v t I ...VI I v i a .'in hi r' l I'. IT V M 1 THE RECORD. IVARREXTOIf, N C Warren County Oi rectory. ' 'Warren County was formed in 1779 out of old Date County, which was what is now kuowa us Frauklia and Warren Counties and ilifrt portion of Vance County cut oil from Warren. I Is prosnnt area is about 500 square miles. reputation, (1890) 19,360. C'iiief Products: Tobacco. Cotton. Corn, IV heat, Gats. Grasses, Gold and Granite. Sueface: lliily and roiling. Soil; Loam and Clay. No waste la.nd.ail well watered by streams. OFFICERS, : Js'uge of the Superior Court, 2nd District. non. II. B. Bryant, New Berne. N. C. Jadf?e of the Criminal Court, E. District, Ilea. O. P. Meares, Wilmington, N. C. Solicitor of Courts: W. E. Daniel, Wsldcn 5f. C. Congressman of 2nd District, Hon. Wocdard, Wilson, N. C. F. A. TIMS OF COURT. ' Supiaioa Cocax: 3d Mondays in March aad September of each year. Cbxxikai. CocaT: 3d Monday In January tod 2d Monday in July of each year.. County Officers. Clerk of Court W. A. White, Warrenton, N. C. ' Sheriff J. B. W. Jones, Shocco, N. C. Register of Deeds M. F. Thornton, War rantor, N. v. Treasurer N. M. Palmer, Macon. N. C. . Surveyor C. II. Scott. Warrenton, N. C. County Commissioner? W. B. Fleming, chairman; M. J. Hawkins. P. D. Alien, W. t. Gardner and M. E. Hall. They shall meet as n Board of Education Tuesdays after the first Mondays in January and July of each year. Examiner of Applicants to Teach Public Schools J. R. Rodwell, Warrenton, N. C. Day of public examination, first Monday in July of each year. Warrenton Direciory. SituaUd on high rolling lands, 8 miles front sa great 8. JL L. system of B. P.8. and coa mscted witt tld system by the YT. TL S. Officers. Mayor Tasker Polk. Treasurer: W. 11. fatsos. Chief of Police: if. W. Allen. Commissioners: H. J. White. W.A. Bur- well, J. Wiiiia White, Dr. C. A. Thorn- as, J. VY. Harris, J. 2. mer. ransom, J. S. Plum- Churches. " M. E. Church: Rev. P.L. Herman.pastor, Services every 2d and 4th Sundays &t 11 o'clock, a. m. and 8:30 p m. Sunday school aat 9 o'clock a. m., H. A. Boyd, Sui t. . Baptist: Rev. T. J. Tayior,pastor,service3 every 1st, 3d, and 4th Sundays at 11 o'clock a. iq. and 8:30 p. m. 8unday achool at 9 o'clock a. ra., J. E. Rod well Supt. Presbyterian: Rev. C.N. Wharton, pastor, cervices every 1st and 4th Sundays at 11 o'clock a. m., r.nd 8:30 p. rn, Incorporated Towns, Warrenton, county seat, near the centre of the county; Littleton 15 miles east of War renton; Vaughan 10 miles North East, and ilacon five miles North East. Postoffices. Warrenton, Littleton, Macon, Oakvilia, Dine, Greenback, Churchill, Odeil, Mt.View, Wise. Embro, Areola, Warren Plains, Fitts, Merry Mt., Eidgeway, Popular Mt New mans, Inez Creek, Marmaduke, Grove Hill, Vaughan, Aftoa. Brodie, Ticksboro and Crinkiey. Communication with all the worid by the Postal telegraph and Western Union tele graph companies, Good watr and a health record second to to otter town in America. Population. i.ono, ' PROFESSIONAL 0ATRD3. TfENRY A-BOYD. ATTORNEY :-: AT :-: LAW. Warrenton, North Carolina. Easiness placed in my hands will receive im mediate attention. Monthly reports given on all claims seat me for collection, and all correspondence will be promptly answered by return mail. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Reference is made to the following busi ness houses, with their express permission: Gardner & Jeffrecs, Warrenton, N. C, Geo. h. Arps, Norfolk, Ya.; Battie, Bunn 4 Co., Norfolk. Va,; Martin, Son & Co.. Patersburg, Va,; J. D. 3c R. S. Christian, Richmond. Ta.j Armstrong, Cator Cou Baltimore, Md. Q tl , A.. St TAYL.01V DenUl ofgoe tw laekew aad Co.'s gtor, Warrcatoa. . O. vJ' ma psSfsaage solicited. D TL, P. J. MACON, PHYSICIAN & SUKGEON. "Warrenton, North Carolina. Calls promptly attended to. Offios oppo site court house. O. A. COOK. a. a. aassii. QOOK fe GBEISX, ATTOENEYS :-; AT x LAW, Warrenton, Korth Carolina. . Practice in the Superior Courts of War ten and adjoining counties, Supreme Court of North Carolina, U. S. District and Circuit Courts and United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit at