7 V WAliHENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 25 1898. NO. 2. VOT- 4- the weather much jig change Abi in Dr. jurt, Sowitzky was with us again this Ktn rlents were eur oiled at the High School this week. l4ver get angry or impatient with a fool. It is a waste of energy. W.o,i K d. in this issue about that X l.A. I A v Charlie Burlew. t ioroughbreJ horse, The crowd in town last Tuesday was .n-iiderably larger than we expected. ss Nannie ii. Tariy, of Tarry's ifl., Ya., is visiting friends in town. 1 good list of new subscribers added 8 week, and many renewals. Thanks. See notice of sale of land by B. G. reen and T. T. Hicks, commissioners. ilr. R. H. Ford, of Raleigh, spent feral days with his home people this sek. bishop Cheshire will visit Warrenton j c 1 ...III n.,,nli mi S.in. I mOlTOW ana Brother T 2'iics lit port e R. Walker, of the Littleton , paid us a pleasant visit I .it Tuesday. Mrs. B. W. Ballard, of Frakhuton, tited her parents, Mr. and Airs. JacoD rker, here this week. . -i ff Miss Georeie Miles hasrerarueuiroin &4 extended visit to friends and rela tives in Petersburg, Ya. iMiss Bettie Allen has charge of Mrs. Taylor's millinery store while she and Miss Bessie are Noith. Dr. W, J. Judd and wife, of Hender son, spent a day or two in town with :lr. J. C. McCraw. Mr. T. C. Williams, of Terrapin Halifax, county, iS. C, paid our sanctum u pleasant visit this week. 1 Messrs. Robert H. Hardy. Jimmie Ellington and Mrs. E. L. Maury, of Halifax county, visited Mr. J. C. Hardy tiis week. The ladies of the M. E. church made quite a successful matter of their drums room this week, especially at night. Mrs. S. D. T witty, of Oxford Female Seminary, was here last Saturday aud ' Sunday, attending the funeral services of Mrs. Palmer, Mr. Alvin Terrell, now located in Columbia, S. C, is visiting his brother at Warren Plains and will be in the county for several days. Capt. W. H. Day arrived here Wed- ttsdiiy iiltornoou alter court nao. aa Mined. The Cajit, is as pleasant as v r a'ui looking as well as ever, ,i t;;.-i ibadv, tli clever, enter -.ising agent of the News & Observer, i ILai'.'ign, was m town tins woes, looii ijng after the interests of his publica tions f I (Joint adjoumed Wednesday nioru ii r. No cases of special interest w ere Ion hand. The case about the new pub lic road leading north from Pddgeway was postponed. Mrs. M. G. Taylor and Miss Bessie kLee Taylor left for Baltimore last Mon day where they will study the latest Styles and effects in spring millinery and lay in a stock for the spring and Bummer. I Messrs. Walter Egerton, of Macon, John A Dainerou, and R. M. Wiiliams, $1 Inez, W. B. Fleming, of Ridgeway, A. L. Capps, of Areola, and others were pleasant callers at The Recikd office his week. 3 I Our drummer friends have been Lome in full force this week. Messrs F. P. Hunter, J. C. McCraw, Jr., Yan iston ana kj. tr. oneu, jr., nave all een at home this week shaking hands ith their host of friends. Boyd & Rogers had several locals jp. The Recobd last week calling atten tion to their bicycles, in consequence fiiereof they sold eight fine wheels last Tuesday, Who says advertising doesn't pay? The lands, near Warren Plains, the Lampkin lands, advertised for sale in his papei by H. A. Boyd, com., were fold !ast Monday, and one acre sold for f 75.00, purchased by our thrif ty friend, Jlr. Ales Katzenstein. The colored American, of Washington C comes to us this week with con- vessman Geo. H. White's nniahU eech delivered in congress a few davs 5, and a splendid lik ont page. There will be an eutertainment given at Macon on the night of the 30th. inst. for the benefit of the starVing Cubans. Everybody is invited. The popular j admission fees of 10 cts. and 15 cts reserved seats will