p 1 0 VOL. 8. WARRENTON, N. CU FRIDAY, APRIL, 11, 1902. NO. 3; I S t fi M NOTICE. be exchanged on the lulli andSfOth Books of the "Kook ExchaiAf" will Of I No. 2. send to If this space has the Hed X Mark eacl) month' No- 1 s .. - L s-r ..... i-L. ...., i No. 2 to No. 3 &c. the reseideuoe lf Mrs senmng P ..si. : if. ,r W wt. ! ixo- tu iu- .vc xo. o w i Cn H, ifc w uw jru ; No. 1. They will meet the fiifrf Monday SUCSCripuoa is uuv, ana aiuesss ib ncvred the paper will "be stopped. LOCAL ITEMS NOTICE, DEMOCRATS ! The Democratic Executive Com hereby N. C, mittce of Wurrea Couuty is filled to meet in Warrenton, Monday, April 1-itli. 1903, The member from each preciuct is urged to he present, J. A. DOWTIN, Chairman. in May at Pendleton. Va. Uur Inez correspondent Jeivcrs us in the dark as to what lie meatl in last week's paper by saying that the Co. Supt. of Public Schools' vilsit down there last week left two or three girls dead. We are not aware of the fact that we killed any one; cu tha contrary the gil ls were so nice and kind ex pressing theii pleasure at having us with them that we we$-e I tterly sur prised to learn from oil.-crespeBIeut that such woeful resu's V fallowed our visit. Explain voursef, Iu.tz. rr Y J. ?.I:iv, of Richmond, uas a visitor in town h'fet Sunday. Attention is called to notice of valua ble land for sale by T. Tolk, com. The Junior Editor is taking in the Char'estou Exposition this week N. C week. Mr. O. C. Davis, of Inez, passed tl.ri'iih lotai yes-terday en route to tho C'lcirles'ion Exposition. Mr. J. II. Kerr is attending Halifax et uit this week where lie appears 'in rine important cases. See the adv. about home furniture poods by the Clearfield Wooden ware (., of Clearfield, Pa. Mr. Geo. Seo?giu will leave Mouday for niehmond, Va., where he will at tend a business College. Mr. J. N. Thomas has returned from Talei-h where ho has been studying pliiiimiu-y ior the past month. The little infant of our towns people, Mr. and Mrs, Throckmoit ju died last Muiay. Wo extend sympathies. IVv. A. Cree will preach at Norlina nest Sunday night at 8 o'clock. T. J. Tailor. Try Chamberlain's Stomach Sr Liver Tablets, the best physic. For Gale by all Drui;ii-ts. Miss Eliza Egerton has been de b'tlitin, her many friends in town and county by her presence, the past week or leu days. The work Snpt. of Roads Beanlsky hr.s done on the roads near Axlell is splendid. The improvements are good r. d pleasant to the eye. Tier many friends and. Hie trading puUii generally will be glad to know that Miss Mamie Watson is back at her post at the All Fleming CJ's. store. The conceit to raise funds to buy an rcau f r the M. E. Ch.irch promises to he something real g' od. It will be tiven to night in the auditorium of the High School building. Three of tiie Walren Guards' best soldiers went to Charleston, S. C. this week with the Vance Guards. They were Messrs. Chailie Ford, Charlie Ilaitlicock and Wcldon Hall. Another raihoad wreck tins week at Mansou. Seven freight ears destroyed by Hie. No one hint seriously. Our good friend Mr. Frank Hose informs us that the wreck burnt up a weli and all !he water therein. In a private letter from Dr. Em-bank he tt Eh of his great loss and sorrow he sustained on Easter Sunday in the f udilm death of his wife at Concord, S. C. Dr. Burbank and lady spent several weeks here the first of this year and made many friends who sympa thize with him. Mrs. Burbank was biiik-d at Cheraw, Ni C. her native place, and the Dr. is there now, rest Last week we chronicled the death of Mr. Geo. W. Hooker, of Fishing Creek township. The sad intelligence lias reached us that when the neigh bors returned from the interment of Mr. Ilooher, whose remains were ear ned to Halifax county for interment, they found Mrs. Kookur dead. Tkis is sad indeed and our deepest Sympathies go out to the orphaned childreu of this "deceased couple. Last Suuday afterno . Maud Hawkins, aMiss Virginia jf the Misses UEd! SWT" iuann ixawKius, sisteL-j: Hawkins who are ruutij-e ? the most ex cellent, Miss Haw kius' "school of our town, died suddenly. Her regains were buried in Fail-view cemetery Tuesday moruing, Rev. Mr. Joyner, of Littleton, conducting the burial services. Mr. Thos. W. Hawkins, of Charlotte, and Mi. Joe Hawkins, of Vance c6unty, brothers of the deceased, together with othei relatives and friends from a distance were present at the burial. