS lar-e, warm and comfortable. Gents rnderwear. all sixes and prices, C-'Uars. NocUwcar. Sill-, Linen and Cotton 1' indkerchiefs. Kid and Woolen Gloves, ewelry tf all description. Flannels, I'ant Goods, Blankets. Comforts, Trunks, Valises, Netrliyee. Cotton and Wool Shirts, White end Colored Dres Shirts, Hosiery for Ladies. Gents. I"-ys and Girls. Ciockery ana Glass are. .Ml very cheap and pretty, OUR HOLIDAY AND C1IK1S1MAS GOODS are the prettiest and most varied ever offered to the trade of Warren Co. They consist ol Vases. Rose Bowls, Glass Baskets. Cups and Saucers, Dolls of all kinds from a penny to five dollars. Wagons, Carts, Wheelborrows, Hobby Horses', Shoe-files, Doll Carriages, Doll Furniture, Trunks, WashingSets, Tool Ci t, Drums. Balls, Tea Sets, Albums, Beautiful nickle plated 25cts. novelties, Christmas Cards, Calendars, Books for the little, tots as we 1 as for larger boys and ping. t?mes. nuiiaing moots. Air tiuns and infact any and everything to please both old and young and at prices which will astonish yon. Headquarters for School Books and Stationery. We shall strive to pleaso nil In style, quality, variety and price cf our larpe and well selected stock of goods and respectful ly invite the public to call and examine. Yours respectfully, N.L.SHAW A CO. Don't fail to buy ten dollars worth of goods and get a handsome Crayon free. A new book, "knitting and crochet ing," of 61 pages, over 50 original designs illubtrated. beautiful lace pat- terns; shawls, hoods, jack' ts, etc., has beeu published by The Home, 141 Milk St., Boston, Mass., and will be sent with a subscripton to that paper. The Home is a 20-paere monthly filled with original stories, literary and domestic topics and fashions. Iti department of Pahcy Wo k is a sp-ecial feature, new and original designs each issue The price cf subscription is 50 cents per year and will include one of these Mr. H. J. AVhite will put in some books. As a special inducement to Mr. James Hendrick, of Ya. , inform ed us tlie othfer day that his little son. 11 years old, caught and safely lauded from Roanoke River, a carp weighing 11 lbs. and 7oz., Mr; Johnnie Parham and Miss Willie Smeiiey, of Va, came to town bright and early Monday morning, procured license, and were made man & wife by Esq. Jno. O. Drake. - ?9 GO Seventeen Tears Experience. Increased Capital. Large Orders. Warehouse Service Unsurpassed. Highest Market Prices Guaranteed. DESIRE TO CALL ATTEXT'OX OF TU22 tobacco a now Ens to tu:: act that the OLD RELIABLE llOYD'S YAREIlOUSI: has always been ia tho Lead, is still ia the Lead, and determined to Uy in the Lend if Hard and Heavy Strokes, Highest Market Trice, Ik-t Accom odations and Tip Top Service will Vep it there. Oar pt rears Sales iro tho Largest ever made by auy firm ou tho Warrenton Market. W Lcartilj thank tho Public for their libcrtvl support, and can promise ILcm that tha past is only a forelo&te of what the future thall U. CD Ct CO Stick to the Bridge that Carries You over Safe: BOYD 0, OGERS; Wa cep constantly on hand a large stock of "riEDXOXT WAGO.YS" "TTSOX i JOXES nUGOIES and other standard work at bottom Prices with fall guarant'. OUR CITY REFORTEH. The "Lady of Lyons' ' ,wn? rendered iss Lizzie R. Davis, of Areola. na,d a rr tt 1 a m i ' 1 1 " inrnej-own oau jasi xuesuay nJgu- The Record office a visit last Saturday. to mil a House, ino entertainment was simply spiemiid. L,vcry iotiy wno at- Mr w n T. Parker and son Jacob. tended spent a pleasant and enjoyable of New Tork, arrived last Monday and me la-cues nuu geu'.iemeu, win spouJ tlQ holM&Y at Lome with .i. f ii i ll entirely nomo ioiks, aeservo muen iovaj oiics. credit for the excellent mauuer in which they acquitted themselves and Miss Annie May Green arrived last for the elegant entertainment they week and was with her father ia his offered our people. last hours. ' 1 1 . . . -.T nil 1,1.1 .. . r-h I - n Ivlw. IIOT.I.TI . - ' I Allan flfloti Knnfp. frroaflv ts tliA is to be hoped that wo will be given , ,. H M . . , . . . Now is your chance. several such entertaiments during the long winter evenings. The music was a treat indeed. Tun again alter months. an absence of several mills at his cotton gin, now in a few trial siibscrbers, a copy of this book will j REc0r.r in behalf of tho managers of A good number of people from th$ yd k