VOL. 7. WARRENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1901. NO. 29; NOTICE. If this sj ace has the Red X Mark cait.it is to inform you that your Ascription is out, and unless re--t-xcd the paper will he stopped. LOCAL ITEMS Suu- gc(. Vank statement. ?ouril tf Education mcota next Mon- any. coe business local offering a resi- joiue fi-r runt. yr. John B. Powell spent last jav in IlonJcrsou. Miss Lou li. lirown, of Axtell, is in towu this week visiting relatives. Mr, E. 'W. Jeffress, of Palmer's c.rings, Va., was in town last Tuesday. See business local by S. W. Rose offering a store house for rent m orliua. j Miss Minnie Davis is at heme from Philadelphia to the delight of her host of friends, Capt. W. G. Coleman and daughter, Jihss Lottie, of Churchill, were in town jjtt-t Monday. Fix up a nice, well filled basket and coiuo along to the Confederate reunion and picnic next Tuesday. Mr. B. G. Green and Misa Josie Cook speut last Sunday in Granville county with their auut, Mrs. Blaokwell, who is quite sick. Dr. M. P. Perry, of Macon, with two i f his daughters, was in town lastTues Juv. Th Dr. was a pleasant caller at Tue Kecokd's oliice, Mrs. Mary Green, our post mistress, t'i.t a day or two in Granville county, . . T - ' 1 1 7 - t fit this wt'CK. on a visi iu uer Bister, lure, lMnekvrell, who i3 very ill. Taylor's mill pond is posted against fishing with nets. All parties are Jv.i'.hy uotitied of this fact and must govern themselves accordingly. Miss Amelia Bramo has decided to to arrencon ner uome. one is See administrator's notice by C. S. Tharrington. A good many teachers were on ex amination this week. Mr. A. B Casey, a former Warren- tonian, was here yesterday. Miss Sallie Allen, of Ridgeway, was a visitor in town this week. Mrs. H. C. Spiers, of Weldon, was a visitor this week at Mrs. E. S. Alien's. A. Dowtin, is with a severe including I1U" villi her sister, Mrs. N. M. Palmer Wo welcome her to Warrenton. Mr. Geo. S. Miles and his entire fnuiilv left ue last Friday where they for Newport will - reside m We regret then going, but New?, Ya. he figure wish them well. .Miss Sena Parkei, of the Ealeigh D 1) ,v n. Institute, eauie down home 1::: -t Satin day to be here at the dedica tion ef the new Baptist chursU, re- turning lust Monday. boys, don't shoot the birds yet. The prohibitory law does not expire in Wtuien county till 2s ov. 1st. If you are cuuerht shootius birds before thn jou are likely to be ljunished for it. Mr. J. IT. Jeffress, of Palmer's Springs, Ya., was in towu last Saturday and took back with him Mrs. A. Y. Flem ing, who ia still out there with her daughter, Mrs. J. H, Jeiiress, who is i'l Don't forget the Confederate reunion and pieuic here on next Tuesday, Oct. loth. Every body come and bring a well lilldd basket with you. Hon, Clande Kitchiu, Messrs. Tasker Polk, John II, Kerr and others will make speeches. When you wake up with a bad taste in youi mouth, go at once to any Druggists and get a free sample of Chamberlain's -Stomach and Liver Tablets. One or two doses will make you well. They also cure biliousness, sick headache and constipation. Miss Mary Collins, of Bidgeway, has been visiting friends m town this week. Hop Waugh, the Chinaman, is here and has opened a first-class laundry. See his local adv. "Rev. D. L. Earnhardt, of Ridgeway, was a pleasant caller at The Record's office on Wednesday. Register of Deeds, J confined to his room attack of sore throat. , Mr, G. O. Gregory, of the University of Va., spent last Sunday here with his sister, Mrs. C E. Jackson. Another new post office has been es tablished in the county. This time it is "Jack," at King's old store in River township. Mr. J. E. Clark and neice, Miss Wiliia Hargrove, of