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Eromc Quinine Tablets. All druggists ret and the money if i fail" to cure. E. W. Grove's signature If we didn't talk, you wouldn't know where to find correct styles and prices. We dou' talk tnucii but the most eloqueut talk, after all,' in a price that strikes right home now hear some of theni: Trimed Hats from 25 cts. and up. Largest assortment of wash goods ever shown in our store. White goods, in India Linens, Dimities. Organdies, Persian lawns, Nausoolcs from 5 cts. to 33 cts. per yard. Figured and solid Lawns, Organdies and Dimities from 5 cts. per yard and up. Madras 1 yard wide, 12i cts., colored linens, sfcirt goods and galalea cloths, Satin Surahs for 10 cts. yard. Beautiful insertings in Swiss and Nansook for 5 cts. per yard these were bought at a price and we sell them at a price. Real aud imitations val laes, "dress triming in newest things. Belts, fans, hosiery, gloves, gauze vest, combs, hair piEs, Coat's cotton, aud curtain goods, Lousdale cambrics, hamburgs trimming laces aud finishing braid. Good summer corset for 35 cts. French shape corsets, most comfortable corset on thd natet for 1.00. - . I have Miss Williams, a first class trimmer from Baltimore. Be Sure to give me a call before buying. . Respectfully, EACH OF HAY, OATS AND SHIPSTUFF. WILL EE SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. urw el P. SATTERWHITE. President. B. C. niLLTARD, Geii. Mgr. FRANK ROSE, Sec. & Treas. SftlSs Tb Ills CiSBflOf iiyi. sag A LL NEW! & Country produce taken in exchange for goods. (ejcorpobatei) Have just opened up their new Spring stock of General &ierchandise, consisting of the very latest m ladies J is on each box. 25c. 1 Ccmmissic-nsrs' Court, April 7th. iy02. Ail the members present. Minutes for March 3rd. were read aud approved. Ordered that from and after this date no outside panner will be put on the county paup ti.isr unles two of the (justices of the pe5r.j sign the petition one oi tiie sam J;. s. must nave seen him or her personally. Several cnriectnoes were Ordered made oil the tax list, j Ordered that jrord mouey must not be spent withoujt aathority from Walter Allen or U . tieitrdsley. W. II. Palmier was allowed torjeddle harness and s'Kh meuJiug machines without liceusJE't.- The Board gVt'jiheir coiisent. as far ible to do, for the furniture factory as to run a switch track across the couuty road and they, trie said factory, to keep the erosiug n gjod order. J. R. Green, was allowed to build a fence between Warren ar.d Northamp ton bounties of 2050 yards, gate across road and water rack acioss branch for 75.00. Grant Beardaky offered his bond and it was accepted, all the in umbers of the Boaid voting to receive same. The jailer was allowed hereafter 40 Death of Mrs. Qverhy. Mrs. Ann M. Overby, beloved wife of Mr. J. B, Oveiby, died at the resi dence of her son-in law, Mr. J. Wiley Harris,, on the 3rd day of April 1902 in the sixty second year of her age. She was the. eldest daughter of Henry and Martha Overby, of Mecklenburg county, Va. She was one of twelve children, only three of whom iemain on earth Mrs. Alcot, Clarkesville, Va., t ana two orotners, one iu ureorgm uuu the other in Iventucky. 