prevail. The ladies aie m charge and that assures success! Mr. Earnest Dailey, recently clerking w Mr. W. G, Egerton. has entered ?nnity College. The athletic associa tion f the college, eo we learn, offered Mr. Dailey iree tuition and board and i the same pay per month he was re ceiving, in order to have him on the f nmty base ball nine. Dailey is a No. Plojer. and the Triaity boy8 know it. Mr. J. 0. Caddell, representing tue BiUiad Recorder, is in town. Mr. Howard Browning, of Littleton, wns on our streets yesterday, Miss Minna Speed, of Franklin Co., visited the Misses Davis thiB week. Miss Pannie White left yesterday, greatly to the sorrow of our young men Gardning is the order of the day. Many a bushel of seed Irish potatoes was sold here this week. The editor has just been the recipient of a splendid hat presented to him by one of his best friends. J. M. Ransom & Sons are putting up a beautiful delivery wagon for Riggan Bros., which wU soon be on the streets. The Jurors summoned for second week of court will not have to attend, since court has adjourned for the term. Mr. T M Casserly has a nice lot oi cabbage, nearly large enough to eat. Uncle Tom can't be beaten on the garden question. Our telephone service is most ex and T man will soon have us in connection with Macon, T,UM v,c in nnnntinn Vaughans and Littleton. "Aunt Maimda," who has been quiet so long, has been aroused and we hope to hear from her soon, and will give our readers the benefit of her letters. One of the largest crowds seen for some time attended the funeral and burial services of Mrs. W. H. Palmer in Fair View cemetery last Sunday. Horace Tally, Sr.. has instituted suit vs. R & G. R. R. for damages, because of the killing of his son Horace" in the wreck at Warren Plains a few weeks ago. Mr. L. T. Brown, so our exchanges say, will be associated with the manage ment of the Yaroorough House in Raleigh again. It will look more home like and natural to see Lewis there. Rev. J. O Guthrie has a letter in this week's Christian Advocate that is full of pleasant things about Warrenton and our people. We are sure our people return the compliment and like Mrs Guthrie as Well as he likes us. Among the visitors from a distance we had the pleasure of meeting Messrs. J. A. Burt and Plnmmer Davis, of Franklin county, Mark Perry, and Dr, I. E. Green, of Halifax county, and E. H. Russell, of Virginia. Politics and war were the main topics of discussion this week. We learn that one township in the county has five candidates for the Sheriff's ofnc9. Night meetings are frequent and the ward politician is now in his glory. Mr. D. M. Shearin, of Areola, has a Imlf acre in clover sown on the 15th of last Oct. that will averasre ten inches high now. This looks like clover and grasses can be grown here successfully when properly manured and cultivated . Mrs. T. M. Casserly accompanied by Miss Sue Watkins will leave for Balti more to-morrow to look at the new spring styles and lay in a spring and summer stock. Look out for her ad veitisemet and date of opening day in next issue. Johnson & Shaw lost one of their fine pair of sorrel horses last Wednes day evening. The hoise dropped deadjin harness traveling along the road near Chui-ch's stoi-e in Vance county. It was a valuable horse, worth consider able money. Among the visiting lawyers attending court this week we notice Messrs. J. B. Batchelor and B. M. Gatling, of Raleigh, T. T. Hicks. W. B. Shaw and T. "M. Pittman, of Henderson, C. M. Cooke, of Louisburg, S. G. Daniel and Howard Alston, of Littleton, Thos. W. Hawkins, of Charlotte, R. A. Hawkins, of Youngs ville and T N Hill, of Halifax. Mr. Harvey Bryant, a student of the Warrenton High school, who has been very sick here, was taken to Norfolk last Sunday night for