Washington, N. C, are here on a visit to Mrs. Y. L, Pen dleton. Bring your baskets along early next Tuesday and leave them at Centre warehouse with M. B. Alston and W. A. Overby. Mr. M. 3. Hawkins, of Ridgeway, was in town two or three days this v, eek on county business. Work will soon begin upon the iail and court house. Several of our people, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, took m tne xucnmonu uarnivai mis wees. Not knowing all who went we refrain from mentioning any. Mrs. Sallie J. Foote left us last Mon day for Wake Forest, where she will reside for sometime. We shall miss her greatly, and hate very mucn to part with her. and we all hope to h.ve her come back to us as soon as possible Miss Helen Williams, of Louisburg was a mensant visitor m our town a few days thia week, guest of her cousin, Miss Bessie Lee Taylor. Miss Williams' solo singing in the Baptist church here last Sunday was excellent and greatly appreciated and enjoyed by our people Come again, Miss Helen. Mi- -J. W. Bailev st'iid over here from Sunday and delivered a highly instructive and interesting lecture to the High School students in the school w auditorium on Monday night. A good many of our citizens attended, and all speak in the highest terms of Mr. Bailey's lecture. His them was "Making a Career." Warren county's famous apple the Gully is very scarce this year. Mr. Li. N. Watson, who is most excellent authority on such things, says that the oiinual gully apple tree was first found and cultivated in Warren county near Axtell. The apple first discovered by Mr. Davis, growing in a gully hence its name and they really grow better and taste better around Axtell to-day than any other place on the globe so far as we know. Doubtless it will be a surprise to his mauy friends to know that Mr. E. T, Rodwell, formerly of this place, but now of Richmond, Va., was married last Wednesday, Oct. 9th. 1901. His bride is Miss Leila Drake, of Cold Water, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Rodwell will visit Chicago, Niagara "FnUa Tinffiilo and other points and then make Richmond their home Our military company were out on drill last Wednesday. Capt. Price will have his company out in full force at the old soldiers' reunion and picnic next Tuesday. We take pleasure in giving space to Congressman Kitchin's letter and di rection about obtaining a free rural delivery mail route. He is anxious t serve his constituents in every way possible and will help you in this matter. m in EELLIM WARRENTON N, O. Mr. A, F. Brame, our popular Co. Surveyor, was in to see us this week, and is complaining greatly because of the fact that he is compelled to keep bachelor's quarters. Girls, such a nice fellow ought not to be allowed to have to do this way. Miss Bettie S. Hall left us last Sat urday for Elm City, N. C, where she j has charge of the central telephone office there. We shall miss Miss Bettie ! and commend her to the people of Elm City. Miss Lou Hall has charge of the central office here. . The sanitary committee of the county ia to he commended for the regulations they adopted last Monday in regard to the sale of second hand clothing &e. in the county. Read the resolu tions in the proceedings of the Board of county commissioners printed m another column. ARRINGTON WAREHOUS Bring us a Load at Once. e will Get You High Prices. ROGERS & BURWELL. w AXTELL NOTES. Miss Lou E. Brown is spending week with relatives in TFarrenton. this STORE HOUSE for rent at Norlina, N. C. House is roomy ad . well lo cated. Possession can be given Nov. 1st. 1901. For further particulars and terms, apply to S. W. ROSE, Norlina, N. O. ' FOR RENT. A good residence on Main street in Warrenton, centrally located. Possession