Richmond, Viigiuia. a m scott, Civil.. Ekgiheek and Survbvob, Warrenton, y. V. Makes Land, Boad, Bailroad and Water Surveys, with maps, plans and estimates. Terms reasonable. Apply sus above. J. HENRY MILAM, Attohxey-at-Law, Warrenton, N. C. Practice in AVarren and adjoining counties. Prompt and careful atten lion given to all business placed in nn hands. Office in court houso building. I) ARIEL, Attorney At Law, Littleton, N. C. his ser Practices wherever vdc83 are required. Inanfid on easy terms Money I will be in Warrenton every 1st and . Brd Monday, and at other tymos If necessary. PITTMAN & KJEBB, 1 Lawyers t WAP.RENTON, - - - - N. C. SaT Will Attend to Business. Wanted-An Sdea Who can tblni of some simplf thlna to catent: Vrotect vour Ideas: they may bring y oil weaiui Writa JOHN WKnijERBUKN W., r-aiem Avvor- CHRISTMAS. Feathery flakes are dancing, dancing, In the gray morn's frostly gleam Heralds they of reindeer prancing From the gardens of our dream From the bright land of the Elf-King, Where the bon bons gaily grow Just like sweets of summer gardenSj .Where the tulips smile ia row. Feathery flakes are falling, falling, From the skies in softest way; And between our voicos calling: "Soon ii will be Christmas Day!" Don't you know how in the springtime, Wintry snow are scattered wide Ere the lovely jurple blossoms Dare to peep from where they hide? Feaihery flake? are sifting, sifting. Through the chill December air- Here, aud taer, and yonder drifting. Making everything more fair; Las ing whiter icl3s than linen On the houses and ilie trees Softer than the richest damask Spread cur dainty guest3 to please. f Soon the bon l?ons will be falling As the flakes have fall'n to-day, And the children will be calling To their patron saint so gay: "Ah! we knew when came the snowflakes You would eorne, dear Santa Claus For we always (you remember) Know the wind's way by the straws ' Soon the trees as fair as any That elves have wreathed with snow, Will be planted 0! so many! In our better homes. And lo' Something better far than snowflakes Shall be hung abour their green Candies, toys and fairy tapers Lighting up the merry scene. And th children dancing, dancing TItl all tired their little feet. Shall, with half-shut eyes up-glancing, Wonder: "Why is life so sweet?" And some tender voice shall whisper Flake-like falling from above: 'Christmas is so sweet, my darling, ' Just because its king is Lovt-1" THE JOY OF A1ARGEBETTA CHBIST2IA8 STOEX. LEAKLY defined shadows were fail ing across the aisle of the old church on the hill, the grar, lonely build ing that had stood there to long, amid sunshine and sha dow, watching, as 9 mil i' i..tf:s hi . i. i Hi 4 it wm. tha tip fnl village in the valley fcciow. Above it the pine tree?, green even in winter, Tvaved their long branohes restlessly in the wind and fiung their weird reflections oyer the snow, the white, soft enow, that covered all the hillside as with a mantle of palest vel vet. And the day was beginning to close in, to spread its gray wings over the dim sky and the snow-bound world, lightened only by the vrarm gleam that came from many a window m the village. The afternoons were short now, Eaid the bustling frauen to each other, as they went about their work ; but, after all, was it not the eve of the Christmas feast, and what could one expect? So the cottages were warm and cozy, and the pine logs in tho THE FAMILY. GATirEBING. tiled stoves crackled and burned away merrily, and few were the footsteps that passed over the buow ontside. As the clock m the tower chimed our, oid Johann Maria entered the dimness of the church upon the hiil, where soft red lights shone like far away stars before the altar. There were a few other dark figures already there. Reeling to whisper a prayer at an old jaken prie-dieu. Est they looked cp 3 the old. man came forward, and gathered together more closely. He ffonld say the evening litany.ptrhaps, and they would join in the solemnly sweet responses, breathing in each heart the names of their dearlv loved onee.and committing them to heaven's safe keeping for the night. And old Johann Maria, as they