I'.ogcis have had heavy sales t'-n days a?:d pi ices have been t-tiv.rg on ail tobacco, except tips M' hobdescripts. Vi- 11 ith ahiple capital, larger orders tliiin t-wr liefr.rt, excellent accomida ' i :.!:d one of the bcht arranged 3i"i'-'S in tlio State, wo can and piw.' yni tip-top prices for all ' ' t"L-oco. Burwell Bros. & Co. days, and will be prepared to make meal and crashed corn. This will be quite a convenience to our people. Mr. John W. Wiggans, one of War ren's oldest and best known citizens, left us last Friday for Yauceyville, N. C, where he will reside in the future with his Bon, Mr. Jack Wiggans. he given with a 6 mouths' subscription i tjic entertainment and of tho entire surrounding country were in town last The juice of book is 25 ceuts, but i months' subscription and the bd combined will be sent for only 2Z cents. Their annual premium list for 1897 will be sent free ou application Wl -11 'M-.c-r that T. have opened ..r.-t-c.a.s.-, J'.i ',..) Shop in the room 1 -i'aLby .11. U. Taylor. First class ';' :!';!"' f"v '1'' -ash only, at popular. ""' '- -v' bi.'ilj.s l;..-pt. The patronage v S i I :s G TON II ARB ISS. The Henderson Gold Leif'xa sweet sixteen. She is a beauty aud one- of our best and most highly esteemed exchanges. 7Iay bro. Manning have the .suppoit that his able paper deserves. The State Pension Warrants are all here and the Register of Deeds is handinsr them out as fast as those who are entitled to them apply. Sheriff avis -will give yen the money for uem li you endorsed. Death of Mr. Plummer W. Green. Capt Shaw went to Charlotte Sunday to attend the marriago of his daughter. warrent W.,.:.' R. R. Company. ,v.'. X. C, MAY 9th, 1895. T). 1 Bv !. s'isr-jtE. -i-y the Mail Train willleave- ' 'xeept Sunday at ' mt.-i-t South Bound Train. , North , . M . G., b.dnek, O. V, Shell, see't. a Treas. Sup't. & Afit XOTICE. '' '!'( r t.f ,a T...l t i 7u irs- "f tlie towu of Wan"entn 1 am "'rr, , to give notice that apphca- Zv iU he ma(le to the enei'al As- a'j y st .its next session to amend the LlJUl-ti-v ,.f i . . .. oui town to the ellect that M1K-f of police (or Constaljle) Bnftll Um ""lljy the people at the same fcl,.,!- !Ui'1 UU(ler like reul!?on3 of ' ' the Mayor, and in other TASKER PCXLK, Mayor of WarretitoB N. G. Whilo all is life and bustle preparing for the Christmas holidays; death, ever resentless, always certain, has visited our town and laid his icy hand upon one of our best known and most highly respected citizeus. Mr. Plummer W. Green quietly passed away last Tuesday afternoon, at his residence in Warrenton, sur rounded by his devoted daughter, sister aud brother tnd friends. Mr. Green was-blind. Has been blind for many years, caused by injuries received in - -l j i 1 . - ' 1 XI 1. 1 .1 . 1,.. Will have tuem properly we nue civn win, uuuugu wmuu no served as gallant a soldier as v:as ia Lee's army. Mr. Greeii though totally blind, knew hi friends remaikably well by their voices, and he was a most delightful companion. Every body liked him. Ho was a consistent member of the M. E. Church and died in the chris tian's hope. He was 63 years old. He leaves au only daughter to mourn the loss of a father that Joved her tenderly. His remains were gently laid to rest by his friends in the old cemetery Wednesday evening, Rev. P. L. Herman conducted a short funeral service at the M. E, Church which was concluded at the grave. To his only daughter, sister, brothers, relatives and friends we offer our sincere c'orsdolsnce. But they should not mourn for him. He has gone to his bright home above where his loving wife, who preceeded him a few years, awaited his coming,, and where all is Kgbt and joyno blindness there no sorrow there. uidiehce desires to return sincere Tuesdiy riht to hear the play. -hanks to the gentlemen from Middle- jT;sa Anna Whecier went to Halifax burg for the sweet music given us. We Tuesday to attend the marriage of Miss would like to hear them often and see Luy Cullom and Rev. Mr. Lucas; them often too, for all nve of them, composing the band, are hDdsome pren wit. Special thanks are due the ladies of Miss Jebsie Herman ii a home for the M. E. Church who labored so tho holidays.' uuigent.y, ami wno arranged me stage Da:jey moye)1 to uiB-new so nicely, for their efforts in getting o uome rjjgeway yesterday, the entertainment. We hone, and