can be given Nov. 1st. 1901. For terms and further par ticulars apply at The Recobd's office. To the tax payers of the town of Warrenton. I have in hand for collec tion the town tax list for 1901. PleaBe have the money ready when 1 call for it. Respectfully, JOHN W. ALLEN, Const. FOR SALE. 400 bushels of nice Httnt Bbos. Macon, N. C. HAVE YOUR BUGGIES AND WAGONS REPAIRED BY W. E. DAVIS, Bragg St., TFarrenton, N. O. Repainting and trimming. Spokes put in buggy and one horse wagon 40 cts. each. A large stook of CoffiaB LOOK FOR YOURSELF. cheap. sale. AppIv at once to A. A. Soeed. manager of the Williams farm, Shocco Without a doubt we are offering the largest and best selected Etock of township, P. O. Address, Warrenton, MI. C7Mr. Mangum baa charge of our stripping rooms. ,niSLCL AMD THEN COME The Allen and ir. and Mis. J. L. Ridout and little daughter spent Sunday in Ridgeway. Hi. J. L. Plummer, of Middleburg, spent eeveral hours, socially, with friends here last Friday. Mr. P. H. Allen was in our midst, one day last week, drumming, and is a'ain in the neighborhood to night. Uncle Peter seems to be getting young again; he is so spry and lively. 3essrs. T. B. Watson, Joseph F. Reams, and Johu Fleming carried to bacco to Warrenton ilbnday and realiz ed fine prices for it. Miss Sarah acon it? spending eeveral weeks with her sister, irs. F. M. Allen. Mr. L. N. Watson and Miss Sally, were present at cation of the new B-ptist Warrenton, Sunday, ifessrs. Walter and Sam Allen also attended the dedicatory Sunday. Mr. Wayland Watson visited parents and friends Saturday aud Sunday; re turned to Louisburg Jfonday morning. He says Louisburg is a live business town. 3rs. Cora Ingram is visiting her brother, Mr. Walter Smithwick. Jars. Fa nnie Smithwick i3 expected there this week. Misses Bessie and Annie Bobbitt are after a visit of some neighborhood. TFarrenton on their 80,000 Heart Pine Shingles at $2.50 per thousand. For sale by G. W. Davia, Areola, N. C LADIES' Fifteen mules, ten wagons, consisting of log wagons, truck wagons and two horse wagons, chainB, saws &c, A bargain in these things. Also: Two Saw -mills for Sale. I have two, almest new, saw-mills for sale. Prices low. Call on or address, J. R. Pasohall, Wise, N. O. For fresh, watei -ground county meal, call on N. M. Palmer. o o o o leming Go's Opportunity, Time and daughter, the dedi- church m and Trimmings we hare ever shown. The very latiest styles that can be bought. . Men's, Youths and Boys' Clothing. We are hep-d quarters prices and styles can't be beaten fit the Stouts, Regulars and Slims. The nobbiest lino of ladies' and gents' SHOES ovr shown on this market. Every pair warranted. A full line of GE1TEHAL KESCSA1TDIS3 to pick from . Quality and prico can't bo beaten . GLAD TO SHOW YOU. HOSE, HIIxLIA-TtD & CO. Miss Sue White is with us and will be glad tor see tho ladies . We deeire to oall your attention to the attractive line of Dress Goods we are showing this season In the Cloibl that are popular for Suits and Skirts. Hevy double faced Skirting, tho prettiest fabrio on the market this season. Also Melrose and Whipcord Weaves for Suits, with Trimmings to match. Bo not mi?s the opportunity of services on being in tinib to share in the bar gains that Ri-ggan offers his many customers. We have money saving Coach Shop. bargains in aain at home length in the Churchill in We acknowledge receipt of a neat in vitation to the marriage o Miss Mary Ronnfml "DftviR. the beautiful and highly accomplished daughter of our esteemed countyman, Mr. Geo. V. Davis, of Areola, to Mr. St. Leon Scull, a lawyer of prominence in Windsor, N. C. The marriage will take place in the M. E. Church, at Areola, this county, on Wednesday, Oct. 16th. 1901, at 