had espected, kneeling in the soft halo that the lights made, began tho old. old words that they knew so well, and thau they followed so earnestly, while the wind walled outside over the snow on the steep white road. And Amalie and Dorchen and Aida, girls with fair tresses and eyes blue as the skies oi the Fatherland ia the sweet summer time, listened and prayed in all the fervor oi. youth and hopefulness and joy. "Was not to-morrow the feast oi the Christ-child. And had not the sacristan already brought beautiful wreaths of berried Holly and white-veined ivy leaves tp wine round the carved pul pit and the choir-stalls? Yes, it was a time of joy and gladness, this Christ- jiiau Bcnouu, ana iney were very, very Wh 0 TV "ffj' ""j -uufceur jvvery one was gay and glad at Christmas time, when there where kuchen in the cottages and little fir trees laden with presents, and sugar angels to be bought at the thops or the market iu the town yon der, to remind taem of tho fireat I . . 1 i -mm. .mssmmm sang ovsr the star-lit fields at Bethle hem. And by and by, that same evening, there would be a great service, when the priest would pray and preach, and they would all listen, oh I so intently. But now there was only the quiet ness of the little church, with its scent of the freehly-cut boughs, and the quavering, monotonous voicd of Johann Maria repeating the old litany, as he had repeated it so many times before in the same place and in the same accents. There was another girl in the corner, kneeling at her pria-dieu, and whispering the words of the sweet old petitions with white lip3 and an aching heart. Christmas brought only sor row for her, she said to herself. There was no gladness for her to expeot, no loving voice to give her the Christmas greeting, no tender lips to press her own in that love sweeter tnan otners, even at the season of universal love. No, all was dark and dreary dreary as the shadows that fell npon the white snow ; and while the others re joiced and looked forward to keeping the festival her heart was heavy and her thoughts roamed baok, pitilessly, painfully, to a bygone day a day that was marked with the shadow of death. Ir was Christmas time again, and the priest had preached and prayed, and given the oid beautiful benedic tion, that floated out like a message from Heaven over the kneeling people over her lover and herself. Ah ! her lover ! He had been kneeling by her side then, with the lights flashing on his soldier's coat and his brave, handsome ace, and she had heard his voice throughout all the service, in ringing, clear tones that she knew and loved so well, so truly and passionately. And she had been so happy, so very very happy, although the thought of the morrow's parting had come even now and then to her heart, witt the throb bing pain of some sorrowful dream. But he had begged her to forget to forget all the pain of parting for that one dav. ''Let us be happy together, sweetheart," he had said, looking into her eyes with his own, ah! filled with so much love and tenderness. And she had obeyed him, as she always would obey the voice that was more to her than life itself, and they had been happy perfectly, passion ately happy in their greatj unfath omable love. "What is love?" he said to her, as they walked home in the evening, watching tha star glsams, like points of diamonds, flash on the dark waters of the Neckar: "What is love?" he had asked, and she had looked up to the beautiful, grave f aco before she answered : holiest of friendships, my beloved. It means the merging of one's self into another's being, and the living for an other. It is based on sympathy, deepest and truest, and its keynote is unselfishness. It is something that THE IjAST GOOD BY. cannot die, for it belongs to God, and is given by Him to us as the best gilt from His Heaven. It is holy, eternal, ever-abiding, and it is ours, yours and mine the most perfect union of heart', my dearest one, in the ten j derest, truest sympathy." v.v.wv .juiuaiuv. 