5.-1 NO. 38. WARRENTON, N. C., BRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1901. VOL. 1 - . 4 . , 1 ..... '" 1 NOTICE. If this space has the Eed X Mark jn it, it is to inform you that 'your subscription is out. and unless re newed the paper will he stopped. LOCAL ITEMS See Mrs. Caserly's locals. Mr. II. M. Bell spent Monday in Yleuderson. Christmas is just one week off next Wednesday, Mr. F. P. Hunter spent two or three "lays here this week. See local adv. by Rose, Hilliard & Co., offering a mule sale. Your attention is called to the new dv. of Rose, Milliard & Co. See local adv. by J. W. Allen and govern yourself accordingly. Mr. J. A. Macon, of Halifax county, was here a day or two this week. A large number of gentlemen from the North are hunting in the county. Read what Mrs. Taylor has to say in the business local column this week. Dr. J. D. Huffuam, of Henderson, spent a few hours in Warrenton last Monday. Miss Bettie Parker left last Monday for her sister's, Mrs. Ballard's, of Franklinton, N. C, Miss Minnie Loughliu, of Greens boro, is here on a visit to her sitter, Mrs. J. O. Mabry. Why not a bloom factory for War renton ? It if quires but little capital and is very remunerative. Mr. N. H. Johnson went to Raleigh last Saturday where he obtained license o practice law in the Federal Court. Misses Myrtice Gardner, Nettie Rod veil and Mr. B. G. Kodwell spent last Sunday with relatives in the Churchill neighborhood. The schedule on the S. A. Li. having been changed, the train on the War renton road uow makes only one trip and leaves at 12:30 o'clock p. m. It fills oui heart with pleasure to see -the well equipped furniture company at work. It is just spin n did and means a great deal to Warrenton and Warren county. Our fire company did another good piece of work Thursday night of last week by saving the residence in which Mi. S. P. Fleming's family had just moved. Our thanks are due Hon. Claud Kitchin, our Congressman, for the Daily Congressional Record. Now we can read every word that is said in Congiess every night. Mr. M, P. Bur well has returned home. . Our merchants are ready for the Xmas trade. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jeffress spent yesterday here, You will find the annual statement of Warren County folded on the inside of this paper. Messrs. Nick Alston and W. Kearney Williams returned home yesterday from a visit to Edgecombe county. Attention is called to the local adv. of W. A. Miles te Co. They carry a nice line of goods and are offering them at greatly reduced prices. Sheriff R E. Davis reportad that he had collected taxes to the amount of $10,887.70 during the month of Nov. This is the largest collection ever made in this county daring a single month. He is a clever and pleusaut gentleman and one of our very best officers. Stops the Cough and Works -off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. -A.T- Chief of Police, J, W. Allen, had a force of hands on Mam street this week with brush brooms sweeping trash and leaves off of the side walks and street. It is the first time we ever saw any thing of the kind done in Warrenton, aud it tnade great improvements asto the cleanliness of our streets. Such work is to be commended. Mr. W. W. Caserly, who is well known here as "Buck Caserly,"the genial and clever athlete, came in last night from Atlanta, wheie he has been attending the Georgia Polytechnic Institute. Mr. Cuserly has accepted a position with Lumsden Brothers, and to the great pleasure of his many friends will make lis home in Raleigh. Raleigh Times. Stop at Riggan's and see what variety he carries, or call up 31, that is his phone No. First store on North end of Warrenton's business houses brick with granite front you can not miss him. CAN YOU DO BETTER? I have recently opened a '.:p for the lepiir cf WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY ol every description. CSy-All my work is done with a guarantee. Prank Ahernethy, The jeweler, Warrenton. N.C. llOpa J. M. RANSOM & SONS, The Old Reliable, J r--1 US h m ii 1 PEICES ARE HIGHER THAN FOE TEAES. DDIalP Drum A I A An AT tl&IPST "We will send you home Happy. S ID The Dispensary Commissioners were lu session yesterday hearing petitions for and against the establisment of a branch dispensary in the town of Littleton. Messrs. J. J. Myrick, T. R. Walker and Oapt. Leach represented the establishment of a dispensary aud Revs. J. M. Rhodes and C, N. Wharton vigorously opposed tue measure, w e cannot possibly give the facts in this issue as we are about to go to press The arguments on both sides should be seriously considered and we shall re- fiain an expression of opinion until the Commissioners make their decision which they .vill do to-day at 10 o'clock What lie Sells : DRY GOODS, SHOES, NOTIONS, HATS, TRUNKS, VALISES, Fancy and heavy Groceries, Candles and Fruits, Fresh Grit and large Hominy, Oat Meed, Oat Flakes, Soda Crackers, Fancy Tea Cakes, Milk-lunch Biscuit, Rice, Cheese, Pork Sausage, Roc and Cut Her rings, Breakfast Strips, Hams, Northern and Country Butter, 3 lbs. bags of fine table Salt. Arbuckle's Coflee, Cracked Grain Coffee, 5 cts. per lb.. Molasses 25 cts. to 4 cts. per gal.. Octagon and Polo Soap, Corn and Lump Starch, Extract of Lemon and Vanilla-, Grape Nuts, Preserves and Jellies, Olives, Pickles, Pork and Beans, Tomatoes, Corn, Mince Meats, Asparagus. Can Soups, Pine Apples, Roast Beef, Canned Pears, Peas, Oyters, Potted Ham and Tongue, Strawberries, Cranberries, Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Onion sets for fall plantings, Prunes, CocoanuU, Currents, Raisins, Citron, Spices of all kinds. Cream t lour, Meal, Smoked Bacon, Supstutf, vats, &au. Oil, Nails, Timrare, Crackers. Churns and Jars, Tumblers, Butter Vtshes, nates, Saucers, &.c, &c. In the Same Business, at the Hame Place. Keep constantly on hami for sale cheap: BUGGIES, CARP -AGES, WAGONS, HARNESS, and everything in the line ol a first-class Coach Shop. Repainting. Trimminp, KhirAlKliSG, Shrinking on Tires ail done neatly, cheaply and promptly. COFFINS of all grades for sale. Call aud Bee us. Make our lot headquarters when in town. Respectfully, J. M. RANSOM & SONS. Ghiistau ii Cug 1 u y A Trifle 3 V a m mm iviannisn jNTOTICE, Mr. Norwood Boyd, "who has been book-keeper for Mr. M. P. Burwell, of Darlington, 3. C came home last Wednesday. Norwood says that he is glad to get home and we believe it. Mr. J. T. Reavis, of Wise, killed a hog, ten months old, common stock, that weighed wten dressed 433i lbs. He says he is going to raise the O. I. C. hogs next year and see what he can make of them. Mr. E. C. Price has moved into the Dr. Foote lesidence on Main street. Dr. Booth has moved in Mrs M. A B. Green's residence, vacated by Mr. Trice. Mr. J. N. Thomas has moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. W. R. Watson. H. T. JcIntyre, St. Paul, Mmu., -who has been troubled with a disorder ed stomach, says, "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do me more good thnn anything I have ever taken." For sale by all Druggists. There will be a Dramatic EnteTtain "ment, given by the home talent of Macon, on Thursday night, Dec. 26th. at Thornton's Hall, for the benefit t Wake Forest won the cup from Trinity in tne ue'oate rutay niplit. J his is the fifth annual debate between repre sentatives of Trinity and Wake Forest, the pnz owing a handsome silver cup doin.ted by the Raleigh Chamber of! Uommeice. The cup was won in 1S97 bj Wake Forest; in 1838 Trinity was successful ; in 1899 Wake Forest again won the trophv. and in 1900 it went over to Trinity. The query for debute in the contest Friday night was, "Re solved, that North Carolina should adopt the principle of compulsory edu cation." Wake Forest had the