n. ,.i;,i cm, rJ Mr. Marvin Herman is home from the M..E. Church, in whoso iuteres! Trinity College to spent Christmas. the entertainment was given. I Mr and Mrs. Edgat Allen are visiting Wo mr.st not forget to mention the at Mr. John Aliens. farce "The Woman" which brought dowu th i liouse and sent every bodv home in a cood humor. Let us have some more like it. Glosing out PRICES; PiilK DISCS! . The preat py:ific for RhenmatjrraJ Oont. Lnnhago, Sciatic an j kindrej aflectiona. A deflnit and tcinllf'a combinalinj, anUgoniziDg and elimi nating the causes of tbeiM ainf ul coL. ditions, bringing relief and cure; at fame time building up anJ fortifjicg the nerve centre and rer-oTating th system. Try it by all means. COcc&M a box. Cloaks Gapes Our local last week calling attention to the unexpected aud nocturnal leav ing of ?.Zr, ivntui. one of our visiting photographers, was not intended to convey any idea that Mr. Nunn left here under a cloud, or stole away to avoid paying any debts, or any thing of that kind. On the contrary Mr. Ivunn conducted himself as a gentle man, while here, and left without owing a cant, so far as we know, rend carries with him the respects of our town. We simply meant to refer to his sudden leaving, without any notice to the public. Why suffer with Coughs, Colds, rxd La Grippe when LAXATtvfi Bbomo Quinine will cure you in one day. I)oes not produce the ringing in the head like Sulphate of Quinine. Put up in tablets convenient for taking. Guaran teed to cure or money refunded. Price 25 cents. For sale and guaranteed by sll dluggist.- 31-6m. How many of our people, who have enough and to spare, will remombcr the poor to-day. Dr. F. A. Macon and sister, Miss Lizzie Macon, of Henderson, came to the play last Tuesday night. Rev. A. McCulIen, of Henderson, I was in town this week. Electric liitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gen erally needed when the languid, ex hausted feeling prevails, wheu the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a toic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has- of ten averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers'. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial poisen. Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yieXcf to Electric Bitteis. 50c, and 1,00 per bottle at Dr. C. A. Thomas', We are to s"eive Christ, because Christ serves us ; we' are" to serve men, because we are serving Christ.- at weeping Reductions, F. P. Mk PHARMACIST, Sale of Land C5IrE OECKCK Of THE llrtWOt COCST. WE ABE AGENTS FOK E; P. REED'S FINE SHOSE FOB LADIES FIT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. Jackson & Gregory, Warrenton. N.C. T-tr. WANTED-AN IDEAaJi thing to patent t Protect your Mr: they tnr bring, too wealth. Write JOILN WEUDKK BURN A CO.. Patent Attorney. WaaMSrt-OA, Lv O..- Tor thelx jprUe tS Call early. Very respectfully. By virtue of a decree rendered in th Superior court of Warren county at tba September term thereof, 1836, in th action therein pending in which Ilowaxd Browning is phuotiQ, and Jlenry. Walker Harris and M. E. Xswaome aro de fend en ts, I hall sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door in Waraenton on tbe first Monday in January, 1637, fit beij-g the fourth day thereof) the JanJa there-; in ordered to bo bold, viz: a certain tract of land situated in tho county cf n'arren. state of North Carolina in River township, adjoining the lands cf John Falkeuer on tbe East, Sterling Johnston on the North, tbe late Buckner Falkener on the Wtst and Miss Mary Davis on the South, containing twenty acres, more or less, which, fonnely be longed to Plummer Baker. The iale will' lie made at 11 o'clock a. m. on said 4th day January, 1S37, to aatify the principal, interests and oosts. C. A. COOI?, Cojraiiaionef; Nor. 13, 1S3G. Executrix's Notice; E, D. Plarrlinff b iUiliiiie Co.- ! nln jaa:ifie4 a ezcatrix ct P. J. Ililliard. drc4, late of armr toanir.N.C..thIl toDoUfr all mwd bkr . inecUiRK iot tbe nut of t5 4tt . toprwrnl them to the ond-ri(med on oj i tM-fr th 4th d7 of Dwml r. or thu aoiir ill be plr.d ta bar o their rcoxrrj . All t rt!e Indrbtei to l J ette nll Btalte lia tucdui i jc(Dt. Tlil tre. 4tb.in. MRS. A. E. niLLlAXD. Eiecatnz of D. J.BlHard,4redv 4ns..j. N. O f 4 1 l (

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