4fe IRK - down the river-bordered road together, hand in hand, with tho evening wind moaning among the pines, and the Christmas chimes ringing out from the tower in the distance. And ha had stooped and kissed her, kissed her over and over again with burning kisses that lingered on her lips all throngh the long long aferwardp, when they were patted by a darker tide than even the ewifily flowing Neckar. . That was her dream of Christmas the tryst under the wings of the un seeing night ; the words that he had said to her over and over again, "I love you! Hove you! I love you 1" words that the never, never tired of hearing, and that ia never tired of saying; and afterwards tho mirth and music of the family gathering in tke ft km mwML 11 XXr THE KETCl: warm homestead, where Johann Maria told wonderful storic?, and Amalie and Dorchen sang tender lovc-lieder or wild ballads of the mountains. And in the faint grayncss of the morning, one ecena more, ino sol dier in his travel-stained great coat, with tears in his blue eves, and pas sionate pain drawing deep lines on his pale face, and his love biding a last good-by, while tho stars paled and the tardy daylight struggled into the cottage. And, with quivering lips, she had whispered of hope, of their next meeting, of tho brave deeds that he was to do, of the patient waiting that would bring them tuch joy at la&t. And ho knew that the was right, that his own heart told him the same 6tory, while he kissed his clear, d ear ing love over and over again, murmurin the "Auf wiedersehen tbat ho know would bring her comfort. "My heart's beloved, God keep you," 6he said, brokenly, with her sweet arm?, for the last time, clinging about his neck, and her head pillowed on his strong shoulder. And then she had raised her lira to his for the last, long kiss, and it was over with her heart's 6tory, told in that one "Auf wieilerseheu." Ah! the peasant's litnny was over, and the women had gone out softly, while the ripple of tno gir;s voices sounded already tome distance down he hill. Johinn Marie had followed them, and the sacristan had brought in a great bunch of red Lolly-berries to decorate the altar. And she mu3t go, too, passing cut into the night once more. Tbey had left her to her own thouzhts, these happy girls, and the w as glad of it. She knew their sympathy and loved them for it, and they would bo very tender with her ali through tho feast, she felt. Even now, perhaps, Amalie was fay ing, "Ach! the poor TJargarettal Is it not two Christmas festivals since her lover died in the war?" And the others would look grave for a moment and sigh a soft "res." Ab, it was true. Two long, dim years had pass ed away since the skirmishes on the frontier land, where, amid the dry heather and tha dead bracken, they had told her that her lover had died Unt that was all. They knew not where his body had been rested ; they knew not whether he had suffered agony or had parted with his brave soul in the heat of the battle. All was vague, uncertain; only her lover was ' gorio from her gone, gone, 6he knew ! not where. 1 AllkeaJjnhjjyilrojJjB i ii I rtirictiTifti Er ftloriA eora OBI ? wa3 waiting nnJer the shadow of tht bending piao trees. Somo ono c&aii forward to meet her with a quick, glad j "--J " J " I it o dream as the thoughts la the j chnreh vender had been a dream ol : Christmas, and of her lore, her own, I her lira's lote. but lost to her lost! BJ. i4 - w.v w , , dreams haTe no roices, tney are sueni and ead; and this was a living, throb bing voice, fall of passion and tea dernesa. Heart beloved ! Sweet one V ho was calling her all the old dear names that 6he remembered so well ; and his kis?es were burning once again on her i lips and brow, and his eyes were tell- ling her all the love his loyal heart boro for her. Ho had come back to her. to his Mirgaretta, back to his life's love, from the Terr gate of death! And, clasped to his breast, in tha hush of the evening, with her tired head resting on his heart, they heard the bells ring out for the evo of tha festival the festival of Terfeot Love. By-and-by ho told her the story of Tii nr(vndrinc. nf h?A anrmosed death. o of his captivity and escape, and she I . , 1 - A " 1 1 1 -1 1 iiiieneJ, wiin ner nanus euu jockcu in his and with her glad eyes fastened on his face. And at the service time they returned thanks in tho brightly lighted church on the hill, goyith holly and ever green and the morrow's high holy day. And when the music ceased and tha others went 6oftly away, together they still knelt on, while each loving heart breathed its tender petition and whis pered its thanks for the others' happi ness. For tho 'Auf wiedersehen' had been cpoken in truth, and they f-hall keep Christmas together. Tt Lady. DEC0RAT1XU THE TREE, How to Make a Tretty F.flert In the Glowing Lljht. The first step in tho work of trim m;ng tho Christmas tree is to tack a 6.