alSrma- ative 6ide of the question. Uur young townsman, Mr. W. H. Brown, was one of the debaters from Trinity College and though on the loosing side he ae quitted himself with great credit. CHOICE CANDIES and FSUIT3, Chocolate Cream. Bonbons. Roasted Al monds, Cream Almonds, Sliced Pine Ap pies and other fine and Plain Candies. Large Fancy Bananas, Red and Green Apples, Oranges, Lemons, and everything at prices right for good value. Yours Truly, D. H. HIGGAN. At a sale of real estate held at the Court TTouse door at Warrenton N. C, on March 18th. 1901, for the non-payment of taxes for the year 1!)00. a certain tract of land listed by estate of King Davis containing 3' acres in Warrenton township was sold and bought by Booth &. Hicks and after diligent search we fail to find owner of same, therefore if this tract of land is not redeemed before l$th. of March 1002. said Booth & Hicks will proceed to obtain deed for same according to law. This 4th. day of December, 1901. BOOTH & HICKS. AND ROSE HILXiIABD & CO'S. Prices they have put on Youth's, Men's and Boj's 5 frk I 51 ST SI O 5 2gi Dress Goods Henderson Telephone Co. General Superintendent's Office, nenderson, N. C, Pec. 3rd. 1000 I beg to announce that the following towns are now connected by long distance phones, and the rate herewith published will be in effect on and after Dec. 3rd. 1000. and Trimmings will be sure to bring customers. It will rm you to examine their entire stock which is complete. We will have a Nice Assortment of Christmas Presents, for Santa Clans. A fine line of fruits to help you enjoy the Holidays. SEE THAT THIS TRADE MARK IS 8RAK0LO ON EVERY SHOE. Welted Sole, Extension Edge. Most popular street boot of the season. Exact Reproduction of thli tyl Sho. The All and en Reining Go. U Wm r- HOSE, HILLIAED & CO. FROM WARRENTON TO cur ap- DR. W. W. TAYLOR, Surgeon -:" Dentist. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Burlington, 45 Chase City. 30 Clarksville, 2" Dunn, 45 Durham, 85 Eniield. 0 FTanklinton, 2-" lireenliorc, 60 tirenvUle, 45 10. Uoldsborn, 4i 11. Henderson , 20 12 liitrh Point, CO 13. liillshnro, 40 14. Litlieton, 15 15. Louisburg, 25 1C(. Mercer. 17. Nashville, is. Pxfonl, 1. Raleich, 3o. Rocky Mount 85 30 25 35 so 21. Scotland Neck,:t5 22. Sir.it hiicld. 40 2:5. Spring Hope, 30 21, Turboro. 35 25. Wake Forest, 30 2i.. Washington, 60 27. Wel.ion. 30 2n. Wlisotl. 35 29. Winston, 65 N. B. Few pairs of men's and women's Brogaus at lcs9 than factory cost. am offering newest styles and finest (father in the best makes of tSUOKR on the market. Bo sure to look at our ladies $1.25 Shoes; also nobby lasts in cent's fine SHOES by tho best makers. r1" v F. C. TOEPLEM A.N.Qen'1. Supt. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ESCOHD. Adniaistratcr's ITctics. navlng qualified as administrator of Newell II. Carter. deceased, late of Warren County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or'bcfore the 5lh day of Nov. A. D.. 1M02, or this notice will be j.lcad in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make Im mediate payment. This Nov. 5th. 1001. A.E CARTER, Administrator. Tittman fc Kerr, Attys. TONSORIAL NOTICE. tt. trnrk In thfharhr'olln dnne t .V Waddies i guaranteed to be strictly first-class. T A DIES' hair cutting and nhampooinn j will be given-special attention this 3eason. y The news daily. Very respectfully, Washington Harris, The Barber. a p n m m w pr p4 F f ( 2 l i f I I a 9 WJ I L- s - h f tiki . I . a J vL. s ? S- c- It will be of great interest to readers to know of the Coufereuce poiutmeuts for next year. He v. E. H. Davis, we are all crlaJ to know, is to stay in V mi'" titon. Ilev. LI. A. .Villi t'i in- il"1 I'l'-. i li:i -i ii:.! .