8 o'clock p. m. A distinguished part of ladies and gentlemen from all parts of the State will witness the marriage of this very popular couple. Mr. R. T. Arrington, of Petersburg, Ya., well and favorably known bj most I begf. igliea are extended them. ot our readers, uieu as iua uome iu Peter burs last Friday. Mr. and Mis. W. G. Rogers and Capt. W. J; White, of our town attended the burial last Suturdav. Mrs. Roarers remained in Petersburg this week. The Tar River Baptist Association is in session this week with the church at Corvutu, Franklin county, N. C. Rev, T. J. Tajlor is attending. He carried Mi. J. W. Bailey, editor of the Biblical Recorder, out with him last Tuesday. Several passed through town Tuesday morning from the northern section of tlirt cnnt.f.v rn their wav to the As- eociation. While 60 much is being said about the grave of Nathaniel Macon and justly so yet there is another neg- l.fKri nml nimnst forcotten crave or a 'VV MUV o VJ distinguished Warren countyman that ouffht to be looked after. Gov. Turner's o grave is on the Bronson place near town, in the old Park's hurrying grounds. There are men now living who remember seeing the body of this distinguished son of WTarren buried there. Mr. William Watson, of Hen derson, witnessed the burial. It does seem to us that this spot should be nrnnm-lv located and marked, Let'fc Our They took return. Mr. Whit Watson spent Saturday night with his parent?. Several of our people are expecting to attend the Tar River Association, which will convene at Corinth in Franklin county. Messrs. T. B. Horner and Bunn Mitohell, of JJianson, were in Axtell Jondiy, drumming for seed cotton. Dr. Pendleton and Mr. J. W. Bailey were in the neighborhood Jibnday after noon. The Dr. was making profes sional visits, Rev. R. B. Clarke preached at Cokes bury Saturday and Sunday to the edi fication of a large congregation. Our merchants aie very busy receiv ing goods and selling the same to cus tomers, and our farmers seem never to have any rest. They are now gathering in what they have made, and will soon be sowing wheat. llie farmer has no time to be idle. Shoes, Dress Goods, Outings, Plaids, Notions, Hosiery, Shirts, Hats, &c. S"Straw Uats at half price. With a store full of almost anything you want at prices that will please you. Thanking you for past patronage. Yours Truly, D. H. RIG G AN. J. M. RANSOM & SONS, The Old Reliable, In the Same Business, I at the Same Place. Keep constantly on hand for sale cheap: BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS, HARNESS, and evervthlnsr la the line ol a GraC-claaa Coach Shop. REPAIUlNti, shrinking on Tlrea all done neatly , cheaply and promptly. Land f:r Sals. We are showing a grand stock ct COFFINS of al) grades for sale. Call and see us. Make our headquarters when in town. lot Respectfully. J. M. RANSOM A SONS. NO TICE! As trustee for John Aarrtntrton & Sons, and others, I offer at private sale for cash, or on time with a satisfactory eash payment, the following described lands In Warren Couatyj North Carolina: Tract No. 1. Duke tract, 588 acres, about I miles from Warrenton. Tract No. 2. S.F. Allen tract, 87 acres, one mile from Warrenton. Tract No. 8. Tom Williams tract, 61 acres, four miles from Warrenton. Tract Ko.l. Fishing Creek tract. 116 acres, fire miles from Warrenton. near Powell's min. Tract No. 5. Near Clark's bridge, 43 acres two and a half miles from Warrentoe. Tract So. 6. Alston's Quarters, 200 acres below Areola Tract No. 7. One half of Kearney tract, 30 acres, Shocco township. Tract No. 8. Undivided interest in COO acres near Ridgeway. Tract No. 9. Aus. Plummer place. SCO acres near Ridgeway. Tract No. 10. Thornton place, 197 acres near Vaughan. Tract No. II. Part of the John Powtll tract.. 