-ju9re of crash to the floor under tho tree. This tavc3 the caipct from tho drippings of numerous candles and tho general debris which the disman tling of the tree invariably occasions. Tho gieen tub, in which the tree thould stand, supported by three cros pieces o! pino nailed to the edge to hold it f ecurely in place, is almost sure to be in the housewife's posses sion. Conceal this by a covering of white cotton batting, dusted thickly with coarsely powdered mica to re semble snow, says tho Fhiladelphia Press. Or cover it with imitation green mcs", which can be obtained at the shops at a trifling co&t. The latter is really the better plan. It is sim pler, cleaner and more effective. Tho newest conceits for tree decora tions are artificial fruits anl vegeta ble?, which aro cunningly devised. a Tied to the treo with bright ribbons, they form a pleasing contrast to the green foliage. Fairies, drcsted in wonderful gowns of bright colored paper, looped with narrow bebo rib bon are bought at a low figure. Santa Ciau, who should, without fail, crown the top, is not an expensive addition. In lighting the tree, modern science comes strongly to tho fore. If there are electrio light in the house, an at tachment is easily made, whereby the tree can be lighted with tiny incando eccnt bulbs of different colors. In caso tho house 13 without electrio lights, a storago battery may be ob tained at moucrate cost. Froai this the feme results ere secured. This codern style of illumination removes tho old-time danger of the tree catch- Cg hrc from its light?, but it is also open to the objection of dispelling the romantio glow which came from in numerable candles. So the great ma jority of people still prefer the can dies, which eeera to be a part of the Yuletide. For convenience in distributing tho gifts, it is a good plan to place on each gift a number, while the mistress o! the ceremonies keeps a written liet of each member of the household, with their corresponding check. The distribution is usually xnado by tho child or children for whose enjoyment tho tree is arranged. Sup?rstitions oi Christmu. Tho superstitions of Christmas are more numerous even than the observ ances which owe their origin to heath enish rites. Among certain European peasants the belief still prevails that on Christmas morning oxen always epend a portion of tho time on their knecx This they do, according to the pcasanlf, in imitation of the ox and the ass which, a legend State, were present at the manger and knelt when . . Chribt was lorn. In certain counties of England the id;a prevails that sheep walk in pro cession on Christmas Eve. in com memoration of the glad tidings firit announced to shepherd. Bees are al so said to sin ia their hives oa the night before Christmas, anl bread baked at that time sever becomes mouldy at least to once thought many English housewives. Mother Gets Her Instruction. If you're wat'np, call me early, Call me early, mo:her dear, For lo&x before 'tis daylight In my stocking I would peer. If you're wakinp, call me aarVy, Itono m np at four o'clock; Tor I want to 6eo what Santa C'.acs v HM Slat loA9-BW2i f 1 THE FIFTY-FOURTH COHGRESS i . Work of the Senate and House Briefly Told. " CUBAN QUESTION DISCUSSED. To Inquire Into the Corrupt Use of Money la the Late Prel Jentlal Klec tlon The Free l e of Alcohol In the Arts of Manufacture to Be lnTfU gated. TnE SENATE. Moyr-AT. itcr Aiirp. 