- !.: reutor: iiTrir.t. t.ev. .u i'. t ii .!ii;i CMiues on the Wairen Circuit, lis v. V. L. Earnhardt stays on the Kidgeway Circuit. Ot those elsewhere whom our people greatly love, we note that Rev. J. . Cole stays in Wilmington, Rev. A, Mo "alien stays in Oxford, R-v. E. j. II US'- st i S. ii: :t'i-i -i:- Vin.tlu'V, Lvjv. vV. '-V. IiL.:-,e yes t Weldon thus our good friend anil county man, Mr. R. F. Rose has two of Lu ministerial sous in the Waiivntou District. Rev. R. L. Davis is in Bertie aud Rev. T. J. Dailey stays in Freemout. v-4 K HcW? M. 5ir bill , 3. .i.-'.-'sf iSvlrj ;;.'."'.-:"?'L--. dkksaattHlliaw tee te st The newest things in DRESS GOODS and Trimmings, Silk and Appliques, ladies and children's Cloaks cheap. You know we always have the newest things going and great values. Beautiful Carpote and Ruga. Chattanooga Chilled Plows tho very best malo. 1 car load Salt; 1 car load Lime. Allex &, Fleming Co. Warrenton, N. C. J. W. PERRY COMPANY, Cotton Factors. the churches. Refreshments served. Performance hegius promptly at seven. Admission 15 and 20 cents. All are cordially invited to attend and spend a pleasant evening. Ths Bsst Prescription for Malaria, ChiUs and Fever is a bottle of Grove's TiinteleBK Clu'tl Tom.!. It is simply hon atnl qiiiuiiH-in a bvst h-ss I, !. ao (9 cure no pav . I'rice 50o, Timber is being placed on Mrs. Clark's lot on Main etrwet where a few months ago the handsome residence oecuppied by Mr. C. C. Hunter was destroyed by fire, to build a residence. W learn that Mrs. Clark will build two resi dences on the lot instead of one. The one now being built is for Mrs. M. G. Taylor. A. J. Snell wanted to attend a partj, but was alraid to do so on account of pains iu his stomach, which he feared would grow worse. He says, I was telling my tronbles to a lady friend, vho said: 'Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will put you in condition for the party.' I bought a bottle and take pleasure in statiug that two doses cured me and enabled me to have a good time at the party." -'Mr. Snell is a resident of Summer Hill, N. Y. This remedy, ia for sale by all Drogjjiata G-en. Toon is Critically 111. - The condition of Gen. T. F. Toon Yesterday is extremely critical. Wed uesday -aftertoou his condition changed for the worse, and he suffered two paroxysms of pain that left him in a very weakened condition. He is more ': desperate, ill than at an;. tiin-si ie ne was first takeu with pueiuu on;a. Gen. Toon is attended by trained muses at his home. He is receiviug every pos sible attention. The condition of ttorn.-y General Gilmer showed little change yesterday . He is getting along very well. me Million Six riuecired I nou- were Hie fellow who has to pay alimony ought to be glad he didn't live in the days of Solomon. NonroLK, Va., Doc. 11, 1901. COTTON: Firm. Strict middling, 813 Mid.llius. 8 Strict low middling, 7 7 8 Low middling, 7 5 8 Tinges, 7 5 8 Dlucs and Sandy, 7 FEANUTm: Firm. Fancy, 2 7 8 Strictly prim, 2 5-8 to 2 3 4 rnmf, 2 3-8 tc 2 1-2 Low graded 2 to 2 1-4 Machine picked, 2 t3 21 2 Spanish, 70 c por bushel. B. E. Pea 82.50 per b. Feannt bagu, iu bales C8 in. 7 3-4 Dapging and ties and peanut bags for nale. riices guaranteed. Sab cf Lara Unicr E::d cf Tnct. By virtue authority confrrd on we In a ertln d--d t trust ex--utl to be by Oliver A. William and wf-. H'-'x'eca 'il liamf.n Nov. l-'Ah. nd !uly r-jrlt-re(t in tK.k f-2, ijre r,a in Kiwler f Ied'd ofliee of Wartvn County. North t;rolina. K wcure a debt therein stated, default having rn mde In fayinetit of id d-tt. I will on Saturday, the 2!t. day ft IkrmUrr. IXil. at .he Court Hou-c loor In the twn of Warren- sit-'-atare is on every box of tne ganuiai Laxative BromoQiiinine Tablets tie remedy that cores a cold in one day Do you think it pay s to try others? Hoyd. on the U'ptt t.y the land of Ivier liavis and on the South hy the lans of ivter Rohint-on. containing W4 erea. For further de nj tion r-f-r.-nce li L rety raJe to Iti aforeraia Dd of Trust. J.W. RIGAN,TruMH Nor.lith. JOul. ll i i