1 She was united in marriage to John B. Overby on the 3rd day of May 18G0. To them were born six children, four sons and two daughters, all of whom survive, except one daughter who died in Dallas, Texas, about six years ago. Mis. Overby was converted aud united with Buflalo Baptist Church when she was about fourteen years of age, and continued a devout christian to the time of her death. Almost her last words were "I am eoina home to die no more. Her sickness was long and painful, but her end was pence. To her Rons, and Mrs. .1. Wiley Harris, her daughter, and her broken hearted husband, the loving sympathy of the community is extended. She was a sincere christian, a good wife and mother, and a kind neighbor. Those who were intimate with hei knew her as one oi God's jewels. T. J. Taylor. List Takers. The following are. the names of the persons appointed to take the tax list for the year 1902 : "River A. L. Pops. Sispouud J. A. Nicholson. Hawtree E. P. Fitts. Smith Creek R. F, Rose. Nutbush S. G. Champion. Sandy Creek B. S. Field. Shocco O. L. Rowland. Fishing Creek L. A. Nuwell. Jndkius E. Pope Nicholson. Warrentou H. B. Hunter, Jr. Fork Lewis F. Thompson. Roanoke T. W. Walker. One of the largest lines of WHITE GOODS ever shown in IParrenton at all prcies. We are the acknowledged leader in g?nt's, youth's and boy's Clothing, Shirts, Collars, Ties and Shoes. The Great Dismal Swamp for each inmate in the Committee will oiaet on cts. per day county jail. The Finance the loth iust. TIih foUowinn- ncrsiras were put on the outside paf per list: Geo. Barnes, !?1.00 per mnnJi; Mrs. Maria Loyd aud children, $1.0i.per month for 2 months; Essex Skinner, 31.00 per mouth; Alhe D. Hawks Jed' family, 3-00 per month for one mo.iMi onlv; Fred Moss, 31-25 per month. R. E. Davis sheriff, reported 3335.91 collected sinci.last report J. A. Dowli, R. of. D., reported 12 marriage licenses issued during Marcu. W. A. White. C. S. C, reported 325 e.Ornnmtion tax collected and no tines i or penalties. G. Beardsley, Supt. of Roads, made Hie followi..- TMiort: "Have been at work most of the time on the Warren rentou and Ileiideisou road in Sandy ('rock- toAimliii) with a Iitt.e work on the road from the Heudersou roiid to Axtell a littlo work on the road from A .tell tc Mansou" &c. J. L. Coleman, Treasurer, reported amount; o? gem raf fund on baud $5619. 12 and road fund 31554 73 Dr A. S. Pendleton, Co. Supt. of Health, made his monthly report which showeil 3 persons iu jail and 23 inmates Co int" Home. No epidemic in The line wo have iu?t opened will fully pov lhi to lh moft fastidious. We buy clothing, shirts and all gent's furnishing gocds Of Virginia is a breediug ground of in sulhcient quantities to t;ive hetter values lor the same money malaria germs. So is low, wet or COlfl9 to se3 US ; will treat you right . marshy ground everywhere. These germs cause weakuess, chills and fever, aches in the bones and muscles, and j mav indnce jl.iugerc ns maladies. But Electric Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malarial troubles. They will surely prevent typhoid. " Wq tried ! mam remedies for malaria and stomach ' and liver troubles," writes Johu Char lesion, oi lyesvil.e, J., "but never i fonud anything as good a3 Electric I Hitter.-. Try them. Only COc, C. A. Thomas guarantees satisfaction. sszaszzsn New Embroideries in Many- Exquisite Paterns, New White Goods in Choicest Designs. New Giugbambeantifal; Yours lot business, TIIE nOSE-IIILLIVTD CO. New lasts in Queii Quality SHOES. wop irei M i k ml List ci B::ks cf B: Szchange. LOCAL ADS. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 13. 14 15. 16. The ever nrosressive News Ob server, of Raleigh, came to us the 8lh. inst. in another mammoth edition, 40 pages, elaborate illustrated and a thing of beauty and joy forever. The progress of N. C. during the last ten years is set forth very pointedly and elegantly. The News & Observer is crettmcr out these larae editions so frequently hero of late that we all stand in wonder and admiration at the energy and push put foith by this most excellent daily. Hurrah, for the News & Observer and its talented editor, Josephus Daniels. "A neighbor ran in with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy when my Son was suffering with severe cramps and was given up a3 beyond hope by my regu lar