'of J,trka, cade a Mrc-n; pech lnfune:r.g iLla aow by the ln-aory cf ol4fot.traci. Tha reported imai&atioa of Cut-a ceseral. ADtor.lo Mcv. whi: oa-lr a C of true, wa the text of a reflation cScrvl lo the Sctato ly'Mr. all. Democrat, c! rirt-i. acl rcfrn'l to the cremate oo forwijn re lation. The n-Kwutioo characterir- t affair as a flotation of the rule cf ciTiUl watUre and aa a cowardly act cf tre.brjr It drvUrol tbo porotnrLt trbioa au thorized aal r faulted l. or fUol to puDL-h tho a5.-a.-slL. 'aa outct fro-n tho f.tmi'.r of nation and from tho pallet ciiii2AUon ar.d rutlic law." Tb comm.itto oo forcica rW&tlon were ia Mrartod to laiuiro Into tbo t-i aa4 to t Irt to tho Senate at an erriy tal. Anolhr reolutioo of Mr. Cli. which wj UrmUrly r-?t rreO. repair.- tb Trrtiient ol tho UoitM FtM-s to demand tbo irk-.u-e of U tho United Ut3 ctti:-D bel't l y tbo f pDla govTom-r.t as tlone: In uta. A war t latwa aUo Uown aala-t Turkey, la tho bapj of filiation r-i1 by a enure a cone.rai!on in Jirw IITii-bir. rrcvue-l aod cp rovtvl t y Seoatsr GalUcgr. ol that S:att. dlarin; that thoArtsDUn outrao should to tupt r&-J I y the luizel powrrs ven at tho cot cf db-rrimtrtneot ol tho Turkbh Empire. Filty-flve rnrato pnloa ii's wre taken up nnd riv), cearly all cf them for increase of rftfioo. A rwolutinn by Scatrr Morpan, rvqaetitg tbo c -j tbo S nntrt ct the Culan par-er in the bads cf tt DTrtrcentc f S:at was pref ct-d. TctDT Snat"r Morgan, D-raocrat. of Alai-nu.a. occur led more than an bourln the bnnto in prejttingarcumcU to Vw !iy the Culled Msts thouid at Otc Ir.trtmo to I ut an end to tbo war ia tufwi !! dc:aro.l thai tb fooplo acd tbo I mil of tbo tUn wvro mad? ibo rvy of corr.n-.Ui- l1 eu-s!-la. who ha! ie.mo roller, cut-tLru. ai-.-ii . r.-L-h r and riratw, and to Ail thnt if to- t'uiteI S;atf s wcro to ii !rvnA at all bo would r rvf r cp-n warao-1 wvuM vote for it. At tbo conclusion of Mr 31 'rem' f p-ocb tbo rrs.Mutirn off red by tltn )f onJay rcutluir tbo rri lett tocommack-alo l-ers i-l--tlstf to a" tin In ubn wa ard lo. A rcotuti-u f"r an Inquiry Into tbo oorrujt uo of mOify In Ibo lato rii lettlal elect! n nasoffrcl ly Mr. Ailm, Torul-t. of No t ra-ka. ir-l uf. utdr tic rul. n f-rrhl to the eornnitt.-o tocoatioxt oipr w. It proiJca for a ocrnruitwcf ttto iv-natcr wJih icstru'-tioi s to liiq'Jiro to wbat it Lt moa-y was uvsl In f-romotirg tbo bomina tion or iiiflucn-'icg tbo rbol-o of r rJdn tUI cKvtcr; wbt eoritrilutrocs wro tnaio l-y owdts ol fcilrcr tine at 1 gold ralot, .y rcanu'.icfarr, railroad and other cor fomtior., and tr.u iocairrf. ad ty cost a hie and -'ron resi ling at rood. Tbo com roitleo U toa-.-t oy ub-cona;lit aod toH durinc tbo j n-vtt fusion and until tb" Hn-t Mm-lny 0 Drorrrtor. 1S07. Wtt5iSDAT Tb Dioglcy oi:l u dI--uM cd at ton e J-cgrh tcUv ry fnitor Vot, Allvo, ( hanger, Trj''. "llal", Al lrl-b. Sher man. Te.Ur. Mi.U aud C'rrr.n. It -a d-ii!. od that then 1 no r-ol-.l.. y of ;a'it tb till thl -j'ton. and tbat an olra '-lfc wlil bo more than likely uoc-ary. Tb Sf-t-a'c pa.Mfl tbo pr.flon ttil aj prcprltiot without amod i er.t. TbU vu tft- oi !y bill of g-nral lclerot actrJ upon. The Sta e coaiTDittcooa forri-n rclaMons with nil t: monitors rett dlcu-d ibo Cot-aa que tlon forca tour an 1 a balf. bnl witbot:t tiW lutf ary ti-n of my ort Tucfrw Tbo II. 1 wtich tJSr-l tb Hou. lit-t hjM' h. acd for wblcn a utl tute wa r-pori'd t y tho fcr.tato corr-mitte. to aaiad ILo losmiratiou Uw of tb" Uni:l Ftatp. o""ut tbo lt-ntl-.o of tbo b-nai. The m!-sttute nOTru J-h1 In omo r-artlcu-Ur. tbo ruoj-l botatle amndtcrt.t l iui ono J rr-itldmc tba" tho at ba'.l t'A ;piy t-j Ci- n xWieg ucubira in I Gil! a: at J Ihf-n tt n t n.u.l Ira tnl t M to 10. an 1 a roafert-nco kt w'.:n tbo llou. Tbo till, o 1 as"J. oj"lod". In a4 ditlon to tboo claj-s r;rr!o-td ULrri. Utios law., ali rr"-n orr ; yenr cf a?o who cannot trad and wri'o tbo of thir cattro couttry or roo5o ether Ucr.i bat it d- s not rxiodo tho i'e. chjl lrn, pircct or Kfar.dj-arr r.t of an adxl-iM-i.n-itiirrni.:. Dj'ni'.L-t.icdiiR tbir Ibabiiiirto r.i i 5d wrU Tno mot tsoortaot eoa-Crtnatior-a t y Ibo ioate are: . Mat Man nine, of Gocrcia, rlry of lot;titl'kc. .t Mcnrovi L'.tcna. rptrsa.ter: M-U-ir-c l John S. Sunder. tiirkil; Jo)n T. li.