special treatment. His mother, Mrs. Dr. Black, of Little ton, was with him, and Dr. Picot, of Littleton, accompanied him to Norfolk. We learn that the desired operation has been successfully performed and that he is doing well. Mr. Owen Davis, of Henderson, N C, has associated himself with our contractor and townsman, Mr. J. A. Duvall. Their business will be located atVaughan, N. C., where they will manufacture brick and lumber on a large scale. Mr. Duvall went to Vaughan Monday to receive the ma chinery for their plant aud put it in place for operation. Look for their advertisement in next week's paper. We have a letter from Mr. L K Alsobrook, editor of the Morganton News, oi Georgia, wlio wishes to ex. change papers with us because he says in his old age, being now 70 years old, his mind wonders back to bis boyhood home. He writes us that he at one time clerked for Mr. John White in Warrenton. His mother -was Miss Eaton, a daughter of Mrs. Mary Eaton of near Shocco Springs. We shall Buu ami xhe rdcobd as a letter irom: home every week, Jackson & Gregory are makdig things lively. See change in their marke repoit and their business locals. Mr. John 8. Robson, a one legged confederate 'soldier, of South Boston, Va.v is here. Mr. ttobson was a private in the 52hd Virginia Smith Brigade, Ea-iys Division, and has written an exceedingly interesting account 6f the campaigns of Stonewall Jackson which he is selling 'for a living. The book contains the complete regimental ros ters of both the great armies at Gettys burg, which alone is worth the price of the book. He comes highly recom mended by the press and many noted citizens of uor State, among them Mr. Julian S. C xrr, of Duiham. Mr. Robson will be in our pleasant town for a few days and desires to sell his interesting book to our people that he may thus make an honest living Mrs. Alic3 Scoggin Palmer. The subject of this sketch was born March 1843 Married to Mr. W. H. Palmer in 1865 and died March 19th. 1898. Mrs. Palmer's maiden name was Scoggin and she leaves many relatives who are some of the first people of the county, to nioum her departure. She bad for more than forty years been a consistent member of the M. E. Church South and exemplified the profession she made by a life of piety and devotion to the cause Of Christ Among her last expressions was a que1 tatiou from God's word "I know that my Redeemer liveth." She leaves a husband and three sons to mourn their joss. May the pitying Father iook with compassionate tenderness upon the stricken husband and children and may they ail so live as to meet their loved one in heaven. A Fkiend. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land who is not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery foi Con. sumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarsness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on C. A. Thomas, Druggist, and get a trial bottle free. Regular size 50c. and $1. Evei'y bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. Mrs. Sarah. E. LoycL. Mi's. Sarah E. Loyd, beloved wife of Mr. W, E. Loyd departed this life at hei home near Macon on the 12th inst. in the thirtieth year of her age. She professed religion in her child hood, and about twelve years ago united with the Biptist church at Warren Plains and continued a consistant and hiehl y valued member of this church until she was called up higher. She lived the life of an earnest chris tian, and when death came the was ready and willing to go. She said, as the death shades gathered about her "It is so dark.," and after a little while she tiiumphantly exclaimed, "1?he light has come again. I can see all the way plainly now. I will soon be over,': Sister Ldyd was a good woman and her husband, her two children , at d all her kindred have sustained a great loss. We sinceiely symyathize with them. Bv and by, they will doubtless find her at the beautiful gate "waiting and watching for them," T. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The .best Salve in the world for Cut, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Liver Sores, Tetter, Chapped. Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup, tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. ' It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 25 cents per box, For Bal by Dr. C. A. Thomas. ONE OF TWO WAYS. The bladder was created for one purpose, namely, a receptacle for the urine, ana so sueh it is not liable to any form of disease ex cept by one of two ways. The first way is from imperfect action of the kidneys. The second wav ia from carelese local treatment of other diseases. CHIEF CA USE. TTnTum.lt.'hvnri'ne from nnhealthv kidneVS iS the nhief cause of bladder troubles. S the wombr like the bladder, was ereated for one purpose. and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore any pain, disease or inrnTi-o-fnifnr manifested in the kidneys back . bladder or urlnarv passage is often , by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is pasilv marip and mw he as easilv avoided To find out correctly, set your nrina aside for twenty four hours; a sediment or settling indicates kidnev or bladder trouble. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, aud bladder remedy is goon realized. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At rtruersrists fiftv cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail, upon receipt of three two cent stamps to cover cost of postage on the hottlR Mention The Record and send your address to Dr Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The prepnetor of this paper guarantees the genuineness oi ini oner. . Now is the time to sow clover, for sale by F, P. Hunter. Seed - We positively will not be undersold by any one, " N E. Jolinsun, IH 'TIMES OF P'SACE PBEPABE'FOB WAR ! war! WAR !! N. L. Shaw & Co. Prefer Peace and would like for mei chants to sell goods at , a fair profit but if War on Profits is to be waged we assure those who favoi uwith their . patron age j that their interest will be pro tected and we guarantee to sell goods of equal grade as cheap as they aie sold by our competitors. We are old veterans in. the mer cantile service and whiif? joins' may have in6re dash and show, still for a hand to hand pitched battle, in variety and quality of goods, honest all round prices', fair dealings, we are and will aiwaysbe in the lead. Look at our Spring Goods: Hamburgs, Laces, &S. Latest fetyle Collars, TieS and Cravats Shirts. Panis and Underwear cheapei than you ever saw them. Mr. W P. Massenburg, the old veteran, clever and courteous gentle- rnanj is now in our employ and will be pleased to serve his rhahy friends. Walter Miles is still on deck aud as clever, accommodating and handsdine' as ever. Don't fill to make our store head- quartcrs WE ARE YOTTRS TO SERVE, N. L SHAW & CO., Write for samples of dress Goods. Jackson & Gregory. SPECIAL LOW PRICES! Best Calicoes, 4 and 5 cts.j Percalsi yd. wide, 7 cts., White Bed Spreads, 80 cts.. Best Ginghams, 4 and 5 cts. Keihnants Cahco, 3 cts.j the prettiest and cheapest Laces, Hambui'gS &c 2 to 10 cts., beautiful piece Table Damask, 25 cts. yd., Shoes, Cap&, Pants and Shirts below cost. m If. L. Shaw & Coi See our line of straw and crash Hats, They are very cheap. Jaeksen & Gregory. The "Rambler" wheels sold by Boyd & Rogers are ahead of any wheel offered on the market for excellence in finish and durability. We are stili in the lead with a full line of Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Notions, Groceries