physician, who stands high in his profession, After administering three doses of it, my son regained conscious ness and recovered entirely within twenty-four hours," says Jrs. Marj Haller, of Mt. Crawford, Va. This Remedy is for Bale by all Druggists. iu the th county . ( - Better Than Pills. ! ' Th" question has been asked, "In what way are Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets superior to pills ? Our answer is: They are easier and more pleasant to take, more mild and gentle iu effect aud more reliable as they can always be depended upon. Then they cleanse aud invigorate the stomach and leave the bowels in a natural1 condition, while pills are more harsh id effect and their use is often followed by constipation. For sale by all Druggists. V. vp in tbA iponle who have money to , y bum c au't take it with them when they die. 1. The Crisis. Mrs. S. W. Fuller 2. Casdigau Mrs. J. J. Tar water. 3. The True History of Capt. John Smith. R. C. Boyd. 4. Janice Meredith. Mrs. E. J. Fieeman. 5. The Man from Glenga:cy. Miss Mo'be McCraw. Joceiyn Cheshire. Mrs. E. C. Price. Blenhassett. Mrs. J. H. Kerr. LaZ'irre. Miss Nettie Gardner. Tristram of Blent. Mrs. J. W. White. -Leopard's Spots. C. R. Rod web; Circumstance. Miss Helen Wil cox. 12. The Ruling Passion. Mrs. R. S. Booth. The Right of Way. Mrs. M. A. B. Green. Some Women I Have Known. Mrs. V. L. Pendleton. Eleanor Mrs. W. T. Johnson. Hester Blair. Mrs. H. A. Boyd. 17. Zenobia. Mrs. S. S. Miles. 18 Plutarch's Lives. Mrs. O. E. Jackson. 19. Kate Bonet. Mrs. P. J. Ma2on. 20. The Potter and the Clay. Mrs. J. W. Allen. If J were Ki.ig. Mrs. K.J. Joims. Tue Voice of the People. Mrs. A. V. Fleming. Vanity Fair. Miss V. W. Graham. John Splendid, W. K. Barnaul. Truth Dexter. B. G. Hicks. The Eternal City. Mrs. F. M. Allen. . 27. Audrey. Mrs. J. G. Tar water. 28. The Cavalier. Miss E E. Allen. Deborah. Miss M. T. rung. Celebrated Women. Miss Mattie Brown. A Brave Name. Mrs. J. G. King. Warwick of the Enobfj. Mis. H. T. Macon. , A Lily of France. Miss S. W. Scott, " . . . Mistress Joy. Miss C. Hudgins. SlilNULEr-S. OU.UUUU heart pme Shingles for sale at 32.50 pey thousand by Geo. IF. Davw, Areola, N C. FOR SALE. I have several good milch cows, fresh to the pail, for sale, jalso wild hay, shucks aud peannt vines, i put up in bales. U'rite to me at Gieen- uicK, A. u, or come to my iarm as Black's Ferry, Va. A. B. Russell. Fresh Cocoahnt Caudy, made at home at 15c. per pound. Soup 5c. per bowl, also fresh bread, cakes aud pies at J. U. Miles', the Confectioner. jgrll -"V v!.V-: ei . i.-1'V A Trifle Mannish. -..SEt. , That THij There is something about blue blood that will ilwnys speak for itself. A glance at my Berkshire herd ill uinloutitly convince the uio?t fastidious that England has been robbed of its noblest aristocracy. Yes, we are here at the front, and there to stay. These long bodied, broad backed, deep chested blacks, bavin's been judicionsiy crossed ith America's best strains of Berkshires, has enabled me to offer to the public a line of YOUNG STOCK TI3LA.T CISTITOT EE EQUALED. WANTED: A sow aud pigs, to H. A. Royd. Apply 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 29. 30. 31. 32; 33. 34. . - ops the Cotigh and "Works . j off-the Cold. ' LaxaUive Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. "Did you meet, the head of the house ? " asked the man with the soap samples. No," sighed the book agent, who had been booted fiom 'the porch, "I think I have met the foot." LARGE STOCK. Buggies, Carriages, Phaetons and 'Old Hickory," "Fish Bros.," "Pied monfc" aud "Russell IVagons. Single and double buggy and wagon Harness. Cash or on time. Walter B. Boyd. NOTICE. George Smiley having hired himself to me for the year 1002 and hving left me without my conseut this is to give notice that anyone hiiing or harboring the said Smiley will be dealt with as the law directs. H. Oveebt. Registered Belgian Hares of Faslioda straiu for sale. Address, J. C. McCraw. TFe have several