-m..t Iuka. T-xa Jobn L. Hrooka fJoorg-.town. 3.ta: aljouraoi tn-1 Men lay. TPE HOC5E. Mo5raT. Dil were j!.-d eortltatIcc a Rt?w dt-i..acf lberairn judf.-ial dttricte! lexaancd -roidinc for boidiuj trn-. oL ourt at D-nurooLt Texa. 1a roncittlcg Ibo tnnyor and city e.iuaril of Mtroo, L.. to tridc) tbo Ous'L.ti river. or-r"oito tbfct city. A J ii t re-oicun rccccaWcc tbo into undtrLco cf CuUi was introduced ty Mr. Howard. Tt-t uiUt. of Aat BTia. It recite j tbor rof-.uai rrsretof tb ! o American ;rr-: avLVioation of tbo dc!M that tf :a!n l Cfclu tiiJkr n t-ru'nl and iruThiU-Itko warfar-lr ii.t a ratrlotio joor lo who aro utrrrtiiis; for Ir-leroDdcc-o. oen aa d:d tbo loun ler of til Ij nbli. It reo'.ve. thero fore, 1 bat tbo Uclte Sute tball reeosnijo Cul a as n f reo r.d Indefrdett covernment )nd hn!l nccor 1 1 brr t-ooi loa!l acb tl--bt , In tl.o jon and iibintbo joriMi'-tion of tbo Lfcitf-l hiatrj:. A j -.I&t mcr.tion waa rae-l I rovidins; for a holiday recc frotn Decern tri2 ito Jar.uary5th. Ey a voto of yea 5. td tar So. tbo IIono refoed to i-aa over tb" rrej.;.ior.t"a vf, a li:l crattlr? a f or.Mon to lb? dlvorwd wl!o of Lowell Taft, ol the E:cr ts-.-n'.b r.erceRt octcctlcat vol onfer infatiry, wbo dcd ol alcohlLsa la a lOidir-r horr.e. TrtDir--Tb IIooo ntipectcdly or.tre.l itrou tbo roi.-i deration of tbo aa.ecdxext to tbo rrstal law, relating to frecondwiats ; rcail triatt r. It was taken cp and debated. Iutmc-t of tbojeijica wa occur e-l la con MderiLptno svtato tui to rorroit thotnr has'jcf the Atlattie anl Ta i3a T-ailroal Cosaranyto form now corporation, with Ibo rights r.nd rrivilecesot tbooM on. It was axerded in several larticclars and raised. Tno ar-fropriatlrtnt to tb rr.ir.tt at N-w Orkacs and rbiiadelrbia waa con litratly cut down. A bill m lot rod need to appoict a coarr ls'Icn of IcdUn a!Tire. a eommitleo, eothb-iinis of Mmra. Evan, R rnblican, of Kentucky; r.QJV ll. Itnti'an. cf Ccniiticut. and McMUian. Ix-mocrat. c TeDnrco, wero art-Git ted Uono conferee on tho Joint moklion to laTtsutto and re- J Kh!aT."h U'lDJitmr.-ro ir inii day in tb iiouM-. u wa aec.o t in :rop tbo array DKri i 1101 tf-nafi, Atx., Irorn tno er- 1 an-l resolution to intetUaio tbo tat- 1 lonipiex contrucu-it ra referrL TntiT. Tbo lioc9o t tbo Inaugural tall rol.tr.j; ly the r.sa;o of tb oaal tbla autborlrintt tbo layios of eccetjary teajf-o-rary rai.ral track t accommodat tb ia-cia.-d trav l. tbo u of Hre-l and reer vatlors f.-r the erect! n cf rotlewins tUt.d. and tbo l-.fco of a:t roernniect and cnMns a rao to are-1 for decorati our roe. Tbearrcy at; ropM-ilion tilt, bkh waj UDflnl.-br-l bulce at tbo oroLia of tb aeon. wa rad. A rrolttUc n u offer ed It Mr. I,tcn. of Ohio, dlroctieg tbo rrrsMoot to enter Ij to negotiation with Great Iintain to aecaro. II roraltlo. the abro patiojoltb') aoctlon of tno treaty ol 1S17 which i rcb'biu ttoboUditc of war voaoeUat bip yarda located on tho srreat lake. nlf a d ien roraorr of local l&tereot to tbo Irbv trlrt of Columbia wero ta-ed. Mr. Wood man. n-TnWlcan.of IllinoU.lntrodacod aU: to arcr&d tbo action of tbo ft-vUed Biatute relative to 1 eutraitty, which t robitita mui tary expeditions awaltit footleat peace Wita tbo United htate. FtiDAi. Tbo ltouo beard with aorprUo ol Ibe action ol tbe Senate foreign relation committee io recojrnlriojt tbo lcde eodence ol Cut and It the p tlon of tbo member cf tho forcicn affaire cx romitleo and aorto of tbo Dcmocrat'.a and Il-f ubUcao leader la tho Uoojol to t takea aa crldaco, tbo popnlar brasch cf tbo cotrujitt . tutAia tbo rt4it Ion taken t-y tb -. . ttitro. Tbo n ut tat ci j-rt f a? t ,-.' which woclJ. la tbtr o i&ion. trioj k . '. war witbStalnoo tbo creoi tbat '.. Kitley aJmitWraii'-n scbt ect taW'.J tbo very monsett c f tv i r. - rn-t-r , j'. rioTJ an lttrtailon'l rrc? j. tbcobtbettfr that Mr Klr-ly b-r:i I f .. la:bion Cutn y v.ry a&4 la tiu . rlolon tboDerriocraufoI.ycofif arfvi f V toen r-etAn t l-U woro cool terM a J a.iinw.tb fTora?4o tton.trrz lvrcD. cf Sorlb C-rclt dn"t t:jA.'