2C2 acres. Fishing Creek township. For further Information and terms. rP'T l W. J. WniTE,Trute, Warrenton, N.C. Aug. 16th 1901. 21-t.w. Clothing for men and boys. The styles arfi nobby and tho prices very reasonable. Some brand new things in HATS- the new shapes are ptctty. Shoes Tax Gatherings for 1901. I will be at the following places . A 1- 1-1. A l U n.K. If you want insurance call on poso of collecting your taxes due J. A. DA ME RON or his son, W. for 1901. Please meet me and H. DAMERON. They wrote in 5 settle same , as this is the only successful days 16 applications for Lite and Lound X win makei r lulif t- w X S Uctic3. Having qualified as administrator of John E. Dupger, deceased. late of Warren county. N. C notice is hereby given to all parties j having claims against the estate of th; said deceased to exhibit them to the underclgned on or before the 27th day of Sept. 1SW2. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said cstat will please make Immediate payment Thin Sept. '21. IM. 3. R. RODWELL. Admlstrator of John E Duggor. Plttman & Kerr, Atiys. big and little for ma!o and female, the bo tt Shoo (or the smallest prioe that there is mad. We have a big stock of goods and the prices are attractive. Come to see us and look at car CARPETS, MATTING and RUGS. Tho Allen & Fleming Co. Warrenton, N. C. T0NS0R1AL H0TICE. ALL wrk In the barter's line done at Waddle's is guaranteed to be trlctly Stcras the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quiuine Tablets cure a cold in one day. ISO cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. CHINESE LAUNDRY. HOP WATJGH'S first-class laundry on Mam street, Taylor building, on the corner, is now open for basiuess. Give Lira a eu!i anti see his excellent work Our priza watermelon contest is 1 A Tt tood nnt. a VPTV SlieCe8sful one this year nor was' it at all remaner- j Every thing neat and nice and done up 4-.. Mt. Una-fiver, we wi'.l nice and clean. HLIVO I JJLO UiUUVH 7 i fuliil our part of the contrast. Mr. i Peter F. King, of Oakviile, gets the first prize, a year's subscription to The Record and Home & Farm, witfi a melon weighing 65 pounds. Mr, . G. W. Davis, of Areola, gets the second prize, a year's subscription to the The i so PvECORD, witU a meion weigmug uo pounds. Mr. W. W. White, of Mauson, eets the third prize, six months sub scription to The Record, with a melon weighing 55 pounds. The fourth prize was not taken. haye some one to look after it. Get a free sample of Chamberlain's itomach and Liver Tablets at a drag itmn. Thev are easier to take and more pleasant in effect than pills Thou fhfiir use is not followed by con stipation as is often tho case with pills. Regular size, 25c. per box. 1 accident policy. They have done mnre business than thev did last - w year. THE JETNA is the Comnanv and thev are the men to write the business: Examine their policies and you will be convinced, that the Aetna will save you money. J. W. PERRY COMPANY, Cotton Factors. River, Li ttleton, Friday , Oct. ISth. Warrenton. Warrenton, Saturday. Oct. 19th Sixpound, Churchill, Monday. Oct 21st. Hawtree . Wise, Tuesday, Oct. 22nd. Smith Creek, Oine, Wednesday. Oct. 23rd Kutbush.Manion, Thursday, Oct.2lth. Sandy Creek. Axtell, Friday, Oct. 25th. Warrenton. Warrenton, Saturday, Oct. 20th. Shocco, H, Wms.' Store. Monday, Oct. 28th Fork. Inez. Tuesday. Oct 28ih. FishingCreek.Grovo Hill. Wedns., Oct. 30th HAWKINS' School will begin Judkin3, Embro, Thursday. Oct. 81th. Respectfully, B. S. DAVIS, Sheriff of Warreu County. Sept. 27th 1901 SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ASD LITTLE BOYS, WARRENTON, N. C. The Fall Term of the Misses first-class. T" ADIE' taalr-euttlnir and