desirable residen ces and building lots situated in War rentou that we will sell cheap. Apply to Hicks & Johnson, AttySi The Johnson store for rent. Apply to H. T. XLAcox: BUGGIES. Just received two carl loads of beautiful buggies and harness,' all styles, will be bn exhibition in our show room on Main street, Riggan's old stand, next week, w here will be found a nice stock of buggies, wagons aud harness. Tarwater Bros. For fresh, watei-ground county meal, and Pure Wheat flour from Fleming's mill, call on N. M Palmer. You can alwavs find here what you want, with prices to match, from tried Dams and experienced Sires t a ' Squeak, squeak can't get over massa's door sill." Kindly thanking you for patt favois, and patently awaiting yout future patronage, I remain, Very truly yours, . Walter b. Fleming, Proprietor of THE BRIDLE CREEK STOCK FARM, Warrenton, N. C. ood's Seeds and large trade with tov. ti and county, pellS almost everything, handling thu best goods , i-hls signature is on eftt J V.fefenuiiii Laxative BrorSfcVip? tiie rStriea fbat chtee s iii on Notice. Having qualified a1? administratrix of Tom Moore Brown, deceased, late of Warren Co.. N.Cthis is to notify all persons having" claims a;iinst tbe estateof said deceased to exliibit them io the undersigned on or before e 21st day of March. 1903. or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persors indebted to.s.aid estate 'will please make im mediate payment. This 19thof March. 1002. MARY T. BROWN. Administratrix. Tasker Polk, Atty. Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Fancy Groceries, Candy and Fruits. We keep busy buying and selling and supplying our customers with the best the market affords. With kindly greetings and satisfaction guaranteed iu all our dealing we solicit your trade. Yours Truly, . D; II. RIGGxVN. BEST FOP. THE SOUTH. B Every Gardener, Farmer and Trucker should .have Wood's 1W2 Descriptive Catalogue. It -not onlr gives reliaUeprartical, up-to-date information about all Seeds, but also the best crops to grow, most successful ways of growing dilferent c?8, and much other information of special inter est to every one who plants seeds. It tells all about Vegetable and Flower Seed5, tirass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Tobacco, Seed Corn; Cow Peas, Soja, Velvet and Navy Beans, Sorghums, Broom Corn, Kaffir Corn, Peanuts, Jlillet Seed, Rape, etc Catalogue mailed free on request. TRADE MARK. IS BRANOEW ON EVERY SHOE. Velted Sole., . Extension Ec"g& Most popular street boot of tha season. Exact Reproductlo f this Styb Shei New Prices on Winter Goods to get ready for Spring: The ladies want to begin theii! Spring work in timo; we are ready for them Glad to show them; he Alien and Fleming Co. Feb. 1st. 1502. The New York Worli 77, Wok Edilitn, ALMOST A DA IL Y A T THE PRICE OF A WEEKLY. The providential csmj-aiirn If orr bat tb$ worM Frn on jat tho m and It U fall of nw To learn thU nw. Jut M It l prompt Ir and trflpartUlly all that 70a hare to Co I to JHik In the column of The Thrice' a-Vr-k Etltion of The New York Worli hich rnincH .o t h sulciiT lMttmeaayear. Th Thrice a-Veek World' dilijrf-nce a a l'Ul:ohernf first nw has riven it clrcula lin wlHTever the Engliitii language 1 oken and )om want it. The TUrior-a WM-k World'a recalar nb- sTi.(ion pric in only 1 XKl x-r y-ai. We ntlrt. un-untiuaiei newiiap-r ana 1UI keoubO tosct'ier cne year for $1.75. The regular ubierittion price of tbe tvo T.W. Weed & Sons, Seedsmen, R5CHKOH3. VIROIKIA. Visa i A You Can Get Yew- 3sTB WHK3 g L:3 at This OSlcs. w Come to See us or Write for Trices before Sending Your ? Order Elsewhere. Try us.- THE KECOKI) .JOB office, 4 Warrenton.::. C. TIME IS MONEY and the correct time is A necesbitj to the business mnn. WATCHES, CLOCKS, andJSWKLHt repaired at a small cost GIVE MH ATRIAL. CtT'A'l my work if done with a guarantee. Trans: Al:srre:liy,Tbejewejer. . Warrenton, K. O. ijTJCSClUr.ETO

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