." Soa!o reoibli-a lo at lot) t i - . Uouo. aloe? wua cttT KIlre n-j-ea. EattSsiT Cba. H. Crir. rf on aal nccor of tbo ;s t-f-v'i CtUp, was sworn ia a a r:n -r -:, rjacw. Mr. M-MiUn (re-a.) cf Tt ra'lot or tbSett U.l f jrc-err.- -i ; ... IM potion la tb T"CBeeoCei.ttt ;:; ., nuoi, lo bo bell nt rr a? Teen. Tbo ceuro ork fJW.f'M f j csTori'Totit ohitlt and 5".tto j r r - erl tulflioc. Mr. ZJiy (Ux ) e' y , f . lttertoel an eaibaiic tr!t . of thi cbararter. aad r.lM be!i,.T -f robel thronjh CtCr. On tb t,4 -. or tbo tin tbo ffon :s:i!-ir? t" ;-.- Mr.riy asado tber-tt tet-:. r. 7.J ft:Akercoucted aqsnsr at4 tt I ; ; :tf . r4 ty tbo toeofoinjr veto. S.itsrir. 16. wa flxM lr eule ca ttu. 6;oaVerCrit'. Tb arrm:iff f - -. teo rTrtel an nrcett &t sry ts.i. rneajaro rrotllo for tr.etJt ti dr rr.and cf ibo coverture?, atl U .-. M follow: ottiorert eira. "j ruMifl bulMirg at fnioTi t. Qx.. ( . -Navy rr art went : TM.CCC; pi a-'f-rt jotko SS1,C; c c-tral n.'M-."rt, itAQto ct B'imfiiiuTw, t23.:;. - 1.W1 A Woman's Thrllila- HI If. Mr. Cary Xicewocjfr, of i2io:'.; Cil, bid aa experience ia a rsr:v$ rcctntly which she wul probablr ctcj forget. She riding iahrL--;T and was driving a pirittd aaira'. ' m tho intericclioa of III Dor!j r;; Ncrth streets toe horse thicd at a r'.'. t of paper on the aired aa I t".rni t". corner ro sadJcn'y that the lv;t was ovcrturcc U Tha l-.or2 thra cl wetward oa North street. !.. Mr. Nicaorser " capjl up h:i: bng :j top- Jt loske l aithoo.:hLew3al !;:; Le dragged to death. Lot a lcit:r ." circnmsticca cccarrc 1 hirh pr'-'. i -r tacd Lfr liff. The l.orc a:.c;4 : 1 lo tarn into Cvarcrco '.rtJ, ! ; 3 bo doio.; threw tbs ba;y up for i- -minuter. T Udy kbowed po- I - .t cnc I ni'-ol, tor at ooa . Lo bf r chaace la ccts Iron t"..! r " meet she jntnpcl Iro-n ths t i.-..-anl vat not hrl, althoa;j j;x :'. ,, frightened. The LurtJ cn,V ftr r rannic-dura Coaicra :rc ' about a Lio;ir. T jo tircckacllLs nalu-.al Idy scratch 1. ba?jy i. fjj caul.: I)!:: CASKS OF Till: f-KIV J r.c b.'crs? i!c!;irg ud tir.jnr : icn! f 1 c--c r,a, tc'ier, s.t a If" JL-cat3 cf lie tlin U itUn!'y 2 ari'.Tr-.T C1.njlrbin 2c tiJ 0;v.:"r.:f:-L Many vt 17 lad ci:s !.?- p rr r.cr ;!y cured l v i it is ... cHicicr:! for itching sal a Cf ri-.-- c-fr f.-r .ara n:rj L; cUspfc-l I bbias frvt l i:s l c!.r:? Fcr tile ly clr-rUt t Zj t.:. it 1 . Try Pr. Tedj' Ca-nJillen Towdrs O trcj--t !iat a l)rferc!.hn ia I - ! ; 'n. Tor.";?, LIa1 purilkr t'--l vtr:.t" ESTIBULEO HMiTPr DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE To Atlanta. Car: tf. AnruM. At"' W:n:Iaijt in. New o.l-a anl V i- IiTton. I.i--hattJ. W-bus:o. N;:: -rortisoiitb. fyh-sda'.o In Sor.ilS:. bOCIUDOUNP. NI31 Lr.JCewVork 3 V9; ra 90 ; ' I b.;vJ.i,bia.. 3 15" ' l'..:::mcro 7 31 - U hiorion. fi to M iUcbxobl 12J0vra N.-rl-jit rorusoath.. II S ; m 1JC1 tot - Ueldon Ar.Hicder-o.... "lJari.j-n Lt. Uarlsns Ar. Warren 1'Uig Ar.lUwib Sat! r J southern I"if. M IlaxM ;.-,i,ro ?i oarco 1 9 i ' ibariotlo Chi!cr " teuton. . Gr-x-&-!. " AbbeTi.IO Kit-rtoa Al!ern " Wia:rr AtUnttcct-traitLr. C Ii' No. alt Lt-.Atlaata Ox Us 12 tO n a AtLci... Sf-a CO" ft W" IJ)" 65 -7 ' u il t: 1 1: 2 :" " LibrrtOX Abberrb.o . . . . Orc-rewoo-i .. " cutoa Cheater LT.Cnarlxio...., t. 3 X 13 ii" n 21 .1 ,c-a Mosrwo lIaot Kuihrra Tlica... " r.airlga Warrm riala 1; j;i 11 3: 1 . m ' Ar. DurLata X.T. Liurbaa. Ar.V.'c!Jou... " l".Kbrx,ond Vaaitoa lUiiixoro M ltjlJJjbU No Yot Vi ii " n'n 2 a ta " 7 S) a-J 3 U PuttSObth Norto k . t i Daily. IDaiiy. cicopttiaaiaf. N. 4C3 and 0i, tao "AUat-ta t feviid Vwl'.uloJ lra.3. of 1-u.la.aa a aad r.MKJb Ktwiaa va.uBl:a atl .' U, a o I'ullsaa &.e.-jcr i-tf-i 1 -mouth aad ibarK'tf. Xu.41 aal&-. -TboS. A. L tfr oill train. eo: h- obi rtt...r.a brtwoa 1'oruawt.ta at.d At.:. Tor Tlckeir, blcir. etc. aj 1 T t H Lcrd.bol. Taas. At., l i Ua- T t- bT. JOllN. U- K OL'JTH V. T. & O--0. M"r. 1 ra::J .-- V. K. McLLE. T. J. A b bl: Oca'lAtifU b-i I. 1'- - General OSce Tcruav.ib. a tVar Kec-) j. n Mixes At f&odcVa old f tanl. DEALER IK fu.t !i ill hi Iv.niii, Cain crtACKEna and cos- FECT10KEB1X3. Txt& 5rf si Ertrj PJ. . if"Tl 'II . mo . -i .j- tn il j . ; 7 11- i f. tt 1 :) . ti:. nij 12Cl;ra I".:: l;K" 11 2ti" 1 v- 8 W 1 I J W 2'"-23- 5M" 11 Vr ,.1 1 M o