tbarapoolns; j will be given-special attention tal season. k SsT-Th news dally. Very respectfully , Wistlugten Harris, The Barber. Henderson Telephone Co. Gexeral Scrmi.NTEXDExi's Omc&, nenderson, N. C. Deo. Srd. IM I beg to announce that the following town's aw now connected by long distance phones, and the rate herewith published will be lk effect on and after Dec. Srd. lf00. FROM WARRENTOX TO The excitement incident to traveling and change of food and water often brings on diarrhoea, and for this reason no one should leave home without a bottle of Chambei Iain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by all Druggists. The Pan-American Exposition will oIqa notnbfii- P.lst. Those who have Vtvwv w not yet visited this marvelous wonder- j land are reminded that the time is growing short. In order to permit every citizen in the territory traversed by its lines, to take this tiip, the Sea board Air Line Railway has placed in effect a rate of practically one fare for the round trip to Buffalo and return, tickets on sale Sept. 3rd. to Oct. 20th, inclusive; tickets good to return within twenty days from date of sale. This liberal concession should meet with a hearty response on fee part of the traveling publio, sway will doubt less avail themselves of the opportunity f rtf fan ill -nT fin's last aud lamest of Jl til Li vjaj. - National Expositions. Norfolk, Va., Oct. 9, 1901. COTTON : Quiet. Strict middling, 8 1-8 Middling, 8 Strict low middling, 7 7-8 Low middling, 7 11-16 Tinges, 7 7-8 ftlues and Sandy, 6 to 6 1-2 PEANTJTw.Dull. Fancy, 2 3-4 Strictly prime, 2 1-2 Prime, 2 to 2 1-8 Low grades 1 1-4 to 1 3-4 Machine picked, 11-2 Spanish, 75c per bushel. B. R Peas, $3.15 per bag. Peanut bags, G8 in. 8 oz., 8 1-4 Bagging and ties and peanut bags for sale. Pi ices guaranteed. To The Public. I wish to sav to the public that I hereby offer my serviees as auctioneer. Both real estate and personal property sales made in any part of the county tkt prices to suit the tiue3. Respectfully, J. J. FISHER. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of P, n. Tharrington, deceased, late of Warren Co., N . C , this is to notify all persons having claims i acainst theestate of said deeeaeed to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th of October 1902. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All parties in dphted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This Oct. 10th 1001. C S. THARRINUTON, Admr. Pittman & Kerr, Attys. Monday, Aug. 26th. 1901. Pupils will be charged from lime of entrance. lo deduction for absence or withdrawal unless caused by protracted Eickness. For particulars, address Miss LUCY W. HAWKINS, Principal. to Burlington, 45 ChawCiiy. M ClarkSTille, 2 Itunn. 45 Durham, 85 Knfield. 80 Krankhnton. tireentsboro, W i;renvllle. 45 JJoMslx-ro, 45 Henderwon, 20 II ich Point, 13. llillboro, 10 It. Littleton. 15 15. Loulskurg, 25 85 M 85 S5 Ifi. Mercer. 17. Nahville, IK. Oxford, 19. Ralelzfc. 20. Rocky Mount. 8 21. Soot!and Neck 5 32. Smitha-ld. 49 5-1. Nrti:g Hope, so 4. Tarfcoro. 8 ;!. Wke Forest, SO i;. Washington, w 27. Weldoo, 80 2H. Wilson. 85 ti. Winston, F. C. TOEPLEUAK. Gen'I. Suj t. Done at This OSes. You Can Get Your t C 6 Come to See us or Write for j? Prices before Sending Your a Order Elsewhere. Try us. THE RECORD JOB OFFICE, Warrenton. X. C. 1 E-SlXL,Bn, IIo we. Singer, 'ilcComlck. aad 'other BflUonaJro inventors begin lifo 'poor. PortBsu smtt ' other Inventors. Caa yon tforUo lm 'proTCtncnts oo ortUioo ' la common smo t While yo delay, otoero ' may patent yor losoa. We rnafantee tcainst m fnt to rld cs Inr serTicra. 'Fes mooratand rTable ty Bnuunt " seat free oo requv. raus Atrs

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