and Farmer's Sup plies. N. E. Johnson. We are still offering inducements to CASH buyers. Jackson & Gregory. Give us a call and examine our care fully selected stock and compare our prices before buying elsewhere N El. Johnson. Buy a "Rambler" bicycle from Boyd & Rogers and you have the best wheel that can be bought. We will offer slippers next week cheaper than they were ever sold. Jackson & Gregory. We won't expect your trade if any one can do better for you than we do. N. E. Johnson. Boyd & Rogers have sold a good many "Rambler" bicycles during the past week and are expecting a new lot in daily. Call and examine them. Desirable dwelling for rent. 8 rooms. Good location. Apply to H. T. Macon. Fresh garden seed at F. P. Hunter's We are willing to accommodate good people, and we guarantee our prices. N. E. Johnson.' 50,090 Heart Pine Shingles for sale at $2.50 per thousand, cash. Apply to, R. B. Davis, Grove Hill, N. C. Don't fail to stop at the barbershop. It is still opposite The Record office. Clean towels, sharp razors, a plenty of bay-rum, witch hazel &c. Also two daily papers Satisfaction guaranteed. Respectfully, Washington Harris. Wovtt Happy and Eighteen Years Experience Market Prices Guaranteed, We desire to call the attention of the Tobacco Grower Old Reliable" Boyd's Warehouse is hard work, big Thanking our customers for their past liberal support and promising our very best efforts in their behalf in the future. . We would advise EARLY SALES now while prices are GOODs BRING tJS A LOAD AT ONCfi. We keep on band the iargest stock of PtiGUIES and WAGONS carried by any deaier in the SiatS at LOWES'? prices. Examine our styles and prices before buying we can save you money; JACKSON & of Goods thai are One Price to All 3STET ijnMr too poor to receive best atteritioii ! il U II C riCjx enough to obtain credit. Clothing. Men's' Black Suits, Men'3 plaid and Stripe Suits, Men's. Overcoats, all wool, Boys' Overcoats, ages 14 to i$i Roys' Suits, ages 14 to 19, Childs' Suits, ages 4 to 14. Shoes. Children's Doiigola j Ladies' heavy; Ladies' Dongola; Ladies' Extra Dongola, Men'sjheavy, Men's Calf and Vici colors. Men's black pat. lea. and calf, $2 5)0 to li 00 3 90 to 8 50 4 00 to 8 00 2 4o to 3 25 1 65 to 7 00 60 to S 50 25 to 1 00 75 to 1 25 75 tO 1 50 1 25 to 2 65 85 to 1 65 1 00 to 5 00 1 00 to 5 00 Hats Boys' Soft, black andbrown. Boys' Tourist, black and brown; Men's Soft. Black and brown ; Men's Tourist, black; Men's Wide felt, black aud brown, Men's Novelty Walking Hats. 20 to 85 85 td i 00' 40 to 100 85 to 1 15 85 to 1 75 115to 175 90 to 3 25 Men's Still tiais, laiesistyies Furniture, 3 ft. Dark Poplai Bed, 85 3 ft. 6 in . Light Poplar Bed. 96 3 6 Dark Poplar Bed, 95 4 g Dark Poplar Bed. 135 4 8 Light Poplar Bed.. ' 1 35 5 4 Light Poplar Bed, 3 25 5 4 Dark Poplar Bed, 9 25 6 2 Dark Poplar Bed, 3 00 6 a Light Poplar Bed, 300 5 Oak Bed, 230 6 4 OakBed, 400 24 x 14 Glass, Light Poplar Bureau, 2 95 24 x 18 Glass, Light Poplar Bureau, 840 24 x 18 Glass Dark Poplar Bereau 3 40 24 x 20 Glass Dark Poplar Bureau, 4 00 24 x 20 Glass Light Poplar Bureau, 4 00 Child's Chairs, 45 Child's TaDle Chairs, 45 Dining aud Parlor Chairst 40 to 75 Rocking Chairs, . 65 to 1 60 Tin Safes, 1 95 Dry Goods, Fruit of Loom Bleaching, per yard, 5 Best Salt. - Androscoggin Bleaehing 514 Sugar best, barrel, Pelham Bleaching, 5 160 testBest OH, per gallon, 4-4 Bleaching, M 160 test Best Oil, per quart, 36 in. Unbleached Domestic 3 Extra Patent Fiour, per barrel, Riverside Cotton Check, " 4 Nice Family Flour, per barrel, Eureka Cotton Checks, W Qood Family Flour, per barrel. Good Outing, " Seed Oats per hushel, Better Outing, Seed Irish Potatoes, Early ose, Best Outing, 8 Farmer's Friend Plowa, Bov Dixie Plows, the genuine, not Plow Points, . ' "Subject to market change, WAR WARRENTON, N. C, and JPur chase ofJLeaf 'ITobiuccox Prosperous Unsurpassed, Highset and determined to stay there ii prices and best accommodations will keep them there. TOUR FRIENDS) GREGORY'S CASH Going Fast for Cask Credit to None DRY GOODS, (contincbd.) Blue and Pink Eiderdown. All colors Cambric; Light Caliches; Blue ground1 white figures. Simpson's Best, black and c'oioWj Best Jeans, Siiicia and Canvas, Grey and Dlack Percalinej Best Gingham, Double-faced Canton, red and gold, All colors Cheese Cloth, Draperies'; Worsted Plaids 25 4 m x 6 f 10 454 11 to 20 to 63 to 45 to 15 to 43 8 iS Black Serge, Henrieita &c.j Ali colors Wool No velties; Canton Flannel; Table Damask, Notions. Coats' Spool Cotton, 100 yds., per spool, 1 Coats' Spool Cotton .200 yds, per spool 8 All colors Dress Buttons, per dozen, 5 Whalebone, per dozen, 6 Dress 8teels. ner dozen. 8 Hooks and Eyes, per dozen, 8 Darning Cotton per ball. 3 j Children's fast Hk. Hose.5J-fl, per pr., 8 j Children's seamless Hose, 'J-8, per pr,. 13 Ladies' seamless. blk. and tan, per pr., 12 Gents' seamless, blk. and tan, per pr. 12 Ladie?' seamless, best black, pe r pr., 20 Gents' seamless, best black, per pr 20 Gents' seamless, black and grey, per pr.. 8 All styles in collars, 8 to 12 Al 1 sty les in C uff s , 13 to SO, White Linen Shirts, 42 to 1 00 Percale Shirts, 81 to 7s Ladies' Vests, 4 to 20 Gents' Vests, 15 to 45 Groceries. No. 9 Parched Coffee, per pound, Arbuckle's Parched Coffee .per pound' Levering's Parched Coffee, per paund, Good Rio. Green Coffee, Best loose Soda, Best loose Starch Kinghans Best Lard, . VA 4 S m ii 5 60 525 475 41 i .... . $1.20 . . -. .95 4 cts. imitation, Boyd LisIl EHOUS ew Year to all, Large Orders to tne fact that the "still in the i ri 5. VO., Watch-maker and Jeweler Warrenton, n. (it Offers his services to the. people 6! Warren tdii rind vicinity.. All kinds of repaiiiiSg; done lit Mis bfefe fu.fliifmri ship inahher; arid warranted fdif 12 tnonth. , Ordering good f ot enstoiiiera a specialty; , . , Country prddue'e add wood taken in fexchange for wdrki Ifodk for the big watch sign; RALEIGH BUSINESS UNIVERSITY & ANDTr ZjPeiri .Art 3ailg, RALEIGH, N. C. Send for catalogue; shorthand and penman ship taught by mail; first lessons and speci mens of p6(irilanship free; E. Vt: fiPACKMAN. Prifiip(ftl. w-A.itK.iQisr'i'oisr FOR BOYS AND GIRLS The Spring Session of 1898 will ceo. mence Monday, Jantjabx 10th. i:i continue 30 weeks Tuition in Primary Department, $15. Q : Tuitun in Intermediate Department, 20.0C Tuition i-i AcvUiaic Department, 22.50 Board (ir.duding wasJiing, lights, and fuel,) 49.00 Incidental. Charge 5C Terms: Half the above charges in advance, the balance March 21st. For further information address, the principals, Graham & Watkins, Warrenton. N. C. Actministrators Notice. Having qualified as administrator of Miss Elisabeth Harris, deceased, late of Varrer, county- N. C, this is to notifiy all persona having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned ocn or before the 25th day of February 18ua, os this notiee will be plead in bar of their re covery. AH persons indebted to said estut-o will please make immediate payment, This 22nd day of February, 1898. W. G, EGEBTON, Administrator ' of Elizabeth. Harris. Cook Greea Attys. A CARD, Rogers, BY the request ot citizens of Warn .i Cquntjj . take" tb,i8 method of nr.'-.:. nouncin myself a candidate fo.r the office -d. SHEBrFF OF WABBEJf COUNTY,.; most respectfully eliciting the suffrage ? rii my feHow citizens. If elected I will sen a tl.-j entire people honestly and faithfully. '; let. E. Davi.Sj Fork Township, CREEK, h. 0, 5it if, -1 1 ----- A-U tell IT i jGrft iiis

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